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🧵 /sumo/ - Off Basho Sumo General

Anonymous No. 131263

New Year Edition

2023 Schedule :
Current banzuke:
Current pastebin:

Anonymous No. 131264

Previous thread:


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Anonymous No. 131273

First for WTK yusho and hamster implosion January

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Anonymous No. 131274

Kotonowaka yusho this basho. Father’s plan for is just starting.

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Anonymous No. 131281

This time for real guys

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Anonymous No. 131289

>Basho starts this week
>After that Hakuhos danpatsu-shiki
All is good

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takakeisho slappi....jpg

Anonymous No. 131297

takakeisho yusho for yokuzuna promotion, it's the year of the hamster

Anonymous No. 131302

>Future Kotozakur-ACK

Anonymous No. 131303

If Takakeisho gets a 14-1 Y or better I will eat a pound of spinach and post proof

I hate Takakeisho btw

Anonymous No. 131316

He's right. Choking aside, Takayasu's sumo is fundamentally the best there is in makuuchi at the moment. The other rikishi who are either performing well or are promising - Hoshoryu, the brothers Waka, and Kotonowaka - aren't as consistent. Of those, pnly Wakamotoharu looks as controlled as Takayasu when he's winning.
I will not believe, because belief is what kills him.

Anonymous No. 131344

I think this time around I'm gonna ride the banzuke chaos train, so say it with me:

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Anonymous No. 131346

I don't see it happening, at least not yet.
Kiribayama WILL yusho.

Anonymous No. 131359

>I will eat a pound of spinach and post proof
how is that punishing yourself?

Anonymous No. 131375

I weigh 113 pounds so it is a lot for me
I will be about 1% spinach when that happens

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Anonymous No. 131383

1918~19. From left to right, yokozuna Tochigiyama, M12 Datenoya and yokozuna Oonishiki pound the mochi for the special new year's meal.

The leftmost man in the apron looks like a random guy, but he is the former Kataokame: he had been a rikishi for 26 years, from ages 20-46 (1889-1915). He never made it above makushita 3. After his intai, he simply continued on as chankoban at Dewanoumibeya because Hitachiyama (Dewanoumi) was obsessed with his cooking.

Also, if my eyes serve me, I believe the acromegaly-looking dude behind Datenoya is the man who would become the famous giant sekiwake, Dewagatake, fresh off of his first career basho. He'd gone 0-2.

Anonymous No. 131385

holy shit anon. you need to be atleast 100kg to be a western male sumo fan. you should eat that everyday at 113lbs
>its the weight
its that spinach is fine. eat something awful like 10 onions like an apple or a gallon of lemon juice

Anonymous No. 131420

It'd be interesting to find out how many Western sumo fans outweigh at least one man on the banzuke. On the Japanese side a lot of the fans seem to be petite pensioners.

Anonymous No. 131427

I'm the same weight as Terutsuyoshi, but 182cm

I can't imagine how small I'd look next to the makuuchi guys. But then, I guess I'd have to take steroids like they do to be in the same leagues.

Anonymous No. 131431

Tochigayama has a shoulder muscles on top of his shoulder muscles

Anonymous No. 131432

65kg skinny ass white twig sumo fan checking in, everyone else post their weights in kg. We need to poll this. What is the average weight of /sumo/? Are we as a general thread underweight or overweight if we were put on the banzuke? I personally think more skinny people watch sumo than fat people. I've had fat people get upset when I was watching sumo in the store, because they were fat and self conscious about themselves. So they had to call sumo fat shaming and all this and that, because they were uneducated swine. In the west I think Sumo is hard to watch for fat people because they're overwhelmed with mental gymnastics and cope, that they can't watch another person use their weight positively to succeed and be admonished for it.

Anonymous No. 131433

>ex-Toyonoshima out of NSK because no kabu to loan

Anonymous No. 131436

69 kg 187 cm here but I only started watching 2 years ago

Anonymous No. 131461

110kg 185 cm

risen from 90 kilo summer of 2021 between work stress and covid closing fuckign everything i enjoy. I know it's dumb and it never works, but i got my resolution to go back to 100kg by the start of summer, and 90kg by next year.

Anonymous No. 131466

83 kg 188 cm
Death to all fat Americans

Anonymous No. 131468

62kg 174cm and weight pretty much stable for years, watching since covid started

why are you fucks all so tall

Anonymous No. 131472

6'4 and 380. Could OHP takakeisho

Anonymous No. 131473

190cm 110kg

Anonymous No. 131474

160 cm 60 kg

Anonymous No. 131486

Are you the guy who claimed to be able to squat 3 takakeishos a few threads ago

Anonymous No. 131487

62kg 170cm, I'm apparently just this anon >131468 but more of a manlet

Anonymous No. 131488

118kg 190cm here, watching sumo makes me feel like a hungry skeleton

Anonymous No. 131490

Yes, and he can. He's sent videos. He benches 1.5 Terunofujis too.

Anonymous No. 131496

>3 takakeishos
it was ~2.5 takakeisho. hes over 180kg on sumo db now, so more like 2.25
i don't recall posting them here, mostly fit

Anonymous No. 131499

Damn dude

Anonymous No. 131502

181cm and 94kg
I really just want to shed more fat to then bulk up like a motherfucker

Anonymous No. 131503

194 cm
113 kg
22 years old
Played American football D-line 6 years

Could I be in sumo guys?

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Anonymous No. 131507

What would /sumo/‘s stable be named?

Anonymous No. 131508

Yotsubagawabeya (四葉川部屋)
Bakanobeya (馬鹿野部屋)
Shirohatabeya (白旗部屋)

Anonymous No. 131510

Kusobeya (糞部屋)

Anonymous No. 131518

92kg 172cm, I am built to become /sumo/'s reddit-approved mid-juryoshitter manlet

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Anonymous No. 131530

Osaka Sumo, circa 1906: the rikishi wrestling under the name as "Stessel Torataro".

He took his shikona from the name of a Russian general, Anatoly Stessel. The Russo-Japanese War was in full-swing, and Stessel had recently been in the news, apparently for committing comically large blunders resulting in the losses of numerous forts to the Japanese forces, and subsequently surrendering for no reason.
The rikishi in question wrestled under this name for one basho (Natsu 1906), probably both to mock the general and for the sake of publicity, before changing his name back to Shirakawa. He went 1-7-1.

I think I'm starting to more concretely grasp why Osaka was seen as the less serious organization.

Anonymous No. 131553

>taking a losing record on purpose to own the ruskies
what a patriot

Anonymous No. 131567

Lads, what are you buying from the new JSA store?

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Anonymous No. 131571

>No Shodai merch

Anonymous No. 131573

thinking about geting that ura watch, but they don't seem to ship those overseas

Anonymous No. 131585

173cm 65kg and I fucking hate obese people, rikishi are cool tho at least they do some hard training.

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hmm today I will ....png

Anonymous No. 131593

You missed it on page 10 bro

Anonymous No. 131594

>merely a single banner
>not even featured in the calendar when even Tochinoshin and Enho are there

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Anonymous No. 131595

>Page 10
Its over

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Anonymous No. 131596


Anonymous No. 131597

>Predictions for the upcoming basho?
>pleasant surprise

yusho: Hoshoryu
jun-yusho: Kotonowaka
pleasant surprise: Oho special prize
disappointment: Midorifuji

Anonymous No. 131600

Kiribayama, I'm willing this into existence
Keisho sustains rope bid, can't reach it
10 wins for takanosho
Oho MKs and loses ground to Hiradoumi
And for a personal disappointment, Hokuseiho gets a yusho in upper Juryo with one arm

Anonymous No. 131603

11 for Tochonoshin

Anonymous No. 131605

>>Predictions for the upcoming basho?
Shodai, chaos agent
>>pleasant surprise
Oho double digit wins
Takakeisho goes kyujo around day 10.

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Anonymous No. 131606

>Shodai, chaos agent
I want to beleive

Anonymous No. 131610

It's Kotonowaka's time to shine
Abi. He'll do well, get back in the sanyaku, then go back to putting in 8-7s
Takakeisho will tie Abi for the jun-yusho, falling short in this yokozuna bid
Ryuuden is going to have another strong tournament, he's still too good for the rank he's at
Nishikifuji's hot streak will end, he'll get an MK

>bonus disappointment
Asanoyama completely underwhelms from J12w and ends up with a lackluster 9-6.

Anonymous No. 131638

so far the average /sumo/ rikishi is 80.7kg (177lbs) and 176cm (5"8')

so we're only a year or two away from a competitive weight. not as bad as I thought honestly.

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Anonymous No. 131639

Circa 1905, it's Kataokame again.

First, the shikona: 'Kataokame' can be translated as 'kinda ugly'.
Because he never made it above makushita, Kataokame was most well-known to the public as a shokkiri guy. In the context of shokkiri events, he would make faces, dance his "octopus dance" with a broom, and loudly sing songs about his opponent that were composed of "unprintable lyrics". Further, when photos were to be taken of him he would pose in an octopus dance move - prints, postcards and stamps bearing his likeness thus became incredibly popular. There was a point where he was selling on par with the same products depicting makuuchi rikishi.

Anonymous No. 131642

we need to normalize being a little goofball in sumo again

Anonymous No. 131652

>Abi. He'll do well,
he is fighting all the sanyaku at m3. id be suprised if he gets double digits.

Anonymous No. 131677

He does pretty well against these sanyaku. Only Hoshoryu and Shodai really dominate him. He either beats them regularly or it's a coin flip.

Anonymous No. 131679

Day 1 and 2 matchups have been announced, available on the JSA's site.

Keisho's yokozuna push starts out against Motoharu.
Abi vs Kotonowaka is a surprise opening matchup.

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Anonymous No. 131681

if you look at his last sekiwake performance, he will be fighting about the same group this tournament. he isn't fighting mostly jobbers. his highest ranking double digit score was m4 with a 10-5.
he also isn't coming off a sat off tournament with extra time to recover. he will be back to being beat up like the rest of the fighters

Anonymous No. 131682

He's only M3, though. He'll still be fighting some midcarders.
From his first two opponents, it looks like they're going to front-load his schedule to see if he's for real.

I'll take a wait-and-see approach. He seems healthy. His style is conducive to high variance, so if he gets hot, he could string together some wins.

Anonymous No. 131735

>pleasant surprise
Wakamotoharu hanging w/ high rankers

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Anonymous No. 131741

Moriurarara-bros, is it this year, or is it this year?

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Anonymous No. 131745

You don't have to retire until you're 65 and he's...oh, my god, he's only THIRTY-FIVE?!

Anonymous No. 131747

What does a Mitakeumi disappointment even look like at this point? Explosive diarrhea while performing shiko in the middle of the dohyo?

He's already going to go down as having one of the most unimpressive ozeki reigns in history.

Anonymous No. 131748

>What does a Mitakeumi disappointment even look like at this point?
Descent to lower maegashira, of course.
>He's already going to go down as having one of the most unimpressive ozeki reigns in history.
And yet, his yusho count is greater than some yoko's.

Anonymous No. 131749

>And yet, his yusho count is greater than some yoko's.
Exactly. Here was a guy (I say 'was' like he's retired, he's only 30) who clearly had all the talent in the world but could never hold it together to live up to his potential.

His whole career is a disappointment.

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Anonymous No. 131753

Here's yokozuna Mienoumi's first experience at ozeki. He was 28. Mitakeumi's time at ozeki was his age 29 year.
While I'm not suggesting the man could make yokozuna, it's not really fair to say that Mitakeumi's career is over - and it's insane to say his career is a disappointment. He has spent around 5 years at sumo's 3rd highest rank.

Anonymous No. 131755

>and it's insane to say his career is a disappointment.
I really don't think it is.*
He started Ms10TD, made makuuchi within a year, sanyaku within two years...and then capped out. This man should be a yokozuna or at the very least a Kisenosato-esque ozeki. Lots of guys are mainstays in the upper maegashira/junior sanyaku ranks ranks.

When a 200million dollar movie is expected to make a billion dollars at the box office and only makes 800million, that's still 600million profit, but you expected a billion, so you can't help but think of it as coming 200million short.

*assuming he never regains ozeki or wins another title.

Anonymous No. 131760

Anyone watching the dohyo purification ceremony live?

Anonymous No. 131771


Anonymous No. 131803


I had a look at his 12-3 and the only people he fought from sanyaku were Wakatakakage and Hoshoryu. he met Takakeisho in the playoff and that's it. I think he's strong but with his current attitude, he's about the same as all the other sanyaku. I think he's 'better' than the rest of the rikishi outside of Terunofuji, but he really does seem to only play the part when he has something to prove. if he doesn't want to win, he will not, but if the JSA pisses him off, he'll quite happily collect trophies, elbowing Takayasu in head if need be.

Anonymous No. 131806

No grand sumo preview on NHK this basho?

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Anonymous No. 131807

Takkakeisho 13-2Y Yokozuna promotion.

Anonymous No. 131808

Yes. The seethe will last a hundred years.

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Anonymous No. 131811

January 22, 2023. Ryōgoku Kokugikan Arena, Tokyo, Japan.

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Anonymous No. 131816

I'll say it loud and I'll say it proud. Wakamotoharu yusho. That is all.

Anonymous No. 131828

It was the 2022 Overlook featuring Miyagino (Hakuho). It was really interesting and surprising but very refreshing to hear anyone in the NSK talk very honestly about any of the wrestlers. Usually rikishi and stablemasters stick to their script.

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GRAND SUMO Review....jpg

Anonymous No. 131830

It's not on the NHK website anymore but here's this YouTube video recording of the program.
He's my second favorite rikishi right now. He's been so damn consistent throughout his Makuuchi career. He performs so authoritatively and always looks in control during nearly all of his bouts.

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Anonymous No. 131832

Sorry, that link is shit, here's a better one.

Anonymous No. 131852

I only support takakeisho when he’s up against Terunofuji #notmyyokozuna

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Anonymous No. 131865

1955, Hirohito is hyped to watch some sumo

Anonymous No. 131866

Anyone doing the /sp/ thread ?

I'd rather not be the one because i suspect i'll fuck it up

Anonymous No. 131867

if you prefer this to the one you made

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 131884

slight update

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Anonymous No. 131885

slight update

If anyone can think of a better name for hokuseiho, let me know. I was really grasping at straws.

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Anonymous No. 131903

>If anyone can think of a better name for hokuseiho,
enano mental

While he may be physically huge, he's a mental midget. Every match he forgets about one of limbs.

Also, you forgot Atamifuji, el tomate autista

Anonymous No. 131981

any clubs in the UK where I can give this sport a go? looks like fun

Anonymous No. 131994

There's one in Derby and one in Doncaster, think they're both owned by the same bloke. They're the only ones I know about.
Been meaning to check one out, since I'm pretty close to both and they do a 'first time's free' session, but they closed up shop for le birus and didn't update their website for fucking ages, so nobody had any idea what was going on there for the better part of 2 years.

Anonymous No. 132014

>señor chaplin (cerca del exito)

Anonymous No. 132049

125kg 190cm so i think i'm a bit off there

Anonymous No. 132050

Needs Raza mas poderosa (gran barrera) in E tier

Anonymous No. 132053

aoiyama zen yusho

Anonymous No. 132101

this is the way

Anonymous No. 132189

The guy who runs the "World of Sumo" youtube channel runs one in Scotland

Anonymous No. 132282

For those of us who don't speak Taco Bell


Anonymous No. 132295

lurk more

Anonymous No. 132313

lurk moar, but also if you want to figure it out faster then consider the routes one normally takes in the digital age when they want to figure out what a taco bell speaker wrote online

Anonymous No. 132369

it's a shitpost chart about Dragon Ball by brain-damaged people that brain-damaged people think is funny

Anonymous No. 132370


Anonymous No. 132373

it's been 7 years and you still think 'haha le ebic spanish' is funny

Anonymous No. 132375

Spanish is inherently funny, and you're revealing yourself as a huehueing mestizo monkey by disagreeing.

Anonymous No. 132405

You forgot the parentheses around Ultra Instinct.
Also you need to swap Takakeisho and Mitakeumi.

Anonymous No. 132408

One joke repeated every day for 7 years cannot be funny, it can only be crystallized autism

Anonymous No. 132422

Where do you think you are?

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Anonymous No. 132423

Tetas Grandes Im fucking dead

🗑️ Anonymous No. 132441

Thank G-d someone on this app has their head screwed on straight. Mocking POC languages is not, and has never been, funny. Wait til I tell reddit about this, heads will roll.

Anonymous No. 132460

sumoxirs...we got too cocky...

🗑️ Anonymous No. 132544

Yikes, that's hella problematic. You better go back to r*ddit and tell everyone.

Anonymous No. 132578


Anonymous No. 132583

I just wanted to let everyone know I was the first person to call Wakatakakage "WTK". Back when he was in juryo, I just started doing it and it really caught on.

Anonymous No. 132595

I personally prefer calling him cacage

Anonymous No. 132664

for me it's waka laka

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Anonymous No. 132770

Sumo more like homo

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u wot.jpg

Anonymous No. 132799


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Anonymous No. 132828


Anonymous No. 132842

looks like takakeisho fucked his yokozuna chances this basho :(

Anonymous No. 132941

doesn't he only need to win with no particular score? He's still in the race, it's just a tight one.

Anonymous No. 132942

No. The only guaranteed Y promotion, statistically, is back to back yushos. The YDC already set the bar at 15-0, and everyone expected 14-1 yusho would also be good enough, and MAYBE 13-2 yusho, but if the best he can deliver now is 12-3, it's not gonna be it.

Anonymous No. 132943

ah, right. Rough then. I feel like with his stamina(or lack of) he's pretty fucked since there'll always be a few matches where the opposing rikishi will manage to stall until he loses steam.

Anonymous No. 132981

plus terunofuji is coming back in march, and if his surgery went well that's going to make it even tougher for takakeisho to put together a yokozuna run

Anonymous No. 132990

>plus terunofuji is coming back in march
The last word was that he may need even more time. After trying to train, he was back in the hospital because his knees had exploded with inflammation. That was two weeks ago.

Anonymous No. 132992

jesus, if he ends up just retiring the upper division is going to be in real bad shape

Anonymous No. 133031

Last I heard was that he was targeting the April tour for return.

Anonymous No. 133148

>First for WTK yusho and hamster implosion January
all the waka brothers did pretty good but bad call on the hamster, my man

Anonymous No. 133160

Will Ryuden's kk train finally come to a halt next basho?

Anonymous No. 133162

>Will Ryuden's kk train finally come to a halt next basho?

I think he'll still get a winning record but it will probably only be 8-7.
He's M5 and won't be bumped up too far. He'll mostly be facing the same crop of wrestlers except for few more sanyaku and a few less mid-card jobbers.

Anonymous No. 133168

With January basho over, it's time to debate what will be Miyagino oyakata's hairstyle after his danpatsu shiki on Jan 28th. I hope he gets something similar to Haruma's

Anonymous No. 133169

Imagine if he went the full hakkaku, anon. Wouldn't that be scary?

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Anonymous No. 133170

>it's time to debate what will be Miyagino oyakata's hairstyle

Anonymous No. 133171

I want him to get a yusho next tournament so he have one yusho from every division

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Anonymous No. 133193

Anonymous No. 133195

>local takanosho in great mood

Anonymous No. 133196

Just the thought that there's a real possibility that there will be no ozeki after the march tournament is surreal

Anonymous No. 133197

There will always be because yokuzuna are permanent ozeki.

Anonymous No. 133199

Is the woman in the white sweater with the little kid TKK's wife and son?

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Anonymous No. 133203


Anonymous No. 133207

You know what he means, baka

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Anonymous No. 133211

Yea or nah?

Anonymous No. 133213

I think that's the most likely scenario.

Maybe, maybe, they might re-promote Tamawashi to komusubi and move Wakamotoharu up to sekiwake.

Anonymous No. 133233

They might just keep Tobi at M1e for an even 3 komusubi 3 sekiwake. Though that's not happened in a few decades.

Anonymous No. 133249

Yep, Cacakeishō fucks his wife.

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Anonymous No. 133265

>keep Tobi at M1e
i though that, but its never happened once since 1969

Anonymous No. 133269

Tell me about Chris.
There doesn't seems to be anything wrong with him besides some cringe behavior here and there

Anonymous No. 133271

He's a psycho who isn't very good at hiding it with a massively inflated ego.
He has claimed responsibility for Sumo Prime Time existing because he harassed Kyoukai members outside of a stable asking them to hire him to make English-language content - however, because they didn't hire him to do what he supposes was his idea, he also vocally hates them and shits on the channel.
He used to make unprompted posts on sumo forums telling people who had published books on sumo that their book was inaccurate trash and he'd be willing to "fix" it for them for a fee, because no English speaker is more tapped into sumo culture than he. He stalks around outside of heya frequently enough for them to ask him to stay away. Gunning has said that Chris is also close friends with an actual sumo stalker who has had legal action taken against them.
Chris claimed a decade ago that he had already by that point spent over $30,000 "trying to get closer to sumo" - it is apparently the sole reason he lives in Japan.

Anonymous No. 133274

63kg 175cm watching since last year

Anonymous No. 133275

Idk, he can read wrestler's minds, he's a very powerful enemy to have...

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Anonymous No. 133278

Special prize winners:
Kiribayama (technique)
Kotoshoho (fighting spirit)

Anonymous No. 133282

>168 cm
It's the bulking season for me

Anonymous No. 133295

What a chad.

Anonymous No. 133307

YDC chairman Takamura Masahiko explained, "The overwhelming sentiment among our members was that [promotion] was not quite fitting because it wasn't a high-level yusho."

When asked about the status of his tsunatori going into next basho and if they had set a score they would like for him to achieve [in order to be promoted], Takamura took a cool-headed position: "We haven't discussed that at all. The results have to come first."

Anonymous No. 133318

I hadn't bothered looking up his name reading

Anonymous No. 133322


Anonymous No. 133332

Sorta blows my mind for some reason. I'd have figured he'd wait for a while but I guess the hambaga really revs up the libido.

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Anonymous No. 133334

what gives it away?

Anonymous No. 133336

the face and body (things you recognize people by) although off my memory I think the nose is too wide

Anonymous No. 133339

I was gonna say it's missing the giant wart/bump/mole on the top of those nasal bridge but no it's there

Anonymous No. 133341

gor me? the boobs

Anonymous No. 133372

Shouldn't he become yokozuna with a yusho, no matter the score?
It would be very arbitrary to deny him promotion if he has an yusho because "the win was not dominant enough"

Anonymous No. 133374

I'm meaning the next one, not this.

Anonymous No. 133375

>Shouldn't he become yokozuna with a yusho, no matter the score?
If he wins a yusho in Osaka, yes, he will have two in a row and his promotion would be undeniable.

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Anonymous No. 133399

Still, those are the their by-laws rather than in-writing absolute commandments. The YDC cannot make any unilateral pronouncements or decisions; they must be asked for their opinion by the Judging Committee. I think a LOT of people misinterpret the direction of this relationship - they exist to curb the authority of the NSK to promote whoever, rather than to force their favored candidates onto an unwilling NSK.

For example, the YDC couldn't promote him if he took Osaka with an 8-7 regulation, 21-way playoff win, even if they are technically obliged to do so - because they would never be asked. The Judging Committee wouldn't even imagine allowing it to be considered.

Anonymous No. 133400

I'd love to see Takakeisho take part in a gigantic ass playoff after taking just 1 bout a day.

Anonymous No. 133408

but anon, they all have gigantic asses

Anonymous No. 133410

the name in the top right

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Anonymous No. 133414

Tamanishiki beer ad.
For strength, you want Tamanishiki! For taste, you want the outstanding flavor of Asahi!!

Anonymous No. 133417

Sure, but that's also a case of making up the most ridiculous scenario possible. We all know what the YDC's role is.

If Takakeisho wins a yusho (or anyone else does for that matter) it will be with 12 or more wins. (11 win yusho have happened only three times in the modern era, a 10 win yusho has never occurred in the modern era.)
In that event, the JSA will ask the YDC to weigh Takakeisho's merits, they will say "looks good to us." and he'll get promoted.

Anonymous No. 133418

Love this

Anonymous No. 133421

Sure, I agree, but I was trying to address the 'undeniable'/'guaranteed' part of the statements. We're living in an era with a banzuke format that hasn't been seen in 125 years; it seems fair to point out that sometimes shit happens.

Anonymous No. 133425

Waka bros, will the Ozeki title ever be ours?

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Anonymous No. 133428


Anonymous No. 133439

Wonder if Hakuhos danpatsu-shiki will be televised in Mongolia

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Anonymous No. 133450

Evolved Hamsterzuna sumo

Anonymous No. 133451

what do we get if we want appendicitis?

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Anonymous No. 133453

Anonymous No. 133455


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Anonymous No. 133461


The rest of the banzuke must be awfully disgraceful then, since every one has henka'd numerous times, to Keishos one single time.

Anonymous No. 133463

Henkakage did it even this basho.

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ura spell.webm

Anonymous No. 133475

Anonymous No. 133477

Ura won, but at what cost?

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Anonymous No. 133478

What does it smell like?

Anonymous No. 133479


Anonymous No. 133480

The fresh air of the steppe and horse juice.

Anonymous No. 133481

nothing different from what you're doing now

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Anonymous No. 133489

Who here watches the early matches? Theres some good fights there, along with some real clown fights. Even the judges have been filmed laughing during them. I'm enjoying Ikuzachido making his way up. This mutt is doing good, and I hope will do better

Anonymous No. 133492

i finish work at midnight, so i generally catch the end of makushita upward. I'll admit it's more of a background thing until i hear the juryo dohyohiri

Anonymous No. 133493

So like napalm?

Anonymous No. 133494

Considering his performance in the rest of the basho, I guess the JSA banned the use of magic powers

Anonymous No. 133498

Will Hakuho's ceremony be streamed anywhere?

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Anonymous No. 133511


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Anonymous No. 133519

Its offical. He is going to juryo along with Tamashoho, Tomokaze and Tokushoryu

Anonymous No. 133521

RIP jason's youtube channel

Anonymous No. 133523

Why wasn't it Chris?
Could you imagine his meltdown if his channel gets taken down for some reason?

Anonymous No. 133524

How could it be Chris? He makes his own footage, almost exclusively.

Anonymous No. 133526

I was talking more in a general sense, weirder shit happened on youtube
Imagine he gets hacked, or a bot campaign mass reports his video, stuff like that happens relatively often

Anonymous No. 133527

This is probably Takakeisho's last chance at getting promoted ever. Terunofuji not coming back in March means Keisho needs to pull off the same thing as he did last basho, beating up on the Hiramaku extremely quickly and conserve his energy for the Sanyaku. In my opinion, Keisho lucked out big time with getting such an easy senshuraku this time. He probably won't have that much luck next time so he needs to give it his 110%.

Anonymous No. 133528

Where is posture princess? I thought she was part of Takakeisho's fan club, I would assume she would get invited to these types of pictures. I didn't catch her on TV last basho.

Anonymous No. 133530

In hiding so it doesn't seem like she just leaves when the masks are removed.

Anonymous No. 133532

The Wakatakakage henka the next day was absolutely undeniably kino. It was my favorite moment in the post-Hakuho era.

Anonymous No. 133542

Hopefully someone back his shit up since he's too much of a boomer to know how.
I'm assuming since Sumo Prime Time the NHK probably googled non-Japanese sumo and saw all those channels rebroadcasting.

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Anonymous No. 133543

The famous Raiden folding-fan tegata.
Poem on the fan reads:
>"With the mark of Raiden's hand, the blows of which can be heard from 100 ri (400 km) away, one may pass through barriers."
This is playing on the origin of 'sekitori' and meaning that Raiden's reputation is so great that just being associated with him is enough to command respect.

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Anonymous No. 133572

Pictured: Two great yokozunas

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Anonymous No. 133573

This is Tamashoho, your newest Mongolian sekitori. Say something nice about him.

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Anonymous No. 133577

Da real Posture Princess

Anonymous No. 133580

Is that kid young ochiai

Anonymous No. 133582


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Anonymous No. 133583

Bros, pewdiepie went to this basho. Doesnt get to it till 17:30

Sorry you cant watch the clown matches, bro. I meant even lower, like the first 3 divisions. You see some funny shit there, with skinny teenagers fighting guys in their 40s, and 500 pounders. And the athletic guys really get to shine down I'm the lower 3 divisions.

Well, eventually NHK was going to catch on after recording matches for a decade now

Anonymous No. 133594

Any news on Tochi? Will he continue in juryo?

Anonymous No. 133595

We don't officially know who's being demoted yet. The reason why makushita promotions to juryo get announced so early is so they can start getting paid. By the same token, Tochinoshin is likely going to wait until the rankings are announced to make his decision, as that would be an extra month of makuuchi salary.

Anonymous No. 133597

Anything other than Makushita-to-Juryo, Ozeki and Yokozuna promotions are only announced 13 days before the start of the next basho.

Anonymous No. 133602

He looks too soft for Juryo. He's covered in baby fat. And he needs a much harder tachiai. Rooting for him.

Anonymous No. 133610

I imagine he would continue until he drops out of juryo. Getting paid is getting paid and each basho increases his retirement payout.

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Anonymous No. 133614


Anonymous No. 133615

>get to the top sumo division
>literally live for the sport for years
>destroy your body
>reduce your life expectancy by 20 years
>still have to borrow money from your family to build a house in shitty eastern europe

Anonymous No. 133616

Unsurprising; real estate is a massive upfront cost, and so long as he's a sekitori he has guaranteed salary+mochikyukin that he can use to guarantee payments. It'll only be an issue when he drops out of juryo and subsequently retires, but he's probably already setup his next job ahead of time.

Anonymous No. 133623

guess well see him floundering around in juryo till he makes enough to pay back the debt

Anonymous No. 133625

who the fuck do I watch now... Was just finishing learning and caught up almost all of 2022

Anonymous No. 133633

Does he live outside the stable and spend all his money or something? Surely he's earned enough to afford $1 mil.

Anonymous No. 133636

natto. jason said he'll do update videos on a new channel.

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Anonymous No. 133641

>use nhk footage
>surprised when you get nuked


Anonymous No. 133642

Englishcels seething hard while cheerwagon chads stay winning

Anonymous No. 133644

He had a Japanese mistress and lived together in his apartment. I'm not sure he is still doing that tho

Anonymous No. 133675

We all know Hakuhō is the GOAT rikishi, but who is the GOAT oyakata?

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Anonymous No. 133680

>who is the GOAT oyakata?
The fifth Dewanoumi (yokozuna Hitachiyama) tends to get a lot of votes. Mentored or recruited at least 4 yokozuna and 3 ozeki, oversaw Dewanoumi winning 10 consecutive makuuchi yusho, may have been directly responsible for the popularization of chanko.

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Anonymous No. 133682

Happy lads

Anonymous No. 133687

Hakuhō when Ochiai starts his utter dominance. Do we know Ochia's shikona yet?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 133689

None. Hakuho was overwhelmed by Ochiai's utter dominance and didn't have time to come up with a shikona yet.

Anonymous No. 133691

None yet. Even Hakuho was surprised by how fast Ochiai got promoted to Juryo so he didn't have time to come up with an appropriate shikona, so at least the first basho in Juryo will be with his family name.

One of the most popular suggestions bouncing around both Japanese and English language communities is 'Ōtori', as the kanji for 'ho' used in Hakuho's shikona, 鵬, can also be read as 'Ōtori', and the 27th Yokozuna, Ōtori Tanigoro, was a member of a former installment of Miyagino-beya.

Anonymous No. 133693

the 27th yokozuna spelled it 鳳 though
the first rikishi with the character 鵬 was 48th yokozuna Taihō

Anonymous No. 133695

He did, that much is true, but this is shikona land. There's a million and one different ways to write the same damn name, and an equally large amount of ways to read any individual character.

Anonymous No. 133696

That's a bit much for a juryo promotion, don't you think? I would save a name like that for ozeki or yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 133699

I'm just the messenger, not judging. I kinda like it, though. Simple, effective, and one hell of a statement of intent.

Anonymous No. 133705

Personally, I'm partial to the Hōō idea. There's always a lot less fuss and baggage with ozeki names.

Anonymous No. 133706

What if he goes full meme and pretentious with shit like Raiden?

Anonymous No. 133708

Hak already has Raihō

Anonymous No. 133710

Not Raiho, but full on Raiden

Anonymous No. 133711

All of Hakuho's rikishi have 'ho' in their shikona, if using one.

Anonymous No. 133712

Ishiura still uses his family name.

Anonymous No. 133713

Shikona are supposed to be ambitious, it's very rare for them to change after they make sekitori.
>if using one

Anonymous No. 133714

>if using one

Anonymous No. 133715

Harumafuji didn't adopt a shikona until he became Ozeki.

Anonymous No. 133716

Harumafuji is a rare example. Emphasis on rare. Kotonowaka said he would if he made ozeki IIRC. But they're two examples of the hundreds of sekitori over the past 20 years, so not the norm.

Anonymous No. 133718

>it's very rare for them to change after they make sekitori.
here's the yokozuna who have: Harumafuji, Takanohana, Wakanohana II, Wakanohana III, Kotonowaka, Hokutoumi, Futahaguro, Tamanoumi, Tochinoumi, Kashiwado, Asashio III

Anonymous No. 133720

Out of the ones you listed, only Harumafuji, Tamanoumi, Hokutoumi, Takanohana, and the two Wakanohanas actually changed their shikome, the rest wrestled under their real name before adopting a shikome, which remained unchanged. So that's 7 yokozuna out of 73, or 7 out of 33 since the YDC was formed. Either way, still "very rare" just for yokozuna, let alone all sekitori ever.
There is no yokozuna Kotonowaka, there is a yokozuna Kotozakura who adopted that shikome in the lower divisions and kept it through the rest of his career. You're thinking of current komusubi Kotonowaka, whom I acknowledged as wanting to change his shikome to Kotozakura in the event he makes ozeki.

If you have any issues with what I have said so far then you either have problems comprehending English, problems comprehending Japanese terminology, problems understanding basic statistics, or problems following a conversation topic Ensure you solve any problems you may have before replying.

Anonymous No. 133721

holy shit calm down

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Anonymous No. 133725

>Hōōin Kyōma

Anonymous No. 133727


Anonymous No. 133771

Ama was his shikona before he changed to Harumafuji when he made ozeki. It wasn't his real name or anything

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Anonymous No. 133772

>If you have any issues with what I have said so far then you either have problems comprehending English, problems comprehending Japanese terminology, problems understanding basic statistics, or problems following a conversation topic Ensure you solve any problems you may have before replying.

Anonymous No. 133773

What is the deal with Kinbozan? I hear lots of people saying he's going to be great. I haven't seen much of him but I saw him on day 14 against Tsurugisho and he seemed mediocre. Am I missing something?

Anonymous No. 133774

He injured his right arm

Anonymous No. 133775

Well, hopefully it's quick to recover. I'll reserve judgment until after next time then.

Anonymous No. 133776

>making consistent progress up the banzuke, not really slowing down
>not japanese
If he can avoid major injury and just refine a bit more, he'd already be good for a 6-8 year run as a middle to upper maegashitter that tangos in sanyaku once or twice

You also watched a match he lost, I recall being more impressed with his early performances this last basho and just generally with him in makushita

Anonymous No. 133779

Wow. 14 fucking sekitori in makuuchi.
What is "HD" btw?

Anonymous No. 133781

>What is "HD" btw?
"Haridashi", which meant your shikona would be off on the side of the banzuke for symmetry reasons. It was the old way of marking someone who isn't in the top two of a rank - we just write Y2e, O3w etc now.

Anonymous No. 133782

Harley Davidson, bikes weren't popular back then, so having one was a really big deal

Anonymous No. 133783

Hmm, makes sense, ty.

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original sumo.jpg

Anonymous No. 133789

The origins of sumo, according to the 1884 book, 'The Complete Record of Sumo'.
>It is written in 'The Intimate Life of Emperor Wu of Han' that the Emperor greatly enjoyed this entertainment, in which men donning bull masks with horns on them would face each other in contests of strength. Though different to today's sumo, this was its origin.

The drawing is a reprint from the Chinese encyclopedia 'Sancai Tuhui', published in 1609.

Anonymous No. 133804

I like this more than 2 dudes kicking each other for land gibs

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Anonymous No. 133805

This can’t be true Japan Nationalist bros…

Anonymous No. 133806

What about one god ripping off another god's arms just because he felt like it?

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Anonymous No. 133807

How would /sumo/‘s stable Yotsubagawabeya (四葉川部屋) name our rikishi?

Anonymous No. 133818

First half of your shikona is your anime waifu's name, second half is a condensing of the stable's name

Anonymous No. 133820


Anonymous No. 133823

>your anime waifu's name
She's the official unofficial mascot of this site. It's fitting.
I feel like everyone should have either 閉 or 症 in the name (taken from 自閉症, Japanese for autism. I'm not including 自, because that simply means "self" and that's boring). 症 means "symptoms" or "illness," though it doesn't have any cool alternate readings to make word puns with. 閉 means "closed", and it does have several alternate readings.

Anonymous No. 133827

> 剝閉症

Anonymous No. 133829

don't forget the stable's gyoji, 木村邪尼之助 (Kimura Jannynosuke)

Anonymous No. 133830

that doesn't work at all, it ought to be something more like
>拭守掃除郎 (Shikimori Soujirou)

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steven seagal.png

Anonymous No. 133850

Anonymous No. 133854

honestly it would be more devastating for the japanese psyche if it turned out somehow to be Korean

Anonymous No. 133855

imagine him trying out in maezumo

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Anonymous No. 133860


Anonymous No. 133861

>Had a dream where Oho went 11 straight wins

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Anonymous No. 133862


Anonymous No. 133865

Not bad at all. I dig the haircut.

Anonymous No. 133866

Takes some of the years off of him.

Anonymous No. 133868

Nice one, based

Anonymous No. 133873

Without Seagals teachings, Hakuho would never have made it out of Sandame

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Anonymous No. 133874

What the fuck?

Sankei Sports says that it's a suborbital fracture he suffered in the bout against Chiyosakae, and that he had surgery 2 days ago. That's why he wasn't in the hanazumou matches.

Anonymous No. 133875

At this point Seagal is fatter than Hakuho.

Anonymous No. 133876

Anonymous No. 133877

>punished enho

Anonymous No. 133880


Anonymous No. 133881

>Steven Seagal-sama
Japanese are cute

Anonymous No. 133884

>Yoshi Ikuzō and YOSHIKI
holy based

Anonymous No. 133887

>All the fangirls gushing over Enho and yelling his name whenever he appears.

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Anonymous No. 133888

Enho out there looking like the original Emperor Palpatine

Anonymous No. 133891
Even Demon Kakka was present

Anonymous No. 133896

She's been in hiding since she saw the doujin of her.

Anonymous No. 133898

>the doujin

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Anonymous No. 133910

By odd coincidence, I found what seems to be a knockoff version of the same book that redrew the picture and does actually label it "Korean sumo".

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Takemikazuchi vs ....jpg

Anonymous No. 133923

Yet another version, this one from 1791, saying it's Takemikadzuchi-no-kami vs Minakata-no-kami.

Anonymous No. 133931

A relatively well known story in Japanese folklore. The amatsukami (heavenly gods) decided that the kunitsukami (terrestrial gods) weren't being orderly and productive enough and decided to impose order. One of the leaders of the amatsukami was the thunder god Takemikazuchi. The kunitsukami Takeminakata refused to follow the amatsukami without being beaten in a challenge of strength. The two gods wrestled, and Takemikazuchi crushed Takeminakata's arms to claim victory, exiling Takeminakata to Lake Suwa.

This story, along with the rest of the folklore written down in the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, was likely invented as a metaphor for the introduction of Confucianist legalism from China and solidifying of the authority of the central court, as a way of appearing more legitimate to mainland China.

Anonymous No. 133940

Right, but what I'm now interested in is - why place that into the framework of the original unrelated drawing, instead of producing a new one? Doesn't that seem strange, or do I not know enough about middle-late Edo art traditions?

Anonymous No. 133943

Because like 90% of feudal Japan culture is stuff they imported from the mainland, reinterpreted to fit Japanese culture. Comes with being an isolated archipelago that also closed itself off to the rest of the world for hundreds of years. Reworking of imported culture, including mythological stories, is absolutely not exclusive to Japan, they're just the most prominent and obvious example in current year due to how all this stuff developed around the rest of the world over the past few hundred years for various reasons.

Anonymous No. 133944

The Shoki and Kojiki were published over 1,000 years before this. It's not like Sino-Japanese cultural trade started in Edo.

Anonymous No. 133946

Yes, and? That means over a thousand years of those stories being told and retold to become common knowledge, so when someone sees a picture from the mainland that supposedly depicts the first folk wrestling match, it gets reinterpreted to fit the local understanding. It's not like the Japanese image is an exact replica of the Chinese one, but a redrawing, portraying the same events, but in a different context.

Anonymous No. 133947

>It's not like the Japanese image is an exact replica of the Chinese one, but a redrawing, portraying the same events, but in a different context.
The >>133910 redraw is also a Japanese one.

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Anonymous No. 133976

Looking sharp! Enjoy retirement Miyagino-oyakata

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Anonymous No. 133994

Uncle-watchers, any twitter reactions to note?

Anonymous No. 133997
Japanese nationalist seething

Anonymous No. 133998

I don't remember asking you

Anonymous No. 134000

Nobody seethes less at other national anthems, the Japanese being inclined to learn and sing along with other peoples anthems, rather than booing them like the anglo scum.

Anonymous No. 134025

Inosuke failure compilation. God bless that incompetent fuck.

Anonymous No. 134030

History writing before 1950 is largely inaccurate.

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Anonymous No. 134032

>implying sumo history documents can't be trusted
>implying Akashi isn't real just because he's made up
lol ok

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Isley !2ySisYPHus No. 134034

Sasuga Innosuke

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Anonymous No. 134050

1922. Various scenes of the lads relaxing on jungyo.

Anonymous No. 134082

>when you get a whiff and the worms come out to nip your finger

Anonymous No. 134120

Haven't seen Blakuho Negrosaki before, but I do enjoy watching some of the lower matches for sure.

Anonymous No. 134124

What is (you)r brand of sumo?

Anonymous No. 134128

Thrusting and failing cause I am a skinny manlet

Anonymous No. 134131

As is tradition with Japanese culture, you can be an incompetent retard but due to seniority you command something. At least they know not to promote him all the way up.

Anonymous No. 134133

In my ideal scenario something like Terunofuji. Just be stoic enough to not lose until the opponent fucks up/you get a strong grip.

Anonymous No. 134135

Ippon seoi nage
Maintain proper distance and go for ippon seoi nage

Anonymous No. 134136

dive headfirst out of the dohyo

Anonymous No. 134138

An advanced version of Aoiyama's style, but I use my huge tits as extra limbs to slap the opponent

Anonymous No. 134140

I'm Abi shaped but slightly shorter. So a shitter, slower, less coordinated Abi style.

Anonymous No. 134146

Moriurara style
Every time, I close my eyes, shit my mawashi, fall down, ten leave, yet I retain a single rabid stan in the form of Chris Gould.

Anonymous No. 134148


Anonymous No. 134149

Launching myself on the shinpan, gyoji or the audience in order to inflict maximum damage

Anonymous No. 134158

I'm the henkaman!

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Anonymous No. 134159


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Anonymous No. 134169

Konishiki I, c. 1896

Anonymous No. 134203

>Definitely getting promoted
Bushozan (J1w, 9-6)
Hokuseiho (J2w, 9-6)
Kinbozan (J5e, 11-4)
Daishoho (J6w, 12-3)

>Definitely getting demoted
Ichinojo (M7e, 0-0-15)
Tochinoshin (M11w, 2-3-10)
Chiyomaru (M16w, 4-11)
(Plus one extra slot for Okinoumi's intai)

Do we think they'll give Asanoyama a promotion (J12w, 14-1) and, if so, whose spot would he take?
Oho (M8w, 4-11), Chiyoshoma (M11e, 5-10), Tsurugisho (M15e, 7-8) or Mitoryu (M15w, 7-8)?

Anonymous No. 134206

In recent history, the Kyoukai has had a tendency to levy one-or-two extra punishments on rikishi who have gotten suspended or raised trouble. Denying Asanoyama any banzuke luck here is perfectly in line with punishment moves they've made in the past.

Anonymous No. 134208

medium tachiai, get migi yotsu asap, yorikiri or sukuinage
quite similar to taiho

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Anonymous No. 134211

Plan A
migi-yotsu yorikiri
Plan B
When I’m feeling fancy

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Manlet Annihilati....webm

Anonymous No. 134226

manlet annihilation. on everyone.

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Anonymous No. 134228

>tfw his last terutsuyoshi liftout is probably the last time we see him lift an opponent out ever

Anonymous No. 134269

Nah him and Enho will both be in Juryo next basho so we might get to see it one last time

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Anonymous No. 134307

1794. Daidouzan, the protagonist of sumo, surrounded by his lessers (Tanikaze, Raiden, etc)

Anonymous No. 134320

luv how expressive these lads are and the range of male pattern baldness on display, really helps you imagine them at ringside in life

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 134322

>This section is empty. You can help by adding to it.

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Anonymous No. 134323

>This section is empty. You can help by adding to it

Anonymous No. 134324

in case you are wondering about da fish

Anonymous No. 134368

>and the range of male pattern baldness on display
Usually intentionally shaved, and you can see that with a couple guys having scalp stubble. The haircut is based on the ones used by samurai, which is styled to let their heads fit into their helmets easier. Not done anymore since the samurai class was abolished.

Anonymous No. 134369

They mirin those puffy cheeks

Anonymous No. 134376

Me at top left

Anonymous No. 134386

Topmost right is just an dirty old man version of a giga Chad

Anonymous No. 134388

Why don't rikishi have facial hair? Is it some kind of sumo rule that they must shave, or is it all tradition/expectation that they should all shave?

Anonymous No. 134389

As with most things in Japan, most of the "rules" aren't officially written down, because it's assumed that they're common knowledge. Going clean shaven is one of those expectations. It's not officially written down, because it's assumed that rikishi have the common sense to not show up in a stupid looking pedo stache or some half-grown facial pubes. And since rikishi are in the public eye in one way or another pretty much every day, they don't have time to grow a proper beard even if they wanted to.

Anonymous No. 134393

>It's not officially written down
Yes, it is.

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Anonymous No. 134396

Very occasionally you'll see dudes with some stubble or light growth even during a basho.
I can recall having seen Terunofuji, Akua, and Hoshoryu all having visible facial hair at least once in the past year.

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Anonymous No. 134397

Who will get him, and how much seething will there be?

Anonymous No. 134398

Wrestlers can get away with a bit of stubble, they're big, high test dudes, so a five o'clock shadow's going to happen from time to time and there are historical deptictions of rikishi with long facial hair (full beards, sidelocks, moustaches, etc.), however in modern sumo "obscene beards" are not permitted.
You can see where they're coming from with that if they you think about it. Consider how disadantageous would be to yourself if your beard touched the clay before your opponent's body did in a throw, or how unfair it would be to your opponent if his style of sumo is striking at the head and neck (Like Abi) and you deliberately grew a beard to force hairpulls.
Not worth the trouble it would cause.

Anonymous No. 134399

I don't know who that is and none of the image searchers are helping.

Anonymous No. 134400

There's a number of oyakata who are pissy that Hak is trying to buy every good prospect he can get, and want him to fail to land Nakamura.

Anonymous No. 134401

>There's a number of oyakata who are pissy that Hak is trying to buy every good prospect he can get
Well, what about them stepping the fuck up and offering good conditions to said talent?

Anonymous No. 134402

Hard to compete with money

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Anonymous No. 134405

what money? They all receive the same salaries and basho payments

You could have a point with saying everyone wants to be under the GOAT, but smart prospects should go to actual stables with records in promoting to sekitori status like Isegahama.

Anonymous No. 134406

Stable's money, obviously.
Miyagino clearly has the most wealth out of all stables at this point, who knows what is being offered to new recruits.
This can also directly correlate to quality of daily life and access to facilities. Not sure if he followed through but Naruto has stated he wants every rikishi to have an individual room, for instance. If he had the budget he would have done this right away.
Or look at Kisenosato's new stable building with the luxurious double dohyo.

Anonymous No. 134407

>Or look at Kisenosato's new stable building with the luxurious double dohyo.
in fucking Ibaraki prefecture in bumfuck nowhere on a highway with just a supermarket and konbini in front of it.

At lest Hakuho wanted to open his new place in Roppongi or a similar area.

Anonymous No. 134409

>what money?
For prospects looking to join a heya, there's usually some thousands changing hands. If you join a heya who didn't pay and you wash out, you have nothing. If you join a heya who paid $5k for you and you wash out, you have 5k to help build your life in the real world.

Anonymous No. 134410

>W/L ratio of 91%

Anonymous No. 134411

He has a yokozuna-capable frame but I fear that he's gotten too fat too early, a mistake that most tsukedashi wrestlers make by design
Hope Miyagino gets him instead of Nishonoseki, if the latter does, then he's bound to be a perennial choke artist

Anonymous No. 134416

Why’d all the NHK scrapers get nuked just now they’ve been doing this shit for years. Who reported them?

Anonymous No. 134419

I always thought hokotofuji looked like a samurai but he does have a little balding going on.

Anonymous No. 134420

Were you not paying attention to how many celebrities, power brokers, and other big-wigs were at his retirement ceremony? Hakuho's spent his yokozuna tenure trying to get as many high-end connections as possible, and that means money flowing into his stable via his sekitori's supporters clubs. It's enough that he was trying to get a new stable built in fucking Ginza, the highest-end luxury neighbourhood in all of Tokyo.

Anonymous No. 134421

Periodic sweeps have always happened. This is Natto's 5th or 6th channel. Kinta, on the other hand, had mostly been left alone for over a decade.
Realistically, this could be a new hire flagging everything in sight, or it could be an attempt to push people towards the paid sumo archive service. That would imply a degree of coordination between the NSK and NHK, though, and I don't think the NSK is smart enough for that. Probably things will quickly normalize again.

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Anonymous No. 134423

Nakamura is the new kotobro

Sadogatake-chads stay winnings.

Anonymous No. 134430

Worst outcome is that Natto switches to ABEMA TV feed

Anonymous No. 134433

Even if I had cable TV Japan is only SD with the provider here. So I don't want to pay for it. NHK should modernize and not just offer their channel through traditional providers. I agree though it's not about getting people to pay for services.

Anonymous No. 134446

>in fucking Ginza
fucking hell. not sure if good idea or not.

Anonymous No. 134461

I see so many comments saying the NHK and even the sumo association is at fault. It's their stuff, they can stop people from rebroadcasting it if they wish. NHK World has its own highlights (only for the top division and the most recent basho) but they do make it available. Why do people act like there is no official way to watch it?

Anonymous No. 134463

>NHK World has its own highlights (only for the top division and the most recent basho) but they do make it available. Why do people act like there is no official way to watch it?
NHK World absolutely doesn't make it all available. And various other cable packages with NHK won't let you watch it, either. No one is going to pay the NSK several thousand dollars to watch the last 10 years of sumo on VHS (I'm assuming they haven't updated their release format in decades). If this takedown frenzy isn't a passing wave like the ones we've seen in the past but a new standard, I would expect to see foreign interest in sumo bottom-out to 1970s levels in only a handful of years. If NHK doesn't want that to happen, they would do well to either knock it off - or to offer real sumo-viewing packages for foreign fans. Piracy is a service problem.

>saying the NHK is at fault ... they can stop people from rebroadcasting it if they wish.
They are at fault, which has got nothing to do with whether it's right or wrong.

>NHK World has its own highlights (only for the top division and the most recent basho) but they do make it available
these are some MLB blackout-tier excuses. Show me the fucking 4-hour broadcasts that I am asking for as the consumer, and provide me an archive of past basho. That's all any foreign sumo viewer wants. Even the English commentary and subtitles are extraneous (and fucking awful)

Anonymous No. 134464

Well in the US and Canada you can watch it live at least via TV Japan. Lots of other sports don't have extensive archives of past events, so having just the previous basho seems pretty normal. Having it all available would be nice, but do they even do that for Japanese audiences?

Anonymous No. 134474

>Who reported them?
He wants to impress NHK for his own gain

Anonymous No. 134494

>Who reported them?

Anonymous No. 134502

chris-sumo levels of fanfiction. no other sport does all the shit you want. stop being a whiny entitled bitch.

Anonymous No. 134503

It isn't wrong to want some standards, you bootlicker. Not everybody is content to subsist on shit and defend the ass it comes from, though you might be.

Anonymous No. 134523

Anyone have that hakuho vid that starts with kisenosato matta

Anonymous No. 134525

This one?

Anonymous No. 134526

No, it had bunch of other matches in it too

Anonymous No. 134533

>muh standards are de standards
wrong faggot. as above, they're meeting the standard.

Anonymous No. 134537

>Having it all available would be nice, but do they even do that for Japanese audiences?
Which is what makes it a service problem.
In the past, when I have watched Japanese compilation vids of bouts from the 2010s, I have seen more than a small number of Kintamayama clips - because the Japanese fans don't have access to the material otherwise, either. If the NHK isn't monetizing it and Moti isn't monetizing it, what does it matter if it's there? And now it is gone, and an important sumo resource is lost, at least for the time being.

It sure would be nice for them - whether the NSK or NHK - to provide me an opportunity to give them my money in exchange for desired services.

Anonymous No. 134545

Their desired service is sumo fans from abroad travelling to Japan on a regular basis, paying for tickets to watch it live, and buying lots of merchandise. Historically, getting sumo onto foreign TV screens has never been a high priority for them, presumably because they don't forecast much earnings from it. It's all very well for people to say that they would pay top dollar for it if it was available, but anonymous expressions of support is not enough to justify a major business decision. When or if sumo gets easier to access outside Japan, it will be the result of years of market research and analysis, not from just looking at Kintamayama's view count. Of course this sucks for gaijin sumo fans who will have to put more effort in to following the sport, but realistically there's no reason for anyone in Japan to cater to us unless its profitable.

Anonymous No. 134547

>gaijin sumo fans will have to put more effort in ... but realistically there's no reason for anyone in Japan to cater to us unless its profitable.
What does that have to do with issuing takedowns?

Anonymous No. 134558

Copyright striking has been becoming more and more common on Youtube in recent years. It's not rare or unexpected that using copyrighted footage can result in your channel being nuked.

Anonymous No. 134559

I can feel it in my bones.
Another high-ranking one is going to be punished for partying too hard

Anonymous No. 134561

So how long until these dumbasses realize there are video hosting sites other than YouTube? Most of them go through sumoforum or reddit anyway, so it's not like they have to worry about lower "engagement."

Anonymous No. 134564

Sure. But there's no reason to stop uploading 'to respect NHK's wishes' or whatever the fuck

Anonymous No. 134567

Of course not, I pirate everything I can get my hands on and always have, so I'm both familiar with and sympathetic to copyright holders and their eternal quest to crack down on this sort of thing. The only thing that's surprising about this round of takedowns is that people like Kintamayama and Natto have been getting away with it for so long, that and the unbelievable optimism in some corners of the sumo community that the crackdown means that a legitimate way to watch top division highlights is coming.

Anonymous No. 134569

They can still go after someone's provider if they are hosting the videos. If you get a server and host your own website they can go after the company that hosts the server or sue you personally.

Anonymous No. 134570

>sumo community that the crackdown means that a legitimate way to watch top division highlights is coming.
and they're probably wrong to think it.
people are also acting like someone in Japan cant watch the highlights either. why watch couple hours of live footage when you can just catch the youtube highlights after work. i didn't bother with the livestreams when i was living in korea since it was difficult to be available to watch it midday with other things going on in life.

Anonymous No. 134580

NHK is only now figuring out YouTube exists, no way in hell they're aware of any of the alternatives.

Anonymous No. 134581

What's the best source for archiving bouts then? The NHK World highlights?

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Anonymous No. 134598

Bilibili seems to have a large amount of sumo footage.

Anonymous No. 134600

I'll look and see what's highest quality I suppose.

Anonymous No. 134632

So what can Kotonowaka do (at this point) to get some consistency?

Anonymous No. 134633

I know for a fact that Natto is considering Rumble and Odysee.

Anonymous No. 134635


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Anonymous No. 134642

Anonymous No. 134660

jibun, not watashi

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Anonymous No. 134688

What’s not consistent about him? He hasn’t had a mk in a year from m6 and higher except for his Covid pull out in may. If he ever goes 5-0 it’s a guaranteed Y.
He is the most well rounded rikishi right now.
Belt wrestle
Hakuho like craftiness and tawara dancing

If he ever finds a winning mentality it’s over for sumo he’s too big and too good.

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Anonymous No. 134694

January 1919, still during the era of the East-West battle rules.

>Monoii are an ever-present part of sumo, and some say that the sport would be much lacking without them. Photographed here are the judges trying to mollify the East-ringside rikishi, oozeki Kyuushuuzan and yokozuna Oonishiki [after a decision that went against the East]. Judges from right to left are Ikadzuchi, Ounomatsu and Kumagatani; the gyouji is Shikimori Kandayu.

This one is interesting because it implies a very different dynamic between Association officials and the rikishi. That tension, of course, would boil over 13 years later, at Shunjuuen.
But just imagine Asashouryuu shouting at Kaiketsu to not fuck up the calls that could affect his yusho chances.

Anonymous No. 134703

Thinking of Shunjuuen made me remember - Dewanoumi was also personally responsible for recruiting Tenryuu, who organized the whole strike. The man's fingerprints are everywhere.

Anonymous No. 134704

he's only one year younger than keisho and has fulfilled most of his physical potential, unless he wants to grow another set of tits and become ichinojo because his father clearly isn't going to make him build muscle since we all know how fat he was
he has a good frame and can bully rnfs but he's too weak, too slow, and doesn't have strong enough technique for me to ever say he has serious yoko potential
would argue that shoho has more potential considering he's doing better at 23 than waka did, plus he's taller and not as heavy

Anonymous No. 134708

>He is the most well rounded rikishi right now.
Pun intended?

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Anonymous No. 134713

Ohnoyusho keisho and chiyomaru are pretty spherical

Anonymous No. 134716

>Shikimori Kandayu
Unbelievable that he's still working a hundred years later, Japanese tenacity is the envy of the world.

Anonymous No. 134742

>He is the most well rounded rikishi right now
Weird way to spell Kiribayama

Anonymous No. 134744

word, his sumo is satisfying to watch
if he can get a little stronger, ozeki is inevitable

Anonymous No. 134753

>he unbelievable optimism in some corners of the sumo community that the crackdown means that a legitimate way to watch top division highlights is coming.

Optimism is a coping strategy. It's healthier to maintain a positive attitude than accept the realization that, pretty soon, it may be extremely inconvenient/impossible to watch sumo.
>just watch it live on a stream at 2 in the morning, bro

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Anonymous No. 134812

June 8th, 1931.

At age 39, six full years after his intai, former yokozuna Tochigiyama shocks spectators and professionals alike by defeating active oozeki Tamanishiki (soon-to-be yokozuna) and sekiwake Tenryuu to claim the championship gold in a three-day competition called "The First Annual Grand Japan Sumo Tournament".

Anonymous No. 134819

he was clearly extremely gifted, being one of the strongest and most successful yokozuna ever before retiring early after a 7 year reign
what makes his career more impressive is that he was only 104kg/229lbs, in the top 3 divisions there are only 2 wrestlers who weigh less than that, enho and miyagi

Anonymous No. 134820

>what makes his career more impressive is that he was only 104kg/229lbs, in the top 3 divisions there are only 2 wrestlers who weigh less than that, enho and miyagi
That's how it is now, but during his yokozuna tenure Tochigayama was roughly average for both height and weight among sekitori. He was the lightest yokozuna, but there was one ozeki and 11 sekiwake lighter than him.

Anonymous No. 134824

>He was the lightest yokozuna, but there was one ozeki and 11 sekiwake lighter than him.
That's incredibly exceptional, though. We're talking about one ozeki ever.

Anonymous No. 134826

One ozeki over his yokozuna tenure, from 1918 to 1925, not of all time. Meanwhile in the same timeframe about 2/3 of lower sanyaku were lighter than him.

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Anonymous No. 134830

Alright, I figured out the query for the lightest weight of all ozeki + yokozuna. He's still pretty far down there. But the list explodes with 80-kg guys if you add sekiwake and komusubi.

Anonymous No. 134847


Well all you idiots have been begging for them to give attention to their "international fans", and now you've got it. Hope you are all very happy with yourselves.
Of course if it wasn't for Chris badgering them, they would have remained happily ignorant of the existence of the "foreign fanbase" and youtube sumo would still only be subject to the very occasional desultory sweep.

Anonymous No. 134884


Anonymous No. 134888

this doesn't mean much without average weights for the time.

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Anonymous No. 134899

I'm not trying to look at average weights, I'm just trying to establish he was one of the lightest ever to achieve the highest ranks. But you can do that yourself if you add the Height & Weight column.

Anonymous No. 134901

>of the lightest ever to achieve the highest ranks.
which is inself meaningless. nobody is arguing against that point, but say that making sanyaku at his bodyweight was exceptional and comparing him to modern enho is stupid.
it is not exceptional to be sanyaku at 104kg when he was in the upper half in terms of bodyweight for the time. that would be like looking back 100 years from now in the era of 230cm 300kg rikishi and saying takakeisho was exceptionally light for making yokozuna at ~165kg

Anonymous No. 134907

>and comparing him to modern enho is stupid
I wasn't doing that, that was someone else.

Also, there's a problem with the weights we use anyway, because sumodb only provides one weight because there wasn't consistent tracking during this era. The available literature says Tochigiyama didn't reach 103 kg until after his yokozuna promotion; that he was 101 kg, then deliberately put on 2 kg, and oscillated around 101-105 for the remainder of his career. This effect gets much wilder for hiramaku, who weren't weighed as often - half of the listed figures are probably off by 5+ kilos for the hiramaku in any basho of this period.

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Anonymous No. 134930

>Takakeisho making a variety show appearance
>What should we have him do?
>I don't know, have him eat some noodles live

Anonymous No. 134931

It has already grown out a bit on the sides and looks nice. He's commentating the Fuji TV 1-day tournament right now.

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Anonymous No. 134944

Anonymous No. 134951
Footage from behind the scenes and after party of Hakuhos danpatsu-shiki

Anonymous No. 134954

Anonymous No. 134998

uploader is a little poser bitch but nice footage

Anonymous No. 135002

what the hell is wrong with Kitanowaka wasn't he a high school yokozuna or something he looks like shit as of recent his tachiai has no power whatsoever and he seems to be completely out of it

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Anonymous No. 135017

June, 1945. Futabayama performs his final dohyouiri in the bombed-out old Kokugikan.
He would fight his last career match this same day, beating komusubi Sagamigawa by yorikiri.

Anonymous No. 135020

Fun fact, the kokugikan was a valid military target. They assembled schoolchildren made incendiary balloons there, that they launched hoping to cause forest fires across North America

Anonymous No. 135037

I think it started after he had a thigh injury earlier in the year. He almost completely changed his brand of sumo, very chaotic and relies much more on pulls. I used to think it was because he was trying to work around the injury but it has gone on for way too long. I hope he turns it around, Kitanofuji just cannot stop complaining about him in his columns

🗑️ Anonymous No. 135040
Future is here

Anonymous No. 135041
Nishonoseki trying some modern tools in his coaching

Anonymous No. 135042

Pretty cool. Also, the sheer size of that training hall. Mogs places like Arashio stable to death.

Anonymous No. 135050

One step closer to the definitive Sumo videogame, although I would happily settle for a coach/stable simulator

Anonymous No. 135053

I think a stable simulator is far more likely. The problem with grappling games of any kind is there's too many small movements happening rapidly that a video game can accurately simulate them in any way that the player has control over. Even pro wrestling games are janky for this reason and they're based on performative entertainment rather than competitive sport.

Anonymous No. 135099

Too bad they don't have any interesting prospects.

Anonymous No. 135109

>Kitanofuji just cannot stop complaining
but we love him for it anyway

Anonymous No. 135111

>Ozumo Oyakata Simular 2023

Anonymous No. 135122

you could easily do grappling mechanics like a wwe game. no ground game makes it easier to do. 10s rounds and touchdowns would be harder to balance than making grappling

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Anonymous No. 135126

>Yokozuna Isekai

Anonymous No. 135128

is it good? I've seen the cover art posted here and there.

Anonymous No. 135129

only two chapters translated

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Anonymous No. 135136

There's a sumo LN out there that's officially licensed in English. It's called Grand Sumo Villainess. I quit after the first chapter. It's really trashy. It's about a woman in fantasy medieval times that awakens a power within her where she can beat people up with kimarite and has magic powers. It turns out in her previous life, she was in a school sumo club. It's just as good as any of the other otome game villainess isekai; that is to say, it's shit.
Here's the first chapter if you want to give it a go:

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Anonymous No. 135145

the only good sumo manga is Bachi Bachi and its sequels

Anonymous No. 135150

but does it have cute girls

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Anonymous No. 135155


Anonymous No. 135295

I will now read your manga.

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Anonymous No. 135314

>the only good sumo manga is Bachi Bachi

Anonymous No. 135329

Where could one read it

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Anonymous No. 135366


Anonymous No. 135385

Anonymous No. 135405

>Also, the sheer size of that training hall.
Land in Ibaraki is pretty cheap.

But yeah, all credit to Kisenosato for trying to optimize a system instead of just sagging into the traditional methods without question.

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Anonymous No. 135425

More recent history.
May 12, 1974; Takamiyama vs Wajima.

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Anonymous No. 135449

>credit to Kisenosato
He's a fan of NFL football and studied it during his college days. They probably inspired him to take some different approaches in sumo.

Former Yokozuna Rare Showdown: The Super Bowl: The same tactics in football as in Sumo, an inter-personal sport.

Anonymous No. 135455

>N64 sumo game

Anonymous No. 135480

Why is it considered a faux pas in the Anglophone sumo fandom to call rikishi "sumos" when the Japs get to use "osumosan"?

Anonymous No. 135488

because of gatekeeping weebs.

Anonymous No. 135490

That's Mr Sumo for you

Anonymous No. 135527

Osumosan is a form of direct address. As in
>Hey, Sumo Guy (Osumosan), you dropped your wallet!
because you don't know his name but want to be polite and acknowledge his status.

Rikishi (and sumotori) isn't used to address anyone. As in
>Bro I saw a bunch of rikishi earlier. One of them dropped his wallet so I said, "Hey, Osumosan, you dropped your wallet!"

Anonymous No. 135528

You'd think it'd be osumosenshu though.

Anonymous No. 135534

No, neither of those words work like that. Sumotori is basically the idea that you mean though, as kind of meaning 'sumo-doer'

Anonymous No. 135547

There's a bunch of instances I can think of on Sumo Prime Time where Japs use it as a general term. You hear "osumosan" way more than "rikishi" during the rare non-honky fan interviews, though it's usually rendered in the subs as "rikishi". And in the recent gyoji video, when Kimura Chishu was explaining how sumoji is supposed to resemble a wrestler's body, he says "osumosan no taikei" which is translated in the subs as "the rikishi's body".

Anonymous No. 135550

I wonder if there's a general egalitarian reason for the difference in usages, given the etymology of "rikishi," whereas "osumosan" is less class-centric "guy who does sumo."

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Anonymous No. 135554

December 1, 1887. The start of a 7-day sumo exhibition in Osaka of Japanese rikishi against foreign rikishi. There was a smattering of similar events around the same time, but this seems to have been the biggest. The foreigners were given ranks, & so on the left we have "ozeki Webster", "sekiwake Collins", "komusubi Sweeney", "maegashira Richardson" etc.

Hard to find any details on how it went, but several of the foreign rikishi were sued for taking part because they were breaking contracts elsewhere to appear in the Osaka event (the Osaka sponsor was paying more).

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Anonymous No. 135570

Shohozan had this danpatsu-shiki and is looking smily compared to his eternal frown face

Anonymous No. 135579

I call them wrestlers.

Anonymous No. 135638

Looking like a boss.

Miss that dude in the dohyo.

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Anonymous No. 135657

Gaga has lost shit ton of weight

🗑️ Anonymous No. 135664

1920s tuberculosis awareness ad.
>Train your body to be strong!

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Anonymous No. 135665

1920s tuberculosis awareness ad.
>Train your body to be strong!

Anonymous No. 135673

He's looking like a boss. Nice to see him slim down.

WTF is he up to? Is he working with a stable?

Anonymous No. 135674

Height mogged

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Anonymous No. 135763

Jungyo days, c. Meiji 30.
Maybe one of my favorite shots for how much of the crowd we get to see, even if the hand coloring is probably not accurate.

Anonymous No. 135799

Why did they let a little boy be a gyoji?

Anonymous No. 135815

Because it's jungyo, the ideal time to fuck around

Anonymous No. 135866
Chris turned comments off on his newest video, probably because it features that Kashiwa Juniors kid with Down syndrome winning matches and he's afraid of people making jokes about retard strength.

Anonymous No. 135867

Kotomitsuki's son looks like tremendous asshole.

Anonymous No. 135870

Future of Shikihide-beya looking bright

Anonymous No. 135874

JSA figured out the only way for japan to defeat mongols was with actual mongos. Genius.

Anonymous No. 135885

Who has the most sizeable female fanbase?

Anonymous No. 135893

out of the maegashira definitely Endo

Anonymous No. 135955

Endo, Ura, Enho, I suppose.
Honorable mention: Chiyomaru.

Anonymous No. 135974

Girls used to get pretty moist for Tochinoshin.
Also it's pretty well-known among Japanese fan circles that Ura's hung like a bull moose, I'm sure that influences the numbers.

Anonymous No. 135986

>it's pretty well-known among Japanese fan circles
What, is he posting pictures of his cock?

Anonymous No. 135991

He had an Onlyfans

Anonymous No. 136009

He had a mawashi come loose at an exhibition match back in I wanna say 2017? It was memed pretty heavily in the Japanese sumosphere back then.

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Anonymous No. 136053

This conversation reminded me of this dude
Ex lower tier rikishi, honestly can't remember his name.
I've heard reports that he also works as a male escort, for those lonely nip women who want to fulfill their rikishi fantasies.

Anonymous No. 136054

Jesus Christ Chris's latest post

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Anonymous No. 136058

Absolutely amazing.
Says nothing of substance and spends the rest of the time jacking himself off in text form.
At this point I have no reason to believe any of his unsubstantiated claims on who he talks to. His cover of having these conversations off camera is perfect, and I'm sure he does have a working relationship with a small group of people. But his past paparazzi like activities to the point of just hanging around outside stables leads me to believe he constantly outright lies or embellishes.
At this point I end up watching most of his videos on mute. A majority of his recent footage has been really good, but god I don't want to listen to that man's mind reading anymore.

Anonymous No. 136074

Asanoyama always gets mad amounts of supporting female ganbare shouts during his bouts, even more than most makuuchi guys, though I think he just has mass general appeal. Everyone from the children to the grandpa contingent love him.

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Anonymous No. 136153

Anonymous No. 136157

Looks very similar to the tuberculosis awareness ad posted a couple of days ago

Anonymous No. 136216

I miss him so bad bros

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Anonymous No. 136223

>[because of the foreigner slot,] as soon as Terunofuji retires, he can appear at the next shindeshi kensa

Anonymous No. 136227

reminds me of that one low ranking rikishi who sent a dick pic to a trap who proceeded to publicly ridicule him on Twitter

Anonymous No. 136251
New SPT featuring Takakeisho sweating a hole into the fabric of reality and Hiro being a cringelord.

Anonymous No. 136252

Very awkward, I like

Anonymous No. 136261

I've heard that in sumo matches the goal is simply to push your opponent out of the ring But isn't that just brute force? It seems like there's no real technique or skill involved
Why bother with all the rituals and training if it just comes down to shoving?

Anonymous No. 136262

You either push the guy out or force him to the ground. You lose if you touch the ground with anything but the soles of your feet, once the match starts. So standard grappling techniques apply, and there's a lot of crossover with judo's standup grappling. But even for "just" shoving there's a lot of technique involved knowing how to properly apply physics, not to mention defending yourself since the other guy also wants to shove you out. It's easy to just shove a training dummy full force, a lot harder when it's an opponent who will shove back, dig his heels in to stay sturdy, sidestep to avoid your shoves, and/or grab a hold of your belt.

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Anonymous No. 136263

>It seems like there's no real technique or skill involved

Anonymous No. 136264

There's a method to the madness. There's basically two types of sumo, oshi-zumō (push / thrust) and yotsu-zumō (belt / grappling).

The push / thrusters rely on an explosive tachia / initial charge, and try to strike at points that will get their opponents weight raised so they are easier to manipulate backwards and out of the ring. This approach takes good technique, speed, strength, and timing, and it can be dangerous as many opponents are very good at countering this approach. When done right, it's an awesome thing to see as you can recognize the technique, speed, and strength blended together to earn the victory.

The yotsu-zumo guys also display an immense amount of skill, and you can see how those original sumo techniques were adopted and used by a variety of other Asian martial arts.

Check out this video:

Anonymous No. 136266

>Why bother with all the rituals and training if it just comes down to shoving?

Anonymous No. 136269

You're 100% right, you should stop watching this sport, and tell everyone you know to stop.

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Anonymous No. 136289

gotta try harder with your bait.

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Anonymous No. 136291


Anonymous No. 136325

Looks to me it was successful, look at those (you)

Anonymous No. 136327

Go watch UFC then

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Anonymous No. 136345

avin a fag

Anonymous No. 136346

Damn those are some big feet. What's the current stance on rikishi smoking publically?

Anonymous No. 136347

>What's the current stance on rikishi smoking publicly?
Looking around, not smoking at least on camera seems to have been an unwritten rule for quite a long time.
Also saw an article from 2005, when they banned spectators smoking in the Kokugikan, that wrote to the effect of 'while you can still catch glimpses of some smokers in the shitakubeya today (such as Miyabiyama, Kokkai, Kyokutenhou), the rule is expected to eventually be expanded to include the rikishi as well'. Would we even know now if that has already happened? I feel as though the NSK would be embarrassed to admit they have athletes who are smokers in the first place.

Anonymous No. 136357

Banzuke is next week right?

Anonymous No. 136381

>Flavor Country-shusshin

Anonymous No. 136435

Feb 27.

Anonymous No. 136436

If there is a stance, it probably wouldn't be made public, since the Japanese would prefer to not have policies that make it look like they constantly need to rein in their guys.

It's known that some wrestlers still smoke (Abi, for example) but in general smoking rates are decreasing in Japan just like everywhere else.

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Komagatake and Ku....jpg

Anonymous No. 136481

All this reminded me, I have a 'rikishi profiles' thing for makuuchi from around 1911 where one of the questions asked what brand they smoked. I think only two or three said they didn't like smoking.
IIRC the most-favored brand by the numbers was Mikasa.

Anonymous No. 136527


Anonymous No. 136537

You can get the raws off Nyaa, I only mean that no one's translated them.

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Anonymous No. 136543

I should add that the manga's protagonist starts from the bottom, like in reality. Low makushita guys are daunting and beat the shit out of him in keiko at first, and he gradually makes his way up.

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Anonymous No. 136664

September 1954: with Tochinishiki being promoted to yokozuna the same tournament as Azumafuji's retirement, there was for a very brief period the only time in history there were five yokozuna. Azumafuji's retirement also meant the end of the pre-YDC yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 136667

Chiyonoyama lookin HOT

Anonymous No. 136670

I like the round fellow on the right, who is he?

Anonymous No. 136671


Anonymous No. 136674

Thank you fren

Anonymous No. 136735

found an event where YOU can throw the salt:

it should be added to the section "Shrines and festivals" in the pastebin

at the moment I'm unable to maintain the pastebin
please, some of you guys have to do the updates

I'm sorry

Anonymous No. 136738

>NHK sumo announcer got caught after breaking and entering into a female announcers apartment. He jumped from the third floor of his home when he was being arrested and was taken to the hospital
He was so horny

Anonymous No. 136740

The name! I want the name!

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Anonymous No. 136760

Funaoka. He was the main yusho interview guy.

Anonymous No. 136796

The "housouseki, housouseki" guy? Absolutely fucking based.

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Anonymous No. 136817

I don't think so, but don't know how to search it. He was also in the booth sometimes.

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Anonymous No. 136857

Takakeisho heading to his favourite restaurant after yusho celebration at his heyas-ward

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Anonymous No. 136860


Anonymous No. 136861


Anonymous No. 136862

Imagine them scrambling to park those cars and quickly put up that banner so he wouldn't see the McDonalds across the street and make a beeline for hambagu.

Anonymous No. 136874

The car was for him to take him across the street to get hambagus

Anonymous No. 136876

>NHK hiring perverts
Chris deserves a commentary position he is top gaijin

Anonymous No. 136884

Chris has written that one of the things he did solely to get closer to sumo was marrying a Japanese woman. That qualifies as perversion.

Anonymous No. 136906

Chris will have a kid just so he can get him into sumo

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Anonymous No. 136916

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Anonymous No. 136917

Anonymous No. 136924

Apart from the gyoji looking like an enemy from a Skyrim dungeon, this is really cool.

Anonymous No. 136926

Tsuna has gotten much bigger than it used to be

Anonymous No. 136943

that's deep

Anonymous No. 136944

Hatsu dohyo compilation of all still-active Showa-born rikishi. Not all that many left, these days.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 136965

This is every Chiyonofuji match from the first 1.5 years of his yokozuna tenure, from a good sumo uploader.

Anonymous No. 136976

Think of the advances we've seen in flax rope construction. We really are living in the future.

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Anonymous No. 137023

It's hemp rope. In fact, there were briefly a few Kisenosato-sponsored CBD oil ads where he declared "The yokozuna's rope is made of cannabis. Cannabis is the heart of Japan!"

Anonymous No. 137063

We are hitting the limit, new thread when banzuke hits?

Anonymous No. 137089

Takagenji vindicated

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Anonymous No. 137092

My nephew is 280 (127kg) pounds and 5’7 (170cm) 12 yo. He’s played Dline and oline for 3 years, could I take him to Japan and enroll him in a school that has a sumo club? I feel like he could blow kids like Kotomitsuki’s out of the ring.

Anonymous No. 137094

Takagenji? You mean takaGANJA

Anonymous No. 137104

No you should take his cat arse down to Weight Watchers

Anonymous No. 137108

Fat kids rarley get skinny might as well have him turn some of it into muscle. Also muscle manlets are shit /our/ Yokozuna takkakeisho proves that.

Anonymous No. 137109

The hard part is being able to live in Japan, once you're there the sky's the limit. But it'd probably be easier to get him into judo and then join a stable when he graduates high school.

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Anonymous No. 137115

Why don't you just let him play football? If he has the athleticism and quickness needed to succeed in sumo, there's a good chance he'll get at least a free college education. And if he manages to become a pro, he'll make more in a year than 99% of sumo wrestlers make during their whole career. Plus he doesn't have to wipe the asses of 30yo fat men.

And believe it or not, 5'7 at 12yo is actually rather small for future pro lineman.

Anonymous No. 137122

>The hard part is being able to live in Japan
The hardest part is the years-long hazing in the heya.

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Anonymous No. 137134

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Anonymous No. 137136

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32-02 s170115.jpg

Anonymous No. 137137


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Anonymous No. 137138

June, 1973. Taihou teaches Wajima the steps of the yokozuna dohyouiri.

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Anonymous No. 137139


Anonymous No. 137145

With a better haircut and a finger dragged across the eyebrows he'd be a 5/10 easy

Anonymous No. 137215

Kotozakura I in the back

Anonymous No. 137223

banzuke dropped

Anonymous No. 137224

>WMH not Sekiwake
>Asanoyama not makuuchi
What the FUCK is the NSK thinking?

>Asanoyama, Ichinojo, Tochinoshin, Ochiai in Juryo
Seems like Juryo will be the kino division

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Anonymous No. 137226

>Tochinoshin in juryo
Enho-bros... Its going to happen again

Anonymous No. 137228

>What the FUCK is the NSK thinking?
They've done this before. It's intentional, and is meant as a dual punishment - it also serves to prevent him from having the opportunity to take a cheap makujiri yusho. When he gets promoted for next basho, he'll be fighting M7s instead of M13s. We've been pretty sure this is how it would go since day 15 ended.

Anonymous No. 137229

>NSK NEEDS Jap Yokozuna and Ozeki
>extremely popular Jap with the skills needed gets further punishment
I don't understand them.

Anonymous No. 137231

>NSK NEEDS Jap Yokozuna and Ozeki
They don't need yokozuna at all. What are you talking about?
Anyway- even if they had promoted Asanoyama, it would take him 4-5 basho to regain the rank of oozeki. If we assume he will successfully rocket his way back up there, this only changes the timeline from 4-5 basho to 5-6 basho. In both cases, the NSK are assuming that either someone else will step up (Houshouryuu, Kiribayama etc) or that they can simply convince Teru to stay on the banzuke until Asanoyama hits oozeki again.

While things are urgent, they aren't yet dire. If Asanoyama tears his ACL 6 months from now with nobody else in sanyaku doing better than regular 8-7s, then that would be dire.

Anonymous No. 137232

My fear is that Takakeisho could get the rope with a 11-4 clown basho.

Couldn't Hoshoryu make Ozeki with a 14-1?

Anonymous No. 137239

>Couldn't Hoshoryu make Ozeki with a 14-1?
Yes, although that's a little unrealistic. 33 isn't a hard and fast rule, though. If they're sincerely worried, they could give it to him with even 31 and dress up the decision as being about the quality of his wins.

Anonymous No. 137245

At this point Enho lifting Tochinoshin seems more likely than the other way around. I wouldn't be hugely surprised if he announces his retirement before or in the middle of the basho. I really hope he proves me wrong, though.

Anonymous No. 137254

Kinboslicers where we at?

Anonymous No. 137267

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