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🧵 /sumo/ - Off Basho Sumo General

Anonymous No. 137266

/v/ Edition

2023 Schedule :
Current banzuke:
Current pastebin:

previous sumo thread: >>131263

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Anonymous No. 137275

Kinbozan looks really good, but I think he'll need to make a major adjustment to keep climbing now that he will be against more competent yotsuzumo. It's very easy for me to picture him getting Chiyoshoma'd at this point.

Anonymous No. 137284

kino cover

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Anonymous No. 137287

cant wait to see hokuseiho's brand of sumo in the upper division. wonder if his technique of just standing there will work against maegashira men

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Anonymous No. 137289

Horizontal rope loadings

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Anonymous No. 137298

Another entry to my fat guys of the early 1900s collection, yokozuna Umegatani II (left) and sekiwake Kohitachi (right).

Kohitachi was the student of Umegatani's rival, Hitachiyama. He was 159 cm, making him tied for both the shortest ever sanyaku rikishi on record and shortest rikishi overall.

Anonymous No. 137305

I really hope not. It would be pretty shameful for those who are supposed to be the best get mogged by a guy who is just bigger than them

Anonymous No. 137308

Is his tachiai still nonexistent?

Anonymous No. 137315

If he still can't be bothered to learn a proper tachi-ai now that he's in the top division, someone's going to seriously hurt him sooner rather than later, and it won't be an accident.

Anonymous No. 137329

Waiting for Hokuseiho to go 10-5. His success is inexplicable. His sumo and tachiai look shit but he must have some 4d tech to always win (it's not just his size)

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Anonymous No. 137334

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Anonymous No. 137335

>tfw snubbed

Anonymous No. 137339

He's only really losing but a rank or two if he did well at bottom maegashira vs going at least 12-3 at J1. The only thing they're potentially robbing is him winning the yusho which would have been pretty unlikely.

Anonymous No. 137342

>him winning the yusho which would have been pretty unlikely.
this tournament would have been his easiest chance to win a yusho in his entire career. do remember everything you get for winning a yusho, from the 100k purse to the kilos of beef for your stable. that's a pretty big fuck you
get 10 wins and pull out.

Anonymous No. 137343

I don't think he's in form enough to tear through makuuchi, at least not his first run.

Anonymous No. 137348

I don't understand, how did they frot?

Anonymous No. 137351

You’re fucking delusional this is the sorriest crop of rikishi, asanoyama would absolutely feast on the top division. Asa is too big and too skilled for 8-7 shitters like wtk nephew and kby and they are the supposed “elite rikishi”

Anonymous No. 137352

>Asa is too big and too skilled for 8-7 shitters like wtk nephew and kby
You do know that scoring is a relative and not absolute measure of skill, right? An entire top division of Hakuhos would all be 7-8 8-7. The scoring says nothing but relatively how much better than the rest they are. And that they can be consistently better.

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Anonymous No. 137357

he simply should have won more

Anonymous No. 137358

14-1 is as on form as any of the other guys that returned after punishment or injury. Both with 13-2s in juryo, Abi jun-yusho'ed and Terunofuji yusho'ed on their returns to the top.
I doubt they would have given it to him with 15 either. This was sending the message

Anonymous No. 137359

Nah, that one single loss to Daishoho actually cost him the most by the numbers because they were directly in competition for promotion. Asa would have gone ahead of Daishoho in the promotion queue if he went 15-0 from J12 compared to 11-4 from J6.

Anonymous No. 137365

maybe, maybe not. you could argue that kinbozan and daishoho would still have both been promoted, just flipped ranks

Anonymous No. 137369

I'm not saying he'd do bad I just don't think he'd win the yusho. Obviously he'll do fine when 80% of his bouts will be mongs like Chiyoshoma or Kagayaki.

Anonymous No. 137371

There is no one at the top the can stop asa besides the Yokozuna. Asanoyama is already a Yokozuna imo he’s got the aura of invincibility.

Anonymous No. 137374

>Asanoyama is already a Yokozuna imo he’s got the aura of invincibility.
He's lost 2 matches to career makushita men, Tamashoho and Yuma, in the past few months and failed to get the makushita yusho twice because of it. Cool your jets

Anonymous No. 137376

Terunofuji spent bashos in makushita and lost just as much as asanoyama. Who in the top division can beat him then?

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Anonymous No. 137378

>wah I can't imagine rikishi lighter than my fat ass being some of the strongest of the current crop they must be weak
lol, lmao even. Is this what happens inside the head of an american sumo fan?

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Anonymous No. 137379

>Terunofuji spent bashos in makushita and lost just as much as asanoyama
Terunofuji was also recovering from a major, debilitating injury. Asanoyama is not. We've had this convo before

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Anonymous No. 137383

>strongest of the crop
Those whopping 26 wins ain’t getting wtk to O muscle Manlet fag. Nephew and wtk are holding up spots they are just 8-7 fags.

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Anonymous No. 137384


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Anonymous No. 137385


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Anonymous No. 137390

Asa is consistently great only dropping 3 of the last 33 only mita and teru put up 10+ wins after their Ys. Let’s stop pretending there is a skill gap at top asa is going to shit on everyone in makuuchi. It’s not packed full of talent it’s packed full of inconsistent fighters.

Anonymous No. 137393

>asanoyama wins nothing as ozeki with kakryu out and hakuho injured even when showing up
>dude he would destroy these guys in upper division
>never has even beaten ichinojo. kiribiyama has won the last two fights against him. losing record against keisho, daieisho, wtk, chiyotairu, has never beaten azumaryu, barely has a winning record over abi
I think asanoyama is a solid rikishi who will make his way quickly to sanyaku but the notion that he will breeze through these guys is retarded, nor do I think he will easily get to ozeki again, if at all.

Anonymous No. 137395

>only dropping 3 of the last 33
both of us know how retarded that argument is, why did you even post this

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Anonymous No. 137401

Asanoyama was on an absolute tear after wining his first title before he was suspended 9-12 being 10+ wins. Hes clearly better than everyone at the top right now.
Asa wins that’s it and nothing will change when he hits makuuchi because it’s in shambles right now.

There is no doubt asa would have been Yokozuna by now if he stayed in sumo. Shits about to get real spooky for your faves.

Anonymous No. 137402

>There is no doubt asa would have been Yokozuna by now
stop making shit up retard

Anonymous No. 137404

No use arguing if Asanoyama would have easily won the top division from M17. But he surely would have gone double digits, and at least made it through as a title contender until day 12 or so. It's going to be much less exciting without him, love or hate him.

Also Hokutofuji and Takayasu are sitting at comfortable M7. Can they fucking DO something with it this time? Probably not!

Anonymous No. 137405

He was already ozeki during an extremely weak time and Shodai, Teru and Keisho were gatekeeping him from winning anything. He only has one yusho he got as m8 which is basically what Abi did, and the judges had to gift him a win against Tochi that he clearly lost for him to even win that yusho.

Anonymous No. 137412

I’m going to screenshot this so when a year from now Asanoyama is squirting along in upper maegashitter you will be reminded that your analysis was lacking in insight

Anonymous No. 137417

That's pretty much what I was saying and that somehow prompted a spergout.

Anonymous No. 137422

>Also Hokutofuji and Takayasu are sitting at comfortable M7. Can they fucking DO something with it this time? Probably not!
for Hokutofuji, it's only that his style lends itself to inconsistent results. Takayasu is being punished by the gods

Anonymous No. 137423

>Who in the top division can beat him then?
Kiribiyama, Hoshoryu, both the Waka bro's, Endo, Mitakeumi, Tobizaru, Tamawashi, Midorifuji, Terunofuji, Takakeisho......among others.

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Anonymous No. 137424

Crazy how everyone in the sumo world sees asanoyama as the next one up but Yotsubagawabeya doesn’t think so. Sumo is in a worse state than when asa left. It’s so weird how the people here can defend the absolute dogshit that is the top division right now.

Literally who can stop him? If you’re so sure name them.

Anonymous No. 137425


> Kiribiyama, Hoshoryu wtk
8-7 shitters
>mita tobi tam MIDorifuji
>teru and keisho
The only real answer everyone else is a pleb

Anonymous No. 137426

You've already been btfo >>137393

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Anonymous No. 137431

Alright I’ll stop sperging about asanoyama but did anyone watch Don Don on YouTube? He made pretty good Sumo videos but hasn’t uploaded in awhile.

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Anonymous No. 137434

>8-7 shitters
2-2, 1-0, 1-1 against Asanoyama respectively not counting fusens of which Kiri has 1 fusen loss and wtk has 1 fusen win

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Anonymous No. 137436


We are talking wajima and his dimes wrestling career now anon

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Anonymous No. 137444


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Anonymous No. 137454

>Stands to makuuchi
How does he do it?

Anonymous No. 137466

the current rikishi are garbage and he moggs the shit out of them

Anonymous No. 137476

Surely he can't stay at makuuchi by simply standing?

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Anonymous No. 137492

>Surely he can't stay at makuuchi by simply standing?
A lot of us thought Takakeisho couldn't get to ozeki with only one move. Hokuseiho's time as a comically one-dimensional sanyaku rikishi has come!

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Anonymous No. 137507

Keisho has two dimensions, pushing thrusting and his god like parry slap Down

Truly genius

🗑️ Anonymous No. 137508


Anonymous No. 137510

Achieving 10-5 at upper juryo usually means you’re a consistent lower maegashira shitter. Probably not going to make his way up to sanyaku like this

Anonymous No. 137515

>Achieving 10-5 at upper juryo usually means you’re a consistent lower maegashira shitter
no it doesn't

Anonymous No. 137528

>don't put much effort into a tachiai but rather do your best to simply absorb it
>secure a grip on the mawashi
>lean your mass on your opponent and let them try to do all the work while you stand there like a fat boring fuck
>eventually try something when you think your oppenent is worn down or makes a mistake

This is Ichinojo 101, and now we have two huge, fatass boring fucking rikishi to deal with in the form of Hokuseiho.

Anonymous No. 137534

>Don't like muscle manlets? Don't like balls of lard? Here, have a giant guy who stands there and does nothing.

Anonymous No. 137536

I don't get why people think doing one thing extremely well is somehow a hindrance. Being able to launch people out of the ring without ever going for the belt seems like a recipe for success. Just like being able to just take whatever people throw and just not be moved seems like a good tactic. Whether he can execute it against the stronger rikishi will be seen.

Anonymous No. 137537

How long before he beats up Hakuho's wife?

Anonymous No. 137539

'nojo never did that, it was just tabloid shit

Anonymous No. 137540

I want to believe the big dopey horse farmer is actually that based. Let me dream.

Anonymous No. 137542

>Just like being able to just take whatever people throw and just not be moved seems like a good tactic.
It's like people forget how many ring names have "yama" or "Fuji" in them.

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Anonymous No. 137543

This post really buckled me for some reason

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Anonymous No. 137565

Odds we get another Yokozuna?

Anonymous No. 137568

50/50 either it happens or it doesn't

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Anonymous No. 137577

Its over

Anonymous No. 137583

Who will stop takakeisho yokozuna now

Anonymous No. 137584


actual answer kiribayama and hokuseiho, the latter on his way to a zensho if ichinojo isn't there (he's the same rikishi but better)

Anonymous No. 137594

takakeisho's sumo is clearly based around the 9th dimensional hypersphere. we simply cannot comprehend the genius

Anonymous No. 137642

hokuseiho is a retard

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Anonymous No. 137644

I wanted a successor to Hakuho
but not like this

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Anonymous No. 137645

there is another

Anonymous No. 137647

The manlets all leer with envy

Anonymous No. 137651

Any news about which stable nakamura is joining?

Anonymous No. 137653

nope, he's cockteasing us

Anonymous No. 137720

Hopefully Miyagino for maximum seething

Anonymous No. 137764

>have stable full of exciting prospects
>literally none of them will compete with each other
uh ok

Anonymous No. 137771

Unironically a good thing, it'd mean we'd have a bunch of sanyaku who look like they have consistently strong records because none of them have to fight each other. Worked for Futagoyama.

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Anonymous No. 137776

>entire sanyaku ends up fighting upper M and the odd komusubi

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Anonymous No. 137779


Anonymous No. 137780

This was back in the days when east fought west exclusively so it wasn't as big a deal.
Still funny though.

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Anonymous No. 137790

Yeah, maybe YOU are the retard. Hokuseiho is being taught by Hakuho who definitely knows what he is doing.

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Anonymous No. 137798

Musashimaru also knew what he was doing, but doesn't seem to have successfully conveyed his skills to his students.

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Anonymous No. 137821

why isn't female sumo wrestling more popular?

Anonymous No. 137823

Unironically blame the west, female sumo wrestling used to be a thing until the Meiji era ushered in a bunch of westernization.

Anonymous No. 137829

No more stickbug women sloppily pushing each other or hambeasts doing the same but slightly better

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Hakuho forearm to....jpg

Anonymous No. 137833

Because porn already exists. Sumo is about fighting, not fawning over bitches like some pussywhipped junior high school beta virgin.

Anonymous No. 137838

>implying you don't want to see blind men try to grope topless women who are trying to throw them to the ground座頭相撲

Anonymous No. 137839

Why the fuck would I want to see that dumb shit? If I want to watch bitches, I'll watch porn, not sumo, or any other sport.

Just because you're a pussywhipped bitch with zero self conrol doesn't mean the rest of us are.

Anonymous No. 137841

you poor, humorless soul

Anonymous No. 137848

I am humbly requesting you to simmer down and stop projecting

Anonymous No. 137852

>Sadogatake-oyakata fed rotten meat to his wrestlers and took money from their allowances

Anonymous No. 137858

there's almost no way the 5+ year old meat thing is true, or else surely he wouldn't be the first and only one to go public with it

Anonymous No. 137861

With how submissive and communal sumo culture is? We only heard about the Shikihide stuff because a bunch of their wrestlers walked out.

Anonymous No. 137865

>We only heard about the Shikihide stuff because a bunch of their wrestlers walked out.
And the worst that happened to them was rice that was a year old, and that was still enough to complain. Even in sumo culture, being fed infested & rotting meat would have to trigger a pretty fast and significant response.

Anonymous No. 137866

Nobody said infested, just that it was old and smelled bad. Chances are it was shoved in a freezer for years, so while it smelled funky when they dethawed and cooked it, it wasn't bad enough to cause actual health problems.
So long as the sekitori and probably makushita are pacified (which they were according to Kotokantetsu) nobody cares about the rest because they'll get bent over sideways if they publicly complain. We're only hearing about all this because Kotokantetsu is suing.

Anonymous No. 137868

Has Kotokantetsu complained about the mandatory penis inspection days yet?

Anonymous No. 137872

lmao salt man speedran to makushita

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Anonymous No. 137875

Finally started practicing Sumo. As someone who did BJJ and Judo before, I never had to use my legs as hard as I did in sumo. It destroyed my quads, left me sore all week.

I'm gonna have to start hitting the gym and squatting more asap.

Anonymous No. 137882

Tfw Terutsuyoshi ended up there before enho

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Anonymous No. 137883

New fantasy sumo site. Very nice UI. Make your stable by March 11.

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Anonymous No. 137896

Heres you're female sumo wrestler, dog. Just gotta the world games.
>the Ukrainian team champ

Anonymous No. 137901

Putler fears this

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Anonymous No. 137918

Oh, there's a picture of some of the meat.

Anonymous No. 137936

Looks fucking disgusting

Anonymous No. 137939

>take rotten meat
>freeze it
but why

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Anonymous No. 137971

Anonymous No. 137973


Anonymous No. 137978

Lads, did the NSK fuck over Asanoyama and put him in J1 in order to help Takakeisho get the yusho?

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Sword guard (Tsub....jpg

Anonymous No. 137980

Anonymous No. 137986

No. Asanoyama being in J1 is entirely in line with history. There were 4 slots in Makuuchi that needed filling and there were 4 rikishi ranked above Asanoyama with a claim to those spots, and it is a RARE thing where rank privilege isn't a thing in Sumo.

Anonymous No. 137991

>using anything but a mawashi

Anonymous No. 137998

Holy shit, is this wagyu? It's incredibly marbled. How do they afford to provide a whole sumo stable with fucking wagyu?

Anonymous No. 137999

Would Japanese people be deep-freezing wagyu?

Anonymous No. 138002

Literally all Japanese domestic beef is "wagyu" because it just means the type of breed, like Angus. It doesn't refer to quality at all. In the west, wagyu beef tends to be higher quality because there's no point importing the shitty garbage when you can just have cheaper domestic shitty garbage. It's the same the other way around by the way, in Japan if beef is western origin then it's going to be higher quality, because again there's no point importing it from across the world's largest ocean if it's going to be shitty garbage.

Anonymous No. 138003

Lunch of Champions.

Anonymous No. 138034


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Anonymous No. 138066

>calling them sumos

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BASED Tamawashi.png

Anonymous No. 138071

>Oh look, it's a "pampered western woman disapproves of, and demonizes, foreign culture" show.....don't see that too often.

Anonymous No. 138072

Don’t get the yusho EVERYONE eats the rotten beef

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Anonymous No. 138073

7th yokozuna Inadzuma Raigorou, circa 1830 and then in 1873. He is the earliest yokozuna of whom a photograph is known to exist IIRC.

Anonymous No. 138122

Who would her favorite rikishi be bros?

Anonymous No. 138123

>Nakamura will announce his heya in 15th of March

Anonymous No. 138154

It's Miyagino, isn't it?

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Anonymous No. 138156

Kotodaiki sounds cool but he’ll probably go to miyagino or tokiwayama. Where is he from wouldnt that influence his choice?

Anonymous No. 138180

Ryuden, Takakeisho, and Abi. I trust you know why.

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Anonymous No. 138220

>YFW Nakamura enters Shikihide-beya

Anonymous No. 138230

He has a losing record against most of the Joi, you impressionable fuck.

Every single time you idiots do this. A guy is swiftly returning to his normal rank from punishment or whatever, and you all think he's become superman.

As it happens, Asa is one of the top guys, and has as good achance of making Yoko as any other top guy. But the reason you are all raving about him is because he's fighting below his rank and therefore winning all the time. He's still the same guy who got choke slammed by Shodai you dumb fucks.

And you are a worse case."would" lol, He's been gone a wet week, and has losing records against most of those guys.

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Anonymous No. 138246

The situation is the same with waka
Granted, since asanoyama will be fresh after getting back to makuuchi, he will probably get a really good scores but then quickly platoe just like Abi

Anonymous No. 138260

I just want Asanoyama to become yoko so that Trump can give him another trophy.

Anonymous No. 138294

>quickly platoe just like Abi
plateauing at ozeki is better ranked most rikishi's careers

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Anonymous No. 138335


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Anonymous No. 138350

Nice opinion on asanoyama, but can you squat lmao1hakuho for reps completely raw?

You can't?

Twink opinions are not valid.

Anonymous No. 138351

What's this kimarite called?

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Dosukoi! Humble b....jpg

Anonymous No. 138357

Anonymous No. 138375

>Twink opinions are not valid.
Manlet opinions are though, Kawazoe also squatted hakuho for reps in the recent posts.

Anonymous No. 138377

You can be a manlet and not be a twink. Gotta weigh in over 110kg though.

Anonymous No. 138394

do you even lift, kyoudai?

Anonymous No. 138425

should use "aniki"

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Anonymous No. 138427

Shumoku-zori/Bell hammer backwards body drop

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Anonymous No. 138450

Today I will remind them.

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Anonymous No. 138451

the lads hit the town

Anonymous No. 138458

How did they travel?

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Anonymous No. 138460

Well they lived there, but when they didn't it was the same way everyone did - by foot, by rickshaw, by carriage.

Anonymous No. 138461

sounds pretty gay desu
what were they sitting in there holding hands or some shit jesus christ

Anonymous No. 138463

Pretty good core strength from the old man too, to stay rigid like that.

Anonymous No. 138464

or even KISSING

Anonymous No. 138465

Is it good or bad to be at an overstuffed heya?

Obviously, you don't want to be the only decent guy in a room full of shitters like Oho, but with all the young talent going to Miyagino, do you risk not getting enough training/attention and having your career stall out?

Anonymous No. 138473

>do you risk not getting enough training/attention and having your career stall out?
This is why I think Kisenosato is on the right track by having additional rings in his heya. More prospects are liable to work out when they aren't being rushed through their ring time to make way for the stable's sekitori.

Anonymous No. 138476

>Is it good or bad to be at an overstuffed heya?
+More high level peers to spar with
+Less high level opponents on basho
-Less individual training
But its still so much better than being the only salaried rikishi in heya, during covid arbitrary lockdown times.

Anonymous No. 138484

>Is it good or bad to be at an overstuffed heya?
It's bad.

There is an equilibrium that should be kept between the amount of support a stable gets, the facilities available for training and living, and the number of rikishi. Too few rikishi and you limit the training partners available in house, and the number of hands to do chores. Too many rikishi and you stress the budget, crowd the facilities, and decrease the quality of your training due to lack of time/space/coaches to accomodate everyone.

Anonymous No. 138496

>no footage of it happening in the video
>the wrestlers don't even want to complete the move for the demonstration
Holy shit, that's hardcore. I will be awaiting the kimarite from Ura next basho.

Anonymous No. 138498

This move has only been officially recorded once in all of sumo history, all the way back in 1929.

Anonymous No. 138523

A normal heya with more than one sekitori should be ok. You aren't bound to the heya, since you can trian with other guys from the same heya group.

Now, 4 man heya like Tamawashi's must be hell and surely must feel like waiting for the oyakata to retire and for the heya to close and be folded into another heya.

Anonymous No. 138529

>Now, 4 man heya like Tamawashi's must be hell and surely must feel like waiting for the oyakata to retire and for the heya to close and be folded into another heya.
Mitoryu is currently the only active wrestler in his heya unless Fujiizumi is able to come back, but he's been injured for almost a year and a half now and has been off the banzuke since last July. There's also Ajigawa which only has two guys, both in the bottom two divisions, but they only started up at the beginning of this year. It's crazy how these tiny little heyas can exist, when you have Kokonoe and Takasago with over two dozen each.

Anonymous No. 138535

The ideal number for a heya is probably around 10-12, with at least one or two sekitori.

Anonymous No. 138571

Terunofuji is now confirmed to be out of hatsu basho

Anonymous No. 138572

Chads are the natural predator of manlets.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 138574

wasn't really a surprise when he went 5-4 against takarafuji in training yesterday

Anonymous No. 138576

wasn't really a surprise after he went 1-4 against Takarafuji in training yesterday

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Anonymous No. 138579

Anonymous No. 138591

Day of the Knee is upon us.

Anonymous No. 138592

Hyped to see Toch vs Enho II

Anonymous No. 138620

When was this? And sauce?

Anonymous No. 138622

The 2 popular landing spots lately for Nippon sports uni have been Nishonoseki (Kisenosato) 4 grads and Naruto (Kotoosho) 3 grads plus Oshoumi who is from the same prefecture
I don't think prefecture matters since there's really only 4 other guys from Ishikawa and are all at different stables

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Anonymous No. 138628


Anonymous No. 138632

This is the Bowling Ball's last chance to make yokozuna. Teru's not there to contend the championship. Asa's not there to contend the championship. If he fucks this up, he should REALLY give himself the vertical rope.

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Anonymous No. 138638


Anonymous No. 138641

It really is his last chance, Ichinojo down in Juryo too.

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Hakuho forbidden ....jpg

Anonymous No. 138645

What Kimarite is this?

Anonymous No. 138646


Anonymous No. 138651

>pretty much every sumo channel got DMCAd on youtube
where the fuck do i watch the highlights now

Anonymous No. 138652

Chris Sumo on site footage

Anonymous No. 138653

Chris was playing the long game after all.

Anonymous No. 138655

Is ABEMA ok with restreams?

Anonymous No. 138656

They sure as hell don't strike down MidnightSumo on Twitch.

Then again, >watching Abema
Jesus Christ, even a phone from 2014 has better camera quality

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Anonymous No. 138658

Natto has gotten their channel taken down many many times in the past.
They always remake and continue posting, they will not stop.
Believe in natto.

Anonymous No. 138661

>Believe in natto.

Anonymous No. 138665

If I'm not mistaken, their sumo coverage is free, even overseas, so if anything, Abema saves on bandwidth if people watch it on Twitch.

Anonymous No. 138681

Why would it be his last chance, when he's years ahead of the usual Yokozuna schedule, younger than most of his competitors, and just entering his prime years?

Ah, because you WISH it was his last chance, gotcha.

Anonymous No. 138682

he's not exactly built for longevity. My grandma told me he's got four prime years left in him.
>verification not required

Anonymous No. 138684

usually not very smart with channels names:

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Anonymous No. 138686

I'm >>138641
I Like Takakeisho, but I don't think he can stay uninjured long enough to produce dominant level sumo.
Yes he's young, but no one expects him to continue fighting well into his 30s either for obvious reasons. Getting Yokozuna now would probably be the only way for him to elongate that career, with the luxury of rest bashos if needed.

I also pointed out not having to fight Ichinojo being a massive boon. Ever since his spine injury he has been visibly hesitant to go fully head first into some of the big dudes, Ichinojo and Terunofuji being off his fight list is huge.

Anonymous No. 138688

He's already had to take off a ton of bouts due to injury and that's without yokozuna privilege. People will legitimately be surprised if he's still fighting at 30. Making yokozuna might extend that but it's pretty sad that someone would need to intentionally count on yokozuna injury privilege just to maintain a career, and as we're now seeing with Terunofuji (who himself is only 31) there's only so much that can help. Even if Keisho makes it, he'll still be considered a stop-gap with the hope that someone is able to become the next dominant long-term yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 138700

NHK World Japan's Grand Sumo Preview is up.
I really hate Keisho but I'll be rooting for him. He's really close to achieving his dream this time. All the stars are aligned; he just needs to put in a little more work. It's the same as Mitakeumi, I hate him too but I was rooting for his Ozeki bid.

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Anonymous No. 138704

Day 1 and 2 are out
Day 1

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Anonymous No. 138705

Day 2

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Anonymous No. 138708

I want these five to win day 1

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hoshoryu and meis....jpg

Anonymous No. 138709

>wanting shodai to beat hoshoryu
for chaos?
I myself want to see the nephew ascend already

Anonymous No. 138711

I've seen Shodai (motivado) and I never want to stop seeing it. I want to see the Shodai Hak fears.

Anonymous No. 138712

Any news on Tochinoshin? Haven't heard anything about his shoulder injury.

Anonymous No. 138730

not listed as kyujo so presumably he will participate. He is scheduled to fight Ichinojo on day 1

Anonymous No. 138753

Can't wait for them to lean on each other for 5 minutes

Anonymous No. 138773

First draw in 60 odd years incoming, judges get tired of watching them and send them off.

Anonymous No. 138782
preview is here

Anonymous No. 138805

Alright lads, off to watch the sumo.

These threads have been fun, see y'all in 2 week s!

Anonymous No. 138811

Make the sp sumo thread thumbnail takakeisho

Anonymous No. 138815

/sp/ gamethread is up


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Anonymous No. 138821

Why is... whoever is actually responsible for this (JSA? NHK? Abema, even though they haven't enforced it in the past?) so fucking against letting westerners upload footage of sumo that they basically don't provide a good way for people to watch "legally"? It's so infuriating how behind and protectionist they are about a sport that 99.9% of the world doesn't give a shit about.

Anyways, Natto will survive. He's a real one. FUCK NHK.

Anonymous No. 138823

The NSK doesn't have the rights to submit a claim, it's NHK.

Anonymous No. 138923

okay what's the code?

Anonymous No. 139008

pastebin fixed:

Jason and Kintamayama archives are at the bottom
I didn't check 99% of it; let me know if you find dead links, thanks

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Anonymous No. 139343

>it's over

Anonymous No. 139348

How many more days until Takayasu chokes it

Anonymous No. 139353

Depends on how the others do. Usually he gets into top position, maybe has a lead of a win or two on everyone else. Then he squanders that so he can lose in a playoff or on the final day to maximize his suffering.

Anonymous No. 139370


Anonymous No. 139506

he choked the last two. its over

Anonymous No. 139518

He's going to come back and develop a 1 match lead, only to choke it away on the final day for maximum choke.

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Anonymous No. 139519

nah, that doesn't even beat choking to abi. we needed 13-0 going into the last two days with some +m9 guy to beat him in a playoffs after losing to a 5-9 wtkk or similar and the +m9 guy on the final day
we have to face the probability we reached peak choke a few basho ago. injured too as a bonus

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Anonymous No. 139646

Anonymous No. 139647

Manlets, when will they learn

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Anonymous No. 139650

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Anonymous No. 140233

Kiribayama Hatsu Yusho!

Anonymous No. 140235

>hokuseiho AFKs for 3 minutes at the belt against one of the easiest pushers to beat at the belt
yes this retarded faggot lives rent free in my head and i need to rant

Anonymous No. 140244

Who do we think is getting promoted/demoted?

>Makuuchi --> Juryo
Bushozan, Azumaryu, maybe Kagayaki/Oho

>Juryo --> Makuuchi
Ichinojo, Asanoyama, maybe Gonoyama

>Juryo --> Makushita
Tokushoryu, Tochimusashi, maybe Shimanoumi, maybe Kotokuzan

>Makushita --> Juryo
Fujiseiun, Chiyosakae, maybe Tokihayate, maybe Kawazoe

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Anonymous No. 140249

You will never be this happy

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Anonymous No. 140250

Anonymous No. 140253

>Even if it reads "pull" he pushes

Anonymous No. 140260

>Disappointed that Curtis Mayfield's "Pusherman" is not about pooshing

Anonymous No. 140264

Mongolians still run this shit.

Anonymous No. 140311

When are we going to get a new Ozeki?

Anonymous No. 140321

Possibly as soon as the May basho is over.
Going by the 33-3 guideline, Kiribayama needs 10 wins, Daieisho needs 11. Those are both pretty make-able win totals, especially if Terunofuji, Wakatakakage, and Takakeisho are less than 100% in May.
Wakamotoharu has an outside shot, but would need 13 wins.

Now, if Takakeisho fails to clear kadoban in May, you might see the banzuke committee be a little more generous with promotions, to ensure there are still two ozeki on the board come the July basho.

Anonymous No. 140324

If Takakeisho falls out of kadoban in May, I can see them promoting someone on as low as a 31/3.

Anonymous No. 140325

I agree. As long as the promotee gets at least 10 wins, a Takakeisho make-koshi will force their hand. Promotion to ozeki off a single-digit performance, though, would not feel right.

Above all, though, it has to feel believable. Daieisho and Kiribayama are on obvious runs. If they get injured and Hoshoryu ends up with a 13-2 Y, that would be 31 over 3, but it would reek of desperation.

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Anonymous No. 140337

>ends ishiura’s career
>ends wtk’s career
>ends takayasu’s return to sekiwake
>injures a takanosho that choked a yusho the tournament prior

The baby faced assassin is taking it slow waiting to strike and eliminate the opposition one at a time.

Anonymous No. 140340

One of the channels explained it, NHK is DMCAing them despite some of the channels using Abema footage. The reason for this is that NHK actually owns the rights to broadcast Sumo not just in japan but worldwide and even though they allow Abema to broadcast they still have the ability to DMCA their footage even though it's not directly NHK content being shown.

Anonymous No. 140341

I see, thanks for the explanation

Anonymous No. 140342

Chaos Shodai vs. Ruiner Kotonowaka

Anonymous No. 140344

I also forgot that apparently this is because NHK doesn't want to stream the all day sumo, Abema steps in and shows all the divisions but NHK still considers their broadcasts to be under NHK jurisdiction because they are the ones that own the rights to show it.

It's just another situation that could easily be handled by rubbing a few braincells together but eh, companies aren't very smart.

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Anonymous No. 140345

There's no word to describe how much I hate NHK
>NHK-shachou, the gaijin are watching sumo again
>I fail to see the issue
>They're... they're watching the full Japanese broadcast...
>for... FREE.
>There's dozens of them, shachou. Dozens!
>Unacceptable. Are they not satisfied with paying for the right to watch half of makuuchi?! Shut it down.

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Anonymous No. 140346

>>There's dozens of them, shachou. Dozens!

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Anonymous No. 140348

trust the plan

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Anonymous No. 140363

Anonymous No. 140366

curious about the dent

Anonymous No. 140368

Ichinojo was drinking from it, dropped it after the fourth refill.

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Anonymous No. 140374


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Anonymous No. 140391

he has reached sumo enlightenment

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Anonymous No. 140392

Who's the stronger lifter? I know Teru used to lift serious pl8s

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Anonymous No. 140418

terunofuji is still probably the strongest lifter. kotoeko is my guess as the leading muscle manlet. takarafuji looks like he lifts, but mostly lower.
they're really not all that strong with a barbell. asanoyama was struggling with a 200kg deadlift last i saw.
part of it is Japan not having a gym culture, part of it is trying to work in blocks of strength training while coming off the injuries of the badho and all the other shit they do

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Anonymous No. 140442

I wish fighter’s could take injured bashos off but we know people would abuse it * cough* takayasu *cough*

Anonymous No. 140445

Holy fucking newfag, fuck outta here with that.

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Anonymous No. 140452

You like watching rikishi wrestle until they tear their acl,mcl, and meniscus?

Anonymous No. 140458

Uh, usually those accidents are sudden and unavoidable.

Anonymous No. 140467

The guy who's known as the muscle gymbro is actually Myogiryu. There's footage of him going to the gym and lifting weights in the Sumodo film. Sakaigawa seems to have strength training culture, you can see how Hiradoumi and Sadanoumi are build (not Tsushimanada though he's an idiot)
Another heya with some kind of gym culture is Tatsunami. They have this strongman trainer (who iirc was at first Meisei's personal trainer but he trains the whole heya now) if you have time to dig you'll find some footage of Tatsunami rikishi like Hoshoryu, Meisei, Akua, and their lower ranked rikishi doing strength training. Funnily enough recently Asashoryu tweeted that nephew has been going to the gym too much and made his body too stiff as sumo also needs flexibility.
If you know your way to search Japanese social media (and that could be as easy as learning how to search shikona or heya name) you will find that many of them do go to the gym and have personal trainers, though they usually don't focus on how much they can lift or whatever and I think for a good reason.

This corny TV program has some rikishi doing feats of strength like pushing a truck and flipping 300-400kg tires. Myogiryu admits to deadlift 280kg here

Anonymous No. 140468

8-7 shitter kiribayama lol

Anonymous No. 140473

Does using a vpn not work to watch abema directly?

Anonymous No. 140480

>We happy?

Anonymous No. 140483

Depends. Last time I tried some years ago, they could detect a few of the servers and tell you to fuck off, but not all.

Anonymous No. 140484

Yeah none of them are particularly proficient lifters. From videos I've seen their technique is pretty unrefined - they mostly get by with their genetics, high bodyweight, and brute force.
I legit think that if they got more proficient at lifting we'd see much better athletes.

Anonymous No. 140513

So how is the banzuke physically distributed? I know they post it online but what about the hard copy version? What about before the Internet? The master copy is hand-written in the banzuke font, but then what? Do they post it up somewhere and newspapers go and copy it or something?

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Anonymous No. 140520

>What about before the Internet?
1921. The center photograph is a scene of the toriteki rikishi arriving to collect at Negishi Printers, who printed the tens of thousands of banzuke copies. They would then carry these off to their respective heya, and package them to be sent to the heya's patrons, to friends, etc. Top and bottom photographs depict the men and boys of Dewanoumibeya, "from toriteki to sekitori", all busy folding up banzukes.

There also used to be big wooden banzuke boards they'd put up for everyone's benefit. I don't know offhand if this is still done or, if not, when it was stopped.

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Anonymous No. 140521

Here's an example of the boards.

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Anonymous No. 140523

The board display is called itabanzuke and still exists, you can see them on display typically attached to the scaffold for the taiko platform. The itabanzuke is still created first, with the print versions being copies at scaled down size.

Anonymous No. 140525

That looks more ceremonial, though. You could plausibly read the old ones without binoculars.

Anonymous No. 140526

Of course it's "ceremonial," the printing press, print media, and the Internet have long moved Japan past the era of people having to look at the wooden board to see which rikishi are competing and at what rank. But it still exists in some fashion, like most other traditional holdovers.

Anonymous No. 140527

That's really cool, thank you anon. Tens of thousands of copies all by hand, wow.

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Anonymous No. 140542

Kiri had a superb basho but let’s be real he’s just another wtk.

Anonymous No. 140543

>he’s just another ozeki candidate underperforming due to crippling injuries

Anonymous No. 140550
>juuryou promotion list: Fujiseiun, Tokihayate, Chiyosakae

Anonymous No. 140552

>just another wtk
is being a consistent top rikishi supposed to be a bad thing

Anonymous No. 140553

Tokushoryu and Tochimusashi are obvious, but it seems like a coin flip between Shimanoumi and Kotokuzan for the third, unless there's a retirement they know about that hasn't been officially announced yet.

Anonymous No. 140556

Either way, Kawazoe got screwed. I don't think very many predicted only 3 swaps

Anonymous No. 140565

WTK was never a real ozeki candidate injured or not.

Anonymous No. 140568


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Anonymous No. 140582

>real ozeki candidates
>as opposed to fake ones

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Anonymous No. 140583

This is sexy harassment

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Anonymous No. 140586

Who does Shimanoumi have dirt on in the JSA to potentially still have a salary with this record?

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Anonymous No. 140589

Shimanoumi may be pretty good at ducking demotion, but even now he's no much for the one true master

Anonymous No. 140590

Those were weird times, huh?

Anonymous No. 140607

If he had lost to Kawazoe he would have been demoted, And shiden with a 6-1 at Ms6 isn't quite enough to be promoted, last 6-1 at Ms6 to reach Juryo was Ishiura
in 2015 and that was because there was a retirement so an extra slot in juryo

Anonymous No. 140613

True, probably going to have a career somewhere between Myogiryu/Tochiozan to Wakanosato/Kotonishiki

Anonymous No. 140635

>Man, 1910 times were scaaary!

Anonymous No. 140639

How was '45 in sumo?

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Anonymous No. 140649


Anonymous No. 140651

Ah yes, training in the forbidden zeroth kimarite.

Anonymous No. 140671

people still are desperate to think he ever was close to it. he deserves his spot in sanyaku but he is not dominant enough to be ozeki material. he will never be on the level of shodai or keisho. even mitakeumi was able to power through his injuries enough to earn the spot. wtk just doesn't have it.

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Anonymous No. 140672

>people still are desperate to think he ever was close to it

Anonymous No. 140673

Thanks for proving his point.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 140674


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Anonymous No. 140675

hur dur does this look like an ozeki? I think not

Anonymous No. 140676

I like how you deleted your first post only to reply with another one that was even more retarded.

Anonymous No. 140681

I deleted the first because I cropped it wrong

Anonymous No. 140683

You still cropped it wrong because you skipped the actual basho that got Asanoyama promoted in the first place. Including that basho, he had four double digit scores in a row, and five in six basho. Wakatakakage meanwhile has only five double digit scores in his entire three year makuuchi career, only two of them at sekiwake, with almost an entire year separating his yusho from the previous double digit score he had before that. You can easily make the argument that Asanoyama was promoted early because they were worried about the state of the ozeki at the time, and Wakatakakage is still even less of a legitimate ozeki candidate than Asanoyama was.
He was a decent enough sekiwake until injuries caught up. He was never a legitimate ozeki candidate. End of story.

Anonymous No. 140684

What part of "candidate" are you not understanding?

Anonymous No. 140685

The part where you think a single double digit score and 27 legitimate wins over three makes someone close to ozeki.

Anonymous No. 140687

>27 legitimate wins
lol, but okay - here's 3 other basho across which he puts up 28. His leg was already injured in the January basho, where he went 9-6 in spite of it.

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Anonymous No. 140688


Anonymous No. 140690

>here's 3 other basho across which he puts up 28
Which is higher anon, 28 or 30? I'm even being generous not including fusen wins for Asanoyama since I brought up that point myself.
Which is higher, 8 or 10? Which is higher, 9 or 10?
Which is higher, 2 or 4?
It's simple maths, anon.

Anonymous No. 140691

Well you were saying fusen don't count (which is wrong), so I showed the fusen didn't give him an uniquely inflated score and, in fact, his score was possibly worse than it would have been had he not fucked his ACL before Hatsu.

Anonymous No. 140694

>he is not dominant enough to be ozeki
>implying that Shodai’s 2022 was anything resembling dominant

Anonymous No. 140766

>In 2022 Shodai was 5-1 against WTK
Even diabetes Shodai completely shuts down the manlet.

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Anonymous No. 140767

Any sumo enjoyers also watching NPB now it's back?

Anonymous No. 140800

a 9-6 after a 12-3 first time yuusho is a great showing after all the shit they do after a first win. 10 wins would most likely been enough with the yuusho to promote in our current clown crew.
he was a good candidate at that time because people expected him to turn it up 07.22 and not start slow and meander through. remember that there really aren't any wrestlers consistently doing 10+ wins around that time. it should be easy for someone to take over. horseyshoes looks like he is doing that right now
with hakuho taking two of those tournaments and kakuryu still in it. harder group for sure

🗑️ Anonymous No. 140804

>horseyshoes looks like he is doing that right now
he's missing training as we speak due to a bad infection and abscess

Anonymous No. 140807

>a 9-6 after a 12-3 first time yuusho is a great showing
given how weak the sanyaku looked and how strong he looked he should have been able to show up, but he didn't. Kotonowaka had his number in 22. He has never defeated Teru once since Teru returned to sanyaku. Abi gave him issues. A lot of decent wrestlers were able to take yushos in 22 the fizzle off so WTKs showing yusho with 9-6 follow up wasn't bad but not that impressive. Him cementing himself for a year as a Sekiwake regular is honestly more impressive given how few seem to be able to hold their rank anymore.

Anonymous No. 140822

Tournament Highlights are up

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Anonymous No. 140850

Anonymous No. 140867


Anonymous No. 140886

Wakatakakage isn't even the best Waka

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Anonymous No. 140905

What's the matter? Can't stand the sight of a strong Mongolian man?

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Anonymous No. 140906

Here is your future yokozuna with his papa

Say somethin noice

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Anonymous No. 140907

>they almost ALWAYS dress in full body suits
its not fair

Anonymous No. 140908

All four of them look like cardboard cutouts that were placed carefully onto a scenic background

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Anonymous No. 140911

big energy

Anonymous No. 140924

Sort of
The fact that he’s physically strong is largely able to compensate for him being a retard

Anonymous No. 140926


Anonymous No. 140927

>retard strength

Anonymous No. 140930

What are those shoes? Some weirdly modified tabi?

Anonymous No. 140931

>day 11th isn’t hoshoryu’s throw of endo
Not a giant fan of the young Mongolian but he tossed endo like a sack of potatoes.

Anonymous No. 140937


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Anonymous No. 140938

BBM-Japan banzuke prediction, with Asanoyama at M12e:

the article is from the 27, they should have wait to know the promotions to Juryo

Anonymous No. 140940

>Asanoyama at M12e after a 12-3 at J1e.
Fucking robbery.

Is Chris still alive? He hasn't posted jack shit about this basho. Too butthurt his boys Kotoshoho and Kototebakari jobbed?

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Anonymous No. 140941

A small but visually impressive addition to the cursed Kokugikan lore. I missed this part last time I went over it:

April 1919. Less than a year after the Kokugikan burned down, they got to work putting it back up. Once this steel framework was complete, a Shinto ceremony was held to pray for the building's structural integrity. Not more than a few days later, the whole thing collapsed.

Anonymous No. 140949

looking at the records, its how it shakes out. 11kk from m10 to m17 and two with double digits. pair that with only 7 from m1 to m9. spaces to go up are filled with the guys coming down

Anonymous No. 140962

Easy yusho

Anonymous No. 140965

Zabutons flying next basho?

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Anonymous No. 140995

>blocks your path

Anonymous No. 141004

Can the snorlax stay awake two bashos in a row?

Anonymous No. 141013

They may have finally nailed them down in the Kokugikan last year, but I'm not sure.

Anonymous No. 141021

Probably. He can sleep in between basho.

Anonymous No. 141040

March tournament was basically rest for Ichi, he'll be at full power in may

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Anonymous No. 141060

Anonymous No. 141145

>Not more than a few days later, the whole thing collapsed.

Anonymous No. 141147

The real question is, will he be sober enough to avoid striking stablemasters' wives?

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Anonymous No. 141157

>me and my buddy on our way to gatekeep asanoyama

Anonymous No. 141189

>Kawazoe and Otani seething.
Would have been nice to see them develop.

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Anonymous No. 141436

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Anonymous No. 141437


Anonymous No. 141464

Gonna need more sexy sumo women plzkthx

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he's just st....png

Anonymous No. 141521

It's uncanny

Anonymous No. 141522

okay, whhat other YOUNG BUCKS am i supposed to be keeping tabs on?

Anonymous No. 141525

guys ive talked so much shit about chris but im worried about him

Anonymous No. 141526

Wakanosho, Mukainakano, Kayo, Kazekeno, Shishi, Takerufuji, Toshunryu, Oshoumi, Tanji, Otani, Ochil (no shikona yet)

Anonymous No. 141527

+Setonoumi, forgot him

Anonymous No. 141528

thanks, now i can pretend like i supported all these guys from the get go and definitely DIDN'T say the words "ozeki" and "wakatakakage" in the same sentence. EVER.

Anonymous No. 141529


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Miku Yamanaka Fem....webm

Anonymous No. 141531


Anonymous No. 141533

>definitely DIDN'T say the words "ozeki" and "wakatakakage" in the same sentence
why are you so fixated on the idea of only newfags liking kage? it has to be unhealthy at this point

Anonymous No. 141534

i'm poking fun at myself, i have no idea what you're talking about. i also joked about yokozuna abi a lot when he came back from being suspended and no one knew the flowchart.

Anonymous No. 141536

When WTK was an 11-win basho away from ozeki promotion there were some posters including myself jumping the gun and calling him Ozeki Wakatakakage. Unfortunately it didn’t pan out, but it would have been cool if it had. I am not the guy you replied to.

Anonymous No. 141537

there was a guy earlier in the thread and on /sp/ who was obsessively posting about Kage sucking for a while

Anonymous No. 141540

ah i see. well i mean he was injured and still competing like a fucking retard, so that is definitely part of it.

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Anonymous No. 141543

Banzuke prediction.

Anonymous No. 141549

pretty sure they were saying he was never ozeki material and he clearly wasn't. not being good enough for ozeki is not the same as sucking. just like keisho is dominant enough to stay ozeki but unable to keep it up for two yushos to actually make yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 141556

>he was never ozeki material and he clearly wasn't
again, he tore his ACL/MCL prior to January/Hatsu. Aki through Hatsu had him at 28 wins. If he gets his shit fixed, you still can't even imagine him totaling marginally better than that?

Anonymous No. 141559

fukkin saved

Anonymous No. 141560

He will wrestle under the name Onosato, says Nishonoseki.

Anonymous No. 141573

Yeah, and if Takakeisho gets his shit fixed, he'll be a yokozuna candidate.

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Anonymous No. 141581

Do you not understand why the fat retard's injury issues are different, or are you willfully misinterpreting the point?

Here's a concept to consider: from the top of this image, shift Takakeisho's rank back by one basho. If fat retard doesn't get promoted after Haru 2019, he doesn't hit the ozeki promotion criteria until Hatsu 2023 (no rikishi has been promoted to ozeki with a kyujo or makekoshi in an ozeki run since 1959). Is he an ozeki class rikishi, or was he very lucky to get hurt right after promotion instead of immediately before it?
Wakatakakage has more wins since the start of 2021 than Takakeisho does. 114-110. That's how lucky retard is to have the kadoban cushion. I'm not arguing they have comparable success, as they don't; I'm arguing that WTK has 1 career kyujo and Keisho has 7 - their health histories can't be equated. A freak exploded knee is not the same as the Bob Sanders shit Keisho is doing.

Anonymous No. 141583

>Wakatakakage has more wins since the start of 2021 than Takakeisho does. 114-110.
So he only has four more wins than a guy that's been kyujo four times and you think that means Wakatakakage is ozeki material? Fucking lmao.

Anonymous No. 141586

>I'm not arguing they have comparable success, as they don't
>you think that means Wakatakakage is ozeki material
gigabrain moment

Anonymous No. 141588

So you agree he's not ozeki material? Gotcha, all I needed.

Anonymous No. 141590

I'm saying that it's hasty to say he isn't ozeki material when that argument is made specifically on the basis of comparison of his injury to Takakeisho's persistent injuries. Is that too complicated a concept? Should I have just called you a faggot instead?

Anonymous No. 141598

>specifically on the basis
The argument is on the basis that his scores haven't been good enough. The defence of those scores is specifically on the basis on his injuries, but sumo is littered with people who have had to deal with injuries, so Wakaflockaflame isn't special. Takakeisho was merely one extreme comparison, yet even comparing the two makes it obvious that Waka is so far inferior unless you're an autistic retard. Same with the previous retard who tried comparing Waka with Asanoyama, which also makes Waka look objectively inferior.

Anonymous No. 141607

>3 videos in less than a day
ffs I was far better off without him

Anonymous No. 141610

>comparing the two makes it obvious that Waka is so far inferior
>I'm not arguing they have comparable success, as they don't
you seem to be having difficulties

Anonymous No. 141626

For as big as he is terunofuji sure is an asslet

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Anonymous No. 141632

cacakeisho has gotten his shit fixed and he went and broke it again
pic unrelated

Anonymous No. 141641

Terrible decision imo when the best person you can train with is tomokaze.

Anonymous No. 141645

Tomokaze could easily be a good mentor though. While he's physically limited nowadays, he's been through the process of building the strength and technique to reach sekitori twice.

Anonymous No. 141650

eh, theres a lot of up and coming talent at nishonoseki too beyond salaried guys. ryuo just won makushita and takahashi will be juryo in 2/3 tournaments probably. plus he has a coach that presumably gives a shit about his well being

Anonymous No. 141655

Kise is not crippled old man yet, plus he can just call Takayasu and throw Onosato at him

Anonymous No. 141658

>Kise is not crippled old man yet
It was infuriating to see him back to perfect health and destroying Takayasu and Asanoyama 2 years after retirement.

Anonymous No. 141664

just like Ochiai having merely Hokuseiho to train with. Nishinoseki and Miyagino stables are stacked with young promises that are already merely a step away in Makushita to enter Juryo.

Tamawashi and Tamashoho are in a 4 man heya and you don't see them struggling.

Anonymous No. 141665

To be fair, easy for him to do that when he's not spending two years training and fighting in full tournament condition. Also easy when he doesn't have his supporters club whispering in his ear every single day to get back into the ring so the fans can see their Japanese yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 141668

That's what I mean. It feels awful to be robbed of so many sumo careers just because they can't take too much time off.

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Anonymous No. 141686

there's a new Onosato, here's the old Onosato -
May 1922, right to left: Onosato, Tochigiyama, Ryogoku, Tsunenohana, and Wakahitachi (back to the camera) in the shitakubeya.

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Anonymous No. 141695

No one noticed, but the National Film Archive of Japan uploaded ~10 minutes of sumo footage from 1926 last week. It includes yokozuna Tochigiyama vs yokozuna Oonishiki.

It's sumo-no-sechie and therefore not as serious as real sumo, but they're putting in an effort. And even if you don't plan to watch this, still check the crazy move by the bow-twirler at 36:55. I have no idea what that is.

Anonymous No. 141710

I wonder why jap rikishi moved away from crouching headbonk style into essentially upright tachiai's in the 60s/70s/early 80s.

Anonymous No. 141712

Probably because they didn't want to bonk heads until the JSA told them that repeated concussions are part of sumo tradition.

Anonymous No. 141715

It was just to get an advantage over the opponent at the tachiai. The no touch tachiai started off small in the 30s and 40s, and grew into that stupid looking upright thing over decades.

Anonymous No. 141718

>you still can't even imagine him totaling marginally better than that?
no. he still will never be ozeki material before the tear. if he was going to reach it he would have done so by now. this is like saying if abi didn't keep fucking up his elbows he would be ozeki material.

Anonymous No. 141721

>WTK haters discounting him before he's even been in makuuchi for 3 years
Most ozeki take a lot longer than that to reach the rank, mitakeumi, shodai, takayasu all took like 5 or 6 years to reach the rank. Even Takakeisho, a golden boy took a couple years to hit ozeki after entering makuuchi.

Anonymous No. 141723

It's so over for Terunofuji

Anonymous No. 141724

>mitakeumi, shodai, takayasu
Not exactly making a convincing case.

Anonymous No. 141726

>WTK haters discounting him before he's even been in makuuchi for 3 years
that is entirely his fault. shodai, mitakeumi and takayasu all took 2 to 3 tournaments in juryo to reach makuuchi. WTK took 9, immediately dropped back down and then took 2 more tournaments to reach makuuchi. by the time he finally was getting strong showings the rest of the crowd had gotten weaker and the whole covid shit was going down. Again, this isn't to shit on WTK because he is clearly a strong rikishi among a lot of inconsistent ones. he just isn't ozeki strong. he has never been able to take a match from teru in the ten times they met in makuuchi

Anonymous No. 141741

That looks like standing dominance over bonkers.

Anonymous No. 141762

years after entering makuuchi is such a cope stat when you don't control for age, it just means they stalled at makushita/juryo instead of stalling in makuuchi.

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Anonymous No. 141765

>he has never been able to take a match from teru
Nor have Asanoyama and Kiribayama, but Onosho has done it 3 times since Teru's return.
I wouldn't put too much stock into these things when sumo compatibility is very real: Kotoshogiku had a career winning record against both Harumafuji and Kisenosato but a career losing record against Kakuryu.

Anonymous No. 141769

kiribiyama is also not an ozeki, and as much as I don't care for asanoyama his entire short sanyaku career was all double digit records along with beating a yokozuna. shodai, takayasu and takakeisho all have beaten teru multiple times
>I wouldn't put too much stock into these things
agreed. but there is nothing that points to WTK ever being ozeki material. he can't take on yokozunas. he can't keep up double digit wins. he is in his right spot as a sekiwake/komosubi that manages to muster up 7 to 8 wins after giving up way too many matches.

Anonymous No. 141770

>he can't take on yokozunas
there are none

>he can't keep up double digit wins
Again, he hasn't been at this level for long. Look at Shodai's 2019 and say that it 'points to him being ozeki material'. Look at Mitakeumi's 2020-21. Guys like Kaio, Kotooshu and Baruto are not the standard for ozeki, they are extreme outliers.

Anonymous No. 141771

>Guys like Kaio, Kotooshu and Baruto are not the standard for ozeki, they are extreme outliers.
>now please focus on these guys who were extreme outliers for being shitty ozeki.

Anonymous No. 141773

What, do you want to look at Goeido, an ozeki of more than 5 years? Takayasu? Musoyama? I think you'll find they hew closer to my reasoning than yours.

Anonymous No. 141782

Nobody called Takayasu ozeki material when he was a random mid maegashitter, they called him ozeki material when he put up five double digit scores in six tournaments at lower sanayaku, which is the same number of double digit scores in one year than Wakatakakage has had throughout his entire makuuchi career so far. By your logic, we can call literally any maegashitter "ozeki material" because they might go on a hot run in a couple years.

Anonymous No. 141792

Takayasu was making his rise during a 3/4 Yokozuna era and 4 ozeki. And still managed to keep getting consecutive double digits wins. WTK is in a one injured Yokozuna and one often injured Ozeki era and struggles to get 8-7. Takayasu may be a choke artist but comparing his good year to WTK is a joke. The only reason people had any faith in WTK because most of the competition is injured

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Anonymous No. 141794

January 1924. A cool action shot of 6'7 Dewagatake as a juryo up-and-comer.

Anonymous No. 141796

When will they allow wrestlers to sip and spit chikara-mizu? Coof is over already

Anonymous No. 141869

I'm not going to say that depriving them of the power water is responsible for the terrible performances we've been seeing over the last two years, but it certainly is a hell of a coincidence.

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Anonymous No. 141893

Anonymous No. 141941

When you tell your bro his hands look funny today and he just gives you the stablediffusion stare

Anonymous No. 142006

Anonymous No. 142013

Imagine if Onosho actually launched into any of those dudes as if he was in a basho....would put them right through the wall.

Anonymous No. 142029

Shoutout to VladePosting on the off chance you lurk these threads.
Wasn't expecting you to name Ichinojo in your edf5 video..

Anonymous No. 142080

Why do they say this? On the car ride they even say Rikishi but go back to Sumo's in the script

Anonymous No. 142133

what the fuck is "ozeki material"
there is either someone who makes ozeki, or someone who doesn't, trying to argue out your vague conception of what you think an ozeki should be is odd when there's a pretty clear cut standard in place

>did he get 32/33 wins over 3 tournaments at sanyaku?
He's ozeki material
He's not ozeki material
you can try and call certain people "ozeki material" based on whether you think they'll be able to meet that standard in the future, but until it comes to pass all you're doing is speculating about things you don't have much basis for. Did you have any idea a year ago that Kiribayama would be on a serious ozeki run around May of the next year? Probably not. Performance in sumo is ridiculously variable and even rikishi who manage to reach the rank of ozeki can be inconsistent.

>Will WTK be able to achieve the ozeki standard at some point in the next few years?
Maybe. He's not old and he's had flashes of great sumo in the past. He's gotten relatively close twice but dropped the ball both times. He might get a third chance and succeed, maybe not.

Anonymous No. 142153

pandering to their dumb audience who know the word sumo, but get confused and angry when they hear words they don't know

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Anonymous No. 142162

Kuramae Kokugikan, 1956. Tsunenohana's kanreki dohyouiri.

Anonymous No. 142210

>what the fuck is "ozeki material"
someone who has the qualities and skill to be able to be able to hold the title of ozeki, the second highest rank in sumo. WTK is not a maybe because he is clearly not ozeki material.
Kiribiyama is actual ozeki material, but mostly because of the lack of Terunofuji. Yasu, Keisho and Hoshoryu getting injured in different tournaments has also has helped him in his recent success as they were some of the few in the higher ranks that could give him issue. Also Ichi and Asanoyama being in juryo helped. That really only left Tobizaru and Daieisho in higher ranks to fend him off and he got the better of both of them. Which is fortunate because if Teru and Keisho are back next basho he will struggle for ten but if he gets 9 they are definitely giving him ozeki.

Anonymous No. 142223

>someone who has the qualities and skill to be able to be able to hold the title of ozeki, the second highest rank in sumo. WTK is not a maybe because he is clearly not ozeki material.
stop posting anytime

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Anonymous No. 142230

This is true ozeki material

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Anonymous No. 142237

>ozeki material is someone good enough to be ozeki
jesus christ

Anonymous No. 142253

Ozeki must be the worst rank in sumo

Anonymous No. 142254

I'd say it's the opposite, at least when compared to yokozuna. You have almost the same payment grade as yokozuna, but none of the tasks, expectations and the burden of a yokozuna...and you can do 8-7 no problem.

Anonymous No. 142257

what makes you think Kiribayama recent wins against guys who he used to lose against is because they're injured and not because Kiribayama's sumo has vastly improved in the past year or so? This is clear when you track how his sumo looks like between now and 2 years ago. Also it's not like Kiri hasn't gotten his fair share of injuries himself. Everyone seemed to forgot that he fucked his shoulder in that Nishikigi match because he won the yusho, and he's currently kyujo in jungyo because he had an infection on his right calf that started during the basho, go check his right calf during senshuraku, he had taping on his infection spot.

Anonymous No. 142261

>the bow-twirler at 36:55
Alright that was cool as shit. I wonder if they were playing it up because of the camera or if the ceremony was always that cool back then.

Anonymous No. 142262

I wonder if the goyji expected it or he luckily dodged it but kept his cool.

Anonymous No. 142294

if he dodged it, what a champ

Anonymous No. 142317

I wasn't trying to say he was beating them because they were injured. I was saying it helps his records that the only people that even go even or have a slight edge on him were either out or hurt. He went from 6 or 7 guys he historically has a coinflip or worse chance against to like 3 or 4 guys. Couple that with him beating Tobi and Daieisho and winning the matchups he normally always wins and it makes sense why he has shown such a good record the last two tournaments. I also don't think he has vastly improved as he was already beating or going even with a lot of the top rikishi, he hovered around the top pretty quickly. The only thing that worries me is the reports about his injuries during last basho and if Teru and Keisho return. Between that and a Shodai that seems back in the groove and it might actually be a tougher tournament for him to get 9, but should be very doable if he is healthy enough

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Anonymous No. 142319

Whats the next step of his master plan?

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Anonymous No. 142321

Look who I spotted during the Basho Ad break! Never thought I'd see a 4Chan/ 2Chan-related Ad in my life. Must be the Smile company thing or whatever he's affiliated with.

Anonymous No. 142323

He is a general TV personality over in nihon, shows up on a lot of abema talk shows.

Anonymous No. 142324

Juryo to Sandanme no glitch WR

Anonymous No. 142329

Yeah he's a celebrity and has a YouTube channel where he posts vlogs or some shit. I just checked and he posted some fucking Clash Royale gameplay three days ago. No one on 4chan gives a shit about him though because he doesn't give a shit about us.

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Anonymous No. 142340

Peak Performance?

Anonymous No. 142365

Most American "sumo wrestlers" are a joke who barely train three hours a week and use the sport as an excuse to be a fat fuck

YWNBJ(You will never be japanese)

Anonymous No. 142405

Jonidan tier

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Anonymous No. 142485

It has been released to the press that Wakatakakage had reconstructive surgery on his ACL immediately after the basho, and has now started rehab after leaving the hospital on the 8th.
The author says that recovery from ACL repairs can take upwards of six months. Arashio oyakata acknowledges this, and says that he has told Kage he can return "only once he has completely recovered. I don't have any intentions to have him return before then". On the possibility of Kage returning before 2024, "We don't know how far along his recovery will be by the end of the year. It all depends on how his rehab goes".
Hochi News asked an important sports doctor to weigh in, and he says "generally 8 months" and explains the risk of reinjury if he tries to rush his return.

Anonymous No. 142488

Good thing for him he at least got 7 wins, as it'll keep him in komusubi for May instead of dropping him further into maegashira. Might save his salary with that, coming back in lower juryo instead of makushita.

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Anonymous No. 142501

>coming back in lower juryo
I have seen this future in the tea leaves
They will underdemote Kage, and keep him at J14 just in time to block an Ms3 4-3 Shiden from juryo promotion

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Anonymous No. 142510

at least tochinoshin secured a gig modeling for ganondorf now that's retiring

Anonymous No. 142516


Anonymous No. 142519

Better for him to get actually healthy than to risk his body and life falling apart.

Anonymous No. 142524

On his way to armbar kawazoe after he did ochiai in march. He predicted early on that kawazoe wouldn't get the promotion so he took matters into his own hands.

Anonymous No. 142531

I get a bad feeling from this channel, but I have to respect him for asking to stay the night and getting the stable to agree. Nice to see the guys being dudes behind the scenes, since most of the tourism stuff that stables do usually stops after they've let the gaijin try to push them around for a while.

I'm glad he's actually taking the time off. I didn't expect it.

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Anonymous No. 142533
>laughing at takakeisho sweating profusely just from being physically manifested
>mfw shodai

Anonymous No. 142535

They really need to bring back the system where someone can keep some ranking when injured.
If they had done that, Wakatakakage would be in a better condition and chances are, Takakeisho would be Yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 142542

What the fuck is that intro? I haven't watched SPT in a while.

Anonymous No. 142553

so they're now translating old content and putting it on SPT..

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Anonymous No. 142555

It's a good idea, though. There is so, so much material from the NSK that none of you ever get to watch because it's only in Japanese. In the last month alone, they've put out 15+ videos that you might care about as an English-language sumo fan. Look at all these heya training videos, chanko videos, quizzes/challenges and interviews.

Though, I will say that the translation quality is lacking on the Sumo Prime Time video there. The translator is ignoring all of the side-comments and unfinished sentences. If they want to post this stuff for the English audience, they need to not do that. The on-screen translation reads as fairly formal, whereas it would appear as quite loose if they were giving you everything the oyakata were saying.

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Anonymous No. 142587


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Anonymous No. 142602

A tale from sumo antiquity.

Ishidzuchi Shimanosuke was a powerful rikishi who wrestled from the Genroku era to the Kyouhou era (early 1700s). He was first known as Shirayama, but gained the shikona "Ishidzuchi" when he became a retainer of lord Kishuu Mitsusada. It is said that, at the age of 18, he was mighty enough to be able to single-handedly lift the mast of a moderate-sized junk ship, and was a proper man's man. In the History of the Southern Tokugawa, the following is written:

"After losing to Hakkaku Tatenosuke, who was 23 centimeters (9 inches) shorter than him, Ishidzuchi was mocked for his defeat. When next they fought, Ishidzuchi lifted Hakkaku high into the air and, apparently thinking the man would be trouble for him if left alive, began looking for a rock to slam him into. The other rikishi, shocked, physically stopped him, and the squabble came to a close when the sumo overseer, Teramura Souemon, at last stepped in."

"Later, a rikishi by the name of Kabutoyama Gonemon of Kyuushuu would fight Ishidzuchi. In their bout, Kabutoyama dodged Ishidzuchi to the side, sending him sprawling onto all fours. This enraged Ishidzuchi. On the occasion of their next fight, after powerfully throwing Kabutoyama to the ground, he then stomped on the fallen man until he was dead. Because he had killed Kabutoyama not through his sumo, Ishidzuchi fled in the night before charges could be brought."

Anonymous No. 142621

I like it. There's a lot of good sumo content out there that doesn't get translated. Things like interviews, panels, and games from variety shows. I can't find the link to it, but there was a variety show that had 3 rikishi on and pitted them against 3 Japanese fitness icons (one of whom was that comedian, can't remember his name). I'd love to see more of that stuff translated between basho.

Anonymous No. 142622

>the virgin "He lifted up Enho like a baby" vs the chad "He slammed Enho onto the rock like an aborted fetus"

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Anonymous No. 142624

New Robocop Sumo Association ID photo just dropped. Looking kinda samey to the last couple ones. His brand of ID pic used to be so dynamic. I guess the golden age is behind us.

Anonymous No. 142637

Is it normal for oyakata to not take a new photo?

Anonymous No. 142639

What the fuck happened?

Anonymous No. 142642

2012 vs 2013 lol

Anonymous No. 142645

Isn't this the exact thing that Chris Gould approached them about and got in a hissy fit when they refused? LOL!!!!!!

Anonymous No. 142647

wait a minute Hiro is kind of yoked
i might need to stop talking shit on him

Anonymous No. 142648

Only in your head; where Chris Gould seems to live, rent free

Anonymous No. 142649

have your (You)

Anonymous No. 142650

yeah, basically
fuck chris lmao

Anonymous No. 142651

LOL. LMAO, even. He's probably seething. And he almost certainly would have done a better job, but I'll accept a subpar translation if it means Chris stays poor and malding.

Anonymous No. 142654

The face of a man falling out of juryo

Anonymous No. 142659
WTKbros, it's all over.

Anonymous No. 142666

Yeah, he'll probably be around Sandanme 90 at 29 years old when he starts his comeback.

Dream is dead. The Baby-Faced Assassin claims another victim.

Anonymous No. 142667

nooo you can't let wrestlers preserve their rank for one basho if they're legitimately injured because they'll abuse it and it's not part of ancient feudal sumo ganbarizing culture even though it was never a problem during sumo's most popular eras and its removal coincides with sumo's slow decline nooo

Anonymous No. 142668

Of all the things to bitch about, the things you can't change need your bitching the least.
Just accept it as part of the landscape. You don't have to like it. The JSA isn't interested in your opinion.

Just ask yourself, "What would Chris do?" then do the opposite.

Anonymous No. 142671

For me, its 2018

Anonymous No. 142679

Thank you anon. I love this shit. God sumo is cool.

Anonymous No. 142685

>one basho
One basho worth of demotion isn't worth protecting against. Anyone who's any good can easily bounce back from a bad tournament or a completely missed tournament. To save people like Wakatakakage you'd need to let them preserve their rank for months and months which would only serve to clog the pipeline.

Anonymous No. 142687

>To save people like Wakatakakage
Actually no, to save people like Wakatakakage you let them skip a basho to deal with minor injuries so that they don't turn into major injuries requiring reconstructive surgery and a year off. While major injuries will still happen due to freak accidents, the majority are buildup of untreated minor problems because the wrestler doesn't want to miss a basho and have their rank reduced. This isn't just Wakatakakage, but literally everyone. Everyone fights injured, and it turns into major injuries because of it.

Anonymous No. 142720

He can't keep getting away with crippling my boys

Anonymous No. 142722

I've just noticed that Chris' chosen youtube address is "chrissumo69".

Anonymous No. 142724

He legitimately might have been born in 1969.

Anonymous No. 142731

I'm fairly certain he's talked about watching the basho in London in 1991 or whenever as a kid on TV and that's what got him into it so I'd put him at like 1978 at the earliest. He was probably born in 83 or 82.

Anonymous No. 142735

I think it's probably covid restrictions, they can't go and get a new photo taken so it is just reusing the old photo

Anonymous No. 142748

>there were people who legitimately thought this guy was ozeki material
this is why people should watch a few years of sumo before they start calling these bums ozeki bound

Anonymous No. 142751

Sumo is a violent and brutal sport performed by highly specialised athletes and minor injuries are impossible to avoid. If everyone is fighting injured then that translates to everyone freezing their rank once or twice a year, which rapidly becomes unworkable - putting the banzuke together is arcane and complicated enough as it is. The only fix for this issue is a cultural change so that rikishi feel more able to accept a drop in their rank in order to heal up, without being pressured by their superiors and by a sense of obligation to the fans, and this is never going to be an easy thing to achieve. At best you could introduce a similar protocol to the new concussion rulings where if a rikishi is diagnosed with an injury above a certain threshold of seriousness, he is prevented from taking part in the next tournament whether he wants to enter or not, this would hopefully enable him to save face. Either way, I'd rather see Wakatakakage (or Ura, or Terunofuji) have to work his way back up from the lower divisions than see a logjam forming in the upper ranks and preventing fresh men from being rightfully promoted.

Anonymous No. 142752

Anon, they made it work from 1972 to 2003 and those were objectively the most popular eras of sumo since the JSA was founded. We're not talking about adding crap that's never been in the sport before like padded mats and weight classes, we're talking about bringing back something that was good that was part of sumo when it was at its best that helped allow it to be at its best. Letting guys freeze their rank once for a minor injury results in them being out for fewer tournaments in the long term. The excuses of "abuse" was maybe one or two guys, and was overblown because ticket sales were declining and the JSA wanted to squeeze blood from a stone.

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Anonymous No. 142762

I might also add that the extreme consequences of injury kyuujou are not sumo tradition, but a result of modernity: both the number of days and the number of honbasho were expanded only as a moneymaking effort.
In previous eras, the worst possible result was 0-10, and therefore the number of ranks a rikishi would fall down the banzuke from missing a basho was proportionally less. A 5-10 result today causes about the same drop in rank as a no-show would have caused in 1910. Moreover, the 2-basho era meant that kyuujou rank degradation was massively slower - hypothetically, they would have had 6 months to recover from injuries incurred in the previous basho. 6 months without wrestling now means dropping from maegashira joui to makushita joui, for the sake of the Kyoukai's profit.

Anonymous No. 142764

Any rikishi that makes and keeps sanyaku rank the way WTK did is "Ozeki material", you stupid nigger.

Fuck back off to reddit with your low IQ takes.

Anonymous No. 142767

I'm aware that the kosho system used to exist, but I don't think you can reasonably claim that its existence was wholly or partly responsible for sumo's popularity at the time. That's a separate discussion entirely with far more important factors to consider. More to the point, the 70s were a long time ago and even 2003 was 20 years ago, before most of the current rikishi started their careers. This is an entirely new generation of men, fighting under a new metagame, and recent years have resulted in all kinds of happenings that shocked us and would have shocked a sumo fan watching in 1995 even more. I don't think you can therefore expect a resurrected system to work in exactly the same way it used to, and even without being abused it has a tremendous capacity to cause snowballing problems with the banzuke. Again, as a personal point of view, one that I don't expect you to agree with, in my opinion an injury is unfortunate but it should only ever affect the injured man himself, and any system that denies someone else a promotion in order to preserve an injured man's rank is distasteful to me. The only way I'd support any kind of freezing system would be if it added extra slots and some kind of probationary rule like the 10 wins from Sekiwake to return to Ozeki clause, but even then it would require great care in formulating the rules and a great deal of luck to ensure that the banzuke didn't turn into an unmanageable spider's web.

Anonymous No. 142770

This is a good point. Fighting 15 days back-to-back, for effectively 1/4th of every year, is pretty brutal on the body. And that doesn't even factor in the constant training.
I wonder if altering how rapidly rikishi's ranks decay relative to the severity of their injury is even a possibility.

Anonymous No. 142794

>Any rikishi that makes and keeps sanyaku rank the way WTK did is "Ozeki material"
Keeping sekiwake for a year is definitely not ozeki material. Only two of the bashos were even double digit and neither in a row. Keisho two bashos as sekiwake to reach Ozeki. Shodai took three. Tochi took two. Takayasu took two. Mitakeumi took 4. Teru took two both times. Ozeki bound rikishi don't normally sit at sekiwake picking up 8-7 and 9-6 records for a year, especially with one ozeki and a yokozuna missing.

Also lmao at WTK dickriders asking other to go to reddit.

Anonymous No. 142795

>anyone who likes a rikishi I don't like is REDDIT!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous No. 142796

It has nothing to do with like or dislike. I simply stated WTK was not ozeki material and you WTK dickriders seethe about it and try to tell people to go to Reddit. Then desperately try to divert from the topic when it is pointed out that none of the recent ozeki took a year to reach Ozeki. I'm sorry the rikishi you like isn't the caliber you thought he was. I like Abi but I also accept that he is not ozeki material.

Anonymous No. 142798

stop posting

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Anonymous No. 142809

>throwing donor money at jobbers for inside scoops

I'm thinking Sumo Kino is back on the menu

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Hakuhos final bout.webm

Anonymous No. 142810

>my opinion an injury is unfortunate but it should only ever affect the injured man himself, and any system that denies someone else a promotion in order to preserve an injured man's rank is distasteful to me.
(Not the guy you were discussing with.) I personally don't think the demotions resulting from injuries are a problem at all and I agree with you that they are only fair. What is a problem indeed is the lack of a possible shortcut to get back to the ranks and level of competition you belong to afterwards. Because of that, a wrestler doesn't only lose - let's say - six month of his career due to injury, in fact he loses a whole year since he needs at least the same amount of tournaments he missed to get back to where he belongs. That's like you're expacting someone like Raphael Nadal to play only low level tourneys after a lengthy injury were he can only rise slowly in the world rankings for a year before he's allowed to play in a grand slam ever again. Such shortcuts - like a wild card system - exist in pretty much every other sport. It's also idiotic from a commercial point of few to not include them and let some of your biggest stars rot in the lower leagues for four or five tourneys.

Anonymous No. 142812

>in fact he loses a whole year since he needs at least the same amount of tournaments he missed to get back to where he belongs
To put it this way: three tournaments missed due to injury is enough to take someone from sekiwake to makushita, eliminating their salary completely. Meanwhile Tochinoshin didn't have a single winning score in the entirety of 2021 and January 2022, and he went from M4 to M15. Kaisei took seven losing scores in a row to drop out of salary from M11. No shit guys are going to fight injured because it benefits them to put up over a year straight of garbage losing scores with shitty sumo that nobody wants to watch. And that means they won't recover from minor injuries that are causing them to put on shitty sumo in front of the crowds, and those minor injuries build up to major injuries which takes them away from the audience entirely for an extended period of time.

Anonymous No. 142815

I agree with this for the most part. I think the best option could be a kind of maezumo setup wherein a rikishi returning from a long absence simply spends a tournament fighting men of gradually increasing rank until he loses, say to the current M9, and can then be slotted in as close to M10 as possible for the next banzuke. The major difficulty with this would be managing the scheduling but I'm sure it could be done.

Anonymous No. 142859


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Anonymous No. 142926

>Gentlemen, your attention.
>Fuck Chris.

Anonymous No. 142928

I'm not a 10 year old in a loincloth, so he wouldn't be interested.

Anonymous No. 142931

whats the deal with the hate this guy gets? I've seen his videos a couple times, he's kind of annoyingly british but he seems harmless

Anonymous No. 142933

His videos are usually fine, but his interactions with other people on places like forums and even real life (according to people who have met him) marks him as having a massive ego thinking he should be the sole gatekeeper for the western sumo fandom, blessing us all with his wealth of knowledge (which is just translating Nikkon Sports articles).

Anonymous No. 142934

he sniffs his own farts

Anonymous No. 142935

So pretentious then, all right. I can understand this dislike. Weird to call him a pedophile over that, but this is 4chan.

Anonymous No. 142938

Editorializes his basho coverage to the point that you'd think he has a direct line to the rikishi's deepest inner meditations. So, yeah, pretentious.

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Anonymous No. 142939

He ends up being a lot of western youtube/sumo fans first source of information, news, and insight.
When he sticks to just good video and reporting facts he is totally fine.
He has a tendency to go an extra step and "report" on what wrestlers are thinking and feeling, in an ambiguous way that ends up misleading some of his viewers into thinking these are things Rikishi are actually saying.
On top of that, he often mastubrates himself verbally in many of the videos.

Also what this anon was saying >>142933 He isn't welcome on SumoForum after he straight up insulted many long time western sumo community contributors.

Anonymous No. 142946

I think they're alluding to his videos like this.

Anonymous No. 142947

Just watch the "hakuho lecture" video, it is full of cris reading what hakuho is thinking

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Anonymous No. 142953

>Mitakeumi took 4.
18 at sekiwake
10 at komosubi
Even takayasu took a year between komusubi and sekiwake to make ozeki.

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豪 - 開門と同時の力士の猛ダッシ....webm

Anonymous No. 142959

Anonymous No. 142960

look at them go

Anonymous No. 142984

I wonder if it's hard to run in geta. I assume it's not too bad since their feet are so fat that the straps are tight and the geta won't fall off.

Anonymous No. 143002

He can read your mind, if you are a rikishi
Watch out

Anonymous No. 143004

where are they going?

Anonymous No. 143006

south for the winter

Anonymous No. 143009


Isley (A class, =4th) !2ySisYPHus No. 143010

For the sake of science, you would you feel if you hadn't eaten breakfast this morning?

It's pretty clear to anyone (who isn't American) that Chris is imagining what Hakuho might be thinking. He kind of gave it away when he said as much.

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Anonymous No. 143012

>For the sake of science

Anonymous No. 143015

>heavy squad practicing for the Area 51 raid

Anonymous No. 143028

>whats the deal with the hate this guy gets?
He's a limp-wristed pussy eunuch, and he doesn't respect the fact that Japanese Sumo doesn't share his pussified view of the world. His take on Sumo is similar to what I would expect from a liberal arts college woman.

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Anonymous No. 143047

Do you think he can go 7-0 in his debut?

Anonymous No. 143048

Can? Yes. Will? He'll probably get trick'd by a wily veteran to go 6-1.

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Anonymous No. 143061

I hate Ichiyamamoto almost as much as abi. This makes me smile

Anonymous No. 143062
Hopeful for terunofuji coming back strong

Anonymous No. 143066

>I hate Ichiyamamoto almost as much as abi
What's wrong with Ichiyamamoto? He's not great, but he's not a slapmonke

Anonymous No. 143069

>His take on Sumo is similar to what I would expect from a liberal arts college woman.
I hate chris but you might be mentally retarded

Anonymous No. 143070

He is a shittier clone of Abi, and all Abi's must be removed

Anonymous No. 143077

His technical breakdowns are awful. For someone who's followed sumo for as long as he has, he really has very little insight on the technique side of sumo, let alone grappling knowledge in general.

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Anonymous No. 143085

Anonymous No. 143090

Are those the ligaments they're implanting into their brother's knee?

Anonymous No. 143137

You ARE mentally retarded.

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Kunio Goldentongue.png

Anonymous No. 143138

Terunofuji will retire this year. He's going to fight in one, maybe two, more basho and injure himself again, which will make him realize that it's over, and he'll retire.

We will go without Yokozuna for at least a year.

Anonymous No. 143139

Makushita? Sure, he could. But that final bout between the other 6-0 fighter is going to be a tough one.

Anonymous No. 143143

I imagine I must also a liberal arts college woman too, given that I disagreed with you

🗑️ Anonymous No. 143147

You will never be a real woman.

Anonymous No. 143149

There's a fuck-ton of shit I disagree with Chris on and I think he's overall a cunt, but if there's one thing I can respect him for it's that he legitimately, honestly, enjoys the tradition and history of sumo, instead of being one of those western liberal arts retards who doesn't care and wants to turn it into yet another Olympic wrestling clone like what happened with judo.

Anonymous No. 143156

thought so, kill yourself schizonigger

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Anonymous No. 143160

Anonymous No. 143162

>turn it into yet another Olympic wrestling clone like what happened with judo
sumo is too brutal and needs women too

Anonymous No. 143165


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Anonymous No. 143168

I miss him

Anonymous No. 143171

I certainly don't and JSA as least as a rikishi

Anonymous No. 143173


Anonymous No. 143175

Please elaborate on why you don't like him

Anonymous No. 143176

I would support the entry of women into ozumo because I want to see what kind of she-orc makes her way into makushita

Anonymous No. 143179

I wrote I don't miss him, not that I don't like him. Also, the 45 or whatever yushos is enough no? do you really want to see the same guy in there? It gets boring and his ego is out of this universe anyway.

Anonymous No. 143183

>the boss
>the Penguin

So sad to see them all leave, but that's Sumo. It just makes me appreciate the rikishi performing today more, knowing that their time, too, is limited.

Anonymous No. 143192

Personally I think they should just make Keijo a real sport to give the women something to do.

Anonymous No. 143207

You don't think a sportsman who puts the legacies of men like Tom Brady and Michael Jordan to shame should have an ego?

Anonymous No. 143210

Hak was awesome but he's not exactly Alexander Karelin

Anonymous No. 143211

what is the distinction to you?

Anonymous No. 143212

90% winrate vs 99.7% winrate? 6 years without a defeat vs 1 year?

Yeah, that basically.

Anonymous No. 143213

Fair, I guess. I don't know anything about wrestling so I can't really ague.

Anonymous No. 143218

Sumo has a much higher rate of variance than Greco-Roman wrestling and, as such, win-rate can't be used like that to compare competence. Unless you wish to argue that the 3 greatest sumo wrestlers of all time wrestled 140-200 years ago, when that level of dominance was feasible.

Anonymous No. 143222

I know. But I think the comparison is a) fair and b) in Karelin's favour (and I don't think it's close either)

Anonymous No. 143223

Even if he's not Karellin, does that necessarily mean Hakuho is disallowed an ego? He's likely the greatest competitor in his sport's history.

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Anonymous No. 143224


Anonymous No. 143225

Raiden is the rikishi with the highest win rate of all time, and he's at 96.21%. Sumo as a system isn't capable of producing a 99+% career.

Anonymous No. 143228

moron who knows nothing about wrestling and nothing about sumo

Anonymous No. 143231

NTA, but he even underplayed Karelin a bit. It's not just 6 years without a defeat, it's:
>13 years undefeated in international competition and six years without giving up a point
When you add to that the fact that sumo is just a much smaller sport, as much as I love Hak, when it comes to who's more GOAT I've gotta go with Karelin.

Anonymous No. 143234

Bradman had a batting average of 99.94, whereas Ty Cobb pathetically could muster nothing more than .366

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Anonymous No. 143259

>Thinking Karelin can even hold a candle to the greatness of Floyd Mayweather

Anonymous No. 143289

I agree that Karelin was an absolute monster, but when comparing any sport to sumo it's important to factor in the 90 regulation fights (plus redo and playoff bouts) a rikishi has to do every year. Hakuho's best streak was 63 wins in a row, and that took place over a mere 9 months. He also managed to go 86/90 more than once.

Anonymous No. 143291

>Hakuho's best streak was 63 wins in a row, and that took place over a mere 9 months
For comparison, Karelin only wrestled 40 times his entire career at the Olympics, World Championships, and World Wrestling Cup, though this doesn't include European championships and juniors.

Anonymous No. 143295

The Sumo bouts as intense as they are, are very short (partly why it's my favourite grappling sport from the spectator size). Practically every point in a wrestling match would mean the end of the fight in Sumo, so I wouldn't really compare them 1 to 1.
Notice the scale of events you didn't include. Sumo is relatively tiny. You have mostly japanese with a handful of foreigners. The talent pool for European Championship alone is probably broader than for Sumo as a whole.

Anonymous No. 143298

>Hak was awesome but he's not exactly Alexander Karelin
found the Cracked reader

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Aleksandr Karelin.png

Anonymous No. 143319

Karelin is a beast, but Greco-Roman rasslers' don't fight 15 different opponents in as many days six times a year, nor do they fight on a clay platform that's elevated 2 feet or so off the ground and hard as concrete, and aren't subject to the brutality of the hand strikes to the throat, neck, and back of head as are the Sumo rikishi.

To endure the brutality Hakuho did for so long at the top of the sport puts him far over Karelin imo...

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Anonymous No. 143356

Anonymous No. 143363

Wrestlers are quite well known for their grind, and soviet training methods were probably quite brutal, but you're right, keeping healthy in sumo is quite a feat. Still, as far as I can see the argument for Hakuho staying on the top for so long despite how injury prone his sport is, I don't think it would put him "far" ahead. Especially wih how his last year's looked. I guess in the end it might depend on how much you value "injury resistant" in your GOAT conversations. But if we don't out value to that, then with how sumo works, maybe we should have been talking about the idea of Hakuho if he was able to take bashos off earlier in his career when he was injured.
Overall your reply, gave me quite a lot to think about, and now I think that Hak and Karelin might be about even, and I wouldn't give either a big advantage over another in the GOAT of GOATs discussion (though if I HAD to pick one, I think I'd still go with Karelin, but only ever so slightly).

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Anonymous No. 143415

one more week and it's banzuke day

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Anonymous No. 143416

Anonymous No. 143419

>page 10, images limit reached

