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🧵 /sumo/ - Off Basho Sumo General

Anonymous No. 143418

Big Trophy Edition


previous thread:

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Anonymous No. 143420

First for hambaga

Anonymous No. 143428
New Schrishzoid take is out

Anonymous No. 143432

Right lads, who will get shafted the hardest by the banzuke committee this time?

Anonymous No. 143433


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Anonymous No. 143435

Hoping for a solid showing from Kiri this upcoming basho.
Mostly just hoping he avoids the post emperors cup slump that a lot of Rikishi seem to exhibit after a win.

Anonymous No. 143467

Fuck off, Chris, you pathetic eunuch.

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Anonymous No. 143469

>be rikishi
>don't rock the Mifune look
What the fuck is their problem?

Anonymous No. 143472

They aren't allowed to wear facial hair nowadays.

Anonymous No. 143486

So, what's poppin' with Isegahama?

Anonymous No. 143523

is anything he said in here inaccurate or weird? I'm the same anon from last thread that asked about him, trying to learn his biases and stuff so I can figure sumo news out for myself

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Anonymous No. 143544

He’s coming to end all your boy's careers

Anonymous No. 143557

everyone is getting beaten over their heads with golf clubs and shit. 1 was expelled and 2 were suspended for this basho for that reason

Anonymous No. 143559

Japanese news sources claim Terunofuji hates how much Isegahama worships money.

Which is weird, since Teru's autobiography is all about boasting how much money he made as a teenager before becoming a rikishi.

Anonymous No. 143564

I missed the Karelin argument, but one thing thats a big hit against sumo is how closed off the talent pool it is. Hakuho was basically beat up on some good Mongolians who were able to male it into sumo and whoever rose to the top of Japanese sumo. Considering sumo isn't exactly a popular path for Japanese sports like baseball, he really is beating up on the b or c tier athletes of Japan.
The difference between a Karelin, and most other sports comparisons really, will be the international stage. Karelin is beating the best opponents the world has to offer. Until sumo fixes that aspect, I don't see how anyone could really compare a hakuho to other GOATs

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Anonymous No. 143568

The whole discussion arose because some retard tried comparing him to Karelin, no self respecting person would even bother entertaining that stupid of an argument

Anonymous No. 143570

it was someone arguing that Hakuho doesn't have any right to having an ego, despite being arguably the greatest rikishi of all time, and one of the greatest sportsmen of all time in anything

Anonymous No. 143571

>Karelin is beating the best opponents the world has to offer. Until sumo fixes that aspect ...
What do you imagine exactly is the average exposure to greco-roman wrestling?

Anonymous No. 143575

>is anything he said in here inaccurate or weird?
0:20, he claims that Natsu is Terunofuji's final chance to win a basho and that he has no plans to wrestle after 2023, because Teru made a passing comment in 2021 about not expecting his yokozuna career to last long. He is conveying these things as fact rather than arbitrary opinions
0:40, he claims without evidence that the only reason Teru is still wrestling is to win another yusho
0:56, he claims without evidence that Teru can never again competitively wrestle in back-to-back basho
1:20, he claims without evidence that Teru cannot possibly fight into 2024
2:30, he talks about Teru trying to recruit Ochiai and Nakamura. His sole evidence for this is a quote from an "anonymous sumo insider" talking to a notably low-credibility tabloid.

Anonymous No. 143579

I saw that, and that was also retarded

Anonymous No. 143582

You have the whole college sports feeders, anyone who gets into from MMA or other martial arts that ends up preferring greco, large open tournaments that anyone can sign up for.
even without any of that, the fact that there are ~20 nations that compete at the Olympics in greco show the difference in talent pools.

Anonymous No. 143583

> anyone who gets into from MMA or other martial arts
nobody moves into greco from other martial arts. it's the other way around

>that ends up preferring greco
most greco guys end up there because they couldn't hack it in freestyle

>the fact that there are ~20 nations that compete at the Olympics in greco show the difference in talent pools.
way more than sumo but way less than other sports like judo that has 100+ countries competing

Anonymous No. 143585

>the fact that there are ~20 nations that compete at the Olympics in greco
There's 17 nations that compete in sumo at the World Games, that means nothing when talking about relative talent pools. Neither does the prestige level, otherwise both get mogged by equestrian events.

Anonymous No. 143589

>moving from mma to greco
i don't doubt that that the majority is the other way, but people leave mma too. can only take so many shots to the head. these people aren't going to be top competitors, only add to the pool
and i wouldn't say grecos pool is bigger than sumo. it is more intense to wonder how well a wrestling and judo match up
>bringing up world game sumo

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Anonymous No. 143608

Followup: Hakkaku Tatenosuke, the wrestler who Ishidzuchi tried to murder with a rock, is also credited as the inventor of the matta.

He had been promised multiple large tracts of land if he could defeat the ozeki Tanikaze (not the yokozuna), and so planned to win no matter what. He kept yelling "wait" and standing up at the tachiai, which the gyoji let him do, until he had broken Tanikaze's composure. When Hakkaku was finally 'ready' and put his hands down at the tachiai, Tanikaze bull-rushed him, only to get henka'd hard.

Perhaps we've been too hard on Ishidzuchi.

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Anonymous No. 143658

Here he is fucking up your basho.

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Anonymous No. 143674

On the topic of Terunofuji after retirement
at the end of the day, who will be right: INTERNATIONALLY renowned sumo GENIUS crisp sumo or some guy on sumoforum? it will be interesting to see

Anonymous No. 143718

>Terunofuji is sad about Kintamayama and Jason

That's bigger headcanon than anything Chris could conjure.

Anonymous No. 143799

In all sincerity, it's not near as outlandish as you would think. For example, Tobizaru has mentioned a couple times over the years that he's trying to learn some English to connect with the English-speaking fans he knows he has. The Mongolians, especially Kakuryu, appear to speak a surprising amount of English.
With that being the case, I can imagine an English speaker visiting the Kokugikan or Isegahamabeya and mentioning in passing that it's getting difficult to watch sumo overseas. He doesn't need to have known who what or why.

Anonymous No. 143806

Whens the basho information supposed to be released? I thought it was this week.

Anonymous No. 143825

the new ranking? next Monday, see schedule in the OP

Anonymous No. 143929

I mean if *any* rikishi would ever care or try to remedy something like that it's someone from outside Japan who knows how limited it can be to watch rather than someone born and raised in the archaic system.

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Anonymous No. 143978

Dios mio...

Anonymous No. 143993

>shodai injures kiribiyama early in the basho
>abi flowcharts teru and re-injures his knees
you just know one of these rikishi have to cause issues. i think they compete for this sole reason

Anonymous No. 143995

If Abi forces a Yokozuna to retire, every sumo thread for the rest of his career will be at least 40% "REMOVE ABI" posting. As an Abi enjoyer, I can't wait.

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Anonymous No. 144068

Saved for future use

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Anonymous No. 144113

I wish I didn't think this was the peak female form

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Anonymous No. 144131
Ishiura has descended to 100 kg and is clearly done wrestling.

Anonymous No. 144167

Hopefully he picks up bodybuilding or some other sport where he can show off his muscles

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SUMO Hatsu Basho ....webm

Anonymous No. 144173


Anonymous No. 144183

Ura sure does love his time in the dohyo. Shame about his injuries.

Anonymous No. 144275

So what's he doing? Chilling as an assistant coach?

Anonymous No. 144289

Learning to coach, so he'll be in the best position to take over his father as Johoku High School's sumo coach. Hakuho is eager to help, as he'll get first dibs on any promising high school sumo prodigies.

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Anonymous No. 144346

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Anonymous No. 144347

A toast to all the jobbers putting him in contention

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Anonymous No. 144354

Daddies home

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Anonymous No. 144364

These are your new ozeki debuting in Nagoya 2023, say something nice about them.

Anonymous No. 144368

>shodai ozeki run 2: electric mawashi

Anonymous No. 144381

God fucking damn kinboslicers are eating good this basho. Leave retardoseiho in the dust going all the way to m5.

Anonymous No. 144391

Kiribayama at ozeki is fine, but something feels wrong about Daieisho making it.

Anonymous No. 144392

Damn, Kinbo so high.
One and a half good basho, and he'll be in sanyaku.

Anonymous No. 144396

Gotta slow his ascent as fast as possible because once he’s at the top he’s just not going to move

Anonymous No. 144429

He still needs work on his balance/momentum. I'm not quite convinced he's ready to square off against the joi yet. I would bet that the losses he'll take in Natsu will be a lot of hatakikomi.

Anonymous No. 144434

Question for sumo historian how many rikishi have lost ozeki regained ozeki and then made Yokozuna besides terunofuji?

Anonymous No. 144438

If you include the 10 win immediate bounce back, only Mienoumi since yokozuna was officially on the banzuke. Before that, Tanikaze, Hidenoyama, Shiranui, Kimenzan, and Nishinoumi, but that was back in the feudal days when ozeki was treated the same as any other rank. Terunofuji is so far only the second wrestler to do two full ozeki runs period (Kaiketsu is the other one) and the only one of the two who made yokozuna.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 144439

If you want me to ignore 1700-1800s fuckery, then Mienoumi is the only other lad to do it.

Anonymous No. 144448

It's definitely a test but half the people he'll go against are still shitters. I think a 9-6 would be good then next basho it's a proper sanyaku test.

Anonymous No. 144489

>manages to put his sandal back on mid-match

Anonymous No. 144490

>Asanoyama and Ichinojo back in maegashira
This feels bizarre

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Anonymous No. 144521

Genius-bros... I'm worried for him

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Anonymous No. 144577


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Anonymous No. 144578

8 wins and pull out is what I’m thinking and miss the July basho to heal. He’s only 26.

Anonymous No. 144582

His build adds 10 years to his career. Pretend he's 36, he only has a few years on him left.

Anonymous No. 144594

Keisho always looks like he's struggling to walk or breathe

Anonymous No. 144595

he is

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Anonymous No. 144599

At first, I hated Keisho for his one dimensional sumo and watching him struggle to breathe bothered me.
Over the last couple years I've really come around though. His dedication to a single style which he has made work as well as he has with his height and weight is admirable.
His sumo sense for angles weight balance is so good.

But his longevity is obviously limited.

Anonymous No. 144600

The thing I hate most about Keisho is that stupid shit he does when he walks. He has to slap his belly every ten steps. I don't even know why he does it, maybe he's so sweaty that it's itchy? Fuck him.

Anonymous No. 144614

Big questions for the next basho
>can Redditnofuji remain vertical past day 4?
>does Kinbozan deserve his rapid promotions?
>has Onosho recovered from his double knee injury?
>has Hokuseiho learned to tachiai yet?

Anonymous No. 144615

Yes no no no

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Anonymous No. 144620

In awe at the size of this lad

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SUMO Haru Basho 2....webm

Anonymous No. 144623

Anonymous No. 144651

Konosuke is a pro.

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Anonymous No. 144656

If Enho puts up double digits and Ura gets raped hard enough in joi, could they be in a position to face each other in July?

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SUMO Haru Basho 2....webm

Anonymous No. 144669


Anonymous No. 144670


Anonymous No. 144671

What the fuck?

Anonymous No. 144672


I don't read moonrune good yet, but this seems to say he's intai because of chronic pain.

Anonymous No. 144674

Article basically says that, despite frequent treatments for back pain, he was still unable to practice at all and couldn't even lie down to sleep, and having turned 30 last month he decided it wasn't worth it anymore.

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Anonymous No. 144678


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Anonymous No. 144680

Aw shit son.

Anonymous No. 144681

Ichinojo is retiring. Although he has made it back to Makuuchi after two basho, he is about to hand in his retirement documents to the NSK as soon as May 4th. Although he won the Juryo yusho 14-1 in March, his chronic lower back pain has rendered him to be continually unable to practice, hence the sudden retirement.

The day after Haru Basho ended he returned home, and started visiting a hospital near his house in Kawaguchi City, Saitama, for his exacerbated condition. But even though it's already May, he has been unable to come to his heya, and has been unable to practice. A source says that, speaking to Ichinojo about his intentions after the banzuke announcement, Ichinojo let him know that continuing his career would be difficult.

Minato oyakata and others tried to persuade him that he can still do sumo, but Ichinojo would not budge. His parents have also been told of his intention to retire.

In the past that back ache rendered him unable to walk or to lie down, and he slept sitting up. But at that time he did not consider quitting. But now that he has turned 30, his willpower may have dwindled.

He has acquired Japanese citizenship, but he says he does not intend to stay in the NSK.

Anonymous No. 144684

There can be only one maegashitter giant with no tachiai at a time
Hokuseiho strikes again

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Anonymous No. 144693

he will win

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Anonymous No. 144696

now I've to stop sending coffee

Anonymous No. 144698

Hamtaro is also not looking good, apparently. He's apparently not able to do more than basics like shiko and suri-ashi.

Everything's coming up Asanoyama.

Anonymous No. 144700

What spin will Chris give the Ichinojo news?

Anonymous No. 144701

The villainous Minato-oyakata pressured Ichinojo into competing while injured and suffering from drinking problems, because being the stable's only sekitori since 2002 he was a massive moneymaker for the stablemaster. In spite of this, he was told by Nishonoseki ichimon's senior elders that he would not be considered for elder stock due to the behaviour problems caused by his stablemaster's own demands even though the ichimon has several elders approaching retirement, so Ichinojo valiantly stepped away from this unfair and oppressive system now rather than risk further debilitation.

Anonymous No. 144702


Anonymous No. 144703

I read this in his voice, fucking kek.

Anonymous No. 144708

Could we AI generate Chris scripts?

Anonymous No. 144717

>zooms in on random shimpans face
See hes like: I told you minato-san!

Anonymous No. 144731

Any news on keisho's situation?

Anonymous No. 144743

Asanoyama is not going to win the next yusho

He might be the best rikishi, but he is not going to win. Kotonowaka injures him week 2.

Anonymous No. 144747

>He might be the best rikishi
x doubt

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Anonymous No. 144748

Hoshoryu laughing at the failed attempt....Tobizaru laughting because he tried and got caught. Fucking great shit right there.

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Anonymous No. 144749

It's true...

>The Japan Sumo Association announced on the 4th that Mongolian-born 13th West Maegashira Ichinoshiro (30), whose real name is Shun Miura, Minatobeya, has submitted his retirement notice.

Link to article:

My man must have been sick of putting up with the bullshit. Probably was TOLD to retire because the NSK was fed up with his bullshit too.

Luck to you in the future big man.

Anonymous No. 144757

Anonymous No. 144761

>Asanoyama, Mitakeumi, Shodai, Takayasu

Have we ever had this many former ozeki at once in a single division?

Anonymous No. 144762

Yeah, hopefully he gets his health squared-away

Anonymous No. 144763

Imagine if in 3 years he just shows up yoked out of his fucking mind

Anonymous No. 144764

>What spin will Chris give the Ichinojo news?
he just posted a reaction. It was not as schizo as I figured.

Anonymous No. 144770

I think sumo is pretty cool, how do I get into this shit?

Anonymous No. 144771


You guys are more schizo than Chris. Rent free.

Anonymous No. 144777

Step 1: Watch the sumo
Step 2: Autistically discuss the sumo
congrats you made it

Anonymous No. 144779

Okay cool, anything in particular I should be watching to get caught up?

Anonymous No. 144785

There's a tournament starting in ten days. You used to be able to watch old footage but it's all been scrubbed from YouTube so you're going to start from scratch.

Just watch the top division for starters, pick a couple guys you like and concentrate on them. You pick it up pretty quickly.

Anonymous No. 144791

Just remember that it's never the dead body rule.

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Anonymous No. 144804

Kotonowaka yusho

His ascension to kotozakura II begins

Anonymous No. 144806

There's dozens of highlight and knockout compilations on Youtube, watch a few of them to get a feel for what a good match entails. Familiarise yourself with the basic rules and concepts of sumo so you'll be suitably impressed when someone performs well. Most importantly, appreciate sumo for what it is instead of comparing it to other sports.

Anonymous No. 144836

I love that picture

>Do it again, do that sound you made describing how Takakeisho's knee popped.
>What, you mean "Splorch"?

Anonymous No. 144849

I wonder if they regret not giving him the Yokozuna rank when he got a yusho equivalent and a yusho.
Now he will likely injure himself further in order to try to keep his rank (and will likely fail), meaning they will lose their only high level guy other than Terunofuji and probably do so in the long run since this will shorten his career.

Meaning they will need to advance someone to Ozeki who doesn't fill the criteria. Of the sekiwake, how many 10+ wins at the named rankings do they have in their careers?

Anonymous No. 144851

>who doesn't fill the criteria
they could easily promote someone with 28 wins over three bashos. Every harps on about the magical 33 but if they're desperate, they'll ignore that.

Anonymous No. 144854

>I wonder if they regret not giving him the Yokozuna rank when he got a yusho equivalent and a yusho.
Given his performance since, I doubt they do.
>Meaning they will need to advance someone to Ozeki who doesn't fill the criteria.
Theoretically Kiribayama and Daieisho both only need double digits this basho to get promoted, and Wakamotoharu is an outside shot if he gets 13+. Hell even Hoshoryu's a possibility if he zenshos. There's a good chance we could have at least one, even two, get it legitimately even if Takakeisho bows out.

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Anonymous No. 144855

>they will need to advance someone to Ozeki who doesn't fill the criteria
Kiribayama is a no-brainer if he even finishes 8-7. Given that Shodai, Asanoyama, Goeido and Kisenosato all got ozeki with 32/3, it would be a major indictment of the NSK for them to refuse to promote a sekiwake with 31/3 during the most dire ozeki crisis in 140 years.

Anonymous No. 144857

I think they're banking very heavily on either:
- Takakeisho clearing kadoban, despite his injury
- Kiribayama getting 10 wins (Hakkaku has said that will be enough for promotion)
- Daieisho getting 11 wins

(Technically, Wakamotoharu getting 13+ or Hoshoryu going 15-0 would clear the threshold, but those are unlikely to happen)

Of the current sekiwake
Hoshoryu has made 10+ in sanyaku twice in 7 basho (and has never had a losing record)
Kiribayama has made 10+ twice in 5 basho
Daieisho has made 10+ three times in 10 basho
Wakamotoharu has 10+ once in 2 basho

Anonymous No. 144860

They didn’t for wtk and they sucked him off like a Hoover

Anonymous No. 144863

>Kiribayama is a no-brainer if he even finishes 8-7
Nobody's getting promoted without at least 10 unless Takakeisho actually drops down and S1e becomes ozeki by default.

Anonymous No. 144864

Because they weren't desperate for an ozeki. They had three.

Anonymous No. 144865

They weren't near desperate enough to do that at the time. Now that one total ozeki on the banzuke in Nagoya is on the table, uncomfortable solutions necessarily must be considered.

Anonymous No. 144866

>unless Takakeisho actually drops down and S1e becomes ozeki by default
That's what I'm talking about. I'm pointing out that even an 8-7 would put him at the edge of ordinary circumstance qualifying range anyway.

Anonymous No. 144869

That's all conjecture. The JSA simply has not spelled out what their contingencies are for a lack of ozeki.
>Here's what might happen
is functionally no different than
>Here's what I wish to happen

Anonymous No. 144871

>Here's what might happen is functionally no different than here's what I wish to happen
I don't believe it requires an extraordinary proof or leap of logic to assume that they will promote the highest ranked kachikoshi sekiwake if the basho ends with the demotion of one of the two ozeki.

The alternatives are far more imaginative and surreal - not demoting him anyway? creating a blank ozeki slot to be filled when someone can meet the criteria? giving the slot to a Make-a-Wish?

Anonymous No. 144876

Saw this in-person. I was expecting Ura to have a wild match and was not disappointed. Hype af.

What is he going to do post-retirement? He's got Japanese citizenship, but isn't staying in sumo, which foreign rikishi only bother to do if they're staying.

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Anonymous No. 144894

Check out sumopedia:

It pretty much answers most of the questions you will ever have about sumo.

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Anonymous No. 144895

Watch this too...

Anonymous No. 144896

I've seen this same video shilled several times now. It's a good video, I've got nothing against it. Are you the same guy every time?

Anonymous No. 144897

>What is he going to do post-retirement?

Good question. I have no idea.

>He's got Japanese citizenship, but isn't staying in sumo, which foreign rikishi only bother to do if they're staying.

Yea, that's definitely odd. Maybe he's going to try and land a coaching job while not being an NSK member? Chanko shop? Who knows, really. Hope he loses weight and heals up so he doesn't suffer back pain anymore. Life is pretty fucking miserable with a fucked up back.

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manlet rage is real.webm

Anonymous No. 144898

>Are you the same guy every time?

Probably. I didn't make the vid, but think it's one of the best on JewTube that showcases the skill and toughness that exists in the sport of Sumo. Sumo doesn't get much attention in the west, and most people think it's just two fat guys pushing each other around, but there's so much more skill and technique involved in the sport, and that video really demonstrates that fact.

Anonymous No. 144906

He apparently has large and successful business ventures back in Mongolia.

Anonymous No. 144911

are all these "successful business ventures" these guys start up in mongolia actually successful business venture or some kind of weird scheme you can do by having money in a poor country

Anonymous No. 144912

>some kind of weird scheme you can do by having money in a poor country
That's just capitalism

Anonymous No. 144917

I have information from a credible source that Ichinojo is secretly training Mongol warriors, and is planning to smuggle them into Japan in order to outwit the typhoons.

Anonymous No. 144920

>I don't believe it requires an extraordinary proof or leap of logic to assume that they will promote the highest ranked kachikoshi sekiwake if the basho ends with the demotion of one of the two ozeki.

Well, actually it does, considering that the situation is completely unprecedented.
It's just as reasonable to assume they could say "Fuck it, no one's earned the rank, I guess we'll have a blank slot at the top of the West side."

Anonymous No. 144923

>are all these "successful business ventures" these guys start up in mongolia actually successful business venture or some kind of weird scheme you can do by having money in a poor country

What's the difference?

Anonymous No. 144924

If he's following Asashoryu's lead, he's more into finance and mining than stuff like restaurants or nightclubs.
The bar for entry in those industries is a lot lower in developing countries.

Anonymous No. 144925

>That's all conjecture. The JSA simply has not spelled out what their contingencies are for a lack of ozeki.
if they need to do something extra-ordinary like lowering the standard for ozeki promotions they'll publish a statement, even mid basho, making it clear what they'll do in every possible scenario

Anonymous No. 144926

>The JSA simply has not spelled out what their contingencies are for a lack of ozeki.
Yeah they have. "There must be at least two ozeki, with yokozuna counting if necessary." If there are fewer than two ozeki, they promote someone. The promotion requirements for ozeki are intentionally vague for this reason. Every "modern standard" has just been rules of thumb and guesswork, not hard standards.

Anonymous No. 144929

>If there are fewer than two ozeki, they promote someone.
I notice you didn't put that in quotes. And why would that be? Oh, right. It's just a guess on your part.

Anonymous No. 144977

>It's just as reasonable to assume they could say "Fuck it, no one's earned the rank, I guess we'll have a blank slot at the top of the West side."
No, it isn't. What don't you understand about this? What I have described is how the banzuke used to work, and what you are speaking of is breaking with 400 years of continued tradition in order to fuck over one specific sekiwake who I can only assume you dislike.

Anonymous No. 144983

Has the JSA given any kind of guidance about what they would do? No. End of story. Move on.

Anonymous No. 144984

lmao holy shit
how does one get this mad about Kiribayama

Anonymous No. 144986

Strange attempt at deflection but...ok, I guess.

Anonymous No. 144989

We know as an objective fact that there will be a minimum of two ozeki/yokozuna on the banzuke at any time, no matter what. We know that because that's the one of the few hard rules they have in place. So taking that as a constant, their only options are to simply not demote Takakeisho, or to promote the strongest performing sekiwake. There are no other options. You don't need them to say anything else because it's unnecessary, because anyone with a functional brain cell understands.

Anonymous No. 144991

The other option would be to simply not designate the tournament as a honbasho. There's no rule that says you have to have six tournaments per year. Call them technical exhibitions until someone earns the rank.

Anonymous No. 144993

They're not going to bankrupt the entire sumo association just because Takakeisho got demoted, anon.

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Anonymous No. 144994

ain't no rule says a dog can't sumo wrestle

Anonymous No. 144999

>no matter what
Much as the Association wishes to pretend otherwise, they aren't actually as traditional as they make out. In the past hundred years many things have changed and there's no real reason why more things won't, especially in reaction to exceptional circumstances. I personally think they'll end up promoting someone with less than 30 wins over 3 tournaments if need be, but realistically they can do whatever they like, and a banzuke with no Ozeki on it wouldn't be the end of the world or the end of sumo. Sumo is not and has never been fixed and immutable, and something that seems ironclad today can become a relic of the past tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 145000

Takakeisho fans have already given up. Their support is as fragile as his neck.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 145002

>>144999 (trips for truth)

Anonymous No. 145003

Anon, if you're going to go that route then ask yourself this question: what's more likely to be preserved, an actual hard rule that's been in continuous existence since before the JSA was created, or a nebulous "standard" that has never been formally written down anywhere and has changed numerous times, most notably less than 35 years ago?

Anonymous No. 145004

Perhaps another factor to consider is how the rank of ozeki has been so sorely devalued in recent years.

That could influence their decision-making one way or the other:
>No one cares about ozeki, only yokozuna, so no one will notice if we're missing one
>No one expects greatness from an ozeki anymore so just go ahead and promote any schmuck.

Personally, I think it's a moot point, since KBMA is surely going to make 10-5. Daieisho, on the other hand, will fall just short. If TKK can't clear kadoban, I think they might promote Daieisho just to have a backup.

Anonymous No. 145006

>what's more likely to be preserved
I think instead of framing it this way, you have to consider what the JSA wants to achieve by making their decisions. If the Nozeki situation comes to pass, they will be faced with two main choices and a selection of wilder options. On the one hand, they can promote someone who arguably doesn't deserve it, which could bring shame to the rank of Ozeki as a whole and be a slap in the face to all the men who couldn't quite get past Sekiwake (some of whom may actually be involved in the decision-making process). However, such a choice could be seen as positioning the JSA as defenders of tradition, and may be thought of as a worthy gamble, hoping that the man or men who got handed the rank perform well over the next year. On the other hand, they could present a banzuke with o actual Ozeki, putting the Sekiwake on top, presumably with some sort of caveat - slightly smaller font size perhaps? This could be seen as betraying tradition, but it would enable the JSA to present themselves as having their hands tied by the substandard performance of the rikishi. It would also allow them to market the next tournament as being higher-stakes than usual, given that the high-rankers have been shamed and must fight to regain their honour and bring balance to the banzuke again. Ultimately, I am a cynic and think that PR is more important than tradition to an organisation like the JSA, and their choice will be decided by their evaluation of what the sumo-watching public is more likely to accept, so a 29 or even a 28 win Ozeki promotion is still my personal prediction.

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Anonymous No. 145007

>they aren't actually as traditional as they make out. In the past hundred years many things have changed
Right, but this is one that actually is traditional and is indisputable as having existed for 250+ years. Here are the two ozeki atop the banzuke in 1757.

Anonymous No. 145008

>so a 29 or even a 28 win Ozeki promotion is still my personal prediction.
28 wins while still having a winning score this month would be Wakamotoharu with 8 wins or Hoshoryu with 10. Kiribayama having even 8 wins would get him 31, for Daieisho it would be 30. I think some perspective is in order; we have a very strong chance at getting two new ozeki this very month with an outside chance at three, even if Keisho drops.

Anonymous No. 145009

I don't think Nozeki is coming this month at all, but statistically it boggles my mind how it hasn't happened already. I think that sooner or later it will occur and the JSA must have some kind of idea what they intend to do if and when it happens.

Anonymous No. 145012

>statistically it boggles my mind how it hasn't happened already
It's because the standards for ozeki has always shifted to ensure this. Helps that yokozuna count as ozeki and can take unlimited time off for injury, plus ozeki have kadoban to lean on. If an ozeki can keep getting winning scores to keep rank, it's unfair to prevent a consistently strong sekiwake from also being ozeki, so they add extra ozeki but the standards are higher as a result.

Anonymous No. 145013

Wouldn't "not demoting Takakeisho" even if he doesn't compete a better option?
He is a stronger competitor than any of the Sekiwake and along with Teru he is the only one to score 33+ wins in 3 straight tournaments the last year.

Granted, I'm thinking as a Western UFC fan who thinks that "the strongest competitor should have the highest ranking, wtf are you doing, Dana?" so I might not know a lot about the traditions.

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Anonymous No. 145018

>Ichinojo retired
>Tochinoshin's retirement is imminent
>Takakeisho's body is failing
>Wakatakakage kyujo for a year
>Terunofuji will wrestle for 1-2 more basho and then retire
It's always darkest before the dawn

Anonymous No. 145019

Watch out for Tacoqueso to mysteriously catch COVID-19 after seven days

Anonymous No. 145020

That's another can of worms entirely. Personally I think that slightly relaxing the barrier to entry for Ozeki in special cases is better than giving a free pass to Ozeki who aren't performing at the level the rank deserves. I don't think the JSA would choose this option unless all the Sekiwake put up truly dreadful performances.

Anonymous No. 145031

>Terunofuji will wrestle for 1-2 more basho and then retire
Source? Your rectum?
Why should Teru get through another knee surgery just to retire one or two honbasho afterwards? The association might very well even ask him to stay on the banzuke until the situation stabilizes. The one date which is most possibly crucial for Teru's further career is July, 6th 2025 - that's when Isegahama oyakata will reach retirement age and has to pass on the stable.

Anonymous No. 145034

>Why should Teru get through another knee surgery just to retire one or two honbasho afterwards?

Because the surgery won't prevent his knees from failing during competition.

>when Isegahama oyakata will reach retirement age and has to pass on the stable.

They can file for an extension to go beyond the mandatory retirement age, but, of course, that doesn't mean that the JSA will accept the request.

Anonymous No. 145035

>They can file for an extension to go beyond the mandatory retirement age, but, of course, that doesn't mean that the JSA will accept the request.
They also can't run a stable or have a high ranking executive position during the extension period, most they can do is act as a senior advisory to the actual stablemaster. Meaning someone will still need to take over the stable itself.

Anonymous No. 145039

Didn't know that. I thought they could just stay in place for a few more years.

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Anonymous No. 145041

I hope kotonowaka ends Meg’s career like his brothers let’s be real here he should not be over kotonowaka he got some VERY generous promotions. Kotonowaka was putting in fucking work in 2022 with the second most wins.

Anonymous No. 145042


Anonymous No. 145043

Kotonowaka with never be yokozuna
Arashiobeya will always make the nips cope

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Anonymous No. 145047

Kotonowaka is clearly elite level, the sanyaku log jam really held him back mentally but with 8-7 shitters like wtk and HSR injured he will be Ozeki soon.

The baby faced assassin is coming to take over

Anonymous No. 145052

Whats the news about Wakaka's knee ? This and next tourny out ?

Anonymous No. 145055

He's out until at least March 2024

Anonymous No. 145057

fuckign hell, god damn

Anonymous No. 145059

It's a torn ACL/MCL and meniscus, and he decided not to do what Endou and Takanoshou did.

Anonymous No. 145060

dude's really otherworldly for that

Anonymous No. 145063

>8-7 shitters
>the rikishi with a clear losing record against them is elite level
>sanyaku log jam held him back mentally
damn we got a mind reader over here

Anonymous No. 145069

>damn we got a mind reader over here
Chris confirmed browsing 4chan

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Aoiyama vs Chiyon....webm

Anonymous No. 145091

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Anonymous No. 145099

thats gonna be a #RIP for my boy Ichi

Anonymous No. 145100

I've only been watching for about a year, so it feels like there's a massive sea change happening with the older guys all going out and being replaced with really young guys, not so many guys in their late 20s.

Is that what's happening or is this just normal ageing-out churn?

Anonymous No. 145101

These guys have a career of 15-20 years from the day they start (if they are luck) including all of the meat grinder as they make their way up and as guys get injured we lose more.
Its just natural changing of the guard however it is a strange circumstance we find outselves in with basically no ozeki or yokozuna, stick with it long enough and you will see the new guys like Kinbozan and oho etc retire as old men with fucked up knees

Anonymous No. 145105

I had read somewhere that Hakuho was so dominant for so long that he kind of sucked all the oxygen out of the room and stunted the next generation, like no one could rise up because he just kept beating everyone. Then when he left, everyone just stayed mediocre because that's what they got used to being.

Like I said, I don't really understand the dynamics yet, but I do like seeing the younger guys feeling like they've got a shot and going for it.

Anonymous No. 145107

>These guys have a career of 15-20 years from the day they start (if they are luck) including all of the meat grinder as they make their way up
Also including high school and university if they come from there, which is why most university grads have shorter pro careers.

Anonymous No. 145108

hakuho was amazing, he last tournament was great to behold but he had a lot of competition while he was active especially with asashoryu so I would recommend watching their best matches.
I feel with a sport you always need a dominant grand champion to beat and to aspire to which we dont have at the moment but as you watch you will gain favourite wrestlers or styles or personalities. If you understand grappling or have ever wrestled you can get a lot of enjoyment from the times that they are technical and do some cool belt shit

Anonymous No. 145110

The thing with 15 day tournaments is, even if Hakuho beats everyone, that's only one loss for everyone else. They still all fight each other, so while nobody else is winning titles when Hakuho was at his peak, there were still plenty of room to move up in the ranks. Hakuho's tenure coincided with three very long-running ozeki, the most dominant of the three ending up making yokozuna himself, and two other yokozuna on top of that, and that's just the cream of the crop.

Anonymous No. 145111

I'm bummed I missed Hakuho's career, but I've been looking up a lot of his "Best Of" compilations (before YouTube scrubs them).

I do like to watch and re-watch matches and, each time, focus on a different aspect. Like, watch only their feet placement, then watch only their ring positioning, etc.
I find I can spend ten minutes trying to grasp what all went down in a span of ten seconds.

I haven't gotten into the political, inter-stable side of the sport yet so a lot of what goes on in the between tournament threads goes over my head.

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\ No. 145117

So we gonna talk about this?

Anonymous No. 145118


Anonymous No. 145119

Is it good? And if so, what about it is good? I watched sumo do, sumo don’t, and while I enjoyed it, it wasn’t really as sumo-focused as I’d hoped.

Anonymous No. 145127

Into the trash it goes

Anonymous No. 145145

Idk if it's good. The protagonist spends the entire first episode being a prick and an idiot.

But I can promise you, a lot of sumo. Sumo training, sumo rituals, and probably competitions too, in future episodes

Anonymous No. 145149

Kotonowaka would have easily gotten the most wins in 2022 if it weren’t for Covid. kotonowaka demoted wakatakakage back to Jonokuchi and he was the only real rikishi to give him problems. I hope kotonowaka ends wakamotofraudus and hoshitryu’s careers next.

Anonymous No. 145171

>wow I’m so cool for wanting rikishi to get hurt
Kotonowaka will never even be on the level of hoshoryu, who is younger and has achieved a lot more already

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when i lie on the....png

Anonymous No. 145178

haha yeah, fortunately it doesn't look like there are multiple ozeki candidates currently wrestling who give him a lot of trouble historically and who're likely to be mainstay competition and gatekeepers in joijin for the foreseeable futu-

Anonymous No. 145179


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Anonymous No. 145190

Yeah you’re right kotonowaka has hit his ceiling and he will have to eat only rotten meat. I’m delusional

Anonymous No. 145191

the fact of your delusion is not correlated to his competence

Anonymous No. 145194

Your guy never posting 10 wins in joijin ranks and not particularly dominating anyone who's any good is a damning critique of your concept of who Kotonowaka really is, and bringing up something nobody else was discussing doesn't help your case
A 6'3 guy ""dominates"" the likes of fucking Shodai and you think he's just going to walk all over everybody else despite not posting 10 wins in a calendar year

This is all to say nothing to your retardedly infantile LE KILL LE BAD SUMOS spiel

Anonymous No. 145195

I think Hakkaku Tatenosuke would agree

Anonymous No. 145196

I mean Ishidzuchi

Anonymous No. 145201

>Predictions for the upcoming basho

- Terunofuji drops out around Day 10 when he's all-but-eliminated from cup contention
- Takakeisho starts 1-3 and drops out, to focus on healing up for an ozekiwake bid in July
- Kiribayama will go 10-5 and be promoted to ozeki
- Daieisho will only go 8-7
- Asanoyama will go 12-3 and win the yusho in a playoff over Hoshoryu

Anonymous No. 145204

- Takakeisho fails to get 8 wins
- All the sekiwake shit the bed
- JSA announces the return of guest ozeki
- Demon Kakka wins the July basho

Anonymous No. 145206

>Into the trash it goes

Anonymous No. 145215

Shodai zensho

Anonymous No. 145217

Ichinojo runs onto the dohyo wielding a folding chair and re-ruins Teru's knees/causes Takayasu to drop out of first place.

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Anonymous No. 145225

guest ozeki for september - steven seagal sama

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Anonymous No. 145247


Anonymous No. 145268

Everyone who can mathematically reach Ozeki does so, but they all job their way to kadoban next basho.

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Anonymous No. 145323

Chaosmaxing but realistically it’ll be Asanoyama

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Enho NSK.jpg

Anonymous No. 145329

Will this be the basho where Azumaryu finally completely destroys the career of Enho?

Anonymous No. 145331

enho is going to make it back to makuuchi for exactly one(1) basho in his remaining career, so no Azumaryu will simply beat him as he always does

it was revealed to me by the oracle of the lake

Anonymous No. 145337

Yeah, Asanoyama will mostly be fighting with low level maegashira. He is clearly the favorite.
Terunofuji and Takakeisho are injured.

And the others are more or less in the same level.

Anonymous No. 145369

>guest ozeki
So they'll ship 400 lb fatass Americans to Japan and exhibit them like a freak show? I wouldn't mind that.

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Anonymous No. 145390

Revenge of Ozeki Webster
A debt of 200 years to finally be collected

Anonymous No. 145426

New Sumostew video is 100% pure shit, she staied as surface level as possible on the topic of match fixing, might as well have made a 3 sec video where she said "match are fixed bye"

Anonymous No. 145432

Huge men step forward,
On the dohyo they stand tall,
Sumo warriors strong.
Staring at their foe,
They brace for the coming clash,
Ready to do battle.
Muscles bulge and strain,
As they charge towards each other,
The earth beneath them quakes.
Pushing and shoving,
Each fighter tries to prevail,
With power and technique.
But in the end, one,
Will be left standing as king,
The victor of sumo.

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Anonymous No. 145433

All of her content is like that, props to her for trying but it should be obvious from the way her videos are made that she’ll never go in depth on much of anything

Anonymous No. 145435

>Ready to do battle.
The only part I would change. I think "Ready to battle." flows a little better. Also a nitpick but I don't think there should be a comma after "one" in line 13. Lines in a poem can flow from one to the next with no pause, you know. Good poem.

Anonymous No. 145440

I don't know, her content is usually good for people who are just getting into sumo so I don't blame her
But this one is pointless at best

Anonymous No. 145443

Thats 95% of all content creators in youtube

Anonymous No. 145444

I get what you mean. This one drew effectively no conclusion other than “this guy thinks these two other guys died under suspicious circumstances”. The whole match fixing stuff was messy and piecemeal

Anonymous No. 145461

Hakkeyoi! Hakkeyoi! Ozumo-o

Anonymous No. 145533

Thank you anon, I appreciate your critique

Anonymous No. 145548

Hbu you make or a sumo historian here make a YouTube channel?

Anonymous No. 145580

Wait, Ichinojo is retiring?
Holy shit

Anonymous No. 145591

Asanoyamacoin mooning

Anonymous No. 145593

Her videos are fine. They're a good introduction to people who are new to sumo and are interested in some of the more esoteric aspects of the sport. I don't think she's looking to go master's thesis-level of depth.

Anonymous No. 145630

ChatGPT prose?

Anonymous No. 145674

NHK Sumo Preview when?

Anonymous No. 145676


Anonymous No. 145716

The Ichinojo plot thickens

Anonymous No. 145718

Rip. He will drink himself to an early grave

Anonymous No. 145720

next year

Anonymous No. 145750

I always thought the drinking problem was an exaggeration of the media.

Anonymous No. 145762

>I always thought the drinking problem was an exaggeration of the media.
The consensus remains that it was, and Shukan Bunshun is a tabloid.

Anonymous No. 145764

It wouldn't surprise me if the drinking problem is real, casual drinking is still a massive part of sumo, between chugging beer to pack on weight and the usual recreational functions with his stablemates, fellow Mongolians, and especially supporters. Add on his constant back pain caused by the weight and the booze works as a cheap and socially acceptable painkiller. And it provides a convenient excuse for his stablemaster and the JSA to throw him under the bus claiming it's all his personal responsibility while quietly ignoring all the factors that contribute.

Anonymous No. 145765

This is just regurgitation of what caused his suspension, plus some details about his icy press conference.

Obviously Ichinojo and Minato-oyakata don't like one another, but Minato is probably just as upset that the only wrestler he had that brings in any money at all is leaving. No one at the stable is higher than sandanme.

Anonymous No. 145768

>It wouldn't surprise me if the drinking problem is real, casual drinking is still a massive part of sumo
I didn't intend to deny that, I meant that his drinking isn't the single cause of why all this happened in the way the Bunshun is indicating. Minato denied a lot of it himself back around the time of the suspension.

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Anonymous No. 145776

>send invites to strongmen and other SHW people in strength sports
People llike myself would do it for sure do it if they gave an expedition opportunity like that. Easily set up an expedition. Would be fun and it would answer some of the questions about how far some athleticism and tins of brute power can get you.

Anonymous No. 145784

Calm down Ter
Read >>145440 and >>145444

Anonymous No. 145789

Calm down Frank. You're not going to get slapped down on the clay.

Anonymous No. 145794

what athleticism

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Anonymous No. 145814

Oh no..

Anonymous No. 145816

If he has an inhaler, I would have to think that means he's seen a doctor and they've made sure it isn't anything more serious than sports asthma.

Anonymous No. 145828

>I would have to think that means he's seen a doctor and they've made sure it isn't anything more serious than sports asthma.

Nah, the problem is that old school training paid no heed to heart rate, which is the real indicator of how hard / soft you should go. When they do butsukari the traditional way, they pay absolutely zero attention to the heart rate of the rikishi, which could be at dangerous levels due to the intense exertions. Runners and cyclists found that out the hard way over the years, and now they emphasize obtaining a training heart rate and maintaining it for a period of time while ensuring they don't go above or below it during the exercise. That's what rikishi need to be doing.

Anonymous No. 145831

Not relevant to sumo. Heart rate training is a specific kind of training, for sure, but sumo isn't really the kind of sport where you should do a lot of that. So no, there's no need to be monitoring heart rate for charging practice. Or even limiting to an RPE for it.

Anonymous No. 145832

This is retarded because they aren't endurance athletes. different energy sources
Limiting RPE isn't a bad idea for sumo. Not every practice needs to be a 10. Using RPE could lead to better recovery and leas injuries

Anonymous No. 145837

>Not every practice needs to be a 10
Practices already aren't 10s, there's a lot of waiting periods and repetition of low-intensity exercises for form. The time spent doing practice bouts and chest lending are a small percentage of each practice. I'm not saying practices are perfect, but Kinbozan is a very obvious special case caused by something else.

Anonymous No. 145841

>different energy sources
Nah, the energy source is the same, but I know what you mean. I always wondered why their archaic training methods focus so much on endurance while they're training for a fight that lasts 10-20 seconds. That's like running marathons to train for the 100m - that's not only stupid, it's counterproductive. Yet, they do butsukari for five minutes and are proud to be able to do 200 push-ups or squats or whatever in a row. I thought some of the oyakata have a degree in sports science? They should at least know what fast twitch muscle fibers are and how to train them.

Anonymous No. 145842

They don't run marathons to train for the 100m, they practice starting technique and running form a bazillion times. That's the real analogy.

Anonymous No. 145856

>Not relevant to sumo.
Completely relevant to sumo, as their exertion during butsukari is that of a sprinter, and if they aren't careful they can exceed a safe heart rate and do themselves damage.

>they aren't endurance athletes
No fucking shit, Sherlock, and that's exactly why they should be careful and monitor their fucking heart rate when doing butsukari, as they could potentially push themselve to the point of damage.

You two are morons.

Anonymous No. 145857


Perfect example of how stupid butsukari is conducted. Takakeisho, being a giant fat fucker, should be monitoring his heart rate, but instead, he's just getting tortured by Hakuho because "that's how they've always done it".

Anonymous No. 145858

Should've known it's a keishofag
Your fatty fuck is losing ozeki this month and will never be yokozuna KEK

Anonymous No. 145859

>I'm wrong so I'll just assume anon is a keisho fag


Anonymous No. 145864

I love sumo not in spite of, but because it completely ignores modern (Western) sports science and training philosophy in favour of low-tech brutality. If a rikishi is prepared to push himself to the brink of death in a routine practice, that is a mark of character and immense fortitude, and ought to be respected by every man.

Anonymous No. 145903

in this moment I am euphoric

Anonymous No. 145905

cringed out my skin, thanks for this

Anonymous No. 145909

you will never be japanese

Anonymous No. 145911


Isley (A class, =4th) !2ySisYPHus No. 145928

>they aren't careful they can exceed a safe heart rate and do themselves damage.
Lol. Lmao.

If you're a pro athlete in good health, there is literally no way you can do this. If you're not in good health, then training should be adjusted. Maybe this is something sumo culture could adapt to, more broadly.

Also, ironic you're calling us morons. If you know anything about us...

Anyway, if you remember one thing, let it be this. You can't damage yourself by exerting yourself anaerobically - unless you are unfit or have a health condition. You can't do it.

Anonymous No. 145931

It's a Japanese TV show:
>acting is "improv with HD cameras" tier
>human interactions are autism incarnate
>everything has to be spelled out and the protagonist never learns unless he's bashed 5 times over the head with the same lesson
>le stronk Western-educated kill the patriarchy reporter (skip her scenes if you want, other than this Netflix gave them free reign)
That said, I am enjoying the show very much. Sumo fights pick up later on, and it got me to visit this general for the first time. I train grappling as well, but never had a real appreciation of sumo up until now. It made me want to do shiko, and I'll be watching the tournament on the May 14th.

Anonymous No. 145932

Men of stature as thick as a wall,
Dohyo is shaking, they are standing tall
Bracing for impact, eyes lock, start the ball
Just one of these stares makes a normal man fall

Anonymous No. 145933

In a world of strength and grace,
Where giants rise in sacred space,
A tale unfolds of one renowned,
Warwick Davis, on hallowed ground.

With heart aflame and spirit bold,
He stepped into a tale untold,
A journey strange, yet resolute,
A career in sumo, absolute.

Amidst the land of rising sun,
Where warriors gather, battles won,
Warwick found his new endeavor,
A path to tread, his own endeavor.

In stature small, but fierce inside,
He faced the challenges, undenied,
With nimble steps and focused might,
He trained with zeal, day and night.

He honed his skills, his body strong,
His spirit soared, his will lifelong,
The dojo echoed with his name,
Warwick Davis, a rising flame.

From squatting stances, firm and wide,
He forged a bond with sumo's tide,
Each clash, a testament of heart,
A testament of inner art.

The grand arena, his sacred space,
He graced the ring with gentle grace,
He faced the giants, mighty foes,
Yet fearlessly, his spirit rose.

The crowd in awe, their cheers abound,
For Warwick's spirit, so profound,
In every bout, a tale was told,
Of courage, passion, uncontrolled.

He danced with giants, weighty and grand,
Yet never bowed to circumstance,
For strength resides in spirit true,
In battles fought, both old and new.

Through triumphs and defeats alike,
Warwick Davis found his soul's respite,
A sumo wrestler, small in frame,
But in his heart, a mighty flame.

And as the sun began to set,
Upon his journey, no regret,
Warwick's legacy, forever sealed,
In tales of valor, unconcealed.

So raise a cheer for this grand sight,
Warwick Davis, a radiant light,
In sumo's realm, he found his home,
A legend born, forever known.

Anonymous No. 145946

The AI-prompted poetry isn't that impressive desu lads, rather see you use your own brains to create art

Anonymous No. 145947

All my post have been ai for about a month and nobody had a clue

Anonymous No. 145949

I've been an ai for two months and people were none the wiser.

Anonymous No. 145950


Anonymous No. 145951

I don't think I could write a better poem about Warwick Davis and his sumo career.

Anonymous No. 145960

>rhymes endeavor with endeavor

Anonymous No. 145961

I can’t read moon runes

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Anonymous No. 146026

Hidenoyama was the shortest yokozuna, at 164 cm

Anonymous No. 146049

In the ring of sumo, a champion strides
A mighty warrior, who defies his size
With speed and skill, he dominates the bout
His opponents topple, without a doubt

This champion is none other than Warwick Davis
A man of small stature, but enormous greatness
His sumo career is one to admire
For he has risen to the top, and set the bar higher

His strength and agility, a force to behold
A true inspiration, to the young and the old
With each match he takes, he proves his worth
A true legend, of the sumo world's birth

His determination and grit, a lesson to us all
That no obstacle is too great, to make us fall
For in the heart of this sumo champion
Lies a spirit that refuses to be beaten

So let us all hail, the mighty Warwick Davis
A sumo wrestler, who has surpassed all expectations
And let us always remember, his tenacity and drive
For they are the traits, that make champions thrive.

Anonymous No. 146057

Is there any real-life inspiration for some of the characters? The protagonist obviously pulls from Asashoryu

Anonymous No. 146066

When Warwick Davis first took to the ring
He was a fearsome sight to behold,
He stood a mere three feet and a half
But he had the heart of a lion bold.

He charged into battle with all his might
And soon he was known as the king of the ring,
He won every match with ease and might
And soon he was a household name.

But then one day, disaster struck
Warwick was accused of cheating,
He was said to have used a hidden weapon
To defeat his opponents.

The scandal rocked the sumo world
And Warwick was forced to retire,
He was never able to clear his name
And he died a broken man.

But even though he is gone
His legacy lives on,
He is remembered as a true champion
And a true inspiration.

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Anonymous No. 146122

First day is out

Anonymous No. 146125

>Teru vs Shodai
It's over. First day re-injury incoming.

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Anonymous No. 146127

>Teru vs Abi

Anonymous No. 146131

Big Teru's knees last until Day 11, they completely give way during the pre-fight staredown and it gets considered a last-minute fusen loss.

Anonymous No. 146146

This will be my first tournament - how will you guys be watching it? Are just the highlights enough?
I'll take a wild guess and assume NHK is still in the stone ages and has no streaming service ex. Flograppling

Anonymous No. 146149

Pirated streams, since I bet natto got nuked again

Anonymous No. 146155

He did but he's on #4 now.

Anonymous No. 146157

natto has a channel on rumble that's still up

Anonymous No. 146160

Technically NHK has no Internet stream (they broadcast on live TV in Japan) but people stream it anyway.

Anonymous No. 146168

these matchups look so fun, I am so hyped bros

Anonymous No. 146170

>Terunofuji / Shodai
>Abi / Takakeisho
>Kiribayama / Midorifuji
>Takayasu / Hoshoryu
>Ura / Nishikigi
>Hokutofuji / Tamawashi
A lot of good bouts

Anonymous No. 146171

I'll be watching NHK wherever it's being streamed this time, and then Karla for Abema footage with no constant commercial interruptions if that goes down.

Anonymous No. 146173

He's on way more than #4.

Anonymous No. 146175

I mean the numbering for the yt channel

Anonymous No. 146181

Basho predictions?

Anonymous No. 146183

We'll see Teru's knees explode in real time.

Anonymous No. 146203

Depending on if Teru is 100% he or Asanoyama will win. Asanoyama's opponents will just be comparably weak for the first one and a half week.

I doubt Keisho will be able to clear kadoban. He simply doesn't seem to be healthy enough to properly compete. That means the association will be very interested in crowning a new Ozeki - if they don't get hurt either Kiribayama's or Daieisho's schedule might miraculously become a little bit easier during the last days, also because the association has to test if Asanoyama is worthy of the yusho and book him against some of the bigger names which one of those two Ozeki candidates would have otherwise faced.

Oh, and Hakkaku oyakata will hand Asanoyama a steel zabuton during his deciding bout against Terunofuji which he will use to win the tournament. Afterwards, both will bow to each other in the ring while the NHK commentators will scream at the top of their lungd: "They're bowing to each other! Hakkaku-sama is bowing to Satan himself!"

Anonymous No. 146204

I am the anon who correctly predicted Tamawashi yusho eight months ago. None of my predictions after that were correct, but I still have a better prediction record than some.

Terunofuji will yusho unfortunately for those of you that wanted someone else. No, Shodai is not going to reinjure him, Abi will give him a bit of trouble but he will be able to fend off the flowchart. Near the end of the basho he is going to teach Daieisho the meaning of despair and banish Takayasu to the pits of obscurity.

Anonymous No. 146205

Unfortunately, Ura will fall and Hakuboreho will keep rising.

Anonymous No. 146207

game thread is live:


migrate to /sp/ for tournament discussion

Anonymous No. 146210

>Ura will fall
get thee gone heretic

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Sumo Asashoryu vs....webm

Anonymous No. 146212

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Sumo Asashoryu vs....webm

Anonymous No. 146220

Anonymous No. 146226
hiro gunna stream!

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watamelon dohyo iri.jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 146229

The Sumo Natsu Basho 2023 begins today.

Yokozuna Terunofuji is set to return to action after missing the past few tournaments due to injury. If he's completely healthy, he's the obvious favorite to win. We also have former ozeki Asanoyama returning to the top division and looking to make a statement. Sekiwake Kiribiyama and Daiesho are both eligible for promotion with a good score this tournament, so look for them to come out guns ablazin' as well.

Please join us for grand sumo!

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Aminishiki Sumo.webm

Anonymous No. 146231

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aminishiki sumo u....webm

Anonymous No. 146232

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aminishiki vs hak....webm

Anonymous No. 146233

Anonymous No. 146240

>set up an expedition
Are you going on safari, debu?

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Ura vs Nishikigi ....webm

Anonymous No. 146299

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Endo vs Wakamotoh....webm

Anonymous No. 146301

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Terunofuji vs Sho....webm

Anonymous No. 146302

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Asashoryu vs. Bob....webm

Anonymous No. 146423

Anonymous No. 146523

Do y'all know where I can get some high res sumo posters or banzuke? I wanna get some posters printed and I can't be fucked paying a hundred bucks to get them shipped from Japan

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Anonymous No. 146549

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 146612

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1279
Who Framed /aa2g/? Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

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Anonymous No. 146667

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Chiyoshoma vs Kot....webm

Anonymous No. 146819

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Anonymous No. 146829

John usually post an hi-res of the banzuke on leddit

Anonymous No. 146832

>the final boss of kanji recognition

Anonymous No. 146836

Can you make webm of Takanosho v Tamawashi double fall?

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Takanosho vs Tama....webm

Anonymous No. 146852


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Anonymous No. 146853

Thank you anon, you're the best

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Ura vs Midorifuji....webm

Anonymous No. 146868

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ボス - 今日の志豊さんのこれ-1....webm

Anonymous No. 147034

Anonymous No. 147152

Shaqtin a fool sumo edition

Anonymous No. 147194

Kyokutenho always has best reactions

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raiho sumo uchigake.webm

Anonymous No. 147706

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Miyagi vs Dewanor....webm

Anonymous No. 147710

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Anonymous No. 148491

Ngl they kinda fucked asanoyama having him fight teru really fucking early. Shit is a little sussy you’d think they’d save kiri or asa for day 15 watching someone clinch with a day left takes the air out the sales. A lot of fans won’t bother with day 15 since the title is already decided.

Anonymous No. 148493

Out. Fucking. Skilled.

Anonymous No. 148495

Was that a fisherman’s throw?

Anonymous No. 148498

The kimarite of that match was recorded as zubuneri.

Anonymous No. 148499

Ura was robbed. That match was his and the gyoji decision should have stood.

Anonymous No. 148501

7:00 AM, I wake. First thought: remove abi

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Anonymous No. 148505


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Anonymous No. 148507


Anonymous No. 148515

basho is over basically
not sure if it's worth opening another thread on the divegrass /sp/erg board

congrats Kiribayama for the promotion

Anonymous No. 148521

We'll have one tomorrow, I guess?

Anonymous No. 148532

All mongolians who reached ozeki became yokozuna. Can Kiribayama do the same?

Anonymous No. 148535

>Can Kiribayama do the same?

I think Wakamotoharu has what it takes to make Yokozuna as well.

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Ura vs Tobizaru S....webm

Anonymous No. 148567

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Hokuseiho vs Hosh....webm

Anonymous No. 148573

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Hokuseiho vs Kiri....webm

Anonymous No. 148580

Anonymous No. 148589

The two top ranked usually fight on the last day. This is pretty normal

Anonymous No. 148590

kotoniggers will claim dead body. jsa nepotism at its finest

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Hokuseiho vs Oho ....webm

Anonymous No. 148604

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Terunofuji vs Tak....webm

Anonymous No. 148606

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Anonymous No. 148610

Kotonowaka sekiwake promotion NOW!!!!!

Anonymous No. 148652

Thoughts on Hakuōhō?

Anonymous No. 148653

Well I got used to saying Wakatakakage so I can get used to this. It is going to take a good minute though.

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shodai and teruts....jpg

Anonymous No. 148655

Anonymous No. 148656


Anonymous No. 148662

>Oho and White Oho

Anonymous No. 148663

I wonder if Oho thinks
>that character MY inheritance, goddammit.

Anonymous No. 148664

Not very subtle for the wonderchild to take the name closest to Hakuho. I dunno hakuyama or hakuryu or something is boring but sounds less retarded.

Anonymous No. 148666

>Not very subtle for the wonderchild to take the name closest to Hakuho.
Guys don't usually get to pick their own names. I'm pretty sure that was Hakuhō's decision.

Anonymous No. 148667

There are 8 other wrestlers who use it. Most of them are Miyagino rikishi + Mudoho, but still

Anonymous No. 148672

You now remember Enho.

Anonymous No. 148674

Does anyone have a webm of the Asanoyama vs. Hakuseiho fight?

Anonymous No. 148682

I'm sure some will save it as the highlight of his career

Anonymous No. 148686

I know. At least he gave it to the right one and not Hokuseiho.

Anonymous No. 148690

it's 伯 not 白, which is a reference to Hōki province 伯耆国 aka Hakushū 伯州, the traditional name of his Ochiai's hometown's region
power ranking needs an update with OHO BLANCO regardless

Anonymous No. 148696

from the /sp/ thread.

The second character in 伯桜鵬, is 'sakura' and is a reference to yokozuna Kotozakura, who was from Ochiai's home town.

Anonymous No. 148711

I honestly think koto was dead body first, he wasn't really pushing Ura but rather was falling forward on his face far before Ura jumped.

Anonymous No. 148712

I think I'm gonna be disappointed really soon but this bout made me believe in Oho, I now want to see this fucker as at least a Komosubi

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this smug bastard.png

Anonymous No. 148724

I've been a fan of his since his juryo debut but I've never really believed in him until now. Mostly I've just felt sorry for him, since he doesn't really seem to have the personality to deal with being Taiho's grandson.

Then again, while he's a slow learner, he always bounces back. He just needs confidence.
Makushita, juryo, makuuchi, the mid-maegashiras...
every time he gets promoted, he immediately gets knocked back down, then comes back.

I assumed he was going to turn into a blubbery mass of bubblegum after his 1-3 start, but he showed real resilience. (I know he didn't even fight anyone in the sanyaku and he was never in the yusho race but I think he did show real fighting spirit and deserved the prize)

Anonymous No. 148725

That match was a good show of Ōhō demonstrating something approaching a strategy and tactical development, but I think his match against Midorifuji was better.
He showed real learning, knowledge of his opponent's strengths and weaknesses, and how to apply his own strengths. (Going for a katasukashi of his own against Midorifuji was being a bit cheeky, though.)
Plus, over the course of this whole basho, he's shown much better lateral movement. His retreat-pull move is no longer just a panicky gamble, but more of a carefully applied tactic, even if he's still very raw.

Anonymous No. 148727

G'damn Gonoyama wanted that fucking yusho bad. He practically raped Ochiai at the tachiai.

Anonymous No. 148750

Yeah he wasn’t ready for that fucking silver back energy

Anonymous No. 148751

Tickets for senshuraku sold out before the basho even starts so it doesn't matter. The scheduling is really rtvrning to what it should properly be, the two top ranks against each other on the final day, it's just that this past couple of years we had too many randos in the yusho race while the top ranks collectively shit themselves. This is a good sign

Anonymous No. 148760

All 3 Sekiwake on Ozeki runs in July Hoshoryu and Wakamotoharu need 12 wins to get to 33 while Daieisho needs 11.
Hoshoryu I think has the best chance he's been consistently getting KK at sanyaku for over a year now, been improving the whole time and seems to have overcome that ankle injury that almost derailed him. Now is his time.

Anonymous No. 148761

Hoshitryu is not on a ozeki run with two fushens

Anonymous No. 148762

Pretty sure guys have made Ozeki before with 2 fusen wins in their 33 before. Unless you mean because he got 2 in one basho and there's some precedent I'm not aware of involving that.

Anonymous No. 148765


Anonymous No. 148766

I know they’ll count it I just don’t like it but if he can follow it up with another 10+ wins I’ll jump on the golden boy hype train. I like seeing good movement in the sumo rankings this last year was dreadful.

Anonymous No. 148767

>just don’t like it
it was takayasu and endo. wasn't like dodging terunofuji and takakeisho.
he did beat Kirabayama who had ozeki lucked in by then, and went 3-3 vs sanyaku.
Im not really a fan either, but he's starting to win me over now that his sumo is less gimmicky

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Anonymous No. 148802

Terunofuji is one happy father now after the yusho

Anonymous No. 148808

This one really surprised me. Loved it though

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Anonymous No. 148811

he truly is, but why is ochiai (sorry dont like his new shikona at all) and the log in the picture with Teru?

Anonymous No. 148813

Miyagino is part of the Isegahama ichimon

Anonymous No. 148819

Teru Jr. has already mastered the scowl, I see.

Anonymous No. 148824

I thought Teru had bandaged his kid's knees up for a second.

Anonymous No. 148833

I wonder what they do exactly. I imagine if some crazy jap wants to get into the locker rooms or something the guard stops her. The locker room and normal exit are both past the hanamichi.

Anonymous No. 148834

Following his dreams...

Anonymous No. 148835

Hey fellas, when does the list with the current rankings get posted?

Anonymous No. 148836

A week before the next basho - in other words, in 2 months.

Anonymous No. 148837

>The Cooler Oho

Anonymous No. 148838

One week before the next basho starts (July 2)
The new juryo inductess are gonna be posted this wednesday, alongside the confirmation of Kiribayama's ozeki promotion

Anonymous No. 148840

Someone post the version where h starts casting lightning in the end

Anonymous No. 148841

Damn, two months of speculation
Kiribayama is probably locked into Ozeki but other than that I really wanna know how the rankings moved, Tobizaru is probably gonna be M1 since a basic KK shouldn't be enough to push him back into Komusubi

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Anonymous No. 148843


Anonymous No. 148844

This nigga really went and named his kid Temujin

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Anonymous No. 148846

>Kiribayama is probably locked into Ozeki
They already confirmed that. For things like ozeki or yokozuna promotion, you don't have to wait as long. They announce it very early and have various ceremonies that correspond to it.

Anonymous No. 148849

That and just helping guide people around who haven't been there before, especially tourists.

Anonymous No. 148852

Promotions from Makushita to Juryo, from Sekiwake to Ozeki, and from Ozeki to Yokozuna, are announced much, much earlier, IIRC the Wednesday after the basho. This is because those promotions have certain ceremonial stuff, which the promoted need to organize and prepare for.

Anonymous No. 148859

Thank you

Anonymous No. 148860

What's Ochiai's new shikona?

Anonymous No. 148861

Hakuoho, apparently

Anonymous No. 148871

Well, sanyaku is pretty easy this time:

Ye Teru

Oe Keisho Ow Kiribayama

S1e Hoshoryu S1w Daieisho
S2e Wakamotoharu

Ke Kotonowaka Kw Abi

Tobi will pretty surely be M1e.

Anonymous No. 148874

WMH would be S2W, to balance the banzuke, create an equal amount of rikishi on both sides.

Anonymous No. 148875

Yep, true. Forgot about that.

Anonymous No. 148876

Kotonowaka sekiwake NOW>>148861

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Anonymous No. 148881


Anonymous No. 148886

Nishikigi goes ahead of Tobi

post double digits or git gud

Anonymous No. 148894

Do rikishi tend to be good fathers? This is so goddamn wholesome

Anonymous No. 148896

They're probably no better or worse than the national average.

In the case of Kotonowaka Terumasa and Takatoriki, you have to wonder if they didn't push the life on their sons too hard. You're kind of condemning your kid to die early with no guarantee of success. Sure, Kotonowaka Masahiro and Oho made it to makuuchi, but Takatoriki has two other sons who don't look like they'll make it.
Takatoriki, in particular, raised his boys to be sumo wrestlers, then fucked off when Taiho's daughter divorced him, more or less leaving them with noting but incipient diabetes.

Anonymous No. 148897

That’s more what I expected, you see too many former-athlete fathers getting deeply involved in their sons careers or forcing them to follow the same path.

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march 2000.png

Anonymous No. 148906

Wonder how high asanoyama will go. the last and only low m to komusubi was march 2000 with a yusho. 12-3 jun is close especially considering the current sanyaku. they didn't need to find guys to fill sanyaku in 2000 with three yokozuna and 3 ozeki. 8 would round out sanyaku for may, and give the fans someone else up top to follow. a good storyline for the next basho
i don't think it'll happen, but we haven't seen so many mk and barely managed kk in awhile. pair that with an already vetted fighter makes me wonder.

Anonymous No. 148912

I suppose it's possible they put him at Komusubi but I think they'll put him at M2e or maybe M1w ahead of Tobizaru, will be fighting most of the same guys anyway and I think makes more sense.

Anonymous No. 148913

The komusubi slot is supposed to be for Nishikigi.

Anonymous No. 148922

Asanoyama maybe M3-M4 after Nishikigi, Tobizaru, Ura, Mitakeumi, Shodai falling, and maybe Meisei (I think they're tied). Yes he's a former ozeki but he shouldn't be given priority at the expense of other rikishi who have genuinely earned their promotion. So far the banzuke committee have followed this when they stuck him at J1 when there was no space for him.

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july 2020.jpg

Anonymous No. 148924

he wouldn't get the current slot over abi and they aren't opening a third for a 9-6 m4 with tobizaru's 8-7, who nishikigi lost to, ahead of him. he also doesn't have the performance history or even the performance in the first half if the basho to support it.
id guess m1e over tobi or m1w behind him. i think he leapfrogs nishikigi. another good example is terunofuji's yusho from m17 taking him to m1e.
9-6s aren't that strong. there is plenty of room for them to move up a few slots. id agree if it was like 10 vs 9, 12w Jun has more weight. him and oho are the only double digit wins below sanyaku as well. look at pic related for example of what they did with terunofuji with much better performances ahead of him than what we have above asanoyama
ura was mk. going down.

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low maegashira.jpg

Anonymous No. 148931

>i think he leapfrogs nishikigi. another good example is terunofuji's yusho from m17 taking him to m1e.
there's absolutely no way that would happen

Anonymous No. 148932

Asanoyama got a 12 win jun-yusho from M14? Well I, a lifelong sumo fan, think he should get promoted to yokozuna immediately.

Anonymous No. 148933

top 3 according to BBM Japan, and no sanyaku for Nishikigi, but they don't have the full prediction up yet, maybe tomorrow

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Anonymous No. 148940

this means nothing without looking at each basho and how everyone performed in it.
just picking one (baruto nov 2007 11w jy), you had 3 guys win 10 wins, 6 with 9, and 15 mg. mk above him. compare that to this tournaments 0 ten, 3 with 9, and 18mk. it makes sense that he
its was a reverse situation when he went juryo yusho to j1. low mg. did well, mid pack did enough, and there wasn't enough poor performances to jump him up a division
>Asanoyama, who won 12 wins in the summer tournament, is finally making a comeback to the top round-robin position
does the top mean m1e-m2e, top three as in m1-m3, or top three as in o-k?

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Anonymous No. 148966

Bump to avoid getting archived

I hate Asanoyama and Takakeisho
Simple as

Anonymous No. 148967

m1-m3; they means Jōi-jin in the article

Anonymous No. 148969

lmao, it takes 10 more days to be archived

reminder that tomorrow they announce the promotions to Juryo and the list of retired rikishi

Anonymous No. 148970

there was the yokozuna Wakanohana whose son died after a pot of chankonabe overturned onto him

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Anonymous No. 148971

I forgot this wasn’t divegrass board

Anonymous No. 148972

yeah, but do you know the details? was it because of wakanohana's negligence? it was different times back then as well...

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Anonymous No. 148973

>it was different times back then as well...
It was the 1950s
I blame the Japanese aversion to waist-high tables

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Opera Snapshot_20....png

Anonymous No. 148988

the kid is as huge as the fish, lmao

Anonymous No. 149001

This kid is gonna be massive, in 20 years we might see a new Terunofuji in sumo

Anonymous No. 149016

>This kid is gonna be massive
we've been fooled before, by daidouzan

Anonymous No. 149021

I wonder which rikishi was the largest as a baby. Obviously there's no real correlation to adult mass but it'd be an interesting trivia piece.

Anonymous No. 149022

Probably Enho. He was actually born a bit bigger than he is right now.

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Anonymous No. 149026

Anonymous No. 149031

IMO, if he manages 12 victories, they'll overlook the fushen simply because of his consistent ability to land KK at sekiwake. However, he hasn't managed to ever land more than 11 wins since he's made sekitori ranks, and I don't think he will pull it off. He's got the same issue as Mitakeumi, imo, in that he's good enough for Sanyaku, but not consistent enough for Ozeki and beyond.

Anonymous No. 149034

My guess is Chiyomaru. I heard he was born with a neck.

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Anonymous No. 149037

they dont care about fushenso

Anonymous No. 149038


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Anonymous No. 149040

>Wonder how high asanoyama will go
Maggyshira five-ish, plus or minus a slot or two imo...

Anonymous No. 149041

>they'll overlook the fushen
Asanoyama was promoted with 32 wins and 2 fusen wins, they don't recognize those as being less than other wins because the rikishi can't do anything about it.

Anonymous No. 149046

would anyone like to talk about kabus

Anonymous No. 149053

Not everyone gets gifted 2 fusenshos hoshitryu got promoted with 9-6 wtk got promoted to s from m1 with 9-6

Anonymous No. 149061

>fan of the four-tit retard
>doesn't understand how promotion works
like clockwork

Anonymous No. 149063

Fujigatake got promoted to sekiwake from maegashira 30 back in 1768, therefore there's precedent for Shishi to be promoted to sekiwake right now, and if you disagree you're a wrong retard who's racist against white people.

Anonymous No. 149068

based and simple aspilled

Anonymous No. 149072

Better get his own running soon lol

Anonymous No. 149078

I think he's about ready to make the next leap. He's been consistent for the last year or so, putting in solid but unspectacular results in the joi. That's where Kiribayama was for 2 years before he started his successful ozeki bid.
Kotonowaka's 25 so, physically, he doesn't have much left to improve; tactically, his fundamentals are about as sound as anyone in makuuchi's, he just needs to polish them up and be a little less sloppy.

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Anonymous No. 149081

Anonymous No. 149083

Nice. Dude earned it for sure with slow and steady deliberate performance.

Anonymous No. 149084

Whos' the woman? Kiribayama's wife or okamisan?

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Anonymous No. 149086
>Kiribayama to inherit the shikona of "Kirishima", the former shikona of Michinoku oyakata

Anonymous No. 149087

That's Okamisan.

Anonymous No. 149088

Oh shit! New shikona! Lot to live up to now.

Anonymous No. 149089

That's unexpected, though not unprecedented. Ama became Harumafuji upon promotion to ozeki.

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Anonymous No. 149091

Kawazoe is also now "Kihou".

Anonymous No. 149097

Why Hakuho

Anonymous No. 149125

ok weeb, like you never ever did a typo...

Anonymous No. 149127

lol sensitive
you did it four times

Anonymous No. 149130

Are the Sushi + Sumo events in the US a fun time or nah? It's obviously not a real tournament, but is it worth the time and cash? I'm on the East coast

Anonymous No. 149132

>Kiribayama is now Kirishima
Not sure how to feel about this

Anonymous No. 149136

5 promotions to Juryo: Kawazoe, Yuma, Shishi (debuts), Shiden, Chiyonoumi (returning).


they send Enho to makushita apparently
also Kawazoe changes shikona to Kiho

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Anonymous No. 149139

>They send Enho to makushita apparently
The meme became reality

Anonymous No. 149141

oh sweet, the NSK uploaded the Tochinoshin career highlights

Anonymous No. 149142

I'm going to have a hard time with all these new shikona.

Anonymous No. 149143

>on my way to sandanme

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Anonymous No. 149144

>Enho to makushita
It's over...

Anonymous No. 149146

it's 1st time I wrote it here, so chill out weeb and go back to your mangas.

Anonymous No. 149147

hakuoho being the worst; so tryhard

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Anonymous No. 149148

>full prediction
is up

Anonymous No. 149149

>up 4.5 on an 8-7
Hokuseiho living the good life. Hoping he faces some strong opposition.

Anonymous No. 149161

That's the analysis from Baseball Magazine. We won't know what he actually got until July

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Anonymous No. 149163

Possibly. Theyre all absolute shitters, but you're getting the real deal (except one), and Konishiki seems to be pretty passionate still. 90, 160, 300 seem a bit high of a price though.

Anonymous No. 149166

Daikiho has a serious heart condition that's supposed to stop him from doing sumo.

Anonymous No. 149169

I doubt the matches will be anything more than exhibition stuff

Anonymous No. 149171

What's the deal with the fish anyways?

Anonymous No. 149172

Donate a fish as a celebration gift to the yusho winner, basically extra advertising and the stable gets a nice treat for the next pot or three of chanko.
Food related gifts are common in sumo because duh.

Anonymous No. 149173


Anonymous No. 149174

Japanese Carlos needs to kamikaze himself into a volcano.

Anonymous No. 149202

Took shishi long enough

Anonymous No. 149206


Anonymous No. 149207

The name of the fish in Japanese, tai, sounds like omedetai, meaning, roughly, celebration. It's a pun.

The Japanese do this all the time. Moms will put Kit-Kat bars in their kids' lunches on exam days because Kit-Kat sounds like kittokatsu, meaning, roughly, you will succeed.

Anonymous No. 149229

I will be absolutely surprised if he doesn't go straight back to makushita. His skill set seems pretty weak imo.

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Anonymous No. 149233

Some guys come into their own the instant they hit sekitori, we do need another white guy to replace tochi

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Anonymous No. 149236


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Anonymous No. 149238

>need another white guy to replace tochi
Shishi doesn't seem to have anything even remotely close to the talent of the white rikishi that came before him, but I hope you're right and he improves in Juryo.

>Gagamaru gone
>Good guy Kaisei gone
>skycrane Tochinoshin gone
Big Dan is the lone survivor.

Anonymous No. 149267

Yeah, I don’t think anyones expecting out of him what Tochi managed in his career, but he might be a decent maegashira if he gets his shit together

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now magaki-oyakata.jpg

Anonymous No. 149270

Been missing this lad's muscle midget sumo the whole year, now I'll never see it again. Unsurprising, but what a damn shame.

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Anonymous No. 149272

Ishiura intai, will stay in NSK instead of leaving and takes magaki-kabu

Anonymous No. 149275

That's really cute. I know from anime that they also eat katsudon before a test because of the "katsu" part.

Anonymous No. 149276

Kakuryus danpatsu-shiki will be held on 3rd of this month, just in couple days on saturday

Anonymous No. 149279

Damn :/
I'll miss this little niqqa

Anonymous No. 149282

Welp, good luck my man.

Anonymous No. 149288

I was expecting it
still sad
hopefully it'll take more than a year for the others in that list

Anonymous No. 149300

I'm glad he got a share. If anyone should stay on as a coach, it's him. He's been doing it already for years and it establishes a natural pipeline from his father's high school program to Miyagino-beya. (A pipeline that has already borne fruit, since that's where Ochiai/Hakuoho came from.)

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ishiura shitpost.jpg

Anonymous No. 149329

Goodbye, manlet king. You were always the most aesthetic.

Anonymous No. 149340

You now remember: Mitakeumi.

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Anonymous No. 149341


Anonymous No. 149350

From highest rank to retired, sad to see you go Manlet king happy trails. What did koto do to his neck that was so bad?

Anonymous No. 149354

>What did koto do to his neck that was so bad?
The specific medical language given was "Worsening of pinched nerve in the cervical spine, requiring 2 weeks' rest" (頸椎症性神経根症の増悪により2週間程度の安静加療を要する).
Surely there's more to it than that, and perhaps we'll never know. If I'd have to guess, I think they simply found out the nerve issue was much more severe than they had known.

Anonymous No. 149356

There was also a degenerating condition (common among shorter sumo wrestlers) from slamming your head/face into a bigger man's chest tens of thousands of times.
In Ishiura's case, he was probably offered a chance at surgical intervention, which would have had a pretty long recovery time itself but, more importantly, had no guarantees of being successful; and certainly would be very easy to un-do with one bad tachiai leading to a lifetime of neck pain and permanent pins-and-needles in your arms.

Anonymous No. 149360

But he had already been wrestling with the condition, as we can tell from the "worsened/aggravated" language. They do not, for instance, write "inflammation of damaged ligament" to describe a rikishi tearing his MCL mid-basho.

Anonymous No. 149365

It was a combination of the two things.
Neck steadily getting worse, then something the Baby Faced Assassin did to him finally made it all terminal.

Anonymous No. 149380

His sumo was getting so much better there towards the end, too, so it was really sad to see him get injured the way he did. Bottom line is that it's tough fighting guys that have 100 pounds or more on you consistently.

Enjoy Midorifuji while you can, as he's next in line to take the fall.

Anonymous No. 149381

And once Midorifuji has been chewed up and spit out, we'll have Kiho/Kawazoe.
There's always another manlet. Will they never learn?

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Anonymous No. 149390

The war between manlet and bloatlord is eternal

Anonymous No. 149392

First KK in a YEAR, LFG.

Anonymous No. 149393

if you have passion for sumo there is no no logical endpoint other than to destroy your body getting as high up as you can, this is true even for non-manlets

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Mainoumi the based.jpg

Anonymous No. 149396


Manlets represent the best of human spirit, stepping up to face head on what most seem to be impossible.

God bless you manlet fuckers. God bless you every one.

Anonymous No. 149401

>Manlets represent the best of human spirit
t. manlet

Honestly, I have given up on believing they'll ever learn.

Anonymous No. 149402

>shitting on dudes because of their size

t. beta male that has nothing going for him in life other than the height that doesn't change the fact that he's still a pussy

If size was so important, than how is it possible that manlets ever make it to the top division while so many big dudes fail? Size is only part of the equation, but not the only factor, or the most important.

Anonymous No. 149403

Why are you so angry, though?

Small men have achieved all sorts of things in all fields of human endeavour. Albert Einstein, for example, was only 5'7". You should be proud.

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Anonymous No. 149405

>accusing somebody else of being "angry" when they get called out for their bullshit narrative

Just like every other beta male pussy on the planet...

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Anonymous No. 149407

>talks manlet supremacy
>gets butthurt when memed

no chill brolet. like anon said, when will ya lern

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When will they le....jpg

Anonymous No. 149411

>more beta male cope
There's always a bigger fish.

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Anonymous No. 149425

I think manlets are already aware that shit's stacked against them

Anonymous No. 149431

Fun fact, the sumo choreography for Sanctuary was done by Takeshi Amitani. Never went pro, but won some of the big amateur Japanese national tournaments. He trained with Terunofuji and Ichinojo in high school as they were in the same sumo club. Also coached the US Sumo team.

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Anonymous No. 149444

Dios mio...

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Anonymous No. 149448

I watched sanctuary and it was great. The protagonist's turbo autism is kind of funny, and while there are weird scenes(basically anything involving that male reporter who seemingly cannot act to save his life) or that scene with the buddhist ritual, overall it was something I'd watch again. Hoping we get a continuation.

Anonymous No. 149450

ushanka and vodka is misisng in this pic

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Anonymous No. 149506
I miss Hakuho

Anonymous No. 149509

Best intro.

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Anonymous No. 149522

May Abema intro, if anyone wants it

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SUMO Kyushu Basho....webm

Anonymous No. 149555

Anonymous No. 149559
Asashoryu really stylish with his new style

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Anonymous No. 149574

Explain this

Anonymous No. 149575


Anonymous No. 149577

Some guys take more time than others to realize they can do steroids.

Anonymous No. 149578

That was sweet.
I suspected Kakuryu would get all weepy. He always seemed like a sensitive type.

Anonymous No. 149580

3rd Wakabro should hop on cycle asap.

Anonymous No. 149582

Juryo is the biggest meat grinder filter because of how many old broken guys are fighting negative sumo to desperately keep their salary. Guys either shoot through it quickly or get bogged down hard, and the ones that get bogged down but still manage to punch through have a much easier time with lower maegashira.

Anonymous No. 149592

page 10
new thread


Anonymous No. 149600

everytime I see Harumafuji, I shed a tear. What a shame he had to leave.

Anonymous No. 149983

Wow ok