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🧵 /sumo/ - Off Basho Sumo General

Anonymous No. 149591

A Jap, a Mongol, and a Georgian walk out of the NSK edition


previous thread: >>143418

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Anonymous No. 149593

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Anonymous No. 149597

Say what you will about records, number of yushos, etc. But to even make it to Yokozuna during the Hakuho era where he dominated the field is something in of itself. Good luck to him.

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Anonymous No. 149604

Good night, sweet princelet

Anonymous No. 149605

On one hand yes, on the other hand it always tickles me that Kisenosato did back-to-back yusho before Kakuryu did.

Anonymous No. 149610
Kakuryu with his new hairstyle

Anonymous No. 149612

Kakuryu is as much of a Japanese product as Kisenosato is.

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Anonymous No. 149624

happy Takayasu

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Anonymous No. 149632

Anonymous No. 149634

bros i miss daily schizo chris content

Anonymous No. 149635


Anonymous No. 149680

did he died? for a guy that has a sumo channel he seems to really not like sumo very much

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Anonymous No. 149688

He interviewed the guy from the Netflix sumo thing 2 weeks ago.
Chris is finally doing the stuff he's been promising for years, and conveniently, the anon responsible for the shit stirring over him every thread has clammed up.
It's not worth bringing him up if you can't find something to complain about, it seems.

Anonymous No. 149694

>the anon responsible for the shit stirring over him every thread has clammed up.
lmao, do you think only one person here hates him

Anonymous No. 149695

I'm new, why do people here hate chris? I've only watched his videos going over the kimarite.

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Anonymous No. 149696

He's just a genuinely unpleasant person with an inflated ego.

Anonymous No. 149700

waito piggu go homuu

seriously this guy needs to fuck off. Not your sport, not your culture, not your country. I bet he thinks women should be allowed to compete too

Anonymous No. 149704

The guy basically got laughed out of sumoforum for his self-absorbed bullshit, trying to claim he's the voice of foreign sumo fans because he wrote some shitty self-published ebooks nobody read and he does the bare minimum to be part of a supporters club.

Anonymous No. 149710

>lmao, do you think only one person here hates him
I don't "hate" the dude, I just found the few videos I watched of his to be pure cringe. Dude is a pussy and has no business commenting on fighting sports imo.

Anonymous No. 149711

Ishiura was starting to develop some pretty good techniques to deal with the bigger dudes the few basho before his injury. Sad to see him go.

Anonymous No. 149712

Is there a few things that annoy me more than foreigners in Japan complaining about the way japan treats foreigners

Japan is for the Japanese, go on vacation take your pictures buy some souvenirs and leave quietly

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Anonymous No. 149714

manletbros..... if we lose our last guy.... its fucking over

Anonymous No. 149715

Midorifuji, Ishizaki, Kihou, Toshunryuu, Hayatefuji, Yuuma, Tokihayate

Anonymous No. 149718

>t. Chris

Anonymous No. 149720

>develop some pretty good techniques to deal with the bigger dudes the few basho before his injury.
he was already 32 when that happened. he was nearing the end of his sumo career anyway. just a matter of time till injury took him out

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Anonymous No. 149725

Anonymous No. 149729

>just a matter of time till injury took him out
True. Once you enter your 30's, the recovery and healing slows down a lot.

t. old dude

Anonymous No. 149752

>Once you enter your 30's, the recovery and healing slows down a lot.
I didn't understand how true this was until I entered my late 20s. I thought my sempais were bullshitting me, or that I was built different

It doesn't happen to everyone but fuck, you'll know it when it happens.

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Anonymous No. 149753

Anonymous No. 149757

Does someone need to be an elder to be a coach in a stable?
Hakuho's coach can't coach anymore now that Ishiura got his stock? Or can he still hangout at the stable?

Anonymous No. 149765

>Does someone need to be an elder to be a coach in a stable?

No, stables can hire whomever they want. Coaches, physiotherapists, nutritionists, etc.
The issue is that the stable itself has to pay for their salaries.
On the other hand, if you have a share in the JSA, it's the JSA that pays your salary, so you don't cost the stable anything.
(There's also roles for former wrestlers who can't get shares called sawanin or wakaimonogashira. These are usually long-time juryo or makushita guys who wrestle for 20 years but never qualify for a share. They do administrative work around the stables and JSA, assist with running the events, etc)

These stables don't often operate with very healthy budgets and are heavily subsidized by the JSA and their supporters clubs' contributions. A stable like Nishonoseki can afford to construct a new building with all sorts of training facilities and staff because Nishonoseki (Kisenosato) has access to a lot of money via supporters and sponsorships. Smaller, shittier stables that don't have any popular wrestlers are often run only by the oyakata and okamisan.

Anonymous No. 149767

Ah. I see. Hakuho can probably afford to pay his former coach?
Or do you think his former coach will retire?

Anonymous No. 149771

I think the old Magaki will probably just retire.
I imagine Hakuho probably just paid the guy his last four years of salary.

(For reference, at age 65, you have to retire from the association, but you can be permitted to stay on for another five years as a non-voting consultant at a lower salary. You can no longer sit on committees or run a stable but you still offer advice. Old Magaki was already one year into his five-year consultancy.)

Anonymous No. 149774

I guess he wanted to quit?
Hakuho had a very good relationship with him, right?

Anonymous No. 149802

If you look at it optimistically, you could say that Magaki saw how well things were developing and bowed out gracefully to do what's best for the stable going forward. However, there are power dynamics involved and also large amounts of money, and it's unlikely anyone not directly involved will ever really understand the exact situation. Either way, even if I was his best friend I wouldn't feel all that comfortable standing in the way of Hakuho's plans, he's an important man already and well on his way to becoming one of the most powerful and influential figures in the JSA.

Anonymous No. 149804

He can retire if he wants, but there's no rule against the oyakata allowing anyone to hang out in the heya. IIRC Konishiki used to spend a lot of time at Musashigawabeya after retirement because he and Musashimaru were friends, kicking back and offering coaching advice at random.

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Anonymous No. 149805

>on his way to becoming one of the most powerful and influential figures in the JSA.
The boss has a target on his back bigger than the one Takanohana had, and my bet is that he won't last in the JSA for more than 10 years.

Anonymous No. 149806

He should just focus on producing lots of sekitori and make NSK seethe that way instead of dabbling on the politics of the organization.

Anonymous No. 149811

reminds me an interview with Takanohana few months back, where he answered No to question, whether he would like to be the same man in another life. He said, he would just like to be a simple man.

Anonymous No. 149812

Takanohana's mistake was being too overt and impatient in his ambition.

He was clearly being positioned for future leadership, being placed on the important judging committee at such a young age. He was too open and public about the reforms he wanted to make at the JSA (even if most of the others agreed with him and even implemented some of those changes later.) He wanted to lead, though, and gambled that his support was stronger than it was.
As the cliche goes, when you take a shot at the crown, you'd best not miss.

Kisenosato is similarly being groomed for leadership. He's allowed to hold an extremely prestigious name in Nishonoseki, he's also been placed on the judging committee. As long as he demonstrates he can be a team player, he'll be leading soon enough.

Anonymous No. 149816

>He's allowed to hold an extremely prestigious name in Nishonoseki
I would like to know more of that.

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Anonymous No. 149818

>Takanohana's mistake was being too impatient in his ambition.
I wouldn't quite say that. He ran for rijichou 11 years after this post was made, and he lost in a bitter & dragged-out campaign. Maybe he never had a chance in the end, but it wasn't for impatience.

Anonymous No. 149819

Certain shares (kabu, names, etc) have more prestige than others. More historically significant, or, in some cases, the name of an ichimon, like Nishonoseki, Dewanoumi, Takasago...there's others, I don't know them all.
(Ichimon are groups of stables that function like something akin to voting blocs or quasi-political parties within the JSA. Every stable must be affiliated with one.)

When Kisenosato initially retired, he held the Araiso share, which is fine, but he quickly was able to trade for the Nishonoseki name. The JSA has to approve all share transfers and they wouldn't let just anyone hold that name. It's got to be someone they believe can effectively lead an ichimon.
(This happens pretty regularly, for example, why the former Asahifuji swapped out his Ajigawa share when the more prestigious Isegahama share became available.)

Anonymous No. 149821

He had already been making a pain in the ass of himself by then. By the time he publicly announced his intention to become a director (which is considered pretty gauche) he was only 36 years old.
The old Boomers were wondering what the big fucking hurry was.

It also didn't help that he's a deeply weird individual who, as he got older, made it plain to everyone that, having grown up in sumo from birth, he had zero clue of how the real world worked.

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Anonymous No. 149822

>The JSA has to approve all share transfers and they wouldn't let just anyone hold that name
That's not how it works. They might pretend it is, but it isn't.

Anonymous No. 149824

Ikioi got his haircut yesterday.
Hard to believe it's been three years since he's out of the top division. I liked him. Never a big star, but a reliable upper maegashira guy. Always fought hard, he was always a tough out.

Anonymous No. 149826

I don't know what you're trying to say with your image, but it's probably not reflective of reality.
Regardless, elder stock being bought and sold stopped being allowed in 2011. The JSA controls who becomes an elder and which stock they get.

Anonymous No. 149827

>elder stock being bought and sold stopped being allowed in 2011
lmao oh no sweetheart

Anonymous No. 149831

>you're not seeing the conspiracy!!
Ah, I missed your schizoposting, Chris.

Anonymous No. 149833

>Regardless, elder stock being bought and sold stopped being allowed in 2011. The JSA controls who becomes an elder and which stock they get.

There always are and probably always will be financial considerations when stock is exchanged. Guys who paid tens of millions of yen for their stock back in the 90s and are retiring now treated the future sale of their stock as their retirement. The JSA can't just tell them to pound sand since they're still members of the JSA.

What they have cracked down is two things:
- transactions that don't go through the JSA first. (Guys would put up their shares as collateral to secure loans for their failing chanko restaurants)
- one elder owning multiple shares at once. That used to be common, Taiho owned a handful and lent them out to his guys. Takanohana was the real problem since he apparently owned or controlled over a dozen and that gave him outsized influence.

Anonymous No. 149835

>There always are and probably always will be financial considerations when stock is exchanged. Guys who paid tens of millions of yen for their stock back in the 90s and are retiring now treated the future sale of their stock as their retirement. The JSA can't just tell them to pound sand since they're still members of the JSA.
I don't doubt that at all, even without the retiring elders to consider, it's in the JSA's best interests to hand out the stock to the most financially connected wrestlers so they keep those finances coming as elders. But the important part is that the transactions go solely through the JSA, which means the JSA also determines which stock goes to which elder for prestige reasons.

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Anonymous No. 149838
>fat bri'ish geezer pretends like the bri'ish sumo champions arent amateurs
why do all these world sumo faggots try to pretend grand sumo doesnt exis? he tried everything in his power to exaggerate his and his students skills. then he goes on to tell eddie that the sumo world championships are being held in Tokyo, heavily implying that its the real deal.

dont get me wrong, its fun to see sumo in the mainstream, just infuriating reading retards in the comment section that think these guys are actually good. dubs and eddie practices with a beya and gets bodied repeatedly by a makushitter

Anonymous No. 149840

Imagine being this fucking retarded that you talk about kabu shit while not knowing anything about kabu news across the last decade. It isn't a conspiracy, it's publicly reported, easily available news. There's a Japanese wikipedia page about various kabu problems over the last two decades. Try looking at some of these things.年寄株問題

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Anonymous No. 149847

Ikioi is one of those rikishi that just absolutely embodies sumo. Never quit. Always attack.

The basho where he fought despite his fucked up leg was pure glory, and a testament to human spirit. I hope he does well in intai.

Anonymous No. 149868

This is why the JSA needs to bring back the guest ozeki system. I would pay so much money to see amasumo champions and aging athletes try to finish a basho.

Anonymous No. 149869

whats this about guest ozeki?

Anonymous No. 149874

Back in the Edo period, guys who were particularly physically impressive would debut at ozeki. These guys would usually flame out after a tournament, so they became known as "guest ozeki," though some would go on to lengthy sumo careers.

Anonymous No. 149889

Thanks, Chris. I've actually read those links before, but I appreciate you posting them for the thread. Obviously, you can't divulge your insider sources in the JSA.
I would never ask you to compromise yourself like that.

Anonymous No. 149893

You might actually be schizophrenic if you think the Chuunichi Shinbun, one of the most serious newspapers in Japan, is conspiratorial schizoposting

Anonymous No. 149897

massive ego and also constant schizo shit and headcanons during videos
like the teru vs hak match he did this 6 minute long cringe ass intro acting like he knew what hakuho was thinking
a few days later hak did an interview saying he was fucking terrified to fight teru and wasnt sure he could take the win
chris is alright to watch if youre fresh into sumo and need info but the second you start learning shit on your own and watching the tournaments and translated interviews the entire show he runs becomes worthless

Anonymous No. 149898

>The basho where he fought despite his fucked up leg was pure glory, and a testament to human spirit. I hope he does well in intai.
I think he'll do OK.
He's currently coaching at Isenoumi-beya. (Nishikigi's stable)
It's not a big stable, but they've got some prospects.

Anonymous No. 149899

When Chris just posts reports on amateur or lower division stuff, he's great. Once he gets into his conspiracy theory shit and decides he knows what a bunch of 60 year old Japanese Boomers are thinking, he goes completely around the bend.

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Anonymous No. 149900

Here's a quote from a one-on-one interview 6 days ago with Ushiomaru's widow, the woman who has just sold the Furiwake kabu to Myougiryuu.
>Q: Did Chairman Hakkaku consent to the sale to Myougiryuu?
>A: Yes, of course. I didn't do anything without everyone's consent.

Hmm. Unless - there's an even bigger conspiracy! She's lying to cover up the fact that the Kyoukai really does control everything!!!!!!

Anonymous No. 149902

OK so...thereby proving the point that all share transfers are made with the JSA's approval.

By God, you've cracked it!

Anonymous No. 149903

Chris is drunk and arguing with himself. It's like the Spiderman pointing at himself meme but everyone's middle-aged, English, and fat.

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Anonymous No. 149915

>elder stock being bought and sold stopped being allowed in 2011
I've just demonstrated that you haven't been paying attention for at least a decade, or that you're new to sumo. Oh, and kabu loans are also allowed, despite being banned for 12 years. From Japanese Wikipedia:

>The JSA has to approve all share transfers and they wouldn't let just anyone hold that name
Also wrong. You intentionally just said 'uhh that can't be right' to the Tamarikido image instead of acknowledging it because you knew you were wrong. Go back there >>149822 and tell me what happened if I'm so obviously and schizophrenically wrong.
Was Tamarikido suddenly considered to be worthy of the name Nishonoseki 3 years after retiring and taking the name Araiso, but then the NSK changed their minds after 18 months of his using it, and forced him to move to Matsugane? Or - are kabu loans just a thing, and only 2~3 kabu in existence have any supposed reputation associated with them?

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Anonymous No. 149917

Holy shit I was just coming here because there’s no /Sp/ sumo general, I didn’t realize how impossibly based this filthy corner of the boards could be. More psycho posts pls

Anonymous No. 149918

Your conspiracy theory would be more entertaining if it had more red string. Right now you're just taking screen shots from sumodb and hoping we somehow make your point for you.

Anonymous No. 149919

There's a set number of kabu at any time plus whichever yokozuna haven't gotten a regular one yet (like Kakuryu until recently) so they don't want to have one vacant for an extended period of time because it means the JSA as a collective body is shorthanded. So yes, Tamarikido was the transitional Nishonoseki for a brief period after Kongo's retirement in a kabu dance while they were shuffling around which kabu they wanted Kisenosato to own, but you're a special kind of stupid if you think a 17 month exception invalidates the general trend.
If kabu were meaningless then you'd just see one guy grab one and then keep it until he retired instead of seeing people shuffling around for seemingly no reason.

Anonymous No. 149920

Being quite serious, do you not know how to read those pages? What I'm saying is very clear if you can read them.

The one you're replying to shows that the former wrestler Bushuyama began using the Onogawa kabu in January 2013, then stopped using it and switched to Kiyomigata in January 2016, then stopped using it and switched to Kasugayama in May 2020, then stopped using it and switched to Matsuchiyama in May 2021.

All of this can be cross-checked on the NSK's site on the wayback machine if you are paranoid enough to not trust sumodb.

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Anonymous No. 149921

>all transfers since 2011 happen with the JSA's permission
>here are some transfers, free of context

Anonymous No. 149922

I think perhaps you should re-center yourself and maybe think about who's post you're replying to. Because right now you're replying to everyone and I think whatever point you were trying to make has been lost.

No one's disagreeing with you. They're just making fun of you.

Anonymous No. 149923

>instead of seeing people shuffling around for seemingly no reason
But there always is a reason, and you could follow the logic if you followed the sumo columns that write about those things. Almost no one is insane enough to persist in that, but it's most-all documented. I think the last one which was murky even to the journalists was the Goueidou and Takekuma episode.
Anyway, it's rarely more than a political or sentimental move. If your oyakata was Izutsu, maybe you want Izutsu more than Michinoku. When Izutsu becomes available in 2040, the owner is willing to swap with you and then sell Michinoku to the next guy.

Anonymous No. 149925

>But there always is a reason,
...which was the point you were arguing against in the first place.

Anonymous No. 149926

Has anybody eaten chanko before? I want to try it but honestly it seems kind of gross like wilted slippery vegetables and just lots of soft boiled things

Anonymous No. 149927

I think the thread of conversation has been lost because of the mocking rather than anything else.
-retards think that something changed in 2011 because English Wikipedia says so; nothing changed
-the changes they usually come up with are: centralized kabu control, bans on kabu purchases/sales, bans on kabu loans
-they come up with these because the Japanese government told the NSK to do these things in 2011

-Tamarikido was an easy example of the NSK not being too concerned with who fills in a particular name that isn't Dewanoumi or Kasugano. That was in response to the bizarre centralization claim which really has no foundation
-Ushiomaru's wife's interview is hard proof that buying and selling of kabus remains in the NSK. It is currently news because the existence of proof is considered a scandal.
-Bushuyama is obviously bouncing around kabu because he is loaning from their owners, not because he possessed $10,000,000 to buy them all up. This is a strong piece of evidence of the existence of loans.

Anonymous No. 149928

I said the NSK wasn't machinating behind name changes, I didn't say wrestlers lacked agency.

Anonymous No. 149929

No one disputes any of that, though. This post >>149833 should have been the end of it. Then Chris or some pseudoChris had a seizure.

Anonymous No. 149930

Whichever retard kept replying to me calling me a schizo is the one responsible

Anonymous No. 149932

The important think that needs to be understood is that the JSA becoming a public interest company in 2011 means that their financial records are open to the government and they have three government appointees in the JSA in oversight roles, which means the government already knows what the JSA is doing, which means if the government doesn't say "don't do that" it's implied approval by lack of disapproval. So both things can and likely are true: direct buying and selling of kabu isn't a thing anymore, but are still indirectly via a combination of the JSA wanting (and likely legally needing) to make right for the pre-2011 holders and wanting to ensure incoming elders are still well enough connected to support the JSA financially. It's like the difference between buying a condo vs. joining a housing co-op.

Anonymous No. 149935

I think that's a fair perspective.

Anonymous No. 149936

>Has anybody eaten chanko before?
It's soup. Make it yourself with what you like.

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Anonymous No. 149946


Anonymous No. 149948

But the sumos dump the whole fridge in there, I want to try the excessive version

I'd make it myself but I dont have friends and cant eat all of it myself

Anonymous No. 149950

>someone with almost zero sumo training strengthmoggs everyone in the gym

I get what you’re saying, that these guys don’t hold a candle to any sekitori but it’s pretty obvious these are regular guys with day jobs that just train on the side. They pretend ozumo doesn’t exist because it’s a closed pool that doesn’t interact with them, simple as. I’m sure every one of them dreams of competing in ozumo but that’s obviously never going to happen

Anonymous No. 149951

Chanko by itself refers to any sumo meal whereas chanko-nabe is the dish itself.

I ate some at the Kokugikan during this past January tournament. It was pretty tasty. Honestly one of my favorite things I ate in Japan.

Anonymous No. 149955

eddie had no idea what he was doing and by the end basically figured out his style of sumo.
thats how easy this is

Anonymous No. 149956

also the small advantage of being a world-tier competitive powerlifter

Anonymous No. 149957

>norf jsa

Anonymous No. 149958

Why does he have a backwards tattoo on his titty?

Anonymous No. 149968

>he did this 6 minute long cringe ass intro acting like he knew what hakuho was thinking
Holy shit how are you this dumb.

Tbh, I like Chris, and now seeing that his haters here are 90iq (and most likely American), I'm gonna continue liking Chris too.

Anonymous No. 149969

ok Chris, you do you

Anonymous No. 149971

For someone who's covered sumo as long as he has, he has surprisingly little technical knowledge of sumo or even grappling in general. His technique breakdowns are atrocious.

Anonymous No. 149997

>For someone who's covered sumo as long as he has, he has surprisingly little technical knowledge of sumo or even grappling in general.
There is no one right way to enjoy sumo.

Some people enjoy the pageantry, others only care about the fights themselves. Some like to cheer for a single wrestler only, others watch as a true neutral.
And others, like Chris, enjoy sumo as a way to write fanfic about elderly Japanese men with CTE engaging in House of Cards-style politicking.

Anonymous No. 149998

>like Chris, enjoy sumo as a way to write fanfic about elderly Japanese men with CTE engaging in House of Cards-style politicking.
Objectively the most based way to enjoy anything. Schizo posting as a high energy hobby

Anonymous No. 150000

Oho will be Yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 150003

yes, Taihou was a yokozuna

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Anonymous No. 150008

Wouldn't looking like this make you more effective in sumo than looking like sumo wrestlers usually look like?

Anonymous No. 150009

I look forward to his rivalry with yokozuna Hoshoryu, but I fear Oho will be the Kisenosato of the pair.

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Anonymous No. 150012

thor at his strongest was like 205kg. he easily would have gotten bigger if required. hokuseiho is the only one close enough in height (2" shorter than thor)

Anonymous No. 150021

it could but at the end of the day its still more of a skill sport than a strength sport. remember that he spent his life building that physique, he wouldnt have been able to reach the same level if he had to spend half his day training wrestling. also the fact that lots of rikishi are probably natural and the ones who do juice are probably running a retard tier cycle.

Anonymous No. 150024

>retard cycles
many of takakeisho's injuries are similar to ones you see in roiding lifters. the pec tear being the big one

Anonymous No. 150026

Tbh, I'm not surprised you can tear a pec wrestling. Fast moving heavy things (like sumo wrestlers) produce a great deal of force when they're slowed. So that's not itself, indicative of roid usage as much as, say, Teru, Midori, Tochi and the Waka Bros gigantic traps.

Wakatakakage and Wakamotoharu are both using at least as many steroids. So was Tochi in his prime - but they didn't grow quite as big because they're not Hafthor. Lotta guys have used like him, but few are his size or strength.

Anonymous No. 150029

using big traps as proof of roids is unreliable at best. i dont doubt the possibility of anyone using, especially the waka bros given their sudden success, but "tochi in his prime" doesnt really make sense to me. why would anyone stop using steroids after such good results? if anything, injury recovery would give him more of a reason to use them. in my mind either he never used (possible but unlikely) or continues to use which demonstrates that steroids arent the be all end all of wrestling.

Anonymous No. 150030

Being rounder makes it harder to get a hold of your belt

Anonymous No. 150031

>ask foreigners why they like sumo
>yeaaah maaan it's like, seeing all the culture and tradition maaan
>ask Japanese why they like sumo
>I rike seeing biggu fatto man pushing each otha!

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Anonymous No. 150033

>yeaaah maaan it's like, seeing all the culture and tradition maaan
these are the loser weeb fans like chris
>seeing biggu fatto man pushing each otha!
these are the true fans

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Anonymous No. 150039

Kirishima on his way to visit Mongolia. Hope we get some pictures from there

Anonymous No. 150047

Oh I'm sure he continued to the bitter end. And they're absolutely not the be all, just a significant advantage once you're already skilled.

Anonymous No. 150086

Quads confirm

Anonymous No. 150107

>I'd make it myself but I dont have friends and cant eat all of it myself
It's literally just a broth, veggies, and some proteins, and can be made in portions as large or small as you need. I make my own versions and serve it over rice. Delicious.

A lot of the Japanese recipes I see use a fish broth, but I roll with a chicken/beef/pork broth. I use celery, onion, bell pepper, chilli peppers, garlic and or ginger, cabbage, carrots, green onion, onions sauce, fish sauce, and chicken/beef/pork. Shit's the bomb.

Anonymous No. 150109

>steroids arent the be all end all of wrestling.
They aren't. They help, for sure, but success comes down to genetics, motivation, and skill. Some dudes just have a genetic advantage, and when they combine that with high motivation and skill, steroids are little more than the icing on the proverbial cake.

Anonymous No. 150111

>Wouldn't looking like this make you more effective in sumo than looking like sumo wrestlers usually look like?

Sumo relies pretty heavily on the mass part of the force = mass x velocity equation. The tachiai in Osumo is way more emphasized compared to international / amateur sumo, so they want the extra mass that fat provides to create greater force at the tachiai. The goal of the rikishi is to maintain the velocity part of the equation despite adding additional mass. The best wrestlers find a sweet spot and maintain that weight, while the marginal guys allow themselves to get too heavy to compete effectively. You look at guys like Hakuho, Kakuryu, and Asashoryu, and they all maintained a fighting weight as yokozuna, and while having fat that a lot of other athletes would not, they were comprised mostly of muscle.

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Anonymous No. 150114

>they all maintained a fighting weight as yokozuna, and while having fat that a lot of other athletes would not, they were comprised mostly of muscle
What do you make of Kitanoumi? He was active at the same time as Chiyonofuji and was virtually statistically identical to Chiyonofuji, 4 cm height difference but 35 kg heavier than him.
Kitanoumi's makuuchi record: 804-247
Chiyonofuji's makuuchi record: 807-253

Anonymous No. 150115

Not him, but Chiyonofuji was relatively underweight for his size because he relied more on agility and throws than the others. In fact he frequently got hurt as a maegashira going for throws and needed to go to a more traditional style to stay healthy enough to make yokozuna. Kitanoumi on the other hand was a more traditional wrestler from the beginning, and his physique reflected it. He was well known for his strength and balance, ironically living up to being a human mountain more than Chiyono*fuji* did.

Anonymous No. 150116

Sumo has a meta like any sport, which evolves
>football: tiki-taka, then gegenpressing, etc
>tennis: serve-and-volley, then return-game groundstrokes, etc

You build your body and your skills to beat the opponents who stand in your way.

A good example is Takanohana. He has a pretty slender frame but he put on tons of weight because of Akebono's size. Takanohana was a natural around 130kg but beefed himself up to 150kg because he needed the mass to shift Akebono's 230kg.
Takanohana fucked up his liver carrying that much extra mass.

You can see it throughout sumo history. Wrestlers' builds grow and shrink depending on the prevalent meta (size and style).

Anonymous No. 150131

wanting rikishi to look more jacked is the same as wanting rikishi to look more handsome. It's all aesthetic preference with little correlation to sumo performance.

Anonymous No. 150134

>how dare people have preferences for things

Anonymous No. 150135

having a big belly is definitely better though, the lower center of gravity
I'm very broad up top and when I play volley ball at the beach I look like a baby learning to walk in the sand

Anonymous No. 150143

>Sumo has a meta like any sport, which evolves
That's a great point. I find it interesting to see a lot of the old depictions of rikishi in Japanese art having a lot of fat on their frames, while we also have early photos of rikishi from the 1900's that show them without having a lot of fat on their frames to the point they look skinny compared to modern rikishi. I guess the meta is always changing, and always will, and it's true we see it in other sports as well.

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Anonymous No. 150146

>1900's that show them without having a lot of fat on
part of that is lifestyle and access to amount and type of food. it was a kit harder to eat 6000 cal a day then

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Umegatani II c. 1....jpg

Anonymous No. 150149

>we also have early photos of rikishi from the 1900's that show them without having a lot of fat on their frames
It changed even more rapidly than that. Umegatani II would get shit for being fat in the 00s, and this developed into a weird minor complex by his peers about the next generation of wrestlers gaining weight because of his having served as inspiration by being a fat yokozuna.

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the virgin wakahi....jpg

Anonymous No. 150150

This is from somewhere around 1920~22 and is a great view of the changing mindsets I mentioned
Text on the side reads:
>The musclebound body of Tochigiyama on the right ought to be taken as a model by today's modern rikishi, whereas Wakahitachi seen on the left has a body like that of Umegatani - one that is too heavy for him and which produces innumerable weaknesses. Indeed his is a body of a bygone age but, with a great deal of effort, it is all too easy to imagine he might redeem himself yet.

I'm of the view that the sport always has gone through little fits and spurts like these every other decade or so, and that they aren't noticeable except from a great remove.

Anonymous No. 150155

>too heavy for him and which produces innumerable weaknesses.

Anonymous No. 150224

Last basho was solid but I kind of miss our regularly scheduled clown basho...

Anonymous No. 150226

I wonder how much better off they would be with modern scientific approaches to training
for example training the way football players do with modern equipment
it seems a lot of the injuries happen from the way they train more than anything

they should use resistance training to stimulate muscle growth which cuts down the time dramatically. The only weights I ever really see in a stable are guys doing curls off to the side

Anonymous No. 150230


Anonymous No. 150236

>using equipment to train has benefits that aren't captured by traditional training methods
who woulda thought

Anonymous No. 150242

>they should use resistance training to stimulate muscle growth which cuts down the time dramatically. The only weights I ever really see in a stable are guys doing curls off to the side

Every wrestler in every major stable already incorporates weight training into their routines. They have for decades.

🗑️ AAU fattass No. 150243

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1282
Sad Jack Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 150246


Anonymous No. 150247

I saw that.

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Anonymous No. 150249

You telling me abi vs takayasu and takakeisho vs kotoshoho wasn’t enough clownshow for you?

Anonymous No. 150252

I think he means something like Big Dan 11-4 J, Kimbo 12-3 Y with 2 corona fusen

Anonymous No. 150266

this is kinda proving the point, they're doing highschool gym class exercises

honestly they need to be running sprints and pushing sleds

Anonymous No. 150268

>a lot of the injuries happen from the way they train more than anything
It's not the training that injures them, it's the sparring. Body weight exercises, like those used by rikishi, are far less likely to result in injury than are "modern" techniques, like weight lifting and machines. They pretty much go full bore with their sparring, however, and when you do that, you are opening yourself up to injury, which is just a compromise you make in combat sports.

Check out some interviews with Konishiki about how he trained. He used to absolutely beat the shit out of any rikishi who took advantage of their rank and treated him bad. He respected the rank structure and would just wait until he had the opportunity to face them in the dohyo during training to get his payback. His fellow rikishi learned pretty quick to not fuck with him, or else he would maul the shit out of them in training. Dude talks about breaking noses, arms, and putting a dude in the hospital. Brutal shit, man.

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Kushti wrestler.jpg

Anonymous No. 150272

>running sprints
The shiko they do builds far more powerful legs than sprints ever could.
>pushing sleds
They do butsukari-geiko, which is similar.

The training program they use is pretty solid, tried and true, and makes use of limited resources and space. Those traditional exercises have been used for a reason, and that is that they have proven to work over time.

Anonymous No. 150273

>pushing sleds
have you ever watched sumo training

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Anonymous No. 150286

While they do weight training, many of them dont know what theyre doing and have horrible form.
Watching asanoyama pull 200kg for like 3 reos iirc was pretty painful
also under over with straps is peak retard

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Anonymous No. 150290

>While they do weight training, many of them dont know what theyre doing and have horrible form.
This is true of every sport though, really. Behold the pinnacle of athleticism

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lmao only 200kg.webm

Anonymous No. 150300

There is doing stupid training things, and then there is doing the movements incredibly poorly. most professional sports athletes that need strength in their sport seem to know how to do the movements properly
>inb4 laBomb squat
i wouldn't count sports like basketball or golf as one of those.
sports like field events, highland games, football/rugby, hockey to an extent etc. the mma guys train pretty correctly too. you would also need to compare athletes with similar talent level (pro-bowlers belt, holders, medalist) to someone who made ozeki
seeing form like kovacs is more typical
then to webm related
the ig page took the diddy down too. id want it down too if i was asanoyama.

Anonymous No. 150302

>webm related
dear god, that's not what I expected from the pic you posted before

Anonymous No. 150303

>that slight right knee lock
Dear god.

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Anonymous No. 150306

like compare that to what terunofuji was doing here >>150230 or hakuho's bench here
Id not be suprised if most sumo weight training consists of pic related

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Anonymous No. 150311

If you've ever been to a steak house in Japan you'll realise they know nothing of flesh

No seasoning, soggy exterior, dry pitiful sides
It's no wonder they don't lift weights properly, they are too anemic

Anonymous No. 150312

sure thing american

Anonymous No. 150313

Wheres dem' seasons?

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Anonymous No. 150314

There wasnt even any salt on the meat
The only consolation was getting some DFC after

Anonymous No. 150329

tournament highlights are up, more late than usual

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Cain Velasquez tr....webm

Anonymous No. 150337

>the mma guys train pretty correctly too
lol. lmao

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Anonymous No. 150340

whats wrong with this? how else do you train to toss someone like this

Anonymous No. 150341

I had great steak in osaka. One was a Brazilian style place and one was a kobe beef place. It looks like you went to some fake American style place and not somewhere good from how that shits plated

Anonymous No. 150342

Nothing wrong with the exercise itself, but that guy's form is awful and he's a former UFC HW champion.

Anonymous No. 150343

considering its 203lbs kettlebell, its not going to move like a 40lbs crossfit swing. there isn't anything wrong with the hip portion thats being trained. its mostly the crashing back down that looks bad because the weight is hard for him to maintain. its not much different than a clean pull

Anonymous No. 150348

Who told the story of the time Hak (or Teru?) invited a visiting Mongolian (single ply, equipped) 83kg powerlifter out for drinks when he was competing in Japan. And the powerlifter asked what Hak (or Teru?) benched and laughed in his face when he heard it was 80kg and said he did 160kg.

That Yokozuna then hired the powerlifter to be his weights coach almost on the spot. I think it was Hak desu

Anonymous No. 150412

harumafuji while he was ozeki i believe

Anonymous No. 150443

I'll miss Speedin', but this one is amazing as well. I think it's a great harbinger for the new era of sumo, hopefully a more stable one.

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Anonymous No. 150481

>an ozeki was only able to bench 80kg
What the fuck

Anonymous No. 150491

Chris put up a neat interview with Chiyotairyu.
Interesting to see how guys turn out when they leave sumo altogether.

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Anonymous No. 150493

>You will live in ze pod
>You will eat ze chanko
>And you will gambarise

Anonymous No. 150495

>an ozeki was only able to bench 80kg
Without a doubt, he would have been talking what he did for 10 reps, after morning training, while just doing the bare minimum to get through the boring weights training.

Most (real) athletes hate weights! If they liked it, they'd be a powerlifter, usually. They'll literally do just whatever is written down by weights coach, they won't really try hard, just hardish and then go do "real" training. Even great athletes are like this

Ah yeah makes more sense.

Anonymous No. 150496

>Opens up a bar in Roppongi
>New tattoos

Yakuzabros, we're back

Anonymous No. 150500

I almost joined the yakuza once, I was going to be a door man for a money laundering operation in shibuya

Anonymous No. 150501

What stopped you?

Anonymous No. 150503

I don't really have a good reason, I just didn't seize the opportunity and decided to go back home instead

what happened was I was at the gym and it had a martial arts area, and I see 2 guys wrestling so I went over and asked if I could work out with them. they were both pretty good, we worked out for a while and then parted ways never to see each other again or so I thought.

2 or 3 weeks later I went out with some friends and we were headed to a bar which was a very discrete building
two well dressed door men wearing suits and ear pieces are standing in front and one of them happens to be one of the guys I worked out with a few weeks earlier
they check everything before letting people through the doors then the bar itself is down a staircase under ground with another door and door man
the price to get in was ¥1000, all you can drink and eat (had a help yourself table with chicken, dumplings, sausages and stuff, you know just bar food) inside is a small bar, no more than 1000sqft but its really full of people because you can't beat that price, they're basically giving food and alcohol away for free.
despite the small size there's 4 more security guys in there with one of them patrolling the room. and in the back corner there's a table with the guys obviously in charge sitting there smoking and watching everything

I talked to my acquaintance for a while about working there as security because he knows I can fight well, he would recommend me to do an interview with the boss but I never did it

Anonymous No. 150526

>two well dressed door men wearing suits and ear pieces
I would have walked past and gone to the next place. I've watched too many 80s yakuza films to get involved in that shit.

Anonymous No. 150553

>Most (real) athletes hate weights!
laughing larry allen

Anonymous No. 150636

Obviously some do, most don't. Which would be obvious if you spent time around them

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Anonymous No. 150647


Anonymous No. 150648

Wait...were there people actually fantasizing about her being cute?

Anonymous No. 150654

I knew I recognised that voice

Anonymous No. 150655

She's into kpop and writes fanfiction. This was the only way it could've turned out.

Anonymous No. 150657

If a woman does not show her face in her videos, there is just one reason

Anonymous No. 150660

Yeah. The idea of sharing sumo enjoyment with a gf is a recurring fantasy here.

Anonymous No. 150669

Shes not a lost cause, if she lost 50 lbs and took a shower she could be a 6 or 7

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Anonymous No. 150694

Told y’all down bad niggas she was an ogre white weeb girls for the win

Anonymous No. 150700

She's cute, what are you on about?

Anonymous No. 150702

I've started ripping the english commentary videos from NHK for my friends who don't want to watch it in Japanese. There any interest in my started up a dropbox for this that we can link in the thread? Might help more people get into Sumo.

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my chanko.png

Anonymous No. 150703

I make it myself for watch parties. It's like chili/Stew. As long as it's chicken based you can put pretty much whatever you want in. That's why Each stable has a different recipe.

Anonymous No. 150705

Yeah the nips seem to really struggle with beef that isn't ground for some reason.

Anonymous No. 150708

Eating meat was banned to various degrees throughout Japan's feudal days for both religious and practical reasons. It's simply much easier for an island archipelago nation to get their protein from fish and tofu instead of razing land to raise livestock. Wagyu cattle were used as working animals by the noble estates, not as food, until western influence in the Meiji period.

Anonymous No. 150712

Oh yeah. It absolutely makes sense historically. It's just weird that their economy was able to make such a massive leap forward, and that their food is generally considered world-class. Except they just can't seem to get a decent steak right.

Anonymous No. 150713

>Yeah. The idea of sharing sumo enjoyment with a gf is a recurring fantasy here.
There are a number of anons here who watch with their wives/gfs. It's easier to get women into sumo than, say, boxing or MMA.

My wife started watching with me a few months after I did and has really gotten into it. She knows how to use SumoDB and knows enough about the top division to be able to say when a result is an upset vs. just poor matchup. (Still an Abi fan, though...)

Anonymous No. 150714

They can get a decent steak right, if you pay for it. You're not going to get an American-style budget steakhouse because there's far less available beef in Japan than in the US. Therefore you absolutely get what you pay for. Steak in Japan is best saved as a once-a-year luxury meal at a fancy high-class restaurant.

Anonymous No. 150715

This. My GF and I were channel surfing in a hotel while high. and started watching NHK. They started their broadcast of day 6 of the 2022 May Basho. Murray had said something about "getting back to the hot action" and she wouldn't stop laughing. We watched it sober the next day to see if it was as mesmerizing and it was.

Oh yeah. There's a massive powergap between "quality" American Beef and Quality Japanese beef. We've got it easy here in the states (speaking as a midwesterner) where we've got more land and cows than we know what to do with Vs. Japan and it's insane land scarcity.

Anonymous No. 150716

>Except they just can't seem to get a decent steak right.

I don't think a big hunk of prime rib is really in their wheelhouse. Their meats always seem to be thinly sliced for quick cooking. (Think yakiniku, for example.)
The one Western-style steak I've ever had in Japan, though, at a place in Yokohama was outstanding, but very much cooked in the French style.

Anonymous No. 150718

>My wife started watching with me a few months after I did
Mine was worried I was sexually attracted to the wrestlers, and then she just started calling it "fat dudes" and left me to it. She has 0 interest in joining me, it doesn't help that I'm watching it on Natto, without any English commentary.

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Anonymous No. 150719

>match with a Japanese
>here's my chance!

Bros ;_;

Anonymous No. 150721

She looks like 35 what the fuck are you doing

Anonymous No. 150722

You hit with the sumo card too soon. Should've started with JMMA like Rizin.

Anonymous No. 150723

if you're not about that ara ara~ life I don't know what to tell you

Anonymous No. 150724

I didn't realize the Masquerade was observed in Japan too

Anonymous No. 150725

This is all my wife knows of 4chan.
When her lib friends talk about it (they're usually talking about /pol/) she's like "WTF are you talking about? It's just a bunch of guys talking about sumo wrestling. Some of the jokes may be a little crude, but it's hardly the cesspit you're thinking of."

She's actually been the source of a couple of the nicknames on the power rankings chart.

Anonymous No. 150726

The Kuei-jin presence actually make it more important

Anonymous No. 150727

Yes, huge interest desu

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google engrish tr....png

Anonymous No. 150735

>not watching the superior natto version with Japanese commentary
So desu ne. Even though I don't speak Japanese, I can't stand the English commentary I've heard, so I just roll with the pure Japanese stuff, like natto.

Anonymous No. 150736

Everyone gets used to the Japanese eventually. You start to be able to pick out words and phrases, and eventually it becomes part of your vernacular. Listening to it in English sounds weird and stilted.

My gf, when her favorite, Abi, won his title, she threw her arms up and screamed without thinking about it:
>Abi yusho!!
This is a girl who speaks zero Japanese.

Anonymous No. 150749

top kek

Anonymous No. 150772

>Inosuke managed to cut his own fingers with the gold scissors at Kak's hair cutting ceremony
How does this bowling pin motherfucker keep doing it lmao

Anonymous No. 150780


Anonymous No. 150783


Anonymous No. 150799

She's cute. Ganbare, Anonnoyama.

Anonymous No. 150830

Ura was screwed

Anonymous No. 150833

ura is the cutest

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Anonymous No. 150840

NSK is live right now, rikishi belly touching event:

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Anonymous No. 150841


Anonymous No. 150844


Anonymous No. 150845


Anonymous No. 150849

What a beech.
Fuckin' hoe, Ozumo is the best thing that came out of Japan.

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Anonymous No. 150866

finally, another use for this

Anonymous No. 150869

Seriously though, what the fuck is this shit about? It's weird.

Anonymous No. 150871

Touch the fucking belly

Anonymous No. 150873

Remember that Ozumo is a giant Shinto ritual. Shinto has its own 2000+ years of superstitions and shit.

This has to do with the idea that if you're pregnant and touch a rikishi's belly, you'll transfer some of the rikishi's power and strength to the unborn child.

Anonymous No. 150884

One of the old NSK Boomers thought this would be a good way to connect with the fans.

Anonymous No. 150914

With how many young women there were, they were right.

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Cheers to the hoo....png

Anonymous No. 150919

>belly touching ceremony

Anonymous No. 150926

It's been tradition for years to hand over your baby for a rikishi to hold to give the baby strength. The belly rub is just an extension of that, and it works the same way you get luck for rubbing the belly of a Buddah.

Anonymous No. 150956

If I touch terunofuji’s belly will I be gifted his strength

Anonymous No. 150965

No, the baby in your womb will.

Anonymous No. 150972

If I hide in a woman's uterus and get her to touch Terunofuji's belly, will I gain his powers?

Anonymous No. 150974

This feels like the basis for some urban legend youkai myth

Anonymous No. 151047

someone as dumb as kisenasato should not be given any iota of power
nigger permagimped himself for Yamato diamishi bullshit, his bullshit just gonna fuck over more wrestlers in the future

Anonymous No. 151049

Alternatively, how much of an embarrassment his yokozuna tenure was could have smartened him up. He seems to be on the right track as stablemaster, building a large training area with equipment and methods that are modern for sumo standards.

Anonymous No. 151050

>embarrassment his yokozuna tenure was could have smartened him up.

That's probably the case imo. He studied NFL football management and training, and it seems to have made a big impression on him. IMHO, he's more likely to say "don't make the same mistake I did" and push rikishi to get treatment for serious injuries, rather than shrug them off the way he did.

Anonymous No. 151052

try dashi stock in either concentrate or powdered form
it's fish stock, but without the "nasty" fishiness

Anonymous No. 151054

numbers must be off, I'm 83kg and I can bench 130
and I barely go to the gym

Anonymous No. 151070

We're between bashos but I still need my sumo fix, what do?

Anonymous No. 151073

Buy some sumo trading card packs

Anonymous No. 151078

Watch some old basho.

Anonymous No. 151079

Watch old matches. There's a million match compilations you can find searching 思い出の土俵:

or check out the association's channel:

Anonymous No. 151094

write the JSA some hate mail

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Anonymous No. 151099

>write the JSA some hate mail

Anonymous No. 151100

>t. Ted Kajinosuke

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Anonymous No. 151116

Anonymous No. 151152

get other interests.
go join ameteur sumo.
nah, it can easily be that bad. see
>100kg squats with poor form
>200kg diddy with poor form

Anonymous No. 151250

>write the JSA some hate mail

Dear JSA donkeypigs.
You are nothing without me! So desu ne, you will NEVER be anything without me!

t. totally not Asashoryu

🗑️ Anonymous No. 151252


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uh oh.jpg

Anonymous No. 151255

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Anonymous No. 151266

Anonymous No. 151404

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Anonymous No. 151441

>Quietly shifts the goalposts to an impossible target after realizing he'd be destroyed against real opponents


Anonymous No. 151449

Was the number something else before?

Anonymous No. 151451

100k likes, which he hit a few days ago. Someone probably mentioned drug testing, and now he is trying to back out and save face.

Anonymous No. 151453

Steroids are legal in Japan, though. And he could never officially join the JSA in the first place.

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drew barrymore.jpg

Anonymous No. 151470

Anonymous No. 151503

Remember that a million views, not even likes on a Youtube video is estimated to be worth around 3200 American dollars. Everyone on Youtube has a huge financial incentive to push for more clicks at every opportunity. Still, I don't think we'll be seeing Eddie at the Kokugikan any time soon.

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SUMO Nagoya Basho....webm

Anonymous No. 151511

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Anonymous No. 151543

I forgot about this video - Kotoshougiku finishing up 100 'kettlebell' swings with the Sadogatake lads in an open lot.

Anonymous No. 151545

I've read a hentai like this before, but the girl was crying instead.

Anonymous No. 151548

>I've read a hentai like this before, but the girl was crying instead.

...and it wasn't a hentai it was a movie
...and it wasn't a movie and it was real life
...and it wasn't a sumo wrestler it was my dad
...and it wasn't Drew Barrymore and it was me

Anonymous No. 151593

I didn't say that. You need to go back to kindergarten to relearn how to read.

Anonymous No. 151596

throwing zabutons was such a great feat, really shame they prohibited that. I guess the yobidashi were fed up already picking them up lol

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Anonymous No. 151607

Let’s be real here the rich old pricks that sit ringside got tired of being hit with pillows by peasants and complained to the committee to ban zabuton throwing.

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Anonymous No. 151610

How do we rate his chances as a sekitori?

Anonymous No. 151612


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Anonymous No. 151614

Shishi. Had a rough time of it in Makushita but he seems to have found his footing recently and has finally made it to Juryo.

Anonymous No. 151615

Oh man, I couldn't recognize him at all from head-on.
With how pressurized the makushita joi has been lately, I believe he'll explode to double digits in juryo.

Anonymous No. 151616

I like the mawashi color. It's not black, at least, which seems to be a very popular color for sekitori mawashi nowadays.

Anonymous No. 151619

The Big Boss Lion will probably cap out at mid maegashira but I don't think he'll ever achieve the heights of the other recent eastern European sekitori. He seems pretty durable, though, so I could see him lasting another 10 years.

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Anonymous No. 151623

Thoughts on my guess?

Anonymous No. 151626

>Rough time in makushita
>Only 3 mk

Anonymous No. 151630

I mostly meant the injury, he'd probably have made Juryo long before now if not for that.

Anonymous No. 151634

Damn, your dad forced you to ballroom dance with him?

Anonymous No. 151636

How do you guys come up with these? Is there some kind of method?

Anonymous No. 151644

Every win over 7 means moving up 1 rung (unless there isn't space, then it's a slot more or nothing) and every loss under 8 means moving down a rung (except more than 1 per loss if its really bad) again, with space permitting

That's the rule of thumb. Then some guesswork to make it all fit.

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Anonymous No. 151646

For the maegashira, you start with their record. Add up wins and losses 8-7 means +1 rank. 5-10 means -5 ranks. Put everyone where they would end up. You'll end up with a lot of blank spots, and a lot of doubled-up spots, so then you have to start tie-breaking. (picrel)
i.e. someone who fought in the joi gets precedent over someone coming up. the guy with more wins takes precedent. East takes precedent over west., shit like that.

Obviously, the banzuke committee has not released their method.

There are also hard-and-fast rules, like you cannot be demoted with a winning record or promoted with a losing record, though you can stay in place with either.

The sanyaku have their own rules, like 11 wins is enough to force open an extra slot, or a falling ozeki will only drop to sekiwake regardless of record.

Juryo promotees have their own rules too but those are more nebulous.

So in the example here, there's no one who deserves to be M1e by rank and record, but Nishikigi is closest, so he gets M1e, then the next most deserving is Tobizaru, so he gets M1w, and so forth, building down from the top.

Anonymous No. 151674

Anyone else thinks the promotions ceremonies suck hardcore dick?

The traditional ceremonial aspects are sad and depressing, the press statement is the same self depreciating drivel, The gas ass kneeling, struggling to make eye contact...

JSA needs to have some sense slapped into them

Anonymous No. 151678

His skill set seems too weak to hang with the Juryo crowd imo, so I see him going maki-koshi and getting sent right back to makushita to try again.

Anonymous No. 151679

That's just the formal part and is a tradition. The real ceremony comes later, and we never see them.

Anonymous No. 151687

I heard somewhere that the characters on the gyoji's fan read as "universal peace." Is that true? What's the significance of this phrase?

Anonymous No. 151688

There are numerous gunbai, most of them passed down from gyoji to gyoji but some belonging to the heya they're attached to. They're all decorated in different ways with different designs and characters on them. There is no single standard issue JSA gunbai.

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Kimura Tomijuro.jpg

Anonymous No. 151695

>pic related
Make way for the best gyoji, you shits!

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御嶽海大関昇進伝達式生配信 SUM....webm

Anonymous No. 151706

At least mitakeumi gave us an accurate representation of his ozeki stint during his ceremony.

Anonymous No. 151708

who's the idiot that keeps falling out of the ring? that's my favorite

Anonymous No. 151709

Shikimori Inosuke the 41st.

Yet he is not considered even the worst Shikimori Inosuke.

Anonymous No. 151718

He's supposed go intai after the Sep 2024 basho, so we'll get a new top gyoji. Hopefully it's Kimura Tamajiro, but who knows...

Anonymous No. 151719

For me it's Kimura Konosuke

Anonymous No. 151720

Did someone put a curse on their gunbai?

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Anonymous No. 151729

You’re buggin lil bro the ceremonies are lit. I wish ufc and nba would do something like that whenever they reach allstar or top 15

Anonymous No. 151731

>NBA players brainstorming all-star acceptance phrases

Anonymous No. 151738

What? they just bow infront of the camera and repeat the same phrase without making eye contact.

at least in the UFC, they get their post fight interview where they can make shout outs and call outs

Anonymous No. 151744

>repeat the same phrase
There's not a standard phrase, and they've mostly started using specially written lines in the last few decades.

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since the start o....png

Anonymous No. 151745

Wait, here's an easier to read list

Anonymous No. 151750

I think what you're looking for is pro-wrestling

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Anonymous No. 151789

name my band /sumo/

Anonymous No. 151796

Big Slaps

Anonymous No. 151798

XXXL Tentacion

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ikazuchi-beya album.png

Anonymous No. 151799


Anonymous No. 151806


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Anonymous No. 151809

Off topic here but I think we can all agree the punishment go ja Morant was too light. Our wrestlers would have been forced to retire if they did something stupid like that twice

🗑️ Anonymous No. 151814

token white and nigger

Anonymous No. 151815

Impressive power stance from the guy next to shishi

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Isley (A class, =4th) !2ySisYPHus No. 151952


Anonymous No. 151953

Is that bacon?

Isley (A class, =4th) !2ySisYPHus No. 151955

Yes. Bacon, pak choi, chicken, carrot and mushrooms.

The broth is chicken stock, salt, slightly too much onions sauce because my hand slipped, (u) mirin, miso paste, grated garlic and sesame oil

Anonymous No. 151969

That looks delish. Is there a recipe for cooking time for a cooklet like me? I can barely boil an egg.

Isley (A class, =4th) !2ySisYPHus No. 151975

Yeah it's basically as simple as put all the broth ingredients in a pot, bring it to the boil. While it's doing that, chop the stew ingredients and place them in a pot. When the broth is boiling, pour it into the stew, wait for the meat to cook (5 minutes ish, check your meat before you serve).

Can serve on its own, or with rice on the side.

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Anonymous No. 152009


Pass me a bowl anon and after we can do 1000 shiko

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SUMO Kyushu Basho....webm

Anonymous No. 152010


Anonymous No. 152020

I wonder if he's ever made a chanko with hamburgers.
No vegetables, besides whatever comes on a japanese big mac, just thrown in the broth, bread included.

Anonymous No. 152042

>thrown in the broth
Once a hamburger is in those hands, there's only one place it's going.

Anonymous No. 152124

What can the world of mixed martial arts learn from sumo? Is it too specialised a sport to have anything to offer?

Anonymous No. 152160

If you're fast enough, you could tachi-ai your opponent right into the cage wall at the start of the match.

Anonymous No. 152178

Its a totally different sport. Also the fact headbutts are banned doesn't help.

I think self defense noobs can learn a lot from the unchecked aggression, always pushing forward, etc.

Anonymous No. 152188

Little to nothing. The record of sumo chads going up against MMA virgins tends to be very poor for the chads.

Anonymous No. 152190

You get some pretty insane takedown defense from sumo. When you compete under a ruleset that says "you lose if anything other than the sole of your feet touches," you get a very fine sense of balance, sensitivity, and body awareness that you don't get to the same degree under most other grappling styles. In freestyle, you might be forced to concede position to your hands and knees for a fighting chance or to counter. In BJJ, you might have to pull guard. The disadvantage to sumo is that you never learn how to fight in any other position other than standing. The advantage is that it's damn hard to get you to concede position to begin with.

There haven't been very many sumo chads in MMA. Most were makushitters or worse, "world" sumo champions.

Anonymous No. 152196

Some of the throws they use would be helpful to get a guy down on the mat, but there isn't a whole lot from sumo you could use in MMA.

Different rule set, so sumo and MMA alike require a different approach.

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lankshit bows to ....webm

Anonymous No. 152206

the octagon should be elevated three feet above the ground with no fence. joe rogan must be at constant risk of injury

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Anonymous No. 152208

> I don't fear my opponents because I train with the Yokozuna, and he's the strongest...


Anonymous No. 152247

akebono tried MMA, it did not end well

Anonymous No. 152248

Akebono was already crippled at that point.

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Anonymous No. 152252


Anonymous No. 152254

Good on him for finding success in a new field, I hope he keeps it up.

Anonymous No. 152258

>not racist
The tabloids say he's a self-described racist and the scar over his eye is from fighting pakis.

Strongman. Different sport, way more athletic.

Anonymous No. 152259

If you lived in *ngland you'd be racist towards pakis too

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Anonymous No. 152260

lol nevermind this guy sounds like a fucking bitch, hope he gets minced out there

Anonymous No. 152261

wtf I love Are Ed even more now??

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Anonymous No. 152262

Here's his brother, who also was expelled from sumo.
Takanohana sure knew how to pick em

Anonymous No. 152264

>ex-policeman Hideki "Shrek" Sekine
Anybody want to guess why he stopped being a cop

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Anonymous No. 152303

Because he looks like this

Anonymous No. 152308

He's certainly got some ugly bastard power.
What would his rank and shikona be?

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Anonymous No. 152311

>For the Spartans, actual war was a holiday compared to their tough training. War was the only time they were allowed to relax their discipline and to adorn themselves. They would take particular care in arranging their hair, which was long because Lycurgus said that long hair adds beauty to a good face, and terror to an ugly one.

Anonymous No. 152326

rooting for Shrek to lock in a leg lock and hold it

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Full Fight - 関根“シ....webm

Anonymous No. 152332

They already fought. Shrek heemed him with soccer kicks.

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Anonymous No. 152347

ishibros he looks like a fucking salaryman who eats too much ramen

Anonymous No. 152348

Going off steroids has a hella effect

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Anonymous No. 152349


Anonymous No. 152350

So does taking a year off of training.

Anonymous No. 152358

the guy wasn't doing any training for a year...what do you expect? You are using muscle first, not fat. Look at Tochinoshin, dude already lost 30kg and has been off the training for just a couple of months.

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Anonymous No. 152368

thats why these guys are ameteur trash. our boy takakeisho was born to be this size. bread purely for sumo using the top secret lessons learn from unit 731. his genius can only be fully powered by the caloric surplus maintaining his round form. he will always be the perfect sumo sphere.

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Anonymous No. 152372

Ebin frank posting rn

Anonymous No. 152375

>hurts his ankle from being 1000 pounds
Whoops there goes his yokozuna run.

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Anonymous No. 152377

Cringe and ungenius thinking. The genius understands that the body gets stronger from adversity. You see an injured Takakeisho, I see someone conditioning their body for their final form

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you need a takake....jpg

Anonymous No. 152384

Takakeisho does not want to be yokozuna, as yokozuna is an unhonorable position. Yokozuna's only modern purpose is to hide away from competition while simultaneously dodging any negative repercussions. This violates ying and yang, the very principles takasphereo has based himself and his sumo on.

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Anonymous No. 152386

Would a theoretical standing submission choke be legal by ozumo rules? I know US (((sumo))) prohibits it, but I’m curious from that scene in sanctuary where the guy gets guillotine(?) choked from a standing position.

Anonymous No. 152390

Unnecessary, if you can choke a man, you have the control to throw him down or out.

Anonymous No. 152394

They would probably rule it as grabbing the throat, even if it's a blood choke with the arm.

Anonymous No. 152400

>implying that rikishi never go the extra distance to hurt someone they don’t like

Anonymous No. 152409

>choke be legal by ozumo rules?
No. Attacks to the throat and neck for pushing purposes, aka "nodowa", are legal. Chokes of any kind are not.

Anonymous No. 152440

I don't have the handbook, but the language of the kinjite is "gripping the throat" (咽喉をつかむこと).
There may be sub-articles that address that possibility, but I doubt it. Could be interesting some day.

Anonymous No. 152446

Not him, but the point of disqualifying techniques is that they have a high risk of debilitating injury above and beyond what rikishi are already expected to risk through normal competition. It's likely that they would be more liberal in applying the rule because it's known that chokes of either kind, air or blood, have a high risk of lasting injury and death if applied for too long (which is why MMA officials step in ASAP when a guy is obviously out and have zero tolerance for a guy applying a hold after the match is called).

Anonymous No. 152447

That's what I mean by interesting. If a Takanofuji type ever tries a chokehold, one of the shinpan had better make that decision on the rule real fast.

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Anonymous No. 152474

You can’t beat me my dad is the head judge!

Anonymous No. 152483

remember when Isegahama called Teru for a hairpull that almost cost him the yusho

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Kyokudozan knocko....webm

Anonymous No. 152484

Anonymous No. 152487

lol hikiotoshi against musashimaru, while he knocked him out clean

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Anonymous No. 152488

Palm strikes are no joke. You can see the impact they have when a rikikishi lands one on the neck of his opponent that pretty much sends him directly to the clay.

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Anonymous No. 152550

>i'm so glad you could bring your gf on our golf outing, anon-chan. you stay here and look after the clubs, i'm gonna head off with her and demonstrate my technique on a hole or three

Anonymous No. 152567

Well, you wouldn't say no would you?

Anonymous No. 152571

You do realize you don't have to go through life being a submissive beta male piece of shit faggot, right?

Anonymous No. 152575

>okay now hear me out guys, I know this might sound totally farfetched but give me a chance here, what if, and just let me speak here, what if we took the clubs with us?

Anonymous No. 152584

>implying I have gf
>implying I'm not out with Asanoyama getting some bitches at the hostess club

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the traditional k....jpg

Anonymous No. 152589

Anonymous No. 152610

To me, Kirishima has the perfect face for a samurai.

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Based Ikioi.jpg

Anonymous No. 152618

>G'damn I miss this motherfucker

Anonymous No. 152645

Banzuke next week?

Anonymous No. 152680


what the fuck was his problem

Anonymous No. 152717

You'd fight Hakuho for a 5/10?

Anonymous No. 152721

>You'd fight Hakuho
In general, yes. You wouldn't?
>for a 5/10?
My 5/10 in this scenario, plus my dignity.

Anonymous No. 152731

I'm not sure what I should be seeing here. What's the issue?

Anonymous No. 152734

Drop kick his knees, his sumo training never prepared him for such techniques and made his knees vulnerable. I don't care about the bitch, I just want to say I beat hakuho.

Anonymous No. 152736

>I just want to say I beat hakuho.
Come to think of it. Have things like this ever happened to retired rikishi in japan? Random "honour attacks" from fans?

Anonymous No. 152749

I don't see why they would, everyone knows that they retire when they're no longer competitive, otherwise they'd still be fighting.
If someone were to try to big dick brawl with a wrestler, it'd be when they were still active, which did happen not unfrequently in the feudal era.

Anonymous No. 152753

>which did happen not unfrequently in the feudal era.
Any noteworthy accounts you can post?

Anonymous No. 152755

I'd fight any man trying to make me look like a bitch or trying to steal my woman. You'd understand that if you weren't a castrated faggot.

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Anonymous No. 152759

The battle of the Shiba Shinmei shrine is the most noteworthy, basically a street war between wrestlers and a fire brigade that's been the subject of numerous heavily dramatized plays and early Japanese films.

Anonymous No. 152760

Damn, that's cool. Thanks anon.
Who's usually decipted as the winner?

Anonymous No. 152764

>he needs to convince people he’s tough on a Georgian dough-twirling forum

Anonymous No. 152765

>he can't even pretend to be tough on a Malaysian toe fungus forum

Anonymous No. 152766

In the most popular rendition, after a massive fight scene, the local boss steps in and tells both sides to stop being retarded and settle things peacefully, which is basically the only way it could end since the play depicts both sides as being ready to die to satisfy their honour.

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tochinoshin smoking.jpg

Anonymous No. 152767

>on a Georgian dough-twirling forum
not anymore :(

Anonymous No. 152818

>retired tochi goes back to motherland and opens a high calorie, all handmade pizzaria
I can see it happen and I'm not sure I like it

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Anonymous No. 152830

Anonymous No. 152835

Tegata pizzas, where he just gives the dough a big slap before baking it.

Anonymous No. 152952

>no Adjarian Kachipuri on the table

Anonymous No. 153047

There's a second table, off-camera, that is solely devoted to khachapuri

🗑️ Anonymous No. 153093

Absolute madlad shaved it all off

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Anonymous No. 153094

Absolute madlad Chiyotairyu shaved it all off

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Anonymous No. 153103

Anonymous No. 153109

I was pretty close, though I wildly underestimated how far they'd let WTK slide.
In hindsight, it makes sense, since they know he'll be in sandanme by the time he gets back so his rank is irrelevant.

Anonymous No. 153122

its over

Anonymous No. 153125

>on my way to maku-
>oh, I'm here

Anonymous No. 153144

I've never seen such an oddly shaped head on a bald man, and I'm English so I've seen a lot of them.

Anonymous No. 153158

But how many headbutts has the average Englishman taken?

Anonymous No. 153182

>Hokuseiho goes 8-7
>moves up five ranks
mid-maegashitters really dropped the ball this May

Anonymous No. 153200

>finally get to see the giant goober face off against the the joi boys
Blessing in disguise, brother

Anonymous No. 153222

Manlets go in, manlets go out

Anonymous No. 153233

Well, we aren't born looking like the Norfman, most of us aren't anyway. Given the relative career lengths of a sumo wrestler and a football hooligan, I'd guess that the headbutt count is closer than you'd think.

Anonymous No. 153251

He does have some of that big buster bloodvesell energy, doesn't he?

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Anonymous No. 153272

Anonymous No. 153273

Where do we go from here, Enhobros?

Anonymous No. 153275


Anonymous No. 153276

Makuuchi by 2024

Anonymous No. 153280

>Where do we go from here, Enhobros?
He can take the Ishiura route. How much longer does he have to last before he's eligible to buy a share?

Anonymous No. 153282

One more as sekitori, he's on 29, for just being generally able. He can inherit already, having managed 20 Juryo.

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Anonymous No. 153283

>How much longer does he have to last before he's eligible to buy a share?
He qualifies already.

Anonymous No. 153285

Well, maybe the holders of the Izutsu or Otawayama shares are looking to cash out.

Anonymous No. 153286

That's believed to belong to Shimanoumi.

Anonymous No. 153288

Looking at the list of elders, there's going to be some real turnover coming years.

Michinoku is out next year, presumably Kakuryu will inherit it.

Isegahama is out in two years, no idea who's taking that one, maybe Aminishiki, to re-merge Isegahama and Ajigawa? Homarefuji is already a coach with Isegahama under the Tateyama name?

Otake is out in 2025 and I expect that stable to just fold up shop because they've got no one there. They don't recruit and only have Oho.

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Anonymous No. 153289

Oh yeah. Thanks for the reminder. He married Sakahoko's daughter (and also Terao's niece). Picrel.

I don't know if he'll try to resurrect Izutsu stable. It's a neat, historically-significant name to hold, in either case.

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Anonymous No. 153300

Heh.. Hakuho is still in the banzuke

Anonymous No. 153303

Based, Hakuho remains top of the shitposter Banzuke

Anonymous No. 153323

>Hakuho's master plan finally revealed

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Anonymous No. 153339

Idk who’s bitch kotonowaka sr or kotozakura fucked but these niggas do not want to promote kotonowaka watching these niggas promote jobbers like wakamotoharu and daieisho to S when kotonowaka was the second most winning rikishi after wakatakakage is crazy. Kotonowaka is gonna have to go out and tear fucking ass like prime terunofuji just to make any noise.

Anonymous No. 153341

You were btfo the last time you whined, stop trying

Anonymous No. 153342

Kotonowaka is better than all these jobbers they faggots are promoting and it’s affecting his sumo. You’re actually fucking stupid if you don’t see the favoritism here but it’s okay kotonowaka will outlast them all like wakatakakage.

Anonymous No. 153343

He went 8-7 from komosubi. There was no sekiwake slot free. Historically, you need 10-11 wins to force open a third sekiwake slot.

He's exactly where he should be. Calm your tits, all four of them.

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Anonymous No. 153344

>all four of them.

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Anonymous No. 153345

Nah this is number one bullshit they just want to sell tickets with the MUH THREE BROTHERS FROM FUKUSHIMA

Kotonowaka got fucked by being forced to stay at m2 and now it’s happening at komusubi

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OK Oho.png

Anonymous No. 153347


Anonymous No. 153374

it's not the waka brother's fault they were born better looking than fish tits

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Shinpanin' a....png

Anonymous No. 153395

>nigger hasn't put up double digit wins since M6 over a year ago
>getting overlooked for sekiwake
Nope. He is constantly outperformed by his peers, who rightfully earn the slots he hasn't.

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Anonymous No. 153415

Hsr got promoted to k from m6 and wtk got promoted to S from m1 but when kotonowaka does the same thing from m6 he gets a tiny promotion. It’s fucked with his sumo and made him stagnant.

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so dry.png

Anonymous No. 153416

If not rising in ranks has impacted his ability to win, then he's a mental manlet and even more undeserving of joijin promos than anyone here has implied

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Anonymous No. 153418

Former 8-7 shitters are breaking through I hope kotonowaka can

Anonymous No. 153427

The promotions you cite occured exactly because promotees outperformed their peers, and the slots above them became vacant due to poor performances. Kotonowaka hasn't put in a strong enough performance, compared to his peers, under the same type of conditions where slots above him became open.

Hoshoryu has been in san yaku for 8 basho, has never gone MK, and has double digit basho in 3 of the 8. WTK had 6 basho at sekiwake, never went MK, and had 2 double digit basho, a yuhso, and a jun-yusho, before getting injured in his 7th basho at sekiwake. Meanwhile Kotonowaka has only managed single digit wins from komusubi, which don't warrant the creation of an additional sekiwake slot in the eyes of the NSK when there are already 2 sekiwake that are stronger, and that's why he just got a bump from Kw to Ke as opposed to a promotion to sekiwake.

You just don't understand how the promotion system works. Kotonowaka is still young, so he's got a good chance of maybe finding something that pushes him over that line to start winning against the top rikishi on a consistent basis and finally earning bigger promotions.

Anonymous No. 153443

Reminder that Komusubi is ranked higher than 99.9% of all other rikishi and that Kotonowaka fans should be happy that he's even this high in the first place.

Anonymous No. 153445

Nuh uh hoshoryu has had 2 double digit bashos the last one don’t count

Anonymous No. 153523

Kotonowaka had a 8-7 from komusubi and that's enough to make him yokozuna right now. If it does not happen then the JSA are a bunch of corrupt shitters and also racist. Kotonowaka should sue them for denying him his rightful place which he deserves.

Anonymous No. 153524

too many mongols in the JSA denying the Yamato bloodline its rightful heritage
simple as

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Anonymous No. 153547

Kotonowaka will be the next Shitakeumi.

Anonymous No. 153548

Seems like the meatball hakuho jr. knows how to train

Anonymous No. 153574

>JSA are racist

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Anonymous No. 153586

you saying it doesn't count cuz muh fusens doesn't make it not count

Anonymous No. 153616

I kinda miss Chris's schizoposting.

Anonymous No. 153680

Everyone you accuse of being a jobber will make ozeki before Kotonowaka and he will continue to lose the exact same way to them every basho in addition to losing to random shitters like Endo and Nishikigi. He's such a jobber half of the time he will have to wait until the last day to secure kachi koshi but I bet you'll still manage to say that this is everyone but Kotonowaka's fault and pull out some record from a year ago like it fucking matters because you can't cope with the fact that he's stagnated and everyone else have left him behind.

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Anonymous No. 153705

>kirishima and hsr 8-7
uhhh based slow and steady maxing
>godnowaka 8-7

Make sure to zip up those mongols pants when you’re done glazing

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Anonymous No. 153752

Yotsubagawa-beya After deep consideration I’ve came to accept kotonowaka is just simply stagnating and I hope he ganbarize and fixes his issues.

Anonymous No. 153819

[spoiler]why don't we get any sumo games like we get pro wrestling games?[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 153859

Sumo is such a ultra-fast-paced sport with so many nuances and moves that it's impossible to map every single move to controls. Most matches last less than ten seconds so it would just be a game of who could mash the buttons faster.
Now, a good idea would be to make a (mobile) game like a Heya Oyakata Simulator. Think Fallout Shelter or Game Dev Tycoon but you play as an oyakata managing a stable. That sounds like fun.

Anonymous No. 153872


Anonymous No. 153873

one made ozeki and has a yusho
one didn't

Anonymous No. 153874

> with so many nuances and moves that it's impossible to map every single move to controls.
Absolutely retarded thing to say. UFC games exist.
the real reason is matches last to short to make a game very interesting

Anonymous No. 153877

I know you're just being a smartass but it's awfully short for a list of video games based on the national sport of a country that's one of the largest producers of video games.

Anonymous No. 153880

One night a few years ago after watching a basho, my mate downloaded this so-bad-it's good sumo game to his switch, which was basically just a top down king of the hill style human pinball game. It's only really enjoyable if you're drunk.
Then we kissed and made hot buttsex to the bing bing wahoos by the light of a still frame of Mitakeumi.

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Anonymous No. 153883

me and the boys

Anonymous No. 153902

>UFC games exist
And are more fun to laugh at than to play.

Anonymous No. 153909

I linked it not to prove that a handful exist, but to show you and anyone else in the thread how terrible most or all of them are. After seeing how badly some of them did even the most diehard Nippon nationalist game developers won't touch the subject. I think in order for a good sumo game to be made, there would first need to be an absolutely wild resurgence in sumo's popularity in Japan as well as considerable overseas interest in the sport.

Anonymous No. 153918

I like kiribayama more

Anonymous No. 153976

someone should tell these japs that a a business suit is not made for sitting cross legged

if you want to sit on the ground, just keep wearing jap wear

Anonymous No. 153977

cursed kotonoabi

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Anonymous No. 153990

the man who makes the norwood reaper shiver

Anonymous No. 153993

>unironically drinking shitloads of coke
no wonder these retards get diabetes at such a young age. I guess one must bloatmaxx at any cost.

Anonymous No. 154034

Cola, huh? That's pretty impressive.

Anonymous No. 154067

Apart from the big bottle, most of those guys are drinking portions that are perfectly OK for a meal. Unless they're drinking that much every single time they have chanko, it's not a problem.

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Anonymous No. 154136

>he doesn't know

Anonymous No. 154284

Went to an amateur sumo gym in my area for the first time. It was a lot of fun. I would recommend it to anyone interested.

That being said, I felt like the mawashi were wider than I'd expected. Wide enough to be kind of hard to grip for a normal sized guy(6'1, 88kg). It takes some getting used to.

Anonymous No. 154298

I heard that sumo wrestlers don't wash their mawashi, is that true?

Anonymous No. 154300

>not washing something
Choose ONE.

Anonymous No. 154305

drying it out in the sun gets rid of most of the smell
but when it gets too bad they toss it out and buy a new one

Anonymous No. 154318

They can't soak them, but they can still wipe them down.

Anonymous No. 154323

there's a recent one titled "Morodashi Sumo", which is more of a shitpost than an actual game though.

Anonymous No. 154327

Reminds me of Gang Beasts.

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Anonymous No. 154338

your boy is charging up that energy to fuel all the seethe
interesting. where at?
you mean like grabbing the whole thing or just getting your fingers under? most grab one layer. you'll notice that a common defense is to wear that portion loose when fighting someone who is a belt wrestler. it'll pop up to like nipple height

Anonymous No. 154340

Near LA. Not going more specific than that since I don't want to doxx myself.

Yeah, grabbing the whole thing. Getting just one layer or gripping part of it with the hand under was a whole lot easier for my hands.

What you mention happened during one of my bouts, the guy yanked my mawashi real high up to a little below my nipples at the edge of the ring, and then I stepped out before he was out like an idiot

Anonymous No. 154345

>Near LA. Not going more specific than that since I don't want to doxx myself.
LMAO, nobody is going to figure you out as some rando who went once.
There's only OC Sumo and Yamamoto Sumo Doju from the looks anyway.

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Anonymous No. 154388

Whats the bat for?

Anonymous No. 154392

Take a guess

Anonymous No. 154394

Control your hips anon that’s one of the reasons hakuho was so good one his hips were so strong he could shake any grip

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Anonymous No. 154404

noted. any recommendations for exercises in building strong hips? No barbell squats, cause I do them twice a week. inb4
>do 1000 shiko a day

Anonymous No. 154406

Unironically do 1000 shiko a day, same with pole exercises. If it works for the pros in real life, why mess with it?

Anonymous No. 154409

have you ever done 1000 shiko in a day

Anonymous No. 154459

Learning how to control your hips and center of balance is more important than how strong they are
that said, kettlebell swings, hang cleans, plyos, speed ladder drills, and the like can help develop strength and how to move
also do heavy squats and eat more food. you should be atleast 100kg doing sumo

Anonymous No. 154485

new thread


Anonymous No. 154487

If you can't wash in water, you could still soak in something like methylated spirits and it'll be dry in like 5 minutes