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🧵 /asg/ Airsoft General

Anonymous No. 120651

Unhealthy Hobby Edition

Old Thread: >>109590

Keep strictly real-steel related topics in >>>/k/, gun and gear porn's cool as long as you don't spam.

If you have a useful guide or want to rework one for the OP, post it and someone will add it to the next one.

>Updated Newbie pastebin

>/asg/ retailer guide

>Legal comprehensive, crosscheck with your local laws to be on the safe side

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Anonymous No. 120653

Threadly Topic: How many guns is too many guns?

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Anonymous No. 120659

Holy shit helmets are awesome
>Everyone hating on Russia aims for my head
>Never felt a thing

Anonymous No. 120660 within a decade, vr will be more visceral and immersive than actually going outside with airsoft

Anonymous No. 120724

To be fair, at any but point blank distance a hat also protects against headshots, but impedes your hearing less. Helmets mostly just look cool.

It will still just be a video game played in the comfort of the home. Airsoft is fun because you get a good run around, and a good chance of both receiving and dishing out small amounts of pain.

Anonymous No. 120726

you can run in vr.

Anonymous No. 120738

how big is your livingroom?

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Anonymous No. 120741


Anonymous No. 120746

>tiny ass trampoline
or you could just get real exercise outside where you can also jump, slide, climb, go prone or ninja wall jump?
why do you demand to be a fatass?

Anonymous No. 120751

I don't need to play airsoft to not be fat, and real talk, if you're using air soft for exercise instead of exercising for airsoft you're not getting the best out of it

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Anonymous No. 120760

>exercising to play a active game
>playing the active game isn't exercise

Anonymous No. 120774

never gonna be the same as running on real ground, rock, and forest. Thats like saying running on a treadmill is the same as running outside

Anonymous No. 120777

right, you don't go to an mma competition so you'll be better at running, even though it will push your cardio, you run to get the conditioning for fighting. likewise if you're airsofting to get fit you'll have shitty fitness for airsoft and it'll also be suboptimal exercise for life, especially if you don't play airsoft every day. you don't do "an active game" for your fitness, that's couch potato cope, get 10-20 minutes of hypoxia through hiit every day, do long steady cardio, lift weights, otherwise you're gimping yourself in life and in airsoft

Anonymous No. 120784

>you don't go to an mma competition so you'll be better at running
no shit?
>you don't do "an active game" for your fitness
wait what?

you shouldn't type so much cope fatty I can literally hear you wheezing
what a retard

Anonymous No. 120785

lol if walking around on a small disc is enough exercise for you then i dont think you should be calling anyone a fatty

Anonymous No. 120787

>reading comprehension

Anonymous No. 120791

Just to shit on your bad mma analogy a bit you know Demetrious "Mighty Mouse" Johnson literally started doing mma to get fit. He didn't get fit to do mma? Jared Cannoiner also went to a mma gym because he was a fatass he never intended on fighting at first.

Pursuing active activities to be active is a great way to get fit because you're having fun while exercising and it doesn't feel like work. Also running around outside is great because your body has to adjust to uneven footing so your ankles get stronger instead of rolling and you move different muscles trying to make awkward movements.

Just y'know food for thought from people who actually do sports and are in elite shape and don't just post on /fit/.
>couch potato cope

Anonymous No. 120799

Retailer guide doesn't exist anymore.

Trying to find a first gas pistol. Conflicted between the AAP01 and some hicapa 1911 knockoff

Anonymous No. 120803

There's at least one guy here who's a big AAP fan and I have one because of his build. I don't have many guns or experience so I can't compare it to a hicapa. But the aap does have a ton of aftermarket parts if you're into that kind of thing and the performance is really good.
Feels like my semi-upgraded aeg m4 but as a pistol, it's really snappy.

Anonymous No. 120804

Then I'm pretty sold on the AAP then. It looks a tad less 'cool' just by virtue of being based on a Ruger mk4 and not having a traditional slide...

But I'll gladly take performance and ease of use over that. Plus it comes with Fiber Optic sights off the bat even at its price. Can't say no to that.

Anonymous No. 120823

Hope you like it, I like using quick bursts on the full auto mode, it's still only 20 odd shots without any extended magazine or so, but you can start running the aap as a 'main' gun pretty easily if you look into the aftermarket stuff. I'm not sure why everyone fell in love with making aap upgrades but it's good eating.

Not sure if relevant but worth noting, in my country (canada) the aap recently jumped in price anywhere from $35 to $140 depending on retailer. May just be a local thing but even at that price (at least the $35 hike) I would still say the gun is very reasonably priced for the package.

Anonymous No. 120824

You can find it for $35? I saw it for $99 USD in the states.

Unless you mean the price increased by $35?

Anonymous No. 120825

sorry, price increased by $35
I think (don't quote me) you can find it under $100 stateside if you look but depending on where you live shipping may even that out anyway.

Anonymous No. 120834

LOL, good luck trying to do anything but walk at a brisk pace on that thing.

>1st attempt to run and slide
>"Sir, that'll be $5000 for a new dish walker"

Anonymous No. 120860

>He didn't get fit to do mma?
but he did. if you think demetrious didn't start training for mma after that point idk what to tell you, he doesn't still go in the ring to get in his cardio, it's his fulltime job, 99% of which is practice, not fighting. and my analogy was specifically about fighting, no getting in an mma gym, so idk what the jared cannonier example means. all the people that are excellent train BEFORE they engage in competition. this is so obvious, you're such a retard for even trying to debate this

Anonymous No. 120866

the point was doing active things you enjoy is good and exercising to do active things is goofy because you can just do active things you enjoy to get exercise in the first place

you fat rambling retard

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Anonymous No. 120874

First airshit build

Anonymous No. 120875

I go to an indoor field and I'm gonna run my Opscore bump helmet so I don't take a fall and crack my skull open on a barricade or corner

Anonymous No. 120877

why the fuck is everyone running giraffe mounts nowadays

Anonymous No. 120878

I know you don't need a sight picture in airshit, but try getting a sight picture with a long neck with face pro and a lower 1/3rd mount. Kinda impossible

Anonymous No. 120886

is airsoft going on every day where you live? if not, then you're not getting an optimal amount of exercise from airsoft, if you're not in your best shape you can't play optimally hard in airsoft, if you aren't giving it your all in airsoft you're not having as much fun as you could. it's about freedom, to remove your bodily condition as a limiter as much as possible, if you enjoy something you make yourself capable of taking all it has to offer.

Anonymous No. 120888

no, not really

Anonymous No. 120889

And a higher mount will still be more comfortable regardless, for me, personally.

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Anonymous No. 120903

>Unhealthy Hobby Edition
I'm so glad I sold most my airsoft shit a couple years ago. I didn't use half of it.

Anonymous No. 120917

>noo you can't just have a normal active healthy lifestyle you have to workout so you can play a relatively active game
you're clearly retarded, and probably fat
go for a bike ride

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Anonymous No. 120981

>refers to his guns as "shit"
>they actually look like shit

Anonymous No. 120984

I washed my gearbox shell and realized I forgot to take the bearings out. Will the soap and water damage them?

Anonymous No. 120989

>shit airsoft guns
>spending the same if not more on a "good" toy gun
>not just getting real ones at that point
>dressing up like a navy seal and pretending to be something you will never be
>playing a child's game as an adult

Anonymous No. 120990

people with real guns do all of these too tho except they shoot watermelons instead of each other
and target shooting is also a carnival game for children

cope and seethe

Anonymous No. 120993

The people with real guns that dress up like navy seals to "train" are just as bad. Especially the ones that get the tac gear from wish and call it "just as good." As something from blackhawk or some other name brand company. The airsofters that buy real shit to play toy guns are just.... even worse.
Target shooting with a .22 at 25 yards is a child's game. Which is why the people that do actual target shooting dont use those. Save for the Olympic .22s thats a whole separate thing though. People don't spend years "training" for a lion claws game so they can pretend to be something they're not for a day.

Anonymous No. 120995

>he doesn't know who that is

Anonymous No. 121013

>this concerned about how other people spend their money and what they do with their time
put your phone down grandpa
go for a bike ride

Anonymous No. 121020

Can I just find an airsoft place in my city, turn up and try it out and get a good idea of if I'll enjoy it or not without any equipment? I've done, and enjoyed paintballing before, but airsoft seems a lot more difficult to just try out.

Anonymous No. 121023

yea most places should do rentals

Anonymous No. 121067

After today I see a great value in having LMG in big games. Is there something that counts as an LMG, runs reliable, is light and preferably not too expensive?

Anonymous No. 121086

could just slap a drum on your gun?

otherwise the cybergun "featherweights" are probably the cheapest LMG options

Anonymous No. 121103

>counts as an LMG
That's really subjective and depends on the field. Fields with LMG rules will have their own criteria on what constitutes a LMG. Otherwise, anyone could do >>121086 and become a LMG.

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Anonymous No. 121111

i've got a billet receiver for my ar build but it lacks any markings
how could i possibly add markings on it to make it look like an authentic vltor receiver?

Anonymous No. 121130

Laser engraving from a company that does not care about copyright infringement.

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Anonymous No. 121177

poast your kits guys

also: 3D printing a handguard for my AK, would that work?

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Anonymous No. 121181

it should, depending on your print quality

Anonymous No. 121182

cool, thanks. is that yours, anon? where'd you get the files? i'm gonna try a free one i found before paying for 3d files. here's to hoping it works, since it's made for gel blasters.

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Anonymous No. 121189

i got a couple different ones

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Anonymous No. 121190


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Anonymous No. 121191


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Anonymous No. 121192

oops didn't know why that tilted kek

Anonymous No. 121193

nah, that's one of my friends projects. you should find something easily enough or you could model it yourself, it's not that hard if you have a handguard you want to replace, just a case of measuring it up correctly

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Anonymous No. 121194

don't have a gamephoto with my alpenflage drip sadly. I need to get one of those surplus alpenflage backpacks for HPA, and then paint the cord in alpenflage too

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Anonymous No. 121195

and last kit. Was my first loadout for when i started playing. I quickly learned that
1. leg holsters suck
2. the helmet looks cool, but you become a headshot magnet
3. kneepads suck

Anonymous No. 121196

Leg holsters and kneepads should be default rental gear just so newbies can realize how much it sucks and save money on kit later

Anonymous No. 121197

and give them 4 loaded high caps as well while we are at it, so they can quickly learn about mid cap supremacy

Anonymous No. 121199

very nice kit, looks very clean.
>kneepads suck
ugh i know they suck, i used them when i was just starting and borrowed some gear from friends, but i'm so tempted to buy a pair just because i think my kit looks so weird without it.
was it you that posted some time ago about wanting to buy an alpenflage plate carrier? did you get it?
well i might try it then. thanks.

Anonymous No. 121201

>was it you that posted some time ago about wanting to buy an alpenflage plate carrier?
can't remember but probably. Nope never got one, when i looked the last time the micro chest rigs in alpenflage was out of stock at vajra.

Anonymous No. 121203

>3. kneepads suck
I swear by my kneepads. What was your problem with them?

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Anonymous No. 121206

it's funny to always see the same people in /asg/. anyway, my kit. a pity that the uniform got sunburnt since i bought it- it's a little too yellow and doesn't blend in as well with the local vegetation, and more critically it doesn't match the chest rig as nicely anymore :(.

Anonymous No. 121209

they kept sliding off. Could just be that i have shitty ones, but both pairs i got had the same issues. I think the best option is just to get pants with inserts instead.

Anonymous No. 121213

Kneepads are great, but yeah, you need good ones that don't slide around.

Anonymous No. 121228

everyone recommends arc'teryx leaf

Anonymous No. 121237

Yes, and you should
To see if you see the hobby and especially if you like your local field
If it's filled with asses won't have any fun no matter your gear

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Anonymous No. 121301

Did some work on my Cyma tri-shot to make it usable on my WW2 setup
Never did aesthetic work on my gun but damn if it was fun

Anonymous No. 121308

like the modded oldschool barrel too

Anonymous No. 121310

Stole the heat shield from an AGM 10 euro shotgun and belt it around with pliers until it fit tight onto the barrel, was a surpisingly good fit

Anonymous No. 121322

Noice, can you give us a better pic of the finished product?

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Anonymous No. 121328

My phone quality is dogshit but i made a couple detail pics on the faux wood and gun barrel+pump
Whole thing costed me around 110 euros including the full metal springer which is honestly a more than acceptable price
Also holy fuck i heard tri-shots were hard to pump but i'm not even able to rapid-fire rack this thing, i'll have to grow bigger arms to make use of it properly

Anonymous No. 121640

I've got a mixture of 14 aegs/gbb/spring rifles, and about the same number of pistols/revolvers, but I only regularly use 2 of the aegs, and 1 of the pistols in games. So, realistically, 2 primaries and 1 secondary are all I would ever need. I like fixing up guns, collecting, and playing, equally, so too many guns is dependent on what your focus of the hobby is.

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Anonymous No. 121657

>Spend months making my uzi usable

>Mags are now the sticking point stopping it being usable in games

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Anonymous No. 121781


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Anonymous No. 121792

Canada Bros.....

Anonymous No. 121793

sup sad wojacklad

Anonymous No. 121796

airsoft is ban now D:

Anonymous No. 121798

relax trudy

Anonymous No. 121960

Order in Council (because Trudy hates the idea of pesky things like "democratic process" getting in the way of his powergrabs) only bans the purchase/sale/transfer of real handguns, C-21 hasn't passed - but it isn't over yet
Don't let yourself be defeated so quickly, it ain't over 'til it's over

I will however reiterate that the fact that airsoft is being targeted aggressively probably has to be the most retarded thing I've ever heard of in my entire life

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Anonymous No. 122151

How can I strengthen up this stock on a double eagle m56c? I have tightened the bolt on the inside of the stock tube but it still wobbles side to side really bad. Anyone know what to do?

Anonymous No. 122246

electrical tape

Anonymous No. 122309

>buy airshit online
>pay retailer to take off oj tip
>they don't
I shouldn't be so pissed off about this, but god damn
pay for a simple service and get the finger, hope they give me a refund on the whole thing, soured as fuck

thanks for reading my seething

Anonymous No. 122334

why would you pay someone to do it? Put the tip in boiling water or use a heat gun, and the glue will dissolve and you can remove the tip yourself

Anonymous No. 122337

same reason I'd pay someone to switch a tamiya connector to deans for me.
I'm lazy, I have money, and I assume a "professional" will do a decent job off the bat instead of me having to heat it, peel it off, dig out my disc grinder for the nub and repaint it myself
if you can't provide the service don't offer it

Anonymous No. 122379

I'm pretty sure they legally can't.
Curb your autism

Anonymous No. 122396

Maybe not in jewmerica, but in free countries they can.
Also got a full refund and a coupon.

eat shit

Anonymous No. 122405

What are the chances of airsoft getting banned in Canada, is it a sure thing?

Anonymous No. 122409

>Also got a full refund
On your extra payment or the whole thing?

Anonymous No. 122410


Anonymous No. 122411

What site? I don't believe you

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Anonymous No. 122412

Not an american one.

But really if you pay for something and they don't do what you pay for why wouldn't you get a refund?
If the retailer isn't cordial I would just escalate to my credit union or paypal. It's not like they have a choice.

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Anonymous No. 122414


Anonymous No. 122417

Oh I assumed you meant without shipping it back

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Anonymous No. 122418

my bad
>get free shit and a refund
their customer service is pretty good but that would be something else

Anonymous No. 122440

why not just remove the tip yourself

Anonymous No. 122463

read >>122337

Anonymous No. 122487

The might rust or they might be fine. Dry and inspect.

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Anonymous No. 122519

Got a mak, where can i get good prices on 12g co2 canisters leaf bros

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Anonymous No. 122520


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Anonymous No. 122722

>Mfw reading the new sanction packages that are introduced each month while my three packages are on the way

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Anonymous No. 122737


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Anonymous No. 122908

What's the best deal in regards to a basic US Army M4 with accurate features?

GBB preferred but if the AEG is significantly cheaper (AKA magazines availability) that works too.

Anonymous No. 122912

What do you mean by "accurate features"
If you want the thing to "just werk" get a TM MWS

Anonymous No. 122914

Thanks yeah I'll do that then

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Anonymous No. 123244

Will I be a pleb if I rent gear

Anonymous No. 123251

Nah. Try before you buy. Would say get mid cap mags if you're able to

Anonymous No. 123307

Nope, make sure you really like airsoft before you dive into a potential money pit.

Anonymous No. 123407

Looking for a new GBBR but unsure what to get

Anonymous No. 123408

What platform do you want?

Anonymous No. 123411

Either a FAL or an AUG

Anonymous No. 123412

Didn't VFC just release a FAL GBBR? For AUG i think there's a GHK and that's it?

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Anonymous No. 123527

Airsoft plebs of the lowest order are those who buy a ton of gear before their first game, then sell it 2 weeks later when they realise they don't like skirmishing. Renting is the smart move.

The VFC FAL looks pretty nice, I've never been in to GBBRs, but I am tempted.

Anonymous No. 123581

Yes, I'm researching both but it's coming down to personal taste. I am a seasoned GBBR used

Anonymous No. 123633

>Airsoft plebs of the lowest order are those who buy a ton of gear before their first game
based me just using my Tacticool Operator McLarp gear for airsoft

Anonymous No. 123659

If you don't have a dedicated cosplay of something in airsoft are you really airsofting?

Anonymous No. 123660

Good point

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Anonymous No. 123769

Is the G&G combat machine still the goto if I want a basic all metal M4 platform to work with?
I'm looking for a classic M4A1, none of the extra rails and sopmod shit

Anonymous No. 123818

AK gearbox is locking up a lot lately, like 5-8 times per game (no i'm not fearhering the trigger), and seems to be running a little slow despite having switched to an 11.1 LiPo. what could be causing this? would a mosfet or etu possibly fix that?

Anonymous No. 123820

An ETU completely eliminates all the systems and mechanics that cause gearbox locking

Anonymous No. 123885

Got back from the first all night, night game not too long ago. Boy oh boy, people just traipse around in the woods with their lights on all the time. I couldn’t believe it. I racked up kills just by not turning my light on and watching theirs. And the talking. So much talking, it was like light up night time nature walk for them until they got bb bukaki.

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Anonymous No. 123908

G&G CMs are still okay, but Specna Arms are probably the better buy these days, as they are around the same price, but SA generally have quick spring change and mosfets as standard.

Anonymous No. 123922

Do you guys have any suggestions for a nice budget gas shotgun? Specifically i'm looking for an M500 or a M870. I never really tried gas replicas but i've been loving my springer trishot and wanted to get something similar, but better

Anonymous No. 123928

Golden Eagle is the brand for cheap-ish gas shotguns. They are all TM clones

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Anonymous No. 123930

The TM and Chinese clones are the only practical option for using in games, though both have a reputation for leaking like seives, I'd go with a Chinese clone just on price. APS looks best for realism.

Anonymous No. 123931

are golden eagle gas ones reliable or they break easy? i'm looking for something that will last me at least a couple years

Anonymous No. 123932

>elfs r real???

Anonymous No. 123953

>are golden eagle gas ones reliable or they break easy?
honestly don't know. I use HPA on everything gas related. I had a BB stuck in there once, and i had to disassemble it get it out. That wasn't fun

Anonymous No. 123954

Thanks for the lead, i'll look around what i can get

Anonymous No. 124031

>combat machine
not super familiar with specna, but I'll shill this dude out of canada. Does free shipping for america too
his guns are nice, I have the quad rail and it fucks, the all metal feels really nice and heavy too

Anonymous No. 124073

Will the motor in a typical stock echo1 or whatever be fine with a LIPO and deans connection if it's only 7.4v, or should that be upgraded?

Anonymous No. 124105

TM/Golden Eagle shotguns aren't that robust, but spares are pretty easy to come by,

Upgrading the stock motor on any AEG will give you a noticeably quicker trigger response, but most stock motors are fine with a 7.4 LiPo.

Anonymous No. 124161

>metal feels really nice and heavy
how is this an upside
t.saw gunner

Anonymous No. 124168

>complaining about 15 pounds
get a sling and work out if you can't carry your shit beanpole
I bet you run a featherweight anyway
t. a person who can actually carry a metal saw all day

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Anonymous No. 124226

>FAMAS GBB in Q1 2023
What a time to be alive.

Anonymous No. 124227

looks sexy

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Anonymous No. 124245

How to tighten the pistol pistol grip on a CYMA CM048?

I'm asking because I'm afraid that tightening the screw under the grip might also affect the grub screw that adjusts motor height and waste all the time spent on shimming.

Was even considering putting a small washer between the grip and the tightening screw, but I'd like to know if it's (preferably) OK to just tighten the screw all the way and the motor height won't be affected.

Anonymous No. 124251

just use a washer
t. previous owner of cyma 048

Anonymous No. 124294

Why is it so fucking hard to find fields that actually allow full auto

Anonymous No. 124307

because everyone just brings a drum and holds down their trigger whenever they see a leaf move

I use full auto but I just fire bursts, no one seems to care and besides if you're fast you can short stroke something like a AAP to be a snappy lil bastard even on semi

Anonymous No. 124315

Fields that allow full auto eventually get idiots that abuse that freedom and ruin it for everyone. I know of some fields that allow it on certain days, and it's adults only. Because of strippers.

Anonymous No. 124316

Why can't they just cap rate of fire or something?

Anonymous No. 124317

Full auto is for fags. Seriously the only people that still use full auto these days are retards that can't control it

Anonymous No. 124319

but full auto is fun

Anonymous No. 124325

I've got an 040C, hi-torque motor, 13:1 gears etc. Once shimmed, and the motor height set, tightening the pistol grip screw seems to have no major audible effect on the gears, and even if it did it would just be a case of compensating the motor height for the movement one way or the other.

But fun is only fun when it has been strictly limited by proper safety precautions, which have been carefully implemented and assiduously observed. Only then can the fun commence.

Anonymous No. 124332

>Northeast Airsoft

if it's anything like the Uzi you'll have a whale of a time getting it working reliably.

I'm still waiting for my V2 mag parts, or any more mags coming in stock and that's after I've had to take it apart and jig the internals to work better

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Anonymous No. 124369

Has anybody attempted to make his own HPA recoil system, similar to Daytona? I only remember the anon back in the day who made a "sawn-off style shotgun".
I want to make an Maxim Gun with a recoil system that kicks the charging lever back like on the actual gun. A new custom body means I make the HPA engine and build the gun around it instead of trying to make an engine to fit an already existing gun.

On a related retarded note, how difficult would it be to make such an engine from scratch? Speaking with no engineering or pneumatics experience, but does have access to materials at least.

Anonymous No. 124404

Are rails usually the same width on all guns? Like if i wanna buy a real ass military ass laser can i stick it on any gun? Just asking since most sites dont really type out the width of themm raills

Anonymous No. 124406

Pretty much everything should be standard picatinny as far as I'm aware

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Anonymous No. 124407

why you gotta be like that my dude
I'm just asking - what's an upside in feeling heavy. I can seeargument for lightness, i can see being indifferent, but I don't understand benefits of heavy shit
and no, I can carry my my metal saw all day too

Anonymous No. 124411

sorry I was being a poo
I just like how it feels, it's just preference really

Anonymous No. 124416

On a real gun heavy means less recoil

Anonymous No. 124423

there's 10mm and 20mm rails if it's a standard picatinny mount it will be 20mm

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Anonymous No. 124456

I bought the gas FAL

Anonymous No. 124463

incredibly based

Anonymous No. 124475

Is NE the new VFC? Good externals but they don't work right.

Anonymous No. 124476

VFC GBBR's are good tho aren't they? It's their AEG's that are shit

Anonymous No. 124503

Only the never GBBRs are good like the MCMR and FAL

Anonymous No. 124579

They're on V3 of their AR15 based rifles. Just think about that

the FAL is the first one I've come across which has been genuinely fantastic. These mags hold 30g of propane per fill and the router can move freely to maintain seal but mate with the nozzle router better, these mags are bombproof

Anonymous No. 124592

I've noticed many fields either having a minimum engagement distance and full auto (horrible, leads to arguments and more shouting than shooting) or no MED but no full auto (an okay compromise).

Anonymous No. 124605

What country? As a GBBR user myself I find full auto to be a cope for a lack of skill

Anonymous No. 124636

The fields by me allow full auto for only smgs and 10 round burst for lmg.
Burst is best. When I field my UMP I do the same.

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Anonymous No. 124657

Played my first regular outdoor game in a long time and was reminded that the hop adjuster on my LCT AK is really loose. It'll move by itself after shooting for a while even though it's not an EBB. Is there any good way to fix this? Gun works great otherwise.

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Anonymous No. 124711

Does anybody have a table or good video explaining the different styles of AK side mounts? I want to put a goofy ass soviet scope on my AK but cant for the life of me figure out if the scope goes onto its own proprietary mount or if they are all universal.
Websites selling this scope state that they can mount onto the universal side rail, meanwhile there are pics of side rails specifically for this scope.

Pic related. My AKs side rail, the scope, a rail that is apparently specific for this scope.

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Anonymous No. 124768

NSPU, NSP-3, PPN-3 etc. should fit on any AK side mount. Here's an E&L with a PPN-3 on it.

Anonymous No. 124781

What a retarded setup. I love it

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Anonymous No. 125119

Where my COST niggas at?

Anonymous No. 125322

You can put an o-ring or shim behind the screw on the hop adjustment slide to tighten it up.

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Anonymous No. 125332

Show us some pics, here's my newest.

Anonymous No. 125400

It definitely took a bit to adjust the knee pads, but I eventually got them just the right tightness for myself. Wasn't a problem with some kneepads with thigh straps.

Leg holsters are little more eh. When they have a belt strap, it isn't nearly as bad though.,

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Anonymous No. 125441

Front and centre of my soon to be smaller collection

The top cover is off because im waiting on parts after the nozzle broke free of its physical bindings mid game. Though the gun didn't give a fuck and it kept running since the nozzle also runs on the bolt rail track

Anonymous No. 125444

>All GBBRs
>green gas
Cringe. Use gas without silicone

Anonymous No. 125447

>Cringe. Use gas without silicone

I need to change over but I'm lazy and propane stinks

Anonymous No. 125450

There is airsoft branded propane without the smell but it depends on where you live. I use ATM130 gas from France

Anonymous No. 125493

Not FAL guy, but when I last needed propane during lock down I found that bulk buying green gas was cheaper than Colemans. Prices might have settled again now though. I don't miss the smell.
>ATM130 gas
Google showed me nothing.

Anonymous No. 125504

>There is airsoft branded propane without the smell
That's called green gas.

Anonymous No. 125515

green gas has silicone in it which is bad

Anonymous No. 125548

How come, it keeps the seals in good condition, does it effect accuracy etc.?

Anonymous No. 125550


Anonymous No. 125605

The vast majority of o-rings are nitrile, which is fine with silicone oil, and the gas isn't going to force silicone oil into metal on metal areas or displace whatever oil or grease is already there.

Anonymous No. 125616

Silicone is something you don't want on your bucking or barrel

Anonymous No. 125678

silicone goes in the hop up, and barrel and your bb's go everywhere.

Anonymous No. 126204

Any good black friday deals? Looking to get an LCT AK with a folding stock.

Anonymous No. 126225

>good deals
look, if a product is good, then it sells. if it's sells anyway, why do a deal on it? I only see crap no one wanted to buy here.

Anonymous No. 126248

Ok, I take that back, I see deep sale on Specna Core models. I wanted a basic bitch short AR for a long while.

Anonymous No. 126264

It's like you've never seen a sale in your life.

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Anonymous No. 126696

Krytac's low profile upper looks nice. Are Krytac uppers cross compatible with TM P90's? Would also be nice to know it they're compatible with existing 3rd party handguards.

shooped for visualization.

Anonymous No. 127258

Know any girls who would get off on being shot by an airsoft gun? Asking for a friend.

Anonymous No. 127377

MGs need to be heavy to dissuade any dipshit who can't carry one from using it. I'm glad there are weapon classes with regulations in my country and that shit like Crycrack eL Em gEe doesn't count as an MG

Anonymous No. 127409

is this the thread for people who never grew up and never bought real guns instead?

Anonymous No. 127433

I have real guns too
but I can't dress up and shoot other people in the woods with them

have you told your parents you're a homosexual yet?

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Anonymous No. 127518

different anon here, never gone playing. I just buy the guns because i like to fingerfuck them. Is the sport any fun ? I was thinking of getting a dmr and a 4x to have a fuck around gun

Anonymous No. 127528

i'm european, also what's the exciting part about real steel anyway? What i see most people do is stand and shoot static targets. Meanwhile in airsoft you move around, and shoot at actual people.

Anonymous No. 127531

also, the various shotgun sports. sporting clays is an absolute blast

Anonymous No. 127559

static target shooting is almost meditative at distance. You really gotta focus to hit hard shots like that.

That said, shooting with pop up targets/timers/etc is a lot more fun and reflexive

Anonymous No. 127603

>i'm european, also what's the exciting part about real steel anyway?
The chance to stand your ground and shoot someone.

Anonymous No. 127605

Loads of fun I try to hit my local field once a month or so. A dmr is fun to fuck around with and learn more about accuracy and precision. You have any fields near you?

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Anonymous No. 127625

do i need to have an electric m4 piss shooter to be competitive in airsoft?
i rly like things like shotguns revolvers bolt actions and such
fun things especially shell ejecting and co2 powered
dont rly care so much for the tacticool spec ops tryhard looking stuff everyone else seems to use
i just wanna use fun guns but like does anyone ever use guns like pic related the aps cam 870?
do i need to piss bbs to be effective?
if so would a co2 powered semi auto m14 be a good comprimise?
whats everyone elses fave not electric fullautos?

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Anonymous No. 127662

Personally I don't think treating airsoft like a sport is a good idea. It's too easy to cheat and you will almost definitely run into people who don't call their hits properly. Luckily they're a minority and some actually don't feel certain hits because of equipment etc. In any case it can cause some frustration.

tl;dr mainly play to have fun, not to "win"

Anonymous No. 127720

No you need a M4 with an HPA engine in it to be competitive.
Seriously tho for outdoors the most important is proper hop up. As long as you can hit where you aim and at quite a distance then you’ll be fine

Anonymous No. 127724

I run GBBRs most of the time because they're more fun. Who cares about being competitive in airshit?

Anonymous No. 127743

Got me self one of those TTI AAP kits. Still figuring out what kind of attachments to put on it but I think it’s pretty cool. Also upgraded my speedy AAP with a CTM lightweight bolt so now it’s snappy AF.

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Anonymous No. 127744

Forgot image

Anonymous No. 127752

It looks like you snapped a branch off of a tactical tree.

Anonymous No. 127755

I think that's a good attitude. You're not joining a pro league. You're going to a cosplay convention where people get to shoot each other. And at the end of the costume contest, the winners are the ones not wearing multicam.

Anonymous No. 127761

You don't really need anything besides a red dot and a light, desu

Anonymous No. 127768

looks awesome

Anonymous No. 127843

I used a TM SPAS 12 with no stock and a TM MK23 for years. if you are sneaky/aggressive & can actually shoot you will prevail in ambush situations. In CQB a trishot shotty has an advantage in that it fires instantly (vs an AEG which has gears that need to wind up) and the spread of bbs will often tag someone's shoulder that's poking out of a bunker.

Anonymous No. 127933

I'm running around in 50 year old surplus with a gas blowback FAL

Fuck being competitive

Anonymous No. 127966

Thinking about going to the Ballahack Wild West "LARP". Don't really have anything "western". Lever Actions are surprisingly expensive compared to other spring guns and whatnot.

Anonymous No. 127981

sounds really fun
the dan wesson revolvers aren't awful and are decently priced

Anonymous No. 128171

most fields seem to be semi only anyways

Anonymous No. 128306

>dan wesson revolvers aren't awful
650fps on fresh capsule yet only 30m of range
they are not great

Anonymous No. 128320

on the 6"?
thought it was better desu
I stand corrected

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Anonymous No. 128456

>Gbb recoil
Muh piemel hard. Nice one senpai. I will be completly honest. If i wasnt as much of a wagie poorfag atm id slam money into that hoe immedeatly as well. Is it mostly steel ? How good does the whole physionomigy feel

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Anonymous No. 128540

It feels great.

The barrel is in two sections with the front part screwing off to make it carbine length. The segment within the handguard is zinc but there's already steel kits to replace the barrel and gas tube segments with real steel.

Everything else on/in it is steel with the exception of the upper reciever, which is zinc but it's a formidable chunk of metal so I have no durability concerns. It feels great to use and shoot, the mags hold 28 bbs and a ton of gas and I'm getting some Imbel furniture for it because the VFC plastic feels a bit cheap.

Worth it though

Anonymous No. 128652

>That belt fed G3 in the lower left corner
;_; now that one just hurts me different

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Anonymous No. 128722

valid answers
faggot answer
>inb4 t. nigger
Not a nigger thief or burglar. I'm just fucking sick of mutts chanting "muh 2nd amendment", "muh castle doctrine" yet cannot fathom the usage of guns for any thing else except fueling their home break-in fantasies, and open carrying to compensate for something. Go back and don't return >>>/k/

It's a crime to burn that HK21, but I bet you missed this percussion cap gun right beside it.
Imagine being the unlucky militant who got it assigned to him.

Anonymous No. 128758

dude, I had 8 inch, it was a joke
unless I was close, then I was the one laughing

Anonymous No. 128803


in other news I'm trying to replace the hammer on my AAP and not only am I retarded I have annihilated my fingers with no progress

thanks for reading my blog

Anonymous No. 128827

yea it's not fun. Took me a while as well and it was more luck than skill really. It's made for those small asian hands. Luckily when you get the cowcow hammer installed it shouldn't break for a long time

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Anonymous No. 128831

Any of you play airsoft last weekend?

Anonymous No. 128833

yeap. It was -5 degrees here, so none of my GBB stuff worked properly even on HPA. I could barely get the line on because of frozen o-ring kek. I think it's just the hop up rubber/bolt that get's too cold and shit just doesn't work. Cause it works fine at home. Luckily i had my backup AEG which ran ok still had some hopup issues but it wasn't as bad as my AAP-01.

Anonymous No. 128846

Nah went to a USPSA match but it got rained out sadly

Anonymous No. 129052

how can I get an mp5sd gbbr in canada?

Anonymous No. 129053

talk to andy

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Anonymous No. 129060


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Anonymous No. 129175

yeah i went to MSW caspian strike.

Anonymous No. 129202

My friend group was split between that and Rev 12 since they were the same weekend. I went to Rev
>>128831, and heard that NATO had some issues with calling friendly fire hits.

Anonymous No. 129205

Anonymous No. 129220

just task force mayhem. I shot rusfor dudes in the back of the head and watched them ignore it until they saw i was nato too.

Anonymous No. 129221

A few weekends ago in the snow, twas fun. We played CTF, force on force and infection. I've noticed that extreme weather (cold or hot) weeds out a lot of cheaters/bitches.

Anonymous No. 129222

This is why I like to run a LMG

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Anonymous No. 129344

Any other Resident Evil fans ITT?

Anonymous No. 129358

Nice collection. Tho I find thor's hammer looks too aggressive and prefer TM's generic design.

Anonymous No. 129362

I think the more aggressive/spikey front-end servers a practical purpose considering its purpose is taking out BOW's. Sometimes you run outa dakka and just gotta ram that thing into someone's face.

Anonymous No. 129433

That ballahack from Halloween?

Looking to go to Wild West or Fertile Crescent?

Anonymous No. 129435

Tell me more about MSW caspian

NATO is already sold out, leaving militia and RUSFOR. My kit isn't full operator so it seems out of my range atm.

Anonymous No. 129453

From Rev 12, dude was in an Amongus costume for day 2. Would hide his arms inside the costume, and then randomly cap people with a pistol he had. My group is planning on going to FC and Rev 13, but i'm not looking forward to the 13h drive again. Though this year at Rev 12 there was a group that drove almost 30 hours from Idaho.

Its MSW at arguably the best facility in North America.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 129459


Anonymous No. 129461


What kinda kit should I be carrying? I have a simple black MOLLE vest, an ALICE rig and an AAP01 and a AEG G36C. buncha midcaps for both.

That implies 'militia' role if I decide on the 11 hour drive to the Guardian Center. Guess I should watch more videos to figure out it though.

As for Ballahack, that shit's only 4 hours away drive. Worthwhile for the experience.

Anonymous No. 129466

Going as Milita for your first MSW event is the right choice. Pretty much read the TACSOP, and use non "tactical" gear. Random old milsurp gear is perfect, but idk about the AAP01. Its kinda like a mk4, but technically not real. Watch some MSW prep videos and understand that no matter what you do you are most likely not going to be fully prepared for the weekend. You are going to be exhausted, you are going to get almost no sleep, and you are going to be sore all over, but at least at the Guardian center you are almost guarantied to sleep inside. The biggest lessons I learned at my first MSW was

1) To cut down as much shit as I could, because hiking that shit in fucking sucks
2) Invest in the best possible footwear you can get, and make sure they are broken in.
3) Bring a tarp and some rope

Anonymous No. 129488

thanks but I'm not confident on the pre order shit with c21 on the horizon.

Anonymous No. 129498

caspian strike was at guardian center in perry georgia. The teams were reallly unbalanced with nato having 209 people and 4 armored vehicles and rusfor having like 130 people and basically AT. nato absolutely BTFO'd them so constantly that by saturday night 30-50 miltia dudes just picked up their shit and left.

"NATO is already sold out, leaving militia and RUSFOR"

idk what you mean by this if you ae trying to buy tickets for caspian strike it's already over. If you are doing Sochi, salsk, or kharkiv I can explain what to expect.

>My kit isn't full operator so it seems out of my range atm.

the only requirement for nato is that you wear a multicam uniform and a chest rig or plate carrier that isnt some slav shit or weird. its pretty easy.

post your kit.

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Anonymous No. 129501

AEG and helmet is with a cousin atm (for an indoor place) but this is the bulk of it.

Got a Romero 5 that I can throw on, but that's pretty much it. Got hiking gear as well, but that's not the same thing as the military rucksacks.

Plus people with NVGs are probably gonna murder everyone.

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Anonymous No. 129502

so the tacsop specifically says no black gear.
you could use that shit on miltia and just wear a woodland camo uniform.

as far as the rucksack thing goes you can us any backpack you want as long as its got everything you are required to carry.

google milsim west tacsop and read the whole pdf.

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Anonymous No. 129727

Where do I start with airsoft? Who are the best manufacturers and non-local sellers?

Anonymous No. 129738

Look for a local field. If they offer rentals it may be a good idea to do that and make sure you like it before really investing. If you need/want to buy something I always suggest a CYMA 048 series AK, titan power 7.2v lipo, and a lipo charger, that is unless you only have 1j cqb places around.

TL;DR give location, budget, and what type of fields are around you.

Anonymous No. 129766

always rent before you buy
unless you have more money than sense

cyma is good quality for sure
if you're american/canadian I always like to shill maple armouries, about equivalent to a upgraded cyma and they're made to run larger 11.1 Lipo or Li-ions (which you don't have to worry about discharging completely, Li-ions that is)
lots of people don't really pay attention to their batteries or gun specs and can do a mischief

Anonymous No. 129767

I have seen a few maple armory guns and they all shoot terrific.

Anonymous No. 129768

I'm very pleased with mine
he's upgrading the hop up he uses too at some point so that's cool

Anonymous No. 129790

Are you american or european?
For yuro stores i have great experience with the following shops: Taiwangun, Gunfire,,, Skirmshop and Begadi.

For rifles i suggest getting a Specna Arms Edge 2.0. They are cheapest on Gunfire, and it's probably the best ootb rifle on the market right now. For that gun you will need a 11.1 Lipo battery, lipo charger and lipo bag.

Then you need eye protection, and face unless you are a retarded britbong or american and apparently can afford dental bills. Either get a full face mask like a Dye I4/I5, or for goggles i have good experience with Bollé X800. They don't fog at all for me, and then pair it with some generic face mesh mask.

Anonymous No. 130223

I used to wear £10 black primark cargo trousers, a black tshirt, a black hoodie if cold, a black balaclava, and a black boonie.
that's up until recently when I got a pistol and needed trousers with belt loops for the holster, so I went really wild and bought grey trousers and an olive green t-shirt.

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Anonymous No. 130224

>c02 mag starts leaking after 1 day
>oil o-rings, does nothing
>try this
>picrel so stop pretty quickly
>realise the site I got it from is good on returns, thought I got them from a different place
>email them, don't mention the burning part
>they agree to take it back and repair it
>but when they open it up they're going to see it anyway
I fucked it didn't I
the part that's singed shouldn't have any affect on the seal but I doubt they'll care
still, gonna send it back and hope for the best. if they email me I'll explain myself, and if they charge me to repair it instead of doing it for free it'll still be cheaper than a new mag.

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Anonymous No. 130261

Right here, it's a cheapo WE though, I just wanted a metal Samurai Edge.

Anonymous No. 130276

would be your wingman in my $2k tacticool larperator set up and die in the opening seconds of the game

Anonymous No. 130278

Started wearing cargo pants, a t-shirt and a hat. Upgraded to milsurp camo, then new camo, multicam, Gucci gear, etc. . . Now im playing in cargo pants, a flannel, and a hat.

Anonymous No. 130282

you seem like a fag and ur shits all retarded

ur kit is gay. your little nvg battery pouch slogan is also gay literally cringing kys kid

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Viper if it ain&#....jpg

Anonymous No. 130345

It's all good, you had a dud mag that you tried to fix. If you're not breaking stuff sometimes you're not learning.

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Anonymous No. 130349

gimp mode

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Anonymous No. 130373

Remember to not reply to troll posts.
Happy Yule you homos.

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Anonymous No. 130395

I noticed foundry airsoft is back to making halo kits. Kinda want to take one of my old glocks and turn it into a magnum teebeeach

Anonymous No. 130427

I mean, if you don't like aiming with your sights, that's a way to do it I guess

Anonymous No. 130429

Laser aiming. Look at the rail on the bottom.

Anonymous No. 130431

You use your sights at airsoft pistol distances?

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Anonymous No. 130455

based, I bought the 3 piece kit that lets you swap between the ODST Socom, Combat Evolved, and Halo 2 versions.

Anonymous No. 130597

Sometimes if that's what you've got.

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Anonymous No. 130778

Yeah if they're somewhat far away, in close up/getting ambushed situations I'm point shooting.

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Anonymous No. 130802

Be honest sabagebros, when someone posts their gun fresh from the field, is it like when /arg/fags post pics of their chrome bcg all scuzzie, or just battle wear and being proud of scratches and wear and shit?

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Anonymous No. 130809

I'm not your bro, friend.
Although the horrors in your pic are impossible to count the orange used-condom-looking thing at the front sight is what puzzles me the most.

Anonymous No. 130810

Its my nigger rigged edc light into a picatinny mount. The orange thing is an orange polycarbonate lense, and its held on with tape. The tape is weird and all wicked fucked up, its all rubbery and shit, not even sure if it is tape but it worked

Anonymous No. 130811

what's the most retarded reason some guy has used for not taking his hits to you? I was at a indoor CQB field, and this meal team six retard didn't call it after shooting him 5 times with my pistol at like 5 meter range. He then told me to "shoot him harder" like cmon bruh there's a joule limit and maybe don't wear 3 layers of clothes for a indoor game

Anonymous No. 130812

shoot him in the face next time

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Anonymous No. 130813

I'm going to need another pic with a timestamp. I refuse to believe anyone over the age of 12 would create such a monster. Unless you participated in some ugliest gun contest. Is it painted with nail polish?

Anonymous No. 130828

my brother in christ did you use mcfucking house paint on that poor rifle

Anonymous No. 130868

>christmas event
>current game is getting presents back to building to win a prize
>group of about 5 people with presents just fucking bum rush to the building ignoring all their hits
>I'm not 100% sure I hit all of them, but I definitely know I hit some of them before they ran as well, one guy flinched and hid behind a bush, etc
>actually complain to marshal for once because he's standing right there (normally I just seethe quietly)
>he literally doesn't care, tells me to not taking it seriously, it's a christmas game, just have some fun
>halfheartedly yells for everyone to make sure they're taking hits as I walk off fuming
motherfucker how am I meant to have fun when shooting people doesn't fucking matter?
this site is normally good with that stuff but it was really off that day, they even ended the day like 45 minutes early because it's cold and too many people left or some bullshit, even though last week it was colder and had even less people

anyway, I'm buying a 4x acog now, I want to know if I'm actually hitting the people I think are cheating so I can speak with certainty to marshals in such cases.

Anonymous No. 130870

I don't speak to cheaters, except one time some kid was blatantly cheating, I'd shoot him once in the head (watched it bounce off him), he'd duck down and repeek, I'd shoot him again, and repeated that about 5 times until he finally hit me back. I absolutely lost my shit and yelled at him, it was the angriest I've ever gotten at airsoft, luckily staff weren't around at the time or I'd probably have been kicked out. I didn't even hear what he said back, just walked off.
at first I felt kind of bad after, but then an hour later I caught him doing it again so that remorse was washed away. kept calm that time though, and just stopped peeking him.

but for most retarded, it would be this fat obnoxious black guy who screams at the enemy team constantly, not in an intimidating way, in a completely fucking cringe way. I have caught him on previous days cheating his ass off in terms of respawning instantly when he's supposed to go 30 metres. I once killed him twice on the same corner in 5 seconds, he respawned that fast.
not only had he been doing that again on that day, I caught him behind this truck and magdumped him for 3 seconds, and the motherfucker started dancing like he was standing on hot coals, until he spotted where I was shooting him from and then hid behind the truck. I then rushed the truck and he killed me.
originally I just walked off and didn't say anything, but this fucking monkey had the balls to yell at me to check my hit taking as I walked off, saying I should've called it earlier. I said something like "no u" to him and he just laughed it off, like "yeah right". after committing the most blatant fucking cheating I will probably ever see, knowing full well I saw him do it.
I instantly became more racist after that. I haven't seen him since though and that was like a year ago, so I assume he got banned.

Anonymous No. 130890

I usually give people 1 free pass, just in case they really didn't feel it. But if I can clearly see them reacting to the hits, and see that I'm hitting them square, I just dump on them until they call, especially in the vulnerable areas. They can complain all they want, I can just say that I didn't think my shots were hitting since they weren't calling them.

BUT. I've also come to realize that there are dicks everywhere in the world, and try to not let that bother me. Where I play, respawn is usually quick, so if I walk off while the cheater keeps playing, whatever. I'll be back...

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Anonymous No. 130941

New build. HPA engine is a Mancraft.

Anonymous No. 130966

That South Park airsoft episode was pretty bad

Anonymous No. 130985

>t. butthurt 14 year old

Anonymous No. 130989

I'm 30

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Anonymous No. 130992


Anonymous No. 131009

Did you have any issues with installing the volume reducers?

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tm mtr16.png

Anonymous No. 131014

I want it so bad, bros

Anonymous No. 131112

>15% off new year coupon
>Nice I can get my grenade pouches at a good price
>Place my order without writing in the coupon code

Anonymous No. 131116

It looks shit and gay, like something from John Wick. But the heart wants etc.

Just spend commensurately less this month on something else, it's not that much, I'm sure.

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Anonymous No. 131125

what about the no gold one?

Anonymous No. 131136

I wish TM did a full length M16 MWS.

I want an A2 receiver for mine but $500 for an Alu upper and lower before i've even priced up the rest of the furniture is insanse

Anonymous No. 131181

I bought the engine used, so i don't know honestly. It was in another V3 rifle, so i just took the gearbox from that and dropped it into my 74u

Anonymous No. 131376

im trying to get back into airsoft.
for your loadout how many mags do you run playing field?
i was thinking 6 midcaps and 2 speedloaders. im not trying to one man army it. does this seem enough for field?

Anonymous No. 131384

That should be pleanty, but it depends on how much action there is normally at your local field. One field I go to has quite a bit of movement and longer ranges so I end up going through only a few mags. At my local closer field, it's only around 3.5 acres and is non stop shooting with the amount of players who are there. W/e you do do not buy PTS EPM1 mags. 250rnd midcaps sound cool but they fuck up every gun they go into due to their absurd spring pressure.

Anonymous No. 131391

Imagine being a Canadian and just bending over to a legislation not only banning firearms, but also airsoft guns.

Anonymous No. 131398

I legitimately unironically think there's no reason for people to own firearms
I hate living in a redneck hick country

Anonymous No. 131401

other parties blocked the bill so we'll see what happens
it's not australia, yet

Anonymous No. 131429

anyone who lives upon the whims of others can never call themselves free.

Anonymous No. 131452

I have 2x200rnd and 2x150rnd mags and that's more than enough for me, even on long games.

Anonymous No. 131550

1 (one) hi-cap is sufficient for most games.

Semi-auto only
Technically banned
About to be banned

What is is with Anglos and irrational fear of things that look like guns?

By that definition the only men who are free a hermits in the wilderness.

Anonymous No. 131554

The right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED
Whatever you have to say "literally" "unironically" doesn't matter. We have guns and you cannot take them from us because it is our DUTY as humans to keep our guns.

Anonymous No. 131555

>About to be banned
they literally can't because it would be racist
they can try to ban some and play silly buggers but we'll see how that goes

most canadians who have been here for a few generations could stretch and claim status anyway (I know I can) so more guns for me, too bad gisbment

anyway, about that airsoft..

Anonymous No. 131558

>By that definition the only men who are free a hermits in the wilderness
I know the logical step you are taking and it is still wrong, look at uncle Ted. Someone who is completely at the mercy of others can not be considered free, but those who are free have influence over their situations. The ability to own and use a firearm is influence over your situation.

Anonymous No. 131559

>The ability to own and use a firearm is influence over your situation.
Does having the right to own a blackpowder muzzle loader whilst living under a totalitarian dictatorship automatically elevate one to the status of a free man?

>uncle Ted
Who's Uncle Ted?

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Anonymous No. 131685

I want to get an AKS 74U just for larping purposes, I won't use it to play competitively or shit but just to shoot at cans in my backyard and take goofy pics with it at most, what's the best cheap option for this?
I was looking at the dboys one
Also i live in eu (idk if that matters for this kinda things)

tl;dr europoor wants a cheap aks 74u because they look cool

Anonymous No. 131688

I would suggest the CYMA one over dboys.

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Anonymous No. 131693

Pretty much >>131688 this, Cyma has better QC for a cheapo Chinese gun, but Dboys has slightly nicer externals (more steel) though their guns are generally thrown together.

Anonymous No. 131698

ty anons, ill look into the cyma models aswell

Anonymous No. 131704

Just a bit of advice: I'm going to suggest that you keep an eye on CYMA's model numbers. The CM.045 is the VFC clone, while the CM.035 is the TM clone, and the VFC clones are overall superior to the TM counterparts.
If you don't see a number, try to look at the underside; TM clones have screws in front of the magwell, while VFCs don't.

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Anonymous No. 131751

Belgian master race reporting in. Don't even talk to me if you like German guns.

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Anonymous No. 131752


Anonymous No. 131762

always wanted a p90
which one is that?
and to anyone else if they have a preferred model

Anonymous No. 131782

Which Five-seveN is that? I want to get one someday, but I've been hearing that every model that's been made has a decent amount of issues (ex. durability issues and the SRC model not even having 20 BBs in its magazine)

Anonymous No. 131804

King Arms, it's pretty solid as the body is nylon fibre rather than ABS. I've never handled any other P90, so have no frame of reference performance wise.
It's the SRC one, it's survived well enough, I think the mag capacity is 17. In retrospect I'd probably get the TM one and upgrade it, but the SRC one was on offer at the time, so I took a gamble.

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Anonymous No. 131810

Are you man enough to carry a pink holster

Anonymous No. 131831

Nice EMR carrier. Big fan of that camo

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Anonymous No. 131874

Love it when they print the camo pattern on the webbing. Looks so much better.

Anonymous No. 131881

Aren't VFC AEGs terrible?

Anonymous No. 131882

Their gearboxes are. The bodies are top tier. What he means by VFC clone is that the CYMA 0.40 series is a copy of their rifle design which means it’s assembled the same way as the VFC. The gearbox and internals in the CYMA is their own and has nothing to do with VFC

Anonymous No. 131883

it's more of the system thing rather than exact copy. TM system was first, but it is fully plastic with many screws, basicaly it's assembled like a toy would be.
VFC system is newer and used by almost every airsoft AK maker, including cyma, dboys/double bell, e&l, lct etc. this system uses steel stamped reciever with barrel trunnion riveted to it. it assembles much closer to real gun and makes using parts from real deal like handguards or stocks possible.

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Anonymous No. 132109

How wobbly is stock on Cyma 048S or 048SU? Tried to ask from reddit, but got just thrown tantrums about how Cyma is superior, get Cyma Ak, platinum that, get AR15, etc.
So is that stock wobbly? Planning to use as loaner/ back up gun and don't want any other platform due to current mag stash.

Anonymous No. 132343

ok after direct communication with the shop I'm confident enough to place an order. is the we mp5sd gbb a choice?

Anonymous No. 132350

Do people smoke at outdoor games

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Anonymous No. 132359

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Anonymous No. 132378

Man fields that don’t lock peoples HPA regulators can suck a dick. I got one on the neck too where it took off all the skin where the bb hit. Played CQB for a long time and never got marked like that before.

Anonymous No. 132381

andy is good people
I'm not sure about the makes and makers though, hopefully someone can chime in
or check if negative airsoft tech has something to say about them

Anonymous No. 132382

god damn wtf

Anonymous No. 132402

Talked with a guy who was there and apparently he found .40g BB’S stuck on him after last night. Some people are insain

Anonymous No. 132420

well its not tea time.
thats for bitches.

Anonymous No. 132437

Tried out my cheap ass cyma tri-shotgun in my half cqb arena-half open local field
Holy shit that was fun, got a quarter of the kills i usually get with an AEG but i think this is gonna be my new main choice
If you are close to an enemy and rack that pump you can feel that fear as they scramble to the next cover

Anonymous No. 132452

>negative airsoft

Negair is a fucking manchild retard, don't listen to him Badabing has far more respectable opinions.

Neg isn't even a good tech

Anonymous No. 132480

met him irl he's a decent bloke the vids are theatrics. no clue where he gets his money a few years back we were in a shipping container packing what must of been at least 30 vintage/rare stuff up for him with a few lads he knows what he's talking about most of the times I don't trust his GBB knowledge though.

Anonymous No. 132484

As a HPA player fields that don't lock regs creep me the fuck out. It keeps the honest players honest. Though I did just play at a field today with a 1.9j rifleman limit and only a 10ft med. Shit was wild.

Anonymous No. 132545

Hello guys. Are electric pistols so much better than spring pistols even for those who just want to shoot cans for casual fun?
Although I understand that for sport the electric one brings a huge advantage, the two in the end use a spring to fire, so I assume that the the trajectory, speed, force of the shot will be equivalent if the two weapons are of comparable quality, right?

Anonymous No. 132555

get a gas or CO2 instead. Electric pistols are pretty crap. They also don't have blowback which is the cool part about airsoft pistols

Anonymous No. 132580

He seems okay, but boy has he got a chip in his shoulder.

Anonymous No. 132581

Yes, smokers smoke outdoors.

Anonymous No. 132587

he's british

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Anonymous No. 132616

Hey bros, today I'm getting my hands on the Arcturus PP-19 Vityaz from Taiwangun.
People say that the gun's first batch used to have a big problem with the hop unit pretty much always getting ruined during shipping and also some double feeding problems, but Taiwangun insists that they have been fixed.
In a few hours from now, I'll tell (You) how it is out of the box if anyone's interested.
Picrel is random photo of it from the internet.
It's my first SMG so I'm really anxious about it.

Anonymous No. 132623

i have the first model. Problem with double feeding was when using .25g bb's. This can be fixed by a hop up rubber and nub change. It's a really nice SMG.

Anonymous No. 132624

*was when using higher than .25g was what i meant to write

Anonymous No. 132627

Huh, I was planning to use .28s just like the rest of my guns. I'll see how it behaves with the current batch one of these days.

Anonymous No. 132632

well maybe it's changed with the new ones i got no clue. Iirc the taiwangun website also recommends .23-.25 with that weapon

Anonymous No. 132643

I think Badabing is, unfortunately, from Bristol, so everything he says, thinks, and does is wrong.

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Anonymous No. 132655

I can forgive him for being a Bristolian, because he doesn't have dreadlocks

Anonymous No. 132700

Apparently e&l is making a gbb akm and qbz-191, have they made gbbrs before?

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Anonymous No. 132702


Anonymous No. 132706

Man I wish someone would make a QBZ-95 since Real Sword is ded

Anonymous No. 132707

I'm new to airsoft so pardon the retarded question, but what's with the little metal thing below the stock? Is that where you insert the gas? I thought GBBs put their gas cartridges in their magazines?

Anonymous No. 132724

Without knowing maybe it has a small gas tank similar to something like a Tippmann and you can then use AEG mags

Anonymous No. 132731

So never ever

Anonymous No. 132732

I wouldn't be surprised, but their NA distributor did list it in their 2023 catalogue. Though not sure if that really confirms anything...

Anonymous No. 132780

I fucking hate this thing. Instead of releasing something like an M16A1 or something they release this shit. No wonder it's always in stock everywhere while other MWSs are oos

Anonymous No. 132781


Anonymous No. 132820

They made a forged M4 years ago but of 100 made about 60 went to Japan

Anonymous No. 132822

Wow okay, I guess these might be extremely limited as well.

Anonymous No. 132887

Who gives a shit about modern chink garbage and another AKM? They're releasing a Type 56. Finally a rifle to larp as vietcong

Anonymous No. 132891

Found a video showing it

Anonymous No. 132906

Oh wow... Another gAyK-47.... Amazing....

Anonymous No. 132907

That's fucking cool, both HPA and CO2 ready. Sounds like it's going to be pretty expensive.
>ETA Fall of 2023 or early 2024
Oh... So never ever

Anonymous No. 132968

Know nothing retard

Anonymous No. 132973

>cheap chink copy
>somehow not just a ak-47

Anonymous No. 132975

There"'s no such thing as an "AK-47," dipshit. It was never called that in the official documentation. Why do you think the next model was called the AKM and not AK-47M?

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Anonymous No. 132983

Because he's just a retarded troll. Probably the same guy randomly calling people gay for no reason, he just want (you)s.
On another note, where's my G43, ARES? Nobody believes you'd just make the scope but not the rifle (no one cares about another Kar98k).

Anonymous No. 133104

First time I'm hearing about this. Is it a recent announcement?

Anonymous No. 133158

The scope was announced almost two years ago I think.

Anonymous No. 133212

Why the fuck is this general so slow? It's 3 fucking months old

Anonymous No. 133227
