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🧵 /asg/ Airsoft General

Anonymous No. 133225

Unloved red-headed stepchild Edition

Old Thread: >>120651

Keep strictly real-steel related topics in >>>/k/, gun and gear porn's cool as long as you don't spam.

If you have a useful guide or want to rework one for the OP, post it and someone will add it to the next one.

>Updated Newbie pastebin

>/asg/ retailer guide

>Legal comprehensive, crosscheck with your local laws to be on the safe side

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Anonymous No. 133226

Threadly Topic: Which country currently contributes the most to facilitating airsoft as an activity?

Anonymous No. 133229

When /asp/ was canned (thanks to wrasslefags shitting up the place) and we got shunted over here, people couldn't find us.

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Anonymous No. 133262

>facilitating airsoft
What does that even mean? None of the countries are lobbying globohomo countries like Australia and Canada to stop being retarded and realize they're just toys. While many chink/taiwanese companies have caught up and sometimes surpassed them Japan is still the mecca of airsoft imo. Marui still manages to produce really good guns even if the fps is weak.

Anonymous No. 133264

Luv me TM's. Simple as

Anonymous No. 133267

why are tec9's so fucking rare?

Anonymous No. 133276

No one cares about them
t. doesn't care

Anonymous No. 133299

there's a new one coming. It was shown at one of those asian expos not that long ago.
I don't think any really are? Not actively promoting at least. The field where i marshall and run games at we do get some money from the government but that's because it's all volunteers, so we don't pay rent for the land either.

Anonymous No. 133312

Someone know a place where I can find a jap Type 100 in airsoft pls ?

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Anonymous No. 133321

Looks like only custom made ones exist. Tanaka made a model Type 100 back in the 1980s.

Anonymous No. 133350

Spiritual home of Airsoft, still innovates, but TM is only serious manufacturer.
Starting to shake off low quality image, lots of manufacturers, with many new products every year.
A few huge producers whose cheap guns helped promote Airsoft to a broad audience, still many very low quality products.

Anonymous No. 133352

Who owns the land you use, and what country are you in that the gov hands out gibs for airsoft sites?

Anonymous No. 133376


Anonymous No. 133396

Local municipality. Denmark. And we get the gibs for the purpose of helping us pay for repairs etc that need money. It’s not a big amount I think it’s just below like a 1000 usd per year. Then we also get money from entry fees, rentals etc but we aren’t allowed to pocket it so it all has to go back into improving the field.

Anonymous No. 133398

How's airsoft in Denmark? Got any dumb laws or is it pretty lax?

Anonymous No. 133403

we're pretty lax. You need to be 16 with a parents notice to play so that weeds out the most annoying kids. Max joule limit is 5 i think? But most fields it's 4 and that's only for bolt action snipers with a 30m med. No license to own replicas, or orange tip / paint requirements etc etc.

Anonymous No. 133404

Pretty based. Sounds the same as Eastern European airsoft

Anonymous No. 133406

only thing that differs is i guess we require full face protection so either a Dye mask type, or full seal goggles + lower face protection. Mesh goggles are not legal either. Personally i like this because then you don't have all the whining about headshots like in the UK or US

Anonymous No. 133648

I really don't understand why people forgo lower face protection. There are so many options for low profile protection that doesn't impact aiming down sights that there is no reason to take the risk of required dental surgery.

Like off the top of my head we have:
>DeltaMike Facepro
>Lonestar tactical facepro
>Cygnus armory
>NB Tactical
>Valhalla Masks

Anonymous No. 133650

Most of these only offer front facing teeth protection. Wouldn't being hit in the side of the face also be able to knock out a teeth

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Anonymous No. 133652

finally i am freed from the awful v3 hop slider

Anonymous No. 133662

Don't care. I only use a mask that covers the front. The flesh on the side is enough protection

Anonymous No. 133664

I just find it too restrictive. If I know that I'm going to be going into buildings, and face opponents close at hand, I'll wear something, but otherwise I don't bother.

How can a shot that hits the cheek knock out teeth?

I've been using the same Cyma sliding hop unit for 8 years, still holds firm. I always thought the V3 slider was pretty good.

Anonymous No. 133692

If a BB is hitting me in the cheek and manages to knock out teeth, I think we have other issues at hand.

What hop unit?

Ak hops hold well, but at least in my experience are a pain to fine tune. Rotary wheels are just a far superior design.

Anonymous No. 133722

>What hop unit?

Anonymous No. 133817

But at what cost? Slider ain't that bad, if one mods it a bit.

Anonymous No. 133833

What mod is needed?

Anonymous No. 133848

Apparently ~70 euro for a TDC one. Around the same price of a Maxx.

Anonymous No. 133857

Use o-ring on the screws. Then it holds hop. It’s still hard to adjust it precisely tho imo

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Airsoft guns.jpg

Anonymous No. 133869

Rate or hate my small collection. Tippmann HPA M4 carbine, JG STAR Dragon, CYMA SPAS 12, CYMA M3 Entry and a Y&P M9 NBB.

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Anonymous No. 133870


Anonymous No. 133882

It's nice anon.

Anonymous No. 133886

It's shit anon.

Anonymous No. 133894

Tippmann is cool, rest is shit

Anonymous No. 133932

that JG star dragon is so shit and retarded that it unironically is based.

Anonymous No. 133933

Seems like a fun bunch of guns, even if some of them aren't exactly optimal
Finding a way to mount a mock can stuffed with foam onto that Y&P (I'm seeing that some versions might have an internally-threaded barrel that can be fitted with a 14mm CCW adapter, but I don't know myself) would probably make it ten times better, but that's just my opinion - as long as you're having fun with the guns you have, that's all that matters

Anonymous No. 133939

What fucking poorfuckistan do you live in?

Anonymous No. 133974

Those are all stupidly expensive, just get those cheap af one tigris masks. Yeah, they look stupid but they protect your cheeks too and you can still get a good cheek weld.

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Anonymous No. 134006

For plinking, nothing beats a boltie. Do you guys ever just shoot at home?

Anonymous No. 134011

The Tippmann gets attention from how loud it is, super fun to use. Once you learn how a basic mechanical HPA rifle works (I used to paintball so it wasn't hard) the Tippmanns are easy to work on. The Tippmanns have insane FPS potential however somewhat weak ROF. It's nice to tune the rifle to chrono right between 398-400 FPS.
I lucked out and got a dragon that shoots well (not Krytac level but definitely not LPAEG either). The JDAM/anime styled body kit is creaky and cheesy, yet fits my small hands well. The best mod I did for the goofy STAR Dragon was the battery box, there's no room for a decent sized battery. The dragon gets either weird/disgusted looks or fawning over the "space gun" when it comes out of the case. Low key, it's my favorite primary.
The Euro spec Y&P M9 comes with a threaded barrel, it would be nifty because I know how quiet and awesome NBBs are when suppressed. The Beretta, I've had that for like 8 years and it just won't die. Decently accurate, good FPS, low gas consumption, easy to run around with on your thigh all day/night, holsters/mag pouches are everywhere for it. The trigger spring started slipping and causing dryfires but I bent it back and all is well.
The midwest, for now. Used to live on the west coast and miss it, coming back soooooon. Anyways, thanks for reading my blogpost on my fleet of beater airsoft guns. PEACE

Anonymous No. 134033

What are you smoking they are all around the same price as the Tigris Masks. Only the NB Tactical one is somewhat expensive.

Anonymous No. 134046

that's all I do, none of my friends want to actually go play.

Anonymous No. 134047

new to this hobby and I kinda want a sidearm, are any GBB pistols good out of the box or do I have to upgrade them?

Anonymous No. 134087

go play and make new airsoft friends :)

Anonymous No. 134097

Get an AAP-01

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Anonymous No. 134099

>Own an LCT AK74U with a titan gate and all the fucking upgrades you can possibly get
>Lusts for pieces of shit like pic rel
Why am I like this

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Anonymous No. 134102

classic case of side pussy. I guess something about the posh stuff doesnt do it for you mate. I feel you, i do that too. Fuck around with one toy which makes me appreciate the others. Nothing better than fingerfucking my g36 gbb and then move onto my m4 while the ak watches Hmmm. One day ill get my hands on pic related, one day (temporary brokefag desu)

Anonymous No. 134106

Long time ago when I first saw that gun I thought it was just some shitty toy trying to be an AR-15.
The old-school M203 is so fucking hot. I hope I'll be able to get one for my M16A1 some day

Anonymous No. 134110

There's something interesting owning an uncommon pos. A snowflake effect so to speak

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Anonymous No. 134176

>Do you guys ever just shoot at home?
For sure, I'm thinking about getting pic related, and setting it up in the garage.

I'm like that, once I've got a gun running just right I start looking for another project.

Anonymous No. 134183

>>134097 got anything that actually looks cool?

Anonymous No. 134224

Given how little you will use a secondary, just choose one you like the look of. Steer clear of the cheapest metal pistols (and some WE pistols), but these days all gbb pistols will sling bbs 20yds or so. If reliability is that important to you, all Tokyo Marui gbb pistols are good to go.

Anonymous No. 134225

Depends what you think is cool, otherwise WE Glocks, VFC Sigs, ASG CZ-P09 or a MK23 are all pistols i have good experience with.

AAP-01 is still the best pistol out there tho

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Anonymous No. 134238

>WE Glocks
Second that, I've had one for 5 years and it hasn't skipped a beat, no leaks from the mag either, which is impressive for a Taiwanese gun. Their M9 and 226 have been decent as well.

Anonymous No. 134277

Kinda a shit show. I love my H8r though

Anonymous No. 134285

>AAP-01 is still the best pistol out there tho
Do you own one?

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Anonymous No. 134299

Almost completed the base of my Nam load out. For some reason I can't find even rothco copies of the jungle boots in my size though.

Anonymous No. 134315

3 of them

Anonymous No. 134321

I agree with this dude. I used to have my GBB sidearm gassed up every game. 4 mags. At the end of the day, they would never get used. Plus, after years of (non)use, they also start to leak. I *think* I fixed them, but who knows, since they rarely get used.

Now I just carry an AEP. It's fine since the whole idea is to plink someone 10-20ft away from me in an emergency.

Anonymous No. 134328

Based Vietnam enjoyer

Anonymous No. 134329

Nice kit. What M16 is that? Those markings look sweet.
>Born to Feel
I thought we were supposed to hide our power level.

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Anonymous No. 134363

I can't wait to scream for air support that will never come and to love the smell of non existent napalm.
It's just a CYMA one, hopefully the ETU won't break down too quickly. I didn't like the finish on the receiver out of the box, it was way too black and glossy, so I did some light sandpapering.
Here people use 2chan if anything so my power level is safe (if anyone would even care)

Anonymous No. 134380

Just got a kjw m9 vertec off some website called icefoxes. Did I fuck up?

Anonymous No. 134438

Never heard of them, you'll soon find out if they're legit, but if it not it's easy enough to get a refund from Paypal or your card.

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Anonymous No. 134450

Is G&G still good ? I'm torn between them and Arcturus. I'm fucking lazy and I don't want to upgrade the gearbox ( I'm gonna add a MOSFET anyway since I make them myself for like 3$ ).

Pic unrelated

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Anonymous No. 134466

I've been on airsoft for years and I never even fucking knew there was a general on 4chan. Couldnt find it on /k/ or /toy/ so I assumed there was none. I had to depend on fucking discord and forums

Slow board tho, but better than a shitshow. Howdy fellas

Anonymous No. 134467

>/asg/ retailer guide
Link's dead

Anonymous No. 134468

>Slow board tho, but better than a shitshow. Howdy fellas
now post your kit

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Anonymous No. 134469

Sure. Wait till you see the LMG I'm getting soon (would be the 7th one lol)

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Anonymous No. 134470

Dunno why its flipped

Anonymous No. 134473

doesn't that get extremely hot in the summer

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Anonymous No. 134475


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Anonymous No. 134476

>get WE m16a1 GBBR
>fires 130fps (on 0.3g) out of the box
>get it an NPAS
>first 3 shots are approx 265 (0.3g), 245, 230, then below 220 for the rest
>try to remedy with a tightbore barrel and new hop rubber
>first 3 shots are 150 fps, fps now INCREASES as i fire
what the fuck is happening?

Anonymous No. 134479

Do all zoomers deserve this fate?

Anonymous No. 134482

/k/ never accepted airsoft, and /toy/ happily/begrudgingly was home to it. Then /asp/ came along and airsoft was forcefully moved to it. It was okay until WRASTLEMANIA. Then it (and anything else not wrestling) died for awhile because nothing could last more than a few hours of WRASTLE WRASTLE WRASTLE.

Then /asp/ got nuked, WRASTLING got its own board, and here we are at /xs/.

Anonymous No. 134484

>M16A1 with M203
>that drum mag

Anonymous No. 134489

Sounds like you fucked up the hop up installation on the new inner barrel. Take it apart and put it back together carefully.

Anonymous No. 134495

where'd you get the mask from?

Anonymous No. 134501

Somewhat but I'm fine
Ballistic face mask. All my gear is real shit

Anonymous No. 134505

>WE M16A1
Sorry for your loss.
t. WE M16A1 owner

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Anonymous No. 134506

RA-Tech internals baby. No WE shit inside

Anonymous No. 134508

how many fucking WE m16a1 owners are there in this thread. i fucking have one too

Anonymous No. 134509

its the most realistic M16A1 out there cause it jams just as much as the real shit lmao

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Anonymous No. 134510

airsof :)

Anonymous No. 134511


Anonymous No. 134515

Mine has full RA tech internals as well including the steel hop chamber. The bolt carrier keeps eating bolt catches. What bucking cheese grade "steel" is RA tech using?

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Anonymous No. 134516

>airshit thread on /k/ mentions /xs/ airshit thread
>thread is undeaded
>/k/ says it hates airshit

Anonymous No. 134518

in my defense the outdoor ranges I go to are at least an hour away and ran by boomers, so I'm trying out airshit now

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Anonymous No. 134519

>He didn't think to check the /EXTREME SPORTS/ board for people playing with toy guns
Many such cases

Anonymous No. 134520

I mean I didnt fucking know until another airshit thread was made on /k/. I dont think airshit belongs on extreme sports. When I think that, I think skating or mountain-climbing, not fucking toys

Anonymous No. 134521

>airshit thread on /k/ mentions /xs/ airshit thread
yes this is how i realised that this board even exists and that this general exists. it is how it is.

Anonymous No. 134528

Honestly I’m fine with the thread being here and not /k/ cause then it would just be milsim dudes being autistic and shitting on people using repro stuff, using dye masks or being speedy boys etc. The general here is pretty chill

Anonymous No. 134529

They are still fine. If you don't wanna do shit look at DE ar15 models, they come with an optical mosfet.

Anonymous No. 134530

I like Arcturus quite a bit. They shoot really nice out of the box. I know they have ETUs in their ak12 now, but idk if that has made it to their ARs.

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Anonymous No. 134532

I wanna share all my airshit but I dont wanna flood the general cause I got a lot. All of them are unique since I dont like generic shit. I'm this guy>>134470

Anonymous No. 134534

You might as well share it. This general is slow as shit.

Anonymous No. 134535

I will tomorrow, I'm away from home today

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Anonymous No. 134538

For now, here's a list (not gonna list all upgrades)
>MG36 (Polarstar Jack, ASG grenade launcher and heat shield, JG G36 body, modded C-MAG to feed 30 RPS)
>RPK16 (Polarstar Jack)
>Cyma RPK (Polarstar F2, Keymod handguard, Gas block rail, side rail mount)
>WE-Tech Deagle (Longer railed barrel, longer inner barrel)
>Snow-Wolf M82 Barrett (Piece of fucking shit, will replace with SOCOM M82 with a Fusion engine soon)
>M16A1 (RA-Tech internals, M203 with Vietnam heat shield and an HPA'd drum mag)
>Tokyo Marui Hi-capa (fully upgraded too many to list, will do it later but it has silver slide and custom wooden grips)
>LCT PKP (Polarstar F2, Bullgear box mag)
>Flak10 (internally changed, HPA'd and given a more narrow bore for longer range and tighter spread)
>Striker-12 (APS version, got 30 shells for it)
>ICS MGL (have 6 ASG and 6 Mike 40s grenade shells)
>AAP-01 (internally upgraded but no external upgrades yet)
>Echo1 M134 Minigun (plastic gears replaced with steel gears and tuned to its peak. Still in a shop so cant show it yet)
>G&G F2000 (Wolverine Engine Gen 2 Hydra, different trigger and has integrated optics)
>Marushin Mateba (Piece of shit but its getting a full metal bodykit upgrade along with better internals)
>Tanaka Works M500 10.5 Hunter Revolver (Haven't tried it yet)
>WA Jatimatic (Still on order for new internals along with silencer and laser)
That's all I got for now.

Anonymous No. 134540

how's the F2000? Always wanted to try a bullpup

Anonymous No. 134541

There's two versions: G&G and Cybergun/CYMA

G&G F2000: Propiertary gearbox, very hard to HPA, but has the better externals

Cybergun/CYMA F2000: Worse externals but much more upgradable and can be HPA'd easily.

However, both have shit triggers. It's like the AUG trigger but way more iffy. Very very strict with mags so check magazine compatibility

Anonymous No. 134542

Not him, but I have it as well. It’s a bullpup so shit trigger. Also it’s prone to going full auto in semi. Simply a design flaw that can be fixed with a ETU which I haven’t gotten around to yet. Also once the whole thing split in half mid game for me kek. The plastic pin whatever it is just fell out

Anonymous No. 134543

Forgot to mention but recent G&G F2000s solved the mag compatibility issues so now they can take PTS midcaps which I use. Cant say the same for the other F2K

Anonymous No. 134544

I use Battleaxe stanag mags with my CYMA works great

Anonymous No. 134546

also now would be a good time to get into bullpups with Perun releasing their mosfet for AUG and P90

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Anonymous No. 134548

Yes yes well done. HOWEVER

Anonymous No. 134550

if youre the guy complaining about milsim dudes by any chance, this hpa 50rps bullshit is why people hate you and your ilk

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Anonymous No. 134551

No, I'm the guy that complains about how every looks the same, use the same guns, use the same tactics. I never go above 30 RPS for shit that I'm allowed to full auto and even then, I always go for the plate carrier

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airsoft OICW when....png

Anonymous No. 134553

imo anything above 20 rps is tryhard asshole territory, which is why i prefer to play either milsims or at sites with rps/mag capacity restrictions. i suppose the f2000 is pretty nice. i am a fan of the 90s "everything must be plastic" aesthetic

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Anonymous No. 134560

real funs are great but you can only shoot your friends once
you get a free opfor from the government though

Anonymous No. 134563

>had a chance to buy a PASGT helmet for 40 bucks
It still hurts, bros

Anonymous No. 134565

dont complain theyre still around 80-100 bucks in america. i had to spend 150 GBP to get one here

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Anonymous No. 134566

I'm from Eastern Europe

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Anonymous No. 134594

Total fucking gunlet here with what may be a dumb question, but: could one feasibly customise an airsoft pistol largely with real gun components?

Obviously there would be retrofitting involved for some parts but could I, say, replace a slide on an airsoft pistol with a real one? What would and wouldn't work in general?

Pic related. People might guess what it is but I'd like to take a pair of 1911 and gradually turn it into an iconic pair from a vidya.

Anonymous No. 134605

>mfw surplus was cheap and plentiful until the last ~10 years
Why didn't I buy more stuff. I could even be making money reselling shit right now.

Anonymous No. 134616

The only things you can use on an airshit pistol from a real one are grips and maybe the sights with some extra work and and maybe some other small parts.

Anonymous No. 134627

fuck that's cool mayne

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Anonymous No. 134645

Finished the middle one today

Anonymous No. 134651

it will never be a real SMG

Anonymous No. 134654

I’m well aware but at least when it breaks I’ll be able to get parts the next day instead of having to pay out the ass for importing them from Hong Kong

Anonymous No. 134659

Man I'm surprised you guys still have a general. I remember seeing one on /k/ a while back before people started crying about "errrmmmm airshit aren't weapons" as if anyone cares about that retarded gatekeep..

Does anyone know where I could get a good GBB glock (that isn't Evike).

Anonymous No. 134668

Gatekeeping is good but there should be an airshit general on /k/

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Anonymous No. 134675

Its here

Anonymous No. 134678

Nice, now get yourself a bullgear hopup

Anonymous No. 134680

uhhh, based department?

Anonymous No. 134691

What kind are you after,

I had a TM one which I enjoyed, replaced it with a VFC which I haven't gamed yet but really like the feel of

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Anonymous No. 134696

Really dig how this came out.

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Anonymous No. 134698

>he bought the best sight

Anonymous No. 134700

I hate russian shit

Anonymous No. 134705

looks slick but the buffer tube and stock is odd on a AK lol

Anonymous No. 134719

Same. I want to kill every single r*ssian, desu

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Anonymous No. 134722

Nah hopup looked fine for me. However, its got a bullgear box mag cause the gun's hpa'd with F2

Anonymous No. 134736

going to the range is good to get use to a gun
going airsofting is good to getting practice on reloading in a stressful situaiton.
people have been shitting on airsoft for too long and its more beneficial to practicing than people want to admit.

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Anonymous No. 134737

Fukken this. What's the fun of owning all that expensive gear if you ain't gonna use it ?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 134756

>beneficial to practicing
It can be, but also it can reinforce bad habits, look at any safe zone; a whole bunch of people constantly flagging each other.

Anonymous No. 134765

I either wanted a Glock 18 or Glock 17 - 19 with a threaded outer barrel for a tracer unit. As for brand I dont care really as long as they are good and aren't brutally shitty. I had a VFC Umarex Glock 17 Gen 5 and I enjoyed it but it didnt have a threaded barrel and wasn't compatable with older models.

Anonymous No. 134766

To add to this, main reason I opt'd not to want something from Evike is because they typically are so expensive, I wonder if other retailers sell the same shit for cheaper.

Anonymous No. 134771

Get a WE Glock

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Anonymous No. 134784

peek a boo

Anonymous No. 134787

>If you scream at someone that they got hit, they'll instantly drop dead

Anonymous No. 134788

boomers at the local field scold kids when they do this
I'm fine with that

Anonymous No. 134948

Based boomers. It's a good thing most airshitters don't own guns

Anonymous No. 134966

The only useful thing airsoft does for real gear is kit shake downs. Shooting, mag drills, etc . . . Do not really carry over with I guess the exception of GBBRs, but even then it can be bad habit forming. On the other hand running around in airsoft has shown me what I have fucked up with my kit, what I like and don't like far, and general troubleshooting more then any range day. For example I found out at one milsim event that it's worth to save up for the lightest ballistic helmet you can find. After a few hours with nods, counter weight, and the ballistic helmet my neck was fucking screaming.

Anonymous No. 134970

>the lightest ballistic helmet you can find. After a few hours with nods, counter weight, and the ballistic helmet my neck was fucking screaming.
well, duh. there is a reason nobody wears these things unless they have to.

Anonymous No. 134984

How close are the WE Glocks to the real thing? NTA but I'd kinda like to get one to plink around my backyard with and would like something as close to my real Glock as possible

Anonymous No. 134988

The GHK is closer, same weight, more kick, and same shitty trigger as the real thing.

Anonymous No. 135035

so there's not a single good gbb sidearm (pistol, smg, etc) that can reliably be used in full auto?

Anonymous No. 135039

Can you put custom triggers in GBB glock?

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Anonymous No. 135046

impression kits are the only respectable bbwar kits fuck you

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Anonymous No. 135047

Yes cowcow makes them for TM/WE etc Glocks. I actually just ordered one.
Cope and seethe milfag

Anonymous No. 135064

Any reason to get the aap-01C vs the original? Also, what's the recommended way to fix the hammer issue on these things? I heard the steel hammers will wear out the internals quickly, especially in full auto.

Anonymous No. 135065

There’s picatinny rail by default, so you don’t have to pay for the AAC set for the normal AAP, also fire selector on the outside. On US version there’s no thread, but international version will have it in barrel.
Hammer issue can be fixed by getting the Cowcow hammer. The stock one will break no matter that. Fire pin is what breaks in full auto. Replace that with Cowcow as well. Cowcow hammer does not wear internals. I’m on id image at least 6-7k shots through my AAP with Cowcow hammer and everything still works as new. There is the bearing mod you can do, but I haven’t tried it

Anonymous No. 135066

just the cowcow hammer or the whole hammer set? And thanks

Anonymous No. 135067

oh and also, is the cow cow hammer set compatible with the C version? I'm assuming internals are mostly the same?

Anonymous No. 135092

whole set, and yes hammer is compatible.

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Anonymous No. 135093

also get the fire pin if you are making a purchase and replace that too

Anonymous No. 135094

Anyone know where I can get just a surefire warcomp/3p/4p that works with a 5ku mock suppressor? Want to be able to use mine across multiple guns without having to buy multiple suppressors

Anonymous No. 135095

>not even HPA'd
amateur speedfag detected

Anonymous No. 135097

What? It is HPA, he took a gbb and is running a hpa tap/adapter.

Anonymous No. 135098

oh right. i missed it. speedfags are still gay

Anonymous No. 135100

>speedfags are still gay
t. slow milfatty

Anonymous No. 135102

>t. slow milfatty

Anonymous No. 135105

thank you! Got the aap-01c, can't wait.

Anonymous No. 135134

>t. queer running and sliding around like a fag with his paintball mask

Anonymous No. 135135

hey at least i don't get out of breath after the first 30 seconds

Anonymous No. 135148

dont wear shitty boots that were cutting edge in the 1950s anon

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Anonymous No. 135153

unironically, why choose airsoft over paintball?

the fun part of doing older themed/impression kits is having to learn to play with the disadvantage of shittier gear and eventually becoming as good or better than the nerds wearing modern gucci

Anonymous No. 135154

nice man. When you are looking for eventual upgrades i can recommend getting the following in no particular order, tho hop up parts are the most important!
Waldo Recoil spring
Hadron 300% nozzle and short stroke set
AAC Inner barrel
AAC CNC Hop up (if you have a drill get the Hadron TDC)
AAC Adjustable trigger (i also have TTI, but prefer the AAC one)
Flamingo 50 degree bucking
>unironically, why choose airsoft over paintball?
Paintball in my country (Denmark) is seen as something you do for bachelor parties and that's it. So the places that offer Paintball do not have any open games. There is only ONE field that do competitive Paintball, and it's not that many times per year they have open tournaments. I think last year it was like 2. There are no SpeedQB fields either otherwise i'd be doing that. Also paintball is way more expensive than Airsoft when it comes to the price of BB vs paint.
So that's why i play Airsoft instead of paintball. Also i don't see what's wrong with playing with what i wear. As long as people call their hits we are all here to have fun and get shot at so what's the problem?

Anonymous No. 135156

It breaks muh immersion.

Anonymous No. 135158

expecting immersion at pickup games is pretty stupid imo. That stuff is for milsim, or if the field itself requires realistic gear

Anonymous No. 135160

No. I don't want to see fags with their rainbow uniforms running around in my shitskirm games. Simple as

Anonymous No. 135165

footwear is PPE
wear some boots that wont fuck up your feet

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Anonymous No. 135166

cope and seethe fagsimmer

Anonymous No. 135167

how else are you going to get the authentic vietnam/ww2 larp experience if you dont use period correct boots and fuck up your feet

Anonymous No. 135168

are you fucking wearing a 100lb ruck or an extra 30lb weight to simulate carrying 600 rounds of ammo and only loading your airsoft mags to 18 and 28 bbs?

Anonymous No. 135169

>are you fucking wearing a 100lb ruck or an extra 30lb weight to simulate carrying 600 rounds of ammo
i pack heavy so my pack comes to about 40lbs when carrying gas/bbs/spare gun and mags/maintenance gear/extra layers/food and water
>and only loading your airsoft mags to 18 and 28 bbs
i use GBBRs so yes

Anonymous No. 135170

it's a game man, we're all here to have fun
if I'm wearing my $2k larp gear and some other dude is wearing sweaties and a hoodie why would I care? he might even have a cool gun to chat aboot

Anonymous No. 135171

So speedsoft is gay, but playing pretend soldiers isn’t?
Newsflash buddy all aspects of this hobby are gay.

Anonymous No. 135173

>not rucking 100lbs
so just fucking buy macv-1s

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Anonymous No. 135175

nah i think i'll wear these instead

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Anonymous No. 135177

polish them you goblin

Anonymous No. 135179

>doesn't call his hit
What now, speedfag?

Anonymous No. 135180

>What now, speedfag?
something similar to one of these

Anonymous No. 135181

i always call my hits. Ironically the biggest problems are mildudes in CQB that wear 3 layers of clothing etc because they can't feel anything with a limit of 1j.

Anonymous No. 135182

I went to my first airsoft game last weekend and yeah... had full larpshit on and I couldn't tell if I was getting hit on the head or not because the helmet cover kinda obfuscated the sound and my noise cancelling headset didn't help either lol.

Anonymous No. 135184

yea that's why for CQB fields i wear as little clothes as possible (pants and a t-shirt) and instead of a backpack i have my HPA bottle strapped to a belt, so i can also feel when i'm shot in the back. I don't want to be accused of cheating

Anonymous No. 135187

Unfortunately, non-CQB places are more than an hour away from me. I just want to larp.

Anonymous No. 135188

>im gonna shoot you really fast with my toy gun
I'm quitting airsoft you're such a faggot

Anonymous No. 135189

There's nothing gayer than milsim fags who take this shit too seriously

Anonymous No. 135190

Armor protection. Working as intended. Speedfags seething their t-shirts offer no protection

Anonymous No. 135191

there's nothing gayer than speedsoft fags who take this shit too seriously (but instead of autistically larping they magdump their 60rps P*/DSG abominations into rentals because they got upset)

Anonymous No. 135192

Based, these fags should just go back to playing paintball

Anonymous No. 135193

>Squeeky dipshit seething because he got hit with a springer shotgun
Lmao. Average speedfag

Anonymous No. 135195

Speedfags are just poorfags who can't afford paintball

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Anonymous No. 135196

yeah fuck speedniggers, at least the "milfags" (entirely in your head) don't just want to hurt people

Anonymous No. 135197

Average speedshitter in an open play lmao

Anonymous No. 135200

Yea armor so you can’t feel you’re hit and are therefor cheating in a hobby based on the honor system is definitely super based wow

Anonymous No. 135206

Wear armor next time. My lvlIV pl8s can stop BBs

Anonymous No. 135212

Only pussies wear armor

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Anonymous No. 135215


Anonymous No. 135216

better not catch any of you with any russian shit on

Anonymous No. 135217

this post made by man (10 years old) playing with the lightest possible gear

Anonymous No. 135219

I permanently damaged by knees by crouch running everywhere. It's fucking over.

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Anonymous No. 135227

Accidentally ripped the wire off of my FCU. Is it possible to rewire the JST connector?

Anonymous No. 135236

Yes, but like anything, it depends on your skill.

Anonymous No. 135239

Anonymous No. 135240

Airsoft is for babies, real men play paintball

Anonymous No. 135241

Paintball looks stupid, sorry

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Anonymous No. 135251

What about a Cyma AK74m?

Anonymous No. 135252

Did I stutter?

Anonymous No. 135256

I'm sick of ARs. There. I said it.

Anonymous No. 135258

I cant LARP as well in paintball

Anonymous No. 135267

Hey wait a minute. I saw this on

Anonymous No. 135283

Yes people can use both websites

Anonymous No. 135287

Get out r*dditor

Anonymous No. 135288

you don't see the irony here do you?

Anonymous No. 135298

I'm not the other guy. Both of you should fuck off to r*ddit

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Anonymous No. 135299

>AND a ledditor
That's two strikes, bucko

Anonymous No. 135301

What's with the racism? This isn't /b/ or /pol/

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Anonymous No. 135302


Anonymous No. 135303

>Want to sell my uniform online
>Can't see shit in the pictures because of the camo pattern

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Anonymous No. 135304

>stop it with the no-no words
Looks like it's you who has this place confused with reddit

Anonymous No. 135305

again, this is /xs/, not /pol/ or /b/

Anonymous No. 135306

Go back to /hrc/, tranny

Anonymous No. 135307

It's 4chan, nigger. Don't have to censor myself to talk to you fucking children

Anonymous No. 135308

c'mon guys :^)

Anonymous No. 135309

holy fucking shit the speedsofter is a redditor
you have to go back. nigger

Anonymous No. 135310

and this is why paintball is just the superior sport

Anonymous No. 135312

it's barely a sport though is it you fat lard

Anonymous No. 135313

paintball players are also built better than you milfatties

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Anonymous No. 135318


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Anonymous No. 135319

Anonymous No. 135323

I'm black, if I go play this, will I get lynched?

Anonymous No. 135333

Just have a white friend store and drive your gear to airsoft games.

Anonymous No. 135340

Only if I happen to be wearing my 1920's Grand Dragon impression kit

Anonymous No. 135355

that's just built-in armor

Anonymous No. 135370

Why so blurry?

Anonymous No. 135415

What the fuck is /hrc/? Is it some tranny general? And how do you know this?

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Anonymous No. 135479


Anonymous No. 135484

So why is this racist general so dead now?

Anonymous No. 135508

I've not seen racism at any game,
and airsofters are generally a fairly geeky crowd, so not usually aggressive in any way.

Anonymous No. 135513

>can't shoot at home, last time I tried to shoot in the courtyard an old lady bitched at me
>every piece of forest around the city is private
>can only shoot when I play with my team that requires a yearly fee + dumbass certificate of good health
>they are all shitters who are only in it for the tournaments and therefore our matches are trite and repetitive
>recently found out I'm not even allowed to play with others without asking their permission first

At least I have my revolver (that I can't bring to games because it's 2 J instead of 1).

Anonymous No. 135514

what shithole do you live in?

Anonymous No. 135515

Italy. I love the terrain, but the general public's opinion, laws, and relative obscurity all contribute to making airsoft here rather painful.

Anonymous No. 135516

can't you just try shooting in your room?

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Anonymous No. 135530

Post smol guns

Anonymous No. 135538

I would if WGCshop decides to ever ship it....

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Anonymous No. 135578

An ancient Co2 TF11 that I had (was part of a payment for quick fixing two of my friend's cars). All I did was clean and lubricate the thing and I ran it at cqb arenas. After a few years the TF11 started double firing on semi and having low FPS. There are basically no parts for them and all my shitrigs failed, so I had to retire the lil beast. Good memories...

Anonymous No. 135584

I'm almost 28, am I too old to start getting into this?

Anonymous No. 135585

I'm almost 28 myself. Been playing for over 3 years now. There's plenty of 30 year old boomers at my fields

Anonymous No. 135587

Everywhere I look the VFC SR16E3 GBB MOD2 CQB is out of stock...

Anonymous No. 135602

lol, I play with some people in their 50's

🗑️ Anonymous No. 135606

Please click here it’s very important

Anonymous No. 135636

does anyone here have a non-mlok DE UTR-45? I just got one and I'm going to get a sling for it, but I'm not sure if this thing can even use a two point sling, should I just go for a one point?

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Anonymous No. 135639

I have my first airsoft game in two weeks, this is my first time, do you guys have any tips? Something I'm really confused about is that at the field I'm going to (gamepod) they restrict guns over 350fps from being used in the indoor areas but that seems to cover...every fucking gun. I can't find a single side arm under that limit so what the fuck are you supposed to do? I'm trying to find a sidearm since my Sten is GBB and only 32 rounds per mag and I'm worried it won't last for the entire game since I only have 4 mags total.

Keep in mind this field is like 80% indoors so its fucking stupid.

Anonymous No. 135640

can anyone recommend any bags/carriers for an HPA tank that'll match a ranger green plate carrier? I swear the only green ones I can find are olive green. Tank is an hk army 68/4500

Anonymous No. 135641

Pretty sure most propane/green gas pistols on the market nowadays are comfortably below that? I'd recommend a WE or KJW Glock with gas mags, personally - they're comfortable with a whole lot of aftermarket parts and should float around the 290-330 FPS range, from what I've seen (personally, I use a KJW G17, which can also be had as the KP-13 if you don't feel like importing overseas and don't mind losing part of the Glock profile - shoots around 1J or less with gas from what I recall)
That aside, good luck with your first game day, and I can't help but admire your decision to make your first gun a NE Sten

Anonymous No. 135642

*compatible, not comfortable

Anonymous No. 135649

There are plenty of rifles that are under 350fps. And almost every sidearm you look at is under 350fps. Honestly, show us where you are looking for airsoft guns.

Also, since you are new, you should have plenty of downtime to reload your mags.

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Anonymous No. 135651

get yourself something like this and mount in on a top rail. hanging entire gun on a qd mount on the back of the stock doesn't sound like a great idea to me,

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Anonymous No. 135658

It's ok I bought a full giggle GBB glock

Anonymous No. 135668

Only problem is that the one I have is all polymer, not sure if that thing will hold on a polymer rail. But thanks, I didn't even know this was an option.

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Anonymous No. 135670

I hope you're ready for when it dies because nobody makes a good one

Anonymous No. 135671

this is your brain on late millenial with early middle age crisis. nigger the world doesnt end at 25

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Anonymous No. 135677

he bought a GBB Glock 18C

Anonymous No. 135702

>have multiple fields in my area, but they're all over run with 12 yearolds who don't call their hits and cry when called out for it or get headshots for not calling their hits.

Where can one find a regular field that doesn't allow minors? I don't want to go to a milsim, just a regular red v blue ctf field.

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Anonymous No. 135708

>he doesn't enjoy shooting little dipshits
Get out of my general

Anonymous No. 135712

good thing about living in a country where minors can't play airsoft

Anonymous No. 135713

Full-auto Glocks ain't great for long-term durability, but I'm glad you found a gun you like
Just keep it on semi-auto 99 times out of 100 so it lasts longer lol, stock G18s are not known for lasting as long as their semi-automatic brothers

Anonymous No. 135737

any good compact tracer units for pistols (except for acetech brighter c/r)? preferably with muzzle flash?

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Anonymous No. 135739

>desire a glock
>people either talk shit or shill them
so what exactly causes that, the poly frame ? Pot metal parts ? Damn i just want some fun ffs.

Since on topic, does anybody know how good the Socom Gear Xm177 E2 is ? I cant find shit about it on youtube but i remember negative airsoft mentioned WE is the go to brand for gas guns due to parts availability. Then again i had a WE m45 and that bitch mag release and safety cracked near instantly, the fucking frame part that holds the safety spring block cracked and i just dont know what to believe anymore

Anonymous No. 135741

I have never had a good experience with WE.

Anonymous No. 135750

dude I'm 35

Anonymous No. 135754

>Socom Gear Xm177 E2
Get a VFC instead

Anonymous No. 135757

No, Acetech is the standard. Everything else is suspect chinese clones. They might work fine, but if they don't, hope you can return them.

Anonymous No. 135760

Whats the best GBB AK-47/74 I can get my hands on?

I don't think they make a GBB PP-19 and the GBB PP-2000 has pretty terrible reviews.

Anonymous No. 135766


Anonymous No. 135767

pre 2019 GHK AK. TM uses polymer furniture. Idk if it can be replaced with 5ku stuff or other brands, but that could be an option as well. Friend of mine has a WE 74u, and he's happy with it

Anonymous No. 135768

How is there no professional airsoft thing? I've seen the paintball tournaments on youtube, but those look like they're just team deathmatch. I would be really interested to see some kind of official ctf airsoft event. Maybe its because the only arenas they can afford are those plywood villiages and inflatable barrels. I think if they used something like playground equipment to build a multi level arena, that would be something.

Anonymous No. 135769

Why are all the airsoft youtube channels just CHEATER SHOT IN THE BALLS click bait? What happened to real gameplay videos?

Anonymous No. 135770

sure, but I hate the wake up feature that emits a stupidly loud beep on the brighter r/c, would have been fine with it if it had a fucking on/off button/switch instead. I heard g&g's are better? But they're a bit too expensive imo.

Anonymous No. 135771

SpeedQB is the only organization i know of that holds airsoft tournaments, but it's very paintball like taking place in small arenas

Anonymous No. 135772

I have a 5KU spitfire tracer. It's nice and doesn't beep when waking up

Anonymous No. 135773

got a link for it?

Anonymous No. 135774

I've seen this, but its not really interesting to watch, its just spraying everywhere and really seems random. I want to see like a tacticle team sport, not what might as well be water fights with how much they just constantly spray the opposite cover. Maybe if speedqb limited mag sizes or something, it would be better, but the seemingly unlimited ammo they have, there's just no drama to it, and it really seems to be dumb luck if they actually hit anything.

Anonymous No. 135775

>>135773 i'm sure you can get the unit seperately as well but this is what i got.

Anonymous No. 135776

thanks, a little long, but I think I just found something that suits my needs:

Anonymous No. 135786

>UPS order held up by "government agency"
It's over isn't it bros? Anyone run into this before? Can I still get a refund if it gets seized by customs for whatever reason?

Anonymous No. 135790

UPS are probably holding it themselves and will be charging you unspecified 'government charges'. If Customs hold/seize it they will notify you.

Anonymous No. 135798

fuck UPS, and USPS, and DHL, and Fedex. Not a single good one. The fuck is wrong with this shithole?

Anonymous No. 135819

Because airsoft relies on the honor system, and it barely works in casual gameplay. It would absolutely break down in any "professional" setting where prizes and sponsorships are on the line.

Anonymous No. 135829

Especially in international competitions, can you imagine playing against a Dutch team? The rotten, lying swine.

Anonymous No. 135834

In short: if memory serves, TM's G18 design is a bit flawed, and isn't as durable as their G17/26/19/etc. designs
Since WE/KJW/etc. cloned that design, they also suffer from the same issues - they can be remedied somewhat by aftermarket, but obviously that isn't ideal
I recommend just running it in semi-auto to minimize strain on the internals, and possibly seeking out a semi-auto Glock for use in the future
As for the XM177: VFC's is probably going to be significantly better out of the box, so it's probably worth getting over the WE model even if you have to import it from overseas (assuming you live in the US) - WE makes alright pistols, including some great Glocks, but their GBBRs and Capas tend to have issues.

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Anonymous No. 135839

I'm honestly surprised there isn't a larger market for "fantasy" airsoft guns like the Halo ones, considering you can throw AEG internals into anything more or less and it would work. Would love to buy functional guns from video games and movies.

Anonymous No. 135840

Some brands are starting to lean into slightly scifi looking shells, possibly due to licensing issues with real guns, and some of them look like the fell out of a halo style space fps game. I think it would be cool to have a field lean into a futuristic setting, pulling the styles from all the classic space marines, like from alien or starship troopers. I found there are some guys selling replica halo marine plastic armor kits, and they'd be perfect for any generic furturistic space wars setting. I think the only trick to immersion would be a field with well designed buildings and cover to look like its actually futuristic. Maybe some blue LEDs here and there, because blue light means futuristic technology.

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Anonymous No. 135841

I would buy every single gun from GTFO but it's nothing but a pipe dream because of how niche and small that game is.

Anonymous No. 135842

Who else wishing Taginn was fully available? Would surely like some bloop tube food.

Anonymous No. 135847

I fucking hate blue light. Especially at night

Anonymous No. 135868

>We're hosting an airsoft even in August
>*Russian uniforms are not allowed due to Russias invasion of Ukraine

Anonymous No. 135871

which event?

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Anonymous No. 135873

>milsim west finally coming to europe
>first game in spain '23
>more planned for 2024
we're so fucking back
fuck british meal simulation we /usa/ now

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Anonymous No. 135879

OP Borderline outside of Oslo

Anonymous No. 135882

I mean it's fucking norway

Anonymous No. 135900

Media would have a field day with a bunch of autists LARPing as Russian soldiers, bad for business.
>british meal simulation
What is this?

Anonymous No. 135902

Based. Fuck vatniggers

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Anonymous No. 135903

>put on my kit today
>fat gets squeezed between the battle belt and plate carrier
Gonna be a hard time until summer, lads

Anonymous No. 135904

control your fucking mouth

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Anonymous No. 135906

meal simulation
(giga larp bbwar)

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Anonymous No. 135910


Anonymous No. 135919

poor guy

Anonymous No. 135920

pure and absolute retardation

would you prefer your opfor to be replicating an actual nation's armed forces or are you okay with your opfor being generic "insurgents" or "militia" forever? or are you a nevermilsimmed shitposter?

milsimwest did a zaporizhzhia power plant milsim 2 weeks after the invasion and somehow they're still alive. the only problem is that europeans are moralfags and must attach politics to everything

Anonymous No. 135923

>the only problem is that europeans are moralfags and must attach politics to everything
Who doesn't? Oh and making europeans extremely hostile to russia is kinda the goal here.

Anonymous No. 135924

I'd rather them just be generic shit than have Russian cock suckers like you in my games.

Anonymous No. 135934

>the only problem is that europeans live next door to the Russians and hate vatnigger behaviour

Anonymous No. 135936

based, I make sure to bully all the little fags who larp as russians on my field. bullying works.

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Anonymous No. 135937

lol, that's gay even by lusekofte standards. Can I still larp like Breivik?

Anonymous No. 135944

good lord this general was hard to find:

for any dryfirechads who only own GBBPs + are looking for a reliable way to have interactive reticle-POI feedback to compliment their carry optics wonder nine, I just picked up a TM hicapa DOR + poorfag primary arms RMR-footprint red dot - will report back on how well it plays with TM's alleged RMR-cut slide

Anonymous No. 135945

bros my AAP01c is arriving tomorrow, I'm so excited :)

Anonymous No. 135946


Anonymous No. 135954

Fuck Putin my entire wardrobe is digiflora and now I can't wear this shit without people thinking I'm a retard zigger.

Good thing I have generic soviet 90's marine core to fall back on. If anyone asks I just tell them its Tarkov larping.

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Anonymous No. 135956

>LARPing as vatniggers who started a retarded war because their dictator wanted to LARP as the USSR
>nah, dude, I wear Z patches for "imurshiun"

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Anonymous No. 135961

It's like I can smell the onions in these posts

Anonymous No. 135964

I'm just looking forward to American uniforms being banned next time we launch an invasion. In the end we will be playing in red and blue coveralls.

Anonymous No. 135965

seething russkike detected

Anonymous No. 135966

Fields should completely ban multicam uniforms seeing how every nation uses them, making it the most evil garment there is.

Anonymous No. 135967

I agree, milsim fats should be outright banned

Anonymous No. 135970

Russia, a continent wide country, is losing a war with a tiny pocket sized nation. I laff.

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Anonymous No. 135971

America good and Russia bad. Any questions?

Anonymous No. 135972

Based. Ranger green chads keep on winning

Anonymous No. 135980

Fuck Putin! I unironically hope russians get wiped out. Getting real sick of their shilling all over this site recently.

Anonymous No. 135982

bruh this shit started back in 2015 lmao

Anonymous No. 135985

too bad bluforfag.

youve never done this. stop lying on the internet

Anonymous No. 135998


Anonymous No. 135999

hourly reminder that real milsim players have HPA setups.

Anonymous No. 136000

wouldn't they use GBBR?

Anonymous No. 136002

>GAY BaBy Rifles

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Anonymous No. 136006

Solid color bros.. Now is our time.

Anonymous No. 136007

is ranger green the only good color or what?

Anonymous No. 136010

>unrealistic umbilical cords
Lol, lmao

Anonymous No. 136011

hang urself with ur airline, hpa faggot

Anonymous No. 136012

depends entirely on your environment

Anonymous No. 136013

you're literally retarded and gay. HPA is THE best.

Anonymous No. 136014

actually I get it, I really do. Most of you are too poor for a proper HPA setup.

Anonymous No. 136015

i have 4 GBBRs, 2 of them being modded GHK AKs

again, hang urself with ur airline, HPA faggot

Anonymous No. 136016

It's kinda chilly outside man, do your shit guns even work right now?

Anonymous No. 136017

No but who's playing right now anyway?

Anonymous No. 136018

i'd explain how you can winterise GBBRs to work well in winter but you wouldn't get it anyway.

i do. you're not one of those baby airsofters that only plays in good weather, are you?

Anonymous No. 136019

lol I accept your concession

Anonymous No. 136020

i accept that youre too stupid to understand so i'm not going to spoonfeed you the info, hpa faggot. go and spray down some rentals while not calling your hits.

Anonymous No. 136021

Buddy, I already accepted your concession, why are you still seething?

Anonymous No. 136022

I am a silly war nerd who likes to play silly war games. I like using lots of different guns. Sometimes I play with really expensive top of the line stuff at serious events, sometimes I just want to goof around with cheap toy guns.

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Anonymous No. 136023

nooooooo having a rational and mature opinion is baddddd, you have to pick a "side" in the "argument" and argue incessantly about it for internet superiority points nooooooooooooooo

Anonymous No. 136024

I play all year thanks to HPA

Anonymous No. 136025

One time my local field did a really fun event day. Basically the normal ctf games, but, for the whole day, everyone could only use those 10$ single shot spring pistols, and it was a lot of fun, everyone was laughing their ass off at how stupid it was. Would recommend every field try it at least once.

Anonymous No. 136026

>i'd explain how you can winterise GBBRs to work well in winter but you wouldn't get it anyway
More like you can't lmao. You milsim fats are embarrassing

Anonymous No. 136027

Anon, you're playing with shit quality toys lol...

Anonymous No. 136028

Noob springer battles are awesome, you realize how powerful nice airsoft guns actually are.

Anonymous No. 136029

>he thinks his HPA shit is "high quality"
Let me guess you have a billet MTW lmao?

Anonymous No. 136030

Man whoever linked this thread on /k/ is an absolute faggot. I don’t mind that it was slow before because at least it wasn’t filled with guntuber retard followers who only play airsoft once a year when their favorite fedtuber shows up at milsimwest

Anonymous No. 136031

gonna cry? shit your pants maybe?

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Anonymous No. 136032


Anonymous No. 136034

No lol, if I wanted higher quality shit, I'd be playing paintball.

Anonymous No. 136036

Is the cyma aep m9 anygood? Looking for something quiet for stealth games, and I'm thinking maybe an aep will be quieter than a gas gun.

Anonymous No. 136037

i had one of their other AEP models, and they are pretty shit honestly. And it's still an AEG so they do make noise. I'm much more happy with my silencer MK23

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Anonymous No. 136039

NBB pistols are quite than screechy AEPs.

Anonymous No. 136041

Marui CHADS can't stop winning!

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Anonymous No. 136046

Two of my biggest airsoft purchases just arrived. Will upload pics once I get them ready

5k bucks total

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Anonymous No. 136069

hey fellas,

Got drunk and built this last night, I wanted to make my local airsoft games more engaging.

Figured Counter Strike would be pretty boring if they didn't have the bomb and it was just shooting each other.

So I built a fake bomb prototype, gonna solder it up today to make it more secure.

You can arm it as the attacking side, disarm it as the defending side and to make it fun, the timer doesn't reset inbetween arming/disarming. Allows for more fun recapture scenarios.

I was thinking you have three bomb sites which are just spray painted circles, attacking side picks where to plant and defending side has to wait and communicate where the attackers are going.

Is this retarded? It feels retarded.

Anonymous No. 136073

Anti-Russia retards have flooded over from /k/ it seems...

Anonymous No. 136078

I have the idea to make my own airsoft grenade (pyro), but I'm scared I screw up the quantities and accidentally make a real grenade.
has anyone ever tried something like this (not real grenades, but to make their own airsoft grenade)?

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Anonymous No. 136082

Some fields here do the springer games as well, mostly just team death matches though. Always good fun.
Very cool. Just let me contact the authorities.
It's probably just that one troll who's always trying to stir shit up in these threads.

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Anonymous No. 136094

lmao, even

Anonymous No. 136102

>only for gAyR stocks
It's shit :\

Anonymous No. 136103

....wouldn't that just make it a gbbr?

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Anonymous No. 136108

Forget about it. Both my Socom Barrett and the CAW Minigun came broken. What a shit fucking day

Anonymous No. 136114

Can you get a refund? Also don't buy meme guns

Anonymous No. 136115

sorry to hear, hopefully you get that resolved

Anonymous No. 136116

I was promised my aap01 today.....

Anonymous No. 136117

UPS or whoever are doing you a favor keeping that trash away

Anonymous No. 136118

But it's cool....

Anonymous No. 136119

AR chads just keep on winning. Nothing personnel, hipsterfags

Anonymous No. 136120

Functions good and there's plenty of body kits for it but stock it looks like dogshit

Anonymous No. 136121

That's why I got the compact one

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Anonymous No. 136122

Here's your gun, buddy

Anonymous No. 136124

Very cool.
I took a portable speaker and set the bomb up to announce how much time was left with TF2 voices so people would know to hurry up and not just sit and camp.

Anonymous No. 136125

That minigun is absolutely useless. I know a guy that bought one and even on a small field it’s still worthless. Unless you are doing a jugg game mode what’s the point

Anonymous No. 136136

It's a buffertube replacement for AEGs - lets you use 12g or 33g CO2 cartridges screwed into the rear to power your HPA engine instead of an external line to a paintball tank
Slickest possible HPA power solution that makes it so you don't have to have any visible line sticking out of your gun or carry a paintball tank, albeit at the cost of having to change CO2 cartridges on a somewhat regular basis

Anonymous No. 136137

*AEG receivers

Anonymous No. 136175

threw the finished piece of shit in a box
it looks god awful so I figured I better write the instructions in russian for immersion.

Ready to go get field tested this weekend, might make a better version if the players dig it.

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Anonymous No. 136176

forgot the webm, what a day

Anonymous No. 136208

It's going to scare the cats, the BBs will bounce away and then get found and eaten by the cats, and frankly, I'd like to see how it does in actual field conditions instead of shooting at a martyred can 5m away.

Anonymous No. 136222

How would you go about refinishing a WE chome tt-33 that had it's finish bubble up?

Anonymous No. 136224

throw it away and buy another one. Also stop buying shitty pot metal guns. get an aap01 and stop worrying about the paint scratching away

Anonymous No. 136226

I know this is just a larp but damn if I was a black airsofter I'd go really hard into making an African warlord kit complete with gold AK. Shit would be great.

Anonymous No. 136230

You can still do that. Just rub some dark face paint all over your face.

Anonymous No. 136238

>has a TT
>just buy an AAP-01, bro
I hate you "efficiency" niggers

Anonymous No. 136240

retailer guide is dead, looking to buy 'wild west' guns for ballahack.

Anonymous No. 136243

I think im just gonna sand and spray paint it. Try9ng to get everything back in shape after storage and mooving has been a bit awkward. At peast Charlotte has more airsoft fields than back where I mooved from.

Anonymous No. 136254

nah, it's not an efficiency thing, dumb fuck, it's just that the upper and lower are both polymer, so you don't have to worry about the paint getting scratched off. Retard.

Anonymous No. 136255

You might as well buy a bluing kit, just make sure it works with pot metal since those are usually for real steel firearms. Also it'll get scratched super easily if you just spray paint it, total waste of time and money.

Anonymous No. 136256

>retarded airball gun
>at least the paint doesn't come off
there goes my impression kit lol

Anonymous No. 136257

c'mon, it's basically a ruger mark 4 with a different body kit.

Anonymous No. 136259

It really only bubbled up like that because I left it in high humidity. I hope the thing seals gas ok still.
Anyways seems the two nearby fields wants sub 400fps on .20 and sub 325fps on .32 bb, would a cybergun famas be able to meet that or should I take a cyma ak with me just in case.

Anonymous No. 136270

Imagine getting this angry over a toy gun

Anonymous No. 136271

you could just buy a weaker spring

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Anonymous No. 136273

Should I get this mag holder/stock? Or will it look too much like a paintball gun?

Anonymous No. 136279

Yeah, because the mag holder is probably really handy and honestly who cares if it looks too speedball/milsim/hobocore. That's your airsoft pistola, make it yours.

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Anonymous No. 136280

Seems a bit long if it’s for CQB. I got the AAC stock. It’s quite nice.

Anyways got myself a pair of sordins for dirt cheap on FB marketplace now I just need a radio

Anonymous No. 136281

I was considering the aap01 stock, but I really don't like that I have to remove the iron sight at the back. I might not get that exact stock in the picture since it's like 200 bucks for some reason...any picatinny rail stock should work. My only issue is it might be too low?

Anonymous No. 136282

Depends what kind of eye pro you are running. I use a riser with my dye mask, but with normal goggles it’s not too low albeit coming close to being.

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Anonymous No. 136283

In case you didn’t see it from earlier

Anonymous No. 136284

Oh, I meant the type of stock in my picture, if I get the aap01 one, I would definitely need a riser and red dot

Anonymous No. 136287

if it was me i'd get a dropstock

Anonymous No. 136290


Anonymous No. 136292

Neat, but the box doesn't seem like it will put up with any abuse.
I'd get one if it could be modded to look like a Ruger.

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Anonymous No. 136294

I need to buy an LR300 for a Stalker larp game, and I am havinc trouble deciding between G&G and A&K models
From my understanding both are from late 2000's/early 10's and only A&K is still being made or can be readily bought new
I care more about externals in this case, but I am not sure if A&K updated their materials or construction methods, and I have no idea of what G&G of that time is made of, be it magnesium, chinesium, or silenium as I've never seen one in the wild

I need help in deciding which one basically

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Anonymous No. 136329

meal simulation.....

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Anonymous No. 136337

Did someone say...mealsim??

Anonymous No. 136338

I sincerely hope you fatfucks don't actually bring MREs to these fucking larpfests. Holy fucking shit this is just sad.

Anonymous No. 136339

there was a time during which I ate an MRE at every game I went to.

Anonymous No. 136340

And what if I do? Gonna virgin walk past me and mutter f-faggot, lankie?

Anonymous No. 136342

I think I'll just steal your beans fatty

Anonymous No. 136343

I'd virgin walk past you and mutter m-mealfat

Anonymous No. 136348

>he doesn't bring a company cook to bbwars
pathetic really, isn't it?

Anonymous No. 136359

speedsofters just keep on winning while mealsinners keep on humiliating themselves bros....

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Anonymous No. 136360

When else am I going to test out MREs?

Anonymous No. 136370

>"this nigga eating beans"

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Anonymous No. 136378


Anonymous No. 136379

I have the A&K LR300, it very much feels like a Chinese clone from the 00s. It's sturdy enough, but it's cheaply made inside and out. The G&G ones, I assume, are better made and have nice markings. I didn't care too much as I was gutting the thing anyway, and I've got it shooting really nicely now.

Anonymous No. 136399

Cz scorpion good beginner weapon for close and mid range fields? Easy enough to modify fps as its different at the two? Besides the weapon, get some mid caps, loader, extra battery maybe? Anyrhing elese?

Anonymous No. 136417

It’s overpriced compared to what you get, so unless it’s because you really want one I’d get something else

Anonymous No. 136425

The Skorps have weak FPS and use small batteries out of the box since they have an AEP gearbox. They are made for cqb/sidearm use, are comfy to carry around and shoot and have a nifty little wire stock (folder with the tacticool skorpion). In woodlands you'll be a tad bit outgunned, in indoor you just rush ahead with all the other pistoleers and use your tighter profile and mobility to wreck fools.

Anonymous No. 136429

i'm pretty sure he meant the ASG Skorpion not the smol one

Anonymous No. 136432

My bad, I know the small one decently well because two of my friends had them (one would dual wield them with drum mags).

Anonymous No. 136437

Yes I meant asg cz scorpion, as far as I read it's touted as one of the most well rounded guns.

Anonymous No. 136438

Evo 3 a 1 to be exact, that's what we have here

Anonymous No. 136464

How awkward is this to go alone to when over 25.

Anonymous No. 136468

why would it be? I guess if your field is mostly kids, but where i play the agespan is usually between early 20's to late 30's. Couple of guys that are 40+ as well. Regular guy at my field is like 65

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Anonymous No. 136471

I ordered the AK-12 Perun edition just for the 2 round burst feature.
It should arrive in a few days.

Anonymous No. 136472

>tfw bought the non perun version thinking I could give it the 2 round burst with a mosfet
I'm sad bros...

Anonymous No. 136473

I didn't order the perun version. what the fuck do

Anonymous No. 136475

Hmm, maybe ordering the new gearbox and perun separately would work?
Well, it would be crippingly expensive so idk honestly...

Anonymous No. 136476

taiwangun sells an upgraded gearbox

Anonymous No. 136478

I bought a AB perun mosfet thing and it only lets me put 2 round burst on the auto setting though, any way to change that?

Anonymous No. 136479

Nope you can only program it the ways you see on that card you got with the mosfet

Anonymous No. 136480


Anonymous No. 136534

Any reason for this perun talk? I just discovered the perun P90 mosfet myself and was on the verge of buying it.

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Anonymous No. 136541

I normally only use Gate Nano ASR mosfets on my guns cuz they're very cheap and all I care about is the contact protection. The expensive mosfets are only worth it you're interested in what they offer.
If that P90 of yours is good enough for you then probably it's not worth getting something fancy.
Personally I just always wanted a burst fire gun and the Vector is comically overpriced compared to this Arcturus AK-12 which should be more or less perfect ootb.

Anonymous No. 136544

the P90 mosfet is cool because it removes the trigger bar, and makes the bullpup trigger actually somewhat good. Watch Negative airsofts video on it.

Anonymous No. 136567

Someone sell me a goddamn real sword 97/97b

Anonymous No. 136573

anyone use mannequins to store/display their gear on? If so, any recommendations??

Anonymous No. 136598

Niggas got the premium skin on! Didn't know airsoft had a battlepass!

Anonymous No. 136628

Is the cybergun fn2000 or famas any good as a beginner weapon?

Anonymous No. 136629

Not really. The Famas is a absolute piece of dogcrap, also having proprietary motor so good luck with upgrades. Gearbox sucks ass too.
The Cybergun F2000 is alright. It's a bullpup so shit trigger, but unlike the G&G version it's a standard V3 gearbox so upgrades are easy. From what i've heard it's a bit finicky with mags but i use Battleaxe stanags in mine and it feeds great. Only problem is it has a tendency to overspin on semi, so if you are getting one i really recommend getting someone to upgrade it with a mosfet.
Anyway i would not recommend either as a first timer weapon

Anonymous No. 136655

Any ideas where to find green gas/CO2 revolvers 1.5J or below? Derringers too. Been looking and a lot are sold out among USA retailers.

Anonymous No. 136663

id like to buy a gbb mp7 but im a poorfag, is that aap-01 conversion kit resembling one any good?

Anonymous No. 136668

The Charlie kit from cults3d is crap. It takes too long to disassemble so you can’t really field strip it if you want to change hop etc. there’s just too many screws for it. I’m told the CTM kit is better but it’s 130 euro so eh. Id rather get the AAC folding stock instead or splurge for the TTI kit

Anonymous No. 136675

Look into AUGs and P90s for decent bulpups.

Anonymous No. 136679

This desu, I'm medium build-ish and the p90 feels like an extension of my body because of its ergonomics.

Anonymous No. 136680

Get a TM one, they're relatively inexpensive

Anonymous No. 136684

They both need work out of the box.

I put a SHS high torque motor in my FAMAS, I had to shorten the shaft, which was easier than I first thought, the gearbox parts are a mishmash of different versions, which is annoying. But it shoot really nice now.

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Anonymous No. 136686

How's the weather down there?

Anonymous No. 136687

Depends on where he lives. They're like 380 in Europe whereas the VFC MP7A1 V2 is like 300 and some change.

Anonymous No. 136694

Did you use a short type motor and then cut the shaft on it? Or a long type? Also anyway of improving the hop? That rotary just feels completely useless to me

Anonymous No. 136710

It was a while back, I'm pretty sure it was a short type, but because the motor is encased in the gearbox, the shaft needed shortening. I just put a Guarder hop rubber in, and it slings BBs as well as any other AEG.

Anonymous No. 136743

Alright bros, my new Perun Arcturus AK-12 arrived and it's absolutely perfect aside from a little problem.
The stock wobbles a lot. Both the stock on the buffer tube and the rubber buttpad.
How do I shim these to make it rock solid? Do I just wrap the buffer tube in tape until nothing moves?

Anonymous No. 136745

yea electrical tape. I use it for my 5KU zenitco parts

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Anonymous No. 136776

I didn't have the patience and I just stuck a folded piece of paper in there and now it's all solid.
Thing feels amazing now. I'll test it this weekend but I doubt anything can go wrong with that Perun.
The mags are absolutely rock solid even though in all reviews I've seen they had a small left-right movement. I guess Arcturus made some changes to either the magwell or the mags themselves.
Their PP-19 Vityaz was horrible for me and it fucked itself up right after the first trigger pull but this one is from completely another world.

Anonymous No. 136781

Huh, never heard about the mag movement, my no mosfet one is also rock solid unlike any other airsoft guns I've owned.

Anonymous No. 136785

>Their PP-19 Vityaz was horrible for me and it fucked itself up right after the first trigger pull but this one is from completely another world.
that's odd i have had mine since it came out and never had problems

Anonymous No. 136791

anyone knows if a glock mag holder can fit on an aap01c? The c's rails seem a little too high (relative to the trigger guard), even when compared to the regular aap01.

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Anonymous No. 136793

Bro help meeeee!
I can't take apart the AK-12 mags to change them to real cap size.
I took the metal plates off but they WON'T MOVE ONE INCH! I almost broke off one of the two stabilizers at the bottom while trying to pull it out.
How the fuck do I take the inners out? My fingers are almost bleeding...
What the hell Arcturus

Anonymous No. 136794

Never tried that, sorry, but yeah their ak-12s are made a little too tight. Took a lot of effort to even open the dust cover up to place a fucking battery in

Anonymous No. 136795

Strange, I didn't need much power to open the dust cover.
If you have a chance, please try to open up an AK-12 mag and see if its internals slide out. Mine feel like they're glued in although the bottom wiggles a bit (with the upper/feeding part being literally solid as a boulder).

Anonymous No. 136867

there is no maximum age for airsoft, only a soft mimimum of at least 13

if you actually go to your local fields, you'll find the ages are fairly random and don't lean particularly one way or the other

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Anonymous No. 137005

Just got a mannequin for my kit, what do you guys think? I'm really liking ranger green.

Anonymous No. 137007

When are you going to insert the onahole so you can finally make love to youeself?

>Oh, ranger-kun! No one understands you like I do, nyoron~~!

Anonymous No. 137008

DON'T give me any ideas anon

Anonymous No. 137065

it's over you have the idea now.

Anonymous No. 137068

I like those neck defenders! What brand & model are they?

Anonymous No. 137069

DMgear, got them from aliexpress

Anonymous No. 137073

>black kit
Have you considered livin't anymore?

Anonymous No. 137082

To be fair I wanted to use it with that ranger green ufpro combat shirt. But yeah I regret getting the black set.

Anonymous No. 137113

the RG shirt would look nice with the black helmet and plate carrier. do you use the faceshields instead of eyepro? is fogging ever an issue?

you're not funny, zoomer.

Anonymous No. 137124

Nah I've got goggles too, they're on the RG helmet on the left, most places wouldn't let you just use a visor. Fogging is an issue (amongst other issues...) with the big ass visor on the black helmet on the right, but that visor is too fucking heavy for any practical use anyway. I just have it attached for looks while it's on display. The thinner one on the RG helmet has some anti-fog already applied to it out the box and it's a lot more practical since it's apparently used by police for riot control.

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Anonymous No. 137126

i'd reccomend just running some glasses instead of goggles (unless you need to run prescription specs underneath) since imo it looks better, but you do you.

>most places wouldn't let you just use a visor
you signed a waiver before starting the game, of course you can. you just cant sue if your eye gets shot out :^)

post your gun (and rate my kit)

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Anonymous No. 137128

Very nice kit, are those authentic/surplus? Nice guns too. I've also got a cyma plat mp5 and kjw m9 that I don't currently have with me for the pic.

Anonymous No. 137133

nice ak12. i got 2 kalashes but i haven't used them in at least a year now that i'm doing 80s nato larping. what's the pistol?

>are those authentic/surplus
yeah, with the exception of the canteens. i didn't feel like it's a good idea to drink from 40 year old plastic. also my uniform is repro and not surplus since i'm a fat fuck and i wouldn't fit into actual uniforms. i'm working on it though

Anonymous No. 137135

Pistol's the aap-01c, a pretty recent release actually. It's pretty much an airsoft ruger mark IV. Got it since I really wanted a polymer handgun and for me it was either this or a TM hi-capa. Decided to give this one a shot since it's using newer tech.

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Anonymous No. 137152

I can't wait for this shit weather to be over so I can finally go play

Anonymous No. 137161

>buy aap because i have spare shitty raven glock mags
>try aap with included magazine
>jams, doublefeeds, does every shitty thing a gun could do
>"fuck i got a lemon, oh well"
>try the raven mags because why not
>work perfectly
what the fuck is going on

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Anonymous No. 137163

Go now, dont be a fairsofter

Anonymous No. 137164

>image doesnt stay vertical
this is what i get for phoneposting once

Anonymous No. 137165

>he doesn’t play all year around

Anonymous No. 137166

iPhone? Mine does it too, you have to open it in the photo app and rotate it to the side and then up again, it’s retarded but that’s how I fixed it

Anonymous No. 137167

Don't like playing with AEGs anymore. Only use them like 2 times a year

Anonymous No. 137168

HPA my brudda

Anonymous No. 137172

all of the guns pictured are GBBRs. i play all year round. yes, it they perform worse in the winter, but are still playable.

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Anonymous No. 137174

>it snows yesterday
>finally time for ucp
>wake up, even more snow
>drive to a game
>there is barely any snow there

at least I looked pretty

Anonymous No. 137175

is that an SBR brace but on an airsoft gun?

Anonymous No. 137176

kinda, double eagle makes them like that. it's not awful

Anonymous No. 137178

You running it stock? What’s the performance of it? Considering one because they are so cheap and come with optical mosfet ootb

Anonymous No. 137182

Yeah, almost stock. I changed the barrel and the entire hop up. It's reliable out of the box, using it with 7,4v 30c lipo. Performance is ok, you could get away with not changing the hop up chamber if you change the arm that presses on the tensioner. I'm gonna open it sooner or later because I know these things don't have a great nozzle. So I'm gonna do that, check the rest of the pneumatics and leave it as is.

Anonymous No. 137227

GBBs are all about their mags. gud mag gud gun.

I mean the gas is in the mag mang.

Anonymous No. 137242

reductionist take. apart from gas type and seal between mag and nozzle it is also about recoil spring strength, nozzle size, gas seal between nozzle and barrel etc.

Anonymous No. 137274

I mean you're not wrong...

But bad mag results in bad gun every time

Anonymous No. 137316

kit is gay you where is your face protection

Anonymous No. 137317

I'm having problems with my cyma tri-shot shotgun, 1 of the 3 inner barrels doesn't really spits out the bb at like 3 meter distance, or doesn't shoot it out at all and it just slides out
Other 2 barrels are working in top condition so it's not the internal mechanism that makes the whole gun work that's broken
Any way to fix it? I can always just get another one but it has 5 months so it's new

Anonymous No. 137318

i tank the bbs with my face and teeth because i'm not a fucking pussy and mesh face pro looks gay

Anonymous No. 137320

Probably jammed. Strip the thing and check if the tube hasn't cracked double feeding or if the crossed spring is tangled.

Anonymous No. 137323

fuck you faggot I wear a dye mask because I don't think I'm in the army

Anonymous No. 137324

you could just use a pair of ballistic glasses that would not only cost you 10 times less but also be much lighter and easier to transport, but you wear a dye mask because youre a pussy afraid for his shiny speedsofter teeth.

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Anonymous No. 137325

Based, I do the same.

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Anonymous No. 137331

based. Just close your mouth when people shoot at you.

Anonymous No. 137333

I don't wear anything

Anonymous No. 137338

I wear a jockstrap on my face to protect my teeth

Anonymous No. 137344


Anonymous No. 137349

holy shit someone in the thread unlocked the milsimmer hidden powerword. it's over impressionkitsisters

Anonymous No. 137380

Seethe more, farberator. Maybe get an actual M16A2 next time

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Anonymous No. 137382

what the fuck I got mogged for no reason

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Anonymous No. 137457

bump (dead fucking general)

Anonymous No. 137458

I odered a cyma ak 105 and a boneyard we tt33 to fix my tok.
Did I make a mistake. I hope the boneyard came with it's mag.

Anonymous No. 137461

as long as it's a VFC Cyma it's gud

Anonymous No. 137463

Vfc? Its just standard cyma stamped steel receiver.

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Anonymous No. 137472

general is dead because board is dead

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Anonymous No. 137473


Anonymous No. 137474

Apparently a 040j is what I bought.
Will a mattix galil stock fit?

Anonymous No. 137483

Look at how other CYMA stocks are attached and if it’s similar probably yes

Anonymous No. 137532

Well I wont know till later because evike decided not to ship the ak and stock yet.

Anonymous No. 137549

it's over

Anonymous No. 137551

I used them years ago and it was fine. Whats wrong with them now?

Anonymous No. 137585

when are we going to make a new thread so that maybe the general becomes a bit less dead

Anonymous No. 137600

Why don’t you make one

Anonymous No. 137674

>>137673 NEW

Anonymous No. 137676


Anonymous No. 138021

i know 2 people that have teeth chip.
thats more than enough for me to wear face mesh.

Anonymous No. 139539

I love my KWC makarov. Mags are proprietary and expensive though.