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🧵 American gym culture

Anonymous No. 122515

>be me
>did some extensive training in MT and Boxing in Thailand and the Philippines respectively
>decide to get back into many years later because I've become a fat fuck
>start looking for a boxing or MT in the US
>boxing gym flat out tells me he refuses to tell me prices or anything about his gym unless I come in personally
>MT gym is some white guy larper that says I need to do a two hour personal interview with before he decides if I can join or not. everyone is also supposed to learn thai language, the right way to bow and show respect, participate in thai culture lessons and larp as Thais and other weird shit
>gets mad when I say they never made me do anything like that in actual Thailand and I just want to hit the bag
>mma gym is normal but also just a normiecore cardio gym. Also expected to do an intro to mma bullshit class about safety or something. Very limited on what they let beginners do in the gym

Anonymous No. 122516

Weird, never heard of anything like that. Maybe just spend the money on a personal bag at your house?

Anonymous No. 122518

I'm willing to accept that I'm just in a shit area but wanted to hear other people's take

Anonymous No. 122527

>>gets mad when I say they never made me do anything like that in actual Thailand and I just want to hit the bag

Anonymous No. 122529

There's a lot of goofy marketing and cheap sales tactics in American gyms. It might just stem from our history of mcdojos during the original martial arts boom, and those scummy practices have infected the gyms of even legit arts. That being said, I've always been able to find a good gym even in podunk small towns. They're out there, although you might have to deal with signing a 6 month contract or something. Which is bullshit even if the price is fair. In my experience, big cities are more likely to have legit gyms with no-nonsense pricing schemes just due to competition.

Anonymous No. 122533


Anonymous No. 122536

> >mma gym is normal but also just a normiecore cardio gym. Also expected to do an intro to mma bullshit class about safety or something. Very limited on what they let beginners do in the gym
These are fairly common especially in areas with a lot of white women who want to cardio box but not fight for real. The rest of what you described is super weird though and I’ve never had either experience with one exception. I did a demo class at a Krav Maga place once and they wouldn’t tell me prices until after because they wanted to sell me on a membership contract. I assume that’s what they were trying to do at those two places you described too.

Anonymous No. 122553

>very little open gym time
>any actual one on one instructon is "private lessons" which cost extra and are super expensive
>all training is done in classes. Experience level isn't based on skill or total experience just how long you've been paying the gym
>sorry anon but "X class" is now over you have to leave so we can start "Y class now"
>but I just want to work on this by myself
>no you need to leave its time for Y class

Anonymous No. 122559

The only thing I know about Thailand is that one scene in RAMBO where the conscripts rape and raze the shit out of some village.

Anonymous No. 122808

Welcome to martial arts in the west man
People like to pretend that the McDojo thing died but they just shifted to calling themselves 'MMA' and MT now, but they are the same type of conmen with delusional esoteric beliefs

Anonymous No. 122813

>be me
>join gym
>"you must do the beginner class once before anything else"
>10 mins into beginner class get pulled aside and told I don't need to do it anymore
I think they just don't want clueless retards claiming they know what they are doing then getting themselves hurt so it's just an umbrella policy.

Anonymous No. 122814

Also my MT gym doesn't do much larping. Just a few respect things.

Anonymous No. 122824

Need more info to rule out boxing. Others sound shit

Anonymous No. 122869

>tfw my local boxing gym is run by the city government, costs $65 a year and has produced a current world champ

god i love the government

Anonymous No. 122870

That's kinda based. The thais consider you basically a nigger if you don't respect their culture enough to even Wai.
I lived there for a long time and you can choose not to engage in their culture but they see you as a mannerless nig nog.
If the owner actually knows his shit, that is incredibly based because Thailand is a lovely country and you should respect the mother culture that made muay thai.
Unfortunately it is probably a larp like the muay thai gyms that tourists go to in Thailand.

Anonymous No. 122882

>using a method/technique from a culture is bad unless you larp as/learn about said culture

Half the maths from my lecture yesterday was invented by ancient Greeks, guess I’ll go watch some gay porn then

Anonymous No. 122893

Quite possibly the dumbest post on /xs/ on the moment, and you sound esl to boot

Anonymous No. 122991

>Unfortunately it is probably a larp like the muay thai gyms that tourists go to in Thailand.
Sounds like where you went too if even part of that story is true

Anonymous No. 122992

OP here. I'm not bowing to some white faggot that has literally never left the state of California. You sound like a bit of larping faggot yourself and calling me a nigger and saying I disrespect thai culture... lot of assumptions here m8 for very little reason

Anonymous No. 123263

Is there the slightest point to this thread?