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Aaron Wolf's....webm

🧵 /judo/ - Judo General

Anonymous No. 123902

newaza edition

Thread for judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2022

November 4-6 - Baku Grand Slam
December 3-4 - Tokyo Grand Slam

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2023

January 27-29 - Portugal Grand Prix
February 4-5 - Paris Grand Slam
February 17-19 - Tel Aviv Grand Slam
March 3-5 - Tashkent Grand Slam
March 24-26 - Tbilisi Grand Slam
March 31-April 2 - Antalya Grand Slam
June 23-25 - Ulaanbaatar Grand Slam
August 4-6 - Hungary Grand Slam
August 18-20 - Zagreb Grand Prix
September 22-24 - Baku Grand Slam
October 20-22 - Abu Dhabi Grand Slam
December 2-3 - Tokyo Grand Slam


previous thread: >>104970

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NIKOLIC Milica vs....webm

Anonymous No. 123905

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Chishima Maeda Ju....webm

Anonymous No. 123907

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Anonymous No. 124058

>no local judo tournaments anymore
>dojo primarily sticks to Kodokan style rules and we allow leg grabs and such in randori
>always have but still did well in olympic style tournaments anyway
>gotten really good at morote, kata guruma, etc
>tournament pops up
>IJF rules
>I've have focused so much on shit we can't even do

Anonymous No. 124128

>wants to compete
>trains for things not allowed in competition
I like practicing the forbidden jutsus as well but how did you think this was going to go?

Anonymous No. 124131

I was lost in the forbidden sauce

Anonymous No. 124135


Anonymous No. 124164

How to you find a club? When I was in big city this was easy because of all the 30's aged millennials but in my smaller town no most of the websites are either inactive or very unclear about how members and their ages

Seems like it's either cildren or pensioners

Anonymous No. 124166

Most judo clubs have barely functioning websites. Show up to whatever’s near you and see if it’s a good fit for you. There’s really no other way to do it.

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Kodokan Cup 2022 ....webm

Anonymous No. 124318

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Anonymous No. 124323

kek I just bullied a lot of BJJ tards by doing kesa gatame and then leg ude garami, they were fucking seeting lol.
got someone with some sode guruma jimes too

Anonymous No. 124371

>*swings and knocks you over*

Anonymous No. 124372

I can’t even picture what you’re describing here. You think you can just swing your way out of a scarf hold?

Anonymous No. 124374

sorry, what i meant was
>*bridges and rolls you over*

Anonymous No. 124396

If it were that easy no one would ever get pinned by any position.

Anonymous No. 124398

In my experience, it's about that simple with newcomers to judo who have only had a few years of BJJ and expect to crush cans on the ground because of it.

Anonymous No. 124399

So it’s not just my club? What is so hard about maintaining a website? I remember my current club didn’t even had pricing, just a location and times and I rocked up and asked everyone nearby «are you with the judo thing?» until someone said yes. It would be so easy to just have times, membership rates, and a phone number or something.

Anonymous No. 124402

I’ve had the opposite. Most bjj guys are great on the ground but heavy top pressure still seems to be something they’re not great at dealing with.
Most people running the clubs are older and probably never took a class in web design.

Anonymous No. 124410

>only judo school near me has vax pass

Anonymous No. 124420

Just get the fucking shot, retard.

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Anonymous No. 124495

Can anyone tell me which throw this is?

Anonymous No. 124507

Seoi nage

Anonymous No. 124514

I fucking love judo nigerians, bros

Anonymous No. 124522

this. why do 3rd world countries have so many good judo vids? A lot of them take place outside id fucking love to randori on a mat outside

Anonymous No. 124527

Most of the Randori is on concrete.

Anonymous No. 124539

I hurt my knee, so seoi nage feels unstable. Tai otoshi feels okay, don't know why.

Anonymous No. 124735

I train squats so when I seoi nage someone I can throw them all the way across the room instead of just over my shoulder

Anonymous No. 124736

Get knee pads from kusakura or someone
I injured my knee too a bit and all I did was drop to my knee to hard when going for newaza, and it was a springed floor even

Anonymous No. 124737

Well the Judo schools near me require you to wear a mask, even in summer
I love Japan but I'm sick of masks

Anonymous No. 124752

Why is judo not as popular in Germany as it is in France?

Anonymous No. 124757

Is seoi nage a begginer's throw?

Anonymous No. 124765

It's in the first group of throws in the gokyo so in that sense yes, its one of the first you learn. I'd say its probably the hardest to master in that group, and takes more skill to pull off though.

Anonymous No. 124845

Tai-otoshi: do you try to block the leg when you drop into the lunge or not?

Anonymous No. 124847

i dont know, i just do standing kata guruma

Anonymous No. 124857

I usually use it to counter a hip throw or because I failed executing something else so I need as much momentum as possible.
its good to see you, kata guruma-anon

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shuai jiao chiao ....webm

Anonymous No. 125164

what would judo bros call this throw in Nipspeak? it looks kind of like a frontal drop tai otoshi, but I don't speak kodokan

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mongol bokh wrest....webm

Anonymous No. 125165

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Sambo Armlock Yad....webm

Anonymous No. 125169

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Sambo Fraser Brid....webm

Anonymous No. 125170

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Anonymous No. 125180

Sasae tsurikomi ashi

Anonymous No. 125209

that's very nice.

Anonymous No. 125242

Seoi Nigger

Anonymous No. 125304

Harai goshi. Seems to work great for long and tall people. Need to master it urgently.

Anonymous No. 125307

>harai goshi
>long and tall people
Nigger short people are built for koshi-waza

Anonymous No. 125348

i love getting foot swept by brown and black belts. it's like slipping on a banana peel.

Anonymous No. 125387

I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in BJJ, and I've been involved in numerous fights for my wife's boyfriend's honor, and I have broken over 300 confirmed arms. I am trained in sucker punching innocent people who look at my wife's son sideways, and I'm the top shit-starter at my local bar. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Chrome extensions and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to an entire arsenal of blind autistic rage and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Anonymous No. 125388

But harai goshi involves the leg, making it easier if you're lanky.

Anonymous No. 125391

It’s not the fulcrum of your throw though, the hip is. Harai Goshi is better for short people for that reason. All you’re doing with your leg in harai goshi is stopping your opponent from being able to circle around your hip and avoid the throw.

Uchi mata on the other hand is good for tall people because you use your leg itself to lift the opponent.

Anonymous No. 125410

>Uchi mata on the other hand is good for tall people because you use your leg itself to lift the opponent
I wish I could do it. I don't get what I'm doing wrong but I can maybe move people an inch with my leg. And just the lighter ones, I can't lift people around my own weight class (90kg) at all. Olympic judokas make Uchi mata look so easy and effective but when I try it irl it's like trying to lift a tree with your leg. It doesn't help that the textbook version of Uchi mata they teach you is awkward and very different from the real thing, so you're basically left to learn it on your own. Are you supposed to be super strong to pull the throw or something? Because I'm not.

Anonymous No. 125458

Get closer. I recently have been experiencing this problem too, so I go for a more top pressure grip and just get close as fuck and if it doesn't work slip out and go for harai

Anonymous No. 125459

I am also a short person who has had problems with uchi mata in the past. It really is all about positioning. If you don’t have the extra leg length to assist you your positioning has to be perfect. One really good tip I was given was to aim for the leg you’re not trying to lift. It will put you in a good position to lift the leg you’re supposed to.

Anonymous No. 125460

manlets dont deserve help, please leave

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Anonymous No. 125490

Manlet’s will rise, lanklets will fall. Get seoi’d

Anonymous No. 125950

True. When I started I got ipon seoi nage'd more times than I remember. Lanklets who are new to judo: you'll probably want to learn counters specifically against that throw.

Anonymous No. 125995

so, just how POWERFUL is tai otoshi?

Anonymous No. 126014

It’s ok.

Anonymous No. 126336

I'm jealous of you guys. I live in a medium sized city and there is not one Judo club near me. I've learned a couple no gi throws at my MMA gym from some guys that have a judo background but Its not the same as doing the real thing. I respect Judo guys more than BJJ guys. It's a really awesome sport.

Anonymous No. 126362

Guy at my club consistently bounces me around the place with a drop kata guruma. Having a hard time coming up with a counter, any advice bros?

Anonymous No. 126370

worth suplementing judo to boxing in neccesity of self defrense?

Anonymous No. 126376

Yes, but I think you need to be in a training environment where they let you spar with the techniques together. If you're doing it as something like "boxing on Monday and Wednesday and judo on Tuesday and Thursday" then you might find it hard to get out of a mode for one or the other.

Anonymous No. 126387

buttress your hand against his hip as you would against seoi nage so you create enough space that it wouldn't work

Anonymous No. 126390

Of course. Boxing and judo complement each other well. And they're both dirt cheap. If you throw in some Muay cut kicks, you pretty much have your bases covered.

Anonymous No. 126395

some mma competion to test bith?

Anonymous No. 126402

Which Judo throw would be the most effective for taking down a Sumo wrestler?

Anonymous No. 126404

banana peel

Anonymous No. 126410

Is that an Ippon?

Anonymous No. 126429


Anonymous No. 126441

I don't think you need to compete but you should be in a MMA gym or a gym that cross-trains between the styles where you can develop the habits of changing up your mindset when your at the range for striking versus grappling. We had that problem in my gym where only like 4-6 people were doing judo but were staying after for the kickboxing class which was attended by twice as many people. The coach was letting us spar with our full kits and the KB students objected to getting tripped/thrown, so the rules posted on the wall were updated to disallow takedowns. One problem with this is that the judo students choosing to stay for KB practice are letting themselves get in way too close instead of maintaining optimal range.

Anonymous No. 126561

I live close to club and I'm thinking of signing up for judo. My question is how does the training work if I'm an out of shape fat fuck? Will they just show me basic throws and pair me up with more experienced students?

Anonymous No. 126566

Pretty much. We usually spend a class or two showing the new people how to fall and do osotogari, seoi nage, Ogoshi, and ashi harai. After that just drop in with the rest of the class and try to keep up.

Anonymous No. 126712

This anon reporting back, apparently the gymnasium they train in told them to take down sections of their website because they wanted to revamp it for them. That was two years ago and they still haven’t done anything.

Anonymous No. 126745

A lot of martial arts places hire outside help for their website and it makes them all be equally as shitty because it's often the same guy per 15 local dojos

t. my dojo did that

Anonymous No. 126775

I wish they did that to be honest, instead it’s just been taken down for the last two years.

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Anonymous No. 127179

Anonymous No. 127590

Anyone watching tokyo gs? Ijf shitty stream isn't working for me

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Anonymous No. 127593

Does anyone know what kind of throw this is in webm related? Thanks.

Anonymous No. 127702

seoi nage?

Anonymous No. 127817

Kind of looks like a halfway between seoi nage and tai otoshi for da streez.

Anonymous No. 127819

based nage

Anonymous No. 127855

morote seoi nage

Anonymous No. 127862

When it comes to throws, what's your guy's favorite throws or your go-to arsenal? Mine:

>175 lbs. or under (morote gari with additional lift)
>180 lbs. and over (osoto gari)

Anonymous No. 127868

Lol one way trip to snap city.
Block the foot and focus on rotation and kuzushi instead.

Anonymous No. 127886

harai goshi, osoto gaeshi, ura nage

Anonymous No. 127900

That’s not like tai otoshi at all you retard

Anonymous No. 127905

>t. doesn't train

Anonymous No. 127909

that anon is right that's literally nothing at all like tai otoshi it is morote seoi nage

Anonymous No. 127910

Seoi nage and ko soto gari for big people.
sode tsurikomi goshi and kata guruma for small people

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Anonymous No. 127922

I’ve posted my brown belt in another thread. That’s not tai otoshi. You don’t lift people over your back to throw tai otoshi you pull them forward over your foot.

Anonymous No. 127955

What part of "halfway between" doesn't your ESL nigger brain understand?
Nobody cares, asshole, noooobody cares.

Anonymous No. 127960

you have to make a vocaroo of you saying you don't care or else we don't believe you

Anonymous No. 127962

It's half way up your ass Jesus Christ its morote seoi nage, nothing more nothing less

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Anonymous No. 127964

>say something retarded
>get called a retard
>”no u”
>continues to double down on retardation when proven wrong
You don’t have to keep posting. You can just stop and no one would know.

Anonymous No. 127970

he's too based

Anonymous No. 127998

I recently started working at a corrections facility and I’ve been going to the local judo cub for a few months. What throws are best for a tall person to holocaust manlets with on concrete?

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Judo IJF Tokyo Gr....webm

Anonymous No. 127999

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Ota Hyoga Judo IJ....webm

Anonymous No. 128000

Anonymous No. 128001

kata guruma

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Tai Otoshi Judo I....webm

Anonymous No. 128003

Anonymous No. 128004

are headbutts legal in Judo?

Anonymous No. 128008

That looks like it’ll be perfect. I’ll Osoto Gari if someone is trying to do the bullshit hug fighting the inmates do and save that one for if someone is trying to actually harm me. Thank you

Anonymous No. 128014

That's what I mean. Is blocking the foot actually important? Or is it more about the hand-action and level change as your widen your stance?

Anonymous No. 128045

You can definitely still throw someone that way without blocking their foot, however you would be preforming uki otoshi rather than tai otoshi.

Generally speaking though, Uki otoshi is rarely seen because your positioning and kuzushi have to be absolutely perfect in order to do the throw without recovering their balance, thus making it far more difficult. Blocking the foot in tai otoshi functions basically the same way it does in harai goshi or harai makikomi, it stops your opponent from being able to recover balance.

Anonymous No. 128183

>Be me
>Just finished college
>Just got a job
>Hmmm I should do something with my life beyond surfing the internet and wagie
>Let's do judo
>Find club, join in.
>Fun all around
>Yet hopelessly confused by all the new terms
Does any of you fags have some internet resources on judo that I can read?

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Anonymous No. 128187

Buy pic related

Anonymous No. 128191

This. Bring it with you to class even. Its like the Bible even the sensei there will often find himself consulting it. It got me pussy too btw

Anonymous No. 128195

did my first judo session today. thought i was going to die and didn't understand any of techniques

Anonymous No. 128214

>It got me pussy too btw
Bitches love my ne-waza

Anonymous No. 128215

You’ll get used to it. Congrats on becoming a real martial artist. Half this board can’t relate.

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Inner Mongolian W....webm

Anonymous No. 128243

Anonymous No. 128256

Is there a name for this technique or a breakdown available somewhere? I’m interested in what they’re doing to make their push so effective

Anonymous No. 128273

being fat

Anonymous No. 128277

I’ve been fat man pushed before with out results like that webm tho

Anonymous No. 128278

uki otoshi? it just seems like a power push

Anonymous No. 128366

I'm not here to tickle your prostate
Consult this faggot
You are wrong and I have corrected you, end of discussion. Take your own advice.

Anonymous No. 128368

Try to learn the Japanese vocabulary for the techniques. It's a lot easier to get a feel for where you want uke to move and how you're supposed to position yourself when you know things like tai otoshi meaning "body drop." I was doing it all wrong until I looked up the translation.
See that "snap?" He's sort of doing a no-gi forward kuzushi and springing into a shove instead of going for a throw. Most of the time he's yanking down on their necks to make their head move.

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Inner Mongolian W....webm

Anonymous No. 128383

It's a simple pull-push pendulum effect when you break it down

>tori pulls hard at uke's neck/base of the skull (like a wrestler's snapdown)
>uke tries to regain balance and correcting posture
>tori exploits uke's reaction by pushing them
>uke suddenly gets way more momentum (in the direction they were moving to resist the pull) than they were expecting
>uke goes flying

Anonymous No. 128384

>coming back four days later to embarrass yourself further

Anonymous No. 128625

>just started seriously working on tai-otoshi
>finally hit it live in randori

It was a cheap one-handed tai-o from grips, but I'm stoked that I pulled it off

Anonymous No. 128681

theres nothing cheap about one handed throws. those are legit throws you can actually use in a real fight. i consider cheap techniques to be techniques that are effective in competitions where there's mats but would be risky inna real fight
(i.e., drop down seoi, guard pulling, flying triangle/armbar, leg locks and ashigarami, shooting with knee drop penetration step)
its part if the reason im practicing more stand up seoi that travis steven does because while drop seoi is really easy to pull off i dont actually want to rely on it in self defense situations where my knees will be shattered by concrete.

Anonymous No. 128700


Anonymous No. 128738

Not him but drop seoi is extremely effective in da streets, you shouldn’t be dropping so hard you smash your knees anyway, although on asphalt you’ll likely skin them. But it’s good because you can just slam their face into the ground and absolutely fuck them up

Anonymous No. 128757

Or you could take some advise from /biz/ and invest in kneepads.

Anonymous No. 128925

hmmm. its likely I'm doing something wrong with technique and i need better knee conditioning and flexibility. I've never injured my knee doing drop seoi, but i recently got my knees hurt (dont know if its a real injury) slamming my knee during a penetration step for a double leg while rolling in bjj (my double leg was beautiful, but i couldnt keep top position and got submitted).
sure that would help, but im not walking around with kneepads and helmets constantly lmao. self defense situations should be planned with everyday carry and apparel.

Anonymous No. 128930

I start Traditional Judo classes in January, but I'm kind of anxious of the injuries I hear in Judo, specifically knee injuries. What are my risks if I only do this as a hobby? 23 btw

Anonymous No. 128931

god what is up with all of you and the injury aspects? rub some dirt on it and man the fuck up.

Anonymous No. 128932

depends on how hard you go. the more intensity you put to it the more injuries you get just by shit chance, but you'll have way more fun and there is a level of intensity that you need to experience a couple times to actually get good at fighting and judo.
if youre just doing it for fun and is concerned about injuries, you can go slow, but you'll improve much more slowly. you can get good going slow, and that's how alot of pros train, but pros also go max intensity occasionally to pressure test properly.

there are risks evem for hobbying, knees and ankles can get strained and sprained if you spar hard constantly. if you fall really badly there's concussion risks, but they tend to be fairly rare if you don't go competition level intensity. but overall, if youre worried about injuries you need to practice breakfalls and strengthen your body by weightlifting; the more lean muscle mass you have the more sturdy your body will be.

Anonymous No. 128939

>rub some dirt on a dislocated knee
Best thing you can do for yourself in training is not being afraid to take the fall. Even people who practice their breakfalls a lot can still get fucked up if they try to fight a fall at the wrong time. I watched a black belt dislocate his elbow trying to cartwheel out of a fall at a fucking mock tournament. To what end would someone do this? I have no idea becauseEven if it was a real tournament there’s no medal worth taking a grievous injury for and in all likelihood you’re not going to win if you get fucked up first.

Anonymous No. 128943

i hate autistic people so much and their inability to decipherer basic phrases people use

Anonymous No. 128944

I know what the phrase means but telling people to “just man up” at the prospect of life changing injuries makes you a retard. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re trolling and not a LARPer who doesn’t actually train and has no frame of reference for how bad these types of injuries are.

Anonymous No. 128967

>everyone who disagrees with my weak mindset of getting hurt is trolling or a larper

what exactly are you going to do if you get injured? curl up in a little ball and cry for the rest of class because you twisted your big toe on the mat too hard? condition yourself to the pain and the learn to take a injury.

Anonymous No. 128980

People who ask about injuries aren’t worried about a sprained wrist or broken finger you fucking retard they’re worried about serious injuries that you WILL incur if you don’t take proper precaution. Go ahead walk off a torn ACL or dislocated elbow though. Everyone will think about how badass you are while you spend 6 months not training or competing.

Anonymous No. 128989

what proper precaution do you take? do you announce to your partner every thing you do in randori and when they try to throw you you just slump over and slap the mat?

Listen to me you fucking peanut brain nigger:

You have taken a hobby that involves being thrown. You will at some point or another, get hurt. Practice your falls and counters and not diving head first into the ground, I seriously hope someone performs some insane move on you and you end up dead or even more paralyze from how retarded you sound.

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Anonymous No. 128992

>taking precaution to prevent injury is for FAGGOTS
>spends half your post talking about how to take precaution to prevent injury.
Obstinant retard that you are, you don’t even disagree with what I’m saying only that I said it’s reasonable to be concerned about injury in a fucking combat sport and that life changing injuries aren’t just something you walk off.

For the record your bragging about being tough in a thread full of other judoka who have probably trained longer and had more injuries than you. Nobody is impressed.

Anonymous No. 128996

I'm just tired of people worrying so much about injuries when they're about to join a fighting sport. You already ask a question you know the answer to. "Will I get hurt if I take Trad. Judo?" Yeah fagatron, you're gonna get rocked. I almost collapsed my trachea when someone I was practicing with threw me from a high lapel grip and didn't let go and choked me mid throw. I've twisted ankles, smashed my toes, and burned the bottom of my feet but that's just something everyone goes through with something like Judo. Who the fuck is bragging? Just because I'm calling you a retarded faggot doesn't mean I'm bragging.

Anonymous No. 128998

>I’m not bragging
>let me tell you about all my injuries and how tough I am
lol, ok buddy.

Anonymous No. 129000

Lmao you know what I am tougher than you

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Anonymous No. 129017

>Lmao you know what I am tougher than you

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Anonymous No. 129277

heres to a fucking real one. enjoy your retirement GOAT

Anonymous No. 129566

I passed for my black belt exam today. It feels good knowing that I can finally go back to casual practice without my teacher nagging me about getting that first dan degree.

Anonymous No. 129573

Getting fucked up by bigger and stronger dudes in my dojo. Can't negate their pulls. or out Kazushi them. Everytime I try unbalance them they move away or stiff arm. I can't get my legs in far enough to execute moves. I need to come up with some other strategy. Help me out lads. (I'm 5'7 btw)

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Anonymous No. 129578

Welcome to the shodan 2022 club anon

Anonymous No. 129579

You need to collapse whatever arm they’re using to stiff arm you. One thing you can try is to take the same side grip underneath their arm and from that position use your arm to raise theirs upwards. Once you misaligned their shoulder and arm they will have significantly less strength to push you away and you can get in close and take a more comfortable grip. Additionally, instead of trying to “negate” their pulls try to flow with them. Remember the basics, they push you pull, they pull you push.

Anonymous No. 129594

this is some of the strategies i personally found as a relatively inexperienced 5'6 180 lbs stocky manlet going against some of the 6'4 200-220 lbs monsters.
1. get stronger and heavier
2. beat them to grips. taller people often have predictable gripping pattern. they'll have an easier time getting the back collar dominant grip, so anticipate it and get their sleeves, then go for sode.
3. learn close contact judo. treat your judo like youre wrestling with body locks and shit. get real close, with belt grips and back grips, learn to do ura nage, kosoto, tani otoshi, and look up lateral drops from sambo. the fact that your hips are often way below their hips helps you with throws throws if you are closer. this is by far the strategy i use most.

Anonymous No. 129675


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Anonymous No. 129676

Well. Your kick leg that lifts the opponent needs to feelfind the center of mass in the opponent. The series of events s are fluid. You're gonna kick up to lift with the lift leg finding center of mass in the opponent, simultaneously when you feel their weight you're going to throw them forward with your upper body while lifting your leg. The weight difference of the opponents center of mass moves off center LOWERS the weight the lifting leg is pulling and since you've got pressure on it hard already, the acceleration of the opponents body lifts and spins like a cartwheel at the center of mass. Study the photos. Timing is everything.

Anonymous No. 129677

Learn mass center decentering.

Anonymous No. 129712

Don't let him get a 2-on-1. Like sode, the gripping situation is pretty telegraphed.

Anonymous No. 129849

>been training for a couple months and I don’t feel like I’m much better than I was
>we get a new person joining
>absolutely dominate them in newaza randori without trying at all
Feels good to see an actual improvement, and weird to know how the black belts feel going up against me

Anonymous No. 129852

>weird to know how the black belts feel going up against me
The black belts are probably just quietly enjoying seeing you improve. At least I would. Especially the increase in confidence after the first few months is nice to see.

Anonymous No. 129854

all of the black belts are mean to me :(

Anonymous No. 129953

dominating a helpless guy who's in his first judo class is not an improvement at all. you should be fighting people with higher belts than you, comparing your progress over time and seeing if scoring ippons against them is becoming easier.

Anonymous No. 129956

>struggle against other white belts who start at the same time as me
>train for a few months
>have no problem sliding new white belts into kesa
How does this represent anything other than a noticeable improvement in skill? Something I originally struggled to do I can now do with ease.

Anonymous No. 129964

i disagree, as john danaher said, sparring against lower level guys are actually great for improving but you have to do it properly. sparring lower level fighters is where you can relax and explore new things because youre not scared and tense like going up against some black belt. randori against higher level belts on the other hand is good for pressure testing once you figure out the basics of pulling a move in randori

this is actually something that i find out about myself. if I'm getting frustrated because im not getting throws, i start regressing back to my bread and butter of standing seoi nage, drop down seoi, osoto gari, and tani otoshi. thats great for winning and practicing my seoi nages, but if i want to get better at uchimatas its better to go against someone who is worse, to do it imperfectly in randori but at least experience what it requires to pull off an uchimata in randori

lower belts are also great for practicing escapes from bad or defensive positions; ive been practicing scissor sweeps to get a better guard game. if my sweep doesnt work against white belts, then its much easier to find out what i did wrong and fix it. however, if my sweep doesnt work against a black belt, theres too many things to consider and i dont know what i need to fix.

Anonymous No. 129968

I agree. You won't develop confidence in your attacks if you're running up against a brick wall of black belts every class. I didn't break through and start hitting big throws until I started exclusively mopping up novices for a month or two. Not brand new white belts, maybe 1 or 2 ranks up is enough

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Anonymous No. 129990

>as john danaher said

🗑️ Anonymous No. 130019


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Ashi-waza Yasuyuk....webm

Anonymous No. 130089

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Shohei Ono Judo f....webm

Anonymous No. 130090


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Yondonperenlein B....webm

Anonymous No. 130091

Anonymous No. 130092

danaher trained travis steven. he knows more judo than you do.

Anonymous No. 130203

I think this mainly works because of the bohk ruleset, if anything but your feet touch the ground you’re out, so to resist losing by being snapped down they offer exaggerate the reaction that usually comes with it. Like how in wrestling if you get snapped pretty hard you can just touch the ground or if you get snapped you don’t lose so no immediate consequence

Anonymous No. 130205


Anonymous No. 130322

goofy af

Anonymous No. 130380

Merry Christmas /judo/

Anonymous No. 130381

Blue walked himself into it.
Merry Christmas /judo/, at my clubs holiday party I was told that they want me
To test for shodan in august. I’m anxious and excited.

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Anonymous No. 130384

Merry Christmas bros. We're all gonna make it

Anonymous No. 131576

Happy 2023, lads. What are your judo goals for this year?

Anonymous No. 131582

I’ve put on a significant amount of weight since Covid and also haven’t competed since 2019. My goal is to fix my weight and start fighting again.

Anonymous No. 131590

getting a sick uchi mata or harai goshi that i can more consistently get in randori.
my current game is effective against my club members but i think it kinda sucks and is limited. its an unreliable mix of ippon/drop ippon, osoto, kosoto, and tani otoshi to counter turn throws. its embarassing to me that my most reliable throw is a tani otoshi counter.

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Anonymous No. 131851

what throw is this?

Anonymous No. 131854

Seriously? It’s harai goshi.

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Anonymous No. 132004

Anyone aware of the new schoolgirl judo anime?
Mou Ippon | "Ippon" Again
Airs on sundays.

Anonymous No. 132194

Judo beginner here. Just ordered my first gi, an Adidas J500. What am I in for?

Anonymous No. 132256

Watched the first episode. Its not bad, more about realism and real life. Reminds me of the Mila Volleyball Anime. But I wish it would be about a group of boys, not girls.

Anonymous No. 132263

>what Am I in for
Being a faggot who asks retarded and pointless questions

Anonymous No. 132327

Just watched the first episode. It was okay. So far it is about as generic of a sports anime plot you can get, though I haven't watched all that many sports anime. I will probably keep watching it to see where it goes.

Anonymous No. 132546

The sooner you learn your breakfall the sooner you get over an aversion to bring thrown
Offer to be actually thrown by your more experienced partners and tuck your head in when you feel the weightlessness setting in
Balance aloofness and going all in since if you go all in and your body isn't used to be thrown around you might get nauseous real fast

Anonymous No. 132563

Has anyone here ever used uki otoshi outside of kata? I was randomly thinking of it and it occurred to me that I have never performed this throw outside of kata. I kind of want to practice this and see where it guides me. Does anyone have any tips they wish to share?

Anonymous No. 132589

Hello, tomorrow I will go to my first judo lesson :^)
I post this here because I know you all care and you all wish me the best <3

Anonymous No. 132635

Good luck anon. All of us in this thread were in your shoes once and we are all grateful to our past selves for taking that step outside of our comfort zones.

Anonymous No. 132650

Thank you kek
And yup that defines it very well. i've never done antthing similar. I start in a few hours and I can't wait.

Anonymous No. 132722

>BJJ black belt walks into your dojo

What happens Jubros?

Anonymous No. 132725

Here is a reply to myself since I just tried uki otoshi during randori. First of all, it's pretty hard on the knees. I didn't have this problem during kata, but if you do it during randori you go down with more speed and power which sucks for the knees.

The first time I tried it my opponent didn't expect it and I got him to stumble but not fall. Second and third time it kind of did work but it wasn't really ippon worthy and I wasn't in a position to take advantage of him being down. I also think he was being a bit more cooperative since I explained what I tried to do the second time which got him interested.

The problem is mostly getting your opponent into a position where he is off balance by leaning forward, here is what I tried:
>Start with standard right hand grip
>Open up with ko uchi gari which he dodges by stepping back
>Push him to get a reaction making him push back <- this part didn't go as expected since he preferred circling to pushing back
>Do uki otoshi

>Your opponent has no idea what is happening.
>You look extremely cool if you can pull this off while making it look effortless.
>Easily blocked
>You'll be open to a counter attack

Story time?

Turns out he is a nice guy who just wants to learn some judo in a casual way.

Anonymous No. 132727

When I posted this >>132722 I didn’t expect to get a realistic response.

Anonymous No. 132728

How long would it take a BJJ black belt to get a judo black belt?

Anonymous No. 132733

That was just my experience with the only BJJ guy that I know.

No idea really, as I don't really pay attention to the belt. I only practice casually because I started as a kid and kept at it. But to answer your question based on that BJJ guy I know I'd say your ground game is good enough and can reach brown belt level throws within a year if you really put your mind to it and trained multiple times a week. Besides that it kind of depends on the teacher, because they have to let you take the exams and most seem to take the amount of time you have been practicing into account.

Also where I am from pretty much every judo place is signed up with the national federation. It is up to your teachers discretion to get you any belts up to brown, but for black belts you have to do a formal exam with the national federation. To sign up for the black belt examination here you need to have the brown belt for at least a year and your teachers signature saying that you are ready for it.

So all in all, I'd say best case is 2 years.

Anonymous No. 132765

>got drop seoi’d and broke my collarbone
See you fellas in two months I guess

Anonymous No. 132772

the entire dojo gets better at ground work and a bjj player learns better standing game

Anonymous No. 132773

I have a story that probably won't make you feel better but maybe it will

>rival dojo
>one of their shodans spams the fuck out of drop seoi
>one day his opponent bends forward in a way that blew shodans knees out

I wish I could have seen just how the fuck that happened

Anonymous No. 132774

I guess I can answer that since I am a BJJ brown belt and started judo in May of 2022, and dragged a few of my BJJ students with me since then. Basically because all my takedowns were nogi/wrestling takedowns (all my BJJ coaches view guard pulling as the ultimate evil) and I thought it'd be fun to learn a different style.

I'm a green belt at the moment and have done two kyu-grade tournaments and won both, but my first one I won almost exclusively with tani-otoshi as a counter which is similar to one of my best wrestling takedowns anyway. My second tournament I'm more happy with since I initiated every takedown and used foot sweeps and chained takedowns to win, rather than just waiting for the counter. Had a brown belt in my division who got his black belt a month after as well. I've only used Osaekomi in one match since I'm doing judo to test my gi takedowns and it's not much of a test if I just default to where I know I'm better.

At the rate I'm going though, I'm probably getting my Judo black belt before I get my BJJ black belt.

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Anonymous No. 132796

i love kesa-gatame

Anonymous No. 132871

damn looking at judo clips makes it look so fun. i want to learn how to flip people.

Anonymous No. 132880

Managed to hit a knee drop tai-otoshi in randori for the first time ever today. What a wonderful throw, it almost felt like a foot sweep with how effortlessly my partner seemed to fall over.

Is dropping down to the knee acceptable, or should I learn how to do it the "proper" way? I'm really worried about snapping my knee or toes when I've practiced the standard version of the throw, which is why I've never really used it.

Anonymous No. 132883

Apparently a drop tai-otoshi looks way different, so to reiterate: I did the basic entry, but instead of propping my knee up I put my knee down to the mat.
It felt a lot safer because I don't have to worry about accidentally leaving my knee pointed at an awkward angle and hurting myself or uke.

Anonymous No. 133178

>Story time
You sure you're replying to me? I'm just a massive noob. Who is rather enthusiastic about Judo but im only on my second class now. I'll have my third soon. I fucked up all my life as a young adult. I failed my entrance exams 4 times (literally landing me in retard level. I have classmates from school who got in way quicker and they were morons). I'm 8 kg overweight (used to be 15) with no muscle. I felt like I was literally worthless but now things are changing. I see myself in a whole other light. I got my head out of the water now. Now it's time to swim until I find land. And I got judo to thank for that. It's one of the few things I have to look up in life now. Every day that passes I become a little bit better and a little bit stronger.

Anonymous No. 133330

Damn dude. I was mostly just interested in hearing how the first lesson went and if you'd stick with it. A lot of people that start as an adult stop after the first lesson.
>And I got judo to thank for that. It's one of the few things I have to look up in life now. Every day that passes I become a little bit better and a little bit stronger.
Good to hear that judo is helping you though. I think judo is quite good for developing some self-confidence and to get back up when your down.

Anonymous No. 133460

I am planning to join a judo club!
got this book >>128187 a kettle bell and a skipping rope but i don't really know how to use them, also i am pretty much a Skeleton at 6,4 180lbs with shit lungs.
any tips before my first class

Anonymous No. 133487

me too heheh

Anonymous No. 133502

Well i wish you luck

Anonymous No. 133557

not him but since you asked. I'm 33 and started Judo late august last year though I've only done 15 sessions as I managed to get ill not once, not twice, but thrice between october and december. I'm enjoying it but it is a "secondary hobby" - gym comes first not least because I go pretty much whenever im not working with no timetable to abide by. I feel like I've made progress, but until I enter the grading system its hard to quantify. Whilst I mostly chose judo for logistical reasons I did think the throwing looked cool and the "standing" element more practical. However, newaza is my favourite. Probably because its slower and I have time to think about what I'm doing. My one beef is that whilst I totally get that judo is a olympic sport so start em young, I am with the exception of a guy in his late 40s/50s, the only adult there. Rest are 16-18 and about 20kgs lighter then me (I'm 82ish, bulking). I see BJJ clubs social media and it seems to be more guys my age and weight. To what extent is this an issue? At this point in time I'm just happy learning stuff but if I was to make this a bigger part of my life I'd like to be sparring with people roughly my size..weight class sport after all. FWIW I've seen this discussed before so this is very roughly what a class looks like. I don't know all the terms sorry.
>15 mins of warm ups
> 30-45 mins of throwing
>20-30 mins of ground stuff
>10-15 mins of circuits

Anonymous No. 133601

Wow I have a totally different experience, where I’m often the only guy at a session who isn’t a father yet. Only had one kid show up. It might depend on where you’re training? Judo is pretty small in my country so there’s more people who start is an adult because it looks cool compared to competing in it as a sport from an early age.

Anonymous No. 133617

My first class was nothing special, the sensei didn't focus too me after teaching me the basics. As time went on, I learned a bunch of techniques. My whole body is changing and while it is constantly aching I feel a strength I've never felt before. Judo is great and I will go with it as long as I can. Hopefully for the rest of my life. Tomorrow or the day after I'll recieve my first judogi.
> I'd like to be sparring with people roughly my size..weight class sport after all.
I feel this. The only noobs in my class are girls who I completely dominate, especially now that I gained quite a bit of muscle or yellow belt guys with backgrounds in BJJ who are 5-10 cm taller than I am and way more skilled. I don't let it get me down, I use it as inspiration, because everytime I take one of them down I feel like the king of the world.
Show up, be 1% better, that's all on my mind now.

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Anonymous No. 133867

Stuff I would've told myself when I started
>don't hit your head, or land with it
>don't hit your shoulders or land against your shoulder when falling. super painful injury
>don't land with your elbow, it can lead to dislocation
>don't land with your arm straight against the ground, it can lead to dislocation or fracture, especially if you're fighting and have someone's weight on top of you.
>don't get eager about fighting, focus on learning breakfalls and practice them over and over
>when you finally start fighting don't worry about winning or scoring, it's not a competition. you'll discover that trying to throw a person who's actually resisting is a whole new world. progress is very slow in this. try different things, study how throws happen in an actual fight, see if you can apply what you've been practicing, and enjoy the magic of judo
>also realize that you don't have to do the "textbook" version of every throw. it's about adapting them to your strengths and needs.
>if you get thrown, don't resist super hard. let it happen, cause you also need to learn how to fall while actually being thrown by someone
>when fighting, focus on relaxing, breathing and not being tense. white belts tend to get very rigid and gas out immediately. also being rigid means your opponent can easily read you.
>buy sports tape and tape your fingers if you get burns from grabbing the gi. you'll develop calluses. also tape your feet if necessary, you'll likely get mat burns.
>you've probably heard that some throws are more dangerous than others. now, any throw could be dangerous but these are the ones i'd recommend being careful with these: osoto gari (one of the first throws you learn. can cause knee injury. also can hit like a train when done by an expert), soto makikomi (very strong throw. heavy guys love to use this and drop all their weight on you) ura nage (very strong wrestling type of throw), tani otoshi (knee injury risk), drop seoi nage (faceplanting risk)

Anonymous No. 133953

That means a lot thanks man! Also this post made me relies how isolated I am glad I am working to not be a neet.

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Anonymous No. 134155

What's this throw called?

Anonymous No. 134164

I don't think there are any throws were you pick up the opponent like that. If the feet wouldn't have left the ground then it kind of looks like sumi otoshi I think.

Anonymous No. 134179

Biggu Niggu

Anonymous No. 134317

Closest I can think of is Yagura nage, or sumi otoshi as anon said.

Anonymous No. 134318

Well if you're looking to work on your social skills, judo will also help with that. It helps build confidence and forces you to talk to people to train and learn.

Anonymous No. 134326

I don't know a single Woman in my entire state who does Judo, all of them do BJJ.

Anonymous No. 134327

I wear Neoprene weightlifting knee sleeves under my pants, saved me loads of times from twists and such.

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Anonymous No. 134394

Tell me about Travis, why does he wear the mask?

Anonymous No. 134456

Same. Gamechanger for training.

Anonymous No. 135223

no one cared who he was until he put on the gold

Anonymous No. 135231

Uhm, there’s a judo studio near me and I’ve always been interested just as a workout. What are some signs of a judo Mcdojo?

Anonymous No. 135232

I’ve never heard of a judo mcdojo. Assuming your American your judo club has to be registered with either US judo federation or US judo association which has standards for who they promote to black belt and consequently can then train others.

Anonymous No. 135233

Well that’s good to know. I am a burger. The membership is $75 a month, and it’s only open 4 days a week for 2 hours. Idk if that’s normal or not.

Anonymous No. 135238

That’s almost exactly the same as my club.

Anonymous No. 135257

Why are MA so expensive in America, I’ve seen BJJ classes go up to 200$/month
At that price I’m taking a few buddies in the forest and we’ll train off youtube videos

Anonymous No. 135266

It’s all a matter of what’s in vogue. Bjj and mma gyms get to charge that much because it’s popular and there’s a ton of demand. There’s significantly less demand for boxing and judo which is why they tend to be cheaper, and for boxing especially the target demographic doesn’t usually have a ton of cash to begin with.

Shit like karate chains charge a lot too because they’re sheisters who invest in a ton of advertising and are charging a ton of money from parents who don’t know any better.

That’s capitalism.

Anonymous No. 135271

As an intermediate bjj practitioner,from my observation it seems like high level judo rarely has anyone completing a proper throw. It always seems like both people end up falling to the ground, but since one guy may have rolled slightly off to the side they count it as a throw. Id like to see some webms that show otherwise

Anonymous No. 135272

I know this is shitty bait but I’ll take it anyways. See:


Anonymous No. 135273


Anonymous No. 135291


Anonymous No. 135335

I've done BJJ for about 1.5 years. Went to my university's Judo club yesterday and was honestly pretty unimpressed. I didn't manage to pull off any Judo throws, but almost every time someone went in for a Seoi nage, I dropped my hips, put my arms around their waist, and suplexed them. A brown belt there told me not to go for a throw unless I could throw the uke on their back. I was mainly throwing opponents onto their sides as I was both too tired to do a full arc and didn't want to be a dick and risk injury.

What gives, Judobros? I think the quality of the club is just shitty. It's a big uni and seems to have an assembly-line style of training, but many people there do compete. I have a hard time believing Judoka can't defend against a simple back-take and suplex off of a throw attempt. Is that due to competition ruleset where such a throw would be considered a yuko?

Anonymous No. 135337

>they went for seoi nage
>I wrapped my arms around their waist
How the fuck would that even be possible with your arm being pulled up and forward? I’d say it’s just a shitty club or they were going easy on you if it really was that bad but your story doesn’t even make sense. Stop lying.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 135339

It might not have been seoi nage then. I really don't know the names of many throws. All I know is they turned their hips towards me, and tried to get under mine. I mean, if your arm is pulled up and forward you're probably getting thrown, but there's like a quarter - half a second before then where you can react and pull your elbow/arm down.

Anonymous No. 135343

It might not have been seoi nage then. I really don't know the names of many throws. All I know is they turned their hips towards me, and tried to get under mine. I mean, if your arm is pulled up and forward you're probably getting thrown, but there's like a quarter - half a second before then where you can react and pull your elbow/arm down.

Also, they definitely weren't going easy on me. I'm just really disappointed in how judoka defend against back takes off throw attempts, and I'm not the first person to say/realize this. Hopefully things are different at other gyms but it was pretty embarrassing.

Anonymous No. 135344

Assuming your not making shit up (I’ve talked to plenty of bjj guys who said judo throws are “risky” before I tossed them around for an hour) I’ll advise you that flopping on your side is not a throw and anyone who can’t toss a bjj blue belt probably hasn’t done judo very long. I do recall my own experience with a college judo club where there wasn’t even a black belt present at most training times and there wasn’t a fighter there qualified to fight outside of the white belt division. Go to a serious club if you actually want to see what judo is like.

For the record, “suplexing” (ura nage in judo) is perfectly legal in competition so if judoka couldn’t manage defending themselves against it we’d see a lot more of it but we don’t because turning throws properly executed don’t leave you as exposed as bjj people seem to think.

Anonymous No. 135349

>Go to a serious club if you actually want to see what judo is like.
Yeah, there's a local BJJ gym here that has Judo 3x a week. I'm gonna scoop up a membership there. I really like throws. MMA is my primary interest and pulling a sweet throw against a cage/wall is just the best feeling.

There was a black belt instructor at the club, but he didn't give any personal instruction. There were maybe 70-80 students there, and one other black belt who didn't teach but just trained. The instructor is 5th dan according to the website, but it doesn't mention anything about a competition record. Instructor at the BJJ gym is 3rd dan, has won state championships, and it'll be a much smaller class. There were a couple cute girls in the Judo club and I'd probably make more friends there, but I just wanna get the best I can at fighting. What can I say, man. Maybe I'll use my second free class down the line to talk with people there and get digits.
>because turning throws properly executed
To properly execute a turning throw, how do you do it? Anything more than quickly and with the right timing? I couldn't make any openings when I was doing randori; that's why I just went for ura nage on the counter as well as some half-assed ashi waza.

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Anonymous No. 135361

>Anything more than quickly and with the right timing?
Something I tell all the white belts is that you can’t turn into them you have to pull them to you when you turn. If you turn into them not only are you not going to generate enough momentum to throw them but you’re at risk of being countered with ura nage or tani otoshi (pic related). By pulling them to you you put them on their toes so their weight is forward and the pulling action generates momentum so you can throw them over. In addition, even if you fail to throw them there will generally be too much distance between you and your opponent when they sit their weight back for them to actually counter throw you. Worst case scenario you fall forward into turtle but that’s better than getting your shit tossed. Better case scenario they sit their weight back and you turn back into a neutral position. Best case scenario they sit their weight back and you turn to follow up with a forward throw.

Anonymous No. 135369

I’m BJJ and I doubt you could toss me, would just me the advantage anyway

Anonymous No. 135390

Thanks man, I appreciate the advice! So you're pulling them into your hips instead of scooting your hips back to meet them?
>tani otoshi
Should I be careful with tani otoshi? I was reading that it has a high injury risk.

Anonymous No. 135391

>Thanks man, I appreciate the advice! So you're pulling them into your hips instead of scooting your hips back to meet them?
Exactly right!
>Should I be careful with tani otoshi? I was reading that it has a high injury risk.
You should be careful with every throw, but you were probably reading about tai otoshi (pic related). Notice how in the picture tori (the thrower) has his calf below uke’s (literally, the receiver) knee. If you try to pull someone over your leg for tai otoshi but do not bend your leg below their knee, you can potentially dislocate their knee.
>this whole post
lol, lmao even

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Anonymous No. 135392

Forgot pic

Anonymous No. 135394

I recommend getting good at squat jumps and lunge switches to improve your explosiveness in the hip area.

Anonymous No. 135397

I’m like 275lbs, your pencil arms wouldn’t last.

Anonymous No. 135398

I’ve taken down men you’re size, and arms are far less important to throwing technique compared to your core and leg muscles.

Btw lose some weight, fat body. BJJ has weight classes too.

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Anonymous No. 135399


Fatty you will gas out before you can land anything.

Anonymous No. 135400

Back too, how could I neglect to mention that. “Judo is a sport about pulling” my sensei always says.

Anonymous No. 135402

Yeah I guess you could resort to trips and hip tosses like the women do.

Anonymous No. 135403

This is about Judo not some slampig contest. Imagine tripping up from little bit of shin to shin, fatty where are your legs fatty?

Anonymous No. 135406

My wrist are bigger than your neck pal, you probably throw out your back trying to move me.

Anonymous No. 135407

My neck is pretty huge from headbanging to metal as a teen, problem kid?

Anonymous No. 135408

>little dude thinks it’s from head banging and not sucking dicks.
It’s great watching boys grow up

Anonymous No. 135409

I don't suck dicks cuz I'm not gay, unlike you faggot since that's the first thing that popped to your mind.



Always, never disappointed by this fact.

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Anonymous No. 135410

>my wrists are bigger than my neck
Imagine thinking this is a flex, lmao

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Anonymous No. 135411

Thanks! Judo throws are so slick.
Will do. This'll help with wrestling too, I'm sure. I'm coming off a long hiatus and I'm so fucking sore from Wednesday's session. I hit Ura nage like 7-8 times and almost everyone of them was a straight up suplex with not much grace or kuzushi. My back is killing me (in a good way).
Pic related?

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Anonymous No. 135414

>Throws are more about core and legs

Anonymous No. 135416

What belt rank are you in BJJ?

Anonymous No. 135417

>fat boy skips leg day too
My sides can’t take much more of this

Anonymous No. 135419

Keep tightening that twat, it’ll help heaps when you’re in a guillotine.

Anonymous No. 135421

>bragging about guillotine
post pics of belt w thread #, fatass

Anonymous No. 135422

You got called out so hard it hit you in the balls eh and made you faggot.

Anonymous No. 135423

You don’t have to keep posting anon, you’re not going to dig yourself out of this embarrassing hole

Anonymous No. 135424

Judo faggots think I need high level moves to make them submit. This is all on the hypothetical that you can get me to the ground with your trips.

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Anonymous No. 135426

Anonymous No. 135429

>Yes! I was merely pretending to be retarded!

Anonymous No. 135435

>he’s blowing us the fuck out, he must be a troll
> g-g-god please be a troll

Anonymous No. 135438

Post your waistline

Anonymous No. 135442

What will that prove? That I’m bigger than you? We’ve established that, wristlet

Anonymous No. 135473

>why yes, I am fat

Anonymous No. 135486

man it so difficult to just show up each week and ask someone to train together, I feel autistic as fuck.

Anonymous No. 135489

the solution to this is to just keep going until it feels normal, and becomes part of your lifestyle. that's the only way to make these things stick, and improve your life in general

Anonymous No. 135506

You’ll get used to it. Everyone posting here was probably the resident autist at their dojo at some point.

Chillboy No. 135526

>Karate is extreme sport>

Anonymous No. 135535

Wrong thread, retard

Anonymous No. 135542

Yeah, that is very believable
That is the hard part, but I know its true

Thank you anons

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Ernazarov (UZB) S....webm

Anonymous No. 135599

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mongolian wrestli....webm

Anonymous No. 135600

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mongolian wrestli....webm

Anonymous No. 135601

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mongolian bokh wr....webm

Anonymous No. 135603

Anonymous No. 135605

Troll or not, I find it deeply depressing that a majority of the discussion of judo nowadays circles around comparing it to BJJ.

Anonymous No. 135618

Because judo is BJJ’s little sister

Anonymous No. 135619

Judo birthed bjj you tard. Also daily reminder bjj fags cry when they get thrown

Anonymous No. 135620

anon, your reading comprehension...

Anonymous No. 135621

>judo is bjj’s little sister
Fairly certain I understand the post perfectly well. Do you?

Anonymous No. 135622

Judo is about as cucked as a discipline there is.
>muh Olympics
No one cares faggot

Anonymous No. 135624

>no one cares about being an Olympic athlete
Please go out and tell people in real life you think being an Olympic athlete is for faggots. I’m sure they totally won’t think you’re a sour grapes loser, lol

Anonymous No. 135632

>being an amateur is more important than being a professional
Lmao, just turn your router off.

Anonymous No. 135633

>the Olympics are for amateurs
You’re fucking with me right?

Anonymous No. 135684

Yeah didn’t realize you could fight in the UFC and fight the Olympics too, must have missed that bro lmao. Did you get no datchi’d alittle hard last roll?

Anonymous No. 135688

Huh? What the fuck are you even trying to argue? That there is no professional fighting outside of the ufc? That if it’s not the ufc it’s amatuer?

Anonymous No. 135689


Anonymous No. 135691

Because they're intricately tied together. BJJ has stemmed from Judo (and Catch Wrestling which people seem to forget) since its inception and constant refinement. They're 2 sides of the same coin; 1 focusing more on takedowns and throws while the other is hell-bent on groundfighting and submissions.

Anonymous No. 135787

>Mou Ippon | "Ippon" Again
Best girl just joined the club. This show is actually starting to grow on me.

Anonymous No. 135792

Same problem for me. There is a Gracie BJJ dojo that claims to offer judo, but I don't want every single session to turn into a lecture on why I should be doing BJJ instead. Not that it doesn't have its uses but the only aspect of bjj I'm even slightly interested in is escapes.

Anonymous No. 135794

If you can developing your in-fight game that becomes a good advantage... When you can use your takedowns that is.

Anonymous No. 135854

I met a Judo girl on a dating app today
We've been talking all day about martial arts and Judo
She's been to the Olympics
I think I'm in love
Never going to find better genes than an olympian

Anonymous No. 135942

Sorry, you seem to be confused. This is a thread for Judo as made by Kano, not whatever bastardisation the IJF comes up with for the Olympics. Make a separate thread if you want to talk about whatever pussified form of martial arts they do in the Olympics because it ain’t Judo.

Anonymous No. 135948

Autistic cope. I’m sorry you’re not willing to put the work into being a world class athlete.

Anonymous No. 135994

t. Power walking bronze medalist

Anonymous No. 136126

What's the best judo video archive?

Anonymous No. 136186

I'm this nigga. I'm still going to classes and training almost every single day. Best choice ever.

Anonymous No. 136193

Be careful with your knees and wear a mouthguard so you don't get a chipped tooth. I learned both the hard way

Anonymous No. 136232

depends on what you're looking for but I guess youtube

Anonymous No. 136242

USA Judo memberships include membership to American Judo video archive by Jimmy Pedro/Travis Stevens

Anonymous No. 136244


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Anonymous No. 136358

Hey /judo/, I'm having a memory dilemma. I've been trying to remember if these 3 throws were ever used in Judo and what the names are or if they are just variations of already existing moves (Ippon seoi nage, O-Goshi)

Pic is the 3 moves, if anyone knows them or has an idea to what they could be please say

Anonymous No. 136369

It’s hard to tell since the stick figures are hard to actually visualize, is throw 1 or 2 harai makikomi goshi?

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Anonymous No. 136373

I believe throw 1 and 2 are the same just with different hand placement and it looks like Harai-makikomi goshi looks pretty close just without the leg sweep. Reminds me of that animated scene from Kill Bill.

Anonymous No. 136397

I've been training kickboxing for a while and I've been getting more and more interested in judo. Plan was always to transition to mma but Judo just seems more fun and interesting to me at this point and from what I saw most bjj places dont do any proper takedowns here..

Just not sure if judo can work recreationaly for someone in 30s who'd prefer not to get injured again

Anonymous No. 136413

I would just call that makikomi goshi then. The only real function of the sweep anyways is just to prevent them from escaping the throw by circling around.

Anonymous No. 136414

Just go take a class and find out whether you can handle it or not. I know people that started older than you are.

Anonymous No. 136446

Literally no place offers non competions/kids level classes here lmao, judo or wrestling. I'll ask around, internet got no information. If all fails I'll just do bjj sigh

Anonymous No. 136455

Take an adult “competitive” class then. That doesn’t always mean you have to be tournament prepping or that the higher belts are going to punching bag you for fun. I would at least call and ask if they take new adults.

Anonymous No. 136469

Considered that but issue is their trainings are always during work hours since pro level athletes do that for living I guess and the kids after 5 6 pm when we wageslaves can.

But like I said, I'll ask around

Anonymous No. 136517

All my clubs still have active websites.
See if they have an email or phone number and just contact them if you can get a trial class.

Anonymous No. 136518

I used to do a lot judo as a kid and I was thinking of getting back into it both to learn a martial art and to get some exercise.
I'm currently 29 and out of shape, will I have a fun time doing judo again?

Anonymous No. 136521

for some reason, very fat old people do a lot of judo. at least where i'm at theirs's always 4 old grandpas with huge guts. black belts however.

Anonymous No. 136528

Unrelated but are there bjj places that incorporate judo and wreestling moves, throws and are not just about ground game?

Anonymous No. 136540

my gym in australia covers bjj, judo, collegiate and catch.

Anonymous No. 136627

What gym do you mind if I ask? I've been around a lot of the Victorian gyms and can't think of any that do all 4 off the top of my head.

Anonymous No. 136788

I see you are an esteemed man of Nagumo.

The /a/ watch threads are pretty slow but somewhat enjoyable.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 136912

I haven't practiced judo in over a decade. What the fuck is the name of that hip throw where you jam your elbow into the opponents armpit?

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Anonymous No. 137047

I can't take it anymore. I've never had a successful throw in randori. Not even against the guys with the same belt. I think I;'m actually retarded

Anonymous No. 137048

I started judo a few weeks ago I am making an earnest attempt but I feel I am slowing everyone down.
It's only once a week. Is there anything I can practice by myself?
Is there any 'essential reading'?

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Anonymous No. 137052

You can tie your belt to a frame and practice opening your opponents and getting into position for a throw. See pic related from episode 4 of Mou Ippon! There also exists elastic tubes to replace your belt for solo practicing, using those can be quite a workout.
Aside from that, what I noticed is that the reasoning why a throw works is never really explained and you're left to figure it out on your own. So I suggest looking up videos on youtube showing throws and try to figure out in what way someone is off balance. Let's take the following example: as you can see the guy goes all in with his uchimata putting his center of mass quite a bit in front of his foot, throwing him now is a matter of pulling that weight a bit more forward and he will fall. What rejuvenated my enjoyment of judo was to start seeing it as a puzzle to be solved.

Anonymous No. 137151

Depends what belt they were as well.

Anonymous No. 137241

You need to practice more often. You're probably also gassing out, so cardio is key here.
You can also use a wheel inner tube instead of the elastic tubes. My sensei has also adviced me to try pull ups with my gi, grabbing it by the sleeves

Anonymous No. 137362

>You can also use a wheel inner tube instead of the elastic tubes.
My sensei gave the same suggestion to use the inner tube of a bicycle wheel. You need to be careful of the metal air inlet bit though, in case you lose your grip and the tube starts heading for you.

Anonymous No. 137626

I use a motorcycle one and cut the metal thing. I doubt it will break on me. Then again, I don't have too much weight nor strength so mileage may vary.

Anonymous No. 137643

Any advice for a white belt learning uchi mata? I'm just practicing uchi komi for it constantly. I'm also practicing ouchi and kouchi gari a lot since these 3 seem to be a pretty well rounded 3 go to moves.

Anonymous No. 137649

I'm 33, can I start judo? I researched clubs here but all seem to be for kids/pros, might need to go in person or something. But also is there a point in starting this late as it's hard sport on body or just go bjj like every other faggot (though I'd love to learn parts of both)

Anonymous No. 137664

>do judo
>get dizzy and tired after one long strenuous session
>lightheaded, arms we're feeling pins n needles
>eat some chips and get better
>the next day, i get slightly off balance after getting up from bed
>do some light drills and sudden vertigo
WTF IS THIS? Am i concussed or just tired?

Anonymous No. 137699

I think you're just fatigued.
Ask if you can join in on a lesson.
I checked out a class with mostly black belts and they didn't mind teaching me the basics.

Anonymous No. 137702

What's the difference between a judogi and karategi?
I tried googling but most results are about the arts themselves and not the uniforms.
The only main difference I found was that judogi are thicker due to judo focusing on grappling.

Anonymous No. 137711

In judo the gi is stiffer, thicker and usually has a tough texture. I don't do karate but I have seen a gi and some cheaper ones are more of a dress shirt like material

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Anonymous No. 137713

Judoanons, why do people hate Teddy Riner so much?
Every youtube comment I see about him just shits on him and calls him a complete bore or something

Anonymous No. 137723

I'm not a hater but I understand why people don't like to watch him, he doesn't have good technique, it is average maximum. But, he constantly wins because of his huge size; if he was 5'10" he would be a recreational judoka. He was born with height though and he is using it to his advantage so I don't think there is anything wrong with it.

Anonymous No. 137724

my throws suck ass
i'm going to stick to pulling guard forever
goodbye /judo/

Anonymous No. 137979

>tfw plateauing

Anonymous No. 137982

He's on the extreme high end of the heaviest weight division, which doesn't actually have a weight limit.

His wins are more due to being a massive man who can still manage to move somewhat athletically and while he obviously needs some technique to win, it's not that great and he seems to mostly win from penalties or a sloppy drag-down type of thing where he's just throwing his weight around. His Judo isn't relatable or relevant to anybody watching since everything he does relies on being a weight bully

Anonymous No. 138305

bump limit reached

new thread:
