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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 125579

>2023 trend predictions edition

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Old thread: >>124878

Anonymous No. 125581

his kickflips are so crazy

Anonymous No. 125583

Skating big boards is for fags and women. Skating transition on a toothpick is the only real way. Limp dick popping your tricks is cooler than trying hard to pop your board like a goofy ass nigga. Skinny jeans will make a comeback to fleece lames who bought polar big boys.

Anonymous No. 125589

i hate everyone that tries to steez after a trick by looking like they were sleepwalking

Anonymous No. 125590

Fake steeze is always gay.

Anonymous No. 125593

>>2023 trend predictions edition
Vert. Vert is coming back. Mark my words.

Anonymous No. 125595

when will normal fitting pants come back...

Anonymous No. 125596

Athleisure will start to creep in to skate wear, hopefully skating starts becoming less degenerate with such an emphasis on drug use and it will become standard practice to implement gym routines for skate fitness/improvement

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Anonymous No. 125598

>hopefully skating starts becoming less degenerate with such an emphasis on drug use and it will become standard practice to implement gym routines
lmao, rofl even

Anonymous No. 125599

I know it will never happen but maybe I can meme magic it into existence a little

Anonymous No. 125600

There is a vert ramp near me that I assumed would be empty so I decided a couple weeks ago to muster up some balls and attempt to skate vert only to turn up and see 10+ guys on the deck shredding already.. I went to another park kek

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Anonymous No. 125602

What gym routines even help skating any better than actually skating? I do upper body weights just because my arms/shoulders/chest don't get a decent workout while skating.

Noice. I think vert is rad as hell even though it doesn't make for the best videos. The average normie can look at a vert demo and get it.

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Anonymous No. 125603

Time for these bad boys to make a come back.

Anonymous No. 125604

Yoga and body weight exercises work for me.
I tried this the other day and it kicked my ass so will probably stick with it maybe less reps -

I don't like feeling sore so try not to over do it.

Anonymous No. 125606

How would vert ever come back when the streets are more accessible? X-games already dug that grave and nobody gives two shit about that competition.

Anonymous No. 125609

Who is going to build a vert ramp in this economy

Anonymous No. 125615

Because it brings skateboarding and demos to a wider, non-skater audience. It's going to be in the next olympics. Your average person looks at street skating and only registers that someone is doing some sort of flip trick into some sort of grind, but they can tell the difference between number of spins, broad types of grab, lip tricks, inverts and grinds. Honestly a vert contest looks much better than an SLS style contest these days because the latter has become super fucking boring and homogeneous that they may as well just make those parks a single stair set and a rail at this point.

Plus, idk, maybe there's some nostalgia now.

Anonymous No. 125618

>It's going to be in the next olympics.

Anonymous No. 125621

Skating has at its core been about how it's being done imo. Jimmy's flawless front side airs are so much cooler than a 720 kickflip tailside big spin varial heel out by some ninja.
SLS fell into the same problem all skate comps do. Lance Mountain goes on about it a bit in his nine club. Once you frame something as the end goal, within 10 years you get people trained from birth at that specific goal and it becomes lame and robotic and skating moves on elsewhere.

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Anonymous No. 125622

Heard you pussy niggas were talking all that saying I couldn't skate street or some shit? Well check out my fly out over a cone then bitches

Anonymous No. 125630

>fly out
oh no no no...

Anonymous No. 125631

I think flexibility and body workouts are definitely the most relevant - cardio too maybe but skating already is cardio imo. I tried pumping in a peanut bowl and after 30 seconds my legs were burning and could definitely benefit from some sort of strength/plyometric training

Anonymous No. 125632

No that just means you need to skate more bowls. And smoke more crack like your favorite pro.

Anonymous No. 125633

I already stated X-Games did what you’re saying and look how popular it is. Vert being in the olympics is no different and it’s inching towards snowboarding territory at that point. There’s an over saturation of street league competition skating sure but complaining about how it doesn’t appeal to you won’t change shit.

Anonymous No. 125634


Anonymous No. 125635

Woah such style. Much variation. Wow.

Anonymous No. 125637


I dont think clay kreiner was smoking crack when he won his 2nd place x games medal

actually if you prove to me he was i may consider it

Anonymous No. 125638

street comps are for skaters
vert comps are for normies

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Anonymous No. 125639

>when he won his 2nd place x games medal
I can't tell if you're baiting or not but it's working

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Anonymous No. 125640


Anonymous No. 125641


I literally did this yesterday and I still took my bearings into the local shop to use the machine to pop the bearings into the wheel - the local chick ree'd hard at me but i didnt give a fuck

Anonymous No. 125642

yeah who would have that Water Displacer wouldn't act as a lubricant

Anonymous No. 125643

zack dowdy having a whinge about gifted hater, get it before he deletes it

was it the same big tittied zumiez whore?

Anonymous No. 125644

>9 minute video crying about some other guys videos
GH should act like he doesn't even know who he is in his next video.

Anonymous No. 125645


dowdy actually makes a good point that gifted hater called mikey taylor 'privileged' while gifted hater is obviously just some rich LA kid himself

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Anonymous No. 125646

flexibilty, balance work and plyometrics imo. strength training probably has benefits once you start maxing out your pop but most people don't know how ollie effectively enough for that to matter more than simply pulling their legs up higher. isolations are probably the least useful thing for general skating albeit they might help mitigate injury (if you aren't a complete tard who fucks themselves up in the gym) developing movement patterns and gymnastic-style work probably has the most direct payoff for actual skating.
vert never left anon. it was simply given to snowboarders
because superpipe looks better on camera even though halfpipe runs are more interesting
[spoiler]a big part of this that bowl boomers will never admit is just that pads look like some fucking dorky pizza bagels shit and ever though snowboarders are decked out in full on bodyarmor their jackets and snowpants hide it so they look cooler[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 125647


Unfortunately my zumiez chick is probably underage and asian so small tits - the chick working at our local is the daughter of the guy who owns the shop but shes in her 30s and has that southern california chyeah bro accent + probably chain smokes - regardless shes dope

Anonymous No. 125648

made it 2 minutes before I turned it off, some old guy whining clout chasing tryna call out a more entertaining person. who watches these fucking skate vloggers?

Anonymous No. 125649


did giftedreddit really make a 30 minute video sneeding about teenagers smoking weed lmao

Anonymous No. 125650

i always seem to watch dowdy vids despite how shit they are. like he made a vid today about 'how to get better at transition' and his tips were like
>try things outside your comfort zone (yeah no shit)
>drop your board into the ramp and see where it goes to figure out lines (your board can't carve by itself dickhead)
>do powerslides in vert

he's honestly kind of retarded and not in a likeable way, just in a bitch way

Anonymous No. 125651

yeah and it's actually pretty enjoyable watching him talk shit about that retarded n****r

Anonymous No. 125654

>did giftedreddit really make a 30 minute video sneeding about teenagers smoking weed lmao
why is the illegal civ guy doing damage control in this thread?

Anonymous No. 125655

it's zack dowdy

Anonymous No. 125658

>snowboarders are decked out in full on bodyarmor
no they aren't lol

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Anonymous No. 125666

after kevin pearce and sarah burke got broke they don't fuck around anymore. pipe guys are fully kitted out under their jackets

Anonymous No. 125671

I'm tired of sucking at skating. I'm in this weird zone where I'm too good to skate with noobs but too shit to really skate with rippers, even though I end up skating with them all the time. I want to become a ripper too but my style sucks and I'm too scared to try tricks most of the time.

Anonymous No. 125675

that's when you need to start going on solo missions anon, to work through your madness if nothing else.
what tricks are you scared of?

Anonymous No. 125676

i feel this bro but prob worse
in my area there are probably like 25 active skaters and you can split that into two clear groups
noobs who don't really try
guys that have been skating for like a decade and a half
so the oldies are pretty stoked on me since i'm a noob who actually tries so i sesh with them a lot

Anonymous No. 125680

That's why I said it's going to make a comeback. Hawk just bought shares in the X-Games and it's changing hands overall because they've let it stagnate and become boring, somehow. They're are a lot of younger vert skaters on the rise too. Obviously I don't think it's going to come out of the gate and get the same viewership as Street League, but I think it'll do well enough that it'll have its niche.

>pads look like some fucking dorky pizza bagels shit and ever though snowboarders are decked out in full on bodyarmor their jackets

I've honestly been tempted to try wearing motorcycle jackets and pants to see if it provides enough protection for slams. If they just had caps on the knees I could do a proper slide. I don't mind proper skate pads too much, but yeah, they can look a bit shit and make it harder to tell which skater is which at a glance. And I think most people don't like to wear them because they're a pain to take on and off at a sesh. I have construction/tradesmen pants I wear some of the time and they're pretty damn good for skating all around, so something like that could be an option.

Anonymous No. 125687

talk ur shit king

Anonymous No. 125691

>show up at local
>seems busy
>need to prove myself
>time to bust out my best trick
>it's a shove (no pop)
>roll at a good speed into the centre of the park
>I bet all eyes are on me
>crouch and wait until i'm rolling at a snails pace
>time to commit
>land a bit sketchy but enough so that I keep my balance
>have to actively restrain myself from not popping off
>takes all my mental capacity not to look around to see if anyone was watching
>compose myself for the final bit of the trick - the steezey roll away
>slump my shoulders so that I look all loose and relaxed
>make sure my face looks bored by how easy it was
>do a really low effort push, but make sure it looks like I am just cruising, no big deal
>finally look around
>group of teens in the corner are vibing me so hard
>start taking off my pads and helmet
>push to the exit and leave immediately

Anonymous No. 125692

>show up to park
>roll over to where I put my shit
>as I come to a near stop throw a lazy shuv
>land it all comfy and steezy
>*Ah shit, now everyone's gonna think I'm good*
>go practice axle stalls

Anonymous No. 125695

That's cool anon but you're clearly not landing it. Where's the webm at my nigga?

Anonymous No. 125696

how come skateboarders are the least compensated by fashion brands despite the culture influencing 70% of urban outfitters catalog?

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Anonymous No. 125700

Swimming is S tier for conditioning your body without subjecting it to heavy impact

Quartersnacks brought them back

Because the people behind these huge fashion conglomerates know how to legally steal ideas through being ‘creatively influenced’

Anonymous No. 125701

>too shit to really skate with rippers
nah trust me, this is the best thing you can do for your progression, you should skate with them anyways. if they're cool they wont care if you suck.

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Anonymous No. 125704

because skaters aren't actual trendsetters. at best they are merely early adopters while most especially in flyover states are early/late majority

Anonymous No. 125708

What other boards do you guys post on?

For me it is
>/biz/ during crypto bull run
>/n/ for bike stuff

Anonymous No. 125710

Fuck how could I forget
>/sci/ only when I was still in school

Anonymous No. 125711

None of your business, glowie.

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Anonymous No. 125713

and sometimes I'll just click on random boards

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Anonymous No. 125716

How do you measure wheelbase? Aren't 12 inches equal to a foot? So, wouldn't that make a 14-inch wheelbase a foot and 2 inches? Does that mean you measure from baseplate to baseplate?

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Anonymous No. 125717

Gifted hater is what is GOOD about skateboarding and arguably retarded teenagers who think that the more liked your comment on youtube is, the more gravitas there is to your argument should never be listened to because they drove Ted Burrows away.

Anonymous No. 125718

Fit, diy, pol, slap

Anonymous No. 125723

I'm scared of trying shit on big tranny, like 10ft. I can front slash but i want to be able to do legit frontside grinds, front smiths, back smiths, roll ins, etc. I have all that shit on lock in smaller tranny like 6ft but once it gets up to 8ft or something i start being a pussy

You won't be able to move properly in motorcycle gear, it's very restrictive compared to normal clothing. You'll also look even goofier than if you were wearing skateboard pads

Vert skating is sick when people do lip tricks and mix it in with handplants and airs imo. But when they start doing kickflip melon 540s and shit i just zone out.

Anonymous No. 125724

Technically boards are measured from the inside bolts but your actual wheelbase is from hanger to hanger which may vary depending on your truck manufacturer.

Anonymous No. 125726

Do you just post this picture for yous? Gayest fuckin pic ive ever seen

Anonymous No. 125735

No anon, look and measure like this

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Anonymous No. 125736

>i dont want to wear pads
>im going to show up to the park in full motorcycle gear instead

Anonymous No. 125739

Distance between the inner bolt holes, center of the holes, or inner to outer side of the holes so you aren't eyeballing center. Yes, yes, no that doesn't mean that.

Anonymous No. 125740


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Anonymous No. 125741


Anonymous No. 125742

yesterday at a school yard i got vibed by a mom with her kid. she saw i was struggling to ollie so she showed me how do it and did it first try. i wish i made this up.

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Anonymous No. 125743

Was she hot? There was this kid that tried really hard to be homies with me at the park and when his (hot and single) mom came to pick him up, he'd talk to her like I'm his older brother. How we're homies and we skate together and how I filed him land this and that trick.

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Anonymous No. 125744

Yeah, the inside bolts, that's what I meant.

Does it or does it not?

Anonymous No. 125746

No, you measure from the holes not the baseplate, and I don't see what 12 inches to a foot has to do with it.

Anonymous No. 125748

The bolts go into the holes anon
The other anon who responded said that you can do it from hangar to hangar as well.

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Anonymous No. 125749

You can get shit that just looks like jeans or a jacket that has padding inside. It's more subtle and less of a pain in the ass than full vert pads. You don't have to wear a full sports racing suit.

Anonymous No. 125750

Anyway, my point was that something LIKE bike wear might be a better alternative to full pads. Construction pants are normally stretchy, baggy enough to be comfortable, can have pads slotted into the knees and basically look like cargo pants.

Anonymous No. 125752

Just use knee pads. And if the transition is really THAT big a helmet. Stop being so insecure about everything anon.

Anonymous No. 125754

i was pretty much done with 4chan until I found /esg/, these threads are the only thing keeping me on this site which is sad considering how fucking awful these threads usually are.

Anonymous No. 125756

You can measure to the bolts as well, they are in the same place as the holes. The distance between the baseplates is not the same measurement. Yes axle to axle is technically the true wheelbase but that is not going to be relevant to any board dimensions you see online.

Anonymous No. 125758

Hard to believe that more advanced skaters wouldn't be stoked on skating with you if you can do all those tricks you mentioned and more consistently on 6ft tranny, that would place you well on your way to skating bigger stuff. How long have you been skating if you don't mind me asking?

Anonymous No. 125766

I skated when i was a teenager and was pretty good, then stopped for a long time, now i'm 28 and I've been back into it for about 9 months.

Also the local advanced guys are doing like airs 4ft above coping and inverts in big transition and shit like that, the level of skating here is insane.

And i shouldn't say i'm too good to skate with noobs, that sounds arrogant, i like skating with anybody that is friendly and positive.

Anonymous No. 125767

I met this cool guy at the skatepark over the weekend. He was telling me that in his hometown in Michoacan he used to have a lot of friends and they would all skate/bmx/rollerblade together and listen to punk. Sounded like it would be so wholesome, no one giving a fuck about being too cool and everyone just having fun together. But then the cartels became more prominent and a lot of his friends got hooked on meth and cartel members would intimidate him and his friends a lot with guns so he moved to california. I taught him how to do a fly out LOL

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Anonymous No. 125770

>skating with your buddies
>cartel members show up
sounds like an actual nightmare

Anonymous No. 125771

/a/ /ck/ /g/ /i/ /k/ /o/ /po/ /pol/ /t/ /vr/

Anonymous No. 125772

>$300 for a flannel shirt

Anonymous No. 125774

new hot potata just dropped

i think it'll be a good one

Anonymous No. 125777

They're not quite right I think, although it's hard to tell.
The shorts I had were by juice clothing but I can't find them online for an example.
Maybe I found a niche to exploit!

Anonymous No. 125779

I simply don't give a fuck about tyshawns woaw le heckin big owllie style of skateboarding. It is the most brain dead style of skateboarding and nothing will change my mind about that.

Anonymous No. 125780

I don't mind wearing pads in general, but they're a pain to take on and off and above anon (and a lot of other people) think they look dumb.

Mostly just /v/ at this point. Used to live on /x/ years ago (early Slenderman, House of Leaves, Creepypasta days) but it's so hard to get a decent thread going and that whole "paranormal" world is either just kinda weak now or I've actually followed up on or researched a lot of it to the point it's mundane now. I'll lurk the porn boards too of course.

Anonymous No. 125781

/biz/, /pol/ and here. Clean your rooms.

Anonymous No. 125783

this is one area where i think it's okay to be kind of a bitch. get really comfortable buttsliding on big tranny, one of the advantages of big shit is that you have way more time to react . beyond that, you already have those tricks anon you just need to learn how to ride so don't even worry about tricks for a while just cruise until the basics feel completely natural at 10ft+. another thing you can do is try skating the small tranny with more speed since speed is going to be the main difference when you go bigger.

Anonymous No. 125784

Why are you fags always talking about pads? Literally everytime I check these threads for over a year it's always the same fucking conversation about pads going on?

Anonymous No. 125785

When you're a grown man wearing shorts you need to wear pads. It's a tranny thing. Tranny skating I mean.

Anonymous No. 125789

agree'd, crazy pop and stair skating has been trite for a minute now. it's the easiest and most boring way to skate street. it requires no real skill or technical ability. you only have to be dumb enough to do it. it's not impressive in the slightest and is actually kind of cringe if that's all you can do. I find it very childish to skate that way as an adult. Like why are you 30+ unironically skating more than an 8 stair lmao grow up.

Anonymous No. 125791

What do you guys use to listen to your music? I just got a friend into skating so I have to ditch the headphones. What are some low budget speakers?

Anonymous No. 125792

Listening to music while skating is gay. At home I use my PC or my turntable and a 2.0 system or my headphones.

Anonymous No. 125794

The big jock pop is often a different genre and fetishized by ledge tech dudes. I think it's sick when older legends still skate big stuff.

Anonymous No. 125795

>it's another bowltrannies seethe about street skating episode

Anonymous No. 125796

Based lol Dowdy got his response

Anonymous No. 125798

tranny janny lying in wait for you to say bad word

Anonymous No. 125799

It's actually the opposite.

Anonymous No. 125800

my friend thats only comfortable with slow rolling kickflips and halfcabs cooms to the tj and nyjah style. also had an “ironic” sticker on his deck.

Anonymous No. 125806

No idea, there is only one guy in here who actually wears pads and a helmet as far as i can tell

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Anonymous No. 125807

>“ironic” sticker on his deck.

Anonymous No. 125810

I hope that GH just ignores that dowdy made that video. It would make dowdy seethe so hard. That guy is a fucken narcissist lmao

Anonymous No. 125811

I have the exact same friend constantly sending me Sean Malto and Shane Oneil footage. And not street parts from videos. I'm talking clip complication videos from random kids on youtube with the original audio muted and some cornyass music overlaid on top.

Anonymous No. 125812

well having crazy pop is at least somewhat impressive idk how much technical ability it requires other than being able to jump super high though

Anonymous No. 125813

Are minilogo bearings really just rebranded bones reds?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 125814

The same can be said about jumping down stairs and there is value in mental toughness. Technical ability can also be a superficial, it's not that simple and depends on the person.

Anonymous No. 125815

The same can be said about jumping down stairs, there is value in mental toughness. Technical ability can also be superficial, it's not that simple and depends on the person.

Anonymous No. 125816

ollieng high is a different technique than a normal ollie tbqh. it's more like doing a late ollie than anything
it is by definition more tech because very few people can do it

Anonymous No. 125817

That's been obvious since Braille built a vert ramp

Anonymous No. 125819

whats the default durometer on indy 144 bushings? someone commented that my trucks are too loose but the bolt is already tight any tighter will tear into the bushing.

Anonymous No. 125820

90a. Indy sells replacement 88a and 78a bushings if you want. You can also remove the bottom washer and/or superglue the nut to the kingpin if you want to ride looser.

Anonymous No. 125821

Unless someone knows otherwise I don't think they are. the construction is visually different than reds because the minilogo bearings have shields on both sides. They are very good though, not knocking them.

Anonymous No. 125823

Pretty much, just like the boards are Powell without the branding and price tag
>the construction is visually different than reds
nigga they're reds.

Anonymous No. 125826

You just described Los Angeles in the early nineties. We werent on that gay jonah hill shit hanging out at a skate shop without actually skating. Every one i grew up with was bombing hills without pads before they ever learned how to properly ollie or bunnyhop their shit on boards bikes scooters and blades.

Anonymous No. 125842

Yes and apparently like 90% of bearings that are in the $10-20 range are all made by the same chink company and are all probably abec 1 because china has no obligation to actually follow abec guidelines and they can just write whatever they want on their bearings.

That's why I just pop the shields and spray my bearings with wd40 whenever I want to skate lmao. Right now I am riding spitfire burners, the shittest bearings I have ever rode

Anonymous No. 125859

abec really doesn't mean shit for skateboard bearings

Anonymous No. 125880

its like a lot of you guys dont understand how skateboarding actually works or anything. you just take words like style or technical and make them mean whatever you want them to.

Anonymous No. 125885

Are you guys planning on getting anything for black friday? I desperately need a new deck, ideally Ill get 2 for less than 80 dollars. Getting some new indys on sale would be tight even if I dont need them right now. No chance green dragon wheels will be on sale. Ussually end up buying 3 pairs of shoes from etnies or emerica but I dont really need them that bad this time.

Anonymous No. 125886

do you guys think any pros lurk these threads

Anonymous No. 125887

Uh GH bros?

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Anonymous No. 125888

sheesh anon you've been asleep at the wheel
FA still has a huge sale going so get in on that quick
primitive's already ended
the killing floor has 3 boards for 100
darkroom (bbs) has 3 boards for 80 right now

this site has pizza decks for $20 and a bunch of other cheap stuff

Anonymous No. 125889

Spanky deserves SOTY but unfortunately it will most likely go to Tj because zoom zooms are retarded

Anonymous No. 125890

my vote is louie, tyshawn already won soty in 2018 giving it to him again would be dumb

Anonymous No. 125891

Honestly it should either be tj Roger's or spanky and its obvious. If it goes to tyshawn then fuck soty I'll never pay attention to that shit ever agin

Anonymous No. 125893

I'd be ok with Louie winning.

>tj Roger's
Are you from the midwest lmao

Anonymous No. 125895

which Tj are you talking about?
do zoomers even know who tj rogers is?

Anonymous No. 125896

Louie had a good year but it's nothing compared to putting out 2 banger full length parts when you're 38, or beating cancer and putting out a banger part in the same year.

Anonymous No. 125897

if it goes to anyone on baker it should go to t funk

Anonymous No. 125898

Tfunk put out one part right? It was a good part but not soty worthy. Maybe trick of the year for the China banks gap.

Anonymous No. 125899

Coping tap dance extravaganza and x-games airs are definitely where it’s at bro. So much creativity and imagination. Who doesn’t like look at coping and concrete all day?

Anonymous No. 125901

That may be true abec 9 is going to last longer than abec 1, regardless of application, because it's engineered with tighter tolerances.

Anonymous No. 125902

insulting a black kang like tyshawn is racist af

Anonymous No. 125906

I've heard this from a couple of other people so it's not just me, but Indy bushing are fucking awful for some reason. Even the hardest grade ones fall to shit after a few days use. I've gone through two black sets and a yellow set without even tightening them too much (at most a single thread above the nut). They either wind up buckling entirely or, if it's a barrel shaped one, mashing out at the edge and getting cut up by the washer.

I switched to Bones and they've all held up MUCH better.

Maybe. I desperate want one of those new Zero decks but they ship to the UK and nowhere here or in Europe has them in stock :(

I'd be happy with Spanky but my money is on T Funk. He apparently has another part coming out soon, but the whole thing with the China Banks gap in it is fucking heavy.

Anonymous No. 125907

damn this fa sale is pretty fucking good

Anonymous No. 125909

He redid it because of gifted hater

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Anonymous No. 125912

Hold the fucking phone:

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Anonymous No. 125913


Anonymous No. 125914

damn thats crazy GH got him to redo it. it was needed tho

Anonymous No. 125915

gifted hater BTFO'd kek

Anonymous No. 125916

absolutely fucking dropped

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Anonymous No. 125917


Anonymous No. 125918

gh reacting to tj calling him a racist nigga

Anonymous No. 125919

90a is stock on every indy

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Anonymous No. 125920

gh is over. he's a laughing stock after this. well he was always a dweeby nerd but now it's over.

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Anonymous No. 125921

>gets dunked on mere hours after his video, has to apologise
>accidentally reveals he's a furry in the process

Anonymous No. 125922


Anonymous No. 125923

Dude it's fucking over for joa. This is it. He was finally on top of the skate world but he blew it. fuck. Just wait until slap hears about this

Anonymous No. 125924

this is alex jones watching tranny porn tier

Anonymous No. 125925

I keep seeing people mentioning Louie in the SOTY race but what actual “new” footage did he put out besides a spitfire part full of throwaway footage and that weekend clip in Santa Barbara? Dudes incredibly talented and has great style but nobody else is matching T-Funk/Tyshawn/or the underdog Jeff Carlyle IMO. These three dudes have been going off the entire year putting out footage that is actually worth the SOTY praise. Lots of great shit coming out but these three are a mile a head of other people out rn

this is so fucking insane. I honestly don’t even like his style that much but anyone hating on this kind of effort is a loser

Anonymous No. 125926

No I've had both minilogo are definitely worse

Anonymous No. 125928

>Just wait until slap hears about this
you people are beyond retarded sometimes i swear

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Anonymous No. 125929

ohhh no no no no no no

Anonymous No. 125930


Anonymous No. 125931

not him but a lot of people, Joa included, heavily post on/lurk slap. if word got out this dude is just some bitch made furry loser, it would probably tank his entire """career""". for as pozzed as the world currently is, furries are still on the table as almost something universally hated by people all over. it would be funny to see this dude fade into irrelevancy because a bunch of people found out he runs around in fur suits on the weekends

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Anonymous No. 125932

Are you joking? It's a running gag lol

Anonymous No. 125936

>it's just a prank!
Ok Joa

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Anonymous No. 125939


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Anonymous No. 125942

the fact he has so much furry art saved as a "joke", and you keeping tabs on all of these instances so you can post these "funny jokes" on demand says a lot about the both of you, tbqh senpai

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Anonymous No. 125944

Just bought these badboys. Heading down the local park right now to try em' out. What can I expect?

Anonymous No. 125945

Me inseminating your bussy

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Anonymous No. 125946


Anonymous No. 125949

furry jokes...lack taste

Anonymous No. 125951

Good to know. I need to try them again

Anonymous No. 125957

It's luck of the draw with any bearings these days. They're all chink shit. I'm over it

Anonymous No. 125958

Should i just pucker up and buy bones swiss?

Anonymous No. 125962

I wouldn't. I bought some recently after only buying reds for a long time and didn't notice any difference. The only difference is my wheels spun longer when I rotated them with my hand but I didn't notice any difference in speed when riding my skateboard.

Anonymous No. 125963

If you only want to clean your bearings once a year

Anonymous No. 125968

does anyone besides 5boro make 7.75s that are 32 in length?
knotted hater

Anonymous No. 125970

>I-I installed two furry apps and keep a folder of images as a joke....yeah....

Fuck off Joa. Your "apology" video was also a big bag of cope, floating the idea that it was all a big ruse from Tyshawn to get people to do promotional work for him instead of just saying you were flat out wrong and that he did clear the table. Yiff in hell.

Anonymous No. 125971

GH made a good point in that clip analysis and I don't think he would've done the video if he didn't think Tyshawn was capable of publishing a second angle but if you think anyone actually believes Tyshawn put that out to get GH to make a video you've been on the internet too long

Anonymous No. 125972

> if you think anyone actually believes Tyshawn put that out to get GH to make a video you've been on the internet too long

Tell GH that.
>but he said he doesn't believe that was the case after going on about it for 2 minutes
Then why say it at all? All he had to do was a 10 second video saying "oops, I was proven totally wrong, sorry, my bad, doesn't even matter what that original angle looks like now, no arguments left to make"

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Anonymous No. 125974

This doesn't count

Anonymous No. 125975

are you dense? it's a joke

Anonymous No. 125976

omg dude nobody needs a CSI breakdown to clearly see why the first ollie clip was flawed, and Tyshawn was clearly able to do the trick from the first clip. GH making such a detailed breakdown of that, although he makes a good point is comedic in nature as was his 'apology' video. Stop trying to fight me please.

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Anonymous No. 125978

new deck

Anonymous No. 125979

Yes it does, unless he heel/toe dragged.

Anonymous No. 125985

>Le cats
You'll probably get a lot of upvotes for this gay shit

Anonymous No. 125987

post your pizza board broke bitch

Anonymous No. 125991

Any SoCal bros trying to skate soon? I’m off til Monday and down to hang out with some anons.
I suck but I have fun

Anonymous No. 125992

Ventura anon here, where are you planning on skating? I'm skating Ojai Saturday morning with my literal boomer bowl bros

Anonymous No. 125993

I was trying frontside ollies on a small quarterpipe last night, it's actually easier than I remember. I wasn't trying to pop them though, just getting them like maybe 6 inches off the ground. On a few I got them above coping. Fun trick, I'm going to keep practicing them, maybe one day I'll be able to do them in big steep transition

Anonymous No. 125996

Kind of anywhere honestly, outside of Thanksgiving I’m kind of up to go to some parks I’ve never been to before

Anonymous No. 126002

reminder to skate those forbidden spots tomorrow night because everything is going to be closed

Anonymous No. 126003

Scared of getting shot.

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Anonymous No. 126004

bang bang

Anonymous No. 126005

Looks like a dude.

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Anonymous No. 126029

What's the single best sound in skateboarding?

Anonymous No. 126030

Rolling on red brick

Anonymous No. 126032


Anonymous No. 126033

coping grinding

Anonymous No. 126037


Anonymous No. 126040

Thrashers has embraced a lot of globo homo corporate faggot shit since Phelps death.

Do you guys think he was killed? His death was random and no one was really talking about it. His influence was huge over the whole scene and now the dude who took over is taking it down the globohomo woke faggot route. Phelps surely would have pushed back.

Anonymous No. 126044

>His death was random
ah yes, the very "random" death of a junkie who couldn't get clean if his life depended on. Looks like Van Wastell got the last laugh

Anonymous No. 126045

>new element vid

Anonymous No. 126047

It's the sound of grinding pool coping, 100%

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smith grind pocket.webm

Anonymous No. 126049


Anonymous No. 126054

Nice helmet you dork

Anonymous No. 126056


and come here occasionally

Do you guys ever post in CBT?

Anonymous No. 126058

Post clip

Anonymous No. 126059

>posting your body for a bunch of other men to look at
I seriously hope you dont do this, you faggot

Anonymous No. 126060

>Nice helmet you dork
>goes out to his driveway and practices stationary ollies

Anonymous No. 126063

/fit/bros what is your routine? skating is my only exercise and I'm looking pretty mid it's not good

Anonymous No. 126064

I do, you can see me in the CBT right now

Been hitting the gym pretty hard lately, mostly with PPL and progressive overload trying to get my squat and bench up because I've plateaued. Also trying to eat more cuz I'm 170

Anonymous No. 126069

When someone lands bolts. You know even if you weren't looking.

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Anonymous No. 126076

Rails or coping that resonate when you hit them and ring out with that SCHWING noise after you grind them.

Anonymous No. 126086

>His death was random
is that what we're calling overdoses these days

Anonymous No. 126090

Seems like you're jealous he's got something to protect

Anonymous No. 126100

i really like my set of Super Swiss 6, they are better than swiss and only like 3 dollars more

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Anonymous No. 126102

is dime drip or cringe

Anonymous No. 126105

i thought they were cool in 2016-2017, i don't think i'd buy their actual clothes now but they have cool accessories sometimes, beanies, candles etc. but I'm going to rate them cringe because the only people i know that wear dime irl, are both lame as fuck

Anonymous No. 126117

TH update

Anonymous No. 126119

Its okay, you're allowed to be poor.

Anonymous No. 126122

You can and nobody cares but WD40 isn't a lubricant.

Anonymous No. 126124

people who actually buy (((skate)))) clothes are insane
I'm not paying 96$ for a fucking sweatshirt just because it has Dime on it

Anonymous No. 126128

I actually just got given this set of bones super reds this morning by my boomer friend who works for Powell. So they're probably not as good as swiss but hopefully they will keep me rolling for a little while

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Anonymous No. 126129

Pic, not that anyone cares

Anonymous No. 126130

Push ups, sit ups, squats daily + yoga
I only go to maybe 75% max then stop and stretch it out. Allows me to stay fit and skate hard.

Anonymous No. 126131

Why are you guys obsessed with swiss? They're literally a meme. Snake oil. You don't need anything more than reds. And I say that so you support a skate brand. Realistically you can just get bearings from a hardware store. It's the same thing.

Anonymous No. 126132

Black friday and I might actually splurge
Considering new deck, bearings, wheels, shoes (and bolts). Will set up a second deck with my older shit. Currently umming and ahhing about what sizes I want.
Anyone use Indy 144s on an 8.5?

Anonymous No. 126133

>Anyone use Indy 144s on an 8.5?

Yeah retards do. You can, but you should just stick to 8.25, or get new trucks.

Anonymous No. 126134

Most of the older skaters i roll with buy swiss and they like them. Seems to me that they are maybe slightly better than regular bearings but not worth paying triple the price. The older guys probably just have the expendable cash to throw at swiss bearings.

Also if you are skating street it's probably less important than if you are skating a bowl. When you skate a bowl with shitty bearings it really sucks because you have to work twice as hard to get speed and then you have less energy to actually do tricks.

Anonymous No. 126142

Ventura anon here. Boomer desert bro are you in lancaster or the valley this holiday? I know you said you go between the two or something. Anyway if you're in the valley and are up for skating somewhere new i would be down to skate westlake park tomorrow if you want to meet halfway. It's a small park but it has a little bit of everything - small bowl and then some basic street obstacles.

Anonymous No. 126145

>And I say that so you support a skate brand
powell makes both of them...

Anonymous No. 126146

What does that have to do with what I said?

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Anonymous No. 126153

Fucking sucks that he has to get surgery again. I don't know if I should admire his eagerness or shake my head at how retarded it was to try and get back to skating so fast in his 50s.

Anonymous No. 126157

I've been skating Super Reds for probably 8 months in London (dirty and wet as fuck), cleaned them once or twice, No issues so far. I'd be tempted to try Swiss some time because I've rusted bearings out plenty, but it's a steep price for something that I'm not sure is worth it.

Anonymous No. 126158

I have so much love and respect for Tony Hawk. I read his autobiography 20 years ago as a kid and how he was bullied etc coming up. That gave me the confidence to stay true to myself as a weird autistic skater kid and stuck with me ever since. But he was so stupid in his recovery that it was painful to watch. Especially after I just came off a long injury where I made a lot of the mistakes he did.

Anonymous No. 126159

I bought an 8.375 because I'm only semi retarded

Anonymous No. 126160

>skating with 6 other randoms
>good sesh, people are going for new tricks
>one guy is doing kooky layback stuff, looks like he doesn't take skating seriously and just wants to dick around on his board
>seems chill
>starts going for a weird as fuck back board on a manny pad
>starts going full Kerry Getz after the 10th try
>finally lands it, isn't happy
>harshing everyone's buzz
>does this for two other tricks
>....actually winds up landing some insane gnar shit and a first for the park because of it

Hate to see it. Why do people get THAT fucking mad at skating? At most I'll shout "fuck" when I miss a new trick and then just laugh at myself.
>does this process for

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 126164

The 4chan mods are gaining energy and aren't deleting this post.

A bunch of demons are trying to send people to hell in this place. A group of absolute legends are trying to stop them.

Easy to prove what I say, just saying the following line out loud or in your head:

"My aura is altering all aspects of my being to emit infinite -% energies of an innocuous (not evil) nature into the world."

For More Information: v s f j W 1 s

Just remove the spaces.

My name is Clay Cobb
I live in Santa Fe, NM
My mother works for Los Alamos

I am a diaspora Jew living amongst the White Gentile population.

I am seeking protection from world instability from any entity who can provide it.

I am especially interested in the Chinese, Japanese, Israeli, or Russian foreign governments.

Anonymous No. 126166

People like that are such clowns but at least it's entertainment. I always want to see how far they'll take it, like if they'll focus their deck or something.

Anonymous No. 126171

>Why do people get THAT fucking mad at skating?
Because they are unhappy in general and emotionally immature lol

Anonymous No. 126178

Citizen King - Better Days


8stops7 - Satisfied

Anonymous No. 126182

I got cranky a few months when I couldn't land a trick I can usually land. I tried and tried and got more and more upset. Eventually I punched a 7 yr old to cool down.

Anonymous No. 126183

100 percent based

Anonymous No. 126187

>wearing brandname anything
If you’re not buying storebrand discount shit for like $7, you’re doing it wrong

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Anonymous No. 126190

>summer 2021
>it's a beautiful day for skating
>show up to the park at midday
>it's the most packed I have ever seen it
>fucking summer holidays
>no space to put my bag somewhere safe
>put it down near a pile of other stuff where some teens have set up camp
>they vibe me hard
>ignore it
>today I need to focus on nailing my first ollie
>stand around waiting for an opening so I can try my first attempt
>fucking scooter kids whizzing around everywhere, everyone snaking everyone, chaos
>remember reading that in these times you have to be bold and assertive otherwise you'll never have your turn
>do a fat mongo push into the middle of the park
>several kids have to swerve out of my way
>someone says 'move cunt' as they skate past
>do a quick manny to show i mean business
>half a second hold, new record
>today is a good day
>reach the center and start crouching for the ollie
>wiggle my foot to find the right spot
>do this for about 30 seconds
>pop the hardest I have ever tried
>forgot to jump
>too much weight on the back foot
>leaning back too much
>slip out and land hard on my back knocking all the wind out of me
>make an audible OOF noise
>my board is MIA
>my helmet popped off and hit a scooter kids ankle
>he is screaming crying
>all the kids are fucking howling with laughter
>time to go
>go to grab my bag
>it's been opened and all the spare pads have been strewn across the park
>the bag is in a puddle and looks empty - all my spare wheels and hardware gone
>the teens are still vibing me
>my board is nowhere to be seen
>everyone is still either laughing about me or going back to skating
>make my way to the exit
>my helmet is still on the floor
>I try to punt it so that it lands in the group of teens that vibed me
>misjudge the angle and kick the floor more than the hemlet
>hear a click
>scream in pain
>laughing intensifies
>someone yells 'yeewwwww!'
>hobble back to my car and cry for 15 minutes

What's the worst you have ever been humiliated, bros?

Anonymous No. 126191


Honestly, it was probably the time I was just skating down the street, hit a crack that stopped me, and did a full on pancake right at the feet of a guy smoking, right by a restaurant. I just shrugged, shook my head and kept going.

Anonymous No. 126192

I did this once in a foreign country with just my coffee. Some guy said something to me in Spanish but I have no idea what it was.

Anonymous No. 126196

>got the CAWFEEEHS time to fuckin-

Anonymous No. 126220

Decks are being btfo everywhere at around 30 dollars. The black friday sales are crazy. If these idiot board companies didn't pull that pandemic memery they wouldn't be in this mess.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 126230

Local had a 15% off dlx sale so I got a new deck and I also got a new pair of the GOAT shoe from Zumiez because none of the actual skate shops around here sell adidas

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Anonymous No. 126232

Local had a 15% off dlx sale so I got a new deck and I also got a new pair of the GOAT shoe from Zumiez because none of the actual skate shops around here sell adidas

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Anonymous No. 126242

i love this shit

Anonymous No. 126244

>he got the bum logo instead of the classic logo

What a waste of a board.

Anonymous No. 126245

It'll be gone within a week. It's the right size and it's not a popsicle shape and that's what matters to me

Anonymous No. 126250

What shape is that?

Anonymous No. 126251

>at skatepark practicing smith grinds in bowl
>some zoomer is watching me
>i get out of bowl and he comes up and goes 'was that a frontside smith grind?'
>i'm like 'yeah'
>he goes 'can you do them on the ledge?'
>i laugh and say i don't even think i can ollie high enough to get on top of the ledge
>he snorts and skates off

The same kid can't even 50 stall on the 4ft mini ramp, the audacity of these zoomers bros

Anonymous No. 126253

How come you guys are always getting bullied :\

Anonymous No. 126256

he was in the right here, I already tried to warn you about smiths in transition bro.

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Anonymous No. 126260

New Deedz

Anonymous No. 126261

That goofy ass shape AH does with anything over 8.5 (that doesnt say grosso on it)

Anonymous No. 126274

People really say 50 stall?

Anonymous No. 126287


Anonymous No. 126293

your rug looks gay

Anonymous No. 126295

Smaller nose than tail, i think some people refer to it as a pool shape

Anonymous No. 126299

Great spot selection/finds. the spot at 1:56 is one of the best spots I've seen in a while

Anonymous No. 126302

i get the deedz hype now

Anonymous No. 126338

definitely don't give a fuck about some eurofag str**t skater

Anonymous No. 126371

>I don't like skateboarding

Yeah we can tell.

Anonymous No. 126374

I do, but then some people call them axel stalls or rail stalls.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 126377

Planks helped with manuals.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 126379

So you failed and as a result of your failure, you quit and gave up, ran away crying, blaming everyone else for your failure. But rather, you chose to victimize yourself, creating a bigger problem because you quit and succumbed to the satanic lies that whispered in your ear. "You're fat, ugly and suck, go home".

Your only failure was not getting back up to try again. God loves you.

Anonymous No. 126382

had a dream i was living in a van with a skate gf that had the body of dani but was white and pretty

Anonymous No. 126383

Vibed. What is this new word? Is it when you misinterpret the language of someone else? Because if you never cared about what other people are doing, or saying, then it's impossible to get Vibed. Unless my definition is incorrect.

I went to the skatepark today. Nobody was there. So I was not Vibed. So because I was not seen or heard, and because I could not see or hear anyone else. It was impossible to experience vibes.

It was peaceful.

Anonymous No. 126384

cool, good for you man but why are we still talking about this

Anonymous No. 126385

Vibed has been said 12 times in this thread. So I needed to ask. Why are you busting my curiosity, bra?

Anonymous No. 126392

>i'm so fuckin cool i just wear headphones and don't talk to anybody at the park and i have no friends to skate with but that's fine because no one vibes me either

Blah blah blah shut up cunt

Anonymous No. 126415

I've heard Salba, a man just short of 60, use the term "vibed". It's not new.

Anonymous No. 126425

This thread is vibing me out rn frfr

Anonymous No. 126426

>Vibed. What is this new word?
are you retarded or something

Anonymous No. 126427

It's just how women used to speak and zoomies are giant betas so they now talk like them. Watch the movie Mean Girls for more insight on the zoomers mind.

Anonymous No. 126430

how retarded are you?

Anonymous No. 126433

Don't vibe me bro

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Anonymous No. 126437

Every time you guys post you just out yourselves as someone that doesn't actually skate

Anonymous No. 126439

I just skated for 3 hours

Anonymous No. 126447

I'm a type r.

Anonymous No. 126455

Fell face first into a fence today after about 5 minutes of skating. Cut my eyebrow open. It's always the dumb shit that gets me injured.

Anonymous No. 126459

how do i ollie

Anonymous No. 126460

i dont know

Anonymous No. 126462

pop the tail and roll away clean

Anonymous No. 126464

I know this makes me a bad person but i can't fuck with watching disabled people skate. Like thrasher just put out that part of the midget skating and it just makes me uncomfortable. There's a local park i sometimes go to and one of the dudes who skates there has that condition where your torso is like really small and you have no neck and he is actually pretty good at skating but I don't like watching him skate because it makes me uncomfortable.

Anonymous No. 126466

Anonymous No. 126467

This mother fucker gave me nightmares as a kid. Now he's putting out parts and doing the loop and shit. It's disturbing.

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Anonymous No. 126468


Anonymous No. 126469

I wish I could get pleated pants like that. He's also spitting facts too.

Anonymous No. 126473


Anonymous No. 126474

It makes me uncomfortable and i'm not sure why. Almost like an instinctual reaction from my ancestors who would have left them to die on mountains as babies

Anonymous No. 126479

It's not uncommon.

Anonymous No. 126481

what's not uncommon?

Anonymous No. 126482

So all people who can't walk are babies? Okay

Anonymous No. 126486

Our ancestors took care of the disabled and injured, but okay. I think that's a weird reaction to have. I can get looking at someone who is particularly disabled and skating and getting worried that they're going to REALLY hurt themselves, but if they're able to actually shred then they obviously have it figured out.

What about people with, idk, more aesthetic disabilities like Lefty or those blind guys? Do they freak you out too?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 126487

peewee from jackass desensitized me to midgets. It’s the paraplegics I feel sad watching.

Anonymous No. 126488

Blind people don't make me uncomfortable, but Lefty definitely does.

Anonymous No. 126489

wee man from jackass desensitized me to midgets. It’s the paraplegics I feel sad watching.

Anonymous No. 126490

>Our ancestors took care of the disabled and injured
Whose ancestors? I am referring to europeans. Before modern medicine it was probably more humane to just let them die than it was to keep them alive

Anonymous No. 126492

>aesthetic disabilities
People who wear shorts or bitch niggas with no swag?

Anonymous No. 126493

lmao ali g

Anonymous No. 126494

>but okay
Mhmm you tell me sista! Back in wakanda we cured all disabilities.

Anonymous No. 126498

was skating with the local ripper today and i kept not committing to a certain trick and he kept pushing me to do it and after like 20 tries of me not really committing i felt like he was almost disgusted in me

Anonymous No. 126505

>save webms from wsg
>make edits for the boys

Anonymous No. 126507

why does skating prefab parks as an adult feel so humiliating? they are fun but they feel like a space for children and tweens.

Anonymous No. 126508

is that you anon? nice andy Anderson board!

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Anonymous No. 126509

nope my m8 tiller. dude is rad.

Anonymous No. 126510


Anonymous No. 126511


Anonymous No. 126516

Why does skating prefab parks as an adult feel so rewarding and challenging? They are fun but they feel like a gym for anyone who needs it.

Anonymous No. 126517

I feel like this everytime I skate around people you can tell I’ve been skating for years cause I’m comfy on my board, I always look like I’m gearing up to do something big and it’ll be like the weakest Ollie ever kek

Anonymous No. 126518


🗑️ Anonymous No. 126526

Because he exhausted himself trying to hype you up and you never got hyped up to commit so his effort was wasted.

This is why I can't skate around people. If someone is committed I usually stay the fuck away from them. I've seen people lose focus because people all start filming or staring lol

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Anonymous No. 126529

>friend that live 10 mins away wants to go to skatepark thats 1.2 hrs away to practice flat ground only

Anonymous No. 126530


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Anonymous No. 126531

I'm that guy. That one time I drove 2.5 hours to land a fs heel on a 3 stair. Then I drove 1.5 hours to ollie into the deep end of a pool. Then 3 hours to get some bitches but more importantly do a slappy bs noseslide on this baby down ledge. Then I drove 5 hours back home to post on 4chan.

Anonymous No. 126537

tips on commitment? anyone.

Anonymous No. 126539

bro i WISH i had anything to say. not committing is the single biggest issue that keeps me from turning into an actual good skateboarder

Anonymous No. 126542

Stop being a pussy is the #1 tip, but also don't force yourself to do tricks you don't understand.

Anonymous No. 126546

You are old as fuck. No one gives a fuck. Send your 3 stair incel.

Anonymous No. 126547

>also don't force yourself to do tricks you don't understand
good tip sometimes i get ahead of myself cause i land a trick before on accident and think i can do it but don't understand it at all
what? i want to learn ledge tricks, not skate stairs

Anonymous No. 126548

stop thinking and stop being so nervous. this is why so many pros smoke crack. its not a meme.

Anonymous No. 126549

a lot of my friends smoke weed during the sesh and skate perfectly fine if not better...not sure if that would help me commit but i may give it a try

Anonymous No. 126554


>Often dismissed as primitive brutes, Neanderthals could be altruistic and social, a study suggests. Analysis of the 50,000-year-old remains of a severely disabled one, named Shanidar 1, shows that he survived into old age thanks to the help of other Neanderthals.

>Shanidar 1 was deaf, blind, missing his right arm from the elbow and had a severe limp. His remains were found at the Shanidar Cave in Iraqi Kurdistan in 1957 but a new analysis has just been published in the journal Plos One.

There are multiple skeletons of old humans and hominids that showcased disabilities and they weren't always rich. Living to old age means their community took care of them. If a member of your family or a close friend was disabled, you'd naturally want to take care of them. The only times people think it's better for society that they are left to die or are just killed outright are when nobody has any sort of bond to them (eg; some government apparatus).

Anyway, skating is full of older guys who fucked themselves up to the point they can't skate any more or can only skate to a reduced degree and I think it'd be super shitty to leave them behind, so I don't think it's any more justified to leave someone born with a disability behind.

Nyjhosis is a serious illness, you shouldn't make fun of it.

Anonymous No. 126556

Learn every single thing you can that relates to a trick so that the scary unknown factor that makes you not commit is as small as possible.

>want to drop in
>too scared
>learn to pump on the ramp
>ride it fakie
>do this until you're reaching the top of the ramp where your wheels will connect once you actually put your board down
>ride different ramps with different transitions and materials so you can adjust for each one without thinking
>ride your skateboard around fast, learn how to run out
>"drop in" on smaller shit like curbs, small hills, banks, etc
>practice all of your pivots and manuals so you can get in and out of those poses without thinking
>now dropping in is a fraction of a second where your front two wheels need to touch the ramp

Same for any kind of trick really. You do the stuff you're familiar and comfortable with but try to expand it out to be faster, bigger, etc. And then master all the non-trick skills like cavemans, riding switch/fakie, throwdowns, riding off curbs, that thing where you put the board upside down with your feet underneath and flip it and jump on top at the same time. Do the tricks you already have on lock and see if there's one similar to the new one you're trying to land.

Then lastly you should try filming yourself in case there's some motion you're doing that's fucking you up without realising. It only clicked to me the other day that I was throwing my shoulder around too early to get properly locked into a stall I was trying even though I was technically doing the correction steps. I would have figured that out sooner if I had someone film me.

Anonymous No. 126578

>angsty faggot
>calls someone incel
Tell us more about your sexual frustrations young lad

Anonymous No. 126594

okay boomer. cant wait to see you post about getting mogged by my nephews ho at the skatepark

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Anonymous No. 126605

>okay boomer
>mogged by my nephews ho
Do you skate? I'm gonna go skate.

Anonymous No. 126640

where's the anime footage from?

Anonymous No. 126644


Anonymous No. 126651

practice building up to the trick you want to do, and then you'll be more confident to do it. Don't jump into the trick right away, make sure you're in the zone first and then send it

Anonymous No. 126655

I put bones bushings on my indy trucks and they feel amazing. Definitely lowered the truck height too.

Anonymous No. 126667

The only thing that works for me is doing the trick on progressively bigger ramps, like starting on a 2ft quarterpipe, then 3ft, 4ft, and so on. For ledges it could be starting at curbs and working your way up. It usually means driving around to a lot of different spots if your local isn't very varied but yeah this is the only thing that works for me.

Anonymous No. 126708

I love the how anime and films think that skating somehow makes you faster and more mobile in a foot chase when there are hundreds of videos skaters picking up their boards and running from security guards.

Looks fuckin' cool though:

Imagine being chased by someone and doing a fucking BS nose grind to fakie 50 down a narrow handrail instead of just running down the steps.

Anonymous No. 126744

Fucking zoomer whores vibed me again

Anonymous No. 126777

Reminds me of that video from a few years ago

>Few lads skating at night
>Car drives by
>Not sure what happens but the "chico locos" get out the car and start dabbing on the skaters
>Bit of a fight breaks out
>One of the Mexcians pulls out a gun and threatens to shoot them
>One of the skaters hits him with his board and he drops the gun
>Skate picks the gun up
>Mexicans start begging for their lives

Equal parts disturbing and top kek.
I'm sure there's a really awkward part when the skater has the gun and is trying to tell them to leave and be intimidating but he's only about 14 so it doesn't really work too well.

Anonymous No. 126800

Fucken based

Anonymous No. 126900







Anonymous No. 129533

What the hell >>126900