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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General:

Anonymous No. 124878

>Skill Issue Edition

Basic brand information for beginners:
> (embed)
Shoe reviews:
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Old thread: >>123829

Anonymous No. 124880

soty predictions?
My money's on tfunk. he's got the street cred.

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Anonymous No. 124881

here's another action shot for you boys to start the thread off high octane

Anonymous No. 124884

skateboarding videogames have really given non-skaters a terrible perception of what is actually possible/impressive on a real life skateboard

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Anonymous No. 124886

is this trick i thought up possible? basically using the tail and nose friction to slow my descent.

Anonymous No. 124889


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Anonymous No. 124893

Has anyone pulled off webm related irl? I think one of the youtube skaters did it once, but I can't remember which one.

Anonymous No. 124894

was his skate movie any good?

Anonymous No. 124895

It bothers me that there are "people" who unironically say this guy is /fa/.

Anonymous No. 124904

what would be the benefits of having your feet stuck on the deck?

Anonymous No. 124905

+1 for T Funk. For that China Banks transfer alone. New part soon too.

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Anonymous No. 124906


Anonymous No. 124907

Lazy airs. I mean yeah it would be pointless for plaza style parks but I guess it would make getting decent air on transition much less of an advanced trick.

Idk you could use magnets instead or something to let you bail and push.

Anonymous No. 124908

Man, I'm not sure you've ever actually tried to get air at all. Even with magnets or any other type of thing to fix your feet to a board it would be a mess:
>stuck in one stance the whole time, can't properly shift weight to the nose or tail for basically any kind of stall
>many grabs would also be super fucking hard because you have to bend into uncomfortable positions to reach the spot you want. Even a nose grab would put your ankle under pressure or put you in a bad position for landing
>ollies are also super hard because you can't kick the nose properly and do that levering motion. You're basically locked into early grabs, only with your feet instead of just your hands
>flip tricks also impossible
>rotations are way harder because you're locked into a board that's a fraction of the size of a snowboard without the ability to fully shift weight and foot position
>one footed graps like judos are also impossible

There's a reason people don't do it beyond for the lulz. Just do the experiment yourself; duct tape your feet to a board and see how much harder it is to do 90% of your basic manoeuvres.

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Anonymous No. 124911

>watch Nyjah's new video
>undeniably burly rails and tricks to go with them
>can't enjoy it because you either have to see him in shorts so short they threaten you with seeing his balls, or fucking leggings tucked into his socks
>and lots of obnoxious done shots zipping along for no real reason that make it harder to take in what you're looking at

Can someone get this guy some god damn pants already? He invented a new child molester look and just will not move on from it. Once he starts to look remotely old he'll have people calling the cops on him for hanging around schools dressed like that.

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Anonymous No. 124912

The filming was disorientating. Ty Evans should be banned forever.

Anonymous No. 124913

The editing was shit too. No buildup to anything. No good b roll. May as well have just watched SLS.

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Orange Man for Kr....webm

Anonymous No. 124915

It works.

Anonymous No. 124917

How did you even find this you absolute dog?

Anonymous No. 124918

I watch many skate videos and think about tricks all day

Anonymous No. 124919

>tfw watch many skate videos too except I forget what I saw within 20 minutes of having seen any video

Anonymous No. 124920

Yeah it depends on the video. I can watch Flip Sorry in my head

Anonymous No. 124921

if those stupid fucking shoes I bought from the thrift store suck why do I even need skate shoes to begin with, i've just been skating with a pair of slip on shoes whenever I skate and i've heard people say shoes make a big difference so whats the fucking point?

Anonymous No. 124922

For you it doesn't matter because you just ride your board around.

Anonymous No. 124923

it doesnt matter for you like the other anon said, you dont know what youre doing

Anonymous No. 124924

Ragdoll could skate with slip ons lol
Shoes are overrated, just skate barefoot like Jamie Thomas!

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Anonymous No. 124927


Anonymous No. 124928

im gonna start practicing ollieing up curbs I want to get better im just gonna not worry about shoes then since it doesnt seem to matter at my skill level

Anonymous No. 124929

Your shoes will rip fast trying to learn ollies. It's part of the game though regardless.

Anonymous No. 124930

I already know how to ollie just not good at doing it without thinking

Anonymous No. 124931

Ok cool but I didn't ask though.

Anonymous No. 124932

what did you have for lunch today?

Anonymous No. 124933


Anonymous No. 124936

maybe thats why you're so grumpy, I had 3 eggs, spam and toast

Anonymous No. 124937

I'm grumpy because I can't skate anymore and I also want to die. Spam is disgusting.

Anonymous No. 124938

try cooking it, i didnt like spam until I pan fried it
also why can't you skate your shoes suck?

Anonymous No. 124939

No the fuck I got injured. Imagine being stopped by your shoes.

Anonymous No. 124940

what kinda injury? hope you recover fast, they give you norco or pain pills for it?

Anonymous No. 124941
Sick new jenkem video

Anonymous No. 124942

No it's my knee. I'm that guy. It's been fully over ever since then.

Anonymous No. 124946

I know someone who worked on the set building props. He said he had to set up like over 100 decks while filming the movie lmao. And he said jonah hill and Mikey alfred are pieces of shit who know nothing about skateboarding

Anonymous No. 124949

There was some shoes in the 90s with holes in the bottom and some plastic thing you screwed onto your board. I thought it was called lox shoes but google gives me nothing. They were pretty dumb.

Anonymous No. 124950

You're such a kook

Anonymous No. 124951

>raining every day for over a week
>only dry spot is a multi car park
>gangs of teenagers drink there
I love the UK

Anonymous No. 124952

I know it sounds cringe saying this but I promise you you say that to me irl you're losing teeth. I'm just being 100% honest.

Anonymous No. 124956

sick, love getting on a dirt board when theres one around

Anonymous No. 124958

ESG: Where people who don't skate go to talk about lunch

Anonymous No. 124959

Can you faggots stop arguing about mundane shit and post some clips im tired of only seeing flat ground heelflips and a middle aged father skate here.
I know what you're thinking.
>you first
well i fucking suck ass at skateboarding and all these threads do is motivate me to argue about wheels and shoes when im at the skatepark.

Anonymous No. 124960

I had a a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch.

Anonymous No. 124961

You first.

Anonymous No. 124962

eat my shit

Anonymous No. 124963

watch a fucking skate vid faggot

Anonymous No. 124964

Kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 124967

grumpy posters didn't eat lunch today

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absolutely halal.jpg

Anonymous No. 124968


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suburban skating.jpg

Anonymous No. 124969

>have a skate sesh
>then a beer afterwards

Sounds like a good deal.

Anonymous No. 124972

I’d kick your leg and you’d spend the next decade crying about it

Anonymous No. 124973

You just shat all over the only people who do post clips, and you admit you suck.. Why dig that hole?

Anonymous No. 124978

You'd be snoozing on the ground knocked out before you even tried.

Anonymous No. 124982


Anonymous No. 124983

I'll try get some clips tonight. I'm gonna skate the bowl.

Anonymous No. 124984

holy fuck dude actually shut up

Anonymous No. 124986


the filming was so shit i would have assumed it was filmed by some kind of normie action sports production team and not anyone that actually skates, fucking lines behind bushes where you cant even see what he's doing kek. other than that I'm glad he didn't waste his time skating dumb shit like stairs and gaps and gave us what we came for (rail chompin) but man his trick selection is such a waste of his potential.

Anonymous No. 124988

lmao shut the fuck up faggot you can't even chase after someone without your knees exploding. stop acting hard and stop shitting up these threads with shit nobody cares about loser. if you spent as much time actually trying to heal your knee as you do crying about it in here you'd be out skating again.

Anonymous No. 124990

I'm really bummed to see all this arguing. Wtf are you okay?

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Anonymous No. 124993

shut the fuck up i'll knock your teeth out i'm the best skater in here but i haven't ever skated because i broke my hymen on my way to get my disability check and whatever OC you post here is shit I drive a Nissan and ate 3 bags of Doritos for lunch today

Anonymous No. 124997

anyone have an opinion on dwindle decks? shop by me has a really nice zero deck i want to get but i don't want to buy something imma snap in 2 weeks.

part of me also is also just nostalgic.

Anonymous No. 124999

holy shit dude you really need help lol. how are you gonna sit on the internet all day and fucking antagonize random kids on the internet.

you're a pathetic loser and you always were, even when you could skate.

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Anonymous No. 125008

Zoomer girls vibed me again

I think one of them is getting fucked by a local ripper so now they think they are hot shit and they own the park

Anonymous No. 125009

How do you vibe someone? It's a vibe or be-vibed world out here in california bros

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Anonymous No. 125010

all the zoomer girls at my local are cute and mind their business.
sounds like a skill issue, stop being an autist

Anonymous No. 125011

wtf is being vibed?

Anonymous No. 125012

I'm one of the few people in this thread who can actually skate

Anonymous No. 125013

People being unfriendly in a passive aggressive way. Standard california shit

Anonymous No. 125015

I can skate too but don’t have the autism you do where teenage girls hanging out and having fun is giving me weird vibes.

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Anonymous No. 125016

check'd and correct
you're probably right
just give the half-smile in their direction like you're disgusted by whatever they're doing but don't want to interact with them. Like they're a drunk homeless guy walking by and you're out with your family.
vibing is very real and very regional. the "mall kids" of yesteryear now hang out at skateparks it can get pretty annoying if you're just out trying to skate and mind your own.
Some of the worst offenders are kids who get pretty good but don't have anything else going on in their lives so they wind up being cringey gatekeepers. Kinda like a lot of the idiots posting in here. People get very territorial.

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Anonymous No. 125017

vibing is "real" if you let it be. I grew up moving around a lot as a kid/teen, and I've never gotten vibed out at a single skate park because I just show up to skate by myself and just don't really interact with anyone. throw some headphones in, don't really pay attention to anyone besides a head nod when dudes make eye contact and making sure you are spatially aware of where you/others are at so you don't run into anyone, and I can guarantee you that you will never get vibed out anywhere.

This dude is clearly some autist if hes talking about getting emotionally checked by a bunch of suburbanite 16 year old girls who either look like Poe Pinson or Nelly. Give me a fucking break, dude. How in your own head do you have to be to actually start thinking about who the local teenagers are fucking because they gave you a glare when you did your pussy as slash grind.

Anonymous No. 125021

Get cancer.

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Anonymous No. 125022


Anonymous No. 125024

i haven't been at a skatepark where there were any other people in probably over a decade but i do remember as a kid there were a lot of weird cliquey groups but girls didn't even really skate back then they were all ramp tramps who would sit on the funbox and smoke cigarettes all afternoon so if you're being vibed by some bitch who's actually skating that's an improvement imo. trying to learn to skate as a grown man surrounded by highschoolers probably feels awkward as fuck so i don't envy newfag anons. but also this is why you bitches should skate street spots because the only people who are gonna vibe you are cops and security jannies

Anonymous No. 125025

it's ironic because you're kinda vibing on him rn

Anonymous No. 125026

This one time at the park some 14 yr old kids took theirs shirts off and I started to feel a bit like Hunter Bidenesque. Did I get vibed?

Anonymous No. 125027

fat bill feels that vibe all the time

Anonymous No. 125028

I hate how bad people have become at filming action in general. Filmers have such a hard time just sitting the fuck still at the best, clearest angle they can find. I know this one martial artist/stunt person who can do the sickest shit ever but every time they get someone to film it, the guy is fucking swinging the camera around with every single hit and ends up obscuring the actually good stunt work.

I honestly don't know if I hate action-slide-and-drone-oversell filming or arbitrary-sub-SD-VX1000 filming more at this point.

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Anonymous No. 125029

Rule 14 is still in effect. Stop shitting up your own threads.

Anonymous No. 125031

This thread lacks dumb beginner questions about ollies, so here's one for you. I'm having trouble feeling like I'm going to slip out of my ollies when I go to pop, but mostly at indoor skateparks with smooth floors. Is this normal and something you have to get used to? I fucking hate the feel of it and it makes me second guess myself as I'm about to pop, then I flail like a retard because I'm expecting to slam.

Anonymous No. 125032

It used to happen to me when I was being a bitch. When I stopped being a bitch it stopped happening.

Anonymous No. 125033

Rule 10 is still in effect as well. You especially take note.

Anonymous No. 125034

Thanks, anon, I feel free now. I will not hesitate the next time.

Anonymous No. 125035

mm yea just do a million more you'll get it. surface friction shouldn't change your ollie if you're doing it right. Force should go STRAIGHT DOWN on the back foot- you're probably scooping it back or something. the front foot pulls the board forward only after it has left the ground. Practice more stationary then moving and bend your knees more and make sure your shoulders are straight is the general advice. sorry if this sounds 'hand wavey' but the truth is that you gotta just do it a million times more than you think until it becomes like natural. It's like learning to hold a pen kids you start out ham-fisted then eventually it's second nature. filming yourself and comparing it to a good one in slow motion might help

Anonymous No. 125036

Thanks, anon, makes sense to me. I've seen a lot of tutorials talk about how when you do moving ollies, you pop slightly away, so maybe I'm over exaggerating that and throwing myself off balance. I also have trouble with over popping, so I can't do small pops and ollies, I always have to go big because for some reason it feels safer, dunno why.

Anonymous No. 125037


I think it's possible to have something like this that works well but not with a regular skateboard and the baggage that comes with. whatever it would apply to would be fundamentally different

Anonymous No. 125041

skate boarding is for stupid people and its a waste of time. I dont care how many skate board flips you do or how far you can jump on your skate board. All this does is waste time, break bones, drain taxpayer money to build parks and ruin pavement.

Its not an XTREEEEME radical sport, its exTREEEMEly dumb

Anonymous No. 125042

>Hey, anon what are you gonna do after the sesh today?
>im gonna go home and post about skateboarding on the internet
>Oh cool like on slap?
>n-no fuck slap
>Fuck slap? what? Do you use reddit? My little brother is on there all the time, kinda has me worried
>n-n-nooo i dont use reddit its for liber-
>So where do you post then?
>Its a secret you wouldn-
>What are you gonna talk about, the newest alltimers vid?
>Im gonna complain about getting vibed by th-
>Whos vibing you? Everyone here rn is super nice, its mostly girls even how cool is that
>thats the prob-
>Well anyway I gtg gonna go smoke a joint with my gf and hit a bar with the homies, have fun posting!
>y-you too

Anonymous No. 125044

>Think about how I used to love THPS and all the nostalgia that comes with it
>remember thinking that skateboarding looked so cool and I really wanted to do it
>get a cheap random board
>start leaning ollies day 1 using a guide printed off the internet back in the days of dial up
>do this for a few months, taking my board with me wherever i went
>get made fun of by the 'real' skaters
>time to stop
>40 years later
>reignited passion for skateboard from lockdown boredom
>buy a proper deck, spits, thunders, reds
>watch 100's of youtube skaters tutorial videos
>never go out to actaully try any of it
>find /esg/
>post authoritively about various aspects of skating
>all recycled shit from e-celebs and nine club interviews
>no lived experience of any of it

I am 90% of the posts in these threads.

Anonymous No. 125045


Anonymous No. 125046

Yeah sure if you're a loser who can't talk to anyone anyway and just skates with his airpods in all the time you might not notice people trying to vibe you. I'm a normal person and can read social cues so I actually notice that stuff. Stop acting like you're too cool to get vibed you try hard lmao

Anonymous No. 125049

Probably not. Sounds like normal teen boys. Now if those same boys started glaring at you everytime they rolled in your direction, skating past you inappropriately close (almost shoulder checking you) or snaking you when you're waiting your turn to skate a ramp then yeah maybe you got vibed.

Like I don't give a shit if people don't wanna talk at the skatepark and just keep to themselves but vibing someone is just cringe. The crew that these chicks are probably getting passed around by are notorious for vibing everyone because they think they're a) really good and b) all upper middle class or rich kids that think they are hard because their local is a ghetto skatepark. For some reason they think skating at a ghetto spot somehow means they grew up rough or something lmao. Anyway these chicks were chill until they started following around that crew, now they vibe everyone. At the end of the day I don't even care they some Nelly impersonators vibe a grown man at a skatepark, I'm more just posting it here because it's cringe

Anonymous No. 125050

In the streets

Anonymous No. 125053

Imagine if a Nelly impersonator trying to shoulder check a grown man while skating past and they got knocked the fuck out

Anonymous No. 125055


Anonymous No. 125057


Anonymous No. 125060

Can't wait. Maybe we get November snow like last year

Anonymous No. 125061

Where would you rather live:
>a place where you get vibed by teenage nelly impersonators
>a place where it snows for 6 months of the year and you're lucky to skate flatground

Me? I choose the teenage vibe queens

Anonymous No. 125072

>I'm a normal person and can read social cues so I actually notice that stuff. Stop acting like you're too cool to get vibed you try hard lmao
If this isn’t the most cucked statement itt.
Holy fucking bitch made poser lmao. Keep your eyes on the board kiddo and maybe you’ll pop your tricks like a man someday.

Anonymous No. 125075

Lmao. Cope and seethe sperg

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Worble III Video.webm

Anonymous No. 125076

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Gosha Konyshev - ....webm

Anonymous No. 125077

Anonymous No. 125079

Dwindle does not make Zero

Anonymous No. 125080

do you know who manufactures their boards?

Anonymous No. 125082

some 10 year old chink kid getting paid 10c an hour

Anonymous No. 125083

BBS, I'm riding one right now.

Anonymous No. 125086

thanks boss. may your style be steezy and your pop wetter than the zoomer chicks; panties

Anonymous No. 125087
zero is dwindle & chinkshit if you're a yuro

Anonymous No. 125088

>if you're a yuro
We have a strict no euro policy around here.

Anonymous No. 125090

>Well anyway I gtg gonna go smoke a joint with my gf and hit a bar with the homies, have fun posting!
Did you just try cool guy me on 4channel?

Anonymous No. 125091

>"I'm a normal person and can read social cues"
It's ok anon you can let your spaghetti out here

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Anonymous No. 125092

Anonymous No. 125093

>Ti-time for some action
The same?! Revived?

Anonymous No. 125094

that clip is probably a decade old. axion has been brought back like 4 times now, it never works out.

Anonymous No. 125100

you guys are probably going to vibe me for mentioning zumiez but you can get a pair of Axions for 25 bucks and the other Axions there are on clearance AND buy one get one half off.
I don't think this revival is going to make it either

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Anonymous No. 125102

I shouldv'e posted this picture with that post

Anonymous No. 125103

But these are ugly though.

Anonymous No. 125104

Eat my shit

Anonymous No. 125105

No I don't want to be like you.

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Anonymous No. 125106

Anon stop being so lewd it's only Wednesday

Anonymous No. 125112

nobodys going to vibe you for copping a deal. but black friday is coming up and there will be much better deals. all the soletech companies es, emerica, etnies are going to do their usual 50% off with free shipping plus another 20% with a code. zumiez will have better deals + skate warehouse and every skateshop in the world. buy those ugly shoes if you want but its better to wait a week

Anonymous No. 125113

>soletech companies es, emerica, etnies

Anonymous No. 125114

i bet you wear vans

Anonymous No. 125115

I wear your mom on my cock

Anonymous No. 125123

Im guessing he wears a moon boot to protect his 17 yr old acl tear
Side note is there any reason n or to but Ed emericas Etnies besides what I assume is the cool factor?

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Anonymous No. 125128

>is there any reason n or to but Ed emericas Etnies besides

Anonymous No. 125129

>Side note is there any reason n or to but Ed emericas Etnies besides what I assume is the cool factor?
nigga wut

Anonymous No. 125130

The shoe quality is shit compared to Nike or Adidas.

Anonymous No. 125131

it says not to buy Es emericas Etnies, and they feel a little cheaper, but good enough that I've had a few pairs because of sales and they fit my feet.

Anonymous No. 125132

theyre also like 3x cheaper on sale and are actual skate companies

Anonymous No. 125134

So i'd just be producing 3x as much waste? I know people don't think about it in skateboarding very often but shoes are just another thing that ends up in landfill. There's no way around it happening but you can minimize by not buying shit that will wear out in like a month.

Yeah maybe if you're getting them on sale it'd be fine but there is no way you could get me to buy a pair of any of those company's shoes for more than like $30 when Nikes or Adidas have better grip and last 3x as long.

Anonymous No. 125135

shut up hippy im not reading all this

Anonymous No. 125136

people say they're cheaper but ime they outlast corpo shit.

Anonymous No. 125137

nike kills kangaroos anon
like a lot of kangaroos

Anonymous No. 125139

What if I only buy Duff's and Ipaths from ebay

Anonymous No. 125140

>muh landfills

Anonymous No. 125142

i really want a pair of ipath cats. they look comfy

Anonymous No. 125145

So? Do you know how many fucking kangaroos there are in Australia? They killed most of the dingos and abos and now there are no predators to control the roo population. And you can't even shoot them on your own property when they are eating your crops because of retarded libshit laws.

Anonymous No. 125146

This. They might not be as 'cool' as a smaller 'skate' brand but they're objectively better if you plan on actually skating them through the life of the shoe. Nike are up there with Disney McDonalds and Starbucks in terms of companies targeted by 'anticorporate' artists like banksy, which is ironic because at scale their production is much less bad for the environment than if you took these smaller companies and scaled them up. Same as the zumiez hate and 'buy local' bullshit- it's a quaint idea to support 'independent creators' but it's just inefficient on so many levels.
>t. shameless Amazon/Walmart shopper

Anonymous No. 125147

Now I now why you guys get bullied at the skateshop

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Anonymous No. 125148

>achtually supporting globalhomo corpos is based
also the economies of scale meme has been massively disproven, chaim

Anonymous No. 125149

I support my local skate shop as much as I can but they only stock cons and vans. I mean who is even sponsored by a soletech brand at this point anyway? A corpo company like vans objectively does more for the skate community yet people talk about muh skater owned brand when soletech is owned by some euro nobody

Anonymous No. 125150

What are you talking about? It's cheaper per unit to make 30,000 of literally anything than 300

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Anonymous No. 125153

lol. lmao.

Anonymous No. 125154

Sole Tech absolutely mogs Converse and Vans in terms of quality and durability in a skate shoe, who gives a fuck who they sponsor lol are you 12?

Anonymous No. 125156

the sole tech teams are pretty rad imo
nike and adidas have so many riders that they just have no identity whatsoever imo

Anonymous No. 125157

Kill yourself Nike shill

Anonymous No. 125158

agreed. A company like Nike has such a diluted team that the brands identity is basically nonexistent. You could argue that perhaps a company like Emerica might be "trapped" in the past because it's a team of heavy rail chompers and hammer type skaters but at least they've got a classic image that they've stuck with for years.

Anonymous No. 125159

if you buy skateboarding equipment based on how much you like their marketing campaign over the raw performance of the product you're a hopeless homosexual

Anonymous No. 125160

If you sell out the industry for Nike or Adidas then the industry will never produce quality product and will continue down the road of trannies and women's skating like it has lately. The only pros will be corporate approved good boys and your favourite skater will be flipping burgers.

Anonymous No. 125161

i will keep wearing lugz until THEY sponsor me

Anonymous No. 125162

Nike are literally producing the highest quality shoes I don't give a shit who rides for them I would buy the best even if they had no team

Anonymous No. 125163

>over the raw performance of the product
so why aren't you buying Sole Tech brands considering the Marina is the highest "quality" skate shoe on the market right now

Anonymous No. 125166

Yes. I tried so many shoes this year and éS were my favorites.
I want to see more Tom Penny footage

Anonymous No. 125171

What a bunch of heroes. Bucky knocking it out of the park yet again.

Why is the Combi Bowl closing anyway?

Anonymous No. 125172

>Stop acting like you're too cool to get vibed
Much like the game, you're always getting vibed, but you don't have to care.

Anonymous No. 125183

I just learned to ollie. Later losers. B)

Anonymous No. 125184

Post a webm of yourself performing an ollie.

Anonymous No. 125185

No one can do any trick they say they can until the evidence is posted.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 125186

this is every board on this site ngl

Anonymous No. 125188

I like how some guy doing an ollie is an incredible feat for some of the posters here

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Anonymous No. 125189

no one said or implied that, you dribbling retard

Anonymous No. 125190

>never had a gf
>dan corrigan has
what the FUCK

Anonymous No. 125191

Someone died there a few years ago and it's been a battle to keep it open ever since

The guy who died was riding a bmx bike btw.

Anonymous No. 125194

Oh fuck, rip. So what does that mean then? Insurance hikes? Don't parks in America have you sign a waiver?

Anonymous No. 125196

>go to park for skateboards
>ride fucking bike on it

Anonymous No. 125197

Lol forreal. The reason that incel is getting "vibe checked" is because no one wants his pedo ass vibes at the spot.

Anonymous No. 125200

>bmx rider dies trying to send shit
lmao while this general is proud of ollies and arguing about shoes because they arent core faggot shit

Anonymous No. 125201

I think he hit a light, got cut and bled to death which sucks ass but also you shouldn't jump into the lights, it's not like they are a moving obstacle

Anonymous No. 125202


Anonymous No. 125203

new cepeda part dropped

Anonymous No. 125204

>be bmxtard
>le send it so hard you end up getting your throat cut by a ceiling fixture and you bleed out and die
>family sues skatepark so skateboarders will never ride world famous bowl again

Bmx riders are cancer

Anonymous No. 125205

pretty run of the mill desu

Anonymous No. 125210

that was ok and all but look at this cunts footage

Anonymous No. 125214

thats more like it

Anonymous No. 125215

>bmx riders send suicide shit
>local incel skaters
>NOOOOO my heckin vibe check
Being a faggot is not illegal. Except for trannies and dykes

Anonymous No. 125216

I never get Vibed because I skate in the morning to avoid all the retards. I don't care about you. And what you have to say. Don't reply to this because I don't care.

Anonymous No. 125218

How dare you mind your own business? Don’t you know everybody at the skatepark is entitled to your attention? If you don’t care then they’ll take it personally and throw a fit. You’re an insensitive fuck face, an overall bad person and probably a pedo because you didn’t give these attention starved twats what they want.

Anonymous No. 125220

Stop judging yourself and others. I'm straight so there is no pedophilia in my gene pool.

Anonymous No. 125224

Fuck yeah Noah has been killing it for a minute

Anonymous No. 125229

Oh how you’ve missed the point of my post. Anons envy your lack of “vibe checks”. Truly an inspiration on /esg/, the assblasted anons should take notes from such an elder autist. May their vibes remain uncheckable and their sessions a peaceful, productive one. Godspeed.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 125230

What's this trick called?

Anonymous No. 125232

The majority of skateboarders are probably some of the lamest people you will ever come across in your life.

Why does this sport attract so many losers? You can see in this thread how quickly these people will differentiate between themselves and the 'incels' getting 'vibed' because they need to establish their place in the skate hierarchy. It's the only hierarchy that they will ever have in their life.

Anonymous No. 125233

32 yo and just getting back into skating for the first time in 15 years, where is the best place to get an andy anderson deck? also need one of his signature helmets too. is ccs still the king of skateshops?

Anonymous No. 125234

>everyone is lame but me
Go felate yourself

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Anonymous No. 125235

Better to have no gf than to have this.

Anonymous No. 125237


Anonymous No. 125238

Yes yes and yes.

Anonymous No. 125239

Better than the average esg poster

Anonymous No. 125240

The average esg poster isn't a girl.

Anonymous No. 125245

Do you guys think Dan Corrigan is a really bad person? Gifted Hater thinks so because he first met his girlfriend when she was 19, and he had power over her because he was friends with vloggers. He seemed to get pretty emotional over it.

Anonymous No. 125246

Gifted hater is like 22 and doesn't realize that when he gets to 30 he will also probably be wanting to fuck a 19 year old

Anonymous No. 125247

No. I'm just saying his gf is trash tier.

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cole smoke.jpg

Anonymous No. 125248


>Officials confirmed that 25-year-old Kanarr died Feb. 25 after a freak accident at the popular skatepark.

>"There was apparent damage to a ceiling-level beam, where it appeared as though the bike had struck," Deputy Chief Robert Stefano, of the Orange Fire Department, said. "There was broken, fluorescent glass on the ground and the injuries were consistent with that of striking what appeared to be a fluorescent light bulb in his neck."

>Firefighters said when they got to the skatepark, which is directly across the street from the UCI trauma center, witnesses had wrapped t-shirts around his neck to try to stop the bleeding.

>It was not immediately clear what led up to the accident, though firefighters and paramedics said they did everything they could to save the man.

>"The injuries were significant enough where he lost a tremendous amount of blood on scene as well as en route to the hospital," Stefano said.

>The coroner confirmed that Kanarr died as a result of blood loss from a neck laceration.

Bro got so much air that he hit a fucking light and got glass jammed into his arteries. God damn.

Has anyone ever died at your park(s)?

Anonymous No. 125249

A Number 5-0 With Extra Bacon

Anonymous No. 125251

>Has anyone ever died at your park(s)?
No idea if this is true but it was rumoured that an indoor skate park in Dublin, Ramp and Rail, shut down because a kid fell off his board while coming down a bank, no helmet, and slid at high speed head first into the front of a flatbar, giving him a fatal brain injury.

Anonymous No. 125252

lol elder. That's funny. Am I supposed to be a role model? On wheels. your literally the reason why I hate being around people. "Pedo" "autist" yours toxic as they come. Fuck off.

Feel free to unload on me some more. I'm here for it.

Anonymous No. 125253

no but my friend died bombing a hill. board slipped out and hit his head on the curb. RIP homie :(

Anonymous No. 125256

Every culture has its own shit. It's only lame because you judge people tho. When people stop vibing others and just skate it's alright.

Anonymous No. 125257

RIP to a real nigga.

Anonymous No. 125259

I don’t disagree with you but these days skateboarding attracts a ton of losers who are probably doing pretty well by societies standards. The thing is that there is something inherently wrong with these people. Like you could tell it’s something they latch onto because they don’t have much outside of wagecucking and think it will make them a more interesting person. There’s no actual passion backing this interest. It’s all for social reasons the main one thinking it will get them women. These are the same type of people who complain about getting vibed because everybody can tell they don’t skate for the sake of skating. Uninteresting losers need to stick to chasing the bag and buy their personality. Real skaters don’t give give a shit about a hierarchy. They’re actually focused on taking their skateboarding to the next level. Everything outside of that is irrelevant and most likely poser shit.

Anonymous No. 125260

You make a lot of assumptions to justify your hate

Anonymous No. 125261

Damn it anon, quit taking things so seriously because I was mostly joking by setting examples. I was with you the entire time numb nuts. My apologies, I could not help myself from shit posting. The ridiculousness of the whole subject matter was just too good to pass up.

Anonymous No. 125262

Bra Im kinda older, but skating like u said, is all about progression. I'm not in it to get sex, I've lost my lust for women. Skating is inherently a gift that keeps my arteries from clogging.

Anonymous No. 125263

Think what you will. I’ve seen and experienced enough at the skateparks to recognize creeps and losers who lurk around. There’s clearly a difference between somebody who is focused on trying to get that next trick and a shit head who just squats on a ledge all day.

Anonymous No. 125265

Gifted hater is inching towards 30. He is a basedboy who has to keep up with appearance. That means catering and walking on eggshells whenever the alphabet community is involved. The usual normie virtue signaling bs. God forbid he makes a video about tranny kikes who continue to swindle kids out of competition money.

Anonymous No. 125266

>striking what appeared to be a fluorescent light bulb in his neck
holy shit

Anonymous No. 125270

Fuck the alphabet. Any lesbians here here? You like big titties? Or big plastic dildos? ENlighten us.

Anonymous No. 125272

>went to the park and nobody say hi to me

Anonymous No. 125274

Omg like I can't even make friends too! So let's blame everyone else! Except us. We'll be losers together.

Anonymous No. 125276

as someone that actually used to watch their videos in the early hay days yes he's a piece of shit for dating her and it's not even cause of the age gap thing cause that's whatever, people mature differently. but they have a really weird power dynamic, both of them are bums that upload garbage content for money but dan is like an actual bum while Haley is just a typical early 20s slacker, too young to see what a fucking loser he is. you can tell he tries to push her into that influencer/youtube grind for income, she probably wouldn't even make content now if they weren't together. she was just like some youtube kid on revive making clickbait vids so they'd send her free shit. but you can tell he controls her if you watch their earlier vids he has to consciously stop himself from being a dick to her every 2 seconds lmao it's kinda fucked. i cant believe she kisses his nasty rotting mouth with decayed teeth.

Anonymous No. 125277


Anonymous No. 125280

>a shit head who just squats on a ledge all day.
kek that's me but I'm depressed so i do what i can with the small bursts of energy i get throughout the sesh. if I'm skating with someone it's a totally different story, those are always the best sesh where i actually push myself. i only get like that when i skate alone. i feel like i need someone to hold my hand to get me to actually skate most days, skating alone just isn't appealing to me anymore...

Anonymous No. 125281

You must be over 12 to post here.

Anonymous No. 125283

how do you guys skate alone? i think my brain is too fried to get stimulated by skating alone. i don't have the same passion for skating as when i was younger and would spend hours trying to learn new tricks. i still want to skate as much as i can but now i don't care as much, i feel like once i get a couple more ledge tricks down ill be satisfied forever.

Anonymous No. 125286

I usually just have a trick I want to learn and go skate around to warm up and get comfy then build up to it. Sometimes I just feel like cruising around the park.

Anonymous No. 125293

Dude gifted hater is not closer to 30 than he is to 20. No fuckin way

Anonymous No. 125294

More like
>went to the skatepark
>hang out with all my friends, say hi to all the other regulars
>zoomer whores skate around vibing everyone
>everyone cringes

Anonymous No. 125297

When i'm skating alone i usually just do little tricks or lines that feel good or are satisfying in some way. I don't really bother trying to learn new tricks. Idk dude my alone sessions are usually just me scratching the skateboard itch and that's about it

Anonymous No. 125298

skateparks replaced malls as the teenager hang out zone and some people are so fried or otherwise autistic that they never mentally left the teenager hang out zone
[spoiler]i only skate at 2am and avoid all contact with others which is actually worse if we're doing placements on the loser hierarchy [/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 125299

>that mid 30s guy who skates alone, filming himself doing manual and slappy tricks on a tripod
>that guy who was blessed with unreal talent yet loved drugs as much as he loved skating and fried his brain
>that boomer with an independent tattoo and thrasher t shirt wearing full pads and helmet doing slash grinds on his old school deck
>the guy vibing you wearing dickies cut off at the ankles, cons, a plain white t shirt and a tiny beanie with a spiderweb tattoo on his elbow (has never been to prison)

Anonymous No. 125303

>zoomer whores skate around vibing everyone
Maybe it’s cause you’re ugly

Anonymous No. 125305

skating alone is a good time to just figure things out imo. like you can go lab a trick on a parking block or jump down a gap 20 times without looking like a total faggot to everyone around you. it's also a good time to go cruise and find new spots or even skate shitty spots that no one else would ever go session. last night i went and skated some garbage 2 foot ditch tranny and it was fun as hell not having to deal with the homies being 'over it' in like 10 minutes.
people are kinda gay honestly

Anonymous No. 125309


Anonymous No. 125313

i don't have any friends I wear headphones and I'm an awkward looking older guy who doesn't skate very well. if there's too many people at the spot I'm going to the next one. I would prefer if I could skate without anyone even witnessing me it's just a fun way to exercise and groove to my music. I know I look stupid and I'm not trying to look stupid in a group of similar people because that looks even stupider. 'vibing' to me is when other people are looking at me in a way to make it be known that they're looking at me as if they're going to make me realize I look stupid. It's like when you go to the store and the guy at the shop is shadowing you like you're going to steal something. Usually I just don't buy whatever I was there for and leave. You can tell me I'm an autistic loser I already know.

Anonymous No. 125315

I usually do a morning session when the park is empty or go to an indoor park during off peak hours to make sure I get mostly alone time. Then I just grind the same few tricks over and over, cause when people show up, suddenly I have to share and things get less productive. Basically I use the time to go all out on trying to nail something, cause skating with others usually means I get distracted and can't focus on something for more than 10mins at a time. I am a shitty beginner though so I have to grind out the fundamentals constantly.

Anonymous No. 125324

>You can tell me I'm an autistic loser I already know.
>Usually I just don't buy whatever I was there for and leave.
this is actually based, usually, i do the opposite case I'm such a pussy

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Anonymous No. 125330

antisocial turbospergs have always carried skateboarding.
all normalniggers are secondaries

Anonymous No. 125331

Managed a lunchtime session at my crusty local. Ground is actually uneven and bumpy due to what I assume is a shit job in the first place, with shitty patch ups on top. Learning to push on it has been a struggle, but I can push pretty confidently on most surfaces now thanks to it. Gotta push hard to get any kind of speed. It's like weighted training or something.

Anonymous No. 125338

I find it meditative and physical demanding like a good gym workout. I tend to make my most progress this way. But it's only ever just flatland stuff because I can't be bothered to go to parks early in the morning. Plus I have a minor fear that I'd eat shit in a bowl, maybe knock myself out or break something and be unable to get out alone.

Anonymous No. 125342

>The guy who died was riding a bmx bike btw.
the parents were some rich cunts who filed a lawsuit. yay, get your son's favorite hobby shut down becuase youre entitled to some sad money.

anyone have any more info on this?

Anonymous No. 125343

apparently he had hit some massively high 7ft+ air out of a big quarter

Anonymous No. 125344

>Has anyone ever died at your park(s)?
yeah, a drunk chick decided to ride down the roll in at my house, ate shit, and three days later died due to alcohol/meth complications not letting her body hear properly

her boyfriend previously ate shit there, didnt heal properly (due to meth) and an infection went from his knee all the way to his dick and he recieved a $200,000 surgery to save his dick which he was able to use again six months later.

Anonymous No. 125345

wouldnt lawyers and sue-happy rich people be the cancer?

Anonymous No. 125347

i think i've only been "vibed" once but only because the zoomer highschooler felt threatened i was ripping his skatepark territory lmao

i'm an older (31 yo) skater that can skate decently - plenty of tricks/grinds and usually skate with headphones on.

i remember i was 50-50ing a rail and slipped out and slammed on my ass hard as fuck, but still got straight back up and hit it again immediately.

i remember the kid said something as he was sitting with his group of zoomer friends sitting on a ledge (lol), since the rail was right next to them. but i couldnt hear him through the headphones.

if you are feeling "vibed" at a park remember that it just means their insecurities are showing

Anonymous No. 125351

>if you are feeling "vibed" at a park remember that it just means their insecurities are showing
Easily the case when I pop a waist high flat ground ollie in front of their girl.
Pro tip: Don’t bring your gf to the skatepark

Anonymous No. 125354

>Has anyone ever died at your park(s)?

3 people have been shot on different occasions at my childhood local :(

Anonymous No. 125355

crust is the best training ground. try rolling around switch and doing fakie mannys at that spot
before we even had a real skatepark there was a fucking sick diy in an abandoned warehouse next to the roller rink. it got shut down because a rail fell on a kid and killed him, iirc he put his backpack under there.

Anonymous No. 125356

Current aussie roster getting stacked brah

Anonymous No. 125359

as a "middle aged father" i don't think i've been vibed - I'm a pretty social dude though. I usually skate in the mornings and there's usually the same people there though. But- when i've skated midday when the skatepark is more crowded- I havent felt that, but im not going to go out of my way to talk to teens either.
I wonder if they think i'm vibing them?
On the topic of skateboarding alone, my brother works this weekend and i might skate alone tomorrow morning. I have to do shopping for Thanksgiving and run other Saturday errands but i'll be at Jane Reynolds skatepark from 7 to 9. Ventura bro or any other Cali friends in the area if you want to wake up early and skate in the fucking cold, meet me there so you can vibe me.
I'm not a huge Dan Corgan fan BUT this video has that skatepark if you want a view of the layout.

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Anonymous No. 125362

Our local park is always empty, please visit

Anonymous No. 125363

Wild sexist and toxic of you to write an essay about how a grown woman has no agency. You would never last at my local.

Anonymous No. 125364

Cant relate since im not melinated.

Anonymous No. 125365

Sucks that a spot got shut down but vans was always on some gay shit when it came to bmx at their parks so fuck em.

Anonymous No. 125367

Paranoid retard. He saw your old ass eat shit and wondered if you were okay.

Anonymous No. 125370

on some gay shit? please elaborate

Anonymous No. 125371

>eat shit
>some locals ask if you're ok
>you blow them off because youre using headphones
>go to 4chan to brag about it
you guys really do have autism

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Anonymous No. 125372

so fucking cold
skated anyways
face numb
penis small

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Anonymous No. 125375


Anonymous No. 125376

Corrigan, NKA and someone else i can't remember are making so much youtube money off Andy Anderson and not giving him shit for it. I don't advocate for a manager in pro skateboarding but this poor guy needs one

Anonymous No. 125378

They make less than minimum wage probably.

Anonymous No. 125382

Only one day for bikes and mando helmets. Just ban pegs or some shit most riders could benefit from learning pegless grinds anyway.

Anonymous No. 125383

you wish wage slave

&& deserves to be exploited hes a clown

Anonymous No. 125389

Shittyass skate vlogs don't make real money.

Anonymous No. 125392

The Billy Bass was annoying, maybe being British he thought it was novel but those are too ubiquitous to even be kitschy.

Dan Corrigan Official No. 125399

Hello I am Dan Corrigan and would like to officially confirm that I make, on average, $120k from each of my Andy Anderson videos.

Anonymous No. 125402

holy shit it's dan, dubs confirm

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Anonymous No. 125403

Who else /backsmith/ gang
No I will not call it a Monty grind you boomer

Anonymous No. 125404

Sounds like you have some good parties

Anonymous No. 125405

Where tf is Jane Reynolds? I have to finish up a job tomorrow morning so I can't meet you in the desert this time boomer bro

Anonymous No. 125406

how do i get 19yo pussy as a 30+yo

Anonymous No. 125407

Back smiths aren’t impressive on transition

Anonymous No. 125408

I will try to come through and get the boomer sesh going

Anonymous No. 125409

Lolwut, back smiths are like the only trick that get me board taps from good skaters.

Anonymous No. 125414

This fucking guy, eat a dick

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Anonymous No. 125416

big if true

Anonymous No. 125417

you can grind without pegs on bmx?
idgaf if back smiths are easy they comfy and fun as hell
[spoiler]they're easy on rails too[/spoiler]
do the bare minimum to look like life is crushing your soul out of your body and you will be the most impressive person in the world to a 19 yo

Anonymous No. 125420


Anonymous No. 125426

I knew someone who worked on a council project where 10 mil of the budget disappeared. They were certain someone pocketed it but they weren't responsible and figured they didn't want to cause trouble with anyone who steals 10 million dollars.
No idea about Mason's but I don't think it's a stretch.

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Anonymous No. 125433

Wasn't this hunk of shit, was it? This opened up recently in London and it's the worst by far.

>"resurfaced" tarmac is basically just an old crusty car park with a thin layer of black goop on top. It's even crustier than the road
>the spine leads into nothing
>none of the ledges have metal caps along the edge so they're all already missing chunks
>the planter pyramid thing has a bank on the right side that leads right into a wall
>there's a smaller pyramid bank thing that's on the other side of a big rusty drainage grate
>it's all on a hill
>wooden plant boxes around the enge ate filled with wood chips, which have already started to spill all over the park
>there is literally no flow/easy lines
>it's in a shit area, BESIDE an overpass instead of under it where it would at least get some shelter

It has to be a scam. Victoria park is pretty close to it too and is pretty damn good.

Anonymous No. 125438

I think you're a one man gang. Nobody else itt can do these.

Anonymous No. 125451

>modern skatepark design
>nothing taller than 2 feet tall

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Anonymous No. 125454

>Black wheels

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what the.png

Anonymous No. 125456

Hey poorfags since black friday is coming up Primitive is selling 3 decks for 90 dollars. decks are being btfo for 30 dollars because these idiot companies hoarded so many boards during the pandemic memery. FA still has cheap decks on their site too.

Soletech shoes are all on sale. again. i was on the Emerica site and look at this garbage. Emerica has the audacity to sell this floppy piece of shit for 100 dollars. in a couple of months they'll be going for $30 because nobody wants to pay those prices, and certainly not for such a dumb looking shoe.

Anonymous No. 125468

i could execute the sickest nbd ever but i’ll never get sponsored because i dont fit the marketable frat guy nuskater aesthetic and live in a canadian shithole

Anonymous No. 125470


Anonymous No. 125472

I’m terrible at transition and even I can get into back smiths from time to time and stalling them is quite easy.
however if you take that trick to a ledge or a rail it’s basically an entire different trick

Anonymous No. 125477

Post the clip on social media and hope it goes viral. You could end up on skateline unless somebody poaches your trick before you even get exposure.

Anonymous No. 125478

That happened to my friend. He did a Mctwist over a helicopter but some other guy stole the footage and claimed he did it.

Anonymous No. 125483

Damn dude you must fucken shred

Anonymous No. 125484

alright guys, post your favorite video of 2022


Anonymous No. 125485


I know what the replies will be but I'll post it anyways. Anyone wants to talk shit can see me irl. On god you're going home with no shoes and board.

Anonymous No. 125486

This one for sure

Anonymous No. 125487

Yeah this is a cool video. I live in a third world country where skateboarding isn't as advanced, but there's one dude that's flow for Sour. Almost makes it look like he's sponsored, they send him a lot of stuff. He's never worried about boards and sometimes gives 1-2 away to kids. I wonder how considering he's not very good for international standards. He's still cool though, I'm glad he's taken care of.

Anonymous No. 125495

No one gives a fuck what's harder, we get rare OC and you straight away shit on it. It's stupid.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 125497

I was never sold on zoomie style until now. They don't seem to care much about tech or going overly big but the dude had style and skated awkward spots with serious potential to get fucked up. All while looking more like the anti christ than most skaters who tried before.. Did he even flip his board?

Anonymous No. 125512

If you guys went to your local and you saw a rollerblader just waxing the fuck out of your favorite thing to skate what would you do? Personally for me I would kill them. So fucking glad i don't get regular rollerskate kooks at my local

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Anonymous No. 125513

I just had that happen to me the other day. I haven't seen a rollerblader irl in probably a decade. He was waxing the coping on this long, wide quarter pipe we have. Everyone asked him what he was doing and he just looked at us with a dumb smile and told us not to worry because he was doing a good job with the wax. Luckily I was on my way out because I don't want to deal with aggravations. One of our criminal hooligan locals told him he was never ever allowed to do that again.

Anonymous No. 125514

Minilogoflow is a slap and /esg/ crossposter, i am sure of it

Anonymous No. 125516

I have been slowly loosening my trucks by about a quarter turn maybe once a week. I am getting used to having pretty loose trucks now, it's good shit

Anonymous No. 125517

In a few weeks they'll fall off.

Anonymous No. 125521

Idk man, I was at Slam City Jam that year and it was clearly Eric. The guy on the team who was literally a skeleton kept claiming it was him, but I think Eric was just skipping meals at the time so he could make the distance. I wonder what even happened to Eric? Last I heard he supposedly got his entire head stuck up some guy's ass but that's just too cartoonish to believe.

Anonymous No. 125522

the only thing sketchy about smiths is the hangup factor. they're one of the most stable positions to sit on a rail and imo they're easier than 50s because the way you dip into the ledge makes it easier to get the back truck higher. you're already in a leveraged position for flip in flip out shit too

Anonymous No. 125525

I would pretend to give a fuck just to flirt. The only rollerbladers I see at my local are yuppie slampig hoes. They only come by twice a month when they do one of their rideouts.

Anonymous No. 125526

Yes you can grind pegless.
Uk grift sounds like gyppo shit desu. Surpised they didnt also run off with the councils copper after doing a shit job at the skatepark.

Anonymous No. 125528

Lol they sound like rollerskaters instead of rollerbladers. The rollerskaters just do weird invert backflip things and are usually chicks and they don't wax up ledges because they can't skate them. The rollerskaters are the ones who wax shit to oblivion

Anonymous No. 125529

Yeah back smiths seem a lot sketchier until you learn them and you're just like oh shit this is all it takes? Just dip the nose, lean back and look down the line. A good back smith on in transition is sick as fuck and can be very impressive though, just like a 5-0 grind can be impressive

Anonymous No. 125545

How do I learn to appreciate female skaters

Anonymous No. 125547

You don't need to.

Anonymous No. 125553

Look for their delicious tomboy abs.

Anonymous No. 125554

The King

Anonymous No. 125556

fug I forget how good that part was. there was so much good footage this year.

Anonymous No. 125557

this is my second fave, great pick
my third would be

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Anonymous No. 125558

name my skate team

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Anonymous No. 125559

who are these people

Anonymous No. 125564

somehow I skated the same exact setup for this entire year and it's mint with barely any nose or tail marks. I still bought like 5 new decks anyways lmao. i told myself i cant change decks until i break one skating so they keep accumulating. either boards are really strong now or i don't skate enough. i want to set up a freshie so bad, feels bad man.

Anonymous No. 125565

have fun getting wheel bite and speed wobbles

Anonymous No. 125566

>I skated the same exact setup for this entire year and it's mint with barely any nose or tail marks
So you don't skate then

Anonymous No. 125567

i'd follow them and scrap it off with a knife and then threaten them with it

Anonymous No. 125569

damn how did i miss this, holy fuck so good

Anonymous No. 125570

no i mostly skate flat cause it's fun and easy

Anonymous No. 125580

NEW thread

NEW thread

NEW thread

Anonymous No. 125686
