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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 123829

>that 35 year old guy skating by himself on a sunday morning filming himself on a tripod doing manual tricks edition

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Old thread: >>122751

Anonymous No. 123831

Overcrooks don't exist. It's a nosegrind.

Anonymous No. 123837

What's the biggest bag of shit you've eaten?

Anonymous No. 123838

Ollie over some gap onto a tile ground with gaps between the tiles for my wheels to stick in and me to get propelled onto the ground.

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Anonymous No. 123839

Bros I just went out and skated for like 3 hours for the first time. It feels so good. Hope you guys land all your tricks next time you go skating.

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Anonymous No. 123841

hell yea dude

Anonymous No. 123842

5.5ft drop straight to the bottom flat of a concrete bowl face first

Anonymous No. 123846

thats me listening to my mix

Anonymous No. 123847

damn this is fire

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Anonymous No. 123849

fanks bruv

Anonymous No. 123851

Those are barely used.

Anonymous No. 123852

and? do you think I'm poor or something?

Anonymous No. 123853

3 step, be 12, try Ollie down, hit last step, go face first into the side walk, no tears, just a massive goose egg, the sound of thunking the concrete is still installed in my brain. For some reason I remember waling it off and I was embarrassed lol

Anonymous No. 123854

Considering you have a forest on your floor. No.

Anonymous No. 123857

ok. just making sure. you sounded like a spiteful loser there for a second.

Anonymous No. 123858

bailed too late while 50-50ing a hubba about 3ft off the ground and landed straight into the earth with the left side of my body.

i tried to bail by stepping on the end of it but i had gone too far and i missed the end of the hubba. rekt. no broken bones but it was deffo the worst slam i have ever taken and i broke my elbow before skating.

Anonymous No. 123859

You seem easily agitated? Have you been called poor, or were you ever poor and embarrassed by it?

Anonymous No. 123860

His post insinuated that I'm a poser because I shared a picture with a few slightly used boards and I wanted to steer the conversation in another direction so as not to make him look like a complete fool

Anonymous No. 123861

The threads have been pretty ok recently but I cant help but notice the amount of people complaining about being cool guyed or other people seemingly being rude to them? This happens to me maybe twice a year and I am not very good and am skating alone 75% of the time because Im socially retarded so Idk how it happens to so many people in here so often? Most of the time I give someone a nod or say whatsup I get one back maybe we do a little bull shitting into the sesh even if they are a lot better than me I dont really get the judged feeling. Then again i dont camp parks or go skating in cargo shorts or make gay comments about the weather... Do you guys think theres just disproportionate levels of autism in here or am I just so severely retarded that people take pity on me.

Anonymous No. 123862

lmao dude have you ever been on 4chan?

Anonymous No. 123863

Opposite. I hear pros only skate new decks. So they never lose adjustment. Since I'm poor, skating a new deck usually sucks until it's broken in, which an take a couple weeks.

Based on that photo, I'd say your above average. I could be wrong.

Anonymous No. 123866

>early days, pump up a qp, is way whippier that I was expexting, slip out on the eay down, put arm straight out to catch myself, humerous and tibia clack together, fracture the inside of the socket
>concrete bowl, 4.5ft tall, somehow fuck up a drop in, pancake in the flat. No long term injury, but plenty of pain

Anonymous No. 123867

Eh, I complain about these things but it's a real minority of times. I don't care about being coolguyed because I know I suck and look bad/am too old to give a shit, it's more so the people who want to be in my business and are shit about it that bug me.

Anonymous No. 123869

let me just bully some nerds man. damn

> I don't care about being coolguyed because I know I suck and look bad/am too old to give a shit
this is only half of a good attitude
>it's more so the people who want to be in my business and are shit about it that bug me.
but how often does that happen? i really avoid parks/high density spots like the plague so maybe my experience is too limited from someone who skates a park everyday but Ive never had someone get in my shit before just cause I sucked ass or something.

Anonymous No. 123870

>how often

Like maybe one in every ten sessions. I tend to not try new tricks at busy parks because I need to hog a ramp or a spot to myself and not worry about other people, but when I do there's usually a guy who will give a tip and move on. But the one in ten will be a dingus about it.

Anonymous No. 123871

Cargo shorts are based you faggot

Anonymous No. 123875

>Like maybe one in every ten sessions.
this sounds reasonable if your going to parks or popular spots, but only if someone is being mildly passive aggressive. cant imagine its a super big deal that often
i got like 20 cool rocks in my cargo shorts right now you dont gotta tell me. just hate how theyre always falling out when im skating. nobody wants to film me

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Anonymous No. 123876

I unironically collect rocks

Anonymous No. 123881

In recent times probably hooking up in 7ft tranny and going straight to the flat onto my hip. That one hurt for a while

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Anonymous No. 123883

Do you polish them and make them all shiny? That seems kinda based and a good way to pick up hippy chicks

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Anonymous No. 123884

Ollied down some stairs and broke my wrist.
How many here have picrel?

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Anonymous No. 123886

I have the tools to polish them but I don't really do it very often because I like them in their natural form. It shows the geological processes which created them. I also like them because I can usually remember the time and place where I found them. Like pic related is a piece of lava rock that I found in the eastern sierras when I was on a motorcycle trip with my dad.

Anyway, skateboarding

🗑️ Anonymous No. 123891

>owns 2 lapidary wheels specifically designed for polishing rocks
>never polished a single rock

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 123892

>pic rel

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 123893

>owns 2 lapidary wheels specifically designed for polishing rocks
>never polished a single rock

Anonymous No. 123909

I tried to front 50 a tall ledge, all 4 wheels landed on top & immediately slipped out. I fell backwards & landed on my lower back / tailbone (not as bad as the pornstar from twitchcon but still fucked up). Completely fine now but I could only really walk in small increments like a penguin for a few days as too large of a rotation in my stride would send decent pain through my hips.

Never got it checked out as I didn’t think it was serious but definitely made me feel like an old man at like 20

Think its mostly just autism, but every park can be different. Some parks dominated by teens can be annoying af & not fun at all regardless of skill level, I am glad my local is quite chill

Anonymous No. 123910

Slipped out coming off a qp at my local when I first started, fell on my back with my arms outstretched and dislocated my elbow because beginner who was 2kool4pads.

Anonymous No. 123920

cause it's rude and it takes 2 seconds to say sup so why not just be kind?

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Anonymous No. 123924

You guys are gonna laugh, but i was walking the dog and he saw a squirrel. He took off hard right on the leash and i went off the nose of my board. Broke my collarbone in 3 pieces and like 6 ribs.

Anonymous No. 123927

To keep deluding themselves that they are actually cool, they need to reinforce the idea that they are a cut above the rest. To avoid being the guy that the cool guy wants to cool guy, you need to cool guy the cool guy before they cool guy you.

Anonymous No. 123933

>I tried to front 50 a tall ledge, all 4 wheels landed on top & immediately slipped out.
This is why front 50s are so fucked, I have had this happen to me in transition so many times.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 123934

This is the niggerlover that is so retarded he got banned from reddit but snitches to the tranny janny.

Anonymous No. 123935

I'll refrain myself but there's so much shit to talk about in this post.

Anonymous No. 123936

Why would you admit to this lol lmao even

Anonymous No. 123937

Have at it, i dont care.
Because its funny

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Anonymous No. 123940

But I care.

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stairs at skatepa....jpg

Anonymous No. 123944

>5.5ft drop straight to the bottom flat of a concrete bowl face first
why put stairs in skateparks when you can just gap into bowls and down wedges, i dont get it.fuck hate stairs in skateparks.... they cut directional flow in half... in fact they cut flow more than in half becuase you loose speed at the bottom.

you know what would be nice though, if stairsets at skateparks had nice slightly downhill landing pads. ankle savers
also i drew up some obstacles that could still be jumped down but would be much funner than another fucking staircase.... oh god and then all these little bullshit street league skatepark with like fifteen 2-3 stairs scattered all over the place, FUCKING WHY??? and all the quarterpipes capping out at like 3.5 feet tall with a 45deg max slope, fucking fuck i hate modern skatepark design

but i do think a nice landing slop would be great for the centerpiece stairset found at many skateparks

Anonymous No. 123947

>why put stairs in skateparks

One of the most popular skate obstacles. Didn't read the rest of your autistic post.

Anonymous No. 123949

I understand this if theres a small amount of loner type people skating a small park and your kinda forced to socialize. but not otherwise. when you go to a bar do you say hi to everyone there?

Anonymous No. 123955

These /xs/ autists are weird as fuck. They are old ass posers that are afraid of everyone judging them at the skatepark but they instantly judge dudes they dont know and get weird when no one acknowledges their existence. Goofy ass niggers.

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consider the foll....jpg

Anonymous No. 123959

Anon the people that post here are frightened to death of everything. In the other thread some guy said he was too scared to go to the skateshop. Several posters have even admitted to only skating in their driveways because they don't want anyone to actually see them. This is not a good collection of regular skateboarders.

Anonymous No. 123967

how is it any different than jumping down a fucking quarterpipe or wedge?

Anonymous No. 123968

When you get good enough to jump down anything you'd understand.

Anonymous No. 123969

>gap into bowls

Anonymous No. 123970

if you want to skate stairs go skate street you pussies

Anonymous No. 123971

Post a clip of yourself shredding since you're so comfortable talking shit

Anonymous No. 123972

Or you can do both retard.

Anonymous No. 123973

yeah or you could just go skate street and not put stairs in skateparks that never get used because people don't go to skateparks to jump down shit, they go there to chill and do fun stuff

Anonymous No. 123974

Yeah or you can shut the fuck up because you clearly don't skate.

Anonymous No. 123975

On the topic of changing skatepark obstacles I personally don't skate transition too much so I think we should fill all the skatepark pools with water so I can have a refreshing dip mid session.
Go break into a back yard you wannabe Z boys!

Anonymous No. 123978

>being cool guyed
i've been skating for 23 years and have no idea what the fuck this means
jumping down stairs is fun and you can firecracker them

Anonymous No. 123980

how is this any different than gapping down stairs?

Anonymous No. 123981

for starters your average bowl is not designed with good runup, landing or any sightlines whatsoever on top of being a multi-use feature so you're sending it blind and hoping someone's grandpa isn't doing kickturns down there.

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Anonymous No. 123982

Alright dorks which table are you going to sit at?

Anonymous No. 123987

People only go to skateparks to session and get fucked up and fuck thots. Anything else is weirdo 30+ pedo cope.

Anonymous No. 124001

I’d genuinely send you home if you did either of the last two around me.
Cool guy is basically passive aggressive faggots. No one wants to deal with some cunt who thinks he is the shit. It’s one of the big negatives of our bitch made society. If you check them on it they’ll play victim.

Anonymous No. 124002

definitely depends on the vibes of park at that moment, you cant cool guy someone you don't know obviously. imo it applies to people you ALWAYS see at your local. acknowledging someone and saying sup as you skate by takes literally 1 second, you don't have to strike up a convo after but if you skate nearby or make some kind of eye contact acknowledging their existence, with a head nod, sup, yo, whatever and going on about your day is ez pz

Anonymous No. 124004

If you guys are getting vibed so hard maybe it's because you're sus
next time pass the vibe check

Anonymous No. 124008

Everyone thinks you are pedophile you lame boomer. Youre the guy that parkrats warn the thots about.

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Anonymous No. 124010

Goodnight Old Yeller. Holy fuck what a bastard.

Anonymous No. 124011

Yeah, because there's nothing I love more than doing my bowl run than having to dodge someone fucking gapping into the flat.

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Anonymous No. 124013

wheres the blind spot?

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Anonymous No. 124014

first three skateparks on google images

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Anonymous No. 124015


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Anonymous No. 124017

this would be a fucking amazing hip if the landing were wider than four feet....and if it was, guess what! you could still jump down it to flat!

Anonymous No. 124019

wow becuase youre constantly riding the bowl 24/7 and people are constantly jumping down the stairs, 24/7

Anonymous No. 124020

did you know you can also jump to flat off a wedge or a ledge? wow!

Anonymous No. 124021

That's fucken funny dude

Except they didn't fuck with The 1-8 which is where I would be sitting because I'm a washed up late 20s construction worker who only skates tranny

Anonymous No. 124022

I don't believe you guys are actually arguing about using the bowl as a flat gap. Not even little kids do this. I'm understanding why you guys get bullied at the park.

Anonymous No. 124026

I agree that it's retarded to use the bowl or any transition as a gap. I also find it hard to believe there is not a good stair set SOMEWHERE in your town that you can skate. I grew up in a very rural town of 2500 people and there was even a 12 stair and everything else in-between. We didn't need a stair set at our skatepark.

Anonymous No. 124028

I don't care for stairs myself, but I thought the whole appeal is that they're a standardised size in public spaces, so being able to go up in increments is a way to measure what a chad you are. Anything else at a park or elsewhere gets ambiguous. So you train and the park, say "cool, I can do the 5 stair here" and take it out to the streets.

Anonymous No. 124032

>I agree that it's retarded to use the bowl or any transition as a gap.
would it be dumb to ollie over a handrail or ledge?
"this feature should be ridden this way, not that way!"

Anonymous No. 124033

ollie-ing over sidewalk squares must also be dumb becuase theres not a hole there, huh?

Anonymous No. 124034

No dude it's just awkward. Idk why, it just is.

Anonymous No. 124035

>The annoying contrarian poster is the one that gets vibed at the park
now it all makes sense

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Anonymous No. 124036

yellow lines coulda been cool hips
that archway wouldve made for a nice wallride
as awesome as that rock extension is, kinda ruins the badass parkinglot gap
>parking lots are for cars, why would you ollie into there
and finally, why the fuck would you not seam up those parking blocks ?!?!?!?!

Anonymous No. 124037

>No dude it's just awkward. Idk why, it just is.
how is it any different if you clear over the bottom transition?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 124038

oh look at this stairset, not even put there to be skated, simply just to disrupt flow connecting the rest of the park to the bowl?

wanna drop into the bowl flying fucking fast? well fuck you!

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Anonymous No. 124039

oh look at these steps around the bowl! not even put there to be skated, simply just to disrupt flow connecting the rest of the park to the bowl?

wanna drop into the bowl flying fucking fast? well fuck you!

Anonymous No. 124041

^^^also why not fill those voids with fucking concrete for more transition? what the fuck!???@?@
grass islands in skateparks also drive me insane

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Anonymous No. 124043

those are banks anon. not bowls
notice how you ignored all three bowls
now notice how you can't see anything under the lip for like a 125 degree radius not to mention the blind turns leading into the big bowl.
this all avoids the most obvious thing which is that people know not to stand right at the bottom of the fucking stairs

Anonymous No. 124044

I agree. It really does feel like most parks were designed by architecture grad students who've never been on a board in their life

Anonymous No. 124045

skill issue.
ollie up the stairs and roll in.
you can ollie can't you? this whole autistic tirade isn't just a massive cope for not being able to ollie right?

Anonymous No. 124048

i'd assume those areas are going to be covered with grass. they're left as gaps so that the park has clear lines and you don't have scooter kids snaking you every time you try to hit a rail

Anonymous No. 124050

new nelly video :)

Anonymous No. 124052

Damn, this is the plan for carpenteria skatepark. It's going to be like 20 mins away for me. I will only skate the tranny but that's fine, it looks fun

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Anonymous No. 124053

big quarter to wedge hip is also pretty rare especially in newer parks where they see the street section and bowl as two seperate sections and not just one complete park.... the big tranny in the bowl rarely has wedge in it, and the street section obstacles all waist high and any large obstacle is cluttered with quirky features like a rock or some shit directly in the center of what would be a nice launch or landing area.

Anonymous No. 124054

yeah, you can also gap down quarters and wedges, not just stairs and bowl, whodathunk?!
>and if those quirky bowls had flat bottoms, there would be a few more spots you could jump from one flat elevation to a lower flat elevation

Anonymous No. 124055

>5 different handrail variations
>only one flat bar which is going over a ledge or some wack shit
Lmao. Why? Who the fuck would design this?

Anonymous No. 124059

>quarter to wedge hip
A forgotten obstacle yet one of the funnest ever, even if you are a retard who can't ollie you can still do a big air over one of these

Anonymous No. 124061

olly on, drop in, yeah, too slow. i shouldnt need proskills to drop into the bowl with speed. i would be ollying over two stair into the transition for the speed and direction id want..... which wouldnt be an issue if i could just drop right in.

Anonymous No. 124062

>ollie up stairs and roll in
Most guys i know who consistently skate bowls would have trouble ollieing up a curb lmao

Anonymous No. 124072

where can i skate after 12am

Anonymous No. 124074

spokane skatepark,
burnside if the cocaine salesman with the generator and lights is there
eugene skatepark
sheldon skatepark
jurupa skatepark if you feed the light quarters
emeryville skatepark
townpark skatepark
>all the street lights next to lower bobs stay on all night accept for the light right above the park that has been out since they built the place.
>parisite skatepark has lights all night but you get robbed after ~11pm
I know there was one other park where someone's dad hacked the lighting so it would stay on all night.

Anonymous No. 124075

fast food parking lots

Anonymous No. 124077

business districts
industrial parks

Anonymous No. 124078

You must be 18 to post here

Anonymous No. 124079

They only put that shitty flat rail in so the 30 year old boomers didnt have to be intimidated to go to a steel yard.

Anonymous No. 124080

Lmao zoomies wouldn't even know what a steel yard is

Anonymous No. 124081

Last thread a boomer posted his smith grind in a bowl, you need to one up him or never post again you yappy faggot

Anonymous No. 124083

aparently my old man ex-roommate was a god at skating and we would tour all these awesome amazing oregon coast parks and at everyone he would just mope and say "theres no flat rail or manual pad"

Anonymous No. 124084

honestly street flatbars are getting pretty rare so it's kind of a shame if your park doesn't have one.

Anonymous No. 124089

Good stuff

Anonymous No. 124090

Fucking retard scared of stairs holy shit. Don't skate the stairs retard. You don't even skate regardless. Stick to your driveway. Stairs will always be a part of skate parks.

Anonymous No. 124094

Is that a tranny or actual female? Pretty good style for a girl.

Anonymous No. 124095

They seem harmless but can fuck you up quite easily if you aren’t careful, same goes for front 5-0 I feel

Anonymous No. 124096

Anyone tried those new powell wheels that slide but feel soft? I'm tempted to get them since I heard they're nicer on your knee's (cause soft), but I don't wanna stick on stuff like crooks. Also side note, I fucking LOVE bs crook, especially with a lil shuv out at the end, my god it feels good bros. What other grinds/slides feel good to you guys?

Anonymous No. 124097

No but I would like to try them. Fast fs smith grinds on curbs/ledges and quick warm up fs boardslides feel so good.

Anonymous No. 124098

These 15 seconds made me decide against getting them

Anonymous No. 124099

I'm learning fs smith rn and when I lock it in and dip it feels so good. Speedy fs boards to get used to a rail are also great, totally agree

Ah yeah I'm dialing in smiths rn and I don't need this squealing shit, thanks anon

Anonymous No. 124100

Thanks for the reminder. I tried Ricta Clouds on a flatbar earlier this year and it sounded exactly like this

Anonymous No. 124110

I would have guessed the clouds would be even worse

Anonymous No. 124112

Won't go into the details, but I had one of those magic sessions with the boys last night where everyone started landing new shit in the last hour. Just win after win after win. Fucking glorious feeling.

Anonymous No. 124115

Ben degros has a good video on em. You mean the dragon wheels right?

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Anonymous No. 124118

Would you guys skate in creepers? Bongbros is this a thing in the UK, or do only posers do it?

Anonymous No. 124122

They're about to release some new ones that are slightly harder, maybe wait for those.

Anonymous No. 124130

how do i skate up a set of stairs? how do i use stairs as a smooth landing ramp? stairs fuck up flow

Anonymous No. 124134

Ollie up and firecracker down retard.

Anonymous No. 124136

im not gonna ollie up an 8 stair nor am i going to land in a fire cracker from a 5 foot air

Anonymous No. 124137

Yes you can. This is 4chan. Somehow everyone here can ollie up 8 stairs.

Anonymous No. 124140

Then don't, moron. Nobody is forcing you to.

Anonymous No. 124142

okay excuse me, -disregard olling up the stairs-, how do i use stairs as a ramp to catch air out of?

Anonymous No. 124144

You don't plus YOU can't air out of a ramp in general.

Anonymous No. 124146

Skate at the stairs at full speed. You can fly upwards with your momentum.

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Matt Tomasello in....webm

Anonymous No. 124147


Anonymous No. 124148

Those 35mm wheels really brought me back.

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Anonymous No. 124151

skill issue.

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Anonymous No. 124152

>download gif
>uploads a png

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Marisa Dal Santo ....webm

Anonymous No. 124154


Anonymous No. 124156

this is not it

Anonymous No. 124157

hmm looks like a fun flowy trick to do in a skatepark line...


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Ben Koppl in _Per....webm

Anonymous No. 124158

Anonymous No. 124159

ben koppl is andy anderson for core skaters

Anonymous No. 124170

Why do you care if you can't do any tricks in the first place?

Anonymous No. 124173

How the fuck do you do these up euro gaps? Popping them is so weird.

Anonymous No. 124179

new johnny wilson video

Anonymous No. 124183

Team Supreme does it again!

Anonymous No. 124186
do you mean no complys in general or just no comply flips?

Anonymous No. 124187

No complies up things in general. I can do them on level things like curbs by just popping and slapping the tail off the curb rather than my thigh, but with a euro I've been trying them on, there's a flat bit at the top of the bank that makes it a mystery as to when I should pop them. Way back on the back itself and hope I can guide it forward veritcally? Or at the very last moment on the flat so it works like a curb? Then there's the question of when I should put my front font; on the bank, the flat or up the curb bit.

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Anonymous No. 124189

I have this idea for something that I'm surprised doesn't exist yet; a skate trick wiki that compiles clips of tricks for easy reference. Something that could support uploads or timecoded links to videos hosted externally. And then on each tricks page they could be sorted by sub categories; switch, goofy, regular, on a ledge, on a flat bar, on transition, big board, small board, tweaked, slow mo, real time, mocap/animated, etc.

idk, it's a pain to find certain tricks on Youtube sometimes due to either shit being badly tagged or algorithm shenanigans pushing the rarely watched but accurate skate clip down the list.

Anonymous No. 124193

>skate trick wiki that compiles clips of tricks for easy reference
that's literally youtube, why reinvent the wheel

Anonymous No. 124196

In old boomer times there was a site called bobs tricktips that had a ton of stuff like that. I sure do miss those days.

Anonymous No. 124202

>You don't plus YOU can't air out of a ramp in general.
yes i can


no air time

Anonymous No. 124220

You don't skate. We've been through this many times.

Anonymous No. 124225

Post a webm of yourself airing out of a ramp.

Anonymous No. 124239

5 beers deep at 10 in the morn watching the house vid hope everyone has a good day

Anonymous No. 124241

broken nose challenge mother fuckers

Anonymous No. 124249

yes, i do.
no, i wont.

Anonymous No. 124258

Because you do not skate.

Anonymous No. 124269

What are you guys working on atm?

I'm chancing kickflips up banks. I don't have much consistency rolling on flat, but I'm getting a feel for them with the extra air time off a ramp.

Anonymous No. 124274

good job anon, good luck with that. I've been working on switch heels

Anonymous No. 124278

god, I'm fucking cooming

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Anonymous No. 124291

i coom to sky brown

Anonymous No. 124297

more grinds (crook, front board, 5050s on rails, bs 5050s)

tranny shit - never skated tranny so getting used to axel stalls for now, but i can rock to fakie

switch skating in general

Anonymous No. 124302

im licking my wounds

Anonymous No. 124306

Nothing really. I learnt a lot of new stuff in the past few months and now I'm just trying to get everything consistently and do it harder/better/faster/longer

Anonymous No. 124309

I can't believe McCrank got on Girl.

Anonymous No. 124310

I wonder how much selling out to Nike pays

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Anonymous No. 124327

is /esg/ going to buy a we wuz kangz skateboard?

Anonymous No. 124328

No what's that?

Anonymous No. 124330

Bs feeble grinds. I forgot about the trick and tried some combos last week

Anonymous No. 124331

tyshawns and naks new board company

Anonymous No. 124338

Whatever, these boys is wack.

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Anonymous No. 124339

Cyrus 50 kickflip

Anonymous No. 124345

nakel is unironically mentally ill and not in the meme 4chan way

🗑️ Anonymous No. 124348

he seems mentally ill in the delusions of grandeur way like Mikey Alfred but i feel like he’s chilled out more over time and I respect that he actually still gets clips until kevin Bradley’s bum ass. Nak is fine until you let him talk for a little to long.

Anonymous No. 124349

he seems mentally ill in the delusions of grandeur way like Mikey Alfred but i feel like he’s chilled out more over time and I respect that he actually still gets clips unlike kevin Bradley’s bum ass. Nak is fine until you let him talk for a little to long.

Anonymous No. 124350

and I also think him being dumb in general mixed with having a few screws loose creates that cracked out homeless man vibe he gives off

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video games.jpg

Anonymous No. 124353

Kevin Bradley is busy doing important things.

Anonymous No. 124355

nak the guy who got that kid beat up at the skatepark because he was talking shit about a shop or something?

Anonymous No. 124357

fs boardslides i can't stick em without the board slipping out

Anonymous No. 124359

he wanted lotties to sell his ugly expensive hats and they were like nah and he was like fuck y’all and tried to beat up people wearing lotties gear and saying fuck you to any one that shops there. Just a bunch of dumb gay drama.

Anonymous No. 124360

pretty sure a kid actually got beat up for wearing a lotties shirt though, not by him but by some other goons

Anonymous No. 124370

Anonymous No. 124373

The Cariuma Cursemark: drains all balls from skaters, and not in a succubus kind of way.

Anonymous No. 124375

putting on my blades and making moves on eunice

Anonymous No. 124383


Anonymous No. 124386

>nor am i going to land in a fire cracker
imagine not being ragdoll

Anonymous No. 124387

So why shouldn't i put a new grip tape on top of the old one ?

Anonymous No. 124390

Actually you know what anon, you should do it.

Anonymous No. 124391

🗑️ Anonymous No. 124395

>Actually you know what anon, you should do it.
This. Then post results.

Anonymous No. 124397

>yo i cant do that shit im not trying it

Anonymous No. 124405

Hey guys look at this new video, it's a bunch of pool sharks. These spots look so tough.

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Anonymous No. 124414

A sh-shuvit.. a-and ollie…

Anonymous No. 124415

manual to brakeless fufanu

Anonymous No. 124417

i need a slampig like sarah park-matott

Anonymous No. 124418

>tfw no frumpy jewish skate gf
literally and unironically, why even live

Anonymous No. 124422

>banned from slap again
these faggots think i won't just change my IP and keep making new accounts lmao. fucking troon slap jannies

Anonymous No. 124427

stop acting like a chud dude. remember, trolling is a art.

Anonymous No. 124430

the female George Poulos I hope they both get hit by a bus they have like negative aesthetic

Anonymous No. 124431


Anonymous No. 124452

fucking kill yourself you pathetic frog fuck. Also, I too am working on both those tricks. My ollie is pretty much there, just need to take it onto/off/over stuff. Shove just needs some commitment.

Anonymous No. 124453

Lil bitchboy you can't even ollie don't ever talk to my frog brother like that I will crush your skull.

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Anonymous No. 124454

fuck u say bitch i once took on 3 people at the same time come find me i will flatten you and ur frog boyfriend like roadkill

Anonymous No. 124457

u can do it fren
try shub fakie
den olie wit nose kik so bord lvls out

Anonymous No. 124459

I used to really like her videos when I started, but the insane prozac docileness of them got to be too much.

Anonymous No. 124462

Tenks fren

Anonymous No. 124464

Post some classic videos. I still have tonnes I haven't watched:

Anonymous No. 124467

Need advice. I've been riding trucks with a 9.5" axle on an 8.5 deck. Idk if I should try going with a 9.5 deck or settle for a 9.

According to anyone's experience. Can you forsee this helping?

Anonymous No. 124474

You’d generally want little to no difference between your axle & board width. I personally ride 8.25 trucks with an 8.38 board as I hate seeing my wheels protrude out past my board when looking down.

Your current set up would be best suited for shit like a mega ramp

Anonymous No. 124477

some very cool skateboard tricks in this

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Anonymous No. 124478

If you have your trucks that much wider they're going to stick out no? Some people prefer them to be a just a bit wider but a whole inch is a lot.
Do what you want anon. If you're going to keep riding big boards then keep the trucks and just get a bigger deck, 9.5+ next time.

Also Yuto is posting cheeseburgers again. He really like them.

Anonymous No. 124479

damn! get fucked cariuma skater

Anonymous No. 124490

9.5 inch axel what did you take a longboarders trucks?

Anonymous No. 124501

Aight so for me I'm a smaller guy and I skate tech/street so an 8.5 deck is about as wide as I go. Wider is more stable so if you're just starting or skating tranny/big air stuff 8.5 would be more normal or maybe on the smaller side if you're a larger adult. Wider means harder to flip, and heavier. Heavier doesn't mean you aren't going to pop as high, but that you'll get tired faster. The downsides of mismatched truck/deck sizes mean you can't do weird primo freestyle tricks, you might get more wheel bite with a wider deck and smaller trucks, you risk catching your foot on the wheel while pushing with an undersized deck, and turning can get kinda wonky. I heard an interview with Ishod where he was talking about how he got used to undersized trucks because he was trying to grind this rail against a wall and he just got used to the lighter weight. Unless you plan on doing something super specific I would go with the 9 because .5 inch isn't an unreasonable mismatch but going from an 8.5 to 9.5 deck is going to feel insane

Anonymous No. 124502

helping what?

Anonymous No. 124505

I just picked up a pair of tyshawns and gazelles from the adidas ebay deal, and a couple of enjoi decks from the sale. What am I in for?

Anonymous No. 124506

your local skate shop owner committing suicide

Anonymous No. 124511

Bra thank you. This was deep.

Anonymous No. 124525

my friend has skated multiple pairs of the Tyshawns, so i assume they skate pretty well he did complain about the lace placement not being the best but as a converse ctas enjoyer that is nothing new to me so i suggest having extra laces on hand if you skate a lot of flat

Anonymous No. 124534

that's fuckin rad dude hopefully the zoomies bring back tiny boards and giant shoes

Anonymous No. 124538

so fucking bored but at least i can go skateboarding tomorrow

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Anonymous No. 124540

I'm going to the skatepark tomorrow you guys can come if you want!

Anonymous No. 124541

which park?

Anonymous No. 124549

hell yeah

Anonymous No. 124557

i got an 8.75 build and kick flipping is so much easier on this. why? also do any of you cunts lift weights? do any jacked skaters exist?

>that 35 year old guy skating by himself on a sunday morning filming himself on a tripod doing manual tricks edition

it's me

Anonymous No. 124560

So from my own experience. Because your deck is wider, assuming your trucks are now smaller in WIDTH compared to your deck. This will create more rotation.

And if your trucks are larger in WIDTH this will create more resistance in a flipping motion. Hope that helps. I've done a lot of experimental setups.

There's other variables too. Your weight is another reason. If you're heavier, you will more than likely over flip smaller decks. I can get deeper, skateboarding is a complicated puzzle and you have to take into consideration many factors.

Anonymous No. 124561

weckingball is pretty jacked. Getting a full rotation from an 8.75 would be an absolute struggle for me. You're probably generating a lot more power so my guess is to you it feels less 'finicky' right?

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Anonymous No. 124562

frat video out

Anonymous No. 124563

Post skateboard.

Anonymous No. 124565

only watched dutchys, wills and alexis part
good stuff :)

Anonymous No. 124571

Best street skating, since lurknyc. Imo.

Anonymous No. 124584

I lift weights. I was really obsessed with it before I got back into skating but now my skateboarding obsession has taken over again and lifting has definitely taken a backseat. It's pretty much impossible to honestly do both imo. Both make you to sore and I think being a big bulky dude makes it hard to have good style.

Right now my current routine is:

>Weighted pull ups and pendlay rows
>Squats and RDLs
>Chill skate session
>Bench and OHP
>Skate as much as I can

I don't even enjoy lifting anymore and my numbers have all gone down a lot because I lost weight skateboarding but I think the lifting has kept my body stronger and prevented me from getting injuries so I keep doing it.

Anonymous No. 124589

cringe thread

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Anonymous No. 124590

It's been raining for the past few days, today the weather was perfect. I went to the park expecting it to be crowded but it was just me and the same 3 other locals that are always there.
All of the covid newcomers have completely dropped it.

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Martin Atanasov -....webm

Anonymous No. 124595

Thoughts on eastern yuropean skateboarding?

Anonymous No. 124596

I could have told you that! The flick isn't as precise, the timing is slower, the wider board is easier to catch and easier to commit to landing on.
You can do it easy, even little kids can. Try one with a short wheelbase if you can, long wheelbase is what becomes really cumbersome.

Anonymous No. 124597

Good wheels for slick concrete skateparks? considering OJ elite

Anonymous No. 124598

>All of the covid newcomers have completely dropped it.
are you surprised?

Anonymous No. 124602

I would bet anything that anon barely even shitposted. Those pussies will cry about everyrhing.

Anonymous No. 124604

Bruh. You have to choose. You can be the loner boomer or the jacked bro skater at the park cant be both. Leave a niche for some other weirdo.

Anonymous No. 124607

Spitfire f4 97 or 99

Anonymous No. 124611

I have spent over $5000 at my local skateshop over the past year, I won like 4 raffles for Dunks and I can't even ollie properly. A lot of people seem to have on Dunks but I think they're comfy, look cool and seem easy to skate in. But I will probably resell them since on a couple of pairs I 3xed the money I invested in them. How do skaters feel about this phenomenon or do they not care?

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Anonymous No. 124612

>small Euro gap at the park
>want to roll off it
>put the nose down too soon, back wheels don't even leave the flat, board comes to a total stop, come off the front and pancake on the concrete below
>had elbow pads on, so didn't break anything, but bruised the fuck out of my wrist

This is the fourth time I've done this exact thing.

Anonymous No. 124613

i think they're bulky ugly and made so poor black people can have something to brag about

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Anonymous No. 124614

That was some burly shit. Fucking great part.

Anonymous No. 124615

>long wheelbase is what becomes really cumbersome.
I was going to comment this. I have a 8.375 blind deck that's got a long wheen base and is a bitch to rotate for tres. The wheel base was something like 14.75 which is on the long end.
My next deck I want a 8.5 but not longer and 14.25 wheel base.

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Anonymous No. 124616


Anonymous No. 124622

the shoefaggots who participate in the dunk shit are fucking wack, skate shoes are meant to be skated, instead half of the people who get into the dunks are just hypebeast losers who collect them and resell them like its a stock market. dunks look sick and have some rad color pallettes but the culture surrounding them could not be worse. shoe/hypebeast culture in general is just so fucking wack. the people into that shit are just fucking nerds, looking like theyre in their pajamas while bragging about how they've got $1000 worth of clothing on.

Anonymous No. 124623

I live somewhere that has pools like that but i still never bother to find them and i have no real excuse as to why

Anonymous No. 124626

This dude is at Tampa right now by the way.

Anonymous No. 124629

They are hard to skate and scary and falling hurts my old bones too much. I don't blame you.
Dunks look like generic early 00s skate shoes mixed with Funko pops and Marvel movies.

Anonymous No. 124633

>Dunks look like generic early 00s skate shoes mixed with Funko pops and Marvel movies.
none of this is correct

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Anonymous No. 124634


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Anonymous No. 124635

I kind of forgot 80s guys skated Jordans which probably inspired the later designs.

Anonymous No. 124637

what a horrible example

Anonymous No. 124638

They are all just variations of that in different colours though.

Anonymous No. 124639

that's pretty typical tho. one of the most iconic dunks is the prod dunks, then recently you've got the froskate dunks, the neckface dunks, pretty much anything that's more than 2 colors has been clown shoes.

Anonymous No. 124641

>one of the most iconic dunks is the prod dunks
said nobody ever.

Anonymous No. 124642

ok explain the rerelease and markup

Anonymous No. 124644

aight i'm dumb i got it mixed up with the ben and jerry's dunk. but it was still the most hyped sb dunk released in a long time.

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Anonymous No. 124650

the superior dunk

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Anonymous No. 124651

>the ben and jerry's dunk
I rest my case.

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Anonymous No. 124652

More than just 80s guys, Koston said he imitated several retro jordans with his Es pro models

Also the dunk hate is warranted but can’t deny some of them look excellent

Anonymous No. 124653

>Mikey Alfred tried reviving Illegal Civ with some young teenage skaters because the other dudes dipped
>they were about to have an overpriced premiere for a full length video
>this nigga Mikey was vlogging their skate days
>nobody was fucking with it be it either because it was genuine cringe and awkward/fake as fuck, or maybe because reddit's guy gifted hater started the hate bandwagon
>the kids decide to dip out of IC
>asked Mikey for their clips
>cringyass Mikey (rightfully) declines because he obviously spent his time and also paid a filmer and all that
>at the same time he starts acting like he's getting paid 100k per day to film and that one of the kids' clips will cost 700k and he can buy them off for that price
>filmer is supposedly under contract and is liable if he gives them back the clips
>he releases 700k video trailer instead

So I wonder if he really can get sued over taking over the clips. I have no idea what the contract is.

Anonymous No. 124654

Tyshawns are so far the most comfy skate shoe I’ve ever had. Only think I didn’t like was that it was a bit bulky but if u don’t mind chunk it will cushion ur shit in all the right spots

Anonymous No. 124655

I can say with confidence that those numbers are total bullshit, and I highly doubt there even is a contract at all. How many skate videos (especially ones that look like this) have film contracts tied to them?

Anonymous No. 124658

Mikey is hollyjew certified so I would believe he definitely knows how or knows someone who can write contracts. The number is likely derived from his work on mid90s (this amount could be plausible in that scenario) but he is insane thinking the same number translates to skateboarding

Anonymous No. 124659

Those numbers are obviously bullshit but what leads me to believe there's a contract is that Mikey is who he is, and also the filmer was initially scared to leak any footage, because he said he's liable due to a contract. He could have lied, but I doubt it.

Anonymous No. 124660

dont care, fuck nike i would never wear a pair but they do look cool on other people i guess

Anonymous No. 124661

i think he's going to film new footy for use whatever he has left over like throwaway for the upcoming vid release maybe? idk doesn't sound clear

Anonymous No. 124662
>incel picks up skateboarding in his 30s
>becomes chad after 1 year
wtf its that easy?

Anonymous No. 124663

The clips in that trailer are clips from Mikey's upcoming full length. They could film new footy, but he already used "Mikey's" clips.

Anonymous No. 124664

Where's the chad part?

Anonymous No. 124668

this is the worst drama in a while. mikey alfred is a kook loser but these kids video is gonna be pretty trash, buncha little kids doing alright skating by California standards and way too much hijinx that 15 year olds think is cool

Anonymous No. 124670

Anon what do you expect form a skate video though? Nike filming team tier production? All NBD tricks and 30 stair gaps? There's nothing wrong with a bunch of 15 year olds doing cool tricks and edgy shit, as long as they don't make it cringe.

Anonymous No. 124676

what are you talking about retard. are you actually excited for this LA-kid homie video. one comes out every week, these kids are getting attention from all the drama and are riding it into the sun. this video is gonna come out and its just gonna be whatever meh. and they might end up in a legal battle with a jew. but at least 3,000 people will see them fighting security guards so everyone will know theyre super cool legit street skaters so it will all be worth it right?

Anonymous No. 124678

Why are you butthurt? That's literally what skateboarding has always been. Teenagers fucking around. Do you even skate lil bro?

Anonymous No. 124679

you must be 15 too

Anonymous No. 124680

Alright skateboarding by California standards is like God tier skateboarding in the rest of the country

Anonymous No. 124681

>I'm 15 for not being assmad about new skate videos coming out

So you don't skate. Got it.

Anonymous No. 124682

prove your not 15

Anonymous No. 124683


Sounds like you need to.

Anonymous No. 124688

>implying spoiled brat sons of Hollyjews know about contracts
I used to work in film and tv, people fuck up contracts the entire time, especially for non-union gigs. And I've met many a spoiled brat in the industry that THINK they know how films work, but fuck up the entire time and leave themselves open. Skate companies normally have one overarching contract for their skaters (sometimes stipulating stuff like; "you must wear our brands, you must skate X amount of demos/contests/promos a year, you must make efforts to get good footage") but even then that shit isn't as common as a regular work contract, especially if they're not getting paid. And if this dingus didn't so much as get consent forms from the skaters who all jumped ship, and it's safe to assume he didn't because he hasn't held any of THEIR contracts over their heads because they don't fucking exists, it's highly unlikely he bothered to get them from any of the dozens of photographers or filmers who shot his shit for him.

And even if he did, any one of those kids can still sue because they don't have contracts. A camera guy can't just come up to you, film you doing something, and say "it's cool I have a contract". You have to get people to sign off on everything if you want ownership of it. But because skating is laid back and cool and doesn't lawyer up over shit like skate footage, it's really fucking rare that there are contracts for skate videos at all.

Anyway, this fuckface could very well end up in jail for numerous things at this point and he'd be wise to give the footage to those kids before one of them figures out they can legally drag him for filming them, giving them drugs, then trying to financially exploit THEM at the end of it all.

Anonymous No. 124690

Anon I am literally not reading all of that shit for real.

Anonymous No. 124691

To be honest I read it but now I regret it, because you typed a whole bunch of retarded shit that's literally wrong and you're talking out your asshole.

Anonymous No. 124696

i mean it was going to be trash if mikey released too so does it really matter lmao at least they can save a bit of face by not associating with a kook now but ya hope they don't get sued or whatever,it would make Mr alfraud look worse though so idk if he would really do it

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Anonymous No. 124699

I like hijinx in my skate videos and wish we got more footage like that sprinkled in newer stuff coming out these days.

Anonymous No. 124700

>a fs bigspin over a 7 stair handrail is trash

This is what you guys are essentially saying right now. Literally.

Anonymous No. 124702

Also the incel part..
Respect to the guy though he put in some work. Just needs to roll faster and get more comfy on his board to ditch the beginner style.

Anonymous No. 124704

I'm not racing out to see the 10,000th guy do it, but I get what you're saying.
Who gives a fuck about some corny ass zoomers video? They're just kids let them fuck around and do dumb shit.

Anonymous No. 124705

I'm not setting a reminder for the release on my calendar or buying it either, but I will still watch it for free on youtube whenever it pops up on my recommended. I just got get people getting butthurt about more content from actual skilled skaters. It also might not even turn out corny. If you guys are talking about the clips with the security/cops, then fuck the polis and fuck mall cops will never get old.

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Anonymous No. 124706

while everyone here is complaining I'd like to add my 2 cents and say FUCK all this grainy VX footage and zoomers putting filters on new shit trying to make it look like the 90's. I hate that shit more than single dangly cross earings or Nyjah length aethletic shorts.

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Anonymous No. 124707

Oi cunt

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Anonymous No. 124708

The VX is an outdated camera not worth the extra effort it takes to use, and that fucking shit stock Super8 filter/frame EVERY video uses needs to be banned.

Anonymous No. 124719

the vx has its place - even today, but I agree it shouldn't be the full video.

Anonymous No. 124720

Whatever April uses looks great I think, 4:3 HD

Anonymous No. 124730

companies are weird about contracts desu. i've worked with small ass companies that had contracts for ams and random flow kids but then you have dudes like tyler bledsoe coming out and saying they never even had a board contract at all (for burton era alien)
>How many contracts would you say you’ve signed in skating?
I think when I was on Etnies we would do three-year contracts. I did two of those. I never had a contract with Alien and I don’t have one with Quasi. It’s only been shoe stuff and HUF.

i am very skeptical that there was any formal arrangement with the filmer. even big companies love to string their filmers along on handshake deals without putting anything in writing

Anonymous No. 124731

i don't care for drone footage desu. it makes skating look like a videogame

Anonymous No. 124732

>i've worked with small ass companies
in what sense did you work with them?

agreed, i hate all drone footage in any sport. it's unnatural

Anonymous No. 124734

filming parts for my buddies who were am since no one else who could film lived out here lol. they did yearly contracts for kids who basically would've been considered flow in the proper industry. pretty much anyone who did okay at a contest or filmed a part was 'on the team' in some nebulous sense

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Anonymous No. 124739


Anonymous No. 124740

You now remember the Silverman chick getting mad that she lost in an AM contest to a bigspin down a ledge, when her best footage is her carving LOW on bowls and doing some basic freestyle tricks. You now remember that she was so fucking salty about it that she went on Piers Morgan's show and wrote and open letter to Redbull to try and change their rules.

Anonymous No. 124741

Exactly. He's a total bullshit artist failson. He's clearly lying about the figures, he doesn't have a contract for the skaters he can hold over them (skaters he doesn't even pay), and it's really unlikely there's any contract with the filmers either. I have no idea what his supposed "agents" even are either. Talent agents? Multiple lawyers? And these people told him to call a kid a neonazi?

I fucking hate people like this.

Anonymous No. 124742

Holy shit, I can't believe the stuff he is doing already at the 6-12month mark. He must be putting in a lot of work.
>wtf its that easy?
In my experience, fuck no, this guy seems to either be putting all his free time into it, or just has a natural knack for it. I've been skating about twice a week for a year and a half and I can't even do half the shit he can at the 6month mark, even. Only thing I have over him is I look a lot more comfortable riding my board and tend to try and go as fast as possible all the time.

Anonymous No. 124743

skateboard biopics in a similar vein as carts of darkness?

Anonymous No. 124745

Hmm, maybe All This Mayhem? Though it's more like a true crime kind of thing by the end. There are lots of short Vice docs where they just follow a skater around for their day to day life.

Anonymous No. 124746

oy vey

Anonymous No. 124748

Also, fucking compare these two people: a girl who says she's skated for 10 years from age 12 whose most badass trick is a backside carve on a bowl, throwing an international hissy fit because she didn't get contest money she thinks she deserves VS a 34 year old man who's doing 50s to shuvs out on decent ledges after 2 years of practice who doesn't think he's progressing fast enough.

Anonymous No. 124749


Lmao. But she's right though. That's free money she lost for no reason. Even though skateboarding isn't something like powerlifting where wimmin clearly have a massive disadvantage, but still. Not letting chicks have their own space where they have an actual chance of winning and building a career is literally sexist.

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Anonymous No. 124753

>You can't skate here. We're not insured for this. If you hurt yourself you could sue us.

Do any of you know of a single time this has actually happened? It's the go-to excuse for so many security guards and wagies for their office buildings but I have never, ever, heard of this happening.

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Anonymous No. 124754

>You can't skate he-ACK

Anonymous No. 124755

dude seems totally normal

Anonymous No. 124756

I think deep down regardless of how much of a lame kike bitch she comes across as everyone knows she's right. years from now the masses will all look back on this dumb tranny shit and realize how insane everyone was acting, biological men have no place in women's spaces. that's really the end of it. simple as.

Anonymous No. 124758

skateboarding is a men's space.
women are the intruders and trannyshit is their punishment

Anonymous No. 124759

Ok but it's also our punishment.

Anonymous No. 124763

no it’s not you dumb faggot. It was a shared space in the very early days and then it turned into jock shit

Anonymous No. 124766

>comfortable riding my board and tend to try and go as fast as possible all the time.

these are the most important skills desu. 90% of gaps & tranny is just going fast and being able to stay on your board you can learn tricks pretty quickly if you simply dedicate time to them. if your living situation allows it, maybe get a parking block or a flatbar so you can just consistently lab shit throughout the week. barring that try and find a decent spot nearby where you can comfortably try stuff. it doesn't take much, if you can find a ledge/curb/manny pad etc and put an hour into it every day, you'll learn pretty fast

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Anonymous No. 124771

Quite based m’lord

Anonymous No. 124772

new skate vids come out every single day retard. theres an endless supply of content and vids to watch. the only reason you know about this vid is because of the drama surrounding it probably because the only way you find out about skate content is from youtuber drama whores.

>fuck the polis and fuck mall cops will never get old.
you are 15 bro just stop its embarrassing.

this bitch is back trying to get more attention? she gonna go on ben shapiro this time?

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Anonymous No. 124773

Anonymous No. 124774

>new skate vids come out every single day

And there's nothing wrong with one more coming out, bootlicker retard.

Anonymous No. 124775

hahahaha you are so fucking dumb not once have you actually understood what im trying to say to you

Anonymous No. 124777

Then express your thoughts via the English language in an understandable matter, retard. Currently all you're saying is that you're bothered by some kids that can skate are releasing a skate video.

Anonymous No. 124779
Jesus Christ this is what people do at Tampa Am now!?


Anonymous No. 124782

every reply from troons that obviously dont skate hurts to read

Anonymous No. 124783

Ok but big up to my bro Martin for traveling all that way and doing his thing.

Anonymous No. 124787

every reply from chuds that obviously dont skate hurts to read

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Anonymous No. 124795

can anyone tell me if these shoes are good for skating? I bought them for 8$ at a thrift store so if they suck I wont cry. they're Vans Ultrarange. the only thing I think is weird about them is the sole its like textured like mountain boots idk

Anonymous No. 124801

>but that d-doesn't really happen
>"oh okay, proceed with your skateboarding activities, my mistake"

Anonymous No. 124802

She was literally the best female in multiple contests, they shouldn't have women's contests if they don't find the level high enough

Anonymous No. 124805

judging from your question you’re probably not even good enough for shoes to even matter, you could skate in crocs at your skill level. sounds like you can’t even Ollie yet, don’t worry about shoes

Anonymous No. 124807

lmao those are like winter shoes for snow/ice probably insulated too. cut your nails

Anonymous No. 124808

Kek no

Anonymous No. 124809

It's a bit strange the whole support women's skating and then their best skater is a kook, so a tranny wins their comp and everyone flips to support the tranny that dumb woman is a kook.
But whatever this clown world doesn't surprise me anymore.

Anonymous No. 124810

based male supremacist.

American skater women are mostly posers anyways. Just look at how much better all these asian teenage girls are doing.
IMO high profile contest skating is just an elaborate marketing popularity contest anyways. Not that the guys at the top aren't top athletes but that you could find a ton more dudes doing the exact same shit who you've never heard of

Anonymous No. 124811

more technical tricks is fine but, i remember this Tampa VHS i used to have and it seemed better and more fun back then,

Anonymous No. 124819

If this guy did core exercises and worked on leg muscle, and fucked around on a balance bourd, he could really really get a lot better faster. He still has that stuff awkward look.

Anonymous No. 124820

>If this guy did core exercises and worked on leg muscle, and fucked around on a balance bourd,
Is this what the pros do?

Anonymous No. 124821

She's been saying this kind of thing non stop since the initial drama. I agree with her but I also think she's a Jewish look and I had to unfollow her because she posted so much gay pro Israel shit.

As the other guy said all the vice epicly laterd vids are sort of similar.

I've never heard of it happening but I think in the USA it COULD happen if you had a turbo kike lawyer. Like 'our client was merely riding his skateboard down the street and he didn't know there was a 12 stair here, he couldn't get off his board fast enough and he fell down the stairs and broke his legs'

I personally don't care if women skate but they should know their place, the most annoying thing is when some dumb bitch who's best trick is a pop shuv vibes you at the park. Like I'm better than you so give respect where respect is due or fuck off you little whore

Anonymous No. 124822

>vibes you at the park
imagine getting bullied by a small girl god damn you guys are losers

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Anonymous No. 124823

Some of you might remember I posted a form for a concrete bench that I was going to build and then put out on the street somewhere so people could skate it. Well I just poured the concrete, currently waiting for it to set so I can finish the concrete. I'm going to do a quick polish on it too so it looks nice and slides easy. I added a bunch of broken up seashells to the mix too so when I polish it there will be little bit of seashells showing in the concrete, it'll look kind of artsy fartsy

Anonymous No. 124824

Also the dimensions are 5ft by 18 inches for the top and it is 16 inches high. I think the idea of making diy spots that are easily disguised as just normal parts of the city scape is cool and I'm hoping this one works out well. It's a way for people to have good ledges to skate without getting skate-stoppered.

Anonymous No. 124825

taylor silverman entered a boys competition and took 2nd place. dumb bitch has to travel to middle of nowhere competitions to win anything

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Anonymous No. 124826


Anonymous No. 124830

I swear there used to be a video on the internet of Steve O doing this to a guy whose car he did a trick off, but I've never been able to find it again.

Anonymous No. 124832

>Like I'm better than you so give respect where respect is due

Anonymous No. 124833

>when some dumb bitch who's best trick is a pop shuv vibes you at the park.
Holy fuck you must be a real failure if this happens to you. I have never had a single girl vibe me once, even the ones who are aggressive over taking runs.

Anonymous No. 124834

>some dumb bitch who's best trick is a pop shuv vibes you at the park
theres a reason your getting vibed. its because your a loser

Anonymous No. 124835

You fuckers don't live in California and don't know how entitled these dumb zoomer women are.

Anonymous No. 124836

fuck yea dude. just don't put it in too high traffic an area or you'll get some HOA type granny karen to call the city and get it hauled off.

Anonymous No. 124841

No i plan to put it on the street opposite the skate shop actually lol. If it grinds well it'll be sick

Anonymous No. 124842

the quebecers used to skate in shoes like that
maybe get some foam grip for your board.
if you get mob or something it's gonna be way too grippy

Anonymous No. 124843

Could learning to ollie be much harder for someone of above-average height?

Anonymous No. 124844

everything in skating is harder if you're taller but if you're not physically disabled you can learn to ollie, it's only marginally harder

get out there and practice faggot

Anonymous No. 124850

is jumping harder for tall people?

Anonymous No. 124851

jumping is not really the difficult to learn part of the movement

Anonymous No. 124853

if he (a br) can ollie you can ollie

Anonymous No. 124854

I can ollie and shuv it fag im just asking a question, suck my balls you fucking loser

Anonymous No. 124855

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Anonymous No. 124858

Anonymous No. 124860

this dude is so far ahead of basically everyone it pisses me off

Anonymous No. 124866

I was gonna back this big nose curly hair neanderthal looking big tiddy retard, but men's intermediate? Bitch you're presenting yourself as a top wimmin skater. Intermediate level is 4chan tier almost.

Anonymous No. 124867

Rick McRank 270 lip on the biggest rail, in 1999. that trick is still being scored high in SLS.

Anonymous No. 124870

Hot take: madonna is just an aerial beanplant

Anonymous No. 124871

Flat has a rollaway for you to push into the next obstacle if needed, bowls often have little space before you need to pump...and landing to flat will kill your speed compared to landing in the tranny.

Anonymous No. 124873

Why don't you just put them on and try them out instead of asking 4chan then crying when you get this >>124805 kind of response? What the fuck are you doing? Literally put them on your feet, push around on your board and pop an ollie. Did it feel good, or bad? Job done.

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Anonymous No. 124874

Why has a binding based design for skateboarding never taken off? The closest we ever seemed to get was for mountainboards, but they don't really work on skate transition.

Anonymous No. 124875

how would you push? how would you bail? I can't do flip tricks? anything more cumbersome detracts from portability and freedom. throw it down, pick it up. Just go. now I gotta put on roller skates glued to a board? at that point a scooter is the lesser gay option.

Anonymous No. 124876

skill issue

Anonymous No. 124879

new thread my fellow niggas

Anonymous No. 124903

what would be the benefits?

Anonymous No. 124989

Yeah, they're crazy into yoga, and meditation, balance stuff.