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Hard Ticket to Ha....webm

🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 130102

No kooks edition

Old thread: >>128945

Thread question: what are the perfect dimensions for a miniramp?

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Danny Wainwright.jpg

Anonymous No. 130103

look at this photo

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Anonymous No. 130104


Anonymous No. 130109

Eastern yurop skateboard

Anonymous No. 130110

Does anyone else feel weird talking to teenagers and kids at the skatepark? like I won't go out of my way to talk to one, but I'm not going to ignore them if they say something to me. I try to avoid interacting with them overall though. It just seems weird to me as a 27-year-old.

Anonymous No. 130111

extremely sus post

Anonymous No. 130113

Yeah same except I don't actively avoid them because that's also autistic on it's own. Like I'll say what's up to them when I pass by instead of just riding buy and not saying anything in the hopes that they don't talk to me either.

Anonymous No. 130118

any thoughts on ledge tricks to manual out? very trendy right now but will it die in 2023?

Anonymous No. 130119

rolled my ankle 2 weeks ago and it still aches when i try a flick down motion. fuck this meat prison

Anonymous No. 130132

in what situation would you need to flick down

Anonymous No. 130134

jamie griffin inventing flip tricks mode

Anonymous No. 130137


Anonymous No. 130146

That's the guy who had the record for highest flatground ollie
He/it was the one in that famous video from the early 00s where he ollies a chest-high fence like structure in a indoor competition

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Anonymous No. 130151

>go to skatepark
>unaware its some “girls only skate sesh” quarterly meetup
>this trooner vibes you
what do you dO

Anonymous No. 130152

The current record his held by a ... idk what he is a fillipino maybe

Anonymous No. 130153

Ollie up the first box. Then a fs 180 up the second one. Finishing with a fakie bigspin before I reach the wall. Take a breather and wait for my turn to go again. Slappy bs nose on the first box. Then flatground heelflip into a flatground two foot catch high pop shoveit. Then I say "shut up faggot".

Anonymous No. 130154

tell the bitches im a troon too
skate better than all of them
win first prize

Anonymous No. 130155

I'd probably just stand there awkwardly, pull out my phone to snap a photo then leave and post about it on /esg/

Anonymous No. 130156

>lol shut up
>run and throw down
>miss footing
>walk back to get my board and push away
>no comply

Anonymous No. 130159

>>go to skatepark
>>unaware its some “girls only skate sesh” quarterly
why does this happen so often to posters here? im starting to think you guys are just making stuff up or something.

Anonymous No. 130163

Man you are determined to let us know you think everyone on this board is a loser..

Anonymous No. 130165

>see all the women
>get scared

Anonymous No. 130166

>t. flyover

Anonymous No. 130167

>roll in
>do a kickflip
>flex a 'cep

Anonymous No. 130168


Anonymous No. 130172

What got you banned from slap?

Anonymous No. 130178

The mods on slap will ban you if they suspect you are not left wing

Anonymous No. 130181

What kind of janky skatepark is that?

Anonymous No. 130182

At what age is it too late?

Anonymous No. 130183


Anonymous No. 130184

Meme answer: if you weren't born with the gene™ you'll never make it

Genuine answer: The best time to start was 5 years ago. The second best time is now.

Anonymous No. 130188

Wonder if we'll see 50 posts of fighting game autism again

Anonymous No. 130190

better than the car battery shit we had a while ago

Anonymous No. 130191


Anonymous No. 130194

if you can't change a car battery you're a poofter simple as that mate

Anonymous No. 130195

oi cunt wanna come hang out at suncorp stadium skatepark

Anonymous No. 130201

some fag who can't heelflip so flexed about changing car batteries to cope

Anonymous No. 130204

Don't forget
>fail the first ollie onto the box - it's too high, you're not ready for that yet
>fall forwards and faceplant the box
>board shoots out behind you and goes rocketing across the park
>do the walk of shame to go get it while everyone vibes you
>start running to the exit once you grab your board and awkwardly shout 'shut up faggot' without looking around
>run faster after you say it in case anyone tries to chase you to kick your teeth in

Anonymous No. 130207

Shut up faggot.

Anonymous No. 130215

I hope so.

Anonymous No. 130219

merry christmas

Anonymous No. 130225

>what are the perfect dimensions for a miniramp?
3ft tall, 4.5ft transition radius, 10+ foot wide.

Anonymous No. 130227

is it normal to skate like shit during winter? everything is so much harder to land feels like

is this normal or am i just a faggot

Anonymous No. 130232

its normal and you're a faggot. The cold stiffens up your muscles

Anonymous No. 130234

people need to stop using screamo music in their vids

Anonymous No. 130236

new anti hero vid dropping soon

Anonymous No. 130237

I like anti hero.

Anonymous No. 130238

yeah i had to mute almost half of the video, i wonder if the music is picked by the editor or not

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Anonymous No. 130239

> It will never be 2003 again.

Anonymous No. 130240

okay any tips to deal with it aside from spending more time warming up??
btw no closed spots its all out in the open

Anonymous No. 130241

Just hopped back on a board for the first time in 11 years. To my surprise, I can still do all of my flip tricks, even switch... except tres. I also can't ollie very high at all, and the board doesn't stay under my feet very well. My balance is bad and I feel like I'm skating drunk, albeit skating. How long does it take to get balance back? I got kind of blackpilled thinking that it might take years. Stopped skating way back when after a couple of friends moved away for college, and never returned, and everyone else became "dude weed skate twice a year but only when drunk and stoned"

Anonymous No. 130242

thoughts on egyptian scene?

Anonymous No. 130243

good bam has always been a faggot i don't mind tiktok skaters as annoying as they are they aren't nearly as obnoxious as 2003 jock skater bros were

Anonymous No. 130244

> bam
> jock skater bro
literally what? how old are you lil dude?

Anonymous No. 130246

Zoomers were a mistake

Anonymous No. 130254

34 and how old are you to not know who bam is or be aware of the rise and fall of the skater jock army of the mid 2000's? every other skater dressed like chris angel and was on roids

Anonymous No. 130256

That happened way before Bam, with Rocco and World Industries

Anonymous No. 130257

>How long does it take to get balance back
took me like a week of consecutive skating for hours ( it was summer time and i didn't have a job. skated 5hours+ a day )could take a month if you have other shit to do.

Anonymous No. 130264

does anyone actually give a fuck what pros ride for what companies? just curious after the gh video on skater trading. I always just got whatever art I liked until i found a shape i like. I always thought it was kinda gay to have some pro's name on my board if anything it made me want it less...

Anonymous No. 130265

I was sick for like 10 days with a brutal flu and now i've lost all my tricks, it's like i can't balance anymore

fuck this shit

Anonymous No. 130266

>does anyone actually give a fuck what pros ride for what companies
>I always thought it was kinda gay to have some pro's name on my board if anything it made me want it less...
you have a 12 yo contrarian mind set

Anonymous No. 130267

>no you see bro caring about brands and pros is actually the rebellious cool thing to do

Anonymous No. 130268

I mean, I like supporting board companies that feel like an honest group of family members (Baker) or brands that have a well established image/company vision and have riders that carry that as skaters. honestly thought that GH video was one of the better ones he has made in a while. I don't *really* care, but it's a nice bonus when im buying a board.

Anonymous No. 130269

>rebellious cool thing
12yo mind set

Anonymous No. 130270

let me give a lil lesson in economics to the grom in here. you see when you buy something, using money, that money then gets transfered along. some people like their money to go towards things they like. people who watch a lot of videos and follow skateboarding a decent amount have brands and skaters they like, and brands and skaters they dont like. obviously youd want your money to support the things you like rather than hte things you dont like! when you buy a skateboard with a cool graphic you are doing this same thing but with slightly less knowledge which is ok! you are still giving money to the things you like and being a good consumer piggie.

Anonymous No. 130271

yeah bro conservatism is the new punk rock

Anonymous No. 130274

not really unless it's the homie or someone that gets me super stoked on skating otherwise all pros are literally just some guy to me

Anonymous No. 130275

punk rock has always been conservative and fascistic

Anonymous No. 130277

Why do skaters use fisheye lens?

Anonymous No. 130279

to make their ass look juicy

Anonymous No. 130283


Anonymous No. 130284

Nice. The stair spot looks fun

Anonymous No. 130285

>no pyramids
>no ra statues
>no cats

Anonymous No. 130286

pretty sick. looks like footage from any us city, only difference is that we'd be using that music ironically whereas I assume that's what young people listen to normally over there.

Anonymous No. 130287

>TFW the country you live in gets cold as fuck in the winter and extremely rainy but not cold enough to snow

I chose a shitty time to pick up skateboarding

Anonymous No. 130289


Anonymous No. 130298

That just means you need another booster

Some great clips in there

Anonymous No. 130305

now that paid indoor skateparks have had a mass die-off in most places across the us, it makes it even worse. that's the whole reason skating stayed alive in my town with shitty weather all these decades. we only have two outdoor parks now, so you can't even skate days after heavy rain until it drains and dries. I basically grew up in the indoor skatepark that no longer exists.

Anonymous No. 130308

i feel like indoor skateparks sound amazing until you actually have one. nothing beats skating outside in warm spring/fall like weather.

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Anonymous No. 130309

Thoughts on random ocks?

Anonymous No. 130320

Im totally here for the emo trend

Anonymous No. 130321

I mean if you watch a lot of skateboarding then you would probably want to keep up with who is doing what tricks, so yes we care about whether or not the team is diverse but also on par with each other. As for having someone else’s name on your board yeah i have to agree that doesnt really make for a cool graphic if thats what youre looking for.

Anonymous No. 130323

If you have a garage thats big enough i suggest learning how to build a small grindbox

Anonymous No. 130328

Man I've known this board has existed for years first time checking it out and surprised to see anons are into skating on this Mongolian basket weaving forum

Anonymous No. 130333

dumb newfaggot

Anonymous No. 130335

bros i keep having to re-learn my tricks from scratch everytime i go skate and its fucking annoying
pls how do i deal with it

Anonymous No. 130338

just b urself

Anonymous No. 130339

give the boss a firm handshake and maintain eye contact

merry christmas (eve) /esg/
i hope you goofballs get a lot of skate stuff tomorrow from santa claus

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Anonymous No. 130340

Andrew Reynolds.... His part in the 2009 film stay gold was one the sickest things I've ever seen considering his age at the time

Anonymous No. 130341

Doing it nearly often to every day

Anonymous No. 130343

>his age at the time

32? 30? What is that supposed to mean?

Anonymous No. 130344

he was 53

Anonymous No. 130352

Practice endovers on your rug. Will help tremendously.

Anonymous No. 130354

This Anti hero deck i'm currently riding is honestly the worst board i've ever had. I have never before had a deck so badly affect my skateboarding ability. It's the Raney Beres 8.63 shaped deck. I don't even know what it is, it just feels wrong, like it's too flat, tail is too short, nose is too big... everything about it is just wrong to me.

Anonymous No. 130356

what are you using it for? sounds like a board for transition

Anonymous No. 130357

Merry Christmas lads

Anonymous No. 130359

skill issue

Anonymous No. 130360

Yes i'm using it for transition. It just feels off.

Idk. It was like as soon as I started riding it my skill dropped.

Anonymous No. 130362

what skill

Anonymous No. 130363

It's christmas man. cmon

Anonymous No. 130367

Merry Christmas!

Any of you guys get anything cool?

Anonymous No. 130368

My parents got me a $50 steam gift card, but I'm at a point where I think I have every game I could want and its losing joy for me.

Anonymous No. 130369

I guess you just have to chalk it up as a loss. For me, it's my Polar 8.5 idk why it's so bad, it looks like it should be normal. Krooked 8.62 as well, that one is probably my least ridden deck ever.

Anonymous No. 130372

Krooked 8.62 and Anti hero 8.63 might be the same decks, did it feel super flat and shit? My favorite ever is the krooked 8.88 shaped deck. I want to go back to riding normal popsicle decks but riding a shaped deck just feels so good to me.

Anonymous No. 130377

Nah it's the popsicle, I might like that one if it's flat

Anonymous No. 130379

Well are you one of the socal anons? I would give it to you if so. It's barely been skated

Anonymous No. 130382

i hate watching people that has that style where they don't bend their knees when they land, it looks horrible

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Anonymous No. 130386

Looks like it's going be a nice week for me next week. Can't wait, need to skate so fucking bad fuck winter fuck snow gay fucking white water jkhjfdhfiudshfdshfdskj

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Anonymous No. 130387

Girlfriend bought me this board for Christmas. I have no idea what to do with it.

Anonymous No. 130389

Had covid this last week and hadn't skated for a week or so prior. I'm itching so badly. I did two kickflips in my apartment and pretty sure the entire building shook.
You guys on the 8.6 and 8.8 decks, what size tricks you ride with them?

Anonymous No. 130390

Judging by her choice of graphic she probably wants you to paddle her ass with it anon

Anonymous No. 130391

Indy 159s work fine with those sizes. You could probably go up to 169s too, it doesn't matter that much

Anonymous No. 130392

put it on the wall. My sister got me this giant in-n-out longboard last year it's gay af i just have it leaning up against the wall and it always falls over but I can't bring myself to throw it out

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Anonymous No. 130399

I got a little something; I was aiming for a small frontside tailslide but landed on my truck so I got a sneaky suski. I have accumulated a handful of clips over the year, I might make something into a webm here. Can someone post the webm guide?

Anonymous No. 130400

Damn, your gf is kinky. I wish my horrible gf would buy me skateshit but she hates skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 130405

Just got a snow skate. People recommend studded grip, any specific type I should get?

Anonymous No. 130407

well, when you live somewhere that has rain every couple of days it seems, it's the difference between putting hours in or feeling like you are always just trying to get back tricks. also extremely humid, so ac is amazing. can skate all day and not even break a sweat.

Anonymous No. 130408

skate all day, everyday.

Anonymous No. 130409

>no firecracker down the Giza pyramid

0/10 would not bang

Anonymous No. 130412

just google xtreme grip and you should be able to find it in bulk for cheap.
ambition makes their own now with rubber studs instead of metal and it's a little better imo because you can sand them down if you want less grip in certain spots but the og stuff works perfectly fine

Anonymous No. 130413

Gf got me a GoPro but it's not arriving til next week.

Anonymous No. 130414

Yeah Xtreme grip is mandatory. I got the new Ambition prism grip and it's feels great

Anonymous No. 130422


Anonymous No. 130423

What the fuck is this?

Anonymous No. 130424

>instead of the new anti hero vid for christmas we get this shit

Anonymous No. 130428

Based Tired Skateboards

Anonymous No. 130439

She’s into spanking and some kink play. >>130392
That’s what I’m going to do because I hate the pointy nose on these decks. I bought her a record player and a necklace for good measure.

Anonymous No. 130444

wow that was absolute dog shit. watching some fat drunk boomer struggle on a 3 stair like he's been skating for 3 months because it's 'relatable' isn't quarky or cool it's just sad. These dudes make the 'woke' dyke skate crowd look professional. Good on them for palin' around having fun making a vid with some passion project brand but the fact that thrasher published this is just sad for the sport imo it's like making a mockery of all the youngsters actually tryharding imo idk man it's just sad to me I hate it thrasher is fuckin garbage

Anonymous No. 130445

How new are you? lol It's a Thrasher Christmas tradition.

Anonymous No. 130447

I agree with the other guy. It's fine to be a retard and have shit style, I'm shit at skateboarding too but I don't go out and film it because I'm not so deluded that I think anyone wants to see that when they could be watching pros skate instead. I'm actually better than most of those guys but I still wouldn't want my shit to be in a thrasher video

Anonymous No. 130449

This post makes me Tired

Anonymous No. 130450

Thrasher is trash so I haven't been paying attention.

Anonymous No. 130483

Dude don't be scared to film yourself because you're bad. If you're not in someone's way, no one will give a fuck.

Anonymous No. 130492

I'm not scared to film myself because I suck. I sometimes film myself just to make sure i'm doing a trick correctly. I'm just not so narcissistic that i think anyone else would ever want to see.

Anonymous No. 130499

I generally feel the same way about my own skating and never bother to film myself, but it's a bullshit attitude and people, believe it or not, DO like to see sloppy skating because it makes them feel like they could do it too. I didn't pick up an instrument until I heard Nirvana b-sides and realised it was just some guys in a room with a tape recorder.

Just film yourself doing your old reliables and keep the edit short and you'll look pretty good.

Anonymous No. 130500

So you'd never film yourself for fun?
Like filming yourself doing a kickflip over a friend's board?

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Anonymous No. 130501

>Just film yourself doing your old reliables and keep the edit short and you'll look pretty good
I do that in here and get shit on.

Anonymous No. 130505

Vanity is not soulful
*tips fedora*

Anonymous No. 130506

Last guy who filmed my skating disappeared and it's been over 20 years now. I don't want that to happen to me..

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Anonymous No. 130508

stunning and brave skating friends. you have my updoot for today, you have won the internet.

Anonymous No. 130509


Anonymous No. 130513

Anonymous No. 130518

I appreciate any and all clips including yours.

Anonymous No. 130531

>half frozen rain for the next several days
please stop

Anonymous No. 130548

And one of our resident posters is in one of them

Anonymous No. 130549

Stop lying

Broooks, where is the webm guide at?

Anonymous No. 130558

Someone tell me how to make a webm so I can post my sketchy ollie down a 6 set

Anonymous No. 130559

i just google mp4 to webm converter

Anonymous No. 130561


Anonymous No. 130563

Webm for lazies, which is reddit's gayass updated version of webm for retards, but it includes VP9, so you should be using that.

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Whatsapp Video 20....webm

Anonymous No. 130565


Anonymous No. 130566

This just proves that people with little skill but big balls will always be more successful than others. Reminder to everyone itt to not be a pussy.

Anonymous No. 130568

being drunk always helps

Anonymous No. 130571

i hate skatepark footy

Anonymous No. 130573

now is a good time to be checking the sales thread on slap

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Anonymous No. 130574

Vibed again

Anonymous No. 130575

Sick man

Anonymous No. 130576

Do a fs 180 or a pop shoveit next time dad. Bro straight up ollied down a smallass bank.

Anonymous No. 130578


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Anonymous No. 130580


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Where do you thin....png

Anonymous No. 130582

>in here

Anonymous No. 130584


Anonymous No. 130592

the best deal i found was 20% off pads and helmet which brought it down to pre-inflation/reg price

Anonymous No. 130595

how do I stop being a mentalcel? sometimes my legs give out mid trick but not for physical reasons.

Anonymous No. 130613

you can't
I would probably be a pro skater if i werent a mentalcel

Anonymous No. 130618

I could bs 180 over the bank , but not after kickflipping the two. I suck at doing two tricks in a row , especially when one of those isn't an ollie

Anonymous No. 130635

A bs 180 is an ollie dadbro.

Anonymous No. 130638

Try to figure out what specifically is scaring you (eg; you can't see where you back foot is) and do an easier trick with the same problem on a smaller, safer scale. Do all of the shit you can already do and work from there.

Anonymous No. 130639

getting hurt, it's always getting hurt. i feel like one wrong land my knee will snap in half and ruin my entire life.

Anonymous No. 130640

but other than that, your working your way up to a trick is great advice I wish I had access to small skateable objects everything at my local is fucking massive

Anonymous No. 130641

>getting hurt,
Yeah but how, specifically? There are lots of different ways to fall off your board or land badly. That's why I'm saying that you should try to find something safer and similar to practice first. Like, idk, you want to do a fakie frontside 5-0 on transition, so you start with regular frontside 5-0s, then fakie frontside 5050s, then go for the fakie 5-0.

Also, and it depends on the trick, but it's a good idea to practice how to bail out first if you can, give yourself an exit strategy for the latter part of the trick. So you figure out how it can go wrong and think "if I don't get my front foot on at this stage I can kneeslide/dive out to the right". Try to figure out HOW exactly it's likely to go wrong and be ready. If you can't figure that out and are just going for a hail Mary, land-it-by-chance thing, then you go and practice easier but similar tricks or watch someone else do it.

Anonymous No. 130642

That's what happened to me.

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Anonymous No. 130651

>I swear, I was good back in the day

Anonymous No. 130657


Anonymous No. 130670

>smallass bank.
It ain't that small. Looks equivalent to a 4 stair. But ollieing down banks is scarier than ollieing stairs or dirt gaps because if you dont make it on a bank you're going to fling out and land on your ass.

Anonymous No. 130671

How is a bs 180 an ollie? They're totally different you fag.

Anonymous No. 130675

It's literally a 2 stair.

I'd beat the shit out of you no cap.

Anonymous No. 130676

You couldn't do shit to me because i wear a helmet and pads. Go ahead, try punch my head, see what happens you little zoomer bitch. Get ready to cop my andy anderson deck to the neck in 'self defence'.

Anonymous No. 130677

Is it a flight deck? You'd probably end up slicing his neck with that thing.

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jack frost.jpg

Anonymous No. 130678

How are you American anons coping with the snow? Getting pretty fucking sick of the rain in Bongland here.

Anonymous No. 130679

So you've been hating the UK 24/7 for your entire life?

Anonymous No. 130680

Well that goes without saying

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Anonymous No. 130681

I live within 30 min of a ski area I can get in for free. I just ride freestyle park terrain and I’m debating asking the staff if I can just bring my snow skate and practice shit on their rails.

Anonymous No. 130682

One has to wonder how people like Tom Penny and Geoff Rowley got to be

Anonymous No. 130683

By the way, Polar is the new Flip. Until the capitalists nuke us or eliminate cash money.

Anonymous No. 130690

Snow? I'm in socal. It's raining today but it'll be dry tomorrow. Sucks to live in a shithole i guess but we can't all be winners

Anonymous No. 130691

Are Fancy Lad sovl or just drug addicts?

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Anonymous No. 130694

Based tnt doesn't fuck with vaxxies

Anonymous No. 130698

a little bit of both

Anonymous No. 130704

Based Fancy Chad.

Anonymous No. 130705

The south gets pretty fucking hot during summer. Droughts this last 2 years, looking like an even bigger one next year. Even October was warm as fuck this year. It's really late November to the end of February where it gets truly dogshit with cold and rain.

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Anonymous No. 130708

Just thought of an epic new line to try in the bowl bros

drop in shallow end
big frontside carve the face wall in deep end to get some speed
bs 50-50 shallow end
frontside slash left wall in deep end
frontside slash right wall in deep end
backside slash face wall in deep end
frontside grind the hip from deep to shallow

Anonymous No. 130716

Fuck yeah. But it's not the jabbed who are the enemy.

Only soul

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Anonymous No. 130730

The bank is higher than that two stair. Maybe just a little wider. It's fine I probably could do better lines there if I spent more time there.
Or not idk.
Ateotd I'm not trying to show off how good I am or how big a bank is- I'm hoping more people will post more OC. You must admit it was a pretty nice Ollie at the end at least.
Here's one more from the weekend. It ends with an Ollie as well . It's less impressive but I just learned these backside on a bank .

Anonymous No. 130741

Daddy is so sensible.
Hey Daddy,
That was a clean 5-0. The bs ollie was shit but i'm glad you know that Daddy.I feel like a real winner today! I get two Daddy videos. I love seeing your vids. I'm so proud of you . "Look at my Daddy" I tell myself , "that's my Daddy" and I chuckle as I point to my chest with my thumb. If I had friends I'd tell them all about you. Really , I would. I look up to you Daddy

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Anonymous No. 130751

Look at this. T-Funk the little fucking gremlin skates this giant boat of a board. Very cool.

Anonymous No. 130752

Why do people talk about how wheels slide. I don't really give a fuck about powerslides. is it really more so for people who can't land 180s properly?
Like why is a wheel being able to slide so important

Anonymous No. 130754

grip or lack off on slick surfaces is very important
slideability on nose/tail slides or blunts is also very important

Anonymous No. 130755

makes total sense for stability because of how fucking fast he skates

Anonymous No. 130776

that's gotta be a custom shape it what's the wheelbase on that I wonder? looks pretty short...

Anonymous No. 130779


Anonymous No. 130785

cringe tryhards that probably brag about doing shrooms

Anonymous No. 130797

Makes a hell of a difference for landing on ramps. A grippy wheel can stop you from slipping out at full force on a bowl, but then you might actually like to be able to revert more easily out of tricks. There are some bowls I can't do sharp carves on because their surface is too slick/my wheels are too hard and it annoys me. But then my grippier wheels mean I have to commit more to a direction rather than doing little shuffles to get out of it.

Anonymous No. 130801

Sometimes grippy wheels in bowls suck because if you grind or air and come back in at a slight angle the wheels will just catch and throw you. It's good to have a bit of slide in bowls, it's actually more forgiving

Anonymous No. 130804

IMHO the most likely reason people talk about how wheels slide is they like doing tricks where the wheels need to slide, reverts, powerslides, nose/tail slides, smiths, feebles, blunts etc.

Anonymous No. 130806

Please skate a ledge for once in your life retard

Anonymous No. 130807

Based. The title 'is this skateboarding?' alone made Emerica go from core and rad to corny and cringe (I currently skate emericas so joking sort of)
His set up is what is convincing me to go bigger. Kader too. They ride big ass boards but can finesse them. Not super tech but I never will be anyway. I'm guessing it is a short wheelbase. I'm thinking 8.75 with a 14.25 wheelbase would be fun and super easy to ride.
I don't like too soft wheels because they grip randomly and send me flying.

Anonymous No. 130815

I appreciate your OC though, I'm just saying you could have done a pop shoveit to fakie at the end on this one. And I know damn well you can do a 180 on that little bitchass lil babyboy bank in the previous clip.

Anonymous No. 130817

Why do you have to be cunt? Dadbro is doing what he wants within his ability and that's fine. It's probably better than a good 90% of the posters here, including you. Unless you'd like to post some OC of you doing a 180 on your baby bitchboy bitchass bitch bank of choice?

Anonymous No. 130819

How am I being a cunt? Didn't read the rest. Bitchass pussy go back to slap.

Anonymous No. 130831

Good clips dadbro. I'm gonna get some bowl and mini ramp clips soon and I'll post em

You don't skate and you are telling people to do certain tricks because that's what you would do in whatever video game you've formed your idea of skateboarding from

Anonymous No. 130833

Stop projecting retard.

Anonymous No. 130834

you don't skate you KOOK, go back to /v/

Anonymous No. 130835

its all good. I could do a little more than just an ollie- But also remember i'm not that good and i was really proud of that ollie. The line took me at least 7 tries and my brother was getting tired of filming me.

Anonymous No. 130840


Anonymous No. 130844

ugly shitty tricks

Anonymous No. 130850

Assuming you're the same retard who shits on everyone, you don't skate til you post a clip of yourself proving you skate.

Anonymous No. 130851

I don't need proof to know you don't skate. You're the one who needs to prove it here

Anonymous No. 130853

So no proof? Got it.

Anonymous No. 130855

Unrelated to Dadbro because he can actually skate, but Jesus the over 30s skater group I'm in on Facebook has at least one post daily where someone who has just BARELY started starts waxing poetic about skating or posting a photo/clip of themselves just riding around or learning how to pump.

I'm glad for them and all, but do they have to go on about it so much while doing so little? And half of them have like 6 setups. People make fun of teenagers for being melodramatic, but a boomer will talk about their two weeks of skating like they're Nelson Mandela talking about his 27 years of prison.

Anonymous No. 130861

>And half of them have like 6 setups

Damn I miss the time where I was a broke teen trying my absolute hardest to prolong the life of my beat down and raped to death board, despite skating all day every day. Skating literally anything I could find and also trying to learn new shit all time, which obviously implies bailing out or landing on your nose/tail and ruining your board even more. Cracked, chipped, razor tail, olive sized wheels, griptape peeling off. Damn.

Anonymous No. 130865

i was one of those boomers for like the first month i started,,,,,

Anonymous No. 130867

I don't begrudge people who can afford fresh decks whenever they want them, but there's no way someone of such little experience as these guys has ANY use for multiple setups. Motherfuckers can barely push.

At least you learned an important lesson.

Anonymous No. 130877

Does hardware even matter or should I keep using home depot stuff

Anonymous No. 130883

It's probably cheaper to get hardware from the skate shop honestly. Last time i got stainless steel nuts and bolts from home depot it cost me almost $10.

Anonymous No. 130893

>it cost me almost $10.
thats why you snag a couple extra nuts and bolts. the cashier wont count and just trusts the amount you wrote.

Anonymous No. 130896

First day done
My legs are sore in muscles I didn't even know existed

Anonymous No. 130898

Yes it does matter. You need the all black alen key hardware with the one gold bolt that goes on the top right.

Anonymous No. 130899

they live unfulfilling lives outside of skating, I'm not surprised they end up making it their entire personality when they first start. picking up skating instantly gives you an identity/culture/community (why losers tend to gravitate towards it and why so many dudes lose their mind during winter when they can't skate (they have no other hobbies))

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Anonymous No. 130905

>and why so many dudes lose their mind during winter when they can't skate
Can confirm. Am going crazy. Which is why I'm going to take a road trip to skate a couple of indoor parks a couple of hours away. I'm going in two weeks, you guys can hop in if you chip in with gas money.

Anonymous No. 130914

>And half of them have like 6 setups
i don't have 6 setups but i do have a stockpile of decks . I will get a couple when i see a good sale- or if i see something i like. Its not too bad though because i went through boards pretty quickly when i was fatter. I think i have 6 backups right now

Anonymous No. 130915

thats just sound financial planning desu

Anonymous No. 130917

Lol true. Pro-tradie tip: If you're doing a DIY job and getting a bunch of bags of concrete from lowes or home depot, chuck some of those expensive trowels under the bags of concrete when you put them down on the cart. They're not going to lift up bags of concrete to make sure there's nothing under there. All the concrete tools I own I've acquired like this.

Anonymous No. 130924

literally me

Anonymous No. 130925

What's the secret to a 5-0? Every time i try it, either the tail doesn't come with me or i over shoot it.

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Anonymous No. 130932

Yeah i longboard, why do you ask?

Anonymous No. 130933

>bro it's just like a surfboard

Anonymous No. 130939

Similar to surfing as well. I think there is something deeper. The dopamine high you can get from these sports is pretty unrivalled imo. It's why so many pros eventually turn to drugs to keep chasing it.

Anonymous No. 130940

>can't tell if this is a gimmick or real
I don't know anything about long boards but I always loved watching the crazy cunts who bomb insane hills on them.
Not sure about the latte sipping crowd.

Anonymous No. 130945

Anonymous No. 130946

yeah thats what it is, i have plenty of hobbies and nothing scratches the itch like skating, it's by far the most fun and rewarding hobby out of all of them

Anonymous No. 130947

>It's why so many pros eventually turn to drugs to keep chasing it.

I think that's just because with pro money and pro fame you get access to all the cool parties and a greater variety of drugs, combined with, usually, a guilt-free bubble of youth.

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Anonymous No. 130949

Tonight, after 1 year of skating, we finally are able to consistently land shove its on a piece of cardboard in my room. Thank you, Alexa; for playing Kill Hannah while I practice.
>mfw Bam would be proud
>mfw I’m basically an earth rocker
>mfw we’re gonna make it, earthrockers

Anonymous No. 130951

>another poster that "skates" inside their house

Anonymous No. 130960

What I do is I go a little faster than I would a 5050. Same approach and pop and everything the same as a 5050 the only difference is I kind of stomp the bottom down. It kinda naturally balances out too. I guess the stomp doesn't really show in that clip, but I think it's just having the mindset of putting all your landing weight on the back foot .... If that makes any sense

Anonymous No. 130961

my local skatepark is finally unlocked 24/7 bros

Anonymous No. 130962

I fucking hate you zoomies

Anonymous No. 130963

vibe check failed
sorry boomer, go to sleep its past your bedtime

Anonymous No. 130965


Anonymous No. 130971

my friend's sister got him gullwings and he hated them because they're objectively shit for hill bombs or anything real but I thought they were really fun to cruise around on. Ripsticks are fun too I know they're dumb but it's stil fun.

Anonymous No. 130972

is she single?

Anonymous No. 130973

probably she was fat. fell out of touch with the guy.

Anonymous No. 130974

nice edit lil homie

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Anonymous No. 130975

will becoming an alcoholic make a better skater? Genuinely curious

Anonymous No. 130976

is that your account?

Anonymous No. 130977

No, but having 1-2 beers whenever you skate might

Anonymous No. 130978

i was thinking about doing this but i skate every night and currently dont drink at all. i could probably afford really dogshit beer and could try tho

Anonymous No. 130979

Just do it like once a week on friday or saturday night or something. Sip on one beer throughout the sesh, it'll give you a bit of courage to try new shit

Anonymous No. 130980

I think this is probably the best way to go about it, Ill try it this week and let you know how it goes

Anonymous No. 130981

It's like playing pool, you get better then get much much worse. It's great for removing the fear factor.

Anonymous No. 130987

Dumb goyim

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Anonymous No. 130990

Why was Mark Suciu in Idaho in the first place?

Anonymous No. 130995

Day 2
Partly dislocated my left shoulder because I slammed into the gutter doing something stupid
Went through the progression of ow I can't move my arm >> I hate this shitty hobby why did I buy a skateboard >> I'd better rest up so I can get back to learning the basics

Anonymous No. 130999

Are you 12? A single beer over the course of three hours isn’t going to give you any kind of liquid courage whatsoever

Anonymous No. 131001


thanks bruh


Anonymous No. 131010

LUL dude i legit thought that was him and didn't know what the fuck you were talking about I had to look it up

Anonymous No. 131015

Lol I was replying to a guy who said he currently didn't drink at all you fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 131016

why would you dox yourself in a thread full of zoomer hating boomers?

Anonymous No. 131017

Because this zoomer territory now. Boomers your time is over. Get out of here.

Anonymous No. 131019

i'm just amazed at the audacity of the guy to dox himself like that

Anonymous No. 131020

This is unironically busting.

Anonymous No. 131022

is the standard of skateboarding in flyover states really this low?

Anonymous No. 131023

Post your footy.

Anonymous No. 131024

>Thread question: what are the perfect dimensions for a miniramp?
6ft tall with a 8ft transition.
modern skatepark design has 4ft tall quarters with 8foot transition. how the fuck am i supposed to catch massive air on that bullshit?

Anonymous No. 131025

i mean theyre people just like you and i and they share the same hobby so why the fuck would you not interact with them? do you also avoid the old burnt out skater dudes hanging out at the park as well?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 131026

take turns riding the ramps like a regular day. chit chat with some of the peeps there likes its a regular day. just cuase theyre having a girls meet-up doesnt mean men arent allowed there, wtf?

Anonymous No. 131029

god i fucking hate whack as LA street plazas, not one ramp taller than 2.5ft tall

Anonymous No. 131030

how to ride 2foot tall ramps t your modern street league plaza!

Anonymous No. 131031

At least in LA there are plenty of other parks that have good transition

Anonymous No. 131038

That's a bit excessive, but if they're literally the same size and all, sure, saves you money in the long run, why not. These guys will have completes of different shapes and sizes though. I don't know if it's just being more into the IDEA of skating than the actual feeling of being on a board, or that they convince themselves that if they get JUST the right setup they'll automatically get good.

I guess, but they don't even seem legitimately obsessed with skating. I appreciate a boomer who loves to talk about the skate videos and pros they grew up admiring, or guys who can be really into the technical differences from one board to another, but these guys are....posers. They're adult posers, with money to waste on boards they heard were good. But they don't know what goofy and regular mean, what rolling fakie is, or the name of more than 10 tricks. It's bizarre to see people past the age of 15 like that.

Anonymous No. 131039

See, this guy isn't a poser. He's clearly a big skate nerd who used to do it, got old and fat, picked it back up, and landed something he'd been working on for ages. He loves to skate and puts the effort in but probably can't go very hard due to his age and weight. He's buzzed that he could do it, so props to him.

Anonymous No. 131040

I'm 28 and yesterday i had a game of skate with a 10 year old in the mini ramp. He had to explain what 'mano mano' was to me lmao. Anyway he won but i got him to learn stand up 5-0 grinds at least.

I like skating with people of all different ages, it's all fun and it's especially fun to see kids get stoked to learn new tricks.

Anonymous No. 131046

>do you also avoid the old burnt out skater dudes hanging out at the park as well?
with fervor

Anonymous No. 131047

Well it’s a good thing LA has plenty of skate parks with tons of transition and plazas for all the street kids too scared to find a ledge around them

Anonymous No. 131048

Is this Nakel Smith getting pressed for something at the start? I don't speak monkey. Can't tell what they're talking about.

Anonymous No. 131050

i dont care for blacks

Anonymous No. 131053

Ok but if you're American you're obliged to translate for the rest of us.

Anonymous No. 131060

LA proper only has belvedere and hawthorne with good transition, the rest is just street plazas and maybe another kidney bowl or two. gotta leave towards san diego or like fontana or chino to get any good transition

Anonymous No. 131063

You have Glendale, Garvanza, Channel street, Peck, Culver city, Venice, the Cove (Santa Monica) all within like 30 mins from LA city center though. As long as you can drive then you are never further than like 20 mins from a pretty sick transition park in LA. In Ventura i have to drive 25 mins to get to Ojai skatepark which is the closest decent skatepark to me.

Anonymous No. 131067

Should have gotten back on the horse instantly anon. You're going to have to get over that fear factor. When you do, you can officially call yourself a skater™

Anonymous No. 131070

Don't know, looked in the comments to see and my god what a bunch of fucking losers. Everyone is acting like some twitter tranny white knights. Why do they all care so much about some shitty video of some kids? I know the backstory but still, who gives a fuck? Don't these people have lives?

Anonymous No. 131071

Anon it's teenagers. You'd be doing the same thing as a teen.

Anonymous No. 131072

i'm depressed, its winter in my country and i can't skate. i could go to an indoor skatepark in different town but im anxious about it since i suck shit. skateboarding is like a drug. when i couldn't skate anymore after november i've noticed that my mood is severely fucked than what it was before when i could just skate. i've also been drinking more after this. i wish summer would come soon and i could just skate wherever i want.

Anonymous No. 131074

I'm genuinely and unironically depressed and suicidal because my body is ruined and I physically cannot skate. Just go to the indoor skatepark or find an underground parking lot or some shit to skate in.

Anonymous No. 131076

can i ask you why is your body ruined and why cannot you physically skate anymore? sounds really depressing, even more than my situation.

Anonymous No. 131079

It's the acl retard

Anonymous No. 131080

how could i know? don't pass your depressed rage on me. we all got our fucking warfare to go through, physical or mental.

Anonymous No. 131081

get cancer

Anonymous No. 131084

The only way you'll get over your anxiety is just doing it anon. Psych yourself up, get keen, get out there and skate. It gets easier the more you do it until one day you'll realise, no more anxiety. Good luck.

Anonymous No. 131085

I'll only post this once this year since I know you hate it. Slap one of these on. Give some exercises a go. Just try once more anon pls! I busted my ankle so badly years ago, I can't skate the same, it still clicks ever time I move it, I've come to terms it's never recovering, but I managed to get on a board again and it's all worth it. Peace, pls don't be mad kek.

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Anonymous No. 131086

I lied.. two posts

Anonymous No. 131087

I am going to skate tomorrow to start my year off right

Anonymous No. 131088

Work out. Think of it this way; the weather will get better eventually and if you sit around being a depressed sad sack who doesn't stay fit, you're going to have to waste weeks getting back into the flow of things once you can skate again. Make skating better your goal, keep it in mind, then do your workout routine.

Anonymous No. 131090

Why is no one skating?


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Anonymous No. 131091

>good bam has always been a faggot i don't mind tiktok skaters as annoying as they are they aren't nearly as obnoxious as 2003 jock skater bros were


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Anonymous No. 131092

In 2023, I will learn backside flips.

Anonymous No. 131095

The first thing I did after getting all the pops out of my shoulder was stand on my board only to find I couldn't balance properly because one of my arms wasn't working. When I'm recovered I'm going to work on falling correctly because I went down like a sack of bricks with my arm underneath me

Anonymous No. 131098

Kek sounds like your board shot out from under you. DW everyone's been there. Just don't give up!

Anonymous No. 131099

It stopped and I carried on
I should've put bent arms in front of me or turned into a roll but it happened so fast and was such a shock that I didn't do anything. I'm really surprised I didn't hit my head or teeth on the curb.
We live and learn

Anonymous No. 131100

The range of movement is coming back amd the pain is receding which is good. I'm going on a mountain biking trip in 3 days so I won't be doing anything strenuous until then because I need to recover as much as possible. I look forward to continuing when I return though

Anonymous No. 131102

Ah fair I generally try to just keep momentum going forward and slide on my side but it usually ends in me landing on my hip bone and that hurting for a few weeks.

Anonymous No. 131104

I probably would've been fine on flat smooth concrete but it was asphalt and I landed right up against the curb so my body couldn't crumple sideways to take some of the energy. I hit the ground at moderate speed and IMMEDIATELY stopped moving

Anonymous No. 131110

I'm happy for you.

Post your big 3 1RM.

Anonymous No. 131118

Doesn't matter. No one's going to bug some Asian irl for posting skating. Relax dude .

Anonymous No. 131127

no but i might start posting his bug-tier face in this thread any-time someone posts some dumb zoomer shit

Anonymous No. 131128

you're trying too hard. you can let your whole aggro poster gimmick go already.

Anonymous No. 131129

fr fr bruh no cap 100

you will never touch a vagina in your life you little faggot

Anonymous No. 131132

are you going to pretend youre an old man now? thats even more embarrassing.

Anonymous No. 131133

Rape exists.

Anonymous No. 131138

Idk man he just looks like a normal kid, just squinty. Leave him

Anonymous No. 131147

First day back on the board after about 10 years.

Just messing around on flat ground but hooo boy, definitely won't be like riding a bike!

Anonymous No. 131153

this >>131088 anon is right, i skated for the first time in a month this week and my entire body was sore in the morning and the day after. don't wither away in your room, lift.

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Anonymous No. 131154

Got sodomized by a rail trying bs hurricanes today. Happy new year

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Anonymous No. 131156

I got front 50s down again. Good skate today. Happy new years bros

Anonymous No. 131157


Anonymous No. 131158

Thanks fren

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Anonymous No. 131164

I did a padless kneeslide today because i forgot i wasn't wearing pads

Anonymous No. 131167

Good work buddy

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Anonymous No. 131174

Thanks bro.

Here's another pic from today's session, my friend doing a rock n roll. So legit

Anonymous No. 131183

Nice one busenitz bro

Anonymous No. 131191

Fucking nice. Wish I could do them like that.

Anonymous No. 131201

any recommendations for miniramp tricks i should learn after axel stall? feeble makes the most sense but anything else?

Anonymous No. 131202

do them frontside and backside

Anonymous No. 131206

that's a good idea, i'll do that

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Anonymous No. 131207


Anonymous No. 131208

Rock n rolls, rock to fakie, disaster, feebles, smiths, 5-0s, variations of those tricks going fakie, variations of those tricks going switch, variations of those tricks coming back into the ramp fakie... world's your oyster m8

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Anonymous No. 131219

snapped my deck today so its time
what do you guys think about madness?
ive had my eyes on this one for a while

Anonymous No. 131222

I've never heard of madness.

Anonymous No. 131225

it's an R7 deck. if you like ultra stiff boards you'll love it.

Anonymous No. 131228

Might as well buy rollerblades if you want to support madness

Anonymous No. 131242


New thread