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🧵 /cg/ - Climbing general #10

Anonymous No. 130882

Climbing indoors in a climbing gym edition (inside)

>Should I start climbing?
Yes. It's a good workout, and it satisfies the instinctual part of you that always asks "I wonder if I could get on top of that?". Find a climbing gym near you and give it a go. Focus on bouldering at first. Going alone is perfectly fine.

>How do I start toproping?
You have to learn how to belay. Almost every climbing gym has toproping courses if they have toprope walls. You will also need a belay partner--this is easier to find than you think. Just chat with other boulderers or approach someone alone on the auto-belay.

>How do I start bouldering outside?
Buy a crash pad and look for nearby boulders on mountainproject (or your regional equivalent). Don't be stupid and always have a descent plan. Prepare to be humbled.

(Eternally remembered as /bog/)

Old thread >>122759

Anonymous No. 130885

Is it even possible to take cool photos of people rock climbing, without hanging on a static line next to their route or something? Seems like every picture I take is fucking lame, especially indoors.

Anonymous No. 130892

uh oh the last one hasn't archived yet you are gonna get taken down

Anonymous No. 130894

Good OP, good picture!
Also back to bouldering after being sick for 2 weeks.
Muscle soreness is a bitch, I don't even want to imagine how hard month-long breaks fuck you up

Not OP No. 130904

I agree. Outdoor is always better.

Anonymous No. 130920

it's unreasonable to wait until the last thread is completely archived. by waiting until page 10 and then making the new thread I can link to the new thread from the old one before it dies, which saves everyone the hassle of searching for a new thread. and because it's on page 10 it will be gone soon.

the last OP was making new threads when it was on like page 7, which is too early.

Anonymous No. 130936

Much appreciated bro. It was out of nowhere that I was just suddenly able. I'm not exactly in my peak climbing physique either, I'm 10kg up from my usual weight right now (the cut's going to be insane) so it was all the more surprising. I think I'm going to fly through this grade once I stop bulking. Next year is my v6 year.

Anonymous No. 130991

Margo is my waifu

Not OP No. 130997

It seems pretty dead to me.

Anonymous No. 131012

get a laifu

Anonymous No. 131051

>bulking in climbing
i sure hope you don't do this, all you need is to slow grow and train finger strength/pulling

Anonymous No. 131077

I can't I climb

Anonymous No. 131078

When gymbros climb strikes again

Anonymous No. 131093

Yeah pretty much, or really far away from behind

Anonymous No. 131094

Jan Hojer bulks and cuts, so did Chris Sharma

Anonymous No. 131107

What are your goals for this year /cg/? I want to climb V6.

Anonymous No. 131113

Bouldering around 6B+/6C atm, 7A at the end of the year would be really cool.
Also managing my fear of heights would be great, so I can climb better with rope (since my wife likes that more than bouldering)

Anonymous No. 131122

It's not for any benefit to climbing. I'm currently prioritizing bodybuilding, with climbing being my favorite hobby. Sometimes I let my climbing suffer a bit, but I always enjoy it so it's a win-win.

Anonymous No. 131124

V6 for me as well. I don't know what the general opinion around here is, but I consider V5 the casual cut-off, and V6 cementing you as a proper climbing hobbyist. I would also like to climb outdoors at least once.

Anonymous No. 131135

>I would also like to climb outdoors at least once.
You mean you'd like to climb for once.

Anonymous No. 131148

If that's what that means then yes. I'd like to do that.

Anonymous No. 131151

my goal is to be able to send 90% of mb 2017 v6 set, 210% bodyweight pullup and comfortable one armers

Anonymous No. 131152

climbing outdoors vs climbing indoors is usually what is considered the casual cut off

Anonymous No. 131169


Anonymous No. 131177

My goal is to climb another of the hardest graded climbs at my gym. they use a colour grading system but the highest grades are aimed to be V8. I've only ever done one and it was on the easy side.

Anonymous No. 131186

Gymbies gonna mad.
Just go with someone experienced. Anchor your belay, stopper knot your fig 8, and do all the shit you need to stay safe gyms don't teach.

Anonymous No. 131187

>Anchor your belay, stopper knot your fig 8
???? what the heck are both of these supposed to mean? please explain, preferrably with pictures

Anonymous No. 131189

A belay anchor is an anchor for the belayer. This is to protect the belayer from being pulled into the wall, it also helps with catching heavier climbers. A stopper knot is a knot added to the figure 8 to prevent the fig 8 from slipping or untying. Many people think it is unnecessary.

Youtube it

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Anonymous No. 131192

There is no need to "anchor the belayer"*. It only causes hard catches and jerk forces. Instead learn to embrace the "lift-off", or use an edelrid ohm. I'm 90kg and have people belay me who weigh 50kg.

Figure of 8 does not need any kind of a stopper knot, the knot itself is completely safe and does not slip. the "stopper knots" are only used to tie off the exess tail if you tie your figure of 8 poorly and leave a tail that is way too long. Stopper knot can also be used to make sure you leave enough tail. Or if you do not tie your figure of 8 correctly, a stopper knot might be used as a backup of sorts.

(*= Except on weird and rare edgecases)

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Anonymous No. 131193

What the hell is going on at Lattice's insta account? I had to stop following them because suddenly all the shit they posted were about bleeding vaginas. What the fuck does that has to do with climbing? Shame because once in a while they actually do have a point.

Anonymous No. 131196

>There is no need to "anchor the belayer"*. It only causes hard catches and jerk forces. Instead learn to embrace the "lift-off", or use an edelrid ohm. I'm 90kg and have people belay me who weigh 50kg
Do as you wish, personally my crags have many places to get banged up around which why I anchor. I would be laughing if someone flung themselves into the rock like people catch at the gym.

Anonymous No. 131213

I'm getting over bicep tendinitis as a beginner climber I'm so happy guys :)

Anonymous No. 131214

Redpoint a 5.12.

>Indoor "climber."
>Thinks an indoor V6 isn't casual.

>stopper knot your fig 8
A figure eight does not need a stopper knot. People tie them to get the tail out of the way (read: don't know the appropriate amount of rope to tie a figure eight).

Anonymous No. 131215

Next is your tweaky left middle finger, then your rotator cuffs, then hip flexor tendonitis, then...

Anonymous No. 131220

I just want to be able to climb V3s. Beginner here - y'all are so good D:

Anonymous No. 131221


Anonymous No. 131258

Makes sense. I'd like to make the jump to a non-casual then. I've always looked forward to outdoor climbing anyways.
Well it's a conclusion I reached through my personal experience at my gym. Totally understand if that's just not the case. I live in Canada, and the weather here usually doesn't permit people to climb outdoors for half the year, so a large majority of climbers here don't bother doing any outdoor (admittedly probably not true, I just don't know many outdoor climbers).
Thanks for the advice. I'm going to ask around and make some friends that know their stuff just so I can tag along for an outdoor session.

Anonymous No. 131262

Well bros, today I discovered I can't even do a v1 kilter board

Anonymous No. 131283

have girls ever complimented/flirted with u at the climbing gym?

Anonymous No. 131284



Anonymous No. 131293

Beginner here, should I work abs before or after bouldering?

Anonymous No. 131294

Um give us the story.

Anonymous No. 131299

Met a cute girl through climbing, for some reason she found it hot that I was trying a 7a outdoors while hungover and came on to me

Anonymous No. 131314

it is uninteresting

>8/10 girl with great ass strikes up friendly conversation
>gradually gets flirty and she starts being touchy too
>she asks me for my number to have a climbing buddy and to hang out sometime
>I'm not cheating on my girlfriend so opt for less direct/awkward version of bailing out
>casually mention my girlfriend belays me sometimes after bringing up rope climbing
>she gets noticeably embarrassed but we keep talking the rest of the session
>I'm relegated to imagining what a threesome would be like with my gf and this girl

I still see her around and we're still friendly but yeah no seggs in this story sorry

Anonymous No. 131318

Based faithful to his gf anon

Anonymous No. 131322

still have her number though

keeps the threesome fantasy alive

Anonymous No. 131329

bros i have knee crepitus in my right knee will it get worse? this is so fucking gay i really hope its not arthiritis or developing it. has anyone else here had this and how did it turn out?

Anonymous No. 131338

i have had this in both knees since I was 16, dad has had it 50 years
no arthritis in either of us and he runs marathons so if youre not fat my guess is that it is benign

Anonymous No. 131345

Yeah, I was so dogshit not sending anything that a group of three girls noticed and started cheering me on
When I finally managed to send something we sparked a convo, they were chill

Anonymous No. 131360

did it go anywhere?

Anonymous No. 131406

Nah, every once in a while they call me up and we go climb toghether, that's it

Anonymous No. 131409

Sent another 7 and realized I haven't projected anything since i was breaking into 5s. Gonna pick out an 8 and just work it till i breakthrough

Anonymous No. 131414

Damn that's rough
Push your feets into the walls
Campus board + quick abs workout hanging from a bar twice a week before you climb

Anonymous No. 131425

To climb V10 and 5.14 outdoors. Possible? Maybe. Probable? Nope.

Anonymous No. 131426


Anonymous No. 131434

If I usually go to the bouldering gym once per week (sometimes twice, sometimes none at all), and currently practicing v1-2 routes (I started out around October), what could be a reasonable end goal for the end of the year?

Anonymous No. 131446

How many hours per week are you climbing?

Anonymous No. 131447

Who is the least dedicated climber you know who climbs the hardest grades? Surely there are V7/V8 climbers who climb only once or twice a week

Anonymous No. 131449

The least dedicated climber I know climbs 6B (~V4) after 5 years of climbing once a week (sometimes only once every two weeks)
So no, I don't think you can be a lazy bastard and still climb good

Anonymous No. 131460

1-2 hours. I'm practicing other sports besides bouldering, but sometimes I wonder whether or not I should drop the and focus solely on this.

Anonymous No. 131467

Yes. We met at the autobelay wall every now and again and belayed here and there when she was on top rope before she got her lead. She actually asked me out and we've been going steady :) fgm

Anonymous No. 131517

Thank you!!!

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Anonymous No. 131542

love this lil nigga like you wouldnt believ

Anonymous No. 131543

outdoor v8s

avoiding injury

finger strength improvement

Anonymous No. 131546

My mate has been slacking coming every week or two, turned up and flashed a V8 the other day

Anonymous No. 131570

Finish up the V10 from last year I pulled my hamstring on and do as many V9-v7s as I can do. I'd also like to hang from a 20mm edge with one arm for 5 seconds

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Anonymous No. 131607

can someone post the cloomber equivalent
plz help a fren out fren

Anonymous No. 131614

That is cute im happy for you anon <3

Anonymous No. 131661

>doesn't actually go anywhere just single pitch climbs

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Anonymous No. 131662

Guys, I was climbing and it happened. It sounded like my knuckles cracking but it was the tendons in my ring finger. No searing pain or anything just swollen and a little tender, but I know I'll be out for a couple months before I can try hard.

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Anonymous No. 131671

I'm working on a booldering variant of this meme.
basically a vitamin d deficient autist with stage 3 lung cancer from magnesium dust
any input on this?

Anonymous No. 131683

how did it feel when you woke up this morning?

Anonymous No. 131692

>doesn't train, cjust CLOOOMS

Anonymous No. 131696

c-can you really get cancer from magnesium

Anonymous No. 131699

Are there any exercises/training regimina outside of the gym which helped you improve your climbing?

Anonymous No. 131707

it’s hard to make the correlation definitive but I like to imagine all the lifting I do helps keep me in shape. generally my theory of lifting is it improves strength and is prophylactic against injury. but yeah do pull ups

Anonymous No. 131730

>any input on this?
needs the most aggressive shoes, shirtless+beanie and crashpads everywhere

Anonymous No. 131737

I could buy a crashpad and just go bouldering at Bleau

Anonymous No. 131739

he needs be a gym boolderer I think
>knows that sunlight kills

Anonymous No. 131750

stiff but no pain when I palpate the finger

Anonymous No. 131756

there is always hangboarding and weighted pull ups
i am starting to also do dedicated push days like:
Climb w/ Pull train - Push - rest - climb w/ core train - rest

Anonymous No. 131775

if you dont have a strength training base you can benefit a lot from deadlifts, bench, single leg squats etc.

Anonymous No. 131796

What do you do for push?

Anonymous No. 131798

chalking his hands constantly
small legs

Anonymous No. 131800

did you guys watch this? what do you think? he does pull/push/core/hangboard in a single training session

🗑️ Anonymous No. 131801

probably works brilliantly if you're a chinky little midge

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Anonymous No. 131809

Oops I put to much chalk on my hands you want some anon? :3

Anonymous No. 131812

>too much chalk
literally impossible

Anonymous No. 131850

bench (incline/decline/flat) and standard push ups
i think i could maybe add dips but I dont have access to a decent dip bar and i dont feel like buying anything

Anonymous No. 131868

Bros any good drills to practice smearing? I've been shredding my shins and slipping every time I try to transfer weight, but if I keep my hips away from the wall I end up relying on my hands instead

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Anonymous No. 131872


Anonymous No. 131877

more coom less doom

🗑️ Anonymous No. 131879

interesting that one of the jannies is a chinky midge

Anonymous No. 131880

t. seething retard

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Anonymous No. 131909

>looks like an orphaned dog
It's funny but I saw a guy who looked like that yesterday who had the hottest YP in the gym with him and was sending the v6 i was working on with ease. Bro couldn't have been >140lbs, I was mogged

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Anonymous No. 131910

>onsight my first v5 yesterday after 3 1/2 mo., feeling pretty good
>girl asks me to show her how to do the last move
>"uh i dunno, i can show you"
>can't do it again, she leaves
>try again, still can't get past this tiny foothold
How the fuck? Is it possible I just got 'lucky' the first time?

Anonymous No. 131914

Send a 12d and a 13a.

Get more serious about nutrition. Have a more comfy camping setup.

Bouldering doesn't appeal to me as much but it would be cool to do a bit more of it without injury.

Anonymous No. 131953

You can't "onsight" a boulder

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Anonymous No. 131959

are there chalks out there that's non-allergic? i always have an allergic reaction after using a handful of chalk.

Anonymous No. 131970

You can find "chalk" made out of rosin but it doesn't have the same properties as regular chalk (used to maximise adherence with the rock instead of reducing sudation). But I've never tried it.

Anonymous No. 131974

very solid, thank you fren.
but I know there is another cloomber meme out there
it has the line
>travelled the whole world, just to cloomb
in there

Anonymous No. 131991

laura rogora broke her wrist, who could've seen this coming?

Anonymous No. 131995

i have developed a small haglunds deformity from my climbing shoes, does anyone have experience with this?
I am not too upset, just want to prevent it from getting bigger

Anonymous No. 131996

Get well soon, skeleton!

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Anonymous No. 132022

Climbbros, I don't climb but I am working on training grip.
Pic related is one of the things I am using at the moment.
I have been doing three sets of 60 second holds per hand and sticking on 0.25kg session to session.

>you paid money for a block, faggot?
Yes and I don't regret it. However, I think I want to make a block that is as wide as I can go while getting the ends of my fingers around it properly.

What I want to know is: do you guys have strength standards for stuff like this?
I'd like to know when I get respectable numbers.

Anonymous No. 132023

our standards are along the lines of strength:bodyweight ratio so I guess depends what you want accomplish with your grip strength. Like to me, pinching a block with X kg is kinda a crapshoot without the context of dragging my shit body up a rock face.

so I guess depends what your goals are, unless they're just "grip thing hard". Don't think our strength standards apply the same way that doing 1/2/3/4 plates on the big compound lifts does.

But yeah there's a bunch of climbing strength tests you can look up for how much weight you can do vs bodyweight for particular climbing grades. As a vague guideline for something equivalent to 1/2/3/4 of lifting, I'd crapshoot a guess at V7~ strength standards maybe being similar? I never quite got that high with lifting so maybe other anons have a better idea

Anonymous No. 132026

if you want to improove at climbing, you should try to go at least 3 times a week

Anonymous No. 132027

Cheers for your input. I think my goal would be get to decent bw% level for the bw I intend to be when I am less fat and try and maintain that.

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Anonymous No. 132031


Anonymous No. 132042

>Should've started 15 years ago
More like 25 years ago

Anonymous No. 132043

holy shit this is literally me in 3 months

Anonymous No. 132046

Hits too close to home

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Anonymous No. 132052

>Not Belay Certified

Anonymous No. 132055

any tips for starting off when my gym only has a spraywall for bouldering? i struggle finding routes made by other people that are around my own level
its a fairly small gym max 14m height on the trad routes because its in a small town but membership is like 75 dollars for the whole year kek, also some outside bouldering routes nearby

Anonymous No. 132056

I used pick a start and end hold and then try to get from start to end with whatever holds while trying to make it fun or some cool moves. After that I would remove a foothold or a handhold from the route and climb it again. Repeat until it feels just hard enough that it is challenging me. After a while you can get good enough to climb the routes made by other climbers or keep making your own. You can also make some very specific routes that work on your weaknesses or if you are trying to learn a new move/technique you can make a route that centers around that move. Spray walls are pretty fun once you get a little creative.

Anonymous No. 132060

thanks you that sounds good im gonna try that next time then, gonna start working on crimps soon probably
should i be practicing how to fall also?

Anonymous No. 132073

wow this is literally me

Anonymous No. 132077

The la sportive shoes are on point

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Anonymous No. 132099

Anonymous No. 132100

i was listening to a podcast with timmy kang on it, and it sounded like he mentioned that the ifsc is moving towards only doing combined (boulder+lead) comps, like the one in morioka at the end of 2022? is that true or are my ears retarded?

Anonymous No. 132110

>we've got you surrounded!
>come climb this parkour boulder!

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Anonymous No. 132114

What's your guys' opinions on dudes who come into the gym shirtless? It looks kind of cringe and douchey to me.

Anonymous No. 132116

Seconded. Also, running shirtless.

Anonymous No. 132117

There was this dude jumping rope in the climbing gym shirtless, and he was huffing and puffing rly loud like he wanted people to pay attention lol. Only time I wouldn't judge would be if it were summer and the AC wasn't working. It's always dudes with abs so it's def to show off.

Anonymous No. 132118


Anonymous No. 132125

free the nipple
i climb shirtless when i can (outdoors and grungy gyms) and i dont have abs, and i always bring my gf too
if a dude takes off his shirt hes a douche, if some hoe comes in a sports bra shes strong and brave

Anonymous No. 132130

>i always bring my gf too
D-does she climb topless too?

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Anonymous No. 132149

Would you?

Anonymous No. 132150

Climb shirtless? Heck no, I'm no douchebag!

Anonymous No. 132153


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 132163

it's not hard, watch a comp in japanese

Anonymous No. 132165

Not scared of heights (obv bc i climb) but that terrifies me for some reason

Anonymous No. 132178


Anonymous No. 132179

I don't even feel well when climbing above 5-6m, so no never

Anonymous No. 132180

You have to be able to send 5.11b first

Anonymous No. 132196

Idk how you'd get back on the wall if you missed a clip on the overhang
Going back down to unclip looks like a pain too

Anonymous No. 132198

Finally got a gym membership and now I can't stop cloombing, the addiction is real

Anonymous No. 132202

Based addict!
Don't advance the grades too fast or you'll wreck your fingers, ego-climbing will fuck you up

Anonymous No. 132216

thats what a gumby would say.
get on the campusboard as soon as possible and start doing some 1-5-9s

Anonymous No. 132217

haven’t climbed in 3 years. getting back into the gym at v3/v4. i need to ego-climb bros

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Anonymous No. 132229

would freeclimb on acid
then masturbate from the top to shower you bitches in my superior semen

Anonymous No. 132230

But the overhang would shield them....

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Anonymous No. 132240

I just got one of these in the mail. Anyone else got one?
Do you like it?

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Anonymous No. 132249

>Tfw no bro to go on climbing trips with.
>Climbing during the day and spit-roasting southeast asian girls at night.

Anonymous No. 132262

aren't those things like $90? you should've just bought a 2x4 at the store and made one yourself rather than giving those shits at lattice your money

90% of the stuff they sell can be made for $20 and a trip to home depot

Anonymous No. 132270

Sent my first 5a today
What is it in Vs?

Anonymous No. 132281

Probably V1

Anonymous No. 132288

I saw the videos, looked at the price and then just drilled a hole through a piece of wood.
fun tool, I like it. let's see if I'll actually get any benefit from it.

Anonymous No. 132301

Do you use any product to soothe the skin after a climbing session? I use my forearms a lot on certain boulder problems and they can get pretty sore.

Anonymous No. 132320

some gay zoomer asian dude broke his fucking foot off from falling off a dyno boulder

Anonymous No. 132321

Running shirtless is fine if it's hot out or you're trying to push yourself in a race or just for training
I'll usually go shirtless if it's above 80 degrees fahrenheit out and really humid.

Anonymous No. 132322

Yo wtf
I don't want this to happen to me

Anonymous No. 132323


Anonymous No. 132324

I was looking at that. I wanted to do the kind where it's the three pieces with a bolt.
But structural timber in my country is slightly different and those wouldn't be quite as wide as I want.
I may make one anyway.

They're not cheap but the advantage of tools like this is you can, hopefully, measure yourself against other dudes that have the same thing and get that competitive element into it.
DIY won't have that.

Admittedly I may struggle to find a lot of guys online using this thing as well.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 132331


Anonymous No. 132335

I've been avoiding dynos/risky moves placed at the tops of boulder problems ever since I sprained my ankle on a fall last year, and I always try to down climb and drop straight down with no swinging. This shit is just ridiculous.

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Anonymous No. 132336


Anonymous No. 132337

Why the fuck do I keep seeing this pig everywhere?

Anonymous No. 132338

>will whip on a tin can (secretly hopes it doesn't hold)

Anonymous No. 132340

It's a gif of me and why I don't do climbing.

Anonymous No. 132342

Jesus fuck, how does that even happen.
We really are fragile creatures are we not?

Anonymous No. 132347


Please tell me this is fake.

Anonymous No. 132366

who cares about comparing yourself? i don't think that many people will be posting their prs, and it'll either be
>oh fuck, yves gravelle is so fucking strong and i am weak
>oh great i'm as strong as randomclimber#98732 online
i don't know, those options don't seem to do a lot for me personally but if you enjoy it...

Anonymous No. 132367

Are you a beginner? Because that's fine then, or maybe you were mistaken with the grade?

Anonymous No. 132379

You did great anon, it was hard moving into the 10s for the first time. :)
I saved it from someone on 4chan. I just really like pigs so i save cute pig images.
Fat guys are cute i love u anon <3

Anonymous No. 132443

Seethe and cope gumbies, maybe after 5 more years of climbing at 60kg bw you'll be able to reach your dream of sending V5 indoor and doing 8 pullups

Anonymous No. 132444

>Are you a beginner?
I guess, started in november
Thank you man

Anonymous No. 132445

Absolutely fine then, just keep climbing and you'll crush higher grades eventually

Anonymous No. 132446

Any ideas for new climbing shoes? My La Sportiva Solutions died on me recently. I liked them, but I want something softer/sensitive this time. Its mostly gym bouldering for me.

Anonymous No. 132448

The women at your gym cringe at you for trying to show off fyi
Yw anon, keep going!

Anonymous No. 132450

I can't stop thinking abou this shit bros. I used to love dynos, but now I'm just fucking paranoid. Any advice on how to avoid ripping my fucking foot off?

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Anonymous No. 132454

Scarpa Drago, Furia and Veloce are all soft and fantastic for bouldering.
Tried Ocun Bullit yesterday, really cool shoes, didn't expect that

Anonymous No. 132462

No idea why he swings that far. I would be more worried about hitting one of the holds on my way down.

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Anonymous No. 132463

>right testicle is hurting, particularly when I pee
>decide to go climbing anyway
>have an okay climb
>come back and sit down to eat some post climb noodles with muh collagen bone broth
>suddenly feel an excruciating pain in the right side of my lower back
>crawl to the kitchen and grab some frozen strawberries out of the fridge
>lie on the floor next to the fridge with the frozen strawberries on my back, eating them as they melt
>think about whether I should get someone to take me to the hospital
>eventually after 10 minutes the pain subsides
>my noodles are cold
What did my body mean by this?

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Anonymous No. 132470

La Sportiva Futuras. Soft and sensitive, will change your footwork for the better

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Anonymous No. 132473

thanks mate you are the best

Anonymous No. 132474

also La Sportiva Theory, sort of like Drago but different heel

Anonymous No. 132475

I'm the same, I cant stop thinking about it.
I will probably test tall dynos without commiting in the future, so that i know how i will land.
Then commit when im comfortable with it.

Anonymous No. 132476

You might have testicular or a damaged nerve. Might want to get it checked out.

Anonymous No. 132490

Just don't. I dislocated my shoulder once on a dyno so now I just skip those routes. Haven't dyno'd on anything in a couple years and I don't feel like I'm missing anything.

Anonymous No. 132502

what are good shoes for someone with clown feet who has only climbed indoors?

I wear a 13 US in standard shoes and it seems like every climbing shoe stops before then

ive got some scarpa helix as my first pair but they're getting ratty and feel pretty useless for anything delicate

Anonymous No. 132503

I tested Bullits at one of those Ocun test events and bought two pairs, one for indoors and one for outdoors. Used them exclusively ever since. I have wide, rounded feet so it's been a struggle to find fitting shoes until I found the Bullits which suited me perfectly.

Anonymous No. 132516

>I wear a 13 US in standard shoes
>scarpa helix

You're gonna want to downsize, also it'd help to know what kind of climbing you like doing and no top rope isn't a style of climbing

Anonymous No. 132517

how do you all size them (compared to street shoe size, or other shoes you've had)? i have wide feet as well, it's a struggle

Anonymous No. 132527

Try scarpa, they run a little wide. If you want leather uppers then size them as tight as you can because they are going to stretch a ton. If you get shoes with synthetic uppers then just make sure they are snug but don't curl your toes, they will hardly stretch at all. If you get some synthetic shoes that are too tight and just won't break in comfortably then try wearing them in the shower and leaving them on your feet for a while afterward. This will speed up the break in process.

Anonymous No. 132531

My downsizing experience from the last years (I have 42.5 EU shoe size)
>Scarpa Veloce: 41.5
>Scarpa Booster: 42
>Scarpa Quantic: 41
>Ocun Bullit: 42

Had La Sportiva Tarantula and Millet Easy Up too, but they were too big and I can't remember the exact size anymore.

Anonymous No. 132536

i've heard that before, but all the scarpas i tried were worse than my la sportivas

Anonymous No. 132591


Anonymous No. 132611

I use 44-45 EU regular shoes, the Bullits I bought were 44 for outside, 45 indoors for more comfort. In retrospect 45 is tight enough but I can use the 44 just fine, just have to take them off after every go. I only do bouldering though.

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my face.png

Anonymous No. 132620

>Moved to new area, met new friend who likes climbing
>Never climbed before but was always interested so why not
>2nd time climbing with friend today
>Fingers are peeling etc
>About to start a climb when my friend points out that some (pretty hot) girl/mom is trying to do a "traverse" which will lead into my path
>Ok let her pass
>We both watch as she effortlessly scales the side of the wall like...
>a lizard? A sloth? A cat?
>Smooth, effortless, controlled, rhythmic; in a state of zen-like poise and attunement with the wall
>In ol' /fit/ speak, I'm 'mirin
>Friend tells her how she made it look effortless etc, they have a good little exchange
>I'm trying to be more social myself so I say
>"Yeah, you looked like a lizard or something on that..."
>"Oh uh thanks? Maybe try something cuter like a koala though idk?"
>walks away without another word

Anonymous No. 132622

The trick is not to be, I dunno... A perfectionist about it.
Like, you want to say the perfect thing and then when you realize you fucked up you hesitate, right?
Instead learn to smile more. Women don't pay attention to the words as much as you think humans would.
So if you smile and say dumb shit in a friendly way they just see a friendly person.
You could have been like
>Haha, you don't think lizards are cute?
That's an achievable line, it's not clever staircase wit.

Anonymous No. 132625

>"You look like a lizard. A sloth. A snail oozing its way up a wall, leaving a trail of sweaty slime."
>"Uhhh, thanks? Imma go n--"

Anonymous No. 132656

Thank you dear anon

Anonymous No. 132682


Anonymous No. 132690

B-bros are kilter / moonboard routes the same grade regardless of angle?

Anonymous No. 132693

>Well then climb cuter next time ya retard

Bonus points if you call her a faggot instead of a retard.

Anonymous No. 132698

yes, if you lay the holds out on the floor, it's the same difficulty as if you have an 87 degree overhang

Anonymous No. 132705

Has there been anyone in the History of Man who has done 1500 pull ups\chin ups a day for at least one year?
>maybe in some solitary cell of a military prison deep in rural thailand

Anonymous No. 132708

haha, no

Anonymous No. 132713

why the fuck can I not climb at all on a moonboard/kilterboard
I get zero grip on any of the holds and my feet slip off immediately

Anonymous No. 132714

What do you climb normally?
I'm around 6B (6A+ in the harder gyms, 6C in the softer ones) and can maybe do 4 or 5 6A+ problems on the moonboard.

Anonymous No. 132729

A combination of bad core, the inability to push the hold down with your feet, weak contact strength, bad explosiveness and overall weak pulling/finger strength will do that to you yeah

Anonymous No. 132735

bad answer;

kilter / moonboard just requires really good fingerstrength. train that and you'll be golden

Anonymous No. 132739

I'd think it was a cute compliment anon

Anonymous No. 132740

she was nice enough to even tell you what you did wrong. cringe. fucking weirdo.

Anonymous No. 132778

bad answer;

kilter / moonboard just require really good climbing. train that and you'll be golden

Anonymous No. 132788

I got roped into training for a half marathon with some friends.

I know I gotta scale back my cloombing for the sake of training but it hurts anons


Anonymous No. 132792

good fingerstrength = good climbing

Anonymous No. 132793

good fingerstrength = good fingerstrength
good climbing = good climbing

Anonymous No. 132797

nah, you're just wrong, kiddo. Come back when you climb 7c on moonboard.

Anonymous No. 132798

See ya on the noob routes

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Anonymous No. 132846

cringe. stop overthinking and just act.

Anonymous No. 132847

>god is into the nerdy girl that pulls back her hair and takes off her glasses and turns out to be the prettiest girl at the prom
I didnt know he was into cinderella types?

Anonymous No. 132870

hello every night when i sleep i dream about becoming the ultimate monkey man. climbing is one of them. is it possible to climb while going to the gym at the same time? will lifting weights help with CLOOMBING?

Anonymous No. 132876

>Come back when you climb 7c on moonboard
Hey its me, I'm back. Reminder if it's not 45° it's not legit and if you don't climb outside you aren't either

Anonymous No. 132877

>is it possible to climb while going to the gym at the same time?
No you will die.
Of course it's possible but the additional muscle weight won't help you get to the very top. But climbing's fun anyway so just go for it.


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Anonymous No. 132881


Anonymous No. 132890

seethe more. i didn't know moonboards under 45deg even existed - i presume you have experience climbing on one as you brought it up?

who the fuck doesn't climb outside? but also; has nothing to do with moonboard grading / indoor grade. owned^2

Anonymous No. 132903

i have been dedicating a portion of my climbing sessions to lifting. i will usually do pull on climb days, push on rest days.
I do 2-3 weighted exercises like a warm up and then go board climb after it

in general if you're a pathetic gumby noob it doesnt matter and you should just climb
also /xs/ mods are trannies

Anonymous No. 132904

>moonboards under 45deg even existed
wtf are you guys talking about?
do you mean kilterboards?
moonboards are standardized at 25 and 40 degrees

Anonymous No. 132905

forgot the link:
>A MoonBoard can be built at an angle of either 25° or 40°, according to the user's preferred difficulty.

Anonymous No. 132908

do you reckon gyms would sell me their used rental shoes haha

Anonymous No. 132911

I don't know that would be so wierd hahaha why would anyone want them haha

Anonymous No. 132929

i'm not involved with this little charade, but you realize that you can set any board to any angle you want right? if you thought a moonboard set to be a slab is helpful you could do that, just like you could make it at 70 degrees. standards are 25 and 40 but those are just guidelines

Anonymous No. 132971

It finally happened to me. First pulley injury. Made a dyno move into a 2 finger pocket. It didn't hit me right away but when I jumped off the route this searing pain in my middle and ring fingers.

Feels bad you guys. What do now? Do I need a fucking cast for my fingers for 6 months? How do I recover from this thing and what can I cloomb/ train while my fingers recover?

Anonymous No. 132977

both fingers?
probably go to a doctor and see if it is a partial or complete tear, maybe you need surgery

Anonymous No. 133004

>you can set any board to any angle you want right?
yes but I've never seen or heard of someone placing a moonboard at anything else than 40° (or 25° if you want it easier)
a 50 or 60 degrees moonboard sounds hardcore though

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Anonymous No. 133007

You can start gentle stretching after a few days, see how it feels.
If it's not too bad, you can keep climbing, but change the type of holds/terrain you climb on.
Be aware that you have an injury. Your body is in injury mose. Any climbing/training you do, needs to be structured towards fixing the injury and not making it worse. When you get back on the wall or rock or whatever, do a lot of routes that feel easy and work on your technique.

Anonymous No. 133008


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Anonymous No. 133021

does topping this apricot colored corner boulder count when i grab the top edge before properly matching the top hold?

Anonymous No. 133023


Anonymous No. 133024

no and I hate it, was in the same situation often enough

Anonymous No. 133092

Any of you cloombers combo /fit/ and climbing? I'm struggling trying to fit my new found climbing addiction with my fit programmes

Anonymous No. 133096

> who the fuck doesn't climb outside?
Imagine having anywhere in your contry that is not completely flat.

Anonymous No. 133108

Is bouldering gym a good first date location? Assuming other person is a non climber

Anonymous No. 133113

Sure if you're a redditor

Anonymous No. 133114

Why doesn't it count? If this same feature was on real rock with a grab higher than the anchors, would it not count?

Anonymous No. 133115

Immobilize for 1 week straight. Check back after that, determine if yiu need to immobilize for up to 2 weeks. Ice and rest are more important in the initial time of the injury. When you feel relief, that the pulley has healed the tear at least partially, start with tendon glide exercises. Move up into building back finger strength from there.

I had a partial or near full tear in December. These methods had me climbing again in mid January. But I do think it was only a partial tear.

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where do you thin....jpg

Anonymous No. 133122

>If this same feature was on real rock with a grab higher than the anchors, would it not count?

Anonymous No. 133123

>Ice and rest are more important in the initial time of the injury
Rest yes, ice no at least not initially. No ice in the first week, don't slow your bodies natural healing process of flooding the area with blood to carry all the damage away.

Anonymous No. 133145

Are Red Chilis flimsy bros? I've only gone cloombing 1-2 times a week for a year and the soles are peeling off at the front and there's a tiny hole in the toe already

Anonymous No. 133153

Same happened with my dragos, but i climbed around 3 times a week. I guess it's time to get new shoes

Anonymous No. 133155

No, it can be too intimidating

Anonymous No. 133172

I just cloomb and run and do OHP in the gym so I can have defined shoulders
I haven't done squats and deadlifts in years

Anonymous No. 133173

Train for climbing. No idea what your /fit/ goal is but you'll look pretty good naked if you train for climbing a few days a week in addition to eating healthy and continuing to climb.

Anonymous No. 133268

When I climbed 2-3 times a week, I used to have to resole or replace my shoes every few months. I also used to be able to resole 2-3 times before they were too far gone, but with nobody local to do it anymore and prices what they are, it's almost the same of buying new shoes for me.

Anonymous No. 133300

What happens when you slip with a hand jam, does the wrist just snap?

Anonymous No. 133306

your wrist will most likely not snap. you are either able to hold the jam or your hand will slide out of the jam, or you will be able to hold the jam. it is pretty much the same as any other hold, except you risk losing a lot of skin if you slip.

Anonymous No. 133326

How long does the pulley stay tender after injury? I'm 2 weeks out and it's still tenderish when i press on it

Anonymous No. 133327

you can hold all your weight on a hand jam without much trouble

Anonymous No. 133345

you are talking about a bone jam, not a hand jam
dont ever bone jam you could hurt yourself

Anonymous No. 133349


Anonymous No. 133388

bros I can't stand that rockentry guy and his stupid ear piercing

Anonymous No. 133402

>"Climbing saved my life"

Anonymous No. 133424

literally who? i cant believe the amount of stupid climbing influencers there are now, so annoying when one of them manages to get suggested

Anonymous No. 133435

a spic that's really not the best climber but tells you how to climb

Anonymous No. 133462

How much do genetics come into play for climbing? I started climbing with my gf in August 2022 twice a week and in November I climbed my first 5.12a and was projecting 5.12b. assuming my gym grades relatively accurately, is that progression fast? I am 6ft tall with an ape index of 1.1
I often can just climb things and skip holds that make a route difficult and it feels like I am cheating. Is 5.12b (indoors) something to be proud of after 3 months?
I want to get lead certified and get outdoors this year. I know that it will be a very humbling experience and I am looking forward to that. Unfortunately I can't climb in the winter because I snowbard twice a week instead, so I'll probably have lost most of my strength by the time the winter is over but I figure it will come back relatively quickly.

Anonymous No. 133485

just by you revealing that you snowboard twice a week i can deduct that;

1) you are skinny
2) you have a sport background
3) you have experience in an "adrenaline" sport

therefore that is not good "progress", instead your starting level just is at that point. if you go from 5.12 to 5.14 in two years, that's good progress. starting at a good level != good progress or good "genetics" lol

Anonymous No. 133488

I am 180lbs and very lean so yes and that all makes sense. I climbed twice a week and the jump from 5.10 to 5.11 felt pretty intense at the time and then getting to 5.12 was very difficult too. I guess it always feels that way. I really miss climbing.

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Anonymous No. 133507

>I climbed my first 5.12a and was projecting 5.12b
>I want to get lead certified and get outdoors this year

You haven't climbed

Anonymous No. 133512

>lead certified

Anonymous No. 133531

Imagine dying cause another dude can't belay

Anonymous No. 133533

that's why you use an assisting belay device, and only let people who are competent use an ATC to belay you

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Anonymous No. 133534

She's a thot. You did the right thing.

Anonymous No. 133536

My advice: give up climbing and focus on snowboarding - it's more important. And you need to get AMGA certified to go outside, simple gym certification won't cut it. You'll also need a WFR cert along with child abuse clearance to be allowed at American crags. Only then will you be issued an outside lead certificate, which must be displayed at all times for the crag officials to see. Like I said, snowboarding is much better, don't bother with climbing.

Anonymous No. 133537

Wtf and you have the audacity to use the "loicence" meme with brits?

Anonymous No. 133538

Chris Sharma climbed 5.15 without training on a moon board.

Anonymous No. 133539

Yeah, it's not like he's good or anything...

Anonymous No. 133544

>5.15 on a moon board.
Do you mean V15?

Anonymous No. 133550

i dont climb with anyone who isn't certified

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Anonymous No. 133552

Yosemite decimal system

Anonymous No. 133553

What do you think the V means? It's the roman numeral for 5.

Anonymous No. 133554


Anonymous No. 133587

But moonboards problems are rated in bouldering grades


Anonymous No. 133649

nevermind, got the bitch right yesterday

Anonymous No. 133653

Grats man

Anonymous No. 133656

I didn't get it, which one was it?

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Anonymous No. 133657

pic related. the route and me reaching the top

Anonymous No. 133658

Cool stuff, good work!
How's it rated? Around 6B I guess?

Anonymous No. 133659

Ok, thank you
Sorry but I am colorblind

Anonymous No. 133672

you put your knee on the last hold?

Anonymous No. 133685

dunno, the boulders are just color-coded. i think the apricot is 7th out of 9. the nominally hardest i've sent

yes. it felt like the best way. the left foothold was not great, the top handhold was hardly useful and pretty far for right hand

captcha: HARXDR

Anonymous No. 133686

Is climbing a good substitute for a regular gym for fitness or are you supposed to do them both? I've grown to hate lifting iron and would like to replace it with lifting myself.

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Anonymous No. 133697

It depends on your fitness goals. For me just climbing is enough to stay in shape. But I'm a pretty scrawny guy. If you want to be big you'll probably have to do some lifts.

Anonymous No. 133698

>the boulders are just color-coded
That's the better grading system anyways!

Anonymous No. 133763


Anonymous No. 133765

Hit me up if you're climbing near AZ I'm a great spotter :)

Anonymous No. 133812

Has anyone put together a cheap buying guide for gear?
I an sick of using the stuff at my gym

Anonymous No. 133816

lurk the mountainproject for sale forum

Anonymous No. 133844

Just get Petzl everything

Anonymous No. 133859

Probably going to go with this

Anonymous No. 133916

You must be a blast to climb with,
Did you read this part?
>I know that it will be a very humbling experience and I am looking forward to that.
Most climbers (indoor and outdoor) have been super friendly and encouraging. your irrational hate of indoor climbing is kind of cringe, I'm pretty sure most people start indoors.

Anonymous No. 133918

No, I think I'll climb outside. I just need to learn how to lead climb and belay from a friendly instructor at my local gym

Anonymous No. 133919

Yea my gym requires that you pass a lead climbing course before you can freely lead climb in the gym. (Crazy!!! Imagine being a beginner) but anyways I figured it might be a good idea to learn how to lead climb and belay before I go outside and kill myself

Anonymous No. 133956

Jesus eat something
Climbing is the only form of fitness i do personally. Only exercise i don't hate.

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Anonymous No. 133960


Anonymous No. 133961

If you do it often enough, maybe do a bit of cardio on the side.
Why would he eat, if you weigh more you climb worse. Just look at the skeletons in the IFSC.
But he might want to shave the chest hair.

Anonymous No. 134010

Holy hell, I had a 6 hour bouldering session (with 1 hour break inbetween) yesterday.
I'm sore and tired as fuck...

Anonymous No. 134048

>Just look at the skeletons in the IFSC.
They look awful. But idk maybe climbing's more important than his appearance to him

Anonymous No. 134053

what? other than rogora and grossman who looks awful? i can't think of any male comp climbers in full on skele mode
they're all midgets sure but most of them look good?

Anonymous No. 134058

Daily reminder if you wear la sportiva or scarpa shoes, you’re a massive poser and delude the endeavor.

Anonymous No. 134075

How many of you drink?

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Anonymous No. 134076

abstinence is for the stupid and the poor

Anonymous No. 134077

I do, but it’s causes inflammation. Same with diary and sugar.

Anonymous No. 134079

I don't personally agree with this graph so I'm going to assume there were massive issues with sample size and reply rates and disregard it entirely.

Anonymous No. 134089

What about Ocun shoes? Do they make me cool?

Anonymous No. 134093

Yeah if you like touch little boys, sure.

Anonymous No. 134115

Ok, starting right away!

Anonymous No. 134123

I dont drink more than 2 drinks if im going climbing the day after.
And i might drink once a week, but only in social situations.

Anonymous No. 134127

wine on the weekdays, beer on the weekends

Anonymous No. 134129

Does wearing evolv make me look poorfag then

Anonymous No. 134130

What if I am italian and that's what they sell around here?

Anonymous No. 134132

Once every few weeks, luckily most of my friends don't drink much or often

Anonymous No. 134145

rarely, only in particular social situations

but weed on the other hand

Anonymous No. 134152

Evolv is okay, mostly dexters where shamans though.

Anonymous No. 134186

Well stop being italian, silly you

Anonymous No. 134229

Got it, thank you! Sorry, I am a beginner

Anonymous No. 134237

my wife is pretty good

Anonymous No. 134249

I'll drink socially, rarely ever alone, but it sucks because I have few /fit/ friends and everyone just wants to drink in a bar as a go to form of social interaction.

Anonymous No. 134267

Very rare. Usually don't even in social situations these days.

Anonymous No. 134301

Daily reminder, fuck European climbers. Buy American climbing shoes only. Butora are okay.

Anonymous No. 134311

>Buy American climbing shoes only
lmao no

Anonymous No. 134355

Lads I'm in love with the receptionist at my climbing gym
She's painfully cute

Anonymous No. 134357

If you don't climb at least V8 forget about it

Anonymous No. 134358

I climb french 6b+ to 7a (routes). I don't know how that translates into burger bouldering grades, maybe V5/V6, I think she's around my level, I see her climbing with a regular who climbs V8. Anyways I should forget about it

Anonymous No. 134359

Sorry lad, the better climber gets the girls, I don't make the rules. Maybe if you climb 7C you will get a girlfriend.

Anonymous No. 134362

better get to training then

Anonymous No. 134371

You’re paying 200+ for la sportiva and scarpas that are 140 shoes. If you can’t send in mad rocks or black diamonds, you’re a shitter, sorry buddy.

t. Ugly British guy

Anonymous No. 134379

Ocún chad here

Anonymous No. 134383

Do u guys use ab rollers?

Anonymous No. 134384

You misspelled subhuman

Anonymous No. 134385

Czech excellence

Anonymous No. 134390


Anonymous No. 134392

>You’re paying 200+ for la sportiva and scarpas
Wtf are you talking about?

Anonymous No. 134417

Sorry, i already took her out on a date.

Anonymous No. 134442

I’m guessing you squat to pee.
I’m talking about (you) retailfags in here

Anonymous No. 134457

But Scarpa and La Sportiva shoes cost like 80-140€, where so you get 200 from?

Anonymous No. 134472

Import fees I guess

Anonymous No. 134483

Yes euro scum has high import fees on their rubber so they’re over priced in the states. American or die. Yuro are shit climbers anyway.

Anonymous No. 134485

Ask me how I know you are european

Anonymous No. 134486

>they’re over priced in the states
I honestly don't care
>Yuro are shit climbers anyway
Ondra and Garnbret think otherwise I'd say

Anonymous No. 134491

Fuck I hate Americans like you wouldn't believe

Anonymous No. 134493

I would have offed myself if I was european, I lived in europe for like 3 years and hated it. I wake up praying Putin nukes you.
Yeah fags like would like someone who placed like 8th at the Olympics.
Post physique, I bet you’re some twink I could easily break. Europeans are so frail.

Anonymous No. 134496

lmao imagine caring about """sport"" """climbing"""

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Anonymous No. 134497


Anonymous No. 134500

Are you not athletic? Do you climb to express yourself, like a little bitch? Go pick strawberries then pussy.

Anonymous No. 134527

did you drop on your head or something?

Anonymous No. 134578

No just doing my part and bullying yuros out of the lifestyle. Are you that soft, you’re afraid of competition?

Anonymous No. 134588

Wait you guys actually buy shoes at full retail price? Goddamn that's hilarious

Anonymous No. 134608

Europeans do, and probably you too. I don’t think I’ve ever paid full price. Wait no I bought some crawes at full price but I had like $500 cash back to blow on my CC, so why not. Sometimes you just gotta wait, I usually stockpile shoes when they go on sale or clearance.

Anonymous No. 134613

>you’re afraid of competition?
Yes, I struggle to compete with your levels of obesity, race mixing or retardation

Anonymous No. 134625

typically during a sale.
do you only buy them used?

Anonymous No. 134647

Is that supposed to hurt my feelings? You’re already breaking form over a little bantz. Probably that kid who looks awkward when they run, or play sports. And do you always start your sentences with a lower case? I know alot of women who do that to pretend they’re unique.

Anonymous No. 134650

you're both cringe as fuck and remind me why my life got a lot better when I got significantly fewer friends that frequent 4chan

🗑️ Anonymous No. 134655

Anonymous No. 134657

Anonymous No. 134671

Wow I suck at moonboarding...
6A+ is doable now but 6B feels nearly impossible. How the heck can people climb 7A or even higher??

Anonymous No. 134673

You should leave and never come back then
Training/practice. A lot of the climbers I know/see good at moonboarding, will just specifically work on that in the gym/home set up. Just work on your core and center of gravity.

Anonymous No. 134718

No not used. Climbing shoes are overproduced. I almost can always find shoes on clearance, they might be last years model or just overstock but usually 40 to 60% off normal retail you can find easily with searching.

Anonymous No. 134721

I know, same I just started moonboarding and it so much harder than normal gym climbs.
But I can feel it will help with my bad tension and cutting feet often, so im excited to get better.

Anonymous No. 134726

its not too bad just keep at it, I think of it as "prestige mode" like in call of duty
you hit gym v8 and then like clockwork you prestige to moonboard climbing and start at v3 again
in a couple months you'll be working on v5 benchmark and get some soft v6 (7a) problems no biggy

Anonymous No. 134741

>start at v3 again
The moonboard I go to doesn't start below v4

Anonymous No. 134749

Fuck europoors

Anonymous No. 134761

zoomers these days

Anonymous No. 134790

i want to pick up bouldering as soon as i'm moving out in a few months (no climbing gym here). In the meanwhile i lift at a regular gym so i was wondering what exercises i should focus on in preparation to bouldering. I was thinking maybe pullups for strength and dead hangs for endurance?

Anonymous No. 134802

Anonymous No. 134803

you might explode your tendons, so you should probably try to avoid that

Anonymous No. 134811

Would it be dangerous for a 140lb person to belay a 350lb person (theyre rly tall) using an ATC (not a grigri)?

Anonymous No. 134825

Not if you like flying.

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Anonymous No. 134827

Anonymous No. 134828

pullups are obviously great but you should work more on rows
the real limiting factor is gonna be finger strength though and you can't really train that without just climbing a lot or doing hangboard shit which isn't even advisable to start doing unless you've been climbing for two years already

Anonymous No. 134829


Anonymous No. 134833

so how are the v3s going for you?

Anonymous No. 134834

If you are asking this you shouldn't even be using an ATC. Only the elderly still prefer it or weird kids who yell on every move but wouldn't know how to tie a bowline. It has its place, but you should just get a grigri, ohm, and a helmet because if they fall it will most likely be on top of you.

Anonymous No. 134836

how does ai mori always look so fuckin awkward lol

Anonymous No. 134850

fucking rigged, the route setter anti-moried it with a bunch of bullshit routes made for giraffe girls

Anonymous No. 134853

Once again this general proves its knowledge of products to be great and their climbing knowledge to be shit

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Anonymous No. 134857


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Anonymous No. 134862

posting my climfus if you don't mind

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Anonymous No. 134863

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Anonymous No. 134864

Anonymous No. 134874

i am done with the v3s/v4s
i am making my way through v5/v6 now

Anonymous No. 134879


Anonymous No. 134889

>triggered ATC user

Anonymous No. 134903

thank you anon

Anonymous No. 134910

Daily reminder that if your shoes rubber is thicker than 2.5mm, you’re not actually a climber.

Anonymous No. 134921

>triggered gym climber can't climb without a stick clip and an edelrid ohm

Anonymous No. 134938


Anonymous No. 134949

I ask because my gym is dumb and literally only allows ATCs for insurance reasons. Otherwise I'd be using safer equipment.

Anonymous No. 134965


Anonymous No. 134973 any of you know how to belay without a device?

Anonymous No. 134975

I know a few old school climbers who know how to but I don't.
Why would I want to though?

Anonymous No. 134979

That's odd most gyms have stopped allowing plaquette devices and only allow assisted braking devices

Anonymous No. 134980

>Why would I want to though?
incase you drop your only device, quick belay up low risk high consequence terrain, self rescue

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Anonymous No. 134981

you don't even know how to escape the belay

Anonymous No. 134993

You dont need a belay to boulder, silly cuck.

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Anonymous No. 135018

Anonymous No. 135023


Anonymous No. 135026

People in the comments are saying that it's "more interesting than the world cup" and the "highest level of climbing competition"
Is Japanese climbing really that cracked?

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Anonymous No. 135036

Damn I love the normal Veloce already, I hope I'll enjoy these are even more!
What do you guys climb and which shoes do you use?
>indoor bouldering
>Scarpa Veloce

>outdoor bouldering
>around 6B(+)
>Scarpa Quantic

Anonymous No. 135043

TC Pros
TC Pros
TC Pros
TC Pros

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Anonymous No. 135048


Anonymous No. 135051

Nonaka Miho's crack

Anonymous No. 135052

They're what the shop had when i went

Anonymous No. 135056

Scarpa cucks need to be hard mogged into oblivion.
Lmao rip

Anonymous No. 135062

>Lmao rip
Meh I'm still a beginner so I guess I'm doing fine.
What I don't get is how I climb higher grades than some guys climbing for 5-8 years, literally how is it possible to plateau at ~6B/V4-5?
I thought 7A/V7 is the typical plateau for most climbers that only do it as a hobby?

Anonymous No. 135104

Meh, ignore them about Scarpa.
If you only climb 1 time a week and dont climb that hard it is easy to get stuck at any level.
But I much more often see people complain about being stuck at V4/5, so I think that is the normal plateau.

Anonymous No. 135124

>ignore them about scarpa
All Dragos and one instinct. Thank you for making my point. Like I said, posers wear scarpa because that’s what they see on the podium. Coonsomer brand.

Anonymous No. 135130

Did a Scarpa chad fugg your gf or something?

Anonymous No. 135132

>he only has one pair of shoes
What a sad life

Anonymous No. 135133

Have (you) seen the guys that wear Scarpa? They aren’t into women.

Anonymous No. 135138

Going to buy my first harness in a couple of days, do you have any wisdom for me?
I'm a total noob, so any help is welcome

Anonymous No. 135139

ask the guy at the store

Anonymous No. 135143

I don't really know, but look up Yves Gravelle for how the elite grip strengthers train.
I'd think 10 sets of 10 sec holds would be way more effective than 60 second holds

Anonymous No. 135144

Anyone know good alternatives to antihydral or a site that might ship it to Australia without ripping me off bad?
I just heard about it and would like to give it a go.
Amazon wants $77AUD for a tube!

Anonymous No. 135152

hello frens, should i buy a woman

Anonymous No. 135194

just use more chalk

Anonymous No. 135202

lmfao this is me

Anonymous No. 135205

I'd wager you're gonna have a kidney stone trying to crawl out of your urethra in a few days or so. Actually today is Wednesday so it's possible it's already happened. Good luck or I hope you survived anon. Drink more water!

Anonymous No. 135207

If you climb 2-3x a week, run or bike 1-2x a week and throw in some pull ups & push ups on your none climb days you'll be in better shape than like 90% of the population. You still likely won't look big like gym rats do.

Anonymous No. 135208

Is the one in the orange t shirt a young asian boy or a petite asian woman? I need to know if it's okay for me to be attracted to them

Anonymous No. 135209

Yes. There was an Asian twink boy who looked like a girl in my College class one semester. Shoulda made him gag on my cock.

Anonymous No. 135210

which one?

Anonymous No. 135222

I sent 2, almost 3, 7A's before christmas, but now I'm having trouble on 6C's. Think I might volume up and just send as many 6B/+'s as possible the next couple of sessions. I might be projecting too much and sending too little these days. Similar experiences?

Anonymous No. 135224

the one at 57:35

Anonymous No. 135225

working on a weekly routine, would it be fine to do ab workouts the day after climbing, is there anything i should avoid doing the day after also?

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Anonymous No. 135229

if you can't tell the different does it matter?

Anonymous No. 135230

Depends on what you do during your climb days. I do abs on training days, but I wouldn’t on rest days right before my project day. Always atleast two days in the week to just rest besides a walk. One rest day where I’ll do a workout that isn’t upper body.
Get a massage

Anonymous No. 135237

yeah she has a huge cock

Anonymous No. 135243

>Get a massage
but I don't even like them

Anonymous No. 135249

How painful should new shoes be? Do they wear in a bit over time, or is how I try them on how they're going to basically feel? Is having your toes squished just kind of a feeling you have to get used to for decent shoes?

Really wanna get a pair of shoes, mostly doing indoor bouldering. Any reccoomendations?

Anonymous No. 135254

did you guys also get to belay other children when you were a child? when i was around 10 i remember belaying my friend at a nearby gym but i never see that nowadays, i was pretty fat though so maybe thats why they allowed me to do it kek.
wish i never stopped climbing back then :(

Anonymous No. 135263

if it's your first pair of shoes, I'd err on the side of being comfortable over going for super squished toes. snug enough where you won't be fucking miserable at the end of a session basically. different shoes will stretch to fit your foot over time differently, you can search around for how much depending on the shoe.

probably shouldn't be painful though

>tfw you sized your first shoes too tightly and your toenails started to come off

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Anonymous No. 135265

the end of the wall isn't really part of the route tho. Routes are finished with both hands on the last hold, the end of the wall isn't a hold

Anonymous No. 135275

>How painful should new shoes be?
If its your first pair they shouldn't be painful. Tight-yes, uncomfortable-a little, painful-no.
>Do they wear in a bit over time, or is how I try them on how they're going to basically feel?
Leather will stretch, synthetics won't.
>is having your toes squished just kind of a feeling you have to get used to for decent shoe?
>Any reccoomendations
La Sportiva Tarantulace or Scarpa Origin

Anonymous No. 135277

feels like V4/V5 is the limit you can get to without ever specifically training finger strength with hangboarding
or idk maybe shorter people have an easier time with crimps but I suck at them

Anonymous No. 135281

So practice you goober
First pair? Get them comfy, probably your shoe size. When you learn the basics of edging you can begin to size down. Others have said the Tarantulace, which are decent. I thought the FiveTen Kirigamis were a solid buy when I needed some flat gym bangers. Worth a look if you’re in the states.

Anonymous No. 135282

This general way more active than /out/ even though its past its bump limit. There is more technical climbing discussions on /out/ but it's so slow. You can go down this thread and see the same convos start,end,and start again.

Anonymous No. 135294

Makes sense. Outdoor climbing is harder, scarier and requires more from you so fewer people will do it. You can also tell by the amount of beginners here, but it's still blowing up so figures

>feels like V4/V5 is the limit you can get to without ever specifically training finger strength with hangboarding
Nonsense. Start working harder overhanging boulders and inch your way towards bord climbing like a spray wall, moonboard or the kilter board. It's intense and good finger training. You can probably reach V10 without touching a hangboard

btw I really hate this fucking captcha

Anonymous No. 135345

Post quiver
I’d love to climb at your Mickey Mouse gym, let me guess “university wall” lmao

Anonymous No. 135348

I swap through 3 different ones. One being Midtbo's gym where one of the setters was the lead rope setter at the olympics. It's got good routes and boulders you bumbling fucking retard

Anonymous No. 135353

It's gay to fuck feminine women anyway, you need a manly man.

Anonymous No. 135362

>Scandinavian lanklet is triggered by his
squishy gym.
Midtbo was a shitter who never won anything as an adult and would laugh at your assumption.

Anonymous No. 135372

>Mogged by a overweight man wearing a poorly fitting Naruto t-shirt and short shorts.
It's over.

Anonymous No. 135379

Nobody goes /out/ anymore? Plus this gen gets a lot of shitposters who keep it.bumped. Sucks because I like real rock and being outdoors.

Anonymous No. 135396

A lot of us go /out/, rock is fun, but a lot of the spots are all trashed and littered. And overcrowded. Comp is more fun, rock if you’re more of a geek about it and want it pure. I can deal with gumbies at the gym, gumbies at the crag are the fucking worst.

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Anonymous No. 135437

I'm a 30yo climber who's getting back into it after a while. I've climbed before (last time was probably 18 months ago) without much if any pain.

In the last 18 days I've climbed maybe 5 times (nothing serious, live in a small town and even in our dinky gym the highest I go is a few select v4-v5, mostly v2-v3) and have gotten HORRIBLE elbow pain each time. I'm talking barely able to grab a door handle, hurts to turn the steering wheel when driving home pain. I couldn't hit more than 3 routes today before I had to go because it hurt so god damn bad. The pain remains for an ~hour and a half or so after I leave the gym. Nothing else seems to cause this kind of pain. The pain seems to start at the "inner" part of the elbow (if I held my arms with my palm facing forward the part of the elbow that is towards my body) and radiates around the entire elbow and up my bicep/forearm a bit.

Anyone have any ideas what this could be? Does it sound like a tendon issue? Any suggestions on what to do? I'm doing some self massage and stretching but it doesn't seem to be helping much. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Anonymous No. 135439

It’s your rotator cuff, asshole. You’re not engaging your lower trap and outer rib cage when you climb so your arms are working overtime. Overtime this develops golfers elbow. Look up golfers elbow eccentric stretches on YouTube. Do them daily. Don’t massage the tendon, you need eccentric stretches. You’re not a 18 year old anymore. Stretching is important.

Anonymous No. 135441

>It’s your rotator cuff, asshole. You’re not engaging your lower trap and outer rib cage when you climb so your arms are working overtime.
So should I be trying to warm up my rotator cuff more, or what? How do I engage my outer rib cage? I'm fairly certain I'm activating my traps at least a bit when climbing. And like I said, I do stretches. Looking at the golfers elbow stretches, I already incorporate a ton of them into my routine.

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Anonymous No. 135454

>Post quiver
nta, but here you go

Anonymous No. 135466

No. Do the stretches/exercises he mentioned. They've helped me tons when my elbows flare up, which they are again right now. If they don't help at all, go to a physical therapist, preferably one that knows climbing

Anonymous No. 135475

You need to release the tendon trigger point. Just apply some pressure to the tendon right at the bone for like 30 seconds then do the stretches. There’s a stretch you can do to activate both the lower trap and rib cage. There’s a YouTube channel, body fix exercises, he has a good example. I do them in my warm up, has kept them from flaring. Does your bicep tendon ache? You may have an impingement/weakened rotator cuff, I would incorporate some rotator cuff rehab stretching, for prevention. Resistance training stuff too.
Looks comfy, nice tesstas

Anonymous No. 135483

Ok, thank you

Anonymous No. 135507

I tried on the new scarpa instinct s, and it fit like a glove. Like it was made for my foot. I’m still not buying it and scarpa fags still need to be sent to the gallows.

Anonymous No. 135551

>nice tesstas
By far my favorite heel cup

Anonymous No. 135575

Will creatine help my ingrown toenail repair? I can barely get into my shoes because of it and its pissing me off

Anonymous No. 135580


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Anonymous No. 135675

For how popular climbing is in Japan, Japanese climbing gear doesn't seem to be as popular. Are there any more known Japanese brands, have you had some experience with them?

Anonymous No. 135722

After much struggle i finally got my first problem on the moonboard :)
Did 'Do it for the scrunch' 6A+ after many tries.
Excited to get more problems down

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Anonymous No. 135728

serious question, can i use baby powder instead of regular climbing chalk?

Anonymous No. 135758

speaking of japan, does anyone in the thread know of any cool bouldering spots in japan preferably around osaka,kyoto,tokyo.

Going for two weeks in september and will definitely go to mitake but any advice would be appreciated.

Anonymous No. 135759

no, talc is slippery

Anonymous No. 135764

Good work, keep it up!
Jete and Jug Rash are also ""easy"" to do, you could try them next

Anonymous No. 135796

i'll ask another question then. what can i do to improve grip on brand new holds?

Anonymous No. 135812

try hard

Anonymous No. 135826

Thank you! :D
I will try them tomorrow, thanks for the recommendation.

Anonymous No. 135827

Noobie faggot here. annoying question: can you get ripped just by bouldering? I don't *mind* weightlifting and bouldering regularly, but it seems counterintuitive to me to try to build mass at the same time as trying to get good at climbing, and I want a decent body.

Anonymous No. 135848

idk man most of the pro I've seen look like shit without a shirt
Magnus is the only good looking one I can think of at the moment, but he's norwegian so it's not like he has something better to do all day

Anonymous No. 135863

If you're tubby just eat a tiny bit less than you already do and boulder more.
If you're skinny up your protein intake and boulder more
It's fantastic strength training and gaining weight is easily worth it if it's muscle and not fat

Anonymous No. 135884

>Tfw skinnyfat
Wut do

Anonymous No. 135886

Think you can maintain mostly, then. Fat will go away and muscle will appear. Eat more protein as well

Anonymous No. 135887

Thx anon

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Anonymous No. 135925

>Double bursitis of the left knee

Anonymous No. 135943

Nothing more EXTREME than going into the city to pull on some plastic amirite guys

Anonymous No. 135957

>going into the city
I'd rather kill myself

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Anonymous No. 135968

Flappy flap flap

Anonymous No. 135976

Shut up rogan fanboy

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Anonymous No. 135979

>Shut up rogan fanboy

Anonymous No. 135995

Bros I'd like to report that after avoiding crimps for a year, my crimping hasn't improved at all. Not entirely sure what I expected

Anonymous No. 135996

eat it, don't lose it
injuries? train our open hand/3fd instead

Anonymous No. 136049

this is shocking brother, how could that happen

Anonymous No. 136068

you just need to avoid them for one more year to get sick crimp gains

Anonymous No. 136076

Did you remember to hangboard instead of climb?

Anonymous No. 136092

moonboarding solves this

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Anonymous No. 136093

>janja injured
who dominates this season?

Anonymous No. 136095

Tips for improving endurance? I don't know how people are in the gym for 3 hours, my forearms hurt after less than an hour

Anonymous No. 136100

i think this is obvious for anyone who isnt retarded
but you seem a bit slow, so I'll tell you the secret: just climb more

Anonymous No. 136101

The fuck am I supposed to climb more if my forearms are always fucked, retard? I climb 3 times a week and by the third day I'm wrecked

Anonymous No. 136105

I climb 3 days a week and lift the days I don't climb, maybe you're just a giant fat pussy

Anonymous No. 136106

>who dominates this season?
Grossman and Mori

Anonymous No. 136110

I used to avoid crimps, but after a season of outdoor I came back to the gym stronger than ever and started to even like crimps. Now I type with bandaged fingers and rue those crimps that busted my tendussy

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Anonymous No. 136111

Imagine faking an injury just to not go up against this specimen

Anonymous No. 136113

>giant fat pussy
You just gonna softball them in like that?

Anonymous No. 136131

climb more rope
do boulder circuits
ARC training on auto belay

but I'm betting you also take only like 2-3 minutes breaks between your attempts. people who stay longer in the gym take way longer breaks between tries and bring some food, snacks, etc

Anonymous No. 136140

how do i strengthen my wrists? when i was bouldering yesterday, it felt like my right wrist was about to dislocate several times.

climbing every week for 1.5 years, hypermobile

Anonymous No. 136145


Anonymous No. 136150

you could try different types of wrist curls.

Anonymous No. 136156

dead hang or pullups on slopers maybe
bench press too probably

Anonymous No. 136177

the horror

Anonymous No. 136179

Hey everyone, I'm a beginner climber and I was wondering if it's okay to use regular hiking boots for rock climbing
I don't want to invest in climbing shoes just yet, and my boots have pretty good grip so I thought they might work
Has anyone else tried this?

Anonymous No. 136189

I'm getting elbow pain from pullups. Anybody advice?

I took a 2 week break and attempted again but it still gets irritated after a few reps

Anonymous No. 136194

I finally have an appointment booked for a physiotherapist tomorrow to deal with my FUCKING ELBOWS god FUCKING DAMN they hurt every time i climb. Being 30 sucks, don't age if you can avoid it.

Anonymous No. 136198

If you are climbing outside yeah sure, if in a gym just rent some

Anonymous No. 136199

yeah it works alright i've done it a bit on boulders i find while hiking but even cheap shoes wouldve worked much better, you probably wont have a crash pad then either so be a bit careful if you have to land though, expect getting flappers.

Anonymous No. 136241

Google exercises for climbers/golfers/tennis elbow and do those.
There are some stretches. I do normal and reverse wrist curls, as well as the ones where you take a manual, removethe weight on one side, put your arm on your knee and hold it straight up like a hammer, tilt it 90 degrees to the right side, 10x3 times, then 90 degrees to the left, same amount. They're called forearm pronator exercise or something. Has helped me a ton when too much volume or intensity have wrecked my elbows. Gonna do them right now in fact

Anonymous No. 136260

Converse shoes also work

Anonymous No. 136288

Take longer breaks
Also, once you get a pump after 30 mins of climbing, stop for like 10 minutes and try again, you might find that you're more warmed up now and can go for way longer. It's kinda like how if you're a runner, the first mile or two might feel kinda slow and hard but once you push past that, you can do another five or six easy. Warming up makes a huge difference generally.

Anonymous No. 136306

I climb MWF and by Friday my wrists and forearms hurt too much to stay for very long regardless of how long i take breaks for. Wut do.
>Climb more
Been this way for months

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download (11).jpg

Anonymous No. 136330

There are lots of boulderers who look hench as fuck.

Anonymous No. 136416

True, but I doubt they _only_ boulder. They mostly likely also workout in general, which is the smart thing to do anyway.

Anonymous No. 136424

No one beyond a certain level of bouldering is only bouldering. The point is that a bit of muscle in the chest isn't hurting their climbing.

Anonymous No. 136426

Yes, but the original question was the guy asking if he could get ripped just bouldering.

Anonymous No. 136428

I think I gave myself De Quervain tenosynovitis. Anyone had this one before?

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Anonymous No. 136430

But the context of the question was
>it seems counterintuitive to me to try to build mass at the same time as trying to get good at climbing
I was responding to the premise of the question rather than answering the question itself.

Anonymous No. 136461

No, how long have you got to live?

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Anonymous No. 136502

>I gave myself De Quervain tenosynovitis
rip anon, it was nice knowing you

Anonymous No. 136533

when do we get a new general, this one's at 510 posts

Anonymous No. 136535

How much did you have to jack off to get that?

Page 8? We got 2 more months to go.

Anonymous No. 136560

When it hits 1000

Anonymous No. 136564

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Anonymous No. 136741

human? terrifying, to be fair.

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Anonymous No. 136744

Anonymous No. 136746

W-what does she mean by "BWC", bros?

Anonymous No. 136756

bouldering world cup

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Anonymous No. 136757


Anonymous No. 136782

Just got word from the doc I'm out at least a month bros

Anonymous No. 136790

Can you campus/train pullups?

Anonymous No. 136863

Your worst move/technique?

I love a good heel hook, but my toe hooks are absolutely terrible. Long climber disadvantage? Feels like it

Anonymous No. 136895

same, except im short

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Anonymous No. 136903

3 years into climbing and i still can't dyno...

Anonymous No. 136905

undercling, i gas out almost immediately when i encounter them

Anonymous No. 136921

underclings are where I shake out, maybe drive your feet in more

Anonymous No. 136927

M8 what, like just jump lol.
It is not that hard

Anonymous No. 136928

My wife ist the same, statics absolutely everything and never does any dyno boulders where you HAVE to jump

Anonymous No. 136940

yeah, there's a lot of nuance with them that I'm missing. i'll put more thought into feet and hips next time i try one

Anonymous No. 137019

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Anonymous No. 137056

BWC bros...

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Anonymous No. 137127

>he thinks you need a partner to climb
lmaoing at ur life

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Anonymous No. 137131

wtf is this?

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リードジャパンカップ2023 男女....webm

Anonymous No. 137132


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Anonymous No. 137140

>sport route

Anonymous No. 137141

i was soloing, sometimes you need to unweight things to manage shit,
i was mostly using my hands and feet because its much faster to progress

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Anonymous No. 137142

Anonymous No. 137144

What's this from?

Anonymous No. 137156

just giving you shit bud, whats the set up though? looks like maybe caches of rope?

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Anonymous No. 137160

pic was taken as i was feeding the dead rope though the fixed rings so theres the tail end and the loop between the rings and me.
climbing its a single rope fixed at the bottom then to a decender to pay out rope and then a backup knot. fifi so i can go handsfree and manage my decender and knot with two hands
i use a double adjustable lanyard and ladders for aid sections

Anonymous No. 137162

why are all the japan climbers so cute

Anonymous No. 137183

Thanks based nip climbing poster

Anonymous No. 137197

Yeah, I'll keep training upper body

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Anonymous No. 137198

can i use any kind of carabiner to make quickdraws, or do i have to use some specially made for climbing?

for example someone is selling these for 15eur but i'm not sure if they would be safe. sorry if it's a stupid question, all i've done so far is indoor bouldering and i'm fucking scared at how expensive all the gear seems to be

Anonymous No. 137200

6b+ on the moonboard 20degree
6c sportclimb
6c boulder

im at a solid 6a+ sportclimb and 6b+ boulder

rec me some shoes with cheaty toehooks and heels?

only trust carbs with ISO's and the likes. fuck errthing else

whos that?

Anonymous No. 137201

I just dislocated my knee bouldering, how fucked am I?

Anonymous No. 137202

Why are you comparing yourself to dudes that can go for 3 hours? Just keep climbing and you will be less tired from the same amount of time spent.

Anonymous No. 137203

no they suck, heavy and hard to clip
only good as bail biners

Anonymous No. 137221

how did you go about testing your system before deciding on that setup? Or are you still dialing it in?

Anonymous No. 137222

>whos that?
Laura Rogora

Anonymous No. 137225

There are no markings to indicate they are rated for climbing. They might have like max load rating which you could use for a bail out carabiner, otherwise don't use them. Gear is expensive for sure, what I did was go climb with a buddy who already has most the gear and just slowly build up my set up instead of thinking I need to make a huge initial purchase to get started. First thing I'd get though is a harness and helmet

Anonymous No. 137236

read, me myself and i by kirkpatrick
then just went out and did it, do have irata lvl 1 though fair bit of knowledge with height

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Anonymous No. 137238


Anonymous No. 137240

Do you guys specifically train your body for mobility? Lilke, actively trying to improve your flexibility? I'm 30 years old and only been really climbing for like a month and it seems like it would help a lot to be more flexible. I wasn't super sedentary before climbing, weightlifted frequently & have played pickleball casually for a while as well as being a skateboarder & snowboarder, but it seems like I'm inflexible as shit compared to a lot of people. Any tips on training/stretching for climbing mobility?

Anonymous No. 137246

>Dislocated my knee today
It’s over

Anonymous No. 137253

>read, me myself and i by kirkpatrick
I'm looking at it right now actually lol haven't picked it up yet as I'm reading hangdog days as a break from technical writing, sounds like i might need to crack it open though . I'm in the US so I'm gonna go for a sprat certification myself.

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Anonymous No. 137256

Jesus, how? Did you do it climbing?

Anonymous No. 137288

i use a cmc clutch too, its a bit expensive but its the only auto locking decender you can pay out slack with using one hand because the rope is exposed on the side and you can pull some out without it engaging unlike a grigri

Anonymous No. 137290

>its a bit expensive
wow no kidding, i get a prodeal with petzl so I'm gonna look at something equivalent if I start rope soloing

Anonymous No. 137295

you can use any auto locking decender, or even just a carabiner and a clove hitch.
industrial decenders are good because you can lock them so rope doesnt backfeed.
avoid the ones that flip all the way back to lock though, you want it to stop before that so you can still pay out, example petzl rig is fine, id is not because you cant belay with it and it has the teeth to stop you loading it backwards which just fucks with you using it.
clove hitch is the simplest and cheapest way to lead solo but to ascend or decend the rope you have to transfer devices which is a bit of a faff that you dont want to do if you just want to quickly go down a bit to get something like your aider you left on the bolt when you swapped from aid to free climbing.
its also nice to use an industrial decender because you can load without taking the carabiner off so you cant drop it while loading the rope

Anonymous No. 137297

don't fuck around with stuff that isn't strength rated. buy used gear--mountainproject is good for this but it's US only. I'm sure there's an EU equivalent. yeah it's expensive up front, but it's a great investment. having your own rope and draws opens up a world of opportunity, and they last a long time.

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Anonymous No. 137299

So is the /out/ climbing thread gone forever? Is this where I post my outdoor counting photos now?

Anonymous No. 137300

>outdoor counting photos
Fuck, you know what I meant

Anonymous No. 137301

I'm going through this routine every day, but mostly because I'm frustrated about being too injured to climb. They have a bunch on their channel that are decent.

Anonymous No. 137302

Another thing to think about is that a lot of things that seem like mobility actually aren't. For example, leaning back lets you tilt your hips a lot more and raise your feet higher. Often a subtle difference in body positioning makes the difference between whether or not you are flexible enough to do something.

Anonymous No. 137303

It's there, just doesn't get any posts, same with all of /out/ really. Is that pic recent? Looks like powerline at Smith

Anonymous No. 137306

Yup, I bent it funny when I fell. My own fault honestly.
I was assuming the worst but a doctor finally saw me and doesn’t think I’ve caused much damage, It could’ve been far more serious.

Anonymous No. 137311

Fuck that, both my shoulders are dislocated. wtf do I do now?

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Anonymous No. 137326

Oh I see it now. Climb General.

Yeah that's Power line, taken Saturday. I went up Cinnamon Slab. Some of those guys at Smith are on another level. Saw a Japanese guy trying TBONTB.

The place was totally deserted on Sunday, which is understandable.

Anonymous No. 137387

>I went up Cinnamon Slab
Nice I've wanted to get on that one last September but all my friends want to climb sport. Last time I was there some japanese climbers were working Just Do It, probably the same ones lol

Anonymous No. 137410

My new shoes are the same color as rentals, everyone's gonna bully me even harder now...

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Anonymous No. 137411

Definitely give it a go. Some of the 5.6 trad routes at Smith are a little sketchy, but not that one. Cruiser all the way, and it's a top out so you can hike around a bit and enjoy the view.

Anonymous No. 137416

how is it so busy is this a club outing?
i have literally never seen someone climbing with a rope at the same time as me just the occasional boulderer(nz) outside of gyms climbing is deserted

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Chain Reaction 5.....jpg

Anonymous No. 137432

Smith Rock is the birthplace of sport climbing in America. People travel from far and wide to try out classic lines and pull on the same crimps that Sharma, Moffat, Caldwell, and many more world class climbers have climbed. There is an enormous amount of climbs for all grades and styles, the picture is from "the dihedrals" which is some of the most accessible from the parking lot. It just celebrated its 40th year anniversary of Alan Watts sending Watts Tot's and Chain Reaction thus starting the boom of sport climbing in America.

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Anonymous No. 137437

That's nothing. Smith Rock gets completely mobbed on the weekends when the weather is nice.

Alan Watts gave a little presentation at the Redpoint climbing shop Saturday in celebration of the anniversary, which was cool to see. He showed pictures of his climbing notes around that time, some of which were pretty interesting. Pictured here is his topo of Chain Reaction.

Anonymous No. 137439

Wish I could have made it, I was snowed in unfortunately

Anonymous No. 137489

>not buying the exact model as the rental shoes and dabbing on people by outclimbing them anyway
Beyond being a decent fit, shoe choice doesn't matter that much until v5/6s

Anonymous No. 137571

>shoe choice doesn't matter that much until you figure out what kind of climbing routes you like

Anonymous No. 137572

>shoe choice doesn't matter. just git gud brah.

Anonymous No. 137579

New thread (real climbers (aka V6 (outdoors) climbers) only!!)