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๐Ÿงต /cg/ - Climbing General #11

Anonymous No. 137578

uoฤฑส‡ฤฑpว uสop วpฤฑsdn

>Should I start climbing?
Yes. It's a good workout, and it satisfies the instinctual part of you that always asks "I wonder if I could get on top of that?". Find a climbing gym near you and give it a go. Focus on bouldering at first. Going alone is perfectly fine.

>How do I start toproping?
You have to learn how to belay. Almost every climbing gym has toproping courses if they have toprope walls. You will also need a belay partner--this is easier to find than you think. Just chat with other boulderers or approach someone alone on the auto-belay.

>How do I start bouldering outside?
Buy a crash pad and look for nearby boulders on mountainproject (or your regional equivalent). Don't be stupid and always have a descent plan. Prepare to be humbled.

(Eternally remembered as /bog/)

Old thread >>130882

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Anonymous No. 137580

Feels like these threads have way more rope climbers than boulderers. Anyone else getting out on the short stuff recently?

Anonymous No. 137581

the whole point of climbing is getting up things you couldnt otherwise using your skills, techniques and gear
if its a boulder 99% of the time theres some easy way up and down the whole 5m so the whole endeavour is pointless whereas lead climbers can look down on you from heavenly heights

Anonymous No. 137586

>t. climbs 5.6 trad and walks off the back

Anonymous No. 137597

I've had sport and trad climbs put down by euro mountaineers similarly. "Why climb this 30 meter cliff if you can just walk up the back?"

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 137608

Love bouldering and hate rope climbing (because afraid of heights)
What really shocked me is how weak rope climbers are, they climb the hardest shit for 15-20 meters but fail easy boulders I could do after a few months.
How? I just don't get it

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Anonymous No. 137624

not gonna let this one slip....if you know what i mean

Anonymous No. 137627

should i get protein powder with collagen even if im not doing hangboard exercises? does it even do anything extra?

Anonymous No. 137628

Usually I just boulder in the gym and rope climb outside. The bouldering gym is cheaper than the rope gym and I'd rather fall on the rope than on the pads outside.

Anonymous No. 137631

This article does a great job summarizing the state of knowledge on collagen supplements:

Basically: collagen is better than nothing, but not necessarily better than plain protein powder. We just don't know yet. I wouldn't spend any extra money on it.

Anonymous No. 137652

remember, don't be an /asp/ie
Here are some classic lies back when /asp/ was a board
>I was climbing v6s in 3 months gais
>5.12s? Only took me half a year to get, easy
>man, I've been climbing for a year and a half and plateaued at 5.14s, how do I get better?
>v7s? Oh I climbed one of those my first day in the gym lol
Be true to yourself, don't be an /asp/ie

Anonymous No. 137656

my gym sets soft ass v7s sometimes just to let retard fatasses feel good about themselves.
i think if people feel like their training regiment is not working they give up, and the gym loses money
i think from couch to v7 takes at least 2 years
from couch to flash v7 takes another year imo

Anonymous No. 137661

>my gym sets soft ass v7s
every gym does, climb outside to calibrate and/or board climbing

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46.5, jesus those....jpg

Anonymous No. 137663

Just copped a pair of these, what am I in for?

Anonymous No. 137666

A good climbing shoe, toebox feels a tad loose (only one strap/tightening point) but it is fucking solid, good for most everything until you hit v8s. If you have those, don't ever blame the shoe or I will hunt you down and do retard 4chan user things to your body

Anonymous No. 137678

Got our pads ready and waiting for some more snow to melt before heading out. Really excited to get goin

For the same reason you'd have no chance leading up those 15-20 m routes without 5 breaks. It's a endurance and technique game, bouldering is strength and coordination

Anonymous No. 137679

>i think from couch to v7 takes at least 2 years
Maybe if you start out training for bouldering really hard from the get to
For most people, no way.
I read an article where the author had sent out surveys and the average first 7A was after 5 years of bouldering

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 137692

>the average first 7A was after 5 years of bouldering
fucking hell, I'm gonna be stuck at 6C and 6C+ for 3-4 years????
is 7A that brutally hard?

Anonymous No. 137697

>For most people, no way.
I agree, I think its only possible if you have really good genetics for climbing. At minimum couch to 7A is two years though. I see a lot of leddit posts that they did their first v10 after 6 months to a year of climbing. No fucking way.
Your tendons would 100% explode

Anonymous No. 137700

Nah it's very individual of course. Imo it's after 6B+ the difficulty starts ramping up and you'll have to work more for it, so just stay consistent. Get volume on all types, project on your strengths and you'll prolly get a 7A in a year or two.
Also I've generally found 7A's to be easier than 6C+'s. Anecdotal, but my friends tend to agree
I agree. If you dig a little you usually see those people have been in the elites in other sports their whole lives or something like that though. They're at least used to an extremely high training load

Anonymous No. 137705

Bouldering just doesn't do it for me, by the time I'm getting into a climb I've topped out.

Anonymous No. 137707

I sprained my 4th digit on my left hand now I get a stabbing pain in my forearm whenever I put load on that specific finger. Taking anti inflammatory and resting it but sadly no climbing for like a month, doctors orders. Feels bad bros

Anonymous No. 137734

how are ocun shoes? theres some ocun oxi QC/S shoes with a good sale for like 60usd do you think it might be worth it as first shoes?

Anonymous No. 137750

Trying to transition from indoor bouldering boomer to outdoor. Every single outdoor problem is borderline a free solo or its a sit start that I can't do. All internet advice is a vague recommendation to practice sit starts. Thanks fuckwit let me practice something I can't do by doing something I can't do. Anyone actually worked through this with real training advice beyond git gud?

Anonymous No. 137757

Train sit starts.
You dont get better at them by avoiding them.
Also pull harder

Anonymous No. 137763

>first shoes
Definitely get them anon, good training wheels and if you stick to the same basic shoes for 1-2 years, you'll understand more about what you want out of a shoe as opposed to retards who buy new shoes every other month and constantly blame their fall on them

Anonymous No. 137778

good advice: >>137763

I think you should get a standard flat shoe like scarpa helix in a comfortable size for a year or two, then get into something a bit more aggressive. After your first pair of aggressive shoes die you will realize the difference and what you really want out of a shoe

I would stay away from undersizing or shit like solutions for your first couple pairs. It is not worth it and the feet are usually good enough that you dont need a really aggressive toe or to feel the rock

Anonymous No. 137781

Outdoor bouldering is fucking hard. Skip the sit starts and do the rest of the problem. Also if you're a boomer then just get into rope climbing; bouldering is for the youth.

Anonymous No. 137792

Try icing it too. RIP, hopefully the month break goes by quickly

Anonymous No. 137793

Got some athletic tape and committed myself to attempting crack climbing in my gym today for the first time. Managed to ape my way through the 5.9 hand jam route and 5.10 fist jam route, took my like 20 min each and my hands are beat to shit but holy fuck am I in love already. Excited to keep practicing until I can send them and hopefully do some outdoor this spring/summer. Still totally lost on how to do finger jams though, couldn't even do a single move -- any advice for progressing?

Anonymous No. 137795

I went from couch to v7 after 2 years and am projecting v8 now at 2 years 7 months. I was very overweight when I started and have lost 50lbs since starting and quit drinking last year too. My good friend got me into climbing and he is very strong so my goals has been wanting to get strong enough to work the same routes he does. Honestly, getting into climbing is the best thing that's happened to me, currently I'm taking a course to learn trad climbing.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 137804

>surveys and the average first 7A was after 5 years of bouldering
Is a 7A on the Moonboard the same as a 7A outdoors?
Indoor grades vary A LOT so I'm not sure if it's worth working towards indoor 7A (e.g. there's a gym in my area where 6A is around the level of 6B/6B+ in most other gyms)

Anonymous No. 137808

>Indoor grades vary A LOT
Damn right, in my gym they even vary from route setter to route setter. Most are baby first wall, then comes in this niqqa Alex and a V0 feels like a V10

Anonymous No. 137819


what degree? Benchmark or non Benchmark? 25 can be somewhat softer 40% somewhat sandbagged

Anonymous No. 137822


most people climb/boulder wont even reach a real 7A ever

highly depends on your overall physical condition when u start and on how much effort you put in

at 1 times/week its hard to even get there
at 2 times/week its doable in 1-3y
at 3 times/week + finger training its 1-2y

at 7ยดs it starts to become all about finger strength which is the slowest to build, itยดs far less hard if bodyweight is really low

if you can do 3-5 pullups you have enough upper body strength to do 7A,
- start finger Training (hanging from small holds first then pull ups on them, if easy move to a smaller size
- explosive pull ups, try to get as high over the bar/hold as you can
- core stabilization

Anonymous No. 137828

does rice bucket training work for finger strength? want to do something small while still training finger strength without being too risky with hangboarding for example

Anonymous No. 137831

>I went from couch to v7 after 2 years and am projecting v8 now at 2 years 7 months
outdoor? that's pretty impressive if so

Anonymous No. 137837

>rice bucket training

if ur an asian peasant maybe, just no, get one of those rubber rings to train itยดs cheap af and transportable

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 137845

Atm onyl doing benchmarks at 40ยฐ but still stuck at around 6B

Anonymous No. 137846

>rubber rings to train itยดs cheap af and transportable
is there one/shape you reccomend or just find the cheapest one?

Anonymous No. 137847

get one of the small block hangboards (tension block is an example) and lift weight from the ground
very easy to manage the load and can start as light as you want

Anonymous No. 137870


the basic ones that look like a small donut are good, not sure what other shapes they have

Anonymous No. 137878

I've read before that the soft grading goes up to V4/5 and then it's a little bit closer to where outdoor grades would be

Anonymous No. 137902

it also depends a lot on your gym. if you go to a big commercial gym in big city california vs small tiny hardcore gym in czechia the grading will be... different

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Anonymous No. 137905

i'd suck sean bailey's dick just to have miho nonaka's dead vagina skin cells inside me

Anonymous No. 137906

this manlet won in life

Anonymous No. 137920

For those of you who have La Sportiva Miura VS shoes, how much did you size down (if at all)?

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Anonymous No. 137921

>fingers getting pumped before anything else need to lose weight
>eat less
>have no energy climb like shit, plateaued
release me from this purgatory

Anonymous No. 137922

3 sizes and its a bit like like a gym shoe cant wear them too long
should have done just 2

Anonymous No. 137930

Oh, I only did 1/2 size down and I was worried that was too much lol... these are my first aggressive shoes, mainly gonna use them indoors. I do ~2hr climbs usually

Anonymous No. 137932

This is /xs/ we don't go outside lol but I usually just rope climb outside because I don't want to hit the ground if I fall. 5.11a has been my repoint outside but it's been cold and wet here for the last couple months and I think I could climb harder next time I'm out. I've only climbed on basalt and tuff so I wonder if granite would let me climb harder

Anonymous No. 137933

I think it might depend more on what the setters themselves climb outdoor. If the setter is a v8 climber then maybe it feels pretty soft until you get to an 8 and it just feels way harder since the setter is trying to mimic the difficulty they are currently working on.

Anonymous No. 137940

yeah im thinking Annie Sanders is the future of US Women's Climbing

Anonymous No. 137941

>get into a rythmn, start climbing V4s consistently and sending some V5s
>injure myself
>take a break for a month or two
How do I escape this purgatory?

Anonymous No. 137942

I'd try to not injure myself desu

Anonymous No. 137945

How much does rubber stickiness vary? I switched from red chilis to scarpa origins and now I can't smear on any of my current projects anymore

t. v0 god

Anonymous No. 137960

Take it fucking easy in the gym, you can always tell who the wannabe faggots are cause they act hardcore and like they need to optimize and get pro.
Meanwhile, the strongest climbers are the ones who take things chill, go at their own pace, and take a break when they're injured. Noone here is the next adam ondra or the big schwarma. Moreover, climb easy routes now and again, and do it purposefully. You'll still learn and improve, amd put less stress on your body

Anonymous No. 137967

Hey I have a small cluster of what appears to be very small blisters on the top of my left foot right above the talus bone. I can't find any information online about this but has anyone else had something similar to this? I was thinking it was maybe my climbing shoes.
They are super tiny like there are super tiny bubbles on the skin that cant be popped. I've been climbing for about ~2.5 years and noticed them.. probably 4 months ago?

Anonymous No. 137989

Yes granite would let you climb harder since you can trust the rock. That being said it will eat up your hands. Every fall leaves scrapes everywhere. God I can't wait for Summer

Anonymous No. 138069

well lads it finally happened, the acl fairy came :(

Anonymous No. 138079

>How much does rubber stickiness vary?
A lot If you ask me, Scarpa Veloce (M72 rubber or something like that) stick on every surface like glue while e.g. Instinct VS and Quantic (XS Edge rubber) hold on the smallest edge but smearing is unreliable on them (that's my experience though, afaik it also varies a lot with weight and skill)

Anonymous No. 138081

>afaik it also varies a lot with weight and skill
learn to smear in gym rental shoes if you can smear in those nasty grey fucks, you can smear in anything

Anonymous No. 138088

When I started bouldering I felt no fear regarding falling. However nowadays when I start a harder route or there's a step I'm unsure of I feel this feeling which is kind of a mixture of fear and excitement. Is it normal? Why didn't I feel it in the beginning?

Anonymous No. 138093

>Is it normal?
Yes. It's the fear of failing.
>Why didn't I feel it in the beginning?
Because when you started, you expected to fuck up. As you got better, you also felt the excitement of success. You also probably felt the pain of whiffing and slamming against the wall or floor face first, and understandably, your body doesn't like that. Simply put, you want to succeed because it feels exciting, and you fear not succeeding because it hurts and feels bad. Fear is normal, and you confront it on the climbing wall by doing that stupid thing you fear. Make that move you never thought you'd make. Try on the 7th day the route you failed 6 days before. Climb so hard you fail on that v1 you nailed the first day in the gym. Ignore faggots in the "i'm just like alex honnold bro I don't feel fear bro I'll be climbing 5.14s in a month bro" phase. Fear is a damn good motivator. Think of how when kids get stuck on the climbing wall, they can hold on for way fucking longer than anyone expects, or when you try a dyno, imagine you're a video game character leaping over a pit of spikes.
tl;dr fear is normal, we all go through it

Anonymous No. 138106

This reminds me of my first smear only boulder, sent it and the exact moment i thought "ok, now let's climb down" I fell 16ft face first on the mat
I had a laugh soon after and remember this fondly

Anonymous No. 138113

Thanks for the help, anon!
I really appreciate it.
Next time I'm gonna leap of faith that fucking route.

Anonymous No. 138209

she'll do awful in international comps, calling it now
probably will do ok in lead, but boulder... btfo

Anonymous No. 138213

Went to reel rock premiere and got to talk to Seb Bouin, Jacopo Larcher, and Babsi Zangerl for a little it was awesome

Anonymous No. 138232

Jesus there's some 5ft tall people with +5 ape index. How can you compete with min maxed monkey genes

Anonymous No. 138240

nah she seems /strongmind/

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Anonymous No. 138311

Does anyone else get pain/tenderness between the PIP & DIP joints on the front of their fingers, especially when you started? I've been bouldering for about a month now, 3-4 days/week/, 2-3 hrs per session & only recently I've begun to have pain there from climbing. It feels like it might be a bit tender & swollen as well.

Is this normal when starting to do routes that actually require some tight crimping? I'm worried it might be an early sign of a pulley injury or something.

Anonymous No. 138318

bro you are climbing too much your body isn't used to it yet cut it back a bit.

Anonymous No. 138320

Went to the gym today and it was pretty empty, my fingers are on the mend so I gotta warm up on the gym side for a bit before actually climbing. The gym area is small and there was this weirdo doing some kind of circuit but he kept just taking up as much space as possible and ondra yelling after every dip, pullup, or whatever. I'm just trying to warm up and stretch and this guy with main character syndrome is harshing my vibe.

TL;DR: Don't be a gym hog

Anonymous No. 138321

Take a week off, you'll be shocked how much easier climbing feels and how much harder you can climb when you've properly rested

Anonymous No. 138323

>harshing my vibe

Anonymous No. 138327


Anonymous No. 138331

>think I'm fairly decent at my local gym
>climb in the top 1/4 of attendants
>they finally get a moon board 45 deg
>topping out at V2 on that

turns out the Gumby was inside me all along

Anonymous No. 138356

I mean I'm not climbing for 2 or 3 hours straight when I'm there obviously, full rests between attempts, and there's usually a half hour-45 minute chat sesh with other regulars somewhere between the first & second half hahah, but maybe yall are right. Really don't wanna cut back much though since this & riding a peloton are the only sports I'm into at the moment and I fucking hate riding the peloton.

Anonymous No. 138391

>tfw normies are going to gyms and striking up conversations with random people for 30 minutes at a time while being absolute beginners while antisocial autists like me are avoiding eye contact with everyone while barely climbing V5
I wish I wasn't such a social reject despite appearing chadlike on the surface

Anonymous No. 138406

Same I even try to talk with people, but I just suck at keeping a conversation going.

Anonymous No. 138426

>I mean I'm not climbing for 2 or 3 hours straight when I'm there obviously, full rests between attempts, and there's usually a half hour-45 minute chat sesh
No one else is one the wall for 2-3 hours straight. That's actually max time for a lot of climbing sessions
>Really don't wanna cut back much though since this & riding a peloton are the only sports I'm into at the moment
Then cruise on easier routes and socialize more. You give up a week so you don't have to give up climbing for 3 months

Anonymous No. 138444

Do you go at the same time every week? Once I had a regular schedule I got adopted by a group of boomers who are now my cloom buddies

Anonymous No. 138446

wait moonboards go as low as V2?

Anonymous No. 138449

Moon boards, tension boards, kilter boards, etc, have the entire spectrum of route difficulties, but the way they're built makes them a smidge harder. +1 on the v-scale if you want to be conservative, +3 on scale if you want to delude yourself into thinking you're a pro

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 138462

In the app I can't go below 6A+ (something between V3/4?)
But maybe the 25ยฐ version goes down to V2, it's a lot easier I guess but only ever climbed on 40ยฐ ones so dunno

Anonymous No. 138500

That just sounds like gym "climbers."

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 138502

>>I was climbing v6s in 3 months gais
Damn I wish... I'm about one and a half years in and climb around V5
I want to crack 7A this year but I'm 99% certain that won't happen

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Anonymous No. 138550

how to overcome feeling like a worthless loser when people flash your project? to make matters worse it's on v3s/v4s and I was crushing them just a month ago before the gym put up new routes

Anonymous No. 138560

its gym climbing anyway who cares

Anonymous No. 138567

>how to overcome feeling like a worthless loser when people flash your project?
The V5 Bully - There is this guy who would always show up in gi pants and it felt like he would just follow me around, wait until I tried something, and then flash it. I fuckin hated that guy even though he never said a word to me. I made it a goal to be stronger than that fuck. Some time passed, I got stronger, and ol fuckface is in the gym. I see him flailing on a problem I've sent already. I glide up that thing like Fred Astaire and downclimb it too, then continue on with my session. If we happened to be in the same section that day I'd wait for him to go first, fall, then I'd come and flash it...I still see him at the gym, but he doesn't climb around me anymore.

TL;DR: create a nemesis and crush them

Anonymous No. 138575

>tfw this guy proceeded to flash every V7/8 I was working on in front of me

Anonymous No. 138602

I wear banana republic tech shorts and do this on V4 problems on the steep overhang walls but only because those problems are the most fun and I wish the gym set more like those

Anonymous No. 138605


just get good, there is always a guy flashing "ur" grade or higher, sometimes routes are harder or feel harder at that day but try to always improve on strength or technique and keep enjoying the climbing itself while competition can motivate dont make it your main incentive

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Anonymous No. 138607

>tfw there are two small ledges in my office bathroom so I can hangboard while I waste company hours

Anonymous No. 138608

After climbing only in the gym for a few months I finally went /out/ for the first time. Did the upper end of 5.10s on lead without trouble but once I tried doing a 5.11 slab, it felt impossible. I got only 2 quickdraws in. This difficulty jump is insane. Figured I need to do a lot of practice on my footwork. Do you guys have any footwork technique specific trainings?

Anonymous No. 138609

Don't worry so much, I mean how badly can it go

Anonymous No. 138637

What are some good stretches I can do before bouldering? I feel like it's important but I don't really know what I'm doing
I am old and super inflexible and also not good at bouldering (V2/V3 nub)
Also are there any good youtube channels or anything that might help me progress?

Anonymous No. 138693

>he doesn't hangboard on door frames


Anonymous No. 138697

I used to do this and then the paint above my doorframe started cracking and it spooked me

Anonymous No. 138723


Anonymous No. 138785

During your first 2-4 war up climbs during the day, practice placing feet as accurately as possible, only placing them once. Anticipate how will you need to stand on the foothold after the move.
Commit to every foot move and you will learn to trust your feet. Some times just wishing that the foothold holds will make it better. N8kha w

Anonymous No. 138796

You steal their beta, understand it and apply it elsewhere. Get better anon, and then crush their projects back.

Anonymous No. 138838

I fucked up anons, I can no longer raise my right arm above shoulder height. I'm sure it will go away in a week or two

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2023 ็”ทๅฅณๆฑบๅ‹ 27-45 s....jpg

Anonymous No. 138842

for me it's W011

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2023 ็”ทๅฅณไบˆ้ธ 11-55 s....jpg

Anonymous No. 138843

Anonymous No. 138887

>not even knowing their name
you have to go deeper into the jpclimbfu labyrinth

Anonymous No. 138903

Maybe its some kind of skin infection. Clean your dam shoes and try some antibiotic ointment

Anonymous No. 138937

wear socks you animal its a friction rash

Anonymous No. 138947

>bought a secondhand grigri online
>the part that slides to let the rope in rattles a little bit
am i going to die

Anonymous No. 138948


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 138949

>am i going to die

Anonymous No. 138965


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Anonymous No. 139017

Are finger exercises with rubber bands worth doing for any reason? I don't get. Is there any gain in training antagonistic finger muscles??

Anonymous No. 139025


Anonymous No. 139041

In theory it helps to prevent finger injuries.

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Anonymous No. 139044

Do you bros also lift or nah?
I've read conflicting information about lifting and climbing

Anonymous No. 139049

I lift up the homies when they get sad about not sending.

Anonymous No. 139063

lifting helps. If not working directly related muscle groups, having muscles helps prevents injury

Anonymous No. 139081

Why wouldn't you lift? I'd rather be fit all around than super specialized. I have no aspirations to climb competitively.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 139086

I used to think /pol/ was the shittiest board with the shittiest threads here, but this "climbing" thread on /xs/ takes the cake.

You guys/girls/whatevers suck, and you've all lost sight of what climbing was, what it is, and what it's going to be in the future. By the way, if you want an answer to your question or a response to your issue, the answer lies within: You're a flaming dumbass chode, of course, who has no idea what it means to be a climber. Figure out a way to change your mindset.

Anonymous No. 139088

stop projecting and start projecting

Anonymous No. 139093

I don't currently, but I wanna figure out a way to work it into my routine. I'm climbing 3-4 days a week rn and I really like it, but need to have a day in between if I want it to be a productive climbing session. Not sure how much throwing in a lift day on a non-climb day would impact my recovery.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 139094


Anonymous No. 139098

love that video, its gives me ptsd from when i fell & my elbo came out of socket in a climibn gym

Anonymous No. 139100

Stand in front of your bed, or a table that can support your weight, maybe your desk. Put the backs of your hands on the surface, so that your fingers are pointing in at each other (this might feel tense if you've been doing a lot of finger strength training.) Gently put some weight on your hands, and then rock up so that your weight is shifted off of the backs of your palms and onto your fingers. If you feel comfortable, you can shift the weight up onto the backs of your fingers only up to the second knuckle. Play with how much weight you put into your hands and repeat until it starts to hurt. This doesn't directly help you climb harder, but it makes it much less painful to climb hard.

Anonymous No. 139102

I do weighted pull ups, weighted campus board, weighted hangboard and some meme lifts that armwrestlers do.

Anonymous No. 139109

I'm the guy who posted this vid in the last general and go to the same gym; I've had conversations with so many people there who saw it too and complained about the routesetting.

Anonymous No. 139110

I do barbell OHP 2x a week before climbing

Anonymous No. 139122

post pics because this just seems like a dumb way to hurt your wrists.

Anonymous No. 139134

Futaba Ito should auction her shoes for charity

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Anonymous No. 139135

here. Should mention that they say to rock up onto a fist when you go up on your fingers. This one puts more weight on your hands than a raised surface, though.

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Anonymous No. 139136


Anonymous No. 139145

No projecting of any kind here.
I am a climber; you lot are not.

The deleted post made it clear.

Anonymous No. 139146

There is a plethora of material out there to answer this question. You simply do not care.
And this is not the way to do it. See a physical therapist, ask a certified professional. The non-climbers on this website will not help you.

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Anonymous No. 139147

Gotta give credit where credit is due, that's a very convincing bait
I can see this is not your first rodeo, I'm sure you'll get many (you)s

Anonymous No. 139148

I dunno, mountain sports draw some of the worst people, and the gyms have stopped trying to filter them. He could actually just have gotten run off of mountain project.

Anonymous No. 139185

Are there any series/things I can watch/read to get good at climbing? I've been watching all the bouldering tips videos on youtube like neil grisham, movement for climbers, lattice, etc. but I feel like when I actually climb I don't know what I'm doing. Especially with knowing how to move my hands/feet. I think I can do v3's but thats just relying on pulling strength. If there's any semblance of technique/coordination required I'm fucked

Anonymous No. 139191

Just climb.
Your body doesn't know what it's doing at first, but the more you move, the more you figure things out, and your own particular flow/style. Climb all sorts of routes, watch other people climb the same shit, emulate their moves. Watching schwarma-man climb a 5.14 is useless when he can just haul himself up with a single-handed pinch. Climbing is really self-driven in that way, and we've all been there. If there's some faggot whose making fun of you for not knowing a specific move, tell them to fuck off.
tl;dr get better at climbing by moving and experimenting on the wall, videos aren't all that helpful imo

Anonymous No. 139198

>watch other people climb the same shit, emulate their moves

This. Copy people who do it easily. They probably make it look easy because their technique is good, so copy them, especially the women who can't rely on brute strength. Get a tight pair of yoga pants and show off dat ass.

Anonymous No. 139248

my elbows hurt so fucking much :<

Anonymous No. 139254

Do more antagonist training. Pushups, dips, bench press. It seriously gives instant relief

Anonymous No. 139289

no antagonist training for you, it makes pain 10x worse on the long run

Anonymous No. 139290


Anonymous No. 139294

Theraband flexbar. First week of climbing I destroyed all my elbow tendons. Iโ€™d been lifting weights for a couple years, and just finished a cut, so I was primed to push well past my tendons limits. Then I came home one day that week and did an arms day, and my tendons were just done, couldnโ€™t pick up a glass of water without pain. The flex bar, antagonist training for the grip, and dumbbell curls with looong eccentrics had me fixed up in 6 weeks without significantly limiting my time on the rock. That and avoiding long sessions on overhanging stuff.

Donโ€™t give up and rest, thatโ€™s almost as bad as continuing to climb past your tendons recovery limits.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 139295

All of this goes to show that this
and this
were correct all along.

It's sad to see what's become of this sport, as the next generation is currently running it into the ground. May climbing withstand the negative influences of those groups/individuals who would misconstrue its meaning. Real ones will carry the flame.

Anonymous No. 139297

What are you even saying?

Anonymous No. 139298

See >>139147

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 139306

Consider your non-opinion disregarded.
If you don't know, then you won't know. And that is part of the overarching issue facing the climbing world at present. Try parsing through the language one more time, and the message may reveal itself to you.

Anonymous No. 139323

Moot point, moot opinion. Summarily dismissed.
Correct on the first account, wrong on the second.
You will not be spoon-fed understanding. Enlighten yourself.
Engagement with discussion will elucidate the topic at hand, and your posts serve to handicap such effort. Again, this exchange on the whole supports the original sentiment found
here, which is to say that the sport of climbing is being undercut and diminished by the nonsensical contributions of its next generation.

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sage No. 139344


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 139359

You sound pretty gay ngl

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Anonymous No. 139364

Everything's still icy where I'm at, still fun to climb though.

Anonymous No. 139365

I still won't forgive mook for letting the hordes of WWE wrestling retards into /asp/. That board was genuinely good, even if there was trolling and toxicity like in the rest of 4chan.

Anonymous No. 139366

Why are you still replying to that dude?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 139368

>Do you bros also lift or nah?
Not really, was bouldering with a friend who's been lifting for 10 years now and holy fuck he sucked at climbing. I have no idea how but he struggled even at some 5A's
So I see even less of a reason to start lifting

Anonymous No. 139457

climbing is a different skillset than lifting retard

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 139466

Obviously but /fit/tards always claim they'd crush climbers in climbing. Looks like they can't even crush beginners or children

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 139471

Wow, it's as if none of you read
this post, which in turn bolsters the sentiment found in
this post regarding the notion that the sport of climbing is undergoing a crisis of identity. That is to say its next generation--and a significant portion of its current batch of participants--has wholly lost the plot of what elements form the core of the sport itself. These people who call themselves climbers have no idea what it means to be a climber and no motivation to become one.

Anonymous No. 139490

there are 9 year olds sending v11+. Please reevaluate your argument

Anonymous No. 139499

>Obviously but /fit/tards always claim they'd crush climbers in climbing
who has claimbed this? there are 10,000 "BODYBUILDER VS CLIMBERS IN THE CLIMBING GYM" videos on youtube. someone who only climbs, and has done so for a while is obviously going to outclimb a gym rat who has never climbed before. Someone who lifts AND climbs is going to outclimb someone who has climbing as their only form of exercise 9 times out of 10

Anonymous No. 139510

Update: This fellow is probably right. I stopped climbing for 2 weeks and put vaseline on it occasionally and it is slowly going away. I don't wanna wear socks in my climbing shoes though

Anonymous No. 139514


>Someone who lifts AND climbs is going to outclimb someone who has climbing as their only form of exercise 9 times out of 10

Additional mass outside of the climbing specific muscles will always make u worse then the lighter climber, climbing specific strength exercise =/= lifting, also u can only have a set amount of recovery to add lifting you would have to climb less making you worse by default

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 139515

>Someone who lifts AND climbs is going to outclimb someone who has climbing as their only form of exercise 9 times out of 10

Anonymous No. 139546

moleskin or bandages over the hotspots when climbing can work, too.

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Anonymous No. 139577

>Someone who lifts AND climbs is going to outclimb someone who has climbing as their only form of exercise 9 times out of 10

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 139593

this little japanese girl is the chosen one and single-handedly destroys all of climbing

Anonymous No. 139596

>Asian woman hyped for BWC
As it should be

Anonymous No. 139599

Holy shit, Iโ€™m brand new to climbing and this makes me want to be extra cautious. Thanks anon

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Anonymous No. 139602

>climbing for 5 months
>1st climbing shoes already got a hole in them
What do? Can I fix this myself? Do I have to buy new ones already? I thought they'd last me at least a year.

Anonymous No. 139614

i have some quickdraws, but they are short. i want to increase their length, i hope it is cheaper than buying new bigger quickdraws

where to buy not whole quickdraws, but only the part that joins each carabiner?

Anonymous No. 139618


Anonymous No. 139627

are even more relevant as this thread continues.

Anonymous No. 139638

Is bouldering a good way to meet fit, lean women? I would think it would attract a certain body type since they would be the only ones who could successfully do it in the first place.

Anonymous No. 139640

I used to go through 3-4 pairs a year.

Depending on prices, resoling is an option. It's relatively cheap if you have a local place that will do it. You can also mail away your shoes, but that only makes sense if your shoes are expensive enough and usually in bulk.

Another key to cheap resoling is to to it before you need extensive repairs that jack the price up. I used to have 2-3 shoes on rotation so that I can keep climbing while the worn ones get repaired.

Anonymous No. 139657

anon, the ones that boulder to look good are the ones you want to avoid. Finding a community of climbers is the joy of finding people that are as weird as you and understand the need to climb rocks. That's more important. But really, if they're willing to go on a week long trip to red river with you, they're going to be pretty fit.

Anonymous No. 139668

socal pals hmu to hang with an autist gumby

[email protected]

Anonymous No. 139670

Actually...yeah, that does seem right after all.
Climbers these days are cut from a way different, dirtier cloth than their better counterparts from only ~8 years ago. The participants in this sport have gone far downhill since then, and they seem to keep getting worse as time goes on--not to mention worsening the climbing experience on the whole.
Like, who really cares about meeting fit, lean men/women/whoever? Or which kindergartner will outclimb Magnus Midtbรธ? Or a training regimen based on an anecdotal experience of a stranger on the internet? People like this have lost the plot completely, and lost the ability to call themselves climbers; they're more akin to armchair quarterbacks versus actual football players.

Anonymous No. 139671

reading hangdog days by jeff smoot, does crag communities like in the yosemite, joshua tree, etc still exist even? it seemed super chill and theres nothing like whats described in the book here but i dont live in the us

Anonymous No. 139673

>crag communities
I can speak for Yosemite and Joshua Tree both, and tell you straight up: No, they certainly don't exist in those places anymore, especially not in any way described in 'Hangdog Days'. It's a pretty sad state of affairs, actually, and a reflection at how climbing has changed for the worse over time.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 139674

>new bad, old good
people never change

Anonymous No. 139693

You need to be homeless and live out of a van to be a real climber, if you use it as a recreational activity to do on the weekends and after work you deserve to die.

Anonymous No. 139694

>boomer cloom

y'all nasty

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Anonymous No. 139696

>you can't get training advice off of the internet
What is this "go to a physical therapist" shit? Last time I went about climbing I paid half a grand out of pocket to be told to do arm raises, to buy a stress ball, and that climbing was bad for me. I didn't pay someone money to learn how to train from /fit/ either. If you think anons aren't supposed to be giving each other advice you're a nigger faggot and should leave the website immediately. Half of the generation that FA'd Yosemite died because they couldn't be fucked to use rope, and we're supposed to gargle their unwashed balls while wearing Boreal Fires. Don't fucking tell me that you have to pay a doctor to learn basic exercises. May your belayer never give you a soft catch.

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Anonymous No. 139708

Sounds like my experience going to physical therapist about back pain in my 20's, being told to do back exercises (overuse was the issue to begin with) and shoved out the door in 5 minutes. That was on company's dime though, if I'd had to pay for that shitshow I'd gone postal. In the end, advice of a well motivated person who has put the time to think about the issue instead of somebody doing nine to five and not giving a fuck is much more valuable.

Anonymous No. 139711

Climb local and you will find your tribe

Anonymous No. 139718

I mean, if you climb you are not a real climber, simple as

Anonymous No. 139724

I think even the best physical therapists can only give you a framework to base your regimen on. I slipped a disc lifting, paid a local pt, got jack shit, paid for 3 months of coaching from specialists online, and it put me on the right track. Once I started modifying things to suit my specific needs and issue, utilizing the principles I learned from the specialists, then I made progress. Within a few month i was solid. Not one excercise from the local pt helped.

I think you can largely pick up an appropriate framework for injury recovery online, then you need to tweak it based on your reaction, and principles which you can again learn online.

If youโ€™re a pro, the issue is time sensitive, and you have access to sport specific pts, by all means, use them. If youโ€™re not, like the rest of us, bro science, detailed progress tracking/adjustment, and reading pubmed is a better option.

Anonymous No. 139736

Yeah I don't wanna make it sound like they can't help you. I'm pretty dependent on my pain specialist to handle my migraines, and I can't imagine the the internet would help with that. PT's are great for injury recovery, but the more specialized a field is like climbing, the harder it is to find one that knows it.

Anonymous No. 139747

I really don't care for how many kids are allowed in the climbing gym at one time. I went at 7pm yesterday and the bouldering section was still infested with young kids and their rich, french parents. Can there be a time of day that's just reserved for mid 20's autists with earbuds in who don't talk to each other.

Anonymous No. 139762

PT here.
Just like mechanics, teachers, plumbers, et al., we all have similar base foundational knowledge of our field...but some of us suck ass at delivering care while the vast majority of us are actually experts at what we do.
Sounds like you've had some poor anecdotal experiences. Try again with a better PT sometime, and demand that they deliver the highest level of care with their practice. It's only what's right: We all have one body and one mind, and healthcare providers entrusted with this care need to take it seriously.

Anonymous No. 139794

If you want good grip strength you should train Judo. Itโ€™s far more applicable than rock climbing.

Anonymous No. 139815

But how will judo help me climb rocks?

Anonymous No. 139819

It'll increase your hand grip, but climbing rocks is a waste of time. Train Judo.

Anonymous No. 139821

>diagnosed with ecu tendinitis 5 months ago
>still can't climb or do anything with it without it flaring up.
I'm going to kill myself.

Anonymous No. 139823

But what if I need to get to the top of a rock?

Anonymous No. 139828

Yes, that's called during schooltime.

Anonymous No. 139829

In a hypothetical situation where you are chased by an armed group in a forest, you can climb to safety while the judo dork tries to do some animu shit and gets wasted. Train climbing.

Anonymous No. 139831

I'm going to naruto run my way up the side of the mountain and laugh at you from the top as you struggle. Believe it.

Anonymous No. 139844

>If you want good grip strength
I don't climb for grip strength, I climb for climbing.
But judo is still extremely based. Keep throwing, judo bro

Anonymous No. 139858

but if climbing is a waste of time then so is judo

Anonymous No. 139860

I remember a webm. It was a girl in red top and pants, and she solved the bouldering problem only using her hands, but it was like a solid minute of it. I think the handholds were either all red or all green.
Does anyone have it? I couldn't find it.

Anonymous No. 139863

get another judo master to throw you up it

Anonymous No. 139867

my point was that they stick around for way too long and are still there when normal adults are getting to the gym from work. The school groups should really be finished by like 5:30 at the latest.

Anonymous No. 139868

Just go to a 24 hour gym at midnight

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 139871

Why don't you write your local congressman about it, and stop complaining about the state of things you can't control? Kids wanna climb when kids wanna climb; adults wanna climb when adults wanna climb; sometimes those times overlap and sometimes they don't. Just focus on yourself and your goals, and block out the surrounding noise--and if things get really bad, lodge a formal complaint with the youth team coach and/or gym manager. You're an adult: Act like one.
Complaining about PTs, complaining about training regimens, complaining about kids, complaining about complaining... Do you people do anything besides complain? I can't even address you lot as "climbers": You're actually more like "complainers who yank on plastic."
was right on all accounts. It's absolutely pitiful what climbing has become in the previous several years, which is a reflection of those who participate in the sport. Hopefully the future holds better days ahead, spurred on by the better contributions of better people doing better things.

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Anonymous No. 139876

>been out almost 2 months for a double knee bursitis
>doc says I'm ok to climb again
I'm back frens

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 139878

Stop climbing then. Itโ€™s a hobby for pussies who run, instead of men who stand and fight. Train Judo.

Anonymous No. 139880

you complain too much, unlike the climbers of old

Anonymous No. 139911

bruh stabilize that thing

Anonymous No. 139912

I did for 2 months
Now I'm ok, feel great :)

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Anonymous No. 139927

>tfw gf is scared of heights and doesn't like climbing

Anonymous No. 139949

Now try that for over a year now, with only a vague hope of being able to climb this summer, even short hikes and scrambling causes flare ups.
It's like staring into the abyss every day isn't it? And some days you are the abyss.

Anonymous No. 139951

you complain too little, the climbers of old would be disappointed you ruined their sport and let it go to shit

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Anonymous No. 139956

for people who don't like heights there's bouldering. mostly works for my gf. if she doesn't like climbing at all, then see >>139794

Anonymous No. 139959

Anonymous No. 140009

what's the right amount of complaining to please the climbers of old?
i want to restore the sport's former glory

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Anonymous No. 140016

>tfw no gf and 0 (zero) friends that want to even TRY climbing once

Anonymous No. 140018

I only consider people my friends if they can climb V8

Anonymous No. 140024

I'm afraid of heights too but I really enjoy bouldering. (My wife on the other hand loves rope climbing)
So try bouldering with her

Anonymous No. 140046

I have been grinding through the V5s on the MB 2017, decided to try some v6s and got some surprise flashes. feels good man

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Anonymous No. 140067

Which crashpad do you have, anon? Are you happy with it?
I need my first one but they all look the same to me

Anonymous No. 140092

They mostly are. The high end one (if you are really going to beat on it) is Organic. Their pads cost more, but they're much more durable and can have the foam replaced without having to buy a whole new pad. That and you can customize the colors to really tickle your autism. From the other pads that I've used, they're mostly the same. I have a full organic pad and the briefcase, but Metolius makes the nicest ones I've used other than mine.

Anonymous No. 140094

>what's the right amount
giving two shits about the sport of climbing at all
>to please
wrong motivation
>i want...
you clearly don't
seems pretty clear here

Anonymous No. 140132

But my heart is in the right place, I feel
Please, DO teach me

Anonymous No. 140141

I really want to start climbing, but the only climbing place in my city only works with kids. Will serving in the military mountaineer unit suffice?

Anonymous No. 140173

I got an older Ocun Moonwalk I bought from a friend. It was used to begin with and I've thrown that thing around, landed my 200+ pound fat ass on it and after many years of use there's nothing wrong with it.

Anonymous No. 140183

dude, he's a self righteous prick. If you allow the love you bear for others to be your motivator, then through that you'll temper your bitching with kind actions and words. That's how you strike the correct balance. Stay kind and civil with gumbies that have yet to lose the capacity to learn, and bully the shit out of the ones whose ignorance is only outmatched by their propensity to harm others.

Yes, mountaineering units will teach you everything you'd need to learn about mountaineering. Technical climbing is just a subset of that. It's still the military, so be prepared for that. If you're interested in that route, the dudes on /meg/ over at /k/ will know more than I do.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 140228

See, climbing ain't got no place for that. Move on, and stop ruining our sport.
Have you read half (or more) of the replies on this thread? Talk about ignorance...
>mountaineering units blah blah blah
See, kids? This is what "armchair quarterbacking" consists of. Prime example here.
Find a mentor. Like, an actual mentor. Anonymous non-climbers on the internet don't count.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 140257

I appreciate rebuking what you think that I meant but no, it does. I've seen way too many people deck because their belayers were incompetent, and parents try to belay their kids by having them clip into the ATC and holding the rope by the loose end. Every mountain sport has to self police (which you are trying to do.) If one of the kids I teach gets hurt because some fuccboi is trying to impress his tinder date, that removes promising climbers from the community and allows more fuccbois with climbing instas to flood in. People can get fucked up at Access Fund crags all they want, but when they bring that shit to private land you and I both know that every landowner is paranoid of getting sued and will shut off access. Most people will realize the danger of their actions if you just point it out (or have to perform a belay pick off.) But some people will just get angry and obstinate. The NC section of last year's Accidents in American Climbing is a perfect example of someone that should have gotten way more shit before he got someone killed.

Yes, I understand that this is people talking about climbing on 4chan. Climbing should still be accessible for those with the capacity to learn it. People are really fucking autistic here. Like it or leave.

What is your thing with calling people armchair quarterbacks? I even told the dude that /k/ is gonna know more. A lot of the US depends on mountain units for S&R operations, they absolutely know how to climb.

Anonymous No. 140282

>for people who don't like heights there's bouldering
ironic since bouldering is way more dangerous than climbing with rope and a competent belayer

Anonymous No. 140296


injury maybe, maybe not, but ive never heard of anyone die as a consequence of bouldering but in the last few years there where a hand full of climbing fatality's in my region alone

Anonymous No. 140361

Maybe, but that's what (irrational) fear is. I may be scared of spiders, but I'll pet a dog even though that dog stands a much better chance of eating my liver.

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Anonymous No. 140362

>Aaaw, he's smiling!

Anonymous No. 140401

Metolius makes good ones (esp the trifold). It's always been good since my area has shit landings and having 2 folds v 1 helps cover bad landings

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 140411

>[anecdotal experience]
Not worth a shit, and nobody cares.
>self police . . . trying to do
Don't tell me what I'm trying to do. You don't know me, and you don't have an inkling of what I'm conveying throughout this thread, clearly. That's entirely unsurprising, however, seeing as it's another textbook example of military thinking: lizard brain-type lower order processes. Can't really expect you all to be Stephen Hawking now, can we?
>If one of the kids I teach gets hurt . . .
Then you've failed in your role as a teacher. That point is easy to extrapolate upon, but I'll simply leave it there for you to parse.
>blah blah blah
It's really not worth engaging the rest of your post, as it is reeks of an eighth grade education. Recline into your climbing armchair, Mr. Mountaineering Unit, and let the adults do the talking.

Anonymous No. 140417

downsized 2 numbers, super painful out of the box but the performance is worth it.
After the break-in period is smooth sailing, even did 7 pitches with those in Arco.

Anonymous No. 140421

You horny or something?

Anonymous No. 140425

not him, but I just nutted so now I'm not

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16 beef patties.jpg

Anonymous No. 140426

Anonymous No. 140427

I wear a half euro size down from street/running shoes in everything la spo. I have the Miura laces, but they have a much narrower last than the velcro ones for some reason so I can't help you much. I think the closest last I have is the TC Pro, which is a good size for me that's a balance between performance and being able to wear them for a few hours

Anonymous No. 140488

Bros some ponytail boomer spent the entire night doing the same bat hang v2 over and over in front of all the asian girls

Anonymous No. 140490

Did he send it?

Anonymous No. 140493

He had like a scripted foot slip into campus finish, I admire his dedication

Anonymous No. 140498


Anonymous No. 140504

You never went in Arco, you are not a real climber

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 140505


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 140536

Hit them with the same logic.
>why climb the mountain when I can look at it on high from satellite images?
They'll spout some shit about effort and being there, and it's the same for climbing. Chefs spend a lifetime working on shit that's gone in half an hour, it's about pride and accomplishment.
Alternatively, you post on 4ch. Just call them a retarded nigger and you'll never have to talk to them again

Anonymous No. 140577

It was just really impressive and I want to show it to my frens who are new to bouldering.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 140580

You are a disgrace to the sport, see >>139871
Why would you attract other people to this fallen sport? To muddy the legacy just a bit more?
The new generation of climbers is pitiful, zero passion, just me me me me

Anonymous No. 140581

time to make climbing friends

Anonymous No. 140587

reminder not to give him attention

Anonymous No. 140597


Anonymous No. 140601

>The new generation of climbers is...
...literally better than you will ever be

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 140602

You simply do not care, do you? Zero passion, as stated here >>140580
You are a non-climber, plain and simple
Keep tugging on plastic jugs and stop pretending to be one

Anonymous No. 140609

did janny delete all the posts by that "real climber" guy
Ngl he was pretty based

Anonymous No. 140611

how to meet climbing friends
how do I sus out when to hand people psychedelics to win their friendship

Anonymous No. 140615

he's sperging right now

Anonymous No. 140622

Just janitors cleaning out the trash. Kinda sad ppl have to troll niche topics on slow boards to get their jollies.

Anonymous No. 140623

idk man, he may be for real
there are lots of people like this around

Anonymous No. 140638

Yeah man, I can see being really pissed off at the way climbing is going. 10 years ago I would've thought a lot of climbers are weird Xavier Renegade Angel hippy parodies hanging around cliffs in Arizona, but now it's all just lofi hiphop beats asians and a bunch of french parents trying to get their 9 year old kids to project gym V11s with parkour dynos moves

Anonymous No. 140653

>faggot mad about indoor climbers climbing indoors
Climbing is alive and well, maybe stop going to gyms, go outside and touch rock

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 140819

Anyone of you used the new vegan Skwamas yet?
How are they?
I started with Tarantulas but then went for Scarpa Veloce and now I wanna try something else although I love the Veloce.

Anonymous No. 140821

>"real climber"
You may drop the quotes. I continue to visit here once in a while during free time.
It has been quite a while since my last visit. These posts are not attributed to me.
I have a personal rule against trolling. That is, nothing leaving this keyboard is untrue or written to spite others.

Anonymous No. 140825

>These posts are not attributed to me
Must have been AI

Anonymous No. 140832

>Must have been AI
or other posters lol

Anonymous No. 140834

I prefer to think it was AI
How long before ChatGPT sends Burden of Dreams onsight?

Anonymous No. 140881

Rehab usually isn't done with full blown rest, go see a sports therapist instead of a pill dispenser

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 140923

Aparently Drago are good shoes for roman foot types the Scarpa site says they're for egyptian feet though.
Which one is it? (I have no shops nearby to try them...)

Anonymous No. 140932


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 140950

euthanize all footfags

Anonymous No. 140984

Finger training tutorial

Anonymous No. 140989

what about us greek toe bros
most shoes aren't made with us long second toe-cels in mind

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Anonymous No. 140990

Finally healed and returned to my old level after obliterating my wrist four months ago but i can no longer handle slopers specifically. Any grip like pic related is instant pain but everything else is completely manageable, very weird and frustrating.

Anonymous No. 141010

Most of Scarpa's lineup is, in fact, made for the greek foot shape.

Anonymous No. 141144


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 141193

Stop climbing
>Is this shoe better than that shoe
Oh my God, day 345 of 0 real climbers in this thread

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Anonymous No. 141198

>0 real climbers
two days ago i went bouldering for the first time and did all but one of the V1's they had before my grip gave out for good. one of them took me a few attempts because one of the footholds near the beginning was a red herring that made it impossible (4me) if you used it
later today i have a first rope climbing class at my gym
am i a /realclimber/ yet?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 141210

>Is this shoe better than that shoe
Do you understand what foot shape means?

Anonymous No. 141240

Here's the sliding scale no one can meet
>No one here's climbed for more than a week, there's no real climbers here
>No one here's climbed for longer than 3 months, there's no real climbers here
>No one here's climbed for over a year, there's no real climbers here
>No one here's climbed outdoors more than once, there's no real climbers here
>No one here's lead climbed and flashed an outdoor route, there's no real climbers here
>No one here's climbed multipitch trad, there's no real climbers here
>No one here's climbed multipitch trad on a 5.13, there's no real climbers here
>No one here's freesoloed el capitan, there's no real climbers here

Anonymous No. 141267

It's weird huh, living in doubt all the time.

Anonymous No. 141275

nta explain pls

Anonymous No. 141282

>No one here's freesoloed el capitan
Honnold is an influencer, not a climber
Also, why do my posts keep getting deleted? Truth hurts, it seems

Anonymous No. 141298

I fucked up anons. My first pair of shoes were loose in the back so I couldn't heel hook, now my heel is fine but my big toe doesn't reach the end so I can't stand on chips

Anonymous No. 141302

I think climbing for a few years and being decent makes you a climber
I did my first outdoor trad last weekend, it seemed scarier than outdoor lead.

Should I buy a rack of totem cams? or just C4s? I have the $, the extra price is not a huge deal I just want some opinions on if it is worth the extra $ at all

Anonymous No. 141312

I would try playing with different makes of cams. See which ones you like. They're very intimate pieces of gear, so it's better to have one you like and can trust placement on before splurging on a whole rack. I have old camalots since I got them really cheap, but most of my friends have mixed racks with c4s, totems, etc.

Anonymous No. 141333

I fucking love crack climbing

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 141346

>why do my posts keep getting deleted?
probably because you're a retarded faggot

Anonymous No. 141368

whats your guys go to belay device?
also has anyone tried both singing rock rama and mammut smart 2.0? which one did you prefer?

Anonymous No. 141373

Figure 8 or grigri. Literally all you need

Anonymous No. 141375

grigri is too expensive for my cheapskate ass, maybe ill get it eventually but not now

Anonymous No. 141380

which gyms in denver have the best slab walls (and setting, i guess)? movement i go to only has one tiny section of slab

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Anonymous No. 141387

>Figure 8

Anonymous No. 141392

>gym is shutting down and I am good friends with the manager so I can get a bunch of holds for free
Is it worth trying to build a home wall or is it a gimmick that I will use twice then get bored of?

Anonymous No. 141411

you have negative iq if you're asking this question

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Anonymous No. 141428

That you have to figure out yourself. I build one a year ago and used it during winter more than I went to the gym. I personally love that I can blast what music I want and really get into the zone. Can't do that with all those people with their meaningless presence running around the gym.

Anonymous No. 141433

Did you ever get bored of always climbing on the same holds on the same wall?

Anonymous No. 141434

you know you can change the routes right?

Anonymous No. 141442

I don't think I would be very good at setting, i strugglr to make anything even romotely interesting on spray walls when I use them

Anonymous No. 141449

my friends hate my smart and tell me that the bd pilot is better. Singing rock has barely any ameriburger presence so I've never seen one in action.

Anonymous No. 141455

DBC doesn't have the best slab but they have the best overall setting IMO. Old school, outdoor esque setting style, no jumpy bullshit

Anonymous No. 141524

I make my own wooden holds, so often I'd have a handful of fresh holds to throw at the wall when I went to train. It's very motivating and after a while you end up with a spraywall that has potential for so much variation you can do a new problem every time from here to eternity.

Anonymous No. 141530

From knowing people in the mountaineering brigade and some of the pixels, you'd be better off signing up to some dedicated courses/kletterferein or whatever you have in your country.
The military seems to focus on large group maneuvers, semi unrelated maneuvers (like abseiling from a helicopter) and most of the focus is on being a glorified mule, carrying 15kg+rifle on easy scrambling terrain.
Buddy can't even flash a 5b. Had to help some italian Alpini once because some water on a V+ was too much for their fragile little fingers.

Anonymous No. 141570

How do I make my rotator cuff not explode after doing dynos, is it just a matter of building up more shoulder strength?

Anonymous No. 141608

do band exercises that target rotator cuff strength, ROM and stabilization, when you exercise your cuff muscles it should feel "fatiguey" and like cardio, not anything more
also don't do dynos

Anonymous No. 141609

I love climbing on crack too

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 141646

>also don't do dynos
this, parkour bouldering is meh

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 141657

Does chalk still trigger that geek climber guy?

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Anonymous No. 141717

Finally started sending some v5 with around 5 tries average. I want to focus on overhangs and sit-starts now since they make me feel like a weak fatass.
In other news, this stuff is a scam.

Anonymous No. 141730

I don't think geek climber has made a video specifically about climbing and not some random calisthenics challenge in years at this point

Anonymous No. 141735

I believe in you. Also you will probably get better the more you do it.
Try to imagine what the setters are thinking when they are creating the routes in your gym. (Or just ask them for some advice).

Anonymous No. 141739

>In other news, this stuff is a scam.
Share experience with it

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 141759

Got my chance to try Drago, they suck for roman feet.
Veloce and Skwama (and Arpia, RIP) still are the best for square footed niggas

Anonymous No. 141763

Wait, they discontinued the arpia? I just bought a pair for chill indoor stuff, the most comfortable shoes I've ever pulled on my clown feet.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 141788

>they discontinued the arpia?
Yes ;_;
Apparently the Quantic/Quantix are their successors but they can't compare if you ask me...

Anonymous No. 141819

why did they make speed climbing route setting so boring anyways? there could atleast be some interesting technical moves on it instead of just a ladder

Anonymous No. 141844

It's 19$ (20 w/ tax), has a tiny amount, and you can't use it without another layer of chalk. I destroyed my hands trying to use it without a dry chalk layer. Whereas you can buy Metolius chalk for like 6$ that you can actually use with anything.
I'm still giving their dry stuff a chance but I won't be buying their liquid chalk again.

Anonymous No. 141853

>That video of a dude snapping his foot off while bouldering that anon posted in February.

Fuck you anon, I've been terrified every time I go bouldering since then.

Anonymous No. 141856

I like the idea of them switching it every X amount of time or something. It's like how the beginning of new games or new patches in games there's that period of weird meta shit that somehow works. I'd actually watch speed climbing if they did that

Anonymous No. 141865

>I'm still giving their dry stuff a chance
The gorilla grip is primo stuff, only downside is it really shreds your skin off compared to cheaper chalk

Anonymous No. 141890

are there any good youtube series on learning how to climb overhangs? every reach feels so fucking far away. I dont think I have the body awareness to tell if my hips are in. Maybe I should just record myself

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Anonymous No. 141903

I don't have a hangboard yet, but I do have a pull up effective is doing three/two/single finger pull ups going to be in terms of training finger strength?

Also I've had a pair of Black Diamond Momentum shoes for a little more than a month now and a little hole is starting to form so I'm gonna be investing in a new pair soon...any reccomendations for the first upgrade from a beginner tier shoe?

Thanks :)

Anonymous No. 141938

when do the blisters stop bros?

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Anonymous No. 141947

If you are just upgrading from a beginner shoe I wouldn't worry so much about finger strength. Maybe just do pullups or climb overhung stuff . As far as shoes the shoes the La Sportiva Kubos are my go to all around gym climbing shoe and a step up from beginner shoes

Anonymous No. 141948

I guess using less fingers for your pull ups is a way to progressively overload the tendons and muscles. Better than nothing. Since you are a beginner, anything will work. Just don't injure yourself.

Damn. You destroyed your shoes in 2 months? You should focus on your footwork. You can get a lot longer lifespan from your shoes if you are not scraping the wall. Be precise with your feet. As for recommendations, you could try looking into some more aggressive shoes. Maybe something like La Sportiva Miura or a Scarpa Vapor V. I recently got La Sportiva Python and love them.

When you start to get only calluses

Anonymous No. 141951

my ring finger has been getting sore, and it feels swollen? on the first pad of the finger. are there any stretches or something to do for this? should I not climb

Anonymous No. 141954

Mammut smart works well. It saved my friend last summer

Anonymous No. 141963


Anonymous No. 141981

i don't use equipment, just climb

Anonymous No. 142004

I like the Momentums. I switched to Black Diamond Zones to try something more aggressive and also because I was getting them for half what Momentums cost. However, if I run out of the Zones, I probably will go back to the Momentums unless I find something else in the meantime.

Also, a month is really short. You shouldn't be wearing holes in them at the noob level.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 142041

>any reccomendations for the first upgrade from a beginner tier shoe?
Do you mostly top rope/lead, boulder or both?

Anonymous No. 142073

On the beastmaker 1k, I can hold onto the 35 degree sloper with much ease. I average around 30-40 secs at what I'd say is 80% effort.
HOWEVER. I can barely crimp on the 20mm for 10 seconds. Like what the actual fuck.
I did some research and realized that I have really bad hyperextension of the DIP joint which makes me only more hesitant to train, but just seeing how much I suck at hangboarding has made me quite obsessive about getting better at it. On top of that, the main reason I hop off the 20mm is because my RIGHT shoulder specifically starts to hurt, not my forearms. It feels like the slopers are more specifically targeting a forearm burn whereas the crimp is going towards only my right shoulder.
I've double checked my form and I swear it's not a form issue. Maybe I'm just weak as balls in finger strength? The problem is that the next grip up is TOO deep and doesn't seem to replicate the same exertion as the 20mm.

Anonymous No. 142089

Wow what the fuck. You are right, I just got back and I had 4 flappers, my hands are shredded. I haven't had it this bad since I first started climbing. Does it get better? I'm seriously considering returning this shit.

Anonymous No. 142091

Thanks anon

Yeah I know my footwork is pretty trash, but I'm working on it. There's not a full size hole yet but there is significant wear on spots on the toe. It's possible I'm looking into a new pair too early but fuck it, kek.

Mostly boulder but have been getting more into top rope recently since my gym is small so I go through the new problems pretty quickly

Anonymous No. 142121

ATC Guide, I have a grigri its not great for lead atc is better if you use it properly, also bought a revo I'm going to try that out.
Taz Lov3 is also really cool but not a belaying device, you can definitely use it like that though.
If you can't use an ATC you shouldn't be belaying on lead

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Anonymous No. 142146

Bros is there a term for this foot position where you clamp a hold like a frog. I have no idea if you're meant to be doing it toes down or heels down, or if there's some other way to use these big vertical things

Anonymous No. 142149

What happens if you fall on it?

Anonymous No. 142150

it would be extremely painful

Anonymous No. 142174

unless your next move somehow needs you to be frog clamping like that wouldn't it be better to place one foot on top of the rectangle and flag a bit or something? Seems stupid to put your balls in danger like that

Anonymous No. 142176

bicycle is what i've heard it called

Anonymous No. 142181

Something like this anon? If not, it's probably just a variation of a bicycle. Toe/heels down depends on body position and where you wanna go anyway so unless you have a more detailed descriptor for the situation it's near impossible to say what you're "meant" to do.

Anonymous No. 142202


Anonymous No. 142236

>Mostly boulder
I'd say Scarpa Veloce are great but you'll probably destroy them within a week or two.
Instinct VS or VSR are great and robust, if you get the chance try them on

Anonymous No. 142256

regular climbing should get you to 20mm very easily (without injury). Unless you're trying to break a v7-v8 plateau or something it is rarely worth it

Anonymous No. 142288

how quickly will my noob climbing gains fade if I spend the summer going full roon mode instead of climbing. Surely the tendon gains will fade away much more slowly than muscle gains right?

Anonymous No. 142333

>struggle on a 6a for an hour
>don't manage it
>attempt a 6b+ just for fun
>get it on the second try

What's the logic here, are grades usually this inconsistent? I've only been climbing for like a month.

Anonymous No. 142349

Congrats you're tall, or light, or strong for a novice... So you're getting shut down when the lower grade requires a certain technique or body position but you're able to tall or muscle your way past the hard part of the higher grade.

There's always climber (body) specific strengths & weaknesses that mean grading is real fuzzy when you're talking about closely graded climbs.

Anonymous No. 142356

Different styles of climbing may as well have their own grading systems. Slab vs overhang are completely different.

Anonymous No. 142367

My theory is that slab climbers have universaly agreed to sandbag every single slab route to confuse the uninitiated. They are all in on it within their fucked up little niche. Atleast that's what I tell myself because I can't keep my fat ass close enough to the wall to keep balance.

Anonymous No. 142372

slab is the opposite. You want to back that dumpy up and away to keep your weight directly over your feet. That gives you stable footing and allows you to comfortably use worse hands

Anonymous No. 142378

That's very route-specific. On friction slab it's like that but on body position/balance slab it's the opposite.

Anonymous No. 142412

so you're right where most novices sit... 6a - 6b+ == v3/v4 bouldering (or 5.10 route).

Anonymous No. 142424

>right where most novices sit... 6a - 6b+
what does it mean if i've been climbing for a year and i can only do 6c

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 142440

I know people that climb for 5-8 years now and can't do 6B (they're rope climbers though so they suck at bouldering)

>i've been climbing for a year and i can only do 6c
Iirc it takes 3 years on average to do 6C and 5 years for 7A.
I guess it also depends on the gym and country, apparently the French and British sandbag hard while American and Australian gyms are soft as fuck. Dunno if that's actually true though

Anonymous No. 142514

The softest gym I've been to was in Singapore, might have been a side effect of being a nation of midgets though

Anonymous No. 142538

just sent burden of dreams bros...

Anonymous No. 142571


Anonymous No. 142574

What a legend. Didn't think it would be so fast.

Anonymous No. 142625

can you guys help a manlet with this black colored v2-v4 boulder route? new to climbing, but I can't figure out how the best way to reach up to the next handhold with my left hand after I'm in the position in pic related on the left. pic on the right is the current sequence of movements I take to get both hands on those handholds on the volume, not sure if it's the best way. Once I get both hands on the volume handholds, it feels like my legs are stretched out, and I lose body tension and have to cut feet. then i have to pray I can put my right foot on the previous handholds on the wall, then back flag with my left leg to reach up to the next handhold on the volume with my left hand.

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Anonymous No. 142626

forgot pic

Anonymous No. 142630

Do a figure 4

Anonymous No. 142633

Means nothing / really depends on how much time you invest.
Know a guy who started climbing just as covid started and got stuck in lockdown in some climbing mecca in Cambodia. Got to 7a+ in 3 months.
Meanwhile it took me 4 years to get to 6c, but I only climbed 1 a week/2 weeks in the beginning and I regularly lose form each summer and winter when mountain season starts and I dont have time for sport climbing.

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Anonymous No. 142634

Can you do anything with this foothold? Or maybe try a drop knee instead of side split

Anonymous No. 142635

use that black chip on the volume by the yellow hold, or match hands, cut feet, and campus

Anonymous No. 142835

Will Janja be the GOAT again or did the japanese gremlin break her forever?

Anonymous No. 142847


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Anonymous No. 142865


Anonymous No. 142894


Anonymous No. 142922

>what do you mean i need to post my actual session? here's a pic with some motivational captions bro
so are we just gonna simply believe will's claim?

Anonymous No. 142927

Tom Randall is offering training sessions nearby me soon, should i go?

Anonymous No. 142929


Anonymous No. 142967

Not a crack enjoyer i presume?

Anonymous No. 142985

He looked really good on his livestreams, he is just editing a killer video bro trust

Anonymous No. 142994

Go and bring back some tips on oversized hands and flared cracks.

Anonymous No. 143001

No, I just don't want you to go

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Anonymous No. 143007

You should bring a copy of pic related and ask him to sign it

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Anonymous No. 143098

>out 3 months
>1 month to go
>maybe more

Anonymous No. 143229

Fucking hurts. But you are gonna make it anyway bro, stay strong.

Anonymous No. 143240

i fucked one of my fingers pretty good 3ish months ago, and i can climb as hard as i did before (small holds, going to them with speed rather than just grabbing statically, etc), for the past month or bit more, but my finger still hurts when i make a fist and squeeze
what gives? on the wall it feels completely fine, and pain when squeezing is there regardless of training volume

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Anonymous No. 143241

ifsc climbing season is back bros

Anonymous No. 143251

checking back in after she got btfo in hachioji

Anonymous No. 143252

it's over...

Anonymous No. 143253

matt groom really sucks doesnt he? cant wait for him to butcher the commentary again this year

Anonymous No. 143257

>Ai Mori flashes boulder 1
she's not a boulderer btw

Anonymous No. 143266

What the fuck anons I did not expect Miho Nonaka to sound like a valley girl

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Anonymous No. 143287

hannah meul bros we got this

Anonymous No. 143304

Best girl <3

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Anonymous No. 143307


Anonymous No. 143308

Very proud of my rabotfu for her win today

Anonymous No. 143330

why are they so beautiful bros...

Anonymous No. 143390

Yay Brook got her first gold!!
I had the same reaction the first time I heard her speak. I expected heavy japanese accent.

Anonymous No. 143391

when was miho speaking? must've missed

Anonymous No. 143393

you know that miho is dating sean bailey right?
of course she'll sound just like a valley girl

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Anonymous No. 143394

What the bloody fuck is this shit? When IFSC made that deal with discovery where they basically made europeans pay so rest of the world could continue watch the worldcups for free, it was with the backdoor that the recording would be available on the olympic channel service for free for all afterwards. And now this shit. Yes I'm mad, fuck.

Anonymous No. 143395


Anonymous No. 143396

chad thirdies watch it for free vs beta euro pay pigs kek

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 143397

Not interested in highlights.

Anonymous No. 143421

I did my first 7a after about 1.5years of 2 times per week at local climbing gym, and that 7a was fairly suited to my style

Anonymous No. 143423

I usually climb ~30-40m of 5b-6a as warmup on auto-belay before starting a session

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 143440

VPN nigga

Anonymous No. 143446

I've only been climbing for about 4 months, 1 time a week. My right hand ring finger is inflammed, and doesn't have the range of motion to slide up my palm while keeping contact. I believe this is tenosynovitis? How can I treat this to get better? I already went about 2 weeks without climbing and it got a little bit better, but when I returned to climbing it just returned after a session.

Anonymous No. 143483

personally I found success with getting blood pumping to the fingers with some (very) submaximal pulling. For me, I had one of those portable fingerboards and would just pull on it to stimulate the fingers a bit. Also toyed with wrapping the stringy loop of the fingerboard around a dumbbell with low weight and lifting it up through all the different grip types i.e drag, to half crimp, to full crimp, then back.

My incredibly non objective boulder bro science says you need blood flow to the fingers to heal it, but also don't want to be pulling super hard on your sessions. Maybe a mix of, dial back climbing intensity (side note, having shorter sessions, even when keeping same amount of "try-hard", seems to work well) but add on some sort of active rehab between sessions would be helpful. Keep track of how you're feeling, check back weekly/periodically/whatever to see what changed (if anything)

Anonymous No. 143488

M4 was brutal. Apparently Mejdi actually did manage to solve it after the broadcast was over.

Anonymous No. 143493

I tuned in and out, were they supposed to jump into a press facing out or what

Anonymous No. 143494

just kidding, just saw his instagram story I was right

i'm basically a world cup class climber now

Anonymous No. 143495

This was claimed by one of the event staff in the youtube comments so I'm not sure. It seemed like the press out was the intended beta, yeah.

Anonymous No. 143556

love the mammut for belaying on lead

Anonymous No. 143657

Kid from my home gym just won a regional comp. I wish I started climbing when I was young :(

Anonymous No. 143669

Comp climbing is just suffer training and nervous performance in front of a crowd. Much more zen when it's just you, your belay slave and the rock.

Anonymous No. 143697

I wish my brain wouldn't shut down as soon as I'm 2m off the ground bros...

Anonymous No. 143712

Consider bouldering

Anonymous No. 143715

I'd also recommend bouldering. You won't have the endurance of rope climbers but you'll be a lot stronger and more dynamic than them (at least that's my experience)

Anonymous No. 143725

I am bouldering, I can't handle any slabby volumes once I'm off the ground ;_; Probably need to tank more intentional falls, I think I've slipped like once in 2 years so I'm probably clooming way below max capabilities

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 143731

You are not a real climber, simple
Solved that for you

Anonymous No. 143753

>lead climbing an easy route
>about to reach to top
>slips and panicked
>shit myself while falling down
i can t go back to my local gym anymore...

Anonymous No. 143763

go climb outside, by the time you get used to outdoor feet indoor feet will all feel like jugs

Anonymous No. 143774

post tiktok video plz.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 143786

>I can't handle any slabby volumes once I'm off the ground ;_;
I can understand that, my wife feels the same and if there are volumes sticking out below me on tricky slabs I also feel very uncomfortable.
Just do vertical stuff and overhangs if slabs feel bad

Anonymous No. 143791

my right foot is slightly larger than my left foot but for some reason the right foot is more comfortable in my tiny shoes than my left food is, funny how that works

Anonymous No. 143870

how do i prevent cramps when i'm climbing?

Anonymous No. 143897

Supplement magnesium (I hope that's what it's called in english)

Anonymous No. 143916

What's a real climber?
Or who?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 143923

Not you, since you have to ask
Stop looking for approval online

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 143930

Answer the question

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 143933

Make me

Anonymous No. 143944

So you're full of shit as expected

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 143953

Keep tugging on plastic

Anonymous No. 143954

fucking magnus just make another video where you climb rocks, BJJ is gay

Anonymous No. 143961

the /out/ thread died again i hope we get more rock climbers here because splitting the community is pretty gay even if we hate eachother and its the perfect time to climb outdoors now too
kek i cant believe hes still making those videos, his old rock stuff was so comfy too

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 143975

Agreed, I wanna see him climb again

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 143981

I had a very nice female encounter today. Sometimes I wish i were single, and more daring. Her smile was so nice, and welcoming. I had always thought that if she only looked at me, I'd see that she hadn't got a nice face. This wasn't true. The fact that she denies basically all others, but seemingly me, is also very attractive. I will remain loyal to my non-climbing, non-mysterious girlfriend. Such is life.

Thank you reading my blog post.

Anonymous No. 143994

Did a fun lil v7 over in clear creek canyon

Anonymous No. 144002

i just got back from a climbing trip and ran into/hung around eric horst w/ his wife in like 4 instances. didnt know who the guy was before meeting him. he was stoked on my partners send.

Anonymous No. 144040

>>tfw there are two small ledges in my office bathroom so I can hangboard while I waste company hours
My wife installed a hangboard in her clinic with some leftover covid grant money when all the gyms in our area were closed.
Walked in on her a few weeks back hangboarding while on the phone to patients.

Anonymous No. 144050

The one where he larps as military special ops was cool

Anonymous No. 144051

Yeah, could not watch that one, stopped 5 mins in

Anonymous No. 144070


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 144082

>Real rock climbers are dirty. And homeless.

Anonymous No. 144138

all the posters in here seem like gumbies. does anyone here actually spend several weeks at a time outside climbing or is it just me...?

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Anonymous No. 144146

>with no finals taking place, the semi-final results will give the final rankings

the absolute state of ifsc world cup seoul

Anonymous No. 144154

>several weeks
I'm not a real climber, I have a job. Consequently I can spend 2 weeks max just climbing.

Anonymous No. 144156

The venues are supposed to have a cover so rain doesn't postpone. Who fucked up?

Anonymous No. 144160

>I hope that's what it's called in english
Yes it's the same.

Anonymous No. 144164

whether this is bait or you actually mean this "I'm not like the other girls" tier comment you should feel bad about yourself

Anonymous No. 144165

nice bud

Anonymous No. 144166

squids opted for an outdoor venue

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 144169

>does anyone here actually spend several weeks at a time outside climbing
work, family and other hobbies don't allow that.
sounds comfy though, being a homeless neet

Anonymous No. 144193

for climbing outdoors how important is it to bring someone experienced with me if im just toproping and setting up anchors from the top?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 144212

lmao now I know where the 'I did V7 after a month' people come from

Anonymous No. 144230


i guess confirmed. people who post herearent actually that much into it. just gym gumbies

a lot of the people i have met living in the climbing destinations in north america have figured out how to make it work with their remote full time jobs or have it figured out in some way. some worked until 3pm and climbed the rest of the day. some brought their laptop to the crag one day. my last partner works for the cdn govt and they were furloughed so she could keep climbing.

i still have a homebase. it just costs ~$200 /mo after utilities and rent because i've set it up that way and can spend the rest of the time on the road climbing.

Anonymous No. 144238

christ in what world is that v7? I consider my gym grading pretty sandbagged but that would be a 4-5 absolute max

Anonymous No. 144265

i mean i climb trad in california, you just remind me of all the annoying old fucks i grew up with that got old and stayed grumpy and shit

Anonymous No. 144270

thats good. how often tho?

im not very old and am quite new to climbing though and people i meet have had wayyyyy more time/mileage so i'm quite open to learn. I'm there for the experience, and i try hard enough to train. but i did go deep quickly i suppose. climbed for 1.5 mo straight last summer. (usually 2on 1 off ofc)

Anonymous No. 144272

yeah thats laughable. video doesnt show the overhung-ness of the wall but that is clearly not a v8.

this is common in 2 of 3 of my nearest rope gyms in my city. their "5.11" is really a 5.9+

Anonymous No. 144281

If you're creating your own anchors, it's advisable to have someone with experience along.
At the very least, watch a ton of youtube videos.
Picking the right tree, fixing the sling, equalization, how the sling goes over the edge can all contribute to the anchor holding 20 kN+ or collapsing when you take a minor swinging fall.

If its premade/bolted anchors, just run the rope through an additional screw carabiner for extra safety.

Anonymous No. 144282

I see there's been some sort of misunderstanding...
Im from Europe, it's entirely possible to work until 3pm then pick one of the 100+ crags within a 1 hour drive and climb 1-2 times/work week.
Even alpine routes are possible if ypu take a few hours off and start at 12ish.
But that's a bit different to climbing 2 weeks straight.

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Boulder semi-fina....png

Anonymous No. 144298

are the route setters intentionally mori-proofing these events? I just don't see how this is fair

Anonymous No. 144304

It's a dynamic move. You're not supposed to be able to span it like that. None of the other climbers spanned it.
Some of the recent setting has been a bit tall-biased though imo. Men's finals last week were a tall man's game.

Anonymous No. 144363

lots of reddit v10 climbers in the world

Anonymous No. 144367

You sound like a boomer who thinks everyone doing something different to you, are doing it wrong and therefore are not part of your little group.

Anonymous No. 144372

what? why do you think climbing for 1.5 months 2 on 1 off is impressive? do you commonly take month long breaks from climbing? no wonder you're trash and venting on 4chan

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Anonymous No. 144385

Who got second? /OUR GIRL/ GOT SECOND. She pulled a crazy beta break on W4, skipping half the boulder on the zone hold side. That kind of crap is why I love watching her compete. I wish she could manage these things more consistently rather than her usual podium or bomb out in qualis.
That's the wrong beta for that one. A couple others tried that way but quickly changed to something less ridiculous. Ai had a rough round.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 144440

there is no 'little group.' there are those who climb outside, and those who don't. the people who do, you start to meet all over the world in different locations and figure out its a smaller group than you think. you sound like a jealous gumbie who doesn't. ur mad

sounds like doing it for months straight is impressive to you and you are projecting that. its more than a hobby you do for a day for the people who actually do climb outside.

>do you commonly take month long breaks from climbing?
no. never have taken a break for >1wk
you sound mad though, if you are crying saying others are mad. stay mad.

Anonymous No. 144477

You sound like you've climbed outdoors once only and you're very excited about it which is understandable but really annoying.

Anonymous No. 144479

Janja should stay away from competitions, much more interesting when she's not in and the winner's not obvious from the beginning

Anonymous No. 144517

Very cringe. Please stop responding until you've climbed something higher than a 5b

Anonymous No. 144570

Do you have a link to a video of the beta break?

Anonymous No. 144579

Bros I'm starting to think weighing 230 lbs is holding me back from climbing better

Anonymous No. 144601

Janja should climb real rock

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 144603

She doesn't?

Anonymous No. 144604

She has a couple of 9a redpoints and the first woman 8c onsight.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 144605

I just said I spend weeks climbing. Longest consecutive location was 1 full month.

I climb 12 to 12+. Im new. Probably stronger than you though by the sounds of it. Cringe that you're trying that hard. You want to see my ticklist, faggot?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 144611

I lost track, who's the real climber here and who's not?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 144616

i am real, everyone else is not

Anonymous No. 144621

We are all real climbers in our mothers eyes.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 144622

wow you're so cool

Anonymous No. 144625

>the duality of man

Anonymous No. 144626

yeah i'm thinking will is a fraud and never really sent burden of dreams. let's enjoy the real deal

Anonymous No. 144633

None are, climbing is aid, a real climber fully actualizes the experience of climbing within his consciousness without actually moving his body.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 144654

it appears that no one is. theyre mostly all indoors gumbies

Anonymous No. 144692

Inside our hearts we all know we are not good enough and we will never amount to something

Anonymous No. 144709

how do I help make this general as comfy as the running general on /fit/ is

Anonymous No. 144712

Why won't he release the footage? Sounds suspicious to me, probably trying to splice multiple videos together. Absolute fraud l.

Anonymous No. 144822

mods euqal gods

Anonymous No. 144823

new bread?

Anonymous No. 144882

New thread!


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 144889