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🧵 /cg/ Climbing General #12

Anonymous No. 144879

Jesse Grupper edition

>Should I start climbing?
Yes. Or no, if your primary care physician wouldn't clear you.

>How do I start toproping?
Read a book? Call your local climbing gym? Take a course with a local guide? There are a lot of ways to get started!

>How do I start bouldering outside?
See above.

Old thread: >>137578

Anonymous No. 144888

>no, if your primary care physician wouldn't clear you.

Fuck doctors. I climb what I want!

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 144890

Damn climbing the Moonboard is so hard but so much fun!
But how do I prevent the skin on my fingers from getting completely shredded each time? I guess tape is the only solution?

Anonymous No. 144892

I find the wood holds cause less skin loss so I make sure I spend at least half my time using them, even if those climbs are less fun

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Anonymous No. 144899

>tfw sprained my wrist while practicing for my alpinist certification
>might not be able to do the actual exams over the weekend
Oh the irony. But Im more bothered by the fact I might not be able to squeeze in a 7a project before the mountain season starts.

Thank you for reading my blog.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 144939

Oh wow I never thought of that and yeah I feel the same about the wooden holds

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Anonymous No. 145021

I'm gonna go try the tall left line on this boulder today. inb4 I die

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Anonymous No. 145037

Another day another 2 blood blisters on my finger. I've been climbing for 8 months but my hands are more fucked up than ever.

Anonymous No. 145067

As long as all the pain is on the surface you're fine.
All skin shit is usually just annoying, but shouldn't effect progress unless its real bad.

Anonymous No. 145070

That looks cool as fuck. What rock type is it?

Anonymous No. 145071


Anonymous No. 145109

how'd it go?

Anonymous No. 145138

I believe it's gneiss, probably my favorite type of rock. Great friction, skin friendly

I actually sent it!

Anonymous No. 145144

should I get a hangboard or a no hang device like tension block?

Anonymous No. 145162

Substitution for climbing: board
Supplemental with climbing: block
Why? Idk lol

Anonymous No. 145210


Anonymous No. 145224

Is it nirmal for climbing shoes to hurt to the point of having to take them of during sessions. If not, how do i stretch them out?

Anonymous No. 145251

Just using them usually streches them over time. That being said, taking your shoes off while you're resting is a good habit to have to make it easier on your feet. Aslo, dont buy super small shoes. They should (idealy) fit like a sock

Anonymous No. 145275

Yeah that's normal, they'll break in eventually and taking your shoes off between attempts is a good idea anyways

Anonymous No. 145367

Probably the best V4 I've done yet, so sick

Anonymous No. 145427

anyone have a recommendation for a phone tripod for recording yourself climbing? watching back footage has been real helpful for improvement/feedback

Anonymous No. 145474

No, sorry

Anonymous No. 145586

Just get your belay buddy to film you. Helps you push over cruxes when you know the belaying isn't 100% :r)

Anonymous No. 145644

wouldn't it be funny if someone sends burden of dreams and post the send before will?

Anonymous No. 145657

dubs knows shawn's video is going up

Anonymous No. 145678

Stefano has already sent it but the British climbing cabal (led by Tom Randall) has dirt on him. Whenever you film something with Lattice Training they also get you to film a compromise tape of you having sex with an underage climber.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 145680

>sex with an underage climber.
h-hot, got a link?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 145712

sorry it's going to feature @tobysegar

🗑️ Anonymous No. 145724

Stefano and Toby run through the whole British youth squad. The video leaked on the darkweb but I can't link it here for obvious reasons.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 145725

So all it takes to sleep with underage girls is to climb V15? Interesting.

Anonymous No. 145732

week 5 of climbing
i have scraped my way up 3 V3's
there is a V4 that is extremely juicy and yummy and requires me to kinda dyno up to a shitty sloper
if i can just stick my baby grip hand onto that sloper and get the next hold i will have it in the bag inshallah

🗑️ Anonymous No. 145744

When I say the entire British youth squad that includes the boys too.

Anonymous No. 145755

As if I needed more reasons to climb

Anonymous No. 145757

>extremely juicy

but how sloppy is it

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Anonymous No. 145766


Anonymous No. 145777

The amazon basics one is cheap and will work

Anonymous No. 145778

Why is wil being such a queer about it? If you have it, post it. It does not take weeks to put an edit together.

Anonymous No. 145792


Anonymous No. 145798

i think i know the reason why they can show the send. they will premier it behind reel rock's paywall. it will be a documentary of some sort.
fuckt that shit.

Anonymous No. 145801

Was thinking the same minus the paywall part

Anonymous No. 145808

Didn't they just release a reel rock? A girl who I'm pretty sure is autistic I think tried to ask me to go with her

Anonymous No. 145813

/cg/ - climbceleb general

Anonymous No. 145821

This is my fear. I was fine with paying the small prize for the Hukkataival doc because that actually depicted a new milestone in climbing. But the more likely reason for the delay is that nowdays everyone and they grandma is throwing stuff in youtube that's better produced than regular TV so you don't want to be the low-effort asshole.

Anonymous No. 145822

If I ever manage to send a V17, I'll post a 30 sec video recorded with a samsung phone on youtube

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Anonymous No. 145840

do you buy trad climbing gear second hand? how much used is too much used

Anonymous No. 145860

What’s a good bouldering shoe to get after I destroy my first pair which are Scarpa Helix? Should I get a non-flat pair?

Anonymous No. 145869

>When I manage to send a V17
ftfy :)

Anonymous No. 145895

>start climbing hard
>start getting really hungry all the time
>climb and workout more to compensate for increased food intake
>just get even hungrier
bros............ i'm already a gumby......... i can't be a fat gumby on top of it.............

Anonymous No. 145907

>do you buy trad climbing gear second hand?
Yeah, just give it a look over or ask for more pictures if you need. Check out the dates on the slings and replace as needed.
>How much used is too much used
If it gives you pause don't get it

Anonymous No. 145908

>The amazon basics
They steal the designs from original creators, undersell them out of business, then raise the price higher than the original

Anonymous No. 145910

Thank you fren :)

Anonymous No. 145913

Are you actually getting fatter? If not, who cares?
Even if you are, it might not be super productive to worry about. Emil Abrahamson put on 7kg in 3 months before climbing his first V15.

Anonymous No. 145914

ok so get one before the other guys go out of business and amazon raises its price

Anonymous No. 145962

I'm at my heaviest weight right now at 190lbs 6'1" and have evolved from a v4 shitter to a v5 gigachad

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Anonymous No. 146041


Anonymous No. 146110

speaking of paywalls, does anyone know how can i get my hands on When Dogs Fly by Dean Potter?
it used to be on vimeo and i actually decided to pay the few bucks and the stupid thing wouldn't let me, being geolocked or whatever locked. i was furious

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 146223

Free climbing is fun, and while many are afraid of falling it is actually not a big deal because NDEs are real and prove that there is an afterlife and that we are eternal and will go to heaven unconditionally when we die. So you either make it and have fun, or fall straight into paradise, literally.

>b-b-but NDEs are dreams or hallucinations somehow
Already explicitly refuted in the literature you likely have not read on NDEs.

Here is a very persuasive argument for why NDEs are real:

It emphasizes that NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and when people go deep into the NDE, they all become convinced. As this article points out:

>"Among those with the deepest experiences 100 percent came away agreeing with the statement, "An afterlife definitely exists"."

Since NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and they are all convinced, then 100% of the population become convinced that there is an afterlife when they have a sufficiently deep NDE themselves. When you dream and wake up, you instantly realize that life is more real than your dreams. When you have an NDE you immediately realize that life is the deep dream and the NDE world is the undeniably real world by comparison.

Or as one person quoted in pic related summarized their NDE:

>"As my soul left my body, I found myself floating in a swirling ocean of multi-colored light. At the end, I could see and feel an even brighter light pulling me toward it, and as it shined on me, I felt indescribable happiness. I remembered everything about eternity - knowing, that we had always existed, and that all of us are family. Then old friends and loved ones surrounded me, and I knew without a doubt I was home, and that I was so loved."

Needless to say, even ultraskeptical neuroscientists are convinced by really deep NDEs.

Anonymous No. 146225

you cant climb in the afterlife schizo

Anonymous No. 146243

If an afterlife exists why bother climbing. It removes the tension.

Anonymous No. 146252

Atheism makes me a better climber

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Anonymous No. 146291

what chalk does /climb/ use?

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Anonymous No. 146321

generic crushed chalk in a ball. gives me just as much as i need

Anonymous No. 146323

Can I use a regular climbing harness for tree climbing, or do I need a special one with the slingrope attachments?

Anonymous No. 146332

the cheapest $2 block of chalk that the gym sells that lasts me two months

Anonymous No. 146347

am i the only one who doesn't use chalk? it feels like cheating

Anonymous No. 146355

it's not when it's literally one of two essential pieces of equipment for the sport

Anonymous No. 146400

I like it for rope climbing because I get sweaty as fuck on the second half.
For bouldering it doesn't do much for me, at least it feels that way

Anonymous No. 146415

The cheapest I can find

Anonymous No. 146441

I use my chalk bag like a cum sock and then use the dried cum like chalk.

Anonymous No. 146552

As a sweaty guy, its literally impossible for me to climb without it. Even using lots of chalk results in lot of slipping

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 146562

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1279
Who Framed /aa2g/? Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 146563


Anonymous No. 146565


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Anonymous No. 146569

Bros... I am the double bursitis of the knee guy...
Doc says I'm out 15 more days
I haven't climbed in 5 months, every time it looks like I'm good to go, I'm out some more time

Anonymous No. 146607

rip. Injuries really suck. I have been struggling with tennis elbows since christmas and just got what i assume is a pulley injury. It has been a good opportunity to practise my front levers tho, and i think im gonna try climbing again this weakend.

Anonymous No. 146608

Sounds like the perfect time to work on your finger strength, pull ups and core
Get super fit for your return, mang

Also, I fucking hate captcha:) fucking piece of useless fucking garbage is fucking broken

Anonymous No. 146670

Good luck, my man
I've been training exclusevely upper body for 5 months, I feel like that Chris Hemsworth meme pic lol

Anonymous No. 146677

Sorry, I also am ESL

Anonymous No. 146843

I only use it when I'm sweaty as fuck.
No idea why someone would need chalk in winter

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Anonymous No. 146914


Anonymous No. 146941

Cause you are not a real climber

Anonymous No. 146943

After patting you on the back for sending your hard project without chalk everybody thanked you for making the holds smeary smooth fucking shit. Just use the fucking chalk, dirtbag.

Anonymous No. 146950

Gumby detected

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Anonymous No. 146965

>May 2023...I am forgotten

Anonymous No. 146966

No proof, no send

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Anonymous No. 147021

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Anonymous No. 147022

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Anonymous No. 147023

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Anonymous No. 147024

Anonymous No. 147036

>Australian climber getting a top
Must be an easy set

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Anonymous No. 147040

Go climb outside

Anonymous No. 147041


Anonymous No. 147065

There might be snakes

Anonymous No. 147076

I love climbing because there's no mental health requirement
Other sports are like "wahh wahh you've got a severe psychiatric disorder you can't do this" but a wall of rock with ropes doesn't talk back while I'm molesting its cracks and holes

Anonymous No. 147079

Anonymous No. 147092

Is Janja climbing this year?

Anonymous No. 147093

RIP, my queen

Anonymous No. 147107

Janja has broken her left big toe in Feb during training. Will probably be back next comp.

Jessie Pilz, Stasa Gejo, Hannah Meul also injured atm

Anonymous No. 147127

>3 usa climbers in finals

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Anonymous No. 147129

>oriane in finals
let's goooooo

Anonymous No. 147139

There was indeed snakes

Anonymous No. 147140

Was watching finals live, pretty cool. The girls are even cuter in person. Also Sean bailey and tomoa are smaller than you think

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Anonymous No. 147146

TWO (2) silvers so far this season for /ourgirl/!

Anonymous No. 147147

Nice! I like the long roof they made for this one. Cut the chance of rain delays way down.
She's scheduled for the next one I think.

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Women s Boulder s....webm

Anonymous No. 147168

futaba bros...

Anonymous No. 147174

my friend said that the pocket hold is a casanova grip

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Anonymous No. 147187


Anonymous No. 147226

i dropped my reverso today

Anonymous No. 147228

Didn't know gyms still let you use reversos

Anonymous No. 147238

rip 20 bucks, how high up were you?

Anonymous No. 147243

Whatever is cheapest. I have tried all and it makes no difference. Do not spend money on premium chalk and you do not need liquid.

Anonymous No. 147246

nah only 15 meters or so and i found it afterwards. it was a top rope solo test, no danger at all but i was nervous and trying to be careful, double checking everything i did, and i went to hang it on my harness and suddenly i felt something drop and heard the "cling" down below and i felt a chill down my spine, i felt so stupid man.

lesson learned always hang things into your harness with the carabiner opening pointing upwards, in a down to up motion, never up to low, that's what must have happened in my case because i took special care that it never left the carabiner, even when i took it off the rappel. it fell when i opened the carabiner to attach it to the back of my harness

Anonymous No. 147309

Started leading last year in May.

Just sent 5.12a/7a for the first time. Feeling super!

Anonymous No. 147406

this guy looks like the most stereotypical numale but he's just some scottish guy

Anonymous No. 147409

Gates out friend

Anonymous No. 147411

>I have tried all and it makes no difference

This is false if you have sweaty hands, premium stuff(friction labs) is just way nicer chalk, lasts longer, and doesn't end up as a little cluster of pebbles in your chalk bag. Only downside is that it is harsher on your skin and your skin gets thinner faster.

Anonymous No. 147444

looking to get pants for climbing outside while this REI sale's goin on. any suggestions?

Anonymous No. 147454

>This is false if
>and if
>and also if
>oh, I almost forgot, if
>but yeah, there is a difference

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Anonymous No. 147460


🗑️ Anonymous No. 147464

Mi spiegate la lore di Alex, per favore? Lo vedo nominato spesso ma non so chi sia o cosa abbia fatto perchè frequento il filo da poco

Anonymous No. 147490

ITT: fake climbers discussing fucking chalk on plastic

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Anonymous No. 147572

I wasn't a huge fan of Keenan Takahashi's Antigrav brand to begin with, but I was always a big fan of him as a climber and a person.
It's so sad that in their latest drop they are using stolen artwork.
I contacted the original artist and they were unaware of its usage.
It is also obvious that they knew what they were doing by the subtle changes they made to the design.

I just hope they paid someone to make the design and had no idea it was stolen.

Anonymous No. 147579

What are you thinking grade wise? Looks mentally challenging unless the picture make it look huge.

Anonymous No. 147587

poverty cope

Anonymous No. 147687

I went climbing outside yesterday for the first time ever! it was cool

Anonymous No. 147690

What's a good shoe to upgrade to from Black Diamond Momentums (my first shoe)? Do mostly indoor bouldering, but going to be doing some outdoor stuff a few times this year. Any recs for something that's a step up from the momentums?

Anonymous No. 147704

>tfw the difficulty between v3 and v4 is so huge in my gym
wtf bros, I can flash most v3s but when I try a v4 they always start in these weird fucking positions or have crazy reaches that I've never had to do on v3s

Anonymous No. 147707

Get softer shoes for inside climbing. Most gyms don't set heinously shit feet, so there is no need for hawk talons.

The softer shoes encourage good footwork. If you have shit footwork your rubber is fucked

Anonymous No. 147713

Damn that's lame as hell especially since he also has a skating background and they get their artwork ripped off enough

Anonymous No. 147716

Right on anon!

Kubos, Veloce, Kronos. Honestly almost anything is better than BD Momentums

Anonymous No. 147720

V5 stand, v7 sit. Sit adds a 6 move V6 into the stand.

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Anonymous No. 147724

>broken toe

Anonymous No. 147725


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Anonymous No. 147753

what did geek climber mean by this?

Anonymous No. 147754

It means he clicked on a phishing email. Hope he gets his channel back.

Anonymous No. 147763

I hope he doesn't

Anonymous No. 147824

Joe's Valley is cool

Anonymous No. 147827

that taiwanese american doesn't even climb anymore. I just want to see that autistic near 40 year old try to climb V7s in his gym while being oblivious to using chalk.

Anonymous No. 147828

Difference between v3 and v4 in my gym is that v4 is still just a lot of juggy holds but with weirder body positioning and more core stability required to maintain those positions. V5 is where the handholds start getting smaller and you really just need to work on finger strength.

Anonymous No. 147829


Anonymous No. 147884

So we're all in agreement that Bosi did not actually send Burden of Dreams right?
>still no video

Anonymous No. 147900

pretty much

Anonymous No. 147928

nice sends bud

Anonymous No. 147944

>V7s in his gym
He couldn't even do V3 on the Moonboard, how tf can he climb V7??

Anonymous No. 147962

What is the original even from?

Anonymous No. 147963

If he's putting together an "inspirational" video or doc I'll be even more pissed

Anonymous No. 147964

i want to see him try, not succeed

Anonymous No. 147974


Instagram artist @oldsweaty did an album cover for some Japanese guy

Anonymous No. 148086

How the FUCK do people get in enough lifting to be stronger/look better as well as enough climbing in to actually improve at that without one negatively impacting the other? If I climb one day, my elbows hurt like shit if I lift or climb the next. Same with lifting, if I do one day I cannot climb to my full potential the next.

What's your routine look like /cg/? Are you strong/do you look strong or are you DYEL?

Anonymous No. 148089

this dude >>146965 is probably one of the strongest climbers in the world and he looks DYEL as fuck. it's all about finger strength, footwork/technique bro

Anonymous No. 148092

If you want to avoid looking DYEL, which is definitely the most ideal body for climbing, you have to get stupid strong fingers.

Personally, I look DYELish but my muscles are significantly stronger than a lot of people who appear larger than me. And I am not talking about proportionally.

The best advice is to train your fingers, assuming that you're at a level where you can do it consistently and healthily. Stronger fingers will allow you to train other thinks more effectively.

Anonymous No. 148110

>What's your routine look like /cg/?

Winter: boulder/climb gym 1-2x/week + ice climb/winter route over weekend
Spring: crag climbing 2x/week
Summer: crag climb 0-1x/week, alpine routes 1-3x/week
Autumn: crag climb 2x/week, 1x/week alpine route if the weather holds in the mountains

Don't look like a roided dude, but I do have some definition. Can't climb higher than 7a THOUGH.

Anonymous No. 148121

I enjoy running naked in the woods near my house
I go at night cause I don't want to get spotted lol

Anonymous No. 148194

go back to chopping bolts on your 5.7 old man

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Anonymous No. 148206

Climbing might not be the best sport exercise if you dont want to look DYEL. Just look at Adam Ondra.
That said you shouldn't be hurting, do you have a injury? Tennis/Golfers Elbow? What is your warm up routine for lifting and climbing?

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Anonymous No. 148220

yeah bro adam ondra looks like he has never trained a day in his life

Anonymous No. 148221

I thought Orianne was a midge. She's height-mogging those 2 lanky bitches.

Anonymous No. 148249

thumbnail looks way too much like scooby1961

Anonymous No. 148255

He looks like a guy who trains to improve his functional strength and perform better not like a guy who trains so he can hook up with teenagers at music festivals.

Anonymous No. 148271

I started climbing after seeing Magnus body

Anonymous No. 148286

>Personally, I look DYELish but my muscles are significantly stronger than a lot of people who appear larger than me. And I am not talking about proportionally.
most delusional shit i've heard in a long time

Anonymous No. 148327

>yeah bro i totally sent burden of dreams

Anonymous No. 148340

This fucker is doing interviews about it and STILL didn't release the video?
wtf what a fraud

Anonymous No. 148351

imagine if in the meantime nalle hukkataival repeats burden of dreams and release it just for the keks

Anonymous No. 148376

DYEL is mostly a term used on /fit/, where if you can't see the muscle with a shirt on, then they dont lift.
Adam like most high level climbers have very visible muscles when under tension such as in your picture.
But put a shirt on him? Looks a normal guy.

Anonymous No. 148405

winter/when home - lift/train/boulder/rope climb 2-5x week
spring - ~1mo climb in the red
summer - 2-3mo climb in 10zzz, maple canyon, joes valley, etc
fall- ~1mo climb in the red

Anonymous No. 148421

how do i balance "trying hard" to improve while preventing injury? are there certain exercises that i need to do?

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Anonymous No. 148446

I got some answers

Anonymous No. 148453

They shouldn't have taken it in the first place.
Hopefully people start finding out.

Warm up fully. Try hard in the middle of the session. Avoid trying limit climbing when you know you're tired. Obviously, you'll need to learn when your body can't take hard climbing, but that should come with time.

Anonymous No. 148475

Bros I was bumming around japan for a few days and got mogged by some actual 75 olds. They also knew enough engrish to spray beta, shit was fun

Anonymous No. 148550
griffin whiteside is the fucking man, imagine announcing a v16 fa and finding out someone else did it two years ago and just didnt say shit

Anonymous No. 148563

Anonymous No. 148673

why the fuck do belay glasses cost nearly a hundred dollars

Anonymous No. 148675

"Let's goooo" is the most annoying zoomer tier phrase in climbing

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Anonymous No. 148702

t. total noob casual
>friend comes to visit from out of town because he saw me talking about wanting to climb at the local gym and was also interested
>we and another friend go to gym for a day of funsies
>4th climb of the day, top the V1 boulder, dismount, brace awkwardly with my hand and somehow bounce off of the soft padding and onto the concrete, right on my ass, hard
>hurts to lift my leg, but it'll be ok
>pinky has begun to hurt badly and is noticeably swollen
>stick around while my friends climb a bit and then figure I should head to a clinic to assess the damage
>pinky is fully broken, now i have a cast up to my elbow
Why god

Anonymous No. 148715

punished for being a furry

Anonymous No. 148737

>"Let's goooo" is the most annoying zoomer tier phrase in climbing

That's pretty common in any sport and any language

Anonymous No. 148748

>he didn't climb down

You were judged: unworthy.

Anonymous No. 148770

>janja coming back this weekend
oh no no no not like this frontrunner bros...

Anonymous No. 148787

>brace awkwardly with my hand
Sounds like nobody told you how stupid that is. Don't use your arms at all if you're going to jump off, there's a video online of a girl breaking her arms doing that. Downclimb, and if that's not an option, roll/flop over on landing. Speedy recovery, anon

Anonymous No. 148788

Gyms that don't teach falling etiquette are retarded and so are you for not inquiring about basic safety concerns
>somehow bounce off of the soft padding and onto the concrete
This sounds impossible

Anonymous No. 148792

My guess is he's topped out on something that's like rounded on top so he's jumped forward off it to clear the top because no-one told him about the ladder.

I always downclimb at least a bit if it's possible because landing in climbing shoes feels awful.

Anonymous No. 148810

You also just save your knees when down climbing. No reason to awkwardly load them by jumping down at a bad angle, in shoes that are bad at absorbing impact and on a soft mattress that increases the chance of twisting something.
You have a long life ahead of you and need those knees.

You also get double the workout if you climb both ways.

Anonymous No. 148839

I always downclimb and hate taking falls from the top of a bouldering wall. I'm also a runner and I notice that just taking a few unexpected falls in a session can really aggravate my achilles tendons and make them sore during a run. There's really no reason not to downclimb

Anonymous No. 149045

did /climb/ on /out/ get the ban hammer?

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Anonymous No. 149047



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Anonymous No. 149050

got me a pair of these

Anonymous No. 149059

Planning on spending sometime stuck in a crack?

Anonymous No. 149071

I did the sit start to my proj bros!

Anonymous No. 149074

not banned just the mods are lazy sacks of shit

Anonymous No. 149075

I got a mild pain in my wrist after climbing a couple days ago, just from googling the symptoms it looks like TFCC or whatever. Went climbing again today anyway but just stuck to easy stuff (like <6b) to see what it feels like, didn't get worse and actually feels slightly better after I got it moving. Am I good to keep climbing or should I take a longer break?

Anonymous No. 149114

sick movement

Anonymous No. 149179

I'd love to rim you while stroking your dick

Anonymous No. 149180

You are not a real climber.

Anonymous No. 149181


Anonymous No. 149183

that'd be a dab

Anonymous No. 149193

>>149179 homo...right anon?

Anonymous No. 149201

Someone was being anal about not making new threads until the old one rolled off the board, but /out/ is very slow so they would just sit there and rot because you couldn't bump them or start a new one because of the raging buthurt of the op.

Anonymous No. 149213

Hate it when simps who struggle with a V4+ follow around girls in the gym, giving them shitty advice and talking needlessly loud so others know he is super fucking serious and is a master. Indoor climbing gyms should make it a rule that there is no talking while bouldering unless the climber asks for advice.

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Anonymous No. 149214

>strongest climbers in the world

Anonymous No. 149228


Anonymous No. 149234

What is your favorite youtube channels to watch to get motivated ?

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Anonymous No. 149244

Cloombing for 8 months now and stuck in V4 hell. Can't dyno worth shit and my footwork is trash. Help?

Anonymous No. 149246

gym routes are retarded nonsense, go outside and climb all of the slabs and every dihedral

Anonymous No. 149248

Old school climbing comps for motivation (nonexistent faggy parkour shit)

Anonymous No. 149249

on youtube
RAMPAGE (Chris Sharma)

Anonymous No. 149264

Guys I downclimbed like half way before I jumped off (maybe i didnt go as far down as i am remembering but it wasnt that high I swear). I didnt jump forward I fell backward like youre supposed to. I didnt think that I should be tucking my arms or something when I fall. I dont think that's really necessary, I think i just got unlucky, it happens and it's not the gym's fault. As far as how I bounced onto the hard ground, I must have pushed off of the wall when I jumped, which gave me some momentum and caused me to bounce backwards. That or the padding didnt go as far back as I thought at that spot, since it sort of contours around the walls. They could use more surface area for padding in my opinion. Either way I will be going back once im healed and I will be more conscious of my body when coming off of the wall.
Also what's this about a ladder?

Anonymous No. 149269

>Also what's this about a ladder?
My gym has all the top out boulders on a big central blob and there's a V -1 for you to use to climb down that's referred to as the ladder. I don't know how standard this actually is.

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Anonymous No. 149308


Anonymous No. 149312

So he was waiting to sell it to the highest bidder
I'd love to hear the "real climber" guy's take on this

Anonymous No. 149316

kek he's deleting my comments. i keep on spamming nalle's first ascent in the comments.

Anonymous No. 149318


Anonymous No. 149322

I wonder how long a "film" you can make about a second ascent of a boulder with like three moves.

Anonymous No. 149325

It’s going to be 20 minutes, with shitty environmental shots trying to imitate Ondra’s video about climbing Silence

Anonymous No. 149366

If your gym has more than two parkour-esque dynos, you go to a dyel techbug gym

Anonymous No. 149367


Shawn Raboutou's vid today on Burden was bretty gud, explains the moves very well, and he's just likable in general.

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Anonymous No. 149386

Shawn is a "real" climber if that makes sense.
He's just chill as fuck and not a clout chaser like Will.

Anonymous No. 149387

My gym doesnt have one, you just have to throw your feet aroud the each and search for a hold.

Also there are just broken screws all over the place sticking out the wall. Which i feel like is pretty dangerous, as i have already torn my pants twice on them.

Anonymous No. 149388

ive started liking them more since i can do them at the end of my sessions when im way too fucking tired to do anything else, more fun than going home even if i will never get anything from them

Anonymous No. 149398

Climb more slab. Try more dynos. Actively think about your climbing instead of pulling yourself up problems. Repeat sent boulders with the intention of doing them better.

Anonymous No. 149442

You should find a new gym honestly, being able to land outside of the mats even falling from the top with a lot of momentum should be impossible

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Anonymous No. 149451

>I don't know how standard this actually is.
Never heard it called a ladder but the gym closest to me has something like that.

>Also there are just broken screws all over the place sticking out the wall. Which i feel like is pretty dangerous, as i have already torn my pants twice on them.
Fuck that shit. I've scraped myself enough just sliding down the slide of a slab, I can't imagine going hard at a gym were falling might mean opening myself up on a proud nail.

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Anonymous No. 149465

I didn’t know Will Bosi liked vidya

Anonymous No. 149502

I just took a course on trad climbing and enjoyed it immensely. Decided to continue on this path - How fucked am i?

Anonymous No. 149520

depends how big your wallet is

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back on top.png

Anonymous No. 149521

Looks like Janja is back on the menu boys

Also don't think that Swiss YT thot has ever qualified that high in a WC, maybe she makes finals

Anonymous No. 149529

>no brooke
>no natty grocers
what the fuck are they scared of janja and she is scared of them?

Anonymous No. 149534

natalia is a frontrunner. she only competes if janja is not competing.

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🗑️ Youlee No. 149538

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1280
Sleeping Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

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Anonymous No. 149654

say something nice about my gf

Anonymous No. 149661


Anonymous No. 149665

something nice about my gf

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Anonymous No. 149762


we need a webm of the third boulder, fucking UNREAL

the queen is back

Anonymous No. 149766

4/4 for Janja LMAO

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Anonymous No. 149770

Anonymous No. 149772


When Flavy was the first out and chilling on the first three problems I thought the setters had massively undercooked them.

Turns out she just overperformed.

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Anonymous No. 149793

I only boulder because toproping is too high and scary

Anonymous No. 149799

When Mr Routesetter in the IFSC commentary box got asked "how do you set for field that includes Janja" he really should've been honest and just said 'we set three problems for the rest of the field and then boulder four just for her'

Anonymous No. 149807


Anonymous No. 149809

based Janja

Anonymous No. 149817

Oriannebros we FUCKING WON

Anonymous No. 149823

Oriane's interview was adorable.

Great to see that the new generation of climbers is so likable.

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Anonymous No. 149895

You guys actually climb right, not just watch competition?

Anonymous No. 149905


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Anonymous No. 149906

Last season I was starting to wonder if Oriane was one of the juniors who showed a lot of early promise but then flamed out once it got serious. Keep in mind Oriane is one of the few juniors to win both boulder and lead in the same youth world championship. I think she was youth B at the time, then skipped straight to the adult world cup circuit. Thrilled to see she's back with a vengeance.
Futaba is my favorite from team Japan. She's fun. One of these days she will get a medal.
I'm afraid of heights but it's weird in regards to climbing. I can do top rope and lead without being nervous at all. However if I stand on the top of the wall and look down I start to get very antsy. I guess it's something to do with feeling in control of the situation for me.

Anonymous No. 149907

Yessir. Not normally outdoor though. I don't quite have it in me to drive out to a spot and coordinate with a partner most of the time.

Anonymous No. 149937

im distracted by oriane's bunda

Anonymous No. 149940

One of the brush jannies during the men's final had a really spectacular one.

Anonymous No. 149945

>Futaba is my favorite from team Japan. She's fun. One of these days she will get a medal.
She did a cute little bounce and wave before she got called off in the semi-finals at 1:49:24

Anonymous No. 149960

>Old school climbing comps for motivation (nonexistent faggy parkour shit)
Do you have a channel you'd recommend or any advice on what I should search for?

I've just started climbing and they had one of the recent comps playing in the background at the gym with the commentators talking about old school vs new school - I'd love to pull up some old school comps on youtube so I can see the difference.

Anonymous No. 149978

was gonna go climbing outdoors for the first time last week but the guy who was gonna lend me equipment never replied to my messages :(

Anonymous No. 149980

Rock is scary and it hurts my hands

Anonymous No. 149981


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Anonymous No. 150027

But of course i do

Anonymous No. 150043

this nigga wil posted a fucking video of a DIFFERENT v17 he sent on youtube but he STILL HASN'T POSTED THE BURDEN VIDEO. What the FUCK is going through this retards head?

Anonymous No. 150044

Oh this explains it. What a faggot.

Anonymous No. 150045

>I didnt think that I should be tucking my arms or something when I fall. I dont think that's really necessary
You're a dummy (also likely fat) and will probably hurt yourself again when you go back. Falling properly helps because when you're bouldering you are constantly taking weird falls and mentally prepping yourself to not put your wrists behind you with the easy falls will prevent you from snapping your wrist or elbow when you take a fall from actual height.

Anonymous No. 150048

he said climb

Anonymous No. 150054

Well now I know not to stick my hands out. I will probably never go climbing outdoors, because there's nowhere to do that where I live. Also i'm in better shape than you.

Anonymous No. 150055

>I will probably never go climbing outdoors, because there's nowhere to do that where I live
I wasn't talking about outdoors at all. Falling from 7 or 8 feet on to a mat is enough to totally fuck up a limb or joint if you fall incorrectly
>Also i'm in better shape than you.
I promise you that is not true

Anonymous No. 150072

Oriane’s style reminds me so much of Liv Sansoz

Anonymous No. 150075

What type of shorts are team japan wearing? I see they’re north face but can’t tell what style

Anonymous No. 150098

what do you guys do on rest days? just cardio?

Anonymous No. 150100

Cardio and core. My favorite cardio is treadmill at 15 incline, 3 mph, while watching hour long climbing videos, then do an intense 15 minute core workout

Anonymous No. 150101

Stretch, skincare, rehab, antagonist training.

Anonymous No. 150105

I just rest completely

Anonymous No. 150106

I jerk off.

Right hand Wednesdays, left hand Saturdays.

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Women&#039;s Boul....webm

Anonymous No. 150121

love this little climbslut like you wouldn't believe

Anonymous No. 150177

When is this faggot going to release the video?

Anonymous No. 150181

How to find videos of old school-style climbing comps on youtube?

Anonymous No. 150188

up in like an hour
it's only been like a month and a half? why is everyone freaking out? instagram has ruined people, expecting shit to get put out 3 hours after they've climbed it

Anonymous No. 150198

Clearly he has enough time to make hundreds of different little edits and teasers and Q&As without uploading the video, so yeah, sounds like he had time

Anonymous No. 150208

It dropped

Anonymous No. 150209

i think it's fair that it takes longer to produce an 18 minute film than short teasers and posts.

i enjoyed the credits shot of the send with Shawn looking on

Anonymous No. 150211

>Wah wah wah!! Some guy owes me a video of his!!! And he can't do any promotion! And he can't do any interviews about climbing the hardest boulder in the world!!! Reeeeee!!

God you are so fucking retarded

Anonymous No. 150222

You Will (heh) never be Nalle

Anonymous No. 150233

Almost like he's had a backlog of videos to catch up on, but that just makes too much sense he must have been stalling

Anonymous No. 150257

try posting nalle's first ascent in the comment section and it will be removed immediately.
at this point i wouldn't be surprised if his sponsor's find a way to delete nalle's vid on youtube. they are really trying to memoryhole nalle's first ascent to push will.

Anonymous No. 150260

Does Nalle even climb anymore

Anonymous No. 150305

Climbing videos kind of suck. Even as someone who's into climbing and knows how hard BoD is this is pretty boring. How could you make climbing videos more interesting to watch a la skate videos or something similar?

Anonymous No. 150307

>How could you make climbing videos more interesting to watch
You fall, you die.

Anonymous No. 150308

>fall 3 and a half feet onto a crash pad
>someone walks over and shoots you in the head
Yeah I'd watch that

Anonymous No. 150310

That would be illegal. Just have a pit of hungry raptors. You also save on raptor kibble as a bonus.

Anonymous No. 150353

Man Will needs a better editor. He comes off like a dickhead and his video is boring.

Anonymous No. 150355

Video fucking blows. Trying so hard to produce Ondra-type content

Anonymous No. 150357

>That would be illegal
Tell that to all my clients charged with 1st and 2nd Degree Murder and are surprised when they get arrested

Anonymous No. 150456

DAE go to a climbing gym with tampons in the men's restroom? Or pride flags displayed in a cult-like manner, even outside of pride month? Or race and gender-based meetups? When they say "climbing is for everyone," does that include chuds (or really just anyone who cringes at the above)?

Anonymous No. 150458

Idk m8, I don’t see or hear any of that shit at my gym. Even if I see someone wearing some prideslop shirt or merch, they’re stuck getting pumped on a V1, and I don’t talk with them. Throw the tampons away if it bothers you, since it just seems like a marketing gimmick to get casuals to commit to a gym membership then maybe go four times max

Anonymous No. 150463

yeah I see this shit and it's gay as fuck
all of the pridefags are V1 shitters
I saw a legit speedrunner phenotype tranny (looked exactly like many fat bronies I knew in college years ago) and the dude couldn't even do the first few moves on V0s
just go home retard

Anonymous No. 150465

Where do you live to see these people regularly? I live in the western part of a state in the southeast and mostly see white men and women, a few dyel asians, and lesbo varbies

Anonymous No. 150468

new york city

Anonymous No. 150470

That's a lot of coverage, how do you like them?
I got a pair of Ocuns and they are great for wide hand cracks but they are quite thick(about 2mm) and unsuitable fot thinner ones. These look a little thinner.

Anonymous No. 150484

I've never seen anything even remotely close to this in europe and we're only second to the US in that regard

Anonymous No. 150489

>go to a climbing gym with tampons in the men's restroom?
No. Fucking hell no.
Or pride flags displayed in a cult-like manner, even outside of pride month?
One of the gyms near me has small (5x3cm or so) sticker on the door with a homo flag and "everyone's welcome". There might be another one in the bathroom or on the community noticeboard, can't really recall.
Haven't noticed any at my other gym but I assume there is. At that point I just filter that garbage out.
>race and gender-based meetups?
First gym - I think they have a women climb 1/2 price evening or something. Maybe some sort fag meetups as well. Can't recall anything racial.
Second gym - not that I'm aware of, maybe if I checked their Facebook or whatever.
>When they say "climbing is for everyone," does that include chuds (or really just anyone who cringes at the above)?
Probably not. On the other hand, one of my mates has a pretty big White Pride tattoo and he's never had anyone start anything when he's been climbing.

>t. Live in Brunswick, Melbourne. Probably the leftiest suburb of the leftieat city in Aus

Anonymous No. 150502

>tampons in the men's restroom
Yes, it's laughable. And 90% of the gym staff are passive aggressive basedboys. I hate it but it's the only convenient gym around.

Anonymous No. 150504

also yes, I climb around some older people who routinely scowl at the stuff mentioned, think they only care if people give other people or gym staff a hard time

also it's not that big a deal. like I get it if they're shoving it down your throat and keeping you from climbing unless you "yas kween" everything they do.

but the people that don't care for it just climb anyway and don't engage really.

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Anonymous No. 150508

Double bursitis of the knee guy here
If you recall, my mishap kept me away from climbing for 5 months
Well, I'm happy to announce I'll be back on the wall in less than a week! I'm a bit scared to get hurt again but that's normal, it will not stop me from climbing again (but I'll take it easy for now)
Thanks for reading my blog, frens :)

Anonymous No. 150566

he's also not the one editing the video? he's a climber who puts clips from gopros on youtube, anything that's edited and really worked on is someone else

Anonymous No. 150580

I hear this is the hobby to get into to meet girls now that bars and clubs are burnt out. Can anyone confirm?

Anonymous No. 150583

if you want feminists then sure

Anonymous No. 150585

will slash your tires if i see you climb my project without chalk

🗑️ AA2 Nigger mod is Mad lol loser No. 150589

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1282
Sad Jack Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:
>>>/vg/432320786 come on permban all of them kek

Anonymous No. 150591

Baggy sweats or cargo pants. Thrift store. Climbing apparel is not worth it

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Anonymous No. 150598

I've been climbing for ~5 months now but not really progressing as fast as I want to
I definitely did not climb as much as I could have earlier on and I was also 10lbs heavier when I started which probably slowed me down
at this point I can climb any V1 first try without much thought and most V2s after a few tries
the two things holding me back are nerves and lack of technique
the nerves are getting better but I feel like if I had better technique they wouldn't be so bad
I only climb alone and haven't made any friends at my gym so I don't have anyone to critique my climbs and tell me what I'm doing right or wrong
is there anyway to improve with my current set up? curing autism and making friends is only negotiable if it is necessary to improve my climbing

Anonymous No. 150605

I exclusively climb alone but once I got over asking for beta, I felt secure I can ask anyone for beta.
>hey do you mind giving me beta? I am struggling and just can’t see what I am doing wrong.
Worked for me. Rarely stray off script. Never been rejected, as most people love the feeling of being asked for advice

Anonymous No. 150606

You could take a class.

Also the things I see online about Australian ratings inflation must be true because I cannot imagine someone being unable to do the V1s or struggling on the V2s in my gym.

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Anonymous No. 150620

what did the route setters mean by this?

Anonymous No. 150625

Not the route setters fault. Is natural position for Australian women.

Anonymous No. 150626

made for bbc

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boomer going for ....png

Anonymous No. 150629

Wtf Jain Kim is competing in boulder WCs? I guess she's aiming for Paris. Dreadful quali though.

And this time we do have Hannah Meul and Natalia Grossman but no Janja or Oriane or Brooke.

Anonymous No. 150630

laura rogora on the boulders?
still outperforming alannah made for commentating yip

Anonymous No. 150631

this is the ultimate proof that you don't need to be jacked to be good in bouldering. i don't know why these girls(alanna, stasha) keep on adding muscles when the best climbers are lean

Anonymous No. 150632


Apparently quali is still ongoing, scores have updated since I made the post. So not all athletes have competed yet.

Still no Janja, but Brooke and Oriane are on the registration sheet.

Anonymous No. 150633

Having climbing partners is close to mandatory past a certain point
Fix your nerves by lead climbing and bouldering outside, the exposure will fix that for you really easily
The good part is that many people struggle to find reliable partners so if you get good at belaying and spotting (sounds basic I assure you it is not for most people) and you're not cancelling plans you should find people

Anonymous No. 150635

>tfw I once climbed with Stefano Ghisolfi and didn't know
I had just started climbing (maybe a month in) and went to my local gym (northern Italy) early in the morning cause I'm a sperg
It was just me and this super good dude that flashed almost anything, super chill guy, gave me beta and tips
Months later I found out it was him, idk what he was doing in my gym but he was cool

Anonymous No. 150640

hope stefano repeats silence.
his training videos specially with adam were kino.

Anonymous No. 150645

All I can say is they are really thin which is why I got them. And so far they perform really well for me, but I'm just a gym climber too lazy to tape up every time.

Anonymous No. 150658

i haven't talked to a single girl in a climbing gym but I've had a lot of mire me while lifting. I have autism and don't know how to talk to people.

🗑️ AA2 Nigger mod is Mad loser lol permbanned No. 150662

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1282
Sad Jack Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread
>>>/vg/432320786 come on permban all of them kek
yo mad over that discord link post ha what a noob you are loser nigger aa2 fag mod you mad asf lmfao

Anonymous No. 150696

Thanks, yeah tape is a hassle

Anonymous No. 150746

ok I will work with that thanks
yea everyone at the gym that's good seem to know each other very well
I am terrified of heights and really didn't like top roping the one time I did it but I'll take your advice
my gym has staff to belay for people so I'll look into that

Anonymous No. 150750

ifsc really being kind to the pitchads today

Anonymous No. 150763

anyone had golfers elbow here? how long did it take doing eccentric exercises for the paint to go away? this shit fucking sucks

Anonymous No. 150767


I've had flareups every now and then. Usually just resting will do the most, never done much in the way of rehabbing exercises. For me it's 1-2 weeks and back to climbing (starting very easy and stopping with any pain).

Anonymous No. 150771

he looks like a skinny nerd with a shirt on, as do most elite climbers

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Anonymous No. 150784

What tendon did I rupture?

Anonymous No. 150792

For me doing pushups with elbows in, close to the body did the trick in a couple weeks.

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Anonymous No. 150796


Idk but I think it's some setter's fetish.

Anonymous No. 150797

They keep talking about the setters trying to make the women face the crowd. It's a little weird.

Anonymous No. 150805

One day I will have a team of brush jannies to clean my holds. I will summon them with the universal jerk off motion.

Anonymous No. 150806

It's normal but it isn't good. I wear Acopa Aztecs with my street shoe size, with nylon dress socks, and I can wear them all day, walk distance of less than a mile pretty easily, and climb anything within my skill level (5.10c max). I haven't seen any improvement from wearing tighter fitting shoes. Really aggressively downturned shoes might be helpful for overhanging stuff but I don't climb enough of that to matter and they should still be fairly comfortable.
There's a mental health requirement, it's just inverted.

Anonymous No. 150810

wtf I love competitive climbing now!

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Anonymous No. 150821

>my climbfu is a good christian girl

Anonymous No. 150839

bros how do you get good at climbing? i can't figure out how to do most of the v3 but the v2s are too easy.

Anonymous No. 150852

I don't know. I'm old and I suck. But I was already old to begin with so the ceiling was low.

Anonymous No. 150853

Just went back and watched semis. Man that was brutal for Hannah. She got all frazzled on the last one.

Anonymous No. 150856

Vermin scale sucks below like V8, the level in which most people climb is covered by the whole 6 number in french grading whereas in Vscale it is V3 and V4
Also it is unironically in your head, I and many other faced similar situation many times before
>find a V3 in your style that you cannot do at all
>record yourself attempting it, pay close attention to the details
>ask people better than you how they do it, to look at you do it
>use plenty of chalk, brush a LOT, give yourself 4minutes rest between attempts during which you review your previous attempt and plan your next one

Basically just do some proper max bouldering session on a few boulders which you should be able to send but somehow feel impossible, and once you sent them send them again a few more times over the rest of your session and the few following ones

Anonymous No. 150864

so happy for ogura-chan! ;_;

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Anonymous No. 150868

Ondra got absolutely dabbed on in semi's.

Anonymous No. 150874

i understand why she's so emotional.
it's so hard to be part of the japanese olympic team with all the elite japenese climbers.
they need to perform their very best just to be part of the team meanwhile canada will send shitters like alanna again.

Anonymous No. 150917

Holy shit Toby Roberts on M4 was awesome.

Anonymous No. 150922

Ondra's success when it comes to boulder has historically been heavily dependent on the setting. There's some kinds of builders he's just ass at and always has been. For next Olympics it'll be same strategy as last: win the lead, don't get btfo in boulder.

Anonymous No. 150924

Japanese commentary is hilarious.
>co-commentator: HMMMMMMM

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Anonymous No. 150930

Best sponsor.

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Anonymous No. 150963


Anonymous No. 150968

Absolutely kino finish

Anonymous No. 151000

Bros, what exercises can I do to be more static when climbing? When climbing outdoors, I can hold positions on climbs pretty easily, so finger strength isn't an issue, but it seems like every move I make feels like I'm throwing to the next hold.

Anonymous No. 151008

probably just do more shoulder lifts and then work on lock offs

Anonymous No. 151018

work on your core, back, shoulders and foot techniques

Anonymous No. 151108

>tfw you do a slab climb and then try it again and can't do it any more

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Anonymous No. 151127

I did it frens, went back and did good, I am probably better than ever
All this upper body training paid dividends
Can't trust my leg 100%, but it's ok now

Anonymous No. 151132

None where i go. The only real events are competitions and late night bouldering with cheap beer.
The owner is a bit of a boomer also.

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Anonymous No. 151153

Why is everyone at my local climbing club so sexy and flirt so much with me and my girlfriend. Literally everyone I've been talking to casually has been loaded with sexual energy. Especially when it comes to seasoned climbers that have obviously been having outdoor trips with the club.

>"Staying late? Haha yeah thats when your inner monkey comes out innit?"

>"Oh yeah, outdoor trips are FUN arent they? *looks at their partner*

Not that I mind all this flirty "you should come to the orgy" energy but damn, let me get to know you a bit first?? Are climbers just horny or is this some side effect of being sexually repressed nerds getting to stare at their belay partners ass for 4 hours straight?

Anonymous No. 151165

idk everyone looks like a frail twink

Anonymous No. 151172

Congrats, anon! My elbows has gotten betyer, and i too feel stronger than ever. I just hurt my wrist tho, so i am going to avoid slopers for a while. Be careful with your knee, injuries really suck

Anonymous No. 151220


core, core, core

ab roller
front lever

Anonymous No. 151251

Moonboard without cutting feet

Anonymous No. 151270

23rd in the Innsbruck qualification round atm, why is she suddenly so ""bad""?

Anonymous No. 151280

alannah is such a retard
"i don't get it why climbers bring water bottles to the mats, you're there for like four minutes"
yeah but they're in finals and you're basically a full time commentator

Anonymous No. 151281

she's coming back from an injury

Anonymous No. 151316

>doesn't go to a gym with resident bearmode lumberjack dudes who climb V6 with shit technique and invites them to forest orgies


Anonymous No. 151336

I want to get really serious with climbing. I've been doing it for about the last 8 months and I want to get better. I'm currently trying to figure out a good routine I should follow to get better. Any tips are very much welcomed. I have access to a bouldering gym that has a moonboard, spray wall, a lot of hang boards, regular campus boards and also a sloper campus board and a little weight area.
My limit currently is around 6b+/6c which is V4/V5.
Besides bouldering I also do lead climbing if my friends have time. Even done outdoor lead, highest I've done outdoor is in the 5.11 range.
What is a must for a weekly routine?

Anonymous No. 151366

2x finger training per week, can be at the start of a climbing session
Proper planning of your sessions, not just spending 5hours at the gym doing whatever you feel like doing
Pulling strength and core strength are good if you don't wanna be stuck in complete dyeldom forever by having your finger make up for your lack of strength
Mobility training outside of your regular training is underrated

And most importantly climb outside regularly, indoor climbing holds feel nice but do not have enough variety. Almost all of my finger injuries came from going hard on pockets/3finger drag without proper conditioning because 99% of gym climbs are done exclusively with 4 fingers holds
Remember to lift and to do cardio so you don't end up one of those guy who thinks he's athletic when really he's just light with decent pulling strength like I used to be

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Anonymous No. 151379

these lineup is nuts

Anonymous No. 151405

Holy shit Janja

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Anonymous No. 151407

>go to climbing gym with a girl
>a bunch of the regular climbing crew is there, chat with them and introduce her to the group
>afterwards she messages me about how cute she thinks a dude in the group is
he's also a better climber than me, what do?

Anonymous No. 151410

>what do?
Get cucked I guess?

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Anonymous No. 151411

nigga you got friendzoned

Anonymous No. 151424

Correction: he never left it.

Bro, your only solution is to get ripped. Start drinking that protein shake.

Anonymous No. 151461

gym is currently setting up ONLY comp style boulders??? thank fuck they have a kilterboard kek

Anonymous No. 151463

Presumably they have a comp coming up.

Anonymous No. 151466

ah yeah makes sense, theyre having a comp festival thing tmrw but they only posted about it on their instagram and fb so i didnt know. the boulders will probably stay up for a few days afterwards anyways

Anonymous No. 151469

Does comp style just mean difficult?

Anonymous No. 151478

Thoughts on Evolv Kronos shoe? Black Diamonds are about to kick the bucket and want a slight upgrade for the rest of the season.

Are they worth 169 canadian dollars?

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Anonymous No. 151479

forgot my image :(

Anonymous No. 151487

Thank you anon, take care

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Anonymous No. 151492

about to have the 100th climbing session. how do i celebrate? indoors only

Anonymous No. 151505

what a dumb fucking start to the women's final boulder 1

Anonymous No. 151507

it usually just means a lot of coordination dynos on those big ass sloper holds

Anonymous No. 151508

that and there being like a quarter of the climbs on the wall than there usually are

Anonymous No. 151520

>everyone struggles
>Janja flashes
honestly pretty based

Anonymous No. 151521


Anonymous No. 151525

>counting your climbing sessions
Do people reeally do this? what the hell? That is gay as fuck

Anonymous No. 151531

Janja über alles

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Anonymous No. 151533


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Anonymous No. 151535

Anonymous No. 151536

Where's the position of her facing the audience and spreading her legs apart?

Anonymous No. 151540

>1-2 weeks and back to climbing
i really should but its just bearable enough to continue climbing...

Anonymous No. 151552

by climbing outside

Anonymous No. 151561

100 climbing sessions only indoors!?! Why would you do this to yourself.

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Anonymous No. 151564

we gotta nerf janja...

Anonymous No. 151569

someone pls respond

Anonymous No. 151588

>Supporting Miho
Didn't you hear the commentators talking about how sweaty she gets?

Anonymous No. 151591

it occurred to me it must be quite a lot and i looked up the number

yeah, that is on schedule for July

i guess i'll just try a climbing marathon of sending as many routes as possible in a single session

Anonymous No. 151597

last time my gym was set up for comp bouldering, I just climbed on the treadwall and did weightlifting tee bee aych

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Anonymous No. 151599

I got the impression the route setters designed the entire final around Janja and made zero consideration for Brooke and Ai's height. If anything they specifically chose moves that are twice as hard if you're a few inches shorter. I'm skeptical Ai is even tall enough to do the toe hook they wanted in W4. Hopefully it's a better set for the men's. Looking forward to lead finally starting.

Anonymous No. 151600


Anonymous No. 151602

Yeah i like lead more than bouldering.
We get more kino buzzer beater shit in lead.
Also no meme second attempts. If you fall you're out.
You need to be /strongmind/ to win

Anonymous No. 151606


Anonymous No. 151611

I'll be in Finland in a month or so, I'd love to try Burden of dreams but it's quite far from my location
I'll post it if I decide to go

Anonymous No. 151617

please break some holds so it can't be climbed anymore

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Anonymous No. 151618


Anonymous No. 151621

also, spray paint "Will was here" on there

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Anonymous No. 151631


Anonymous No. 151637

I celebrated my 100th multipitch with boar liver, some whisky and beer and an early sleep for the 101st. Coincidentally, some german fucker asked me if it's my first time climbing multipitches on that 101st one.

Anonymous No. 151640


Womanlets should get btfo, it's not right to promote malnutrition and stunting of growth.

Anonymous No. 151643

White women truly are superior

Anonymous No. 151647

>Supporting Miho
look at the hair. She's clearly the main character

Anonymous No. 151652


> recording on a V3 KEK

sorry but if u struggle on a V3 u wont even know what u are doing wrong when u see it, just fkn climb more, most likely ur just fat or a pussy who doesn't try hard enough, progress below V6 should come as you just get time on the wall

also just do pull ups, lots of em 3 sets to failure after every Session, and go as high above the bar as possible

Anonymous No. 151654


most somewhat serious climbers/boulderers will get them once or twice a year, me and also a lot of people i know V8+ will just power trough it, just doing a little more warm up if u have a flair up, as long as u don't get a very sharp pain, a little pain is ok, also i and most of my climbing buddy's do office type work and at least i get more discomfort from long time pc-work then actual climbing

what helps me most is some massageing of the joint while idle in front of the pc

Anonymous No. 151657


the best shoes you can get is the shoe that fits you the best, which mostly depends on ur individual foot shape, evolves are rather narrow and small in comparison to other brands, they have decent rubber and manufacturing quality so ty it, the price is "upper midrange" but nowadays u hardly will find a shoe at decent quality below that

Anonymous No. 151658

i wish they would do more cracks in the comp boulders

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Anonymous No. 151672

Memes boulder unlocked

Anonymous No. 151676

Comp bouldering has simply turned into ninja warrior

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Anonymous No. 151691

big corp is rigging the comp

Anonymous No. 151692

adidas plasticstars

Anonymous No. 151710

That's fine but route setters are obligated to make sure all parts of all boulders and lead routes are physically possible for all athletes competing. Separation by anatomy is no good for comp climbing.

Anonymous No. 151711

Seconded. They're a rare inclusion and I don't understand why.

Anonymous No. 151714

Yeah I ended up buying em today, I wanted something like a step up in quality and aggression from the BD momentums I had which were my first pair and grew some holes. Nothing <200 bucks worth getting. Trying em out tomorrow on some real rock so wish me luck o7

Anonymous No. 151715

I like to think Sorato denied a translator for his interview to deliberately make it awkward

I agree with this, that toe hook move looked way too extended for shorter climbers. Even the jump to the start of the first boulder is kinda iffy for me

Anonymous No. 151728

what's a good chalk bucket with magnetic closure preferably? I'm sick of not being able to fit both my hands in the chalk bag

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Anonymous No. 151732

Anonymous No. 151734

Just use a ziploc bag

Anonymous No. 151737

>oh man i cant WAIT to place 72nd in this climbing comp and get back into the commentary booth

Anonymous No. 151739

>tfw she'll be an "olympian" representing canada while some elite jap climber won't even make it cause team japan is stacked af

Anonymous No. 151746

I would watch if there was a pool of water at the bottom.

Anonymous No. 151751

I never watched a single competition and I never will
It's like getting cucked, you watch the action happening but you stand there doing nothing

Anonymous No. 151753


Matt Groom(er) has said she's retired from World Cups. Will try to qualify for Olympics,

20 spots for Women for Boulder/Lead, max of 2 women per country.

Continental qualifiers get one slot. Assuming US gets 2 women (Natalia/Brooke) into Olympics via other ways, she does stand a chance of making it.

Anonymous No. 151755

i think offwidth cracks would be super cool to see, especially with the front facing audience starts theyre doing more frequently i can think of some interesting routes using it, and offwidths would look very cool to the general public too because theyre like upside down and shit

Anonymous No. 151770

I heard she's retiring from her fulltime commentary job (she does it for free)

Anonymous No. 151821

Because they are boring and they have time limits

Anonymous No. 151828

I use the one from Black Diamond. I like it.
The magnets keeps me from spilling chalk all the time and the pockets are large enough to keep my phone in it.
With there being two pockets i can also leave a pair of nail clippers and tape in one pocket while having my phone in the other.

Overall 10/10 bag (Also it is blue which i like :D).

Anonymous No. 151842

Climbed outdoors for the second time ever today, went here: :)

Topped (allegedly) a 5.9, 5.10c, and tried and failed a 5.10b at the end of the session. Don't know how "true" the grading is, but it was a ton of fun regardless. Climbing kicks ass.

Anonymous No. 151923

This exists. The competitions are called Bloc... block something I forget. It's a lead head to head style tournament without ropes over a pool.

Anonymous No. 151924

Innsbruck lead semis were great. Worth watching if you normally skip them. You can skip the first half, all the excitement involved the top tier climbers in the back half.

Anonymous No. 151925


Anonymous No. 151959

>Separation by anatomy is no good for comp climbing.
how do make a course for midgets that's still challenging for chadwomen like natalia and janja?

Anonymous No. 151962

*how do they

Anonymous No. 151965

bro get an organic, they have velcro on top. Unless a bag has an unstitched waterproof liner it will eventually leak chalk to some degree. But the organic ones will at least tickle your autism with whatever color scheme you want. Make it green and purple to give other climbers their daily dose.

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Anonymous No. 151972


Anonymous No. 151974


Anonymous No. 151976

not today ai mori bros...

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Anonymous No. 151977

Mirosława is lucky Janja doesn't do speed climbing. She would have likely won that too

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Anonymous No. 151978

Janja stays goated!

Also setters way overcooked the route. Did they even take into account the 2 previous weeks of boulder comps?

Anonymous No. 151981

i think it's good. pretty much separates the elites from the shitters.
also is chaeyon a fraud? i did not expect her to top but i was expecting her to be on the podium.

Anonymous No. 151982


It did create separation with Janja and the rest, but 4 of them falling on the same move (to the yellow sloper) is still kinda bad imo.

Happy Jessy got a bronze tho

Anonymous No. 151985

>but 4 of them falling on the same move (to the yellow sloper) is still kinda bad imo.
skill issue

Anonymous No. 151996

Boo I wanted to see someone sitting on this thing >>151972

Anonymous No. 151999

is janja on performance enhancing drugs or blood doping?

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Anonymous No. 152021

Hard is good but a trap the setters are supposed to avoid is having one bit that's way harder and losing most of the athletes at that exact spot. Men's result (pic related) had the same issue just at a higher point in the route. That 42+ 42+ 42+ 42 42 outcome is route setter fail.
Chaehyon is no fraud but she doesn't podium every lead comp. With Mori now on the scene her chances of getting top 3 are slightly lower.
Passed every drug test she's ever had and yes she's tested a lot.

Anonymous No. 152024

>how do make a course for midgets that's still challenging for chadwomen like natalia and janja?
Easy. Most comps get this right without issue. It was just that most recent one where they fucked up with the big jump to the start hold and the mega wide span toehook.

Anonymous No. 152043

just had a geniua idea, what if you take a cam hook, attach it to a bearing then put it on the front od your shoe but in a way that the hoon cant fall down but only up, that way you can slot the cam hook shoe into finger cracks.. because you have so much control of your feet, it will be hard to slip from it so maybe better than cam hook and etrier?

Anonymous No. 152046

I have never encountered a good female climber that I wouldn't let watch me masturbate

Anonymous No. 152095

True. Climbing is a pretty people sport at all levels and the average is fairly high in commercial gyms. Good male/female ratio as well.

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Anonymous No. 152100

it's just redbull bro

Anonymous No. 152105

>Passed every drug test she's ever had and yes she's tested a lot.
I always just assumed that's what she was doing when she "took a boulder season off to concentrate on preparing for lead".
No off-season testing requirement in climbing afaik.

Anonymous No. 152161

>No off-season testing requirement in climbing afaik.
They have the WADA random tests in off-season.
>Any athlete under the testing jurisdiction of the IFSC may be tested at any time, with no advance notice, in- or out-of-competition, and be required to provide a urine or blood sample

Anonymous No. 152200

How do I climb two days in a row without feeling intense pain in my joints & barely being able to climb on the second day?

Anonymous No. 152204

A) Be like me and climb for several years multiple time per week. Your body will acclimate.
B) Be like my gym bro and take 4-8 ibuprofen when you wake up each morning.

Anonymous No. 152221

climb less hard on the first day

Anonymous No. 152229

>B) Be like my gym bro and take 4-8 ibuprofen when you wake up each morning.
Tell your bro he's likely to start shitting and/or vomiting blood if he keeps that up. Ibuprofen is notorious for causing peptic ulcers when used regularly, even at normal doses (well below what your bro is taking).
He really ought to keep his daily intake within the dose specified on the packet (try combining it with paracetamol) and if he's going to continue taking the max recommended dose regularly then go see his GP about starting nexium or another PPI to go along with it.

Anonymous No. 152231

Huh. Maybe she just is that good then.

Anonymous No. 152245

try being younger

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Anonymous No. 152246

She's from Koroška, she's been doping since childhood.

Anonymous No. 152251

Train smarter don't just spam climbing, condition your articulations, your muscles and your cardio jeez

Anonymous No. 152273

How the FUCK is that possible that not even one of my friends wants to even TRY climbing once? It's not that they don't like me, cause we hang out very often, but fuck me just TRY once and see if you like it!

Anonymous No. 152275

Are they all vidya-obsessed, 4chan-posting nerds?
That's the problem with my mates from high school. Literally zero chance of getting them to do anything that involves the outdoors or physical activity of any kind. Fortunately my uni mates are the complete opposite - just about every single one of them is was eager to go climbing at least once, a fair few are willing to go occasionally and there's two that have started going regularly since I got them into it.

Anonymous No. 152276

>Are they all vidya-obsessed, 4chan-posting nerds?
No, that's what baffles me the most
Ironically, only the warhammer nerd told me he'd try it "but he has too much on his plate right now"

Anonymous No. 152279

it's hard to get someone excited about climbing if they know nothing of it and what's involved. Most of the time, their only exposure may be the jug ladders you see in malls. Even showing them videos of hard routes will fail to impress because good climbers make it look easy.
I've had success, but the person was already interested to begin with. Others insist they want to come but one would prefer to try outdoors (indoors is too intimiatating i'm guessing), and the other need the stars to align for work schedules to accommodate.
I'll come with you if you're in the North Yorkshire area

Anonymous No. 152280

Nope. Just the superior race: white woman

Anonymous No. 152282

>it's hard to get someone excited about climbing if they know nothing of it and what's involved
I see that, unfortunately
>I'll come with you if you're in the North Yorkshire area
I'm a med, sorry
Thanks for the offer tho

Anonymous No. 152283

Take them hiking but go to some boulders instead.

Anonymous No. 152285

Take them hiking but go to some multipitch trad route

Anonymous No. 152294

Take them into a valley where the only point of ingress is climbing down the mountain and the only point of egress is climbing up out of the mountain. Climb or starve to death

Anonymous No. 152298

Why would you ever want something other than a Grigri + a tuber?

Anonymous No. 152318

The risk of atc makes it more exciting

Anonymous No. 152319

No possibility of a mechanical failure on an ATC

Anonymous No. 152373

Has anyone been to ascend in Pittsburgh? If so, how did you like the gym? Also, feel free to reply your favorite climbing gyms in your state. I will be doing a road trip in August

Anonymous No. 152427

do we have a climbing Apu Apustja?

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Anonymous No. 152428


Anonymous No. 152430

beat it petzl rep, im not buying your murder machine

Anonymous No. 152431

we should

Anonymous No. 152432

>The Neox is aimed at giving the belayer smoother rope handling over the GriGri, with the ability to feed out rope quicker to a lead climber, give a softer catch and take in slack faster when needed. It's less 'grabby' than a Grigri, so its ideal uses will be slightly different. For anyone who prioritises smooth and fast rope handling over the other features in a standard GriGri, the Neox would definitely be worth a look when it lands in retailers next spring.

kinda excited that theyre bringing the minitrax back, the triple action locker to open it would be nice for trs since you wouldnt have to modify it like a microtrax, looks like its gonna be pretty expensive though

Anonymous No. 152433

Yeah i want a belaying apu

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Anonymous No. 152434

Photoshop apu into this photo

Anonymous No. 152435

>you wouldnt have to modify it like a microtrax
What do you modify? I use an unmodded one for trs and it works fine for me.

I like that the mini trax they're coming out with doesn't have to be unclipped to open, they should just put that feature on the grigri imo

Anonymous No. 152485

are really stinky shoes just a thing with synthetic fabrics like it is with hiking clothes?

Anonymous No. 152486

stinky shoes are bacteria filled shoes
lightly spritz them with rubbing alcohol and you are golden

Anonymous No. 152490

i wanna sniff miho nonaka's shoes

Anonymous No. 152500

i wanna sniff you :)

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Anonymous No. 152501

>t. Yellowfevercel obsessed with a praying mantis face

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Anonymous No. 152521


Anonymous No. 152525

I'm putting mine through the washing machine right now along with my chalk bag
they started to smell so fucking bad

Anonymous No. 152526

>climbing shoes in the washing machine

Anonymous No. 152527

it's on "warm" and I'll let them air dry

Anonymous No. 152566

don't get vegan shoes they smell

Anonymous No. 152579

Lol what, its clearly one take at the end.

Anonymous No. 152587

Obviously the video isn't doing well enough so they need everyone to come back and watch it again. So many climbing videos have weird cuts in them that I'm surprised there aren't more accusations like this.

Anyway I've decided that bouldering is cool to do but cringe to make a show of so I shan't be giving these pricks any more attention.

Anonymous No. 152602

yeah because if you aren't into the sport it mostly looks retarded. It's not like skateboarding where you can see a guy kickflip a 12 stair and everybody will be like "holy shit". You're watching a dude climb a rock 2 feet off the ground and it doesn't even look that difficult.

Anonymous No. 152606

I fucking hate this loser.

Anonymous No. 152612

Ok Will

Anonymous No. 152619


Anonymous No. 152620

>200 IQ masterplan to get the opposition fat so she can grab a spot for the next olimpic games

Anonymous No. 152633

A gri weighs like what, 300g+?
That's a whole day's worth of food or half a day's water.
Ill take the light&fast option with the ATC

Anonymous No. 152635

she's seething against the thin elite climbers like natalia, brook, cheohyun who btfo shitters like her everytime. she took the bulk pill and it didn't improved her climbing one bit. same with stasha. just sour grapes.

Anonymous No. 152646

Sure thing Mori Buntarou
Hope your K2 east face ascent goes well !

Anonymous No. 152649

Why are canadians so buckbroken? Her entire career involved her making the team and competing since there are practically no other canadian women as competition (unlike the french and japan teams), yet she just fucking sucks so she has to seethe. Pure sour grapes

Anonymous No. 152669

>something something, I bivouac in a 1000m VI+

Anonymous No. 152710


The most skelly of them all is Laura Rogora, who doesn't roll the competition. There's clearly still a balance where maximum leanness does not equate maximum performance

Anonymous No. 152730

im not a chalk wierdo but i fucking hate metolious super chalk, it has these tiny sharp chunks in it that feels like a small rock which impossible to break with even my fingernails

Anonymous No. 152806

Guy who broke his finger at indoor gym here. Got my surgery this week. Three pins in finger. Hurts. At least 6 weeks. Want to go back tho :)

Anonymous No. 152814

Go back. Climb one-handed. Climb slabs no-handed. Don't land on your finger if you fall.

Anonymous No. 152821

Any tips for finding climbing partners. I'm moving to a new area soon and I won't know anyone there but its got a big indoor climbing gym, maybe even the biggest in the UK not sure (claimed).

I've only mainly bouldered but have done the introduction to climbing at least so I could use the auto-belays. Should I sign up for the lead climbing course and network that way? Social nights? I also saw they got intro to outdoor climbing so could do that. What are some of the strategies you guys have used to find climbing partners?

Anonymous No. 152825

>Laura Rogora
wtf she looks like shit, she looks 20 years older than she really is

Anonymous No. 152826

Just be yourself :)

Anonymous No. 152901


Anonymous No. 152917

are there any good climbing technique videos on learning how to climb overhang/roofs? I don't know what the fuck to do with my legs other than the common advice flag/drop/knee/bring hips close to wall

Anonymous No. 152935


man i feel u its so hard to find people u like to be around and trust them not to kill you especially if u on the social akward spectrum, ive had 2 partners so far as a boulderer i met them at the boulder gym, being lucky the first one was a professional climber, after he moved I climbed with a someone similar to me in experience and we both got to 7b, my suggestion us be open and be ambitious

Anonymous No. 152936


roofs are all on core and upper body strength, its the least technical form of climbing, those moves u mentioned dont work in this case the only "foot technique" u need in overhangs is pulling with the tip of your shoes into the wall

Anonymous No. 152938

Scotland actually. The gym is called Ediburgh International Climbing Arena

This is the reason why I also opted for bouldering. But want to branch out now that I've got some base strength

Anonymous No. 152939

I climb with my wife, but she is too scared to climb outdoors until she pays a few guides to teach her how to do it safely. So now we just stick to indoor climbing

Anonymous No. 152948

BMI testing is retarded and IFSC was right to drop it.

Anonymous No. 152969

Don't forget heel/toe hooks. General advice would be board climbing, helps with developing strength and application of technique. Learning to generate and maintain tension on the wall is a good starting point of focus as well as being able to deal with cutting loose. What issue with overhangs do you have?
Didn't know gyms set V0 overhangs

Anonymous No. 152989


anything below V5 and overhanging i can do without feet, and anything starting from V7 and above u just need to crimp and then put a foot in the wall after the move for the next move or just turbo push the leg full extension for reach or to counter rotation

a V8 on 10°/20°/30° is way more technical then a V8 on 40°/50° but the later ones need more power

source: last month alone i did 40 V8`s on the Kilter

Anonymous No. 152993


i want to reiterate, i climb for some years now and every time i see intermediate people in roofs they never make use of their feet, the place them, yes, they try to imitate but the just can´t get them to support their weight in any meaningful way, and so they fail, being fancy with inverted drop knees, toe hooks and so needs years of experience u cant just watch a YouTube video and do it, what u can do, is some pull ups and get the strength to be able to do some easy ones with bad technique, later on easier routes u can now do, u can try to use less arm power by improving feet by feel over time

especially at the start investing time and effort into feet will give u low improvement, if u can hit the hold and push urself up towards the next hold it will be good enough 99% of time

Anonymous No. 152994


additionally after some years u will not fail hard routes bc of bad feet it will 99% of time be limited by how stable ur core and upper body are and how hard u can crimp/pinch the holds, the feet will be some smal chips anyway

ur training should focus

pull ups
front lever
finger board training

or if u most likely cant do them look up how to train to get to do them

Anonymous No. 152999

how cringe
/pol/ is leaking
please go back

Anonymous No. 153000

Fuck the other advice here
Do wrist curls, reverse wrist curls, and the forearm pronators like shown here, 3 sets to each side 90 degrees.
Mine has flared up several times with climbing and weighted pull ups and doing these makes it go away within a week.

Anonymous No. 153019

I'm new to climbing but I think the issue is trying to figure out how it should actually feel pushing hard with my feet to maintain tension. a lot of the times i feel like i'm stretched out and there's nowhere to put my feet or i'm scrunched up

Anonymous No. 153041

stupid question but i cant find any answers on internet somehow but i can double up 2x 120cm slings for quad anchor instead of one 240cm sling right? cant seem to find any 240cm slings in the stores near me

Anonymous No. 153046

Tension is a hard thing for me to describe, it's more of a feel thing but rarely will feet be in perfect places, you'll have to use the wall a lot. Basic climbing principles still apply, you just have to try much harder. The other guy is right in saying that experience and strength are big determining factors. My only advice is to climb overhangs more and don't be too proud to try grades far below what you usually do as the physical aspect of the style is very demanding imo. If you do off the wall training, don't neglect shoulder work

Anonymous No. 153108

You can, you can also just use the 120cm sling and make a masterpoint anchor

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Anonymous No. 153126

Avezou loves that Austrian BWC

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Anonymous No. 153224

climbed a mountain last Saturday

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Anonymous No. 153244

Just add quickdraws, it's gonna be fine bro :r)

Anonymous No. 153312

page 10 reached time for new



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Anonymous No. 153469

I've only seen one wild country revo. Indoor lead climbing may only be done with a Grigri here. Canada's Competition Act does not apply to participation in amateur sport.