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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 134858

old bread >>132593

Please stop snowing edition

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Anonymous No. 134860

Watch our guy Bevup's new part and reply to my post with your thoughts and comments.

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Anonymous No. 134861

lets watch the newest Atlantic Drift instead of some literal who youtuber

Anonymous No. 134865

don't be that guy who bonelesses everything instead of an ollie. learn to actually skate. it's not 1979 anymore

Anonymous No. 134867

Wasn't this shit supposed to be out already? I want to fucking watch it.

Anonymous No. 134868

Interesting, one dude's part was released on trasher 9 days ago.

Or you can watch both you cringy faggot.

Anonymous No. 134869

just snowboard dude

Anonymous No. 134872

They premiered that in Japan back in September. London had a showing in October. I have no idea what is taking them so long to put out hard copies.

Anonymous No. 134890

Not watching

Anonymous No. 134891

I don't think it's a good thing to be the boneless guy but the boneless guy is 'actually skating' just as much as the guy who does ollies

Anonymous No. 134893

long time no session, I did some push, kick turns and ollies that's is, sweated as fuck boiii

Anonymous No. 134896

Looks like some califaggot. Fuck off.

Anonymous No. 134898

Any trick where you put your foot down on flat ground is not skating. Your interpretive dancing at that point.

Anonymous No. 134905


Anonymous No. 134909

Why do people hate bonelesses so much? I never feel any particular way about them (unless it's a bit high one in transition at which point it's sick as fuck).

Anonymous No. 134911

Because whatever they say it's a hard trick and they don't even know how to do it and always end up eating shit.

Anonymous No. 134919

Watching old Tony Hawk's Gigantic Skatepark Tours again ( ) and seeing Dave Mirra makes me sad. I met him once in a theme park in Florida where he and a bunch of riders would do regular demos, though I can't for the life of me remember the exact year or park (some time between 1999 and 2003, most likely Universal Studios or Bush Gardens) but he and rest of the guys signed a flier that I had on my wall as a kid despite not really caring for BMX outside of his video game on the PS2. RIP.
Videos from this era make me nostalgic as hell. Growing up in Ireland is seemed really far away and movie-like because that just wasn't a think here. Even mountain biking isn't hugely popular weirdly enough despite there being trails and whatnot.
It's also nuts to see guys like Kerry Getz on this when I only really remember him from the CKY videos. I know he's doing alright, but it's nuts how many people from that era went from being rockstars to basically nobodies, and then how many just became addicts and wasters from there.

That was sick. Fucking nice array of tricks. That little fakie bonk pivot thing into the grind at 1:28 was sweet. That's the kind of street skating I love the most.

That empty fountain is such a sick spot. Would love to have something like that near me.

Anonymous No. 134920

>Dave Mirra
still hard to believe he shot himself. poor guy.

Anonymous No. 134922

Yeah, it's fucked. He seems like he didn't even know he had a problem.

>Mirra rarely talked about the long-term effects of his concussions, but in the final months of his life, they had become impossible to ignore. In conversation he’d get stuck on one topic, returning to it again and again, forgetting what he’d just said. He’d become moody, and emotionally fragile, breaking into tears in the middle of everyday conversation. To his wife and closest friends, he seemed lost and unable to put his finger on what was wrong.

>On the morning of February 4th, 2016, Mirra stopped in at a popular Italian eatery in his hometown of Greenville, North Carolina. He greeted a few friends, joked that he’d been out late the night before and, at 41, was getting too old for that. He then drove home, parked his truck in a friend’s driveway and shot himself in the head. He left no suicide note or explanation. At a press conference the next day, Allen Thomas, the mayor of Greenville and one of the last people to see Mirra alive, suggested repeated concussions might have caused Mirra’s death. “I just didn’t see how there were any other explanations,” Thomas says. “This was a guy who had everything going for him.”

Anonymous No. 134925

Man I had no idea about Mirra. RIP.

Anonymous No. 134927

So I was watching a bunch of random skate videos one by one, clicking what's recommended. Clicked on this thinking it was skating, but I wasn't disappointed. Towards the end especially it gets really insane.

Anonymous No. 134932

damn i knew he killed himself but i didnt know he was just like "ahh fuck it" and went out like that.

Anonymous No. 134937

Did anyone else find this part in 700k obnixous as fuck?

Anonymous No. 134940

Nah, I thought they were quite eloquent and reasonable.

Anonymous No. 134945

>it's a hard trick
is it? I constantly see it as 'tricks to do before an ollie' and 'easy trick' compilations for absolute beginners. I'm not saying it's actually easy to learn, but is it a hard trick, really? If you try to teach a newbie an ollie and a boneless, they will probably land a boneless first.

Anonymous No. 134946

I learned ollies first and my bonelesses are terrible when I try them. Maybe people hate them so much because there's a million ways to do an ugly, bad boneless, but only a few ways to do a bad, ugly ollie. Same with no complies. I do not understand how people think they're easier then ollies. They're a little safer than ollies because you already have a foot down in case you fuck up, but the way you're supposed to bounce them off your leg and the herky jerky way you throw your weight around with them is way harder imo.

Anonymous No. 134947

'hard to do well' and 'hard to learn' are not the same thing. I think an ollie is harder to learn (even though I also learned ollies first and still haven't done a decent boneless).

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Anonymous No. 134957

i did another ollie down a bank , this one was a little bigger though.

Anonymous No. 134959

Not as big as that ass. Pause.

Anonymous No. 134974

invest in FANCY LAD

Anonymous No. 134976

not even march and the best part of the year already dropped. is that the most fire hydrants skated in one part?

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Anonymous No. 134978

What the lmao, That was amazingly bizarre. Also that spider man shit he does at 4:31 was so funny.

Anonymous No. 134991


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Anonymous No. 134992

Hey Floridas, this happening this week. I'm going to check it out.

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Anonymous No. 134996

>skated 5 and half hours Friday
>landed multiple new tricks, existing ones felt a lot better than before
>skate 5 hours Saturday
>new park so just having fun trying out the new ramps
>rest Sunday, push around a little
>work out today, skate for 3 and a half hours
>yet another amazing session where existing tricks were worked on and felt even better

God damn I love skating.

Anonymous No. 135001

Great stuff

Anonymous No. 135025

That's some impressive stamina. What new tricks, anon?

Anonymous No. 135030

I honestly don't know how I'm still going. I could probably skate again tonight.

New tricks were:
>ollied up a curb for the first time (neglected this as there's no workable curbs near me/at my local park)
>smith stall
>pivot stall
>popped out over the coping onto the deck for the first time
Mostly just things that weren't very hard but just took extra confidence to commit to. Would like to pop out and rock back in next.

Then the rest were things I've done before but either never that cleanly or not in months. Shit like fakie 360 pivots on a bank. They're not impressive but god they feel so nice to get cleanly.

Anonymous No. 135032

COPE. everyone knows that one dude who can't do a decent ollie or any flip tricks, so he just does bonelesses all over the place to act like he can actually get some height. it's more often than not an emo dude with flourescent or dyed black hair who only "skates" to leech off of skate culture when talking to girls 10 years younger than him

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Anonymous No. 135033

what the fuck are you talking about bro? I skate! see, here's my skateboard!

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Anonymous No. 135034

>7 months ago
>back foot slips and I do the splits while carving a bowl
>sprain some groin/hip muscle
>thankfully nothing too bad, was able to walk home fine
>rest it up
>stretch it mostly by doing butterflies, touching my toes, quad stretches where you kneel then lean way way back
>take it easy getting back to skating
>after maybe 2 hours of skating my hip will begin to hurt a little on the outside
>sometimes stepping onto the leg and/or turning will shoot a sharp pain into me that almost causes me to fall
>keep stretching, rotating it, etc
>pain won't fully stop
>consider going to physio/getting an MRI

>see footage of Salba doing split stretches before his session
>LeanBeefPatty puts up a stretch routine for doing the splits
>fuck it, lets try that while I'm at the gym
>turns out there's a variation of a lunge stretch that is DRASTICALLY fixing my problem that I somehow never thought to try

The last two weeks have been almost entirely pain free even after long sessions with lots of impact. 10/10, would recommend.

Anonymous No. 135045

I had a similar problem with a fall onto my back that gave me sciatica. Was out for months worrying that I'd perma fucked myself over. Started getting worried cause every time I goggled the symtoms I kept seeing a bunch of people online saying they have been suffering for years and how it never gets better and they were basically crippled. Then I found a random YT video with a bunch of stretches and holds to help with back pain and I had immediate improvement with just one session. Few weeks later I was back on the board. Never felt so relieved.

Anonymous No. 135058

there is nothing worse than getting shinned by a runaway board. not even a hard slam. that shit can sideline you for a couple of weeks. I had a goose egg the size of a golfball with a gash in the middle once. that fucker had me limping for damn near a month. if someone's board has razor tail and hits you, it's even worse.

Anonymous No. 135068

I used to play his videogame all the time when I was a teen. Never bmxed in my life.

Anonymous No. 135069

Ok, that was particular

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Anonymous No. 135076

That was really specific anon.

Anonymous No. 135079

Nothing worse than a big boobies girl skating all up in my half pipe. She’s Brazilian too so her English is atroshish. Her hand plants are kind of clean though

Anonymous No. 135085

dumb gay

Anonymous No. 135089

sneak a pic next time

🗑️ Anonymous No. 135090

Why do people act like racking your nuts is that bad? You know what's way worse? Landing credit card right on your gooch or asshole.

Anonymous No. 135091

I'm that guy that does really big ollies over everything at the park. Yeah, I cut across the park just to get ridiculous speed, nobody knows where I'm even going until the last moment when "POP!" ... nobody ever even thought to ollie that, but I did. *rolls away with a pumped up ego, only to do it again 10 minutes later, but higher*

Anonymous No. 135103

Glad to hear you're doing better.

I feel like I should make an infographic for exercises you can do to fix common skate injuries.

Anonymous No. 135115

I’ll try too It’s going to rain the next three days, but she might be out there over the weekends

Anonymous No. 135119

Kek. this is a pretty close description of me growing up BUT i was a real skater and didn't do it to impress chicks

Anonymous No. 135120

Brazilian girls with big boobies can ride my pipe anytime

Anonymous No. 135123

please link the video, pain is holding me back

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Anonymous No. 135127

how do these feel?

Anonymous No. 135137

Are darkstar completes worth the money? And or reliable brand?
Blue tomato is selling complete darkstar timeworks deck for 130€ but it's currently 50% off?

Anonymous No. 135140

I bought a pair and they sucked. After 3 Ollie's there was a hole and after that I was tearing a hold in my sock so I stopped skating them. I wear them as casual shoes sometimes but even after a long walk there was a hole developing in the sole too. From there I relegated them to my work shoes but one day I stepped in a puddle, the holes let my foot get soaked and I came down with pneumonia. I tried to throw them out after that but the material was apparently toxic and I got fined by my local council for disgarsing toxic waste.
Honestly, I'd just stick with skate brands.

Anonymous No. 135141

Darkstar completes are *apparently* a step up from the shit completes most companies sell and a step down from a real skateboard. According to Chet Thomas, the owner of Darstar..
I think they have legit boards too.

Anonymous No. 135146

So would you say that for 65€ it would be a good starter board for a snowboarder who currently finds himself wasting 3-6 hours each day in a empty warehouse just waiting to send or receive shipments?

Anonymous No. 135147

It's actually hip and pelvic exercises, but it still fixed me up within a few weeks. Hope it helps.
>one day I stepped in a puddle, the holes let my foot get soaked and I came down with pneumonia
How did you get a lung infection by stepping in a puddle?

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Anonymous No. 135151

>English is atroshish
>I’ll try too

Anonymous No. 135157

what size is the board? also, prebuilt vompletes often have really soft bushings meant for really light people(like teens) so you might want to get some stiffer bushings. bushings that are WAY too soft can make it much harder for a beginner to learn to skate because they require even finer motor skills and balance, and you can easily get wheelbite and fall. the only real downside to prebuilt complets is that they have lower tier/quality trucks. this doesn't really matter much for skating around, only durability when doing serious grings and jumping down shit. other than that, they're fine. the wheels and bearings also aren't top shelf or anywhere near, but that's much less of an issue.

Anonymous No. 135159

nike dunks and blazers are the worst skate shoes I've ever tried. not sure how they got so popular. I remember back around 2007-2011 when they made their peak "debut" and everyone was skating them. I had two pairs of each, and they were literally the worst shoes for skating. other people in my circle said the same, but continued buying them because they were popular and had lots of colorways. I and other people I knew got hurt skating them. dunks for example, have shit tier grip on the bottom and the side. often times you had to "tame" your ollies down or your foot would just shoot off the end of the board if you really tried to bone one out. also, they were slippery when trying to run up ramps and shit. I remember at school on rainy days, I would almost eat shit if I didn't walk slow, it was like you were on ice. Blazers on the other hand, have extremely shit support on the side of the shoes. it's almost as if the material is a pillow case, it just collapses with any movement. high tops are no better. you could easily roll your ankle with blazers on. I had to stop skating them very early on because of this. it's not just me either, I know multiple people that felt this way, and even one guy(who is a pro and has been since like 2015, who actually broke his ankle in nikes and blamed it on the shoes for the same reasons I listed.

Anonymous No. 135161

The board I was looking for is 8.25. I'm my self hair under 180cm so it's like 5,11 in freedom units.
What I briefly looked into sizes my board should be somewhere between 8.25 an 8.5 am I correct?

Anonymous No. 135163

>$100 nikes with no air unit
for what purpose?
this is peak consooomer retardation

Anonymous No. 135164

it's all down to personal preference. actually matters more about shoe size, because you don't want to feel like you're riding a skinny 2x4. I'm 5ft11, but I wear size 9.5 shoes, so I still prefer an 8.0 deck. 8.25 is a good size though.

Anonymous No. 135172

For sure enough to fuck around on. If you enjoy it you can upgrade parts one by one.
I was wearing filas. I read the fine print and apparently that's a side effect.

Anonymous No. 135198

>one day I stepped in a puddle, the holes let my foot get soaked and I came down with pneumonia. I tried to throw them out after that but the material was apparently toxic and I got fined by my local council for disgarsing toxic waste.
what the fuck am I reading

Anonymous No. 135259

What are y'all working on right now? Just trying not to rust?

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Anonymous No. 135260

I'm back in Australia for a month and all the transition is pretty small near where I grew up so I'm just having fun skating with my old mates. Still just doing the same old 4-5 tricks but trying them on different obstacles...

Actually I did work on fs tailslides in a 2ft mini ramp the other day and landed a few.

Anonymous No. 135286

Anyone else skate rubber grip?
I fell for the meme, and it's actually pretty nice.
Yes, I feel retarded for buying anything advertised by Braille, but I fucking hate tearing up my shoes.

Anonymous No. 135290

>rubber grip

redpill me on this. how is it holding up?

Anonymous No. 135292

Honestly pretty great.
I don't skate a ton these days so I've had this deck maybe 7 months now and it's just as grippy as when first applied.
Took a few sessions to get used to it but now it feels completely normal.

Anonymous No. 135293

nice, I'll look into it. Better than throwing 60 bucks out for shoes every few months or shoe gooing that shit

Anonymous No. 135296

Does it grip as well as normal grip?

Anonymous No. 135297

Tell me how it holds up with moisture if you can. I've heard that if it gets even a little bit wet it gets super slippy.

Anonymous No. 135320

Not much experience with this other than accidentally stepping in a puddle or on wet grass..
But now that you mention it, it does get slippery.
It seems pretty waterproof though (water doesn't seem to soak in),
so at least it dries quickly, and you can probably just wipe it dry with a paper towel or something if need be.

Anonymous No. 135321

It's definitely not as grippy as normal grip tape, but I've always preferred a slightly less grippy board anyway.
Feels totally normal to me now though.
I used to always take an offcut corner and wear in a new sheet of grip tape a bit before skating it.

If you're the type that skates MOB or something though you might not like it.

Anonymous No. 135346

if i saw someone using rubber griptape irl i would think there dum

Anonymous No. 135347

>there dum
I feel the same way when I see people who don't know the difference between "they're" (they are) and "there" (a place)
I don't plan on switching back though...
No noticeable difference in my skating, and it's cool being able to keep my shoes intact.

Anonymous No. 135350

how long have you been skateboarding/ how good are you?

Anonymous No. 135351

20+ years, but still not that good. Stepped away from it for a few years in my 20s.

I can kickflip up a curb or over a hip, and do bs flips and tre flips on flat or over small gaps.
Still can't fs flip after all these years.
Have a few grinds and slides on lock, and a few simple tranny tricks.

I'm pushing 35, so obviously not about to turn pro anytime soon.

Anonymous No. 135356

i over compensate my balance with my front foot which makes me land everything sketch or makes me have to bail after landing. back foot is not my dominant and clearly weaker and i dont know what i should be doing to improve its strength/balance. what do?

Anonymous No. 135357

Go outside and skate more.

Anonymous No. 135358

it doesnt work fuck you

Anonymous No. 135359

If you're hitting 35 and can't afford new shoes every few months - you should consider getting a new job or using your money on better things than video games , like shoes.

Anonymous No. 135360

Or tipping your moms onlyfans

Anonymous No. 135364

Squats. I bet you can't even squat without falling over. So stretching your hips. This isn't even a skate thing. You must have fucked up posture.
I just watched a video on it and the only thing that made me think fuck no is that it can get very slippery when wet. I swear a lot when skating and that alone seems like it can make your deck dangerously slippery.

Anonymous No. 135367

>rubber griptape for not wearing down your shoes
plebbit is that way

Anonymous No. 135381

>t. probably work for shoe companies
Nice try - I'm onto your trickery.

Fair enough. I live in the desert so even when it's hot as balls, sweat evaporates quick and doesn't really get my board wet like that.
I visited FL once though and would start pouring sweat as soon as I stepped on the board. Could see it being a problem.

Anonymous No. 135382

>be size 11.5 UK
>like hightops
>but not Vans/thin hightops
>basically the only option are DCs and they're never on sale

Yeah, no, buying shoes over and over even if you can technically afford them is a pain in the ass.

Not sold on rubber grip though. Not sold on basically any new skate "technology". Unless flight decks become affordable, boards have essentially stayed the same my whole life.

Anonymous No. 135387

>boards have essentially stayed the same my whole life
Modern epoxies were a game-changer.
90s decks would get mushy as shit after a few weeks of hard skating, and would start to delaminate if they got even a little bit wet.

My old ass remembers fishtail boards and 64 mm vert wheels, the giant pants and tiny wheels of the early 90s, and boomers calling street skating a fad.

Anonymous No. 135430

I just gleamed a cube, y’all. Feels amazing.

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Anonymous No. 135434


Anonymous No. 135450

wtf is an air unit

Anonymous No. 135460

not sure it's the same thing, but I had a problem for a long time of being too scared to put "too much" pressure on the tail for fear of slipping out if I overdid it. This meant I was shitting up ollies and generally had poor weight distribution. All I did to start correcting it was practice a lot of manuals and tail stops/tail stalls to build confidence with having more weight on my back foot.

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Anonymous No. 135476

Florida anons this is starting today. I'm going down there in a few hours. I remember one of you said last time you always wanted to see a demo so here is your chance.

Anonymous No. 135481

demos are sick definitely go if you havent been to one. they will be giving out tons of free red bull try not to have a heart attack

Anonymous No. 135494

A unit that has air

Anonymous No. 135502

indirect bombers

Anonymous No. 135510

Okey as someone who comes from snowboarding I have probably a stupid question to ask.
Why are not symmetrical skateboards more of an thing? I have almost 2 decades in snowboarding and only recently started to dabble with skateboards and I have no idea how skaters can deal with their board not being symmetrical specially when you are not just limited riding switch but you can also have the board backwards.
I understand that you may want to have tail for Ollie and nose for flips but if you can perform them as fakies surely it would make sense to have something in between and not have to worry which way your board lands.

Anonymous No. 135522

Even if your board is symmetrical you're still going to end up having one side which your prefer riding as the tail/nose or whatever because of your trucks. I ride my back truck a little looser than my front truck and i also have a big groove in it which helps for locking into grinds, while my front truck is pretty smooth and a little tighter.

Anonymous No. 135532

The physics of doing an ollie vs. a nollie is just different.
When you nollie, the momentum is working against you and makes everything happen slightly faster, so you need a longer kick with a steeper angle to give you more time.
With a short / shallow nose, your popping foot hits the ground much faster when rolling backwards and makes it hard to get good pop.

You can feel the difference (I can anyway) when doing fakie ollies vs nollies.
Fakie ollies need to be popped much more quickly, so it's hard to get good power into it.
I can personally get much more height out of a nollie, even though it's technically a "switch" trick and fakie ollies are "regular"

Another good comparison to feel the difference is fakie shuvs vs nollie shuvs.

Anonymous No. 135533

I skate a twin tail board. A good few brands do them. It's handy to be able to throw your board down either way and get the same performance, plus they get razor tail/wear a lot slower.

Anonymous No. 135543

Anonymous No. 135557

How do you find the truck leaning issue? I think I'll get one for my next board. My main wear problem is usually razer tail.

Anonymous No. 135571

>truck leaning issue

Do you mean the idea that one truck breaks down differently than the other? I've literally never had this issue across different sets of bushings and no one can explain to me how one truck can break down differently to the other if you skate the board equally on both sides. If not for the graphic, you literally couldn't tell which end was "up"/which truck was the front one. It skates 100% the same both directions. There's a 50/50 flip of the coin when I throw it down as to which side it happens to land on and it just evens out.

Anonymous No. 135576

which brands make good twintails? What I understand that the "optimal" shape of the twintails has not been found yet so everyone makes them slightly different.

Anonymous No. 135582

it literally doesn't matter if you don't think about it. it feels "similar enough" to not notice unless you make a habit of intentionally turning the board around when it's "the wrong way."
are your trucks really tight or something? instead of tightening your trucks to make them stiffer, buy the proper bushings for your desired feel, that way you don't really have to tighten them down, which crushes the bushings and makes them prematurely take a shit.

Anonymous No. 135586


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Anonymous No. 135591

first board

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Anonymous No. 135592


Anonymous No. 135593

Loks gay as shit.

Anonymous No. 135594

but enough about you

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Anonymous No. 135596

Anonymous No. 135597

Nice, interesting grip tape art.

Anonymous No. 135611

I guess it's like tire alignment in a car. When I push my board with no one one it, it goes to the left. Ive been through many trucks and bushings and it always ends up like this.
I don't even know if I like that. So if it evens out that's kinda another bonus.

Anonymous No. 135612

That's normally down to your bushings or pivot cup sticking. A bit of oil in the pivot cup and messing with the tightness of the kingpin should fix that. My board will normally just stick to whatever side I last turned into.

Anonymous No. 135615

Gray slip-ons > white slip-ons

Anonymous No. 135616

Interesting. I never considered the pivot cup. Messing with kingpin do you mean tighten trucks or actually tighten the kingpin itself?
I'm skating bones medium at the moment and have the issue. I had to crank them a fair bit.

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Anonymous No. 135617

the mail stamps slapped up with graffiti is sick

deck art is graffiti'd up too thats pretty clean

has no taste and is a homo

Anonymous No. 135628

chocolate also

Anonymous No. 135656

Tighten/loosen the trucks. You could also try rotating the bushings 90 degrees and see if that makes a difference. But they might just need to break down a bit more.

Zero, which is what I skate. Powell have some twin tails now too. I THINK Girl do too but I've never actually checked.

Anonymous No. 135660

eyo faggot shut your faggot mouth

Anonymous No. 135667

>or actually tighten the kingpin itself?

Anonymous No. 135669

I watched shifted gay car's new video and bro says fs heel is a pretty hard trick. Lmao? In my opinion 10 times easier than a bs heel.

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Anonymous No. 135693

>I watched shifted gay car's

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Anonymous No. 135704


Anonymous No. 135705

a lot, deathwish, girl, habitat, creature, heroin,real, quasi, welcome all do a symmetrical shape
not that I know of

Anonymous No. 135706

>old black guys drinking ed ball of hay asphalt
Anon I think you need to lie down

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Anonymous No. 135707


Anonymous No. 135709

Kek I know.. I was thinking huh, you learn something new every day..
I'm thinking I'll buy some new ones and a twin tail.

Anonymous No. 135730

gifted hater lol

please post your favorite transition/park skate videos

Anonymous No. 135733

God I forgot about him. Wish I didn't check it out. He has a cry about Dan Corrigan having a younger gf. Such a zoomie cuck.

Anonymous No. 135736

I don't watch tranny skating so I don't have any favorites. I suppose some old Rune Glifberg videos where he skates actual backyard pools? All other tranny skating sucks.

Anonymous No. 135744


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Anonymous No. 135745

I hate when this happens. Now I understand why those old curb guys all get inverted kingpins.

Anonymous No. 135753

i get the same feeling of being rickrolled any time i click on a sarah park matott video link

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Anonymous No. 135761

thoughts on globe? even though they aren't trendy anymore i think they're secretly kinda sick

Anonymous No. 135777

Es and Globe are the most OG skate shoe brands.

Anonymous No. 135780

>not that I know of
I've had their 3 skull, Chris Wimer pro model and Dying to Live decks in 8.5 and they're the same on both ends. I just measured one beside me to double check.

Anonymous No. 135788

boy I thought fingerboard was stupid, and I just found out handboard is a thing

can't wait for the logical conclusion of putting both your feet in a big board and just riding it like that

it's just a big joke I'm not in on, right? do people really like this?

Anonymous No. 135789

fingerboarding is something you get into when your in school. if you get into it after the age of like 15 you are definitely retarded. I like the miniature spots and parks people make its creative.

idk what to say about handboarding tho.

Anonymous No. 135801

I learned alley-oop axel stalls in one try. Whomever the guy who said he needed new easy tricks to learn on tranny - thats a good one if you don't have those yet.

Anonymous No. 135811

canadians cant skat-

Anonymous No. 135814
prices went down again by $2-$4. orbs wheels cheap as hell if you need those.

Anonymous No. 135816

what the heck is this store?

Anonymous No. 135817

bougie fashion retailer
few of the only places to get common projects if youre a canadian /fa/g

Anonymous No. 135818

i did end up getting my stuff from there . The Orbs are not too bad so far.

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Anonymous No. 135837

Hey I just got some Orbs too. I go to a slippery skatepark sometimes and since these feel a bit softer and grippier than advertised, they feel bretty good in there. Not bad at all.

Anonymous No. 135877

>skating tranny
Skateboarding is meant for me.
>skating street
I don’t like skateboarding.

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Anonymous No. 135880

Why did Louie end up leaving? This post makes it sound like something happened with him and the company

Fuck man I’m watching bag of suck again

Anonymous No. 135889

Look a few threads back. Dwindle is a sinking ship and everyone is jumping off.

Anonymous No. 135890

Dwindle got bought out by some big corporation and they owe a bunch of skaters and other people in the brands money.

It's over for enjoi.

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Anonymous No. 135894

Dwindle stopped paying them. The new ownership is some giant investment corporation that is basically doing budget cuts. Because this group has no interest or care for skating, they just started firing people. Louie only worked there, he was never the owner or anything. He can start a new company now anyway.

Anonymous No. 135895

random question, but hoping maybe a millennial in here can help me. I know they stopped making alot of the skating shoe styles they had in the 90a and early 2000s, those nice puffy and cushiony skate shoes, and have gone for much slimmer designs these days. I can't seem to wear any of them, they feel extremely narrow and pushing up on the side of my foot (the arch?) I noticed it happens with alot of other type of shoes these days, the boosts, nikes, NB etc. Did people's feet get narrower or something? I've had to return every DC shoes I've ordered for the same issue. Reebok seem to be quite wide at the but I haven't seen any skate type shoes by them yet.

Anonymous No. 135896

They went out of style. They were literally too big at one point. They still make some poofy shoes though. Get some Es Accels. They feel like big soft suede donuts on your feet. DVS still makes their old models too.

Anonymous No. 135897


Man that’s so fucked I honestly didn’t keep up with that stuff. I hope something cool comes out of this though and all the guys on the team fall into better opportunities

RIP Enjoi it was cool while it lasted

Anonymous No. 135899

>Es Accels
Those are actually decent. Thanks! Last question if you don't mind, what ever happened to all the brands like HookUps, Birdhouse, Blind. They used to make really cool t-shirts with great art, and good decent quality materials as well. It seemed like one company actually made all the t-shirts as they were all the exact same fit. They really seemed to have disappeared.

Anonymous No. 135901

>HookUps, Birdhouse, Blind
They're still around, just not as popular as they used to be. I'm not sure about the t-shirts, I hardly ever by skate shirts anymore, they never fit me properly. They often feel like those cheap types of square shirts that are wide and short.

Anonymous No. 135905

I have Globe Tilts and they're pretty nice

🗑️ Anonymous No. 135907

I like to think we would be friends, if we ever met

Anonymous No. 135909

I like to think we would be friends, if we ever met

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Anonymous No. 135911

I can't believe Bag of Suck was released in 2006. I'm going to miss them.

Anonymous No. 135913

What was mink thread lame fart thinking with the music and the repeated clip in his skate part? He tried to do some ironic trolling but it just ended up cringe. And not in a cool or funny way.

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Anonymous No. 135930

I skate these. Basically the only padded high top I can find that delivers to the UK. Great ankle protection; saved me from two or three bad sprains, and hundreds of shark bites.

Anonymous No. 135932

hook ups is expensive as fuck and sells out super fast

Anonymous No. 135977

As a random YouTuber it was kind of cool. As a guy who brands himself as gifted hater and talks shit on lots of people who skate far far better, that was wack.

Anonymous No. 135984

Everything was so low impact and the music was awful but he's a fairly good tech skater

Anonymous No. 135987

How often do people usually re-grip boards (if at all)? My grip has worn out, but the board itself has plenty of life left in it, so I'd rather just re-grip than crack out a new board just for the sake of fresh grip.

Anonymous No. 135989

I do it regularly but i dont know anyone else who does it.

Anonymous No. 135990

Those shoes would not fly in california

Anonymous No. 135993

>they never fit me properly. They often feel like those cheap types of square shirts that are wide and short.
Lol my wealthy friend who had an entire skate wardrobe had the same complaint shortly after purchasing it all and landed up giving me all his tshirts. I am probably just very small.
I will try look out for those ones, I only ever saw the slim type DC at my local stores.
They are the exact same still. These brands would get way more popular with kids and teens if they brought back cool artwork like this on clothing.

Anonymous No. 136008

i did it once or twice when i was a broke kid and had to re use an old board. and ive done it once when I bombed a hill thru some mud and then my grip became too dirty to clean. most people just deal with shitty grip tho, tranny dudes will skate the same board for months with no grip

Anonymous No. 136043

Yeah he doesn't really pop much. Maybe riding venture trucks would help, he should ask Jim T to send him some.

Anonymous No. 136045

Etnies, DVS, eS, Globe, and Axion if they didn't go under again , still make puffy shoes. I had the same tight feeling with DCs but you'll be fine with the others.

Anonymous No. 136050

Currently selling their shoes off for $25 on their site. Probably about to go out of business again lmao.

Anonymous No. 136051

looking at the video it might not have been an alley-oop after all

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Anonymous No. 136067


Anonymous No. 136085

>working on axel stalls
>struggle to get them properly decked out so that I can actually hold them for more than half a second
>uncharacteristically record myself trying them over and over
>realise that I'm turning and putting the front truck down too early
>try them today
>after trying to break habits, I finally get one I can hold

Really glad my gf got me that GoPro. It's so weird how much you can see by just filming yourself where trial and error would take forever.

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Anonymous No. 136087

attn simpboarders she has a part coming out soon

Anonymous No. 136098

foam grip would unironically be way better for a rain board or if you live anywhere with snow

Anonymous No. 136127

Nice one, I had this recently except someone told me what I was doing wrong instead, but same issue. I also kept landing feebles when I was actually trying to 50-50, then kept grind when I was trying to stall.

Anonymous No. 136133

What kinda part?

Anonymous No. 136139

a part with this jam

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Anonymous No. 136142

I'm going to one up that guy and ask you for anime recommendations that are similar to what's used in these drawings. I only ever watched Pokémon or Beserk or whatever but that was boring and didn't look as kino as this does.

Anonymous No. 136146

theres no anime of this style because its diarrhea mashup of tenchi muyo and bratz

Anonymous No. 136169

Look at this new part. This guy is a madman. I hope he gets boards from someone now that Enjoi is kill.

Anonymous No. 136180

>interpretive dancing
The ground and your foot are an essential requirement to the correct execution of skateboarding, therefore a boneless is as fundamental as a push, and you're a retard

Anonymous No. 136182

i really enjoyed the enjoy ams videos. i wonder if they put those out to put a spotlight on those dudes before enjoi was over

Anonymous No. 136183

decent part for a hot chick. she needs to lose the earbuds when shes filming tho, or at least get airpods so its not so noticeable

Anonymous No. 136187

she would be such a fun root

Anonymous No. 136190

I wouldn't know, I've never had sex.

Anonymous No. 136191

And you never will.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 136192

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1270
Disappointment Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host
See image: >>417590465

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 136195

lmao this nigga

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Anonymous No. 136196

Anyway, an interesting article on the current mess that is the industry.

Anonymous No. 136203

lmao thanks dude

Anonymous No. 136205

Eh, that was a bit of a nothingburger with weirdly epic music for pretty chill skating. Her push is really weird as well. It's like watching one of those stop motion Monty Python animations.

Anonymous No. 136206

Interesting article. My local shop pretty much says the same thing; couldn't get enough hardware when people took up skating in Covid, wound up with too much when the restrictions ended.

It actually makes me wonder how the fuck a shop opened in my home town in the mid 2000s. It probably had a population of 35,000 back then, with the entire county having something like 125,000. It wasn't a fantastic place to skate, there were no parks (they campaigned to get one built, it took the council TEN years and by then the shop was long gone), the Irish weather was shit, and skating wasn't all that popular in the area outside of a few hardcore heads. I bought a grand total of one deck and one vhs from there, and one of the guys running it fucking HATED having people hang around without buying stuff.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 136211

no 360 flip. no thanks.

Anonymous No. 136220

Not too bad but probably could have done without the skate clips

Anonymous No. 136272

I'm excited about skateboarding tomorrow. I felt like i was kind of in a rut but last week i had a really good session and im feelin good about tomorrow friends.

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Anonymous No. 136274

Me too. It is a good feeling.
I also found a nice parking lot with a million curbs. The surface is decently smooth and nobody passes by to bother you.

Anonymous No. 136275

>I also found a nice parking lot with a million curbs. The surface is decently smooth and nobody passes by to bother you.
never thought I'd get jealous about something I read on 4chan, but here we are.

Anonymous No. 136276

took another spill with my lappy in my backpack ;((((((

Anonymous No. 136277

plus the song has already been used in another pro part.

wondering how many of these shop owners thought the gravy train would last forever and didnt see that it was just a thing people were doing for the pandemic.

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Anonymous No. 136278

did you guys see the interview? jeez I didn't know she almost died. i feel bad.

Anonymous No. 136299

yeah interview was kinda shocking desu since she doesnt really share anything on instagram

Anonymous No. 136320

Any advice on grabs? Particularly pairing grabs with an ollie? Just curious on which is the easiest grab trick, want to learn melon grabs but I'm not really comfortable reaching down and touching my board

Anonymous No. 136321

The easiest grab is just whatever is using your dominant hand. For me i'm goofy and right handed so it's a melon grab.

Anonymous No. 136323

>it was super fun to film and work with Kike

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Anonymous No. 136333

>literally every other /xs/
>hell yeah dude let's get out to shred and have fun
l m a o

Anonymous No. 136336

get flexible first
almost as good as the average 8 year old park rat, but will turn pro in a few weeks because she doesn't have a cock

Anonymous No. 136344

thats not true the easiest grab is a nose grab, just pull your nose up a lil bit more with your ollie and reach your hand down. fs 180 nosegrabs are easy as fuck

Anonymous No. 136352

are these threads still full of 30+ year old bitter losers

Anonymous No. 136355

who else would come to this dogshit general?

Anonymous No. 136361

Boneless finger flips are fun. People who don't skate are normally impressed by that sort of thing.

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smug dorito.png

Anonymous No. 136362

I went to the Dollar Store and got a truckload of paraffin candles for next to nothing. Imagine buying skate brand wax. I'm going to the curb spot later you guys can come if you want.

Anonymous No. 136364

what if all the 13yos call you kook

Anonymous No. 136366

Yeah nosegrabs are easy if you're goofy and right handed hah

Anonymous No. 136367

easy as fuck for me as someone who skates regular. dont know why stance matters

Anonymous No. 136368

candles are cheaper at thrift stores and sometimes you can find wax. fuck the Dollar Inflation Tree

Anonymous No. 136377
why is every narcissistic woman doing reverse creepcams of men looking at them

Anonymous No. 136391

knew what you were talking about before i even opened the link. shit is so fucking weird man. if that happened to me i would confront the chick next time I saw her at the park and tell her to delete that shit or at least change the description so i dont seem like some asshole. what are the chances they were actually "mad dogging" her even.

Anonymous No. 136393

>which is the easiest grab trick
Nose. You can do it from ollies and with any sort of kickturn. I can basically just tap my board from an ollie, but hopefully some day I can get the height for an airwalk.

>ant to learn melon grabs but I'm not really comfortable reaching down and touching my board
Do early grabs on transition. For melons you can do a sort of backside kickturn on a ramp, but early grab and yank it into the air so you can do a full 180 without your wheels touching the ramp. Do wide turns/carves into them to start off so you don't have to spin so much in the air, but aim to go straight up, 180 early grab, and straight down and you'll feel comfortable grabbing your board by then. Take it to banks, kickers and hips. Try doing them into fakie, higher, faster, etc. They're not the most elegant type of grab, but they're easy and fun and can get you some actual height at speed. Try them from ollies soon after. Maybe try the same for indies but while turning or carving frontside.

Anonymous No. 136394

I don't know but I'm really hoping someone gets sued or something for it so women stop doing that shit. Trying to catch a guy merely fucking glancing at you because you're hot and wearing fuck all in an attempt to paint him as some sort of rapist in waiting is psycho behaviour. It's also often highly illegal depending on the setting.

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Anonymous No. 136398

What an asshole. Literally every single skateboarder on the planet will glance at someone doing a trick.
See this is why skateparks are terrible. Skate the plaza in the middle of the city with all the crack addicts and homeless instead.

Anonymous No. 136422

no one cares about the dumb femoids little non-trick

i'm sick of women thinking their little circus trick shit is real skating

Anonymous No. 136431

w*men eventually destroy every male dominated hobby

Anonymous No. 136454

Need to delete these gay fucking apps from existence so these moments stop happening

Anonymous No. 136458

somebody post this to slap and see what they think

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Anonymous No. 136460

Don't pay them any attention. It's best just ignore and forget about that place.

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Anonymous No. 136477

Update on my new curb spot. There is a stray cat that lives in the bushes and I fed him hehe. I'm going to bring more cat food every time I skate there.

Anonymous No. 136483

theyd track down the dudes in the video and try their hardest to get them canceled and the mods would ban every post against it

Anonymous No. 136488

Not sure if I'm just getting old or too tired of this shit or maybe women are just generally out of control but why can't they just dress properly when they go out in public.
But what I'm certain that I'm tired off is women attention whoring for internet and then getting pissy if someone looks at them.

Anonymous No. 136495

Modern Life Is War is on the case!

Anonymous No. 136498

>instagram full of ass shots
>wears a bikini and skates at venice beach

Anonymous No. 136500

you all seem confused, she didn't say anything bad about the guys

Anonymous No. 136503

Stop simping. You don't film other people and post their reactions like a fucking YouTube prank video at the skate park. No one wants to be the unwitting star of some narcissistic bullshit. Take that shit elsewhere.

Anonymous No. 136508

yes she did retard, she said they were mad dogging her until she did her "trick"

Anonymous No. 136510

is that really what it says?

Anonymous No. 136511

i don't know, i don't know how to read

Anonymous No. 136516

yes, that certainly seems to be the case

Anonymous No. 136532

*camera fixated on black male*
thought this nigge* finna rob me at the skatepark but wanted to compliment my pristine panda dunks instead
wait why are people mad at ME??

Anonymous No. 136536

>get the flu twice within 2 months
nips finally shipped me my bideck at least. the pop feels really fucking weird but i like being able to bomb hills and still be a total pussy
say what you will about snowboarding but at least these narcissistic bitches can't pull out the slutwear until the season is basically over
which cities still have plazas?

Anonymous No. 136538

How good are the dragon wheels? Do they help with small pebbles? I have very 52mm 100a's and they just stop from smallest of pebbles on hard concrete. I was contemplating about getting softer wheels but, maybe the dragons would help.
Where I live they spread gravel to sidewalks during winter. They sweep it away at spring but there is always some pebbles that get left behind.
During winter they even make it inside at the bottom of the shoes at it really pisses me off.

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Anonymous No. 136539

Fuck these pebbles

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Anonymous No. 136550

Supposedly they are very good, on rougher ground. On anything smooth they just feel kind of slow and gummy, or at least this is what everyone at my shop says. I haven't tried them yet.
If you skate mostly rough spots and a little bit smooth you'll like them
If you skate mostly smooth spots but only a few rougher spots every now and then, you probably won't like them

Anonymous No. 136552

>31 year old boomer next month
>got into skating 2021
>2022 broke my ankle in May & needed surgery
>missed out on entire season
I hope I can actually get out this year and not be too scared kek

Anonymous No. 136566

Look at the ollie Westgate does 2 minutes in

Anonymous No. 136569

Damn ass gay ass rock. Wanna do something gay to it, like pee on it?

Anonymous No. 136574

oh man. there's a video like that on youtube. some goofy skate kids, one of them falls over, the other tells him to pee on it. it must be ancient. i hope someone remembers this.

Anonymous No. 136579

Really? No way anon said that randomly and there turns out to be a video just like that somewhere on the internet wow that's crazy!

Anonymous No. 136580

Anonymous No. 136581

Haha I know the one

Anonymous No. 136583

They are /esg/ personified

Anonymous No. 136604

If any of the 2014 oldfags are still around and arent on the OG /esg/ discord.

Overcrook club its back, They are going to start the magazine from the beginning, if anyone has the original paper versions of it let me know ill buy it from you. The forum its still in beta stage but its working. Raptor went full ted and rejected technology in all forms, Rook its the new owner. They said it should be ok now since its a new software, I hope to never have to use the godforsaken hole that its slap again. Newfags need not to apply.

Anonymous No. 136619

>They are /esg/ personified
if you combine that with >>136580, then that's probably 99% of /esg/ covered.

Anonymous No. 136666

oh shit, it released guy

Anonymous No. 136695

When you stay in the north, you take whatever skating you can get

Anonymous No. 136698

Reddit lover is pretty good at skating and he could honestly be pro. I don't think he has even a single sponsor.

Anonymous No. 136699



Anonymous No. 136700

why are zoomers obsessed with flatground steez

Anonymous No. 136718

2013 was 10 years ago, and thats when /esg/ the thread first started. 2014 its when it started on alt chans, As it relate to /esg/ old fags is the correct term. Learn to read.

Anonymous No. 136725

Is it on a different domain? I asked the same question on [redacted] and they told me its not fully open to the public. I have some of the og mags scanned saved on a pdf somewhere if you want it.

>he doesn't know
Gone are the days when people would lurk and learn

Anonymous No. 136726

Better than gifted haters entire part

Anonymous No. 136747

Stop larping newfaggots.

Anonymous No. 136749

I answered your post o on L***chan if that what you're refering to. It is not open to the general public, they are still doing maintenance but its open to whoever was there before, if you really do have the mags you should know how to get there. Its a diferent domain from the og one but similar enough.
What are you on about?

Anonymous No. 136750

On your ass for being cringe.

Anonymous No. 136763

The autism police

Anonymous No. 136768

Hands behind your back.

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Anonymous No. 136773

Careful there sonny

Anonymous No. 136816

Guys wake up

Anonymous No. 136820

No I'm going to bed.

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Anonymous No. 136821


Anonymous No. 136822

Rain this weekend califrens what am i gonna do?

Anonymous No. 136823

Can we think of a way to sue high speed productions through damages or trauma caused by slap? I'm sure it's possible. Slap is the weak point of high speed who literally owns all skateboard media, would be a nice payday and funny.

Anonymous No. 136824

Wheres is it i cant find it

Anonymous No. 136865

good bait
how many people on here have ever actually had a slap account? probably like 5 of the posters in here have ever actually been there and the rest of you are up your ass with your 4channel superiority complex. sad to see considering its a good forum.

>but you get banned for saying the wrong thing!!!
you dont, it has the same rules as any other place that isnt 4chan.
>but you still get downvoted!!
its fucking internet points grow up faggots, stop investing so much time in needing to be right and liked all the time

Anonymous No. 136883

Dude you are a faggot, slap is so gay. The mods are literally homosexuals, and being gay is a mental illness. It used to be ok until I kept dunking on the site so hard they changed the whole site process and let all the gays become mods out of spite.

T. Legendary slap user whos name will get you banned if you say it

Anonymous No. 136885

your uncle must've done some wild ass shit to you bro

Anonymous No. 136887

Of course you are having gay thoughts

Anonymous No. 136891

>see what all the Slap talk is about
>Go on Slap
>Sticky thread about "Queer Skaters"
>Fuck this shit
>turn 360 and close the window

Anonymous No. 136911

why cant you weirdos stop talking about gays for one single thread? you are obsessed with them.

Anonymous No. 136919

>he doesn't know that who you fuck greatly affect your skateboarding

Anonymous No. 136929

Slap has way better conversation about skateboarding than this shit thread even the site is full of queers

Anonymous No. 136930

You guys seen this video? Did Mikey say anything about them releasing it? I thought he said something about suing.

Anonymous No. 136932

i want to start skateboarding but i don't want to get bullied for being clueless at my age...

Anonymous No. 136934

Then don't.

Anonymous No. 136942

>go on 4chan
>entire board dedicated to lgbt
>several boards dedicated to cute/handsome/boys/men
>entire board dedicated to my little pony
>entire board dedicated to professional wrestling
>entire board dedicated to vtubers

>finally find /xs/ - extreme sports
>entire thread for marble racing
>entire thread for dancing
>entire thread for disc golf
>entire thread for airsoft

>finally find /esg/
>only 82 unique posters
>1/4 posts complaining about slap
>1/4 posts about some dumb attention whore
>1/4 posts rehash same shit every thread (how i ollie, first board, im old and gay can i still skate)
>1/4 posts actually original posts/oc that dont get replied to

Anonymous No. 136947

this shit came out a fucking month ago dude where the fuck have you been.

Anonymous No. 136949

Sad and wanting to kill myself. Answer the questions nigga.

Anonymous No. 136958

i cant because i forgot everything about it already. the video was an average cali skate rat homie vid and mikey alfred is a stupid faggot. you wanna get caught up on gay drama go look up the slap thread or look through the archived /xs/ threads to see if it was talked about

Anonymous No. 136960

this thread smells bad. should we make a new thread soon or do you guys want to keep it going after the post limit?

Anonymous No. 136962

I honestly love /esg/ and I think they're the best skateboarding threads on the internet. Even though they're full of mundane arguments and autists who do weird things like switch their wheels for different terrain or replace their grip tape regularly. It's what skateboarding discussion should be. You run into shit like what you see here all the time if you actually go out and skate.
One time some dude kept me sidelined for half an hour going into the minutiae of his bearings.
Slap is fine for news and gear sales but no one irl is talking about how hyped they are about some tranny beating real girls in contests.

Anonymous No. 136963

>go look up the slap thread

Oh no I'm not gay.

Anonymous No. 136964

I'm watching the 700k video and if that crackhead looking faggot at the basketball court did that to me I would suplex him on his neck. What a stupid fucking little faggot. I'm sure you guys would do the same otherwise nah.

Anonymous No. 136967

>I honestly love /esg/ and I think they're the best skateboarding threads on the internet.
not a high bar is it

Anonymous No. 136968

Don’t even remember this since the video was shit tier
Someone probably already posted but this vid was good & went by quickly, Rowan as usual nice trick selection

Anonymous No. 136969

Well the good skater was last, that's why. Anyways, it's a ledge at a basketball court. There's like 2-3 dudes on the court, not even a full game. Plenty of space between the ledge and the court. Lil bro bails some slide trick and his board slowly rolls onto the cort near the dude. Doesn't even touch him or bother him at all. He grabs it, starts slamming it against the ledge without saying anything. Then throws it over a fence. And he looked like the type of person that watches tranny porn. Just a fucking weirdo.

Anonymous No. 136971

>Well the good skater was last, that's why.
how fucking new are you to skateboarding? are you only in it for the drama?

Anonymous No. 136972

What are you talking about retard? Literally.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 136973

why would i explain anything to a drama fueled kook like you.

Anonymous No. 136974

why would i explain anything to a drama fueled kook like you

Anonymous No. 136975

>make retarded post
>get confronted
>start backpeddling for no reason at all

Yeah ok retard.

Anonymous No. 136978

im not backpedaling retard, nobody is here to spoonfeed you. lurk more, watch more vids,maybe youll grasp the concept of an ender.

Anonymous No. 136980

This has nothing to do with your retardedass reply >>136971. A reply to me saying that the best skater goes last and if you think the video is shit you can just skip there. Dumb ESL.

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Anonymous No. 136985

Strobek was always such a faggot holy shit lmao.

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Anonymous No. 136991

Slap discourse is almost as bad as Twitter skate discourse.

Anonymous No. 136993

dawg theres no way your calling me esl when your post makes no fucking sense. lurk more, watch more vids, go back to middle school.

Anonymous No. 136995

Old and gay dude here, can i skate or nah?

Anonymous No. 137002

What the fuck does that tweet even mean?

Anonymous No. 137003


Work on your English, retarded ESL.

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Anonymous No. 137010


Anonymous No. 137044

I haven't skated in about 10 years but I'm going to start again soon (still snowing where I live). Definitely not excited to look like a noob but I really miss the lifestyle. I also want a way to get exercise that I actually enjoy. Wish me luck anons

Anonymous No. 137076

My English is fine, so I'm white.

Anonymous No. 137078

Just be careful to not get injured. Warm up well. Don't fuck around in the rain. Careful with wax. Make sure you work on mobility if you've spent 10 years sedentary. Don't wear vans. Don't buy expensive bearings. Jessup > MOB. Board graphic over shape and brand. Stay away from tranny skaters. Just the basics.

Anonymous No. 137088

Wtf do you wear nigga?

Anonymous No. 137096

I have a pair of cons, a pair of last resorts, and a pair of globes.

Anonymous No. 137148

learn to drop in lil nigga

Anonymous No. 137169

I'm starting to wonder if the reason these threads get so many dumb arguments is because some of you are just ESL retards that misinterpret everything.

Anonymous No. 137180

I dropped in into your mom's anal cavity with my massive penis.

Anonymous No. 137192

How to skateboard without sending money to china?
Are thunders still made in US?
Are Swiss bearings actually made in Switcherland? are there cheaper alternatives?
Which blanks are liveleak free?
And hardware, pushings to grip tape etc etc, which are the companies to avoid if you want to skate without supporting child/slave labor.

Anonymous No. 137195

this nigga still mad he got exposed

Anonymous No. 137196

>Are thunders still made in US?
If you actually care about this you better stock up on Thunders.

Anonymous No. 137199

Never skated Thunders before. Just still pissy about indies going ching-chong

Anonymous No. 137207


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Anonymous No. 140014
