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Hard Ticket to Ha....webm

๐Ÿงต /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 137206

Some damn fine videos dropped this past few weeks.

Love that mall video in particular. Why the fuck aren't there more dead mall skate videos anyway? They all seem like they're prime skate spots.

Old thread: >>134858

Anonymous No. 137208

this is really god stuff

Anonymous No. 137212

New Leo vid is pretty good too:

Couldn't watch that 'Japanese Skate Rat' Lenz III video due to the earrape soundtrack but the Ryuhei part was great:

Anonymous No. 137213

Aw man, I loved that soundtrack. Been listening to that band's music thanks to it.

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Anonymous No. 137216

post your deck

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Anonymous No. 137217

I fucked up my knee lads
hopefully I'll be able to skate when summer rolls around..
it's so hard to cope right now. I can't believe the europoster put this bad energy on me

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Anonymous No. 137230

Great graphic, but man I can't stand the guy. Actually makes me not want to skate his shit any more.

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Anonymous No. 137233


Anonymous No. 137247

If you were making fun of me at any point then I told you it's karma.

Anonymous No. 137261

what height trucks for 59mm wheels?

Anonymous No. 137263

I bought an 8.6" deck and 149 indie trucks like a retard when i first got into skating and realized its way too big. would it be retarded to get like an 8" or 8.25" deck and use it with the same 149 indie trucks or would it cause problems?

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Anonymous No. 137268

>DIY has no lights
>it's dark outside when i go into work and when i get off of work

Anonymous No. 137272

Incredible footage on both parts

Those trucks would be fine on an 8.25. Some skaters like their trucks to be a hair wider than the board.
on an 8 inch deck they're reaching too wide territory

Anonymous No. 137286

>no kooks

I feel personally attacked

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Anonymous No. 137360

Anonymous No. 137389

this is why skateboarding really needs to be gatekept from the corporate world. pro skaters need to form a union or something too, not getting paid for weeks/months is just unacceptable on top of nobody having healthcare.

Anonymous No. 137392

ur an idiot
> gatekept from the corporate world
> form a union
> healthcare

Anonymous No. 137394

Imagine your boss just shrugging their shoulders and letting you know they won't pay you this month

Anonymous No. 137396

lmao good bait, cant believe most americans are actually that dumb

Anonymous No. 137397

ive been lucky enough for the past few years where all my bosses are at the job with me so if/when something happened I could go right to their desk/office. cant imagine being a broke ass dude being told over the phone by some suit in a huge office building hundreds of miles away that I wouldnt be getting paid for who knows how long while the company rakes in money. makes my blood boil just thinking about it

Anonymous No. 137414

There are so many stories of skate companies being managed like total shit, if not being outright scams where the riders get fucked. You'd think at least things getting more corporate would mean better business practice.

Anonymous No. 137447

pro skaters should have real jobs aside from being pro skaters, if they had to do this we wouldnt have so many faggot losers in skate culture

Anonymous No. 137452

you're retarded

Anonymous No. 137453

>sell your brand to corporation
>cry when they do corporate shit
What did they expect? Free money?

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Anonymous No. 137455

orbs on ssense are 15 cad now. already ordered my decks but i might buy some when another decent deck falls in the mid 30s range.

Anonymous No. 137464

hitting 30 this summer. In my early middle age crisis decided to try to pick up skateboarding again. Ordered parts last week from skate shop and today got a red top in mail.
Broken knee, wrist or a hip? How dead am I?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 137465

damn should have just waited for this instead of trying to find out what happened when led me to SL*P. they are just trying to cancel enjoi over old ads and jokes they made. still think jenkem is just a wannabe vice and vice is absolute scum

Anonymous No. 137467

kook faggot
well if you dont pay your riders then they cant afford lawyers to sue you. thats business babyy

Anonymous No. 137469

damn should have just waited for this instead of trying to find out what happened which just led me to SL*P. they are just trying to cancel enjoi over old ads and jokes they made.
still think jenkem is just a wannabe vice and vice is absolute scum

Anonymous No. 137471

>well if you dont pay your riders then they cant afford lawyers to sue you
lmaooo the skate industry is so scummy

Anonymous No. 137481

for every person complaining about bad lazy jokes theres 2 posters telling them to stop being so lame and offended.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 137484


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Anonymous No. 137512

how fucked has skateboarding become?
One of the most popular fucking skateboard faggots is a furry. Hes famous for talking shit and being a furry faggot. How do kids see this as okay? Is it just all child fans who dont know better?? who the fuck watches that boney faggot talk and cry?? i see you homosexual dick suckers dick ride him so much like ooh i just listened to his 1hour fucking video talking about other men.
inb4 he gets arrested for child rape in the next 2 years top
skateboarding youtubers' only fans are children you just cant let a grown ass man whos attected to animals and fursuits be around children. Those are not normal urges and lead to other worse acts of lust.
Fucking fur faggot is the face of skateboarding on youtube. how fucking sad. Least the trasher satanic fags dont try to push furry shit on me.

Anonymous No. 137516

I don't disagree. I don't care for youtube personality friend simulators, and certainly not that goon.

Anonymous No. 137517

Pretty sure that post is ironic.

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Anonymous No. 137535

Sort of cringe but does anyone have any input on routinely skating transition if I am moving to Manhattan? Ill be working a fairly intensive job in midtown and im wondering if it would be possible to make it out to a miniramp or just a quarterpipe each day. Would be sick if anyone knows of any jersey barrier DIYs in the area.

Anonymous No. 137548

Why don't you just move to a good city instead of shithattan? Yes I'm a third worlder talking shit, but you will effectively become one too if you live in a place like that.

Anonymous No. 137550

might not have a choice in the matter but i may end up moving somewhere else instead

Anonymous No. 137552

Are you not your own man?

Anonymous No. 137553

It's kind of up to where my job takes me friend

Anonymous No. 137554

Can't you do the same job but in like Wyoming or something?

Anonymous No. 137555

yeah but I don't really have a chance of going there right now

Anonymous No. 137567

why the fuck would anyone who skates want to fucking live in Wyoming?

Anonymous No. 137569

Lol this fucking guy

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Anonymous No. 137582

okay so
at what point does the irony stop?
why does his pc have more than 1 fur fag games?
so this shit talking persona is okay with promoting being a furry as long as its "ironic"
oh i only wanan fuck animals as "ironic"
its not normal my guy.
its mulsim teir lol

Anonymous No. 137587

I picked it up around the same time. Broke my elbow (first break of my life) about 3 months in from falling in a stupid way. Wear your pads.

Anonymous No. 137588

Shut the fuck up Berra, your body thetans are showing.

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Anonymous No. 137589

Won one of these last night. TEN inches wide. I already have some nice soft wheels and bearings so I intend on using it as a pooly cruisy thing. Gonna get some rails for it, but now I need to figure out what trucks to go for.

Any suggestions?

Anonymous No. 137595

Ace or Indy

Anonymous No. 137599

i didn't think it was that funny until i saw how mad you are about it lmao

Anonymous No. 137602

If you're doing skatepark bowls I would recommend you not using soft cruiser wheels. You'll go slow as fuck around the bowl

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Anonymous No. 137604

the fact that a faggot cringe youtuber is seen as the voice of authority in skateboarding means its 100% over and all you can do is ignore it and not associate with other skaters unless they are your very close friends. its not worth it, especially if they are zoomers

Anonymous No. 137606

you are so fucking gay and associate with nobody because people can smell you from across the park lol

Anonymous No. 137609

keep feeding me (you)s muttoid bitch

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Anonymous No. 137610

Im better at skating and more stylish than anyone in this thread but I don't even skate anymore because it is gay and pointless

Anonymous No. 137615

What's wrong with Wyoming???

Anonymous No. 137617


Anonymous No. 137619

You can't answer...

Anonymous No. 137621

I love skateboarding bros. Just got back from my first session after breaking my foot a few months back. Nothing better then getting back on the board.

Anonymous No. 137622

so you can do an ollie?

Anonymous No. 137625

Wyoming is a beautiful scenic state. Nothing is really wrong with it.
But beautiful and scenic also means no where to skateboard

Anonymous No. 137629

Streets don't exist in Wyoming? Retarded take.

Anonymous No. 137632

this is fucking hilarious

Anonymous No. 137638

ace 77

Anonymous No. 137641

Cheers. I'll give Ace a go seeing how I have Indy's on my usual board.

Eh, I just happen to have a set of soft wheels so I'll be using them. There's actually a really old crusty as fuck park called Rom I want to have a couple of sessions at and soft wheels are a must there. I'd also like to use it for filming so they'll be handy there too.

Anonymous No. 137650

Don't you ever fucking "eh" at me again, bro.

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Anonymous No. 137671

Eh, what you gonna do about it, cunt?

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Anonymous No. 137672

all my friends are this 1st rule tho,,,

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Anonymous No. 137689

Nice one man. Getting the dust off after an injury is the best.

Anonymous No. 137698

least he can shower. can a furry unfuck an animal?? why are you so adament in defending your boyfurfag freind??
i wonder what would happen if 10years ago a boney dude who dresses up as animals for sexual pleasure showed up to a skatepark. in todays world all the children will run up to him be like yoo i saw you on youtube
fucking zoomers

Anonymous No. 137701

yea cause dudes who are upset at animal fuckers is so funny
go back to /LGBT

Anonymous No. 137706

post a clip nerd

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Anonymous No. 137712

So anyway back to more important matters, I usually skate Thunders right. My old ones were done so I tried Indies for a while. They were ok.
I finally got some new Thunders set up. Felt back at home. We are back Thunder bros.

Anonymous No. 137715

You should have tried ventures.

Anonymous No. 137716

I have. The lows don't maneuver well, the high Ventures are interesting but they are very stable, unless you start swapping bushing/washers. That inherent stability is a good thing I should mention. It's just that
Thunders have the SWERVE

Anonymous No. 137718

Thunders suck ass and are represented by men who suck man ass.

Anonymous No. 137719

this nigga still mad about furries

Anonymous No. 137721

Who said anything about furries, furrybrain?

Anonymous No. 137722

you did poo breath. i bet you have one of those weird furry costume things. you put it on and wear it dont you

Anonymous No. 137730

Tempted to get Thunders if my locals don't have Aces. Definitely want something that can turn well for carving shit.

Anonymous No. 137733

>you did

Show me where.

Anonymous No. 137736

right here

Anonymous No. 137756

Its going to be a good weekend for skateboarding socal bros

Anonymous No. 137759


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Anonymous No. 137785

I'm going to the park on Saturday morning you guys can come if you want.

Anonymous No. 137803

I got thunders as my first trucks purely because I thought the name and logo were cool. I probably won't ever switch to anything else. Same reason I got spits over bones for wheels and will probably never change those either.

Anonymous No. 137825

Don't call them "spits" ever again.

Anonymous No. 137832

Just bought a board after quitting back in '03. I'm 32 now. Any other boomers here?

Also, what are some good trick tip channels. I'm currently watching SKATE HACKS. Any other good ones?

Anonymous No. 137835

It's a joke making fun of furries faggot. That's the entire point. Either you really have never once used the English speaking internet or you're just retarded.

Anonymous No. 137836

unironically yeah mostly

Anonymous No. 137879

Pretty sure there's actually some big tranny parks in wyoming because i've seen them in anti hero vids but i also think it snows half the year there, better off just living in oregon if you want those sort of parks without the snow

Indy 215s

I'm late 20s and there are a few other people here who are around this age or early 30s

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Anonymous No. 137899

>2 weeks off between traveling and being sick as fuck
>back to my local for a Friday sesh
not even remotely rusty
>actually feeling braver than normal
>get some of my tricks better than ever
>a couple tricks I normally avoid also work
>try out 2 new tricks
>make both of them
>take a weird slam to my knee, don't care

31 here, started back almost 2 years ago.

Depending on what you want to do, here are some of my favourite trick tip channels.

Street tricks:

Oldschool tricks:

Freestyle tricks (think this guy may be the best because he actually takes time to talk about momentum and weight and stance and whatnot. Lots of handy shit even if you don't like freestyle):

Transition/standard miniramp stuff (more of a blog than a trick tip channel and super cringe, but he's in his 40s and he's good at breaking down his problems as he works on tricks):

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Anonymous No. 137907

Who are some femboy skaters I can jerk off too? All I know is that Erin person. You can see the autism in her body language and its really cute ngl

Efran looks like a annoying faggot

Anonymous No. 137911


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Anonymous No. 137915


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Anonymous No. 137917

new part

Anonymous No. 137935

femboys are MALES you faggot
we jerk off to cute tomboys like Nelly around here

Anonymous No. 137948

I'll click this but I know it will be shit.

Anonymous No. 137958

... that who person?

Anonymous No. 137959

whoa she slams hard.
also Tampa Pro is on right now but their youtube steam keeps going down lol

Anonymous No. 137963

Tampa stream back up

Anonymous No. 137969

Is there any google maps overlay for skate spots? I want to find some places in my area, and also know of some I never see anybody at that Iโ€™d like to share

Anonymous No. 137972

as a fellow kook it means nothing
the fact that we annoy them amuses me if anything

Anonymous No. 137983

Don't know if anyone uses it, but there's an app called Krak that might be what you're looking for.

Anonymous No. 138019

any other tomboy sk8rs to be jerking off to? i have A huge thing for them

Anonymous No. 138030

Tampa Finals today

Anonymous No. 138036

fabi kinda thicc ngl

Anonymous No. 138038

bombing hills is kinda hard bros

Anonymous No. 138039

Post weird video parts:
Don't know if I'm just jumping in at a weird moment, but boy is it quiet. Is Tampa Am/Pro just not as hype any more? It used to be fucking wild when I was younger.

Anonymous No. 138042


Anonymous No. 138043

i'm unironically only watching tampa pro to see what weird shit andy anderson does

Anonymous No. 138050

yuto is really good

Anonymous No. 138052

yeah but he looks like a psychopath

never forget what the japs did to our boys

Anonymous No. 138054

Yuto won Tampa Pro

Anonymous No. 138056

>but boy is it quiet
skateboarding tryna become a real sport while not knowing how to celebrate without a 12 pack. half the people there tryna be sober while half are piling out

Anonymous No. 138058

are felipe nunesโ€™ tricks technically all sketch?

Anonymous No. 138060

What's some recent skate drama?

Anonymous No. 138062


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Anonymous No. 138064

Hey Florida posters. I was at the shop today and heard the Plan B team is going through Orlando, Jupiter and Miami tomorrow I think. This Friday they'll go to Lot 11.

Anonymous No. 138068

fuck all of you skaterfags

Anonymous No. 138082

based, i wish i had a gf like her

Anonymous No. 138083

His run was insane but all Japs have that contest style skating which is getting pretty old

Anonymous No. 138097

she was into meth :\

Anonymous No. 138105

>on ig
>see clip of a girl
>good style
>good pop
>impressive trick
>lurk page
>theyโ€™re trans/AMAB
Im not a terf but going through male puberty makes such a difference.

Anonymous No. 138107

Itโ€™s kinda fuck how you can immediately tell because theyโ€™re completely unknown and have like no sponsers cause if they were cis theyโ€™d have a part on thrasher and a nine club interview already kek

Anonymous No. 138110

not gonna lie dude, she freaks me the fuck out. jackie all day.

Anonymous No. 138124

>born with a dick so you can only ride for THERE
how are we coping trannybros

Anonymous No. 138125

i did expect the nips to have so much snowskate autism

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Anonymous No. 138150

Lenz 3 dvd is out in some US shops, I remember a couple of posters asking about that.

Anonymous No. 138161

Literally me but I'm yuropoor and want to watch the full video online.

Anonymous No. 138163

These guys are in England

Anonymous No. 138170

She would be so perfectly fuckable if she didn't look exactly like her brother

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Anonymous No. 138178

Ollie up my first Euro gap today. I this moment, I am euphoric.

She's hot in a Fairuza Balk in "The Craft" kind of way: terrifying and might very well knife you, but all the hotter for it.

FUCKING LEGEND. The only copies I've seen online were people trying to flip it for ยฃ150+.

Anonymous No. 138179

Fuck them then.

Anonymous No. 138196

New skate waifu in the Foundation video, her part starts a couple of minutes in

Anonymous No. 138206

Foundation has really been killing it the last couple of years. I was bummed about the Aidan Campbell situation and Cotie Robinson/John Clemmons bailing out for Darkroom, but they've got such a solid team with a great direction going on right now. might have to pick up a board when I go skate again. I actually like whatever wood Tum Yeto used an their flat shapes are really wonderful if thats your style.

Anonymous No. 138210

>Aidan Campbell
obviously mean Cole Wilson.
also forgot to mention that first girl is insanely cute.

Anonymous No. 138249

>baby holding pitbull at start of video

Anonymous No. 138250

Holy FUCK i havent heard the song used for that chick's part in a minute. Plays pretty for baby by Saosin. Brings back memories of high school goth chicks (legit ones, not zoomer fake goths). She's cute and she's even wearing an iron cross t shirt. based as fuck

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Anonymous No. 138256

I think everyone just fell in love with that Tania girl

Anonymous No. 138264

Very cute with a nice feel good part and her personal and skate style donโ€™t seem very forced, compared to someone like Maite. Front shove stair disaster was awesome even if she wasnโ€™t a chick

Anonymous No. 138280

She has some good titties on her too.

Anonymous No. 138298

She kinda looks like the food truck girl

Anonymous No. 138365

berrics workers have typed this post

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Anonymous No. 138366

Jamie Thomas is such a little bitch.

Anonymous No. 138369

Sure but if legally the brand owns the shoe, our guy Chad is fucked.

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Anonymous No. 138408

>it's now the 2000s

What were those shirts with the 3 stick figure carton boxes cool people used to wear?

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Anonymous No. 138410

Do you remember middle school?

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Anonymous No. 138411

I remember middle school 420 fuck the cops deathwish

Anonymous No. 138412

did you have the striped fallen sweaters and krew jeans?

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Anonymous No. 138413

Fuck the opps

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Anonymous No. 138414

No I only had a few skate shirts I was low-key style

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Anonymous No. 138418


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Anonymous No. 138422

Gonna smoke a blunk after class

Anonymous No. 138434

life is good?

Anonymous No. 138452

I actually kind of like this, it reminds me of a Feisar ship from Wipeout.

Anonymous No. 138492

How does this literal 12 year old have grown man swag? These new new generations are fucked.

Anonymous No. 138493

wtf I need to buy a copy

Anonymous No. 138503

I just started Skateboarding again recently. Only trick I can do is ollie. I want to learn to skate the bowl at my local park because it seems like the most fun. Are there any key skills to learn beforehand or should I just go for it?

Anonymous No. 138506

learn how to fall properly on tranny

Anonymous No. 138507

Are you 12? Or autistic?
Or both?

Anonymous No. 138509

If you're going to skate an actual bowl this is the only time I would recommend knee pads.

Anonymous No. 138510

filthy dumb
simp scum

Anonymous No. 138511

Finished watching it tonight. It's fucking sick. Kinda wish I hadn't seen so much of it on Thrasher already, but the first half (where most of the "new" sections are) is amazingly edited.

I hate to be such a weeb, but Japanese street skaters are just different. Their trick bags and obstacles are all weird as fuck and they make old school tricks look techy as fuck. I'm going for the first time in November and I really hope I can squeeze in a few days to skate Tokyo and Osaka.

What the other guys said; learn how to fall/kneeslide. Other than that, just focus on pumping and carving in every direction for now. There's not a lot to say about it if you already know how to pump up and down a halfpipe, it just takes a while to develop the sense for it.

Anonymous No. 138513

>Feisar ship from Wipeout
Jesus what a reference. Skaters should dress like that/Jet Set Radio characters.

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Anonymous No. 138514

best brands for a kissless virg?

Anonymous No. 138516

I'd be ok with this.

Anonymous No. 138521

Thanks fellas. Ill pick up some pads and a helmet for the next time I go to the park.

Anonymous No. 138522

good trick tip channel I found. only 2k subs, you may not have seen it before.

Anonymous No. 138526

literally nobody suggested you do this

Anonymous No. 138527

My mom told me I have to wear a helmet

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Anonymous No. 138528

hehe anon is this yours? well either way he seems nice, I'll watch a few.

Anonymous No. 138530

Nope, not him, just got recommended to me in my youtube feed.

Anonymous No. 138538

I'm suggesting it now. If you're going to skate bowls and wear pads, it only makes sense to wear a helmet too.

Anonymous No. 138540

unironically mar sure you get a certified helmet. those rat shit companies sell non certified helmets as well, those things can not take any impact at all. if and when you do eat shit, make sure you don't break your head.
the last thing posters in these threads need is more brain damage.

Anonymous No. 138541

I've had two helmets: a standard Protec one and a Triple 8 Sweatsaver. The Protec one eventually just fell apart despite not taking any real impacts (the glue holding the outer shell to the foam inner just disintegrated) and was mostly a piece of ill fitting shit. The Triple 8 has been MUCH better so far. Feels way sturdier, is better padded and comes with a swappable pad so you can adjust to your head size. Definitely wish I'd saved my money and just got this one first.

Anonymous No. 138544

When I'm doing new shit the least I can do is wear a helmet

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Anonymous No. 138557

It ain't a real grind unless it's on concrete brother.

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Anonymous No. 138564

was just browsing Theories' webstore
do you all think this hat would help me lose my virginity?

Anonymous No. 138593


Anonymous No. 138594

They always have good hats

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Anonymous No. 138598

cant find many pics tho

Anonymous No. 138627

florida posters I am driving down to Lot 11 rn

Anonymous No. 138635

I was going for fastest lap on the pump track and somehow I ended stabbing the board's tail on my back leg quadriceps, rip pants and big scratch, bitch is old and sharp.

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Anonymous No. 138666

Ok I went to see a Plan B demo in Miami. I don't really like the company but it was a nice day out, all of the team was really chill. It was neat. Those guys are really good. Pat Duffy was skating around too, that was cool to see. I got a big poster signed by everyone lmao.
John Dilorenzo was also there, just skating around off to the side. He stole the show. His style is so sick, you guys have to see him somehow, his kickflips are insane in person.
Sorry no pictures this time, I was too busy having fun.

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Anonymous No. 138668


Anonymous No. 138670

New eastern yurop video.

Anonymous No. 138731

How was the vibe? Feels like many skate fans are really stiff and seriuos nowadays.

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Anonymous No. 138736

It was very relaxed. A lot of people went to the other side of the park and kept skating, they ignored the demo side of things entirely lol.
I've mentioned this before but for all of the posters that haven't been to a demo before, you should go. It's a lot of fun.

Anonymous No. 138768

Ollie up a manny pad for the first time today. Was a fucking battle. Found going slow and making up the distance in air time worked better than going at speed. So fucking tired.

I don't have a bluray drive so I won't be uploading mine.

Anonymous No. 138775

Weddle = Fascism, big-corpo big-brother bullshit
Mute = Natural and free, organic, purity via tradition
You think Japanese people give a shit they have a grab named after their land? Why would the vocally disabled?

Anonymous No. 138852

Nice. I can never get over how god damn crusty it is over there. It's not just the fact everything is old and falling apart due to lack of funding, but the shift in seasons makes even the "new" bricks and concrete super rough and displaced. It's no joke to skate that.

Anonymous No. 138853

I have no idea what you're trying to ask. I don't even know what the hell you're talking about.

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Anonymous No. 138856

kader of baker

Anonymous No. 138867

New Deedz part on Jenkem.

Anonymous No. 138878

what the fuck

Anonymous No. 138975

how do people smoke weed and skate?
I can't even push my board if im even slightly stoned

Anonymous No. 138986

if they had a problem with mute why didn't they ever say anything about it?

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Anonymous No. 138988

I can't either. My legs feel like jello. I always need to lie down. One of the park locals I'm friends with occasionally eats mushrooms before he skates. Imagine some lanky dude blasting waist high ollies with the classic giant pupils. I have no idea what he is seeing.

Anonymous No. 138990

One Rowan > three Kaders

Anonymous No. 138997

what if Kader was just a huge retard all along?

Anonymous No. 139010

Youre supposed to drink and skate, then smoke after the sesh

Anonymous No. 139011


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Anonymous No. 139059

Hey Venturabro... i'm supposed to be taking the senpai camping at Emma Wood beach some time soon. I'm not 100 percent sure if i'll have time to skateboard but i might squeeze in a morning session. I don't want to drive more than 15 minutes or so from where we'll be. It looks like i don't have a ton of great options. Is Hobert my best choice?
Here's a bad boardslide and a tiny ollie

Anonymous No. 139064

dumb disgusting slapfaggot cuck

Anonymous No. 139066

you would have to be a slap user to know that

Anonymous No. 139073

Bro why are you talking like that? What kind of person even begins to type something like that out?
I know you're still doing your angry poster gimmick but you need to look at yourself.

Anonymous No. 139074

Hey man if I were coming to the beach and I didn't want to drive more than 15 mins away from the campground I probably wouldn't even bother skating. West park has the best obstacles - it has a flat bar, and a manual pad. Both obstacles have shitty run-ups and the rest of the park is fucked to skate. Also West park is the closest one to Emma Wood. All 3 skateparks in Ventura are similarly designed and they are all pretty worthless.

Ojai is 25 mins away and super fun. That's where I usually skate. It's also a nice place to take your lady for shopping/food if she's into that kinda thing.

Carpenteria skatepark is in the process of being built and would only be about 10 mins away from you... but all this rain is stopping them from being able to pour the concrete. Oh well, hopefully when you come to the beach in summer it'll be done and we can have some sessions there. It's going to be a sick park.

Regardless if you want to meet up for a quick skate at West park or Ojai (if you can make the drive) let me know and I'll come and hang out.

Anonymous No. 139077

yeah i was seeing them all online and they all have that same weird small circle of a park thing going.
The main reason for the time limit is because the kids will be with us plus wife's pregnant again so i can't leave her alone out there for too long .
I guess I can just enjoy some breakfast on the beach. i'll have to find time to make the trip to just skate though, i've talked to my brother about Ojai before so its already something i've planned on doing- i'll keep you posted on when

Anonymous No. 139084

Fat fuck still hasn't learned how to make a webm.

Anonymous No. 139091

Shit. I keep forgetting to resize it.

Anonymous No. 139092

Ive been trying to kickflip for months now, actually feels impossible at this point.

Anonymous No. 139103

Firstly, do not give up anon. Never. It happens. Kickflips are an especially pesky trick.
Secondly, if you film yourself you will be able to study your technique.
What will usually happen is like this, if your front foot is not catching the board or landing underneath, then the problem is your flicking technique.
If only your back foot is not getting on the board, then this is a matter of pure commitment, and actually jumping up and with the board to land on top of it.
I believe in you anon.

Anonymous No. 139104

I can flip the board and catch it with my back foot fairly consistently. My front foot will flick the board and just rocket to the ground immediately. I feel like i flick out but i guess not enough. I will try to film myself.

Thank you anon

Anonymous No. 139105

Slice through your nose with your toes. Imagine a line going across your board.
Do not flick down, visualize yourself doing a ninja kick.

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Anonymous No. 139108

Nora niggas get in here

Anonymous No. 139115

whats a good starter skateboard to get? im 23 and idk if its too late but i rly wanna learn how to skate since my eyesight and balance was fucked as a kid but its a lot better now as an adult

Anonymous No. 139117

8.25 size deck, independent trucks size 144, spitfire classic wheels size 54, bones reds bearings. Black grip tape, don't get no colorful shit.

You can get all this shit on skatewarehouse or you can go to your local skate store or Zumiez if you have one. Should cost you between $150 and $200.

Anonymous No. 139118

Meant for >>139115

Anonymous No. 139120

>8.25 size deck, independent trucks size
This is my current set up and I hate it. I'm going back to lower trucks and a wider board.

Anonymous No. 139121

I injured my ankle 4 days ago and i was wondering if it's okay to skate again or if i should wait a few more day. I'm still a beginner so i was trying to sw heelflip and after 4 tries of the board flipping perfectly and not committing I went all in and the board landed primo, my left heel landed on the wheel then slipped and my toe fell into the ground. I read online that stage 1 ankle sprains( which is what I assume i have, but i have not seen a doctor) take 1-2 weeks to heal but mine is almost fine, It only hurts slightly when I flick my ankle inwards as fast as i can, as of yesterday my foot is still slightly swollen but i can feel and the bones underneath the skin now .

Anonymous No. 139127

you broke that shit if its swelling. a sprain would swell for 1-2 days then bruise if its bad.

Anonymous No. 139139

wait a sec the size is right, what's wrong with it?

Anonymous No. 139154

No don't skate yet. Hold on a few more days or else you could make it worse.

Anonymous No. 139161

you probably can skate it fine if you wait til the weekend to skate. The only thing is that if you land a little wrong on that same ankle , it will hurt probably just as bad as it did before. This is what i deal with.
you probably should wait til your shit is fully healed. But if you're like me and are ok with "its good enough" then you're going to keep feeling it in your ankle

Anonymous No. 139163

Grades are like autism. It's just a scale with no real accuracy. Check out this vid -
Just come back when you feel comfy to. Ease into it. When you are compensating for a weak ankle you're more likely to hurt another joint.
I sprained my ankle bad (tore ligaments) and it stayed swelled for like 5 weeks.

Anonymous No. 139166

I'll wait until friday or saturday, sorry to hear that you have to deal with those ankle injuries.

Thanks anon , really insightful video

Anonymous No. 139170

snowskating is really fun bros.
i'm having fun

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Anonymous No. 139181

I wish I could skate without drinking
I wish I could chill without drinking
I wish I could do anything without drinking

Anonymous No. 139215

dumb noob question - when you ollie into a grind or stall or whatever, let's say 5050 for example, do you do exactly the same kind of motions you would if you were to just pop one on flat or going over something etc. or is it slightly different? I want to try to ollie into a 5050 or boardslide, but I feel like it's going to be impossible to land in a grind and keep my balance. Not sure if that's just a confidence thing or whether I just need to get better ollies or what.

Anonymous No. 139227

you do a regular ollie but you gotta also shift your shit to the ledge so you can get on and balance it out. Its not a super hard trick or anything. I would say you wouldn't even need big ollies down you just need to have very good control of the ollies you do have. If your ollies are fucked and uneven and your feet come off the board, work on those things first.

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Anonymous No. 139262

What wheels do you guys ride on real rough pavement on non cruiser boards? was looking at some bones atf filmers but worried theyd be too soft for tricks, but getting real sick of the shitty pavement around where i live.

Anonymous No. 139263

Where have you been? They made Bones Dragon wheels exactly for that.

Anonymous No. 139264

You pretty much do them like normal and anticipate the shift in weight with your upper body (so you lean a little bit forward for a grind or slide so that you do whip out backwards). That's assuming you land your usual ollies with equal pressure on either side and don't land too off centre.

Probably best to start off with little 5050 stalls onto curbs then work up to little grinds.

Anonymous No. 139293

>so that you *don't whip out backwards

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Anonymous No. 139301

just get some hi trucks or some risers if youre worried about wheel bite, can be a headache searching for specific measurements of trucks, especially with companies not being standardized in height with what high or low trucks even are.

Anonymous No. 139308

will i die putting two truck cup washers under the bushing?

Anonymous No. 139309

Why would you even do this?

Anonymous No. 139310

the bushings i got are too soft and tightening the nut didnt help

Anonymous No. 139311

Just get firmer bushings

Anonymous No. 139317

we skating tomorrow bros?

Anonymous No. 139320

Not me. Not tomorrow. Not ever again. I want to die. I'm about to cry.

Anonymous No. 139328

i feel for you ACLfag
that shit really sucks

Anonymous No. 139331

what's gifted hater up to these days? He still stirring up shit?

Anonymous No. 139350

fucking sick bro

i dont skate with pads because i dont know how to fall on them but i have more than enough speed and have accidentally slashed the pool coping but its pretty sketchy and it requires lots of speed and the moment of lightfootedness where the board is just doing its thing and you're just praying it comes back into transition i also got hung on back accidental disaster and ran it out but i have been spookinated since, tips?

Anonymous No. 139351

calm down satan how heavy are ya

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Anonymous No. 139357

he just gave esg this shoutout

Anonymous No. 139360

How many consecutive ollies can you do before getting winded? I feel like I am out of shape, I start coughing and hacking and my chest gets tight when I practice.

Anonymous No. 139361

you're half right. skateboarding needs to be gatekept from anyone trying to make money off of it - including skaters. skateboarding is a art, you do it because you love it, not for $$$

Anonymous No. 139388

Maybe 20-30?

Anonymous No. 139389

Need help, started skateboarding and I have trouble with always leaning forward or backward, never being able to stand straight without steering to one side. I try to stand properly on bolts but I think it's some balance issue associated with flat feet or something.

Anonymous No. 139397

Nigga itโ€™s a balance issue because you donโ€™t know how to balance. Tighten your core the next time youโ€™re riding around and adjust your shoulders properly

Anonymous No. 139399

Yes, or something

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Anonymous No. 139402

What's the name of this trick? It's going fakie up a mini and then turning 360 on the back truck

Anonymous No. 139412

The Super McZoogle 9000

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Anonymous No. 139413

thanks kind anon

Anonymous No. 139414

shitty gel wheels ftw

Anonymous No. 139415

Describe the trick more.

Anonymous No. 139416

you don't hold the stall you just get the back trucks on the coping and spin one rotation and drop back in

Anonymous No. 139419

You have any video examples of the trick?

Anonymous No. 139423

fakie frontside 5-0 stall but you spin right around 360 in one motion.
This is the closest I can find but instead of stopping to rock you keep going all the way around.

Anonymous No. 139430

Like while in a stall you're rotating 360, or is it more broken down like you go into it fakie, frontside 5-0 stall, rotate 180 backside into a backside 5-0 stall, then backside 180 again and land it switch?

Anonymous No. 139431

while in the stall you're rotating 360

Anonymous No. 139432

I would call it a fakie fs 360 5-0 stall, but I'm sure someone else would call it something else. Hell, if it were me personally I would just give it a silly nickname and call it a day. You able to do those? I want to see some footy of that.

Anonymous No. 139434

I haven't skated in a few years but yeah I could do that. I've got a new board coming and I want to learn it again. It wasn't hard, I sucked and I couldn't backside or blunt.

Anonymous No. 139435

Hell yeah, my dude. Can't wait to see it.

Anonymous No. 139445

Fakie 360 pivot.

Anonymous No. 139447

Definitely right but I can't find footage of it anywhere

Anonymous No. 139448

Just a pivot? But isn't the truck doing a stall on the coping?

Anonymous No. 139450

no retard your pivoting on the coping

Anonymous No. 139451

Jesus Christ, I'm sorry for trying to understand.

Anonymous No. 139453

I think you guys have hit your heads too many times

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Anonymous No. 139458

Hey, congrats on the win! Yeah, I think everyone here has had a little bit of some head slamming because of this falling business. I just want to see some skateplanking action, not fight. Have a good day, friend.

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Anonymous No. 139461

alright which one of you was this

Anonymous No. 139464

Mandatory viewing for beginners

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Anonymous No. 139465

Nicole niggas. It's happening.

Anonymous No. 139467

What a weird picture

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Anonymous No. 139489

oh my gosh

Anonymous No. 139491

She's sucking in her stomach not realizing that pudgy tummy's are the cutest how heartbreaking

Anonymous No. 139500

i wish my dreams of skateboarding were longer

Anonymous No. 139504

Yeah, I've only ever heard them called pivots when they're on the coping. I know it should technically be considered a different trick given you're using your trucks instead of your wheels, but there you go. 5-0s need to be held, pivots are one motion. Some people find them harder than 5-0s, but you can do them around the same time as learning any kind of truck stall or grind.

Fakie 360 is sick though.

Anonymous No. 139505

How was everyone's weekend? Got a couple small wins, skated with my pals, went to the jam at Hop King. My boomer might be showing, but I genuinely cannot believe how far skating has come in the last 15 years. People were consistently pulled out video-tier shit all night at the jam. Younger people don't know how fucking good they are.

Are any old skaters in awe like I am?

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Anonymous No. 139508

To avoid hang ups when you're learning to skate pool coping try doing grinds that are more of a long sweeping grind instead of an up and down pivot. And if you get to the point where you're getting on top of the coping then remember you have to lean way further back than you're used to so the weight is off your front truck and it doesn't catch. Also having bigger wheels like 56mm+ helps. Wearing pads and a helmet gives you confidence too, I wear them when trying new tricks although I think my style is better without them so I've been trying to go without them more often

Anonymous No. 139521

Dude wtf?? I guess you'd expect this in LA tho

Anonymous No. 139522

Yeah. Literal babies can skate now

Anonymous No. 139590

they literally have a mini and an airbag jump at my old school now lol. these kids are being trained for the olympics as soon as they can stand on a board. they're test tube babies

Anonymous No. 139601

Post the rest nigger.

Anonymous No. 139609

lol the rest of what?

Anonymous No. 139628

im 23 am i too old for skating?

Anonymous No. 139635

No, but be prepared to be humbled by how difficult skating can be

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Anonymous No. 139654

not my favourite graphic I've owned but I can still appreciate its whimsicality

Anonymous No. 139658

Having this board would instantly make me want to become the best and boardslides and lipslides, as well as any stall trick on tranny that includes the middle of my board. Just so I can scratch that ugly gay shit as fast as humanly possible.

Anonymous No. 139667

>flatground gods can only do tricks on fla-ACK!

Anonymous No. 139681

He's hitting ledges and rails now too:

I've seen him on the miniramp at Hop King to top it off. He's coming for you. He's only, what, 20 and has just now started skating California proper.

Anonymous No. 139778

did anyone else see this yesterday when it was a "do a kickflip" spoof?

Anonymous No. 139795

If you want to learn ukemi (falling safely) you should train Judo. It would help a lot.

Anonymous No. 139822

you can't ukemi your way out of a bad slam, animesister

Anonymous No. 139826

judo teaches how to fall by throwing your arm on a mat, and they still dont save you from newbs that will tard slam your head

Anonymous No. 139832

desu a lot of these tricks are 'easier' to do down something than on flat, casperflips especially.

Anonymous No. 139847

Anonymous No. 139866

Lol if someone has to take a separate sport just so they don't get owies from skateboarding, maybe they should stick to playing Tony Hawks on their ps

Anonymous No. 139883

Idiots that donโ€™t know proper ukemi. Probably BJJfags who are crying because they canโ€™t do takedowns or theyโ€™ll hurt themselves. Train Judo and youโ€™ll protect yourself from falling, if you still get hurt, train more Judo.

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Anonymous No. 139887

dropped in on vert last night
how 2 proper ukemi judobro

Anonymous No. 139889

Train Judo and ditch the gay board.

Anonymous No. 139901

I did jujutsu and taijutsu for years where the first degree of both was learning how to roll in every conceivable way. I can still do it automatically from standing.

Unfortunately, a skateboard is a moving object that's subject to different kinetic forces and your body is never in a martial arts stance in the moments where you're going to eat shit. You're also usually on a ramp or some other weird, non-dojo like surface, moving at speed, meaning trying to roll on it like it's a level mat will most likely lead to you doing something like shoulder tackling into the ramp. Rolling out of a bail is completely different to ukemi.

The main way to learn how to bail safely is to wear pads and make it an instinct to get low for landings, then just fall naturally into the bail either onto your pads, your thighs or your butt. That's all there really is to it.

Anonymous No. 139903

>dropped in on vert last night
Any tips? It seems completely fucked to me to go from a standing position to having my board 90 degrees, freefalling.

Anonymous No. 139904

>The main way to learn how to bail safely is to wear pads
If you're in a bowl sure. If you're not then you niggas are doing everything wrong.

Anonymous No. 139906

>The main way to learn how to bail safely is to wear pads
hahahaha fucking fagggot!!!! stop giving out bad advice!

Anonymous No. 139916

I am still waiting for the genius who can explain to me why learning with pads somehow makes you "bad" at it.

Anonymous No. 139934

no steeze = bad

Anonymous No. 139939

if you learn how to bail with pads, then you're opening the doors to being a full-time pad-fag. You can't do shit like knee slides or landing on your elbows without pads on.
If you're starting out with no pads , you're learning what you don't want to hit and adjusting yourself little by little so that you fall in ways that protect those parts the pads would protect, and learning to fall on spots that maybe hurt less or not at all.

Anonymous No. 139940

i forgot to add, that on top of that... when you're just learning - you aren't doing anything high impact enough that would really put any of those parts at risk anyways.
Learning flat ground ollies and poppie shovies aren't going to break your bones unless your a calcium deficient bitch

Anonymous No. 139942

You think you're going to knee slide on the street or what? You have no idea what you're talking about.
Just stop talking, be quiet for several days.

Anonymous No. 139944

the fags in these threads who started skating in their 20s should really not be giving out advice

Anonymous No. 139947

It takes one broken arm to learn to tuck your arms in and roll or slide.

Anonymous No. 139962

No you fucking don't. Knee sliding on street or doing the basic shit starting out is a dumb, impractical, unnatural way to fall because (unless you're somehow going super fast, which you're not) you'll come to a dead stop and flop forward. You likewise don't purposefully land on your elbows because, surprise, it still hurts. The pads are there for when you, as a beginner, DON'T bail properly and wind up slamming into the ground uncontrolled, so that you don't fuck yourself up more than normal.
And for the billionth time; it's not like you can't bail properly with pads on. I don't know why you faggots think that having pads on means you do professional wrestling elbow and knee drops when you fall over. You're still going to figure out/try to roll out of a fall on flat.

>muh steez
Motherfucker, beginners don't have steez. You look like shit starting out no matter what, and I'd even say you look like a poser trying to fake steez when you can barely push. A beginner with pads is something that wants to skate as much as physically possible.

Or, how about you wear elbow pads force your arms into a good position instead of breaking something and being forced to take weeks or months off?

Anonymous No. 139964

>guy that doesnt know what he's doing trying to give out advice
this general will always be doomed

Anonymous No. 139966

you are so fucking dumb dude just shut the fuck up, all you are doing is embarrassing yourself.

Anonymous No. 139969

>slamming into the ground uncontrolled, so that you don't fuck yourself up more than normal.
> breaking something and being forced to take weeks or months off
Yeah those sidewalks are really dangerous huh anon. Especially when those beginners fly down the driveway at supersonic speeds, those knee pads will come in handy. Don't want to get a scrape.

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Anonymous No. 139973


Anonymous No. 139975

quite possibly one of, if not the most damning webm of all time

Anonymous No. 139977

i know the guys not in pads but 90% of the dudes ive seen with a AA deck are fully decked out with pads and a helmet, sometimes even the wrist guards too, most are very new beginners, if they can skate they are awful and take way too long of turns in the bowl/tranny section just carving around maybe doing a rock to fakie. they also all have deck rails to the point youd think the board came with them. needless to say they are all 30+kooks who do not look like they should be skating.

Anonymous No. 139978

andybros we dont feel so good

Anonymous No. 139979

Wow, y'all suck. So what?

Anonymous No. 139983

Andy Anderson is the human version of a bag of Funyuns

Anonymous No. 139985

I think if you're just learning you should probably wear a helmet and maybe elbow pads but avoid knee pads because those are the ones that might make you form a habit of dropping to your knees when bailing. Don't start wearing them until you're trying to skate big transition and it's simply safer to kneeslide than run out of something. That's just my 2c as a guy who wears pads sometimes. I have definitely dropped to my knees for a kneeslide when I wasn't wearing pads and it sucks big time.

You simply just do it, it's the exact same motion as dropping in on any other quarterpipe but you have to be a little bit more forceful.

Anonymous No. 140001

nanda kook?

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Anonymous No. 140010

You're 100% right, but also a dumb shit for engaging with these mouth breathers with single digit IQs. They don't represent the majority and are probably just fucking with you.

Anonymous No. 140011

i thought they teach kids to buttslide instead of kneeslide these days

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Anonymous No. 140033

didn't there used to be a pastebin in the OP with tips for beginner boards etc? need that right now

Anonymous No. 140041

- 8 or 8.25 board size with a graphic that you like (get this from a local skateshop or an online skate store, don't go to walmart or whatever)
- Thunder or Indy trucks to match the board size you chose (they will have this information on the website for you usually).
- Spitfire classics 54mm 99A
- Any standard hardware for the trucks, don't think about it too hard
- Whatever griptape, usually Mob or Jessup
- some decent skate shoes on sale from a local shop or online store
- A skate tool to set the board up (optional)

You can't go wrong with this as a standard beginner set up and it should cost you in the region of 150-200 dollary doos/ GBP/Euros/whatever with some room to account for conversion rates.

Anonymous No. 140050

I still am a form believer that if you're going to give advice here, especially when you're so adamant about your thing, you should post something so we know how experienced you are and if your tips hold weight.
It seems though that the 4 or so guys who have posted clips tend to be more chill than the ones who sperg out and reply to every comment that contradicts them. I'm not sure if that means something, but it's just an observation

Anonymous No. 140052

Not everyone here is still stuck on learning how to roll on the sidewalk. It is something you don't even think about, you don't need tips about this, it is second nature. When posters talking about wearing full pads to roll down the street it is an alien concept.

The people who started skating yesterday and the posters that have been doing this for several years can not relate to each other anymore. These threads are a mess, because some posters are too grumpy with the newer skaters, but the new posters are so incredulous and inexperienced that they believe they need a serious guidebook on doing literally everything.

Anonymous No. 140056

this is what helped me
especially staying lower on the board & grabbing the nose during the drop.
desu i think bailing on vert feels a lot more forgiving than what i'm used to on like a 6 or 7 foot ramp. you have so much more time to react and i think the actual transition is mellower too.
it's because newfags do shit like this
that makes them think that you're constantly gonna eat shit rolling down the street and not just that having your board half on concrete/ half on grass in the most awkward position imaginable is gonna make you fall like a retard.

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Anonymous No. 140058

>tries to ollie or shuv or whatever
>lands feet together, rigid like so >>139973
>board slips out and they slam into the concrete with the force of a sledgehammer
>probably tries to catch themselves with straight arms because they've never fallen like that before
>sprains/breaks wrists, whacks elbow, whips their head, fumbles to their knees, idk
>has to take an extended break from skating
>has pads on, injuries reduced, back on their board sooner

Aside from hogging the bowl, what's the problem? If some suck ass kook wants to be a suck ass kook, let em. What, are you afraid you won't look as cool standing next to them or something?

Look, I'm just saying that if you want to wear pads because you don't want to risk injuring yourself while you learn how to bail, fucking wear them and stop listening to teenagers who think you don't look "steezy" enough. Anything to get you back on your board sooner rather than later. If you can't be bothered, fine that's your choice, but as a beginner you already look like a dork pads or not.
These days I pretty much only wear one elbow pad because I broke the joint before, and then a helmet in bowls where I might whip out, but the first few months starting out I took more injuries than I had to because I didn't wear them and it slowed my progress. So I got some, got used to bailing properly, saved myself from some potentially worse falls in the process, and it was all good.

Anonymous No. 140091

watching you flail around trying to argue with everyone is hilarious.

Anonymous No. 140098

Knee pads aren't going to help some hick in his dirt road from falling on his back
You are still trying to keep this argument up for no reason. Now you're just making shit up. Whacks his elbows AND whips their head?

Anonymous No. 140103

all the tranny skaters in here who couldn't make it at street skating are so funny. they really think getting fully padded up and learning how to knee slide is going to same someone from rolling his ankle trying to learn how to 50/50 a curb lmao.

Anonymous No. 140104

its just the guy who only posts his not-smith grinds at his local over and over bending over backwards to defend his use of pads which isnt neccessary cause being padded in a bowl is like the best scenario for pads. i doubt he's ever tried to 50/50 anything.

Anonymous No. 140107

My takeaway of bones bushings on Indy's is squirrelly tricks and harder manuals. I'm back to the stock bushings.
I'm the broken arm fag. I think learning this skill to fall (without pads) has translated across to other aspects in life and saved me many potentially worse problems outside of skateboarding. I see your point of precaution but there are other perspectives that make me not regret taking the hits I did. Maybe with pads it's the same, just the road I took.

Anonymous No. 140111

you're going to scrape your knee anon be careful! you'll need to take an EXTENDED break from skating if this happens

Anonymous No. 140112

Obsessed. I actually posted a photo skating with no pads earlier in the thread. I'm not the guy you're arguing with

Anonymous No. 140113

>get new trucks
>holes on the baseplate are misaligned
do you think i could ask them to send a new baseplate?
gonna have to start doing kneeslides out of my slappies

Anonymous No. 140114

What bones bushings did you try? Mediums with indys are too squirrelly for me but the hards feel great. I feel like the hards let me skate faster too.

Anonymous No. 140116

Anonymous No. 140117

This vid is so sick. I wish i could rock n roll like the gonz. And that vert ramp looks so dero

Anonymous No. 140124

Mediums from an old pair of trucks so were already well broken in. I think I'll just stick with stock for now, I've been changing up too much.
Next is my board..

Anonymous No. 140135

This was sick.

Anonymous No. 140150

that half pipe burnt down

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this is who is ca....png

Anonymous No. 140162

who fucking cares who wears pads or not lmao. you cunts are all so cringe. if some kid feels better wearing full pads while trying ollies in his driveway then who gives a fuck. none of this shit affects you

Anonymous No. 140182

>none of this shit affects you
this argument is only used by kooks who are always misunderstanding the point.

Anonymous No. 140197

This nerd is still going on about pads.

Anonymous No. 140200

What would you like us to talk about?

Anonymous No. 140202

lol whats the point you dumb gook?

Anonymous No. 140203

I think everyone should have all their limbs covered with pads, shin guards, and bubble wrap, and wear shoes with metatarsal guards. Bonus points if they're in armor.

Anonymous No. 140204

How can I tell how much concave a board has when buying online? I don't have a shop near me and my madness has decided I can't skate mellow concaves.
Only sensible position ITT

Anonymous No. 140207

>How can I tell how much concave a board has when buying online?
It's a bit hard to tell, if you want to focus your autism, you can go through several skateshop websites to see if they have good pictures of the actual deck from the top and the sides.

Anonymous No. 140209

I will probably do. I was reading about wood shops and mold differences. Apparently some companies press several boards at once and the top always has more concave than bottom. One brand numbers them 1-4, depending on their position but can't remember who.

Anonymous No. 140210

if you wanna be "skateboarding is about having fun who cares what people think" then go skate.
once you start spouting stupid opinions like your knowledgeable or come online to talk about skating your no longer just skating for fun and your subject to criticism.

Anonymous No. 140212

also the discussion is about if a beginner who is just learning to push around and ollie and shit needs pads and the answer to that question is no. nobody really gives a shit if they wanna wear pads, you pad fags just make this personal for some reason.

Anonymous No. 140221

lmao i'm not one even participating in the pads argument. engaging in this stupid 'should beginners wear pads or not' shit as an experienced skater is so fucken gay. let beginners figure that shit out themselves, we're not here to hold their hand

dumb fucken gook faggot get your meth teeth fixed asap

Anonymous No. 140230

i found a jp shop that does a pretty good job of actually showing concave

for smaller brands you can usually get a good idea of what the decks will be shaped like simply by knowing the templates of the woodshop they use
padfags are incredibly insecure. i still hold the opinion that the reason vert died and superpipe became one of the most popular extreme sports in the world is because skateboard pads look incredibly gay

Anonymous No. 140231

Interesting, thanks. I went pretty autismo earlier then just decided to go skate. Two boards I have are near identical in dimensions but skate really different. I don't get it. Might try find them and post here.

Anonymous No. 140241

yeah dude your definitely an "experienced skater" i totally believe that.

Anonymous No. 140262

Skating with pads is cool

Skating without pads is cool

Anonymous No. 140265

Skating with pads is not cool.

Anonymous No. 140290

Ultimately the argument isn't about how cool you are. It's if falling with pads helps you learn to fall without pads.
Which it doesn't

Anonymous No. 140291

nah bro the argument is about if pads are cool or not and as an experienced skater I gotta say that nobody should care what anybody thinks about anything because pads are cool and if you think they arent then you must be chinese.

Anonymous No. 140293

As for coolness, that's all faggot opinion shit who cares.

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Anonymous No. 140295

any actual solid online skate shop will have all of the board dimensions listed, and you can figure out the concave just by reading the info. unironically go check SLAP if you're having problems

in general, FA/Hockey off the top of my head have really steep noses/tails if that's what you're looking for, but they're very squared off. if you're used to something like a baker shape you're going to have a rough transition.

you also have to factor in that companies like DLX are pressing multiple stacks of boards at a time, so despite having two decks with the same exact dimensions, you could have one from the top of the press and one from the bottom, the bottom deck obviously being flatter in concave compared to the stack on the top. DLX boards have a roman numeral engraving on the top plys if you want to see where your deck was at during pressing, might be why your two decks feel so off.

Anonymous No. 140300

if you're an actual skater why would you give a fuck what some noob does? seriously. keep coping you dumb bobblehead gook

Anonymous No. 140302

post a clip bro

Anonymous No. 140309

what is going on here

Anonymous No. 140313

post another edit for the gram you faggot

Anonymous No. 140317

>board dimensions listed, and you can figure out the concave just by reading the info.

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Anonymous No. 140323

The one posted earlier was good. Here are two boards that dimensions are very close but ride very different.
I think 1.5mm different concave but obviously they're quite different visually.

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Chad Muska.jpg

Anonymous No. 140334

>he doesnt have any clips

Anonymous No. 140339

>park advocator
>wears a helmet
>can bs smith the 14 fter ez

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krkd wr.webm

Anonymous No. 140367

Anyone got any experience with Krooked boards? Was thinking about trying one. Also what's the /esg/ opinion on Krooked as a team? It's important as you are known for having very relevant opinions on all things skate related.

Anonymous No. 140373

I personally don't but as we all know the most important feature of a board is unironically and literally the graphic, so if they have a cool one I will buy it. As long as their team members are not overly political SJW virtue signaling cucks, otherwise I can't give them money. As for their graphics, they're almost skater doodle tier, so it's tough for me to consider one. The type of graphics someone from reddit would be drooling over. Their skate videos are cool though.

Anonymous No. 140379

Dan Corrigan fixed his teeth by the way. Big news.

Anonymous No. 140380

the gonz is a legend and they just got tom knox so thats sick. idk if its still this way but i always thought of them as a "my first skateboard" or a "this is all they had at the shop" company.

Anonymous No. 140381

the only krooked board i've tried was a 7.75 that i'm pretty sure was just a generic bbs shape. it was okay but i never really liked the pop tbqh.
the one ben degros was riding looked pretty good though

>Krooked as a team?
cancer dan is pretty cool

Anonymous No. 140384

Wasn't that element and blind?

Anonymous No. 140408

i can fill in his gimmick he left now by focusing 40% the camera on my bad teeth

Anonymous No. 140429

id say element definitely falls into that category hard

Anonymous No. 140430

still can't skate good :(

Anonymous No. 140439

this general is so dead lol

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Anonymous No. 140446

i have never seen a thotboarder in real

t. flyover

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Anonymous No. 140448

Anonymous No. 140453

Goddamn wipeout ref out of nowhere. I do see it though

Anonymous No. 140454

trannybros this bitch is better than us

Anonymous No. 140465

>they just got tom knox so thats sick
This is mostly why I was interested, but his pro deck only comes in 8.5 and I'm an 8.25 basic bitch so won't be getting it. Don't really want another of their 8.25 models because I pretty much agree with
>As for their graphics, they're almost skater doodle tier, so it's tough for me to consider one
Most if not all of them are uninspired and the main 'eyes' logo falls into that category as well. Fuck em.

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Anonymous No. 140472

i ride the basic bowl skater board

Anonymous No. 140474

it's march and everyone already blew their load going for soty. i can post more snowskate autism if you want anon.

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Anonymous No. 140476

never expected a 9.5 would be so easy to flip.
the big ski feels really fucking good on vert

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Anonymous No. 140485

>tfw my career is over and I never had a chance to skate the grey anti hero logo deck
>I was just about to get one literally before IT happened

Anonymous No. 140492


are there any other good ways to buy from locals online instead of jewish warehouse merchants?

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Anonymous No. 140495

You'll have to go through each skate shop website. I suppose you could make a list of your favorites, maybe branch out from the ones in your general area, then go from there. There is currently a site called thedrop, but it's kind of shitty.
Those Parade guys would take a cut from every sale, sneaky little shits.

I turned into a cat mechanic as well.

Anonymous No. 140503

What are some good skate shoes to absorb vibrations from shitty road conditions if you wanna longboard for a longer distance?

Anonymous No. 140507

New thred

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sa driver.jpg

Anonymous No. 141202

And I'm sure you ride cool graphics like Real stamp logo boards