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🧵 /esg/ eternal skateboarding general

Anonymous No. 140506

411 edition

Trick Tip: The best way to practice falling is to throw a bunch of banana peels on the floor, blindfold yourself and walk around the room. Whatever you do when you fall there, do the same thing on a skateboard.
Skatepark Etiquette: Don't bring sunflower seeds to the fucking skatepark

Anonymous No. 140508

the Curren Caples part is really good

Do you guys think that if I buy a Fabi board she'll give me a kiss?

Anonymous No. 140509

Curren Caples is lame. If you buy a Fabi board you automatically get negative karma towards any future potential kiss situations. You're indirectly robbing yourself out of kisses.

Anonymous No. 140559

Wake up you dodgy cunts

Anonymous No. 140560

But it's like 5:30 AM and I'm about to go to bed.

Anonymous No. 140562

gonna try and learn backside airs tonight

Anonymous No. 140564

Fabiana is a big time lesbo dawg

Anonymous No. 140567

i can fix her

Anonymous No. 140569

Hey guys I just started skating. I want to get some pads so I don't hurt myself while I'm learning. What brand do you guys recommend? Also is it viewed as uncool to wear pads and helmet? If so, why?

Anonymous No. 140571

Yeah, people might look at you weird if you wear a helmet and pads but if you don't care about that then just do it. It's better to save yourself the concussion. If you're learning on flatground I wouldn't worry about pads and I would just get a helmet, maybe wear shinguards and some thick pants to protect your shins.

Anonymous No. 140572

i think a helmet looks uncool for me to wear but only because im fat and everything i wear looks uncool by default

Anonymous No. 140575


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Anonymous No. 140585

This bait is lame as fuck. Anyway, you don't need pads. Look at this webm, this guy did not dieded despite the fall.

Anonymous No. 140588

I'm 28, is it too late for me to start skating

Anonymous No. 140591

age isn't an issue, but your retardation is

Anonymous No. 140594

Good thing I'm not retarded

Anonymous No. 140606

I was skating last night at the skatepark and this chick started skating this massive bowl with no helmet. She tried to grind the coping but slipped out and hit the back of her head on the concrete. It was fucked up. Unironically she should have been wearing a helmet at least if she wanted to skate a bowl that big.

Anonymous No. 140608

shut the fuck up faggot bitch, this is some trash bait

Anonymous No. 140610

Ouch. I hope the gal is doing alright.

Anonymous No. 140614

did she die?
If not, then who cares? she didn't need a helmet after all

Anonymous No. 140616

earthrockers of /esg/... it will be all right, we're definitely back!

Anonymous No. 140617

wtf are you talking about? Bam sits around a skatepark all day with groupies and is a loser af

Anonymous No. 140620

She took like 5 minutes to get up and went home after that.

The cumulative effects of concussions can fuck with you in ways you wouldn't even realize. Ever looked at Duane Peter's Instagram? He's like that because of CTE. It can literally change your personality getting hit in the head too many times.

Just please skatebros, wear a helmet any time you put your foot on the board. One bad fall could literally ruin your life.

Anonymous No. 140621

>He's like that because of CTE
yeah i'm sure all of that drug use has nothing to do with it

Anonymous No. 140624

if i hit my head enough will the tranny thoughts go away?

Anonymous No. 140625

No anon they're going to get even WORSE!
Also smoking crack isn't doing anyone favors. A lot of pros are huge drug fiends.

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Anonymous No. 140626

Robbie McKinley fucking died

Anonymous No. 140629

Opinions on mini logo blanks? What about tactics blanks?

Anonymous No. 140630

mini logo blanks are just alright, if you're tight on cash then they're a decent option.
HOWEVER tactics blanks are from bbs, the big reputability wood shop so those are a great deal.

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Anonymous No. 140631

i'm going to go skate
without a helmet

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Anonymous No. 140634


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Anonymous No. 140637

I'm going to Japan for 2 weeks later this year. Any ideas what skate related shit should I check out (beyond the Osaka Dagger's spot and shop)?

Anonymous No. 140640


Anonymous No. 140656

Buy a copy of Lenz 3 because in the US it is impossible to find

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Anonymous No. 140660

Already have it mang.

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Anonymous No. 140663


Anonymous No. 140689

for the past few months, this dude has been giving me weird vibes at my local. when he skates around me I feel like he's trying to mock me by doing tricks I'm working on that I've never seen him do before... I'm not saying he's not allowed to do the tricks but I know for a fact it's just not the way he skates cause I see him all the time. He does the same shit every day, but I can't fathom that someone his age (a grown man) could be so lame and I looking too much into this, or are people actually this whack? he makes me want to stop skating and leave. but that's the pussy way out, to let him bully me out of the park, but his presence fucks up the atmosphere. what do?

Anonymous No. 140692

>or are people actually this whack
Yes they are. Especially at skateparks. In this case the best thing to do is ignore him entirely.This is why some guys avoid skateparks at all costs lmao.

Not long ago some nutjob was skating literally in front of me, trying the exact thing I was doing. And I would skate over to the other side of the park, and he would follow me and then do the same. I switched to three different obstacles and each time he would follow me and skate practically on my heels. This phenomenon is not uncommon anon. Don't let weirdos harsh your aura dood.

Anonymous No. 140693

A similar thing happened to me with some kid whom I ended up befriending later on and I think he was awkwardly trying to skate with me, that happens sometimes but I can tell this other guy is being a dick. he doesn't follow me around thank god, but i can sense the passive bullshit he does, for attention which is kind of sad... i don't get it man.

Anonymous No. 140695

people definitely can be that wack in skateboarding, unfortunately. just ignore him. probably has some unresolved emotional issues.

Anonymous No. 140699

>I can't fathom that someone his age (a grown man) could be so lame and petty
this is just typical park rat douchebag behavior, doesnt matter the age these guys come in all shapes and sizes. like the other poster said this is why some people will avoid parks (like me). dont be a bitch and leave, just keep ignoring him. if its really pissing you off and you feel like being confrontational just snake him or "accidentally" let your board drift into his line a couple times. i know it sounds petty but this is legitimately jockish bully behavior and he will keep doing it because he sees you as weak. if you get into a confrontation and you hold your ground he will back off and pick a new target, dudes who do passive aggressive shit like this arent trying to get into a fist fight theyre just trying to flex. also try talking to anyone else at the park and see if they get a similiar vibe from him and they might back you up. other than that the only thing you can do is skate a different park or go at a different time when hes not there.

Anonymous No. 140704

I guess it depends on how they're doing it exactly, but I kinda like when I'm trying a new move and someone who has it on lock does a couple after looking at me. Helps me figure the trick out. Plus it's often better than someone trying to verbally explain what to do.

But yeah, not if they're the kind of person who doesn't say hello or even make eye contact with you.

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Anonymous No. 140706

I am lucky to get too focussed on what I'm doing for this to happen to me. Even if people are trying, I usually won't see them. It's just me and whatever obstacle/trick and everything else is out of focus. It has happened on the odd occaison, but nothing as regular as that. Have you tried talking to him? It might be a good way to test his intentions, even if you just compliment his trick or something, the way he responds will give something away.

Anonymous No. 140707

Anyone else constantly go back to using their soft wheels? I keep trying to switch to hard a-cuts but I've gotten to used to the high amount of speed I pick up using my large contact patch longboard wheels. orangatang 65mm 83a i think
the wheels catch on rails but with pool coping its fine, and once you get used to the board bouncing back when it impacts the ground its alright. I do wish i could powerslide without it having to be wet outside but i still consider it pretty scary and just opt to razor tail the shit out of my board if i need to brake

main reason i ask is because despite googling i have yet to find a pro skater that does anything with soft/longboard wheels even if its just strictly transition skating

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Anonymous No. 140708

4got image

Anonymous No. 140709

thinking about it more now, i mostly use my board as transportation so it makes sense that i would hate using hard wheels for street but even on a park it just takes so much more energy in a push to get going if the wheels are hard

there's gotta be someone i can look to for sick transition skating with soft wheels, or actually transition skating with a cruiser or longboard would be cool to see too

Anonymous No. 140714

>But yeah, not if they're the kind of person who doesn't say hello or even make eye contact with you.
oddly enough they use to say sup to me last summer but now they don’t but I’ve always tried to interact with them as little as possible. He’s cool with everyone else at the park so maybe I’m just looking into it too much and only notice when he does it to me

Anonymous No. 140722

Will a bike helmet be sufficient for learning to do a kickflip? I'll probably be practicing on the grass but I just want to be safe

Anonymous No. 140725

bruh shut the fuck up

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Anonymous No. 140733


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Anonymous No. 140734

Anonymous No. 140771

You've got nothing to protect, mouth-breather, so wearing a helmet for you would be like covering a broken bottle in bubble wrap to protect it from breaking.

Anonymous No. 140778

aboutta buy tom knox krooked board

Anonymous No. 140779

i think i gnared my steeze

Anonymous No. 140781

if you've ever wanted a snowskate the house is doing a closing sale rn and you can get one for 50-60 usd. they don't have any good skateboard shit left though


Anonymous No. 140782

Just got vibed the fuck out by some teen bitch at the skatepark.

Anonymous No. 140783

fuck id be so hard

Anonymous No. 140784

>Just please skatebros, wear a helmet any time you put your foot on the board. One bad fall could literally ruin your life.
I was going to get mad then I realised you probably wear a helmet doing daily activities. Skate on, retard bro!

Anonymous No. 140785

needs correction

Anonymous No. 140787

I know a guy this happened to back in the day so he tagged up the entire park calling the bully a faggot. The bully stopped showing up not long after.
So maybe buy some spray paint?

Anonymous No. 140788


Anonymous No. 140805

i hate graffiti, think it looks atrocious and makes parks look trashy. It's the worst thing you can do in a park. also, this would not work, he would probably think it's funny

Anonymous No. 140817

next time hes vibing you just ask if what he just tried was switch. how fucking new are you guys?

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Anonymous No. 140823

I'm new, what does this imply? That it looked bad so you thought it was switch?

Anonymous No. 140848

I think it's just heshers and old school vert dudes that use them. I was watching some Masher videos recently and a lot of those guys will use soft wheels.

They're not for me personally because of the powerslide thing you mentioned. I hate come to a dead stop when I under rotate a trick because I can't do a cheeky slide to get the last bit around.

Anonymous No. 140849

Was it suicide? They never say the word exactly, but they made it sound like that on Nine Club.

Any time a skater dies and no one says what the cause was, I normally assume it's an overdose, intentional or not.

Anonymous No. 140855

Tactics blanks are pretty good imo.

Anonymous No. 140865

>not wearing a cup when you skate

Anonymous No. 140880

Yeh on these new parks with slick concrete it's just dangerous. Older ones it made the ghetto concrete smoother.

Anonymous No. 140883

>it's just dangerous.
grow some balls bitch

Anonymous No. 140888

uhh.. i mean.. makes it really slippery which is hella hesh and gnarly and fucking sick yeah dude rock and roll fuck bitches skate or die fucking GO HARD CUNTS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Anonymous No. 140889

There are so many shops that sell bbs shop boards online for like $50. Break free skateshop in oakland and cal skate both have them. Much better than a mini logo blank imo

Anonymous No. 140890

He probably just had a random heart attack out of nowhere

Anonymous No. 140891

It implies that the trick he did would only be impressive if it was switch, which it wasn't, so it will be awkward for him.

>dude does kickflip on flat
>you: damn was that switch?!
>him: no
>you: oh.. okay nevermind

Anonymous No. 140894

>i hate graffiti, think it looks atrocious and makes parks look trashy
hahahaha imagine being a skateboarder and hating graffiti. you could not be more of a faggot. its a good thing youre being bullied

Anonymous No. 140895

I don't hate graffiti but I do hate when they use oil based paint and it makes the skatepark super slippery and sketchy.

Anonymous No. 140913

I love when a park, especially a bowl, has some cool mural-y type shit painted on it. Aside from just looking cool, it gives you lots of hand reference points when you're learning stuff.

But yeah, not at the price of traction. I ate major shit before because there was one piece done with thick, plasticy paint and there was some SLIGHT condensation on the bowl. The rest of it was totally fine to skate, but that patch was like standing on a banana peel.

Anonymous No. 140922


Anonymous No. 140958

it looks like SHIT

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Anonymous No. 140960

tfw open park

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Anonymous No. 140961

I really hope Robbie Mckinley didn't overdose

Anonymous No. 140967

This looks like some dirtyass city like Baltimore.

Anonymous No. 140976

it's dirty but it ain't baltimore
a homeless woman once hucked dirt and rocks at kids in the park and then flashed her tits and ran off when confronted about it

Anonymous No. 140979

She sounds kind of cool desu, I would smoke weed with her on the quarter pipe

Anonymous No. 140980

Soletech is having april fools day sale, free shoes with a shirt(etnies/es) or accessory(emerica). The shirts are $70 but it applies to any shoe so it's decent if you like any of their more expensive shoes.

Anonymous No. 140987

Grow some balls and get sum bitch. Skate or die.

Anonymous No. 140993

Very American story.

Anonymous No. 140999

they were some sad titties
very much so

Anonymous No. 141015

I just ordered some chucks on sale and I have wide feet, they aren't going to fit, are they..

Anonymous No. 141022

prolly a dumb question, but T tool or Y tool? and are the cheap plastic ones even worth it?

Anonymous No. 141027


Matt Bentley No. 141031

get one with a ratchet

I have this, it rules

Anonymous No. 141034


Anonymous No. 141052

need a helmet. any preferred brands?

Anonymous No. 141058


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Anonymous No. 141078

Yuto is posting cheeseburgers on insta again.

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carpincho at peace.jpg

Anonymous No. 141094

>mfw the first sunny, dry weekend in months and I got to spend it in the park with my bros

Triple 8 Sweatsaver.

Anonymous No. 141109

depends on what you mean by "wide feet"
i liked my chucks but they weren't the skate ones and felt pretty snug

Anonymous No. 141134

I dunno, pretty wide I think. I read they run large so I sized up by getting my normal size.

I'll be sure to let everyone know how it goes when they arrive!

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Anonymous No. 141140

people seem to have sizing issues with pro-tec helmets, and i dont have anywhere i can try in person sadly

>Triple 8 Sweatsaver
found one and bought it. hope it's good. got the certified one.

Anonymous No. 141141

I'm in Seattle for a bit. What's some skate related shit to do to avoid the rampant leftardation?

Anonymous No. 141150

leticia took the bogpill

Anonymous No. 141179

she been bogged up for a minute

no no get one witha truck rethreader!

Anonymous No. 141183

i've never had to rethread my axle bolts in my life. is this something that happens to some people regularly?

Anonymous No. 141186

happened to me probably no more than 4 times in 20 years cause i ride 8.5 trucks on a 8.3 board. i actually have encountered someone else who had fucked threads and let them use the rethreader. its kinda an invaluable tool. if your threads or a friends threads get fucked your gonna be glad you have it.

Anonymous No. 141224

Very rarely, but I do like to keep the axle nuts completely flush. Having the tool just in case is a good idea.

Anonymous No. 141238

true, rethreaders are definitely sick when you do need them. i've just never personally needed one. maybe if you land primo a lot or something it'd be good to have

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Anonymous No. 141239

I bought these discounted online, I want to learn how to kickflip on a 8" board. Well, 8 and 8.125. Really steep tail on the creature, really flat tail on the quasi, indys and Mindy's. I'm going to set both of them up.

Anonymous No. 141241

Creature is fucking based and my favorite.

Anonymous No. 141247

Good choice. I had a Protec and, while it fit fine, one day the glue holding the hard shell to the foam inner just outright separated. I never took a really hard slam with it and never threw it around or anything. The Sweatsaver comes with different padding inserts so you can go up/down a size. Feels more sturdy too.

Happened to me, but it's only the very tip of the bolt that needs to be worked. It actually wrecked the plastic on a nut before too when I tried to get it back on after a clean, meaning I had to replace that shit.

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Anonymous No. 141248

Looks like this one sat around the shop a while lol

Anonymous No. 141262

What time do you guys usually skate? There's a school near my local skatepark and it gets filled up with kids on scooters after 3pm.

Anonymous No. 141263

just after sunset is my favorite time to skate, when there is no light in my eyes at the skatepark.

Anonymous No. 141279

How to clean/maintain Bronson raws?

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Anonymous No. 141280

is it worth going from a spitfire radical to tablet?
i like the idea of being able to have a smaller wheel / lighter weight on my board while still having a similar wide riding surface.
unsure if its worth the price of upgrading though cause my radicals will last for a while longer.

Anonymous No. 141283

what does bogged mean

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Anonymous No. 141284

referring to the bogdanoff twins who got a bunch of gross exaggerated surgeries. bogged is synonymous with bad plastic surgery jobs now.

Anonymous No. 141285

simple green purple degreaser and teflon dry bike lube. also,
>buying meme bearings

Anonymous No. 141287

gecufasz xdddddddddddddddddddddddd

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Anonymous No. 141291

how has lenz iii not been ripped yet

Anonymous No. 141292

I always thought he was stiff

Hey, what is up with Steezus and Gifted?

Anonymous No. 141303

nobody rips skate videos lol

Anonymous No. 141306

i rolled through wet grass once and they basically stopped spinning. not worth it if you skate anything but skateparks imo

Anonymous No. 141335

vert is really fun bros.
i feel like a fucking retard for skating nothing but rails and ledges for 20 years.

Anonymous No. 141376

Because I don't have a drive. About half of it is on Youtube for free anyway.

I also want Shunpei to make some money off the thing because it took fucking ages.

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Anonymous No. 141378

Where do you guys look when you get into a 5050? I struggle to reliably get my weight out because I have this annoying fucking habit of keeping my upper body way back into the ramp and doing short slashy ones that I can't hold more often than not. I think it's because I'm looking at my front foot/nose.

Anonymous No. 141381

I don’t want to watch the clips I want to watch it continuously as intended.
I wanna give him money for it too but I can’t. It’s barely available in America let alone Australia.

Anonymous No. 141385

I think he'll make it available for download eventually. He's still hosting screenings for it, so I imagine it'll be available later this year. I was honestly surprised they had it here in the UK. Wish I knew someone heading to Australia so I could send you a copy.

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Anonymous No. 141391

They are Japanese gangsters.

Anonymous No. 141393

also speaking of Japan, youtube out of nowhere recommending this really cool part, it barely has any views
they have really interesting spots

Anonymous No. 141394

Appreciate the thought homie. Hoping it gets put on some kind of streaming service. Even Apple TV, I brought Blessed for like $20 off that.

Anonymous No. 141395

Vert like actual vert as in a vert ramp? Or just transition in general?

Anonymous No. 141397

It's probably not where you're looking that is an issue, you just have to be more on top. Also the best tip for backside 50-50s in transition is to learn to get that correct pinch that will allow you to hold it for a long time - the coping should be against your heel-side wheel on your back truck and against your toe-side wheel on your front truck.

Anonymous No. 141400

hey bros odd question how do i drop into bigger vert like walls, this obstacle is obviously meant to be carved up and provide that "loose board feeling" that those steep vert walls provide but dropping into it I can only imagine to be deathly do you just brace for that moment you do catch tranny and just squat right on time or what

Anonymous No. 141403

speaking of meme bearings are ceramics a meme, i got some over reds and they do feel better but... that's just because they're new bearings right? other than be rust resistant and lighter im not going any faster? is the quality control on 60$ bearings better than 14$?

Anonymous No. 141406

ceramics ain't a joke, they'll last a lifetime when compared to reds and raws.

Anonymous No. 141409

If you take care of those they will last for years

Anonymous No. 141410
skatesisters we owned the chuds today

Anonymous No. 141416


Anonymous No. 141417

hahahahaha what a fucking nerd

Anonymous No. 141431

Damn, this is a really good find, thanks, anon. His backside air video also has some really nice tips about pumping on larger ramps and maintaining speed that finally made me understand what I've been doing wrong.

Anonymous No. 141439

Damn this is awesome. I've seen similar break downs for surfing but never skating.

Anonymous No. 141444

ceramics are excellent, you can tell that there is less friction compared to steel ball bearings, especially on manuals

Anonymous No. 141474

longer version

Anonymous No. 141475

I love how Japanese street skaters have manged to make old school boneless-y type tricks techy as fuck. They're always super precise and compact where they'd normally look all flaily and shite.

Anonymous No. 141479

Go back

Anonymous No. 141480

you have a problem with what happened in that vid?

Anonymous No. 141481

The super precise and compact style of Japanese skaters really puts me off them. They all have the exact same style. Japanese efficiency. Occasionally one will try throw in fake steeze but under it all you can still spot the imperialism.

Anonymous No. 141482

I couldn't care less about what happened.
I think you left v right obsessed mutts need to understand the rest of the world doesn't care about your retard race.
We are coming up on 6 years of you idiots shitting up every online space possible to cry about Trump.
You're here in less than a minute ready to fight to defend your blue team. Fuck off.

Anonymous No. 141484

shut the fuck up little gooklet

Anonymous No. 141504

you guys know the song california girls by katy perry?
yeah, it's actually spelled gurls officially
what the fuck

Anonymous No. 141509

i dont care if you like trump i think hes funny but if your dressing up like that and acting like that as a grown man then your a dork and deserve to be bullied
your the one making it political when its simply being cool vs being a kook. you know this is the skateboarding general right?

Anonymous No. 141512

>being cool
>throwing your skateboard under someone's bike

you are a lame little zoomer gook

Anonymous No. 141513

im none of those things but i can definitely skate better than you can

Anonymous No. 141516

go do another no comply faggot you are shit

Anonymous No. 141517

i bet you wear vans

Anonymous No. 141519

i wear your moms sideways pussy on my cock like a glove

Anonymous No. 141523

impossible for you to keep it skate related huh?

Anonymous No. 141546

where do you think a good amount of deck art comes from.
skate and graff culture go hand in hand

Anonymous No. 141547

Superior Nippon skating has been folded 1000 times. They look the same because it's perfection and can cut through pig dog Western skating.

Anonymous No. 141557

i think everyone just has a problem with paint making the ramps slick. skateparks are also home to the shittiest graffiti in the world. a bad wu tang outline, ACAB, and some shit filler that you slide on just looks retarded

Anonymous No. 141566

why exactly do they go hand in hand, my little gooklet?

Anonymous No. 141568

Wait what

Anonymous No. 141569

Don't forget the little kids that spray painted dicks everywhere and that one guy that painted a cat face on the quarter pipe lmao

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scooty tooty.webm

Anonymous No. 141589

>>being cool
>>throwing your skateboard under someone's bike
Tripping people with your board is always hilarious and based.

Anonymous No. 141592

>an anon that knows how to properly make webms


Anonymous No. 141604

I didn't make that one, but I can make webms. It's not exactly hard.

Will take requests. I'm editing a video atm so a quick cut and export shouldn't take me long.

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Anonymous No. 141605

Hey anons, Primitive is still doing that 3 boards for $90 deal if you need to stock up

Anonymous No. 141617

Can't mix and match like with Crail, oh well...

Anonymous No. 141618

>420 legalize it!
>giant weed leaf
>fuck "local shop/park rat/brand"

dude how old are you lol, how long you been skating for?

Anonymous No. 141621

Fuck you then.

Anonymous No. 141631

are muscle guns a meme or do they work?ijust wanna learn backideairs before the season is over bros

Anonymous No. 141643

what are muscle guns?

I've done a couple of small backside airs (like inches off the concrete) and it's pretty much just grabbing your nose and turning and eventually the board comes off the concrete if you try hard enough

Anonymous No. 141659

holy shit i hate ween

Anonymous No. 141680

There's so many parks, Green Lake was my favorite. Judkins is cool if you like transition, Delridge is pretty awesome too

Anonymous No. 141688


Anonymous No. 141704

Skate trip this weekend bros. im gonna be hitting all the hot spots and doing the coooolest tricks. Whos down?

Anonymous No. 141705

Make sure to land a heelflip for the loving memory of my dead soul. If you don't you will suffer my curse.

Anonymous No. 141719

Nothing is up. Gifted made a video about how he is a tallentless nobody. Everyone agreed. We move on.

Anonymous No. 141731

I always wondered where Steezus came from, but he went hard on him. I'm suspecting Gifted has a massive ego problem. Remember when dumb data offered a collab and Gifted went on a rant about him?

Anonymous No. 141738

Yeh maybe harsh but steezus put himself out there for it. Worst thing he can do now is react to it (idk if he has). I couldn't really care less about all the drama, and dumb data is some reddit nerd. Can he even skate?

Anonymous No. 141750

I had a really shit week at work. I finally had a chance to skate today and the board slipped out, my legs flew up and I landed flat on my back and knocked the wind out of myself. Honestly I felt a lot better after- like it was cathartic or something. Does anybody else enjoy slams?

Anonymous No. 141752

i feel like once you slam you loosen up a lot unless it's a session ender. clipping on a 15 does not feel good

Anonymous No. 141777

damn my nigga you're really asking the pavement for punishment so you can feel on the outside how you feel on the inside thats pretty fucking hardcore

Anonymous No. 141778

this video fucking rules

Anonymous No. 141802

yeah i gotta dumb joke where i tell people i could throw myself down a flight a stairs and get the same enjoyment from that as i do skateboarding. its kinda like how spicy food works where its like painful but it also releases the feel good chemicals in your brain at the same time.

Anonymous No. 141804

Spicy food isnt painful you retard

Anonymous No. 141805

it's kind of a bad mentality maybe but i never feel like i skated hard enough if i didn't slam

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Anonymous No. 141806

I got my converses, and they fit! idk if I will be able to handle the length on these toes, but they look kind of cool.

Anonymous No. 141807

hurr durr
same and if i dont slam every once in a while my skating gets worse, i take less risks, you gotta fall hard every once in a while to remind yourself its not that bad and keep your endurance up, the first slam after a while of not having any is so shitty.

Anonymous No. 141824

Will you also wear a little beanie, get some tattoos, a plain white t shirt and tuck it into your straight leg pants?

Anonymous No. 141826

Why are skate and bmx threads always targeted for trolling?

Anonymous No. 141827

because everyone who skates or bikes is retarded

Anonymous No. 141838

I wanted tattoos when I was younger but then I found out about what happened to your lymph nodes :\

Anonymous No. 141849

>I'm suspecting Gifted has a massive ego problem
I could honestly go on and on about this. he realizes a lot of things but he honestly lacks a lot of self awareness, or maybe it's just his inner actual nerd getting in the way. but you can tell he is an actual sensitive faggot

Anonymous No. 141854

there's a better than 50% chance that he ends up like idubbz in 2 years

Anonymous No. 141858

considering they kinda look the same genetically.. that makes me sad. :(

Anonymous No. 141860

hello /xs/ and /esg/ I'm a casual skater just stopping in to remind everyone that "Professor" Schmidt is a corny old fat loser who has never skated and although his companies make some of the best boards there are other options available and he has a bit of a stranglehold on a large portion of the industry and I am looking forward to his death as I feel it will be genuinely good for skateboarding to get this close-minded troll out of the way no I will not punctuate I'm so tired of seeing this loser's beer gut on every content-dry skate tuber's thumbnails FUCK

Anonymous No. 141875

He's one of those guys who's extremely self conscious but tries to mask it all with layers of irony and the odd bit of self deprecation. It comes out whenever he talks about clothes. He's one of those skaters that utterly lack a punk "I'll do what I want fuck everyone else" attitude, will sometimes criticise the most non important shit with other skaters, but in reality is highly self conscious of himself doing the same.

I think he'll just have a meltdown some down where it gets out of hand and he starts a fight with someone online.

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Anonymous No. 141880

Who's idubz?


I really don't know whether he can skate or not. But Gifted also exploded really bitterly when he asked for a collab. And it's not like Gifted is taking a stance against commercialisation; he did early on about ekiN, and it's true what he says about contests, but at the same time is he the voice that goes against the grain? Is there a voice like Consolidated today?

Anonymous No. 141883

I try to square my shoulders and engage my heels more. Most of the time I fuck up bs 50s because im too heavy on my toes

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Anonymous No. 141884

My local is turning into a daycare for kids

>go Saturday, mid day nice weather etc
>all kids who are 5 and under riding those 3 wheel scooters
>little kids throwing toys down the transition
>kids just running around like it’s a jungle gym
>dumbass parents sitting on the ledge I skate and putting their water bottles on it.

Gonna bite the bullet and just build my own mini ramp. Hopefully lumber prices aren’t retarded

Anonymous No. 141894

i really wish skateparks would start to call these people out, especially sense so many are right next to actual playgrounds. the bmx jumps here have a bunch of signs telling people not to be retards and play on the ramps

Anonymous No. 141898

Does it have lights? This is why i mostly skate at night after 7pm

Anonymous No. 141905

>i really wish skateparks would start to call these people out
there used to be a edgy drunk park rat telling these people to fuck off but skateboarding has gotten softer and softer and skaters are becoming normies that are afraid of confrontation

Anonymous No. 141949

No lights. Kind of why I want to build a mini ramp I can setup some floodlights and I know my neighbors wouldn’t give a fuck.

Anonymous No. 141955

This. Become the problem that keeps normals away

Anonymous No. 141956

Lipslide all their bottles and shit off the ledge like you're in THPS.

Anonymous No. 141959

>I really don't know whether he can skate or not.
That's the thing; he fucking rips. He's on the techy side, but he can skate a variety of weird obstacles. But he's weirdly understated about it because, idk, he doesn't seem to want to put himself out there like that and invite the kind of criticism he slings at other people back at him.

He's also a furry, so you could just end any argument that way.

Anonymous No. 141966

Checking if banned

Anonymous No. 141967

kek nice
I don't like dumbdata for many reasons. His attack on nine club did lots of damage I think. Got the sjw riled up and we ended up with faggots like marble on and those guys doing some weird forced personalities. Data is a clout chaser. Same with batb. No one would know him otherwise. I don't think he is a gifted fan, just saw another way to expose himself more. And I don't think it does gifted any favour to associate with him. Compared to say a core skate channel like Ben degros. Even the Ricky Glaser video made sense because at the end of the day he's a nice guy who skates, not overly corny etc.
My two cents on all this but ffs I try not to even pay attention kek

I may be wrong but I thought there was a connection between fancy lads and consolidated?

Anonymous No. 141968

I hate how unfriendly people are in the california skate scene. Not everyone of course but definitely a lot of people, especially anyone who is good or 'core'. It feels like some dumb high school shit.

Anonymous No. 141969

That could be almost anyone who decides to turn a camera on themself and hit record. At the end of the day we are all just assholes with shit opinions that probably don't need to be heard. Some have the good graces to put them here instead of on YouTube.

Anonymous No. 141974

I see. Well apparently you pay more attention than me.
Fancy Lad rocks. Consolidated is no more, unfortunately.

Anonymous No. 141979

i haven't seen another human at a skatepark in over a decade lmoa

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Anonymous No. 142037

I can’t tell if he actually is a furry, or if he follows this thread & just throws the furry shit in his vids specifically to troll

Anonymous No. 142040

Agreed. Well I don't want him to die desu that seems a bit over the top

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Anonymous No. 142042

Check my deathwish tattoo from like 2011. Anyone else got hairy feet it kinda sucks

Anonymous No. 142050

thats kind of amazing to be honest

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Yiffted Hater.jpg

Anonymous No. 142053

100% slipped up when he did this video, then started trying to hide it with irony.

Also, just realised Lenz II was online in full if anyone hasn't seen it before:

Anonymous No. 142054

>His attack on nine club
What was that? The one where he pointed out how low their views were?

Anonymous No. 142060

1800nipples definitely browses this place and it's where he first started shilling his channel to begin with. That doesn't mean he's our guy or anything though.

Anonymous No. 142065

>it's where he first started shilling his channel to begin with.

I don't remember that. I remember we all thought how radical (not "fresh", not "cool") his approach is. He took a stance on ekin, but he kind of seems like he wants to distance himself equally from differing or controversial opinions because he is afraid he is motivating to hatred. He more than once said that death threats aren't cool, and he is right.
I like that he speaks his mind and this is what people like about him: his channel came when we were seriously considering limits to speaking our mind because the states told us that it could be harmful, that we could be dealing out MISINFORMATION.
By the way, I don't recall dumbdata's nine club episode, but that can't be what made him unpopular, if he even is unpopular, because gifted hater had a very poignant stance on Nine Club.
My only bafflement comes from the all-out attack on Steezus. Combined with the claim of dumbdata, that he proposed a collab to gifted and when GH denied he made a little jab at him and then GH lashed out, it makes me consider that GH could have a narcisisstic side, but again, this is an accusation, among many, that is hurled against people who speak their own mind.

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Anonymous No. 142067

forgot pic

Anonymous No. 142068

it was already a long standing joke when that video came out

Anonymous No. 142081

I think gifted gets a pass because he can skate. That's a bit of a pre-requisite when it comes to offering your opinion on skating imo. You have to be able to back up your words with skating. Dumb data never did so, but came in with critical takes of people who have paid their dues. It lacked respect and self awareness.

Anonymous No. 142093

Lmao. I probably would have gotten a similar tattoo around that time if I had had access to a tattoo gun.

Anonymous No. 142097

I watched the Steezus clip and, idk, he mostly just read and reacted to his insanely narcissistic biography. And it did make me wonder who the fuck he even was to think he was justified in writing all that. There are many many more legendary skaters out there and none of them would write that shit.

I think GiftedHater said it himself, but it's less about how skilled or talented of a skater you are and more about how much you skate. Armchair skate criticism is cancer, you need to at least TRY.

Anonymous No. 142101

Steezus is cool, people are just hopping on the hate train. Experience got cancelled cause brands pay to put riders in the actual nine club. Too many people on experience too eat off donations and views.

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Anonymous No. 142102

I fucked up my knee pretty bad, and being stuck in the house drove me a bit stir crazy, so I decided to just kind of go check out the local park and see if anyone was doing anything cool or not. just kind of vicariously living through other people. If someone was doing some shit like back tails, I'd try and spark up some conversation telling him his style looks nice, can he take it to fakie, has he tried any variations etc. just making friendly conversation. almost everyone I tried talking to looked at me like I was an absolute retard for even ATTEMPTING to try and speak to someone who possesses some sort of above average skill level on a board. it was honestly fucked up and kind of soured me on the scene out here. I always skated with a crew when I was younger, and got pretty comfortable skating by myself with headphones on in the later years, so I never really interacted with other dudes at the park outside of head nods and the occasional quick in the ear out the other small talk, but it's crazy how many people out here seem downright hostile if you even attempt to talk to them.

Anonymous No. 142107

>chatting up randos at the skate park
i feel like that kind of thing would go over better with the bowl boomers desu. dad crews always seemed to have at least one dude who was lkind of a pile and basically there to shittalk and manage the 6 pack.
never forget that 'park culture' is just perennial 14 year old culture, try not to take any of it too personally. [spoiler]skier culture is way more cancerous[/spoiler]

i understand the madness though. when my ankle was fucked i got to a point where i'd go on drives at night just to stare at rails.

Anonymous No. 142108

I'm glad someone else gets it. You go and skate in other states and people are just so much more friendlier. 'Hostile' is unfortunately a pretty good way to describe the way most of these guys act.

Anonymous No. 142109

What is so bad about ski/snowboard culture? I've heard multiple people say this but I've never experienced it myself

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Anonymous No. 142112

>Lipslide all their bottles and shit off the ledge like you're in THPS.
I was gonna say you should definitely ride the line of safety next to them because they're accepting the risk, it's the same as playing in the road. Do flyouts and grind the coping next to them and fly past their kids at high speeds until the parents realize that they are the ones putting them in danger, not you.
Or just yell at them and say MOVE YOUR FUCKING KID BEFORE I RUN HIM OVER and use the type of racist language that would prevent them from coming back
fuck I hate stupid niggers just kill them fuck

Anonymous No. 142118

pay homeless people to shoot up around the park

Anonymous No. 142120

The problem isn’t that. I shoo them away and do tricks literally next to them as they sit down the problem is that there’s so many fucking kids there. The parents get scared and leave but these kid just don’t have the fear of god in them.

One scooter kid leaves/gets bodied and 4 more take their place with even stupider contraptions to ride on. it just becomes a numbers game at a certain point. And no I can’t recruit druggies this is in a more middle class neighborhood, the cops would show up in 2 seconds and shut shit down.

I’ll still skate there but it’s like why commute almost 20 minutes to deal with that? I have lumber skills I’d rather just make a ramp and pound some beers with my insane neighbors in the comfort of my own backyard

Anonymous No. 142127

>I’ll still skate there but it’s like why commute almost 20 minutes to deal with that?
Yeah that's shit mate sorry to hear. My local park is 20 mins up the hill but I ride my road board to get there and as long as I go at sunrise/before 2pm (highschool) or 3pm (middle school) there isn't anyone ever there unless they took their job off for the day to skate.
Weekends however, there is always the same group of 17to23 year olds drinking and skating before midnight, so I usually stop by around 1am and pickup the trash and often the boards/parts they leave. Several decks, trucks, broken decks with trucks and random bearings etc on the floor nearly every week. I've tried to interact with them before but they're the types where if they see you do something cool in the bowl alone they'll start to try and ride in front of your line just to bring the attention back to themselves cause they don't like it when their drunk slut is paying attention to someone else

Idk what im getting at, but as shitty as these fucks are they do have their upside. Free gear

Anonymous No. 142144

I was just sitting here doing nothing and all of a sudden a memory from my childhood suddenly comes up into my mind for no reason at all. I was skating street on some marble monument type thing. I slip out and my board fucking shoots forward with the speed of a formula car. This woman just walking has zero reaction to my board flying towards her ankles. I'm lying there on the ground just looking at the nose of my board collide with her fibula head on. She almost cried it hit her so hard. I wouldn't be surprised if her bone cracked for real. I still feel bad.

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father jack Im so....gif

Anonymous No. 142157

Some Irish street skating. Surprised anyone can find so many skatable spots in Dublin:

Didn't hit them hard, but I did this a few weeks ago outside London Bridge station. The ground was BARELY wet, but whatever grime and shit rests there turned patches of it into an ice sheet. I made the gentlest turn imaginable, slipped out in what felt like slow motion and clipped someone in the ankle with the side of my deck. They were totally cool about it though, didn't seem hurt. It was the weirdest fall I've ever had.

Anonymous No. 142166

>They were totally cool about it though

When I hear London and this happening I imagine someone pulling out a shank and running at you while shouting offensive slang you don't know the meaning of.

Anonymous No. 142170

YES i skate in crowded areas
YES i blast music through my speakers while doing so
NO im not going to swerve out of your way (you have to move)

Anonymous No. 142179

As there are overrated skaters: Matt Hensley, Eric Dressen, Gino Ianucci

By the way, latest GH video was on point my dude.

Anonymous No. 142182

I will always HIT you off the board you fucking RETARD

Anonymous No. 142185

Also run at pedestrians at full speed

Anonymous No. 142194

London is a big city, the knife thing is over stated. It's also contained to the shithole boroughs you don't want to go to in the first place.

Anonymous No. 142201

I don't know London is like only 20% white.

Anonymous No. 142205

Who's the most technical skateboarder I could be watching on youtube right now? Especially in regards to flip tricks.

Anonymous No. 142206

>go to local (it's scooter night)
>progressing in pool
>flying around the deep end backside
>this little brazilian chimp on a scooter is knocking the middle of his deck against the deep end pool coping
>dont get hazed by it continue bs carve and go up the waterfall
>my boy is grinning from ear to ear
>into a square pocket and come back around to the waterfall into deep end of pool
>rocking intensifies as if he was going to drop in at the apex of the carve as i hit the tiling for the first time in the twelve foot
>continue carve, pop out
>my boy was like "shouldve sent the board into him or bodied him"

little fuck never even skated the pool the rest of the time i was at the park, what the fuck is with that

Anonymous No. 142209

Whenever people get too close to the coping at my local when i'm skating the pool i usually just slash super aggressively where they're standing and they get the point

Anonymous No. 142211

William Spencer

Anonymous No. 142222
whys aaron kyro now using homeless people for free content labour

Anonymous No. 142228

i'm struggling to think of a simple way to explain this but basically imagine if you have a whole industry dedicated to taking the toddlers of rich people and turning them into greg lutzka and for like every genuine breakthrough savant you have hundreds of midshit park rats who are feeling themselves way too hard because they can cork 7 and none of them have or will ever grind a street rail lmao. also they are all wiggers for some reason.
pretty much if you think you are getting 'cool guyed' by the powell flow kid imagine 30 of that kid who have never learned any trick outside of a foam pit.

Anonymous No. 142229

he got fucking robbed on ninja warrior

Anonymous No. 142233


Anonymous No. 142250

Fuck me, he is doing all my tricks. Didn't realise I was a literal bum skater.

Anonymous No. 142328
sick part filmed around the north area my city.

Anonymous No. 142335

I was gonna randomly guess Baltimore, but that's Canada? Also what's up with a lot of skaters releasing videos through jenkem and not trasher? I wonder if that's just how it is or if some are not fucking with thrasher anymore.

Anonymous No. 142336

oh wow... i wonder if this will be more brittle and prone to break? If it's moisture controlled but not heat/light controlled environment... I've got like 10 extra lightly used decks left over from my shape autism phase. Maybe I'll sprinkle them around spots for kids instead of just hoarding them like I've been doing...

Anonymous No. 142337

idk but free skate mag usually fulfills my skate media fix unless there's something specific people are talking about that's only on thrasher. They're just too cringe for me it's and it's about the style not the size to me like I skate in nike no problem but wouldn't be caught dead wearing vans I'm sure I'm not alone in that philosophy

Anonymous No. 142341

Yeah vans is the cringiest shoe. On par with cariuma. I've been shitting on vans for a decade probably.

Anonymous No. 142357

a while back I was doing shove-it variations and some kid said "nice tre". I can't tre flip so i just said "thanks" and kept skating but then some other kid started watching me and giving me a dirty look. He knew I untruthed the other kid and I was deeply embarrassed.

Anonymous No. 142366

Sometimes when i go out and skate street i get this weird thing where i feel dizzy and lightheaded and then my heart starts beating real fast and i feel like im having a panic attack. Fuck man i should just stick to transition. idk why it happens from skating street only.

Anonymous No. 142369

Does anyone know where this video is from?

Anonymous No. 142379

you need to wake up
you're in a coma
you were hit by a car while riding your skateboard outside of the house
please wake up

Anonymous No. 142392

I was gonna reply to the dude calling him a bitch but then I got bitched out by this post myself. Posts like these really bother me. What if it's literally real?

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Anonymous No. 142395

The blue of this board background signifies the blue curtains drawn around your bed in the hospital. The posts here are a mix between your own subconcious and your friends and family who come and visit you every day and have various conversations with and around you, hoping that today will be the day you wake up. The pictures are a mix between people in the room a the time and things your friends and family show you on thier phones. Wake up, anon.

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Anonymous No. 142399

>in the room a the time

Your typo ruined it and I am no longer bothered.

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Anonymous No. 142400

I'm also using the Halloween theme still. Imagine seeing blue or orange on your 4chan in 2023.

Anonymous No. 142403

That's part of the brain damage from the accident, anon. You will never raed properly ever agian.

Anonymous No. 142419

What if we are all in anon's dream?

Anonymous No. 142420

>anon's dream?

More like nightmare. Do your daily heeflip for me...

Anonymous No. 142460

Beyond width, what is the deciding factor for you in buying a new deck?

Anonymous No. 142464

concave & length.
i've learned that width matters far less than i used to think desu. if you can tre on a 7.75 you can tre on a 9.5 but a longer board feels way more stable for grinds & mannys and just like going fast in general

Anonymous No. 142465

Which boardshop it came from. Has to be BBS for me

Anonymous No. 142466

Have you got that list of what companies use what boards by any chance?

Anonymous No. 142467


Anonymous No. 142475

The mostimportant thing on a deck is the graphic.

Anonymous No. 142484

when you drop in are you supposed to put your front foot on the nails or below it??

Anonymous No. 142486


Nigga we call them bolts. But yeah just put your front foot in the general area of your front bolts, whatever feels comfortable.

Anonymous No. 142487

I unironically fell for the symmetric meme and now I hate skating a normal deck. It's just so convenient and I haven't had any issues with specific tricks which is the only downside I've read about from other people.

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Anonymous No. 142511

Love width and wheelbase, love squared ends and symmetrical, wheel wells and grip grooves are cool too.. 6/8 holes instead of 4 for rkp trucks so I don't have to drill em myself. Longboard wheels for life. Bushings are probably my favorite thing to change out, extra big cup plates with dual barrel bushings and clamp them as much as possible so that you can only kick-turn

Anonymous No. 142512

It's whatever your normal comfortable riding position is. If you need to visually practice, a decent exercise is to cover the first 2 bolts with your shoe, so when you look at the board you can only see the top 2 bolts, that's generally a good area to have your front foot.

Anonymous No. 142513

i unironically hope more brands jump on the wheel wells trend.

Anonymous No. 142523

you don't skate

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Anonymous No. 142530

>whatever the fuck this longboard faggot is talking about
this place is regressing

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Anonymous No. 142548

Rowan's new shoe is floating around on insta

Anonymous No. 142556

what do you guys think of dwindle r7 boards vs BBS? I bought a tactics deck I haven't skated yet, but I will say the dwindle feels lighter and snappier compared to my mini logo, which is kind of thick and heavy. that's all I skated as a kid so I thought all boards were like that. my dwindle board is a globe (45 bucks vs 70) with steep concave and steep kicks.

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Anonymous No. 142560

>show up at DIY
>already paranoid and anxious because I'm high
>guy skating near me thinks I'm a girl and starts flirting with me
>immediately leave without saying anything so he doesn't hear my voice

Anonymous No. 142561

I'm currently riding on a Resin 7. it took forever to even get its first pressure cracks. The pop is still good on it and i've had it for 3 months so far and i only skate saturday & sometimes sunday so you can convert that to how much time you do skateboarding.
but it has lasted me longer than previous boards.
But i also lost some weight so that might be a factor too.

Anonymous No. 142562

Lmao looks like shit.

Anonymous No. 142563

this didn't happen you troon, people don't just randomly start flirting with people anymore

Anonymous No. 142566

you are what's wrong in with skateboarding anon. Just because he likes a different style of riding or works on a different set of tricks doesn't mean you have to be an asshole. I'm not saying you can't call out cringe behavior but you're just being a gatekeeping dbag

Anonymous No. 142573

you're my gf now
every vans shoe looks the same and yet also worse than every other vans shoe at the same time

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Anonymous No. 142575

I'm straight but objectively ugly and I gotta admit the few times a gay dude has flirted with me it was a bit of an ego booster. Like it was awkward and uncomfortable of course but I guess oddly reassuring. It makes me wonder if some people do rainbow activities just for the acceptance.

Anonymous No. 142580

do you get weird fiberglass splinters when you touch it? My longboard is resin and bamboo (loaded dervish samba) and it feels like you touched one of those fuzzy cactus

Anonymous No. 142593

>you're my gf now
back OFF shes mine

Anonymous No. 142595

That is probably due to bamboo fibers, not resin

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Anonymous No. 142599

why do I have to post a collage of all my skate shit to prove to a gay random online something, eat my dick nigger. I've probably got more skate miles on street alone than you do total
here's another board I enjoy, seethe harder

Anonymous No. 142606

is this a multilayered joke about transition

basically if you see a dude on rollerblades you already know

its not a crime to be gay but if im like bro leave me alone thats the end of it

Anonymous No. 142613

If any of the socal fellas want to skate i'm going to go to Moorpark skatepark tomorrow morning. I think it's fairly close to the valley

t. Ventura anon

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Anonymous No. 142640

>you are what's wrong in with skateboarding anon
jesus christ shut the fuck up. if you dont like it stop skating.

Anonymous No. 142655

Why's rollerblading not on the same level in popularity as skateboarding?


Anonymous No. 142663

you're literally contributing nothing to the conversation about skateboarding while insulting people who are so if anyone should shut the fuck up here it's you

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Anonymous No. 142672

so fucking sensitive. probably raised by a single mother. go hit the pavement bud.

Anonymous No. 142673

Shut up redditor faggot.

Post a clip.

Anonymous No. 142678

if i prefer to skate 8.38 but can only find 8.25 or 8.5 what would be closest and most similar to 8.38?

Anonymous No. 142683

I'm not going to Moorpark anymore, might go there tomorrow though

Anonymous No. 142684

Zoomers can't into basic fractions lmao

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this is the same ....png

Anonymous No. 142689

>can't get tech on rails or ledges without looking like you're having a seizure
>grabs all look the same
>attracts weird jocks who vibe everyone else at the skatepark

desu the main reason is that skiing is just rollerblading but cooler and it's extremely popular

Anonymous No. 142694

I want to pick up a cheap board setup to learn

whats ''wrong'' with these, IE why so cheap/reduced?

Anonymous No. 142697

what size is your foot bro 7.75 is small

Anonymous No. 142702

not bad for the price tbqh. the wheels/bearings & trucks might not be the best but you can upgrad them as you go along. deck is probably chink plywood but that's honestly fine for a beginner because you're gonna suck at first no matter what you're riding.

Anonymous No. 142703

uk size 9

sound, cheers lad

Anonymous No. 142704

im also a fat bastard too, get a bigger size board?

Anonymous No. 142705

It would help. It's comfy to have more room for your feet.

Anonymous No. 142711

the one with a closer wheelbase and length to your old board, and/or the one with more similar concave, kick profile, and taper. Last and least relevant, you can measure your old 8.38 because sizing can easily be off by the few mm difference between 8.38 and 8.25/8.5, but width is not that important.

Anonymous No. 142714


i think >>142711 is right

for dingleberry what the fuck do these numbers even tell me
8.25 - 98.44% or 0.13 diff in width
8.50 - 98.58% or 0.12 diff in width

Anonymous No. 142737

8.25 = 8 and a quarter
8.38 = 8 and 3/8s
8.5 = 8 and a half

simple as that bruv
maybe if you zoomers had to do some real hammer swingin' work you wouldn't be so perplexed by basic fractions but you probably just wanna listen to the airpods and play tik tok all day like a fagget

Anonymous No. 142744

Not a good day for zoomers

Anonymous No. 142746

this >>142711 but for the 'in between' sizes most companies just shave down width from the larger size so 9/10 times the 8.5 is going to feel way more familiar because it's probably using the other measurements you're used to

Anonymous No. 142754

I have an 8.25, 14.25, 31 inch BBS board and a 8.38, 14.25, 31 inch dwindle board and they feel a world apart. Even side by side they look so different.

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Anonymous No. 142761

Why does BBS have to use such fat plies, it makes me so angry

Anonymous No. 142771

what companies have mellow concave and kicks?

Anonymous No. 142774

Toy Machine, but desu concave preferences are really tricky when buying online. is their a shop you could visit to see all the decks in person?
some guys at my local will grab like 20 boards from the wall and eyeball all of them to see which one they like the most.

Anonymous No. 142777

this is the best site i've found for judging kicks & concave

Anonymous No. 142778


Anonymous No. 142782

whoa thats awesome
very nice anon thanks

Anonymous No. 142786

Nothing. Steezus is corny

Anonymous No. 142803

baker og concave

Anonymous No. 142813

Bought a new helmet today

Anonymous No. 142818

anyone ever tried scumco boards?
i heard their concave is pretty steep but i can't find good pics anywhere

Anonymous No. 142824

They used to use a mold which was fantastically steep when they were using the Pennwsood woodshop for boards a while back. They have switched over to using regular old BBS more recently. I'd put those concaves in the medium range

Anonymous No. 142848

Bowlfag here. How do i get the board to stay under my feet when doing a tre flip? I actually think i could land one because i can get the board to flip, only problem is that it shoots out way infront of me and i can only keep my front foot on

Anonymous No. 142853

Stay above your board then land on it when it's done flipping.

Anonymous No. 142856

just scoop, front foot, jump, and land. then take it down some stairs.

Anonymous No. 142867

its literally all in the scoop

Anonymous No. 142873

can someone else make the new thread please so i don't have to scroll so much i've already made 2 of them i don't want to hog thumbnail rights

Anonymous No. 142874


do your 3 shuvs and impossibles stay underfoot? then your scoop is right, just use more toe and maybe experiment with different flick angles. if those shoot out too then you just need to work on your scoop first.

Anonymous No. 142877

I can't do them for shit, but I asked Jamie Griffin before and he said that when you focus on the back foot/scoop more and sort of add a little bit of backwards pull to the motion, it should keep it under you and make it so you don't have to kickflip with the front foot as hard.

Anonymous No. 142879

>do your 3 shuvs and impossibles stay underfoot? then your scoop is right
Impossible and 360 shove it’s use entirely different “scooping” techniques dude, not very fair to group them together like that

Anonymous No. 142881



🗑️ Anonymous No. 142888

>your 3 shuvs and impossibles
I can't do either of those tricks lmao. I'm surprised i can even get the board to do a tre flip consistently.

Anonymous No. 143107

Deer Man??? The fuck???

Anonymous No. 143441

Don't listen to this retard, you're already in hell.

Anonymous No. 143443

I don't like the cold, tho.

Anonymous No. 143558

It's been a couple of days, but I still can't believe my local skateshop did a collab with Spitfire

Anonymous No. 143804

post your setup

globe 8.25
thunder 148
ricta 52s
bronson g2

Anonymous No. 144088

Toy machine 8.25 (i think)
Tensor trucks
Bones wheels 52mm
Bones reds