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🧵 /esg/ eternal skateboarding general

Anonymous No. 142880

previously on /esg/ >>140506

Skateboarding animals edition:

Skatepark Etiquette: Don't leave banana peels on the floor

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This is Skateboar....jpg

Anonymous No. 142882

Also did you guys see the new Worble video? It was cool

Anonymous No. 142884

video literally shows the difference but i've had too many retards ask me how to tre when they ignored learning to scoop any other trick first

🗑️ Anonymous No. 142889

There was a nigger at the skatepark today. That's right, you heard me, a nigger

Anonymous No. 142897

my feet hurt just looking at this.

Anonymous No. 142901

Got to see it last December at a Cobra Man gig, which was very easily the best gig I've ever been to. This bit of Dave Mull's section is my favourite:

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Anonymous No. 142907

is the lenz iii blu ray region locked? i want to get it imported to aus but i dont wanna risk high import fees on something i cant even watch.
cannot believe this shit is non existent on the internet.

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Anonymous No. 142909
Limited to 250 prints of each, I don't know how these didn't sell out instantly. I'd get one if I wasn't a poor faggot but I figured someone here doesn't know about this yet and I'd wager you're only gonna have a chance for so long.

Anonymous No. 142911

I used to see poppy skating the bowl at my old local when she was waist high. Cool to see her in there with a good crew.
Best skate full length since their last one.

Anonymous No. 142943

Those arent real skateboards , nobody wants that shit

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Anonymous No. 142954


Anonymous No. 142962


What type of sheep is the best skatboarder?

Anonymous No. 142966

>went over to friend's new place whom I haven't seen in a while
>see a tech deck
>yo cool a tech deck
>grab it and check the graphic
>illegal civ doodle graphic
>lmao bro you have an IC tech deck hahah
>yeah bro you know IC? they're so cool!

Y-yeah haha IC is so cool b-bro l-lol.

Anonymous No. 142968

my brother brought me a couple of those cause i used to be a huge ic fan.
every time i look at them i get mad that mikey single-handedly destroyed the entire company. ic2 is one my my favorite skate vids. stopped being a fan after ic3 was an entire "skate vid" of mikey bragging about his celebrity connections. at least godspeed was decent but thats because it barely resembles ic.
i really hope someone puts a bullet in the company and puts it out of its misery.

Anonymous No. 142969

How old are you bro?

Anonymous No. 142970


Anonymous No. 142972


Anonymous No. 142977

why? i doubt anyone young is getting into ic. their legacy is already destroyed.

Anonymous No. 142980

Pretty sure it's not going off the specs on the back being in Japanese and looking up the serial number that runs on my PAL PS4 brings up Japanese sites.

Anonymous No. 142988

thats kind of amazing, good work anon

Anonymous No. 143013

yo bet you can't identify this sk8r grill

Anonymous No. 143014

Is it bad if I go and spin my wheel and it goes around maybe twice?

Anonymous No. 143019

A Boarder Leister

Anonymous No. 143021

how does it sound while it spins?

Anonymous No. 143023

If it has decent name brand bearings, clean and oil them
If it’s a shitty cheap complete throw it out and get a new setup

Anonymous No. 143029

Theres no squeaking. Just the rear ones are sludgy I think. The front ones actually roll and sound decent.
I think they're decent because they're on independent trucks and some really worn spitfire wheels. I put grease on the axel itself thinking thatd do anything. Then penetrating oil on the bearings with the wheel still attached because they were stuck then soaked them in water. Its good to know I can go in there more and clean them.

Anonymous No. 143037

>soaked them in water

Anonymous No. 143044

is he chomping a whole pack of bologna and butter stick?

Anonymous No. 143052

You need to clean them before you oil them. There’s tutorials on youtube but the gist of it is you remove the shields and slosh them around in some rubbing alcohol. Then you dry them on a paper towel and put a few drops of oil in each one. You can use gun oil if you don’t have bearing oil.

Anonymous No. 143053

Tried skating for the first time in 10+ years and I've forgotten how to ollie, feels bad man.

Anonymous No. 143055

>fell off board four days ago
>right heel hurts like shit
>two days go by and it still hurts but I go skating again cause momma didn't raise no bitch
>hurts bad but still skate for an hour
>two days pass and it's worse
This is just a sprain right? How long till it's gone if I stop skating?

Anonymous No. 143064

Congratulations you have a heel bruise, it's worse because you didn't stay off your board, it seems momma raised someone to be a little slow

Anonymous No. 143065

The struggle to recover from minor shit that lingers is real.

Anonymous No. 143072

>it seems momma raised someone to be a little slow
I started skating because of Jackass, I never claimed any different

Anonymous No. 143074


Anonymous No. 143086

I never learned to skate and I don't intend to.

Anonymous No. 143091

Then why are you posting in this thread

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Anonymous No. 143096

I started skating in 2021 for the first time ever at 29 years old. Made some decent progress, could ollie up some shit, had fs 180s mostly down, shuvs, pop shuvs. Last year I was excited to get back after it after the winter, and shattered my fucking ankle in May, like a month and a half after my 30th birthday. Had to get surgery on it and now have plates & pins in both sides of my ankle. Didn't get to skate at all because of it.

Went back out for a quick sesh yesterday and holy shit I am so fucking bad. It feels so scary even just cruising around. I feel like I'm worse off than when I started. Square negative one. Getting a few decent ollies was a struggle.

I guess I'm mostly just kind of bitching and shouting into the void here. Any other old skaters come back from an injury like that and get comfortable on a board again?

Anonymous No. 143097

damn that sucks, bro. how did you shatter it? I'm lucky to have never had anything like that happen.

just take baby steps and gradually build confidence. you won't feel comfortable until the muscle memory comes back.

does your ankle have the same mobility pre-injury?

Anonymous No. 143099

Why do so many boomers here get exploding ankles?

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T ankle AP L.png

Anonymous No. 143101

Skateboarding. Really sucked, becauase I wasn't even doing anything cool or interesting.

Mobility is reduced for sure. Not sure if it's a strength or flexibility issue, or if the metal I have there now is causing issues.

Good question. I think I genuinely need a bone density test because I do not think my ankle should have broken.

Anonymous No. 143102

what were doing? jumping down stairs? cuz I'm really not trying to shatter or break mine, haha. I'm 32 and work a physical job...can't be dealing with shit like that.

I would try doing calf raises and eventually loading them to see if you can increase strength and flexibility. hopefully it isn't the metal. get well bro.

Anonymous No. 143103

also, forgot to say you should try doing the calf raises on a step so you can get some deep dorsiflexion going on. that would be a great exercise to try.

Anonymous No. 143108

Bros, someone mentioned in the previous thread, Deer Man died?

Anonymous No. 143111

what the heck

Anonymous No. 143112

Oh wait, Rob McKinlay died. Whereas Deer Man is Mike McKinlay?

Anonymous No. 143113

lmao anon

Anonymous No. 143116

I tore my acl and meniscus and I'm still not back. It's completely over for me. Hope it gets better for you at least.

Anonymous No. 143121

I'm 38 now and i've eaten a lot of shit trying stairs. My ankle is pretty fucked but by the time saturday comes around, it feels just good enough to skate.
I do work at a desk so i can take a little more risk with what i do, but i have yet to break anything since getting back into it a few years ago.
I'm also kind of fat so that probably provides some cushioning

Anonymous No. 143122

Nah have never jumped even a small set yet lol. I was fucking around doing 180s & shuvs on a bank. Was honestly just getting warmed up, was like my second time skating that year. Sucked.

Anonymous No. 143123

Damn dude that blows. Knee just can't take any impact now?

Anonymous No. 143126

No impact no flexibility lots of muscle loss can't get it back hurts all day. It's over. I can skate around and pop small ollies but what's the point.

Anonymous No. 143127

Phew we dodged a bullet there.

Anonymous No. 143130

That sucks bro, but just think of how fucking good it'll feel by the end of the year when you overcome the injury. 3 friends of mine all late 20s to mid 30s broke their ankles/foot last year and all of them are back on the board. Eat well, don't smoke, and do your rehab exercises every day. Can't stress the latter one enough. Even forego a session so you can do extra rehab and strengthening exercises, keeping in mind that it'll help your skating.

Your ankle might never be 100% the same (though, equally, it might) but you'll definitely be able to skate above your current level. The pins might be reducing your mobility so getting them out could help once your strength is back.

Keep the faith brother. The best sauce is hunger.

Anonymous No. 143131

Have you looked into getting a cadaver acl replacement?

>what's the point.
Freestyle it up. Get techy.

Anonymous No. 143135

Everytime I eat shit this song plays in my head and it makes me get up

Anonymous No. 143141

>Have you looked into getting a cadaver acl replacement?
>Freestyle it up. Get techy.

Anonymous No. 143146

Are you just going to spend another thread lamenting your situation now? You could literally get your ligament replaced and skate again.

Anonymous No. 143148

Is Weck still active?

Anonymous No. 143150

he was in a sam hyde video a while ago

Anonymous No. 143152

imo it's important not to fixate too much on your 'level' and the stuff you can't do right now and focus more on finding areas you can progress while your body is recovering. when my ankle was fucked i couldn't pop a board so i tried to learn everything than didn't require doing any kind of ollie e.g; slappies, carving, holding long manuals and just like riding around town switch with my dog.

Anonymous No. 143154

I just saw him a video, don't remember what it was though

Anonymous No. 143155

>preordered the es muska reissues
>the tom penny reissues are half price now
maybe i wasted my money

Anonymous No. 143198

No and I've never done that previously and also no I am not going to replace my ligament. Stop falling for jewish doctor tricks and thinking you know things because you read shit online.

Anonymous No. 143199

how do i stop being a pussy with tricks I know i can 100% do (rail skating). i always visualize myself doing the trick and know i can for sure do it, prob even first try then imagine myself rolling my ankle or snapping my leg in half or something irrationally ridiculous and can't even get myself to attempt it. just constantly roll up, if I attempt it just once then i get the confidence and all the fear goes away but i cant even do that some days and its annoying as fuck.

Anonymous No. 143200

practice your forms like a chink would with martial arts
squats, jumps, kicks in the formation youd do them for the trick, a skateboard is just a moving platform not really much different from the ground
eventually the board will catch up to your feet

Anonymous No. 143206

It's ok, better than buying fentanyl or something

Anonymous No. 143214

I landed my first drop ins on a quarter pipe today i feel so fucking good rn

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Anonymous No. 143216

Hey poor niggas my friend just sent me this

Remember to stock up

Anonymous No. 143219

No creature no buy.

Anonymous No. 143242

Some good sales but no dlx shit

Anonymous No. 143262

you have to make your own judgement and late reply but i fucked my ankle somewhat permanently in like 2009 because i injured it again before the strain recovered fully and it was a pretty minor strain. well I guess that's just skatelife though. I still can't put do any switch or nollie tricks or even noseslides or my foot will be fucked.

but if you feel like skating you shoudl go skate
I did bail really hard and it was just unfortunate. stuff happens.

Anonymous No. 143275

I hate skate girls who think they are hot shit just because they are a girl who skates and dudes give them attention even though they are actually really sick

Like the average chick at the skatepark is usually equal to the worst dude there skating

Anonymous No. 143276

>Like the average chick at the skatepark is usually worse to the worst dude there skating

Anonymous No. 143277

I fucked that whole post up.

What I meant to say is that I hate how skater simps give pretty much any girl who skates heaps of attention and give them props for doing the most mundane shit like unpopped 180s on flat and shit and then those same skater shits get this attitude and think they are better than anyone

Fucking just hate women to be honest bros, wish we could go back to when women weren't a part of skateboarding

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Anonymous No. 143278

Also women can do tranny really well if it means
they'll like win contests and approach it like a regular sport.

And some lesbians make good street skaters look at Elissa Steamer

Anonymous No. 143279

Women can't really do tranny though, they are slightly more capable at skating tranny than they are at street but they still suck

Elissa steamer had fucking awful style, long armed freak, probably one of the most overrated skaters of all time

Anonymous No. 143280

I have never met a chick that isn't a lesbian try actual skateboarding and I've been skateboarding since 2005.
I know your post is bait but newsflash women aren't a part of skateboarding lesbians are and if you count competition skateboarding I guess there' smore than a few exceptions but competition skateboarding is it's own weird niche thing that most people haven't care about since like the 1970s the only reason it is a thing now is the olympics. but as I can tell from your extremely low effort bait post you don't know shit about skateboarding and this reply is a waste of words to your pea brain.

Anonymous No. 143284

speaking of women what happened to dani after her trip to germany with /ourguy/ bevup

Anonymous No. 143301

>look at Elissa Steamer

I used to look at her and she was garbage. Not her fault either as far as I remember. I don't think she pushed herself as an amazing pro skater, she was just there and things happened.

Anonymous No. 143309


take them

Anonymous No. 143312

Lesbian bitches don't exist. It's either for attention or just bitches with high standards that can't get dick. All of them want dick regardless of what they say. Obviously it's different for guys, because no I'm not gonna take a penis up my ass. But if I'm a woman I'd suck a tiddy and eat pussy once in a while, why not.

Anonymous No. 143320

> because no I'm not gonna take a penis up my ass.

Anonymous No. 143321


Anonymous No. 143328

People need to stop wearing these shitty floppy "skate hats" bro u look like 17yo assburgers. You probly think u look different but u just look like every skater ever that lacks a personality. The modern day skaterboy costume look like shit. ie the dan corigan and chad caruso

Get some fucking drip or fuck off from my eyes

Anonymous No. 143329

Also stop buying boards based on graphics or brands. Literally just go to the skate shop and stand on all the boards and pick wich one feels the best. I don't even know what size I ride because I choose strictly off feel of the shape

U can't get a shitty board if you stood on it beforehand

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Anonymous No. 143331

man some people here really did hit their heads too many times.

Anonymous No. 143333

how much time have you spent on a skateboard?fucking idiot

Anonymous No. 143334

I can’t believe I just watched that whole thing, rollercoaster from start to finish

Anonymous No. 143335

Valid point
Invalid autistic point

Anonymous No. 143336

Terrible take. Absolutely awful. You do not skate. The most important part of a board is the graphic.

Anonymous No. 143337

You can follow her travels on her Youtube channel, she is in PR right now.

Anonymous No. 143338

Nathan, why didn't she take you with?

Anonymous No. 143341

I been a skaterboy for 25 years bro dis my board. Just found out it's 9" egg but that doesn't matter cuz it just feels good

Actually try it nextime

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Anonymous No. 143343


Anonymous No. 143344

Massive cringe.

Anonymous No. 143345

R.i.p. Chris Cole I can't believe he died like that

Anonymous No. 143346

Post ur deck looser

Rip Chris cole

Anonymous No. 143348

You first, "looser".

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Anonymous No. 143349

Mines the orange one retardo

I've offered u my egg

Now u

Anonymous No. 143350

>Mines the orange one retardo

Anonymous No. 143351

Bro I just posted it wtf u talking about

U don't even have a deck to post bro?

Anonymous No. 143357


Anonymous No. 143364


Anonymous No. 143365

>Get some fucking drip or fuck off from my eyes
You are a faggot, fuck off
Can you faggots also fuck off? Not a funny joke.

Anonymous No. 143368


Anonymous No. 143379

Has anyone in here gave longboard dancing a try? I know some people in here might find that side of skateboarding kinda fruity or whatever, but man that shit is eye-candy to watch. Very fancy carving. I once had a dream of some skater doing some Peter Pans in the middle of a regular line just for kicks before hitting a ledge and woke up thinking that would be interesting to see that combined.

Anonymous No. 143380

Just get out.

Anonymous No. 143382

>longboard dancing
the last guy i knew who was into that was a literal pedophile

Anonymous No. 143392

Understandable response.
That's pretty awful.

Anonymous No. 143399

Hey thread
Does anyone keep themselves busy here with making their own deck graphics? I've started off with repurposing shit thorough used decks with hardly any graphic left, sanding the rests off.
And either spraypainting them or just wooddyeing it with rit dye, it's a lot of fun but a thing I've noticed is that the decks feel so heavy afterwards. Shit's fun as hell.
Anyone here experience doing similar things?

Anonymous No. 143401

sounds pretty fun.
i'd try it but idk which kinds of paints don't make your board sticky

Anonymous No. 143403

>shitty floppy "skate hats"
what are you even referring to here? fuckin' bucket hats?

Anonymous No. 143407

>I know your post is bait but newsflash women aren't a part of skateboarding lesbians are

I see what you did there.

Anonymous No. 143408

Is your team losing at some playoffs or your favourite wrestler?

Anonymous No. 143409

>Does anyone keep themselves busy here with making their own deck graphics?

There was a guy here I remember who did two SICK decks under his brand/moniker. Hip-Hop inspired, paying homage to the 36 Chambers board from the 90s.

Anonymous No. 143410

>sprain my ankle pretty bad
>keep riding until I physically can’t walk right
>rehab my ankle for 2+ weeks
>feels pretty good, got the weekend off, new skatepark just opened near me
>torrential rain until sundown today

Welp time to get kicked out of the mall parking garage.

Anonymous No. 143411

I had my friends draw shitty graphics on my blank deck with a sharpie.
I think he's referencing those baseball caps with the bucket.

Anonymous No. 143414

turn your old deck into a rain board.
slappies in the rain are fun as hell

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Anonymous No. 143417

I just started out and have a 8.5 powell deck (not the flight deck)
It's pretty heavy
Is this due to it being an 8.5, being a cheaper powell or something else?
Mate has a 8.25 heroin deck and it feels much lighter
How can I find out deck weight before I buy?

Anonymous No. 143422

Just skate retard.

Anonymous No. 143424


Anonymous No. 143425

I heard those are a little bit heavier. If I were you, I would buy a scale and take it to the skate shop and weigh every board I am interested in. Obviously it won't be perfect due to variances in packaging, my Quasi came with a poster wrapped inside. That must be a gram and a half, at least.

Anonymous No. 143429

An extra gram? That is simply out of the question.

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Anonymous No. 143436

I do, but I want a lighter board
I have theeve csx trucks which don't feel heavy at all [pic]
My autism levels aren't that high, so will stick with recs

Anonymous No. 143450

this dude does not skate lmao

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Anonymous No. 143451

>she was garbage
Get the ever loving fuck outta here. Elissa ripped.

>I don't think she pushed herself as an amazing pro skater
That's true and she's said so herself. She dropped out of things because post-Toy Machine she struggled to get sponsored and it, combined with injuries, took the wind out of her sails. But her few full video parts before that point are great. IMO she might have had an amazing miniramp part, but it was all stairs and handrails at the time and she was next to some of the all time greats, which might have made her look weaker than she actually was.

She remains one of the few female pros to regularly eat shit and keep going. She was a proper skate rat and I think the only one like her today is Breena Gering.

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milhouse sprinkler.gif

Anonymous No. 143452

Hey, /xs/, which coping noise do you like most?

Is it
or is it
or is it the on that's like

Anonymous No. 143453

Shut up retard.

Anonymous No. 143456

Nah, you also have Nora, Vanessa Torres, Del Santo, Lacey Baker who is a woman and the nuclear physicist. Also, the girl from Enjoi. Fuck, what is up with my memory?

Anonymous No. 143468

wow dude that's an ollie on a 3ft quarter pipe lol

Anonymous No. 143479

Broken ankle boomer here, went out with a friend on Friday and shit felt great. Ollies were crispy & high, FS 180s and shuvs are back as well. Weird the difference a few days can make. Might be because it was like 15 degrees warmer, but damn was that fun. wagmi. don't stop skating (even if you're bad like me). thanks for reading my blog.

Anonymous No. 143480

we are. dann renaud fell (or jumped) off a 9 story building and he's still skating.

Anonymous No. 143490

Why are back side 180s so hard?

Anonymous No. 143491

cause your not using your shoulders

Anonymous No. 143496

body follows the head

Anonymous No. 143572

Because you need to torque those muscles on top of your legs bordering the lower abs and it's easier to load that turn when turning frontside.

Anonymous No. 143594

Had a good sesh fellas. I learnt frontside hurricanes and back smith to fakie in (small) transition.

Anonymous No. 143596

skateboarding needs more chuds

Anonymous No. 143598

Mmm, chud.

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Anonymous No. 143599

Anonymous No. 143600

definitely needs more chuds and less ugly bitches like this

Anonymous No. 143615

Sick. I had a great session too last night. Rolled in over coping on a couple of quarterpipes for the first time. Hoping it will help me nut up and go for a spine transfer at my local park.

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Anonymous No. 143616

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Anonymous No. 143618

did you snowskate this winter /esg/?

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Anonymous No. 143620


Anonymous No. 143621

What a beautiful woman.

Anonymous No. 143622

Because of the fear of falling backwards on your neck which doesn't exist with fs tricks.

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Anonymous No. 143656

>won't stop raining
the weather has betrayed me

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Anonymous No. 143726

Kek, I was wondering what janecum was I finally got to see a video or two. They are making fun of Habitat and I like it, but at the same time it's hard to sustain a deck company today, with this capitalism.
Remember what Dill said about board companies? That they are the calling card of every prp? Well, the big shoe conglomerates are turning this around and now it's common (I think) to talk about the shoe sponsors of pros and not even know their deck sponsor. And soon, what I said in one of those threads years ago, that shoe conglomerates/oligopoly will OWN the deck companies either straight up or in a hybrid fashion (money under the table, "collabs", pros of a deck company under the same big shoe sponsor) - and Numbers, Mariano's and Koston' deck brand was definitely a straight attempt by Nike to have their own undercover deck brand- is now coming true.

Anonymous No. 143761

>can do rock fakies
>have now rocked in to a ramp from the deck
>haven't done a fakie rock yet
>there's a spine at one of my locals, but it's the kind with a mini-deck/flat bit in the middle

What do you think? Should I be able to do a transfer with ease or is there anything else I should try first?

Anonymous No. 143769

yeah there are loads of girls that rip now, especially the little shits that skate for nike
poe pinson
Chloe Covell
Georgia martin
paige heyn

future of female skateboarding looking pretty bright to me lads

Anonymous No. 143795

one thing thats fucking gay as fuck is when dudes get excited over the quality of female skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 143816

The only thing to get excited about in female skateboarding is if the chicks are hot.

Anonymous No. 143818

>its gay to get hyped over women
incel shit

Anonymous No. 143819

Thats not what i said. Its fine to like women for skateboarding when their tits are out or their asscheeks are out. Or maybe if they're cute and quirky. All that is fine.
But being like "omg i'm so happy girls are stepping up their skateboarding game" is fucking gay bro

Anonymous No. 143820

I remember seeing a video somewhere on the internet where Poe Pinson was skating in wedge Nike dunks.

Anonymous No. 143821

lol what a faggot. I bet you buy Meow skateboards

Anonymous No. 143822

incel retard

Anonymous No. 143826

Not that guy, but I like seeing girls get better because it means you're not going to be purely stuck with guy's girlfriends trying it for a month and giving up or Instathots posing.

Anonymous No. 143828

wow u know a guy with a girlfriend? fag

Anonymous No. 143829

>guy's girlfriends trying it for a month and giving up or Instathots posing
and these things are bad because?

Anonymous No. 143833

how are people giving up and posers bad? gee idk. how long you been skating for lil bro?

Anonymous No. 143839

Starting to think some of you are just closet homosexuals

Anonymous No. 143840

>how are people giving up and posers bad?
i don't know man
> how long you been skating for lil bro?
4 years i think?
you said something hella gay and its fine we can move on. We don't need to start interviewing each other about skate tenure or whatever you're trying to do.
You acted like a faggot. its cool
just try not to do it in the future. Defending yourself makes it way worse. Especially when its anonymous

Anonymous No. 143841

You're annoying as fuck, god damn.

Anonymous No. 143842

lmao, she needs a real board sponsor.

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Anonymous No. 143848

Anonymous No. 143850

That girl in the Worble video that shows her butt is my new waifu.

Anonymous No. 143854


Anonymous No. 143862

Isn't she on Meow or something like that? I think that's a real board sponsor.

Anonymous No. 143871

He's right though. That other guy is really invested in girls skateboarding. Dude even follows 13 year old girls and while jacking off to their Instagram pages he says, and I quote
>future of female skateboarding looking pretty bright to me lads
Like a god damned pervert. A real fucking sicko this guy

Anonymous No. 143874

Dude's just encouraging future women skateboarders to keep on doing what they're doing, it isn't like he said anything rapey. I've seen people say creepier things about girl skaters on here, but that poster didn't say anything wrong.

Anonymous No. 143878

What kind of creepy things have you seen people say about girl skaters here?

Anonymous No. 143880

One time that really stands out to me was when someone said that they wanted to rape Nora. Pretty off stuff. There was another occasion too where someone said something off but I can't remember it.

Anonymous No. 143882

That's awful. Why would someone want to rape an ugly old cunt like Nora?

Anonymous No. 143883

Maybe it's just me but I'd share a chocolate malt with her.

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Anonymous No. 143890

nora is an asshole, this is a Dal Santo general

Anonymous No. 143894

>i don't know man
yeah you dont know much of anything do ya?

Anonymous No. 143896

There are anons ITT who have yet to gleam the cube.


Anonymous No. 143913

Women's skating is kinda cool because it gives me hope as a washed up middle aged man that I could transition into a woman and fulfil my dream of being a pro skater.

Anonymous No. 143914

However it sucks because of all the beta orbiters hyping them. No one wants to see a barely popped kickflip fakies on mellow street bank, fs 180s and acid drops.

Anonymous No. 143928

Rocker mice from mars!

Anonymous No. 143932

>the "how do I ollie" general isnt happy with the skill level of womens skateboarding

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Anonymous No. 143934

Makes you think doesn't it

Anonymous No. 143946

They're not bad exactly, but it gets tiresome to skate with people who aren't committed to it. It's way more fun to skate with heshers and people who go ham. My friend's girlfriend feels like such a third wheel to the session itself (even though we all like her otherwise) because she maybe steps on her board once every 2 weeks, pisses and moans about not being able to do things, then makes a big drama over dropping in for the "first time" for the fiftieth time.

Skating with girls who can keep pace or even outpace you is motivating and fun. Skating with girls who don't keep up feels like you're babysitting sometimes. It applies to men too, but way less so because a guy who's shit gets embarrassed easier and stays out of the way until they're ready.

Anonymous No. 143950

Was too bushy thrashin'.

Anonymous No. 143952

you end up with this same problem with anyone who just skates for the image. the whole session just becomes about them. there's nothing worse than trying to psyche yourself up for a rail and having some absolute faggot shut everything down bitching and moaning because they're 'over it'
tbqh this is the main reason why i stopped skating with other people. too many of them are simply gains goblins.

for girls specifically the problem with skating is the that barrier to entry is too low to keep away low quality & unserious bitches. if you want to larp as a climber/snowboarder/kayaker/fencer etc, you gotta lay down some fucking money to even get in the door and there's also a base level of time/effort/discomfort to participate.
any cluster b with daddy issues can plant her ass on the funbox and become a ramptramp with an army of simps by the end of the day. half of these bitches don't even have boards.

Anonymous No. 143955

also a good way to tell if a girl is actually serious about skating and not just an instathot is if they will at least attempt to skate rails and slam.

Anonymous No. 143957

I agree as a collective, we need to pay no mind to Instagram girls skating and hype up the ones putting out proper street parts with at least decent skating.

Anonymous No. 143976

the whole leaf rick dyke squad is very cringe

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Anonymous No. 143984


🗑️ Anonymous No. 143987

You're the guy always posting trannys and girls skating? Hating on everyone and being a total cunt? What a wonderful person you are!
And.. Do you even skate? Are you some mentally ill tranny? Post your own clip or fuck off.

Anonymous No. 143988

Post clip of you doing an ollie

Anonymous No. 144009

intrigued but worble and cobra man are both way too cringe. clara is qt

Anonymous No. 144031

Decided to relearn pop shuv its today and I did so.

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Rat Vision.png

Anonymous No. 144045

What happened to him/the channel bros?

Anonymous No. 144078

you dont know how this works and its pathetic, get off 4chan and go skate lil bro

Anonymous No. 144083


Anonymous No. 144084

What did you do differently? For me, it was placing my front foot perpendicular to the rails, 90 degrees.

Anonymous No. 144102

>front foot perpendicular to the rails
perpendicular to the what now?

Anonymous No. 144104

the edge of the deck between the nose and the tail is the rail

Anonymous No. 144108


Mineral spirits are good too if one doesn't have rubbing alcohol.

Anonymous No. 144118

If I understand correct then basically was the same thing for me. Front foot sits pretty square with little toe just over 2 bolts. Weight mostly over that foot, basically in a comfy position ready to catch before I even pop.

Anonymous No. 144132

I saw some pics of when they gave her pro board to her. You can tell her parents are rich as fuck by the way they're dressed

Anonymous No. 144137

where can i start learning how to skate? i bought a board a couple years ago, only used it like twice because i couldn't find a good place to go skating. i don't live anywhere urban, far from it actually.

should i just cruise around until i find a vacant lot or something?

Anonymous No. 144143

just use your garage or driveway or something or parking lots or the street, suburbia is like the easiest place to find places to skate, unless you live on a fucking farm or something

Anonymous No. 144145

i live in the woods. there is no pavement for miles, only shattered roads long since left to disrepair. my state has forsaken those outside the most urban centers which many would consider large towns and not cities.

Anonymous No. 144161

I'm older than you and problem skated longer. 99% of girl skating sucks. Fuck off.

Anonymous No. 144179

you could build a ramp ig

Anonymous No. 144185

>I'm older than you and problem skated longer.
your giving off major kook who hasnt skated in 10 years but corners you to talk about his glory days vibes

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this is who is ca....png

Anonymous No. 144192

you're giving off major 'i post bbc porn on 4chan' vibes

Anonymous No. 144216

If you're determined enough, start gathering pallets and plywood and build yourself a little platform. You'll be mostly stuck to shit like pivots and freestyle, but your balance will be fantastic. I was stuck doing pivots on my carpet for a few months early on, helped immensely.

Anonymous No. 144225

oh makes sense its you

Anonymous No. 144229

Are you Asian?

Anonymous No. 144232

>raining again
>say fuck it and decide to skate with a beat up board
>unlock nollies and heelflips

Thanks to the anon that told me to skate in the rain

Anonymous No. 144242

Is it really that bad to skate in the rain with a nice board? I guess mud could get on the bearings but surely that would wash right off

Anonymous No. 144243

Yes anon it would wash off.

Anonymous No. 144249


Anonymous No. 144251


Anonymous No. 144252

when they take the screws out of your ankle it will feel brand new again i promise boomer bros

Anonymous No. 144253

i did this with my first injury. i pulled my adductor longus and kept skating. nagging for a few months, it sucked

Anonymous No. 144269

nothing like a water logged board and rusty bearings

Anonymous No. 144277

if you're paranoid about it just use an old deck.
you could also use a snowskate topdeck b/c they're thicker and waterproofed but that'd be more expensive

Anonymous No. 144285

I so do not care about her

Didn’t she talk shit about tiago at some point tho

Anonymous No. 144286

the only people i see with skateboards are tweakers or actual bums that cant afford a car
specifically longboards

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Anonymous No. 144288

Amen to this brother but I gotta say kooks will find a way into any boardsport regardless. You have no idea how many “snowboarder girls” I see barely able to make it down a mountain or 50-50 a ride on box that act like they’re this super hardcore snowboarder chick. There is no such thing as barrier to entry anymore: everybody wants to be pro at things but thinks money/appearance will substitute the time/bodily damage these sports require.

I really do not mind bringing girls/shitty skaters to the sesh. I’d rather have them than some of these Uber elitist local types who have a mental breakdown and start screaming when their tricks aren’t 100% how they want them to be. That shit is more annoying than anything. Just skate and stfu, if you’re not having fun go home

Anonymous No. 144296

yeah cause he's a sex pest
I usually don't mind skating with people that suck, but it's when they start taking up to much space working on dumb shit like kick turns when people are waiting to skate an obstacle. I see this so much at my local, but I'd be a dick to say anything cause it's not like I'm about to do anything that cool once they move. I quarantine myself in spaces out of the way when I skate flat but I guess telling noobs to get out of the way is considered not sharing the park. it mostly comes down to skate park etiquette but when I see noobs practicing their ollies in front of an obstacle when there's available space somewhere else that's not in the way, I lose my mind. I don't know how to tell them to read the room without sounding like a tool.

Anonymous No. 144297

No one wants to do time in their driveway and garage anymore that's the real problem. Too much accessibility to parks so we can't force kids to git gud at home with an xgames ramp and element flat bar before they come to the skatepark

Anonymous No. 144299

i dont understand the mentality of people who go to the park to learn to push around or ollie, only time that makes sense is if they are showing up with other people who are good and theyre tagging along. do these people think the skatepark is like the gym or something and the only place they can practice and get better is the park? are they afraid of skating in an empty parking lot/garage or in the street of their neighborhood? do they need to be someplace where other people are skating? do they need to be seen? these threads are full of people asking "where do I skate. it was never an issue for me or anyone I know growing up, you skated wherever you could.

Anonymous No. 144300

>are they afraid of skating in an empty parking lot/garage or in the street of their neighborhood?
Bro scroll up. These people are afraid of everything.

Anonymous No. 144302

implying anyone would ever hit up that munted looking dyke for sex hah

she was probably just jealous he was hitting on her friends and not her

Anonymous No. 144303

Just tell them to get the fuck out of your park?

Anonymous No. 144305

what is wrong with you people

Anonymous No. 144306

there's this tiny dwarf sized south american looking chick who's been coming to my local, has decent style for a chick (it would be shit style for a dude) except for looking like a child riding a full size board. she can't do any tricks on the transition which is 90% of my local and one time she tried to fs 5-0 in the bowl and got broke off so bad that she got a concussion. i gotta give her props for even trying though because she somehow committed to the 5-0 despite barely being able to drop in. like she had her board over the coping for a solid 90 seconds with her feet shaking before she dropped in. anyway that's all fine, idgaf if she sucks, but for some reason all of the local cool-guy retards think she's the shit and because of that she has the same arrogant attitude as the rest of them. she also brings her fuckin dog to the skatepark and it runs around which is super fucking annoying.

definitely just some rich ass bay area hoe too

Anonymous No. 144307

go back to slap you dumb faggot

Anonymous No. 144308

much better discussion there. no incel shit, nobody accusing anybody of being asian, no "where do I skate" pussies.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 144309

then stay there you midget gook

Anonymous No. 144313

Me? I ruined my knee and can't skate anymore. Other anon? I don't know.

Anonymous No. 144315

t. chinese

Anonymous No. 144326

>rained all night so try to skate before the rain returns for 4 days
>check out the parking garage i thought would be nice and dry
>actually is a damp pigeon shit cave
skating in spring worse than winter

Anonymous No. 144328

Nothing better than when you return to a park you haven't visited in forever and can hit more obstacles than before.

Anonymous No. 144329

Amen to that brother. I’ll never forget how good it felt to conquer this one C rail I used to avoid as a noob.

Anonymous No. 144331

you cant even mention girls skating without threads turning into shit

anyone watch mason silva part? thoughts?

Anonymous No. 144332

YES, god-tier feeling.

Anonymous No. 144334

It makes me want to skate bigger, weirder obstacles. Don't even care about going for hard tricks on them. All I did today was carve around a big pool for hours with the homies on an easygoing session, going higher and higher. Want to go back asap.

Anonymous No. 144350

>accusing others of being kooks for not being psyched on the heckkin valid female skaters
>get called out
>"y-you incels! I'm going back to slap!"

Anonymous No. 144351

sorry brother i dont watch skateboarding unless theres a girl so I can either fantasize raping her or jealously hate on her

masons skateboarding always gets me hype, dude always looks hyper focused, i like how half his parts are pretty gnarly standard tricks into big banks and half some creative shit you wouldnt expect from a guy that looks like him. great style and always great music choice. the way he just magically sticks to the wall in his ender is insane.

Anonymous No. 144365

Do? I how ollie

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Anonymous No. 144376

You really need to stomp down on your back foot

Anonymous No. 144386

hate xgames
hate mega ramp
hate dc
hate monster
love danny way

anyone else know this feel?

Anonymous No. 144400

i like alexis sablones new pro shoe so i cant be full incel even though shes a stuck up lesbo

Anonymous No. 144401

you like a girls shoe lol

Anonymous No. 144405

is there a graffiti general somewhere?

Anonymous No. 144412

her shoe does look sick but I would never wear cons

i think there was here but it got deleted possibly for being illegal

Anonymous No. 144416

>hate megaramp
>love Danny Way

No, I don't get that. I get hating big brand stuff, but it's a necessary evil and they fund cool shit.

Anonymous No. 144419

one of the best videos to come out of japan ( is finally getting a sequel

Anonymous No. 144425

yo i heard you guys have some big ol dicks is that true?

Anonymous No. 144455

I'm a busted old fuck. Get into freestyle. You can do some fun shit that's not hard to learn and the falls are super tame.

Anonymous No. 144456

Eh not really, it's normal I guess. I wish were bigger for sure, something I could swing around, you know?

Anonymous No. 144457

>Get into freestyle.
I've been in these threads for years. Every thread there is some form of stupid advice.
We've run the gamut from changing out your griptape to bearing maintenance. But a man telling another man to , and i quote "get into freestyle" is probably the single gayest and most retarded piece of reddit tier guidance i have ever seen in my entire life in these threads.
Maybe even in my whole life

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rondey-mullen can....gif

Anonymous No. 144459

You're the true faggot and anyone else who parrots "freestyle is gay" is running a train on your pink asshole.

I cannot understand why so few skaters appreciate it. Even learning a couple of basic freestyle tricks opens up so many options for street, and fuck if multiple grab tricks weren't also originally freestyle before they got into transition skating. The balance and precision you have to hone helps too. Fair enough if it's just not your thing but if you don't have appreciation for freestyle just swap your skateboard for a handbag you utter poser.

Anonymous No. 144461

post your Andy Anderson deck with matching griptape

Anonymous No. 144463

A few things about this.
1. I have a dark butthole.
2.its fine for what it was in the 80s but its irrelevant now I know a lot of you faggots like to say "but wummabout Rodney Mullins"? in the 90s he was adding his own touch but to street skateboarding. for all intents and purposes Rodney Mullen has not been a freestyle skater since the 80s. Yes its fine to appreciate it for what it was at the time, but it is irrelevant to what skateboarding is or has been for at least 25 years. Are you going to also tell people to get into slalom skateboarding?

Anonymous No. 144469

Yeah this. Rodney's ultra tech was completely beyond freestyle.

Anonymous No. 144474

this is one of the most pathetic posts ive seen in this general.

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Anonymous No. 144486

>rondey-mullen cancel flip.gif
It's a kickflip underflip you fucking poser

Anonymous No. 144491

too many syllables so i authoratively changed it

Anonymous No. 144492

I posted the Mullen gif because that's just what came up on Google, but gtfo with "Mullen hasn't been a freestyler since the 80s", literally the last video he did was all stationary freestyle routines.

And it's "not relevant" because there's this weird rejection of it, not because all of it has been mined or been advanced upon. His videos are pretentiously edited, but Kilian Martin does fun shit combining street and freestyle moves that you don't see anyone else thinking of. And it can be really simple things like doing a 5050 on a ledge with some quick footwork before shuving out, but it's impressive and flowy as all hell. Same with Jonny Giger; he's obviously very Mullen-influenced, but he'll do street and freestyle tricks in a single line that no one else is doing today. I saw someone in person recently on a miniramp do a stall, hop it into a rail stand then rail flip it back into a drop in position and it was sick as fuck.

You can call that "tech" if you want, but that's semantic because those tricks are 100% freestyle staples. If something like a casper spin is "tech" and not "freestyle" then what the hell IS "freestyle"?

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Anonymous No. 144494

I think freestyle is done on a freestyle board. Just like bombing a hill on a longboard isn't really accepted. Goofy tricks you do for fun are cool and all. I like doing primo stalls and caspers and dumb shit sometimes. But I don't think I'm "freestyling". I'm just fucking around having fun.

Anonymous No. 144498

Give her the D

Anonymous No. 144499

Yes. He is one of the gnarliest people to ride a board. But as a person he sucks.

Anonymous No. 144500

Fuck the ONE singular troll, I am with you. I started as a freestyler.

Anonymous No. 144504

Well now you're talking about doing freestyle tricks which is fine. We all goof around on our boards from time to time.
But you telling a dude to be a full-time freestyle skater was pretty stupid of you. You must admit it.

Anonymous No. 144505

2 different tricks

Anonymous No. 144506

dawg its a different trick... how long you been skating for? post a clip

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PREMIERE - Marbie....webm

Anonymous No. 144519


Anonymous No. 144527

It's literally fine. I can't imagine any current day freestyler not also trying the other styles too anyway. Plus, as someone else said, if you're in some sort of situation where freestyle is the only viable option (old/can't take slams any more, don't have anywhere decent to skate, can't do the other styles for whatever reason) then go for it. People quitting altogether instead of at least trying freestyle makes no sense to me.
It's also the one style of skating you can do literally anywhere so if you hit one of those plateaus where you're bored of doing the same shit over and over, you could try a few basics and open doors.

Does no one else do this? I like to try different types of skating or weird, old school ramps to challenge myself with something basic and I always come out the other side with a new angle on my core moves. I can't understand why someone would ever say they hate or don't want to touch a whole genre of skating.

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Anonymous No. 144539

i don't want to talk about this for two days

Anonymous No. 144560

>I like to try different types of skating or weird, old school ramps to challenge myself with something basic and I always come out the other side with a new angle on my core moves.
Are you 60 years old?

Anonymous No. 144565

hop off his dick man fuck off

Anonymous No. 144566

how about you freestyle faghats post some videos of you doing primo flips and caspers

Anonymous No. 144568

what even is this gayness? you mean like rodney mullen type stuff? that's still rad but do it in your garage. don't come get in my way at the park with your weird flails

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Anonymous No. 144572

>my city has 4 parks that are old and shitty
>the local government refuses to do anything to add more parks or renovate the existing ones
>but will gladly burn 6 million dollars for fucking pickleball

Anonymous No. 144580

Why are there not more women in skateboarding? I want a skater gf... ;(

Anonymous No. 144581

Because too many beta orbiters try become their bf when ever they step near a park

Anonymous No. 144586


Anonymous No. 144596

pickleball is the scourge of the earth, gayest shit ever. disgusting yuppie shit for lazy dorks.

Anonymous No. 144639

Pickleball and its consequences have been a disaster on the human race

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bones brigade.jpg

Anonymous No. 144646

Are there any boomers in the thread (30+) who've lived through at least one peak and trough of skateboarding as a culture?
If so, how would you describe the current state of things? Is it thriving or is it dying?

Anonymous No. 144652

can u teach me how to ollie?

Anonymous No. 144658

I was already getting into skateboarding when the first tony hawk game came out. It blew up big time. A lot more people got into it and we had 4 skateshops in our town, including the original Pharmacy. There were no skateparks.
Now there are 4 skateparks within 15 miles of me and only 2 skateshops.
I think the biggest change that really gets to me is shoes.More people were into "for skaters by skaters" brands or skate specific brands. Even though there were big companies like Vans and Airwalks- the skateshops , at least where i live-back then had only maybe one pair of each of those and everything else was Osiris, Etnies, Duffs, Kastels... the rest.
Even though there were videogames and televised competitions like the X-Games and Gravity Games, it was still seen as alt and counter culture .
I don't feel like skateboarding is as cool as it once was , but it might be because i'm not as cool as I used to be and i skateboard

Anonymous No. 144662

I'm 34 and I think it's thriving. You'll always have women using it as a fashion prop, edgy teenagers who have 5 years experience bitching about 'posers' while vandalizing public property and generally being a nuisance, old people in gay shorts, and old people with no teeth who don't shower. It's easier now than ever before for an independent skater to get good and put out clips on their own. You still have thirst-trapping industry plants but they're selling boards to go on 13 year old girls walls it's a completely different market than someone looking for sporting goods. I still get weirdo boomers harassing me for skating a curb sometimes and assholes posturing because they think i'm up to no good but I think it's like tattoos; it's been mainstream long enough that people don't automatically think you're there to destroy society. I go to the skatepark from sunrise to about 8:00AM because at any other time of the day it's either being used as a daycare or completely full of latchkey kids who basically just live there. Maybe it's just me but skaters have always been pretty territorial and interested in 'outtricking' eachother so now that I'm able to do it alone I'm having a lot more fun than I did in my 20's/teens

Anonymous No. 144663

fyi i'm the guy who skates twin tails and nike so take that as you will

Anonymous No. 144664

Its cool, i've skated a few Nikes and a pair of New Balance- i just liked having a lot more options

Anonymous No. 144665

What is it? A tennis for retirees?

Anonymous No. 144666

pingpong for tryhard boomers

Anonymous No. 144675

That's somehow even worse.

Anonymous No. 144682

It's struggling. Nike and co have too much influence. I'm interested to see where this goes. I can't imagine skating ever being full mainstream, it's too hard and painful, so I imagine skating will die off soon.

Anonymous No. 144683

The SLS presented by Ashoc live on Rumble was a fucking disaster.

Anonymous No. 144697

>shoes...."for skaters by skaters"

Jesus I miss this so much. With other goods it seems to be mostly the same as the 2000s only with fewer "mid" size brands and more tiny independent brands and then the big boys who've been around forever, but with shoes there's way fewer options and the most popular ones are either Vans or non-skater owned big shoe companies with a skateshoe division. Trying to find shit I want is so much harder than I remember from my teen years.

Totally getting Osiris high tops once my current DCs bite the dust.

The thing I might hate the most about this is that pro model shoes seem much rarer or at least less ubiquitous, and the ones that do exist are all super standard and uninteresting.

Anonymous No. 144710

man i'm convinced sole tech brand managers live in these threads/on slap/reddit. nobody irl talks about what products are cool the way they do here.

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Anonymous No. 144714

>on slap
The actual Emerica team manger has an account there.
I think here a few people get Soletech shoes just because they always put them on sale for $20-$30. Though I still think vulc Emericas are pieces of shit shoes. The soles always come apart from the upper all the time I hate them so much they make me so angry.

Anonymous No. 144715

>It's struggling.
> I imagine skating will die off soon.

you couldnt be more of a fucking retard.

what? yes they do. me and my friends are constantly talking about shoes and boards and companies. its always something to talk about at the park with randos. stop projecting your anti social autism on everyone else.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 144716

>the bug eyed g**k zoomer is obsessed with consooming and constantly discusses it with his braindead friends


also stop reporting me for racism you faggot

Anonymous No. 144718

i'm not saying people don't talk about equipment and I'm only using sole tech as an example of something considered 'genuine' or 'organic' but the whole 'support local' type narrative in general is so overblown online I can't help but be a little suspicious. Sure, call out corny bullshit like kariuma and don't buy vans/nike if you want but at some point it seems a bit contrived to me. It's like misfits shirts at hot topic idk

Anonymous No. 144719

take your meds and talk to more people irl

Anonymous No. 144721

just curious of your approximate age?

Anonymous No. 144722


Anonymous No. 144724

No more fighting, talk about what you've been working on the board

Anonymous No. 144728

coming off snowskate season and trying to get all my flatbar tricks on lock again.
270 lips feel way more comfortable than 180 nosegrinds for some reason.

Anonymous No. 144729

Low impact tricks. I learnt slappy back 5-0s today. I was surprised by how easy it was to lock in. Slappys still make no sense to me though. Like why do I need to hit my nose first to properly lock into anything? Why when I try to lift up my nose and roll onto the curb it doesn't work at all?

Anonymous No. 144738

People talk about gear all the time, what the fuck are you on about?

I finally started landing kickflips with consistency by bring my front foot way back to the middle of the board so I can fire off the flip quicker. So I want to get them cleaner/bigger now. Other than that I'm trying to work up to rock spine transfers. Was supposed to be skating a bit spine in my hometown this weekend, but it's going to piss rain the entire 5 days I'm there.

Anonymous No. 144744

it's all in the hips.
you use the momentum from the front wheels rolling up the curb to slap the back truck on. if you slow down the motion a little you can hear it

🗑️ Anonymous No. 144745

>you couldnt be more of a fucking retard.
Fuck off gook faggot. Go simp over some more skater chicks.

Anonymous No. 144756

Why can't I popshuv while moving bros?

When I do them stationary I can get them as high as my ollies, but when I try and Poop-shove I mostly just shoot the board out in front of me.

I swear to god i'm never learning a trick stationary again.

Anonymous No. 144758

you haven't actually learned the trick yet

Anonymous No. 144759

Put more weight on your front foot before you pop

Anonymous No. 144760

closing in on 30, dont know what that has to do with anything.
nollie big spin disasters, have done plenty of stalls of all kinds but no disaster yet.
try going faster
NEVER learn tricks stationary

Anonymous No. 144769

i was just wondering if your age had something to do with the type of conversations people are having with you because my experience has been quite different is all no insult intended

Anonymous No. 144776

i think ive been on /pol/ too long
i used to love skating
its all that would be on my mind
now when i go to the skatepark
i am bored of the wack ass tiny modern setups
i am bored of sitting there drinking/smoking
i am bored of the people i drink and smoke with
i feel like i just need to get my gf pregnant
i feel like she would make a terrible mother
she also doesnt want kids

wat do.
i dont have a job

Anonymous No. 144778

>nobody irl talks about what products are cool the way they do here.
maybe it has to do with this being an anonymus forum
also do people simp product s hard on reddit? may just be becuase we are online

Anonymous No. 144780

and then everyone got holder and started having to pay for their own shit and "cheaper is better" go walmart, go america aka (((china)))

Anonymous No. 144782

how old are you and how long have you been skating for?

Anonymous No. 144783

>i think ive been on /pol/ too long
>i dont have a job
whoa what a fucking surprise.

Anonymous No. 144787

mid 30's 20ish years

Anonymous No. 144789

mid 30's, 25ish years

Anonymous No. 144790

mid 30's 30ish years

Anonymous No. 144792

mid 30's 35ish years

Anonymous No. 144798

mid 30s, 40ish years

Anonymous No. 144820

mid 30's, 45ish years

Anonymous No. 144821

I have a very cool post saved up for the new thread.

Anonymous No. 144833

same, I think it's mental commitment issues

🗑️ Anonymous No. 144842

So you swallowed all the hate pills and ignored /nsgsig/ like every other 2016 newfag?

Anonymous No. 144843

Shout out to the esl who blew up at me then got me banned for racism. Can you make a trip so we don't engage anymore?

Anonymous No. 144845

You might be leaning back too much and/or putting too much weight on your back foot. Try either jumping forward or altering your pop so it's more of a backwards motion than a straight down one (before you scoop it ofc).

I normally keep my front foot pretty much dead centre so I don't have to lift it so high to clear it, and curl the toes of my back foot over the side of the tail to make the scoop super easy.

Try doing a couple where you overshoot the landing and land in front of the board every time you wind up with the board shooting out in front of you.

Anonymous No. 144846

Speaking of; do you guys pop more back for your kickflips so you don't have to kick as forward with your front foot, or do you pretty much pop straight down like a usual ollie and kick the shit out of the nose?

Anonymous No. 144848

>pop more back for your kickflips so you don't have to kick as forward with your front foot
no, definitely not

Anonymous No. 144853

I don't think so. When I am kickflipping good its basically an ollie with the my front foot a bit to the side and I flick it halfway through sliding up the board.
Fakie flips my flick is much shorter and way more consistent. The board comes up and meets my foot and sort of rolls off it.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 144856

it's the resident zoomer g**k who reports everyone for racism

Anonymous No. 144862

i think of it more like jumping forward but my kickflips are sloppy af so ymmv

Anonymous No. 144880

Learnt slappy crooks again

Anonymous No. 144914

shut up, tranny bitch

Anonymous No. 144919
how is it physically possible to ollie during a manual

Anonymous No. 144921

smooth af
i have a poor understanding of physics so I couldn't tell ya...
Is it possible to ollie without your tail touching the ground? I can't do it but I feel like it is...

Anonymous No. 144922

Cleaning up heels and nollie shit. i really want to learn nollie crooks or fs tails but it feels like my body is retarded

Anonymous No. 144931

yeah, its called a ghost pop

Anonymous No. 144936

you basically just jump instead of going down on the tail as hard as you think you have to

Anonymous No. 144956

>i think ive been on /pol/ too long
>i feel like i just need to get my gf pregnant
>i feel like she would make a terrible mother
>i dont have a job
You couldn't make this up

Anonymous No. 144960

that's like every mexican dude ever. always bitching about traditional values and family but not willing to do anything beyond serving their own hedonistic impulses.

Anonymous No. 144968

maybe we should make it soon, this thread really fell apart towards the end
if you have any interesting thread theme suggestions please post them you hotdogs

Anonymous No. 144971

Random questions I want to ask people on this thread:
>>When you're out skating, what do you do when you see a nice spot? You journal it down?
>>What are your rituals before skating? Any stretching? Yoga? Take a nip of liquor or drink a beer? Do some biking?
>>What puts you in a skating mood?
>>Do you skate solitarily or do you go out with buds?
>>How would you describe your skating styles?

Anonymous No. 144972

i wanna see a cruiser themed post but i'm afraid people will insult my sexual preference

Anonymous No. 144973

Longboard dancing edition

Anonymous No. 144975

>>When you're out skating, what do you do when you see a nice spot? You journal it down?
I just take a picture. it's geolocation tagged so i can find it later
>>What are your rituals before skating? Any stretching? Yoga? Take a nip of liquor or drink a beer? Do some biking?
sometimes i'll smoke a bowl or a cigarette but not always. I usually spend the first 20 minutes just pushing around, maybe some shove its or basic flatground.
>>What puts you in a skating mood?
It's like my only exercise so whenever I get ansy or start feeling lethargic. Watching skate content, listening to hype music and even reading these threads make me want to skate
>>Do you skate solitarily or do you go out with buds?
solitary with ear buds. Other people make me uncomfortable and skating is entirely personal to me. Even if someone is being friendly and cool it fucks with my vibe in the perfect world I'd have a private park
>>How would you describe your skating styles?
I guess street? I mostly do flatground and ledges, some small rails 5 stair gaps and small bowl riding. Not too much of a specialist. I don't want to hurt myself so I kinda just use it as an exercise tool and don't have any ambition to do anything specific

Anonymous No. 144982

>Other people make me uncomfortable
Why are you guys like this? Quit it with the /r9k/ shit.

Anonymous No. 144985

Right on.
Do people need to skate in groups? Is it better that way?

Anonymous No. 144998

if i see anyone else at the skatepark i just leave

Anonymous No. 145048

oh yeah its definitely a mexican dude that posted that, definitely not some pathetic lonely white boy

Anonymous No. 145050

>Do people need to skate in groups? Is it better that way?
yeah skateboarding is a social activity, skating with other people will push you to get better and youll learn shit from the people you skate with and get inspired.

Anonymous No. 145051

Your opinion makes sense.

Anonymous No. 145054

thanks but its not an opinion its an objective fact that skating with other people will make you better

Anonymous No. 145064

>skateboarding is a social activity,
normalniggers leave

Anonymous No. 145072

If you don't put in the hours alone learning how to skate you never reach that level of pushing yourself with mates. So its a mix and some never are comfortable skating with a crew, or a big crew. It is very subjective.

Anonymous No. 145095

Thats why you start skating in middle school with your friends in driveways not when your in your mid 20s with no friends, scared to push around a empty parking lot.

Anonymous No. 145102

The truth is it's good to skate with people for the reasons listed- however when you skate with others at least 1/3 of that time is spent bullshitting around. Once in a while it's good to put on the headphones and fly solo to just spend some time perfecting your tricks .

Anonymous No. 145115

If you guys weren't afraid of your own shadows you would actually get better. This is why we have posters here claiming to have skated for 30 years but are still trying to learn how to ollie.

Anonymous No. 145116

post clip

🗑️ Anonymous No. 145123

don't you have BBC to post somewhere else, chang?

Anonymous No. 145129

you have no idea how this works go skate lil rbo

Anonymous No. 145133

clip where?

Anonymous No. 145136

on my ig for my homies. why would I post a clip in here? i dont have to prove anything to anyone in here.

Anonymous No. 145139

come on post a clip pls

Anonymous No. 145141

I'm slow when it comes to learning some tricks. I just got my kickflips down and I'm 31.

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Anonymous No. 145142

even I posted a trick and I get nervous going into stores

Anonymous No. 145147

i enjoyed that clip

Anonymous No. 145150

this guy skates. the rest of you sound like women.

Anonymous No. 145151

Nice kickflip, my dude.

Anonymous No. 145152

thanks! it took a lot of practice

Anonymous No. 145153


Anonymous No. 145154

That guy in the clip sorta looks like me if I could grew my hair out more and had a beard

Anonymous No. 145155

ehh i gotta make one but i probably won't so feel free to just call me a faggot. But i might post one later anyways so whatever

Anonymous No. 145160


Anonymous No. 145180

Squeaky clean!

Anonymous No. 145183

i feel like i can instantly trust skaters, but not regular people.

i feel like if your a piece of shit (harmful) weirdo, youre pretty quickly ostracized from the skate community, and youre a loner. i feel like someone with a 'screw everyone else that isnt me' additude is actually looking to screw people over and wouldnt bother spending idle time 'skateboarding'

i feel like with normies, you never really have any clue if theyre a loner or they have lotsof friends. pretty much any and every skateboarder is going to have people he hangs out with or assoiates with. but yeah, i feel like there is a significant amount of "normies" who dont have friends and dont really hang out with people, and thus their motives and needs in life have gone out of wack and there can be some really shitty "smile in your face, stab you in the back" personalties in there. like the kinda guy who will throw anyone under a bus to get 'theirs'

i feel like skateboarding kinda weeds these dudes out.
what do you think?

Anonymous No. 145185

>It's the 'everyone here is a loser but me' guy again
post clip

Anonymous No. 145187

Ultimately I agree however I grew up around some serious pieces of shit who skated. It was seen as rebellious which attracted that crowd. And that crowd had some future inmates, drug addicts etc in it.
I find surfers, skaters and bikers are quite similar people with a different chosen craft.

Anonymous No. 145189

>i feel like if your a piece of shit (harmful) weirdo, youre pretty quickly ostracized from the skate community,
Uh lol?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 145199

why does the chang keep reporting me?

Anonymous No. 145202

Eeeh, for the most part. As the other guy said, you can meet all sorts of druggie burnouts who will fuck you over, but the average not-insane skater will be straight with you most of the time. I think actively throwing yourself into potentially life ending situations gives you perspective on things, and you learn to not take things more seriously than they warrant.

Anonymous No. 145203

i think you sound like a woman

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dipshit schizo fa....png

Anonymous No. 145209

Anonymous No. 145226

You're kind of stupid bro.

Anonymous No. 145244

I like skateboarding and like Japan, but I can't watch a single Luis More video because he keeps shilling his friends' garbage music.

Anonymous No. 145257

>talks shit
>contributes nothing to conversation related to skating
>still no clip or
wow there's 2 of you. really showed him.

Anonymous No. 145263

hey chinkfag post your instagram again. I want to laugh at your pathetic little no complies and retarded editing. if anyone is wondering who is the guy shitting up the threads and constantly starting arguments over irrelevant shit, he's your guy.

Anonymous No. 145266

What if it's you doing it instead?

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Anonymous No. 145270

get some tensors bro. I've got maglites but used to skate their standard trucks. They're shaped like independent basically. Much easier to skate all day and catching a shinner isn't as crippling. The only downside is that they sound different.

Image not available



Anonymous No. 145271

Are they still in business? Since Dwindle pooped itself, should I try to find the magnesium trucks that are still out there? All of those curb guys say they grind really smoothly

Anonymous No. 145278

just made twin tail double shovel with a 16.5 wheelbase

Image not available



Anonymous No. 145279

>16.5 wheelbase
is this legal

Anonymous No. 145280

its an awesome setup to skate even for flips

Anonymous No. 145281

You have an antagonistic attitude.

Anonymous No. 145284

you built your own press or what?

Anonymous No. 145285

made it because i knew it would work

Anonymous No. 145286

Please post more details

Anonymous No. 145287

explain why you would want to know

Anonymous No. 145293

just ignore mentally retarded posters

Anonymous No. 145302

im very close to unlocking clean ollies but now i cant stop my shuvs from becoming popshuvs

Anonymous No. 145303

Popshoves are just shoves with pop. You want your shoves back, just don't pop.

Anonymous No. 145304

its hilarious these threads are so shit that a good portion of posters refuse to believe that anyone decent at skateboarding posts here. you tell people to stop being scared of skating in an empty parking and you get some dipshit demanding you post a clip. tryna give simple basic advice and get people jumping down your throat accusing you of being the one shitting up the thread as if you cant scroll up and see the same basic shit being posted and incel posts about women skaters. pathetic jealous behavior from grown men. then again you do have to be pretty pathetic to get into skateboarding in your 20s/30s. go buy a fishing pole you fucking kooks.

lmao tensors are still around dude, definitely not a popular/main choice but you can still buy em.

Anonymous No. 145306

post your heelflips again

Anonymous No. 145309

I know I dabbed on you a while ago and you're still mad about it, but that guy is not me. I've never complained about thread quality, and in fact I'm the guy asking people to post clips. I don't use words like incel and I'm not an sjw thinking woman skaters will go on a date with me if I defend them online. I also don't call people kooks, that's just not part of my lingo. You don't need to just assume every post you don't like was made by me because probably over an year ago already I btfo'd you in some way. Quite embarrassing to be honest.

Anonymous No. 145310

>you tell people to stop being scared of skating in an empty parking and you get some dipshit demanding you post a clip.
This is why our good posters all leave.

Anonymous No. 145311

>I know I dabbed on you
didnt read the rest slapfaggot

Anonymous No. 145312

I only dab on slapfaggots, so if I dabbed on you you must be a slapfaggot.

Anonymous No. 145317

>lmao tensors are still around dude
damn that was hilarious lol, imagine not being up to date on Tensor manufacturing lmaoo fr

Anonymous No. 145353

It was me. I haven't posted since so ha! You made the same mistake as me..
>its hilarious these threads are so shit that a good portion of posters refuse to believe that anyone decent at skateboarding posts here. you tell people to stop being scared of skating in an empty parking and you get some dipshit demanding you post a clip.
You implied I'm a 20 yr old afraid to go to the park because I said it's good to work on tricks by yourself. So I asked you to post a clip and now you are blogposting. Do you need us to suck your dick or something?

Anonymous No. 145354

What are you talking about newfaggot? Your post and the way you quoted the other two makes no sense whatsoever. Delete it and make it again.

Anonymous No. 145356

I was the guy he 'dabbed on' because I asked him to post a clip. The (you) in his screenshot showed it was two different dickheads I mistook for one.
>Delete it and make it again.

Anonymous No. 145357

Anyway, I'm working on nose mannys. I want to be able to hold them longer.

Anonymous No. 145358

I asked him to post a clip and I was the guy dabbing on the other guy.

Anonymous No. 145359

You are this guy? >>145209
My bad I think I'm being a dipshit skitzo faggot again

Anonymous No. 145360


Anonymous No. 145363

>He's arguing with himself again

Anonymous No. 145364

My bad I reread your post and I was indeed being a dipshit skitzo faggot. Anyway someone make a new thread this is a mess.

Anonymous No. 145365

once you find the sweet spot they're pretty easy to hold onto for a long time

Anonymous No. 145366

Just watch Lenz and Osaka Daggers videos.

Anonymous No. 145368

I have multiple times.

Anonymous No. 145374

why would you watch a gay ass vlogger?
you are again replying to two different people you fucking dipshit
holy shit your a fucking dumbass, but its definitely not you shitting up the thread right, its everyone else

Anonymous No. 145375

Because he shows Japanese skateboarders skateboarding in Japan.

Anonymous No. 145377

post a clip

Anonymous No. 145378

yeah theres other outlets where you can see that, you dont have to watch vloggers

Anonymous No. 145379

and watch time scan if you havent time scan 2 is coming out soon

Anonymous No. 145385

I've seen all of them.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 145397

HAHA the midget chang thinks he is a good skater

you will NEVER see a vagina

Anonymous No. 145399

I don't get the anti-Asian stuff on an anime imageboard, but I'm retarded so there's that.

Anonymous No. 145446

you do know that "post a clip" is a slap thing right?

Anonymous No. 145447

No. I created that and I don't go on slap, so it's a 4chan thing.

Anonymous No. 145465

mentally ill thread

Anonymous No. 145469

Sounds based.

Anonymous No. 145471

Post a clip

Anonymous No. 145473

I have multiple times.

Anonymous No. 145495

Are you the white guy who only does smith grinds or the mexican guy who only does kickflips?

Anonymous No. 145502

Lurk more.

Anonymous No. 145514

Move it girls


Anonymous No. 147060
