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🧵 /esg/ eternal skateboarding general

Anonymous No. 145512

old bread >>142880

Scottish supremacy edition

Skatepark etiquette: Reminder to spray paint cats on the ramps and leave banana peels on the floor

Anonymous No. 145518

hey Theories is getting a few more Lenz 3 copies

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Anonymous No. 145523

I'm about to cry bros. I grew up in this small town skating by myself and always wanting to make a skate video but never could. Some years later and the next generation of young dawgs have an entire skate crew and made a whole 10/10 skate video on their own. You might recognize the spot where I did a heelflip and a 50-50 at in some webms I've posted. I feel so proud.

Anonymous No. 145524

>always wanting to make a skate video but never could.
You can make it now anon.

Anonymous No. 145526

No I can't.

Anonymous No. 145527


Anonymous No. 145529

kino. 3:42 is my favorite part.

Anonymous No. 145530

My knee is ruined after THAT happened.

Anonymous No. 145532

The little tree ride at 7:11 is great.

Anonymous No. 145581

I know that feel somewhat.

>from bumfuck nowhere town in Ireland
>literally the only person who skates there in the early 2000s
>dogshit at it, eventually stop
>come back to skating 2 years ago
>they've finally built a park the next town over
>meet a kid from my town
>does a blunt stall DOUBLE kickflip out on a whippy qp

Such a savage. Hope he stays at it.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 145583

the opposite actually happened in my small town... I was one of the first skaters, found out about skating after going to the capital of my state and meeting some kids that skated there. within two years of skating, literally 75% of the kids at my middle school end up skating. we literally have like 20+ kids skating every weekend in people's driveways. building boxes, kickers, rails, and eventually a mini ramp.everyone stick with it for a few years until halfway through high school when everyone starts dropping out one by one for other things(mostly partying and being "grown ups.) Me and two friends are the only ones left. we resort to hanging out with people from the capital, making the drive every weekend to skate. this was back in the early 2000s. skating was at it's peak. it was insane to witness. I literally didn't care about anything but skating. not girls, nothing. I would skip school to go to the skatepark every other day. it's pretty sad to see people quit doing something they enjoy and spend years of dedication at, for something as dumb as "partying" with people that they will never aquire such a close friendship with like they had with skating. this same thing happens with every generation of skaters, leaving only a few hardcores. skating is nothing like it used to be. there are less parks, less shops, and less skaters, even in large towns. small town skating got nearly completely wiped out. pros used to not be celebrities either. I remember meeting them at demos and they were literally broke bums like everyone else for the most part. they would sell kids shoes and decks that they got from sponsors. lol.

Anonymous No. 145596

I actually rode my skateboard today.

Anonymous No. 145621

So the accepted way to make a curb grind good is
>rub brick

What if you skip lacquer? That shit is expensive.

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Anonymous No. 145624

Why the fuck can I pop shuvit stationary but not rolling. Never learning tricks stationary again

Anonymous No. 145625


Anonymous No. 145626

just buy a 15 dollar can of spray on clear coat and wait 24 hr b4 waxing it and skating

Anonymous No. 145627

i know that struggle bro. try doing them fakie, they are much easier that way

Anonymous No. 145632

I don't get why lacquer is necessary if you're going to wax it.

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Anonymous No. 145633

lacquer is expensive but a rub brick isnt? its like 7 dollars a can thats good enough for a whole curb or two. the new method is using concrete sealer tho. and yes you absolutely wanna use one of these if you skip this step your an idiot
why did you post this again

Anonymous No. 145634

your a retard bro, would you rather have to use a half a candle every time you go to your spot or only have to use a little bit once every couple seshs?

Anonymous No. 145636

A can is a little over 5 dollars. You're going to go through more way more wax if that's the only thing you use.

Anonymous No. 145637

>the skate pros say you have to do it so it must be true

Anonymous No. 145638

But if you rub brick the fuck out of it and it's super smooth it should grind a little bit even without lacquer or wax.

Anonymous No. 145639

>it should grind a little bit
And when you add lacquer and wax it grinds a lot. It's a night and day difference.

Anonymous No. 145640

>if you skip this step your an idiot
Your trucks are just going to grind the lacquer off. Concrete sealer won't do shit because it soaks into the concrete, it just changes the color and makes it waterproof. It doesn't make it more slippery.

Anonymous No. 145643

ive fucking rub bricked and lacquered over a dozen curbs and ledges myself you fucking dipshit
this has to be bait, nobody can be this fucking stupid

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Anonymous No. 145647

You are banned from giving any sort of advice.

Anonymous No. 145649

Prove me wrong dickhead

You can fs slappy fucking raw curbs if you go fast enough

Anonymous No. 145650

It's literally pointless to lacquer AND wax and no one will be able to actually prove me wrong, they'll just call me a noob and tell me I can't skate and other bullshit. Both substances achieve the same thing on the curb/ledge.

Anonymous No. 145655


Anonymous No. 145661

Imagine being such a fuckin retard numale zoomers that you don't understand the difference between concrete sealer and lacquer and think they are interchangeable lmao go change your car battery fucking hell

Anonymous No. 145677

Car batteries is the greatest meme /esg/ has produced, courtesy of me.

Anonymous No. 145683

Lacquer makes it easier, but is not necessary- especially if you don't want to wait a day, even more so if it's an already waxed and grinded ledge and you get to it in that sweet spot before chunks start coming off it.
Basically point is, these threads would go so much better if you faggots didn't get so defensive anytime someone questions you guys holy shit.
No wonder you guys would rather skate alone , you probably flail around like a spaz whenever someone tries to give you trick advice.

Anonymous No. 145684

Nobody asked for your trick advise, especially on tricks you can't do, and have only seen in youtube tutorials.

Anonymous No. 145689

trying to prove a idiot wrong is a waste of time

>even more so if it's an already waxed and grinded ledge
if this is the case then you wont be rub bricking it either then... these threads would be so much better if people who didnt know shit would shut the fuck up and take a back seat

Anonymous No. 145695

No one in this thread has any critical thinking skills and instead of thinking rationally about things they just spazz out and hurl insults when something goes against the grain.

I grew up not even knowing what a rub brick or lacquer is and we got plenty of ledges and curbs to grind with just good old candle wax.

Anonymous No. 145696

post clip of you grinding a ledge

Anonymous No. 145698

people come in here asking questions then throw child like fits when they get answers they dont like
>well im not doing that, you guys dont know what your talking about
it happens almost every thread.
>I grew up not even knowing what a rub brick or lacquer is and we got plenty of ledges and curbs to grind with just good old candle wax.
you did things the hard way, theres easier and smarter ways to do things now that allow for more curbs and ledges to be skated. also this >>145696

Anonymous No. 145700

Why, so some asian kid with an inferiority complex can tell me how much of a kook I am?

Anonymous No. 145702

you seem like the one with the complex buddy

Anonymous No. 145704

I want to see you skateboard, you damn coot!

Anonymous No. 145705

no because you're on 4chan and that's the point of 4chan, posting OC

Anonymous No. 145708

>that's the point of 4chan, posting OC
the point is literally anonymity

Anonymous No. 145713

No, it's OC. It's an imageboard with video capabilities.

Anonymous No. 145714

well that too, but both at the same time

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Anonymous No. 145730

r8 my board

Anonymous No. 145731

I don't know if this is a troll or if it's your actual board but you first posted it so long ago and it still looks new. Start skating already.

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Anonymous No. 145733

i like the ace trucks

this is my stick

Anonymous No. 145734

Don't call it a "stick" ever again. That did not sound cool AT ALL

Anonymous No. 145735

:\ faceass skateboard

Anonymous No. 145736

i got that stick on me

Anonymous No. 145737

its illegible now.
but still skating it.

Anonymous No. 145738

Is this what American people refer to as a "capper"?

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Anonymous No. 145739


this is how my shit looks now.

Anonymous No. 145740

You didn't have to scratch your graphic with some pebbles just to impress us anon.

Anonymous No. 145741

its cool, i wanted to get a new deck anyway.

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Anonymous No. 145743

probably this one.

Anonymous No. 145769

Japanese skateboarding is Reddit tier, if they weren't foreign they'd be relegated to Andy Anderson status

🗑️ Anonymous No. 145770


like bro c'mon now lmao

Anonymous No. 145771


c'mon now lmao why do they get a pass imagine if this was a youtuber or some bullshit on the ig explore page

Anonymous No. 145772

still better than europoor tho kek

Anonymous No. 145780

>that song
>those tricks
fuck the chinks
we need to nuke em again

any trick where you take both feet off the board is not actually a real trick

Anonymous No. 145787

Flip tricks are the pop music of skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 145795

>any trick where you take both feet off the board is not actually a real trick
can you even ollie?

Anonymous No. 145796

I would heem all of you. Go change your car battery.

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Anonymous No. 145803

>looks new
The trucks have clearly been used on a rail retard.

Anonymous No. 145806

When I was a little kid I said this too, when in reality what I did was drop in on the corner of a metal pyramid and though I was doing a 50-50.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 145807

can you even see you slant eyed gook?

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Anonymous No. 145811

Hey goobies a thread or two ago there was some posting about some guys strongly disliking skateparks, old pro Dave Caddo has some interesting writing on this

tl;dr the layout is usually pretty bad and they are visually very bland. its really no wonder why skatepark graffiti is a thing

Anonymous No. 145815

picked up skating yesterday for the first time in 13 years again. can anyone recommend good youtube channels or resources for beginners. I want to progress as fast as possible again.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 145817

stop reporting me gook

Anonymous No. 145818

He didn't say anything of value in that blogpost.

If you don't like skateparks don't skate em?

Anonymous No. 145819

>the layout is usually pretty bad and they are visually very bland
there will always be a battle between people who think that skateparks should all be standard and have the same obstacles and be like a training ground and people who think each park should be different and unique and be interesting to skate. I think it depends on where your at and how many parks are actually around you. If your only getting one park in an hour radius and theres no street scene then it should probably be kinda standard cookie cutter shit. If theres plenty of shit to skate and parks around then building another cookie cutter park is dumb as fuck.

as far as skate park graffiti goes its usually shit and makes the park ugly asf. Even if its good graffiti it can make the ramps/ground slick as fuck. im all for the locals buffing/painting over park graf every once in a while but a local park/diy by me has taken to buffing graf within 48 hours of it going up even if its not on a ramp or anything and I get theyre trying to discourage people but its also just kinda gay cop like behavior.

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Anonymous No. 145823

Newfag here should I build a board or buy a board

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Anonymous No. 145824

someone spray painted "We love older women" on one of our quarter pipes

Anonymous No. 145829

Buy a premade, especially if you don't know if you'll stick with it. Replace the parts when you feel like you're ready.
Otherwise some teenage faggot at a skateshop who works on comission will smell your new blood like a shark and will try to sell you shit like magnesium trucks and ceramic bearings

Anonymous No. 145834

go to a shop and have them put your board together, try to build your second board on your own

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Anonymous No. 145867

>there will always be a battle between people who think that skateparks should all be standard and have the same obstacles and be like a training ground and people who think each park should be different and unique and be interesting to skate.
IMO it should have both.

Your standards:
>3ft miniramp
>bowl or pool
>3-5 stairs with handrails or hubba
>some low ledges/many pads/curbs
>taller, knee height+ ledges
>banks/pyramids/funboxes/euro gaps

Your unique shit that people will go out of their way to visit:
>rainbow rails
>weird bowl layout
>curved/angled/kinked rails
>old school shit like half pipes, snake runs, pump tracks, giant aqueduct scale banks, bumps, launch ramps, etc

If a park has just one of the latter mixed in with the standards, it's a good park. Given, naturally, it's all well made and has some sort of flow. And you can likewise mix some of these pieces together, like having a spine out of the miniramp, or a euro with a rail, etc. If anything, flow is the number one element for me. Nothing worse than a park that has an interesting obstacle that you have to push uphill to hit, then hit the brakes afterwards because it spits you out towards a wall.
What's the worst park or park feature you guys have seen (barring it just being crusty)?

Anonymous No. 145873

Looks nice.

Anonymous No. 145874

And what trucks are those?

Anonymous No. 145875

No way he made that.

Anonymous No. 145878

do you think the 77/9.5 aces would work on a 10 inch board? i can't find the longer ones anywhere

Anonymous No. 145881

>teenage faggot at a skateshop who works on comission
nobody at skateshops works on commission thats the dumbest shit ive ever heard.
>weird bowl layout
please god no, nothing is worse than a bowl that nobody can actually pump around

Anonymous No. 145885

the only people who have ever tried to upsell me are the retard teenagers at chains like zumiez. if you just go to an actual shop and ask for a board and some indys they won't dick you around.
they make their margins selling clothes to skatemilfs and their kids anyway

Anonymous No. 145886

Well maybe not "weird" but "interesting". Basically anything that isn't just a kidney. My local has a roll-in, two waterfalls, a cradle, extension, a sort of bank-y think (a transition that stops curving after a few degrees), a loveseat, hips and is just laid out in a way where you can hit different corners on every lap. It gives you so many new things to try where some bowls will but pretty bare. But it's also easy enough that you can just bomb down the waterfalls, hit the two deep end corners, then zoom back up the the shallow end and hit those two corners.

Anonymous No. 145887

I don't like it when the skatepark obstacle shoots you out into the way of another one. You just start crashing into everybody else. I blame it all on boomers.

Anonymous No. 145889

Give me a 3ft quater, a mellow hip and a manny pad to the side and I'm happy. Unfortunately most parks can't nail this.

Anonymous No. 145890


Anonymous No. 145891

i just want a flatbar that isn't on the side of the fucking bowl

Anonymous No. 145892

This photo is hilarious it actually made me laugh.

Anonymous No. 145897

>when your little brother is fucking around in Create-a-Park mode

Anonymous No. 145898

ace 44

Anonymous No. 145900


Anonymous No. 145902


Anonymous No. 145904

One of my locals has a bump to a thigh high flatbar that runs parallel to a vert drop into a concrete bowl. Awesome design.

Anonymous No. 145916

Are you the irish anon?

Anonymous No. 145921

can someone recommend some good budget wireless earbuds for skating?

Anonymous No. 145923

i dont think zumiez employees even make commission they just have to upsell or management gets on their ass.

no, pay attention to whats going on around you. air pods are a stain on society, hate pod people, anti social behavior should not be normalized

Anonymous No. 145934

Afraid not, I'm way over in FLORIDA :DDD

Anonymous No. 145936

doesnt florida already have a fuck ton of skateparks?

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Anonymous No. 145944

Yes but we deserve more :DDD

Anonymous No. 145945

o got some Chinese ones from Aliexpress for 35 bones. They've been working just fine

Anonymous No. 145952


Anonymous No. 145983

Here it’s “no, I mean diet cock”

Anonymous No. 146001

How many indoor parks does Florida have? I was there for holidays a lot as a kid and I could never get over the fucking rainstorms.

(also, I'm the Irish anon lol)

Anonymous No. 146029

Surely if you're at the skatepark alone it's not a big deal.

Anonymous No. 146051

That's all women when you're 13 years old, they coulda just said 'we love women'.

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Anonymous No. 146060

Anyone watching the X Games? The little house obstacle is fun as fuck.

Anonymous No. 146068

had no idea the x games was even going on rn. where do they even advertise?

Anonymous No. 146069

No clue. I only know about them via Tony Hawk's podcast, but I miss almost all contests even when they're in my own town until the highlights come out.

Anonymous No. 146072

Louie "snake eyes" Barletta is off Enjoi

Anonymous No. 146080

Enjoi (dwindle as a whole) are ded.

Anonymous No. 146086

whats tony hawks podcast like?

are you just finding out about this?

Anonymous No. 146092

Yes, those are the widest Aces. What board is it? Depending on the shape 77s might even be overkill, it's common to try to match the axle with the width of the deck at the rear bolt holes. For example pro skater Erick Winkowski uses 159s(8.75 in case you didn't know) on his 10.3 pro board.

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Anonymous No. 146097

Anon please this happened months ago

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Anonymous No. 146124
pic related (303 is having a pretty big deck sale btw, they do a lot of cool colllab boards you can't get elsewhere)
i mostly just want to use it as a dogwalker and maybe for learning backside airs in the big bowl when my hip heals. probably gonna throw my 7.75 ventures on it for the dog but that seems a little sketchy for bowls

Anonymous No. 146138

bum dreads will always put steeze in the negatives no matter how good a trick is

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Anonymous No. 146159

IMO 77s would be a little wide with the taper. I did some calculation and the board is around 8.8" at across the rear trucks (159px center to 10", 134px center to rear taper) so 9.5" trucks would probably stick out a little. Of course you are free to set it up however you like!

Anonymous No. 146174

Anonymous No. 146184

>whats tony hawks podcast like
It is really good, Hawk and Jason Ellis are the hosts. There's a new episode every Monday.

Anonymous No. 146186

ty anon. it just showed up and the ventures fit pretty well. i assumed they meant it was 10" at the bolts but it's really not that wide. nose manuals feel fucking weird lmao, it's nuts that cab invented cabs with a nose like this.

Anonymous No. 146219

>whats tony hawks podcast like?
Some amazing episodes, some boring ones. He's had all of thee Bones Brigade on and those are all great, as are most of the other ones with skater guests. The ones where it's just him and Jason can drag, and the more recent normie celebrity episodes are a mix bag but I get that they're trying to grow their audience.

Anonymous No. 146315

youtube recommended me a episode of hawks podcast with one of the workaholics guys on it? why, I hate that show.

Anonymous No. 146316


Anonymous No. 146317

bruh what in the fuck. that was wild

Anonymous No. 146369

I just don't know about these comps.. Skating has moved on from what they are judging I think. We need a new classification of "comp tricks".
The skate park was cool though.

Anonymous No. 146370

Whitney Housten too, idk wtf they are doing with those people, maybe appealing to Tonys non skater fans. The podcast is hit and miss and partly because I find Jason Ellis so hit and miss.

Anonymous No. 146372

>Tonys non skater fans
some of the most annoying people on the planet

Anonymous No. 146375

Based and milfpilled. The skatepark is the best thanks to all the married milfs that drop off their scooter shitters.

Anonymous No. 146376

Jap skating is all kook autist shit thanks to their dumbass 'the nail that sticks out gets hammered' culture. Actual street skating is a foreign concept to those lames.

Anonymous No. 146378

yeah jason ellis is a total faggot

🗑️ Anonymous No. 146379

yep gook skating is either a total freakshow or just robotic shit, rarely see anything actually cool

Anonymous No. 146380

anyone ever tried skating coked out? I've never done coke but read that it makes you happy and gives you energy...seems like a good combo for skating mental battles

Anonymous No. 146381

Nah coke is for the bars after the session at the spot or the park. When youre trying to send suicide shit or land some crazy tech shit first try you have to pregame with crack. Its also cheaper too so you dont feel like a complete mark the morning after.

Anonymous No. 146386

No no you don't want to get into cocaine. Your favorite pro skates all used crack for a reason.

Anonymous No. 146389

i recommend skating on lsd, shrooms, or even mdma.

Anonymous No. 146390

This nigga is capping. Calling the cops on you for spreading lies to the little anons. You want to see visuals and be able to actually push around on a board then just take A-LAD.

Anonymous No. 146397

Every 90s pro who is working three jobs right now did

Anonymous No. 146398

Somehow worse than Bams non skater fans

Anonymous No. 146399

not for skating

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Anonymous No. 146401

rate my conceptual private skatepark

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Anonymous No. 146402

the layout

Anonymous No. 146405

>no vert
>no bitches
Simple as

Anonymous No. 146406

I like bump to ledges and am annoyed your bump to ledges kind of don't work how I like. However looks fun. When do I get to skate it?

Anonymous No. 146409

i mean, there's a quarter pipe, but i mostly skate street.

tried to make it an endless loop type of thing

Anonymous No. 146411

how would you prefer it? i'd like to make changes to improve it while it's still conceptual

Anonymous No. 146422

I'm not sure there is enough room but it's hard to pop out mid ledge. I'd end each ledge after a few ft. Also the pillar blocks the out ledge.

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Anonymous No. 146426

>second trick is kickflip to blunt to kickflip revert out

Holy moly.

Anonymous No. 146427

Would be nice if I could see what the fuck was in those film noir shadows. But if there's not a miniramp set up, I'm not happy.

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Anonymous No. 146431

rate my private skatepark idea

Anonymous No. 146447

lots of transition 10/10

Anonymous No. 146448

This guy fucks.

Anonymous No. 146459

for how long have you been skating?

Anonymous No. 146467

That's the stuff baby.

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Anonymous No. 146470

blank decks stand up

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Anonymous No. 146473

can't do much about the pillars, but did fix this section

Anonymous No. 146478

Sticker that board up man!

Anonymous No. 146533

Nice, when can I come skate?

Anonymous No. 146535

Put a manual pad into a manual pad, so that one is coming out of the other, like bleachers/terraces. The box is too high and sticks out like a sore thumb. With integrated manual pads you have manual pads and ledge all into one.

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blank deck sale.png

Anonymous No. 146547

20 dollar blank decks

Anonymous No. 146566

can't believe people try to learn to ollie before changing their car battery

Anonymous No. 146567


Anonymous No. 146568

A lot of people get skateboards before a car

Anonymous No. 146570

>don't skate

Anonymous No. 146577

Yeah if you're over the age of 18 and still haven't learned ollies, you have to learn how to change a car battery first for real.

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stupid 5-0.jpg

Anonymous No. 146578

trannybros i need some pointers.
Every time i try to 5-0 or 5050 on transition , i always find myself doing these stupid horizontal slash type grinds. I can hold the grinds for a little bit so its doing more than "slashing" but man i hate how they look.
Am i just being too much of a coward to properly go all the way over? Whenever i do try, i go to far out and eat shit. but i really don't think its a fear because even on a small foot high ramp i still do the same shit.
Is it my timing?
Weight distribution?
Am I an actual pussy, and in reality I AM too scared to fully commit to these grinds?
Should i just stick to what i'm good at and not worry about transition?

Anonymous No. 146580

i love that park

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Anonymous No. 146581

Practice 50 & 5-0 stalls to get used to the feeling of standing on top of the coping to the point where it doesn’t scare you, then go for grinds

Anonymous No. 146582

i really don't think its fear unless it is a fear i don't really think about. I do try to stand straight up but i overshoot it.
That being said, i never really put time into learning stalls so you're probably right.

Anonymous No. 146586

Its hard to tell from that picture exactly where you're going wrong but this is what i told someone else who was having a similar problem, and they also went from street skating into transition...
your trucks are on there and thats a pretty high qp- I don't think you're scared of going up, but it looks like you're preparing for a fall. If your trucks are getting on there-+ you need to lean your upper body back.... in that pic you can see your back shoulder and head area area are leaning down towards the floor, as if you're ready to catch yourself if you fall. I know you can do stairs - but catching and stopping yourself from a bad slam is different on transition. You want to slide down the ramp and try to not get hurt instead of bracing yourself for the least amount of pain. You need to get into the headspace of saving yourself being more in your legs than in the upper body and i think that might help.

Anonymous No. 146601

Your body is outside and over the transition, if you can go to a smaller qp you can practice the feeling of getting up and on the top of the coping, it's like a shift in your weight

Roll up to the ramp in a completely perpendicular straight line

Anonymous No. 146619

I need to work on these too, but I find dropping in front rail and rolling out onto the deck makes committing to them less sacry.

Anonymous No. 146620

Dave Caruso or Ben Degros says that a vert grind should not be attempted as a street grind. You are doing it correctly.

Anonymous No. 146622


Anonymous No. 146659

If you can't hold the 5-0 and stop for a moment before coming back in then you're not doing it correctly imo. You just need to get on top. Idk what to say other than just do it. Look where you want your trucks to go and just do it, it aint that hard

This is what happens when you learn to skate from people on the internet

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Anonymous No. 146666


Anonymous No. 146704

What's the best trick tip you guys have ever gotten?

Anonymous No. 146719

For back smiths, get your back toe side wheel locked against the coping/ledge

Anonymous No. 146722

What the fuck is that even meant to imply? You honestly think 50s and 5-0s in transition should be done with your body horizontal with the ground? Have you considered actually trying to skate a ramp instead of just larping about it online?

Anonymous No. 146737

for kickflips, you have to slice through the nose, I got stuck on them for ages because I thought you had to tap it sideways

Anonymous No. 146747

>absolutely zero run-up for the stair set
Maybe go back the drawing board man

Anonymous No. 146749


Anonymous No. 146780

It's a stock photo of a guy posed on coping, you can tell because his weight is over the deck and not going into the ramp. I'm implying that isn't how the trick is done. Watch a video part, perhaps John Cardiel or Grant Taylor, they aren't standing up on the coping, and then turning and dropping in. The weight stays over the ramp ready to carry speed back in, how much is kind of set up at take off depending on how far you want to grind. No, you don't do it horizontally, he is doing it wrong.

Anonymous No. 146787

>It's a stock photo of a guy posed on coping
wtf that's me. I don't think gravity would let me pose in that position. I just suck and my grinds look like shit and i posted it so i could suck less.

Anonymous No. 146788

nah this one

Anonymous No. 146790

I miss when you would just huck your fatass down some stairs. if you do them few and far between, you can keep your grinds like that and no one would care. Get out of that bowl!

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Anonymous No. 146792

Can we delete that stock image lmao

Anonymous No. 146795

lol its actually part of a snakerun. I'm in a stair slump and i can't seem to do anything besides kickflips on them

Anonymous No. 146800

>stair slump

try to find a decent grass gap or a gazebo spot eg cherry park and try to get used to doing your flatground tricks down something with some actual speed behind them.

Anonymous No. 146801

really fucking jelly, the closest thing we have are bmx jumps

Anonymous No. 146802

It actually makes sense however.

Anonymous No. 146803

See? >>146620

I'm not the only one who thinks so.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 146804

Artificial Girl 2 General /aa2 bitch slap/ #1340
Who Framed /aa2g/? Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 146812

Lead with the knee when you're about to level out an ollie. By the time you've popped, your knee should be more towards the nose of the board than your foot. That way you don't have to kick your leg as forward to level out, the motion is faster, and your body stays more centred over the board.

Anonymous No. 146813


Anonymous No. 146822

This is the correct positioning for basically any transition grind and a lot of problems people have skating transition stem from being either more upright than this or less upright than this

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Anonymous No. 146826

why are you trying to five-o that part of the transition instead of the more mellow QP to the right of you when you first enter the park
I was going to give you tips but now I won't because i know you're a retard
the first step would be learning how to actually keep your weight "in" the transition while being comfortable sitting "on top" of the coping, instead of actually trying to 50-50 on top of the deck or doing these weird slash grind looking ass shits you got going on in your picture
if you can't Axle stall, feeble stall or 5-0 stall I wouldn't bother trying to learn how to actually grind coping yet, because you're basically asking to hang up when you finally grind because you don't know how to distribute your weight properly

Anonymous No. 146827

Guys, the cube has been gleamed today. I have never been more proud of myself. :)

Anonymous No. 146840

Do you mean you lost your backside virginity?

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Anonymous No. 146851
can someone teach me how to skateboard like this

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Anonymous No. 146860

Guys I just went to my local shop and bought wheels for $40. I looked online and the exact same wheels are in a dozen stores on sale for only $20. I feel like I just go scammed.

Anonymous No. 146863

thanks for supporting your local 0:^)

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Anonymous No. 146873

We did it Reddit! It's serialized now!

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Anonymous No. 146874


Anonymous No. 146877

here is the oneshot. Serialization already started.

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Anonymous No. 146881

very neat. thanks for the link anonito.

Anonymous No. 146884

>why are you trying to five-o that part of the transition instead of the more mellow QP to the right of you when you first enter the park
I have been! but its the same thing. Even on super low coping. But if i'm going to share a picture, it shouldn't be on a small little thing right?
you should come by

Anonymous No. 146890

This a is based

Anonymous No. 146894

lol wimminz. godly hard rail trick but still looks like dogshit because of your terrible girl style

Anonymous No. 146897

thassa dude

Anonymous No. 146898


Anonymous No. 146908

>comfy session with strangers in a tiny flatland part of the park where you all stand across from each other and take turns doing whatever tricks you can think of
>all skill levels and styles from baby ollie to boomer streetplant to zoomer tre flip
>don't ask each other your names but cheer each other on like you're all good friends anyway

I love those moments. Ever park should have a section built for those.

🗑️ Coffee&Skate No. 146960

Discover Coffee&Skate, your ultimate destination for underground fashion and skateboarding! Dive into our exclusive catalog of high-quality apparel and skateboards that will fulfill all your needs. From exclusive t-shirts and hoodies to customized boards and top-notch accessories, we have everything you need to take your style to the next level. Whether you're looking to revamp your wardrobe or find the perfect gear to dominate the skatepark, Coffee&Skate is your trusted online store. Don't wait any longer and join our passionate community of coffee and skate enthusiasts today!

Anonymous No. 146967

waste of good space imo.
>Sorry you can't have a ramp or flatbar or stairs here because some friendly faggots want to do a flatground soul train.

Anonymous No. 146973

gentlemen, you should know that sperry’s have good board feel and are sold in 2e for wide feet. thats all

Anonymous No. 146975

Aren't those boating shoes or something? I can't roll up to the spot like that, I'm going to get bullied.

Anonymous No. 147017
can anyone explain how he couldve avoided the board falling sooner and landing primo?

Anonymous No. 147019

keeping legs bent and not pushing the board down early, or actually kicking out. really cool of thrasher to skull emoji some kid almost fucking dying.

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Anonymous No. 147020

>Sk8 or die u ain't bout dis life bitch

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Anonymous No. 147026

holy shit. thats going to be a full on brain injury. he needed to kick the board out. i wonder what happened to him afterwards.

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Anonymous No. 147032

Is this pic worth sharing with the guy I photographed?

Anonymous No. 147035

>butt shot
>no face

Anonymous No. 147083

Laquer and wax decrease friction between your truck and the stone you are grinding over. Feel free to be retarded somewhere else.

Anonymous No. 147089

bros, I think I've had it with bbs boards. I need a change in my life.

Anonymous No. 147100

going to try The Professor's wood or heading to the far east(china)?

Anonymous No. 147102

i'm going to try SOUR and their strange concaves

Anonymous No. 147103

The most important thing on a deck is the graphic.

Anonymous No. 147120

Whats with the pic?

Anonymous No. 147122

how do you mean?

Anonymous No. 147123

Bros, how can we compete? Japan has deployed full ganbate autism into skateboarding. This is what their children are capable of now.

Anonymous No. 147125

360 thing by the girl and the coconut hardflip were crazy

Anonymous No. 147134

>maybe this time it'll be funny

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Anonymous No. 147135


Anonymous No. 147154

>mfw a new skatepark was built in my city and it has already been taken over by the homeless population


Anonymous No. 147165

I don't find logic behind this, but it doesn't prevent me from liking the motion graphing or considering it a /esg/ staple

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Anonymous No. 147166

Best vibes, I feel it.

Anonymous No. 147167

I say yes. That looks like a juicy kicka flippa

Anonymous No. 147169

Who are you quoting?

Anonymous No. 147172

Your inner monologue

Anonymous No. 147173

That's not what was said there.

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Anonymous No. 147178

what size do you wear?

Anonymous No. 147181

45 EU

Anonymous No. 147209

How do you balance bs smiths on ledges? I finally got my back 50’s nice but locking into these feel so weird

Anonymous No. 147264

11.5 UK. Fucking clown feet.

Anonymous No. 147265

Get hesh. Bomb a drop in and shoulder tackle right into them.

Anonymous No. 147285

I shouldn't be giving tips on this since I don't really have them, but what helped me was learning front febles on a small quater. I went from stalls to squeeky small grinds and worked my way up. Helped me understand the weight distribution. I'm sure back Smith's on a small quater would help more but I got broke off trying them and would rather try on a ledge.
12-13 depending on brand. Curious how wide board you ride and the type of skating you do. I have a theory on big footed skaters.

Anonymous No. 147313

>skateboard thread
>someone in rain boots and forest gear, in a forest.
just doesnt seem to fit. Think its hard to skate on mud and rocks.

Anonymous No. 147319

Google zoomer

Anonymous No. 147337

this >>146470 is my 8; i downgraded from an 8.5 because i skate street and the extra weight wasnt worth the trouble

Anonymous No. 147360

I have this issue + a few others holding up my monitor.
Fair I found 8 a bit too skinny. I feel like big feet = prefer kickflip / front board over heelflips / back board

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Anonymous No. 147387

I want to get a long board but I don’t like any of them. I want too much from it I think. Drop through, drop down, popsicle style double kick and a wheelbase around 20”ish. I like having my bushings and baseplate angles set for full lean and almost zero turn so that I can have big soft wheels on a large popsicle board without any risk of wheel bite with low angle rkp trucks

I’m probably just gonna take a dremel to one of my boards and make it a diy dropthrough and see how that goes for now

Anonymous No. 147450

lib's snowskate topdeacks have a 20.25 wheelbase on a 37' board

Anonymous No. 147474


I ride an 8.5" deck normally, but I also have a 10" Heroin Egg for cruisy, pooly shit. Weighs a tonne but I feel nice and safe carving things with it.

Anonymous No. 147642

>kicka flippa
i hope you don't say this gay shit out loud when you see a kickflip

Anonymous No. 147670

I say nice kicka flippa and then I give them a big smooch

Anonymous No. 147683

>be skating
>family come in with kids on scooters
>whatever, go to lane behind ramps and skate
>parents go to local gym and leave kids
>one of them wheels round the corner of a drop-in
>I eat shit on concrete avoiding this little girl half my height
>nose is all bloody
>she goes "sorry" and runs off to her siblings
>I walk home with a banging head pain listening to OandA
Whatever, she's a kid and apologised but I want to throttle the parents. What kind of fucking retards leave their kids at a skatepark to go exercise their decrepit ass

Anonymous No. 147693

idk it's pretty typical for kids to get dumped at the skatepark all day. that's what my parents did.
we didn't even have a working waterfountain

Anonymous No. 147696

These kids were like 8 though, any guy could just run up and grab them before their pudgy pieces of shit parents noticed

Anonymous No. 147698

Uh what?

Anonymous No. 147700

>parents drop off little kids at a skatepark
>they go into a building 40 meters away leaving them alone next to a road
>I think this bad and dangerous
What part do you not get?

Anonymous No. 147701

You're planning something aren't you.

Anonymous No. 147703

All I'm saying is that if I were to get a child that's where I'd do it I'd also take the blonde

Anonymous No. 147717

my parents started leaving me at 7 and that wasn't even a real skatepark, just an abandoned warehouse that people put ramps inside.
>40 meters
bro what, that's nothing. our parents would literally dump us in another town and the fuck off back home for the next 12 hours. no one got diddled (except me ig but not at a skatepark) but 1 kid died so that place got shut down

Anonymous No. 147723

Yeah I do.

Anonymous No. 147729

>1 kid died
Damn. How?

8 years old is understandable, but what I will never get are the parents who send pre-verbal toddlers on their little 3 wheeler scooters into the park. I've seen mothers stop and look at grown men flying through the air on BMXes, landing huge transfers into a bowly thing, then let their fetus on wheels do circles right in the landing zone where nobody can see them and not think anything of it.

Anonymous No. 147730

a rail fell on his head while he was grabbing his backpack

Anonymous No. 147731

based jacopo fan

Anonymous No. 147760


I always heard as a kid, though I've been unable to find a news story about it, that an indoor park in Dublin closed down because a kid tried to bomb it towards a funbox, slipped out and wound up sliding along the ground sideways, and smashed his skull face first into the end of a flatbar. Because the park didn't have a helmet policy or a strong enough liability form, they got shut down.

Anonymous No. 147761

Would rob/10

Anonymous No. 147762

Needs a halfpipe

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Anonymous No. 147770

Marked out where where i needed to take out and then used a drill to do most of the work before switching to the dremel with a wood bit and fishing it off with a round sander. It’s not perfect and I know the extended wheelbase holes aren’t perfect so both plates are just ever so slightly out of balance but as far as making a drop through goes this works and is pretty siiick. It’s harder to to do ollies and shuvits but that’s a good trade-off for pure stability when going down hills. There’s less than one index finger of clearance between the board and the wheel now and I only get wheel bite if I put my full weight onto one wheel, full weight on one side is fine though.
Still gotta redo the grip tape today, might do spaced out diamonds like the bottom of the board.

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Chad Muska.jpg

Anonymous No. 147789

>a rail fell on his head while he was grabbing his backpack

Anonymous No. 147796

How can Franky Villani be so good?

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Anonymous No. 147862

Aye I just bought this board for 50 dollars off eBay can you guys teach me how to skate thanks in advance

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Anonymous No. 147960

melt cheese in the bearings, makes kickflips easier, at least if your a true earthrocker

committing is a buzzword, if you fuck up once dont let people see it

Anonymous No. 147975

Watch some youtube videos so you can get the proper stance

Anonymous No. 147984

Why is he fat?
You need to rotate it 90° to ride it

Anonymous No. 147989

>skate flatebar for an hour
>hip hurts again
not like this bros...
front nose on the bank was pretty cool

Anonymous No. 147995

The last trick was so perfect. His Primitive Define part is still my favorite.

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Anonymous No. 147999

>day off
>its raining

Anonymous No. 148000

keep your old deck to use as a rain board

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Anonymous No. 148070


Anonymous No. 148084

Hello fellow boomers has anyone here worn es accel ogs? I read they are a bit short in length idk if I should try a 12 or 13.

Anonymous No. 148085

i just wear them in my normal size and haven't had any problem

Anonymous No. 148088

I usually have problems with my normal size (12), I need a big 12 or small 13. You couldn't characterize their length in any way? Would you be more likely to have to go up, or down in size in another shoe?

Anonymous No. 148098

I had plenty of Accel pairs over the last decades and they all hurt at the beginning when you buy them at your actual size

Anonymous No. 148101

last summer as part of my pre-30 y/o middle age crisis, I went and bought a skateboard. had fun in skatepark and later sprained my ankle.

now that I have comfy skate shoes and functioning ankle, I went to skate park again to kick the ground a little.

was nice

Anonymous No. 148103

i always buy skate shoes +1 size to my foot, so 11s for my size 10 feet (imo jumping down shit feels better when your toes have some room on impact)
with the ogs you can probably upsize without any issue because of the tongue and the heel lock. my laces have been completely blown out for months and the shoes are still snug without being tied at all

Anonymous No. 148104

imo all boomer bros should invest in a home setup even if it's just a flatbar. being able to keep yourself warmed up for skating every day makes a huge difference

Anonymous No. 148133

I don't have the option of a flatbar or any sort of substantial setup, but I find just doing footworky pivoty shit on the carpet stops me from rusting.

Anonymous No. 148142

For me they are tts, I'd go with your usual cupsole size

Anonymous No. 148164

Our guy got a new bitch. Kind of a downgrade no?

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Anonymous No. 148166

>Our guy

Anonymous No. 148167

Who then if not him?

Anonymous No. 148168

is someone here from pasadena? I might go to the yellow skatepark there this weekend but it looks small . Idk if its worth the trip but my bro wants to go so i might do it.

Anonymous No. 148170

>is someone here from pasadena?

Thank god I'm not.

Anonymous No. 148173

>except me ig

Except your instagram?

Anonymous No. 148175

You creative motherfucker.

Anonymous No. 148229

someone white

Anonymous No. 148245

he's a manlet g**k nosecel

Anonymous No. 148270

Hey y'all, based boomer bro here, gettin a little worn down by my skate journey thus far and need some advice to keep me rippin. I've had an epic battle with the shuv for the last year and a half, maybe landing it once or twice cleanly (with a mega steeze roll away, felt fuckin amazing i tell you hwat, but technically not a roll away cause it was stationary in the grass, but you know what i mean), but when I take it to concrete I keep slamming hard. Last one I tried 6 months back I managed to snap my arm to a 90 degree angle (the WRONG way) so have been out for a bit, but after some recovery I've been doing some carpet boarding on my home made carpet board deck (with custom grip and foot wells to place my feet in to make it extra comfy) and i think i'm finally getting it. What I need to know is how do i stop slipping out when i finally retry these bad bois on the big bois surface? i can land both feet on the bolts (usually back bolts) which is what everyone says, so i dunno what i'm doing wrong. Help me win this war!

Anonymous No. 148272

regarding shoes. they are some as basic vans shoes as possible and almost in breaking point after 6 months of just walking. heels from insoles are walked into oblivion and i had to glue the outsoles back in.

can you recommend some good shoes that would last a little longer? I have wide-ish feet so I can't just walk in store and test all.

Vans have worked well for me, being comfy and all, but the durability is just really meh. I can't even fathom how fast these would wear if I were to actually skateboard.

Anonymous No. 148292

>projection: the zoomie

Anonymous No. 148295

So me?

Anonymous No. 148297

The best way to land shuvits if you're already throwing them properly is stand on the floor parallel to your board. Jump from the floor onto your board with both feet. Do this 6... Maybe 12 times. You really don't have to do it a lot just a few. Then do your shoves and take what you just did and apply that to how you land it. You only need to do that exercise really the first time. It'll stick after that.
Also this reads like a reddit post so I'm not sure if it's real, but if it is maybe also take a couple breaths before you start typing.

Anonymous No. 148299

go back to school and learn the meaning of words and how to use them

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Anonymous No. 148304

if you don't mind putting down some money, the vans mte line are pretty durable ime. i put around 50 hiking days into them on top of skating and they've held up very well
the ambition jib boards are good for carpet boarding if you want something you can flip around. they don't make much noise on a rail either. you can find them for cheap during clearance sales as well. i got mine for 50$ when the house closed down. they have hella pop too

also this is for snowboarding but you can do the same shit with a skateboard/snowskate etc

Anonymous No. 148306

yesterday i got shuvs almost consistently down (get it 4/5 times) because i it broke down to beginner conditioning level even further than >>148297
i started by focusing just stepping on/off with the front foot at like a jogger pace then adding a jump off to it. then focusing how i jumped off, trying to make the board not shift or get thrown forward/backwards after jumping off parallel and making sure there was no tension in my hamstring for my tails foot when i did it. after that move on to following the motions every youtuber video tells you, try landing with front foot first only, then le commit.

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Anonymous No. 148307

>tfw had a dream I was skating

Anonymous No. 148308


Anonymous No. 148312

>carpet boarding

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this is who is ca....png

Anonymous No. 148318

hi senpai xD bussin zoomer here, trying to get a W and learn to drop in on vert (a mellow quarterpipe, pretty much a bank) but no cap i can't open my eyes wide enough to see over the edge of the coping. dey smol. big yikes!! lk wanna get this shit iykyk any senpai got some tips? bet tryn be the main character here fr

Anonymous No. 148319

I know this kid posted his IG once in here but you don't have to be cringe about it anon.

Anonymous No. 148320

>Saving pictures of our posters
What is the matter with you

Anonymous No. 148324

we need to stop normalizing skate park footy in parts

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Anonymous No. 148339

Is that fucking Aapo Olervo on the right?

based finnish schizo board man
walks around helsinki talking straight to camera and wondering if everyone is watching him

Anonymous No. 148341

ur weird

Anonymous No. 148342

that weirdo g**k zoomer faggot is responsible for 90% of negative posts in this general and making all the good posters leave so now we're just stuck with other zoomers who have been skating for like 2 months

Anonymous No. 148343

this your first time on 4chan bud?

Anonymous No. 148344

He actually used them pretty well

Anonymous No. 148345

He did??? I must have missed some episodes

Anonymous No. 148346

its nothing some kid said "hows this grind" or some shit and posted a Instagram link instead of the video. And this dude was like
>look lolololol he's doxing himself
but like the Chinese did nothing wrong , he just posted the link so nobody really cared. And i think this guy is still trying to make pick on the Chinee a thing. And the more nobody cares about this shit the angrier this guy gets

Anonymous No. 148406

>chink picks fight with autist
>doxxes himself in the process
I mean if you didn't see it coming..

Anonymous No. 148413

if you can't see that the yellow kid who posted his insta is the same kid who is constantly being a opinionated retard in here then you're retarded and have probably only been on 4chan for 6 months

Anonymous No. 148415

mr gavin how do you feel about the current allegations against you?

fucking zoomies need to be more careful about doxxing themselves here, this isn't reddit bud

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Anonymous No. 148425

FUCK your local
buy the $2 bob ross grip tape (element site sale)

Anonymous No. 148428

also free shipping with no minimum when you sign up

Anonymous No. 148430

no decks? only $20

Anonymous No. 148435

already got 3 and wheels from a different site sale
my broke ass has been blessed this year

Anonymous No. 148437

i had a dream one night where i was trying to kickflip a mason jar in some laboratory

Anonymous No. 148463

kek, i love this man now

Anonymous No. 148471

No that's me. I'm not asian.

Anonymous No. 148473

Now that I know people's personal shit is getting reposted . I'm done with these threads. To the boomer who keeps saying some asian dude is the one derailing these threads, you are the one who keeps getting reported and banned not him. You're the one who escalates shit and we're trying to have a skateboard conversation that's nice and good. I probably see the words "gook" and "zoomie" in these threads from you more than you talk about skateboarding. These fucking threads are already dead as is- you're not helping.

Anonymous No. 148477

>Now that I know people's personal shit is getting reposted . I'm done with these threads
it's pretty easy to not get doxed if you're not a retarded zoomie who posts his instagram on 4chan with a very distinct posting style, anon

Anonymous No. 148481

ill post my instagram when i feel like
construction wagie cant hurt my feelings

Anonymous No. 148482

Post an ig story on how you change your car battery.

Anonymous No. 148492

this is why everyone leaves anon. we tried to warn you. this deranged weirdo has everyones pictures in a folder. its time to let this general go.

Anonymous No. 148506

Shut up

/esg/ forever

By the way, were you siblings aware that there is a new King of the Road? El oh El

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Anonymous No. 148512

>you are the one who keeps getting reported and banned not him

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Anonymous No. 148514

Yo guys I think you've got it wrong. I'm against shitting on the asian kid, and I defended him. I'm not the one that posted his image making fun of him, but everything you're blaming the guy that did for is actually what I do. You're getting us confused. Now I don't know if he's the construction guy or not, but you can't blame him for everything. I'm the guy telling you to change your car battery. I'm the guy telling you to post a clip. I'm the guy telling you to go back to slap. I'm the guy throwing insults around at you. I'm the guy telling everyone they don't skate. I'm the heelflip guy. I'm the torn acl and meniscus guy that makes sad posts because my life is ruined. I am NOT the guy working in construction and I am NOT the guy that has beef with the asian kid however. You're hating on the wrong person.

Anonymous No. 148516

Furthermore, I'm the guy that says trannies and women are not allowed in skateboarding. The guy that talks about bevup, and the guy that says the graphic is the most important part of a skateboard deck.

Anonymous No. 148519

i've been browsing these threads for years and have no idea who any of these people are.
why does every general devolve into discordtranny shit

Anonymous No. 148522

>every general devolve into discordtranny shit
i do not understand the obsession some people have with keeping track of posters and knowing whos who on an anonymous imageboard. its deranged schizo shit

Anonymous No. 148528

You definitely know me.

Anonymous No. 148533

My lower back is having none, zero, zilch, nada, one minus one, of my shenanigans

She's been rioting since the afternoon

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Anonymous No. 148539

Can all of you just stfu and look at Megan?

Anonymous No. 148543

>Can all of you just stfu

Anonymous No. 148547

>asian kid
>torn acl guy
>construction wagie guy
>irish/scottish guy obsessed with jamie griffin
>fs smith guy
>troon guy
>diy guy

who else am i forgetting? there are at least 10 'how do i ollie' posters too

Anonymous No. 148551

Cringe and zero style.

Anonymous No. 148556

I've never met a freestyle hater that wasn't an hourly wage cuck who crutches on skating to be their personality

Anonymous No. 148558

I've never met a freestyle lover that wasn't some corny balding weirdo that makes his entire personality about positivity and his music taste revolves around searching for "nujabes type instrumentals" on youtube.

Anonymous No. 148559

he seems like a lovable person

say him hello if you see him

i will
t. fanboi

Anonymous No. 148560

sheeeeeesh i\m new to this thread

what is up with le drama

cant you all just skate and shieeeet

Anonymous No. 148561

I used to be into it. It was an odd experience. I have two combat tours and am a desiel mechanic. To have had the bowl skating dads at the park needing to judge the shape of a board to feel tough was surreal.

It's a fucking skateboard. Being critical about any of it is pretty gay.

Anonymous No. 148568

post your car battery

Anonymous No. 148570

it's quite simple really

these threads have almost always had some very cruel posts, just downright mean and someone always derailing threads over the stupidest arguments, and i realized it was all coming from one poster, and this poster was almost certainly our little looksmaxing g**k friend over here with the creepy teeth

he posted his instagram like a fucken retarded zoomer and i don't even get why people are calling me cruel because it's not like i'm reposting his social media or sending cum tributes to his family or anything

dumb zomer wouldn't have survived on old 4chan

anyway someone create a new thread and we can put all this behind us but just be very wary of where you post doxxable information zoomers, let this be a lesson to you

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Anonymous No. 148598

>diy guy
That’s me!! :D
I love fucked up unique shaped boards, longboard specific parts like bushings wheels drop downs and drop throughs, electric boards in the bowl, slalom parts, roller derby wheels, surf skate adapters and anything unique or different. If I can’t afford it I’ll trade for it or make it myself if possible.

I really want a nice downhill board like the one pictured but that won’t happen for a long time. Until then my favorite thing to practice is caveman transferring between boards while riding, each with a different wheelbase and wheels for differing types of terrain

Oh also drilling holes in the board to add rope so you can pull the board up with you when you jump for cheating Ollie’s is fucking sick on a retarded shaped longboard

Thanks for reading my blogpost

Anonymous No. 148601

Feels good to figure out heelflips. Got some clean ones while moving and they’re slowly becoming more consistent for me.

Gonna treat myself to a new deck before the sesh. What brand should I get? I was thinking about trying baker/chocolate boards.

Anonymous No. 148602

Freestyle is love
Skateboarding is life

Anonymous No. 148615

>reddit spacing

Anonymous No. 148616

When people say DIY guy they mean the guy that builds obstacles like quarterpipes and ledges and shit, not you. Stupid longboarding faggot. Literally nobody claims you in here.

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Anonymous No. 148627

>>irish/scottish guy obsessed with jamie griffin
Why do you think I'm Scottish???

Unrelated, but there hasn't been a good thread for a while and I'm finding myself not checking in on them for longer periods of time. They've gotten super shitty and bitter in a /b/ kind of way. There's no moderation and all of this shit flinging reeks of underage b&, while barely anyone posts images or clips of any sort of skating, nevermind their own (which, to be fair, isn't something most people want to do because they'll undoubtedly get a tonne of undue shit for it). The only people eager to actually talk about skating are the newbie "how do I ollie" guys. Less and less posters seem to actually be fans of skating.

So yeah, idk, I think people should start reporting posts more often to stop threads from devolving into this shit every single time.

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Anonymous No. 148630

Shalom homie. Just copped two decks and both Bob Ross grips for under 80$

Anonymous No. 148632

idk i try to give advice and shit but idk if it's wanted or not. same with the snowskating posts.
kind of feels like it'd be weird to be a lone turbosperg filming myself do incredibly mid tricks, you kind of need a crew for that sort of thing

Anonymous No. 148635

I used to make people hip over the resident troll who stuck to this thread since /wwe/ was moved on to /asp/ again
He even said he was going to stick around after the move to /xs/. It probably was the same person who was shitting wrestling threads as well.

Anonymous No. 148638

you're the problem
the threads are fine while your banned and can't whine and bitch and start shit for no reason
then you come back start arguments and turn the thread into a circle jerk about how bad the threads are.
you're also one of the only recognizable posters in these threads purely from your posting style

>dumb zomer wouldn't have survived on old 4chan
get a life you retarded old faggot

>Less and less posters seem to actually be fans of skating.
this has always been a thing in these threads. people who are only interested in getting better at skating, dont give a shit about skateboarding outside their own, which is fine but it doesnt make for interesting discussion ever. why even come online to talk about skating if your not even that into it? the discussion is just
>i did a trick!
>yay good job! im trying a trick!
>good luck!

Anonymous No. 148640

skating attracts narcissists?? wtf!

Anonymous No. 148642

idk most of the skating i follow is old shit that i assume people don't care about

Anonymous No. 148645

>always had some very cruel posts, just downright mean

Anonymous No. 148646

>kind of feels like it'd be weird to be a lone turbosperg filming myself do incredibly mid tricks, you kind of need a crew for that sort of thing
Are you genuinely surprised that the few skaters on 4chan are sperg loners?

Anonymous No. 148647

>skating attracts narcissists??
idk how you got that from my post but your not wrong.

Anonymous No. 148654

>filming myself do incredibly mid tricks
you literally do 3ft boardslides on park flatbars and think that shit is worth claiming and then posting on your tiktok

unironically doing powerslides in lines like it's a trick lmao just fucking stop

so fucking arrogant

Anonymous No. 148657

>you literally do 3ft boardslides on park flatbars and think that shit is worth claiming and then posting on your tiktok
>unironically doing powerslides in lines like it's a trick lmao just fucking stop
>so fucking arrogant
dawg what are you talking about? do you have some sort of 4chan add on that lets you see peoples IP's and social media accounts or are you really coming out as this schizo?

Anonymous No. 148699

>why even come online to talk about skating if your not even that into it? the discussion is just
>>i did a trick!
>>yay good job! im trying a trick!
>>good luck!
I'd take that over endless "faggot faggot nigger trannies gay bet you don't skate thing you like is gay". I don't mind shit talking, but it's just so weird and bitter as fuck here.

There's also chronic phoneposting in these threads, hence the lack of images.

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Anonymous No. 148708

reposting an old one of mine

Anonymous No. 148714

Cool but you didn't lock in and you need a bigger board.

Anonymous No. 148717

That's not the one I wanted to post, but the other one isn't loading, has 4chan gone down in the webm size it allows?
The other is an equally unlocked grind but it goes longer and I do a kicka flippa after

Anonymous No. 148720

Size limit is 4 or 3 MB I forgot.

Anonymous No. 148733

False alarm on king of the road, vice just reuploaded the 2015 one.

Anonymous No. 148739

I feel like I am being forgotten a bit on this board. I too get banned thanks to our gookmaxing fren but I haven't posted in a long time. Catching up on the shit slinging is quite entertaining imo.

Are these worth watching? I saw them on my local channels website to stream, the old kotr were sick but 45 minute episodes? Seems a bit much..

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midget twink.png

🗑️ Anonymous No. 148744

what da fuk u say to me white boi?

Anonymous No. 148752

I'm ditching my expensive indys for something with a lower height. I hate them.

Anonymous No. 148772

this is some kinda satire right?

Anonymous No. 148773

I really can't tell

Anonymous No. 148789

If you like KOTR, sure

Anonymous No. 148798

>I feel like I am being forgotten a bit on this board.
nobody gives a shit about you nigga this is an anonymous imageboard if you wanna be a character join a real forum

Anonymous No. 148822


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clown throwing down.jpg

Anonymous No. 148858

to change thread subject from namefag drama, how about 2 basic questions: trick youve been practicing this week, and favourite trick for those cozy sessions

I just remembered how fun coffins down big hills are, and not those limp dick starting sitting ones.

Anonymous No. 148862

>>i did a trick!
>>yay good job! im trying a trick!
>>good luck

Anonymous No. 148864

I'm trying to get backside 50-50s down. I can't pop into them to save my life, always land in feble. Bs 5-0 is easier as I don't have to get my front truck down.

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Anonymous No. 148878

id rather hear about what some anons working on than their opinion on what bumfuck mcgees working on in his new tape and how they wish they could boneless his gf

proves you fucks are at least doin something instead of having a plywood pavement princess

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Anonymous No. 148882

>tfw none of the socal posters in here want to skate with you anymore
i can't believe i gave you guys free product....

Anonymous No. 148887

>trick youve been practicing this week
Just been trying to get my pop shuvs better. Used to have them feeling pretty tasty but have neglected them for a while, so I thought it'd be worth working on them and front shuvs again.

>favourite trick for those cozy sessions
No comply 180 to tailstop on banks. Got a really clean one yesterday. It's a trick that I don't think is particularly hard, but people give me props for it. It's so lazy and low impact that I'll often start off a session with a few no complies into things (tall ledges dead on, then sort of 270 backside "tailslides" on curbs), then wind up spending too long on them and forget what new thing I wanted to try that day.

Anonymous No. 148954


is he feeling okay bros..

Anonymous No. 148960

Based skitzo has a bs 50-50 tutorial for mw

Anonymous No. 148992

>id rather hear about what some anons working on than their opinion on what bumfuck mcgees working on in his new tape and how they wish they could boneless his gf
>proves you fucks are at least doin something instead of having a plywood pavement princess
jesus christ shut up you dipshit kook

Anonymous No. 148995

How do you find these brah
First the streamer throwing raw meat & talking to the homeless chick, now an actual schizoid

Anonymous No. 149029

guys i missed a kickflip off of a 6 stair and stomped on the ground with my right foot. Now the whole bottom of that foot hurts and my knee hurts very very bad, even though i did not fall on it.
How fucked am i? Am I done skateboarding?

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Anonymous No. 149055


Fuck yeah man.

>trick you’ve been trying
Heelflips. Just cleaning them up and making them look better.

>cozy session trick
Reverts into slappy grinds. Bonus points if it’s a rainy day

Anonymous No. 149065

The webm size allowed has been downgraded.

Anonymous No. 149102

I only skate blanks.

Anonymous No. 149197

I only skate decks with cool graphics.

Anonymous No. 149211

i'm not making a new thread

if you faggots want to continue this gay fucking general do it yourself

Anonymous No. 149216


Anonymous No. 149293

No idea of that streamer.

Aapo I found from ylilautalaisians, who obsess over him.