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🧵 /esg/ eternal skateboarding general

Anonymous No. 149215

Anon got bullied into refusing to make threads anymore. KYS edition.

Reminder do land your daily heeflip.

old >>145512

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Anonymous No. 149219

first for meg

Anonymous No. 149221

i hate women and wish there were no women in skateboarding like the good old days
>but muh elissa steamer muh marissa del santo muh cara beth burnside

shut the FUCK up faggot, i never saw a single chick seriously trying to skate at my local growing up and that's the way it should be

2hole cunts out of skateboarding NOW

Anonymous No. 149230

girls have 3 holes anon

Anonymous No. 149231

u bozos piss me off but i still love u

Anonymous No. 149252

Someone should make an app where people can upload the map coords of skate spots in their town, and other people can search them. Include some kinda rating system so you can filter out the shitter spots uploaded as a joke

Anonymous No. 149253

This is the kinda shit my mates and I would do waiting for the school bus back in middle school

No steeze, look at how stiff she is

Women cannot skate

Anonymous No. 149256

the reason this doesn't happen is because cool guys don't want to discuss skateboarding with non cool guys like you (and me)

Anonymous No. 149260

I don't give a fuck what 'cool guys' think about my skating

Anonymous No. 149280

Someone make new thread without the faggy girl shit

Anonymous No. 149284

There is one. It's called Krak. But barely anyone uses it so it onlt ever has a fraction of actual spots. It's a cool idea (especially the feature where you can upload clips of yourself at the spot for bragging rights) but ai think people just aren't bothered to use it over just talking and filming like normal.

What I would love is a proper trick encyclopaedia. Every trick, all stances, all obstacles, with video examples taken from existing skate videos.

Anonymous No. 149286

there have been multiple versions of this but most of them aren't that good if you don't live in california.
i found a few spots that from video parts that i didn't know were nearby though
quartersnacks also has a pretty gud spot guide for nyc
i'm cool and i think your skating is neat

Anonymous No. 149290

She's trash.

This is facts. The webm in the OP is ironic by the way if you haven't noticed. Her clip was just way too cringe not to post if anyone remembers the context.

You are very unintelligent.

Anonymous No. 149292

>always land in feeble
try popping down the rail rather than trying to go straight up onto it. you can also counter rotate your shoulders slightly like you would for a front lip and then after you pop, swing them forward which will bring your hips & trucks into a straight grind

Anonymous No. 149299

They actually have 4...but you have to believe it's there.

Anonymous No. 149301

I actually have a pretty high IQ

Anonymous No. 149304

Mine is 147 so chances are to me you remain unintelligent.

Anonymous No. 149307

I kneel, will you accept faggy simp shit?

Anonymous No. 149310


Anonymous No. 149317

One of them rainman types huh?

Anonymous No. 149326


Anonymous No. 149332

what's everyone's favorite slappy trick?

in the past month i have learnt:
front smith
switch front slappy
back 5-0
back 50 180 out
crook shuv out

Anonymous No. 149333

bs nose

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Anonymous No. 149342

>outdoor ice rinks getting converted into pickleball courts and not skateparks this summer
fuck this gayass boomer trend

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Anonymous No. 149358

>keep landing kickflips but can't get rid of my habit to flick down
Its fucking over

Anonymous No. 149359

That only works for cities and why would you give away your spots to random cunts so they can burn them. Only thing dumber would be sharing pool spots with strangers.

Anonymous No. 149363

this has been tried 40 billion times. just look up "your city/state" spots/spotcheck on instagram.

slappy fs blunt, bs blunt is good and fun and easier too but I like going backwards. slappy bs blunt - 50 - bs 180 out was the most tech ive ever gotten

Anonymous No. 149376

there is an app for that called spotsesh. everything in my area on it is outdated, just stairs or the ground is crusty asphalt that feels like trying to roll on gravel

Anonymous No. 149382

>try popping down the rail rather than trying to go straight up onto it.
Damn, sounds so simple but just visualising it makes more sense. Thanks!

Anonymous No. 149383

This. My local doesn't appear on Google maps when searching skateparks and it's a god send.

Anonymous No. 149389
The park he built looks so fun with the love park tiles.

Anonymous No. 149394

it really helped me with switch back 50s & makes blindside tricks in general feel a lot less sketchy. also i had kind of a retard moment there, the shoulder stuff is for front 50s

🗑️ Anonymous No. 149397

>switch back 50s
They look so good, basically why i wanted to learn them. But I can't skate switch that well.

Anonymous No. 149399

>switch back 50s
they look so good, is why I wanted to learn them desu

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Anonymous No. 149492

I pinched a nerve/pulled a muscle on my lower back last week. I had this happen to me a couple of times in the years since I took up skating seriously, only now I resorted to codeine-containing ibuprofen and resting for a week. Mornings are difficult. Will I skate again?

pic related, if he overcame so can I, right?

Anonymous No. 149498

It's crazy how he's skating big tranny on a 7.5 board.

Anonymous No. 149501

>be thirdie
>only ever skated street growing up
>we had no skateparks
>never got to skate tranny
>had a career ending injury these past years
>checking IG randomly
>insider guy posted a preview of them laying the concrete for what appears to be a niceass bowl
>this is to break the news that they're finally making a nice and legit skatepark with everything
>I wont be able to enjoy it

I want to die.

Anonymous No. 149512

Unless you need a fucking walker or a wheelchair you should still be able to enjoy pumping around a bowl you 25 year old boomer. Dont need to air out to be steezy.

Anonymous No. 149518

I don't enjoy skateboarding if I can't do tricks. Fuck do I look like? A longboarder? A pennyboarder? Not worth skating at all if I can't do a front disaster.

Anonymous No. 149527

Both valid viewpoints, and I am serious about this, but none is replying to>>149492 so if you please...yeah...thanks

kek, you have posted this again.

Anonymous No. 149533

Yeah, all you can really do is rest it until it untenses. Highly advise doing some core exercises to gradually build up your back muscles. I've been finding recently how imbalanced my own core is due to skating and offsetting it with some gym time.

Anonymous No. 149537

When you are back do this -

Anonymous No. 149541

learn to do carve grinds and slappies

Anonymous No. 149542

Thing is, I had taken up core exercises and did occasional routines in the months prior. Physio said that my hip rotators have shortened because I bend too much to go lower when skating.

Anonymous No. 149548

>haven't skated since before covid
>tfw just bought a new board

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Anonymous No. 149549

got monkeyflips consistent.

my new favorite trick.

Anonymous No. 149570

Very nice, do them like Rodney, off a grind

Anonymous No. 149585

Learn to shut your dirty mouth up.

Cool clips.

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Anonymous No. 149587

I just remembered that when I was a kid I learned shuvits on a slipper at home and the next day I started landing them on my skateboard.

Anonymous No. 149589

Sick but I can't tell if you were purposely doing that hippie jump off that ledge or your were just struggling to get out

Anonymous No. 149596

>occasional routines
How occasional? I try for 3 times a week, particularly focusing on my obliques/rotational movements.
That said, I could be talking total shit because woke up with my own back hurting today.


Anonymous No. 149603

nice pop shuv mate

Anonymous No. 149607


Working my way up to that.
Right now I'm practicing getting them off of things.
Will work on that, +height and to look more natural.

Anonymous No. 149611

Next time film a heelflip. You know the rules, kid.

Anonymous No. 149614

you got it, boss

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Anonymous No. 149615

I just remembered that when I was a little kid in 2009 I really wanted a skatepark so I made one in google sketch I think it was. I went around town collecting signatures to get the city to build one. I called the local radio and told them what I was doing and asked if they could give me an interview. After that the lady at the radio also contacted her friend at the local tv station and got me on there too.

The city still hasn't built a park lmao.

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Anonymous No. 149616

Man I remember my little kid brain being so proud when I finished it. I was like yeah I'll make something that wont be that big and expensive or difficult to build, but also very skatable. The city would surely like it!

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Anonymous No. 149617

Why is there coping on the bottom of the pyramid ledge? Gotta ask my kid self that. That rail and the low hubba look like something from those worst skatepark videos lmao.

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Anonymous No. 149618

Why is there a lamp blocking the way behind the so called pool? So you can fly out of the pool and do footplants on the lamp of course. Yes that was my actual reasoning. I played a lot of THUG2 and thought it would be sick.

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Anonymous No. 149619

Don't ask me why the park has no flow and why there are random benches in the grass with no brick path leading to them. Guess I liked walking in mud. There's grass and elevation at the back on purpose though. Before I made it I walked around town to find a place for the park and the spot looked roughly like that.. I really though I could present this to the town hall and tell them where to build it too. Fences all around? I don't know, gotta have fences I guess.


Anonymous No. 149620

You're too hard on yourself, I think its a better design than any of my local parks. And I have three.

Anonymous No. 149622

>I think its a better design than any of my local parks

That's fucking hilarious. I wonder they were designed by non skaters. I was shit back then but at least I had a reason for everything I put in. I had visited my auntie in Germany and went to a skatepark for the first time ever. Big reality check for me that only skated crusty street spots. I ate big shit on the quarter, thinking it would be easy, so I had a plan.

>want to learn rock to fakies but I ate shit on the big quarter in Germany so I'll just make half of it smaller so I can learn there first and then progress
>I'll put a flatbar so I can learn boardslides there before I learn them on the 4 block rail
>a 4 block was the tallest thing I've skated so I wont put anything bigger
>gotta have a pool for variety
>gotta have flatground space to play games of skate
>down hubbas for both stances so everyone can learn front 50s
>a manual pad AND a small ledge? need that
>pyramid? yes please
>gotta have a bank to get speed but more importantly so I have a spot to do ghetto birds like Kareem Campbell because can totally do them I promise


Anonymous No. 149623

did you find this on reddit?

Anonymous No. 149625

No sir, recorded it myself, and the monkey flip was something I thought of (because I like to early grab off ledges) then found the name of it on yt.

Anonymous No. 149626

Honestly the worst thing you could say about it is that it's a bit bland and not very flowy, but it has everything. There's nothing I hate more than a park that doesn't have some sort of miniramp/halfpipe, but your bowl covers that. You could even transfer out of it into the bank which is rad. The only thing it's missing is something to pump over in the middle so that you can get speed for the back quarters.

The approach you gave there is honestly what most people should think about when it comes to parks (unless it's somewhere that already has a tonne, at which point you can get more creative). I think parks should be a bit like gyms; you need every type of exercise taken care of so you order machines that cover them. Nothing worse than a gym where you can't do pullups/downs. Nothing worse than a park without SOME transition.

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Anonymous No. 149640

How’s your local skateshop /esg/?

Anonymous No. 149641

I have 4. One has the pedo moustache sporting 4 panel hat wearing 24/7 baked annoying faggot working there. Other one is the core skater OGs that used to be cool but are now super cringe and turned the skate shop into a coffee shop and they barely have any items in stock. Most of the stuff they stock up they do it for themselves and their flow riders. Very difficult to shop there as a regular skater, they treat it like a special club. Coffee is also reddit. Then there's the real core shop that flows and helps out the young skaters that grind for real. At a surface level it appears cringe, because half of what they sell is hype beast shit, but that's secretly a genius strategy to keep the shop alive and to keep organizing events and helping skaters. 95% of the skateboarding stuff they sell are skater owned brands and no mall tier shit. Last one is the first OG shop from way back in the day that went under and had either close or fully sell out. They're now 100% corporate and mall tier. Literally have nothing to do with the skate scene anymore. Got no team. Make no videos. They just sell nike stuff and shit.

Anonymous No. 149643

this sucks, there's like 5 good clips, and I typically have a high tolerance for b-roll, roll ups, ollies and ride on grinds

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Anonymous No. 149645

>Just got old board from a friend.
>Board is 15-20y old.
>Bushings or whatever the fuck have zero elasticity
>Trucks have too big hole that might be caused by me and/or broken bushings or shit tier china child
>Wheels have hardened over time
>Protection is milsurp knee pads and old bicycle helmet
>I had to clean bearings and use WD40
So far my three day journey has been fun.

Anonymous No. 149647

>Protection is milsurp knee pads and old bicycle helmet


Anonymous No. 149649

I want to keep my brain bowl intact.
Looking retarded is worst part.

Anonymous No. 149650

you dress like you try to pick up high school chicks at the mall. you should put less effort into that and more effort into a decent trick selection. your trucks look too small too.

Anonymous No. 149652

>>I had to clean bearings and use WD40
time to go buy new bearings

Anonymous No. 149653

At least it appears to work better than before.
How long? I have no idea.

Anonymous No. 149657

wd40 is pretty much babbys first fuck up when it comes to repairing a board.
>Trucks have too big hole that might be caused by me and/or broken bushings or shit tier china child
this sounds worse post a pic otherwise keep pushing for a week and if you like it buy a 100 dollar complete

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Anonymous No. 149662

I forgot to mention that I have no idea about weight limit.
WD40 apparently ruins everything it touches but it is all I have.

Anonymous No. 149664

Just buy bones hard bushings.

Anonymous No. 149670

That is fine. Buy some new bushings and you probably need a new pivot cup too. I recommend bones too. I recovered an old pair of trucks replacing those parts and prefer them to my new trucks (although it wasn't a no name brand).

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Anonymous No. 149672

>you dress like you try to pick up high school chicks at the mall

Anonymous No. 149673

lmao who the fuck lets asians into their locals.

Anonymous No. 149674

what do you expect, its like 95% brown people

Anonymous No. 149676


if i saw that kid at my local his bussy would get btfo so quickly

Anonymous No. 149681

Surely he isn't the one ragging in others style kek

Anonymous No. 149682

please do not fuck up another thread with this schizo bullshit

Anonymous No. 149686

I'd prefer it over a dead thread.

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Anonymous No. 149763

Pretty damn good, just glad there's any really. They're all old school punks and they stock pretty much everything you need (albeit probably too many decks thanks to all the supply chain shit of the last few years). They're good at supporting and promoting events which is the main thing.

Anonymous No. 149769

Thanks doggo
I have a routine waiting for me, don't you worry. Non-stretching days are over.

Like twice per month.

Anonymous No. 149784

>use WD40

You are embarking on a journey of knowledge right now.

Anonymous No. 149785

Just broke my ankle, hooray

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Anonymous No. 149786

Anon noo...

Anonymous No. 149797

I guessed what people would say.
"WD40 bad" is common thing among bicycle and gun community.
Its better than nothing but definitely not optimal and on the long run might be even harmful.

Anonymous No. 149800

Damn I felt that. I hate heelflips but I make myself do at least 1 every session. It's like something you have to know lol

Anonymous No. 149801

My method for cleaning bearings:

>Take all the shields off
>Put them in plastic container with acetone
>Gently stir them so all the dirt and grime gets dislodged
>Take them out, let them dry on paper towel
>Put 1 drop of sewing machine oil in them
>Put shields back on
>Spin to distribute oil

I think the oil just has to be thin and it's best just to have a tiny bit than too much. Too much and it'll leak out and attract more crap into the bearings. Too thick, like engine oil, and it'll slow the bearings down. Sewing machine oil works for me because my gf always has it in the house but I think gun oil might work too.

Wd40 will work for a couple of sessions then make the bearings even worse.

Ultimately if you are really dedicated to skateboarding just buy bones swiss. They're like $45 if you can get em on sale and they'll last 4x as long as bones reds. I recently got my first pair and I'll never go back to Chinese bearings.

Anonymous No. 149832

You could just save yourself time and buy the Bones cleaning kit next time you have money to waste. It's just a bottle with a bolt and spacers in it (and some Speed Cream) but it made my life easier.

Anonymous No. 149845

How did it happen?

Anonymous No. 149876

I was getting too cute with rock to fakie variations on this mini ramp.

Ramp was Too slippery with pollen. Didn’t realize, slipped out and my leg went under me. Heard a bad sound and drove my bum ass to the hospital screaming.

Anonymous No. 149886

how far of a drive was it? i broke my wrist and drove 45 minutes to a nicer hospital that was closer to my home and had music on full blast screaming with all the windows open doing like 100 if you saw me on the road you woulda thought I smoked a 8ball of crack and robbed a bank. post surgery was honestly way more painful tho, was a complete dipshit and blew thru the like 15 10mg oxys they gave me in less than 2 days and spent the rest of the week in agony.

Anonymous No. 149908

No problem, there is tonnes on youtube if you get bored of the one routine. Early 30's I started to realised if I want to do this shit into my 50's I really need to start looking after myself.
Damn sorry anon, do all your physio and make sure you don't get muscle atrophy from here.

Re bearings: Is it really worth cleaning vs some new $10-20 local brand?

Anonymous No. 149910

Oof. How bad was the break? Need any pins?

It's insane that US hospitals give you oxys for shit like sports injuries. Here you get ibuprofen, maybe codeine if it's bad. I've only ever used ibuprofen and even then I try to keep the dosage low/cut them out as early as I can.

Anonymous No. 149911

In my experience, local brands suck. Basically if it's not Bronson or Bones I don't touch them. But a cleaning is free once you have alcohol and oil so you may as well try to extend their life.

Anonymous No. 149912

>Is it really worth cleaning vs some new $10-20 local brand?
its worth cleaning and saving your old bearings, if one of your new bearings goes bad you can swap out an old one or you can be the hero that donates a nice used bearing to someone else. its always nice to have a box of parts in case shit happens.

cleaning out your bearings on a regular basis is nutty unless you are skating thru salt and sand and gravel and shit all the time or your a broke ass skate rat.

Anonymous No. 149913

>It's insane that US hospitals give you oxys for shit like sports injuries
well they dont really do that anymore, even when this happened like 4 years ago i was really surprised when they gave me oxys at all. they were a godsend. now they straight up will remove internal organs and not prescribe you shit, its evil.

> I've only ever used ibuprofen and even then I try to keep the dosage low/cut them out as early as I can.
are you fucking scared of getting hooked on aspirin? tf is wrong with you?

Anonymous No. 149914

>Re bearings: Is it really worth cleaning vs some new $10-20 local brand?
Depends if you want to spend $10-20 or spend half an hour cleaning them I guess. I usually try clean my bearings at least once or twice but after that it's usually not worth it

Anonymous No. 149931

>you dress like you try to pick up high school chicks at the mall. you should put less effort into that

It's just loose pants and a t-shirt.

>and more effort into a decent trick selection.

That's exactly what i am trying to do.

>your trucks look too small too.

My wheels are perfectly aligned with the side of my board.

...but thank you for the input oh wise anon on /esg/ your words have changed my life.

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Anonymous No. 149949

i'm back and i just got monkeyflip off of small 2-stair. progress.

Anonymous No. 149953

Fucken based monkeyflipper. I wanna learn that trick now. Ollie up onto the block was solid too.

Anonymous No. 149954

Go for it man, It's pretty satisfying.

Best tip i got is to consciously jump before the flip, otherwise your board won't flip.

Anonymous No. 149959

It was about 20 min but I was driving with the foot I broke lol so yeah it sucked. No oxys tho, I live in CT so they’re very hesitant to give y anything

I have no idea I’m scheduling an appt with an ortho doc today. The guy at the hospital said it might be like a minor bone chip but I have no idea. Really hoping surgery isn’t the next step

Anonymous No. 149967

>no heelflip

Do that again. See what happens.

Anonymous No. 149970

i plan to make a better clip tomorrow, i'll fit a heelflip in just for you.

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Anonymous No. 150015


Anonymous No. 150016

>are you fucking scared of getting hooked on aspirin? tf is wrong with you?
I'm just a hard cunt mate, I like pain.

No, I actually am a little wary of addiction to heavy painkillers due to multiple friends becoming addicts (even though it was a larger issue outside of a perscription gone wrong). I try not to use too much ibuprofen because I was taking it for an annoying headache issue for a long time and, idk, I'm just concerned about my liver for it. I've never gotten a truly awful injury though outside of sprains and a minor fracture, so once the swelling stage is over there's not any need for it.

Damn that was a high ollie.

Anonymous No. 150017

>Damn that was a high ollie.

With all due respect, no it wasn't.

Anonymous No. 150052

>It's just loose pants and a t-shirt.
get a haircut, shave your shitty stoner beard goatee thing, lose the chain wallet. wearing sweatpants outside your house/wal mart is disgusting especially if its some wanna be hype beast all over print shit.

Anonymous No. 150087

>top gear for skaters

Anonymous No. 150088

Anonymous No. 150113

No seriously, why does this guy laugh more than a baby with keys dangling in front of them?

Anonymous No. 150124

its so hard to find decent skate shoes with 2e sizes that arent cheap ass canvas or expensive as fuck

Anonymous No. 150126

post a fit fuccboi
seething little bitch mad he can't do monkeyflips

Anonymous No. 150127

how short is this kid? he looks like a fucking toy or something. fucking disneyland tier proportions

Anonymous No. 150141

hes the talk show's artie lange but straight edge

Anonymous No. 150157

I read this post in his laugh

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Anonymous No. 150164

I managed to get enough money for skateboard.
I am 175/85kg 41-42 or 265 mondopoint
Wheels are 99A and I have no idea about this part but I went on description that said "good for any skill level"
I just like triple "tiwaz" nazi board.
Yes I know it is supposed to be a tree to fool hippies.

Anonymous No. 150167

lmao tell us how it goes

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Anonymous No. 150183

imagine these two ina room together

Anonymous No. 150263

Is it made of a collapsed star or something?

Anonymous No. 150291

theres a forest fire smoke drifting over my city and its causing asthma flareups during my sesh

Anonymous No. 150309
btw this is the best edit of the year so far in case you didn't know

Anonymous No. 150354

this shit is alll the way down in pennsyvlania its crazy

Anonymous No. 150383

such an earworm of a song, so much steeze.

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Anonymous No. 150391

So im pretty sure i fucked up my miniscus on memorial day but I try to avoid the doctor. I have been rubbing cbd and arnica on it, doing stretches, taking epson salt baths, and my wife has a friend who does electro magnet therapy out of her house, and i see her too.
Right now my knee feels almost good , theres no pain at all but it still feels like something is wrong. I have another meeting with the magnet lady this saturday and i am hoping i'll be able to skate by fathers day.
I work at a desk and i only skate in the mornings so it really doesn't take away from work or family ... but idk guys. i think it might be time to face some hard truths about almost being 40 years old and skateboarding.
What really sucks is i have my ollies back to how they were when i was young, to where i had the confidence to clear this gap. My plan is to ease into it and hopefully my knee doesn't get fucked again.

Anonymous No. 150393

First of all, how do you just decide your meniscus is fucked up? What happened? Second of all cbd/arnica/salt baths are snake oil and literally will not do anything at all if you really have a meniscus problem. Third you shouldn't necessarily be jumping onto stretches, but more so proper mobility work. Fourth what you need is electrotherapy, and not electro magnet therapy, and also all that does is stimulate growth and recovery in the injured area, assuming you have inflamation and even fluid build up and are doing the proper work.

Anonymous No. 150396

>First of all, how do you just decide your meniscus is fucked up?
google mainly
>What happened?
missed a kickflip off those stairs in the webm and stomped my right foot on the ground. the bottom of my foot hurt but my knee hurt way worse and swelled up big time
>Second of all cbd/arnica/salt baths are snake oil and literally will not do anything at all if you really have a meniscus problem.
Maybe but my wife is into all that shit and it does feel better so what can you do?
> Third you shouldn't necessarily be jumping onto stretches, but more so proper mobility work.
i'm not doing huge stretches . very light shit like standing on my toes here and there or touching my feet and laying on my back and humping the air. Also humping my lady in the same manner.
>Fourth what you need is electrotherapy, and not electro magnet therapy
it might be that idk this lady had 4 different stations each one did something different. She also prayed for my knee at one point.

Anonymous No. 150398

Doesn't sound too bad, but yeah it takes some of the fun out skating when you have to be careful with your movements. Mine just feels like a pressure in the knee, and it doesn't feel smooth to extend, gets sore, just kind of gross. Ben Degros has several videos on his torn meniscus. He described it about the same way, his was locking up on him but he worked on it, it improved and he's still skating well.

Anonymous No. 150399

So did your knee swelling went away? Did you lose mobility right away when it happened? Did you feel a pop? Did it hurt like a bitch or did it just hurt?

Anonymous No. 150401

what other boards do u bozos frequent?
for me it's /a/ /g/ /v/ /ck/ /fa/ /out/ /sci/ /x/

Anonymous No. 150402

None of your business, glowie.

Anonymous No. 150403

>i frequent /g/

Anonymous No. 150406

/r9k/ /gif/ /fa/ /o/

Anonymous No. 150409

i didn't have it locking up but it feels like something is wrong with it when i stretch it out , like it doesn't feel right. I'll look into the Degross videos but if you have one handy can you post it?
There's still some swelling but it went way down from the first two days. When it happened i couldn't walk on it at all. I don't remember hearing a pop but that could just be because of the moment. It was the worst pain i've felt from skateboarding.

I don't plan on dying on the hill that its my meniscus- honestly some of the things you guys are saying has me believing it might not be . So if its just a sprain or maybe my knee bent the wrong way a little , thats pretty reassuring. I don't think i'm ready to take an extended break or quit all together

Anonymous No. 150411

You need an MRI. If the swelling went away somewhat quick it might not be internal bleeding, but you should get it diagnosed at least and have an image of where the tear is if there is one. Meniscuses don't grow back by the way.

Anonymous No. 150413

>he doesn't religiously watch every Ben Degros upload


here's a few, idk what is addressed in each video. first is post injury, then an update, last one is one year post injury. last link is probably most informational

Anonymous No. 150436

oops I forget the last one one year post injury

Anonymous No. 150442

Thanks. I'll look at these when i get home

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Anonymous No. 150448

>b-but muh lower center of gravity
you will NEVER go pro if youre shorter than 6’

Anonymous No. 150453

Thats less to do with ability and more that the skater media fags like tall skinny twinks because theyre on that fag shit.

Anonymous No. 150462

How do you do it?
It was comfy before the robot activated again but after that it has just been straight shit.

Anonymous No. 150480

/biz/ /pol/ /x/

Anonymous No. 150482


Anonymous No. 150506

these threads are literally the only reason i come on 4chan anymore. i browse /tv/ or /v/ for 2 minutes after checking here and close out, everything turns into politics and people are having race wars through porn.

Anonymous No. 150513


Go back there looksmaxing g**k

Anonymous No. 150514

pol, diy, lit, mu

Anonymous No. 150529

I fucking HATE summer bros

Anonymous No. 150530

>Alt medicine
lol Dadbro is a fucking hippy boomer through and through. I love it

🗑️ Anonymous No. 150542

skateboard discord

Anonymous No. 150544

Get that shit out of here stupid faggot retard.

Anonymous No. 150545

show me a screenshot of what you faggots are talking about and i'll consider joining

Anonymous No. 150552

These days, /v/, /gif/, /tv/, sometimes /x/ (it's my original home but it's so shit now), and /trv/.

Anonymous No. 150557

/lgbt, /cm/, /fit/

Anonymous No. 150559

another groomer faggot and tranny server. def staff approved

Anonymous No. 150560

Bros, I never thought it was easy, but filming lines is fucking hard. You have to keep close, but not too close, make all the same turns but possibly in the opposite direction thanks to different stances, not crash into anything, make sure you're pointing the camera straight on (my fucking GoPro arm kept bending when I hit the bank), be able to do backside and frontside turns perfectly, skate a weird stance, and so on. And that's before you get into shit like trying to find actually nice angles.

If I can get one truly nice follow along shot this summer, I'll be very happy.

Anonymous No. 150565

at this skatepark you can go down the hill by the freeway and fuck a homeless woman raw for 40 bucks.
Just a little heads up for you next time the wifey doesn't feel like putting out

Anonymous No. 150567

If Cardiel came back, you will too. It's not like the big pros haven't broken shit. Danny Way in particular.

Anonymous No. 150568

You are most likely to go pro. It is aesthrtically pleasing to see taller people because you can see the effort unfolding and obstacles look smaller in comparison. But it's tougher.

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Anonymous No. 150569

holy shit the element sale stuff shipped the 75% off with free shipping wasnt a price error

Anonymous No. 150570

The fuck, did you order decks after their expiry date?

Anonymous No. 150571


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Anonymous No. 150579


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Anonymous No. 150582

kids at the skatepark keep roasting my setup and ask me why i got sperm on my grip
pic related

Anonymous No. 150584

kek based kids

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Anonymous No. 150586

color in the white areas with paint markers
also doodle over plain black grip with them
have fun

🗑️ AA2 Nigger mod is Mad lol permbanned No. 150590

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1282
Sad Jack Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:
>>>/vg/432320786 come on permban all of them kek

🗑️ AA2 Nigger mod is Mad loser lol permbanned No. 150592

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1282
Sad Jack Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread
>>>/vg/432320786 come on permban all of them kek
yo mad over that discord link post ha what a noob you are loser nigger aa2 fag mod you mad asf lmfao

🗑️ AA2 Nigger mod is Mad loser lol permbanned No. 150596

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1282
Sad Jack Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread
>>>/vg/432320786 come on permban all of them kek
yo mad over that discord link post ha what a noob you are loser nigger aa2 fag mod you mad asf lmfao

🗑️ AA2 Nigger mod is Mad loser lol permbanned No. 150599

pussy lol

Anonymous No. 150601

I'm only 28 and all I want to do is skate mini ramps and do slappies. Anyone else like this?

Also I got some fakie tail backside reverts out today. I even did it on a 4 ft ramp. Feels so fun. Been trying to learn how to do them for like 6 months but I could never build up the courage to do them on anything over 2ft high. I went to a new park that had a ramp that slowly got bigger from 1ft to 5 ft and I just kept dropping in and backside reverting until I was comfortable doing them on the 4ft section. Might try do them on something even bigger over the weekend.

Anonymous No. 150607

>buy an oldschool meme board because im a faggot
>it's the first board i can actually reliably treflip

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Anonymous No. 150628

Might be worth it. Currently using this thing. It's pretty versatile, but yeah, the hinges on it don't tighten up enough.

Anonymous No. 150637

Have any of you ever went up or down weight drastically while skating? How did it effect you if so?

I'm starting to wonder just how much difference it makes for balance when going up and down ramps. I notice Joey here is a lot more upright and top heavy when he hits those two banks.

Anonymous No. 150642

Why the fuck do fat retarded niggers need to make a video about them kooking up a 1ft euro? And why are you watching them?

Anonymous No. 150649

Just got my decks too anon. Too bad I fucked up my ankle and can’t skate for a month or two.

🗑️ AA2 Nigger mod is Mad loser lol permbanned No. 150663

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1282
Sad Jack Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread
>>>/vg/432320786 come on permban all of them kek
yo mad over that discord link post ha what a noob you are loser nigger aa2 fag mod you mad asf lmfao

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Anonymous No. 150697

ok zoomer

Anonymous No. 150730

Ok fat kook

Anonymous No. 150731

honestly i was so impressed big boy can even skate, good on him for exercising

Anonymous No. 150739

Because it's fun to watch different kinds of people skate. It's satisfying to watch people struggle and overcome a challenge. Are you a fucking psychopath or something? Have you literally never been to a sesh?

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Dead Dave frontside.jpg

Anonymous No. 150740

Post parts you love, new or old.

Anonymous No. 150742

Yeh but a fat guy who can't ollie or pump or barely roll who is a 3km/h fall away from his body weight snapping his leg in half isn't my type of hype session. Then the narcissism to think "imma post this this ish on youtube".. shits fucked.

Anonymous No. 150754

a bonafide classic for me

Anonymous No. 150764


Anonymous No. 150775

I'm kind of scared this is going to happen to me

Anonymous No. 150777

Bro, I was watching Heroin videos recently. Drew Dezort is massively underrated.

Anonymous No. 150794


Anonymous No. 150813

I loved arto as a kid. I had a shirt with a photo of the last trick I'd wear all day trying to front board anything I could.

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Anonymous No. 150822

>fat guy who can't
>or pump

Anonymous No. 150827

he dead

Anonymous No. 150850

>barely roll
Where's the clip?

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Anonymous No. 150902

i love egg

Anonymous No. 150931

Based. How does one board slide a ledge? I literally just stop.

Anonymous No. 150937

pretty nice, you're the guy with the 10" curb killer?

Anonymous No. 150938

gotta have good heavy momentum weight pushing the board forward while maintaining your upper body balance. that and preventing your wheels from gripping the surface too much, cause your wheels can definitely prevent a good slide unless the ledge is waxed all over

Anonymous No. 150939

Me too. I have the 10" Curb Killer. Makes me feel nice a secure for bowls. Would love to try out an Eggzilla.

I'm glad Heroin seem to be really popular these days.

Anonymous No. 150943

gotta go fast

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escape from the c....jpg

Anonymous No. 150948

psssh...nothin personnel...kid...

Anonymous No. 150949

naw its a razor egg
love having the same nose and tail which was weird for a minute but after warming up a bit it feels great.

Anonymous No. 150976

It has to do with Mark Fos giving an itnerview to Nine Club, lel

Anonymous No. 150980

Yeah, I've always skated twin tails. Just love being able to throw down without thinking about it.

He was sold out of his new stock before even doing it. People love the Eggs.

Anonymous No. 150983

i was skating a phawt shape before this ( i figured whats the difference between 9.125 and 9.5) and prior to that i had tried out one of the blood wizard shapes. was fun but it was like skating a fiddle backwards

Anonymous No. 150992

that interview came out like a week ago?

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Anonymous No. 151013


Anonymous No. 151043

>fags using it to hook up
very cool hans

Anonymous No. 151046

lol that's funny and the girl is really cute. Chad only though I suppose. There's nothing here for me except practicing my terrible kickflips, oh well..

Anonymous No. 151055

why do people give you advice when they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. I was at the local curb spot trying to get pop shuvs (only been skating for like a month) and this guy starts talking to me. sees me try one and tells me not to jump to the board, I need to pop it so it come to my feet. seems reasonable. he then proceeds to try 5 shuvs and completely miss all of them. now I don't know what to think

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Anonymous No. 151060

Most advice I get is shit because most skaters don't intellectualise what they do and base it entirely on motor function/muscle memory. They don't really analyse why a trick is working, they just do trial and error until they land on the one that works, then just commit to that. Sometimes they'll give you one good tip but don't realise the other 5 things they're doing that you're not.

I personally like to think about these things, but I'm not sure that actually helps. If anything it probably makes it harder.

Anyway, for shuvs my go to tips (which I think your guy was getting at) are:

>front foot around the middle of the board/further back that you might think. This will lessen how much you need to lift that foot to free the board up to spin and how much you need to move to catch it. Often times it will feel like the board is pivoting around your foot without you moving at all.
>back foot with toes curled over the edge of the tail. This makes it so you have to exert less energy and motion to get it to shuv around.
>don't shuv it straight back, perpendicular to the deck, but more in a diagonal motion towards your front foot, almost like you're going to click your heels together. This helps keep it more centred under your body because you're "pulling" the board into a spin (like how baseball batters will do that nifty trick where they spin the bat in the air)

And if you're like me and the board is still not getting under you, likely rotating out and away from you:
>before you go to pop, make sure your upper body is leaned over your toe side like pic related. You should be able to let your arms dangle down limply and have them past your toes, pointing towards the ground. This way when you jump up, you'll more naturally wind up landing more forward without extra effort
>try to overshoot and bail a few where the board does the full rotation, but you jump clean over it and wind up with it behind your heels

Then it's a matter of not landing stiff legged.

Anonymous No. 151065

shoulda asked him if he was tryna them switch
in actuallity tho hes probably just also new to skateboarding and was tryna start a conversation/make a friend. unfortunately he was tryna do it in the most annoying way possible.

whenever someone asks me how im doing something i always feel like such a dick when i say "uhh i dont know" but 95% of the time I literally have no idea what Im actually doing.

Anonymous No. 151109

What's the best website to order a board printed with a custom graphic?

Anonymous No. 151112

>Kid asks me for advice on kickflips
>I think hard and break down my kickflips for him
>Tell all the tricks I learnt to get them
>Suddenly I can no longer kickflip
This happens pretty often to me. Once I try break down every component I begin over thinking and doing dumb shit.

Anonymous No. 151115

>whenever someone asks me how im doing something i always feel like such a dick when i say "uhh i dont know" but 95% of the time I literally have no idea what Im actually doing.

It's fair. Sometimes I look at trick tips from legendary pros and it's just 5 minutes of "yeah you, uh, kinda, sorta, do this with your foot....and just like, commit. You don't want to fall off your board, oh and make sure you do a sorta scoopy flip motion with your foot."

At which point you may as well just look at a long montage of them doing the trick over and over and compare it to footage of yourself.

Anonymous No. 151118

Homie's getting better.

Anonymous No. 151125

Didn't want to be a hater but when I went into this I got exactly what I expected. A shit ton of flipper clips that shouldn't have been there. Literally half. No reason for this to be nearly 8 minutes. I didn't finish it either.

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Anonymous No. 151128


Anonymous No. 151129

the stink of virginity is particularly ripe in this thread today

Anonymous No. 151131

>I don't enjoy skateboarding if I can't do tricks.
>I can't cum if she doesn't do ageho face.
>I can't listen to it if it doesn't have trap beats.
>I can't do anything unless it's the most media available popular version of what it is.
I'd rather talk to a longboarder than someone who has resigned themselves to be a forever broken crybaby. Sack up, dude.

Anonymous No. 151134

Retardedass image that doesn't fit the situation at all. You should be ashamed for posting that. Maybe my fault though for typing "flipper clips". What the fuck, did I have a stroke? I meant to say filler clips. A lot of easy tricks (for him) that weren't that fun to watch at all. A lot of these he does casually in the many hopking day int he life type videos on their youtube channel.

Stupidass sophism "argument". It's more like not cumming if you're not doing tricks (aka skating for real). Listening to music with broken headphones. The last one is a literal projection your faggot brain came up with for no reason at all. Totally my fault for having a personal preference to how I personally enjoy my personal skateboarding, and totally my fault that I personally wont enjoy myself if these personal to me requirements can't be met. Retard. I would beat the shit out of you irl just for saying this. Smugass faggot thinking he's all smart and shit. Ask me how I know you literally don't skate. If you get butthurt by someone dissing having to just roll around on your board instead of doing actual skating, then rolling around like a retard is what you do guaranteed.

Anonymous No. 151139

>"skating for real"
you need to be 18 to post on 4chan

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Anonymous No. 151140

🗑️ Anonymous No. 151142

gatekeeping a hobby for kids is cringe shit. almost ass cringe shit as saying you'd beat someone up on a korean dishwashing forum. you're mom's gonna really actually pay attention to you one of these days, just keep your chin up. it's bound to happen if only by the law of averages.

Anonymous No. 151143

homie really said he was gonna beat him up lmao

Anonymous No. 151145

You're next.

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i am going to bea....png

Anonymous No. 151147

Anonymous No. 151148

Nice headcanon soiboarder.

Anonymous No. 151151

I got what I ordered.
Much more slipery than previous board and bushings actually work as intended.
Hav managed to tumble twice.
On first try my knee got a little rash and second happened much later and was completely harmless.
I have begun to notice how differently I look at roads and places from before.

Anonymous No. 151158

who knows, only gay people do this.
he made a legit criticism, you would know this if you liked or watched any other skater besides that guy
you had a previous board and you still ordered a complete?

Anonymous No. 151175

Only things to be saved were deck and tires.
I bought package that had complete board, t-shirt and tool and I also bought oil.
New deck feels better so my laziness wasn't all bad.
I will probably rebuild that old board once I truly get in to this.

Anonymous No. 151198

anyone willing to start a new longboarding general for the influx of redditors

Anonymous No. 151204

I'm telling y'all... skateboarding lines with longboard dancing in them.

Anonymous No. 151219

>Maybe my fault though for typing "flipper clips". What the fuck, did I have a stroke? I meant to say filler clips.
I literally thought you meant there were too many flip tricks in the video.

Yeah, sure, it's a bit too long, but there aren't many repeats in terms or tricks or spots so I didn't mind it.
It's hardly longboard dancing, but I do like when skaters throw nifty footwork in between tricks instead of simple kickturns to get in and out of switch.

Anonymous No. 151222

so, andy anderson?

Anonymous No. 151223

Does he longboard dance? If so, that's magical.

Anonymous No. 151224

yeah he does gay ass freestyle tricks

Anonymous No. 151225

I like him, he's all around

Anonymous No. 151236


Anonymous No. 151267

>he's all around

Aka soulless. Reminder that Andy is reddit's autist. Jeff DeCheesy is ours.

Anonymous No. 151272

Weird neither did I. I only could go downhill, do ramps, and always wanted to try pools but never got around to it.

Never saw any women doing it either but they still hung out with them. I only knew a few of them, I learned most of it on my own probably why I never got that good at it. Still annoyed I didn't start earlier. Now people just get angry at you for it because you're supposed to be at work

Anonymous No. 151273

Never fall or anything just can't land any flips or tricks ever. Only halfway land shit on accident

Anonymous No. 151287

I'll bet redditors don't talk about 4chan as much as anon tends to talk about reddit. Bro, you know that a skateboard and a website shouldn't be your whole personality right?

Anonymous No. 151291

Who are you talking to lil bro?

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Anonymous No. 151298


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Anonymous No. 151313


Anonymous No. 151335

Niggas have no shame these days. How as a grown ass man do you think its a good look to rob teenagers out of 500 dollarydoos.

Anonymous No. 151343

>jun 28, 2022

Anonymous No. 151345

I always lol when the little kids try to tell you how to do a trick.

Idk why people shout/give unsolicited advice. I never say anything unless the person asks “how do you do that” or were having a normal conversation about skating/tricks.

Anonymous No. 151363

He is pro now.

Anonymous No. 151383

I'll watch someone try for a bit then ask them if they want a tip if they seem confused about it.

Anonymous No. 151473

the indominable human spirit vs moms slipper

Anonymous No. 151481

filmming is sooooo fucking hard. i use to make a bunch of shitty videos as a kid and thought they were sick. wanted to make a homie video recently. busted out my old sony mini dv cam to start filming but holy fuck not worth it. plus tape is expensive as fuck.

Anonymous No. 151544

I'm not a fan of video for that reason. You can hack a lot of cameras so they record onto an SDD, but I'm not fucked when I could just buy a technically superior all digital camera.

Wish I had something better now though. Just getting easy clips with my GoPro when the homies show up to the park. I have an SLR, but I hate lugging that shit with me when I don't know if we're getting clips of not
Unrealted, but I started watching the reuploads of King of the Road Vice put up recently, and it has me wondering what will happen with it now that Vice is bankrupt.

Anonymous No. 151556

I couldn't get past Andy Roys disclaimer on the vice version, so hopefully it goes back to thrasher. All I could think is 'i hope my friends and family don't watch this shit and get the wrong impression'.

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Anonymous No. 151557

I feel bad for how much old footage of Andy they keep putting out when he's looking SO much better these days.

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Anonymous No. 151558

Also, onto episode 2 of the 2018 series and Mark Hubbard shows up. Pretty damn obvious he died of an OD looking at this footage. Him and Phelper.

Don't do drugs, kids. Be a Bone Brigade-tier dork if it means you can skate/live into your 50s.

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Anonymous No. 151563

Good taste

Anonymous No. 151565

>i hope my friends and family don't watch this shit and get the wrong impression
lmao the wrong impression that skateboarders are mischievous retarded partiers?

Anonymous No. 151587

That we celebrate self destruction
And being it's vice I'd argue this was a deliberate subversion

Anonymous No. 151622

LMAO. when did you start skating lil buddy

Anonymous No. 151627

i wish i had a skate crew like dan corrigan

Anonymous No. 151642

Andy anderson has a qt.13 waifu and YOU dont

Anonymous No. 151645

Wow sucks to be me I should kill myself I guess eh?

Anonymous No. 151649

Update if anyone cares:
Maybe i just had a sprain in the end or the magnet lady worked. But my knee feels pretty good and has for a few days. I bought a knee brace and am going to see if i can do some mild skateboarding tomorrow morning. I do this shit with my ankle too and i know its a bad habit. I jumped down from the third stair of my house stairs to see how i'd feel and it seems fine.I'm going to take it easy though and I probably wont try any gaps or drops for a while though.

Anonymous No. 151650

I told you you aint got no meniscus tear.

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Anonymous No. 151655

you did tell me that.

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Anonymous No. 151667

love my homie

Anonymous No. 151689

what is queen of the farts

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Anonymous No. 151701


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Anonymous No. 151716


Anonymous No. 151717


Jesus, footage please. I feel like you have to be suicidal to do anything there.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 151723

1994, you?

Anonymous No. 151724


Anonymous No. 151780

Do I have to wear a helmet bros it makes me feel like a dweeb

Anonymous No. 151810

It's entirely up to you, but imo you should wear it when you're starting out/trying something new and gnarly where you're more likely to eat shit.

I fucking hate wearing one in the summer though.

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Anonymous No. 151813

>weather is fully sunny now
>can suddenly skate a lot better
>making tricks with less effort and more confidence than normal

What is this wizardry?

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Anonymous No. 151843

how do i do back to reg from bs board
helmets are gay
but CTE is big gay

Anonymous No. 151844

a 12 year old took 3rd place at the womens competition at FDR today. insane.

Anonymous No. 151846

Going to go do some slappies in a minute here. Someone give me a new trick to learn. I can do frontside and backside 50s, backside 5-0s, frontside smith and back crook.

Don't have a double sided curb so i can't do feebles or boardslides

Anonymous No. 151849

It's not exactly a slappy, but I liked to do BS 270 no complies to tail on curbs.

Anonymous No. 151877

Nose grinds come next on my official list of ledge trick difficulty order so them, or back crooks.

Anonymous No. 151878

Sorry front crooks since you have back. If you get nose grinds down they'll come easy after.

Anonymous No. 151886

Slappy nose grind?

Anonymous No. 151889

Tbh idk slappies I'm just thinking from skating a ledge

Anonymous No. 151893

I think slappy nose grind would be possible and really sick. I've actually tried it and I could get into it but i have no idea how to pop out of a nosegrind.

Anonymous No. 151935

Im a tradie so honestly Im used to it already. I used to "skate" in high school but I was a pussy probably because I wore no pads or anything since my friends didnt. Ive watched enough gore vids before with skating so ill look stupid but just wear it.
good point

Anonymous No. 151937

If you're just getting into it, you're going to look dorky already so a helmet and pads won't ruin your (lack of) style. For helmet, I'd personally recommend Triple 8 Sweat Savers. I used to have a generic Protec one but it fell apart despite never taking a serious bump. The Sweat Saver comes with a handy sweatband insert and is much sturdier feeling.

For pads, Triple 8 again or 186 Killer Pads. Top quality and comfort, will last you for years, pro transition skaters all seem to use them.

Any of the cheaper ones just seem worthless to me. As do bike helmets/anything not specifically built for skating.

Anonymous No. 151943

>Ive watched enough gore vids before with skating
post them

Anonymous No. 151945

i also always peak in the summertime with my skating, then start regressing as winter rolls around

Anonymous No. 151946

based as fuck

Anonymous No. 151951

It doesn't really look dweeby. I promise you the only people who care are losers. You do not want to faceplant and get an avoidable concussion. And all good skaters faceplant very hard eventually. Trust me you are not the same person after a serious head injury. Like ever again.

Anonymous No. 151954

your good as long as you dont bring it up every 5 minutes

Anonymous No. 151979

>flatland skaters can't skate stree-ACK!

when did you realise that "youtube" skateboarders surpassed "core" skateboarders?

Anonymous No. 151984

>half of the part is average filler tricks

When did you realize you should start skating? He's not even a yotube skater.

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Anonymous No. 151989

How do "real" skaters really see Tony Hawk anons?
Is he really considered the GOAT?
He's the only skater most people have heard of, but it's like Tiger Woods where he transcends the sport

Anonymous No. 151991

As a 36 year old man with limited knowledge of skateboarding based from the Tony Hawk games, how can I get into skateboarding as a participant and not a skateboarder? Is it possible, is it worth it?

Anonymous No. 151993

I like Tony Hawk. He's the starting point for a lot of skateboarders.

Just skate and have fun. Just pushing around is enough.

Anonymous No. 151994

So who else here got into skating from playing THPS?

Bought the sickest birdhouse complete back when THPS2 first came out and it's so well made that I still use it to this day. No idea why people even consider other brands cause mine has never snapped (lol you must be so shit if your board snaps) no tail razoring, barely a scratch on it, graphics almost pristine, prob got at least another 10 years of life left even though I rip up my local with that bad boy almost every other month.

I remember when I was first learning ollies in the bottom of the halfpipe and I could barely get the tail off the ground, but I had a secret technique to improve quickly. Every time I made an attempt I would shout 'X!' (like the button to ollie in THPS). It kept my timing and gave me the confidence to keep trying. Sometimes I would spend all day in there shouting it over and over. Let me tell you, it paid off, cause my ollie is fucking solid, probably about as high as 3 or 4 skill points. I still shout X when I ollie to this day and I never bail. I've seen some of the local fuckhead kids laughing at me when I show up at the park and do my warm up ollies, but they soon shut FUCK up when I do a slappy 180 boardslide crook (overhang) first try. And yeah, in case you're wondering, I do shout TRIANGLE for every grind and you better believe I land that shit like a dream everytime, never needed wax. In my mind I see the balance bar from THPS and I just mentally adjust it to keep it centered and it works every time. I fucking love landing high scoring tricks in front of girls especially cause I imagine them like the Neversoft girls you have to impress in THPS3 and it makes me skate better. They definitely stare at me no matter what park I go to, they always stare and giggle at me like flirty like. Everyone knows girls love skaters though. Pretty sure I overheard one of them say I was as good as rodney mullen once and I def have the same skate style (we both ride switch goofy) so makes sense.

Anonymous No. 151998

That's a good idea. I'm going to start yelling that at people on the street and skatepark whenever I get the chance. Thank you.

Anonymous No. 152012

>no smiths/feebles
>no blunts
>doesnt even boardslide
low skate iq

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 152028

public transportation that's actually useful would help keep me motivated
t. poorfag in a fake city far from a real city

Anonymous No. 152047

i wanna skate, but i'm just so afraid of going outside and being mocked. i have lost the confidence in myself that i once had, and idk how to even gain the courage to get it back...

Anonymous No. 152050

this is really fucking awful dude

Anonymous No. 152054

ah fuck, out i go. now or never aaaaaaaaa

Anonymous No. 152057

I only know a handful of people who don't like him and even then they have to admit the fact he funda the construction of parks around the world is based. I love him. He brought skating to more people than ever, never lost sight of his priorities when the money started rolling in, is still pushing himself into his mid 50s after a life altering injury, is articulate and a good conversationalist, and invented a tonne of tricks. Plus I like vert and hope it comes back in a big way again.

Not sure what you mean by "participant" but get a board I guess? You don't have to be good but it's fun and lets you hang around parks to watch people rip when you're tired. Then you'll just make friends, help out at jams, get to know your local shop better, etc. See if there's an adult beginners night and go to that.

Anonymous No. 152061

Fucked up a ramp and did a split - shit SUCKS
That's the only way to do it bro have fun and remember you're doing it for you and not for other people, everyone eats shit eventually

Anonymous No. 152065

thanks for the pasta

Anonymous No. 152070

yeah, it's hard because you just wanna enjoy yourself and not become a center of everyone's attention. skateboards are loud. i did have fun though, when i wasn't in my head about things, and was immersed in the moment, finding opportunities that only really exist in that present moment to enjoy myself.

i'm fucking out of shape as shit though, and my balance is super out of tune, but getting more comfortable and confident just comes naturally with more doing. i'm glad i got outside, regardless of the adversities i'd faced, and i recognize now that it was all my fault for any of those adversities in the first place. makes me realize how much of a flawed human i really am, but not in a bad way.

Anonymous No. 152074

It's not bad and I like Jamie but you're a faggot

Anonymous No. 152076

I love and respect Tony and everything he has done

Anonymous No. 152078

gets easier every time

Anonymous No. 152080

i gotta rant about this dude i recently started skating with. kids young, like 22. is super self-deprecating and self-conscious, to an annoying amount. i have a low tolerance for people like this cause i dont want to hear that shit and yeah im your friend but i dont care, go to therapy. can't stand mfer's that are always trying to make other people feel bad for them. i see the level he skates at, the other day he said he wanted to do an axel stall on this 7 ft quarter even though the dude can barely kick turn with any kind of finesse, looks like he just started skating yesterday when trying to push fast, zero coordination. he gets pissy at me when i even slightly imply something being out of his skill level like dude lets be real.i have never seen you flip your board successfully, you landed a varial flip on accident one time, you are missing a lot of fundamental basics, im just trying to help you. maybe im the asshole for giving unsolicited advice, but he doesn't look comfortable on his board at all. maybe im shallow but who cares what you can do if your style is garbage... he also gets mad over the lamest tricks, i understand the frustration in not being able to land something but it's cringy as fuck to start huffing and puffin over some booty ass trick. people progress at their own pace, sure, but everything he does is so sloppy. poor execution, bad form, no sauce or fluidity. he's only been skating for i think 3-4 years but i feel like it's long enough to develop a decent style. he has good pop though, ill give him that. hope he hones in on that explosive pop for the better by flipping his board and avoiding turning into an ollie guy.

Anonymous No. 152085

maybe he just has no confidence in himself. i'd be easy on him, he seems like he's already hard on himself enough. also, he will find his own way, just trust. help him if he asks, only if you want to. the egg that cracks on it's own turns into a little chickie, while the egg that gets cracked turns into an omelette.

i'm just playing the devil's advocate though, i don't know how it really is, and it's probably hard to divorce yourself from that emotionality of the situation because of how passionate you are about what you do.

Anonymous No. 152087

i agree with everything you said which is why i dont say anything to him anymore, just pure silence from me when he talks down on himself now. i realize weak people bring out the worst in me, instead of supporting them i want to bully them and make them stronger and more resilient.....i just really hate incompetence, im not unsympathetic but you need to want better for your self for me to care ya know.

Anonymous No. 152091

i get that. it's okay to set personal boundaries especially if you know yourself and how you respond to that type of negativity. i know personally, i can't deal with my own sister before things inevitably escalate, so i keep my distance in order to save my sanity. it's nice that you do see the positives, that he has an explosive pop and the potential to become more. people change, and so do you, so i don't think you'll always be so up in arms about something like this, but for now, i 100% get it.

Anonymous No. 152097

I'm kinda sick of skating transition. I might genuinely give street skating a shot. I think I just need to start ollieing into my grinds on curbs instead of slappying.

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Anonymous No. 152103

>im your friend but i dont care

Anonymous No. 152109

you should probably make out with him

Anonymous No. 152110

I have one friend like that but they join the sesh less and less thank Christ. They have a real habit of trying something a maximum of 4 or 5 times, giving up, then throwing a pity party for themselves. They don't spend time on just pushing around, getting their balance and fundamentals down, then get salty and upset when they try to skate with the rest of us and get left in the dust.
I managed to bust their balls the other day and make them get kickturns on banks back when they tried to quit, but mostly I just be straight with them and tell them "skating's hard, stop giving up so quickly, do all of your basics first to warm up before trying hard shit".

It's a fucking drag on the session sometimes though. I don't mind giving pointers, but I also want to skate too and I'm not there to be a therapist.

Anonymous No. 152149

very grateful my group of friends have all been skating for some time, skate within their ability and dont bitch and moan when they cant land something. seems like a lot of the posters in these threads are stuck skating with absolute retards which is like a thing you deal with when your a kid and you just ignore it cause its like ahh whatever your 15 and thats your little friend but being in your 20s and having to skate with someone who bitches and drags the session down is crazy. why would you invite that person to a sesh or even hang around them, theyre bumming you out and dragging you down.

Anonymous No. 152186

Fuck I'd kill to have a regular skate crew again. Or even just a couple of consistent buddies who want to skate a few times a week. I'm almost 30 and all my old skate buddies have either quit or they're living in different parts of the world, and the people I skate with now are mostly boomers who only want to skate bowls and they only want to do it once a week.

Just want someone who will hang out and do slappies man, fuck

Anonymous No. 152198

Friends/partners of friends. Plus when you're an adult you're kind of stuck with whoever shows up and they're not always exactly core skaters.

But idk, I think it's a beginner thing. I'm still pretty shit and skate with people around my level so the quitters around me have yet to be fully filtered out. Today though I skated with someone above my level who's older than me, learning new shit and helping me. Got some of my first airs out of a qp today thanks to his tips.

Anonymous No. 152209

This boomer is having a mental breakdown.

Anonymous No. 152213

oh lord, where is all the good pavement?
why hath god forsaken us street skaters, to carry our boards redundantly around town?
at least bikes exist, but damn, i didn't think it'd have been this bad.

Anonymous No. 152215

it's the crumbling infrastructure of america

Anonymous No. 152216

Same but with England

Anonymous No. 152217

>Plus when you're an adult you're kind of stuck with whoever shows up
only true if you live in some flyover state/europoor shithole. i feel for you guys, I really do, but you gotta stop making it out like your experience with skateboarding is all there is. If you live in a city or a coastal state your not going to have this kind of problem.

Anonymous No. 152223

>If you live in a city or a coastal state your not going to have this kind of problem.
No, but all the good skaters are just going to cool-guy you because they already have their crews and they've known each other for years

Anonymous No. 152224

Going to go do another solo slappy sesh I guess
Hopefully it will make the suicidal thoughts go away for a while

Anonymous No. 152225

>all the good skaters will be mean to me :(((
lmao keep living in your head you pathetic retard. i never even said anything about good skaters, i was talking about not skating with whiny little bitches but I suspect you might be one since here you are whining about something youve probably never even experienced. you deserve to be skating with people who get upset they cant kickturn a bank.

Anonymous No. 152226

That ain't me whining about people who can't kickturn my man. I'm just out here skating alone every day. I go to my local and there is not even anyone there these days.

Anonymous No. 152227

seethe boomer seethe

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Anonymous No. 152228


Fuck this gay general

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Anonymous No. 152240

>Get injured
>Suddenly local area is running three different contests/jams over the next 2-3 weeks after nothing all year
>Finally get over it as my leg only has a week to heal
>Check instagram
>Go skate day jam announced in 2 days
>[spoiler]copenhagen open[/spoiler]

Please tell me that events run further into the summer at least.

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Anonymous No. 152250

Man I feel this. I just wanna get back on a board

>broke my ankle 2 weeks ago
>1 day after it happened I got 2 new decks in the mail
>no rain ever since then. great weather
>new park just opened 15 min from me
>driveway about to get resurfaced and finally skateable
>go skateboarding day is tomorrow

This shit sucks and it’s all because I couldn’t just chill for a day after i hyperextended it.

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Anonymous No. 152253

skateroastie pulled out the zestimate on diychad. is he right or making it up?

Anonymous No. 152256

>only true if you live don't live in these two parts of America

Gee, wow, my mind is blown. I should have talked about someone else's experience instead of my own, you're right.

Anonymous No. 152257

I hate how they're all crammed together like this. And I don't hear about 90% of them until either the day before or after they're over.

Anonymous No. 152263

I just scrambled to see where go skating day was tomorrow in my city and found nothing kek

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Anonymous No. 152266

Anonymous No. 152267

I did not enjoy watching that.

Anonymous No. 152271

both of you sound like whiny bitches. i would not skate with either of you

Anonymous No. 152281


Anonymous No. 152290

Fucking saw ONE event on in my city just being advertised yesterday, so far across town that I would be there for 30 minutes before it was over. Just going to my local with the boys instead, but it'd be cool to be in the loop for these things. I feel like every skate event today is just shared on Instagram and if you're not in the right circle of friends, you shit out of luck.

Anonymous No. 152295

i don't even have an injury, but it's just wet and everso slightly rainy. i think it's still worth getting outside because it's not that rainy rn, but damn dude

Anonymous No. 152320

>entry to the skatepark is flanked by tall hedges so you have to approach it to look in
>people walk to the gate
>some open it
>they see me
>they leave
None of them have had skateboards, some entrepreneuring scooters push around for ten minutes then go. Other skaters have no problem with me. What's their deal? Don't want to get in the way? There's a path through the park that leads to a field so maybe they're just passing through but the next way in is a five minute walk.

Anonymous No. 152323

based and me at 12 years old pilled

Anonymous No. 152327

Anyone looking for trick tips, Mitchies breakdowns are incredible and deserve more views

Anonymous No. 152330

Why. Why would he think this was a good setup? Even if the dog wasn’t there it’s easy to get your wheel caught in chain link

Anonymous No. 152335

do you have a mobile device with a protective case

Anonymous No. 152337

what the absolute fuck are you complaining about you fucking retard? this sounds like a fucking dream

Anonymous No. 152338

>why dont these people wanna get in the way of me skating?? do I stink??? waahhhhhhh
faggot ass dipshit

Anonymous No. 152342

Why do some people skate like they have a dick up their ass? Bending your knees helps with impact

Anonymous No. 152344

Pooman stance, they need to open their hips. Same happens to kook surfers.

Anonymous No. 152367

happy skate day!!!
any plans for today?

Anonymous No. 152370

Sitting at home and crying.

Anonymous No. 152374

>any plans for today?
commute home.
eat dinner.
play with the kids.
fuck my wife - she's a month away from being due and we're doing maintenance sex to make sure her pussy muscles are ready to push a baby out.
I only skate weekends.

Anonymous No. 152392

Any reason you didn't keep this to yourself?

Anonymous No. 152395

someone asked what my plans for the day were. I'm not gonna be rude and leave him hanging.

Anonymous No. 152411

If you read that as complaining and not questioning then you've been on the internet too long

Anonymous No. 152417

i'm a third person- and i didn't know what the fuck that shit was you were typing about was either

Anonymous No. 152439

>the joy of progression

and i thought i was hardstuck

Anonymous No. 152445

Had a really fun sesh with the boys practicing airs out of a small no-coping qp. Literally my third sesh doing them and I'm approaching waist height. Now I just want to launch out of stuff all summer.

Anonymous No. 152466

>why do I smell?? wahh wahh

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Anonymous No. 152491

Any tips? I've only just got comfortable being able to get on top of them to keep flow (such as up one side across the top and down the other in pic rel), but I really want to get some air. I feel like my weight is too far forward and I kill all momentum because I'm afraid of slipping out backwards and splatting on my back. If I ease up a bit it feels sketchy and I bail. No idea what the sweet spot is.

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Anonymous No. 152492

I've only really got them the last few days, but the tip that cracked it open for me was "pump later". I naturally want to pump ramps from the bottom of the transition, so by the time I'd reach them top my body was full extended, unstable and didn't give me the leg room to get my board up into the air, so the best I could do would be a roll out. Being like that makes it easier to be too leaned forward or backwards too which might be your issue. But once I waited until I was at least half way up the ramp (if not a bit higher) to start the pump, I was able to keep my body in a sort of crouched, knees bent position. Then once you're actually in the air it just feels like the latter half of an ollie where you've caught it high, knees bent/body crouched. Then you can either hold that position for a longer air or put it down.
I think if you stay crouched you won't have that problem as severely and you'll be able to find the sweet spot (provided you already have enough speed going in).

I think the other thing is is that you don't really need to lever/manual the board much at all unless the coping is big or unless you're trying to get the board up even higher. So to start off I'd just focus on pumping late and staying in a crouched, knees bent position centred above your board. Once you get a feel for being in the air even for an inch, you can start coming at the ramp faster and faster for bigger airs.

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Anonymous No. 152493

Makes sense, thanks. Going for a lunchtime skate in about an hour so I'll try this out. Might be time to actually wear a helmet for this one.

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home time machine.jpg

Anonymous No. 152496

/esg/, you have a time machine that allows you to travel back to the late 70s to a session. You can only remain there for 2 minutes, just long enough to do a full run on your board.

What tricks are you doing to become the legendary God King of the skaters who see you?

Anonymous No. 152497

>But once I waited until I was at least half way up the ramp (if not a bit higher) to start the pump
Gave it a go and felt the difference for sure doing this, but did not have the balls to send it properly with just an hour to play with (takes me about 20mins to warm up) and no helmet (too hot). Got maybe the slightest bit of air, so that's a start at least.

Anonymous No. 152498

Heelflip. Pop shove it. FS 180. Half cab with no pop. Ollie. FS heel landed with one foot only before the time runs out to shock everyone and imply it's a possible trick to do.

Anonymous No. 152499

you mean I have my board with me? i would just show off my board and try and teach the people around me about all the advancements before I dissapeared, fast forward skateboarding 10 years possibly.

Anonymous No. 152502

i fumble for 1:50 minutes but manage to land a pop shuvit in the end before getting zooped back.
if its like my niche fighting game contribution, it blows peoples minds but one downplays it as something that shouldve been discovered long ago but they take all the credit for discovering it because they did(/TAStranny'd) it cleaner

Anonymous No. 152503

Moving ollie at snails pace, which I flub the landing and slip out on in the first 20 seconds, then the rest of the time I remain on the ground crying and nursing my dislocated elbow. In the last few seconds before I get sent back to my own time, I scream "scooters are the future, ditch your boards for scooters".

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Anonymous No. 152507

I present to you the crumbling infrastructure of America summed up perfectly in one video part.

Anonymous No. 152524

y-you monster, you wouldn't...?

Anonymous No. 152543

This was probably one of the better threads we've had. But it's time to mosey on down

Anonymous No. 152547

A start is a start! Nice one. Maybe try rolling off a few curbs to build confidence next time. The feeling of being in their air is freaky at first. The fun part of launching out of ramps is that you can increase the air with more speedz so you'll be flying in no time.

Anonymous No. 153474

That's Detroit, tho.