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🧵 A small tip for those who wanna start taekwondo

Anonymous No. 137482

Don't do it and learn muay thai instead. It can teach you how to rise you your legs high too but it can also teach you how to fight.

Anonymous No. 137485

What I learn muaywondo?

Anonymous No. 137487

Why does everyone suck the cock of Muay Thai but not Lethwei?

Anonymous No. 137488

Lethwei is cool but there is no lethwei gyms in most cities

Anonymous No. 137490

Literally no one does lethwei outside of fucking Burma. Anyone who sucks lethwei cock doesn’t actually train it. Quit larping.

Anonymous No. 137541

There is really no style, master or dojo that least try to make it functional?

Anonymous No. 137544

there is LDH taekwondo on youtube who goes in depth on how TKD works as a martial art, also remember every hyper-specialized combat sport or martial art needs to be combined with something else to work, otherwise you`ll be like the boxers that break their hands in an actual confrontation

Anonymous No. 137573

Even if you can find a lethwei gym, it's probably worse than your local muay thai gym unless you are literally in burma. Muay thai has an enormous talent pool and a professional scene of instructors and competitors that dwarfs lethwei, which is a dick-sucking regional sport by comparison like turkish oil wrestling. It's famous among martial arts nerds because it's the most "hardcore" kickboxing ruleset but that doesn't mean it produces the best fighters.

Anonymous No. 137614

my school does a taekwando program so im gonna do it lol its better than trig

Anonymous No. 138987

>Train Muay Thai
>incorporate headbutts
congratulations, you now know lethwei

Anonymous No. 140829

Big gay.
It doesn't work by itself, but some of the scariest fighters I've faced have been Taekwondoists.
Seeing a lanky, 6'4 dude do a boxers rush on you, at speed, from two meters away, while using the same two legs as he walks on, with the added knowledge that if you mess up a block or a parry, you're breaking something, is not to be taken lightly.
It can crumble if you can get close and swing, or grapple. But if you're facing a person who can deal with that, and who can also do those spooky kick sequences, you are in danger.
>Leg height.
Any martial art worth its salt will teach you how to make high kicks. Taekwondo IMHO shines, because it teaches you kicks in combination.

>Source. Came from Karate. Goju Ryu (we don't enjoy moving). Trained in the kicky art for six months. Absolutely punked some people by tanking blows, not backing off, and striking with hands ("all I need to do is hit you thirteen times for every kick you land on me unguarded"). And got my shit pushed in a couple times by some dudes who decided to make me move and not let me stop.

Anonymous No. 140836

>Any martial art worth its salt will teach you how to make high kicks.
You think boxing and all types of wrestling and grappling are invalid?

Anonymous No. 142910

What about Manson "Kung fu nigga" Gibson? He was a Taekwondista

Anonymous No. 142975

Every good MMA fighter knows kicks are finishing moves. You don't use them to actually fight and wear down your opponent, you use it when your opponent blunders their guard and you need a very powerful shot to finish the fight.

Muay Thai doesn't understand that and therefore is retarded.

Anonymous No. 142981

Tonon's guys just can't get over that Le loss can they

Anonymous No. 142982

You talk about kicks to the head and liver. Low kicks are meant to wear down your opponent. Push kicks and oblique kicks are meant to push your opponent away.

Anonymous No. 142986

My small tip is never get an erect penis while fighting as it may get kicked and that hurts the Weiner real bad.

Anonymous No. 142998

Low kicks just give your opponent an opening for a takedown, you give up 50% of your balance just to make your opponent's leg hurt. Any good wrestler can capitalize on repeated kicks of any variety, then you're on the bottom.

Doesn't matter in kickboxing but in MMA or a real fight kicks aren't a great idea unless you know you're going to break some ribs or get a KO.

Anonymous No. 143017

So why do most of mma fighters from amateurs to legends use them?

Anonymous No. 143020

to tkd's credit, most schools do spar at least every few weeks, according to ramsey dewey, whose background is in tkd among other styles. this has also been my experience in hapkido, which is a korean sister art (its kicks are near identical, so our sparring looked basically like kimchi-flavored kickboxing w/ some jun fan jkd thrown in there, bc our school also incorporated that into its curriculum).

tkd is basically a much softer version of kyokushin except it's much more widely available, so if you wanna train in kyokushin but can't find a school for it nearby, tkd is not a bad alternative. just make sure the school competes regularly and make your intentions/goals clear to the instructor (and hope he listens). once you've trained in it for a while (let's say roughly between 6 months and 2 years), you can always supplement w/ boxing and/or muay thai. i've noticed a lot of kickboxers (that includes thaiboxers) form bad habits like dragging their supporting leg when doing a roundkick, for example, which restricts the movement, requires more energy than necessary, and takes them off balance. instead they should turn on the ball of their foot to maximize energy efficiency, maintain balance, and more easily retract leg they just kicked w/. important details like these you would probably learn at a halfway decent tkd school. if in the case of bjj 'it's in the details', then the same applies to striking. tkd can be a lot more useful than some of the netscrappers here on /xs would have you believe and i'm tired of pretending it's not. unless you have any meaningful amount of experience in it or an equivalent tma, i don't wanna hear it.

you shouldn't dickride any style/art, but least of all super obscure ones like lethwei.

Anonymous No. 143022

he meant martial arts that involve kicks. don't be obtuse.

Anonymous No. 143024

during training and in competition that shouldn't be a problem as you're wearing a cup. or do you mean a fight in da streetz (which the vast majority of us will never experience)?

Anonymous No. 143056

Lethwei is the poorfag muay thai for low iq plebs fighting to pay off gambling debts

Anonymous No. 143114


Anonymous No. 143128

They're the same fucking thing retard. Muay Thai is just the modernized combat sport version. Quit larping faggot.

Anonymous No. 143132

Your talking about muay boran, not lethwei

Anonymous No. 143136

How common are Hapkido dojos in the states anyways

Anonymous No. 143184

Because MT is a meme and 4chan is full of autists.

Anonymous No. 143186

Kicking in a real fight means
>wearing heavy shoes/boots
>snapping/stomping at the shins, knees, groin, ankles, feet etc.
And that's it. That's why you don't find roundhouse kicks before the 19th century or so. Sure, you can roundhouse kick to the groin with the tip of your shoe or rip the kneecap with your heel, but practical kicking is and was always straight snaps and stomps for the most part.

Anonymous No. 143193

So which martial art is not a meme?

Anonymous No. 143400

actual hapkido dojangs that teach primarily hapkido? as in it's the school's main focus, bread and butter, etc? not very common. the hkd (or what's marketed as such) in america is mostly taught at tkd schools as pretty much tkd w/ some wrist locks, those compliant self-defense drills typical of hkd where you escape a very basic/primitive grip (like a rape choke, for example), and maybe a few basic throws
hkd proper is a very fun martial art. a lottt of cool, flashy kicks a la tkd, awesome demos, equally dope and elegant throws/disarms straight out of an action movie... don't forget breakfalls, which is perhaps the most valuable skillset to have in self-preservation period.

all in all, if you can find a hkd school that does all those things, and you're aware of its problems going in, you'll likely have a great time training there. bonus points if they spar once in a while. even better if they do cool stuff like two teams facing off w/ rubber knives, where every limb that gets cut you can't use and becomes effectively numb for the sake of the exercise, and if you get snuck up on from behind and stabbed in the back/your throat slit, you're out, til it's a 1v1, even against your own teammate. they might even have little improvised grappling tournaments on those big thick mats.

basically, if you can find a tma school where they not only do all the fun, cool, flashy, sometimes goofy stuff, but also keep an open mind and constantly experiment, you could have the best of both worlds in your martial arts training. there should be a balance between fun and functionality imo. ofc you could just pick one and neglect the other completely if that's your thing, but i like to have both.

Anonymous No. 146040

You really don't want to throw multiple kicks unless you want to get punched in the face lol. one hard kick to the knee is more than enough.

Anonymous No. 146392

I saw one guy that used some tkd stuff once he crossed into MT to good effect, telling me the biggest problem with TKD is their training and sparring methods and not the individual techniques.
This level of ignorance should be criminal

Anonymous No. 146407

Nobody even does muay thai, it's just a marketing name
Go to 90% of mma gyms and the muay thai instructor is just doing regular western style kickboxing in thai shorts

I've never done muay thai officially in my life and spent a year teaching the classes. My only experience was doing karate when I was in high school
Nobody could tell the difference.

Anonymous No. 146445

tkd can be highly effective if trained the right way, i agree. although idk if the sparring is the worst part of tkd. the highest priority should be to completely do away w/ the forms; they're more or less identical to the ones you'll find in hkd (and other korean tma) and a lot of karate dojos, and more importantly, hardly anyone knows the most probable meanings behind the forms, besides ppl like ramsey dewey who are autistic (i mean that as a compliment, as an autistic myself. autistic bc heightened attention to detail and pattern recognition) and experienced enough, to analyze and decode them.

second order of business would be to remove some of the current rules or make the ruleset less restrictive overall. apparently tkd used to be a lot more like muay thai than its current foot-fencing iteration.

it wouldn't be very difficult to return tkd to its former glory, i imagine. now that the martial arts "community" as a whole has become increasingly aware of the importance of live training, slowly but surely, we just need more grassroots movement from local tkd dojos, breaking off from the big orgs and uniting w/ each other to experiment and try making tkd more functional.

oh, almost forgot. another thing that's gotta go is the excessive "protective" gear. we don't need chest protectors, that flimsy headgear, or those weird sensors. i remember my old hkd instructor brought some of those to class for some of the black belts to do some sparring in, and i was a little confused. it was so that they could count who got kicked the least... that just seems totally unnecessary.
tell that to the average (american) muay thai fanboy. they got soooo pissy if you tell them 'muay thai is (a variation of) kickboxing'. they'll say 'NO IT'S THE OTHER WAY AROUND' and 'KICKBOXING WAS DERIVED FROM MUAY THAI, YOU IDIOT!'. i've been training at a dutch kb gym lately, mostly in thai shorts, so i'm getting pretty much the same experience as most american thaiboxers.

Anonymous No. 146461

>Nobody even does muay thai
I spent years living, training, and competing out of Thailand. Git gud

Anonymous No. 146513


Anonymous No. 146514

It's far too niche, and techniques wise other than the headbutt it's literally the same as Muay Thai

Anonymous No. 146515

>teeps and leg kicks used constantly in MMA against wrestlers
>retard thinks you can't use them

Anonymous No. 146516

I wanted to learn hapkido because it was scorpions main style in like deadly alliance, I was sad when I learned it was bullshit.

Anonymous No. 146518


Anonymous No. 146519

I am red belt tae kwon do and I never felt like I could use it in a fight, except for maybe knowing how to kick hard.

Anonymous No. 146520

>Go to 90% of mma gyms and the muay thai instructor is just doing regular western style kickboxing in thai shorts
High level kickboxing/kickboxing used in actual combat sports has mostly morphed into an all encompassing "stlye" it's not MT, or American KB, or Dutch anymore, effective stuff is used when it's applicable.

Anonymous No. 147052

like i said, it depends on the school and the area.

from what i've read, most hkd you'll find in america is just taught as a seperate class at a tkd school, as pretty much tkd w/ a few throws and joint locks. here in europe, however, same as w/ jujutsu (from what i've read), it tends to be more legit, as it is taught and practiced as its own complete system w/ its own curriculum.

there are even tournaments which hkd schools compete in, which i regrettably didn't participate in when most of the black belts and some of the lower belts at my old dojang would train for them, and even bring back medals/trophies.

at a good hkd school they also have sparring rounds every week or two: 1/3 sport karate kumite style, 1/3 tachi-waza, and 1/3 newaza.

another huge benefit of hkd that's often overlooked is the focus on breakfalls. knowing how to fall safely is much more useful and applicable a skill in everyday life than knowing how to fight.

it's a great all-round martial art where you get a taste of pretty much everything, which is great if you have little to no prior martial arts training. after a year or two you'll find out what you're best at and what you enjoy the most. for me it was the newaza, so once i have a good foundation in kickboxing (which i currently train in), i'll start crosstraining in judo, then bjj/catch (taught in one class, so pretty much generic submission wrestling/grappling), and then HEMA and archery (if i have the time, energy, braincells, and money for it).

plus you'll learn some pretty cool flashy kicks, throws, takedowns, and disarms along the way, even if they're not very practical. above all, it's a FUN martial art, and i don't regret my 2 years and change of training at the old dojang one bit.

plus it's better than nothing, which is exactly what most /xs/ armchair martial artists do anyways, which is to say they don't train whatsoever. the warming up/conditioning was pretty tough for a tma school as well.

Anonymous No. 147143

fuck muay thai and go fuck yourself

Anonymous No. 147145

As a sexpat that has traveled the world sampling all the succulent flesh it has to offer I can say koreans have the sweetest, softest feet of them all
So if you don't do taekwondo your denying yourself an excellent opportunity to look at, get hit by, and perhaps touch them

Anonymous No. 147631

Probably because lethwei sucks. Have you ever seen a thai fighter fight a lethwei fighter? Lethwei loses 9 times out of 10.

Anonymous No. 147633

In muay thai or lethwei?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 147685

Its takes some balls to be in the lions den equivalent of fighting

Anonymous No. 147689

Show me where on the doll the nak muay heemed you

Anonymous No. 147694

lethwei is the meme

Anonymous No. 147697

why do people think muay thai is good? if it was any good they wouldn't be cockfighting for pennies in thailand, they'd be running wild in western promotions which they aren't

the only thing we can take away from this is western kickboxing is superior in every possible way
that's probably because it's karate based

Anonymous No. 147800

>western promotions
Like japanese K1, singaporean Glory or singaporean One? You must be irrationally eurocentric to think Asians want to fight for western promotions. And some muay thai fighters do fight in these asian promotions.
>cockfighting for pennies in thailand
Most of them do it for the same reason most western fighters are amateurs and low level proffessionals. Most people aren't exceptionally talented.
>western kickboxing is superior in any way
Are you talking about shitty american kickboxing or real dutch kickboxing? If the first one, you are ultra retarded. If the second one, then both have pros and cons. Muay thai gives you elbow strikes and better clinch fighting but it also approves kicking spree which makes you more vulnerable to takedowns.
Not as cringe as taekwondo yet not as based as muay thai. Most karate black belts would probably lose to good boxers.

Anonymous No. 147801

Do you think boxing isn’t good either since it’s mostly hoodrats fighting for no money also? Most mma fighters don’t make shit either so I guess we can toss that in the trash too.

Anonymous No. 147812

Dutch kickboxing is derived from kyokushin, american kickboxing is derived from seido which us a child of kyokushin
Of course all roads lead back to goju but that's besides the point

Anonymous No. 147931

Because it has elbows which makes it seem tactical and cool and dangerous.

Anonymous No. 147941



Anonymous No. 147945

Don't pretend the biggest motivator for taking Muay Thai was the elbows and how all the MMA Youtubers who grifted for tacticool self-defense promoted Thai boxing because of the knees and elbows.

Anonymous No. 147946

>was the elbows
was NOT*

Fuck I got to to bed.

Anonymous No. 147950

You should just stop posting, period

Anonymous No. 147961

all I'll really say is if you had someone doing taekwondo and a boxer you would have an easier time helping the taekwondo person make the transition to MMA
too much of what makes a boxer an effective boxer like the footwork and head movement patterns would be liabilities when dealing with kicks and shots, and those changes would dramatically alter the dynamics of their punches, You'd have to pretty much do an entire tear down on them.
TKD could get away with tweaks more so than tear downs. Not much needs to be reformulated from the bottom up, just need to add some considerations.

Anonymous No. 147997

Fully awake again, here to tell you that's not my problem

Anonymous No. 150327
