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🧵 /judo/ Judo General

Anonymous No. 143764

Thread for judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

>Discussion starter
What rule changes would you like to see the IJF make after the upcoming Olympics, based on what you’ve seen this cycle so far?

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2023
June 23-25 - Ulaanbaatar Grand Slam
August 4-6 - Hungary Grand Slam
August 18-20 - Zagreb Grand Prix
September 22-24 - Baku Grand Slam
October 20-22 - Abu Dhabi Grand Slam
December 2-3 - Tokyo Grand Slam


Previous thread: >>138304

Anonymous No. 143766

>rule changes id like

Anonymous No. 143767

>What rule changes would you like to see the IJF make after the upcoming Olympics, based on what you’ve seen this cycle so far?

Ude Garami ban. You’re not allowed to attack the shoulder and it’s only allowed because of a stupid technicality. Either allow shoulder attacks or, preferably, ban Ude Garami.

Anonymous No. 143768

>What rule changes would you like to see the IJF make

Unban standing Kata Guruma.

Anonymous No. 143771

>he wants to see more injuries
Literally the reason why Judo is dying

Anonymous No. 143775

Judo is literally the most popular sport in the world you retard, it’s not dying.

Anonymous No. 143776

Why don't you just crawl on your hands and knees you pussy.

Anonymous No. 143779

There was literally a Reddit thread about this made by a popular Judo influencer less than a week ago, Judo numbers are going down.

Why don’t you learn how to use uchi mata?

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Anonymous No. 143781

>Reddit thread
>Judo influencer

Anonymous No. 143783

You know, there's more to Judo than Uchi Mata. Like, Osoto Gari and Seoi Nage. Or, O-Goshi. You should read the full list of throws, it might help you promote to Yellow Belt.

Anonymous No. 143785

All suitable throws which makes standing kata guruma unnecessary. It was banned for a good reason, the IJF knows and cares more about Judo than you.

Anonymous No. 143789

>the IJF knows and cares more about Judo than you.

Are you Jewish by chance?

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the shape of thin....jpg

Anonymous No. 143792

>people are sedentary and obese and don't do sports anymore
No shit retard, welcome to the Industrial Revolution. It's only going to get worse.

Anonymous No. 143800

Retarded faggot. What shoulder attacks aren’t allowed? Stop posting this stupid shit.

Anonymous No. 143801

There’s no more danger to standing kata guruma than any other throw

Anonymous No. 143802

Jigoro Kanos favourite throw was kata guruma. I think he knows and cares abo it judo more than you

Anonymous No. 143814

bring back leg grabs and korean seoi. Remove head diving hansoku make
allow more time for newaza, and allow more submissions in newaza (unban jaw cranks and leglocks)
Getting thrown on your face and your stomach should be waza ari.
This is a rule proposal that i know is going to be controversial, but make turtling and guard osaekomis (or a less punishing version of it) instead of forcing a standup. I think we need to punish people who do shite drop throws and sacrifice throws by making the position you find yourself after those throws pins if you cant get back up. And it makes sense to me in a real life setting. If you cant sweep or submit people in guard, or get back up from turtling. You're going to get your head bashed by the person on top. I also think it has the doubled effect of unbanning jumping to guard since the guard player now need to actually do something or else will lose by osaekomi.

Anonymous No. 143817

>bring back leg grabs and korean seoi. Remove head diving hansoku make
allow more time for newaza, and allow more submissions in newaza (unban jaw cranks and leglocks)
>Getting thrown on your face and your stomach should be waza ari
Agree on all this
>This is a rule proposal that i know is going to be controversial, but make turtling and guard osaekomis (or a less punishing version of it) instead of forcing a standup. I think we need to punish people who do shite drop throws and sacrifice throws by making the position you find yourself after those throws pins if you cant get back up.
I like where your heads at but I think you’re going about it the wrong way. Make turtling a shido for stalling. Giving more time for newaza solves the issue of using guard to stall because now you’ll have more opportunity to either set up a submission from there, do a turnover, or have your guard passed so I don’t think there is a need to punish being in guard, especially since it is a legitimate defensive position to fight from. Turtling is the real problem and sort of the reason so many judokas ground game I lackluster. So much training time is wasted on learning ways to break the turtle.

Anonymous No. 143823

I assume he wants ashi sankaku garami banned as well then, but I never see him mention it, so I assume he's trolling for (you)s by wanting to ban the lock named after arguably the most famous Judo player known world wide barring it's founder.

Anonymous No. 143831


Anonymous No. 143835

>make turtling shido
id be down with that. I think you can get rid of the leg grab shido issue with this. Give shidos after 10-30 seconds. Another rule I would add is that shidos shouldnt also be a matte, so you can rack 3 shidos if you dont escape from your shit position or stalling.
I am very torn on guard, i love it as a position in newaza but i hate buttscooting and jumping to guard. In bjj, i propose that you should force a standup if one person is butrscooting and the other person doesnt want to pass guard, im not sure how we should do it in judo.
personally, id give it shido similar to turtle and let it accumulate overtime so that if you cant stand up, sweep, or submit from guard you get a 3 shido loss. Its just that guard should be an easier position to escape and get up from compared to turtle, so guard as a legit defensive position would be better than turtling in that way.
forgot about this. Yes. All grips should be legal. even overpowered ones. let the sport develop defenses against "overpowered" grips like pistol grips.

Anonymous No. 143847

What the fuck, it's not even the most popular martial art. Whatever, have your (you).
>reddit thread
>judo influencer (whatever that means)
>source: some jap infograph that shows that the faggiest, most cowardly country in the world now has less people interested in bettering themselves

If anything, judo is getting more and more people in places other than japan and the US. In Brazil it is extremely popular, some saying its more popular than BJJ, believe it or not.

Anonymous No. 143856

This thread is REEKING with SEETHING IJF Shills.

Anonymous No. 143857

I think shidos should still be a matte if it's as a result from standing, otherwise you're going to either allow guard pulls because BJJ guys will just pull guard and then get 90 seconds to sweep or submit, or a wrestler will just ankle pick, take the one shido, and hold you down in guard for 90 seconds, but I do like your way of thinking. I wonder if the following is possible:
>turtle/prone counts as a pin, but you have to be pinned for 30 seconds
>swapping between turtle/prone and side control/on your back resets the timer. if you can't hold someone giving you a pinning position you don't deserve the wazari, prioritises actually controlling the person on the ground's movement
>can no longer score two wazaris in osaeokomi, one wazari from osaeokomi is a reset to standing. prevents someone from being taken down, sweeping, and winning straight off of groundwork. gives person being pinned a chance to throw for ippon again.

Anonymous No. 143861

In regards to guard pulling in BJJ and guard as osaeokomi, I just want to preface this by saying that I've done BJJ/MMA for over 15+ years, taught for 5+ years and only trained judo for 5 years. I've never pulled guard in a match, never pulled guard in sparring, never taught a guard pull and never will encourage any of my students to pull guard BUT in grappling (and BJJ specifically), the person pulling guard and butt scooting is the attacker and if you're running away from a guy on the ground, you're the one refusing to engage. In grappling, guard is an offensive position. You're not likely to see the person on bottom guard get submitted very often, it's the person in guard that's being attacked, so if I see someone running from a butt scooter, I can only think it's because they're not confident in their passing, or they're scared of being submitted.
>but in the street I'll punch you in the face or kick you in the head
If you're involving strikes, I'm just going to jab a judoka from distance if they don't keep their hands up. The idea of basing grappling around striking when you can't even strike is stupid. If you want to strike and grapple, do Sambo or MMA or Kudo or any of the other sports. If you care about self-defence, don't train an art that doesn't let you strike and grapple. I hardly even train to compete in BJJ off my back anymore. Pretty much only passing and top position. And I'll usually do well because I'll throw someone in my first match, then everyone pulls guard and I know how to pass it. If someone pulls guard they're pretty much gifting you the win if you're good at passing.

Anonymous No. 143866

In regards to guard in Judo though, I'm similarly torn like you, because I see it as an offensive position, but that might just be my BJJ experience. Usually if someone is "pinning" you in guard in grappling, they're head down, hugging your body and doing basically nothing but holding on like their life depends on it, which isn't really offensive. An argument could be made that the person being "controlled" is the person on top, as they can't stand up to disengage or submit easily, which are similar traits to side control or mount, but it feels weird "punishing" someone for a top position. I think maybe something like this could work:
>guard isn't a pinning position, but you only have 30 seconds to work in guard until matte is called.
>half-guard is a similar position to what was previously mentioned in turtle, where it takes 30 seconds to get pinned for a wazari, but matte is called after. If you recover guard, the 30 seconds timer for guard starts.
>a separate ne waza clock, where each instance of ne waza can only occur for 60 seconds before matte is called UNLESS currently in a hold. Matte is called immediately if the hold is escaped and that 60 seconds has expired.
>ne waza doesn't count towards the 4 minutes (maybe change to 3 if having a ne waza clock) before golden score.
>one person getting to their feet is matte, as is currently

I think if you add in the above, as well as the rules in >>143857, then each instance of ne waza will end with either ippon by submission, a wazari scored, one person getting to their feet or 60 seconds/guard timer expiring, but with only being able to score a wazari from osaeokomi, it still allows the person being scored against to stand back up and win again in tachi waza. Negatives though are:
>might get too complicated monitoring tachi waza clock, ne waza clock and guard timer
>matches take longer to go to golden score if tachi waza clock is paused during ne waza
>harder for casuals to watch

Anonymous No. 143867

nigga i am not reading all of this

Anonymous No. 143876

Yeah I'll greentext it so someone that isn't a manic schizo like me can follow it:

>60 second ne waza clock, after which matte is called unless currently in osaeokomi (or maybe a submission)
>you get 30 seconds to escape from turtle or bottom half guard, or a wazari is scored against you
>any wazari resulting from ne waza calls for a matte
>guard has a separate 30 second timer, which calls for matte if that timer expires
>match clock is paused during ne waza

I think this will encourage more people to work back to their feet if a wazari can be called from turtle, but gives them 30 seconds since it's not as bad a position as the other holds, but also give more time to ne waza with the 60 second clock. Pausing the match clock during ne waza will prevent people trying to stall their way to a win, and calling a matte after ne waza wazaris means you either have to have successfully thrown someone (ippon or wazari) to win from ne waza, or have "won" ne waza twice from osaeokomi, meaning the loser had at least two chances to win by throw. The guard timer might not be necessary looking back.

Anonymous No. 143884

It's funny you mention turtle because there's been a lot more wrestling-style turtle play in MMA over the last few years - they'd rather try to granby roll out of turtle or stand back up than take ground&pound and potentially get TKO'd from guard

What about giving a wazari per 20-seconds of ride time for the top player? Put the onus on the bottom turtle player to sit out and try to reverse the position.

Anonymous No. 143893

>one wazari to standup
i wouldnt mind this at all.
>turtle/prone as a pin
i would be down for this. I genuinely think thay turtle is a much shittier position than guard, but what im looking for is consistency and simplicity. Its the idea that the less rules and more freedom the more space judo will have to evolve. Because maybe im completely wrong and turtling isn't much worse than guard, but if we just punish turtling wholesale we could be stifling its potential as a bottom position, as silly as that sounds. I think craig Jones made the argument that turtling and giving up your back is not horrible in MMA, for example.
Personally, i dont see guard as an offensive option. Its definitely one of the BEST defensive options because of how much you can do from there. And i completely agree with you that it should not be punished as much as turtling. But again, my brain wants simpler rules. It makes it easier to ref a match, makes it easier for people to watch. My idea of simpler rules is to treat every bottom position as "disadvantageous". But maybe its too simple.

an even more revolutionary idea to make judo very similar to BJJ is that, but keeps the rule simple, is thay maybe we shouldnt call matte at all for newaza, Submissions only for ippons on the ground. No more osaekomi either. The disadvantage to being in bottom position is that youre going to fatigue yourself faster and be easier to submit. I would still insist that you call a standup if one person disengages and stands up and no longer wants to engage in groundwork, just to put that emphasis on standup that judo is known for.
Its probably objectively bad for viewership though. You'd have to make judo matches like ADCC 20 minutes for fatigue to actually play a role and to get submissions, and viewership for normies in the olympics would tank.

Anonymous No. 143898

but yeah, my idea of simpler rules is to try and unify grappling together.
Ideally, in a "perfect world", there are no rules. its vale tudo on concrete ass floors for infinite amount of time. Youre going to get your back scratched on the floors, if you get thrown you die, etc.
but obviously in grappling theres limitations.
In my most honest opinion, where i dont care about viewership at all, but still prioritize safety and grappling, Judo should be
>no time limit
>no shido for stalling (if you tense up for defense and break your own posture to avoid getting thrown you fatigue faster and lose)
>maybe get rid of every arbitrary shido
>ippon for throwing on head/face/back
>waza ari for everything else
>unlimited and unrestricted newaza
>mutual stand up if you dont want to pass guard
I kinda want a way to punish jumping into guard, because i think its a risky ass move to pull IRL, but i probably wouldnt do it. I think that being in guard while it gives you advantage in choices, guard can be tiring if the top guy figures out how to give continuous top pressure without getting swept.

However, these rules objectively blow in terms if entertainment value

Anonymous No. 143918

yesterday I sparred with a taller strong opponent and I realized that I realy too much on having an high grip or a georgian grip. If I'm not able to achieve them I am pretty much harmless.
Now since I plan on putting on some muscles and I will face taller opponents I have to decide if working on seoi nages or o goshi/yagura nage throws

Anonymous No. 143936

High grip isn’t great for fighting someone taller but I actually like the Georgian grip a lot for that scenario. In any case I was given the very good advice a long while back to practice the majority of my uchikomis from a neutral collar and elbow (or wrist) grip. That way, if I can’t get a more dominant grip I’d always be comfortable attacking from a neutral position.

Anonymous No. 143939

so do you think it's a good idea spending time working on the georgian grip game as a short stocky player

Anonymous No. 143951

Yes, but you have to practice breaking taller fighters grips so you don’t get stiff armed and can actually get into that position. Once you have a belt and armpit grip I usually feel like I’m at an advantage being that close while also lower to the ground.

Anonymous No. 143986

how risky would it be to eat a burger or something at the airport on weigh in day if I'm 2 pounds under and don't drink anything besides coffee? can't think of any sodium and carb-free foods the airport would have to eat before weigh-in, and would like to not fast completely before the evening when the scales are open to step up on

Anonymous No. 143991

consider how large a quarter pounder is and eat something that size or smaller. Be careful with water intake. I think you'll be fine. Unless the scale you have been using is fucked up, in which case there is really nothing you can do.

Anonymous No. 143998

At that point, it doesn't really matter what the makeup of the food is, but how much it actually weighs. 2 pounds of coffee and 2 pounds of water weigh the same as 2 pound of soft drink.

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Anonymous No. 144003

>judo 4x a week
>bjj 1x a week
>lifting 2x a week
>workout A: squat, bench press, rows
>workout B: deadlift, overhead press, pull-ups
>stretching randomly everyday

This is my ideal schedule. I can only maintain it for a few weeks, then I'm just constantly tired (I'm getting 9 hours of sleep and on a 500 calorie deficit trying to drop a few lbs and hit the next weight class). Is this too unsustainable for someone in their late 20s? What would you change?

I regret not getting into judo in life.

Anonymous No. 144008

Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

Anonymous No. 144013

When do you work?

Anonymous No. 144059

I suck dick for money through gloryholes for $20 each dick, so I get to choose my own hours. I usually work after 10pm when people are finished at the pub, so I'm free to work all night if there's enough dicks to be sucked.

Anonymous No. 144061

>All those memes
Why not sports specific strength training or gpp? Why BJJ?

The way you're training now you're doing 3 different sports at the same time, of course you'll burn out.

Anonymous No. 144072

It was uki goshi you liar

Anonymous No. 144073

Yeah, minting NFTs and hiding Gran Slams behind a paywall sure shows so

Anonymous No. 144076

In my defense, and upon googling, it turns out I was wrong because someone else lied to me. There is still a story to go with kata guruma though and I don’t think Kano would’ve wanted it banned.

>After a great deal of hard work, Jigoro Kano devised this technique while he was still a young man studying at the Tenshin Shinyo Dojo. With him there was a certain Fukushima who was not only an advanced student but a large well-built man as well. It was a great source of displeasure to Kano that regardless of how hard he tried he could not beat this Fukushima. He worked day and night pouring over books on wrestling and sumo and finally came up with the kata guruma which one day enabled him to hurl mighty Fukushima to the floor.

Anonymous No. 144089

Thanks for sharing the story anon

Anonymous No. 144120

Good neck work but you need to round out your routine. I'd recommend adding in 3 sets of jerking off for grip strength. Plus 3 sets of fucking your boyfriend in the ass for hip strength and cardio.

Anonymous No. 144217

What belt is the average /judo/ka here?

Anonymous No. 144223

I just got back from class and did a lot of randori with a taller guy who used inside grips and high-collar grips to set up Uchi Mata. I'm a lot stronger than he was (but far less experienced) so I was able to brute force my way to stiffle his grip, but it felt like I was using a lot more effort and focus than he was. Any advice?

I'm green belt/Gokyu. Still a beginner.

Anonymous No. 144236

Most people posting here have either never trained or trained less than six months.

That said, ikkyu. Brown belt. Testing for my shodan later this year.

Anonymous No. 144250

orange. heavyweight judo is hell though. i can throw lighter people most of the time but landing a single throw on someone my weight class (220/100kg) is so fucking tough. I'm a dyel so that doesn't help either.

Anonymous No. 144255

Doing this shit for 9 years and still a Whitey.

Anonymous No. 144256

I don’t know who’s teaching you but fat man judo and Manlet judo is completely different and you should make sure your learning from the experienced fatties
>t. Manlet judoka

Anonymous No. 144257

Never did promotions.

Anonymous No. 144260

It’s weird hearing about places that require promotion tests and what not. I usually assume that shit is only associated with daycare TKD clubs. My club just hands you a new belt when they think you’re ready.

Anonymous No. 144261

Addendum, the exception to this is the transition from brown to black belt because you have to get your belt from the USJF

Anonymous No. 144262

Brown-Black is the only one people really care about.

In practice, people tend to think about it like White belts - Fruit Salad Belts - Brown Belts - Black Belts

Anonymous No. 144268

Orange to green matters too because it changes what tournament division you fight in

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Anonymous No. 144274

Australia has a test for every belt. Pic related is the requirements for kyu. It's weird to hear you say that you don't like requirement tests though, as most of the people within judo I've spoken to almost seem dumbfounded that we don't have a syllabus in BJJ for belts (I'm a BJJ coach on the side). There's kind of a knowledge of how good you are for each belt, and it's just based on that like what it sounds like your gym has.

Anonymous No. 144283

I'm a brown belt

Anonymous No. 144387

>I usually assume that shit is only associated with daycare TKD clubs. My club just hands you a new belt when they think you’re ready.
I partially agree, because there's people that care way too much about belts, suck at randori/shiai and literally can only do good quality throws against a non-resisting opponent for the test, but also think it's good to have some sort of standard that needs to be demonstrated. Just giving out belts to people "when they're ready" is good, but for example even a player that primarily uses ashi waza should be able to throw a decent variety of hip throws decently and know what they're called/how to defend them, and testing can be a good way to gauge that.
Just don't have people test until they're good enough at randori/shiai that it makes sense, if they're already ready it's just an hour or two extra anyway and anyone that can deal with competition nerves effectively isn't gonna be phased by needing to demonstrate some static throws and get feedback on them from higher ranks.

Anonymous No. 144389

>squat, bench press, rows, deadlift, overhead press, pull-ups
I don't understand your post, Those are the all totally standard lifts for anyone doing GPP/strength training for judo, or pretty much any sport. Like you can youtube pretty much any national judo team training and you're basically guaranteed to see those lifts, plus cleans and snatches

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Anonymous No. 144550

>IJF thought police banning judoka for wrongthink

Anonymous No. 144567

I finally figured out how to properly execute a split-hip seoi nage. The main key was bumping the hip of the uke while pulling the moment your leg lunges in. Even the +100kg guy in the club went over my shoulder much smoother than a traditional hip throw. Any more tips?

Anonymous No. 144584

>approved to compete
>banned for wrongthink
Nice reading comprehension, retard

Anonymous No. 144707

>If anything, judo is getting more and more people in places other than japan and the US. In Brazil it is extremely popular, some saying its more popular than BJJ, believe it or not.
Brazilian here, they lied to you, its not
There are 5 bjj gyms in my town and i need to drive for 3 hours for a judo gym

Anonymous No. 144711

Judo is very popular in Nigeria for some reason.

Anonymous No. 144720

There was a French guy in the Reddit thread that said while Judo is popular in France, it's popularity is overstated because they count everybody that does it in school sport. So while the numbers are high because you have a constant stream of kids at school, the amount of people that do it when they're not forced to is quite lower, sorta like how I did tennis for a term in school but I wouldn't call myself a tennis player.

Anonymous No. 144746

I hope Judo dies

Anonymous No. 144750

I don't want Judo to die, but it want it to shrink enough that the IJF gets their shit together.

Anonymous No. 144799

>IJF nuthugger post

Anonymous No. 144867

>There are 5 ne waza gyms in my town and i need to drive for 3 hours for a nage waza gym

Anonymous No. 145264

You will lose weight eating slightly above maintenance and suffer less

Anonymous No. 145325

yellow belt for 6 years, training regularly, hit up open mat twice a week but I never attend the actual class so I'm not allowed to get a promotion since he gives tests and I'm never there for them

the yellow belt only came about because I went into the green belt division as a white belt and won 2 weight classes
then the next time I went to the club the instructor threw a yellow belt at me and said "take that fucking white belt off"

my goal is to one day achieve a brown belt through osmosis the same way I did with the yellow one and that's as good as a black belt for me since I have no intention of ever joining a federation and going through the promotional tournament system

Anonymous No. 145327

based. Belt systems are unnecessary.

Anonymous No. 145332

Quit at orange belt as a kid.
Picked it back up again and my teacher wants me to keep wearing orange despite having forgotten all of the moves.
Most of the other guys in my class are brown or black belts.

Anonymous No. 145345

>start judo about a month ago
>thrown into randori 1st day
>having fun, learn a few moves but frequently end up in positions I haven't drilled
>normally just tap out and reset when this happens
>doing newaza with green belt
>ending up in a bunch of ground positions i haven't drilled yet like mount and full guard
>sensei yelling at us to fight
>my arm gets stuck under him during a transition
>snap crackle pop
>dislocate elbow
>forward x rays to dr friend
>she thinks all the ligaments are torn off the bone
>will likely be out for nearly a year if i want to go back
>may never regain full function of elbow
is my sensei an idiot?

Anonymous No. 145346

yes and also you might even have a lawsuit because general lability wavers don't cover negligence

Anonymous No. 145362

Not sure about your specific case but I have come across that a bit. There's a lot of unconscious movement and habits that you'll still have instinctually (stuff like walking, grabbing, ukemi) that might seem normal and common sense to you, but newbies won't know. It can be a bit demoralising for new people if they go against you and assume you're what a white belt is, and if you're beating up higher ranks as a white belt. The reasoning I've heard is that it's more for others than yourself, but IMO once you've earnt a belt, you keep that belt for life.

For example, I've got a Kyokushin 1st Dan from like 15 years ago and I can remember a few katas, but I wouldn't do them as cleanly as a 1st Dan, and my footwork isn't as clean but I still have footwork (probably because I just dropped Kyokushin, not martial arts in general) but if I walked into a gym with a white belt, I'm sure I could clean up anyone from the first few belt levels and it'd be pretty demoralising for them, whereas if I walk in with my black belt and don't do as well as someone as my level should, it can just be covered with "oh he's a bit rusty".

Anonymous No. 145383

You signed the waiver, shit happens. I don’t even understand how this happened. Your arm was trapped under him and then what? You tried to roll away in the opposite direction? What caused your arm to break?

Anonymous No. 145384

Also no your sensei isn’t an idiot. I regularly put newbies in uncomfortable positions, wait for them to give up, then show them how to escape properly. I’ve never had someone snap their shit because their arm was trapped under me. I still can’t imagine a way that could’ve happened without it being entirely your own fault.

Anonymous No. 145389

As a kickboxer who recently got into bjj(gi and no gi), I'd also love to give judo a go.
I won't get any love for this but generally judo matches look boring to me. I'd love to learn the throws and basics but I don't see myself going serious with judo or for belts I prefer bjj (and mma).

What would you recommend just go and train? Any idea how long it takes to learn some basic throws and so?

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Anonymous No. 145394

>judo matches look boring to me

Are you serious? Every MMA, boxing, thai boxing, kickboxing, and bare knuckle boxing match looks the same. Judo is the only one that you know is Judo.

Anonymous No. 145413

wavers are rarely even written by a lawyer so they often don't include the language needed to make them enforceable

informed consent is the key here, and if the coach sent a beginner in against someone experienced and the beginner was seriously injured it falls on the coach
it's no different from putting a beginner boxer in the ring and he a traumatic brain injury. People win these cases all the time

the lawyer will sue the gym owner, the coach, the company, the insurance company, and even the buildings landlord and their insurance company
then all those parties will fight it out amongst themselves and the loser pays out because the settlement will cost less than all these legal battles

Trust me, I grew up on long island, I know how to sue people

Anonymous No. 145415

you’ll be laughed out of court.
>informed consent
>your honor I didn’t know the combat sport I signed a waiver for and knew in advanced involved arm breaking locks could end up with my arm breaking
lol, lmao. Have fun paying those legal fees.

Anonymous No. 145416

personal injury is almost always pay when you win
the lawyers wont take a case if they don't think it has legs

they'll bring in an expert witness to explain how armbars are not permitted below brown belt, a significant injury like this was completely unforeseeable when he signed the document and he did not fully understand what he was agreeing to
and the coach did not take reasonable safety precautions to ensure a beginner wasn't injured

insurance exists for a reason, If those wavers did anything then they wouldn't need to carry insurance
the waver is generally just a bluff to dissuade people from even trying
plus we now have the very high profile case rener gracie perjured his side to victory on which set a precedent which basically tells us an advanced practitioner injuring a beginner even if it's during the normal course of training can still be treated as negligence

Anonymous No. 145417

>personal injury is almost always
>pay when you win
lol, let me give you a hint. It ain’t your own lawyers fees you’re going to be paying.
>the lawyers wont take a case if they don't think it has legs
Which this one doesn’t, and also you aren’t a lawyer
>they'll bring in an expert witness to explain how armbars are not permitted below brown belt, a significant injury like this was completely unforeseeable when he signed the document and he did not fully understand what he was agreeing to
and the coach did not take reasonable safety precautions to ensure a beginner wasn't injured
Lmfao, k you find that guy. I’ll cite a dozen tournaments in the last year where armbars were allowed in the whitebelt division. I’ll bring someone in to state that broken bones are a standard part of judo and use statistics to prove it. Then I’ll bring in a club member to talk about ukemi and tapping as a regular sports practice and how what OP did could only end in injury to himself of his own volition. Fucking retard.
>t. Not a lawyer, but a paralegal with experience. Good luck with this shit dumbass.

Anonymous No. 145418

you mean what you're going to do is settle because the cost of the defense you're proposing has already risen to a few hundred thousand dollars

Anonymous No. 145419

Presuming you don’t get counter sued for defense fees? Let’s see what I can talk the owner into after you pull this kind of bullshit, I suspect a fighter is going to face this kind of fight rather than run away from it, especially when you’re entirely in the wrong faggot. Have fun getting your ass blown out.

Anonymous No. 145420

here's the fact jack
he's going to come at you for $1,000,000
and after a bunch of chest beating and posturing for 2 years you and your insurance company will agree to pay for his medical bills, attorneys fees, and 50k in his pocket for pain and suffering
then you can move on with your life

Anonymous No. 145421

lol, lmao. Are you Patrick s. Tomlinson? What’s your degree in?
Anon if you value your money do not do what the above anon is telling you. You’re going to get slapped into the next dimension for your frivolous lawsuit.

Anonymous No. 145422

it's not frivolous my guy
signing a form might protect the club against bumps and bruises, maybe even a broken bone or an ACL tear
but if his injury is as he says then it's a catastrophic life altering injury. Shredding every tendon in your elbow and being permanently crippled is beyond the scope of what little protection that document could give (since I'll say again there's a 95% chance it wasn't actually drafted by a lawyer and doesn't have much teeth behind it)
there are some things you just simply cannot consent to

Anonymous No. 145423

>no degree no experience
>”let me tell you about the law”
lol, lmao. Good luck. Remember you have to convince, in court, that a reasonable person would not understand what they’re getting into.

Reasonable person standard counters almost every frivolous suit, including this one

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Anonymous No. 145425


Anonymous No. 145428

>white man wins court case
This proves nothing, the courts will always rule in favour of white men over any minority.

Anonymous No. 145438

lol judokas are already seething over Fran Garrigos beautiful kata guruma over Takato, how this sport attract such pussies is beyond me

Anonymous No. 145442

This isn’t the same thing. He was paralyzed during a demonstration not during a sparring match

Anonymous No. 145445

Have you seen the video? They’re rolling/sparring and you can see others rolling in the background.

Anonymous No. 145449

it's his job to teach me but instead he throws me into a situation i'm not trained for and i break my arm and it's my fault? i did everything the sensei said so i don't understand how that could be. if i didn't listen to his instructions it would be my fault.

Anonymous No. 145450

i'm not suing anyone and will probably go back to some sort of martial art if my elbow works. It was not a sub, as i said my arm got caught in a bad position during a transition.

Anonymous No. 145452

Some of it is coming back to me and I did notice I can still break fall and rolls.

Anonymous No. 145460

Post it, when I read the story originally it said the instructor was demonstrating and he snapped his neck during it.
What fucking transition? You still haven’t explained this. And yes your instructor is going to put you on situations your unfamiliar with. You’re not going to become familiar with them otherwise, dummy.

Anonymous No. 145470

why not familiarize beginners with positions by drilling and then going live AFTER they've demonstrated some competency in the drills? seems like it would reduce chance of injury.

Anonymous No. 145472

Because you can’t familiarize someone with EVERY position and the subsequent movements associated with it before putting them into sparring. It would take years. Even then Sparring is where you start to really use the stuff you’ve learned and if you don’t do that you’ll forget. It’s far better to teach them a few things and then put them in sparring so that they can apply what they’ve learned and solidify it in their memory. The unfortunate consequence of this is that as they’re sparring, because it’s fluid, they’re probably going to end up with some problems they don’t know how to solve yet. That’s not necessarily a bad thing either though. You get to feel what a bad position feels like so you can feel confident about what it’s doing to your opponent when your on the other side of it. Moreover, it is itself a teaching opportunity. Let them get tired trying to escape a pin using muscle and then show them how to do it the judo way.

Again, what transition were you on? How did you break your arm?

Anonymous No. 145475

oh boy

Anonymous No. 145476


This is not Judo related posting.

Anonymous No. 145479

Over half of those are directly about judo and nothing else you tard

Anonymous No. 145481


Anonymous No. 145482

this was a basic position, either mount or guard but i can't remember which. i agree that in reality there are infinite possibilities but it's also known that there are probably 10 or so ground positions. i agree that going live is necessary but maybe not until after you've drilled basics of the main positions. Especially if the alternative is breaking your arm and missing 6 months of training. Again these aren't unusual funky positions. These are basic positions i have not drilled AT ALL.

Anonymous No. 145484

>this was a basic position, either mount or guard but i can't remember which
We’re you on top or bottom? Seriously how did your arm break?

Also if you haven’t done newaza at all then yes that’s kind of weird. Normally if I grab a white belt during newaza randori and they don’t know anything I just drill sweeps and passes with them for awhile.

Anonymous No. 145487

Thank you based anon for posting, I did some research though and I’m now convinced the real reason that he won the case because Rener Gracie threw the other instructor under the bus. He went on the record as an expert witness and said the other instructor MUST have been acting maliciously and intentionally even though he clearly wasn’t and it was just some freak accident. Should also mention that rener billed 42 hours of his expert testimony $3000/hr. Effectively he was bribed $125,000 dollars to ruin another instructors life. Favela behavior at its finest.

Anonymous No. 145498

i honestly can't remember, i think the shock of my arm bending the wrong way and making a bunch of crunchy noises clouded my mind a little but i know we were rolling from one to the other. the only newaza we've drilled so far is turtle and half guard. i think I went in putting too much trust in the sensei. in the future i'm just gonna tap if it's something i'm unfamiliar with and if they don't like it fuck 'em.

Anonymous No. 145500

I'll tell you what happened is you were posting against the floor and he grabbed the back of your elbow to pull your arm in and collapse your body which hyper extended it
it's a common injury and you should've been warned not to put your arm in that position

Anonymous No. 145503

Was about to come back and post the same thing. For future reference and for anyone else who’s new in the thread, don’t post with your arm extended. Especially do not do it with your fingers facing forward or to the outside. Fingers to the inside always. This will make sure your elbow can bend if it gets pressured.

Anonymous No. 145504

i felt like everything was out of position cause i don't know what i'm doing. it seems like a ready, fire, aim strategy doing randori first. now i'm out for months learning zero. i would prefer to just drill as a beginner.

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Anonymous No. 145509

My friend keeps saying inside Te Guruma is one of, if not, the best Judo throws. It's allowed in our practice, and I'm inclined to believe him. Each time he goes to the mat with another guy he does Te Guruma. He gets it about 7/10 times. What is your thoughts on it?

Anonymous No. 145511

It’s one of the most underrated techniques that’s been axed by the IJF. Everyone talks about muh double legs as if shooting doubles was ever popular in judo when it was allowed (having a gi makes it a lot easier to stop that kind of takedown). What people WERE often using was te guruma and kata guruma.

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Anonymous No. 145513

is very good

Anonymous No. 145515

some nigga in my dojo keeps calling this the forklift throw

Anonymous No. 145516

Kek, I’m never not calling it that now

Anonymous No. 145521

he calls so many throws different goofy ass names. he calls various hip throws the ass throws. osoto gari is "the slip" and the reverse mount is "the 69". that last one especially pisses of the groundwork guys

Anonymous No. 145528

>the reverse mount is "the 69"
Brazilians originally called north-south 69, so there's precedent.

Anonymous No. 145534

it wasn't popular because most judokas couldn't shoot, Naidan humiliated Suzuki in 2008

Anonymous No. 145535

Basic wrestling throw innit. I think most judoka lack the strength for that. Not a diss just an assumption.

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Anonymous No. 145537


Anonymous No. 145538

Brazil also has the highest percentage of ladyboys behind Thailand, so we shouldn't listen to them

Hmm, now it makes me wonder why muay thai and bjj are so popular in the ufc. Maybe uncle dana has some appetites he isnt telling us about

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Anonymous No. 145540

Is it even possible for one man to be this based?

Anonymous No. 145542

brown belt after just a year of training, in my late 20s now
suspect my coach has too much faith in me after getting a medal in a national tournament recently
i hope i can prove him right

Anonymous No. 145555

Wanna hear some ass? A guy that had just started been doing judo for 6 weeks but did Greco in college went to an open mat an recieved a brown belt on the spot by a 7th degree there
And everyone was rubbed the wrong way by this since just because you're winning judo matches doesn't mean you're at that level in judo specifically
Theres a whole catalogue of techniques using the gi he doesnt know and was given an advanced rank

And nobody could argue with it because a 7th degree gave it to him so there was nobody above him to challenge it

Anonymous No. 145558

Not the anon you’re responding too but honestly I don’t think that’s a big deal because none of the color belts really mean anything. Give him the brown so he can compete at the higher levels of the sport, let him test for black when he actually knows the curriculum

Anonymous No. 145559

Does it ruffle your feathers more if I say the person who gave him the belt was not his instructor and he did so without asking his instructor first and went right over his head

Anonymous No. 145562

Yes, now that’s fucking weird. Why the fuck would you promote someone else’s student in the first place?

Anonymous No. 145563

>just because you're winning judo matches doesn't mean you're at that level in judo
im the anon you replied to, can you elaborate on that statement?
if you beat 2 brown belts in a tournament, doesn't it mean that you are at their level?
one could argue that it makes you more of a brown belt than a guy who is familiar with more throws but never been tested in a tournament

in any case what you described sounds like a one in a million occasion

Anonymous No. 145567

You know how these old martial arts guys get drunk on their own hubris
After decades of ohhh sensei onegaishimasu!! They start acting like they can do whatever they went
Just because you can beat them in the sport doesnt mean you have the requisite knowledge of the art itself
Judo isnt just a sport but a set of techniques you need to be knowledge about

When mr. Brown belt comes to class and you say ok grab a partner and go back and forth on this combo osoto, kosoto, ouchi and throw on harai

And he looks at you and goes lol whut, then he shouldn't have that belt on

Anonymous No. 145592

where the fuck can i watch the Doha streams happening these days, with english commentary
fucking judotv requires gold membership, whatever that means
nothing on YouTube except small clips
don't these merchants realize they are hurting the sport if the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS are not available to watch? so annoying

Anonymous No. 145653

pay up piggie

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Judo BJJ GPTrolley.png

Anonymous No. 145669


Anonymous No. 145686

Morote seoi nage is so frustrating to execute. There's so much variables such as tightness of gi, height of opponent, etc. My shoulder as a result gets strained. Is this the reason why ippon seoi nage is more popular (when standing) at high levels?

Anonymous No. 145688

morote is effective only as a dropping technique

Anonymous No. 145709

Man that is the worst take I've ever heard

Anonymous No. 145717

first dan

Anonymous No. 145727

>morote is effective only as a dropping technique
Is this true? Come to think of it, most standing seoi nages are of the ippon variant

Anonymous No. 145756

This almost never happens they just tug and turtle

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Anonymous No. 145863

>stronger ground ga-ACK!

Anonymous No. 145954

>strongest sportsman of his time from high rivalry sport with 20 kg of bodyweight on top of opponent vs skinny guy that just developped his own local style

Anonymous No. 145965

yeah now a mid level BJJ competitor in a sub only contest could defeat even olympic judoka

Anonymous No. 145966

>20 kg of bodyweight on top of opponent vs skinny guy
pure propaganda
it was 20lbs not 20kg, Gracie was also taller and created the rules for the match

there's a reason those fraudsters only did challenge matches against people doing kung fu at the rec center after this event

Anonymous No. 145968

it's funny because it's not true
I'm watching smug 20 something purple belts tap to pressure from retired judoka going on their second bypass surgery all the time

Anonymous No. 145973

Ah yes, Kimura was a 200 kg super saiyan and Gracie was a 50 kg femboy. Gracie was humble and knew he was going to lose that's why he challenged him in the first place and why they brought a casket for Kimura and told him he was going to die. Also why they were challenging fighters to show that BJJ was superior to judo and all other fighting styles. Oh and Kimura didn't actually win because Helio passed out from being choked and couldn't tap out.

Anonymous No. 145974

stop being an emotional retard, Ishii got fucking humbled in grappling contests, much like Kurzhev and other judokas.
That said I think that Judo is better for real fighting

Anonymous No. 145975

>bjj cope: the post

Anonymous No. 145976

If you break their arm, they win since they cant tap
This is the sophistication of Gracie jiujitsu

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Judo Worlds Champ....webm

Anonymous No. 145979

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Judo Worlds Champ....webm

Anonymous No. 145982

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Judo Worlds Champ....webm

Anonymous No. 145985

Anonymous No. 145986

>judo cope: the greentext

Anonymous No. 145987

>let me come up with arguments for you and laugh at them
Calm down, judo is cool and everything

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Judo Worlds Champ....webm

Anonymous No. 145989


Anonymous No. 145993

I'm not sure you understand what cope means

Anonymous No. 146050

>another judo cope: the post

Anonymous No. 146076

>Judo worlds on this week
>all the conversation has been martial arts consolewars
I'd go to Reddit if it wasn't filled with literal white belts asking for technique advice.

Anonymous No. 146084

Best girls smile has been protected for one more day and that's all that matters

Anonymous No. 146087

>Goes on to say gay shit about how no one in his gym does a live roll without at least 6 months of mat time what a clown

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Judo Worlds Champ....webm

Anonymous No. 146103

Anonymous No. 146104

everybody in this thread is a white belt

Anonymous No. 146147

Well I don't blame him. Before I got into judo I remember watching a match during the olympics and it was one of the most boring things I'd seen. Doesn't help that it was all gripfighting between two heavyweights and there were no throws. Of course it gets entertaining when you actually understand what judokas are doing and why. It's like people who watch MMA and don't understand what's happening once they get to the ground. To the untrained eye gripfighting is boring, which is why I think judo will never be an spectator sport. Casuals just want to see two guys punching their brains out or slamming each other.

Anonymous No. 146148

Had the same experience. I saw Teddy Riner gripfight with some obese Chinese man and after 8 minutes of indecipherable struggle Teddy shoved the fat man over and got a gold medal. It was seriously confusing because I kept hearing how dynamic and fun judo was. Luckily I ended up enjoying training but man, it is really a bad spectator sport sometimes.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 146164

>To the untrained eye gripfighting is boring, which is why I think judo will never be an spectator sport.
I think this applies to grappling sports as a whole (except maybe sumo)

Anonymous No. 146166

>To the untrained eye gripfighting is boring, which is why I think judo will never be an spectator sport.
I think this applies to grappling sports as a whole (except maybe sumo)

Anonymous No. 146190

How do I deal with heavier guys in randori? Im talking 73kg vs 100kg. How do i approach:
One of the more experienced guys told me to go for the sleeves and maintain distance when fighting these guys (I usually go for the lapel with my left hand like travis stevens).

Anonymous No. 146191

The answer will always be harass the ankles

Anonymous No. 146193

>One of the more experienced guys told me to go for the sleeves and maintain distance when fighting these guys
Completely retarded advice. You’re options are as >>146191 to harass them with ashi waza or to get as close as possible. I’m telling you this as a 5’7” Manlet. You can’t win distance games with heavier people, you have to engage in close. Take a high tricep/armpit grip along with a high lapel or belt grip. Don’t take a back of the head grip though, you’ll stretch yourself out too much doing that.

Anonymous No. 146198

>Engage in close
How do i prevent gettting snapped down with their weight or them carrying me with sheer strength?

Anonymous No. 146200

I don't know about just randori, but in competition basically make them move. I compete at 110kg and usually at least half my bracket is 140kg+, with one guy at 170kg.

They gas out pretty quickly, and you can usually just win from shido by inactivity at worst. Just use a lot of circular movements. When you break a grip, grab it and pull them to circle step and maybe throw a little ashi waza to keep them honest. Don't let them overhand grip. I usually catch most of my throws on the bigger guys with Tani Otoshi, Makkikomi or a Drop Seoi Nage, but usually throws where I don't really have to lift and can use all my body weight as leverage.

Anonymous No. 146202

By keeping your posture up. If you’re moving in close with you’re skeletal structure standing high they’re not going to pull you down. Hell, lay you’re head on their chest if they’re taller than you.

Anonymous No. 146246

>What rule changes would you like to see the IJF make after the upcoming Olympics, based on what you’ve seen this cycle so far?

every match is best 2 out of 3 3 minute rounds. ippon ends a round early.

Anonymous No. 146251

2 Ippons to win

Anonymous No. 146257

bring back leg attacks but they can only award yuko or wazaari

there, I fixed the sport
the option is there but you're incentivized to focus on upper body attacks. It will also create more tactical variety because the score will dynamically effect the types of attacks you might want to do

Anonymous No. 146258

The problem with leg attacks in the past was that people were using them to stall after scoring Yuko or wazari. So in addition to bringing back leg attacks We’d really solve all the sports problems by making turtling a shido.

Anonymous No. 146261

remove osaekomi, longer newaza, bring back leg attacks and less restrictions about Kuni kata, also you get a score if the opponent lands on belly

Anonymous No. 146262

the nigger didn't deserve to win, he received a wazari but the ref couldn't see

Anonymous No. 146263

Such is the importance of training up a strong neck.

Anonymous No. 146264

very nice

Anonymous No. 146265


Anonymous No. 146318

Hello guys, question for you all, I have trained judo for some time when I was younger and got the orange belt. Now that I’m 21 I started to miss being on the mat but I would need to train in a totally new environment, would it be inappropriate to show up in a orange belt? I earned it fair and square but I am week, stiff and have forgotten most of the moves. Or should I start from 0? I don’t want to disrespect any other trainees etc. god I miss trainings so much

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Anonymous No. 146356

>paired with the new guy
>tani otoshi drills
name a more frightening scenario

Anonymous No. 146373

>making turtling a shido
Passive turtling. If the bottom player is trying to roll out, stand back up, come up on a single or double - I don't think he should be penalized. In general, newaza exchanges would be much better if passive turtle play got you a shido and stood up.

Anonymous No. 146377

those throws that blow out your kneee and ligaments.

Anonymous No. 146428

Ask when you get there, before you change out of your street clothes. Personally, I would pretend the youth orange belt from however many years ago didn't exist if I'd forgotten most of the moves because the orange belt implies that one knows some basics semi-competently and by name. Ultimately, nobody cares about the rainbow color belts so do what you want.

Anonymous No. 146439


What is your ONE throw? Like, your favorite go-to throw that you like to perform and have practiced the most on.

For me, it's Osoto Otoshi.

Anonymous No. 146444

It was ude gaeshi but I've been warned many times to stop doing it because muh safety and they're worried someone will get spiked which doesnt even make sense

Anonymous No. 146450

Ura nage. When i go for ippon you best believe im trying to kill a nigga

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 146463

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1279
Who Framed /aa2g/? Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 146468

Holy shit fix your bot you fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 146481

Sasae. The timing feels natural and I always catch people flying.

Working on Tai Otoshi and Ouchi Gari to round out my style.

Anonymous No. 146484

Sasae is a mean throw to do on new guys, every time I see a white belt in randori go against someone who only does Sasae it's lik watching them slip on a banana peel. Hilarious watching them get hit with it, stand up, get into stance, get hit with again, and keep going for 5 minutes. Truly, a vicious cycle.

Anonymous No. 146490

Unironically, it used to be standing kata guruma because I used to wrestle and it's everything the fireman's carry wants to be. Now I like doing koshi guruma straight into kesa gatame. If that ever gets banned I'll probably be an osoto gari guy, that one's a lot of fun if you hit it right and it gives you a good stretch with exaggerated uchi komi.

Anonymous No. 146511

Hello /judo/,

Which is more efficient for getting generally stronger at Judo. A barbell with 300 lbs of weight that it comes with or a 200 lbs weightlifting sandbag? I can only buy one, anyone have any experience with both? Which one was better? Thanks.

-Respectfully, Anon

Anonymous No. 146512

I'd feel more comfortable if you had some dumbells you could put the weight on too
if you have 300lbs of weights, a long bar, and dumbells you basically don't need any other equipment

Anonymous No. 146558

The barbell is going to be more versatile since you can take weight off or put weight on depending on the exercise you're doing. Sandbags are fun though so get both if you can.

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Anonymous No. 146688

What's the best style of boxing to compliment judo?

Anonymous No. 146703

Why don't I see Harai Goshi that much at the highest level? It's pretty high percentage in my gym but I don't see it as often at worlds or the Olympics? Is it the ultimate recreational throw?

Anonymous No. 146710

I’ve been given no explanation for this by my instructors other than
>uchi mata is better
The results seem to reflect that fact but I couldn’t tell you why

Anonymous No. 146716

I recently returned to judo after twelve years, and asked my sensei to demote me back to white. He declined, saying that it would all come back to me soon, and after only a few months he was proven right.

Anonymous No. 146718

I have other throws I enjoy more, but sasae is the one that always works.

Anonymous No. 146818

literally any striking knowledge

Anonymous No. 146820

I think it's just because harai is harder to land. Any newbie can just kenken or switch to kouchi and get a throw off an uchi mata attempt that way, harai doesn't seem as forgiving from my experience.
That being said, I'm only a green belt, so take my advice with a whole spoonful of salt.

Anonymous No. 146824



Anonymous No. 146825

Osoto Otsohi (and Koshi Guruma), however it do 90% osoto and 10% koshi.

I've done those two for the last 2 years without breaking stride for any other throws. I've gotten pretty good to a point where I can do them effectively with either left or right stance. I can also do counter transitions incase someone tries to catch either throw. I can go from osoto into koshi and vice versa from either stance.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 146902

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1279
Who Framed /aa2g/? Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 146903

Good bump.

Anonymous No. 146911

I don't know what you'd classify it as an Uchi Mata or Koshi Guruma, but an Uchi Mata leg reap except I use a Koshi Guruma grip around the head. I don't really pull them around on my hip as much as I do for a Koshi Guruma, so I guess it's an Uchi Mata variation. My coach usually just calls it "that throw anon uses" in my gym. I'm generally taller so I find that Koshi Guruma grip gives me more control. If I'm against someone my height or taller, then Suwari Seoi Nage.

Anonymous No. 147005

I started training again at age 29 after not training for well over a decade.
Even got the same teacher and he insisted that I wear an orange belt.
All other judoka in my group are black or brown belts so it doesn't really matter.

Anonymous No. 147006

I feel like every body else in my class dislikes me. I feel like they see me as an annoyance and that I shouldn't belong there. I never did anything wrong but I feel like everyone dislikes me.

Anonymous No. 147008

consider getting yourself tested for autism
I'm not even being mean, I'm serious

Anonymous No. 147009

Did you just start?
Give it some time and they'll accept you.

Anonymous No. 147010

i dont have autism
I think because 90% of my class is oriental and I'm the only White guy there.

Anonymous No. 147011

No, I've been going for the last 8 months. Recently stopped because of work and feeling like I've perfected my Tachi-waza well. Getting back into it Sunday, will report back.

Anonymous No. 147012

Ah well, you should've lead with that
yeah they probably don't like you

Anonymous No. 147025

It's not that you're white, but the fact you still call them oriental.

Anonymous No. 147027

I'm not sure why that's worse than saying asian
one references the continent and the other references it's location on a world map
it's actually more specific that you're referencing east asians when you say that and not indians or some shit

Anonymous No. 147028

Different anon, but I've literally never met an oriental who found the term offensive (non-specific and antiquated, sure, but not offensive) and I'm pretty sure it's still in common usage in the UK to refer to east and southeast asians whereas "asian" generally refers to south asians (pakis and pajeets).

I'm told that "oriental" in American English today is more typically used to refer to non-person objects and ideas and that using it to refer to people can be perceived as anachronistic or even slightly offensive.

Anonymous No. 147029

We don't really use the word, it's a grandpa word
But it got swept up in the recent purge when they removed uncle ben and the land o lakes girl off food packages, oriental flavored ramen got changed to "onions sauce" flavor

Meanwhile recently a Korean guy at judo was telling a story and referred to someone else as "another oriental guy"
So theres no problem, it's just woke mind virus stuff where everything is a microaggression

Anonymous No. 147030

Holy shit that word filter is still in place? This site is retarded

Anonymous No. 147042

yeah, it's typical, get strong and they will respect you.

Anonymous No. 147059

"Oriental" got a bad rap primarily because it just became a catch-all for anything that wasn't Western Europe, whether it was MENA, Central Southern Asia, or Pacific Asia. Or sometimes Russia if you were trying to piss off a Russian. It also didn't help that European art got weirdly obsessed around the turn of the 20th century, from Gerome to Tchaikovsky to fucking Lord Byron.

TL;DR: Europe carried a concept to extremes again and now no one gets to use that word or concept anymore because oops, it makes them feel awkward.

Anonymous No. 147064

I don't like grip fighting, specifically lengthy grip fighting.

I feel like grip fighting in Judo is a bad habit to teach yourself. Whenever I go to the mat with another guy, both of us will usually spend 20 seconds just jerking each other around while trying both ineffectively protect ourselves from being thrown while still trying to set up our own throw. After about 20 seconds, both of us are pretty burnt and can barley muster any remaining stamina to deliver a throw with any kind of form. Secondly, when you are grabbing, you are sub-consciously telegraphing your moves by orientating yourself or adjusting your grips. Giving the opponent a message of what you're doing and giving them time to brace and push back.

I'm not saying grabbing and off-balancing is bad, however the overuse and extended periods of grip fighting has made it difficult to perform.

Recently, I've tried to halt a lot of my grip fighting and switched in favor to stance control and swatting as my defensive. Pretty much, I hold my hands ready as if I'm going to grab but don't and when another opponent attempts to grab I'll swat and sometimes grab the sleeve lapel to get it away. When I see any error in the way they are stepping or a moment of ease in stature I use all of my power slam into them to execute my throw.

I've found my stance control, swatting, and pouncing technique to yield better results while in Randori than if I were to expend the greater of my energy trying to fight for grips and force a off-balancing while messaging what my next throw is.

Anyways, just my two cents on grips.

Anonymous No. 147067

Andrew wiltse has talked about this and says he hates how when the match starts people walk up and start touching each other and vying for position
Like there is an unspoken rule where you need to touch each other before the match can really start

But the referee said go, the match has started, you should immediately start attacking

Anonymous No. 147068

I actually love the grip fighting. I have throws on both left and right hand, so I love swapping back and forth between the two grips, slowly increasing my control since I guess most people aren't used to the swapping, until I have a really strong overhand grip and just use that to control the opponent for a bit. Maybe it's because I'm 100+, but I love the feeling of just crushing someone's posture and having them struggle and fail before I throw them.

Anonymous No. 147069

oldest nigga on 4chan

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 147070

Artificial Academy 2 General /bitch slap/ #1310
Who Framed /niggers/? Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy Niggerman 2.


/aa2grave/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/A4Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/Bitchg/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 147071

This, it's a serious momentum killer to have to start formally grabbing each other by the lapel. Just like with touching gloves in boxing or MMA, it takes the energy out by having this low power set-off to start with after getting ready and pumped up.

Anonymous No. 147075

Bkb got it right, the round starts toe to toe so no walking in from opposite sides and, bouncing around in a half circle for no real reason, pick up your feet like you're jogging but not actually going anywhere, then continuing to walk forward until you're in range

Anonymous No. 147080

Judo matches should look more like the 1v1 fights in this video as soon Hajime is called

Anonymous No. 147090

You again?

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Anonymous No. 147095

i FUCKING love Osoto-Otoshi so much bros

Anonymous No. 147097

Is this fun for you?

Anonymous No. 147142

How do we destroy the Olympics?

Anonymous No. 147499


Anonymous No. 147502

Judo being in the Olympics is a good thing

Anonymous No. 147506

but it's the main reason the rules suck now

Anonymous No. 147508

It’s why the ijf thinks the rules need to suck. Judo can be in the Olympics and not have shitty rules. That was the case for most of its history. Blame the ijf for being gay dumb boomers, not the Olympics

Anonymous No. 147514

keeping judo in the olympics is the main goal of the ijf, they bent the knee the same way wrestling did. The truth behind all the rule changes is to make it as spectator friendly as possible and spectators only want to see big high amplitude turning throws.

ironically they're creating a whole generation that has no answer for double legs. It's directly making judo a worse grappling art.

Anonymous No. 147517

> ironically they're creating a whole generation that has no answer for double legs. It's directly making judo a worse grappling art.
Muh double legs meme needs to die. Even when leg grabs were allowed double legs were never a dominant throw because gi grips make it easy to stuff a shot.
>no srsly tho it’s the Olympics not the ijf
I really doubt these schizo conspiracy theories there’s never any evidence the Olympics wanted the ijf to ban shit but people insist that’s the case.

Anonymous No. 147518

>Even when leg grabs were allowed double legs were never a dominant throw
exactly the point. Double legs existed, judo wasn't getting dominated by double legs at all.
but now everybody learning judo without leg grabs stands super upright and if the legs were ever reintroduced the blast double will be king against this entire new generation of players.

it's a meme that became a self fulfilling prophecy

Anonymous No. 147521

>now everybody learning judo without leg grabs stands super upright
That’s always been the case
>if the legs were ever reintroduced the blast double will be king against this entire new generation of players.
lol, lmao

Anonymous No. 147522

hey boss, shintaro also shares this view and he knows why the ijf did what they did

Anonymous No. 147523

>now everybody learning judo without leg grabs stands super upright and if the legs were ever reintroduced the blast double will be king against this entire new generation of players
I'm not a collegiate style wrestler, so maybe one of those guys can answer. How many weeks/months/years does it take to teach a new wrestler to sprawl?

Anonymous No. 147526

a sprawl without a cross face is worthless and you cant touch the face in judo

Anonymous No. 147533

Well then, in this hypothetical rule change, that and allowing mae hadaka jime or ude garuma off the shoot (not up to date with most recent newaza rules regarding 1 or 2 knees) would have to change.

Anonymous No. 147537

I think its 2 knees is newaza for that person only, so they can still be picked up off the ground and thrown for ippon if the other person stays up, but now I'm not sure how that would work with the new continuous motion rule

Anonymous No. 147543

I wonder if a standing anaconda roll with enough follow through would ever garner an ippon. Call it wakare garami or something if it makes the IJF feel better.

Anonymous No. 147635

Leftie uchi mata player here. What are some good throws/strategies for me? Lefties only please. I've been working on ouchi gari.

Anonymous No. 147640

Left-side Uchi mata.

Anonymous No. 147672

And if that doesn’t work you can throw them with uchi mata instead

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Anonymous No. 147675

Uchi-mata uchi-mata LA LA LA

Anonymous No. 147686

>will be king against this entire new generation of players
You'll have a handful of people who make it their new gimmick who do well for a year, and then the same people who were good before adapt and keep winning.

I want to see it back in the sport, but let's not act like it will seriously shake up the ranking or even the way the sport looks. Making yukos into wazaris with awasete-ippon has been way worse than banning leg grabs imo. Getting ippon from two yukos is way more bullshit.

Anonymous No. 147702


How often do you guys go to Judo? Between work and other forms of exercise, I've found myself going in once a week every Friday. Usually about 2 hours, an hour of open mat near the end.

Is this enough practice to develop good technique for my favored throws? How often do you guys go and how do you program other things like weightlifting/cardio or labor?

Anonymous No. 147705

I dont
I did it once or twice a week for about 3 months like 6 years ago but it was too hard for me and I quit
Now I just cope and say to myself every day I'm gonna get back in there some time soon. But I know I never will, my body is in even worse shape now than it was then.

Anonymous No. 147726

judo twice, BJJ thrice a week
our judo club doesn't do much randori, largely owing to the fact that members are few, old, and busted
the last 30 minutes of a hour and a half long session are usually reserved for sparring.

i've done BJJ for about a year and a half now, judo for 6 months. i feel like my progress in judo has been a lot slower, owing partly to my innate nature to not be very quick on my feet, but also to the fact that we tend to drill more than spar.
this is in stark contrast to our BJJ gym, where we do get about an hour of hard sparring done every session.

Anonymous No. 147749

What throws best translate to no-gi?

Anonymous No. 147768

You have no obligation to continue being the same person you were 5 minutes ago

Anonymous No. 147797

I''ve scored across body osoto, sesai, sumi, but in all cases, the big hurdle is kuzushi without the gi grips. Wrestling grips are key.

If you're already a wrestler, then ignore this. But if you're coming to no gi from standardized judo, just realize no gi, and wrestling in general, is fucking speedy. They don't have to bomb you to setup a submission. Shit like arm drags, collar drags, fucking Russian ties, seem so dinky at first but then the guy picks your ankle or takes your back and you're fighting off a submission.

Anonymous No. 147840

Weird take, both are important, depends on the situation.
Stop simping. Modern bjj destroys Judo in ground game. No debate. Judo destroys bjj in standup because there is no standup in bjj at all. Judo ground game is shit.

Anonymous No. 147880

I try to go twice a week. Classes are 2-3 hours. Usually we do conditioning and warm-ups for 30-45 mins, lessons and drilling for the middle section and most of the time we do randori or ne waza the last section of class. My instructors are pretty traditional and definitely push us hard.

I try to go to yoga at least once a week, lift weights once a week, and squeeze a mountain bike ride in there. I'm 36 so it can be rough. Judo is my main focus and my favorite activity but its hard to find a balance with the other activities I love and recovery. I try not to stress out about this stuff because I love this stuff but I feel bad if I miss a week of judo or yoga because I went to hard on my bike.

Anonymous No. 147892

Makikomis and probably footsweeps. Wrestlers aren't really used to getting harassed with ashi-waza to the extent that judoka use it.

Anonymous No. 147972

arm throws, uchimata, foot sweeps

Anonymous No. 147973

lmao try doing an harai makikomi in wrestling and you will be suplexed like a little shit

Anonymous No. 148005

I'm a fat out of shape 33 year old with a fucked knee (three surgeries, total lcl tear, acl repair, meniscus scopings). Is judo out of reach for me?

Also I already talked to my ortho and he seemed pretty clueless about fighting sports, thought judo involved punching and kicking.

Anonymous No. 148008

>I'm a fat out of shape 33 year old with a fucked knee
You've just described everybody in judo, you just got there 10 years sooner

Anonymous No. 148009

Dont want to shit on your parade, but starting from scratch as an older person with a bum knee is going to be rough. Every white belt will be a potential reinjury with their shit osoto/tani otoshi/tai otoshi. Gotta weigh the risk v reward man.

I know this is haram in the judo thread, but you may want to do something like BJJ instead.

Anonymous No. 148017


Anonymous No. 148020

People who are experienced manage to still ge themselves fucked up. If you go in, completely inexperienced with no idea how to protect yourself and a significant knee injury already, you’re for sure going to get yourself hurt. This is not and if or maybe. It’s GOING to happen.

Anonymous No. 148021


Anonymous No. 148043

Thanks gents. Maybe I'll take up something else.

Anonymous No. 148049

>Every white belt will be a potential reinjury with their shit osoto/tani otoshi/tai otoshi
I'd be apprehensive to train at any club that encourages white belts to shoot tani otoshi

Anonymous No. 148050

I'd be apprehensive to train at any club that encourages white belts.

Anonymous No. 148052

I won my first tournament with tani otoshi
I didnt even know what it was, I just felt myself getting pulled forward so I sat back to try and not get flopped, we ended up going down and I won
I had no idea I even won, I stood up and was very confused

Anonymous No. 148054

My club doesn’t want anyone doing tani otoshi in randori.

Anonymous No. 148056

I'll probably get flak for this but maybe try Aikido.
Lots of older judoka retire to Aikido later in life.
You can try it and see if your knee can handle it.

Anonymous No. 148120

>45 minute warmups
I feel like I would want to go to judo to do judo and judo related warmups
Fuck it let me do kata for 45 minutes and
Do 10 rounds of randori
But God damn it fuck gay warmups

Anonymous No. 148123

I agree that “warm up” exercises and stretching should take no more than 5 to ten minutes of class time. I wouldn’t run every class with 10 rounds of just randori though for conditioning, people need to do uchikomi and crash pad throws until they want to puke as part of their training.

Anonymous No. 148129

Would it be better to just go into uchikomi lightly, and ramp it up as you go along? I know the recent science shows that stretching while cold is useless, so if you're going to be warming up by running or doing useless drills, wouldn't it be easy to just slowly do something useful and ramp up?

Anonymous No. 148132

NTA, it would be better if a class was split into two. Randori on one side, both tachi waza and ne waza and the other side practicing your tokui waza.

Anonymous No. 148179

Anonymous No. 148214

Damn i completely forgot i did judo as a kid. Good times.

Anonymous No. 148222

I love her /judo/bros.

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Anonymous No. 148223

forgot pic

Anonymous No. 148224

>tfw no judo gf to throw me around like a sack of potatoes
why even live?

Anonymous No. 148278

since it seems unlikely that judo will ungay itself, could sambo take its place?

Anonymous No. 148314

Anything Russia has touched is discounted immediately. I'd do Kudo instead.

Anonymous No. 148315

Sambo is made up of all the pro judoka who weren’t good enough to make it on the internation scene. Even the places that have sambo prefer to compete in judo competitions regardless of how gay they are.

Anonymous No. 148316

Kudo looks cool but no one does it in the west

Anonymous No. 148323

I thought Sambo was more wrestling than Judo?

Anonymous No. 148334


Nope. DOA. It doesn't help that it has corrupt NGBs that favor their pet clubs.

Anonymous No. 148337

You can go watch FIAS world championships and decide for yourself, but I think a more accurate description would be "90s judo with wrestling scoring"

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Anonymous No. 148414

So any of you guys train atemi-waza? I don't really want to branch out to boxing or kickboxing or whatever since I've just been practicing judo for 5 months. But I do want to make it more functional for >da streetz meme
Obviously I won't find any fellow judoka to train, but what about doing drills with a bag or something?

Anonymous No. 148423

Learn how throw a proper hook and elbow and you'll be fine.

Anonymous No. 148424


Please remember to take care of your hygiene before going into practice! Please trim both your finger and toe nails, clean underneath both, wash your body (especially your hands, butt, groin, and mouth, and feet). Your Uki or Tori will be much happier to practice with you!

I speaking from personal experience, nobody wants to roll with someone who looks and reeks like a literal hobo.

Respectfully, anon.

Anonymous No. 148429

Go to a boxing/MT/mma gym. You won't learn shit without a coach at the beginning.

If you insist on bag drills without coaching like a retard, get a double-end bag and not a heavy bag. At least that way you can work on tracking a moving target and moving away from something coming at your face.

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Anonymous No. 148441

I've trained with people who literally smelled like piss or shit.

Anonymous No. 148459

only because it is an olympic sport tard

Anonymous No. 148461

stop being an autist and go to a boxxe/kickboxe gym

Anonymous No. 148478

Guy in my club has a really smelly raty looking gi, he's good at the sport but man does his gi smell.
Just take a trial class at something like a boxing gym or ask your instructor about it.
Or just wait a few months and crosstrain.

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Anonymous No. 148488

I was the stinky gi guy for a while when I was brand new. Didn't know you had to wash your gi immediately after practice, so I left it balled up in the washing machine and washed it like a day or two later. Instant cat piss stink.

For the next few weeks I could barely focus in class because I was so stressed over my gi being stinky. I'm a bit on the spectrum, and my training partners were too nice to tell me my gi stunk, so I further deluded myself into thinking it wasn't that bad.

Tried various detergents, managed to wash away the passive stink, but it would still start to smell after half an hour into practice. Finally salvaged the gi by dipping it into a bucket of water and white vinegar overnight, was good as new after that and for the first time I could smell the gis of other people, not my own.

I love my training partners, but please tell people if their hygiene sucks. Especially new people who may just be uninformed on proper gi care.

Anonymous No. 148489

If you know how to use them without killing yourself, 02 emitters are fucking tremendous at killing the things causing smells in your Gi that just won't seem to wash out.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 148503

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1280
Sleeping Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

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Satoshi Ishii tak....webm

Anonymous No. 148613

Satoshi Ishii posted the highlight I made of his throws in MMA and grappling. Don't know how he found it as I got zero traction on Twitter, but a win's a win. Here's an ultra compressed to 4mb version.

Anonymous No. 148909

nice one anon, saved.

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Anonymous No. 148985

There's a place in my area that does Judo and I was thinking about joining, is there anything I should look out for to see if it's worth joining or not? Like red flags, green flags, any kind of flag?

Anonymous No. 149018

Does anyone else wear a gi jacket in public, layered with casual clothes? I think it looks fuckin' ace

Anonymous No. 149028

post a picture

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Anonymous No. 149035

I can't find a picture that planted this seed in my mind, it was a white Adidas gi + some streetwear style

Anonymous No. 149039

Since you said "anyone else" I though you yourself dressed in that fashion.

Anonymous No. 149076

This is literally how all the edgy judo teenagers at judo comps around here dress up. +Broccoli cut and a mean mug expression.

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Anonymous No. 149077

You can get streetwear that are styled after gis and made from the same material.

McDojos aren't very common with judo. The same general thigns to look for in a martial arts school apply.

>clean facility
>students are in decent shape
>competition history
>no mandatory long contracts

Anonymous No. 149099

It may look ace, but a thick ass cotton jacket is exactly the opposite direction that outer wear has gone for the last half decade. Bitch is going to get cold as hell and you're going to carry that weight when the rain starts.

Maybe you could make it out of the fabric the Euros did for their smocks that were unwaxed cotton but still could hold out light moisture.

Anonymous No. 149170

>I regret not getting into judo in life.
A...are you dead?

Anonymous No. 149175

How can you say it's because judoka can't do double legs but then cite a judoka doing a double leg as a reference. They have similar accomplishments in their career and Suzuki beat guys that beat Naidan. Do you understand how little your argument means you dumb gorilla?

Anonymous No. 149176

AI also said they were two very different sports and in the same sentence then said they are extremely similar

Anonymous No. 149184

Favorite combinations? Lately for me they've been:
>Ouchi -> Tai-otoshi
>Ouchi -> Kouchi
>Osoto-gari -> Sasae

Anonymous No. 149186

Just get a happi

Anonymous No. 149205

It’s almost like chatgpt is retarded and can’t do anything complex correctly

Anonymous No. 149237

Is ChatGPT female?

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AI-Threatened Job....png

Anonymous No. 149239


Anonymous No. 149240

It hasn't decided yet :^)

Anonymous No. 149262

New >>149261

Anonymous No. 150170

Tani can do that
Our foot surgeon had that happen to his acl, you just have to be lazy and allow your leg to intersect with theirs above the knee line
Aka be lazy with form