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🧵 /judo/ Judo General

Anonymous No. 149261

Thread for IJF Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles NOT welcome)

>Discussion starter
What's the biggest upset you've seen in Judo? Did they rematch?

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2023
June 23-25 - Ulaanbaatar Grand Slam
August 4-6 - Hungary Grand Slam
August 18-20 - Zagreb Grand Prix
September 22-24 - Baku Grand Slam
October 20-22 - Abu Dhabi Grand Slam
December 2-3 - Tokyo Grand Slam



Previous thread: >>143764

Anonymous No. 149266

judo should have colorful gis like in the picture

Anonymous No. 149297

>other jacketed wrestling styles NOT welcome
lol Judokas are so fragile about their useless boomer ""martial"" art

Anonymous No. 149305

I believe OP is taking the piss. Past generals said other styles were welcome, but this version specifically mentions IJF, which is unanimously considered unbased and gay.

Anonymous No. 149309

Go be a homosexual elsewhere

Anonymous No. 149311

maximum-efficient shitposting

Anonymous No. 149314

>we have different colored gis in the logo but you're not allowed to use them

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Anonymous No. 149315

>can work with almost any grips
>very applicable in a no gi context
>single leg counter
>very effective against hunched over bjj fags
Friendship ended with IPPON SEOI NAGE, Now UCHI MATA is my best friend

Anonymous No. 149319

Yes. If you want to be a special little faggot go do bjj and you can wear your pride month rainbow gi

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Gaetane Debert Ch....webm

Anonymous No. 149320

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Charline Van Snic....webm

🗑️ Anonymous No. 149323

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Charline Van Snic....webm

Anonymous No. 149324

Anonymous No. 149327

>colors are now gay
I bet you only drink beer too because mixed drinks are too girly
Wow you're so tough and masculine

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juji-gatame Peter....webm

Anonymous No. 149328

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Anonymous No. 149330

Colors aren’t gay, needing to be an obnoxious faggot and have everyone look at you is gay. Put on a white gi.

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Francisco Garrigo....webm

Anonymous No. 149331

Anonymous No. 149357

You are gay

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Anonymous No. 149379

Anonymous No. 149417

Black, white and blue are all you need.

Anonymous No. 149459

bjj is stronger than judo and I'm tired of pretending that it isn't true

Anonymous No. 149461

Please ignore this retard. It's likely the falseflagger who comes in to spam all the threads to start consolewars again.

Anonymous No. 149497

Hush, judobros are our friends.

-t., BJJer

Anonymous No. 149499

That can happen when you allow your competitors to use as much gear as they can get their hands on.

Anonymous No. 149599

Is once a week enough practice?

Anonymous No. 149601

Define enough. Enough to enjoy? Up to you. Progress? If it's a several hour session and you're already competent? You're not gonna get better, but at least you're stalling loss. One or two hours and you're a daisy clean white belt? You better be a genius athlete.

Anonymous No. 149606

It's 4 hours long, every Saturday with free practice in the last 2 hours. I only practice ONE move.

Anonymous No. 149608

That's a pretty good amount of time and focus compared to what most people mean by once a week. If you can stick to that schedule you'll see results. It's not optimal, but I expect you're aware of that and making due with what time you have.

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Harai tsurikomi a....webm

Anonymous No. 149944

Anonymous No. 150092

People say to use ashiwaza to move heavier people, but I'm not having much success. I hover 73 to 81kg and I can't move 100kg people at all, even spamming ouchi, kouchi, kosoto, osoto, etc non-stop once I get dominant grips. Any advice?

Anonymous No. 150093

The ouchi gari lesson i got taught was:
>Get good grip
>Recognize opponent is stepping in
>Bring your lapel hand in so it looks like a compressed trex arm, which will help you lift and drift them in
>Draw the circle with your sweeping foot
The intention being you have to catch them when they're putting weight down, nit, not before, and certainly not after the foot is in the ground
Your dominant grips should help you delay their step/exaggerate their step, but that random kicks and sweep attempts are a decent way to get them stepping defensively

Anonymous No. 150095

>>Bring your lapel hand in so it looks like a compressed trex arm, which will help you lift and drift them in
You mean like jerking them towards me with my lapel hand when they're stepping towards me (kinda like a lapel hand during a forward throw)? Thanks anon.

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Anonymous No. 150099

The way our best guy tried to teach it to me was more like bringing them in as if you were bringing the bar to your shoulders in a military press, also at least in the context of an ouchi gari you bring them around to you and In general we were told jerking motions are trash
Circular motions are stronger since if you pull them onto you directly, while orienting sideways you're feeding them a throw
>Get that grip
>Exaggerate their step with the compressed part of the military press-style grip
>Sort of sling them aroundyou with a circular motion as if bringing a rucksack around your shoulder
>Hopefully their legs bow out as if going towards doing a split, which should allow you to do the circular foot motion thing
This is all for ouchi gari though but I like the bringing around part because it makes the sweep more proactive and avoids the pitfalls of pulling your opponent directly into you

Anonymous No. 150108

I also struggle with this, but I've had the most success with stuff like yoko otoshi.

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Anonymous No. 150144

The way a judo throw works is that uke moves, you help him move too far, and then you trip him with some part of your body. If he's significantly larger and stronger than you you're not going to move him in any direction he wasn't already going. Let him throw himself, you're just there to help.

Anonymous No. 150145

I dont want to do randori, I just want to do the throws on someone compliant forever so I can feel cool

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Anonymous No. 150152

We do a lot of gentle, back-and-forth randori at my club which I quite enjoy.
I leave feeling confident until the next day's BJJ class where I proceed to get stiff-armed by the strongest giga-white belts for an hour and I'm forced to pull guard because it's like I'm grappling with a fucking oak tree.

Anonymous No. 150161

Watch this video of George Floyd in Japan being MOLESTED by Japanese JUDO PLAYERS and tell me how exactly they are hurting him

Anonymous No. 150171

Unironically an issue of your choice opponent and it's a shame some people want to win THAT badly on an otherwise chill night

Anonymous No. 150173

That's just how a lot of white belts are, until they learn what practice makes permanent really entails. You can use them to work on breaking grips and getting around stiffarms, or just bait them into attacking and give them what they want to focus positioning for escapes, while working with more calm people when you want to focus on quality of movement.

Anonymous No. 150176

He deserves every bit of that
The african guys are the worst part of japan, they harass you and try to scam you and steal money

The faggot defending him is an enemy of the state likely installed by the CCP to damage a rival nation. This is how you treat hostile invaders illegally in your country

The guy is speaking Japanese too so hes not some asylum seeking migrant, hes a human trafficker if anything

Anonymous No. 150644

Please help me develop a general system for RvR.
Throws I base my attacks on:
>Uchi mata
>Osoto gari
>Harai goshi
>Underhook tai otoshi
>Left handed ippon seoi
I usually just go for armpit + collar grip, then harass until i throw or get the sleeve grip then setup uchi mata.

Anonymous No. 150851

noob here. what's the difference between this throw and de ashi harai?

Anonymous No. 150854

lmao they just overturned the "win" so it was a draw and both Tasoev and Riner are World Champions. While I think it was an iffy call, I don't think this is the right way to resolve it.

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Riner Tasoev Throw.webm

Anonymous No. 150855

Throw related

Anonymous No. 150894

The sweep goes back to front as he moves forward, de ashi is sideways

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Judo Dushanbe Gra....webm

Anonymous No. 150900

Anonymous No. 150986

I did 2x a week and I felt like that was barely enough. Maybe if you practice outside of class with some resistance bands it might work

Anonymous No. 151038

The heck is left handed ippon seoi? You either have right lapel/arm ippon seoi or lefty lapel/arm

Anonymous No. 151041

Probably means a Korean

Anonymous No. 151042

Sorry I wasn't clear enough. Right hand on opponent's left lapel.

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Anonymous No. 151104

anyone know if this grip has an official name in judo?

I've heard it called a wing grip, but searching it just gives me results for wrestling style chicken wing grips.

Anonymous No. 151105

Just got back from the National Championships and I guess I'm not a referee, but the 60kg finals confused me. It was won by this guy (who I found out later is a BJJ black belt of course) who basically just walked backwards all fight, and did Tomoe Nage as soon as he got grips. I get it was "passiveness" but it looked like he basically pulled guard as soon as he got a grip for 90 seconds and won because of "passiveness". I watched all the Senior finals though, and the rest were good. The 66kg final was some dude from Japan that was supposed to be ranked high over there, but was in Australia for a holiday.

Anonymous No. 151137

Sacrifice throws are a cancer to Judo.

Anonymous No. 151144

Over-under pass has been a Judo mainstay for decades, anon. Jimmy Pedro made it work for him. Kill that bottom leg and get your osaekomi.

Anonymous No. 151154

The guy getting “guard pulled” on him would just lift him in the air every time to get a restart standing. Daki Age is a “throw” though right? I wonder if maybe if you lift somewhere in the air for a reset with Daki Age, your 30 seconds of passivity should be reset, since you’re doing an attacking technique.

I don’t know though. I just imagine Kano wouldn’t be too happy with a match being won by somebody throwing failed techniques over and over again until they win by shido. Seems a bit against the spirit of Judo.

Anonymous No. 151243

Honestly, I feel like cardio has made a bigger difference for my judo than weights. Since I've gotten into cycling, I feel like I have a lot more endurance and pace in randori and can outwork stronger guys (within reason).

Anonymous No. 151253

I was doing cardio with a 3rd place medal around my neck for a while as a reminder to train harder and longer because I lost a match to someone with worse technique but better conditioning.

Anonymous No. 151396

I'm 100kg+ but I usually win most of my tournament matches because the 104kg guys in my division gas out in like 90 seconds, whereas I'm barely above 100kg so I can go the whole 4 minutes. I can't even remember more than one match in our weight I've seen go to golden score.

Anonymous No. 151397


Anonymous No. 151633

What does "getting into cycling" mean exactly?

Anonymous No. 151639

Lycra, chaffing, and levels of road rage never seen before.

Anonymous No. 151707

They merged my heavyweight bracket with light heavyweight since there weren't many of us and every light heavy was so much harder because of the movement and how tired I would get. Usually I'm faster and can last just as long if not longer than other heavys, this comp was the reason I started to seriously diet

Anonymous No. 152058

So like a nogi guy, but replacing manlet rage with road rage?

Anonymous No. 152059

manlet rage is such a waste
manlets should take the dwarf pill, never trim any of their hair again, drink lots of ale and do curls to achieve big arms and a power belly

Anonymous No. 152060

Manlets shouldn't exist.

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Anonymous No. 152068


Anonymous No. 152069

Someone needs to work on the power lines and in the sewers

Anonymous No. 152123

I don't ride on the road. There's a 35 mile paved bike path that I ride on.

Anonymous No. 152128

Travis Stevens in person looks like a caveman that wandered out of his cave to fuck people up.

Anonymous No. 152131

It's crazy to see him thin when he competed and look at him now. Guy looks like his own father, seems like a cool person though

Anonymous No. 152138

>t. Lanklet that lost his lady to manlet with a bigger dick than him

Anonymous No. 152163

He has an intense demeanor even when he's obviously having fun and goofing off.

Anonymous No. 152333

I've been watching a lot of footage of Noriko Anno recently. The way she runs over people with ouchi-gari for ippon is special, and I'm trying to see if I can pick up anything for landing in top control and not overthrowing - because that's something she does really well.

Anonymous No. 152334

does she make your penis grow involuntarily?

Anonymous No. 152336

No. She's not particular pretty. The Kodokan channel did a video with her last year.

Anonymous No. 152340

>She's not particular pretty
thats very rude

Anonymous No. 152504

What do you guys think about this stuff? I've never done it, but it looks fun to do and exciting to watch.

Anonymous No. 152505

Looks like fun. It seems like it's using karate rules that ban low kicks, but face punches are allowed.

Combat sambo is probably more competitive. Scoring looks like it's derived from karate, as opposed to sambo's wrestling scoring.

Anonymous No. 152516

I only watched the first two clips, but why didn’t the referee step in when they grabbed the legs in both of those throws?

Anonymous No. 152529

Because it's not IJF rules.

Anonymous No. 152598

So they're inferior athletes, gotcha.

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Anonymous No. 152629

There are a lot of pretty attractive Judoka, so average girls don't look very good.

Anonymous No. 152640

Imagine being the guy who defends the IJF

Anonymous No. 152652

that's what I was thinking lol

Anonymous No. 152722

Even World Tour shitters that are highlight reel fodder for the Japanese national team are more athletic than anyone in that video.

Anonymous No. 152763

Ok? That has literally nothing to do with the ijf making gay rules about leg grabs.

Anonymous No. 152769

ive subluxed my left shoulder 5 times in newaza in the last 2 years how long do i have left before im fucked

Anonymous No. 152774

2 more weeks

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Anonymous No. 152784

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CHOKE OUT Mio Huh....webm

Anonymous No. 152788

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Foot sweep to CHO....webm

Anonymous No. 152793

Anonymous No. 152794

what a painful martial art

Anonymous No. 152797

Welcome to /Judo/! Don’t forget, you’re here forever!

Anonymous No. 152798

As someone who has spent a decent amount of time in karate/judo, pain wise, I prefer judo. It is very jarring, but ive had way more chronic injuries during training from striking. With judo, yeah you're gonna be generally stiff & bruised, but I would rather recover from that versus a busted face.

Anonymous No. 152805

Ref was sleeping harder than the contestant, what the fuck?
Are the suits so expensive that they can't bend down to see if they're still conscious?

Anonymous No. 152897

Judo rules

Anonymous No. 153428

Always thought that Kusakura gis were the best in the world
But recently a literal former ranked world #1 in Judo (from Japan) told me unequivocally that Mizuno make the best gis

Just thought you might want to know

Anonymous No. 153434

That’s pretty standard judo reffing. They’re all geriatrics who were never good at the sport in the first place. Imagine having joe Biden ref your matches, that’s the kind of shit we deal with.

Anonymous No. 153442

Let me tell you something, Jack: Uchi Mata was a bad dude.

Anonymous No. 153449

Did he get his gi's for free from them or did he pay?

Anonymous No. 153532

Elite makes the best gi.

Anonymous No. 153534

Sacrifice throws are amazing, stop being bad.

Anonymous No. 153572

>guy has a wrapped up ankle
>tell him let's go light then
>goes ballistic and attempts throws left and right
Why are people like this

Anonymous No. 153675

lol I used to be like this until my injuries got worse, then I actually started going lighter and it helped my judo so much

Anonymous No. 153826

Hi guys, new here, i got some questions:
>Is an armpit + high collar considered an unorthodox grip?
>How long can I keep that grip?
>What about when i have only the armpit grip, while my other hand is free?

Anonymous No. 153832

>According to the International Judo Federation (IJF) rules, these grips are considered unorthodox/illegal.
>Gripping the armpit is prohibited because it can cause injury to the shoulder or elbow of the opponent.
>Gripping the high collar is prohibited because it can obstruct the breathing or vision of the opponent.
Three times & you're out for that violation in comp.

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Combat SAMBO Asia....webm

Anonymous No. 153837

Anonymous No. 153838

I can go light against smaller folks but once another big guy tries to muscle me my brain just goes into gorilla mode.
It really makes me appreciate the old folks and kids in my class, because it forces me to play light and if I do the techniques right they fall effortlessly. I also sorta let them throw me when they do it right, but I sorta just stand there if they dont have kuzushi. Helps me be less reactive during more competitive randori

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Sport SAMBO Asia ....webm

Anonymous No. 153841

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Sport SAMBO Asia ....webm

Anonymous No. 153842

Anonymous No. 153845

This sounds like a "le ijf rules are bad" shitpost.

Anonymous No. 153846

Not at all, just being straight forward. Like, them are the rules. It is what it is. I don't mind them. Doesn't stop you from using it in sparring, assuming your gym don't suck.

Anonymous No. 153856

that's judo ne waza to you

Anonymous No. 153997

What brands should I look for when buying a Judo gi? Which should I avoid? What price should I aim for?

Anonymous No. 154001

Fuji is a good brand for relatively cheap gis. Mizuno is the standard for people who know they’re going to be doing judo a long time and want a gi that will last.

Whatever you buy just make sure it’s white or blue and is double weaved

Anonymous No. 154087

Why does the IJF even mandate long pants if you can't grab legs any more? Shorts are comfy and easy to wear.

Anonymous No. 154095

You can grab them during ne waza dummy.

Anonymous No. 154173

Fuji, Adidas, Mizuno

Anonymous No. 154174

judo should allow straight ankle locks and knee bars
give me one good reason why they shouldn't

Anonymous No. 154178

Judo should allow the full curriculum of the art to be used in competition

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Anonymous No. 154220

>When you were spamming ouchi gari, I studied the gun. When you were having randori, I mastered the draw. While you wasted your days at the dojo in pursuit of Jita-Kyoei, I cultivated Seiryoku-Zenyo. And now that the world is on fire and the barbarians are doing standing kata guruma you have the audacity to come to me for help.

Anonymous No. 154242

Judo is so sad, they discovered the kneebar, triangle, and there would be no armbar today if it was never around. And a japanese judoka and brazilian co-discovered the heel hook together. But the point is that judo used to be the ultimate martial art, and then 100 years later it is only a shadow of it's former self. Real judo will always be my favorite and my most loved sport, but I swtiched to Bjj(brazilian judo) since it is the closer to judo than judo is now

Anonymous No. 154428

>like 5 moves are not taught for competition because of their extremely high chances of injury
>a normal sensei would still teach you if you ask them and if you're not an utter moron
Waaah wahhh the sport is ruined waaah waaah

I do have to agree, we need to bring leg grabs back urgently.

Anonymous No. 154431

>we need to bring leg grabs back

Why? They suck.

Anonymous No. 154436

Tawlbout tani-otoshi? What other 4 are you thinking about.

Anonymous No. 154440

Tani-otoshi is a fart of a move.

Anonymous No. 154465

Martial Arts community is intrinsically tied to the industry that makes our gear. Why would they do anything that could hurt the profits & identity of their brand. Nowadays "Martial Arts," isn't even martial arts anymore, it's just a generic name for a fitness lifestyle.

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Anonymous No. 154477

Someone in my dojo did a bad tani otoshi on me and they just sat on my knee. I felt a small, bad sensation and my knee has been bugging me, but only a tiny bit. My kneecap is more loose now and my knee clicks more now. What do?

I took a few days off and am thinking of just skipping judo and just lifting weights until my knee is normal again. Was planning on seeing a doctor if it's not better in 1-2 weeks.

Anonymous No. 154553

I find it useful because I'm a manlet. It also trains you to defend your legs overall in a context of using judo as *part* a self defense system.
Idk, just a number I pulled out of my ass. I don't even know exactly because rules are so different nowadays. My regional tournaments bans kani basami, for example.

Anonymous No. 154564

People forget about this one since it’s been banned for so long, but it can fuck peoples knees up.

Anonymous No. 154565

Go to a doctor retard

Anonymous No. 154619

Kani basami has been banned for 30-40 years at all levels, dude.

Anonymous No. 154632

It has only been banned in my country in the past few years. But shit, I didn't know when it was banned. I'll admit that.
But that's beside my point, all I'm saying that even though there are some stuff being supressed or banned at competition level (or for children and teens) for rather logical reasons doesn't mean Judo has lost it's """soul""" or whatever. Besides, my sensei has no problem teaching me some of the banned moves and I have done randori with leg grabs allowed. I have read online it is the case almost everywhere. We have to stop the endless *repetitive* bitching. Because it obviously has contributed nothing to judo as a sport and as a martial art.

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Anonymous No. 154633

Is using a takedown that has a risk of ending up on the bottom of full mount really a good idea?

Anonymous No. 154636

That depends on how good you are at it

Anonymous No. 154658

You have to absolutely suck at it to put yourself in bottom mount. At worst, it's like pulling guard. It's like people saying you'll get your back taken off seoi nage when even in BJJ you rarely if ever see it happen.

Anonymous No. 154845

Nobody worth their salt is gonna half arse a suplex. How would you end up mounted without room temperature IQ?

Anonymous No. 154928

I like how sneaky judo moves are, I just wish I had the quickness and cardio to pull it off more.

Anonymous No. 154950

>How would you end up mounted without room temperature IQ?
You sort of answered your own question but as an alternative you could be a BJJ fag who’s idea of standup fighting is standing hunched over with your arms locked out straight in front of you and try to do it from there.

The amount of times I’ve heard
>judo throws are too risky you’ll just get your back taken hurr hurr durr
And then rolled with them and had that not happen is staggering. Love you guys but seriously get your shit together with standup.

Anonymous No. 154981

The sneakiest of judo moves don't require a lot of athleticism. So called old man judo is extremely subtle and clever. You bait your younger opponent into committing hard and pivot a little bit and shove him over. It looks like cheating! But it's just good judo. You gotta train for like 20 years to get there though.

Anonymous No. 155288

I keep landing on uke's dick when doing Uchi Mata. Help.

Anonymous No. 155290

Most guys at my club wear white with only the experienced guys wearing blue, is there some kind of rule on when you can wear blue or white?

Anonymous No. 155311

Usually not. Once you start going to proper tournaments you'll need a blue gi and that's generally when blue gis seem to enter a new judoka's gi rotation but it really doesn't matter. If you only have one gi and you intend to compete at some point (you should, if even just casually. it's a good learning experience) it would be a good idea if your second one were blue.

Anonymous No. 155327

The simple answer is that blue gis are more expensive, so you don't usually get one unless you're competing or have done judo awhile and need a second one.

Anonymous No. 155389

Should I use my hip more for osoto-otoshi? I know it's a foot technique but I was watching some randori and I saw this guy around my build throw in his hip and rotate more, like his hips are almost on the other side of his. But he maintains stability through getting lower and using more of a pounce when he executes it.

Anonymous No. 155436

The way I was taught yes, the main goal of your foot is just to trap their leg, then move forward and throw them over your hip.

Anonymous No. 155490

I was doing newaza and my opponent had me in kata gatame and squeezed my jaw. Now one of my ears feels fucked up and my balance isn't right. Any ideas what this and how to fix it?

Anonymous No. 155491

Dude popped your eardrum. Sucks to be you.

Anonymous No. 155494

Sorry brother, but he gave you AIDS

Anonymous No. 155523

Vax status?

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Dricus Du Plessis....webm

Anonymous No. 155635

Anonymous No. 155840

Well that wasn't pretty, but at least one non judoka in this world knows that without decent kuzushi osotogari is just not going to work.

Anonymous No. 155950

is it possible to do uchi mata in no gi?

Anonymous No. 155951


Anonymous No. 155953

oh shit yeah im retarded.

Anonymous No. 155954

I ain't clicking that shit nigga.

Anonymous No. 155978

> He's never used lmgtfy before

Anonymous No. 155979

Not only is it possible but when you’re close up in a clinch it’s incredibly easy.

Anonymous No. 156174

>pulls guard
just as kodokan intended

Anonymous No. 156221

You might think it's silly but in Kosen judo pulling guard (called hikikomi in Japan) is a legitimate strategy in their sport. It is usually used at a way to stall in team matches to get themselves and their opponent taken out of the match. It is used often when one of the strongest enemy opponents goes against one of the weakest teammates and they don't stand a chance to win, so they sacrifice themselves and their opponent for the rest of the team.

Anonymous No. 156223

>it’s a legitimate strategy in judo guys!
Ok, you can have fun with other 6 people who train that style then

Anonymous No. 156345

>strategy thats totally impractical for real fights
sounds like bjj to me

Anonymous No. 156347

What are some good throws from a double neck lapel grip, similar to a thai clinch?

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Abi vs Sadanoumi ....webm

Anonymous No. 156377

tokkuri-nage from sumo

Anonymous No. 156404

>Jigoro Kano was reportedly unsatisfied with kosen rules, and was quoted in 1926 as believing that kosen judo contributed to create judokas more proficient at winning sport matches at the cost of being less skilled at self-defense. Despite his posture, the kosen movement continued on, having barely changed its rules through all its story.

Anonymous No. 156423

>Not knowing how to break guard
Their own fault.

Anonymous No. 156429

This does not jive with several of Kano's early students reporting that he sidelined much of the newaza curriculum of juijitsu because he thought it was for riff raff.

Anonymous No. 156446

Does Judo really suck in the USA?

Anonymous No. 156447

No, who told you that?

Anonymous No. 156448


Anonymous No. 156478

Why would you listen to their opinion on judo? These same retard UB ironically think that any turning throw is le 2 dangerous

Anonymous No. 156479

Ignore us. Most of us were abused as children.

Anonymous No. 156484

The quality of judo in the US is fine; it's everything else about it that makes it suck.

The NGB situation is a clusterfuck with 3 different governing bodies that don't reciprocate membership with each other (and a lot of money/corruption involved). Athletes don't get near the same support as athletes from other countries do. Many judo clubs are run as non-profit, which doesn't attract new blood into joining. Judo being removed from being a college sport also hampered its growth.

Anonymous No. 156511

>and a lot of money/corruption involved
Can you elaborate on this?
>Judo being removed from being a college sport also hampered its growth.
When/why did that happen?

Anonymous No. 156513

Judo is still a collegiate sport. But you're right on the other points. Convoluted & exorbitant memberships combined with little to no support from schools beyond giving a practice space, makes it extremely difficult to attract athletes.

Anonymous No. 156520

In terms of producing international athletes, yes.

In terms of wide availability and amateur competition opportunities for recreational players, yes.

Anonymous No. 156524

>Judo is still a collegiate sport.
Besides Texas A&M and San Jose State? There are a lot of little university clubs, and those are a good place to start a recreational judoka - but they're not going to be producing the next Kayla Harrison or Jimmy Pedro. Even then, it's not as popular like it used to be in the AAU days.

Anonymous No. 156748

I hate sportsball so god damn much. Why couldnt I have been born in japan where every fucking public schools has some kind of martial art. Now parents are all concerned about TBIs and shit, martial arts will never reach those heights here, and that makes me unreasonably depressed.

Anonymous No. 156798

Shut up weeb.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 156930


Anonymous No. 156939

Good post anon!

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 157070

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Anonymous No. 157071

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Anonymous No. 157072

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Anonymous No. 157073

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SAMBO Asia and Oc....webm

Anonymous No. 157074

Anonymous No. 157122

stupid-a fuckin game

Anonymous No. 157123

>The only things gayer than bjj
Yeah no thanks. I am fine with training grappling when I got to but thats not my focus. Too much voluntary rolling around with dudes going on.

Anonymous No. 157131

Judo is derivative of American wrestling, from which Dr. Kano adopted the very best throw:
>Normally, I did not have a particularly hard time when practicing with Aoki and the other trainees. In the case of Fukushima, however, it was a completely different story. I could not overcome the strength nor disturb the balance of Kanekichi Fukushima no matter how hard or how often I tried. Finally, I resolved that I would learn to throw him somehow or other. After giving the matter a great deal of thought, I decided that a sumo technique might be effective against him. Upon hearing that a former sumo man, Kisoemon Uchiyama, worked at my university dormitory, I requested him to teach me sumo techniques. The sumo throws that I learned from him, however, proved to be totally ineffective against Fukushima. It then occurred to me to research books on western style wrestling, so I went to my local public library in Yushima, Bunkyo Ward. Unfortunately from among the wrestling books available, there did not seem to be any throw that I could use on Fukushima, except one that I thought just might be effective against him since Fukushima was taller than I. This throw was a shoulder wheel or kata-guruma. I experimented with it on one of my student friends soon after reading about it and succeeded in throwing him. I also tried it on Aoki with the same result. On my next visit to the dojo, therefore, I challenged Fukushima to a practice, and for the first time in my life I successfully threw him with my newly acquired technique. After many months of trying, I had finally managed to down him. I was overjoyed and felt a great sense of achievement.
Also, judo is entirely grappling (unless you're at a rare school that does atemi waza) and you sound like a closeted homosexual.

Anonymous No. 157138

>Judo is derivative of American wrestling
None of that bullshit wall of text proves that you fucking retard. And yes, judo is all grappling. But is it submission focused? No. Jfc how dense can you be. i am ok training judo, its the type of grappling I prefer. But I dont like focusing on submissions besides escapes. I am better at throws so it makes more sense to go back to my comfort zone than attempt techniques I am garbage at. Plus, I do not like prolonged sweaty embraces with dudes. If that is your preferred method of training, you might be a faggot. You sound like this >>157046

Anonymous No. 157139

This is pure liberal fag logic, like AOC, 'you hate it so you must want it'

Anonymous No. 157144

Triggered homosexual. I've "grappled" nearly all my life (primarily judo and scholastic wrestling) and never had a gay thought about it. If you're thinking gay thoughts because the other competitor took his jacket off before stepping on the mat or is trying to choke you with your gi that's entirely on you.
>that bullshit wall of text
It's a brief anecdote by Dr. Kano describing how kata guruma (best throw) came from wrestling. I'm sorry your zoomzoom attention span is too short to process brief anecdotes by the founder of your preferred martial sport.
>But is it submission focused? No.
There are zero submissions in scholastic and collegiate wrestling. Judo has many.
>Jfc how dense can you be
You're the one spewing convoluted nonsense and not knowing what words mean.
>I am better at throws so it makes more sense to go back to my comfort zone than attempt techniques I am garbage at.
What a loser mentality. I hope you lose your next match to someone who trains ne waza and grow as a judoka because of it.

Anonymous No. 157160

>Triggered homosexual. I've "grappled" nearly all my life (primarily judo and scholastic wrestling) and never had a gay thought about it. If you're thinking gay thoughts because the other competitor took his jacket off before stepping on the mat or is trying to choke you with your gi that's entirely on you.
Look fag, if you prefer rolling around with sweaty dudes power to you.
>It's a brief anecdote by Dr. Kano describing how kata guruma (best throw) came from wrestling. I'm sorry your zoomzoom attention span is too short to process brief anecdotes by the founder of your preferred martial sport.
So, because he adopted that 1 technique, "judo is a derivative of american wrestling." Based on that logic, if you engaged in a single homoerotic activity, you're a faggot. But you seem cool with it so its all good.
>What a loser mentality. I hope you lose your next match to someone who trains ne waza and grow as a judoka because of it.
Everyone had their strengths and weaknesses. It's delusional to think you're gonna master it all & in a pinch you're going to fall back on your strengths. I hope you learn to accept your sexuality & stop projecting.

Anonymous No. 157168

Grappling is retarded. Every time we had to do Ne waza in Judo, we had to get onto our knees with the opponent and it was always funny with the BJJ guys because I would just briefly stand up before getting back down because it was funny to realize that I can just stand up at any time and nullify BJJ. Whenever they would go into to pull guard or whatever they do I would turn onto my back and push into their chest with my foot before rolling back onto my feet. Each time they would try to mount I would just keep at it with the kicking off thing. If they finally got side control, I would just grab my knees and try to slide them in between me and the other guy before doing the kick off thing again. North south? Kick off maneuver and roll away before standing back up. All of ground submission fighting and BJJ-chicanery is nullified once you can place your foot or knee on the sternum of the other guy and pounce off of him.

Anonymous No. 157170

I know there is a coherent thought buried somewhere in this giant fucking paragraph, but it's probably not worth digging for it.

Anonymous No. 157171

>retard discovers frames, thinks he's a genius
Oh my God anon, you are the only person who has ever figured out how to escape from bottom, stop the motherfucking presses. Sounds like you're not rolling with anyone good.

Anonymous No. 157174

>because he adopted that 1 technique, "judo is a derivative of american wrestling."
Yes. I didn't say it was entirely derivative, just that it was derivative and that American wrestling is therefore part of your sport.
>a single homoerotic activity
I can't control which non-sexual activities are found erotic by homosexual degenerates like yourself.
>Everyone had their strengths and weaknesses
Absolutely. You should endeavor to maintain and develop your strengths and limit your weaknesses. I believe in you anon, you can learn judo's ne waza techniques without succumbing to sodomite urges. You can put your arms around a man for standing techniques without kissing him, right? Apply that restraint on the ground.

BJJ is just focused judo ne waza practice. Their avoidance of competent standing techniques is as retarded as the avoidance of mat techniques. It's all judo, and it all works together.
>Grappling is retarded
Throws and takedowns are grappling. The entirety of sport judo is grappling.

Anonymous No. 157175

This is why I focus on escapes. If you play the BJJ game, maybe you win, maybe not. But by continuing you allow the risks to continue, which makes no sense as a fighter. Defend yourself at all times. BJJ requires you to play around in inherently indefensible positions but as soon as you just get out & up, all this potential risks just took a huge step back. It's more efficient to just escape & reset.

Anonymous No. 157176

BJJ is a joke

Anonymous No. 157177

>I've "grappled" nearly all my life (primarily judo and scholastic wrestling) and never had a gay thought about it.
Well you seem to be having an awful lot of them now lmao

Anonymous No. 157191

Okay. But we both know you aren't just bouncing out of osaekomi, or whatever you were describing. Not unless your school is full of functionally retarded judoka who never learned even kesa gatame.

I don't think that's the case though. Most judoka can pin like angry mofos.

Anonymous No. 157204

>I requested him to teach me sumo techniques
Do we know more about the sumo techniques that Kano learned and if he found them useful in different contexts?

Anonymous No. 157210

I've heard that sumo is a parent art of jujutsu which is in turn a parent art of judo and I know there's some crossover of techniques but I don't know specifically what Dr. Kano learned from sumo practitioners versus jujutsu practitioners. I'll definitely look into it and post in this or one of the next judo threads if I find anything.

Anonymous No. 157212

Oh but I was, I was. Once you can slip your little knee against tori's chest and turn your head through his arm's opening while also pushing off with your arms you can shrimp out quickly.

Another trick is to just stand up lol. If tori is on the right of your body and is trapping you in a kuzure kesa gatame or just kesa gatame, you just swing into him with your other arm and turn into your side. Now, without giving up too much back, mount to your knees and drag tori up unless he has already let go.

This requires a great level of rotation strength and explosivity however.

Anonymous No. 157214

jujutsu isnt an art its a blanket term for many schools of fighting in japan, just like kung fu in china, in china is could mean boxing or even judo

Anonymous No. 157241

Which knee should you be dropping too for a one-knee seoi nage - the lead leg or the support leg?

Anonymous No. 157272

Supporting since it's going to be the leg that supports you. If you're throwing it into his right arm you'd drop with your left leg but kneeing down with your right.

Anonymous No. 157307

I think ramsey dewey once even mentioned that MMA in china is referred to (in Chinese) as “American Kung Fu”

Anonymous No. 157378

just turned 24 two days ago
want to start Judo and would like to compete if I'm good enough
it's not too late right?
Should I work on my cardio a little before going to a class or just jump in?

Anonymous No. 157381

It'll be fine bro stop thinking about it so hard and go

Anonymous No. 157382

are collarbone fractures a common injury in judo?

Anonymous No. 157394

It would have to be a freak accident, if you are careful and know when you are getting thrown and just go with it you are less likely to be injured than when resisting. This is how practice should be done. You are more likely to be injured if you treat every practice like a competition and another likelihood for injury is bad form, so strive to be as good as you can be

Anonymous No. 157402

That's what I was thinking, given the open hip allowing for potentially better follow through. The kodokan instructions have tori kneeling with the lead leg, instead of the supporting leg, however.

I was asking my coach, and he's been having me try both ways; and he like dropping the support leg for me more than dropping lead leg like the kata.

Anonymous No. 157424

thanks b <3

Anonymous No. 157425

anyone have webms of south korean Huh Mi-mi?

Anonymous No. 157445

No, but you'll probably get a lot of Gi burns along your collarbone.

Anonymous No. 157446

You'll do great brother

Anonymous No. 157508

I went to judo tonight
why am I not immediately good at thing >:(

I had fun but it was too hard for me doing 30 minutes of situp and push ups and stuff, that part sucked

Anonymous No. 157509

Honestly I think that’s a stupid way to ru. Class, you can do push ups and sit-ups at home. That said, you need to get tough if you want to do this sport. Rule number 1 is don’t ever quit.

Anonymous No. 157520

Warm ups should be like 5-10 maximum, your muscles get warm from drilling anyway

Anonymous No. 157539

>Bench 5x5
>Squat 5x5
>Cleans 5x5
My coach gave me this program in between Judo training, which already has its own conditioning segment. Is this good? I'm thinking of adding some rows maybe.

Anonymous No. 157551

5x5 is fine, but I wouldn't do 5x5 because it tries to put volume over intensity.

You could do as little as 3x3 or 1x5 or 5x1. Volume doesn't matter, if you're trying to get bigger and stronger you should work on explosivity and intensity.

Use 85% over your 1 Rep Max and try busting out heavy singles, doubles and triples. Once you can reach 5 to 7 reps through weight mastering, increase the weight to something comfortable or increase it when you feel like you're ready to go up after accidently setting a new PR for that exercise.

Judo and a lot of weightlifting for strength should always be aggressive and explosive. Don't wrench out reps, make each one very fast with a fast eccentric and concentric.

Always reach Full ROM for any lift to increase greater gains, regardless if it's strength based or hypertrophy based training.

Do sprints, plyometrics are great. Plyometric versions of pullups, chinups, pushups, jumps, burpees, sprints and hill sprints, etc. Stick to the 3-8 rep range and the 3 set range for those but give it your all for them and volume won't matter.

I don't do bench anymore because of personal preference, but it's a good exercise because it's a lot of muscle. Personally, I do push presses since they are more full body and involve pushing with the legs.

Squat is good, never really did them though and just did a lot of DL. To compromise, I do deficit DLs.

Cleans are great, perfect for something like Judo and it's a great exercise for explosivity and hip hinging. You don't need to master the technique, just get better with the weight you can use with intensity and keep setting heavy 1s, 2s and 3s.

Rows a good, not super important if you're already doing heavy DLs any pull ups. But you can throw them in after deadlifts for a set or 2 or you could try high pulls with a bit lighter weight.

What's the 'conditioning segment' look like?

Anonymous No. 157557

that's basically Bill Starr's routine for strength, it's great

Anonymous No. 157558

Thanks anon. I think for now I'll reduce it to 4x5s for those big lifts while focusing on explosion. I'll add in plyo pullups too.

As for the conditioning, we do it before proper Judo training and typically consists of:
>circuit of squat, bench, ropes, dls, rows (lifts vary). all light weight, amrap, and done tabata style where we finish 3 songs worth. each song is around 8 rounds.
>tire truck pushing. 2 guys push a tire between each other in an explosive manner. usually 75 - 100 reps.
>bear crawls with resistance bands around your waist and 2 guys behind you pulling.

After that it's Judo training.
>various types of uchikomis
>crash mat nagekomis
>light/med randori
>simulated shiai

Anonymous No. 157559

the 2 first sets are supposed to be your warm up then you do the 3 sets with your working weight

Anonymous No. 157565

I never liked those lengthy circuits that last 20-30 minutes before real Judo training, it just drains you of energy. That must be a long ass warm up if you have racks for squatting and benching and everyone has to get a turn.

Anonymous No. 157583

>Should I work on my cardio a little before going to a class or just jump in?
Just jump in. You can and should train cardio alongside judo.

>you can do push ups and sit-ups at home
People don't, is the issue. Some kids are so sedentary that they lack the bodily coordination to do a situp without coaching. Running everyone through some basic strength and coordination based warmups is a good diagnostic tool for how everyone is doing--either it's a trivial warmup or it reveals some fundamental weaknesses.

>it just drains you of energy
I know guys who do this deliberately so they're forced to rely more on technique instead of muscling though everything.

Anonymous No. 157588

Training technical form while tired is, generally, a bad idea. That's regardless of sport. Just be aware of your own level of discipline regarding breakdown of your form in drilling/uchikomis. Practice makes permanent.

Anonymous No. 157677

Is a Thai clinch a good grip in Judo?

Anonymous No. 157697

Not particularly.

Anonymous No. 157703

Why? It controls the head greatly and allows for better kuzushi.

Anonymous No. 157760

It doesn’t though. A basic collar and sleeve grip allows you to apply pressure in ever direction, the Thai clinch allows you to apply pressure downward and backwards. If your opponent isn’t willing to play along with that pressure he’s probably going to escape and not get thrown regardless of whether you’d be able to throw knees at his head in a different ruleset. If you’re not retarded go ahead and watch the Olympics and ask yourself why no one is using the Thai clinch in judo or wrestling if it’s a great grappling position

Anonymous No. 157804

NTA but you shouldn't use Oly Judoka grips for reference, at least not too heavily.

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Anonymous No. 157817

A conventional Thai clinch may not be the best, however an underarm headlock style grip like in pic. related would be better suitable for Judo. Another grip that is iffy but falls into the realm of clinching style grips is to grab closer to the traps or at least the sides of the neck of Uki.

Anonymous No. 157823

its great for osoto gari

Anonymous No. 157878

No it’s not that’s a regarded grip to try and do that throw from
>don’t talk about using judo grips in a thread about judo

Anonymous No. 157884

Why are you coming out kicking and screaming over something as small as grips? If someone uses a grip that they find they like or works for them why try to tell them they are retarded? Would Won-Hee Lee be retarded for his no grip Tai-Otoshi? Or are Gregorian grips retarded for their unorthodox grips?

>don’t talk about using judo grips in a thread about judo

Have you seen Olympic Judokas and Olympic matches? A little different than Randori at the end of class, they are pretty much grabbing for anything they can and throwing themselves into the air to off-balance Uki.

Anonymous No. 157886

>kicking and screaming
You think I’m freaking out because I called you a retard? lol.
>something as small as grips
Grips are literally how you win at judo, I don’t know a single good competitor I train with that is easy to grip fight with. If I can get my grip and you can’t it’s game over.
>If someone uses a grip that they find they like or works for them why try to tell them they are retarded?
Because I don’t believe that he actually throws osoto against high level judoka using a Thai clinch. I can’t even conceive of a benefit to trying to do it that way. Your elbows keep you at a distance which prevents you from getting chest to chest contact and you have less leverage to pull them off balance compared to having a sleeve or wrist grip.
>Would Won-Hee Lee be retarded for his no grip Tai-Otoshi? Or are Gregorian grips retarded for their unorthodox grips?
no, and that’s clearly not the same thing. I utilize plenty of unorthodox grips in my game. I’m comparing the thai clinch to the standard grip because it’s the standard, and I don’t see a perceivable benefit to doing so. If you want to pull their head down take a high collar.
>Have you seen Olympic Judokas and Olympic matches? A little different than Randori at the end of class they are pretty much grabbing for anything they can and throwing themselves into the air to off-balance Uki.
Ok? What does this have to do at anything? Are you trying to suggest that olympic level judoka don’t bother with grip fighting? If so lol, lmao even. All this suggests that good judoka are hard to grip, not that grips don’t matter.

Anonymous No. 157894

When did I say grips don't matter?

Anonymous No. 157900

>something as small as grips
>when did I say grips didn’t matter?
Stop posting, retard

Anonymous No. 157901

When did I say, verbatim, that grips don't matter? Maybe you misunderstood me.

I mean which grips you use, not gripping at all. If you use grips that work and can off balance someone, why stop using them? Gripping isn't everything, it's a quarter of the throw.

Again, no need to get all up in arms.

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Anonymous No. 157902

>I mean that the grips you use dont matter. You can grip whatever retarded way you want and it makes literally zero difference.
That literally the same thing as saying grips don’t matter. Newsflash, some grips are objectively better than others, especially when we’re talking about using them for specific throws. Thai clinch is a stupid grip to try and throw osoto from.
> If you use grips that work and can off balance someone, why stop using them?
The whole point of judo is to fight as efficiently as possible. Take it up with Kano’s ghost if you want judo to be about just expressing urself :)
>Gripping isn't everything, it's a quarter of the throw.
Shitter opinion
>Again, no need to get all up in arms.
Pic related

Anonymous No. 157904

You do know what a Thai clinch is? It's not just two hands on the back of the neck, it can be one hand on the back of the neck and one hand on the shoulder or upper back OR even the tricep. That two hands on the neck is just how it's entered.

>Shitter opinion

Kumi Kata, Kuzushi, Tsukuri, Kake. (Gripping, off-balance, position, execution)

>Take it up with Kano’s ghost if you want judo to be about just expressing urself

Take it up with Olympic Judokas who use unorthodox grips and show them how conventional Osoto-Gari grips and execution are the ONLY way to do them. You've literally went into a circle with your logic because if one grip is efficient for somebody more than the other grip, what is the problem?

You should try spacing your text out a bit instead of gnawing at the bit and getting so heated.

Anonymous No. 157911

> It's not just two hands on the back of the neck, it can be one hand on the back of the neck and one hand on the shoulder or upper back OR even the tricep. That two hands on the neck is just how it's entered.
Is that actually true? I don’t do Muay Thai I just assumed when people said that clinch they meant a two hand neck grip, which as I mentioned would keep you from getting chest to chest contact.
> Kumi Kata, Kuzushi, Tsukuri, Kake. (Gripping, off-balance, position, execution)
None of the rest of that happens if you can’t get grips. Moreover, good grips are going to keep you from getting thrown yourself. It’s the most important part of the game.
> Take it up with Olympic Judokas who use unorthodox grips and show them how conventional Osoto-Gari grips and execution are the ONLY way to do them
I literally never said that you fucking retard, I said some grips are objectively better than others for doing specific throws.
> You've literally went into a circle with your logic because if one grip is efficient for somebody more than the other grip, what is the problem?
There is no person on earth that a double neck grip (which is what 99% of people are going to think of when you say Thai clinch) is an efficient position to throw osoto gari from. Once again, since you’re evidently illiterate, you cannot get body to body contact because your forearms in the way and you can’t get as much leverage to pull without some kind of grip on the arm. As far as unorthodox grips though, I prefer to do osoto (and most of my other takui waza) from an over the shoulder grip on the obi. There’s literally no reason to try to do it from a Thai clinch and you can’t provide one other than “WELL IF IT WORKS FOR HIM”
>You should try spacing your text out a bit instead of gnawing at the bit and getting so heated.
Holy fuck, lmao. way to out yourself retard. Go back.

Anonymous No. 157920

>Is that actually true? I don’t do Muay Thai

What leg do you have to stand on if you don't even know what you're arguing against? I'm sorry you assume that 99% of people think of a two-handed neck pull when you they think of a Thai clinch but usually a Thai clinch is either that or 6 or 7 different holds, a Thai clinch is just getting really close and entering a grapple with your opponent with an emphasis on off-balancing so you can sweep or pull down to knee. A lot of them are collar tie or headlocks, take a look for yourself:

Absolutely ZERO reason for a person to not be able to step to the side and reap out the leg while off-balancing Uki by pulling the sides of his neck and shoulder.

>It’s the most important part of the game.
Off-balancing is the most important, but if you prioritize gripping that's fine.

>There’s literally no reason to try to do it from a Thai clinch and you can’t provide one other than “WELL IF IT WORKS FOR HIM”

The reason comes from the person, if they want to use it and it's efficient for them that's the reason. In your own words, 'take it up with Kano's ghost.'

>Holy fuck, lmao. way to out yourself retard. Go back.

People have been writing like this since the dawn of internet forums, it's easier to read and segment. It's better than just half-hazourdly throwing your words onto the screen while foaming at the mouth.

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Anonymous No. 157921

Go back, newfag

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Anonymous No. 157922

Spoken like a little teenage White girl.

Did you know, not everyone just green text'd everything?

Anonymous No. 157923

I don’t go on 4chan to talk to fucking r*dditors, Go back

Anonymous No. 157927

You don't train either Judo or Thai Boxing or probably anything either but here you are on /judo/.

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Anonymous No. 157929

lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 157937

Congrats, now take up Thai boxing and you'll be able to re-enter this conversation a bit more knowledgeable and bit less snippy.

Anonymous No. 157939

Go back to r*ddit and you can all suck each other off and be pedantic to your hearts content, faggot

Anonymous No. 157944

You should get a refund from your Dojo because if you made it to brown belt without knowing the basic parts of a Judo throw or knowing that you can use double lapel to perform Osoto-Gari that's just disappointing and shameful.

Anonymous No. 157945

>you can
It’s less efficient and harder to do. I never said it can’t be done. First you make up out of nowhere that I only support using the traditional grip and now this. You can’t even read.

Anonymous No. 157948

It's not less efficient and harder to do. You're just too apathetic to learn or know how to.

Anonymous No. 157952

Hey retard, good luck getting a good angle for osoto when you don’t have control my arm you dumbass. Any competent judoka is just going to stiff arm you when you try. People don’t fight from double lapel unless they have to.

Anonymous No. 157958

How are they going to stiff arm you when you're snapping them down and pulling them to the side? Osoto-Gari is a diagonal throw.

Since you're so spastic about gripping and think that it's so horribly ineffective to do, check this out: |

It's so simple to execute Osoto-Gari from a Thai clinch or just a clinch that it's almost BETTER to do this way.

Like I said, to each their own, use what ever grip you want. The important thing is off-balancing and fitting, look at Oly. Judokas. The best majority of them don't even grip fight from something like Osoto-Gari, they just grab a hold of Uki and body slam into them turning it into almost a Otoshi instead of Gari.

Anonymous No. 157967

>How are they going to stiff arm you when you're snapping them down and pulling them to the side? Osoto-Gari is a diagonal throw.
Are you under the impression you can’t extend your arm while being pulled down? You realize you have to step close for osoto right? You can’t JUST pull them to the side. Post your belt.
>but look it can be done therefore it’s an efficient way to fight.
I’m done repeating myself post your belt.
>it’s actually better
If you’re talking about the seatbelt type clinch that was done in the previous video and not double neck ties then sure because you have body to body contact, your forearms aren’t in the way and they can’t stop you with their arms. However, getting to that position is going to be difficult to get to in a gi. But in any case, that’s not what people think of when you say Thai clinch and in grappling it’s just a seatbelt grip and you’re a moron for calling it anything else in this context.
>The important thing is off-balancing and fitting
Which you can’t do without fucking grips and is significantly more difficult the worse grips you have and the better grip your opponent has.
> Oly. Judokas. The best majority of them don't even grip fight from something like Osoto-Gari, they just grab a hold of Uki and body slam into them turning it into almost a Otoshi instead of Gari.
Holy shit you are blind and retarded. Like actually brain dead. I watched through the first 5 and not only can you see every single one of them trying to fight for superior grips but not a single one is osoto otoshi. If your foot isn’t planted it’s osotogari, not osoto otoshi. You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. Post your fucking belt.

Anonymous No. 157975

>You realize you have to step close for osoto right? You can’t JUST pull them to the side
Do you even do Osoto? Are you just trying to
act dumb on purpose?

You mean the collar tie? I don't know which one the seatbelt one is. I'm not claiming two hands behind the neck is good, I'm saying that that the collar tie and the one the black belt was doing in the two videos I sent you were the better ones for the throw. The double on the neck could be good for just whipping and off-balancing but yeah when you come into execution you're going to be blocking yourself or making it more awkward.

I think we're just arguing about wording at this point bench clinching, Thai clinching, grappling, collar grips, grips, etc.

>I watched through the first 5 and not only can you see every single one of them trying to fight for superior grips but not a single one is osoto otoshi

Otoshi has you pushing down very hard, so much so that you're almost falling down with Uki and landing on top of them. Maybe Otoshi wasn't the right thing to call it because of the leg planting, but you get what I mean (at least I hope) Re watch it, once they get grips they don't really off-balance, they just jump into them. I guess you can consider off-balancing as spinning around and throwing all of your momentum into Uki as you can lol.

>Post belt

Would if I could, don't have an iPhone.

Anonymous No. 157978

>Would if I could
Yellow belt confirmed, you can go back to redd*t now

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Anonymous No. 157982

D. Blue actually. Got it 4 years ago than had stopped because of the Chinese Flu. Recently got back into it.

Here lol, we have the same Fuji Gi just mine is more tattered along the right elbow.

Why do you have two Gi's? Did you just take a picture of the ones in your Dojo?

Anonymous No. 157984

>Why do you have two Gi's?

Anonymous No. 157986

Don't 'bruh' me, you have a blue and a white Gi. Are either of them yours?

Anonymous No. 157989

You’re fucking with me right? You need two gis to compete, a white and a blue one. If you’re being serious right now this is really embarrassing on your part.

Anonymous No. 157993

I have never had to have two Gi's. I have just had my blue Fuji one.

Anonymous No. 157996

You’re full of shit. There’s some white belt divisions that will let you get away with just wearing a white gi because they don’t expect you to have two if you’re just starting, but there’s no fucking way you’ve gone to tournaments with just a blue gi. Get the fuck out of here.

Anonymous No. 157999

I've didn't do a lot of tournaments, I just liked Judo. I did go to a amateur competition when I was a white belt because someone said I had to get promoted but I found out you didn't and they held promotions in my dojo. When I went, I didn't have a white Gi. I wasn't pestered or nobody told me I needed a white one so I just went with my standard blue Fuji Gi.

Every promotion I've had was through my dojo and they never told me I needed two Gi's. Until right now, I've never known you needed two.

I guess those monthly membership fees and years getting to brown belt really payed off to tell someone on 4Chan that you need two different color Gi's to compete in Judo.

Anonymous No. 158001

>retard who has (supposedly) only competed once, doesn’t know you need a white and blue gi and doesn’t understand gripping condescends to me about shit he’s completely wrong about for like 20 posts before revealing he literally doesn’t know shit and has no experience.
>Now I get to laugh at him for embarrassing himself
Lmfao, yeah dude it was worth every penny. Like, you say you watch and understand olympic judo (you don’t) while saying you didn’t know you needed two gis? Fucking how? Every match there’s a blue and white participant. Do you get into your gi by yourself or does your tard wrangler have to help you? Did you break your skull and damage your brain at your first tournament? Do you have to eat baby food because you’re at risk of choking eating solid food? Is you going to judo part of a “make a wish” program for the mentally handicapped? lol, lmfao even.

Anonymous No. 158003

I don't know what to tell you, I was never told to have two Gi's. I did one competition and that was it.

You're laughter seems more like bottled-up rage and you just seem like a loud-mouth.

I'm not even sure that's your Gi lel.

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Anonymous No. 158005

I assure you, mocking people is my passion

Anonymous No. 158006

Hand-writing should be your next.

Anonymous No. 158007

>Now that I’ve revealed the weakness of my knowledge and experience I better deflect to something else to try and save face

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Anonymous No. 158009

You're right, my knowledge on how you should have two Gi's for Judo competitions has multiplied by a factor of two (2).

Anonymous No. 158010

>if I try to play it off like I don’t care surely people won’t think I’m a retarded bullshitter anymore
You should’ve just gone back.

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Anonymous No. 158181

Uhh mate, those look like kids

Anonymous No. 158218

I've been thinking of getting into Judo. What should I expect? I don't know much about it and am just interested because Vladimort Putler does it and eh's a pretty cool guy who kills ukrainians and doesn't afraid of anything.

Anonymous No. 158232

You sound awful to be around, but expect to get thrown around a lot. Considering you’re a /pol/fag and therefore probably a fat autist you will likely never advance past the gettting thrown around stage and quit within two months

Anonymous No. 158237

fat people are exceptional at judo, every santa belt has a santa claus gut to show for it as well as untrimmed nostril hair and arthritis

Anonymous No. 158241

I know strong fats who have been doing it for ten years who are good at judo because they are both strong and have learned how to throw their weight around. I have no issue tossing the average fatty though because generally speaking once they get their momentum going they don’t know how to stop.

Also believe it or not there is not one, but two Santa belts at my gym and one is skellington skinny and the other has a gut, but I wouldn’t call him fat in the way neckbeards are fat. More like 40 year old gym teacher body.

Anonymous No. 158248

every santa I know is like 60-years-old and looks like they only eat milk and cookies. just the most massive gut in the world and the wildest nose hair.

i think that the 'superior speed' thing over massive weight and strength is more prolific with something like judo. if you're able to manipulate the weight of your opponent faster than they can stop it, you'd win 9/10 times. although being 6'3 and 230 lbs of pure myofibrillar muscle is something that wouldn't necessarily hinder you, it's not going to prevent you from being thrown by someone who's just shy of 5'10 and 170

Anonymous No. 158249

I can at least say the nose hair and arthritis seems to be a universal constant

Anonymous No. 158350

>santa claus gut
I've met some old guys at a couple different schools who call this a "judo belly" and insist (jokingly?) that it's an asset as a counterweight.

Anonymous No. 158352

Counterweight? What are they? The boom to cranes?

Anonymous No. 158353

When you're doing a hip throw it balances out uke.
>What are they? The boom to cranes?
This is why they're called "boomers."

Anonymous No. 158435

I'm a hobbyist sankyu coming off a couple years of being severely depressed and I'm really looking to step my game up. Losing 10-15 lbs and getting my conditioning back is simple enough, but I'm sick of my forward throws being absolute trash. I'm a lanklet so ashi-waza has always been my bread and butter and every competition match I've ever won has been off osoto, ouchi, or newaza. But even hitting a lanklet hip throw like harai in randori feels impossible and it's deeply embarrassing.

I know the basic answer is "drill these throws more and generate more kuzushi" but what else can I be doing at home and after class to patch up this hole in my game? I'm in my early 30s now so I don't expect to clean up at senior nationals. I just want be at least medium competitive in local and regional tournaments and eventually earn my bb without feeling like a fraud. I'm working on improving my hip mobility but fuck me this is frustrating.

Anonymous No. 158436

Isometric exercises.

Anonymous No. 158438

As a Lanklet koshi waza in general is probably not going to be your thing since getting your hips below your opponent’s is going to be difficult. Lanklet forward throws should be uchi-mata, tai-otoshi, sasae tsurikomi ashi, etc. a couple of tips, most newbies turn too early. Make sure you have them good and connected to your body, chest to chest contact, before you turn. As you’ve probably heard before, pull them to you don’t turn into them. As far as things you can do at home, if you have a beam or some kind of pole in your house (if not use a tree outside) wrap resistance bands around it and pull and turn with them as if you’re actually gripping someone’s sleeves and throwing them. You can use rope instead if you want to be traditional. In my dojo we have some resistance bands where the ends are attached to some old gi sleeves that were cut off and attached to the bands specifically for this kind of drilling.

Anonymous No. 158498

I had a good practice today. I got my ass whooped in randori last night, but today was much better - I felt like I was flowing, feeling their attacks from my grips, and I hit two clean seoi nages.

Anonymous No. 158517

do more strength work, especially squats. drop your hips more and use that powershitter 400lb squat energy in your turn throws.

Anonymous No. 158614

As a beginner, is there anything I can do to prevent or reduce joint pain during randori? I've been taking chondroitin / MSM-type supplements for about two months, but the act of straining against an opponent is leaving me with sharp pain in my elbows which I can't tell if I should be worried about or not

Anonymous No. 158666

Don’t strain, apply proper kuzushi by moving with you opponent not against them. Ever fight with a black belt who feels like a fucking brick wall despite not really moving at all? That’s what they’re doing. Also get /fit/, there’s no benefit to not lifting.

Anonymous No. 158684

As far as supplements go, fish oil would be a better choice imo. Otherwise, what anon said above me is going to do far more than any pill.

Anonymous No. 159069

>Why do you have two Gi’s?
Hahaha and just like that anon lost all credibility.

Anonymous No. 159177

>simulated shiai every training night
>no randori or open mat, 2 people just straight up blast each other while others watch by the wall
Is this good or is my sensei retarded and asking to injure his students?

Anonymous No. 159187

dont practice judo or anything but im wondering whats the deal with needing two gis? is it a practicality thing or a rule thing? whats the reasoning behind the rule if there is one?

Anonymous No. 159189

I am currently focused on submission wrestling, 4-6x times a week. I have the option to either do Judo 2x/week, or freestyle wrestling 1x/week. The freestyle wrestling session is on the same day as my submission wrestling gym has a day that is focused on standup technique anyway, so I dont know if the tradeoff is worth it. The judo training sessions are on days that are focused on leglocks and stuff that I dont really care about. My question is, would it be worth it to go to judo 2x/week if my goal was to solely work on my standup wrestling for submission wrestling? Or would that 2x/week be better spent focused on just subwrestling or mma?

Anonymous No. 159190

One competitor has to wear a blue and the other has to wear a white. This way it’s easier for the judges to identify who’s throwing who. Which gi you’ll have to wear is assigned before your match and you’ll likely be switching between the two throughout a tournament.

Anonymous No. 159194

Is there a competition coming up soon, or has he always done this?

Anonymous No. 159195

nta but i never knew that either, to be fair though i do no gi and have never competed.

Anonymous No. 159197

I don’t think anyone would expect people who don’t do judo to know this, but the other anon was mouthing off like he was an authority without even knowing the basics of how the sport is conducted.

Anonymous No. 159198

i thought he said he didn't compete either

Anonymous No. 159202

Why would someone come to /xs/ to lecture people about they don’t compete in? /sp/ already exists for that.

Anonymous No. 159203

idk i thought you guys were talking about clinching not competeing

Anonymous No. 159204

The question was
>“is the Thai clinch good FOR JUDO”
The answer is not particularly.

Anonymous No. 159207

there's a competition soon yeah, but he's always done this regardless. day 3 students go through it as well. wouldn't it be more efficient to do some light randori more beforehand? i figured that it would prevent the students from freezing up during the fight if they have developed their strategy and muscle memory through the lighter rounds of randori.

Anonymous No. 159210

I’ve trained at more than one judo dojo, in my experience randori is done every class but we only do simulated shiai in preparation for competitions. I don’t know why your coach is running things that way.

Anonymous No. 159247

How is shiai different from randori? I know what randori is from other arts but never heaqrd of shiai

Anonymous No. 159262

Randori = free practice/aka sparring
Shiai = match/contest

Randori is controlled sparring whereas shiai is full tournament rules, and in a mock match will usually involve a higher belt acting as a ref. Randori is good in part because the lower intensity allows you to try new things you may not be good at yet or can be done to focus on a specific aspect of the fight (be-waza for example). You want to do mock shiai before a tournament because you want to ONLY be drilling the shit you’re going to try to win with, throwing a new movement into your game before a tournament is a recipe for loss. However, you need randori as well to develop new parts of your game or improve on weak areas.

Anonymous No. 159276

randori is a cooperative free-flow practice whereas shiai is competitive sparring

Anonymous No. 159284

What is the best workout program for Judo? (That isn't Judo)

Anonymous No. 159286

Anyone here started/returned to Judo after having a ACL reconstruction surgery?

Anonymous No. 159317

Your own.

Anonymous No. 159410

Have you talked to your physician about returning to Judo? How long has it been since you got the surgery? Judo is notorious for being too hard on your knees.

Anonymous No. 159420

I moved to Japan the other week as a brown belt from Aus. I have had two sessions at the local police station club and they asked if I wanted to grade for shodan this weekend. Why didn't I come to Japan for an easier belt years ago?

Anonymous No. 159424

Because it doesn’t matter

Anonymous No. 159463

Belts mean different things in different countries. In the US, a shodan takes as long to earn as a BJJ purple belt. In Japan, you see tons of teenagers still in school running around with shodans.

Anonymous No. 159464

good strength/conditioning workouts for judo?

Anonymous No. 159480

My friend earned his purple in 2 years so idk how true that is

Anonymous No. 159576

From white?

Anonymous No. 159636

Yes but he did high school wrestling

Anonymous No. 159675

That make sense to a degree most white belts have zero grappling experience and most blues have just the basics
Having someone who has 5+ years of training can easily get there purple but I believe the standard is 4-6 years

Anonymous No. 159704

Is it worth it to go to Japan for judo?
I am saving money right now and just want to do something with it

Anonymous No. 159705

The Kodokan has white belt classes. You have to commit to a least a year though if you sign up.

Anonymous No. 159708

Ah that might be tough but not totally impossible

Anonymous No. 159755

Pure Calisthenics

Anonymous No. 159822

Are there any no-gi techniques that you've found particularly useful with gi?

Anonymous No. 159825

Yes but I am gatekeeping them >:)

Anonymous No. 159853

>You have to commit to a least a year though if you sign up.
How intense is the curriculum for that year? Do you typically end the year with a brown belt?

Anonymous No. 159866

They basically expect you to do judo five days a week like you’re doing a college semester and you’re supposed leave with a black belt. You can even dorm there if you want.

Anonymous No. 159884

How many hours per day? Is there training available on Saturday and Sunday if you want it?

Anonymous No. 160002

does anyone have sika strength's s&c program for judo. i like those guys but i'm not paying 90 dollars for that shit

Anonymous No. 160013

>brown belt
>get clowned on by other brown belts at my gym
>get clowned on by brown/black belts in competition
>need competition points to get a black belt without being a fake shodan katacuck
i'm not gonna make it, am i

Anonymous No. 160107

Start keeping notes on how you're getting clowned on each time after training and competing (review competition footage if you can) and figure out specifically what you need to do to stop getting clowned on. Have you talked to your instructors about this?

Anonymous No. 160430

Use google, holy shit

Anonymous No. 160507

Uchikomi, kuzushi and short distance. What else there is to Judo?

Anonymous No. 160556

You could say that about any discussion on this entire website and Google is trash.

Anonymous No. 160709

Asking specific questions about the kodokans schedule is for sure a lmgtfy moment.

Anonymous No. 160724

It was part of an ongoing conversation about training volume and intensity, not just an inquiry out of the blue, otherwise you might have a point.

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Anonymous No. 160889

1000 hours on photoshop. rate.

Anonymous No. 161152

who do you think is the cutest judoka?

Anonymous No. 161205

>page 7
close enough

new thread
