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🧵 /BJJ/ - BJJ General

Anonymous No. 154463

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General
Mimes fighting to the death edition


Belt Checker

Previous thread

Thread question: How open are you about your training to coworkers? Have you ever regretted telling someone you train?

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Anonymous No. 154466

i am too fat and out of shape to do bjj effectively, but i still show up to the gym twice a week. the higher belts there are visibly annoyed i keep showing up and being clumsy and not being able to spar properly, but honestly that fuels me to keep going and keep annoying them. i did nothing to them, but the fact that my obese presence bothers them so much makes me just want to show up to make their experience worse, if nothing else.

Anonymous No. 154467

stop wearing a rash guard under your gi, make sure to smother them with your belly

Anonymous No. 154468

I would avoid you too. I hate fatties becaus they are ugly and I dont want their fatass on me since it's nasty and also it's dangerous. Would much rather have fellow handsome fit bros on me but this is based and you should keep going and annoy them for your own self interest

Anonymous No. 154471

Anybody doing the Chicago No Gi IBJJF in August?

Anonymous No. 154472

As long as you aren't scratching pinching hitting or smelling bad, you'll be ok. Keep going.
Trim your nails the night before.
Shower before class (same day) and after
Wash your gear immediately after
Brush your fucking teeth or use mouth wash before training.

Anonymous No. 154473

I can't help but laugh a little. There is so much obsession over how gay BJJ is on this board & here you are going through a fags random hook up checklist.

Anonymous No. 154474

>random hook up checklist
Somehow I doubt the bar is really that low.

Anonymous No. 154479

thanks but i already do all this, my hygiene is fine. i think it’s just my fatness and clumsiness that bothers them

Anonymous No. 154497

uh it should be similar to going on a date, you are in close physical contact with another person and that experience shouldn't suck for them bc you are too autistic to figure out hygiene

Anonymous No. 154523

How do you manage to do that?
I was in decent shape when I started training, but had to go into overdrive with clean diet and strength training just to keep up, and that's with 2 days of JJ per week. I eat like a horse and still lose like 4 pounds within a training session. We had a fat guy (about 6' 240), but the fat peeled right off him and now he's an absolute unit. Maybe we skew young and athletic because we're no-gi, but if Joey Diaz did one pushup for every time he said he trained something, he'd be at least 50 pounds down.

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Anonymous No. 154543

sweaty ground cuddling bros… not like this…

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Anonymous No. 154544


Anonymous No. 154545

Aye Dios mio

Anonymous No. 154547

Anon, I'm a black belt and 260 at 5'10''. I'd accept you and teach you how us fatties can punish the fitness fags. Keep going and keep making them suffer. The fat shall rule the weak.

Anonymous No. 154548

Who is this and why do i care

Anonymous No. 154588


Anonymous No. 154612

I've told people, they're usually unaware of what BJJ is and assume its like karate or another striking art

Anonymous No. 154622

I gain and lose the same 10 lbs the whole time I've been doing bjj and I can't get under 210 halp

Anonymous No. 154650

I wish I could my young fat apprentice, however I'm currently banned from all boards for "trolling" because I went on /ck/ and said I prefer to buy grass fed beef and don't mind the slightly increased price, and I avoid eating too much grains and RBD oils

Apparently minimizing slop from your diet it a capital offense over there and you're only permitted to talk about McDonald's and being vegan
Dumb faggot mod just bans people for content they/them personally doesn't like

Anyway do what I said though and don't eat before 11

Anonymous No. 154667

Thinking about starting BJJ

27 years old and pretty out of shape, any muscle i hads fucking vanished, should I start up the gym first to get a good baseline or does that not matter much?

Anonymous No. 154677

do both faggot stop procrastinating making up excuses to not walk through the door

Anonymous No. 154678

no, it doesn’t matter

Anonymous No. 154679

fatfuck lardset (your obesity is your vile soul made physically manifest)

Anonymous No. 154680

just got a bulging disc in my neck from training the other day and I am fucked up, anybody had it and how long is recovery time?

Anonymous No. 154681

Maybe a couple weeks. Maybe forever. Spinal shit has no magic range.

Anonymous No. 154698

It's weird how commonly I see people say I want to get in shape before I start exercising

Anonymous No. 154700

It's half self cope avoidance, half not wanting to suck because you're not good -and- fat.

Anonymous No. 154705

Original poster here, it's more i'm pretty weak and inflexible at the moment so I dont want to go and either break or embarass myself. I also dont want to waste my own time going and not being physically able enough to learn anything

Anonymous No. 154709

We had a guy with cerebral palsy, he was permanently bound to an electric wheel chair, the closest approximation to walking was if he had a walker and a spotter he could shuffle slowly for 15-20 feet before needing to take a break and sit down
His he had scoliosis from sitting all day permanently shaping his spine into a hunched arch, combined with the atrophy this grown 40 year old man was like 4'6"
He couldn't close a guard, couldn't raise his arms above his head, and when it was time for class we'd literally have to pick him up and carry him on to the mat, and prop him against the wall with a pillow under his back so he could sit up all the way and see

Even that little nigga managed to get 2 stripes on his white belt

Anonymous No. 154714

yeah but those speds are just there to make friends and feel good, they don’t have any practical use of the time invested there

Anonymous No. 154720

That's true of everybody
Nobody you know is making a living off of this shit even if they like to self style themselves as a "competitor"
If you're not doing it for a paycheck you're a hobbyist doing it for fun

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Anonymous No. 154744

I want to announce that I had my first training today and everything hurts.
That's all.

Anonymous No. 154786

I've mentioned it in response to the obligatory Monday huddle, "anybody do anything fun this weekend?" question.
"Yeah, went to a jiujitsu tournament, won my bracket."
Response: "cool man. I did team sports but I could never do individual sports like that."

I also turned up with a black eye once and got asked about it, I just said something along the lines of "haha, jiujitsu, trained with a new guy last night and he was kinda flailing around". Got a laugh. I hope I'm not obnoxious about it :-/

Anonymous No. 154791

But are you gonna go back?

Anonymous No. 154812

Retard if anything you ought have some sports under your belt before you start lifting. This is a big reason why dorks suck so much at lifting they didnt play a sport, don't knoe what it feels like to be forced to push themselves and make little gain

Anonymous No. 154902

That's a good point actually. A lot of guys fuck themselves up trying to squat and deadlift because they're computer workers and can't even do a proper hinge or bend their knees without going knock-kneed. Better to get the body moving first than trying to load it up and then start moving. The latter nearly guarantees an injury.

Anonymous No. 154919

Is there a way to train BJJ and get somewhat good and not age your body like 20 years? It seems like every BJJ guy I've met has a bevy of injuries that seriously impedes their everyday life and causes constant pain. A BJJ 36 year old is like a normal 50 year old. Is this the nature of the beast or does everyone train way too hard?

Anonymous No. 154926

Eventually something bad will happen to you, I've seen it all, broken backs, broken hips a lot of broken knees requiring surgery broken ankle, shoulder dislocations, multiple lost ligaments
My own body, I have been fortunate enough to not need surgery however In the future as I get older it's probably going to have to happen

You know what's kind of funny about it? You can get all these injuries and still probably won't ever be good
I have probably seen more people quit from injuries then I have seen people actually make it to purple belt, which is the minimum requirement to be considered " pretty good"
That's not even regular good, it's pretty good, purple is 1 level above not bad

Anonymous No. 154930

as someone who is completely new to bjj, are there any exercises i could do to strengthen my body to help avoid injuries? i'm enjoying training so far but i don't want to end up with severe problems

Anonymous No. 154938

General strength training, stretching, and training smart will be plenty. Don’t train with reckless dangerous people, don’t train when you’re injured or in pain. Freak accidents can happen in any sport, but if you’re smart with your training you can mitigate a lot of the danger. Most people I know with injuries try to keep training and just make things worse instead of taking a few weeks off.

Anonymous No. 154939

Do strength training, whatever variety you prefer that doesn't leave you too depleted. Bodyweight and smart barbell training is probably the best. Kettlebells are ok but ballistic training might be overkill if you already do sports. Don't skip warming up and prioritize your sleep and recovery. Be picky about your rolling partners. If there's a 19 year old who spazzes out and goes hard as hell every roll, skip him. Keep in mind that you are not being paid to do jiu jitsu. Skip classes if you're too banged up or didn't get enough sleep. Every time you train while underrecovered you risk an injury that wouldn't have happened otherwise. You aren't a professional. Say that in the mirror before practice if you need to. Prioritize your own health over getting good. Athletes make sacrifices. As a hobbyist, your goal is to enjoy yourself. Don't pretend to be a warrior out there.

Anonymous No. 155006

I have the opportunity to train ~2 hours a day 3-4 days a week. I’m a blue belt with 2.5 years of experience. What should my drilling schedule look like? I was thinking something like:

Week 1
Day 1: Mount Escapes
Day 2: Halfguard work
Day 3: Side Control Escapes
Day 4: Leg Entries

Week 2
Day 1: Back Control Escapes
Day 2: Closed Guard Work
Day 3: Turtle Work
Day 4: Butterfly Guard Work

The plan is to repeat those two weeks over and over again until I’m not trash. I’ve never made a drilling schedule before, so I thought I’d get some opinions first.

Anonymous No. 155010

Too much imo. I would recommend just following along an instructional and drilling the hell out of it. Gordon or Danaher's new escapes instructionals are really good.
You will need to prioritize positional rounds as well.
A month of focus on one thing will be better than a 2 week break between each position.

Anonymous No. 155013

Interesting take. Thank you for the advice.

Anonymous No. 155043

This is peak autism and overkill, just show up to class, roll as much as you can and see what you are lacking, then focus on it

Anonymous No. 155044

I explicitly started training and continue training solely to become better at violence, flashy sports shit is useless to me as is the sport meta, I don’t hang out with anybody from the gym and I’m respectful to the people there but never had the intention to befriend any of them
If I was a loner who wanted friends there’d be cheaper ways to meet people.
I am Slavic though, maybe Americans approach it differently

Anonymous No. 155047

We got into injury discussion in BJJ pretty heavily at the end of the last thread, it seems we reached something like a consensus:
>Combat sports are surprise surprise way more dangerous than normal sports and are nightmares on the body, do one at your own risk
>Exercise in general is amazing for the body, do some no matter what. If BJJ is your alternative to doing nothing and you're okay with the risks of a combat sport, do BJJ, the health benefits of exercise are enormous.
>BJJ has substantially lower physical injury rates than most other combat sports by a lot, so if you're going to do one and have injury concerns, it's probably the one you should be doing
>chokes probably aren't the best for you due to causing hypoxia which is not good for the brain (though they don't seem to cause strokes, which was discussed at length).
>The jury's out statistically on how bad that hypoxia is, it may just be a little bad or it may be analogous to the animal studies where they cut artery bloodflows with manual clips for 1-5 minutes straight and surprise surprise it causes brain damage - it's probably somewhere between and is moderately bad.
>In the absence of more information it's still probably safer to be doing BJJ though due to known CTE risks in other combat sports

Anonymous No. 155048

Also to get injured less, pretty much same as what people are recommending:
>Stretch regularly
>If you do get hurt, take recovery seriously, don't train hurt and get more hurt
>Keep your pace maintainable
>Practice flexibility so when people joint manipulate you that you don't snap early
>Regularly strength train so you build up stronger support muscles, tendons, and joints
>Be picky with training partners, if they're treating every single roll like a competition roll and you're just a rando trying to do his 3 days a week in peace, roll with someone else.

Anonymous No. 155055

Yes, I did and I plan to go there a third time.
By the way know of any good stretching exercises to do before training?
Also how do you deal with chaffed knees/elbows?

Anonymous No. 155062

Stretch AFTER training, even just 5 min after class will help your recovery immensely. Don't hold long stretches while cold, turns out PE class was wrong on this.
Chafing (mat burn) HAS to happen, it's rough at the start but spats/rashguards help to prevent it. It will stop after a couple of months. If you have open wounds, make sure to cover them up with tape.

Anonymous No. 155074

>Yes, I did
Good! Now keep it up!
Like the other guy said, don't do deep static stretching when you're cold, do that after class. Before class, do some light calisthenics or basic yoga moves. Myself, I like Hindu squats, Hindu pushups, split squats, sissy squats, shoulder pull-overs with my belt, goal posts, etc. I'm most paranoid about my knees, hence all the squats.

Anonymous No. 155111

I'm not even really fat though. "hey i am super heavy <222 lbs" "no way really I would never have guessed that" is a real reaction I had last weekend.

Anonymous No. 155112

Just go and expect to get your ass beat. You will get your ass beat no matter what shape you are in.

I need an answer to this because my neck also hurts too anon bro

Unless you're 500 lbs you will be able to do bjj and find someone who can go at your pace unless you're at a tiny ass school no one trains at

we got a crippled guy who can barely walk from a car accident and he is a blue now

that's 99% of everyone

keep going

fuck normies

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Anonymous No. 155226

Why didn't he tap?

Anonymous No. 155229

Thinking about starting bjj but I feel like it'd be awkward as a tranny

Anonymous No. 155233

Going unconscious IS a tap.

DESU If Chauvin had trained BJJ, a crisis could've bee averted, he would've likely better recognized he could've stopped once he was out (rather than sitting on his neck for another 5 minutes in addition) or known that "more than 8 minutes of knee on neck" is retarded, both because that's fucking stupid in length and because you don't need that level of control to achieve a choke if you want one.

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Anonymous No. 155239

Yeah surely knowing bjj would have changed the amount of drugs St Floyd had ingested

Anonymous No. 155242

Is the implication that Floyd would have died even if chauvin didnt knee his neck? P retarded desu

Anonymous No. 155255

Yes white belt, nothing about his knee placement is blocking blood flow or his airway, he died of an overdose because he swallowed his drugs

Anonymous No. 155256

The knee obstructed both. A complete blockage isn't needed to put an unhealthy man into cardiac arrest. No knee no dead guy. Only a retarded /pol/ack would insist otherwise.

Anonymous No. 155257

You don't know how opiate overdoses work which is probably a good thing. Unfortunately I do, and if someone complains they can't breathe it's not an od. An opiate overdose suppresses the instinct and the body doesn't even register its running out of air. You just pass out and die with no awareness that something is wrong. Opiates are actually used in hospice care to alleviate shortness of breath. Unless you grew up in the ghetto or had druggie friends or work in medicine you wouldn't know this, hence this stupid rumor of floyd overdosing from computer guy types.

Anonymous No. 155261

>hence this stupid rumor of floyd overdosing
Not that anon, and not wading into who was at fault.

When the chief Hennepin County medical examiner testifies in court that he believed Floyd had a fatal level of Fentanyl in his systemx and also told the DAs office initially they saw no physical signs of asphyxiation, then it's understandable why people believe the opiate and not the knee was not the direct cause of Floyd's cardiac arrest. Intentional or not, that medical examiner's office did not paint a clear picture

Anonymous No. 155266

He could obviously breathe fine as he was continuously screaming
I'm sure he FELT like he couldn't breathe, because he had covid + was overdosing + had advanced heart disease, and decided to try and wrestle 4 cops

This is a bjj thread, everyone here knows full well that isn't a position that can put someone unconscious
None of us have ever done it, had it done, or seen it done
You can't put someone to sleep with a knee to the neck anymore than you can with a knee to the thigh
Proximity to the airway doesn't mean shit

Anonymous No. 155268

I fully agree that he wasnt killed by a choke strictly speaking. What killed him was the knee on his neck which strained his system sufficiently that he went into cardiac arrest, as the autopsy states. Due to the factors you mentioned, although I seriously doubt it was an overdose because I witnessed a few in my day spending my post college years in a small town ravaged by fent. It just doesn't go down like that.

BJJ probably could have prevented this because this knee on the neck shit would not occur to anyone who's grappled before as a sensible way to restrain someone.

Anonymous No. 155270

So youre juts making a bunch of stuff up?

Anonymous No. 155273

No u

Anonymous No. 155278

Why didn't he just look up some knee-on-neck escapes?

Anonymous No. 155296

My Judo dojo is going on vacation and I applied for a sample lesson BJJ (with gi I think)
What can I expect?

Anonymous No. 155298

They'll armbar you to death when you'll be ipponing them

Anonymous No. 155299

>BJJ probably could have prevented this because this knee on the neck shit would not occur to anyone who's grappled before as a sensible way to restrain someone.
The fuck are you even saying, I knee on neck people all the time and it's one of the most common restrains law enforcement uses

How pozzed could one man be to see a tweaker with advanced heart disease fight with the cops while having a legal dose of drugs in his system and then blame the cops for his heart attack

Anonymous No. 155301

> Sample lesson
Probably some goofball self defense lesson where you duck a slow ass haymaker and apply a standing arm triangle. Beyond that, newaza 24/7.

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Anonymous No. 155330

So ive been doing bjj for a year now, got two stripes. However i feel like i am not progressing anymore, i am good at surviving but i feel that when it comes to submitting others most of the time i have no fucking idea of what i am doing. I also feel i am physically weaker than most. I train 3 times a week, i think most people train more than that. I feel like im stil the new guy.

What do? Hit the gym and get strong af? Watch videos and write down a game plan? Maybe just training is not enough. I dont want to be the best i just want to keep progresing.

Any advice welcome.

Anonymous No. 155334

Tell your grifter sensei that you are thinking about going to another gym. That queer will give you a blue belt asap.

Anonymous No. 155336

Idgaf about belts, i just want to bjj game. Belt colors are for faggots.

Anonymous No. 155337

I noticed that in your entire rant you never once mentioned competition. No wonder you suck quit being a bitch.

Anonymous No. 155338

You hit slumps all the time. Try and focus on simply keeping a position, wait for your opponent to make a mistake. In white you learn survival, in blue you learn how to escape. If you really feel youve learned how to survive against a real blue belt, then try and go against better opponents until your professor recognizes your abilities, also focus on escaping and getting on top

Anonymous No. 155340

You are right, i just dont feel im ready. Maybe its all in my head.

You should try more assertive with how you express yourself. Take a chill pill.

Anonymous No. 155341

Hitting the gym and writing a game plan -are- just training. What you're describing already doing is showing up and hoping. There's a reason the biggest tismos in the game use the phrases "system" and "systematically" so much. That's how every high paying, high performing sport attacks training. If you're not addressing weakness and lack of planning, doing it as a white belt is a great place to start. Better than leaning on luck and talent, finding yourself lost in the dark at higher levels.

Anonymous No. 155342

>Belt colors are for faggots
Sour grapes or fake humility
The only ones that say they don't care about belts are white belts that never earned one, or black belts that have no more to earn

I doubt you're above the human condition of enjoying status and rewards

Anonymous No. 155343

Can I start BJJ if I’m an hrt femboy? I feel like it’ll be super awkward

Anonymous No. 155344

Obsessing over the belt is for faggots. Yes, your belt should reflect your skill level, but that will come on its own if you put in a hard work. When you are rolling a belt color should be the last thing on your

Anonymous No. 155345

Nigga you cant even pass guard if your life depended on it. I Marcelo roll blackbelts. We are not the same.

Anonymous No. 155346

Nope, when they made BJJ they specifically made it so that hrt femboys cant train

Anonymous No. 155347

Yeah so what? So can a bunch of other people who've been training for years

Anonymous No. 155348

Only if you don't demand special accommodations like pronouns and shit
Just compartmentalize your gayness and keep it to yourself

Anonymous No. 155349

People don't go to college for an education they go to get a degree, everything in life is status
The degree is the goal, the knowledge acquired along the way is secondary

Anonymous No. 155351

Yeah I got a real degree already, a belt is a pushover compared.

Anonymous No. 155353

can confirm this, i also went to my first bjj lesson as a judoka and during stand up they kept pulling guard and then i'd get arm barred very fast. but then again, i am a judo noob since i've only trained for a year

Anonymous No. 155390

It almost looks like they parked the car on top of him too.

What was this from, again? I see the image come up from time to time. Eric Martin or something?

Anonymous No. 155391

It took me almost 3 years to get to blue so keep training. I sat at three stripes for a year.

Anonymous No. 155392

>they kept pulling guard
Attack. Spam credible ashi waza until you can get your hips close and then hit your favorite combination. Optimally, the throw you land will have taken you outside their legs and all that energy you just spent landed you a takedown, pass, and dominant position all in one.

You can also sometimes just slap one of their feet across your body as they start to sit and begin your pass, but usually only the guys who are just dropping out of desperation without their next position in mind.

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Anonymous No. 155393

How to prevent this?

Anonymous No. 155395

Close the turtle real tight, dont let him grip your collar. Flip asap to half guard.

Anonymous No. 155397

Didn't that nigga get paralyzed?

Anonymous No. 155398

You sure most gyms won't have a problem rolling with a weak faggy guy?

Anonymous No. 155401

Let me put it this way, My gym has a gigafag in it. The moment he says a word to you it is obvious he gargles nuts.
Everyone gets along with him just fine, he even got invited places.

The mistake came when he had a few drinks and got too comfortable, he started talking about getting his bussy fucked (that's a quote) and how he likes to hookup with old men and he's on prep so he likes it when they nut inside him
He said some revolting things and now nobody invites him out anymore and he kind of gets avoided

Don't try to be "one of the guys" if you're not one of the guys
Just be a normal human if that's possible

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Anonymous No. 155402

is this real?

Anonymous No. 155408

>You sure most gyms won't have a problem rolling with a weak faggy guy?
Well thats 99.9 percent of BJJ practicioners so... Majority of BJJ guys took the technique blue pill to the extreme and dont seem to care that someone of similar skill but larger physique will have a significant advantage.

Anonymous No. 155413

Technique bluepill is pretty objectively correct in the niche case of
>blue-ish belt versus someone with zero combat sport training who isn't athletic from doing something else
But yeah within the sport? Every 20-30 or so pounds is pretty much worth a belt in terms of additional skill needed to overcome.

Anonymous No. 155433

Accept the roll.

Yea. Paralyzed from the neck down, though he's recovering certain uses.

Anonymous No. 155437

Chink shit bjj shorts? Nothing gaudy

Anonymous No. 155438

Exactly. Skill is paramount, but only when two opponents are evenly matched athletically. Which is why I hate how hard this board pushes the constant training meme. Retards, who don't train, act as if your every waking moment should be about training. Truth is, regardless of skill level, raw athleticism is the greatest contributer to better performance in sports. If you're not putting equal efforts into your conditioning, you're a fucking idiot. This applies to any style, any sport.

Anonymous No. 155450

>How do we know jujitsu is the most dangerous art?
Because it fucking maims people for life in training with relative consistency when compared to other styles. Which is why I won't train submission grappling. I will do some mobility drills & study a bunch but no rolling. Just focus on my judo & stick to throws & takedowns, which have their own risk of injury but not nearly as regularly severe as BJJ. All of the worst training injuried I have ever seen were all BJJ related
>Accept the roll
He was a white belt & the other dude is an instructor. Del Mar Jiu Jutsu was & still is one of the most popular & successful dojos in San Diego. This wasn't just any gym, for the area this was THE gym. This happened under the best of circumstances a new student could hope for. I respect JuJitsu so much the only way I fuck with the stuff is in theroy.

Anonymous No. 155463

>Because it fucking maims people for life in training
Bud, I got bad news for you then. The only broken neck accident I've ever witnessed in real life occured at a high school wrestling practice. Maybe the BJJers are particularly careless in this regard, but let's not pretend lat drops and suplexes are gentle shit.

Judo had a study done over a decade where they cataloged 19 catastrophic injuries in Japan. 5 recovered, 14 did not. Maybe it would be useful to have something similar for BJJ and wrestling.

Anonymous No. 155469

Yeah but even in those cases most of the injuries occured during competitions did they not? Link to study please. I am of the opinion that submission grappling in general, even just in sparring, is exceptionally dangerous because of the mechanics it works on. You can train yourself to breakfall for Judo, but in BJJ, and submission grappling in general, with some techniques you reach a point of no return, like in >>155393 where if the other person doesn't do exactly as required, catastrophic consequences are anatomically guaranteed.

Anonymous No. 155470

>BJJ has less injuries
Whoever sold you that line is full of shit

Anonymous No. 155472

>Link to study please

Anonymous No. 155479

no, this place w2as a mcdojo I kn0ow so because mcdojo on youtube made a video on this dojo and called it a dojo

Anonymous No. 155481

When I used to work a white collar job i would see the nerds that did bjj come in with fucked up fingers or hobbling to their desk because their toes and joints were all fucked up.

Anonymous No. 155484

As compared to boxing, judo, and wrestling as alternatives, yeah,it is. To highlight it better, even if you're still getting fucked up over time, you're probably not getting bruised and bloodied from the average class unless you're doing competition-style rolls, and even then you're probably fine most of the time.

Anonymous No. 155504

No because the injuries are
Like this. I dont give a shit about being bruised or even having a busted lip. But BJJ injuries are serious shit that cripples you bit by bit. Sprains, torn ligaments, dislocations, spinal contusions, these types of injuries are more present in submission grappling than anywhere else.
That is pretty eye opening. Especially considering how strict the japanese federation is. But, without a comparable study of BJJ we cant know which is worse. Honestly I am basing a lot of my opinion off of the prevalence of BJJ rekt videos i can find online versus other styles. Jujitsu seems like the legit 2lethal4u shit if an idiot uses it wrong or someone power trips for just a millisecond.

Anonymous No. 155505

Another thought is that japans population is like... 1/3rd of the U.S. for example. So if that is an accurate representation of injury rates in Judo, do the math, it has to be significantly larger for western nations. Still don't know which is worse regarding injuries but that study paints a mean picture of judo thats for sure. Not sure if that makes me want it less or more.

Anonymous No. 155516

>niggas out here still trying to play mental gymnastics and convince people bjj is safe because of much hespect for de proffeche

Anonymous No. 155518

>bunch of bullshit

I answered the question so other white belts don't do the same thing.

Cool story bro

Not really. I dont give a shit if some dude on 4chan of all places thinks it safe or not. It's not going to dissuade me from training.

Anonymous No. 155524

faggot, bjj and judo are the same things but with different rules, pretty sure you get more people hurt getting slammed into the ground over and over again than anything else as takedowns are the most dangerous aspect of any grappling sport.

Anonymous No. 155525

> Among head injuries, 27 of 30 (90%) occurred in players younger than 20 years of age.
> Acute subdural hematoma was diagnosed in 94% of head injuries. The outcomes of head injury were as follows: 15 players died; 5 were in a persistent vegetative state; 6 required assistance because of higher brain dysfunction, hemiplegia, or aphasia; and 4 had full recovery.
That's pretty damn brutal. Kosen judo might not have been a bad idea for schoolkids after all.

Anonymous No. 155553

best advice I could give is just quit
if you're having fun in class you're not really training because training isn't fun, its mindless routine at as high of an intensity as you can tolerate
and if you're doing that eventually you're gonna get hurt, most likely it'll be something that stays with your forever
fighting isn't fun it's exhausting and painful, if you're having fun you're just play fighting like children do and will never get good

I hate that this shit gets so shilled to normalfags all the time

Anonymous No. 155564

don’t turtle ever cause it’s a shit position that has no use outside of point sports and you’re not making a living off rolling around in leggings/a pyjamas

Anonymous No. 155565

if you are a gay male you should not be trying to grapple, you’ll end up sending somebody to jail while you get put in a box

Anonymous No. 155581

Can I say I finally used a leglock effectively if my training partner tapped to how strongly I pressed his thigh with my heel?

Anonymous No. 155594

You poured out all of your desperation and anguish into that post and still missed your GET by 2 points.

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Anonymous No. 155600

How do Improve my work capacity for BJJ and MMA?
I keep getting fatigued around 4 days of consistent training and have to take the long weekend off
Is it just something that gradually builds up overtime doing months/years of training?

Anonymous No. 155603

Better/more sleep. Better/more nutrition. Address those first before adding work. Supplements generally fall under nutrition, but would be tertiary to sleep and real food.

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Anonymous No. 155615

Is judo or Wrestling a better pairing for BJJ standup?
I'm leaning wrastlin' since BJJ overlaps with Judo a lot

Anonymous No. 155620

Nah turtling is great, quickest way back to your feet
He can either decide to punch you or hold on to you but he can't do both
So if he's holding on just do your sit outs and stuff
If he tries to punch you just stand up

Anonymous No. 155624

not him but how do you sleep better? i always lie awake at night and don't sleep until 2 or 3. i typically get 6 hours of sleep a night

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Anonymous No. 155625

>mfw when a bjj twink willingly turtles so i can dry hump his head and oil check his butthole

Anonymous No. 155626

There's a couple different ways to go about it. Eat your last meal earlier. Don't be on your phone/computer/tv/etc right before bed. Doesn't necessarily need to be a full hour or whatever the current meme is, but trying to lay down right away doesnt work out for most people. White noise machines, or removal of all sound. Either direction is gonna depend on you and your environment. Sleep mask, fan/ac to cool down, heavy blanket. Don't need to do all of it, or maybe even more than 1 really. But none of it will help if you're not satisfied with your day. Only one way to take care of that, and no text limit is gonna be sufficient to answer what you need.

Anonymous No. 155628

Sleep hygiene is boring unfortunately. In addition to what anon said, the most important element is probably just routine. Have a winding down ritual and try to go to bed at the same time every night. If you're lying in bed for longer than 30 minutes, get up and do something unstimulating until you feel tired again. Lying wide awake feeling anxious about how you can't sleep is the enemy.

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Anonymous No. 155630

anybody have a link to Go Further Faster by danaher?
1300 bucks is kinda crazy

is it worth shelling out the money? i'm only a couple months into this, i don't really wanna throw all that money into it and then end up quitting for some reason (burnout, injury, etc.)

Anonymous No. 155634

If you're a beginner and you need instructionals then the answer is to seek a better instructor

Nobody should be looking at instructionals until at least purple belt, that's the minimum level needed to be able to teach yourself

Anonymous No. 155639

damn i've heard the exact opposite, that you should be using instructionals at the beginning to ramp up on your knowledge

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Anonymous No. 155642

>1300 bucks

Anonymous No. 155644

nah turtle is a shit position except in BJJ as a sport but you will injure your neck going into it even in BJJ
fuck Priit btw he is an alcoholic with autism

Anonymous No. 155645

thanks guys, will try this

Anonymous No. 155651

I'm not trying to say that some people have to do this because they're instructor sucks, in fact I'm sure most BJJ instructors suck at teaching
But having a sucky instructor is the reason you would need to do this

When you are paying somebody to teach you something they should be teaching you effectively from the ground up in a coherent progressive way
It's like being in college and you're expected to do all of your own research in order to learn things
You do that as a doctoral student not an undergrad

Anonymous No. 155659

I’m fed up of hearing about Priit - I’ve never even met him but he’s a pervasive influence around here since he gave Chris Paines his black belt. As an aside, Chris is reportedly an evil guy who likes hurting white belts and even injured a female at another club according to local rumour. Two of his brown belts got sick of his behavior and split to form another gym, but that’s another story. Said brown belts are still very much influenced by Priit.

What I really can’t tolerate is how boring the rolls are when people just sit in these defensive postures - you run into it with the odd white/blue belt here just going into hawking/running man/etc. Oh great, you’re putting all your resources into shelling up so I can’t flatten you out with under hooks or attack your limbs. I could hit you in the back of your head but unfortunately for me this is BJJ and not MMA so I guess I’m going to just knee ride you and force you to move with pure pressure. I came here to scramble and you just lay down pretending to go decorticate for minutes. It’s gay and cringe. I love BJJ but sometimes this seems to veer away from martial art into some weird gamified nerd shit too often

Anonymous No. 155666

>BJJ injuries are serious shit that cripples you bit by bit.
It's not like alternatives are much better. Even just boxing is CTEs, cracked ribs, concussions, broken hands, jaws, and noses, sprains and fractures, tendonitis, dislocated shoulders. Judo and wrestling's all the same shit above plus everything from Jiu-Jitsu.

The odds your fight ends with a tap, instead of something that snapped or being cold out, is way higher in BJJ than in other fightsports.

Anonymous No. 155674

> do all your own research
I dunno about _all_, but there was simply not enough time in a 3-5 hour a week class to cover 1/4th of US, let alone world or ancient history, at even a superficial level.

Same story with BJJ. Just not enough time in the week. Plus, there's also the slightly shady case where everyone is learning the same shit, so someone bringing in a different escape or transition has an advantage within their belt rank during rolling.

Anonymous No. 155692

Retard take. Most hobbyist gyms suck.

Anonymous No. 155693

>When you are paying somebody to teach you something they should be teaching you effectively from the ground up in a coherent progressive way
I have some bad news for you about 97% of BJJ gyms

Anonymous No. 155694

*most gyms suck

Anonymous No. 155698

all gyms are hobbyist gyms, there's not a single gym that exists off of prize money
it's the hobbyist blue belts that pay their monthly dues like good little pay piggy cucks because they think being adjacent to talent will make them talented. The reality is they're getting worse quality instruction than if they went somewhere else because the coach doesn't give a fuck about you if you're not a name
want to ensure you'll never get good? go to a gym that has pros in it

Anonymous No. 155699

Better yet go to a gay gracie machado affiliate.

Anonymous No. 155700

honestly you might be better off there than at a place like B-team
at least you'll make some friends instead of getting your shin snapped by a girl and then made fun of online

Anonymous No. 155701

You might be right. Its definitely better than training under nigger child molesters.

Anonymous No. 155709

What the hell are you talmbout nigga?

Anonymous No. 155725

He's referencing the fact that brazilian men see no issue fucking their underage students (or helping their fellow brazilians flee the country to escape law enforcement)

Anonymous No. 155734

you have to go back

Anonymous No. 155739

Is BJJ or Judo more fun?

Anonymous No. 155741

As gay as it sounds it depends more on the people/gym. I've done both and my enjoyment in both waxed and waned depending on where I trained.

Anonymous No. 155746

i think judo is more fun if with gi, bjj fun if no gi.

Anonymous No. 155752

wtf i love brazil now

Anonymous No. 155847

vax status?

Anonymous No. 155872

doubled vaxxed with 2 boosters :/

Anonymous No. 156060

I hate fat people so much.
I'd rather face a 110 kg muscle machine than a 110 kg fat fucking lardass spastic white belt.

Anonymous No. 156064

>110 kg fat fucking lardass spastic white belt.

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Anonymous No. 156130

In spar today girl let a 5sec fart go right on head, I don't know what to do about it.
Any advise on how to deal with?

Anonymous No. 156180

the redditor phenotype fucking nerds who think of bjj as a sport instead of a system of violence are obnoxious fags who do stupid shit like that, same people who wear retarded looking rashguards and hate on gordon ryan for his political views

imagine having bjj as a hobby and not just a supplement to mma or self-defense like gd how gay you needa be nigga
captcha: javgay

Anonymous No. 156182


Anonymous No. 156213

>imagine having bjj as a hobby and not just a supplement to mma or self-defense
Wild to me that people here are still getting into fist fights at a bar, or even worse, relying on the laying of hands if they get into an aggravated assault.

Anonymous No. 156216

Having a job, house, and/or family tends to skew your view of how violent people are.

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Anonymous No. 156265

why not just get a gun for self defense and go to the range regularly, and just have fun with bjj?

Anonymous No. 156285

Suck it up
People fart
Shitting is crossing the line

Anonymous No. 156287

go find a wrestling club or a different style of coach, not everyone is a roided up meathead, much less so trying to get scouted by Dana white, and if you're not satisfied you need to find opponents that share your mindset

Anonymous No. 156290

>There are people who go into the gym and think daily about it in terms of fantasies of who they can/can't fuck up
Get mental help
Or did you spend too much time on prison getting your ass pounded you bitch

Anonymous No. 156293

but it was a woman they aren't meant to fart

Anonymous No. 156298

you realistically need to have a sub 1.5 seconds draw to first shot for a gun to be of any use to you, empty handed skills are mandatory to control space so you can get your gun into a fight effectively

it's not appropriate to draw if someone is already on you because then it becomes a fight for the gun, a fight you may lose. You have to be able to put the distance between you before you think about drawing a weapon. Guns are long distance hole punchers, emphasis on the distance

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Anonymous No. 156320

This is why I carry around my dagger and rapier everywhere I go. Any conniving rapscallion will be hopelessly outmatched in range, speed, and swordsmanship.

Anonymous No. 156322

>you realistically need to have a sub 1.5 seconds
Not to go off topic, but keeping your head out of your phone will serve you better than being quick draw McGraw. I'm not saying don't work your draw, splits, or your transition times. But the only two times I have ever drawn my carry gun on a person (I have never shot anyone) I saw the fucker coming because I noticed something was off before he got too close.

As for managing distance, absolutely if possible.Distance is time is better decision making. But shooting from retention has a thing forever. If it's objective reasonableness time, get that fucking gun out and put some holes through his hand on the way to his chest if necessary. Pistol lights make good stand off devices if shit really goes south.

You've reminded me that if I ever get an open mat and the right people there, maybe I'll see if the head guy is cool with wrestling over blue guns.

Anonymous No. 156325

Just mention that video of pizza man getting clapped in his car. Shouldn't take much after that.

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Anonymous No. 156336

Hasn't anyone else felt BJJ has "hardened" them mentally?
I tried boxing for a few years, but I was always a sensitive soul, but I can feel that part of me being shredded the further I progress with BJJ and Wrestling
Is it just all the bumps?

Anonymous No. 156359

bjj is pretty soi, any kind of full contact karate is literally 1000x harder

doing pull ups and having a med ball thrown at your gut at the bottom until you stop flinching makes you hard
you can judge a MA by the percentage of women that do it and bjj is near the top

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Anonymous No. 156364

My gym has a blue belt test and that's hardened me even further than training. Taught me how to not give up even if I am exhausted and to push out of bad positions.

Anonymous No. 156371

it's just a blue belt man, give it a rest

Anonymous No. 156372

My gym makes it a big deal, you tell Rodrigo Vaghi and Heath Pedigo that lmao.

Anonymous No. 156373

I absolutely would
blue belts are participation trophies, as long as you have a pulse and your payment clears every month you eventually get one
the same can't be said for the others

Anonymous No. 156378

lol ok dude maybe if you train at Gracie Barra.

Anonymous No. 156391

my parents beating the shit out of me as a young child "hardened" me mentally

Anonymous No. 156426

This sounds like team practice running up to comp. Granted, most people won't have a full 120 minutes to spend every day, but 30 minutes of conditioning/drilling followed by 5-8 rounds of rolling is pretty par for most grappling gyms, whether wrestling, bjj, or judo. The wrestling teams will often have already had a mandatory visit to the weight room that morning.

I'm not trying to piss on your blue belt test. I'm just asking if you've been competing or training with the comp guys, this is just one day with more reps, isn't it?

Anonymous No. 156434

>Simping for Vaghi
>Shitting on "Gracie Barra"
Its literally the same thing, Rickson & Vaghi both are Barra affiliated you fucking retard. Its not a different style at all. They just renamed the OG gym in Rio to Barra to honor one of the OG founders. Named for his hood.

Anonymous No. 156435

Youre still a beginner so you're not privy to the conversations
It's "just a blue belt", I know that may seem like a big accomplishment to you but you're still at the kids table
It's a 5th stripe on a white belt

Belt tests are just a ruse to charge students extra fees

Anonymous No. 156493

Should I take the 10th planet path? or go to a AJJ gym?

Anonymous No. 156495

Just avoid anything with a Gracie or Gracie adjacent name attached to it and you'll do fine
The quality of the gym is inversely related to the number of Brazilians associated with it

Anonymous No. 156498

so American Jiu-Jitsu is really good?

Anonymous No. 156502

Do both. I started pistol shooting when I was 12. I started with muay thai at 14 and gradually went into MMA, training grappling is necessary. You have to be fucking gay to just do BJJ because you can't think of a better hobby. Americans are sheltered pussies who even manage to emasculate the art of fighting and warfare. It's called martial art for a reason.

Redditor tranny faggots go back. Last time I got in a fight was 6 years ago but that doesn't mean I won't have to fight to protect myself or my family tomorrow. You go ahead and try to run and be outran or leave your wife to be raped because you only know how to flow roll at 10% and do stupid artsy instagram shit and wristlocks. I can tell you are the marvel rashguard guys with beerbellies who think working out is for meatheads because it's all technique and zen.

Anonymous No. 156505

This user beats his girlfriend

Anonymous No. 156510

This anon sucks dick
>You have to be fucking gay to just do BJJ because you can't think of a better hobby.
This is what I have been saying since this board started. Grappling necessary? Absolutely. Focusing on BJJ though, is as gay as it gets without penetration.
>I can tell you are the marvel rashguard guys with beerbellies who think working out is for meatheads because it's all technique and zen.
This too. Fags here dont realize they would probably get their shit annihilated by the bodyweight/calisthenic dude from /fit/. BJJ is the greatest offender when it comes to producing scrawny little shits with little to no chance of using their art in real life. Any gym, ANY, that doesn't assign a workout plan, is a mcdojo.

Anonymous No. 156522

>getting into fights
Thirdie behavior

Anonymous No. 156530

bro you wish. i would curl your toes with my maestro sucking skills. you'd dump your gf to get regular access to my mouth. but hey who knows, maybe if you can tap me during flowrolling, we'll see what happens after practice ;)

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Anonymous No. 156531

>This sounds like team practice running up to comp

We have that, too. This is the blue belt test, it is you getting exhausted then hazed for 3 hours. It is not a practice. The only thing you are practicing is survival.

GB gyms are known for being mcdojos generally speaking, I'm not speaking about the origins of it, I am talking right now.

You aren't charged and you are given the belt for free for making it to this point. It's a filtering process.

I like 10th planet but try both.

Anonymous No. 156540

>a filtering process
no business owners filter customers and decide you must prove you're worthy to continue paying me money
just think about how illogical that idea is

Anonymous No. 156554

Hey no one said they were making smart business decisions which is why you see Gracie Barra everywhere and how many Vaghi affiliates are there? Like six or seven? It's a quality vs quantity argument.

Anonymous No. 156555

Curious, what pro fighters has team vaghi produced?

Anonymous No. 156574


andrew wiltse (not mma, bjj only) if you're talking bjj then look up PSF Pedigo Submission Fighting aka Daisy Fresh and see what they won

Anonymous No. 156575

I forgot but violent bob ross luis pena was a member for a bit

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Anonymous No. 156582

Half the people talking shit on an anonymous image board are trolling, and the rest are underage bans. Ignore them. They were abused as children.

Anonymous No. 156585

Literally on a board that is mostly martial arts, bitching about people getting into fights, that you dont even have the full context of. Both of you are beta faggots that don't train. If you two queers legit cant think of a situation where physical confrontation is necessary or preferable then just go suck each other off & GTFO of this board.

Anonymous No. 156586

>see what they won
nothing at black belt

Anonymous No. 156587

So, one? I said pro and I mean pro. Hooknshoot is an amateur promotion. Josh Sampo is the only PRO. And I see zero anything that says he trained with Vaghi. Also searching Vaghi on sherdog is not going to bring up people who trained with Vaghi you fucking idiot.

Anonymous No. 156590

its ok, he joined a cult and hasn't realized it
I bet they bow in class too and are told you need to wear a gi because it makes your nogi better since its "more technical"

Anonymous No. 156594

Guy posted a list of several people who had UFC/Bellator careers. What are you on about?

Anonymous No. 156595

I could make a phone call and be on a bellator card tomorrow
it's not hard. They take literal white belts

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Anonymous No. 156601

There are very, very few instances in the modern world where physical fights are necessary. I can think of maybe one or two examples that you
>cannot avoid by having more than 80iq
>cannot de-escalate
>cannot run from
>cannot call for help for
>would not be justified in using weapons in
>would be justified in the use physical violence in
>could solve with hand to hand combat
Sure, maybe you have to wrangle enraged tards on a regular basis, but chances are you are just another dumbass like 99.99% of people who think they’re going to get into street fights.

Anonymous No. 156665

I really hope this Gen X posting meme genuinely takes off. We need more people who post like their 55 year old uncle is cruise control for cool.

Anonymous No. 156681

Then why the fuck are you here queer?

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Anonymous No. 156697

to do bjj
Do you think rowers are training to be in the navy? Or that archers are training to join the hundred years’ war?

Anonymous No. 156703

I want to fight someone and go viral

Anonymous No. 156719

First tournament soon, I'm probably going to end up one of the lightest in my weight class (maybe 2 since it might be combined with another heavier weight class).
How do I beat bigger guys?

Anonymous No. 156786

I don’t hit women like a little retard redditor with pent up anger like you

Learn to read dumb faggot, says right there in my post I didn’t for 6 years which I reckon is 1/3 of your lifetime dipshit

Anonymous No. 156788

reddit fags really think this is a clever comeback
nah you are just an actual faggot

tell yourself that until you end up in a liveleak video, your modern world only exists in parts of the world and it’s only been around a few decades

Anonymous No. 156792

I really don’t understand why you’re getting upset. I came to do martial arts, get fit and learn to grapple, not try and dig for under hooks for five minutes on some guy who’s just laying on the floor

Anonymous No. 156794

Work on your cardio. You are likely at every disadvantage expect maybe speed and definitely cardio, so push the pace and do not ever stop working.

Anonymous No. 156826

Is being tall and slim a problem in bjj? I want to start it but I think it may be a waste of reach advantage that I would have in striking.

Anonymous No. 156833


Anonymous No. 156836

Everything is a problem in bjj. Go start learning how to get around them.

Anonymous No. 156887

No, as is usual, limb length is the greatest factor in success. The longer you are for your weight class, the more likely to win.

Roger Gracie made a career out of being tall.

Anonymous No. 156896

>trains bbj explicitly for only the purpose of doing bjj
You're a faggot.

Anonymous No. 156899

>empty comment
You're a really flamboyant faggot.

Anonymous No. 156908

>I just came to learn how to grapple
>Not to do grappling
If you don't understand why I'm upset maybe it's because you're an asshole who probably causes injury to hobbiests and frail people and frankly a reason people get driven from the sport/hobby
Although people like you are necessary because technique becomes more important in order to avoid injury from mescleheads

Anonymous No. 156916

Seethe more stretch

Anonymous No. 156929

Wait, you actually shouldn't aim for the chin?

Anonymous No. 156951

Ffion Davies my beloved

Anonymous No. 156953

Is ffion not wearing a rashguard under the gi? Is that legal for women?

Anonymous No. 156955

god i wish

Anonymous No. 156961

If only the chin...

Anonymous No. 156963

>One of many traits that makes her recognizable
>a bad thing

Anonymous No. 156964

Nicky ryan is super recognizable for his down syndrome looks too

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Anonymous No. 156967

One of the thickest parts of the jaw. Very hard. You want to aim for the mandible or jawline. Jawline is thinnest part, just under the zygomatic arch, another good target.

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Anonymous No. 156969

BJJ is the only time I have physical contact with women.

Anonymous No. 156970

>An empty problem
Maybe wrassle and discuss sessions with your partners
Everyone has a different background/walk of life and will have their own way at addressing a problem
And no, being tall is far and away an offensive and defensive advantage

Anonymous No. 156987

Anyone got links to stream/download Danaher's series in the gi about ageless jiu jitsu for free? Sorry if this isn't the right place to ask

Anonymous No. 156995

I think you should get a test for autism buddy.

Anonymous No. 156996

Bilibili my niggi niggi

Anonymous No. 156997

I'm not the one with so little empathy that I think everyone should play the way I do

Anonymous No. 156998


Anonymous No. 157000

>I can tell you are the marvel rashguard guys with beerbellies who think working out is for meatheads because it's all technique and zen.
Or more like I'm more liable to trust in practicing a QuickDraw than my gag factor while tackling and grappling some hobo on the street

Anonymous No. 157001

>Any gym, ANY, that doesn't assign a workout plan, is a mcdojo
I agree if you're looking to be an actual pro who makes money
But no schmo who does this shit as a hobby should be thinking first
>Is it fun
>Is it engaging
>Is it safe
>Whose ass could I beat in the street
Dead last because you'd have to be mentally ill to think of your fellow man as predators/prey

Anonymous No. 157003

Sure thing faggot that’s why you cherrypick content of posts to validate your fatfuck basednig mentality

Anonymous No. 157004

It is not about breaking the jaw you retard. Its about targeting the furthest point from the brain. That way the accelerwtion will cause the brain to shut down and you KO.

Anonymous No. 157009

>Just use a bunch of invalidation terms I found in my counterargument
Do you halfassedly practice your grappling like you do your speech and debate?

Anonymous No. 157034

I don't know if this is the right sport for me anymore. I love scrambling, I love going for submissions. But I hate how so many of my training partners just want to play "lazy jiujitsu", and I hate playing footsies for leglock. It doesn't resemble a combat sport anymore. My game is standup heavy and on the ground I like to be constantly on the move and looking for a finish, if things stall out I usually like to stand up. I hate how in this sport people are willing to just sit in closed guard for the whole round. I only go to nogi glasses but I still feel these problems are present. What I would like to see more is standup technique, scrambling instead of sitting in closed guard for example. I've been thinking of moving over to MMA possibly. Thoughts?

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Anonymous No. 157042

>I hate how in this sport people are willing to just sit in closed guard for the whole round
As with all other fighting games, if it's as predictable as you say, you should be a master of dealing with it at this point. They keep trying it because they see it's clearly your weak point and you're not punishing it successfully.

I therefore cast my curse on you - until you do 100 boring positional rounds where you are required to start in closed guard every single time and the round ends immediately once you're well and truly out, you'll get itchy at inopportune times whenever you're doing standup game. Begone!

Anonymous No. 157043

So, you have a game plan you want to implement, but your opponents keep tying you up and derailing your game plan?
Sounds to me like you need to get better at jiujitsu.

Anonymous No. 157046

>homogay in class
>whatever he doesnt bother anyone
>new guy starts coming
>he's a little weird and hard to get a read on
>comes for a few weeks
>becomes friends with homogay and hangs out at his house
>bicuriouses him
>new guy quits and never comes back

Anonymous No. 157047

>I hate playing footsies for leglock
then just escape, come on top, pass, submit
>I like to be constantly on the move and looking for a finish, if things stall out I usually like to stand up

ok, then keep top position, pass, and submit
Sounds like either your gym sucks or you're frustrated that you're not very good at jiu jitsu. There will come a time where you are the inferior wrestler and/or get swept, and you'll wish you had spent more time on your guard/escapes

Anonymous No. 157055

If you have lots of people competing and losing under your gym, your gym looks bad. Making sure blue belts are actually blue belt level is both a marketing tactic and good for the sport

Anonymous No. 157056

> makes a friend
> ruins it by confusing friendship.with wanting to fuck
A tale as old as old time

Anonymous No. 157058

nobody cares about that though
competitions are a small niche, most people will never do them, the ones that do will probably do it once or twice as a white belt and it's totally out of their system by then
and even people that have been doing jiujitsu for years can't tell you the name of the last worlds winner

I've been working in the gym industry since 2008 so here are the findings
when someone joins a gym they want 2 things,
1 to become part of a tribe
2 the perception of value. and value is perceived by very physical things how many classes are on the schedule vs the dollars I'm spending every month
and, are the classes enjoyable

classes being enjoyable is a big thing because getting good at something is often not enjoyable
but the classic format of I show 2-3 moves which you drill a couple of times and then spend the rest of class rolling around is way more desirable than the format of pro training where you pick a position and drill it as hard as you can ad nauseum for 2 hours
This is why the UFC gyms and Graciebarras of the world are so successful
it's why american kempo karate is more wide spread than boxing, and why cardio kickboxing is in every gym but you're lucky to find muay thai within 25 miles of you

some first hand data on the problem, we had a competitive class with a worlds/pan am winner teaching on monday wednesday and friday, and nobody fucking came to it. If it was 6 people on the mat during those classes it was a heavy night
we also had a casuals class immediately before it taught by a random local boomer and his classes were packed
ultimately we had to let go of the competition teacher because his salary was costing more than his classes were bringing in
jump to later, reintroduce competitive classes on wednesday nights, they're small but not harmful. then we change saturday afternoon from casual to competitive. Instantly that time slot went from 25 on the mat to 12 to 8 to 5 to cancelled and changed back in just one month

Anonymous No. 157077

Got my first stripe today, felt good

Anonymous No. 157082

Sounds like you just suck at Jiu Jitsu and want to play a certain very narrow game plan that you are good at already and your opponent doesn't want to play into your strengths. This is what he is supposed to do, he wants to win. If you are so good just pass guard and avoid leglocks

Anonymous No. 157085

> way more desirable than picking a position and drillimg it as hard as you can ad nauseum for 2 hours
Well, I had fun once and let me tell you, it was horrible.

Anonymous No. 157088

The fact that you are actually in a weight class and not in the "unlimited/ultra/open" weight class means you won't have to worry about beating anyone actually bigger than you that it would matter. A better question is how are you going to make the first move into a sequence that you can use to get into a good position?

Anonymous No. 157089

Damn this sounds like my gym.
Also it's hard to bring in new people if the intensity is too high. Advanced training is great but how do you get brand new people into it is the question, when are they ready?

Anonymous No. 157090

> competitions are a small niche, most people will never do them, the ones that do will probably do it once or twice as a white belt and it's totally out of their system by then
Wow, bjjobbers sound like faggots. I love fighting.

Anonymous No. 157091

It's not sustainable
The average starting age in bjj is 28, most practitioners are 30+
These are people that if they had any interest in competitive sports they've already done them. now they're looking for a hobby that's kind of active, semi-competitive, but not too intense
There just isn't much market for hard training from a business perspective

Remember, even B-team needed to create white belt classes
Having a competition focused gym isn't even sustainable for the top athletes in the sport

Anonymous No. 157092

This is the most true commentary on the state of the martial arts industry that I have ever heard. 100% spot fucking on.

Anonymous No. 157093

>on this board
Forgot that.

Anonymous No. 157103

Based homochad

Anonymous No. 157225

Don't longer limbs mean that your opponent can break them more easily because of longer leverage and that you're weaker for your weightclass because your skeleton is heavier and muscles are lighter?

Anonymous No. 157235

If you're longer it also means you have more play with the range you can get taken to
If someone is significantly shorter than you they may have difficulty extending your limbs past a breaking point. They don't have enough run way

Anonymous No. 157236

Pummeling and generally etting inside space is harder in tight awkward spaces
need to close more distance level change (ask wrestling bros about compact guys)
Less muscles in a weight class
Less advantage of being compact. So more problems with limb extension to be exploited. You wont have that andre galvao ninja turtle neck so easier to get a choke in)
Thd point isnt that long limbs arent good. I think they're net good overall especially if it fits your game but moreso you morons are coping and making excuses not to ttain like the guy thay started this topic in the first place. Some of the best guys are built compact and you nerds will never ever come even close to it

Its not quite like striking when reach when used correctly seems to obviously be a advantage

Anonymous No. 157239

Listen here, I'm a 5'8" 230 manlet king
And being tall is definitely better for jiujitsu. There are many attacks that just aren't readily accessible to me
I beat people up because I wrestle them like a pitbull, but I don't deploy much jiujitsu
It's hard for me to even choke people because my arms are so thick
I just face crank my way to victory. Doing this for 7 years I can count on 1 hand the number of times I've managed to cleanly rnc someone
It's always a high horsepower meat head affair

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Anonymous No. 157242

People have been easily escaping this position when I have it by rolling towards me and I end up on bottom. What the FUCK am I doing wrong?

Anonymous No. 157245

>5'8 230
Are you super muscular or super fat?

Anonymous No. 157259

Not him but as a lanklet I agree. Long limbs are overall a net benefit but as the person you are replying to says there are disadvantages that you have as well. Long thin limbs means kimuras are a constant threat and grip fighting from the back is ridiculously hard as they can use your long arm as a lever. Also getting out of mount isnt fun because, especially doing kipping escapes its difficult to get frames. Once you get frames as a long person everything is great and nobody can fuck with you, but in close quarters getting frames and grip fighting is difficult. Of course good technique means that you can still basically always get out from these shit situations, but its still very fucking annoying. This isnt even mentioning leglock territory, more leg = more chance of opponent grabbing and locking it.

Anonymous No. 157266

I don't understand triangle chokes
I've never been in a triangle that felt like a blood (or even air) choke
It just tap because I don't want to damage my neck if my partner goes full retard

Are they supposed to be blood chokes?

Anonymous No. 157267

A lot of the times yes, but not in the on/off way that is more often seen with arm applied chokes. It's more typically a slow constricting action, to the point that you can actually watch them fade if you've got eye contact. Like slowly turning a faucet off, instead of stopping it outright.

Anonymous No. 157271

no one is doing it right to you. Go ask your instructor or someone that specializes in it to do it on you. In live rolls with noobs especially it's hard for them to understand how to do it technically like aligning/cutting a good angle and isolating the shoulder from the choke but also generally using their legs to do jiujitsu since its foreign

Anonymous No. 157280

A bit of both, my body fat percentage was 13% at 210 but now I have a power belly too

Anonymous No. 157286

So you must be juiced to the gills then. There is no way 12 percent bodyfat at 5 foot 8 can be nearly 100 kilograms.

Anonymous No. 157288

I'm really not, I just take vitamins
I've always been really thick and stocky naturally. it was a bit of a running gag in highschool that my friends would always make me sit in the front seat of the car because my shoulders were too wide for anyone else to sit next to me in the back
I have the same body as my grandpa except he was 5'2" and his biceps were so big he couldn't even fold his arms

if I'm being completely honest about it our distinct family physique is pretty unevolved. It's pure neanderthal mode
I have a 5'11" wing span. I'm like a shaved gorilla

Anonymous No. 157289

>13% of 210 = 27.3
>210 - 27.3 = 182.7
Your entire post sounds like total bullshit. Either that or youre at one of the shittiest fucking gyms in existence because no coach is just gonna let you "face crank" whatever the fuck thats supposed to mean. But its ok, cause you're a fucking liar. You seriously expect us to believe that you got 180 something pounds of muscle and you're having that kind of difficulty. What do you train at a gym only inhabited by bloatlord powershitters or what? Jfc, the shit people try to make others believe here is fucking ridiculous.

Anonymous No. 157290

you forgot the other 40% of body that's bones and organs

Anonymous No. 157292

Youre a fucking idiot, picrel, but I will humor you
>15% of 182.7 = 27.4
>182.7 - 27.4 = 155.3
He is still massively full of fucking shit
>It's hard for me to even choke people because my arms are so thick
If you believe that out of anyone here, its ridiculous. 155 pounds of muscle on a 5'8" just picture it. Be better than this.

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Anonymous No. 157293


Anonymous No. 157294

>humans have no liver, lungs, skin or anything other than bones, muscles, fat and water

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Anonymous No. 157295

Fyi i am 5'10" and my the healthy BMI for my height is 170 - 200, total weight. And I am supposed to believe >>157239 this jackass who is 2 inches shorter than me has muscle mass nearly 90% of my total wait.

Anonymous No. 157297

Well you can't have been 12 percent bodyfat thats for sure. You would have had a BMI of like 32, thats like kai greene bodybuilder level, you must have had much more fat on than you realised, because unless your bones are made out of steel you would need like 30 kgs of pure muscle to make up the numbers you are claiming you had. Even 6 foot 4 steroid munchers can barely have visible abs at high nineties, there is no way a 5 foot 8 man can have them.

Anonymous No. 157298

Holy fucking Jesus the amount of retardation in here. Lean mass /= muscle. It just means it's not fucking fatty tissue. And if you're not using something more sophisticated than calipers, measuring it accurately is a fairly hilarious task for anything other than finding a zero to measure fluctuations.

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Anonymous No. 157299

>total 7.26%
>Approximately 10lbs out of 155
So again, I am supposes to believe a dude 2 inches shorter than me has a muscle mass equal to 85-90% of my total body weight.

Anonymous No. 157300

Dude he is the one who professed his body fat percent. Once you have total weight & bf% the rest is algebra. Only approximate algebra, yes, but he's human I assume so the math is pretty fucking close.

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Anonymous No. 157302

230 in this picture

Anonymous No. 157303

As someone who is 2 inches taller and has weighed 230. You're a lying sack of shit because thats not what 230 looks like with a bf of 13%.

Anonymous No. 157305

Nobody doubts your chunkyness, but there is a lot of fat in that picture, probably more than you realise. You have tits for example and a bit of a belly. You are clearly stocky, you can see it in the forearms, but there is a lot of fat at work.

I'm literally 6 inches taller than you and at 12 percent bodyfat if I hit the maximum muscle my body could put on I would barely scrape 100. You are not doing that at 5 foot 8, I don't care how thick your wrists are.

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Anonymous No. 157306

Here are two pros. Both the same height as you, both weighing less than you, with sub 12%bf. You are lying on an anonymous image board. Be better than this.

Anonymous No. 157308

>thats not what 230 looks like with a bf of 13%.

that's correct and was never the claim, I don't know what my body fat is in this picture. Also I did round down a little, my current weight is 234, I just checked

13% was based on a 7 site skin fold analysis at 210, which by the way I was lifting weights more and obviously lighter so my body composition was different

Anonymous No. 157309

>skin fold
See? Calipers. Wee. Todd. Edd.

Anonymous No. 157310

it's the best possible way to do it without a water tank or going in there and having a look around
it's accurate enough

way better than those dumb electric pulse scams that will change depending on how hydrated you are

Anonymous No. 157311

If you wanna completely ignore the existence of visceral fat, sure. Let's count your thetans while we're at it

Anonymous No. 157312

>you wanna completely ignore the existence of visceral fat
I'm American, of course I do
My heart is perfectly healthy until the day it's too clogged to work

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Anonymous No. 157322

I found a picture on my computer from when I was 210
you can see my body composition was different I was way more muscular

Anonymous No. 157323

fuck this gay thread

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 157325

that heart you photoshopped onto your image is actually tattooed on my chest. weird.

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Anonymous No. 157327

Look at me i love cock

Anonymous No. 157349

this is uncalled for
proofs were requested of what a lean 5'8" 210pounder with a big dick looks like and proofs were provided

Anonymous No. 157364

Well the most people are stupid, because when I was looking for a gym I looked for gyms that were run by winners and training other winners. Maybe if you're just looking for cardio it wouldn't matter but if you're looking to get good at fighting why would you look at anything besides the price and the record of their fighters?

Anonymous No. 157366

Um Bioelecteical impedance is nearly as accurate as water tank tests & it can tell you what percent is water & everything else. Just wanted to let yall know. Go get a scale that can do it. They're like 50$ on amazon.

Anonymous No. 157369

Dude, if youre 5'8" you are not 210 lbs here. Look>>157306 at this shit. Both the same height. Both weighing 155. You are not bigger than them. Your picture here is the best proof that you are a liar. The bf% you claimed looks pheasible. But >>157239 that post is still grade A bullshit

Anonymous No. 157371

No they werent, if you think thats what 210 on a 5'8" frame looks like youre a fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 157383

I absolutely was, I literally weighed in at 98kg for a pans a month after that picture was taken

Anonymous No. 157385

I'm just guessing here, but I imagine you are probably leaning back and not establishing a chest-to-back connection.
I typically try to get as close to their head as possible by planting my chin on their shoulder like when you're controlling the back.

Anonymous No. 157389

Most gyms rely on kids classes to pay their bills.

Anonymous No. 157390

>actualyl posting real pics of your body on 4chon

ishyggityyy diggggity

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Anonymous No. 157391


Dude, just let it go. Look at this beefy ass nigga. He's the same height as you and only 198.

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Anonymous No. 157393


Anonymous No. 157395

I wont let it go because 1 what motivation would I possibly have to lie about this?
2 I used to compete all the time before I got fat so I know how much I weigh. I haven't been in the 190s since 9th grade, I was walking around at 210-215 until covid happened and I gained weight/lost muscle because I didn't have a gym to go to for a long time and I just haven't gotten back into my old routine
I wish I could get below 200, you think I like competing at heavyweight as a short guy? why on earth would I do that to myself if I didn't have to where I'm lucky if I stand shoulder height against my opponents

I can't help that I have elite quality contractile tissue and my body is denser than what's typical

Anonymous No. 157405

The thing people are questioning is not your weight but your body fat percentage. It's completely impossible for someone your size to be 95kg and 12 percent body fat. So the most likely answer is that you were way above that amount of body fat, especially in visceral fat around your organs. Being 80kg at 15 years old kind of proves it, that's before you've really finished puberty and your test boosts up to high man levels so it's not muscle that's making up that weight, and no, "big boned" isn't a thing. You are holding a lot of fat, even Francis ngannou and Cyril gane are a bit pudgy at 100kg and they are over half a foot taller than you

Anonymous No. 157406

body fat percentage aside now we have people arguing that I'm not even the weight I claim to be

Anonymous No. 157421

This thread is retarded and the people arguing in here are gay. Imagine quarrelling over a strangers body composition lol just kys nigga

Anonymous No. 157427

basically this
go to /fit/ faggots

Anonymous No. 157431

This sounds like it could be the problem. I'll give it a try tonight, thanks.

Anonymous No. 157441

If you're over 230 lbs you shouldn't be allowed into BJJ because we all know you're just a fat sack of shit who'll just lay on top of the other guy and do nothing and when the other guy points this out you'll just say justify it by saying they need to work on their 'technique'.

Anonymous No. 157448

>you'll just say justify it by saying they need to work on their 'technique'.
Sounds like a you problem

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Anonymous No. 157465

Dunno what’s going on with the whole fatty debate, but people really overestimate how much they should weigh. Especially if you’re lean. Right side of picrel is 180lbs, 6ft 4in.

Anonymous No. 157498

good thing I'm 205 nigger

Anonymous No. 157523


Migrate when ready