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🧵 /BJJ/ - BJJ General

Anonymous No. 157522

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General
Limbo Limbo Lim-bo! Edition


Belt Checker

Previous thread

Thread question: What was your most memorable loss in a roll? What happened?

Anonymous No. 157525

GSP v Maia. Who ya got?

Anonymous No. 157528

42 yo grandpa vs 45 yo grandpa
Please let retire

Anonymous No. 157548

How do I stop stagnating and plateauing? I keep telling myself that I'll fix gaps in my game, but I never do.

Anonymous No. 157549

Reminder to wear a mouthguard. I took two brutal knees to the face yesterday and it would have been pretty bad if I didn't have my mouthguard on.

Anonymous No. 157572

Anybody know how to get the gordon ryan instructionals (or any other really) from bjjfanatics for free? 350 dollars is insane for an instructional.

Anonymous No. 157576

torrent them

Anonymous No. 157577

Dude is a huge fucking faggot roid tranny. Never take the advice of roid trannies.

Anonymous No. 157582

Gordon is incredibly technical, if you had any of his instructionals (by paying dollary doos or otherwise) you would know how good he is. There are only really a few places where he forgets his size, though it does happen

Anonymous No. 157584

Don't give a shit. Go support someone who isn't a roidtranny faggot.

Anonymous No. 157587

see >>157576
if you don’t know how to torrent, take 3 minutes to google it and then do it, or pay for the vids

Anonymous No. 157592

I should have gotten my purple belt yesterday but since i missed december's promotion day coach only gave me my last stripe yesterday and even mocked me for not getting my purple belt
It only makes his gym look stupid with me beating every other blue belt and most purple belts

Anonymous No. 157594

>most memorable loss in a roll
Man, I've been insta-killed so many times they all blur together. I am not very good at jiujitsu.
On a positive note, one of the first encouraging signs of progress I ever noticed was when I was rolling with a pans champ who usually kills me every sixty seconds like clockwork, and he only tapped me out three times in a five minute round, instead of five times. Hooray!

Isn't that the normal process? Improvement, plateau, breakthrough, repeat?

Anonymous No. 157595

They already know where you are in the packing order. A belt won't change that. It sounds like your coach knew exactly what he was doing if not getting your belt irritates you that much.

Anonymous No. 157599

I was not expecting to get my belt but i also wasn't expecting him to mock me

Anonymous No. 157600

>promotion day
>not just giving it to people who weren't there the next time you see them

Anonymous No. 157618

Did my first BJJ class today and got my Gi. What should I practice or read/watch until my next training session?

Anonymous No. 157622

Matches, bjjcelebs, instructionals

Anonymous No. 157624

just do your shrimps and bridges

Anonymous No. 157639

I torrent his instructionals retard. I haven’t paid Gordon a penis

Anonymous No. 157669

Why do no gi white belts think they know better than gi black belts?

Anonymous No. 157670

Don't be a fag. Make it more specific as to what you're referring to. I swear to god you're acting like one of those lower belts that asks vague open ended questions to the upper belts.

What are we supposed to tell you that you wouldn't know from thinking it through

Anonymous No. 157855

I want to purge the world of white belts, but take it a step further and say no blue belts allowed either
purple belts + only are allowed at my gym

I'm fucking sick of needing to guide beginners and explain shit to them. If you don't know how to roll then get off the mat

Anonymous No. 157864

If you and your crew were good enough to have that environment, you already would, and you wouldn't be here bitching about it.

Anonymous No. 157890

nobody has that environment

Anonymous No. 157917

Check out chadi on yt for deep lore and history. He's primarily a judo guy but of course it's all in the same family tree. Check out Jon Thomas BJJ for delicious little tidbits that can be really helpful or at least interesting, and check out the Wiltse Brothers too.

Anonymous No. 157919

Sorry buddy, belts are a pyramid scheme but unironically.

You keep the churning froth of white belts around to pay for the high belts.

Anonymous No. 157943

How the fuck are you going to get any purple belts if you don’t teach the white belts? Do you have Down syndrome?

Anonymous No. 157947

Even torrenting is lending to the clout. You can find just as good advice from someone who isn't a POS.

Anonymous No. 157949

Fuck off tranny

Anonymous No. 158011

well apparently the white belts think they can figure it out on their own since they're constantly asking about which instructionals to buy or trying out moves they saw on youtube
so really what do they need us for? and we certainly don't need them

I have no interest in wasting my time helping people that will just quit soon anyway, time I could spend just focusing on myself
fuck it makes me furious when people quit
honestly if you're not a good roll I don't even want to know your name at this point, dont bother me and dont ask me any questions

Anonymous No. 158012

Most people will quit but not all of them. We’re you not a retarded white belt at some point? Also I’ve never heard anyone ask for instructional videos irl I think that’s just 4chan.

Anonymous No. 158022

no, I just showed up until I got good. Nobody taught me a thing, I didn't even have a black belt above me for nearly 3 years
I went in there every day and just got beat up until I figured it out

and now here I am, the cream of the crop, respected by everyone at least within 5 miles

Anonymous No. 158024

You are in the right but It boils down to bjj being more of product being consoom. The matter of fact is the gym wants that white belt money and it helps grows the sport. Comes with its own problems too even if therr are pros

In my gym there is a small ingroup of guys that are more serious

Anonymous No. 158042

>ask upper belts questions
>want to work outside the school as well as in
>this means they suck and don't want to learn they need to do it how I did
Did you walk uphill 20 miles both ways to your dojo in 10 feet of snow?

Anonymous No. 158069

>things that didn’t happen

Anonymous No. 158072

No shit, anon. It's basically Uncle Rico posting, and it's nearly an artform.

Anonymous No. 158083

tranny redditor hang urself nigger

Anonymous No. 158120

obviously not, I have a bicycle

Anonymous No. 158139

This is obviously bait but in my gym the coach will get at you if you DON'T ask questions. especially after rolling with higher belts

Anonymous No. 158162

ever since i started bjj i got really bad acne like its red and bumpy but also itchy
i cant tell if it is acne or ringworm but i will be going doctor tmrw to check on it.
anyone else with same thing?

Anonymous No. 158167

pretty bullshit he expects his paying customers to do the job he gets paid for and explain what they're doing
if he wants to give advice then fine. Not my job, not my problem

Anonymous No. 158180

>keeping students engaged and answering questions isn’t a part of teaching
I take it you didn’t do so well in school, am I right?

Anonymous No. 158186

I'm saying its not MY job to teach these fucking white belts
it's like you're a customer but still expected to teach things

Anonymous No. 158188

I have no idea how your gym is run, but the way mine is it’s a club, a fellowship. We’re all trying to help each other achieve our goals. You sound anti-social and autistic

Anonymous No. 158192

And is the person running the place splitting the money with you since you're putting in all this effort to help him retain new students?
Heck I bet you even mop

I don't even mop at my job and I'm paid to be there, I'd never mop the floors at a place I'm paying to use
I'm literally paying for a clean training space, why do I need to clean it?

It's high time these cult leaders start treating us like customers exchanging money for a service and not like interns

Anonymous No. 158195

buy the book Jiu Jitsu University
Watch Jordan Teaches Jiu Jitsu for his concepts and basics

Anonymous No. 158196

>wiltse bros
>jon thomas

Had each of them as instructors for seminars, they are great.

Anonymous No. 158206

I swear I learn at like 10% the rate of other people. That's even though I watch instructionals and other people don't. Maybe I'm retarded or maybe instructionals are actually slowing me down because if I'm trying to do things from instructionals in sparring then I'm not using sparring to practice what we drill in class as much

Anonymous No. 158219

People are always telling me how watching instructionals helped level up their game and that they wished they started utilizing them sooner.

I went ahead and downloaded some of the instructionals posted on /t/, but what is your preferred way of studying them?

Anonymous No. 158220

I like to mix active and passive. Sitting down specifically to watch, writing notes, repeating or rewinding parts over and over. Then throwing it on as background noise when I'm doing something entirely unrelated but doesn't require full attention. The second way tends to lead to more ahh-ha moments, or getting to me consider something I hadn't before, or realizing a flaw somewhere else that has fuck all to do with the lesson. The first, obviously more academic.

Anonymous No. 158228

Ideally: watch a section, take some notes, take some screenshots or screen record demonstrations of moves, and drill them with people. Then try them live and troubleshoot

Stick to half guard, guard retention, and escapes for now. Lachlan Giles or Danaher preferably. Danaher can be long winded but if you focus on the parts where he demonstrates the moves, he repeats the concepts and details a lot.

Anonymous No. 158231

>hurr durr but
I don’t pay the rent or utilities either and I don’t have to worry about insurance. I don’t set the schedule or run the classes. You act like me answering questions to help out clueless whitebelts is a full time job. Get over yourself.
>Heck I bet you even mop
No, only people who volunteer do that.
>why do I need to clean it?
Most people enjoy having a clean mat area and don’t want their membership dues to triple to pay for a full time janitorial staff.
> It's high time these cult leaders start treating us like customers exchanging money for a service and not like interns
Lmfao, you are so autistic it’s unreal. I’m sorry you are incapable of seeing social interaction as anything other than financial exchange. Do you even train? You sound a lot like the self trooner

Anonymous No. 158261

Sorry guys, new to torrenting but on /t/ they post something like this

Gordon Ryan - They Shall Not Pass 720p
what am i supposed to do with this? should it be a .torrent file to use on utorrent

Anonymous No. 158264

>I don’t pay the rent or utilities either
you literally do, you're the one paying for all of that not the guy running the gym
you pay the expenses of running the place, he pockets what's left over
>only people who volunteer
cult cucks
>don’t want their membership dues to triple
the owner should be the one taking 5 minutes to wipe down the mats after each class and take an hour to deep clean the entire place twice a week. This is normal maintenance of a property you manage. It's only full time if you don't keep on top of it. You pay for a clean facility you shouldn't be the ones doing the cleaning

Anonymous No. 158268

Is this your big beef then? You hate bjj gyms because sometimes people help out to clean the mats? I thought you didn’t want to have to answer questions since white belts apparently aren’t worth your time, tismtard

Anonymous No. 158269

where did you get the torrents from ?

Anonymous No. 158270

it's a magnet link

Anonymous No. 158273

These are related issues
Don't ask me to help, don't ask me to clean, don't ask me questions
I'm not you're employee I'm not your teacher, I'm a paying customer, fuck off and leave me alone

Anonymous No. 158276

You sound like a fun guy to be around. Youre like a brooding anime character that only neckbeards and autists think is cool.

Anonymous No. 158286

This Is the same resentment all upper belts feel
Someday you'll understand

We are expected to put ourselves second, that the white belts getting their reps in comes first
Our training time which we are paying for is spent going step by step showing these beginners how to do the move properly instead of actually training
And the biggest cope they say is "well teaching makes you better"
Which we all know is false, because teaching is for people who can't actually do it
Those who can do it will do it those who can't do it will teach

Anonymous No. 158291

Speak for yourself, I love teaching what I know to new people. It’s a socially acceptable way to sperg out about my favourite hobby.

Anonymous No. 158293

just ask a higher belt if it’s ringworm nigga

Anonymous No. 158295

>t. fat, middle aged 3 stripe blue belt

Anonymous No. 158297

think again bucko, I got my brown belt in only 5 years

Anonymous No. 158299

Post it

Anonymous No. 158301

Bone spurs in my neck, starting PT tonight, wish me luck bros.

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Anonymous No. 158305

It's in my car, here's my previous belts hanging up

Anonymous No. 158307

Time stamp

Anonymous No. 158310

Come on nigga look at the file name, it obviously came from a phone

Anonymous No. 158312

Time. Stamp.

Anonymous No. 158320

Anonymous No. 158321

Anybody have The Guard Retention Anthology
in the gi instructional torrent?

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Anonymous No. 158325

hey guys, brand new white belt here.

realistically, what kind of injuries should i expect while training? can i avoid the really bad knee/ankle injuries if i train safely with people who aren't assholes?

also, what kinds of exercises should i do to strengthen my joints to avoid injuries going forward?

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Anonymous No. 158326

You can't avoid injuries in any sport or physically demanding activity. Regardless of how careful you are fate never let's anyone escape. Best you can do is hope they're minor or pass with time.

Anonymous No. 158327

Brennan's fight school. Whine, bitch, and assume everyone hates you so you attack first.

Anonymous No. 158328

makes sense. i'm just scared of getting my knees permanently fucked up

Anonymous No. 158343

>>realistically, what kind of injuries should i expect while training?
You're about 10% as flexible as you think you are, shit happens. Lightly tore an LCL on a roll that to external observers was a
>why'd you tap, didn't see anything that'd cause an injury
because fights are just a vigorous process of getting jostled in unexpected ways. Wore a brace for a while, took a break for a bit, and it healed back just fine - but until it was made real for me that I wasn't stretching enough, no amount of warnings would've helped.

Regular bodyweight squats (I'd do sets of 20 while watching TV shows) without weight as well as bracing it specifically during rolling strengthened things and has been enough to avoid any reinjuries of it thereafter.

Anonymous No. 158355

Waah waah waah. You didn't complain when people babied your dumb ass.

t. 3rd degree black belt

Anonymous No. 158362

nobody babied me, they beat me up relentlessly until I figured it out for myself

Anonymous No. 158383

>realistically, what kind of injuries should i expect while training?

Watch out for your fingers when training Gi, they are not unbreakable.

>I swear I learn at like 10% the rate of other people.

I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Anonymous No. 158386

first day on the internet?

Anonymous No. 158388


Anonymous No. 158391

Nobody cares or believes you until you post a time stamp

Anonymous No. 158407

I'm not gonna do what a blue belt says
Get choked

Anonymous No. 158409

lol, lmao cope harder

Anonymous No. 158410

So howd that NYC meetup challenge go with >>158355

Anonymous No. 158412

I don’t care about what you think of Gordon, tranny. Go drain the pus out of your neovagina in your hugbox hobbyist gym bathroom and write a nice self congratulatory post on Reddit. Pussy nigga

Anonymous No. 158413

Sorry for the late reply brother. I use Knaben datebase or alternatively just search for ‘instructor/instructional + rutracker’ on Google or Yandex

Anonymous No. 158417

You will have tennis elbow from posting and getting armbar'ed so much. That will get better. Tap early. Ask lots of questions, be a sponge.

Anonymous No. 158420


*smacks lip*


-Respectfully, /judo/

Anonymous No. 158444

I’ve trained about two years with numerous knee injuries, a concussion and a severe neck injury

best you can do is to be bigger than your training partners and to lift

Anonymous No. 158473

Lo and behold, no one showed.

t. 3rd degree blackbelt

Anonymous No. 158478

No challenge. No time stamp. Chan Brown belts really living up to their color.

Anonymous No. 158487

I haven’t been following this thread, there was a challenge? I miss the old /asp/ hype threads where two people agreed to fight and then the clear retard of the two never showed up.
I’ve posted my judo brown belt multiple times, don’t lump me in with the larpers

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Anonymous No. 158503

Anonymous No. 158504

>muh thin blue line
I’d give a shit if most cops cared to actually train outside what the academy taught them (which is like 50 years behind combat sports and primarily teaches aikido shit). I have family emmebers who are cops and when I pointed out most cops don’t know how to fucking grapple they told me
Police culture is fucking retarded in this country and none of them want to sacrifice their egos to learn something useful.

Anonymous No. 158505

I'm still glad to see police training combatives in addition to firearms, because it's an acknowledgment that some levels of violence are solved without perforating someone's chest.

Anonymous No. 158508

They do have a point, you dont know shit about being a cop

Anonymous No. 158509

started a free police only class, once per week open to people from any agency from local all the way up to federal
promoted it heavily

0 people ever showed up for it. They don't give a shit. for most of them It's a pretty easy job and that's how they want it to stay.

Anonymous No. 158510

Ok? I know a lot about submission grappling though. I’ve been doing it for ten years. Most cops can deal really well with a suspect who is wholly compliant and can do really well with a suspect that’s trying to murder them. Most cops don’t have any idea what to do against a guy who wants to punch them then run away. I’ve seen so many videos where even fit looking cops end up on their backs because they don’t know what the fuck they’re doing when it comes to actually wrestling with people and instead opt for gay wrist locks that don’t work on resisting people who aren’t caught off guard.
I wish it was more of a thing in the US. Jocko willink talked about this and mentioned that in addition to their regular jobs seals spend 8 hours every week training. Cops would benefit immensely from 8 hours of training a week in not only submission grappling, but case scenarios and other shit. They don’t do this though and are resistant to this because muh thin blue line, gotta be out collecting traffic tickets. Don’t tell me I don’t know what I’m doing academy taught me everything

Anonymous No. 158511

Yeah bet grapple with metheads and violent criminals who want to kill you all the time. Get real.

Anonymous No. 158512

Yes, unironically. That is what police are supposed to do. In fact, in my limited experience it’s not even hard if you know what you’re doing. It’s only police that freak the fuck out and shoot everyone every time there’s a confrontation.

I’m not even criticizing police for shooting people in losing situations where they might be killed. I’m only saying that good grappling skills may prevent the from being a necessity in a majority of situations. For some reason, retards like you insist that police officers must not be properly trained and instead blast everyone who looks at them funny.

Anonymous No. 158513

found the pig

there's really very few circumstances where police cant make them worse because their egos get involved and things escalate to violence when they never had to
when someone is running away and the cops pull a taser for example

so who escalated that situation? the guy that was running or the one that drew a weapon on him?

Anonymous No. 158537

I'm a 4 stripe white belt and I beat most blues in my gym, including those that have 10+ kgs on me. I think it's a pretty fun spot to be in while I wait for my blue in december.

Anonymous No. 158538

I watch a section, do mental drills, then drill on a pillow, then apply it on live rolls until it sticks. Then I move to the next section and repeat the process.
I skip drilling with real people because they keep trying to give me advice and I just don't feel like it's worth it. I haven't found taking notes particularly useful either but i guess it depends on what kind of learner you are.

Anonymous No. 158546

Honestly, if you're a criminal your life has no value. There's nothing wrong with shooting somebody who's running away if they don't listen to your commands

Why bother training muh "BJJ" when you can go to a range once a month to practice your aim? And honestly criminals these days are scared as fuck like everyone else, and that's a good thing

Anonymous No. 158558

You've still got to get them in cuffs at some point, even if you pepper sprayed them or even shot them. Laying hands is never going to look good on camera, but telling him to give you his hands while knowing how to apply pain compliance from a dominant position is going to look a hell of a lot better than grinding his face against the sidewalk for two minutes.

Coratid chokes are fucking fantastic compliance tools. I fucking seen it. But assholes never learn how to apply them without flattening a trachea and so now their against department policies in multiple cities, robbing police of one of the best ways for letting someone wakeup from the worst day of their life in the back of a cop car, instead of going into a freezer in the hospital.

Anonymous No. 158561

If you live in America you’re a criminal. You commit 3 felonies a day.
Hurpa Durga durr, let’s just have everyone shoot each other
Brilliant solution, anything more to add, resident retard?

Anonymous No. 158569

Retarded cops don't even know if the person they're interacting with is a criminal or not half the time, they just arrest people (with violence if necessary) and let the DA figure it out
It's your duty to resist unlawful arrests, when the cops violate your rights they are the criminals, objectively. The constitution is the law of the land and they violate it when they seize you without probable cause

So at least maybe we can be in agreement that cops should be shot when they detain people without probable cause to do so
These are your rules not mine

Anonymous No. 158623

Some seargent who just had to explain Tennessee v Garner, again, to the fuckup dumped in his lap is reading this on a shitter and getting Forrest Whitaker eye.

Anonymous No. 158641

i used to teach kids classes some time ago, i want my purple belt so i can move town and get a job at a gym helping with kids or beginners classes
like you said it's indeed fun to beat upper belts but i want my "credentials"

Anonymous No. 158655

>aspie raging about lower belts
>bootlicker talking about shooting people
This really is the lowest IQ board.

To take things back to BJJ discussion: does anyone here use Lachlan's Submeta? I can get basically any instructional but the way he organizes things seems pretty cool. Considering subscribing, I got a lot out of his half guard stuff a few years ago.

Anonymous No. 158680

>This really is the lowest IQ board.
You greatly overestimate several of the other boards on this site, sadly.

Anonymous No. 158708

Should I change gyms if this is the third time I got ringworm in like 8 months? I always change my shirt and shower after class.
Really don't want to though cause I like the people at my gym but 3 times seems like a lot and their hygiene is terrible. At this point I feel dumb and respecting my teammates and not going to class infected, if everybody else just goes. Thank god I torrented gordons back attack instructional so at least I have something to study.

Anonymous No. 158711

If a hooker gave you the clap 3 times, would you find a new hooker?

Anonymous No. 158713

It's ringworm today, tomorrow it's staph and maybe your life is ruined

Anonymous No. 158715

this is the most low-IQ post I've read today and I browse /fit/

Anonymous No. 158732

It's true, they're protected by qualified immunity, they can and will kidnap you with violence and lock you in a cage even if you haven't committed a crime and they'll face no consequences for it
They're useless good for nothing tax leaches

Anonymous No. 158737

look into knees over toes. You want to focus on knees, shoulders, and lower back in particular. those tend to get hurt the most. ALSO, the most injuries in grappling come from uncontrolled body weight, not from submissions. So takedowns n shit.

Anonymous No. 158746

Why do you have to wait till December?

Anonymous No. 158760

I was teaching an unathletic teen how to frame and he gave me a little boop to the throat with the blade of his hand, started coughing like a motherfucker

Fuck this shit, you told me karate chops don't work and this kid accidentally fucked me up with one
I'm started karate lessons, bjj doesn't do shit compared to that

Anonymous No. 158768

We have scheduled belt promotion days at my gym. It's twice a year, at the end of each training season.

Anonymous No. 158785

>qualified immunity
Absolutely begging concerned citizens to look further into qualified immunity and how it does not exist in criminal law, only civil cases.

Anonymous No. 158786

Cop arrests you, prosecutor declines to prosecute
What happens to the cop? Oh that's right, nothing
Well can you at least sue him? Nope

There's no reason to have cops. They exist to collect money for the state

Anonymous No. 158830

Judo brown belt here and I just picked up a 10 lesson punch card from a local bjj gym to improve my newaza and find out what touching legs feels like. If the gym seems solid I'll drop in as often as I can (curently doing judo+mt as a wagie). I know the standard tips of show up to learn and check the ego at the door, but anything else I should know going in? I'm also really curious as to how the class pace compares.

Also, judo guy at bjj club stories and impressions? We get bjj guys all the time and in my experience they've all been really chill dudes who become absolute beasts if they stick with it. Once they lose the bent-over double stiff arm in randori and loosen up when taking throws they typically improve really quickly.

Anonymous No. 158834

Huh, I'm interested in what other gyms do. We have events once or twice a year that get people promoted (blue belt test) but coaches will also give out stripes and belts during regular class, I've seen podium promotions. It's really random.

Anonymous No. 158835

I love the judo guys at my gym because they are good at different things that help improve me overall so I always ask them questions.

Just go and have fun and tell us what you think of it. It's probably a lot of stuff that you really don't spend more than 30 seconds in before you stand up again in judo like closed guard, what's the longest you've been in closed guard? In BJJ you might be in it for 5-6 minutes or positional sparring reset the entire class. Depends a lot of the gym culture and what the coach is teaching

Anonymous No. 158837

I remember once it was pretty funny when December rolled around and the guy teaching said to everyone if you think you're getting promoted you're wrong, this is not a Christmas present

Anonymous No. 158854

thank u brazza

Anonymous No. 158857

Thanks anon, I'm pretty hyped for it. My judo club is very competition-oriented so we keep a pretty high pace and do at least 4-5 rounds of randori every class. Obviously we start standing for the majority of sparring but usually we'll have a class or two a week where we alternate rounds standing and starting on the ground. But yeah I'd say 80% of our sparring starts standing and if you don't get an ippon-level throw immediately transition to hunting for subs and turnovers on the ground. The head coach was a D1 wrestler back in the day so he's very much an old school "maintain intense top pressure and attack attack attack" kind of guy. Some of the other coaches crosstrain bjj so we get some bottom game lessons and practice but yeah my closed guard is pretty trash. Judo will always be my true love but it's frustrating how much of it has fallen by the wayside due to IJF fuckery.

Anonymous No. 158924

The martial arts thread on /t/ has basically all gordon ryan instructionals except for upper body joint lock escapes and leg lock escapes. Really annoying as heel hooks by overzealous blue belts are going to become a problem as I finally decide to stop sandbagging and actually get promoted to blue belt. Fuck spending 700 dollars on two instructionals

Anonymous No. 158960

And this brings me back to my original point
If the stuff you learn from your teacher creates such a deficit that you need to buy videos then why the hell are you paying your teacher?

Many such cases

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guy jumps in gym.webm

Anonymous No. 158965

most of the time your coach won't be a world class athlete, but that's besides the point

the point is some people want to learn outside of the gym, and this is what instructionals accomplish

not many people have a chance to drill specific techniques that they're interested in during their limited allotted mat time

Anonymous No. 158967

Retard take.

Because your teacher isnt gordon ryan no matter how good they because you dont live near austin and get invited to roka because your teacher cant dedicate their lives to jiujitsu like gordon ryan did to the utmost autistic degree for half their life so while they are good at some things they may be weaker at others because your teacher might not be teaching what you want to practice right at this moment because your teacher has to teach from constraint as they do have to slow shit down and not go into autistic detail for the 2x a weak hobbyist/lower belts and isnt in an environment where they dont have anything besides teach an elite group of pro or aspiring pros because your teacher isnt at open mat because you already know what they taught in class and may get some details when probe but it isnt enough stimulation because your teacher sucks and you have no other choices

Anonymous No. 158981

In regards to the cops discussion earlier, it seems like it only makes sense for them to have multiple levels of force to use. Same reason why nations don't just stockpile nukes
"Well bro we have nukes we don't need a standing army that's a waste of time and money no one can beat nukes bro"
If you don't understand why that's a bad defense policy then you should abstain from voting in the next election

Anonymous No. 158988

If you knew fuck all about how little training or screening cops get, you wouldn't say stupid shit like this. It's not even the cops job to determine your guilt. The law literally says they only have to think you're a perp to fuck your life up.

Anonymous No. 159021

that falls apart when you remember the guy that taught gordon is a crippled boomer that never competed even once in his life at any level and started training when he was nearly 30

it's time to dispel this fiction that you need to be a great competitor to know what you're talking about. Usually competitors are the worst teachers and we all know this, its true of any sport
it's the guys that spend their time watching footage and studying the game, not the 19 year old illiterate out there playing it

aside from that they're completely self centered malignant narcists most of the time, because you have to be

Anonymous No. 159029

>it's time to dispel this fiction that you need to be a great competitor to know what you're talking about

This is generally a good take with some guys game being a lot more physical or intuitive

EXCEPT you're kinda hand waving it and talking in generalities when there is a clear example. This is gordon ryan we're talking about danaher himself thinks highly of gordon's teaching ability and claims it to be one of his best abilities

Even if you think danaher is lying for some reason, it becomes abundant clear if you watch his instructionals he's a great teacher. His game is very playable for the public

Anonymous No. 159064

Of course Danaher is going to hype is codependent cash cow up
But realize you're getting a curated edited version in the videos
Imagine being in the room with that guy day to day, what an insufferable prick he is
Danaher is also not a nice person either, but their toxic personalities seem to work with each other

Part of teaching is having a temperament for it

Anonymous No. 159067

>to fuck your life up
You mean taking you to the station and holding you there for 24 hours before a judge decides if you should go to prison or not? Doesn't seem that bad. Of course non-niggers shouldn't worry about that anyway, as we don't associate with criminals and wouldn't be in a situation to be mistaken for one.

Anonymous No. 159079

sorry newfag I forget the name but go to /t/ and look for the decoder. they post it at the top of a lot of threads. My friend told me it is reliably found on the mommy packs thread.

Anonymous No. 159080

Yes it's a big fucking deal to get kidnapped, have your personal information seized and broadcast publicly with a mugshot and locked in a cage you fucking faggot
>wouldn't be in a situation to be mistaken for one.

Hey just violating your civil rights, no big deal right?
How's that leather taste you queer?

Anonymous No. 159086

this isnt ancien regime france. Police can't just arrest you for no reason, they need to have probable cause, and if they have no evidence that you did anything then they have no case and so will have to release you by a judges order. If they do arrest you for some weird fucking reason you can always ask to have your personal info expunged from police records if you havent been convicted and the courts will grant that request. Cops don't determine guilt because they aren't fucking judge dredd, cops can arrest you if they have a reason to believe that you have done something, but if they have no case they have to let you go.

Anonymous No. 159092

so you didn't watch the video of the guy standing on public property engaged in a constitutionally protected activity and being arrested without a crime? because that's what happened there
the cop had no authority whatsoever to ask him to move along, and he was under no obligation to comply with that order or provide his ID
after a 2 year legal battle the incident was finally settled a little over a week ago
do you understand the amount of time and money it takes to go through a legal fight for that long? it doesn't matter that he's not guilty, he will never recoup the damages they caused him

stop gargling cop nuts. Back the blue until it happens to you, hopefully you don't accidentally do something perfectly legal on public property and get dragged through the legal system for it. Or worse yet get the fuck beaten out of you for it because these obese retards don't have a basic understanding of where there authority starts and ends

Anonymous No. 159094

> Police can't just arrest you for no reason
>they need to have probable cause
> and if they have no evidence that you did anything then they have no case and so will have to release you by a judges order
Lmfao, yeah dude I’m sure that’s no big deal and not a complete fucking waste of your time and money when that happens.
> If they do arrest you for some weird fucking reason you can always ask to have your personal info expunged from police records if you havent been convicted and the courts will grant that request
You realize that these types of legal actions require you pay a lawyer and take a shitload of time, right?

Anonymous No. 159098

Saying lol is not a refutation

>Lmfao, yeah dude I’m sure that’s no big deal and not a complete fucking waste of your time and money when that happens.
Its a waste of everyones time and money, there is going to be a whole bunch of paperwork and legal stuff the cops have to go through to justify why they took you in, so just randomly picking someone up off the street and detaining them for shits and giggles isn't likely to be a thing.

>You realize that these types of legal actions require you pay a lawyer and take a shitload of time, right?
Its free and it can be done by mail with a simple request to the courts

Anonymous No. 159101

> Saying lol is not a refutation
You’re literally too retarded and propagandized to talk to so there’s no real point. Go look up how many cops have gotten caught lying or planting evidence due to their own fucking body cameras. Nevermind the classic “I smell weed you have to let me toss your car” counts as probable cause.
> so just randomly picking someone up off the street and detaining them for shits and giggles isn't likely to be a thing.
It literally happens all the time.

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quintet 4.jpg

Anonymous No. 159104

Anyone hyped for Quintet 4? Most exciting sub grappling event IMO.

Anonymous No. 159105

>Its a waste of everyones time and money
>waste of time and money for the cops
>that get paid for being there
>plus overtime

Anonymous No. 159106

lol, fuck cops. Dumb pigs

Anonymous No. 159108

Yeah you'll probably like BJJ then because it hasn't been watered down (yet). If you find the right gym, definitely look around and hey you might really want to get into no-gi if your fingers are tired.

Anonymous No. 159111

another night of MMA, even more proof BJJ doesn't work

Anonymous No. 159115

Stop posting this bullshit. It doesn't how much shit like this is recorded because most of America will always back the blue. It's either us or the libs trying to take your freedoms lmao

Anonymous No. 159117

It works, in 1v1 settings with strict rulesets & engaging opponents. You only get caught in BJJ traps by being reciprocal. Immediately going for the escape is infitely more successful & safe than getting tangled up. That is true regardless of venue. Distance is always safest, always leaves the least options for your opponent because the first thing that has to be done, no matter what the technique, is close the distance. Anyone teaching you to close the distance just to roll around & risk a tap is a fucking fag.

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Anonymous No. 159118

>bro you have to let the police violate your civil rights or da libs will take away our freedom!

Anonymous No. 159120

>take away peoples guns
>look see! You need cops to protect you!

Anonymous No. 159191

good goy

Anonymous No. 159214

ey up mah name's owen liveseh an am 'ere teh grappul

Anonymous No. 159231

I got someone in a triangle and I fumbled it at the end, we end up going to 50/50 and they got me in a heel hook
I had to take a cold shower after

Anonymous No. 159249

they say that trying too hard to finish is what loses the submission. I find the more dominant of a position I have, I can go way slower and moreso wait for my opponent to make mistakes than go for attacks
Obviously if you are in a losing position you have to expend more energy and be more aggressive to try and upset the status quo

Anonymous No. 159577

I love this format so fucking much. Cant wait for this

Anonymous No. 159596

Soft against hard, hard against soft.

Anonymous No. 159717

Yo guys, me and my white belt started BJJ recently (abt 3 months). He's shitting on me because I haven't been able to go (vacation), but I want a way to improve against him. I watch Beltchecker, is there any other thing I can do? Thank you in advance, Anons.

Anonymous No. 159720

BTW why isn't haisam part of b team?

Anonymous No. 159730

because he is black

Anonymous No. 159731

he's japanese
that's where he came up, lived there for years, got his black belt there, taught classes at carpe diem for a living
they were good to him so he's not forgetting where he came from now that he's a big shot

Anonymous No. 159808

'en i connect me 'and toh me byecep

Anonymous No. 159812

I like sakuraba as much as the next person he is going to blow out his knee just trying to walk up the steps to the stage. And Nakamura needs to start looking at retirement homes as well

Anonymous No. 159816

Having people get out of triangle is pretty common for me :/

Anonymous No. 159837

This. Japan has enough talent to where they could stand a shot at winning (Rida, Souza bros, etc.), but Saku's team always loses since it's filled with geriatric Japanese men going against dudes half their age.

Anonymous No. 159841

likely because judo is in the schools, but I've determined the base skill level of your average japanese hobbyist practitioner is way higher than it is elsewhere

Anonymous No. 159849

Even though triangle is said to be a very effective and high success rate sub, I think it's movement is not very intuitive, just keep trying and asking your instructor for tips, especially immediately after rolling sessions where you lost a triangle, so you can pinpoint the exact problem

Anonymous No. 159947

I asked a japanese person about this and they said judo is mandatory in japanese schools, whereas most places scholastic grappling is only an elective.

Anonymous No. 159990

>All my judo homies don't wear mouth guards
>Pristine teeth but fugly ears
>BJJ people kneeing my chin and jaw and headbutting because new and bad
Just follow the rules and shit, I wish newbies realized sudden movements without control are useless and telegraphed, but that high pressure moves enable safe sudden changes

Anonymous No. 159994


Anonymous No. 159995

>Getting mad over a belt

Anonymous No. 159996

Just get a crew together and do the garage jiu jitsu
But you must be retarded if you think a gym can stay open without paying rent

Anonymous No. 159999

>it's like you're a customer but still expected to teach things
BJJ is a group exercise
If you can't stand interacting with people what makes you think you're in a healthy state of mind to put your hands on them?
Go do tai chi or something

Anonymous No. 160034

fortunately we have comparatively very few white belts now so ignoring them isn't as much of a problem as it was last year
and many of the blue belts have upgraded to relevance too which is nice

probably have about 12-14 or so consistent white belts out of a school of 80 that's a really good ratio
when you have anywhere from 4-8 black belts on the mat at any given time it's pretty easy to ignore them

Anonymous No. 160074

you’re right and these people are retards
the gym owners have no loyalty towards customers, customers shouldn’t have loyalty towards them or they’ll end up exploited
we don’t live in olden times where you’d be taught by community mentors as part of a warrior society, you are only tolerated in the facility because you give money to the guy who owns it

Anonymous No. 160099

Finally someone else with some sense around here

Anonymous No. 160112

I have a choice between bjj or muay thai why should I pick bjj?

Anonymous No. 160117

easier, don't need to be in good condition or have cardio

Anonymous No. 160119

"Hey man, how could you keep sinking that heel hook last round, I couldn't figure out a way to-"

Anonymous No. 160123

"There is no easy answer, any tips I give you would be meaningless if you don't understand the greater ashi garami system, and there's not enough time for me to explain everything you need to know before addressing the question you originally asked. Git gud"

Anonymous No. 160124

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
--Albert Einstein

Anonymous No. 160131

good thing he was a physicist and not a philosopher because that's pretty weak

Anonymous No. 160132

Why do you want to train?

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Anonymous No. 160135

>There is no easy answer, any tips I give you would be meaningless if you don't understand the greater ashi garami system, and there's not enough time for me to explain everything you need to know before addressing the question you originally asked

Anonymous No. 160136

Good thing martial arts are based on physics and not philosophy then you fucking retard

Anonymous No. 160139

yeah I dunno about that

Anonymous No. 160162

I'm a white belt and in my peer group I can tell that there are some people that spar at close to 100% and go wild when they don't know what to do meanwhile I spar with less intensity and don't do movements that I'm just making up. I'm trying to think about things more but I feel like I'm learning slower than my peers and my peers (especially the ones that move wildly) have more success in competition. Should I start going wild in training if I want to learn more or is it generally a better approach to try to only use technique and I just need to not give up?

Anonymous No. 160168

The first thing is don't care so much about competition. Your focus should be on learning things and not winning, winning will come after you have done the learning and you are able to have a response for basically all of the common positions and variations. Second of all you need to watch some instructionals, if you arent then your progress will be slow because of the next point. You need to practice intelligent practice, where you go in with a series of moves that you have studied and you try to hit those moves, if you dont then you immediately troubleshoot those problem moves. The more troubleshooting and analysis you do and the more you study your weak points the better and better they will become. You can't go into a session and just "roll" and try and win, you always have to be practising something specific. Tapping your opponent out in training is meaningless unless you are specifically training submissions. Also focus on your bottom game, not because bottom is better but because it is worse, and so becoming an extremely tough nut to crack and being extremely good at escaping from bad positions and advancing from neutral positions turns you into a nightmare and a steamroller wrapped up into one and it gives you the confidence to attack knowing that even if you end up in a bad position you can just escape and return to top position.

Anonymous No. 160175

Well its possible that those guys were previously wrestlers and they are simply better at scrambling than you. You can go max force in rolling so long as its intelligent, such as in a bridge for example. If youre bridging to get me off im not just gonna fall over for you, you need to fight for that bridge. So that's one thing you can change about your rolling
As for competition like I said if they are better scramblers that would definitely help in comps also. So my suggestion is to find a partner you can trust who is wild like you say, and match their wildness, and find ways you can get someone to train you in wrestling techniques

Anonymous No. 160185

You don’t know about that because you’re a retard and don’t actually train

Anonymous No. 160186

Judoka here, explosive scrambles are absolutely a useful skill to have even if you don’t yet know what you’re doing. Being able to slow things down and pick your movements carefully is a luxury of training, but you should also be training yourself to explode when necessary. it’s not really a matter of one or the other, you need to train light to learn new stuff and you need to train hard to prepare for the realities of a fight. If your problem is that your training partners aren’t going with the program then tell them in advance whether you want to spar light or hard..

Anonymous No. 160190

Your tolerance of white belts only tells me you're a white belt
Mind your tongue and stay in your lane

"Just show up", mop the floors, and quit in 6 months like everyone else

Anonymous No. 160191

Being a spaz will only get you so far, but there is definitely a ton of value in athleticism and persistence. Ask questions and try to problem solve, but don't overthink to the point of hesitation.
White belts that always roll 100% are usually the ones who get injuries and hit a skill ceiling quickly.

Anonymous No. 160212

>if you’re not an autistic retard like me you must be a white belt
Some of us remember being white belts who wanted help and pass that along. You don’t think martial arts are about physics? I’m going to go back to an old post and ask you to post you belt. With time stamp.

Anonymous No. 160216

giving white belts the odd tip if you see that they keep doing the same thing wrong is perfectly fine. Everyone is a white belt at some point.

Anonymous No. 160221

A girl has now fart on my twice! I wanted to do something back so I just shoved her in my armpt and keep her there for most of are rolls.

Anonymous No. 160237

attitude and tactics are the most important component, so yes I'd say philosophy is more important than physics
compare someone who does sport karate vs someone that does krav maga for example
karate will have clean efficient techniques and also be kind of a pussy
compared to krav maga who has basically no technique at all but is nothing but attitude
the krav maga is winning that fight on sheer aggression alone despite being basically a fake martial art
that small test is proof your martial philosophy as in your tactics and mind set are the most important thing
it's also the reason bjj is a shitty fighting art since it's so passive and requires wrestling in order to work

Anonymous No. 160275

Time stamp.

Anonymous No. 160279

shut up and go ask the purple belts how they keep passing your guard

Anonymous No. 160281


Anonymous No. 160289

it's a fact
there's no other grappling art that mandates you learn another grappling art to use it effectively
just accept you got indoctrinated into a cult so you can move forward

Anonymous No. 160291

>there's no other grappling art that mandates you learn another grappling art to use it effectively
what is aikido?

Anonymous No. 160300

more of a performance than a martial art

Anonymous No. 160355

what makes you think wrestling is required to make it work?

Anonymous No. 160356

Post a time stamp of your brown belt

Anonymous No. 160375

>let the wrestler guy crank the fuck out of my neck again
it's over

Anonymous No. 160380

Jesus, why does every BJJ thread just end up a sewer of negativity. The Judo threads always stay so much more positive.

Is it all the uchikomis? Is that the secret sauce for staying happy and pleasant?

Anonymous No. 160383

You're a fucking retard.
>Planet fitness
Mountains of equipment & liability, massive floor space, utility use through the roof
>Only charges 10$ a month
Business models like this always make me look at martial artists like fucking retards. All of you are paying ridiculous rates for glorified P.E. classes. It's not about being poor, it's about having your priorities in order. There is no reason why a dojo with nothing more than mats should cost more than planet fitness. The largest repellant to joining martial arts is the price tag, at first its just because it's expensive, then its because you realize it's a scam.

Anonymous No. 160388

>There is no reason why a dojo with nothing more than mats should charge more than planet fitness
> $10 a month, 100 students, still cannot make rent on a 2000 sq ft commercial space
Real big /biz/ hours around here I see.

Anonymous No. 160390

>Implying the reduced price wouldnt greatly increase customers.

Anonymous No. 160391

Most gyms run around 100$ month, and thats a forgiving estimate. Assuming the gym has 100 students that is 10k a month. You're giving some dude 10k a month to play in his big empty room & MAYBE get some instruction from his cockwashers. Its a scam dude.

Anonymous No. 160392

Doesn't matter. You couldn't fit them all across even 3 classes on the available mats in a space that's only 10x20y.

Anonymous No. 160395

>implying most owners don't delegate entire classes to lesser ranks
>implying classes arent segregated by age
It could easily be done.

Anonymous No. 160396

>no one ever accounts for insurance
Every single one of these discussions is a larp on all sides.

Anonymous No. 160397

And its not as if every new customer would be hardcore about it.
Think about planet fitness and how many members only go in 1-2 times a month.

Anonymous No. 160398

Then shut the fuck up and stop posting here retard. You clearly don’t do jiujitsu you just want to bitch about how expensive it is and how bjj people sometimes try to talk to you.

Anonymous No. 160399

>muh liability insurance
Cheap.As.Fuck. Again if planet fitness can float 10 membership fees to play with poorly maintained mechanical deathtraps then a dojo got no excuse for 100+ monthly fees.

Anonymous No. 160400

>everywhere has the same insurance requirements
My foam sword of +10 has poison resistance

Anonymous No. 160401

Its literally the same type of insurance dude. Paid by quantity of expected consumer base basically. Planet fitness pays more & charges less, thats a fact. Business wise, you cannot justify the cost of martial arts.

Anonymous No. 160402

> 10k a month
> 120k a year
> Comparable to gross revenue from a fucking unknown startup restaurant
> Before commercial rent, utilities, supplies, liability insurance, medical insurance, etc. and then you get whatever is left as a living wage for yourself, assuming you are the sole employee of a small business

One of my favorite dualities here is how /bjj/ will lambast the fees charged from running a gym inside nearly any US city from one side of their mouth and then shit talk how dumb the median juijitsu coach must be to even go into that business from the other.

Anonymous No. 160404

Post a belt with a time stamp or stop posting altogether. You retards in this thread need to stop giving this moron in the time of day. He doesn’t train.

Anonymous No. 160406

Yeah I totally couldn't have meant laws vary. I must've been talking about daycare too. Your hit check fails. Roll damage.

Anonymous No. 160408

>Railing against cost of martial arts
>He doesn't train
>Muh post belt
People who train in styles that use a belt system get no respect from me.

Anonymous No. 160410

Not that much really, not when it comes to this business type. It's largely unregulated. Which is why literally anyone can open a gym with zero related experience.

Anonymous No. 160415

Because bjj only works when the other person is deciding to engage with it
It lacks the ability to actually bring someone down and more importantly hold them down
If a person just decides not to engage with it and keeps retreating its simply not effective, it only has any use when a person is determined to keep moving forward at you like a zombie

And you see it in the athletes too, nobody in wrestling or judo needs to practice something else to be at the top of their sport
Bjj athletes on the other hand all need to spend considerable time in wrestling practice because bjj itself is half baked

And I mean the lie has been exposed by this point in MMA too
Whenever Joe says THIS GUY IS A LEGIT BJJ BLACK BELT! you know he's about to get dominated on the ground lol

Anonymous No. 160416

>I literally don’t train jiujitsu
Thanks for removing all doubt. You can fuck off now.

Anonymous No. 160417

Nah, just not gonna fuck off, lol. Sorry just not gonna. Gonna keep shitting in BJJ threads, its just what I do. It's so easy & fun.

Anonymous No. 160420

Don’t worry everyone thinks your very cool and special

Anonymous No. 160421

Your thoughts are a mess and your points are all over the place. BJJ works just fine under BJJ rulesets, just like wrestling does under wrestling rulesets. If you're talking about MMA or street fighting, then you could easily point out a flaw in any martial art (e.g. wrestler getting strangled, BJJ guy getting taken down, judoka getting punched)
>muh MMA BJJ doesn't work
There are still submissions pretty frequently in MMA. When those submissions attempts fail, and there is an escape? Guess what, escapes are also part of BJJ. Go train you lazy pig

Anonymous No. 160425

its funny because you're arguing with multiple people and think they're all me
maybe you're the asshole huh?

you should post your blue belt with a timestamp or stop being so uppity

Anonymous No. 160428

>There are still submissions pretty frequently in MMA
hadaka jime, juji gatame, gyaku ude garami, mae hadaka jime. kata gatame, sankaku jime
these are all your common MMA applicable submissions, Basically Just Judo
what has this brazilian style specifically contributed? not much at all

Anonymous No. 160429

>hurr durr be less uppity
I’m not the one claiming to be a high rank that you gained in no time at all and that’s why you can’t be assed to answer questions or speak with people at the gym.

Anonymous No. 160433

you're going to look around the room one day see all these goof balls bumbling around asking stupid questions, not getting any reps in because you keep having to help people that will quit in 6 months, needing to waste your own training time guiding beginners through rolls, and realize I was right

Anonymous No. 160434

>what has this brazilian style specifically contributed
Where they get applied. Maybe your Judo gym was different, but I never saw an omo plata applied off a failed triangle off a stuffed tomoe nage.

Granted, it's mostly going to be Judo guys attempting a tomoe, but I'd like to think eventually BJJ will osmose more standup as time goes by. I see a lot of collar drags and ankle pics, those were swiped from collegiate wrestling right?

Anonymous No. 160435


Anonymous No. 160439

I'm not giving you the satisfaction

you first, then maybe I'll consider it

Anonymous No. 160441

why would you bother to learn karate when you definitely cant even bench 315 or weigh 200. pathetic

Anonymous No. 160444


Anonymous No. 160446

It's because these threads get flooded with judo-obsessed retards (who don't train), and people take the bait. Contrarian aspies ruin every fucking board.
No one that actually trains would dismiss BJJ/judo/wrestling and bring up street fights so frequently.

Anonymous No. 160448

Based and correct

Anonymous No. 160461

All anti BJJ garbage amounts to
>But the Gracie's didn't make up those techniques it's originally all judo!
Yeah and the guy who made up MuayThai/kickboxing/boxing didn't come up with the punch either but it's still a good art

Anonymous No. 160472

The others don't all claim that their shit is proprietary
Besides Gracie jiujitsu is laughably ineffective, I'm not sure why it's even part of the conversation anymore

Anonymous No. 160498

Jiu jitsu also doesn't claim these moves to be proprietary so my point still stands

Anonymous No. 160516

Thanks, I know.

Anonymous No. 160583

I want to compete on an amateur level in mma. I have the choice between two gyms.

one I would be able to train bjj 10 hours a week but its all gi and more expensive or 4 hours a week but its all no gi.and its cheap.

im concerned in whats transferable

Anonymous No. 160605

do no gi and some boxing gym imo
gi is cool and all but gi gyms usually do all kinds of dumbass sports BJJ shit that isn’t good for MMA and you’d notice that a lot if you watched somebody from an MMA gym grapple somebody from a strictly BJJ gym. No gi centered places (especially if they also do MMA) have a much more wrestling oriented game even under BJJ rules.
t. another amateur mmanon

Anonymous No. 160717

Are ADCC weightclasses (<66, <77, <88, <99, >99) made with weight difference fights on mind? If you're 71.5 kg, then cutting to 66 would be very devastating and bulking up to 77 would last several months so I guess a 71.5 grappler is supposed to fight against 77 ones.

Anonymous No. 160723

There's probably a couple reasons. Total number of competitors, the idea that they're open to wrestlers who are very good at manipulating their weight, and just the easy to remember double numbers. Down the line they may add more, since women just got a new one, they're certainly not against the idea.

Anonymous No. 160774

*laughs in arm triangle*
no one is teaching you anything for $10/month, if you want undirected solo fitness then buy an elliptical

Anonymous No. 160812

Be honest, what does actually go through your mind directly after being submitted?
Personally I feel extreme anger at my partner for a few seconds and then shame and frustration for the remaining of the day. I don't let any of these emotions show though.

Anonymous No. 160817

>what does actually go through your mind directly after being submitted
"Way to go, dipshit" if I fucked up and provided them an opening. If I don't know how they scored it, I'll ask them where I fucked up.

Anonymous No. 160835

literally nothing unless I tap solely to avoid injury when some retard cranks my neck or jaw in which case I think "this nigger is a black monkey nigger, I will not roll with this negro spade anymore"

Anonymous No. 160853

You might be trying too hard if getting subbed in a roll is making you angry. Stop trying to win the roll. Just try to learn. For example I stopped attacking at all in the last month and only play defense. If I see an easy sub I do it but besides that I just defend because that's my current focus. Ironically I've gotten more subs than normal because the other guys options have been shut down and he gets sloppy

Anonymous No. 160856

It happens so infrequently I couldn't tell you
I'm really only tapping if I feel something unsafe happening

Anonymous No. 160869

"Ah, there it is."
I'm extremely annoying and I never quit defending, so it's rarely a surprise when I need to tap. Usually they finally wiggled the right way to line up that last centimeter, or my grip finally gave out or something, so it's not as if I got blindsided.

Frankly I get my ass kicked every single day, so it's not as if tapping out is some novel, ego-shaking event for me. Also, I rigorously force myself to control my breathing and keep my emotions under control. Honestly I would rather get tapped than get spaz out or get riled. I'm OK with being not-very-good at jiujitsu, but it is unacceptable to be an emotionally delicate bitch.

Anonymous No. 160880

>I'll ask them where I fucked up

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Anonymous No. 160897

> His instructor isn't rolling along with the students

Anonymous No. 160906

In the training room? "Ah dangit"

Then I move on with life because after 20 years of training it doesn't matter.

In comp I do get a bit more salty, though usually at myself for not prepping enough.

Anonymous No. 160907

Definitely depends on context. If you have a good relationship with a higher belt I wouldnt look twice at it

Anonymous No. 160926

"wow that dude is pretty good, I am surprised that happened, I need to figure out why so I can be ready next time I see that"

Because I don't completely suck and it is an effort to submit me.

Anonymous No. 160989

Half the time i dont know what the fuck im doing. I have been doing this for a year, and most moves ive drilled ive forgotten. There is a disconnect between what i know and what i do when rolling, under pressure nothing is like when your are drilling. Any tips? Yesterday i got destroyed by the blue belts.

Anonymous No. 160992

>instructor is only watching my matches specifically
>retard thinks it’s rude to talk to people at the gym still
Why are you still here? Did you not embarrass yourself enough already?

Anonymous No. 161002

that’s the way of things
everybody with self-awareness feels the same way

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Anonymous No. 161006

26 years too old to start bjj?

Anonymous No. 161009

I had this problem too. What helped was to focus on two or three things and practice only them during rolling, for weeks or even months at a time. Pick for instance one passing technique and two sweeps.
It's easier to remember what to do when you're under pressure if you only have limited options. Just make sure the techniques you pick are high percentage and not something retarded.

Anonymous No. 161010

That's 1 year under the average age most people start
It's an old man sport. People retire into bjj because other sports are too difficult as you get older
Since strength is the only physical attribute that matters in this you can do it well into your 40s with no problem

Anonymous No. 161011

Is it too old to start competing?

Anonymous No. 161012

Well that's a bit of an oversimplication.
The same factors are at play as there are for any other athlete, but yeah cardio isn't going to be as important as it would be for a linebacker in football

Anonymous No. 161020

Yes. That's why the masters division starts at 21 and ends at 25. Anyone over 26 who steps on a mat in a competition has their knees immediately shattered by the intense gravity of the tournament.

Jesus Christ, no. They have competition brackets all the way up to 50 years old.

Anonymous No. 161023

Here I am thinking this thread would be discussing bjj...instead it's a bunch of grifters and bjj anons getting baited into fruitless discussion.

Bjj is an effective combat sport. Though wrestling may be the most fundamental, bjj is neccesary to elevated ones lethality to the next level.

Whats your go to submission anons?

Anonymous No. 161057

Armbar or rear naked, Americano/kimura and triangle are the only other two I have done a significant amout of drills in and their movements are not as easy to me

Anonymous No. 161116

Will someone post highlights from WNO 19 ?

Anonymous No. 161117

In his prime there are very few people I would put over GSP. I wish he had stayed in welterweight and fought Khabib.

Anonymous No. 161122

Danaher: Dull autistic formal lectures with occasional psychotic joke, takes 45 minutes to cover the basics of a technique, entire content takes 70 hours over five different releases
Gordon: Danaher with normal pace of talking, referencing ten year old matches that six people watched, takes 30 minutes to cover the basics of a technique, entire content in 10 hours
Craig: Sodomy jokes, Reddit outfits, references even more obscure matches that nobody watched, takes 20 minutes to cover the basics of a technique, entire content in 7 hours
Lachlan: Pleads not to pirate his DVDs that’s a crime and his family will starve and be raped by kangaroos, covers the basics of a technique in 10 minutes, entire content in 4 hours

Anonymous No. 161132

You are very misinformed.

>.t former leo and current attorney

Anonymous No. 161147

Sums about everything. Craigs stuff is very meta too but his proportion is pretty jank and he is stronger than he looks
Lachlan's website is a blessing
Bteams coming in to submeta too i heard hopefully craigs stuff will be more compressed too afterwards

Anonymous No. 161219

I've been getting reverse mount with the intention of angling for a Boston crab, because I know my sensei will be slower to promote me, and because it makes him chuckle to see me trying to get better while having no practical ambition to win

Anonymous No. 161220

Think of class as a showcase
It's up to you to work at the things that Interest you, and once you have enough practice on the mat and lose a lot of positions and get tapped enough you should have a feel for good fundamentals
Shit will come naturally
Ie most defenses no matter how strange can be boiled down to some kind of underhooks, some kind of crossface, some kind of your elbows being tucked, with elaborate defensive moves boiling down to a combination of those things
It's like learning how to spell before you can string letters into words, and words into sentences , your body is being taught a language and 1 year in you're only really going to be learning how to form "words" unless you really put a bunch of intensive time, and allow people to put intensive time into you

Anonymous No. 161221

Into you, at which point you can accelerate that pace
1 year seems reasonable imo if you have no background in grappling

Anonymous No. 161236

Honestly it's a crap shoot from there
Our most prominent black belt at our gym claims he'd been getting his ass handed to him for at least 8 years training in NYC before the concept of offense "clicked"
The reality is in my opinion some people never get fluent unless they actively speak the language for a while
So depending on your body type and the distribution of opponents you face, you never know when youll get "fluent"
That said best way to learn imo is get comfortable with fundies, and expose yourself to as many different gyms and their cultures/styles/potential opponents as you can
I feel like you can accelerate your pace whenever you want, it's just limited by your ability to travel and your willingness to find some homies to do some OG garage jiu jitsu

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Anonymous No. 161249

I'm on an educational mission, I'm reaching out as a mercy. I don't have to think it's a good sport to call out predatory absurd pricing

>but muh insurance
pic related, you got fleeced if you thought a gym couldn't cover a max 200$/mo expense from dues.

Anonymous No. 161257

Reverse mount is underrated. Lot of options for leg attacks and in MMA, you can wing free ground n' pound shots to the body.

Anonymous No. 161359

What should I do to prevent injuries? I signed up to Bulletproof for BJJ but their workout programs are too complicated for me because I don't want to learn loads of new movements, can I just do the five compound lifts instead?

Anonymous No. 161361

God I hate retards who only spam collar chokes the entire round. What do these people even think about after the class is over? How is this a productive use of your training time?

Anonymous No. 161401

God I hate retards who only spam heel hooks the entire round. What do these people even think about after the class is over? How is this a productive use of your training time?

Anonymous No. 161406

They think
>man this guy knows no collar choke defense, glad to wreck him infinitely lol
Git gud

Anonymous No. 161453

I'm running out of copes for sucking ass. Anyone got any good ones?

Anonymous No. 161454

can I trust john danaher's feet to floor series

Anonymous No. 161455

as well as standing to ground series

Anonymous No. 161456

>can I just do the five compound lifts instead?
idk which five you're talking about (guessing high bar squat, flat barbell bench, conventional deadlift, standing overhead press, barbell row?) but yeah
you probably have shit lifting technique though by the sounds of it and it takes years to git gud at lifting, if you're not willing to put in the time into one of the most essential fitness skillsets around then just get injured instead and find a good place for sports rehab treatments, will save you time but you'll always be weak and skinny

for standing skills in BJJ? yes, definitely
not for other grappling sports though

Anonymous No. 161472

just learn to do some nordic curls

Anonymous No. 161478

Last 2 might be snatch/c&j.

Anonymous No. 161486

too complicated for him

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Anonymous No. 161508

Here's a few ol' reliables
>No matter how bad I'm fighting, I've already lapped normies hundreds of times over, at this point any additional progress is really just masturbatory
>Most of the people I'm fighting at this point are roided up or have structural body advantages I'm not capable of overcoming without compromising my morals. I'm doing about as well as anyone could hope to do since most opponents past my level are basically cheating.
>A BJJ fight is a highly unnatural fight anyways, someone beating me at one isn't much to write home about. All it says is that they're better at autistic ground show-fighting
>I'm managing my pace, I'm trying not to get injured so I'm going to be showing up less now. However much less I do next week, I'll repeat the process then, too. Gotta keep managing my pace.

These should be enough copes to get you started :^)

Anonymous No. 161509

If I knew how buttblasted people got when someone pulls guard I'd have started earlier

Anonymous No. 161510

If someone can beat you in a BJJ fight, and you can into an MMA match with them, they will also beat you in MMA unless you have done extra training in other styles for a more well rounded game. The third one is a pretty weak cope

Anonymous No. 161514

how about "I'm just a blue belt, of course I suck ass. Do you expect an undergrad to successfully do open heart surgery too?"

Anonymous No. 161523

Thank you, I'll try these the next time I'm in the gym.

Anonymous No. 161541

Somewhere there's someone better at you at something, it's pure hubris and unhealthy to think you're entitled to being good, especially in a 100% relative sport like BJJ
This isn't like weight lifting where it's about absolute weights
You're up against an opponent with a background you can only infer once you get your hands on them
Imo what separates the good from the bad isnt whether or not you're fine with sucking, but whether or not you're fine with losing
It's unhealthy to be happy with sucking, and it's absolutely healthy to accept your losses, if only so you have losses to learn from

Anonymous No. 161543

Did you buy or make that wooden belt frame?

Anonymous No. 161547


Anonymous No. 161609

it would be funny to drill armbars & triangles with ffion davies right haha

Anonymous No. 161617

Time stamp

Anonymous No. 161660

You don't know shit. They don't do it because they do not get paid enough for that shit.
>shit that never happened
But if not a larp, first, why would they risk the liability of taking some rando trainers promotional virtue signal when departments, when they can afford it, either host or attend seminars with private instruction from real experts who know the value of their time.
>ITT: A bunch of dipshits who know fuck all about cops OR martial arts pretend to be experts on both

Anonymous No. 161666

idk about the US specifically but in my country most law enforcement agencies follow certain legal guidelines for the use of force based on prior court precedence, which basically eliminates all force except wrist locks and sweeps, because some faggot judge thinks chokes look dangerous or that a punch is inherently lethal

Anonymous No. 161667

again I don't know about the US except I see Tom Deblass hosting seminars for cops; in my country our law enforcement agencies and even the military (part of NATO) usually hire instructors that teach them absolute dogshit "self-defence systems" which anybody with an MMA experience would laugh at.
Unless the US police agencies have standardized contracting of instructors based on a uniform criteria there's probably tons of diversity in terms of what instructors local agencies choose to hire, as the person organizing the seminars or camps is likely just some fat fuck retard woman behind a desk.

Anonymous No. 161674

>departments, when they can afford it, either host or attend seminars with private instruction
Ah yes, the 4 hour annual seminar is certainly enough training for police. From "experts" like George Dillman that made his living doing exactly the kind of seminars you're talking about
Know how I can tell you're not a cop and just a simple boot licker? Because ask any cop and they'll tell you they receive basically no training in hands on

By the way its not a virtue signal for the benefit of the cops, they've proven through their actions that they're lazy and won't so anything their job doesn't explicitly require
It's for the benefit of community members so the cops stop brutalizing people unnecessarily
They immediately go from hands on to beating the fuck out of passively resisting people with closed fists and tasers. Teaching them to grapple is giving them more tools so don't keep hospitalizing and killing people over misdemeanors and traffic infractions

Anonymous No. 161677

hear me out... powdering your thighs tf up before class...

Anonymous No. 161691

migrate when ready

Anonymous No. 161837

Garry Tonon is the best "Danaher but human" experience, and he's quick at demonstrating too