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🧵 /BJJ/ - BJJ General

Anonymous No. 161690

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General
George Costanza approves edition


Belt Checker

Previous thread

Thread question: White belts, why aren't you a blue belt yet? Higher belts, what's your favorite white belt destruction technique?

Anonymous No. 161694


Anonymous No. 161700

stop making these faggy editions fucking redditor niggers

Anonymous No. 161701

I would rather take a round off than go with a white belt because I'm not interested in getting hit in the mouth
but if I must destroy them it's knee on chest with a double lapel. I've popped at least 2 ribs that I know of doing that lol

Anonymous No. 161715

If I could only know 1 martial art BJJ would be my choice.

Anonymous No. 161717

Idk bro probably because I can't get out of side control

Anonymous No. 161744

Thank you to higher belts that roll with us. <333 ily guys

Anonymous No. 161746

that's gay

Anonymous No. 161762

Wassup guys what's your favorite move mine is halfguard

Anonymous No. 161787

Not a move

Anonymous No. 161790

define a move

Anonymous No. 161794

Nothing, but presumably something actually involves, you know, movement. Half guard is a position. Things you do to transition in to and out of half guard and ways you attack and defend within half guard are “moves”.

Anonymous No. 161795

That's a great move. Mine is turtle

Anonymous No. 161798

but really positions require movement to work, so they're moves too

Anonymous No. 161799

If no one is moving you could, theoretically, still remain in halfguard. You can’t do an armbar without movement. Don’t be dumb.

Anonymous No. 161810

Body triangle is a move
But hooks are a position
Seems like a distinction without a difference

Anonymous No. 161833

Moves are positions until there's a tap.

Anonymous No. 161849

>Distinction without difference
I guess if you’re retarded you can’t see the difference but that seems like a you problem.

Anonymous No. 161868

Well when you think about it a body triangle is way more passive, you lock it and just sit there
Hooks are dynamic and need to be continuously readjusted (which us why they're shit and don't work on anyone past 3 stripe white belts but that's besides the point) hooks are more of a move than a body triangle if movement is the deciding factor

Anonymous No. 161894

A famous BJJ guy is holding a 3 hour seminar in my gym. I've only been training for a few months, would it be out of place for me to go? I don't to put my instructor in an awkward position if this kind of thing is only meant for more advanced guys.

Anonymous No. 161897

I would still go, but participation depends on the subject and nature of the seminar. If it's something super specific that requires intimate knowledge, then you may be better off just sitting to the side. But exposing your mind to whatever it is couldn't be any worse than blowing a few grand on instructionals or something. In 3 hours, the likelihood that you'll learn at least -one- new thing is pretty high

Anonymous No. 161921

It's going to be a collosal waste of your time and money
Seminars in general are a complete waste but especially so when you're new and don't have the ability to recall details easily yet

But the main reason they're a scam is you all get completely overloaded with information and don't retain any of it. Then for the next week the guys will half heartedly practice it but won't have the finer points quite right since they spent effectively no time with the material at the time they learned it before moving on, so nothing will really work the same way it did during the seminar and it'll all be pretty much forgotten by the following week
I never go to seminars, anything worth knowing I'll just steal from the cucks that went to it
Caio Terra did a choi bar seminar that cost $100 to attend
I've seen exactly 1 Choi bar attempt in the gym since then. Total waste
Lmao imagine spending $100 for something you could learn for free on YouTube

Anonymous No. 161922

I was a few months in and had Andrew and Bird Wiltse teach just a regular morning class and I didn't know who they were. This was before the Flo grappling documentary.

Just go you'll appreciate it later.

Anonymous No. 161926

I feel bad for you white belts, by the time you become black belts it will be completely meaningless
it used to mean something, and it still kind of does but not as much and in a short time it's going to mean something because of guys like matt serra giving them away

he's completely talentless and his gym sucks but he has name recognition with casuals that watch joe rogan. But the fact of the matter is all his legitimate black belts have completely jumped ship so hes just fast tracking people and giving them out to purple belt level guys
now it's gotten to the point where the charlatans that cant cut it at a legitimate gym are seeking him out so they can get one at his belt factory
I mean the guys academy isn't even a part of IBJJF, they don't compete and are completely illegitimate.
literally he just gave one to a guy that got a purple belt from our place 2 years ago
but if you can't cut it somewhere with standards you go to the fraudsters

bjj 10 years away from being karate

Anonymous No. 161931

>by the time you become black belts it will be completely meaningless
It already is to anyone who doesn't train. It's a 5 min talking point in a casual converstion where someone brings up your hobbies.

As for the guys who train, they're gonna know if you're full.of shit all too quickly anyway.

Anonymous No. 161933

it's meaningful to men that watch UFC even if they don't train but still think they can beat the fighters "if I wanted to, I'm not in shape right now but I could if I felt like it"

Anonymous No. 161935

>he's completely talentless
He may be overpromoting, but how is a ex-UFC champ/ADCC silver medalist talentless?

Anonymous No. 161936

because he hasn't updated his jiujitsu since 2006 so he's basically 20 years behind on relevant techniques
he teaches oldschool gracie shit still, it's garbage
and his UFC title was a fluke, everybody knows it. He only got the title shot in the first place because he's close friends with dana

Anonymous No. 161943

>getting taught by a brown belt
>getting taught by anything less than a 3rd degree black belt

Anonymous No. 161948

>less than a 3rd degree black belt
a black belt is a black belt, degrees are beyond meaningless. They aren't skill based accolades
especially at the rate jiujitsu has evolved you have purple belts today that have more knowledge on relevant competitive topics than coral belts still doing things the same way since 1993
where is my proof? would you rather take private lessons from pedro sauer or nicky rod? honest question

Anonymous No. 161955

>not getting taught by a coral belt
might as well get your classes at the local YMCA lmfao

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Anonymous No. 161987


Anonymous No. 162001

>no butt
No thanks

Anonymous No. 162009

Belts don't matter, get over it. People have always given out bullshit black belts, and this will never stop. It's a fucking hobby.
Even good black belts get mauled by talented purple belts, I see it every week. It's all meaningless. Go train

Anonymous No. 162012

Oh nooooo don't heckin smother choke me ffion

Anonymous No. 162035

>Even good black belts get mauled by talented purple belts
Yeah I dunno about that, a purple belt with a strong college wrestling pedigree is a handful and may even control the pace but that doesn't amount to a mauling. Being as terminally average as I am my defensive fundamentals are still too strong, I can wait out anyone, he has a 0% chance of tapping me as long as I stay locked in and focused on defense.
So let's say it's a 6 minute gym round and over the course of that time it may look like he's getting the better of me because he's setting the pace he's going for the attacks I'm defending defending defending the whole time and not really setting anything up
You look at it within that 6 minute context someone might say "wow he got mauled"
But now let's extend that line even further out into infinity, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 25 minutes
He will still have not been able to tap me not only that but he is going to be exhausted, drenched, with no fuel left in the tank and I am still going to be chilling at a 100 BPM without a bead of sweat on my forehead, and then I will twist his head off like a bottle cap

Having youthful explosivity is a really effective tool in short matches but over longer stretches technique will always rise to the top

Anonymous No. 162037

>he's going for the attacks I'm defending defending defending the whole time and not really setting anything up
>You look at it within that 6 minute context someone might say "wow he got mauled"
Yeah, I would. I would also say "that guy is a huge faggot and a terrible training partner, why doesn't he ever do jiu jitsu?"
>heh, I couldn't retain guard and you crossfaced me for 10 minutes, but that's actually a win on my part!
The least subtle cope and the most embarrassing type of person in the sport, truly.

Anonymous No. 162039

That's why you'll never get past blue belt until you change your attitude, you don't understand jiujitsu yet so it'll always be out of reach

You try as hard as you can to make something happen
I wait for the right opportunity
If you try 9 submissions and fail at all of them, the defender is the one that's winning, and in your frustration you're going to step on a landmine and the defenders first attack will be the one that works

Anonymous No. 162040


Anonymous No. 162041

>in your frustration you're going to step on a landmine and the defenders first attack will be the one that works
>t. fat bald brown belt, out of breath from pulling half guard
Slob. I'm not exaggerating when I say that people like you are the worst type of training partner. It's more fun to leg ride and get you belly down than make you tap. Enjoy your "win", grandpa

Anonymous No. 162042

What you're describing here is a boxer getting everything parried and whiffing, then getting starched on a check hook but claiming he won because his output was higher

Congratulations, you're Charlie Z

Anonymous No. 162043

what you're describing is sparring at the gym and just holding up your guard the whole time (instead of being a good training partner), then fantasizing about a magical hook when you drive home

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Anonymous No. 162068

Anonymous No. 162073

If you can't pass guard get better at jiujitsu, that's a you problem

Anonymous No. 162115

Having a super strong guard is maybe the most important skill in jiu jitsu, especially if you arent super massive or athletic. Having said that you also have to attack from guard in order to make your opponent react

Anonymous No. 162120

why would I mention "hook" if I was talking about jiu jitsu guard? the IQ on this board is baffling

Anonymous No. 162139

this attitude is exactly why kyokushin "fighters" are a complete joke and get knocked out by stiff jabs whenever they try to spar with someone outside of their silly rules
defense is not only valid, it's the whole point. What you're doing right now amounts to trying to taunt someone into making a mistake because you can't get anything going yourself

but just look at reality at the highest level gordon is #1 and nicky rod is #2 for a reason
gordon defends until he's ready to attack on his own terms, nicky is always attacking. it may seem like hes doing well because he's taking initiative but gordon is the one setting the pace, the match progresses when he's ready to do it and not a second before

Anonymous No. 162143

>gordon defends until he's ready to attack on his own terms
Gordon attempts sweeps, passes guards, always moves forward. What you mentioned is defensive BJJ where you lay and pray for a mistake. After spending a 6 minute round on bottom without a submission, you claim it was part of your master plan (cope)

Anonymous No. 162145

I never said any such thing

but I'm not surprised, that's after all why you're still just a blue belt coping by saying a black belt doesn't mean anything. sour grapes, it doesn't mean anything to you because you don't have one

If your ability to listen and comprehend were better you'd be at least a purple right now

Anonymous No. 162146

So let's say it's a 6 minute gym round and over the course of that time it may look like he's getting the better of me because he's setting the pace he's going for the attacks I'm defending defending defending the whole time and not really setting anything up
You look at it within that 6 minute context someone might say "wow he got mauled"
But now let's extend that line even further out into infinity, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 25 minutes
Cope. Please visit a competitive gym

Anonymous No. 162148

meant to greentext but you get the idea>>162146

Belts don't matter but I hope the belt rack on your office wall makes you feel tough

Anonymous No. 162149

nta but i feel personally attacked

Anonymous No. 162150

lol, the fact that you're a beginner keeps seeping through. My man has some serious dunning-kruger effect going on
you think those little feinted sweeps you see are earnest attacks? they aren't setups, they're reaction tests
I bet when an upper belt goes with you and "attempts a sweep" and it "doesn't work" you feel really proud of yourself for defending it. In reality it was just to see the way you react to it so he can do it for real when the time comes

it really is amazing how martial arts uniquely attracts beginners that think they know more than experts on a subject

Anonymous No. 162152

>you think those little feinted sweeps you see are earnest attacks? they aren't setups, they're reaction tests
He hits the sweeps... Cope

Anonymous No. 162153

there's a reason you're paying for lessons and people are paying me
keep that in mind while you talk shit

Anonymous No. 162156

Everyone who trains pays for it unless you run the gym kek so yeah I guess you got me there, not a gym owner! Enjoy your bottom half kimuras that you spam on newbies

Anonymous No. 162157

>Everyone who trains pays for it
if you're legitimately good you don't need to pay, gyms would rather have your presence on the mat because that's more valuable than the dollars
and that speaks to the quality of black belts, you can tell who has to pay based on where they got their belt from
if you're from serras you'll probably have to pay because you're a middle aged guy that just flow roles against white belts
if you're from renzos you'll probably train for free because you being there pushes everyone in the room to aspire to your level

Anonymous No. 162206

In general the person on the bottom gets tired first as they have to support the opponent weight. This is if the person on top knows what they are doing

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Anonymous No. 162229

enough of you autist shitters stinking up this thread
Let's talk about how Gabriel sousa is a lucky bastard

Anonymous No. 162243

Anonymous No. 162255

For those of you use wehght training routinely: how do you manage progressive loading against keeping your weight in a given weight class?

I'm not talking about dropping weight. I understand that's a fool's hope to maintain any type of intermediate progression if you're losing muscle. But how do you still enact any type of progressive load if you're locked in at a given weight?

I'm about to hit the wall on power cleans and upper body, and I don't think even micro loading with 1.25lbs is going to work.

Anonymous No. 162278

Just stop adding weight, its absurd to think you can just keep addig weight indefinitely. Maybe try some isometric exercises for strength.

Anonymous No. 162281

You're probably going to have to start looking at programming that cycles lifts in and out. At the very least cycling load management and effort. Deloading and variance is way more important than most people realize, even when you're only lifting. Lifting concurrently with or for a sport, even more so.

Anonymous No. 162317

Cut weight or rethink your goals (i.e. less strength or higher weight class)
>hit the wall on power cleans and upper body
Going hard on power cleans and trying to not eat a lot sounds like a good way to get injured

Anonymous No. 162338

Dr. Mike Israetel Cohenstein made an entire video lecture about balancing lifting and BJJ

me personally I specialize in a certain lift for a month or two with next to no BJJ during that time in order to get past plateaus

Anonymous No. 162346

>Dr. Mike Israetel Cohenstein
I first I thought it was a /pol/ joke but the guy is real.

Anonymous No. 162373

I absolutely refuse to believe there is a real fucking person named Israel cohenstein. They might as well be named fucking Shylock shekelberg lmfao.

Anonymous No. 162388

Anyone switch gyms and if so how did that go?

Anonymous No. 162401

Has Danaher made content on wrestling up from open guard in the gi?

Anonymous No. 162430

Not only he exist but he's fucking massive and give advises on lifting, probably good ones if you want to be like him but I don't.
I've checked your video list and it's very nice. Is there any more resources about bjj?
>White belts, why aren't you a blue belt yet?
Seem like my gym isn't giving belts so easily but there is clearly a gap between me and beginners.
>what's your favorite white belt destruction technique?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 162464

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1289
Butt Stacking Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 162469

kys retard coomer nigger

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Anonymous No. 162570

Lol, imagine thinking bjj works in a fight
Lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 162571

Weili did good grappling though
She did the shots and used BJJ fundamentals to keep the hips/mobility in check

Anonymous No. 162572

She wrestled

Anonymous No. 162583

kek, what the hell happened? how was the fight not stopped?

Anonymous No. 162603

Even with a killer instinct and technical striking prowess, Weili is a prime example of women simply lacking the raw power of comparable size men.

Anonymous No. 162605

Hey retard I know what angle you're going for but it doesnt make sense because she's fighting a enhanced woman not a man

Anonymous No. 162606

Well i guess you'll remain forever ignorant as to why a retard knows what happened and you don't.

Anonymous No. 162614

did she tell you this?

Anonymous No. 162638

You can tell because she was successful in her takedown attempts

Anonymous No. 162672

Fuck off to your /sp/ MMA watching fucking nigger retards, I hope your parents get cancer and die

Anonymous No. 162678

Don't be mad now that the sport you used to use to justify how great and effective bjj is, is now exposing it as being completely irrelevant and pointless to pursue

Good wrestling fundamentals and basic judo submissions are all you need

Anonymous No. 162690

I'm not even going to read your faggot post nigger woman, I compete in amateur MMA, you watch TV fat fuck nigger American kike. Go to your armchair general board fat fuck nigger monkey black spade coon.

Anonymous No. 162759

well, I am gay so I guess I can practice BJJ

Anonymous No. 162850

Finally took the definite decision to cancel membership at my gym. The instructors are shit with no care for pedagogy and they never listen to any feedback, I don’t think I’ve learnt anything from them ever. I don’t want to waste all my spare time on instructionals while paying somebody for instruction. I kept thinking it was just me doubting myself or being blackpilled, but it’s so glaringly obvious that the only people improving are the few watching instructionals or attending seminars internationally, while the ones just attending classes, no matter how consistent and attentive they are, don’t get anywhere. Also lost good people over personal drama with the owner.

I’ll see how the other nearby gym is, I’ve not heard great things about it and they only train gi whereas I prefer no-gi but it’s worth a try. If it’s no good I’ll just rely on instructionals for learning and visit gyms in other cities for practice.

Anonymous No. 162853

where do you live? maybe I need to come show everyone how it's done

Anonymous No. 162859

even in the worlds best MMA gyms the ones who improve most and fastest are the ones who watch instructionals at home and come to class basically to try their moves out. You will never be really good if you just go to class in the same way that you will never be good in uni or high school if you never do extra studying on your own time.

Anonymous No. 162868

I'm not so sure about that, a coach is more than just a teacher that relays information to you
they're supposed to be curating your training in a way that optimizes your development. that may include a steady diet of instructionals he tells you to watch, but he should be telling you to do it if that's the case.
its like going to the gym, anyone can lift weights and look up exercises online. If you pay the premium for a trainer you're /supposed/ to be getting a program made for you so you don't have to figure it out yourself

I would say ok I'm only seeing you twice this week, here is your routine for the 3 days I wont be seeing you, call me if you have any questions. and it will also include texts at the beginning and end of the day to follow up and check in

Anonymous No. 162892

No a coach is not a PT. Coaches have to wrangle dozens of different people at a given time, all of whom will have different skill levels and knowledge, it's just not feasible for them to keep tabs on literally everyone in the gym, they really are more like teachers who give you a bit of knowledge in the day and leave it at that. Also telling your students to watch instructionals is an awful idea because instructionals can cost an arm and a leg and so not all students will be able to afford 15 grand worth of gordon ryan videos. He could always say to torrent them, but then he would be advocating to dozens of people a day to commit crimes. There also could be a clash of interest if your coach actually has made some instructionals himself, it would be really suspicious if he said "yeah your homework is to spend a few hundred dollars on a couple of these instructionals and watch them". People would just call him a grifter shilling his DVDs to idiots. Coaches are not personal trainers who can just give you a diet plan and tell you to do some weights, bjj actually requires skill to do

Anonymous No. 162897

athletes are getting all of that from coaches if they're good athletes
if you're just fodder paying the rent then thats how you're treated. Once you get out there and show winning potential they will start noticing you and personalizing your programming

Anonymous No. 162903

If you actually read the post I was responding to you would know that we were talking about how coaches could be expected to treat ALL students, not just people on the comp team. But still you felt it was appropriate to brag about your grappling skills and how you're totally a pro on an anonymous chinese toilet paper imageboard.

Anonymous No. 162909

Yes its true that the coach will probably not care about you as a practioner you only show up a few times a week but he will probably be willing to help before or after class. It's unreasonable to ask much morr, why should he treat you special. He's already busy as he is as he is likely more of a small business owner or its a side gig rather than some fuck like danaher who didnt have to do anything but teach

Anonymous No. 162913

If you don't practice avoiding getting hit and the basic bar fight sweep, your BJJ is just a larp and you won't be able to do shit against somebody hitting you.

Anonymous No. 162925

>google bar fight sweep
>0 results
Your words are as empty as your training schedule, judoposter

Anonymous No. 162929

in which belt women can't beat guys anymore? i don't mean in practice, but in irl tournaments, i saw girls tap guys in tournaments all the time at and even purple level, but i never saw a brown or black belt girl beat a dude

Anonymous No. 162943

have any of you went through a period of lows in training? I got promoted to a higher belt (wont say which) and something happened the day of promotion to me :

I looked around the room and realized the belt didnt matter. I was the same guy taking the gauntlet that I was a week moves didnt suddenly get sharper or stronger, my cardio didnt improve and i didnt have any sudden awakening to insights that no one else can see.
I also looked around at the real tough mfers in there that could probably beat most peoples ass with or without training.

since then, i feel like I'm training, but only to keep a hobby and my heart strong. I dunno what I'm saying, but my motivation completely changed from that day and really dont know why

Anonymous No. 162944

Till brown or black belt, people make mistakes, and people with good technique can capitalize on them. Women, especially those driven to compete and get wins, have better technique then men typically, because it's the only way for them to actually get anywhere.

Past a certain point though, basically everyone's got adequate to great technique, now the question is
>what kind of natural bodily advantages do you have to create opportunities or raw overpower someone with sheer force, muscle mass, endurance, and flexibility?
And men at the same belt level as women, even in the same weight class, are just advantaged on basically all of the above

Anonymous No. 162948

there probably is no belt limit, if the girl is completely autistic like gordon ryan then she could probably whoop most black belts arses. Its probably mostly a size thing at super high levels. Basically there are very few men who weigh the same as an athletic woman. The woman would also have to rely almost exclusively on leglocks as an upper body focused game would be catastrophic for her considering that most of mens strength is in their upper bodies. Basically a woman could probably beat a similarly sized man at any skill level, but it gets much riskier the better the man gets at leglocks

Anonymous No. 163030

we're assuming you're an actual normal sized man closer to 200lbs than you are to 150 that went through puberty properly and not a stick, right?

then the answer is high white to blue belt
there's a gentlemans agreement when you go with girls that you're not just going to fold them over. if you have even a rudimentary understanding of fundamental jiujitsu positions she literally can't do anything to you
she has a 0% chance of taking you down, she cant knock your hands to the floor, she cant break your posture
literally unless you're just extending your arm for her to grab she can't do anything to you

jiujitsu works for girls and manlets insofar as people who don't know any better will just walk into things and basically set up submissions against themselves
the reality is they can't do a thing
have a bellator womens featherweight in my gym, she's extremely fit and a really well built muscled woman and going with her is an absolute joke, she can't even tap the teenage male blue belts
I have to roll with her the same way I would with a white belt to avoid accidentally hurting her

Anonymous No. 163092

Why are undeehooks so powerful mechanically speaking?

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Anonymous No. 163094

Your head be like

and your shoulder and arm be like

And that's just the facts of how mechanics work, friend.

Anonymous No. 163095

normal men are not 90kg. 90kg are either super tall and muscular or fatties.

Anonymous No. 163136

t. Lollipop guild

Anonymous No. 163138

normal dudes are closer to 80kg than 90 unless they are a tall athlete or a fat fuck

Anonymous No. 163143

Average guy in Sweden who trains is around 75 - 80kg, 185cm

Anonymous No. 163171

I tried to compete in Japan and I wasn't allowed to because I was 98kg and the next closest guy was 75kg
I don't know what that means in freedom units but I'm not especially big, those boys were just tiny

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Anonymous No. 163173

Assuming you are a fairly standard 180 cm tall you are especially big. You need to be nearly 2m tall to not be a fatty

Anonymous No. 163207

you’re pretty big, in Sweden you’d be considered big but not impressively big

he could just be fucking shredded sick kvnt, I train with a guy who weighs 100kg and is about 182cm and he’s lean as shit

Anonymous No. 163244

Your shredded friend is juiced as shit. He's out here looking like cyborg or andre galvao then

Anonymous No. 163253

I'm a whitebelt cause I'm not consistant and a lazy piece of shit

Anonymous No. 163254

lol not everyone has that, my teacher is a regular black belt so he cant promote us to black, but for whites I really really don't find it necesary

Anonymous No. 163256

if I where you, (wich I´m not cause I could just loose fat) I would just compete at my current weight ,although I know it sucks when you are just 1 kg over the line

Anonymous No. 163257

helio gracie promoted himself to grand master red belt and I have by far more technical knowledge and ability than he ever did, so give me one good reason why I can't at least self promote to black

it's like keenan said, if rickson was competing today he would be a purple belt

Anonymous No. 163258

dud thats to tiny

Anonymous No. 163273

Why? Outside of specialized competitions, BJJ is incomplete.

Anonymous No. 163275

Not that it's vital, but a simple way to estimate the conversion is to double the kg weight, put a decimal point in front of the last number of the product, and then add the two. So, 98kg x 2 = 196, put a decimal point before the 6 = 19.6, 196 + 19.6 = 215.6 pounds. The Japanese guys were 75kg--75kg x 2 = 150, decimal in front of the 0 = 15.0, add them together, and you get 165 pounds.

Anonymous No. 163315

totaly, I like that you can see a black belt and know he has 8 to 10 years minimum on the mats, its a good indicator of expirience, when you do no gi you always have to be asking everyone and they are asking me

Anonymous No. 163461

This is going to sound like some bullshit koan but how many drops of water does it take for a puddle to turn into a pond? Is there a specific amount that magically makes it go from one to the other? It's hard for you to judge how you've improved objectively because you only see from inside your own skull. You can't see the whole "you"; you need other people to fill in the blind spots. If you trust your instructor then you should trust that he's seeing your big picture journey and judging that you're making progress. Plateaus can feel soul crushing but in the long run there's really no such thing. Even if you lay around doing nothing you're still growing into a certain kind of person whether you notice it or not, for better or for worse.

Anonymous No. 163472

that was profound thank you

Anonymous No. 163476

That's because you are training to get belts or to win comps. When you train for these reasons you are prone to plateaus and low periods because you are either looking for validation in the form of a rank or by feeling better than others by winning in competitions. If you look forward to belts as a sign of your skill you will feel a disconnect between your skill level and your belt whenever you get one, because you will feel like you are supposed to be better than you are as you are now a higher rank than you were. And of course if you don't get a belt you will feel like you are stagnating as you will feel like you aren't being rewarded. Pursuing comp wins is the same thing, you will feel a disconnect when you win and a frustration when you lose.

The only way to avoid this is to do Jiu Jitsu for the sake of learning Jiu Jitsu. Chase neither belts nor wins, but techniques. This way whether you get promoted or not is irrelevant to you and every loss is nothing more than a learning experience.

Anonymous No. 163501

You’re talking about Gordon, right? Might as well go, probably a better use of the 3 hours than whatever you were gonna do

Anonymous No. 163502

I’m too scared to do anything except guard so now all my rolls my is reduced to is flinging my bodyweight around for 10 minutes

Anonymous No. 163520

What belt are you? Why are you scared to do everything except pull guard?

Anonymous No. 163545

White belt lmao, I can’t top for shit

Anonymous No. 163554

Well how do you think you're gonna learn it if you dont do it?

Anonymous No. 163574

I used to say the same, still white belt but now I happen to be on the top very often and I don't know what to do.

Anonymous No. 163589

Start with half guard passing, then passing from standing. Don't give up sweeps (i.e. try to remain on top as much as possible)
Keep up your guard work but if you start or get on top, stay there. Your balance will improve

Anonymous No. 163593

>I can’t top for shit
typical bjj fag

Anonymous No. 163599

There is too much to learn. I'm on the butterfly guard now.

Anonymous No. 163601

Just choke him up you faggot bottom.

Anonymous No. 163624

forgive my retardedness but whats "choke him up"? I understand the choking part but are you using autistic speak and telling me to choke him or is there something specific you're trying to say

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Anonymous No. 163645


Anonymous No. 163648

any idea how I can get danaher gff instructionals for free lol

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Anonymous No. 163676

>passing guard

Anonymous No. 163726

Weird question, but I've got to figure some alternative out. After practice my rashgaurd is damn near plastered against my upper torso from sweat. How the fuck do you get these things off without ripping holes at the seams from trying to wrench from the bottom, up? Is this even a problem other people have, or do I alone just sweat newsprint glue?

Anonymous No. 163759

Just run more.

Anonymous No. 163762

I'm just telling you, use any fucking strangle hold that's allowed within the rules, you dumb bottom boytoy.

Anonymous No. 163763

what martial art, as it is practiced today, is complete?

Anonymous No. 163764

your wearing one thats too small

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Anonymous No. 163767

>What is goju?
Goju aka Gōjū-ryū (剛柔流) (or hard and soft style) is a modern martial art originating on the island of Okinawa in the 1930s by a man named Chojun Miyagi (the real life inspiration for Mr.Miyagi in the karate kid film series). It is much more modern and refined compared to traditional martial arts such as boxing and brazilian jiujitsu

>What does hard and soft style mean?
Hard and soft style means goju could be considered the original mixed martial art! It was created on the Island of okinawa which was at the center of trade in east asia. It combines striking techniques found from china and thailand with the indigenous okinawan wrestling techniques to create a truly complete fighting art

>What is the purpose of Goju?
the purpose of goju has always been for personal self defense as well as building a hardy and fit body through rigorous daily training and conditioning

>I've heard it's related to Kyokushin?
That's correct. Mas Oyama was a 7th degree black belt in Goju, however he wanted his students to compete in competitions therefore he had to strip away some of the more dangerous techniques found in Goju to create Kyokushin which by comparison is much safer to use in a sport setting. Similar to how Kano needed to modify battlefield jujitsu into judo.

>What is sparring like?
Sparring in goju is done with full contact and intensity, however for safety reasons Some of the more dangerous techniques are generally left out of sparring so as to not permanently injure other students
examples of striking and grappling training can be seen here

>Sounds great! how can I learn it??
Goju is not very wide spread outside of Okinawa, because its so modern and exclusive, but it does exist in other parts of the world as well
if you cannot find it near you, you can get started with this

Anonymous No. 163771

Kudo Daido Juku (Bushido MMA basically with headbutts and grappling allowed) and Sambo (Jacket Wrestling + Striking Point Fights, defense techniques) are the most complete forms of Martial Arts within competition rule sets that aren't basically just MMA.

Anonymous No. 163833

Well, shit. Going up a size is going to fit like curtains in the waist area. Won't that result in mat burn?

Anonymous No. 163838

no one cares what you think pussy I bet you suck

Anonymous No. 163841

>I get taught by a purple belt
holy shit lmao

Anonymous No. 163842

thats always the hardest technique of the day for me. i just sort of roll it up like a bra and then do my best to pull it over my head.
havent ripped any holes in either of my two rashguards doing this. the material is elastic and strong for a reason, so it shouldnt rip unless you've got some fisher price chinese rashguard.

Anonymous No. 163843

actually to reiterate: usually i just bend over and grab the material from my back, (behind my shoulders), then pull.
first rashguard i bought was a bit looser but still skin tight, second one is literally skin tight, leaves little to the imagination. just need some elbow grease to get them off is all.

Anonymous No. 163869

Would an X choke work on a cunt in a rash guard or Tshirt?

Anonymous No. 163880

Just get a loose fitting one instead of snug one
I'm not recommending xmartial because they seem expensive and I get rash guards for free anyway
But as an example they have different cuts

Anonymous No. 163932

reddit brand

Anonymous No. 163956

>guy calf slicers me
>get him back by heel hooking him with a gi on
>somehow I'm the asshole here
we both did an illegal move and he started it
either it's all on the table or none of it is

Anonymous No. 163985

Calf slicers are legal in the gi at upper belts, but heel hooks never are.

Anonymous No. 163993

maybe you’d better not roll with that guy if you two don’t see eye to eye on which techniques are alright to use, take care of your body and don’t mind what other people think of you for it
I don’t roll with people way heavier than me or with niggers or trial class people

Anonymous No. 164020

I think calf slicers are legal at blue or purple. Heel hooks are illegal at all belt levels in Gi.

>I don’t roll with people way heavier than me or with niggers or trial class people

That's a pretty elitist take for someone who doesn't know how to use punctuation. Also, I get we're on 4chan, but the blacks in my gym have made me less racist. All of them have been stand-up guys and not rolling with them because of their race would be short-sighted.

There's nothing wrong with trial class people if they're not enormous spazs. Gyms need fresh meat and you can help that by being welcoming.

Anonymous No. 164022

>I don’t roll with with niggers
Fuck you anti-racist scum. I always roll with the blackest of the niggers to hurt them as much as possible. Love hurting inferior races. I'll join the klan soon.

Anonymous No. 164023

Go back to your shit website nigger

I’d tap from choking just by not being able to breathe the stink

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Anonymous No. 164026


Anonymous No. 164030

>started training at a popular, high level no-gi gym after having my blue belt for a year
>2 years later
>when people find out I'm a blue belt they tell me I should have been promoted by now
>blue basement vet specifically complimented a few of my rounds
I don't care much about ranks, especially since I never wear the gi, but a promotion would be cool. Only problem is I'm not super tight with the black belts that give out promotions (i.e. famous ADCC competitors). Guess I'll just keep my head down and git gud. Being a good blue belt is very low-pressure vs. being a shitty purple belt

Anonymous No. 164036

Not totally in your position since I've only been at this for 1.5 years, but getting passed up for promotions is weird as an adult. It's funny smashing pretty much every blue belt as a white belt, but the joke is getting old. You're absolutely right though, being over competent at a lower belt is far better than the opposite. Some of the guys that got their blue faster have looked pretty dejected after our rolls.

Anonymous No. 164044

>All of them have been stand-up guys
Just wait until you see one lose via decision, there will be a complete meltdown shouting racism and possibly a fist fight

Anonymous No. 164048

I haven't trained in 2 months now. I stopped because of a back injury, but even though I've recovered I just can't motivate myself to go back and get into the grind again. I read all the psuedo intellectual, cringe motivational posts on my coaches whatsapp group from time to time and it makes me think that this sport is just plain gay and saps whatever motivation I had to return

Anonymous No. 164050

>It's funny smashing pretty much every blue belt as a white belt, but the joke is getting old
I was in your position before getting promoted lol it was fun to see people get frustrated. It's a bit harder to get that satisfaction training exclusively no-gi, but sometimes people wear ranked rashguards.
I know the promotion will be worth the wait, it's all meaningless but I want to have some purple swag and a belt for the occasional gi open mat

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Anonymous No. 164082

>didn't tap right away (like a retard) to an armbar put on me by a higher belt while sparring
>elbow hurt when fully extending it for like 2 weeks, no loss in ROM though
>didn't go to bjj classes or lift
>do a bunch of rehab exercises in the meantime
>now 3 weeks later my elbow feels 90% recovered

I feel mostly fine except there's a sharp pain if I extend my elbow fully while the outside of my elbow is pressed up against something, like externally rotated against a fulcrum. I've slowly tested my ability to do shit and I can lift with no pain, but I haven't gone to class since. I don't want to aggravate it and potentially make it worse-should I just wait until it's 100% no pain in any capacity? Yes I am a white belt

Anonymous No. 164086

Go to class and don't roll (seriously), then see how you feel. Then start rolling with people you trust, and tap as soon as they get anywhere near an armbar or shoulder lock. Keep that up for a few weeks and don't tap late like a retard.
I used to train with a guy that had a nagging elbow injury, which he never let rest and eventually had to get surgery for it. Don't be the guy who's been training for years but is a white belt because he's always out with injuries

Anonymous No. 164097

>the grind
That's just some bullshit sour grapes cope people use to justify why they're living a joyless existence
There's a good reason that David Goggins has been divorced 3 times, guys like that aren't role models

The grind is destructive, the grind turns things into dust
Who needs brake pads! Metal on metal baby it's all about that grind!
Heh, cartilage is for bitches, I had my meniscus removed just so I can feel the grind every time I take a step
I don't even use a trailer to put my boat in the water, I just push it across the parking lot so I can hear that sweet sweet grind

Here's the truth, if you really want to do it then you'll do it
If you don't then you won't
If you never go back then that just means it was never important enough to you to justify being part of your life
That's a personal choice. Hobbies are meant to be fun
If you're not having fun then why even bother
If the guy selling it to you says "the grind" is the point hes basically admitting " Yeah my classes suck and aren't enjoyable for people to attend so I need to guilt you into coming so you'll feel like a coward if you don't"

Anonymous No. 164098

>If the guy selling it to you says "the grind" is the point hes basically admitting " Yeah my classes suck and aren't enjoyable for people to attend so I need to guilt you into coming so you'll feel like a coward if you don't"
Accurate. I go train because it's fun and I love getting better. I'm frustrated when my schedule/body doesn't allow it

Anonymous No. 164139

I want to use finger tape but I don't wanna look like a try hard pro poser know what I mean ?

Anonymous No. 164146

Not being on "the grind" is the same, it's just that you don't get the warm feeling of being good at something at some point along the way.

Anonymous No. 164152

Finger tape is for 2 kinds of people
Stubborn guys that would rather fuck up their fingers than let go of a grip

Or old guy that have arthritis and need the extra support

Anonymous No. 164154

nogi Ezekiel

Anonymous No. 164155

heel hooks legal at black belt in gi and depending on the comp my dude, slicers at brown, heel hooks are more taboo same with heap da knee

Anonymous No. 164156

>I never wear the gi

Lots of coaches will never promote you if you don't train in the gi. I know one who told me you need to go to tenth planet if you want to only do nogi

Anonymous No. 164157

I'm glad more people are coming around to the idea that bjj is in the gi
And "nogi" isn't bjj at all, it's submission grappling
A different discipline entirely

Anonymous No. 164159

>I'm glad more people are coming around to the idea that bjj is in the gi
It's literally the opposite. More people are coming around to the idea that bjj can be nogi. People promoting based off of gi performance is a very old school mentality

Anonymous No. 164161

Those are just people coping because bjj is quickly becoming irrelevant in combat sports and nobody cares about gi competitions

At the end of the day if you never do a nogi class in your life you're just "a man of the cloth" and will get your black belt
But if you never wear it you'll never get one
The Brazilians won't stand for it

Anonymous No. 164162

This post is so confusing, bjj is not irrelevant in combat sports, nogi variations are the standard grappling form. More people are moving into the mindset of promotions based off of nogi, most mma gyms will do that, and as nogi comps become bigger and bigger relative to gi it becomes feasible to never wear the gi and still compete. And if you can compete without the gi then it makes sense to promote without the gi.

Anonymous No. 164173

Just do both gi and nogi as God intended

I mostly do nogi cause I’m at an MMA gym but I’m sure as fuck not complaining about gi still going strong cause in 15 - 20 years I don’t want to be rolling nogi with athletic tren’d up young hooligans and get my shit fucked so I can’t go to work or pick up my grandkids

Anonymous No. 164210

I'm the guy you're replying to and this is a surprisingly based post, thank you bro. BJJ used to be a big part of my life and routine; I got a lot of joy out of it but the recurrent back problems and ringworm I got from this new place bummed me out.

Man I think I need to try my old spot again and see if the flame gets reignited. I figured that once my back injury cleared up I'd be so psyched to go back training like before, but it just never happened. Maybe it's time to pick up the climbing ropes again and boot up the 360-degree gooning monitors

Anonymous No. 164222

>heel hooks legal at black belt in gi
in what ruleset? I've never seen this
>Lots of coaches will never promote you if you don't train in the gi
I train at a no-gi gym (not 10th planet though)
>And "nogi" isn't bjj at all, it's submission grappling
Retarded take. With or without a gi, I'm doing butterfly sweeps, kimuras, armbars, RNCs, etc.
>The Brazilians won't stand for it
No one cares about the opinions of Brazilians lol

SURVEY No. 164229

1. Your country
2. Do you wear a cup at practice?
3. Pure BJJ academy or MMA gym?

Anonymous No. 164240

shit place confirmed
it takes less than 5 minutes to wipe down the mats after class with a cleaning solution
if someone can't even be bothered to do this most basic level of maintenance imagine what else they're neglecting. it shows how little they care

Anonymous No. 164243

my point in nogi bjj isn't bjj at all
if you take the gi away from judo you're wrestling, bjj is the same way. It's a jacketed wrestling style so when you remove that you're doing a different discipline

take someone for example like nicky rod who I don't think has ever worn a gi in his life and if you put him against someone like keenan in a gi he will be completely outclassed
there's to much variation to say they're the same thing

Anonymous No. 164244

You realize that when gracies insist that BJJ necessitates a gi, everyone ignores them? They're full of shit. No-gi BJJ objectively exists. There are gyms with BJJ lineages that don't wear a gi. The label isn't super important but your position is oddly fundamentalist for someone who seems to hate the old school Brazilians.

The names of martial arts are really just convention or branding, or both. We definitely have this bigger thing called submission grappling these days, and within that umbrella there is no-gi BJJ. We are not beholden to the eternal law of Carlos and Helio Gracie and their autism about gis.

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Anonymous No. 164247

>your position is oddly fundamentalist for someone who seems to hate the old school Brazilians
they want to be the arbiters of jiujitsu and everything needs to go through them, so they can choke on their own ambitions
fuck the gracie grift, fuck rogan and jocko for enabling it, and fuck their tribal bjj mafia hierarchy demanding they get called masters an hanging their pictures on the wall
they can go the way of karate with all the bowing and cope about how "it's not real jiujitsu, those competitions don't matter, if it was a real fight things would be different"
everyone is waking up now and realizing there was never anything special about it and it's whole sale unnecessary. bjj is dead, long live submission grappling

I'm gonna say the quiet part out loud. The only reason nogi submission grappling academies even use the term brazilian jiujitsu is so their business shows up on google searches.

Anonymous No. 164256

>It's a jacketed wrestling style so when you remove that you're doing a different discipline
>The only reason nogi submission grappling academies even use the term brazilian jiujitsu is so their business shows up on google searches
Two guys trying to sweep/submit each other from guard looks and sounds like BJJ to me. Seems retarded to call it something new just because people are emphasizing wrestling (for now)

Anonymous No. 164278

>for now
Have you seen how many places are marketing to wrestlers? "It doesn't have to end after high school/college" ads. ADCC getting the big time UFC push. Burrows started training. It's only just started.

Anonymous No. 164291

Sure. We're already seeing a huge increase in the skill and the success of wrestlers, but I think this will only lead to more guard/BJJ work at some point.
There will be no way for someone to catch up to a NCAA champion on the feet, but they can certainly polish their submission systems and pull guard.
Bo Nickal had a match with Gordon Ryan (who wasn't allowed to use leg locks) and got triangled. He had a match with Oliver Taza (Fight Pass) and it was a draw. Roman Bravo Young had a match, which was also a draw. Wrestling is important, but BJJ rulesets will always favor submissions and BJJ

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Anonymous No. 164293

I don't like this gi. Sadly it's too late to return.
Shrinks too fucking much, hand collars are small, not as blue as it seems.
Honestly my $30 Hawk is much better.

Anonymous No. 164303

Thats what happens when you go for a meme brand. Shouldve got a fuji gi

Anonymous No. 164306

>There will be no way for someone to catch up to a NCAA champion on the feet
that's true for this current generation, but now the new generation will know how important wrestling is and not neglect it the way they do now

Anonymous No. 164307

Someone on here memed me to it

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Anonymous No. 164310

Tonight sucked. Did a shit takedown on a 280+lb guy tonight. Half ass hip throw. I drop him, but land on the side of my rib cage on top of him. Big ol pop in my rib cage. Probably tore the cartilage at the red circle. Every time I lean forward, the cartilage pops inwards. Long story short, 3-7 days of shit sleep and 4-6 weeks away from the mats. Super bummed. Only 18 months in. Could be worse I guess. Will probably focus on cardio and studying once I can reliably move. Fuck.

Anonymous No. 164311

How the fuck do you break your ribcage landing on top of someone from standing. How are you able to generate enough force directly downwards through falling to bust yourself like that? Are your bones made of balsa wood?

Anonymous No. 164312

>280+lb guy tonight
>Half ass hip throw
>Only 18 months
why do guys in bjj try to do turning throws when they have no idea how to do it right
many such cases

at least you didn't get stabbed. we had someone get stabbed today
not in class, he was at work. But he was our only black guy and he got robbed and they stabbed him

Anonymous No. 164313

Honestly no idea. I've landed like that many times. I think my hips were closer to his hips and that meant they didn't hit the floor to distribute out the weight like they usually do. I'm 240lbs at 6-3 so I'm not a light guy either. That doesn't help I'm sure. I'm usually robust and have never broken a bone at 37yo.

Yeah I'm a dumbass for resorting to that throw. Sorry about your guy. That's really shitty.

Anonymous No. 164326

I’ve had it twice from this place too. Once at an open mat (when I was training at some other place) and then 6 months later when I joined their gym. I might have a fairly shitty immune system since my regular training partner never had it but around the time I caught it at the open mat last year, they were in the middle of a massive ringworm outbreak at the time. Either way, I miss my old place and I’ve heard they’re running Muay Thai classes now too

Anonymous No. 164333

There is a bjj gym opposite my house. Convince me to sign up

Anonymous No. 164338

It's close, why would you go far?

Anonymous No. 164342

Convince yourself
You’re already here inquiring and looking for validation so you must be interested

Anonymous No. 164361

>ringworm outbreak
Absolutely unacceptable
These things shouldn't happen, it's ringworm today and MRSA tomorrow
Run far away

This isn't some free after-school program, you're a paying customer and part of that fee is to ensure you have a safe clean facility to work in

Anonymous No. 164397

Can someone recc me books?

Anonymous No. 164417

The Brothers Karamazov

Anonymous No. 164455

Boys in Zinc

Anonymous No. 164465

The Turner Diaries

Anonymous No. 164485

Who needs rope when you've got a solid RNC?

Anonymous No. 164492

I prefer to say rear strangle or vascular restriction

It would be best if we eliminated all of the misnomers in BJJ
So people have a better understanding of what it is and what we are supposed to be doing
Like this idea of fighting from your back, this isn't a thing
When you are on your back what is the first thing you do? Turn to your side
So BJJ is not about fighting on your back at all in fact
But people think it is and keep doing the wrong thing

And so if we stop using the word choke and start using the word strangle we will make it clear we're not trying to stop people from breathing
There aren't any techniques outside of smothers where that is the goal

Anonymous No. 164494

This is maybe the most autistic post on xs rn, and that's counting the judo spergs posts.

Anonymous No. 164503

Sir this is a Wendy's.

Please google "Day of rope".

Anonymous No. 164504

Why are the people who do BJJ always complete faggots?


Anonymous No. 164510

If you want to be stuck in the past and remain mediocre that's fine
But I hope one day you will see the error of your ways and join us in the sun

Anonymous No. 164579

Jiu Jitsu University

Anonymous No. 164580

sweet summer child

Anonymous No. 164591

I'm going to start training JJ at an MMA soon. I have about 8 years of wrestling experience (non-college), and I know core BJJ techniques/submissions. I'm roughly 6'1ish 215, lean. What are the odds that I can tap out/hold my own against black belts?

Just curious if any of you have experience with white belts coming in with relevant experience and fitness, then succeeding.

...or is the reality that I'm in for a world of pain?

Anonymous No. 164597

How often do you wash your gi and belt (suppose you train 5 days a week)?
Once a week for gi and once every 2 months for belt?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 164598

I'm Brazilian, so I have zero knowledge of how well wrestlers do. My experience is that Olympic level judo fighters can hang out with black belts (and if if is Flavio Canto, beat them), but hobbyist black belts are around blue belt level.

Anonymous No. 164603

You wash both after every practice you disgusting cretin.

Anonymous No. 164619

You're in for a world of pain, but maybe not why you think. At that size, having that kind of experience means the black belts and competiting MMA guys are going to want you every round and work the shit out of you because you can. Not every day you get a LHW who can move, so you're gonna be a testing ground.

Anonymous No. 164620

You're going to get fucked up, you egocentric faggot. You're not Nick Rodriguez or a similar athletic freak because you wouldn't be posting on here, you'd be out there winning

Anonymous No. 164637

nasty nasty nigger behavior… wash after every session or you’ll spread all kinds of fungal infections and rashes

Anonymous No. 164642

im a freak, just an athletic one

Anonymous No. 164646

If the MMA gym has pros you will get worked. If it's casual, and you are a good and explosive wrestler, you are going to give everyone a hard time. Every BJJ hobbyist remembers the day a strong wrestler first walked into the gym and showed them up. It's a growing experience.

Anonymous No. 164651

>At that size, having that kind of experience means the black belts and competiting MMA guys are going to want you every round and work the shit out of you because you can.
What techniques do you recommend I have a solid grasp on that could allow me to go in there and hold my own day 1?

I can't start for a few weeks regardless, and the anticipation is killing me. I'm trying to tune myself up the best I can before I go in there.

Anonymous No. 164652

Just shadow wrestle however you did when you were wrestling. If it's a good place, you won't be holding your own, and honestly what's the point in going to a place where you would? I wouldn't go to a tech school that had nothing to teach me about my trade.

Anonymous No. 164654

>If it's a good place, you won't be holding your own, and honestly what's the point in going to a place where you would?
This is a good point anon. I seen a few YouTube videos of white belts crushing higher belts and what an impression it made. I just wanted to emulate that.

There are a few mma pros at this gym. I imagine the instructor will throw me straight to the wolves. Trying to prepare the best I can.

Anonymous No. 164655

Pure BJJ

Anonymous No. 164656

That depends on the instructor and the pros. Some maintain the reverse mentality, because they're far more financially invested in their professionals. So some spazzed out new guy trying to show his value isn't gonna be anywhere near allowed to hurt someone in training. You sound like you were trained by an old school wrestling mentality. There's nothing particularly wrong with that when submissions aren't involved, but it can quickly lead to half the gym being in traction when they are. Going all out tends to get everyone out, if you understand my meaning.

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Anonymous No. 164657

If you're here on /xs/ in the BJJ thread and asking, you're already curious. Basically every gym I've ever been to had either a
>You can do a free trial class to see if you like it
>Outsider mat fee is 10 bucks for one day of attendance
and every gym I've been to had at least one freshly cleaned set of loaner gear for people who've never trained which they can use for the day, so you don't even need to bring anything. Given it's opposite your house, you might as well do one drop-in, it's an hour and it'll settle the matter for you.

Anonymous No. 164671

A good former wrestler who hasn't trained BJJ is typically going to immediately be treated as a blue belt who doesn't know any submissions. As a wrestler you're INSANELY overspecialized good at getting dominant ground position from standing - but typically then your game 100% falls apart typically because that's where the wrestling fight traditionally ends since wrestlers don't work submissions to finish fights and BJJ people do.

Skilled BJJ opponents are going to LOVE YOU though because they've got the ground game, but wrestling experience in the sport is pretty spread thin, so any skilled BJJ opponent is going to be beating down your door for practice, because they want to use learning wrestling to get an edge on their opponents

Anonymous No. 164675

>As a wrestler you're INSANELY overspecialized good at getting dominant ground position from standing - but typically then your game 100% falls apart typically because that's where the wrestling fight traditionally ends since wrestlers don't work submissions to finish fights and BJJ people do.
This sounds very accurate.

I'm pretty confident I can acquire side control/ top half guard positioning on just about anyone. The problem is I don't know how long I can hold it for or what to attack from there.

I know kimuras/triangles are an option, but against a skilled JJ opponent resisting those aren't going to be easy to lock in.

>A good former wrestler who hasn't trained BJJ is typically going to immediately be treated as a blue belt who doesn't know any submissions
I'm trying not to give too much info away about myself, but I have trained in JJ while in the military. I probably only trained a handful of times as apart of a combative course, but I did beat all of my opponents, including the instructors.

But all they taught us was RNC, armbars, passing the guard, and collar chokes. I usually would just choke my opponents out. I was also in the 170s then, relying on speed/instinctive reactions more than power. With my larger frame I imagine it's going to be a very different combat dynamic.

Anonymous No. 164678

>I have trained in JJ while in the military
that's a starting point of less than 0. they gave you a superficial introduction equivalent to guys that watch UFC and wrestle in the living room
all you know is how exactly to do it in a way that will get you
and if it was me I'd probably be talking shit while punishing you "lol nope, cute effort though"
while flipping your kimura back around at you

Anonymous No. 164684

>that's a starting point of less than 0. they gave you a superficial introduction equivalent to guys that watch UFC and wrestle in the living room
Woof, I hope that's not the case.

>and if it was me I'd probably be talking shit while punishing you "lol nope, cute effort though"
I'll be honest with you, if anyone talks shit to me like this I'm going to pick them up and slam them on their head. 'lol woops, didn't know the rules'.

I still have more than a few weeks to prepare. I'm working on jj theory, practicing submissions and positioning on my bro & gf, and exercising. The thought that there jj practitioners in there thinking they can play with me like that makes me want the pop their heads like a cherry.

Anonymous No. 164685

I'm looking forward to your feature on Goat Shed's IG

Anonymous No. 164687

>I'm going to pick them up and slam them on their head
I mean you might think that but you wont
well I'll say this, I'm assuming these people aren't from a gracie academy or something. Then you might, they're a laughing stock in the industry

but if you're somewhere legitimate and not a franchise, then nope. And here's the reason. You're going to make a mistake, and the reason you're going to make a mistake is you don't know what movements are mistakes yet. Especially if you're a wrestler then most of your instincts from wrestling are mistakes when submissions are on the table, you guys tend to just invite them with where you stick your heads and arms. Just how it is

you'll go through a period of cognitive dissonance at first
like this guy that's been coming for about 6 months now, he's a meal prepping power lifting type, for every leg day you skip he does 2 kind of guy
when he first started he used to just send it every time, and then last night he's being really timid and not attacking me at all
I asked why, and he says "I dunno its just like a mental block because I know if I do something I'm gonna go flying"
now the learning can begin :^)

Anonymous No. 164689

>these people aren't from a gracie academy or something.
People overemphasize this point to new people and it discourages people from joining the sport.

They're fine for a beginner and WILL teach you good fundamentals, they're just low-mid at the higher levels generally. They're the planet fitness of jiu jitsu - they're fine for 90% of people and the price is extremely fair for what you get if you're a 2-3x a week andy, but if you're the kind of person who's going to go to a gym every single day or are going to cap out lifting on their 75 pound dumbbells, and you plan to actually compete against other gyms? You'll want better facilities.

Anonymous No. 164693

the problem is downstream when travis is a purple belt then goes on vacation somewhere and gets absolutely smoked by whites and blues

Anonymous No. 164695

>And here's the reason. You're going to make a mistake, and the reason you're going to make a mistake is you don't know what movements are mistakes yet.

Do anons have a list of tips regarding what action would constitute a mistake? For instance, I know arm extension is almost always a no-no due to over extending oneself and being put at risk of an armbar.

Anonymous No. 164697

Trying make a list of mistakes is a mistake. Everything is a positional problem. Never extending is a great way to get a bunch of other things taken. Just go and find out.

Anonymous No. 164699

Same way it's a great start but if you never move on from planet fitness once you cap out on the free weights, you're never gonna do a successful 1/2/3/4, you can get all the fundamentals from a gracie gym and it's a great start, just once they start looping on their fundamentals class content or you hit blue (probably after a year or two), you want to start looking for what schools locally have the best competitive records, and start looking to roll at those instead.

Anonymous No. 164706

I'm just gonna give it to you straight here, just stay off your back with as many arm drags and sit outs as you can
the jiujuster fears the sit out

you're going to be getting front head locked and choked like the dickens, explosive sit outs are your friend

Anonymous No. 164727

>What are the odds that I can tap out/hold my own against black belts?

Pretty low. You might give them some problems but they have a lot of experience and skill dealing with someone like you. It won't be as easy as it is to submit a normal white belt. Maybe you'll last 90 seconds before getting tapped instead of 60.

Anonymous No. 164747

>I'm pretty confident I can acquire side control/ top half guard positioning on just about anyone
No you cant, not against good guard players who are used to big guys grabbing their shins and trying to throw them to the side and bumrush side control. You are certainly going to smoke a lot of white belts, even those who have been training for a while, but you are not going to beat someone who has specialised in a good guard and pin escapes. Your likely attempts to brute force certain moves will also then just open you up to submissions and sweeps as you are going to be attacked from places that you are simply not used to being attacked from.

Anonymous No. 164754

I’m convinced this military wrestler guy and all the replies to his post is just one dude writing fan fiction
There’s no way people in the convo if they were real would reply that quickly and with such a similar posting style

Anonymous No. 164755


Anonymous No. 164758


I'm a white belt only done 12 classes in the past 2.5 years. But I joined back last week. Addicted is an understatement loves getting fucked up

3 years ago

blows my mind these people exist and see no problem with how they live their lives

Anonymous No. 164813

You’re going to get submitted so many times, I hope you throw a tantrum and cry in your car.
If you lose your ego and stop acting 17 you can actually get really good. It’s just a hobby, save the aggression and competitiveness for competitions against strangers. The people at your gym are your training partners, you’re supposed to all get better together.
You will likely be better than the out of shape white belts, but good blue belts and above will absolutely ruin you.
Tapping the angry, corny, tattooed military white belts is the most fun part of training. About 10% of them stick around and actually get good

Anonymous No. 164821

>I’m convinced this military wrestler guy and all the replies to his post is just one dude writing fan fiction
haha that's certainly not the case.

>There’s no way people in the convo if they were real would reply that quickly
I was surprised by the speed of the responses too, but it makes sense. Most of the jabber in here is complaining, calling anons gay for doing jj, etc...I was asking a legitimate question. Anons are always quick to participate in real discussions.

>You’re going to get submitted so many times, I hope you throw a tantrum and cry in your car.
I don't expect to go undefeated.

I would love to think JJ teaches the secrets of the universe and transforms its practitioners into unstoppable machines, I know this isn't the case though.

>Tapping the angry, corny, tattooed military white belts is the most fun part of training.

Great to know I will absolutely crush the higher-belts soul by defeating them. In fact, I'm just going to tell them I wrestled to make the sting that much worse.

Anonymous No. 164850

being big and knowing how to wrestle makes you a threat in conventional grappling
but then there are the dark arts which are forbidden for the upper belts to do to you and that's for your own protection
so just remain acutely aware if you're ever starting to feel yourself, remember he isn't using every arrow in his quiver and could drop a tactical nuke any time he wants to

Anonymous No. 164851

>but then there are the dark arts which are forbidden for the upper belts to do to you and that's for your own protection
At any moment I can eye gouge and end dark art fuckery. This thread is actively enganging in bullshido narratives and it's embarressing.

>you can't fanthom the ways you will lose
>higher belts can employ 'dark arts'

holy shit, please stop.

Anonymous No. 164856

>At any moment I can eye gouge and end dark art fuckery
no you can't
don't dunning kruger effect yourself here

jiujitsu is a language and the dark arts are an entire lexicon of positions and techniques most people don't even begin learning until purple belt because they're banned until you're a black/ sometimes brown belt
they're banned for the safety of the partner because they can and will end your career if you're not savvy enough to understand when you've lost and stay in there for too long
and you're proving why that rule is in effect by not appreciating why they are what they are

Anonymous No. 164859

>no you can't
>don't dunning kruger effect yourself here

If JJ was as powerful as is being promoted here, there would be no reason to learn any other MA. This is incredibly embarrassing. I'm sure the bulk of you here have never competed in a real tournament, let alone been in an actual fight. When someone likes me comes in, you guys start talking to me like I weigh 150lbs, in my mid 30s, and never even played a HS sport.

You guys would have a better argument if we were talking about BJJ with GIs. There are numerous gi grips and clenches that I agree would take so time to learn. In no-gi JJ (I have no interest in learning gi techniques) it's a different game.

>jiujitsu is a language and the dark arts are an entire lexicon of positions and techniques most people don't even begin learning until purple belt because they're banned until you're a black/ sometimes brown belt

Good luck trying to grab my legs.

Anonymous No. 164860

>Good luck trying to grab my legs.
good luck with your MCL surgery

Anonymous No. 164861

Bringing up eye gouge is retarded because you're training in that ruleset, in which these so called dark arts the anon mentions are allowed. Calling some tongue-in-cheek remark and labelling shit as bullshido is overcorrecting and cringe as fuck, there are already enough bullshit to call out that you dont have to make it up

Eye gouging and other larp scenarios are technically possible. It's possible to have a group of guys gang up and beat your ass after you eye gouge your partner too. Or do you think you're superman and can handle multiple mma guys coming for you as well?
>If JJ was as powerful as is being promoted here, there would be no reason to learn any other MA.
fails, due to lack of experience or foresight, to understand that experience JJ guy dominates in JJ ruleset, just like the wrestler dominating in their ruleset or the judoka in theirs. JJ and wrestling has some overlap which makes the wrestler have an innate advantage going into jiujitsu but it's foolish to think they are similar enough for you to dominate some higher belt, of course the caveat being that their physical attributes aren't wildly different to the point you can make up that difference.

Here's a sincere piece of advice as I've been observing you reply: I hope you arent weird as fuck as you have been online, in the gym. You're effectively acting like one of those mythical street fighter hooligans raiding a gym. Would not be a pleasant experience for anyone.

Anonymous No. 164865

>Bringing up eye gouge is retarded because you're training in that ruleset
Bringing up 'dark arts' that only the 'elite' know is retarded. Responding that I know dirty tactics too is appropriate.

>Calling some tongue-in-cheek remark and labelling shit as bullshido is overcorrecting and cringe as fuck
The general attitude in this thread that jj practitioner are unbeatable Gods is cringe.

>It's possible to have a group of guys gang up and beat your ass after you eye gouge your partner too.
This is becoming pathetic. So after a high-belt attempts 'dark arts' against me, and I eye gouge them 'accidently'. I'm then going to get my ass kicked in the parking lot? LMAO. If anyone rolls up on me with numbers in the parking lot they are getting holes put in them. I hope JJ practitioner aren't as cringy irl as they are in this thread.

>Here's a sincere piece of advice as I've been observing you reply: I hope you arent weird as fuck as you have been online, in the gym.
You guys are fucking nerds and the fact this turned into a shit flinging contest is 100% on all of you. I merely asked for tips, like one or two anons actually provided that info. The rest of you came in with

>you can't fantom the depth of JJ


>You're effectively acting like one of those mythical street fighter hooligans raiding a gym.

You guys are effectively all pushing bullshido narratives. I know understand why /xs/ constantly calls you fags.

this is a joke.

Anonymous No. 164867

>I know dirty tactics too
dark arts aren't dirty tactics, you literally don't know which is the problem

as a white belt you are immune to all neck cranks, spinal locks, compression holds, 75% of leg entanglements and 95% of leglocks
the reason is because you're exactly the kind of person that's going to try and power out of something and literally cripple yourself for the rest of your life

if touch my eyes or my nuts it becomes a fuck you roll and I make sure you leave with a limp. Don't open yourself up to that

Anonymous No. 164870

>dark arts aren't dirty tactics, you literally don't know which is the problem
Every single jj technique is posted 1000x over on the internet. There are no secrets.

>as a white belt you are immune to all neck cranks, spinal locks, compression holds

You retards are 100% misreading me. I mentioned I wrestled, and you immediately presume that I'm going to conveniently slide my head under arms and between legs which allows for easy chokes, etc.... Quite hilarious

>the reason is because you're exactly the kind of person that's going to try and power out of something and literally cripple yourself for the rest of your life
Iol. It's going to be so sweet wrapping my arms around some black belts head and making him tap by squeezing like a python.

>if touch my eyes or my nuts it becomes a fuck you roll and I make sure you leave with a limp.
Just because you got destroyed the first year in a JJ gym doesn't mean everyone else will. You idiots are projecting your own weaknesses onto others. Post weight class and all your jj gold medals or stfu

Anonymous No. 164872

>There are no secrets
it's not about secrets, I'll tell you exactly what I'm going to do and then do it to you because you don't understand it well enough to stop it from happening
usually by the time you're in a submission it's because you screwed up 3 moves ago and the tap was just the last domino in the chain to fall
that's the essence of position before submission, if you're in the submission you've already lost the position game, and late stage submission escapes are an entire skill in themselves but to put it another way. Asking how to escape a submission is like asking how to avoid a punch when it's already touching your face.
you can watch all the videos you want and it doesn't mean anything until you rep it and get all the touchy little unseen details just right. Invisible jiujitsu is a thing, there are small little adjustments half an inch one way or the other that's the difference between an attack working or not and you don't get the feel for it without doing it

>you immediately presume that I'm going to conveniently slide my head under arms and between legs which allows for easy chokes
you will, even if you don't realize you're doing it
you might be big and athletic but you're not some giant ogre, you're still within the range of normal human bodies that come through the gym
its not anything people haven't dealt with before

Anonymous No. 164875

>it's not about secrets, I'll tell you exactly what I'm going to do and then do it to you because you don't understand it well enough to stop it from happening
I would bet money you couldn't, unless you're a top competitor in 100kg+ at the ADCC on steroids. Let's be honest, you're nowhere near that level.

>you will, even if you don't realize you're doing it
I'm not you, nor am I the average white/blue belt at a JJ gym.

>its not anything people haven't dealt with before

I am a demon that's been hidden from the world in the darkness.

Anonymous No. 164878

I'm a short overweight guy in his 30s, I guarantee it goes the way I say it does
10 minutes absolute rules. gi or nogi your choice
there's a 0% chance you win

Anonymous No. 164897

>that's the essence of position before submission
BJJ guys preach position before submission but will only do shit like buggy chokes and heelhooks from bottom mount before learning a single sweep or escape.

Anonymous No. 164908

Those are the people that smoke weed and shouldn't be taken seriously as athletes

This is why 10th planet is a dead team

Anonymous No. 164913

>I'm a short overweight guy in his 30s, I guarantee it goes the way I say it does
Nah youre a fucking faggot. I can tell because instead of offering technical advice you decided to talk shit and gloat. Stop drinking sugary drinks and lose the body fat loser. You aren't a real athlete and I would roll your fat ass across the mats like a tire.

Anonymous No. 164919

Now you're just getting uppity and perceiving fact based reality as a personal attack, which is unfortunate
Your belief that as a novice to a sport you could beat someone that's practicing 700+ hours a year for a decade is more unfortunate
Not understanding the force of a power belly is the most unfortunate thing of all
Good luck wrestling an oak stump

Just because I'm feeling froggy I'd hit you with the avalanche
Where I lift up my shirt and smother you with my sweaty belly until you tap

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Anonymous No. 164920

Got my third stripe on my white belt

Anonymous No. 164921

>Your belief that as a novice to a sport you could beat someone that's practicing 700+ hours a year for a decade is more unfortunate
It's unfortunate for lard asses like you who delude themselves into believing they could beat elite athletes with extensive experience in combat sports. Get real Fat Joe.

Anonymous No. 164922

Hey nerd you're speaking to the next nicky rod. You're done for. He'll destroy us all and gordon ryan in a couple years

Anonymous No. 164924

Make it an MMA match if you want, I've been kickboxing since 2004 also
I'm better at that than I am bjj lmao

Anonymous No. 164927

>Make it an MMA match if you want, I've been kickboxing since 2004 also
Listen here fatman, drop your email, and if you can prove yourself to being a semi worthy opponent by losing that fat guy and becoming lean, if we get the chance to set something up we will. Ironically your odds of winning are better with a JJ ruleset. In MMA it's very bad for you.

Anonymous No. 164929

$1000 to show $1000 to win, plus travel and accommodations :^)
you don't think someone with my experience level does this for free, do you?

Anonymous No. 164930

>you don't think someone with my experience level does this for free, do you?
You've never been paid to fight and never will you fat slob. I said drop your email, and if your slothy ass can prove you aren't a total loser by shedding the disgusting body fat then we can talk

Anonymous No. 164931

where do you live anyway?

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Anonymous No. 164950

lmaoing at this conversation

Anonymous No. 165016

Hawk is underrated

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JZ Calvan armbar ....webm

Anonymous No. 165049

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Luke Rockhold and....webm

Anonymous No. 165050

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Anonymous No. 165058

>we're assuming you're an actual normal sized man closer to 200lbs than you are to 150 that went through puberty properly and not a stick, right?
I’m getting the impression that me, a 5’9, 160 pound dude is not going to have fun training BJJ. I keep telling myself that I’m just overthinking this stuff but I’m a stunted manlet who will never be truly good at unarmed martial arts no matter how hard I try. If I got ripped I could make it to what, 175 lbs? That’s still undersized compared to normal men.

Anonymous No. 165063

you're bigger than jordan burroughs
just do lots of plyometrics and get really squirrely

Anonymous No. 165088

He's right you know

Anonymous No. 165106

I’m 5’5” 155lb and still roll full on with the 200lb guys without issue thanks to a few years of bodybuilding and powerlifting. For reference I outperform them in all the major lifts by a lot. Another guy at my academy is also about the same height and weight as me and will tap out anybody no matter their size or height, but he’s a pro grappler.

The average person has no idea how to program strength training, get good at it and you’ll do fine against bigger opponents since the strength difference is erased and you just have to deal with height and reach differences.

Anonymous No. 165119

is this the dad of that detroit self defense guy?

Anonymous No. 165150

dont take advice from niggers.

Anonymous No. 165156

>Don't take fight advice from the one tace that probably gets into more unarmed confrontations than every other demographic combined.
All niggers are black men but not all black men are niggers. Learn the difference. I get it, you don't like him cause he yells and you're a little bitch. But you can't argue with his physics.

Anonymous No. 165157


Anonymous No. 165161

why are you taking jiujitsu classes then?

Anonymous No. 165165

What even is his point? That the cop's choice of technique involved risk? How is the technique he showed at the end ("durr, just spin him around") more effective/less risky than what the cop did?

None of the things he showed that the bad guy "could have done" would have been unfamiliar to an experienced judo/bjj guy. E.g., does he seriously think a judo guy has never had someone frame across his face/head when he tried to throw them?

Anonymous No. 165168

There's a guy with no arms or legs that sometimes comes in to train. He's a fucking asshole with wristlocks and chokes so you can't go easy on him. Am I an asshole for just smashing him? You can't play with him or you'll end up with a sore throat or wrist.

Anonymous No. 165169

>There's a guy with no arms or legs
I mean he has no legs.

Anonymous No. 165173

You missed the point that his sloppy technique only worked because he was against a lethargic homeless guy that wasn't even really fighting with him
His bald overweight turning throw he learned from his annual 3 hour seminar would've had an athletic or trained person all over him in a dominant position

Lol makes me think of a video I saw with a cop try to do a bald overweight tani otoshi and effectively threw himself on the ground because he fell over and the other guy didn't and then just started beating the hell out of him

Disagree with his technique all you want, you need to chase the back, theres 6 ways to Sunday to accomplish that

Anonymous No. 165201

>Higher belts, what's your favorite white belt destruction technique?
just pass with a lot of pressure and scarf hold desu

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we must stay focu....jpg

Anonymous No. 165204

I'm really trying to concentrate on these instructionals but wew is it tough out here

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Anonymous No. 165205


Anonymous No. 165222

All niggers are niggers, >>165150
anon is right

Anonymous No. 165223

Why would you ask on an imageboard if you are an asshole? This is not orange vegan forum.
Just smash him if he is a cunt and you don’t like him. Call him a spaz retard sped if he gets upset. Him being there is only impressive if he can stay consistent without special treatment.

Anonymous No. 165234

Nope. Stop doing exactly what 'they' want you to.

Anonymous No. 165247

Does anyone have a tatami rashguard with the skull design? I was trying to count the teeth on one someone else was wearing, I'm pretty sure there are 18 teeth making it a Totenkopf (nazi symbol)

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Anonymous No. 165251

I’m an overweight 5’8” dude (185 lbs) who really needs to get in shape. I’ve been wanting to try a martial art for years but I keep talking myself out of it because I have no confidence. Like it takes a lot of willpower for me to go to the gym because I feel like strangers are judging me. In this scenario, all it takes is someone on 4chan saying that BJJ is pointless for manlets to learn because there are fit 6’3” monsters out there for me to get discouraged and quit, like it was never meant to be. The thing is I know there are people smaller than me who are super into BJJ and they don’t seem discouraged at all, so I keep going through this stupid cycle of being motivated to learn BJJ then quitting when someone hurts my feelings. Should I just ignore the negative shit and train? Is BJJ practical to learn if you’re in my size range?

Anonymous No. 165257

literally every body type has advantages and disadvantages, i am a large guy, 6'2 and 260lb, so my guard passing is slow, but steady and heavy, my top game can be a nightmare. But you'll never see me sinch up triangle chokes or similar, simply because my limbs are not long or skinny enough, and i am too heavy and slow.

Anonymous No. 165261

>5’8” dude (185 lbs)
Seriously you need to stop listening to what the internet tells you, you are a completely normal sized person
Stop comparing yourself to scandinavians, you're a head taller than everyone in South and East Asia, South America, and most of Africa

People over 6 feet tall are end of the bell curve not the middle of it

Anonymous No. 165264

>Stop comparing yourself to scandinavians
kek, i happen to be scandinavian
t. >>165257

Anonymous No. 165272

but it's all fine because in the world of grappling the stocky manlet it king

Anonymous No. 165286

BJJ is full of manlets. There will always be someone bigger/faster/stronger/smarter, but that applies to the gigantic guys as well.
Go sign up and clean up your diet a bit. No soda, smaller servings, less snacks or healthier snacks. Make good choices. Your life will improve immensely from BJJ and weight loss (confidence boost, socialization, skill acquisition, hormonal benefits, etc.).
Don't over think it

Anonymous No. 165294

>I’m an overweight 5’8” dude (185 lbs) who really needs to get in shape.
Even if BJJ is useless in many situations, no one ever argues that practicing it isn't fantastic for cardio and losing weight. Alot of the BJJ guys have great physiques.

>Like it takes a lot of willpower for me to go to the gym because I feel like strangers are judging me
This is shocking to most people: but you aren't as relevant to the world as you think. Other people don't two shits about you. Ignore any notion that others judging you is bad. It doesn't change a single thing in your world if you don't allow it to.

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Anonymous No. 165339

make this the OP for the next thread

Anonymous No. 165376

Did you try not being a pussy? There were many short men and fat men before you who weren’t whimpy cowards, so your physique is not the problem.

Nobody is going to judge you for being fat, every other guy in trial classes can be considered fat.

If you want to stop being fat then take it upon yourself to get active and eat less. You are not cursed into permafatness. Just have to man up.

Anonymous No. 165479

to the people that train while high on weed : what is that like?
some of the guys smoke aloooot of weed in the parking lot , come in and still manage to not only maintain their cardio but remember all the stuff going on in class.

I dont smoke so i can only imagine what its like to be under some kind of influence and still navigate rolling

Anonymous No. 165481

This has to be the fattest cope ive ever seen. Sorry bro, but NOBODY except people already doing BJJ give a single shit about gi, like 75% of all BJJ practitioners are zoomer UFC newfags, your kind will be bred out eventually

Anonymous No. 165508

how come this is okay but i get kicked out of the gym for coming in after having a few brewskis

Anonymous No. 165514

The cope is bjj desperately trying to stay relevant while getting completely eclipsed by nogi submission grappling

Bjj is a gi art like judo and its dead in the water

Anonymous No. 165519

Some people find the dissociative effects to be helpful. Whether in taking their ego out of things, or ignoring soreness from particularly rough training, or to attempt a mental plateau break. But if they're always doing it, it's probably not because of any of those even if it was at first. It's more likely they've went and acquired more anxiety than they had before it, and need to smoke that all away before being able to train. That's why I gave it up. Juice wasn't worth the squeeze.

Anonymous No. 165522

This isn't true at all in every major gym in my area the Gi classes are always busier than no gi

Anonymous No. 165523

big weed propaganda has made low IQ people think weed isn’t bad cause like the system and like the government like don’t like want you to have like the herb that like God made it’s like totally safe and like it doesn’t make you a drooling retard at all dude and like it’s relieves pain in cancer victims so like I totally gotta use it to ”self-medicate” my hamstring that’s like totally kinda hurt bro dude like it’s not like my whole personality like alcohol is soo bad like weed ain’t dude

Anonymous No. 165539

For mine it’s kinda 50/50 but gi is filled with old people and small children mostly. The young athletic men do no-gi.

Anonymous No. 165540

The young athletic guys just end up doing both im from MN so I understand that our scene isn't the biggest but every major gym in our area are mostly comp Gi teams

Anonymous No. 165544

And you also have karate schools on every corner but how many muay Thai gyms are near you?
Casuals want to do something easy, which gi is easy
You can just grab on and start tugging people around and immediately it feels like it's working
Nogi is hard because it's so slippery and There's nothing to hold on to, you have to be way more engaged and moving much faster and you really can't cheat submissions you have to have them absolutely locked in or you lose them

This of course makes it way better for fighting but also not really as appealing to casuals

Anonymous No. 165552


Migrate when ready

Anonymous No. 165582

stop using the internet so much its making you anxious.

Anonymous No. 165614

This is why I HQ/knee slice pass.