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🧵 /BJJ/ - BJJ General

Anonymous No. 165551

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General
Welcome home, son edition


Belt Checker

Previous thread

Thread question: If someone throws a punch in a roll, what's the correct response?

Anonymous No. 165554

signs you're at a bad gym
>contracts and cancellation fees
>paying fees for grading and promotions
>required to buy branded gis/shorts/patches
>attendance is a factor used in promotions
>self defense curriculum "for teh streetz"
>now allowed to train at other places
>needing to ask permission to use the bathroom/get water/leave early etc.
>not allowed to or punished for showing up late
>required to participate in competitions and seminars even if you don't want to
>calisthenics warmups like running/jumping jacks/push ups/ shrimping/ forward rolls etc.
>any kind of warm up at all that isn't strictly a jiujitsu drill
>the techniques taught are not related to each other
>instructor doesn't have a class prepared ahead of time and just improvises or asks "anybody have something they're working on that needs help?"
>instructor insists you call him professor/master/sensei/coach/sir or anything other than his first name
>complimentary fresh drinking water isn't provided in the form of a fountain, water cooler, or water bottles
>pictures of deceased people the owner had no personal relationship with are the centerpiece of the room
>bowing to those pictures to show respect
>instructor has personal relationships with students outside of the gym
>instructor gives long rambling speeches about character and the samurai way and perseverance or some shit after class because he really likes to hear himself talk
>instructor never rolls
>there has ever been a single skin infection outbreak of any kind
>students are expected to clean the mats and not the staff
>no rolling for white belts
>no heel hooks until purple belt+
>no leglocking in general
>"you have to train in the gi because it makes your nogi better"
>"just show up"
>"helio gracie invented jiujitsu"

Anonymous No. 165557

>top students don't know you can pull the mats up

Anonymous No. 165561

oh good one lets ad it to the list, surest fire way to know you're at a shit gym
>mats are removable/need to be set up and taken down between classes

Anonymous No. 165562

>there has ever been a single skin infection outbreak of any kind
This happens at every major gym, even if you clean the mats. I would definitely avoid an unhygienic gym or one where they do not harshly punish people who spread shit

Anonymous No. 165569

If you need to drink water between 2 hours of training you're a gigantic unconditioned pussy

Anonymous No. 165571

If you're not sweating you're not training hard enough

Anonymous No. 165579

I am sweeting

Anonymous No. 165581

>calisthenics warmup like running...
nigger warmups are to warm your body up so you dont get injured during training, not to actually train.
>instructor asks if anyone has something specific
Most of the time yes, but if youre in an advanced class this wouldnt be unexpected to happen every once in a while. All instruction requires hitting certain standards, but it is more effective when it is personalized to students.

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Anonymous No. 165601

>no rolling for white belts
>no leglocking in general

these are sort of the only 2 that apply to my gym
used to be that white belts got to roll day 1, like when i started, but some new people got themselves injured so now they have to wait 2 weeks before they get to spar

we're a pretty sport-BJJ focused gym so we tend to go by the IBJJF ruleset which means that most people dont use any leg locks other than the straight ankle lock

you're allowed to discuss rules with your partner and agree to kneebars, toeholds and heel hooks if you want to, but by default we always go by the lower belt's rules

i feel like i've got such a long way to go with just basic fundamentals that learning leg locks would be unnecessary at this time

Anonymous No. 165602

in my gym there's an unspoken rule, the second you agree to spar nogi we do all kinds of shit, twisters, heel hooks, kneebars, slicers, all that shit, even at white belt. Nobody got injured, because everyone is clued in.

Anonymous No. 165604

How makes you feel that a lot of people considerate BJJ the best martial art?

Anonymous No. 165608

I'm going to attack warm ups from several angles and hope to persuade you as to why they suck

first calisthenics are not an effective use of time, if you insist on doing a warm up the warm up shouldn't be running laps it should be practicing some grip fighting, uchikomi, guard passing combos so you can get extra reps while warming up. bjj is always lacking takedowns so instead of doing sit ups have the class spend that 15 minutes at the beginning fitting in for some throws

second, we all have different warm up needs. For the guy that runs 10k every morning before work the warm up doesn't even raise his heartrate, for 340lbs dave over there he's ready to sit out after 15 jumping jacks.
more importantly those of us (all of us) with injuries have our own things we need to do to warm up properly. I have a tricky knee and a torn labrum, having me do sit throughs and shots up and down the mat isn't warming me up it's just aggravating my injuries

3rd, it doesn't make sense for the class flow. Ok everyone get those heart rates up, get that sweat going, get those muscles loose and now STOP. Ok everybody bring it in and have a seat, now I'm going to show you techniques. we've warmed everyone up just to have them immediately cool off
There was no point to what we just did

4th is continuity and its really apparent in back to back classes. Just finished rolling from last class. Ok guys lets get some laps going, it's time to warm up!
wait I'm already really warmed up and rolled a lot, I should really be recovering right now

Ok then just take the warm up off since you're warm

Well no that's even worse because then I'll cool off and get tight

Ok thats fine, you do your own thing in the mean time

Well ok, but if I'm allowed to do my own thing during this time then shouldn't everybody else too? after all like we discussed we all have different bodies with different needs and we know those needs better than you do

5th it's mostly just used to eat up class time anyway

Anonymous No. 165610

Shut up retard no one cares what you think.

Anonymous No. 165613

I understand the realization you're at a bad school is troubling for you with the cognitive dissonance and sunken cost and all that
But once you get over that you'll come around and realize I did you a favor

Anonymous No. 165615

take care of your mental health and don't rely on bjj for it because you will get hurt and be unable to do bjj or something else will happen (gym drama, coach leaves, etc)

Anonymous No. 165616

>it’s the fag who says he pays 400 dollars to train at a “real academy” while saying that other people are cucks, retards, don’t realize their being scammed, etc.
Is this guy the bjj general equivalent of the judo schizo?

Anonymous No. 165618

>says he pays 400 dollars
I've never said any such thing

But meanwhile you're the toe sucker desperately hoping professor will notice you and the mere idea of a business having the staff clean instead of expecting the customers to do it throws you into a fit

Anonymous No. 165621

reddit post
zoomers are gay as shit

Anonymous No. 165622

Except right here, retard >>165332

Anonymous No. 165628

>token purple belt visits
>long and lanky
>hipster with long hair and thin beard
>ties it up in a manbun
>constantly unravels and always gets in the way
cut your FUCKING hair faggot

Anonymous No. 165631

did you beat them thoughever

Anonymous No. 165633

The Lachlan Giles tranny strikes again

Anonymous No. 165639

Damn bro, I thought bjj people were supposed to be chill lol. Smoke some weed and have an açaí shake bro.

Anonymous No. 165644

I need some form of calethenics before.I start mobility work or my uchikomis. Kind of requirement in order to get the glutamine over everything and to get the muscles ready to accept stretching. Drills are fine, but I still do jumping jacks, pushups, squats, leg raises, etc even when it's just before a run or the weight room.

> it should be practicing some grip fighting, uchikomi, guard passing combos so you can get extra reps while warming up. bjj is always lacking takedowns so [...] have the class spend that 15 minutes [...] fitting in for some throws
> having me do sit throughs and shots up and down the mat isn't warming me up it's just aggravating my injuries
You want uchikomis but you don't want to drill a takedown entry? Are you looking to free people up to work their favored entries only, more like a judo class? If so, I can understand that, but if you're going to uchikomi the throw entries, the position escapes like shrimping or sitthrougha always got uchikomied too, because they were much more universal.

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Anonymous No. 165645

My coach never hands out belts or even stripes so we’re all fucking sandbagging like crazy.
I’m still a one stripe white belt after years of daily training but when I visit other clubs in nearby towns I choke out purple and brown belts easy.

Anonymous No. 165646

Why? Is he trying to stack a bunch of white belt tournament medals in the window to advertise the club like a karate dojo? I don’t see the point of keeping someone at white if you’re fighting at a purple belt level.

Anonymous No. 165651

Now point out where I said I'm paying $400

You keep finding new and interesting ways to lose this argument

Anonymous No. 165654

Evidently you think it’s an acceptable amount to be paying. I get the bjj gym prices are super inflated for no reason but my brother In Christ if you think paying 400 dollars a month isn’t getting ripped off you’re a fucking retard. If you’re paying 300 dollars a month you’re getting ripped off. If you’re paying more than 200 dollars a month you’re getting ripped off. But hey, at least going to a “real academy” lmfao.

Let me put this in perspective, I cross train bjj only because I want to improve my judo. I know judo in general is a lot cheaper than bjj (seriously why the fuck are you faggots charging so much) but my lowly judo “club” has two 5th degree black belts and an actual no bullshit retired Olympian who trains and teaches there. I pay less than 100 dollars a month for this quality of instruction. But hey I mop the mats for 5 minutes sometimes to help out and I’m friends with some of the people who train there, clearly the one getting scammed, lol.

Anonymous No. 165656

Ruining the threads with your schizo rants. The guy put a price range, with no mention of his opinion on those prices. It's just reality
Fuck off

Anonymous No. 165657

t. Didn't know you can move mats

Anonymous No. 165658

>I pay less than 100 dollars a month for this quality of instruction.
That's not a living wage for 2-3 instructors, not unless you're talking a shit load of studuents across both adult and children classes. I remember the $100/month judo guy, but that was bumfuck nowhere, no a/c, no paid staff, and the head guy was in it for the love of the game.

Running a successful school in a metro area comes with fucking retarded inflationary rent prices these days.

Anonymous No. 165660

>doesn’t read the conversation for context
>calls me a schizo and tells me to fuck off because he has no context
Don’t think I will

Anonymous No. 165661

>living wage
The dojo is non-profit. It’s actually attached to the same building the owner runs his actual business out of. We practice and teach judo because we’re passionate about it. It’s not about the money.

Anonymous No. 165662

I should mention also that this dojo is right in the middle of the city, and yes our mats are regularly full with adults and children 5 days a week. There’s also an aikido club and kickboxing classes that run out of the same place but they’re not nearly as large. There’s a class of some sort going on 6 days a week and a (small) weight room available to club members 7 days a week.

Anonymous No. 165663

Well there you go. The reason that you don't see that level of instruction at $100 a month, including weight room access, is because it only requires a successful business owner with a large property and access to a former oly competitor who works pro-bono. Enjoy the unicorn, anon.

Anonymous No. 165665

for everybody looking on that isn't up to speed, this idiot wasn't aware people permanently install wrestling mats in their gyms and thought they only kind are the roll up ones used for junior highschool wrestling meets on the basketball court

Anonymous No. 165666

Hey, we shared that room with the kendo and cha cha clubs, you hater.

Anonymous No. 165667

The Olympian didn’t join our club until about a year ago. This club has been open for decades. Even then the argument is retarded. I know boxing gyms in my city that are operating for under 100 dollars a month as well. The idea that BJJ gyms HAVE to cost 250+ Dollars per month for every student is absolutely absurd. BJJ is in vogue with middle and upper class people right now and instructors take advantage of that fact. If BJJ schizo wants to LARP and believe he’s paying tuition to go to an “academy” (I’m not going to stop bringing this up, it’s too fucking funny) that’s fine but he probably ought not to go around saying everyone’s a cuck and a retard for mopping mats when he’s clearly getting dicked over financially.

Anonymous No. 165670

>250+ Dollars per month
That's probably a bit much. However, napkin math, $200 a student × 100 regular adults & kids is only $10k a month. Commercial RE leases run ~$25psf/yr here, so a modest 1500sf place in a strip mall is eating 30k right off the bat. That only leaves you 90k gross, before utilities, equipment upkeep, and cleaning supplies.

For comparison, local PD here pays six figures starting after completing academy/FTO. Frankly I don't know why anyone goes into this business outside of a strong civics mindset.

Anonymous No. 165672

Sorry, 200 x 50 regulars. You probably aren't fitting 100 regulars safely in a 1500sf property.

Anonymous No. 165673

Funny enough the owner of my place is retired so he doesn't need the income from the gym and because of that the rates are very reasonable, only $130
I still don't need to clean the mats

The idea of students cleaning mats is the same as bowing or turning away and getting on your knees when you tie your belt, it's perpetuation of tradition for traditions sake but it's not adding value
People look at it and see these rigid rules and mistake it for structure

Anonymous No. 165675

I checked the average price per square foot for a lease in my city and it was on $16.42 so obviously location is going to make a significant difference. That said though even if you’re running 5 classes a week there’s going to be a significant amount of time left throughout the week where you’re not instructing and you can almost certainly offset some of those costs by letting a cardio bunny run a Zumba or yoga class during your off time.
You talk like a faggot and your shits all retarded

Anonymous No. 165679

Get a room you fucking faggots. Every decent thread on this hellish board gets ruined by pointless arguments

Anonymous No. 165681

Bowing is just the east asian handshake/fist bump, and the belt fix thing is a holdover from Japanese etiquette. I don't care if they get dropped.

It's probably because I was raised in it, but I 100% support students helping with cleaning/maintenance. I still do this with other shared spaces I use, even off the mat. My opinion is it fosters a shared sense of ownership in the club/school facilities, and for many people (not all but many), it's the difference between "We need to fix that, someone will get hurt" and "Not my job, not my problem" when seeing a torn mat, wet floor, or other health/safety hazard.

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Anonymous No. 165684


Anonymous No. 165689

Traditions should be scrutinized and persistent based on their merits, not just because they exist

If we held on to traditions for traditions sake we'd still be living in the jungle
Unga bunga me no need wheel me strong enough to carry on head

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Anonymous No. 165690

>If we held on to traditions for traditions sake we'd still be living in the jungle
Unga bunga me no need wheel me strong enough to carry on head
I fail to see the problem. Industrial society and its consequences have been a disaster for mankind.

Anonymous No. 165700

>lay them down square

Anonymous No. 165709

>construction of the sub floor

just stop it, you're embarrassing yourself
if you think mats are simply just dropped on the floor you're only proving you workout in a garage

Anonymous No. 165719

Gonna go out on a microscopically short limb & say that you're a larping faggot.

Anonymous No. 165721

You're fucking retarded. Guarentee you don't drink as much as you should. You can't condition yourself to being dehydrated or hungry, thats not a thing. Resiliency is a thing, but there is no conditioning that makes dehydration less dehydrating. The most successfull athletes, especially martial artists always have nutrition & hydration on point at ALL times because of how important it is to performance & recovery.

Anonymous No. 165722

Even if I didnt think you were a larping faggot, all that gay shit you wrote here pretty much confirms you're a full blown TMA lanklet pussy who would get fucking annihilated by an MMA noob with the most mid total body calisthenics program

Anonymous No. 165728

You measure your floor space, they send you the mat and what you need to bolt it to a stud in the wall or along the baseboard. The seal a little flappy thing to the floor with caulk so not dust & shit gets under it. Most gyms don't do this though because it makes cleaning & maintence much more difficult, limits the uses of your floorspace, and if you own the building, reduces value. I get why you corrected the other anon, but you were just as much of a faggot pretending like it should be commom sense & you're so much better for having that nugget of useless info in your head.

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Anonymous No. 165732

Ok nigger whatever you say, keep an eye out for me at trials next month

Anonymous No. 165737

Time stamp

Anonymous No. 165738

fuckoff, it's literally in the filename

Anonymous No. 165739

>ask for time stamp
Anyone can make any file name they want retard. Put a time stamp in the image so we know it’s your belt. Is this your first time on 4chan, newfag?

Anonymous No. 165749

We can do better than arguing about mat installations. Post your
>favorite sub
>current technique/skill you're working on
I'll go first.
>blue for 3 years, would be purple if I didn't move
>triangle & arm triangle
>passing & wrestling up
Passing is a motherfucker to learn. Trying to isolate things to just loose passing right now (hip & knee post, high stepping) but it can get exhausting. Going to incorporate some half guard passing soon

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Anonymous No. 165750


Anonymous No. 165753

I still think you’re a LARPer. I would’ve given you extra points for putting your toes in frame but the obnoxious Roman numerals ruin it. Also

Anonymous No. 165759

I drink 2l of water a day. You can handle it I promise

Anonymous No. 165778

Fuji just sends them
Fuji just sends them
It's a few cuts
They're literally also premade and just dropped
Tape is permanent?

Anonymous No. 165780

The amount of intellectual dishonesty around here is really something else

>doors aren't permanent because I can take them off the hinges if I want to :^)
That's what's happening here
You could literally pick up an entire house off of its foundation, put it on the back of a truck and put it somewhere else if you wanted to. that doesn't mean it's not a permanent structure

The only time a legitimate gym will ever be lifting its mats up is when they need to be replaced

Anonymous No. 165785

what are you talking about?

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Anonymous No. 165832

>baseball bat choke
>williams/overhook guard, passing & takedowns

I like the overhook in closed guard because I feel like it lets me control posture better. I'm having a lot of trouble retaining my guard because I can't seem to off-balance my training partners enough to stop them from simply standing up half the time.
I'm also pretty flexible so playing rubber/William's guard seems like a no-brainer to me.

I'm also shopping for 1-2 passes & takedowns that I want to polish or incorporate into my game.
We recently went over long step passing and I found that to work out pretty well for me. Headquarters seems like a really difficult position to learn, but I'm gonna try to work on passing from there.

For takedowns I tend to prefer sacrifice throws such as tomoe nages and collar drags. Most of my training partners tend to lean far forward, so I've had some success with sumi gaeshi, which is one of my new favorite throws. It's a lot like a standing butterfly sweep, which is already one of my favorite sweeps.

I'm about as low energy as you can get so it seems appropriate all of my favorite techniques involve flopping onto my back or side.

Anonymous No. 165834

Kesa gatame v lock
Guard retention and passing

Realising that passing doesn't need to be an athletic and fast process, can be slow and methodical, you can use pressure the whole time making them suffer and at some point they will just want to give you the pass cause they can't take it anymore

Anonymous No. 165838

That's a terrible fucking rule. White belts shouldn't be doing heel hooks and knee bahs. Usually white belts are just allowed to do straight ankle locks

Anonymous No. 165841

My gym does none of these things, but I still think you're an enormous faggot for posting this autistic list

Anonymous No. 165890

>t. gi bluebelt that visits and gets heel hooked by some white belt
works in my gym

Anonymous No. 165906

>>"you have to train in the gi because it makes your nogi better"
Literally what John Danaher says

Anonymous No. 165914

White belts should at least be learning leg locks.

Anonymous No. 165921



Train in the gi because you get more mat time. If you get to train a full schedule nogi only then do that if its your goal.
Only thing I'd preface is there can be some logistical problem where your school gi curriculum is simply better than the nogi one but find a better gym and/or get better and be more self directed or compromose with your situation.

You shouldnt be mindlessly doing whatever you see on IG or only learn what's taught in class

Anonymous No. 165989

>roster is finally big enough to start segregating white belts
>have to be at least 3 stripes to enter advanced class
Let's freakin gooo! Finally no more worthless noobs cramping my style

Anonymous No. 165992

>Tie between kimura/ face down armbar/ guillotine
>Currently working on my wrestling

Anonymous No. 166014

I think he just forgets about it

Anonymous No. 166028

OK those are good arguments but I actually do find shrimping and side shuffles to help as a total newbie. those movements are unnatural and repetition helps me get used to them so they come easier when I'm actually rolling.

Anonymous No. 166038

Can I wear a black gi as a beginner or is it too cool and I need to be lame and wear white?

Anonymous No. 166042

black is fine

Anonymous No. 166055

Wish my local BJJ gyms did month-to-month. Can’t be fucked to pay for a year knowing I am moving in May when my fiancée goes to residency. Guess I will just have to get rusty until I pick it back up wherever we go

Anonymous No. 166057

just don't wear something like camo or grey or olive, that's cringe

Anonymous No. 166059

>pay for a year
#1 sign of a bad gym right there
they're not confident in their ability to retain you through the quality of instruction so they have to strongarm you into paying long term

all good gyms are month to month, no exceptions

Anonymous No. 166060

I can’t imagine going to a BJJ gym in a fucking city full of bugpeople like this loser

Anonymous No. 166072

White belt in need of help.

If I'm on vacation and wanna visit a gym to do a class, what's the process like, can I just show up with my gi and rashguard, or is there more process I need to be aware of?

Anonymous No. 166076

It entirely depends on the place
If you're part of an affiliation then usually you can just drop into any other club in the network
Generally that perk for the members is included in the fee that the coach is paying to be part of it

If not then just call ahead to the place you want to go and say you're traveling through, ask if they allow drop ins and what the mat fee is

For example, we are part of Caio Terra association so anyone else part of it can come in at no cost
We don't allow randos to drop in otherwise

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Anonymous No. 166080


🗑️ Janitor K4 is a fucking angry nigger lol No. 166086

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1291
Health Code Violations Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread: >>>/vg/443945495

Anonymous No. 166094


Those shits are always a problem because then they say I want to do a tournament and have to buy a white one anyway

🗑️ Anonymous No. 166108

does anyone know how to do a head an arm choke without using muscles to strangle? It was in a john danaher youtube video. instead of squeezing he moved his body to the side in the same direction his body arleady was in relation to the person he is chocking

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Quintet 4 Craig J....webm

Anonymous No. 166160

Anonymous No. 166170

>pictures of deceased people the owner had no personal relationship with are the centerpiece of the room
>bowing to those pictures to show respect
I always respected Kano as a person but having to bow to his portrait before stepping on the mat is ridiculous and cringe.

Anonymous No. 166172

10th Planet sucks so bad it's unbearable. Eddie's coaching was hilarious
>BOOM it's there
>watch out for the triangle!
>watch out for the armbar!
>push it!
>take it!
Quintet is such a good event but I wish they would have called more stalling on the bottom guys. 10th Planet and Polaris were getting passed over and over again and just shelling up, not even really trying to escape.
At first I didn't love the no-heelhook rule but now I enjoy it. People aren't as hesitant to engage with people's guards

Anonymous No. 166174

>culture bad!
It’s you that is cringe. Get the fuck off my mats if you don’t want to respect our culture

Anonymous No. 166183

>our culture

Anonymous No. 166184

>culture isn’t a shared thing
Ask me how I know you’re an urbanite bug person

Anonymous No. 166185

You aren't inheriting a culture from your family and community, you're a customer at a gym expected to model your behavior in a way that satiates the owner's ego and desire for control over you

Anonymous No. 166186

>I’m a customer
>I don’t have friends
>I don’t care if I get a staph infection why do I have to mop the mats?

Anonymous No. 166188

>10th Planet sucks so bad it's unbearable. Eddie's coaching was hilarious
Yeah the team in general is a joke, they have no new prospects coming up through the ranks and DUDE JUST BE FLEXIBLE LMAO is a novel strategy against guys that suck but not consistently effective at this level at all
For the sake of the team Eddie should retire as a coach, he was always an idea guy more than a good coach
And Bmac should be the head coach of the team because he seems to have a much stronger understanding of the principles at work
>the no-heelhook rule
Definitely exists mostly to protect everyone else from americans. If that was on the table the results are a foregone conclusion, if there's anything you could consider a stylistic specialty of American jiujitsu it's heel hooks
>10th Planet and Polaris were getting passed over and over again and just shelling up
Yeah it's bullshit, taking the cowards way out

Anonymous No. 166193

You guys think I'm talking shit but I'm trying to help you
We've been open for just 2 years and are already way beyond capacity
This was supposed to be a small thing with infrastructure in place for a roster of about 50, we've grown to a roster of over 80
We've just expanded the class schedule and hired another instructor to deal with the overflow and are planning out the renovations to expand the mat space
New sign-ups are on a waiting list until the end of the year
Not only that but it's adults only, we offer no kids programs at all. That's such an anomaly to not need kids to pay the bills like everyone else does, but we get to enjoy a strict policy of high-school and up.
And this isn't some kind of unicorn where we brought bjj to the area, there's if anything an oversaturstion of the market here with a lot of big names with legitimate pedigrees, and a huge number of our team is people that went to those other gyms and hated it then came to us

And the final point is, we're good. We are winning team, we travel to different states as a group and we have 10 people as of now headed to a comp in 2 weeks.
that's the trick if you build it they will come, have good instruction and value for the dollar. No fascistic cult of personality required

Anonymous No. 166194


Anonymous No. 166195

The fact you keep so fervently defending it but also continuing to bring it up just shows how absolutely mind broken you are
We're 2 threads deep and you literally can't stop talking about how much you love to clean another man's mats lmao

Anonymous No. 166197

I’m mocking you, retard

Anonymous No. 166199

I realize you're trying to, but you just look more and more like a schizo

I'm concerned you're getting some kind of a sexual release from doing it

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Anonymous No. 166202

How does this image make you feel?

Anonymous No. 166207

I feel fine
Does it make you feel sexually aroused?

Anonymous No. 166219

No it makes irrationally angry because I’m a paying customer.

Anonymous No. 166221

seems pretty rational to me, I'd be pissed if mcdonalds made me scrub the toilet after I used it

Anonymous No. 166222

This back take (attempt?) is so slick. I know some of these wedging backtakes from Nicky's instructional but I need to drill them more.

Tip for leglock noobs: an ankle lock grip will save your back. It is extremely hard to take the back from a leglocking position if the guy holds onto an ankle grip (instead of a scoop or attempt at getting the heel

Anonymous No. 166224

Hey I just saw B-teams Bulls vs Polaris group fight thing

How do I start nogi as a untrained 20.4 year old wagie I booked a free class for tomorrow.

I am at lost at for what to do outside of classes, I got a jump rope and a pullup/dips stand with dumbells that go up 55lbs

Is there a good training book or guidelines? The only sports I done in the past is alot rugby if that matters.

Anonymous No. 166226

2 of the guys on B team have been training for under 4 years
if you really go balls deep with it at your age you could make a solid run
the important attributes for grappling are mobility and isometric contractions, it's a strength sport at the end of the day.
younger guys can be really good with high energy movement and agility based games but that's not sustainable even in your later 20s and they always fall off

Anonymous No. 166228

Sorry re reading my post my question weren't clear
1. How do start training with the goal of reaching a Semi-Pro or even Pro level?
2. With adjustable dumbells a pullup/dips tower and jump rope how well can I train myself for nogi?

I must come off as a huge retard but watch team-B Grappling at such a high level has made me actually want to do something which I haven't felt in a while and with 69% of the year over and not doing anything important in the last 4 years of my life was a kick to the head

Anonymous No. 166229

Don't worry about workouts outside of class for now. Just try to eat well and get good sleep so you can train consistently.
>good training book or guidelines?
For now, just go to class a few times a week and ask questions. Google/Youtube should answer most questions you might come up with outside of class, but pros have instructional content with more thorough information. Some decent people lurk these threads (besides the faggots arguing nonstop), so this isn't a bad place to ask questions either.
Shower and wash your shit as soon as you can after training to avoid any skin/smell issues.

Anonymous No. 166230

>mobility and isometric contractions
okay thanks, isometric is strength holds right so like pause reps in pull?
>2 of the guys on B team have been training for under 4 years
fucking hell that s great for me
>Youtube and pros have instructional content
okay is there any you would recommend?

Anonymous No. 166231

>instructional content
Considering you are just starting, any major youtube account should suffice for a few months (Chewjitsu is popular amongst white belts)

Glad that Quintent convinced you to try a class. Jozef is the guy with the least amount of experience and he's really fucking good. I train at B-Team and every time he visits it's a treat to learn from him. He gives our best guys a really hard time and has significantly less experience.

Anonymous No. 166233

>Jozef is the guy with the least amount of experience
fuck that is really impressive

Anonymous No. 166236

I'm not sweeping any fucking floors. Cuckold behavior.

Anonymous No. 166241

>If someone throws a punch in a roll, what's the correct response?
correct response under the law: use the least amount of reasonable force to create safe distance then call the police

correct moral response: get them into a position where they can't keep punching you, get the submission, then keep holding it for awhile despite how much they tap

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Anonymous No. 166242

Original cuckhold behavior
> letting someone fuck your wife

Cuckold behaviors according to 4chins within the last two weeks (on this board and others):
> rotating club chores
> any sport besides MMA
> not being baited into fedposting about murdering elected officials
> not getting laid before 16
> having premarital sex

That word has lost any coherent meaning outside of being an even lower energy version of posting a søy boy wojack meme alongside
> (you)

Anonymous No. 166262

>Thread question: If someone throws a punch in a roll, what's the correct response?
Go for a rasling pin and if he keeps going go for limb based submission no chocks

Anonymous No. 166267

You need to treat yourself like an athlete, train responsibly and deliberately with adequate recovery protocols in place
The reason 10th Planet sucks and a Middle aged boomer with one foot out of the professional scene like craig can meme on them irl them is they just DUDE WEED and don't train like athletes

So your supplementary training should be in service to your jiujitsu
You'll figure out your style and see which attributes you should really enhance but no matter what that is you should be stretching (movement by David) and training for long sustained muscular contractions for squeezing and holding on
Slow honest reps are good for this, don't cheat them because you need to be functional at extreme ranges
When someone has your arm extended you better be strong at the end range

I do equal parts long slow reps and explosive burn outs because I'm a mat bully

Anonymous No. 166271

>movement by David
Do you mean the free stretching courses he has?
>at the end of range
So really focusing on like first quarter of a pull up, okay thanks man

I did think some of the 10th planet guys were just out of place in comparison to the other teams.
If I need to give up vida booze and cigs to make this happen I am going to so if I ever get a chance I will.

Anonymous No. 166275

>free stretching courses he has
they're probably high quality
I've been trying to improve my flexibility for years even since I was doing karate as a teenager and have listened to everybody saying to do all these different things, even injuring myself by going too far a few times. Still stiff as uncooked spaghetti

but then I just followed some of his tips and within just a few sessions I noticed a significant improvement. it only took about 2 weeks for me to get my butterfly all the way to the floor and and my elbows to touch the ground on a pancake, and it was easy and painless. I was making it completely overcomplicated with no results to show for it

Anonymous No. 166294

reddit nigger whiny bitch monkey

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Anonymous No. 166308

Blue mafia
Rnc or twister (no Gi) bow and arrow or a simple cross collar (Gi)

Currently working on positional control and my guard passing (studying gordan ryans attacking the guard 2.0.

I love playing half guard top and bottom bc lockdown series infected me but i've been getting away from that to focus on side control and mount

Anonymous No. 166340

Does anybody know if women find it awkward or uncomfortable to roll with a guy not wearing a cup?

Anonymous No. 166348

If your dick is small, you're ugly/stinky and you're a bad roll for a woman (can't put strength to the side and roll with technique. YES

Anonymous No. 166367

How the fuck would anyone know if your dick is small unless they’re grabbing it through your gi? Is that how you guys shake hands in a BJJ school?

Anonymous No. 166394

yes? you new to da jitz?

Anonymous No. 166442

I'm thinking about starting BJJ, but I've got no real prior experience with martial arts aside from doing a little judo when I was like 11-12
Any beginner's advice, anything I should know?

Anonymous No. 166459

chill out. dont try to win the rolling

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Anonymous No. 166464

keep an eye out for this guy

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Anonymous No. 166469

Can you catch wrist locks on stronger guys? Any good resources for learning wrist locks?

Anonymous No. 166475

Join a real martial art like aikido and leave the savage Brazilians behind

Anonymous No. 166476

Jiujitsu already left the Brazilians behind :^)
It belongs to the anglosphere now

Anonymous No. 166497

be clean, cut your nails, wash your gear, breathe through your nose (this means relax), tap early to avoid injury, don’t crank necks unless there’s a mutual understanding, if you try going for a submission and notice after a few seconds that the training partner doesn’t give a shit then you’re probably doing it wrong and should move on (this is how white belt retards crank necks while trying to choke), if you’re old or just want to minimize risk of injuries you should avoid acrobatic movements and letting yourself get your shit stacked

Anonymous No. 166498

also shake hands with the person you’re training with and introduce yourself like a grown man instead of autistically going ”uh duh mm uh you me roll??” while looking at your feet
slap and bump before you roll and when resetting

Anonymous No. 166499

What's with the "just show up" thing?
I've seen it a few times but I don't get what the joke is supposed to be

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Anonymous No. 166503

>also shake hands with the person you’re training with and introduce yourself like a grown man instead of autistically going ”uh duh mm uh you me roll??” while looking at your feet
can you link an instructional on this technique

Anonymous No. 166523

Because athletes are usually braindead retards and just because you're good at something doesn't mean you're good at transmitting information about it to others
Jiujitsu is no exception, so 9/10 when you go to your instructor and say "what do I need to do to improve?" He's going to reply "ayee just show up my fren" instead of troubleshooting specific areas you're having difficulty and giving you solutions
People often make the mistake of wanting to go to gyms that are run by famous competitors because of the name recognition but those are the biggest idiots of all most of the time, Being a good teacher is as much a skill you have to cultivate as being a competitor and they are completely different skills.
In fact you can be a really great competitor on the world stage with very limited knowledge, you just need to be really good at 1 thing like Nicky rod and his body lock
I'd learn body locks from him but wouldn't want him as my coach in general if my goal was to be good at jiujitsu

Here's a little example from a keenan seminar
He was showing a move and one of the people asked when you do that do you want your feet crossed or uncrossed??
And he goes hmmm, then he crosses his feet and uncrosses feet and says "it doesn't matter"

Yes it does matter, it doesn't matter to YOU because of who YOU are, that's why the thought never even crossed his mind before.
As a side bar for you as a beginner, crossing or uncrossing your feet during techniques completely changes the pressure dynamic, it's not a trivial detail. He can make it work either way
For the rest of us mere mortals which way should we be doing it for the highest chance at success?

Anonymous No. 166536

It's the cliche answer coaches give when someone asks how to improve

Anonymous No. 166540

I don't blame them. Probably jaded by all the absolutely retarded questions like "how do I get better"?. Here's a tip: ask a specific that shows you're sentient and thinking about what you're doing I guarantee you they will either guide you to the solution in some way

Anonymous No. 166543

Agreed. "Just show up" is a fair answer when a guy who's trained for 3 classes asks about getting good quickly.

Anonymous No. 166544

Don't be an apologist
BJJ black belts don't take 10-15 years because it's complicated, it's because information gets drip fed to you by gate keepers that want you paying for as long as possible
Black belt level ability is achievable for anybody serious about this in <5 years with good instruction
7 if you're really casual

Anonymous No. 166549

I agree that instructors should answer specific questions, but a brand new white belt trying to lifehack their way into getting better really does just need to show up consistently.
The best instruction ever will not do much for people who are rarely on the mats.

Anonymous No. 166553

Any good ideas of what my body will look like if I stop going to the gym and do nothing for excercise but BJJ 12 hours a week?

I don't want to lose my aestetich gains but my body can't keep up doing BJJ and bodybuilding at the same time and I refuse to decrease my BJJ hours.

Anonymous No. 166554

Had my first no gi class today
Lungs are in pain
I sub another guy who had 4 classes with an double wrist lock
And I stop an armbar from a senior with an s grip then got chocked by him

Anonymous No. 166599

>Soon to be 2 stripe WB
>spinning triangle from lasso
>berimbolo and straight ankle
Straight ankle is weird for me, I'll try to set it from SLX or when they're in open guard but I almost never get it correctly even with a figure 4 and even if I pull back and up. Very weird.
I never wanna force it out of fear of fucking someone's foot up.

Anonymous No. 166601

first they came for the white belts, and i did not speak out for i was not new
then they came for the women and I did not speak out for i was not a woman
then they came for the brazilians and I did not speak out for I was not a macaco
And then they stopped coming for people because all the problems were largely resolved

Anonymous No. 166602

you need to hit maintenance volume or there will be atrophy
how much BJJ movements count towards that is not quantifiable

Anonymous No. 166606

Name a more virgin "combat sport" than BJJ.
Be a man and do muay thai or wrestling. Pathetic.

Anonymous No. 166607

Nevermind. Just saw that turbo virigns still do karate and even post on /xs/

Anonymous No. 166610

I'm going to sucker punch Gordon Ryan at the seminar he's giving to our club

Anonymous No. 166611

I’ve done (competitively) muay thai seven years longer than BJJ and BJJ is much more dangerous and useful. idk about gi but certainly no-gi with a submission wrestling ruleset

Anonymous No. 166612

You’re going to pay to take selfies with him and smile like a reddit basednumale on the pic then post it here to brag about meeting him for e-clout

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Anonymous No. 166614

I have been training in a certified Gracie dojo doing the Gracie Combatives program and I am having a lot of fun. Why is it so generally hated in the BJJ "community"?

Anonymous No. 166617

Why the fuck would wrestling be more of a manly sport? It's literally bjj but without the ability to break someone's limbs or choke someone out

Anonymous No. 166620

Do you really think you could beat a wrestler in a cage fight? The most athletic BJJ sperg I've seen was still a mouth breather.
Do not mouth off to me again, boy.

Anonymous No. 166644

>wrestling outside of high school or college

Anonymous No. 166645

>cage fight
That’s not the sport of wrestling, but in any case see

Anonymous No. 166651

>Why the fuck would wrestling be more of a manly sport?
Bjj focuses on technique over raw strength; whereas although wrestling does require technique, just brute forcing your will on an opponent is an effective strategy too. That aspect of wrestling is more masculine. In a contest where striking is allowed wrestling just seems to provide a better base. There's alot of bjj moves that you simply don't want to do in a real fight.

Anonymous No. 166655

Moron. Cage fighting with MMA rules shows what's most effective and practical. Chuck any of the spectacle wearing 5'7 geeks I see doing BJJ in a cage with a wrestler and he will be mauled.
Know your place. You're at the bottom of the food chain. Geek.

Anonymous No. 166659

It's one of the most effective martial arts to use in MMA and probably the most practical in the real world.

Anonymous No. 166661

>Straight ankle is weird for me, I'll try to set it from SLX or when they're in open guard but I almost never get it correctly

Mikey Musumeci and Mateusz Szczeciński have great ankle locks, look them up. People are calling it the "shotgun ankle lock" a lot now. You can apply them pretty slowly if you're worried about hurting people.

Anonymous No. 166663

Because combatives don't work and you acquire rank by showing you can do a dubious at best move against a fully compliant partner
If you go the conventional route you're going you acquire rank by battling it out with other people
The program is designed for student retention so they can get those $$$ not for high quality instruction so you get your money and times worth
a Gracie blue belt would get absolutely mauled by a non-gracie one

But if you're having fun then that's cool, just realize one day when you want to git gud you'll need to go somewhere else and hopefully you don't feel too discouraged when you see what it's like to go live the first time

Anonymous No. 166670

And a schmuck non-gracie blue belt would get mauled by a real MMA fighter.
Your point?

Anonymous No. 166672

I literally just posted a video of renzo Gracie beating a wrestler into submission
And you can’t train it outside of high school or college unless your doing a “wrestling for mma” program which isn’t really wrestling, it’s mixed submission grappling.

Anonymous No. 166678

Your comparison doesn't make much sense to me please explain

Anonymous No. 166681

Thanks, I am having fun. We train with different degrees of resistance from our partner, from full compliance and a slow speed while learning the mechanics of the move, to actual full speed and resistance.

It is very true that the "vocabulary" of moves that we use is very limited during Combatives, but they are meant to be a very easy to apply self-defense system against an opponent that is not trained in martial arts. Dealing with annoying drunk, kid's bullies, women's harassers, and the like.

About getting gud and feeling like I'm lagging behind those who did sports BJJ from the beginning, I'm actually enjoying the structured learning and I actually think that going to a more serious BJJ school where rolling above your level is mandatory and white belts get slammed left and right can be discouraging to some. That sounds more like feeding the egos of insecure higher belts for the sake of it instead of enjoying the sport for what it is.

Anonymous No. 166684

Something i forgot: We also have the "bad guy" test the possible weaknesses of each move, to make sure that the hooks, positions, right pressure etc is applied correctly. I have tested some of the moves on larger and heavier friends, both athletic and sedentary, and told them to try to get away from me and I could keep control and submit them without having to spazz out and use too much energy. Maybe it wouldn't apply to the reality of a street fight, where you don't know if the other guy has a weapon, knows sambo or whatever, but it is helping me understand what is and isn't possible when actually fighting someone. I never got into a fight except maybe as a small kid, and playing fight for sport as an adult is actually a lot of fun.

Anonymous No. 166690

Thanks king.

Anonymous No. 166720

>rolling above your level is mandatory and white belts get slammed left and right can be discouraging to some
Stress inoculation is an important thing to practice in order to be a good fighter
Maybe not great to make a steady diet of it but things like shark tanks exist just to wring the bitch out of you
If you know what it's like to stand up against someone you have no chance of beating then random bozos will be like nothing
But there's 2 tiers to this like everything, there's black belts and Black Belts
It's like one time I was at Carpe diem and they were getting ready for pan asia, and I got blasted in the dome with a knee, right on the ear turned red and started puffing immediately
The brazilan guy running the class goes oh shit you want to grab some ice and take a break?
I go fuck no I don't care
And he goes ohhh, you're a real one and then went to tend to other people.
Restarted and "accidentally" cracked that French fuck right in the teeth. Woops sorry bro that sucks, my bad
And then consider it squashed

Now that life is not for everybody, in fact it's not for most people, but I say jiujitsu is whatever you want it to be
Whether you're a casual that just things it's kinda cool and wants to play around or a sicko that feels a thrill making grown men call you daddy, both are valid

Anonymous No. 166730

I’m sure you mean well but this reads like it’s written by a teenager

Anonymous No. 166733

Did someone make you feel inadequate when you were a kid? Did daddy diddle you?

Anonymous No. 166736

Is it wrong to spam Ezekiel chokes when white belt. I just learned that technique and it's so easy against other white belts I keep winning ever time against anybody with less than 6 months of experience

Anonymous No. 166738

here I am growing older all the time, looking older all the time, feeling younger in my mind

Anonymous No. 166740

The only reason it would be "wrong" is that you are limiting your options by not trying for other other things. When you have an arsenal of weapons you can spam it if you want but try other things to help yourself

Anonymous No. 166760

yeah it's a teenager. cringe.

Anonymous No. 166765


Anonymous No. 166777


Anonymous No. 166790

i don't care because i'm not an insecure faggot

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Anonymous No. 166793

Imagine writing this out trying to convince strangers you don’t know on the internet how tough you are

Anonymous No. 166795

>3 months into training
>Roll with another white belt, a guy who spams Ezekiels
>Pretty equal roll in terms of control
>He lands an Ezekiel or two
>Roll with him again a few months later dominate the roll positionally but no subs, he continues to spam Ezekiels from shit positions no subs for him either.
>Roll with him even further down the track dominate the roll to the point were I just catch and release subs like 10+ in 6 minutes.
>He is still spamming Ezekiels

The one guy I know who spams Ezekiels hasn't progressed noticably in like 12 months.

Why be like this guy

Anonymous No. 166796

Ok thanks anon. I'll try to triangle choke since I've been struggling with that one. Any good tutorials that don't use the double wrist control variation?

Anonymous No. 166799

Imagine entering into a conversation and being bothered by people having a conversation

Don't worry about what others are doing

Anonymous No. 166800

lol, lmao even
>if you call me a cringey retard that means you’re mad!

Anonymous No. 166801

You're doing the equivalent of yelling at kids at the park for running
Hey you! Stop that!

Anonymous No. 166802

Yes, just like it's wrong to spam anything, especially a submission. Spamming submissions, whether it be leglocks or any other thing, just means that you don't learn how to play positionally, and so you end up winning all the time but learning nothing. Eventually you will come up against people that know how to defend against your spam attacks, and then you will just get crushed and you will realise that you have wasted a huge amount of time

Anonymous No. 166807

I hope you write 10,000 more posts continuously making an ass of yourself lol

That other anon was right, there’s no way you’re not a teenager.

Anonymous No. 166823

Didn't watch but in another video he says in gi defense is harder and submissions are easier, in no gi defense is easier and submissions are harder and that's why you want to train gi - to improve defense, escapes etc

Anonymous No. 166845

Ive proven I'm not but you're too much of a zoomer to realize it

Anonymous No. 166852

>quoting a song from the 90s proved I’m not a teenager.

You realize if you’re not a cringey teenager but still act like one that’s even more embarrassing, right?

Anonymous No. 166857

I'm getting pretty tired of your uppity blue belt mouth

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Anonymous No. 166858

>I'm getting pretty tired of your uppity blue belt mouth

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@sambo_fias World....webm

Anonymous No. 166862

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World SAMBO Cup 2....webm

Anonymous No. 166863

Anonymous No. 166871

I love this move. You can even hit this from seated guard if your opponent is not coming forward

Anonymous No. 166939

he says its safer for the knees but I don't really think it is
just by looking at it if the guy really tries to keep a stiff leg you're dropping on it

Anonymous No. 166944

He can't just still leg someone's entire weight he has to either roll with it or resist backwards, if he goes backwards he lands in the same position. This is a somewhat common move in sambo only they usually go straight to the kneebar

Anonymous No. 166947


Anonymous No. 166954

Shut the fuck up you worthless novice

Anonymous No. 166967

I had my second class
I went with the instructor today, when I turtled he took my back. I stood on my knee with him on my back and slammed him. I was able to get my are in between his arm and my neck. He still chocked me out with his arm in my arm pit.

How do I journal?
The class lead told me if I want to improve quickly to I should journal each class. I hardly remember what they taught in technical/drill part of class.

How do you keep your from acting on bad impulse?
like slamming ( I was told after that spar that is a no no), twisting fingers and pressing on neck( in a non chock form/using my elbow on his neck).

Anonymous No. 166968

>We can do better than arguing about mat installations. Post your
White/ 2 classes in no-gi
>favorite sub
Kimura/ double wrist lock( The only sub I have been actually going for)
>current technique/skill you're working on

Anonymous No. 166969

Someone should explain the rules to you
Just look up the rules and what's on the banned moves list
Not allowed most of the time, sometimes allowed in submission only formats
>twisting fingers
No grabbing individual fingers, grab all 4 at the same time if you want to peel them away just to prevent an accident with delicate joints
>pressing on neck
>elbow on his neck
That's entirely allowed, maybe a bit of dickery but it's not invalid

I George Floyd people all the time

Anonymous No. 166970

>Someone should explain the rules to you
I understand the rules but I still get the feeling to do things that are banned. Especially when I am being bullied by a guy 3x my age.
Wouldn't that be no-gi?
>twisting fingers
>No grabbing individual fingers, grab all 4 at the same time
Oh that's what did, I just pulled full back. To get his hand off my wrist.

Anonymous No. 166977

How often do you replace mouthguards? I've been using the same one for a year now. 3+ classes a week.

Anonymous No. 166979

Every 3 months of those cheap boling water and bite ones

Anonymous No. 166982

Yup, that's the one I use.

Anonymous No. 166986

>that's what did
I don't know why he had a problem with that then
Is he a black belt? Grabbing the fingers like a bundle of sticks, a faggot if you will, is really standard stuff
Controlling the head of the snake it stops them from wrist rolling out of your grips and is a really important part of the
straight jacket system in particular

Anonymous No. 166987

Dude is probably like a spaz and possibly sociopath. Probably wasn't privy to reality

Anonymous No. 166988


Anonymous No. 166989

I think we're giving a 50something a blue belt tomorrow even though he quit
He was due like last Christmas but then fell down like a boomer and had to have surgery, and finally came back 2 weeks ago and blew out his knee and needs surgery on that now so he said he's quitting jiujitsu
Which is fair by the way

But he was asked to at least come tomorrow and I think he's getting that blue belt even thought he hasn't been on the mat in 9 months. He shouldve had it

Anonymous No. 166991

It wasn't a black belt but some guy I spared with on my first day. He just said I could grab fingers at all. Really if you grab my wrist and I don't know what your doing I am going to pull your hand off of me pr try.

I will admit I Idk what I am doing really but at most I am just trying to not be grabbed or chocked. If I am lucky I will go for a kimura/double wrist lock.

Also which name should I use the double wrist lock/kimura I told it had two name but find that a bit odd

Anonymous No. 166992

I wouldn't trust him if I were you. If he thinks he is being "bullied" in class (i.e out classed in technique) and has to "resist the urge to do banned things" then his view of what he and others are doing in class is probably skewed at best.

Anonymous No. 166993

Well that's a nice farewell gift at least.
I've had very good training partners who've dropped out because of injuries, not even from rolling but from daily life, work, ect.

I think I may quit at blue belt, it's already been like 7 months for me and I already have a partially torn LCL, meniscus, and slipped disc, and I'm only in my early 20's. I don't understand how people can keep this up forever.

Anonymous No. 166994

How the fuck do you end up with that any injuries in your early 20's? How the fuck did you get a slipped disk?

Anonymous No. 166995

If I had to take a guess he’s probably the class spaz and freaks the fuck out during every roll like it’s life or death.

Anonymous No. 166996

Okay bullied isn't an accurate word to use fair, but at a point where I really don't know what to do or how to handle a situation, what do you do?
Just go limp? I have only had 2 classes now but I have always tried to not hurt or get hurt.

Anonymous No. 166997

I'm not sure why you're being put in a position where you feel like you need to fight off the other person
They should be guiding you through everything, at this stage your "rolls" are more like drilling the move you learned with a little more liveliness

Anonymous No. 166998

Ah and I dislocated my thumb in a tournament when my opponent accidentally kicked it when he stepped forward.

I tore my meniscus when I was passing a much heavier guy's guard and he rolled onto my left knee. I tore my LCL trying to free my leg from an entanglement.

I honestly don't know about the slipped disc, it may've started from squatting heavy in the gym but gotten worse because I play a lot of open guard. Talking to anyone purple belt and up it's safe to say slipped discs and bad knees simply come with the territory.

Anonymous No. 166999

There is 30m of property drills then it just completely un aided rolls. Just you go to the closet person have 10 min roll then 3 more times and class is over. So it a mix bag something one guy (the black belt I slammed) made me tap in 4 min then explained what he did or I get the big guy who is as talkative as a wall and when he submitted me just got up to get walk with out a word.

Anonymous No. 167000

Property= proper
My bad

Anonymous No. 167002

I am not sure why you are rolling after only a few classes. Usually there is supposed to be like an introductory syllabus where you learn the very basics and you aren't rolling with each other, and then after that you then move into the normal classes where there is rolling.

Anonymous No. 167003

There was nothing like that even offered it.
It was just pay online and show up to classes

Anonymous No. 167004

what guard passing allows your opponent to roll onto your knee at such an angle that you can fuck up your meniscus? Sounds like a skill issue desu

Anonymous No. 167005

>I tore my LCL trying to free my leg from an entanglement.
Ahh yeah so you are the class spaz

Anonymous No. 167006

Thats sketchy and a poorly run gym

Imagine any other sport where they don't tell you the rules, don't tell you how to play, and then say go get em tiger! And throw you in there
It doesn't exist

Anonymous No. 167007

More like I was trying to grab SC but the mats were sweaty and my knee became wedged under his back. I saw a worse one, this guy tried caught his knee in a similar fashion but forced himself to try and stand while his knee was trapped: it completely popped his knee out of the socket.

In the beginning. Now I submit spazzes.

Anonymous No. 167008

Makes sense but I don't really have a option of something else, so I will stick with for now.

Anonymous No. 167009

I have no clue how you can get your knee wedged under someones back trying to grab SC. That literally makes it less clear. I initially thought you must have been doing some really fucked up version of a knee slice, now I don't know what to think, I have never seen anyone fuck up any limb getting into side control

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Anonymous No. 167022

>this toehold
Have 10p ever won anything? They seem like bums. Especially this Martinez. Whenever I see him, he gets trashed.

Anonymous No. 167030

I’m also in my early 20s with a slipped disc that was caused by the instructor correcting my structure when I was inverted during class

Anonymous No. 167037

>They seem like bums
They are
The entire system is based on doing weird things that work against a naive opponent, no fundamentally sound things that work against anyone
Also Eddie is a really bad coach

Just listen to him during that leg entangelemt "come up on the d'arce!" Nigga how you gonna darce your way out of an ashi?

Anonymous No. 167063

I was looking for a cross face and an underhook to flatten him out. He rolled over to his other side and I brought my left leg up windshield wipering toward his shoulder, he rolled back onto it and I knelt up, but my knee was trapped under him. Does that make more sense? Do I need to elaborate further?

Anonymous No. 167069

Terrible advice
Mental health """"advice"""" is usually just lies trying to make you feel okay being inadequate, in reality you should be trying to improve constantly (e.g. BJJ, gym etc) then you will actually end up feeling better because you have improved
And even with injuries you can still train around these as long as you don't go hard in sparring and if you get along well with coaches and members they can accommodate for you

Anonymous No. 167092

just improve and stay active, and stay off the internet so you don’t get fucked up standards to compare your life to that don’t relate to your reality

Anonymous No. 167100

Any of you ever trained in Brno, Czechia? Several gyms here, I want to know which one is the best. Reviews for pretty much all of them are just straight five starts, so probably not reliable.
I'm completely new to BJJ, so I can't really make a judgement myself

Anonymous No. 167112

>just by looking at it if the guy really tries to keep a stiff leg you're dropping on it
It's a forward roll with a grip on the leg, you're not sitting back into them like you would for a kani basami. The only real danger of this move is getting stacked/compressed when rolling

Anonymous No. 167115

>be brown belt
>have a tournament one week from today
>working hard
>white belt asks for help to see if he's doing a move right
>drops his big fat body on my arm and tweaks my elbow really badly
>completely stiff and hurts to extend
>cant push with it
this is why nobody wants to fucking help you, because we have actually important stuff to worry about and then when we feel generous you come along and do something retarded and we feel the consequences for it
ban all white belts

Anonymous No. 167122

wtf did he do exactly? what was his question?
there's a chance your arm will be good enough in. a week, just don't aggravate it
you won't make any huge strides in one week anyways, just heal up and drill

Anonymous No. 167126

Collagen, antioxidants, water, and rest.

Anonymous No. 167128

Seconding this question, how did he hurt your arm by just laying on it?

Anonymous No. 167129

I was getting into bottom side control for him so I was there but not really there, I had relaxed frames in place but not doing anything yet because we were still talking and then he just suddenly dead drops his weight and my arm in the hip frame gets cranked sideways. Like how your elbow can flex and extend, but mine got pressured sideways on the plane where it's not supposed to move
And now I have pain running from the pinky side of the wrist all the way up to the pit right next to the point of your elbow which is where it's radiating out from

Anonymous No. 167167

Rest is a meme (sedentary). Just do lighter stuff your body can handle

Anonymous No. 167169

>rest is a meme
/xs/, everybody

Anonymous No. 167172

hit my first succesful front ankle lock + ashi garami in live rolls today

Anonymous No. 167175

Why would you need to sit on your ass all day for an elbow injury do tell? You gonna tell him to ice it next? Lol

Get yout body moving it can only help. Be careful of the arm of course probably not a good idea to do activites that aggregate problems like going too heavy

Anonymous No. 167177

Anyone train in Knoxville Tennessee that knows of a place with a good fundamental program? I promise I wont be a 4chan weirdo if I come to the gym.

Anonymous No. 167207

just learn to set boundaries nigga

good job buddy

Anonymous No. 167209

also yeah use collagen and take 1g paracetamol morning and evening for a few days then just go for it, don’t let it create mental blocks people have persevered through worse shit and succeeded

Anonymous No. 167221

How come I suck in competition but I’m good in hard rolls? Is it just mental? I literally lose in tournaments against people I toy with in hard rolls. I don’t get it.

Anonymous No. 167223

has anyone heard of the webstie a lot off instructionals is it legit?

Anonymous No. 167226

retard fuck off with your advertising a nigger website
if someone wants instructionals and they’re not spending it on BJJfanatics they can just dl it off any torrent site, even the torrent board here

Anonymous No. 167228

>paying to pirate

Anonymous No. 167235

Yeah, but just because YOU dont understand or agree with a tradition doesn't mean it immediately gets thrown out. Traditions enjoy a sort of immunity from this kind of argument, their credibility is not just the merits of the argument for or against it that you can understand, but its longevity

Anonymous No. 167240

>don’t ice injuries
/xs/, everybody

Anonymous No. 167299

shouldn’t feel this demoralizing to get rekt in gi by somebody who’s been training BJJ for seven years and is 30lbs heavier than me when I’ve only been training nogi at an MMA gym for two years

🗑️ Anonymous No. 167303

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1292
Disdainful Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread: >>443945495

Anonymous No. 167354

You lost bro, coping does no good now. If that was a fight you would have been dead, now stop crying and train

Anonymous No. 167362

Hanging out with your instructor is a bad thing? Nahh he’s cool as shit. He’s a homie now.

Anonymous No. 167371

You’re talking to an anon who quote proudly proclaimed that he has no friends

Anonymous No. 167375

Too many zoomers in this thread that don't understand references to fast and the furious or Tony hawks pro skater

Anonymous No. 167379

Damn bro you’re even cringier than I initially realized

Anonymous No. 167390

true enough

Anonymous No. 167403

Speaking of that, anyone have the link to the archived thread with the all the tors

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asian bateman.png

Anonymous No. 167405


I'm hypermobile. Should I train in BJJ? Basically my shoulders, wrists, fingers, back and hips dislocate. It's usually painless, but I'm worried someone will pop my shoulder out and then keep wrenching it around while it ain't in the socket and just wear out my connective tissue or something.

Anonymous No. 167426

There's this crazy thing you do in jiu jitsu when someone has you it's called "tapping" if you let them get close to or beyond your breaking point that's on you dude

Anonymous No. 167432

Here's the fact, as a gumby you will make everyone seethe because most guys in bjj are middle aged with lower back pain because their highschool gym teacher tricked them into thinking dead lifts are a good exercise
So being bendy is unattainable for them and you'll be able to do a lot of really complicated moves with ease by comparison

My one bit of practical advice though is don't lean on it too much
You can leverage it to be able to move in unconventional ways that give people fits, but that's not a replacement for good fundamentals
And some rubberbois go to the well too often and will end up with injuries because they just try to wear attacks instead of properly escape them

Anonymous No. 167443

I have hypermobile wrists and I don’t even feel when people are applying wrist locks, I only notice when they get surprised and ask me if I’m alright and why I’m not tapping
Definitely not good in the long run

It’s like the people in Sweden who have a genetic anomaly that makes them unable to feel pain, more of a drawback than a benefit

Anonymous No. 167449

feel like my skill level regressed by a year worth of training overnight for no apparent reason

Anonymous No. 167500

>Made fun of BJJ for years for being gay and useless
>Just joined the local BJJ gym
You guys fucking won. Fuck you

Anonymous No. 167501

I have a feeling every bjj gym on the planet has at least 3 of these ticked.
>calisthenic warm-ups
Nvm you're just wrong

Anonymous No. 167502

Same bro. Been a no stripe white belt for almost a year but I got to tap some blue belts. Promotions are just a moment in time your ego driven coach is not power tripping.

Anonymous No. 167507

just goes to show you were gay and useless all along
have fun, be hygienic, get good at fundamentals

Anonymous No. 167552

Pretty sure no one does these days.

t. 3rd degree blackbelt

Anonymous No. 167572


why is it not?

Anonymous No. 167577

It is THE martial art ever for brazilian jiujitsu based rulesets and submission grappling. It is indeed the best.

Anonymous No. 167578


I get what you're saying - it's the best martial art for the context in which it was created and it's own rulesets - which is to say that It's like comparing apples and Oranges. Regardless, though, isn't it indeed just the best overall martial art for self-defense? Yeah yeah, I know that self defense is kind of a meme because anything can happen in a real fight, but still.

Anonymous No. 167589

Mma is the best for unarmed self defense, which I consider its own martial art since it transcends it's sum parts. Doesn't matter if one does not think it is a martial art, even if they are correct with the word games fuck them.

Maybe you can practice some high percentage self defense situations or otherwise as well if you're schizo or a third worlder. I am not aware of nor care for any rigorous tested groundwork for that like mma, however

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Anonymous No. 167601

How the fuck does such a big community as bjj not have a good pirating community!? At least for bigest events, where can one find vods from flograpling for free ?

Anonymous No. 167614

Nobody watches bjj, it's boring as fuck
Even professionals don't watch it

Anonymous No. 167628

bro… who the fuck watches matches…

Anonymous No. 167679

absolutely unhinged schizophrenic post

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Anonymous No. 167684

I want to do bjj but I don't want to roll with FAT people. Is it possible to avoid that? Can you deny rolling with a fat ass?

Anonymous No. 167687

You can say no to rolling with whoever you want. In fact, it’s a social skill I encourage people to learn. I used to not have this skill and have injured multiple times as a result.

Anonymous No. 167697

>Mma is the best for unarmed self defense, which I consider its own martial art since it transcends it's sum parts

MMA has no defined parts, you can go into MMA as a pure boxer and fight, there is no core, kata or curriculum to MMA, it is not it's own martial art.

Anonymous No. 167720

Just a heads up, enjoy your tournaments while you can because they're gonna die out soon

Living in a major jiujitsu center I'm on the cutting edge of this and I can tell you tournament structures are on the way out, it's all about one and done matches
You find out who your one opponent will be have your camp leading up to it Bing bang boom one match and that's the end of it Just like MMA and boxing
I've been watching tournaments get smaller and smaller and now I couldn't even do this one because there's nobody in my division
We're talking no black or brown belts period, purple had to combine into an absolute
The rest is just whites and blues

WNO lead the way its all about having event cards instead. Easier to put on for the organizers, easier day for the athletes, and actually spectator friendly.
So just a heads up, get em while you can

Anonymous No. 167736

nobody gives a shit about competition besides the people competing

Anonymous No. 167745

I triangled somebody for the first time today :D but I think I have a hip overuse injury now

Anonymous No. 167753

quintet was fun. Also some top guys matches are watchable because of hype if nothing else.

Anonymous No. 167754

>tfw you start sparring and the coach puts on an awful rap song that has a repetitive female orgasm sample

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Anonymous No. 167757

for me it's

Anonymous No. 167765

MMA gym I train at recently merged with a Muay Thai place and a female instructor from there keeps playing this every training

Anonymous No. 167766

she plays this shit too >>167757
what the fug is wrong with women

Anonymous No. 167769

>for me, it’s the rap video where a guy walk around prison a pink uniform with his shirt off then a bunch of naked men fuck the floor
Be less gay.

Anonymous No. 167770

>tournaments are going to die out soon
lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 167771

I think he meant that for him, that’s the song his gym is cursed with

Anonymous No. 167776

Could I be more clear?
You think people run competitions for fun? It's for profit
Single match ups are less work for the money

Anonymous No. 167789

>You think people run competitions for fun?
>It's for profit
lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 167793

competitions are for profit business ventures you idiot, it costs 25-30k just to run a shitty local tournament
nobody is spending 10s of thousands of dollars to rent a venue, get insurance, hire enough workers to run 12 mat at the same time, prizes, marketing blah blah blah because they want to make sure all the 1 stripe white belts out in the world get to feel the thrill of a competition
they're doing it because they're trying to make money.
the new model is rent space in a brewery, put on a card, charge spectators $40-$50 to watch, and get event sponsors
you make money with a fraction of the effort and not only that but you'll actually attract talented competitors this way

nobody worth a shit is going to pay money to compete. After a certain point you expect at a minimum you compete for free, better yet if there's a possible prize for winning
that's why grappling industries recently had to amend their policy of free entry for black belts and expand it to brown belts as well
because nobody of high level is going to waste their time doing retarded little bracket tournaments we have to pay for, our mat time is too valuable.

name recognition is what matters, that's what people want not some dinky little medal that'll just get tossed in the pile with the other 3 dozen exactly like it

Anonymous No. 167794

>charging spectators
>to watch bjj
lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 167797

Yeah, when the matches are good people actually want to watch them

Anonymous No. 167798

No they don’t lmfao. The average layman has no fucking clue what’s going on in a BJJ match and they’re sure as hell not paying for tickets to watch it you autist.

Anonymous No. 167800

idiot, nobody is going to watch you do your little local tournament in a gymnasium which is why you need to pay money to the organizer to go do it
people who don't know anything about bjj will still come watch me at a brewery when its being treated like a boxing event because its an EVENT. its a night out, it's something to do. You think people that go to MMA fights are all MMA fans? maybe some of them are, most are just out to do something

Anonymous No. 167802

>people who don't know anything about bjj will still come watch me at a brewery when its being treated like a boxing event because its an EVENT
lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 167806

Confirmed to have never gone to a sporting event in your life
Your argument is invalid

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Anonymous No. 167811


Anonymous No. 167814

I don't know what you're trying to accomplish here. Seems like you can't beat anybody on the mat so you're trying to start an argument and try to win that

I can't fucking stand beginners like you trying to speak like you know something
I gave you a factual happening in the industry and for some reason you're deciding to plug your ears and say I'm wrong
Give it another year where when what's happening here happens in whatever bumble fuck area you live in

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Anonymous No. 167817

>Heh, think I’m a retard? You must suck at bjj
lol, lmao even. Don’t you have a brewery fight to prepare for? Tens of people are going to be there to watch your BJJ card!

Anonymous No. 167818

Post belt with timestamp

Anonymous No. 167819

When I get home I sure will.

Anonymous No. 167822

In the mean time try to find a match for yourself

No luck?
Damn try this one

OK ok, fine, this one combines purple, brown, blacks and wrestlers together so maybe you can find A match

I can't though

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Anonymous No. 167824

>”bro tournaments are dieing bjj is going to be all boxing style fight cards, check these out and get a fight”
>posts three tournaments
Holy shit you’re actually retarded.

Anonymous No. 167825

>post 3 tournaments, 3 days away, in different areas of the country, 2 of them from really large well known promotions, the other being the only one operating out of the NY metro area that weekend

These are perfectly fine examples

Anonymous No. 167826

These aren’t fight cards they’re tournaments. The thing you said was going to “die out”

Anonymous No. 167827

Exactly, my point is proven when you look at their [lack of] brakets
If you show up to NAGA as a purple brown or black you're guaranteed podium of they can even get match for you at all
Wow such thrilling competition!
The only tournament being held in America's largest most populous city can't even draw a single black belt

Grappling industries has fallen a long way since 2016 when Keenan and Gordon closed out the event to now not even being able to make a bracket for anyone above purple belt even though it's free for them to compete

Anonymous No. 167830

Ah, I see. There aren’t many people signed up to these tournaments therefore hordes of people not competing are going to pay for tickets to watch you fight in a brewery. It all makes sense now.

Anonymous No. 167832

You're not too bright are you?

It's the same concept as how a gym has usage and non-usage models
Planet fitness doesn't want you going to the gym so they charge you $10 a month and people don't go they just let that continue you charging every month because of the small amount of money they don't really notice or care about
Compared to lifetime athletic which is over a $100 a month because they want select people with money to burn in the in the gym so they buy amenities and personal training and eat at the cafe and get massages haircut

It's the same concept here instead of running these big bloated tournaments that nobody is interested in going to, they will run smaller more high quality tournaments that people do want to go to
They don't need to collect as much money overall because their overhead is so much smaller
25k out of pocket to run a tournament an collect $100 per participant and hope you at least break even vs 4k out of pocket and collect $40 a head for spectators

Anonymous No. 167833

>it’s the same concept
Except it’s not because bjj isn’t a spectator sport. You are literally out of your mind if you think you’re going to get 100 people to pay 40 dollars to watch a BJJ match.

Anonymous No. 167834

You're right, it's more like 400-500 people coming going to watch it over the course of the night

You don't really get how this works huh?
You have 2 guys in a match
A bunch of people from their gyms plus their family and friends come to watch
Repeat that 30 times over the course of the night
And while those people are they're drinking, they're eating food, they're hanging out which is why you have it at a venue and not a school basketball court
And they tell everyone how much fun they had at their evening out at the jiujitsu fights

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Anonymous No. 167836

>he actually believes he’s going to sell 500 tickets at 40 dollars to have people watch him have a BJJ match in a brewery
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Holy fuck anon, thanks for the laugh. I hope you’re not investing your own money into this venture.

Anonymous No. 167839


Migrate when ready

Anonymous No. 167841

Already ran it 12 times ya putz

Anonymous No. 167910

literally laughed out loud

Anonymous No. 169399

>mounted triangle
>danaher closed guard