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🧵 /BJJ/ - BJJ General

Anonymous No. 167838

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General
"Love triangle" edition


Belt Checker

Previous thread

Thread question: How do you feel about people pulling guard in competitions?

Anonymous No. 167840

Pulling guard should award take down points to the opponent

Anonymous No. 167843

This is a dead board, we don't need to make a new thread yet.

Anonymous No. 167844

>LIJJN Challenge Series highlights local competitors and academies using a super-fight format. Each event is broadcast on our website and YouTube Channel.
>Free to compete, free to watch
Do you notice the difference between this event and what you’re proposing?

Anonymous No. 167847

Free to watch on YouTube not free to attend

Anonymous No. 167848

What's the go with 'slamming'? I understand slamming from guard, but what about takedowns that are dramatic like a suplex or big judo throw, should be completely legal and encouraged over pulling guard. Is stuff like this subjective to the ref?

Anonymous No. 167849

If you speak Portuguese slam as hard as you want, if you don't then you better place them down as gently as you would an infant

Anonymous No. 167851

Listen dude if you are actually getting 400 retards to pay 40 dollars to watch jiujitsu matches they can watch on YouTube for free then good for you. I literally cannot imagine what kind of person would do that though.

Anonymous No. 167852

This is what I thought, it's subjective. They need to fuck slamming off all together, if you have guard and get picked up, miss a sweep opportunity and get slammed, you fucked up not the other guy. All takedowns should be legal and if you get fucked up from a suplex, you fucked up not the other guy.

Anonymous No. 167853

Your mom and your sister :^)
I'm actually not even being a cunt

When you have a poster with your picture and name on it she'll be proud and post it on her Facebook page "Travis has a jiujitsu match at the blue point brewery this weekend, come show your support!"
And your uncle Todd will probably show up too plus Brian and Mikey from the gym and your best friend Steve

Did I get any of those names right?

Anonymous No. 167854

The only martial arts tournament my mom came to were my kiddy karate tournaments when I was 10 lmao. I really doubt that would change having my face on a poster.

Also my uncle Todd lives two cities away.

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Shane Curtis BJJ ....webm

Anonymous No. 167863

Anonymous No. 167872

>a suplex or big judo throw, should be completely legal and encouraged over pulling guard
You can legally do throws, big double legs, and mat returns in most tournaments. Suplexes should probably remain illegal so we don't have people getting paralyzed over a NAGA medal. Sports need rulesets that allow participants to continue training and competing. It's not a street fight
This clip shows some pretty nasty takedowns that would be legal in a lot of rulesets (unless your ref is a dickhead):

Anonymous No. 167874

Suplexes are not inherently more dangerous than other throws.
Learn how to fall

Anonymous No. 167876

its a perfect takedown, if you capture an arm and then suplex you basically land in side control with an arm immediately available to attack

Anonymous No. 167892

how embarrassing

Anonymous No. 167901

At something like ADCC, yeah sure allow whatever. Even kani basami is allowed.
I think it’s really dumb to allow that for random tournaments full of hobbyists with day jobs and normal lives. You can tap to and often predict dangerous subs, but might be slow to react to some retard slamming you on you head or jumping on your knees

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Anonymous No. 167905

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Anonymous No. 167924

>first clip
>text book inside te guruma
>get DQ’d
>most of the other clips
>do something retarded like hang on to guard after the other guy stands up
>get DQ’d when they are inevitably sent back to the floor
>people in the background yell at you for being a pussy and doing a bitch move despite it being the other guys fault for acting like a retard

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Anonymous No. 167948

im glad that slamming is banned, what's the argument behind wanting to allow them anyway? you just want to fuck people up for life for a shitty medal because you can't open guard?

Anonymous No. 167959

I don’t think daki age (guard slamming) should be legal but it picking someone up from guard should cause a reset to discourage people from doing needlessly dangerous shit like putting themselves in a position to get their neck broken by a guard slam. Also jumping guard should be illegal. You can’t just expect to be put down gently after jumping on and clinging to someone like a retarded baby chimp.

Legitimate takedowns like te guruma and suplexes shouldn’t count as slams either those are legitimate takedowns.

Anonymous No. 167973


Anonymous No. 167985

Weird how “just stand up” only worked against a guard pulling white belt

Anonymous No. 167989

>just standing up It's too effective
>needs to have rules in place where you get penalized for doing it

The idea that a person can sit on the ground to avoid takedowns and the person standing over him is the one not engaging is the biggest joke of all
Until sitting guard is penalized bjj will forever be illegitimate

Anonymous No. 168003

Just one takedown and karate becomes totally useless

Anonymous No. 168005

Not interested in fixed Gracie fights
Isn't it strange that as soon as they were no longer in control of hand picking the people they fight against they became completely unremarkable in the ring?

Anonymous No. 168007

>just standing up is too effective
The guy was penalized for refusing to engage (i.e. pass the guard), not for standing up. "Just stand up" is extremely effective, and shows how shitty people are at pinning, but you still have to engage and not prance away like the guy in that vid.
>Until sitting guard is penalized bjj will forever be illegitimate
I genuinely don't understand this. If being on top is a good position, why do people bitch about guard pulls? Your reward is the top position (which was not earned), why should there be points award to you too?
There are rulesets that penalize guard pulling, and the guy on bottom still gets submissions (or sweeps).
>pulls guard, breaks someone's limb from bottom position
>gets taken down, breaks someone's limb from bottom position
Doesn't that prove that BJJ is "legit"?

Anonymous No. 168014

The first clip was not a slam, it was a well executed throw
Slamming guys pulling guard right from standing should be allowed and encouraged
The rest is retardation from one or both parties

Anonymous No. 168016

>you just want to fuck people up for life for a shitty medal because you can't open guard?
just open your guard if you don't want to get slammed lol. learn to breakfall lmao.

Anonymous No. 168030

the person sitting on the floor is refusing to engage
they're waiting down there saying come to me, come step in my guard
YOU have to engage with MY guard or YOU'RE the one being passive

this is the only sport where someone is allowed to take a purely defensive posture and the other person is penalize for not attacking

>why do people bitch about guard pulls? Your reward is the top position (which was not earned), why should there be points award
it was earned. for example the two of us had a match and you pull guard you're conceding, you're saying to everybody "I'm not confident I can win this takedown exchange and land in a favorable position, so I'm going to cut my losses and sit down on my own terms instead"
its the definition of passivity. In effect he got a takedown without even laying his hands on the other person
a guard pull that results in dragging the other guy down isn't a problem at all, but repeated failed guard pull attempts should be penalized for stalling the same way it is in judo. and the guard puller should be forced to stand back up if the other guy backs away

it's asinine to say "well my takedown didn't work but you have to pretend it did and get down here anyway" fuck that

Anonymous No. 168033

>you have to play the game in a way that favors my skills and not yours otherwise it's not fair
Retard just learn how to pass guards

Anonymous No. 168034

new school zoomers will say it’s your responsibility to pass their guard if they pull guard (it’s not their responsibility to manage standing, that’s like uh, not like uh and uh like this is uh ground game not uh rassling uh surf dude uh)

Anonymous No. 168035

way to not address a single point

the bias shouldn't go in favor of the retreating party

Anonymous No. 168036

It's not retreating. People pull guard because they want to attack from there with sweeps or subs. It's not a defensive move

Anonymous No. 168037

>not defensive
that's the definition of a guard bro
>People pull guard because they want to attack from there with sweeps or subs
because they aren't capable of earning that position so they just sit and the referee tells the other guy to climb in there or else

it's completely crooked protectionism to make sure bjj looks a certain way since it doesn't work if people refuse to engage with it
it's trying to force the guard which is a transitory position that happens when you fucked up into being a powerful attacking position when it isn't
the position is so powerful that they only way to make it work is to give penalties to people for not accepting it

Anonymous No. 168040

>I’m not retreating I’m just falling to the floor
lol, bjjfags

Anonymous No. 168041

So basically everyone is agreeing that catch wrestling is better than bjj that's great

Anonymous No. 168044

Well I think that's always been true, the hue fears the wrassler
That's why the gracies made their living off of fighting Kung fu guys and body builders because it rarely went their way facing other grapplers
And really they didn't even win the war of popularity, wrestling is in the schools, bjj is not
Wrestling is in the Olympics
bjj is not
For all the talk of its supposed efficacy its still a niche activity

But all that said catch is dead
It gate kept itself from being widespread and now all the practitioners are old with seemingly no momentum to keep the tradition alive

Anonymous No. 168049

og catch is dead, but it left its mark in many forms of sport and pro wrestling in the west today pretty cool

Anonymous No. 168050

it went the way of most JJJ schools, they got absorbed into judo
assimilation into the blob is the fate of all martial arts in the end

lets keep watching these too, the guy has a whole playlist

Anonymous No. 168055

>the person sitting on the floor is refusing to engage
If they are refusing to engage (ie scooting away), they can get penalized too. But conceding top position shouldn't be penalized.
>you're saying to everybody "I'm not confident I can win this takedown exchange and land in a favorable position, so I'm going to cut my losses and sit down on my own terms instead"
So what? It's not a takedown competition, it's a sport that rewards submission and top pins.
Again, if being in top position is so favorable, why are you crying about points? You're being handed the position. Learn to pass faggot (but first you have to go train at least once)

>because they aren't capable of earning that position so they just sit and the referee tells the other guy to climb in there or else
aren't capable of earning bottom position? you're not making sense
>it's completely crooked protectionism to make sure bjj looks a certain way since it doesn't work if people refuse to engage with it
and boxing doesn't work if I run around the ring like a retard. great point

I don't understand this obsession with attempting to dismantle a ruleset for a combat sport. You could do this with every combat sport. This obsession with "passivity" and takedowns is retarded. Even with penalized guard pulls (ADCC), you have guys breaking limbs and strangling people from bottom position. Sounds effective to me

Anonymous No. 168056

>ADCC is bjj
lmao not even close, you don't even know what sport you're trying to defend
>You're being handed the position
you're literally not
all you have is dishonesty to try and make points and saying shit like "Learn to pass faggot"
learn to takedown faggot. You're a coward that's running away from an engagement and no amount of mental gymnastics will weasel you out of that fact

>boxing doesn't work if I run around the ring like a retard
exactly, if you just shell up and run away the whole time you'll get penalized and disqualified
if you shell up and hang on in judo you'll get stood back to your feet
if you lay on your back in MMA you'll get stood back up
but since BJJ doesn't work its the only exception where if you lay down, take a defensive posture and refuse to engage the other person is forced to get down to your level instead of you being put back on your feet


also I'd pass you so many times in so many different ways your head would spin

Anonymous No. 168059

Please take a look at ADCC medalists and their grappling discipline. Maybe grab a passing instructional while you’re at it
>reeeee BJJ no work
Don’t even know where to start with this. Please go train

Anonymous No. 168062

If a person is on their back in any fight, sport or not, they are in a defensive position

Anonymous No. 168068

>playing guard
>’defensively’ put you in a triangle or breaks your arm
Damn I wish BJJ worked

Anonymous No. 168079

Post belt with timestamp

Anonymous No. 168085

You aren't making any arguements, I never said bjj doesn't work, but being on your back even if you are using a guard you are in a defensive position. It is called guard because you are guarding yourself from an offensive opponent. Just because you can sweep and try to get an offense going doesn't disprove anything.

Anonymous No. 168093

Pulling guard is essentially like an opening in a chess match in which you gambit a pawn in favour of attacking potential. Being on the ground gives you both arms and legs to hook and sweep the opponent with, which some people prefer doing over the standup takedown. But if being on the ground is such a shitty position then you don't need to penalize it, you just need to pass the guard and punish them for making such a stupid gambit. If they can leglock you or sweep you from the guard then clearly it wasnt such a stupid decision. If you are afraid to engage the guard and enter the legs then clearly you can't actually punish them for pulling guard, and so pulling guard isnt a mistake, because a mistake is only a mistake if it is punished. Guards have attacking potential at the expense of mobility, its less of a defensive position in the hands of a capable guard player and instead a trade off where the guard player uses their available limbs to ensnare the vulnerable legs of the opponent and then attack.

Anonymous No. 168095

It’s a shitty position when you’re allowed to guard slam people retard. If that were allowed people wouldn’t pull guard. Since it is not allowed, there should be rules that discourage doing it.

Anonymous No. 168096

Dipshit there is more than one type of guard. Closed guard is a particularly terrible type of guard anyway, and its fairly difficult to slam someone in open guard.

Anonymous No. 168097

no and I'll tell you why, because the entire continuum of scoring in jiujitsu is allegedly based on positions you can attack from in a real fight
that's why we give points for knee on belly and mount and back control
if you've gone to guard in a real fight you've made the absolutely most bat shit fucking retarded decision anyone could possibly make. The only reason you're not getting your face smashed in is because you're not really fighting. But the positions are supposed to be a simulation of that so if we're being honest sitting to guard is such an idiotic thing to do you should probably be disqualified for it
but we aren't honest, we're running a brazilian protection racket and need to justify our existence by being inconsistent

and the proof is in the pudding, look at MMA today. Guys don't even pass the guard anymore, they just sit there and start dropping bombs because when you're in guard you've pinned yourself under your opponent. He's not trapped in there with you you're trapped in there with him
you would think CJJ would've put this myth to bed that bottom position is a good thing but people have all this sunk cost bias that they can't see the truth. Guard players need to go through the same thing people who did sport TKD and karate need to go through

Anonymous No. 168101

We are talking about grappling, so I can safely ignore everything you have just said. But lets also look at MMA just to humor you. Notice how people dont like to approach people when they are in supine guard? But guard is so bad lol! Its because if strikes are allowed ironically supine guard, the laziest looking guard of all, is most dangerous, because I can kick my legs at your knees and break them via hyperextension. Knees will explode and it wont be the guard pullers. It is true that any bottom position becomes less effective when strikes are involved, but the amount that this happens is not uniform across all guards. Del la riva is probably easily the worst affected guard, closed guard probably is second, but things like butterfly guard, butterfly half guard and Z guard are actually pretty good because they correctly manage distance, avoiding the perfect striking zone for the top player and butterfly guard and half guard especially allow for great sweep potential into mount. MMA guys also dont like to pass guard because their sport has quite short rounds with rest in between, meaning that you dont have a huge amount of time to actually pass guard, which can be notoriously difficult, and you have rest to recover stamina lost in striking. More longform rounds would quickly result in the striker becoming exhausted and then vulnerable to reversals and so instead you would need a mixture of grappling to conserve energy and striking when you either have a dominant position or in order to force one at opportune moments. But yet again remember that bjj is a grappling sport, not a striking sport, so technically none of this matters.

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Max Hanson elbow ....webm

Anonymous No. 168102

Anonymous No. 168103

and what happens in MMA when the guy is sitting there on the ground? he is made to stand up because he's the one taking a defensive posture, he's the one refusing to engage. What he's doing is the equivalent of running away.
once again bjj is the only sport that will favor the player that's trying to not engage in the fight
Ironic since its supposedly the most effective fighting art ever created!
even though it's not
and the way we track score is based on the most effective places you can attack from!
even though it isn't
you're just continuing to be dishonest and justify the awful rules which is why nobody fucking watches or respects it

by the way maybe you didn't watch the clip of CJJ with all of the bottom people getting their shit pushed in. And lets wonder why wont they approach the guard in MMA? aside from them not being allowed to stomp in the face anymore
but the reason you're on the ground in the first place is because you've just been getting fucked up on the feet, why would I change my strategy now? you're running away like a coward when you do it in MMA, youre running away like a coward when you do it in grappling
you suck at takedowns so you just sit and demand the referee puts the other player on the ground for you

also if you're the same guy that was saying learn to pass and start training etc. I'm still waiting for the timestamp of your belt because I suspect you're dunning krugering like a motherfucker and really are speaking out of turn
after all you know what they say, a blue belt is really just a 5 stripe white belt
of course everyone has a right to an opinion no matter how wrong and shitty yours is. But when someone starts calling into question the validity of someone elses training they better be prepared to back theirs up

Anonymous No. 168105

If I start BJJ do I get to grab and get grabbed by cute girls?

Anonymous No. 168106

>and what happens in MMA when the guy is sitting there on the ground? he is made to stand up because he's the one taking a defensive posture, he's the one refusing to engage. What he's doing is the equivalent of running away.
You need to get out of the mindset of "defensive" and "offensive" positions where defensive = bad, offensive = good and instead start thinking about positions in terms of their attacking options. Guard allows attacking options at the expense of mobility, you make a gambit that you can use your extra limbs to make a sweep or submission and thus get compensation for you conceding mobility and gravity to your opposition. If I have you in SLX guard I am not in a defensive position because I am in guard and it says guard in the name and so its defensive. Instead you are on the defensive because you have to avoid getting submitted or swept, the same is true with all other guards. If guard is so bad it must be bad because you can punish it, so get close and punish it.

>by the way maybe you didn't watch the clip of CJJ
Everyone knows about combat JJ, if you could fucking read you would know that there are lots of different guards and some of them are worse when striking is involved than others.

>And lets wonder why wont they approach the guard in MMA? aside from them not being allowed to stomp in the face anymore
If you try stomp in modern mma you lose your leg because leglockers will just take it home with them. The rest of your post is pure tapout t shirt wearing bullshit. You don't train. Get good. No I am not the same guy.

Anonymous No. 168108

This was sick. The kind of JJ that gives the sport a good name

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Anonymous No. 168109

>You don't train. Get good
Post yours now, nigger

Guard pulling is for cowards and homos

Anonymous No. 168114


tons of guys pull guard at every level of bjj competition even at the highest of highest levels.

I don't give a fuck if you are an actual black belt or some larper that bought the belt online. I don't care what you think. But if it truly makes you feel better about yourself than whatever makes you sleep better at night.

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Anonymous No. 168133

Greeting from /judo/. I have a friendly no-gi match with a bunch of BJJ guys next week. I have never done no-gi. How do I force them to my game? Which grips should I utilize and how do I set up those grips? I was thinking shooting for a double leg into an underhook on either side then reaching around their neck with the other hand for a shoulder lock (pic rel).

Anonymous No. 168135

Check out Satoshi Ishii's no gi judo.

Anonymous No. 168136

Fuck I'm retarded that's him you posted.

Anonymous No. 168139

just go and have fun you sperg. Play bjj, play judo with them.

if you want to win for some reason play anti jiujitsu

Anonymous No. 168141

I want to have fun true, but it's kind of an in-house competition. So I'm expected to at least put up a fight within their ruleset.
No worries. I only have his yt vids, do you know where I can pirate the whole dvd?

Anonymous No. 168142

enter Hoвoe дзюдo on vk, the russian yt website. first video should be it. you're welcome fag. You should know how to use yt dlp.

Anonymous No. 168146

Apply “just stand up” technique and keep scoring takedown points until the time runs out lol

Anonymous No. 168154

Fuck off you deranged loser

Anonymous No. 168155

Thank you. Much love to you butt scooters

Anonymous No. 168158

How viable is this? Won't they just pull guard the second they know I have better standup game than them?

Anonymous No. 168159

>Won't they just pull guard the second they know I have better standup game than them?
Yeah, this is likely. If you're really trying to prepare, you should work on ground techniques. Whether you take them down or they pull, you will need to know what to do on the ground.
Half guard passing is a pretty simple game to learn.
I would also maybe get some exposure to leg locks, for safety reasons

Anonymous No. 168160

What solo drills are actually worth doing while I wait for the next fundamental class at my gym?

Anonymous No. 168162

Not much, maybe just learn to shrimp correctly.
Watch some matches and match breakdowns. I think this helped me more than I realized as a white belt.

Anonymous No. 168168

hey dumbass he's not gonna be able to learn that in such a short period. Literally just disengage their guard and stand up. It's a fag way of playing yes but it's their only chance to win unless it's a trash bjj guy
shrimp (power and sliding), reverse shrimp, bridge, shooting, heists, sprawls and circles, general foot drills but also stuff like crescent steps, torreando step, shoulder step, inverting, scooting (yes there is a wrong way to do it), technical stand up, leg pummeling, sit out, tumbling of all sorts (back step somersault, forward roll, forward diving roll, backward roll, extension backward roll, round off), granby, leg spin, sit back,

there are tons of other ones you can do by yourself. Many have a generally low skill ceiling while others require more time spent on it. Even the "easy" ones require conscious effort and thus useful

Anonymous No. 168171

Except due to the dumb faggot rules you'll get penalized for doing that

He can't take you down and can't hold you down and you get penalties for taking advantage of that fact
Get in his guard bro!

Anonymous No. 168182

>hey dumbass he's not gonna be able to learn that in such a short period. Literally just disengage their guard and stand up. It's a fag way of playing yes but it's their only chance to win unless it's a trash bjj guy
You might be a dumbass if you couldn't learn what a heel hook is and a basic half guard pass in a week. Maybe you should spend less time doing solo drills like a retard

Anonymous No. 168183

you know there's more to a heel hook than just mimicking a position
peoples knees dont just explode because you rest their heel on your arm, breaking mechanics matter. People can practice them for months and still not have consistent breaking mechanics

Anonymous No. 168184

I'm just talking about defense and safety. People try to spin out incorrectly and often don't know when to tap

Anonymous No. 168190

>How do you feel about people pulling guard in competitions?
It should be considered the same as having been taken down.

On a similar note: BJJ should have a riding clock like college wrestling where the person who had the most time in a dominant, top controlling position gets awarded points at the end of match.

Both of these combined would remove the incentive to simply fall to the ground and stay on your back. Yeah, you could get the submission, but you've also just given up a bunch of points to your opponent that you may not be able to regain.

Anonymous No. 168196

the fact that you can't comprehend that you can attack from a defensive position is fucking astounding. Do you think it's impossible to defend from an offensive position? Because that's what happens when the defensive player (the one in guard) attacks the offensive player (the one trying to pass guard) with a triangle and the offensive player defends the triangle.

Anonymous No. 168199

I was going to give him a boxing analogy about counter punching out of a shell but he's already really confused so I figured I would just let it go

Anonymous No. 168203

Anonymous No. 168204

>I can kick my legs at your knees and break them via hyperextension. Knees will explode and it wont be the guard pullers
You have no idea what you're talking about lmao

Anonymous No. 168205

He definitely goes to a gracie academy

Anonymous No. 168209

No, no, no, as we all know everyone attacking you always stands like a soldier at attention with their legs completely straight and not moving. They would never think to keep their legs bent, or move, or kick you while you lay there on the ground.

Sakurba v. Royler Gracie is a perfect example of this. Yeah, Royler spent most of the fight on his back getting kicked and yeah he lost because the ref didn't want his arm to be broken with a kimura. But he totes $100% could've broken Sakuraba's knee by kicking it if he really wanted to.

Anonymous No. 168228

Offensive/defensive is not always defined by top/bottom position in a guard scenario. It’s defined by the actions of each player. An offensive or defensive cycle (ie chaining or escaping submissions) can happen from either position. Again: a guy on bottom threatening and chaining multiple submissions sounds like offense to me.
It’s all semantics but might help you get your second white belt stripe to think this way

Anonymous No. 168230

this literal fucking whore just joined my gym
how do I remove?

Anonymous No. 168231

in the event of a tie the decision will go to the passer not the guard player

Anonymous No. 168233

>Offensive/defensive is not always defined by top/bottom position in a guard scenario.
the person on their back is always going to be in a defensive (bottom) position, especially in open or seated guard where the offensive (top) player is initiating the attack. The bottom player is attacking as a reaction to the top player entering their guard in an offensive manner. If the top player doesn't enter the guard, then the bottom player can't do anything because they are in a defensive position reliant of their opponent to attack them.
>Again: a guy on bottom threatening and chaining multiple submissions sounds like offense to me.
Just so I understand you right: if you get in a bar fight and immediately sit on your ass waiting for the other guy to enter your guard, you see yourself as being in the "offensive" position? You don't see yourself as waiting to defend and react to their attack into your position?
>It’s all semantics but might help you get your second white belt stripe to think this way
"it's all semantics" but you're really insistent that your semantics are more correct than others. sounds like it's more than important to you than "just semantics"

Anonymous No. 168254

Yes. Both athletes have a responsibility to engage and attempt to improve position or submit. A lazy guard is just as punishable, and so is someone not attempting to pass. Does not define offense/defense, only inactivity.
Your entire paragraph is just repeating your point without any explanation.
>if you get in a bar fight
Completely irrelevant when we’re talking about the rulesets and tactics of a combat SPORT. This is literally the fucking BJJ thread, we were not discussing street fights. Fuck off to the other threads and bring up the things outside of their rule sets instead of ruining any attempt at BJJ discussion
>buhhh I would just double let the boxer
>heh, these wrestlers stand so low and don’t even cover their face from punches

Anonymous No. 168255

>enter Hoвoe дзюдo on vk, the russian yt website
vk is blocked in my country. any other way to access this?

Anonymous No. 168258

Can access it now via vpn. But can't seem to find the video? I searched it on vk under their video subsection

Anonymous No. 168259

I actually beat Gordon back in the day before he got sauced to the gills by a referee decision
Because I was trying to pass, and you know he was trying to sweep and not just laying there
But ties go to the passer because that's the offensive position

Then he went and lambasted me and the ref on Instagram like a colicky toddler like he always does because he was so butt blasted and said it was a conspiracy because one time I visited the gym where the referee was from so we colluded against him

Anonymous No. 168266

>I genuinely don't understand this. If being on top is a good position, why do people bitch about guard pulls?
People, as a rule, want their martial arts to resemble and be useful in real fights. In a real fight, someone sitting to the floor and doing nothing has an OVERWHELMINGLY losing position with the immediately obvious move
>kick and stomp the shit out of the person's face and torso
But BJJ says this move is not allowed.

There's a tension between
>This works great in BJJ's ruleset
>This doesn't work at all in a real fight
and a lot of people think one of the only comfortable ways to resolve the tension without giving up on BJJ is
>Okay, so it's conceivable that two people would have a fight that doesn't use striking and that focuses on grappling, so BJJ isn't useless but we should at least strive to avoid unrealistic versions of that grappling fight so the sport is externally respectable, so we're not going to allow you to "just sit to the ground", you should be fighting to take your opponent to the ground, not giving it up for free.

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Anonymous No. 168272

>Then he went and lambasted me and the ref on Instagram like a colicky toddler like he always does because he was so butt blasted and said it was a conspiracy because one time I visited the gym where the referee was from so we colluded against him

Anonymous No. 168278

post proofs, admit lie, or your first born son will become a transwoman

Anonymous No. 168282

female brackets are so insane in small tournaments
15 year old girl weighing in at 56kg going up against a 46 year old woman weighing in at 81kg cause they just merged all the female weight classes lol

Anonymous No. 168283

Glowies got to it. Really quick to like within an hour. They are drfinitely lurking.

Anonymous No. 168285

just torrent it

Anonymous No. 168292

Got a magnet link?

Anonymous No. 168293

lol I was disqualified because I shouted while I was armbarring someone. fuck this faggot sport

Anonymous No. 168297

what were you shouting

Anonymous No. 168299

sure, but I really recommend you figure out how to find torrents on your own so you don't have to rely on people posting on 4shit, just google "torrent search engine" and you'll find a lot of good sites where you can find just about any instructional except ultra niched ones, but maybe you can find even those using soulseek


Anonymous No. 168301


Anonymous No. 168302

Thank you. I usually just check the usual sites like piratebay, 1337, and rarbg.

Anonymous No. 168303

Nah, I'm not on Instagram anymore and don't know if the post it even still up from years ago
He actually apologized to the ref (he may have been forced to)

But you don't think he's won every match he ever had do you? He has always been talented but he was a completely different guy prior to mysteriously gaining 60 pounds of contractile tissue in 9 months

Anonymous No. 168304

Bro... you were the reason he channeled his inner spiteful nature and ego into becoming the best greatest GOAT. So that he would never have to feel the shame of losing again. How does that feel?

Anonymous No. 168305

I'm far from a Gracie nuthugger, but while some of their members definitely knew when to pick their battles, Rolls Gracie Sr. and his brother Carlson Gracie Sr. as well as their uncle George Gracie did not back down from legit Vale Tudo and challenge matches.

The death of Rolls is an understated tragedy. Not just to his wife and kids, but to the martial arts world. Rolls was the true innovator alongside Carlson of BJJ in the 1970's and early 1980's. He incorporated more judo, sambo, and freestyle wrestling in his teachings. Imagine if he hadn't died from that accident? Even Rickson always acknowledged how amazing and technical his cousin was.

Anonymous No. 168306

Catch is alive and well in Japan ironically. They're the country with the greatest amount of legit schools. Even more than the UK (the birthplace of Catch), US, or Brazil (Luta Livre which is Catch with traces of Judo and BJJ).

I've been looking at old catch manuals and there's a lot of nifty tricks and set-ups they do from the back. And their pins are very nifty to utilize.

Honestly, tribalism is the cancer of grappling; it's all about positional control and leverage with different expressions. George Gracie readily cross-trained with Catch wrestling with Euclydes Hatem. BJJ owes much to Catch (remember Mitsuyo Maeda did Catch matches in Britain) and later BJJ exposure to Catch/Luta Livre in collaborations and bouts.

Anonymous No. 168308

Not the anon you're talking to, but while the vast majority of ADCC medalists are BJJ practitioners, the rules are different than the IBJFF Mundials. ADCC allows moves like can openers and twisters. And you can slam out of a submission.

Plus ADCC rewards a clean takedown or sweep with 4 points; something IBJJF doesn't do. So I think ADCC is what the No-Gi Mundials should be more like.

Anonymous No. 168341

I'm one of those psychopaths that believe you shouldn't be allowed to drop an opponent directly onto his head even if he's being stupid

Anonymous No. 168350

Yeah bjj development owes alot to catch, I think it will make a comeback in the US with all the just stand up and wrestling integration happening. alot of the catch techniques have been semi documented by guys like gene lebell, Josh Barnett, Jake Shannon etc. I like the style I hope it becomes more popular

Anonymous No. 168351

so you're saying in a way I'm an ADCC champion

wow, ADCC world absolute champion

Anonymous No. 168362

Rolled with a girl for the first time today, didnt really want to but I didnt she asked to be partner and didnt want to reject her cause she was the only girl in class. Wasnt too bad. Was strange cause he skin was so smooth, extra slippery bc of sweat

Anonymous No. 168365

I prefer to use terms like wrestling and jiujitsu as a way to define skills within grappling rather than arts themselves

Anonymous No. 168369

I try to do a shitty double leg and the guy just simply stepped back

Anonymous No. 168370

you're too far away, if you can't put your hand on his shoulder you're too far for a shot
long outside shots only work in MMA because they can drive into the wall

Anonymous No. 168373

Also what manuals are these?

Anonymous No. 168412

that’s wrong, you should be just outside of reach

Anonymous No. 168489

Enjoy ur sprawl
The level change doesn't mean anything if there's no risk of it being a feint and getting attacked from the top

Anonymous No. 168498


Anonymous No. 168501

No offense but I don't care what an Australian has to say about wrestling
"If you can't touch him you're probably out of his striking range"
He's a terminal manlet, his outside is 100% inside of striking range of everybody else
The whole reason you're grappling is to close space
Hand fight your way in

Anonymous No. 168502

I train at an MMA gym so maybe I’m just more used to explosive movements and covering long distances than people at BJJ gyms but the distance he’s showing is adequate, maybe even closer than I’d usually prefer. In no-gi I usually do double legs from clinch

Anonymous No. 168503

The rules should discourage people from being dangerously retarded in the first place

Anonymous No. 168506

So in bjj a shot needs to be more of a lifting dump, not a driving trip the way it is in MMA because if you push the guy out of bounds on the takedown it doesn't count and restarts on the feet

Anonymous No. 168524

What is the best preparation for a "Mother's milk sub" for tournaments? Not washing the gi for a week and a heavy cardio routine a day before?

Anonymous No. 168527

I have collosal man titties so I open my gi before I do it to get as much sweaty meat suction as possible

Anonymous No. 168546

what if they start suckin

Anonymous No. 168552

then they go to sleep either way just like a baby

Anonymous No. 168554

I hate Kangz gis

Anonymous No. 168556

Masters too, I got merged with an NFL player at AGF lmao

Anonymous No. 168568

dying sport really

Anonymous No. 168610

I do too, actually I got that one for free because I used to teach at a ufc gym and that's the brand they use
When I left there I took all the ufc patches off and covered the embroidery because I don't want people to think I suck
Those dumb niggers originally said I had to pay for my own shit too and I said fuck no. I'm not buying your shitty gis, give me one for free or I won't work here

The plus side is it really hurts people's fingers to grab because it feels like sand paper. Everyone always complains about it

Anonymous No. 168684

Imagine complying with this cuckholdry

lmao, I can't even fathom the idea of a fucking gracie of all people trying to gatekeep rank

Anonymous No. 168685

If the brown's explaination is correct, while I wouldn't like it, the visiting thing would make sense from the standpoint of the instructor for maybe the lower belts. But that would have very little to do with maintaining reputation with other visitors, so it's still silly.

Anonymous No. 168705

I wouldn't visit somewhere that requires me to engage in a humiliation ritual

Anonymous No. 168818

If a Roger Gracie type or some legendary trainer like Gurgel or Pederneiras went there would this rule still apply?

Wouldn't there be a better way to separate their own students?

Anonymous No. 168854

I don't understand why guard pulling gets no points, but sweeps get 2. Either both should be 2, or both should be 0.

Anonymous No. 168861

Why would pulling guard result in any points at all? If anything it should result in you being told to stand up or being docked a point.

Anonymous No. 168865

Esl retard

Anonymous No. 168871

That's total fucking dogshit. If a new guy shows up with rank, just keep him at his current rank til he's up to your standard (whatever that is). If a guy is just visiting, don't sweat it, just enjoy your rolls.

Guard is a neutral position, so you don't get any points for being there. Sweeping someone and achieving a top position is progressing to a stronger position, so you get points.

IIRC, if someone was in your guard, you swept them, and you somehow landed in their guard, you wouldn't get any points.

Anonymous No. 168874


Anonymous No. 168879

Guard pulling should be negative 2 points*
You conceded the takedown when you pull guard

Anonymous No. 168904

No, if you sweep and end up in their guard you get 2 points.

Anonymous No. 168918

Still, you swept them and gained a top position. This is not the same thing as laying down and letting someone mount you

Anonymous No. 168925

>let someone on top of your guard, no points to guy on top
>sweep someone and get in their guard, two points to guy on top

Is being on top in someone's guard good or bad? It currently exists in a superposition of not mattering but also mattering.

Anonymous No. 168930

>exists in a superposition of not mattering but also mattering
Yes, it's an objectively bad position. If you are on youre back you're losing, full stop

Anonymous No. 168933

Empirically untrue in sport bjj rules, where this only matters. Doesnt matter what you think, pulling guard works, is a neutral positional, slightly less or more depending on the rules. Also why do all these people that want to play top, believe its inherently superior, yet still brgs for an advantage?

Now you can argue because its unfairly favored. Yes it does favor bottom as per the rules of the sport. You believing it is unfair is an opinion. You can really make the same argument for any martial art since they unfairly favor certain things more, like the grappler losing a potentionally dominating position from round reset in mma. Or wrestlers not allloeing striking and locking hands in certain pos. It is a sport, that has transcended self defense or "realism".

Now you can say its inconsistent that sweep rewards point whereas guard pull doesnt detract. and this actually does hold merit even if there are glaring differences. Finally we move on from our feelings targetting things that do not essentially boil down to not liking it. Yes it does seem inconsistent and it is for practical reason of not having long wrestling exchanges take away from the crux of the sport: capturing and starting from the foremost the guard vs passing dynamic. All martial arts do something similar, specializing in specific scenarios, disallowinng others like how strikers are stopped from grappling when got to the ground only capturing the striking standing part of a potential battle

Now you can say wrestling can be made to not stall. Nevertheless two opponents in tournament are so evenly matches it inevitably takes away from guard dynamic. Bjj favors guard pull because it doesnt primarily aim to capture the stand up. This is less true in adcc where it is practically a bjj tournament but not in truest fashion.

Anonymous No. 168937

>sport bjj rule
>implying this is standardized
Ibjjf doesn't speak for jiujitsu. It's not a regulatory body like the ijf

Anonymous No. 168975


Absolutely butt blasted faggots ITT.

Anonymous No. 168990

I don't care you hate the ibjjf. Their tournament their rules. They don't have to "speak" for jiujitsu or whatever fag shit. I am simply referring to the one of the biggest ruleset. Willingly playing guard works in like all sport bjj rulesets. Curious.

Anonymous No. 169013

>Failed in all sparring sessions with all non-white belts, who utterly smashed him even when he tried running away
>Only "worked" on a white belt player, meaning typically <1 year experience player
>"worked" in the sense that it successfully tired out one cardio NGMI who 100% refused to wrestle
More damning of karate than jiu jitsu shaking my head to be honest family.

This is like walking into a boxing ring and saying
>Boxing doesn't work!
>here's a video of 5 good boxers beating the shit out of me...
>But what about this first year yahoo? I circle strafed around him because he was afraid to take the first move and eventually he got tired of spinning!
>Boxing's fallen hard, sport = disproved T_T
What the fuck kind of disproof of a sport would that be?

Anonymous No. 169022

Just so you know for the future, nobody that's advanced at bjj will try to argue that's its effective
We all know it's pretty shit and just do it for fun anyway

When it's babbys first martial art people feel all hyped because they took the bait and listened to jocko clips on YouTube
"Jiujitsu is a superpower" coming from a collosal TRT shithouse
Once you get into it you realize damn this is pretty useless except under really specific circumstances, I need to take some muay thai and wrestling classes

Anonymous No. 169029

You need a little jiu-jitsu or you get bodied. You don't need a lot, and going full hobbyist/pro jiu jitsu is typically excessive, you need at least some to fight MMA, or you end up having embarrassing losses like the Akebono fight where a shrimpy Gracie took out a sumo wrestler because despite the massive size and weight difference, the sumo wrestler didn't know how to finish the fight or defend against subs.

Anonymous No. 169033

How is stalling one white belt proving a martial arts doesn't work?

Anonymous No. 169036

clueless retard training new age jiu jitsu with surfbro jiu jitsu for everyone zoomers

Anonymous No. 169040

Stay mad, but this is real life. The KARATE chad wins the day.

Anonymous No. 169043

To be clear, the fight they were both doing was an insanely unrealistic piece of kabuki theater
>one combatant to the fight was repeatedly dropping to the ground, expecting his opponent to roll around in the mud with him without any applied force
>one combatant repeatedly ran away from the dropper, while still staying in close range to the dropper, in the hopes the dropper would eventually get tired or something

If you saw a fight like this in real life, you'd assume both people were max-level retards and take out your camera to record their nonsense, because this is VERY much not a real-life fight, because in those, which both combatants are presumably actually trying to hurt each other and motivated to do so.

Anonymous No. 169046

lol, just stand up. Lmao, quit laying down.

Anonymous No. 169047

more like to both of them
>you want to fight him? Then actually fight him, quit doing this dick-around cardio contest

Anonymous No. 169049


Anonymous No. 169052

no one likes guard-pullers, not even ju-jitsuers, but karate guy if he enters a compo where it's allowed should be able to beat one even on their terms - they literally are giving you top position.

Let me guess - you need more?

Anonymous No. 169053

>bjjfags hate guard!
There’s literally a thread full of you faggots defending it
>why didn’t the karate guy just beat him anyways
He did lmao, what the fuck are you on about?

Anonymous No. 169054

>I can beat jiu jitsu if my opponent repeatedly doesn't attack me AND is bad at the sport
waow, where do I sign up for karate lessons???

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Anonymous No. 169061

Cope harder

Anonymous No. 169066

This is not even about guard pulling.

You could have Master Roshi teaching Dragonball techniques. A white belt in that martial art shouldn't be how you define that martial art.

Anonymous No. 169067

>waaaa grapplers are the only sport that has dogshit turtle mode
For other fightsports, there are equivalents, and they're hated too
>Man in wrestling who won't stop running away and sprawling instead of going for pins or shooting shots
>Man in striking who wont stop running away or clinching whenever you try to punch instead of fighting for knockout
Even when the refs let you get away with it ("I'm playing for muh points"), the audience and all true practitioners hate you.

Anonymous No. 169077

>admits bjj and guard pulling is for faggot pussies

Anonymous No. 169081

>MMA exists to basically say "everything is on the table"
>BJJ: gets used CONSTANTLY as a meat-and-potatoes finisher or defense against people trying to finish you
>Karate: literally never gets used by anyone, no "karate masters" ever get results, stick to their dojos to huff each other's farts and scam suburban moms putting their kid in a useless non-sparring sport

Anonymous No. 169087

There’s been multiple karate champions in MMA. Holy shit lol the copium has rotted your pussified brain. I can’t believe the prospect of not lying on your back in a fight has gotten you so booty blasted. Pretty embarrassing stuff anon
>Basically I’m just not gonna pull it
>(the guard!)
>I know…UGH I KNOW…..
>I’m sorry!!!!!!!!!!
>it’s just that I’m not gonna pull guard is all

Anonymous No. 169088

>okay kids, sensei is gonna teach you the big swinging robot chop! Kyaa! Kyaa!
>this will definitely help you in a real fight :^)
why do you hate success?

Anonymous No. 169089

>I can’t believe the prospect of not lying on your back in a fight
Where did anyone ever suggest this? The guy is playing/pulling guard under a ruleset that allows it. Not an MMA fight, not a streetfight, not a wrestling match, not a karate match. That's like me going into a karate match and double legging people to prove that "karate doesn't work"

Even if we talk about MMA, do you midwits not even watch it? There are submissions, which people learned from training BJJ lol

Anonymous No. 169091

>get hit in the neck
>fall unconscious
What’s the problem?
>can’t beat a guy just standing up
Perpetual cope. How does Gracie semen taste?

Anonymous No. 169092

>brachial stun vid
>mentions gracies out of nowhere
meds, now

Anonymous No. 169093

I'm not sure you understand.
What if the karate guy earned a takedown somehow? They would end up in a similar position and he still would have no idea how to pass guard or submit.
Kind of getting unreasonable. The goal is submission, which happens on the ground. If you want to just exchange takedowns there's another sport perfect for that

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Anonymous No. 169094

>hurr durr you’d end up in the same position
No, karate chad would punch through his head into the concrete
>implying you can’t get a submission standing

Anonymous No. 169095

he was at a BJJ tournament... maybe all the head kicks affected his (and your) IQ

Anonymous No. 169097

>No, karate chad would punch through his head into the concrete
He already can in MMA. We know they don't, because karata does dogshit at MMA, but in principle, he could.

Anonymous No. 169098

>taken down immediately
Nothin personal kid. Should have learned MMA. Btw, that is NOT a Gracie vid.

Anonymous No. 169100

>new age jiu jitsu
as opposed to oldschool jiujitsu lmfao

>You need a little jiu-jitsu
you really don't, submissions and all that are an entirely tertiary skill. You need to learn how to punch and kick and take people down
>but you need to learn to fight off your back!
right, fight OFF your back not FROM your back. If you want to know how to get off your back talk to a wrestler, their entire sport is playing the floor is lava with their shoulders

Anonymous No. 169101

>I can beat jiu jitsu if my opponent repeatedly doesn't attack me AND is bad at the sport
that's literally how bjj became popular with the gracies beating up on body builders and kung fu practitioners that have never grappled before while simultaneously ducking challenges from grapplers every chance they got

Anonymous No. 169111

>he was at a BJJ tournament
And beat you pussies at your own game by just standing up
>believing staged Gracie propaganda
>no really it’s not a Gracie vid!
>trust me bro!
Nice try, kid

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Anonymous No. 169113

>He already can in MMA. We know they don't, because karata does dogshit at MMA

Anonymous No. 169115

go to your MMA thread niggers

Anonymous No. 169120

>BJJ fag flees from the fight and falls down begging for karate chads to leave

Anonymous No. 169121

>a guy doing a double leg and basic armbar is propaganda
It's literally a spanish guy. Please anon, take your meds and quit karate before you hurt yourself

Anonymous No. 169122

>And beat you pussies at your own game by just standing up
He won with a collar choke from mount...

Anonymous No. 169133

as an impartial judge that thinks bjj and karate are both gay in their own ways
everything special about bjj came from somewhere else, the brazilians didn't home grow any techniques that are worth while

Anonymous No. 169137

Idk anyone that gives a fuck about the Brazilians or any of the Gracies (besides Roger and maybe Kron)

Anonymous No. 169141

so lets agree to stop talking about their sport
its the brazilian rules that suck, not jujitsu in general

Anonymous No. 169143

It’s Hispanic, not Spanish retard

Anonymous No. 169145

Because the ref ordered him to get in his guard. Imagine pulling guard because you can’t fight then getting choked out in it anyways. Embarrassing

Anonymous No. 169148

It's not their sport, it's everyone's. Only spergs on this board take the name literally
he's literally from spain you fucking idiot (aka spanish)
>enters BJJ tournament
>forced to do BJJ
>successfully win with BJJ (passing guard and collar choke)
what's the point here? something about pulling guard?

Anonymous No. 169149

the hues get triggered as FUCK if you don't pay tribute to them

Anonymous No. 169152

>he’s from Spain
>Brazilian flag on the wall
Nice try Gracie nut hugger

Anonymous No. 169169

Next to a Spanish flag...
Even if he was Brazilian, that would not make him a Gracie lol fucking schizo

Anonymous No. 169178

Nobody believes your staged Gracie challenge videos are real retard

Anonymous No. 169179

unrelated but how do i not suck dick at this sport? first stripe white belt for reference

Anonymous No. 169186

Sucking is the first step towards getting good. You've probably heard all the cliches (if you haven't, you're going to) but it really is true that your progress is often imperceptible to yourself. If you could somehow roll with the version of yourself from when you started, you'd kick your ass.

IMHO the thing to focus on is awareness. What's happening, why, and how? What am I trying to do, how am I going to do it? When the other guy prevents me from doing what I want to do, how is he stopping me?

Anonymous No. 169191

Unlearn everything and follow this way: >>169149

Anonymous No. 169192


Watch these matches, rugby wins (the guy in grey shirt and black shorts). They just go ham on the other guy, doesn't seem to be effective jiujitsu vs him. ;)

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Anonymous No. 169194

Quit wasting your time and do a real martial art instead

Anonymous No. 169199

It's quite the paradox
Jiujitsu is improving over time, rickson in his prime is a purple belt today
Helio with his red belt was probably a blue belt by today's standards
Belts are awarded relative to the instructors abilities
So if jiujitsu is improving and the people who are good at it are much better than the previous generation why does it seem like the general population of black belts is getting worse

It's like the more complex it gets the lower the expectations are
It should be even harder today to achieve a black belt compared to 20 years ago because there's so much more requisite knowledge
But here I am seeing celebrities and out of shape people and women getting them no problem

Anonymous No. 169201

I was told that it also has to do with the performance expected out of you, so an old woman would have lower standards for getting a blue belt than a healthy young man

Anonymous No. 169202

Until pretty recently judo was based and women had to wear black belts with a white line through them
Females can be black belts*
In bjj purple was the highest rank women were allowed to get

There was that short lived trend where a white bar meant you're a competitor and a red bar meant you're a hobbyist and maybe that's the best way to go about it since you should expect a difference in ability between them

Anonymous No. 169262

>everything special about bjj came from somewhere else, the brazilians didn't home grow any techniques that are worth while
This is very true in terms of what techniques they picked up from (primarily from judo that they repeatedly received new infusions from looking at old Judo manuals and videos (also learning from Judo guys in Brazil and Japan like Oswaldo Alves did) as well as Jiu-Jitieros learning Sambo, Luta Livre/Catch, Freestyle, and any other grappling).

However, the innovations that the Brazilians finely tuned was the transitions and set-ups. They spend so much time rolling on the ground to address how to sweep and exchange positions that they're absolute wizards in groundfighting. Their genius is in synthesizing and specializing position -> transition -> submission in a perfect chain of sequences.

Also, BJJ was pressure-tested throughout its history in dojo storming, street fights, grappling challenges, and especially Vale Tudo. Grappling styles did this in the late 19th century to the early 20th century did this too like Judo, Jujutsu stylists, Catch wrestlers, Pehlwani, etc. The 1890's to the 1910's was especially the golden age of these exchanges and there was so much cross-pollination and mutual respect from European, Asian, and North American grapplers. George Hackenschmidt even recommended in his book that wrestlers should train in Japanese Jujutsu for their trips and sweeps.

BJJ took things further by dealing with striking. Maeda fought capoeirstas (as did other Japanese that were in Brazil). Carlson Gracie Sr. boxed as did many of his students. So BJJ didn't neglect the Goshin Jutsu that Judo sadly neglects and it refined it to one-on-one combat. I don't drink the BJJ Kool-Aid that all fights end on the ground and I don't want to do groundfighting because so much shit can happen in a street fight, but if you have no choice while you're only fighting 1 dude, BJJ will help you win.

Anonymous No. 169455

nobody reads your long ass posts nerds

Anonymous No. 169462

I did, but my reaction was like
>huh, interesting. I have no followup.
>I wonder if there's a second autist who'll show up to dispute this, that would amuse me
Where's judo-anon when you need him?


Anonymous No. 169464

Does anyone have pirated instructional material?
Fuck paying 200+ dollars.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 169467

> be me m/27
> join BJJ gym because of Joe Rogan and the UFC
> Actually enjoy myself, great culture, nice dudes, everyones just having fun
> Classes are completely free, just three black belts that enjoy sharing knowledge, they even rent the place for us
> One of the black belts has 18 year old blue belt daughter
> 6/10 face, 10/10 body
> We chat now and then during practice, she's starting uni soon, we talk about snowboarding and finally, skating
> She wants me to teach her, end up going skating together, afterwards we roll at the lake border, good times
> One time we hang out until late in the evening, she says she has no connections left to go home, asks to spend the night at my place
> Don't want her to sleep outside I guess, allow it
> Once the lights are out heavy make out session ensues
> She tells me she's a virgin. Never had a relationship. Says she likes me a lot and wants us to be together
> I know I'm in deep trouble. I never had any intentions of getting into a relationship with that girl. I don't think it would work out at all, due to the age gap but mainly me not being attracted enough by her face
> We continue hanging out, she spends the night multiple times. I'm too weak minded to reject her. Do everything but actual sex.
> Her father knows, her brothers, all older purple belts, know
> Palpable tension between me and coach, brothers are chill
> I felt so bad for leading her on that I decide to break it to her that we will never be together
> She says we can no longer be friends since it hurts for her to see me
> I now can no longer go to this really nice BJJ gym with great people and free classes
> Have to go to other gym in my city, over 1k per year
> At least they have no-gi classes

Anonymous No. 169468

Jizz on the roll pay the toll mate

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Anonymous No. 169476

Is it normal to get submitted by nearly everyone after training one month. I suck so bad at remember techniques and positions and shit. I get subbed by chicks and manlets. I like this sport but holy shit I suck so badly

Anonymous No. 169482

Yes, you silly bitch, did you think you were born knowing how to grapple? Everybody sucks, only those who persist overcome their suckage. If instant gratification is what you're after, jiujitsu is not for you. Focus on little things: if you're rolling with a badass and he's going to tap you out in thirty seconds, but you successfully survive for forty seconds, that counts as a win! Your progress is often imperceptible to yourself, just keep learning.

Anonymous No. 169484

Yes, and then eventually you'll become a blue belt and you'll start feeling good about your skills and a no stripe white belt tren wrestler that wants to compete will pretzel you and you'll feel like you do now again. At that point you can take it out on the weaker white belts.

Anonymous No. 169507

Should've smashed you idiota.

Anonymous No. 169513


Anonymous No. 169515

He needed to land that RNC when he was still fresh. If he had gotten it then, maybe it would've been GG, looked like he almost got his hooks in. Once he lost the grapple game though, he didn't have much else to bring to the table, whereas MT guy had a brutal kick he knew he could spam

Anonymous No. 169521

Like always icy Mike had a take that at a surface level glance seems fine until you really think about it

In regards to an exchange between a striker and grappler "A striker needs to get it right every time, but a grappler only needs to get it right once"
If anything that quote just reveals his ignorance about grappling because he sees people who are good at it using it effectively and assumes it's easy
But the truth is the people who are using it effectively are way better at it than you even think they are, because it takes a tremendous level of offensive grappling skills to overcome a relatively very small amount of defensive grappling skills.
Anyone who trains can speak to that, as a beginner you become good at defending attacks way before you ever start hitting attacks consistently

Anonymous No. 169524

The ref kept standing him up and the retard kept hitting him on the ground. He could've kicked him back on the ground or entered into single leg x many times, on the ground he could've locked up a clench instead of eating 500 blows to the legs. I'm not sure what kind of "practitioner" this is.

Anonymous No. 169526

bruh wtf are you talking about who the hell is icy mike y'all out here makin up characters and shieeet

Anonymous No. 169529

Literally the turtle on his back yelling get in my guard bro kind

Anonymous No. 169542

Yeah I have like a hundred instructionals. Only of the instructors that are good, world class, and I like

Anonymous No. 169557

>icy Mike
You're obsessed, he lives in your head rent-free. And the old "he needs to get it right every time, I just need to get it right once" adage has been around since the dawn of time, it's an old boxing cliche. In boxing it applies when a slick defensive boxer is fighting a knockout artist.

Anonymous No. 169562

bjj bros... I dont feel so good

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Anonymous No. 169563

>sparring with girl and take her back
>accidentally touch her tits several times

Anonymous No. 169565

so whats the answer to this? he literally can just get up in a tournament and his opponent is helpless

Anonymous No. 169566

Good lord, this has been posted twice already in this thread.
It's a silly video very obviously intended for light entertainment, not a serious critique. Have a laugh and move on.

Anonymous No. 169602


Anonymous No. 169607

i'm not gonna watch the video but while standing up is a good option (moreso in mma since you kinda have to), It is risky and not particularly easy vs good people. folkstyle guys eat shit all the time from bottom because they're so good on top and there's no backtakes/submissions and other bjj movements. getting up can be energy costly, or not so much if you aren't in a super bad position and have space.

one counter is forcing half guard chest to chest. It's a pretty dominant pin position for the top guy since you ride the legs as well vs side control. Yeah it doesn't reward points and their guards isn't technically passed but the days of stalling staying in side control is over. MMA guys do this as well for gnp staying in half guard

Anonymous No. 169610

Yes and a fighter with 3 years of experience in striking and watching MMA will prepare them to kill a BJJ guy in a streetfight with 1 year of experience.

Sorry, your lost. Pulling guard is retarded and should be banned, its okay in a fight but still, in a match? Fuck off. You are trying to drill techniques in a competitive environment safely.

Anonymous No. 169612


Anonymous No. 169619

>a fighter with 3 years experience will beat a fighter with 1 year experience
I don't think you're making the point you think you're making.

Nobody has ever advocated for pulling guard in a "street" fight. However, being able to defend oneself from bad (bottom) positions and sweep/escape might just save one's bacon.

Anonymous No. 169622

It only advocates passive play which is dumb, even Judo is better because of this.

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Anonymous No. 169625


Anonymous No. 169628

everytime one of you fucks speak you expose yourself to being larpers and it's so funny. There's a lot to contest with about jiujitsu but i've yet to see someone make a good point that can we productively discuss. The closest one in a while was the anon pointing how essentially how guard is maybe overfavored.

A passive guard is the same as a passive stand up where you don't go for moves or a passive guard pass where you stand and try to disengage the whole time. It's not inherently passive since you can go for good moves. It is however, what you are confusing it with, not athletic.

Anonymous No. 169630

no bjj fag is gonna end up in this delusional what if situation. Everyone will try to get up and bjj guys are really good at getting up. No one is gonna play reverse dela riva leg entaglement back take

Anonymous No. 169631

>how 99.9% of fights end up when it's one of you versus 4 people who wanna beat the shit out of you
I mean, it's not really a point against BJJ I'm seeing here, desu.

Anonymous No. 169651

Craig Jones chokes out Alex Jones

Anonymous No. 169652

>He actually rolls with women
What are you, gay?

Anonymous No. 169682

This shit is a fucking joke

Anonymous No. 169698

That is indeed ridiculous. I've gotta assume it's intended to be funny.
Is Bautista really a brown belt? How long has he been training?

Anonymous No. 169702

no he's seriously teaching this gracie combatives nonsense

mcdojolife will never call this out though

Anonymous No. 169719

Holy shit this can't be real. Who is this Matt arroyo character? Is he known to be a fraud? You're right, it is a shame mcdojolife won't call this shit out.

Armchair violence did a video criticizing the Gracie combatives, but armchair violence is a twink.

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Josh Hinger vs Al....webm

Anonymous No. 169722

>why are guys complaining about guard pulling? there's takedowns at ADCC
>takedowns at ADCC:

Anonymous No. 169732

It's all shit, rickson has a $400 self defense unit on his website but whoever made his page was a retard because you can just backdoor past the pay wall check if you type the URL directly
It's basically just shitty karate. Complete works of fiction

Anyone that teaches you a self-defense move is a charlatan, you wanna know how to have good self-defense? Get good

Anonymous No. 169733

Frickin LOL
Drop the link anon

Anonymous No. 169737


Anonymous No. 169738

Thou art BASED
But I'm getting 404 on the last one for some reason

Anonymous No. 169739

And yeah this reminds me of the old jiujitsu manuals from the early 1900s, like "the curious method of the jappo's scientific technique of self defense"

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Anonymous No. 169740

is harsh really a shit?

Anonymous No. 169744


try this

Anonymous No. 169745

Thank you sir!
Thank goodness Hickson is here to teach me the real efficient(tm) jiujitsu

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Anonymous No. 169746

I like how it takes until module 3 to get to an armbar from the guard

>when attacked with a knife, it's important to remember you probably shouldve taken karate lessons instead of purchasing this book because shit... I got nothing for you

Anonymous No. 169753

I got guillotined today and now my finger is tingly but the neck isn't that sore anymore. Should I be worried? If it's a hernia will it fix itself if it's not that bad?

Anonymous No. 169754

Did you learn your lesson about tapping at the appropriate time?

Whether your neck is bad or not there's no sense getting all worked up about it because what's done is done
Protect ya neck and learn from your mistake

Anonymous No. 169756

I went for the shittiest double leg known to man and my neck was immediately cracked. I just hope it's possible to feel nerve damage (pins and needles on finger) without having a herniated disc.

Anonymous No. 169758

I have a damaged neck, don't know what's officially wrong with it but it'll flare up and cause migraines, also my left side is a little weaker and has less feeling
The trick is to build up strong traps to carry some of the burden now

Anonymous No. 169807

> Hidden blade defence..
> Uhh, you are going to get cut, run or shoot.

Anonymous No. 169810

It sounds like a cervical disc issue as the fingers. You can try to figure out which disc by looking up cervical disc info and determining which finger(s) is affected. I’ve been dealing with the same shit for almost all of 2023 and it never heals. I’m on painkillers. Hope yours isn’t as severe as mine and resolves quickly. If it is severe, the hardest struggle will be not killing yourself.

Anonymous No. 169821


Anonymous No. 169829

I’m not passionate about BJJ. I only compete once in a while. I just had bad luck I guess. But yeah the ”get fucked if you’re bigger than me” is something I apply, same as how when injured I don’t roll with people I don’t know nor many people I do know because they’re just not good enough to be able to roll with safely.

Anonymous No. 169832

My best tips for older guys and people intent on minimizing risk of injury would be to do strength training, train neck every day, do knees over toes guy type exercises, avoid acrobatic movements when rolling, never roll with people considerably heavier than you, never roll with beginners, never roll with people again if you ask to roll gentle and they go hard anyway, don’t roll hard when you’ve had very poor sleep or a considerable caloric deficit.

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the jiujitsu way.jpg

Anonymous No. 169847

Anonymous No. 169874

> T. Autism.

Just start with hindu squats, push ups and kick throughs with some commando pull ups for beginners that never exercised for martial arts before, doing max you can for 1 minutes each 3x is the best way to build up endurance for martial arts.

Anonymous No. 169877

Polaris stream links?

Anonymous No. 169897

Blue belts and above, can you give advice on how to improve my triangle? I can get halfway through the sequence but always lose it before they tap

Anonymous No. 169902

Rashguard baited him successfully.

The overhook and repeated horizontal steps to force legs to line up are rashguard implying
>I'm trying to set you up for a double leg
and no-shirt is waiting for him to try for it so he can sprawl and take top position. Shirtless is, unfortunately, so focused on being ready to go to the ground that he's not ready for rashguard to fake him out, do a HARD left arm tug, and pull on the overhook, knocking him forward and off balance. This knocks shirtless to the ground and gives rashguard top position, which he seems to convert into something that looks like it's on track to being a win.

You're watching quite good takedown and wrestling game here, I don't know what you're bitching about.

Anonymous No. 169903

>knife defense
Invariably a waste of money. I think it's instructive to tell people who want to train knife defense to wear a white T-shirt and hand a sparring partner an expo marker.

Tell your partner you want to spar for 3 minutes, and every mark they make on your body or shirt is worth 1 dollar: literally any strategy besides
>run the fuck away
is a good way to lose 15-100 bucks, because it's basically equal in difficulty to
>win a fistfight where your opponent not only never successfully touches you, they also somehow outrange you
which even if you're Tyson good at boxing is basically impossible unless you win INSTANTLY after a major start whiff

Anonymous No. 169904

t. zero reading comprehension
see >>169821
endurance is not a problem unless you're morbidly obese or spastic

Anonymous No. 169905

this is legit good advice
used to do the marker thing in the army (not US), made it really quite obvious that if you're unarmed against someone with a knife you're getting stabbed and probably getting killed

Anonymous No. 169911

Be more specific about exactly where they get away

Anonymous No. 169913

I'm a 96 kg ripped 2 striped white belt and I could heem every white belt/low level blue belt ITT

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Anonymous No. 169914

I lose it at every point between pic related and the finish
The majority of the time I lose it here though. I just cant seem to keep them there before they break my guard or just slip out

Anonymous No. 169916

Aside from just telling you how to do a triangle
In the moment: have at least one hand on the back of the head at all times
If you need to grab your shin to create a better angle that's fine but don't abandon the head, your hands should always be doing something (keep that as a principle in general)
If it's closed and not working you need to shoulder walk backwards to break his posture
This next point is hard to articulate with words but your top leg in the triangle, try to make it as parallel to the bottom as possible
The thigh pinch makes it tighter, think scalene not isoceles

It's not even necessary to get it behind the knee if you're unable to. Sometimes people lose the forest in the trees, they're so concerned with the "lock" they don't realize they have enough to squeeze anyway

Outside of that be diligent in your stretching
That's the miracle cure everyone is always searching for. "I can't do move" make your body less shitty, especially the hamstrings, the most important muscles for guard play

Anonymous No. 169917

>I can beat people at my level if I'm bigger

Anonymous No. 169953

>really basic wrestling setup
>akshually this is super high level

Anonymous No. 169954

Point being it's not just
>retard jumps on his face for no reason
it's a guy getting out-wrestled.

Anonymous No. 169956


If all else fails, remember that you have an isolated arm that you can attack. Checkout Danaher's triangle instructional if you can get a copy, it changed my game entirely. I probably hit triangle variations more than any other sub

Anonymous No. 169963

Are you fat or tall?

Anonymous No. 169979

>i'm going to prove boxing is useless because you can just walk away
>i tried this with a boxer and got punched in the back of the head
>so I started training boxing everyday for a month for my walking away method to work
>i entered a boxing match and kept losing points because i didn't throw any punches and kept walking away
>this proves that the sport is useless

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Anonymous No. 170039

is it cringe?

Anonymous No. 170074

You are just defeating your own point for why most people promote BJJ over other arts.

Anonymous No. 170075

>considerably heavier
What would you consider "considerably heavier"? 20kg difference?

Anonymous No. 170080

Shut the fuck up. Go find it on youtube or some instructional and ask when you have very specific technical issues. Stop wasting our time with vague questions >>169874
Meme calisthenics. Do it if you've literally never lifted before and quickly progress up. Just go lift compounds like a normal person. Don't be stupid about it of course.
To add to this your game matters too. Danaher's ageless jiujitsu to see a glimpse and add into your game. If you're too stupid to know how to acquire it the instructional pagr has a glossary to get an idea

Anonymous No. 170226

yeah more or less
preferably less than 10kg difference but I’ll roll with a few select guys who weight 20 - 30kg more than me

Anonymous No. 170230

Is what cringe? A black belt?
Yes. Being good at something is cringe. Go tell your coach he is cringe.

Anonymous No. 170235

Pretty sure he's talking about the colored stiching. And yes, it is.

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Anonymous No. 170296

Anyone got any good guides to standing headlock defense they can recommend? Lost badly to a guy who was meme-ing on me by just holding me in a headlock till I was gassed.

Anonymous No. 170303

A headlock is nothing to defend, you're the one in the better position there
You're not trapped in there with him he's trapped in there with you
If he's upright just tani otoshi him directly to side control, if he's leaning forward just shoulder roll through his legs

Anonymous No. 170323

A front headlock or like a bully side headlock?

Anonymous No. 170328

lmoa, did he give you a noogie too? maybe a wedgie haha, WET WILLY!?!

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Anonymous No. 170341

Is the Indian sunburn IBJJF legal?

Anonymous No. 170342

Isn't that a gouging attempt? So possibly no.

Anonymous No. 170384

I would like some encouragement or thoughts on my mental setbacks.

I just got my brown belt and I feel like all my shortcomings in the art itself are reflective of ME not being good enough. I compare myself to other brown belts that 'know better' and have a better handle on specific things - which leads me to question what the hell im even doing.
I'm mid forties - i have had multiple surgeries so I tend to roll how I want to at my own pace and dont compete. I want to train and learn everything as I value this as a hobby that I can not just buy my way through (like karate)but i do feel like I dont belong periodically.

Am I too hard on myself?

Anonymous No. 170386

You're mid-forties playing pajama wrestling. You're a don't belong, of a don't belong. If you're only feeling it periodically, that probably means you're doing just fine mentally.

Anonymous No. 170396

All of our blackbelts are on the older side
40s+, even 60+
And nobody will ever doubt their level..except for 1
Let's take one in his 60s in particular, had surgeries and replacements, has asthma, can't see very well
He can only roll for about 4 minutes before needing a break and a rip on the inhaler. But there's no question about it for that 4 minutes you are in there with a predator and trying to fight off a bear attack. And so he can't really do it anymore but will prove he knows his stuff so when he's telling you something you should listen.
And just like him they are all undeniable despite the fact everybody knows they're a little older their bodies are worn down, you may be able to outwork them over time but for the few minutes they have fuel in the tank their abilities are undeniable. So they'll choose to roll easy but if you decide to escalate the intensity realize you're opening up something you might not want. They all carry the belt and get the respect they earned

Except for 1
The one in question is actually younger, under 45. And his abilities are so questionable even white belts can see it
He has even voiced concern that he doesn't feel like he gets the same respect as all the other black belts, and it's because he doesn't. He can't hold the line, he can't defend the belt
I was beating him as a no stripe purple belt after a nearly 2 year layoff.
I roll with him the same way I would with a Middle aged blue belt. He's a rest round to try out new things.

He showed a white belt something and then after class the white belt came to me to double check if what he was told was correct.
He feels like he's not respected because he's not respected. If the teacher can't make it he'll ask a brown belt to cover before he asks this guy.
And he isn't a fake black belt, he verifiably got it. So maybe he earned it but he doesn't carry it, he doesnt stay current, he doesnt keep himself in shape.

So decide which person you want to be

Anonymous No. 170427

I started training 11 years ago and have had my brown belt for several years now. While I now feel comfortable as a brown belt, I still have huge holes in my game.

Mind you, I am a decade younger than you are, legitimately caught several black belts before I even got my blue belt - I have a fairly extensive background in several martial arts - and I still doubted my ability as a brown belt for almost two years... Just keep at it, find and patch holes in your game, learn stuff, look for biomechanical principles as well as technique, and don't forget to enjoy yourself.

Anonymous No. 170442

Just keep training, don't overthink it. Belts don't matter that much, especially if you're older and injured.
There are competitive purple belts that can beat the best hobbyist black belt in your gym.

Anonymous No. 170445

>competitive purple belts that can beat the best hobbyist black belt in your gym
I will continue to reject this cope
"Competitive" in what way? He does local tournaments at the middle school every few weeks? That's a hobbyist too
If you're not on the stage at EBI or WNO or something similar you're not a competitor

Anonymous No. 170462

Why are you being a hardass pedant for no reason? What led you to believe they were talking about some hobbyist? Nothing would even suggest that, besides your delusion

Anonymous No. 170470

>What led you to believe they were talking about some hobbyist?
Because then there would be no reason go bring it up
"Don't feel bad, did you know there are some professional phenoms out there? Everybody knows that, those people are outliers though

The correct comparison is to people part of the general population.
If you can't at least medal at trials you're not a competitor
If you're a black belt and a purple belt that medals at trials beats you on the mat no one is gonna think that's weird, That kid probably started training when he was 4 years old and is only a purple belt because he isn't old enough to get a Brown belt yet.

On the other hand if you're losing to a purple belt that every 8-12 weeks heads down to do the local good fight or naga when it comes through then there's no excuse. He's not a competitor, he's an amateur hobbyist just like you. hes not special, you're the one falling short

Anonymous No. 170475

Brother you're essentially constructing this whole scenario that stems from your delusion and doing mental gymnastics around it.

It doesn't matter that it's obvious big dan or whatever top " purple belt" would kill this old decrepit brown belt. Anon was being nice and cheering the guy up. Is your head so ass so stuck your ass whenever someone makes a gesture you have to correct and psychoanalysis them you absolute autist?

If anything you should've gone for the brown belt and tear him apart about how dumb he is acting. That is more appropriate

Anonymous No. 170477

I don't care to give adults pep talks relating to trivial things like underperforming at a hobby

Jiujitsu is not for everyone despite all the jockoganda about it
It's for anybody, not everybody. Anybody that wants it
If you don't want it then don't do it, Nothing wrong with quitting if you aren't enjoying yourself anymore

If we are going to accept the premise that belts don't matter then they really don't matter, quitting as a brown belt is the same as quitting as a white belt. "Oh but I'm so close to black" we just decided they don't matter so it doesn't matter

Anonymous No. 170486

agreed on everything, I just think it's better keep it all to myself because there is no point on going on this rant, and if you really want to it rather makes more sense to go attack the brown belt here

Anonymous No. 170492

this is an interesting prospective. so if one doesnt go to trials they arent competitors? what about the pan ams, ibjjf worlds etc? most of those guys coming in at blue belt , by your logic, arent competitors until they are able to make a podium at black belt 10 years later. does that make sense ?

Anonymous No. 170498


When I train I go hard and one of my goals is a bit different than other guys ; im a veteran ( the reason for the surgeries) so when I train I'm working through anxiety, keeping my heart rate up and learning new options etc.

Some days are better than other - the sport is great and my favorite moments are in 'no gi' open mats, with no rank no measuring, just rolling and if you get caught or catch someone thats it.

I'll keep working at it to be the best that I can be - but it does feel awkward when you are a higher belt but have to watch your ass when the 19 year old d1 wrestler comes in.

- and I'm not decrepit; i do appreciate kind words to keep me going in the right direction though

Anonymous No. 170506

No need to podium at worlds/pans but you need to at least qualify
It's like that NFL combine, you don't get credit because you tried to get in. You need to actually succeed in getting in.

Anonymous No. 170516

Why do autists on this board seem to invent arguments over trivial nomenclature?
There are amateur competitors and professional competitors, if you need distinction. Pros get paid and end up winning big events, but there are a ton of really tough amateurs with day jobs that you've never heard of.
I train exclusively no-gi, so my view on belts is a bit warped perhaps, but I see pretty legit brown/black belts STRUGGLE with these amateurs. Should they be demoted? Should the blue/purple belts automatically get their black belts? It's all very pointless. That brown belt anon should just keep training and eventually will get a nice black belt that symbolizes their efforts. There's always someone better

Anonymous No. 170560

>legit brown/black belts STRUGGLE with these amateurs
then they aren't legit
I have a lot of negative things to say about the gracies but helio not allowing for example women to earn black belts is something I support

minimum standards matter

Anonymous No. 170583

matt hughes beat up royce gracie in a ufc event. Royce is a black belt
Matt hughes was not at the time.
does that mean Royce is not a real competitor ?

Anonymous No. 170584

>does that mean Royce is not a real competitor ?
Well I mean the gracies have always been mid and unremarkable, they built their reputation beating up non-fighters
but that aside Matt Hughes was a talented grappler. A black belt losing to a D1 all American wrestler isn't a surprise

A black belt losing to a purple belt is like that D1 all American losing to a kid in high-school. There's levels to it, we have these rankings for a reason

Anonymous No. 170709

Rolled for the first time today with 3 people. Got tapped twice. It was very fun. I felt like I had pretty much no idea what to do when I was in mount or when I was in their guard. One dude has such a tight guard it was like a vice around me.

Anonymous No. 170710

>Notice how people dont like to approach people when they are in supine guard?
Because the rules favor that by not allowing kicking a downed opponent in the head or stomping dudes. What do you think would happen if someone jumped on your stomach or head with their entire body weight behind their heels while you were there holding a supine guard?

Anonymous No. 170711

Glad you had a good time! My $0.02, take it or leave it:

When you're in mount just work on staying there. Don't even worry about submissions at this point, just stay on top as long as possible and make yourself as heavy as possible. Take note of the way your opponent is moving, trying to escape, trying to off balance you, etc.

When you're in closed guard, you've got to stand up in order to open the guard and pass. Don't allow him to pull your head down and break your posture. Get your head up, nice and tall, then get a sleeve grip on him and stand up. You've got to keep the sleeve grip so he doesn't sweep you. When you're standing, frame on the inside of his knee with your free hand. Push down and take him off like a pair of tight pants. You can bounce a little to loosen the grip of his legs.

Eventually he'll choose to open his legs to switch to some form of open guard. Right when his legs open is your best opportunity to pass.

Anonymous No. 170714

>sleeve grip
it was no gi so I don't think that applies, but standing up probably would have helped a lot. I tried to push down his legs but I did it from kneeling. How do I keep him from sweeping me in no gi? How would that sweep even work?

Anonymous No. 170716

If you think that sucks you can always go compete there and prove your point. Go get that 10K.

Anonymous No. 170717

Yeah same principle, you'll just need a wrist tie instead of a sleeve grip. And yeah, you've gotta get to your feet so that your legs are straight enough for his guard to slip down, if that makes sense.

There's gillions of sweeps, my go-to (gi and no-gi) is a pendulum sweep from a gift wrap. For that (and a lot of other stuff) I would need to bring your head down and break your posture, so posturing up and getting tall would definitely fuck me over for that sweep. HOWever, posturing up and sitting back invites the hip-bump sweep, so don't just stay there.

Hanging out inside someone's closed guard is never a good idea, only bad things happen to you in closed guard, so you might as well get up and get outta there. Please for godsake don't try to choke him from inside his closed guard.

Also beware: if you do fully stand up and he's still clinging to you, I bet he's going to try to pummel in an underhook, get inside head position, then open his legs, drop his feet down and start wrestling. So be prepared to stiff arm him away from you as you stand up. Should have said that earlier.

Anonymous No. 170719

Also dont get in close guard in the first place. Its hell against a good guy

Anonymous No. 170722

Close guard is dangerous because it's a very comfy position so it can trick you into thinking you can relax there. My greatest success with close guard has always been by staying there as little as possible and learning a bunch of quick feint set up + finish combos I throw as soon as I get close guard. Granted, my opponents were never THAT experienced, but neither am I.

Anonymous No. 170723

>Granted, my opponents were never THAT experienced, but neither am I.
I know. I'm telling you right now, that against high level guys, you do not want to be inside there

Anonymous No. 170726

I trust my game will naturally evolve as I get higher belts and fight against other, more experienced guys. Right now my attacks work well enough I can reliably sub guys on my rough level as soon as they get within my close guard. If I stall there it's ogre thou, I 100% at retaining guard.

I now realised we're talking about different things, your post is about how it's a bad idea to be inside someone's close guard, but I understood it being about how you should be pulling close guard too often since there were people talking about guard slams earlier in the thread.

Anonymous No. 170727

>I 100% SUCK* at retaining guard.

Anonymous No. 170729

Sup yall. Gonna go to an open mat this weekend after being out for years due to back problems. My back is still fucked but i feel the itch to get back into it. Do you think gi or nogi would be better for my back? Maybe judo? its probably all bad and yes this is a blog post

Anonymous No. 170731

What were you better at? Probably that's your best options.

Anonymous No. 170732

i was better at no gi but gi is a bit slower paced in my experience so that might help. always wanted to try judo but idk if that would be good for my back

Anonymous No. 170736

Getting thrown on your back probably won't be very healthy for your back, no. Either way can't you go there with you gui and have the top part on and off for differ rounds? Do some gi and some no gi, feel.out which you think will be best for you.

Anonymous No. 170737

Thats pretty much my plan. Kinda just seeing if anyone else has dealt with anything similar. i just hate that my back is fucked and probably wont get better

Anonymous No. 170743

I'm just asking, but is an open mat really the best way to easy back in? Just hitting round after round for two hours? Even if the rolling is light, wouldn't you rather come to a class and walk through some drills first?

Maybe I'm just a pussy, but that's what I've done when coming back from injuries.

Anonymous No. 170744

it probably would be better but i kinda just to do a few rolls and be able to take a break if i need to without leaving somone partnerless during drilling. I think the more casual nature of an open mat could be better to just see if i can even train without much pain

Anonymous No. 170750

Guard retention is fake, total waste of effort and energy when you should be trying to just stand up

Anonymous No. 170751

Why? I can submit from a guard, but it's a lot harder to do that if I give it up entirely.

Anonymous No. 170759

Because guard is a position of convenience and necessity, Your objective should always be to get on top, and if that doesn't work then fuck it I'll just attack from down here
Just think about it if you are in guard and sweep to a top position you get 2 points, if you're in top position and fall into a guard the other guy gets 2 points even if you're the one that initiated the movement

I think people make the mistake of thinking that because BJJ has a lot of utility off the back that it's somehow a more desirable position than the top, but
top pinning is always better when possible

Anonymous No. 170761

I agree completely

Anonymous No. 170799

Yeah, sure. But that still doesn't help me prevent a guy from getting side control soon after getting in my close guard.

Anonymous No. 170826

>side control
Misnomer. Cross side is really the better term for the position because there's no control happening at all there
By sitting there he's giving you everything you could ever possibly want to stand right up

Anonymous No. 170829

If you can even think about getting up it was a shit side control. Good ones will feel so heavy you'll have trouble even breathing. Fuck, I've seen guys tapping out to.side control from guys lighter than they were because they flat out were getting asphyxiation from not being able to expand their chests to breathe. You CANNOT just "stand right up".

Anonymous No. 170838

Sure I can, and I always do. Side control is a skill check position, it's only effective on novices that don't know any better similar to hooks with back control.

Side control is like a leaky boat and you don't have enough fingers to plug the holes all at the same time, what the guy on top is doing is plugging what he can and trying to bail water before it sinks but it will always sink if the bottom guy is any kind of decent.
It's simply put too many openings to manage at once.
And if you're good at recovery you can find his opening really fast

Anonymous No. 170890

What should you do to stop someone from standing up and start knee slicing when you're playing half guard?

Anonymous No. 170923

Stand up on your elbow and try to create space. You can also try to bump them off balance with your knees while you're at it.

Anonymous No. 170928

My first couple of times rolling caused a bunch of skin to get scraped off of my knees and also feet. Is this normal? Does it happen to everyone at first or do I just have weak skin?

Anonymous No. 170931

>Is this normal?
>Does it happen to everyone at first?
Also yes, even to people thatbare experienced but take some time off. Your skin will get thick and your body hair will fall off in those regions. If you stop practicing it'll come back to normal.

Anonymous No. 170949

You got a case of what we call bitch skin
Get some liquid bandage to put over it for an extra layer of protection during practice
The problem with mat burn is they're persistent because they keep reopening

Anonymous No. 170954

What are the best instructionals for a white belt?
Should I go with Eddie bravo or danaher ones? I mostly do gi but no gi is more fun. I'm getting tired of the annoying ass grip game

Anonymous No. 170995

I'm gonna see if some self adhesive compression tape would stay on well enough to cover it over but I'll try some of this liquid bandage stuff too, thanks.

Anonymous No. 170997

Is it a breach of sparring etiquette to not tap to a well-executed but endurable submission from someone much smaller and weaker? I kind of feel like a dbag after spending a minute in a fully locked triangle until I could muscle out just because they didn't have the leg strength to really choke me.

Anonymous No. 170999

Situational. Maybe kind of an asshole thing to do if you also can't get out of it at all, but at the same time the other guy needs to be able to deal with a sub that he can't finish. Be it working to finish, abandon safely, transition to a something else, etc. More often not a problem than a problem imo.

Anonymous No. 171006

>t. manlet sparrer
I'd much rather be told directly if my choke's not achieving needed results and ways you might think it could've been made to work if you see any, rather than get a false impression of my skills and no feedback. I don't want incorrect info on my sub game being better than it is, and if something's not working, I'd rather be told that so I can change up.

Anonymous No. 171008

Migrate when ready

Anonymous No. 171011

If you can't strangers someone with your legs it's because the choke isn't in properly. Even a dyel manlet will make you ACK with a triangle done right, so if you can resist it do thatand tell your partner so that they'll be able to make adjustments.

Anonymous No. 171049

I like to poker face and talk shit whenever possible
I'll be on the cusp of something breaking and just be like "nope not even close" and they will give up and let go
My greatest defense is just lying to people

Anonymous No. 171052

Works until you run into a guy that will respond to that by cranking that shit even harder and injuring you. Fuck's sake, rolling is for developing technique, it doesn't matter who "wins", in fact even going in thinking about winning is detrimental to you long term.

Anonymous No. 171086

>Eddie bravo
Meme. 10p has some useable stuff but also fluff. I know guys like pj barch who are actually top tier has an instructional, otherwise no reason to consider when there are so much better material

Danaher and a lot of former dds guys are good, aoj for gi, a lot of random guys it just depends on what you are working o

Anonymous No. 171129

Just started bjj recently, teacher has us start rolls from the knees. The problem is, I mostly spar with guys bigger than me and they usually just manage to get head control and from there it's pretty much ogre. Pulling guard right away would probably work but that seems gay and lazy and probably not conducive to getting better
So, any tips/tricks/resources for securing a dominant position in that scenario?

Anonymous No. 171131

>teacher has us start rolls from the knees.
That's not good. If there's space there's reason to start from knees so i'm assuming space is the problem. Just start from top or bottom. Don't like playing guard? Fuck off then. Do mma grappling or another grappling art.

Anonymous No. 171134

Space is the problem. It's a class aimed at complete newbies and so more people show up than to other, more advanced classes.
I have no problem with playing guard, but I don't want to immediately drop into it without at least attempting to secure a stronger top position first.

Anonymous No. 171136

>I don't want to immediately drop into it without at least attempting to secure a stronger top position first.
It's training. Winning doesnt matter, hitting what you want to work on is what matters.

Working top is important but, you and your partner should be alternating top and bottom though so you can both learn guard and passing. Playing top all the is not a good idea

Anonymous No. 171137

>hitting what you want to work on is what matters
Well, that's the thing. I don't care for the top position because of "winning" the roll, I want to learn how to secure the top because I feel that that's where I'm very deficient in. As I said in my first post, I usually spar with guys bigger than me and currently my two options are either pulling guard or being overpowered pretty much immediately, so I want to learn how to attack effectively

Anonymous No. 171138

Learn better kneeling wrestling, specially shit like ankle picks. If you can get away with it also try to spring up once you start wrestling for some vertical movement. From your post I imagine you're still starting out? Yeah, you're gonna suck no.matter what at the start, but just keep studying, trying new things and just overall being a stubborn motherfucker. Try doing the same thing again and again until you get it down to muscle memory, then slowly add variation and train that ro exhaustion too.

Anonymous No. 171140

If you both start on your knees, you should just stand up. There is no space for both of you to stand up (wrestling). He should be accept bottom here, if you're always forced bottom you might not have good training partners and that might be enabled by your school whose practices i'm suspicious of.

You can also push him and pull his ankle so he falls on his back (supine)

Remember, there is no reason for either of you to stay on your knees. Hopefully he is either on his back playing guard or with his feet in front of him, seated, playing guard

Anonymous No. 171141


Anonymous No. 171145

>kneeling wrestling
That's not real, this position does not exist

Starting on the knees and passing on the knees are both signs of a bad school

Anonymous No. 171146

It is a thing. Doesn't look like a seiza though where you fold and sit on your knees. Wouldnt recommend it for the average joe though. You need to be really athletic and know what you're doing to make it work.
Some wrestlers do this. In grappling, Nicky rod vs owen livesey on quintet is a recent example where he uses it to wrestle up

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kneeling wrestling.jpg

Anonymous No. 171156

>That's not real, this position does not exist
you do it like pic related, you're not supposed to seiza and flop over the opponent.

Anonymous No. 171536

Won my first tournament I ever entered. No-gi.
Pulled guard all 4 times.
3 straight ankle locks and one leglock.
Leg-related submissions are incredibly broken at beginners level.

Anonymous No. 171858

congratulations anon, that's fantastic for your first tournament.
nothing wrong with what you're doing if it works.

Anonymous No. 171860

>Leg-related submissions are incredibly broken at beginners level.
White belts will tap out of fear the moment you touch their feet

Anonymous No. 174163

No it's an indian burn