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david garcia torn....webm

🧵 /judo/ Judo General

Anonymous No. 161197

Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

>Discussion starter
Who do you think is the cutest judoka?

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2023
August 18-20 - Zagreb Grand Prix
September 22-24 - Baku Grand Slam
October 20-22 - Abu Dhabi Grand Slam
December 2-3 - Tokyo Grand Slam


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Utsuri-GOSHI asta....webm

Anonymous No. 161198

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Ulaanbaatar Grand....webm

Anonymous No. 161200

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uchi mata sukashi....webm

Anonymous No. 161201

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Anonymous No. 161227

last thread died. rate.

Anonymous No. 161229

Does being uchimated hurt your balls?

Anonymous No. 161230

>other jacketed wrestling styles welcome
Fuck off.

Anonymous No. 161231

It can if Tori is untrained in it.

Anonymous No. 161233

see >>161227

Anonymous No. 161234

>other jacketed wrestling styles
can mean bjj and bjj can fuck off to their general

Anonymous No. 161240

Ijf officials on reddit

Anonymous No. 161241

You and the other diehard judoka on 4chan can cry about it

Anonymous No. 161244

Don't you got a guy's lap to sit on? BJJ Scum

Anonymous No. 161250

pick one

Anonymous No. 161264

BJJ is just a format for specifically training ne waza.

Anonymous No. 161268

Normally no, but if they don’t know what they’re doing maybe. When I was a white belt I trained with these two smoking hot twin brown belt blonde girls (I’m not making this up but I understand if you don’t believe me. At least one is a black belt now I think the other stopped training after breaking her arm at a tournament). At like, my second or third class one of them fucking uchi mata’d me but was still learning the throw themselves and ended throwing me while also kicking me directly in the testicals. I also wasn’t good at ukemi yet so I ended up smashing my balls together a second inbetween my thighs when I hit the mat. Naturally, I grabbed my balls and started moaning in pain. She then proceeded to shout
>oh my God! Are you ok????
Then started laughing hysterically before I could answer.

I tell this story not because this is my fetish, but I know it’s somebody’s and I hope you can live vicariously through my embarrassing life.

Anonymous No. 161271

You tell this story because this is your fetish, don't lie. God knows.

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Anonymous No. 161277


Anonymous No. 161278

what special ed judo club lets someone get to brown belt without knowing uchi mata.

Anonymous No. 161318

The same one that allows women.

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Anonymous No. 161327

Which do you prefer, /judo/?

Osoto gari or Ouchi Gari?

Anonymous No. 161330

It wasn’t like she was wholly unfamiliar with the throw she just trying to work on it so she could git gud at doing it in randori and shiai which is why she did on a whitebelt. Nowadays when I spar with lower belts I only do things that I’m not good at on purpose.
There is some unfortunate truth to this. I think a lot of women do end up getting pushed through the ranks even when they don’t deserve it. That said I’ve known some women who were really good. There was one girl I trained with who not only had mean as fuck hip throws but was strong as hell. She showed me a video of her squatting 400 fucking pounds. I’ve never even considered the prospect of squatting that much fucking weight.
There’s a lot of fetishes I don’t like but can wrap my brain around. Ball busting is not one of them. Shit feels owwie.

Anonymous No. 161350

I suck at all uchi throws.

Anonymous No. 161355

Same, I feel like I'm about to cause bōru hakai on my unsuspecting Uke so I try to go a bit lighter and never deliver with full punctuation.

Anonymous No. 161356

Ouchi all the way. I've landed ouchi live in competition before, but even in randori I can never get the off-balancing for osoto right.

Anonymous No. 161357


Anonymous No. 161376

>tfw been a white belt for 2 years and will be 3 this October
what the fuck, i can takedown green belts and even a few brown belts with my Osoto-gari, what must i do?

Anonymous No. 161492

Osoto is probably in my top five favorite throws.

Anonymous No. 161493

Probably practice something other than osoto-gari. Are there test days for promoting that you're missing? Is there a syllabus that you don't know about? Are you expected to go to tournaments?

Anonymous No. 161517

>move called ouchie

Anonymous No. 161527

Tournaments happen every once in a while, but they're pretty far out of the state and aren't really enforced just promoted as events. I never heard any requirements to go to them. Haven't heard anything about tests either, just seems like when you git gud enough the head Sensei will give you a new belt after you show competence.

Anonymous No. 161556

I might ask some of the colored belts about it, but frame it in a way where it's clear you're trying to figure out what you need to improve rather than whining about the color of the rope that holds your gi shut. Are there any areas where you know you're for-sure lacking relative to colored belts with similar experience levels? Do you know the names of the basic techniques? I might have a some notes somewhere from a few different schools in the US about their minimum standards/guidelines for promotion, will see if I can find them for you later in case they help you identify some blind spots.

Anonymous No. 161579

Judo comes from the mind, from the heart, not from the belt.

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Anonymous No. 161598

new drip just dropped

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Anonymous No. 161599

Anonymous No. 161607

I see judo schizo has entered the thread

Anonymous No. 161678

The IJF's strongest shill is no match for Kano's weakest schizo.

Anonymous No. 161683

You don’t have to like the IJF to recognize that judo’s atemi waza is not a complete system. If you want to do stroking with autistic chops and shit just do karate

Anonymous No. 161686

>atemi waza is not a complete system
You're wrong and have no idea what atemi waza is.

Anonymous No. 161687

Are you the same anon from the other thread who was sperging about how all striking counts as atemi waza and is therefore Judo because if so lol, lmao

Anonymous No. 161693

Yes and you're wrong to think Judo's atemi waza isn't a complete system and you have no conception of atemi waza's placement in Judo in the first place or effective striking principles outside of pure point-scoring.

Anonymous No. 161696

You don’t even do judo. You told us in the other thread you think “gi judo” (which is what judo actually is) is fucking gay and that you train at some obscure nogi judo only club that doesn’t compete. Why should anyone in this thread take you seriously?

Anonymous No. 161708

judo chop > karate chop

Anonymous No. 161711


Anonymous No. 161725

because i'm right and you're wrong about anything atemi waza related

Anonymous No. 161726

when you perform a judo chop, you actually put your body into it and follow it up with a full force throw. you don't do this in karate

Anonymous No. 161731

Riveting argument
Nobody practices chops to any significant degree in judo. Also:
Start at 4:20. Krottyfags absolutely learn to strike with their whole body when doing “chops”. As for whether or not they follow it up with throws ever I have no idea I don’t train karate.

Anonymous No. 161734

Judo's atemi waza is designed to be followed with a throw, it's not a point-scoring brawling system like boxing or TKD.

Anonymous No. 161737

And yet, it doesn’t matter because literally nobody practices it and even if they did proper striking defense and distance management techniques that allow you to cross distance are not present in the original judo system which means it would have to be borrowed from another system.
Ok whatever you say retard. Go watch combat sambo if you want to see what a “striking to get to the throw” system would actually look like. Their striking is still basically just kickboxing.

Anonymous No. 161738

I practice it so uh lol

it does in the same regard that they all belong in striking, you should be on an intravenous drip from how braindead you seem

no striking system is original, but judo's is the best

>Their striking is still basically just kickboxing
all replicable in judo, better example would be Kudo though.

i feel like im getting carbon monoxide poisoning from talking to you, you're irradiating retardation

Anonymous No. 161740

>it does in the same regard that they all belong in striking
You understand how idiotic of a statement this is correct? If I am a boxer, and some karatefag teaches me how to kick, does that make kicking a part of boxing? Obviously not. Moreover, if you were to start training boxing with kicks seriously and competing in that fashion it would necessarily have to become a different sport/martial, ie; kickboxing.
>striking system is original, but judo's is the best
How would you even know when you don’t compete?
>better example would be kudo
>see judo striking is good when you add a completely different striking system and become a different martial art entirely
Proving my point, thanks
>i feel like im getting carbon monoxide poisoning from talking to you, you're irradiating retardation
The feeling is mutual. Sometime soon I’m going to show you how emphasized atemi waza was according to kano considering he only wrote about 3 pages about it in a catalogue book that’s over 250 pages long. You clearly have contempt for judo anyways considering you think the sport everyone else in here practices is “fucking gay”. Go start a nogi judo/atemi waza worship thread for 2deadly4u speds who don’t compete if that’s what you’re so into.

Anonymous No. 161741

>If I am a boxer, and some karatefag teaches me how to kick, does that make kicking a part of boxing?
who gives a shit about boxing lol, atemi waza trains kicks why didnt you just do atemi waza

>see judo striking is good when you add a completely different striking system and become a different martial art entirely

they really arent though, kudo is just a better example because when they strike they usually try to lead into a throw (like atemi waza)

>The feeling is mutual. Sometime soon I’m going to show you how emphasized atemi waza was according to kano considering he only wrote about 3 pages about it in a catalogue book that’s over 250 pages long. You clearly have contempt for judo anyways considering you think the sport everyone else in here practices is “fucking gay”. Go start a nogi judo/atemi waza worship thread for 2deadly4u speds who don’t compete if that’s what you’re so into.
>blah blah blah blah blah bleeblbahblahblooblol

quit effort posting, your energy levels make terri schiavo look like a triathlete

foaming at the mouth lmao

Anonymous No. 161760

>insulting me is effort posting
This sounds familiar…
>foaming at the mouth
Wait a minute, I fucking remember you.
>foaming at the mouth
You’re the SAME fucking retard who claimed to know all about judo But didn’t know you needed two gis. Holy shit lmfao. Haven’t you embarrassed yourself enough? I have a question for you, you claimed to be a brown belt before exclusively switching to “nogi” judo at a place that doesn’t compete. But in the other judo general claimed to be a blue belt, which is it You compulsive LARPer? At this point I’m convinced you’ve never actually trained judo and you’ve given me no reason to believe you have.

Anonymous No. 161766

lmao you've officially flatlined, I don't train muay thai or do gi Judo since starting no gi.

I was in that thread though but you brick heads kept clogging the thread about stupid shit which just proves how ass-backwards sport judo fighting has is

you sound like that rugby/judo guy who posted that big autistic ramble on here about how rugby was a martial art that should merge with Judo.

>You’re the SAME fucking retard who claimed to know all about judo But didn’t know you needed two gis. Holy shit lmfao. Haven’t you embarrassed yourself enough? I have a question for you, you claimed to be a brown belt before exclusively switching to “nogi” judo at a place that doesn’t compete. But in the other judo general claimed to be a blue belt, which is it You compulsive LARPer? At this point I’m convinced you’ve never actually trained judo and you’ve given me no reason to believe you have.

>you're the guy with the blue belt no with the brown belt and im this guy with the black no i mean the blue wait i mean the brown belt or something about the belt erh i mean you dont compete but you never said you competed so you uh wait

what the fuck

atemi waza chad No. 161770

now you've got my noggin joggin and i went back into the atemi waza thread to see my posts and i guess your drivel, are you the guy who tried to say boxing was 'better' than judo because Masahiko Kimura wasn't the best boxer despite using Judo on that nigger boxer and him saying "don't use judo on me"
and then when we showed you that story of how Kimura used actual atemi waza on 4 fucking MPs and destroyed them WHICH WAS ALL BEFORE THAT BOXING SHIT you just stopped posting and fizzled out with some bullshit about it being a long story and how i didnt compete because i do no gi?

here to help with your diminished capacity i put a name over my posts so you can differentiate people easier like they do in your adult foster care home

Anonymous No. 161771

>I don't train muay thai or do gi Judo since starting no gi.
So you don’t do judo then, glad we’re clear. Go make another thread to shit up.
> you sound like that rugby/judo guy who posted that big autistic ramble on here about how rugby was a martial art that should merge with Judo.
I called that guy a retard too.
>reading comprehension
I’m accusing you of making two contradictory statements retard. You’re the judo schizo who creates and shits up threads insisting that judo is the greatest martial art while not actually doing judo.

atemi waza chad No. 161775

whats the contradictory? i dont train gi judo and train no gi now? i used to have a blue belt and had a brown belt? i dont have any belt i do NO GI that means NO GI and NO GI means NO BELT. i guess your retardation has grown on me because i cant read it

i am the judo schizo who fucks up threads by talking about great judo is because it is the best martial art to exist but the sport version is fucking stupid and is a piss on everything judo and is the reason why i dont do gi judo.

>I called that guy a retard too.
because you are that guy lmao

why don't you do boxing since you love to talk about boxing and brawling like in rugby, you'd fit in with all of the retarded bowling ball headed niggers that do it

>insisting that judo is the greatest martial art while not actually doing judo.
why would i not do judo? you are reaching a fucking zenith in your retardation

Anonymous No. 161776

> are you the guy who tried to say boxing was 'better' than judo because Masahiko Kimura wasn't the best boxer despite using Judo on that nigger boxer and him saying "don't use judo on me"
I never said boxing was better you tard, you literally can’t read. I said that his experience boxing proved that atemi waza was not a good striking system. Only an actual moron would suggest otherwise.
>but what about muh MPs
Kimura beat the fuck out of those guys because he’s chad thundercock not because atemi waza is a full striking system. Your claim is that not only was it a good striking system, It was the best system. If that was the case, that black boxer wouldn’t have beaten him and kimura wouldn’t have resolved that he needed to learn boxing in order to be a well rounded fighter. Go back to the other thread if you want to argue further about this. Maybe get hooked on phonics first though so you can learn how to actually read.

atemi waza chad No. 161778

it is the best system though you fucking fag-o-naught.
>Oh but kimura couldnt use it in a boxing match and when he realized he couldn't use his atemi waza skills in boxing for a boxing match he learned that he needed to learn boxing for a boxing match because judo doesn't just 100% prioritize punching
>in other news, local weightlifter not so good at playing soccer, clearly weightlifting isn't the best general exercise but instead soccer is

i cant fucking believe we let people like you vote or drive or even shave.

how the fuck are you not getting this:

-Judo came from Jiu-Jitsu which is the foundation for all organized and fluent striking, takedown and submission martial arts. i dont care if it didnt come first, i dont care what they were doing in greco-roman europe, all i know is that jiu-jitsu came into the world with the most structure.
-striking is used as a distraction method which leads into a throw or other takedown, not just brawling and hoping to god you knock out your enemy
-Judo teaches these striking methods known as ATEMI WAZA and proceeds to beat the shit out of other NON-SPORT fighting arts
-Judo is literally taught as the full redux version of jiu-jitsu which takes its striking from karate which takes its striking from god knows where and other martial arts without knowing took their striking from karate because nothing is copywritten because these are fucking fighting moves
-Judo is the only good martial art in this sense because it has become the pseudo son of the most universal and effective martial arts in fighting history
tl;dr Judo has every martial art strike, every takedown and every submission that are good and is the magnum opus of martial arts

Anonymous No. 161780

Are you not the guy in the previous general who claimed to have a blue belt and didn’t know you needed two gis? You both use the same expressions so I assume you’re the same retard.
>because you are that guy lmao
I have never once said anything about rugby other than it’s not a martial art and claiming it is one is retarded. I don’t know why you think that autist was me.
>I am the judo schizo
>also I hate judo
Congrats on being universally seen as a retard I guess. You did a 10/10 job
>why don't you do boxing since you love to talk about boxing and brawling like in rugby, you'd fit in with all of the retarded bowling ball headed niggers that do it
Because I like judo which is why I actually train and compete in it unlike you.
> why would i not do judo?
Even if your claims are to be believed you still objectively don’t do judo. Nogi judo specifically is trained by maybe 12 people and you already said you don’t compete
Never thought I’d see the day that supposed judoka made 2deadly4u arguments. Just make a different general for nogi judo that nobody does since clearly and admittedly have contempt for the sport this general is for.

atemi waza chad No. 161784

>Are you not the guy in the previous general who claimed to have a blue belt and didn’t know you needed two gis? You both use the same expressions so I assume you’re the same retard.

i didnt know you needed 2 gi's because i never competed but im not the same guy as the one you were talking to im this guy: >>159195
>I don’t know why you think that autist was me.

because you seem like someone who would do something incredibly retarded like that
>Because I like judo which is why I actually train and compete in it unlike you.
i like to do judo because i want to sharpen my skills and keep fit, hope you get to the international special olympics mr fiddlesticks you fucking scummer

>Even if your claims are to be believed you still objectively don’t do judo. Nogi judo specifically is trained by maybe 12 people and you already said you don’t compete
what is your fucking deal with people who dont compete? i swear to god you are just an ijf shill in which in case i hope you get paralyzed in your next session you fucking balloon head.

>erh everything that has any kind of merit to it i just pooh pooh away
>Just make a different general for nogi judo that nobody does since clearly and admittedly have contempt for the sport this general is for.

I can do whatever the FUCK i want and you cant do a thing about it, if i want to talk about how good judo is and how its the best martial art i'll do just that. its a judo thread after all. why the fuck would you even be against people talking about judo?

you're literally just a IJF plant here to gatekeep sport Judo, not even gi judo, just competition only sport judo which is diabolical in its own right

Anonymous No. 161786

>I didn’t know you needed two gis to compete
Hold the fuck up, you said you got to brown belt in gi judo before exclusively switch to nogi here: >>160702
You unironically expect me to believe you put the years of work in to become a brown belt in judo and never realized that there’s a blue and white competitor in every match? You never noticed that everyone was wearing either blue or white gis in the dojo? You never watched a fucking judo match? Get fucking real you lying LARPer.
>why would you be against
Because you’re a sycophantic moron and make the rest of us look bad. I care about competition because that’s how you test your skills against other judoka, which is something you should want to do if you consider yourself a fighter. I’m sorry you couldn’t hack it and now have to cope and seethe about muh IJF about it. No one likes the ijfs current ruleset. I suspect as the dinosaurs start to go extinct things will change.

Anonymous No. 161788

>You unironically expect me to believe you put the years of work in to become a brown belt in judo and never realized that there’s a blue and white competitor in every match? You never noticed that everyone was wearing either blue or white gis in the dojo? You never watched a fucking judo match? Get fucking real you lying LARPer.
thats right sorry champ, i know people have blue and white gis but i never knew you had to have 2 gis if you went into a competition because i never competed and never cared to go into a competition, never asked about it and never cared to. i dont watch judo videos 24/7 because im not terminally online like you are

god couldnt you have been one of Jack Kevorkian's patients?

>Because you’re a sycophantic moron and make the rest of us look bad. I care about competition because that’s how you test your skills against other judoka, which is something you should want to do if you consider yourself a fighter. I’m sorry you couldn’t hack it and now have to cope and seethe about muh IJF about it. No one likes the ijfs current ruleset. I suspect as the dinosaurs start to go extinct things will change.
>more fucking pish posh about competing
you are a disgrace to Judo and should be shunned from every dojo, maybe try wwe or mma or something of that speed if your so admit of other people watching you play a sport fighting. you have destroyed a perfectly good judo thread with your tantrum and inability to comprehend anything

all of this butthurt, because you couldn't just understand how good Judo is and how good atemi-waza is. SAD!

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Anonymous No. 161793

As if you need to watch judo videos “24/7” to make the obvious observations that competitors wear either white or blue gis. I have never trained Sambo yet I know they fight in either a red or blue gi in competition and therefore obviously need both. Why can’t you make inferences, retard?
> you are a disgrace to Judo and should be shunned from every dojo
This is rich coming from the guy who has actual disdain for the sport of judo and everyone who participates in it. I guess you can banish me from your irrelevant “nogi judo club” that probably doesn’t even exist if you want, lol.
>maybe try wwe or mma or something of that speed if your so admit of other people watching you play a sport fighting
*adamant. And why do you assume I give a shit if people are watching me? Judo isn’t a big spectator sport lmao. I fight because I enjoy it.
>you have destroyed a perfectly good judo thread with your tantrum and inability to comprehend anything
The irony
>all of this butthurt
Pic related. Post a picture of a rash guard and your brown belt with a time stamp.

Anonymous No. 161920

You are right but please stop replying to this retard. It takes two to tango and this bullshit has almost ruined the thread beyond salvation. There is nothing to prove, nobody who actually trains judo thinks nogi grappling + striking (essentially just mma) is judo. Do not reply to this dudes retard spiel.

Anonymous No. 161938

That’s fair, I just can’t help myself sometimes

I’ll try to get this back on topic. Does anyone here do a non-sacrifice version of obi-tori gaeshi regularly? Under the traditional version you grab the leg, but I’ve seen videos of people doing it without that. I was trying to make this work the other day with my coach who’s a fifth degree black belt, and while I was able to successfully throw him onto the crash pads, I felt I was using strength more than anything else. For anyone who works this throw, is that just how it is or are there tricks I can use to make it more efficient? For reference, here’s the classical version of the throw.

Anonymous No. 161939

I think everyone is misunderstanding the purpose here
if you want to do striking you're better suited to just stand there and do striking, but these techniques are used for striking within the context of your grappling. Learning to box isn't going to help, what you need to do is practice the techniques that let you deliver strikes that work in combination with your grappling

Anonymous No. 162013

>Me: out of shape sankyu getting back into judo for the last month after taking a couple years off to get fat
>Still need to lose 10lbs and get my cardio back to decent but fuck me I'm working on it
>Hear about a relatively small local tournament in a couple weeks
>Would be 7 hours round trip driving and likely $160+ altogether (registration+extra fees for being in the wrong judo org, gas, food) plus getting up early on the weekend
>Registrations for my wc so far are a handful of fellow scrubs and one serious ranked competitor who is obviously going to sleepwalk through the bracket
Do I suck it up and go and see what happens, or save myself some time and money and focus on training for the next opportunity to compete? What would you do?

Anonymous No. 162016

You’ve got a couple of weeks, you can absolutely cut 10lbs in that time. Use it as an opportunity to get back into training seriously. I always train harder when a tournament is around the corner

Anonymous No. 162022

I know who the cutest judoka is, but I'm not gonna say because I don't want others to know her.

Anonymous No. 162023

So much for jita kyoei

Anonymous No. 162107


Anonymous No. 162113

You dont train when cutting, you will not recover fully/properly. If you're waiting until its a couple weeks before a match to up your training your an idiot. Atleast the last week leading up to the fight should minimal activity. Like nothing but some drills, if that. Risking a training injury only at couple weeks out is peak stupid.

Anonymous No. 162127

>You dont train when cutting
Wtf am I reading? Everyone trains while cutting. What the fuck are you talking about? The last tournament one of my training partners went to he was wearing a sauna suit every class for two or three weeks and then went to the gym to lift after.

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Anonymous No. 162128

Is judo a good martial art to get into?

Anonymous No. 162129

Go back

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Anonymous No. 162171


Anonymous No. 162333

This anon here
It turned out that due to remote weigh-ins I would have to cut ~12lbs in 1.5 weeks. I'm still getting back into things and need to be able to train and go work without wanting to die 24/7 so I'm just going to play big boy judo for now and keep cutting gradually so I'm in a good place for future shiais. So far there's only like 2 guys registered for the next weight class down so unless I bomb out instantly (very possible) I'll get more matches anyway. I'm still out of shape, but between judo and running on off days my cardio gains have been surprisingly good. The real obstacle is my ego. I don't want to go out there and embarrass myself but I know I need to get over it and use this opportunity to gauge where I'm really at.

Anonymous No. 162353

If you have half a week to rehydrate you can cut a lot of water weight to meet your goal and just remotely weigh in while extremely dehydrated. It's not healthy (if you push it to an extreme you'll die) but it's common in weight class sports, did it all the time for wrestling back in school.

Anonymous No. 162354

How do remote weigh ins even work? They just have your coach do it or something?

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Diyora Keldiyorov....webm

Anonymous No. 162995

Anonymous No. 163000


Anonymous No. 163059

Why is the Judo ground game like this?

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Anonymous No. 163073

>it's another "Teddy Riner wins a match in the most boring, monotonous way possible" episode
He's like the Vladimir Clinchko of judo, one of the most boring yet successful fighters ever. That said, you should watch Teddy if you want to improve your grip game because guy is a master at gripfighting and never loses one. You should study him especially if you're a tall judoka. Of course having the reach of a 6'8 man and being insanely strong also helps.

Anonymous No. 163085

>master at gripfighting
He can touch people before they can touch him
>He's like the Vladimir Clinchko of judo
no, Klitschko has good technique and good fundamentals, Deontay Wilder is the Teddy Riner of boxing

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inner mongolia bo....webm

Anonymous No. 163287

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Chinese wrestling....webm

Anonymous No. 163290

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Buryat Wrestling.webm

Anonymous No. 163298

Anonymous No. 163310

I want to try judo or jj since years of boxing ruined my hands but I find the idea of hugging a man disgusting
How do you guys do it? Mostly it's the smell for me

Anonymous No. 163388

The gi means you rarely have to touch their bare skin and it sort of contains the smell. I’ve never found someone to be offensively odorous myself.
If this is a huge issue for you, definitely don’t to bjj because the ground game is mostly close physical contact, compared to standup which has a longer range.

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Anonymous No. 163437

Why can't I make people fly with (2 step) uchi mata? I'm always just tipping them over like pic rel

Anonymous No. 163441

Get lower and make your backstep deeper

Anonymous No. 163443

judo is so weird, why doesn't she just stand up?

Anonymous No. 163444

>why doesn’t she just stand up with the other persons body weight bearing down on her.

Anonymous No. 163445

Because the second she starts to stand she risks getting dumped on her back for ippon. Even if she made it to her feet, she'd be gripfighting from a severe disadvantage. If she gets a reset she's back to neutral. Under the ruleset it's a high risk low reward play. Also >>163444

Anonymous No. 163446

she has 2 full seconds from the time her knees hit the ground to before the other girl puts any pressure on her at all, and even then it's only on the arm
too bad judo has shit rules since it would be an easy wrestle up back to the feet

the more I see of judo the less I want to do it

Anonymous No. 163447

You absolute retard, she’s grabbing her own gi for dear life because of the opponent gets that arm she’s on a one way ticket to snap city via the armbar express.

Anonymous No. 163448

>the more I see of judo the less I want to do it
Then don’t, fuck off from the thread

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Anonymous No. 163449

yeah look how much danger she's in, I can't imagine what would happen if she continued to gently tug on her sleeve like that
you guys are awful ambassadors, no wonder your sport is dying

Anonymous No. 163450

It's just the stupid IJF competition meta. It's not like people in your average class sparring sessions are regularly doing this shit, especially now that every club has bjj guys there to crosstrain and judo guys taking bjj.

Anonymous No. 163453

>opponent has grips
>you don’t
>dead toes
Even if you could get back up in time you’re just immediately going to get slammed back to the mat for ippon. More likely you give them enough space by getting one foot back on the ground and you’ll have the opponent on your back with hooks in before you get back up. Turtling stalls them from getting hooks
>you’re on awful ambassador
And you’re a mouth breathing retard who says “lol I’d just stand up.” I don’t give a fuck about your retarded opinion you’ve self admitted isn’t based on experience. I’m not here to sell you on judo and if you’re going to just shit up the thread with your retarded opinions just leave.

Anonymous No. 163456

she could easily low single or invert into a leg entanglement
the girl standing is completely squared, she has no base. a stiff breeze would knock her over
how about instead of stalling in a turtle going REF SAVE MEEE!!! she actually tries to improve position

Anonymous No. 163457

>she could easily low single
Not allowed while the opponent is standing
>invert into a leg entanglement
lmao, bjj fags.
>how about instead of stalling in a turtle going REF SAVE MEEE!!! she actually tries to improve position
Risk vs reward, if it’s safer to turtle then it makes more sense to do so in competition. If you actually think you’d “just” improve your position against international level judoka with zero experience then start going to an olympians gym and showing them what’s what. I’m sure (you) will be a star in no time.
Nobody cares

Anonymous No. 163458

>lmao, bjj fags
maybe instead of talking shit you should learn how to do it so you aren't completely helpless down there
>If you actually think you’d “just” improve your position against international level judoka
I'm telling you we can start in what ever grounded position they want and there is a 0% chance they don't get tapped

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Anonymous No. 163460

>maybe instead of talking shit you should learn how to do it so you aren't completely helpless down there
>you have to invert onto your neck like a retard or else you’re completely helpless
> I'm telling you we can start in what ever grounded position they want and there is a 0% chance they don't get tapped
Cool, except this is judo so we start standing and also even in your scenario I guarantee international level players are going to outclass you. You’re not an Olympic level athlete.

Anonymous No. 163462

If they're willing to not be cowards and we can grab legs I'm happy to stand with anyone

Also a proper inversion isn't on the neck, it's on the shoulders, you should have the dexterity and flexibility to get your legs up to your head without lifting your back off the ground
Reminder: stack passing only works against fat inflexible fucks
If you can't comfortably put your own balls on your chin you're low level

Anonymous No. 163464

Ok dude start making public challenges. Tell them you’re about to walk in to the dojo with your bjj blue belt and take down teddy rhiner. Surely you’re serious and not just making bold statements while anonymously on the internet.

Anonymous No. 163466

It's really not even about me, you're putting me in a position where I have to bully judo people because you got really defensive that I pointed out that girls inability to do anything when her opponent had literally nothing holding her in position
She decided to turtle up scared instead of work from the bottom

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Anonymous No. 163467

>you're putting me in a position
You came in to this thread, asked a question, got two reasonable answers then responded “NUH-UH”, and that you didn’t want to do judo despite being in the judo thread. I didn’t “put” you anywhere or make you do anything retard. You’re the one who said you’d tap any international level judoka on the ground. Not my fault you’re a retard who doesn’t understand a sport, then makes absurd assertions about your own prowess when people explain why you’re wrong.

Anonymous No. 163468

>got two reasonable answers
I got called a retard and told to fuck off

She could've gone to her back, she was in no danger until she decided to do nothing

Anonymous No. 163469

Yes, you were told to fuck off after being answered here >>163444 and >>163445. Keep crying though I guess. Have the last word if you like.

Anonymous No. 163470

If you think that smarmy greentext non-answer was reasonable then you're a bigger chump than I thought
When I clearly demonstrated the woman standing was not in any way whatsoever "bearing down" on her

Anonymous No. 163495

wah wah

Anonymous No. 163521

>you’re just immediately going to get slammed back to the mat for ippon
you don't know that

Anonymous No. 163524

>Yes, you were told to fuck off after being answered here >>163444 and >>163445. Keep crying though I guess. Have the last word if you like.
>one is completely and visually wrong
>other answer is prediction

Anonymous No. 163526

What a cluster of nuts this thread has become, sport Judo has become so annoyingly volatile and alien that it just rapes any discussion about Judo and the people on here who spout off like this aren't doing it any favors. It doesn't help how flawed and how harder to back it has become after so many IJF rule changes that only cause it to become of further controversy and detach more and more from its original product. I wish sport Judo got a better wrap, it's a great expression of Judo outside of personally training and doing smaller tournaments or just free practice. But it's just too bloated with retards and gatekeeping.

Anonymous No. 163527

If a competent judoka has grips and you don’t you can be fairly well certain you’re hitting the mat.

Anonymous No. 163528

Gatekeeping is a good thing

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Anonymous No. 163530


Anonymous No. 163548

I feel like the more you post the less I believe you're competent at grappling at all
You come across as the kind of guy that Works out at a regular weight lifting gym and if you find out someone else wrestled in High school you keep trying to get them to roll with you over by the punching bag because there's a little 6x6 chunk of Mat space next to it
And if there are any takers you proceed to just lay on top of the guy and drive your forearm into his throat until he gets away and then you call it off and say you're tired

You're that guy

Anonymous No. 163553

I feel like the more you post the less I believe you're competent at all.
You come across as this sort of prima donna, you remind of these pseudointellectual Olympic weightlifters, the ones with small tattoos on their biceps or forearms and goatees or short beards who aren't the typical douchebags but they take themselves a little too serious even though if they were serious about Olympic weightlifting they wouldn't be at a Crossfit hybrid gym. They have this sort of fetishization with what they're doing but can't fit the pieces to why or how they do it. You're not really that gifted or disciplined or trained or whatever enough to actually go into the IWF so instead you rampantly gatekeep certain que techniques and disparage the idea of people wanting to become athletic from taking conventional weight training. You have this sort of low energy narcissistic personality, just enough to think that you're superior to conventional weight lifters and strength trainers (maybe even as far as D1 athletes) because you watch niche media talking about Olympic weightlifting and have finally pulled out a sloppy 106kg power clean. But you're not skilled or introspective enough to actually progress with intensity for yourself and try to become a greater lifter to actually compete and show off or even do a full clean. So instead, you spend your greater time talking about weightlifting techniques and arguing with people who don't even care that much about it. You're the epitome of 'eh.' You focus on the smaller things with the envision of succeeding and going to the IWF, but you'll always be here arguing on /oly/. You can't lighten up or strike with intensity. And when people say something against how you perform a pull or tell you that one technique someone used was suckier than the other you have to jump in with your pessimism, because that's your only counter. You're kind of like Squidward.

This is all conjecture of course and it implies you actually do any lifting.

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Anonymous No. 163556


Anonymous No. 163559

You read every word.

Anonymous No. 163560

I’m not even the guy you were replying to. I got bored of your rambling nonsense by the end of your first run on sentence. Learn how to write, retard.

Anonymous No. 163566

Sir, this is a judo thread

Anonymous No. 163592

I suck at both

Anonymous No. 163602

>You're kind of like Squidward

Anonymous No. 163612

got my first competition this Sunday bros
orange belt, been judoing for a little over a year now
wish me luck

Anonymous No. 163621

Good for you anon. Win or lose, you’re a real fighter after this.

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Anonymous No. 163775

Anonymous No. 163786

plz post more ippons

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Anonymous No. 163792


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Anonymous No. 163793


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Anonymous No. 163794


Anonymous No. 163797

this anon here I got a concussion LETS GOOOO

Anonymous No. 163798

well I mean no one said it was gonna be safe.

Anonymous No. 163821

>This is all conjecture of course and it implies you actually do any lifting.
Stopped reading right there

Anonymous No. 163827

osoto-otoshi all day every day

Anonymous No. 163887

Skill issue

Anonymous No. 163918


Anonymous No. 163958

got obliterated, 0 and 3
was in the brown belt pool though so I don't feel very bad about it
cool experience

Anonymous No. 163960

How does that happen? Were the organizers color blind?

Anonymous No. 163961

small competition, I think they were the only adults at 90kg who weren't blackbelts

Anonymous No. 163962

How did you lose?

Anonymous No. 163964

Competed for the first time last saturday
got 1 to 1 and ended at second place
been practcing judo for about 8 months now

Anonymous No. 163965

all three were by ippon- sasea, morote, and uchimata
wish I could have had more time on the ground, I was able to get my opponent into gaurd after being thrown in the first match and was going for a cross choke before the ref called it

Anonymous No. 163967

Get your grip underneath their stiff arm and grab them right in front of the shoulder, there should be a slight pocket of the gi you can grab there. Push your own arm forward, roll your shoulder, and lean your torso SLIGHTLY back. This will break their strong arm lapel grip

Anonymous No. 164028

why don't you cripple your sport some more, put more rules on it for the Olympics

Anonymous No. 164029

you sound like an Aikido guy now

Anonymous No. 164127

Congrats. Belt level?

Anonymous No. 164132

>8 months
>what belt
You can safely assume he was competing in the white to orange division

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Anonymous No. 164147

Anonymous No. 164148

i didnt know mongolia has pirates

Anonymous No. 164175

I meant his specific belt. Need a reference for how long it takes others to go to yellow/orange

Anonymous No. 164226

>need a reference
Why? If you want a reference I got my yellow belt after 3 months and I got my orange 6 months after that so a totally of about 9 months. I don’t remember when I got my green because I had been on and off at that point due to my job

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Anonymous No. 164477

Anonymous No. 164529

Gonna start training judo next week lads, any advice?
Also I'm friends with the instructors because we lift weights at the same gym, do I have to tone down the banter and shit talking because muh respect for sensei?

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Anonymous No. 164562

no more conjecture, we now have a real life event involving judo used in a life for death self defense situation
this situation is currently unfolding but in the last 48 hours someone was assaulted and only had judo to rely on

he was followed into the building where he works by 2 guys, they proceeded to jump him in the lobby, during the struggle one of them tried to choke him and got ipponed, judo guy then starts dropping hammer fists on him
mugger #2 jumps in and starts hitting him, they both make off with judo guys phone and wallet. At this point he realizes he has been stabbed twice and was transported to the hospital and is expected to make a full recovery.
fortunately he has a belly and the doctors said that protected his organs since the blade wasn't able to penetrate deep enough to hit his bowel
he said he didn't even feel the stabs. I guess adrenaline really do be like that

so does judo work for self defense? I really dont know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anonymous No. 164564

Is there a video? A news story? Also if he survived an attack be two guys with knives by himself the fact that he isn’t dead means judo worked for self defense. Also
> fortunately he has a belly and the doctors said that protected his organs since the blade wasn't able to penetrate deep enough to hit his bowel
Lmao, my man had Roman gladiator armor.

Anonymous No. 164565

this has to be one of the most autistic posts i've ever read on here

Anonymous No. 164567

Gotta keep personal details hush at the moment because it's a delicate situation since the guys got away with his ID he's under police protection now in case there's further retaliation. So maybe video to come in the future once it's all settled

There is news coverage but it doesn't have any details. I only know the details because I'm on the inside

Anonymous No. 164570

>tfw yellow belt for 2 years
>competing at nationals this year
sensei pls

Anonymous No. 164571

>I’m on the inside
You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

Anonymous No. 164572

Are you training consistently? I can’t imagine keeping anyone who putting in the effort at yellow that long. If you’re not improving despite showing up to class then your coach sucks.

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Anonymous No. 164575

not sure why you take issue with that

the news has no details, I'm giving you the details
any news article says "man stabbed and transported to hospital"
because he was the victim of a crime it's all confidential, the media doesn't know the details of what went down

Anonymous No. 164576

i moved and switched clubs about a year ago, but yeah ive still been yellow at this club for a year and some.
the people at my old club who started around the same time are green/blue now mostly
i won 8/10 fights in my last shiai in july, most by ippon. all my opponents were green or blue belts. the ones i lost were outside my weight class (10kg up and 40kg up) and by osae komi
i dont know why he wont promote me but i dont particularly care, i just want to fight and get better.

Anonymous No. 164595

Howdy y'all, just came here for the first time from r/Judo

I have a question, are mouthguards necessary for training?

I am afraid of getting my teeth knocked out from a throw, because that will be a massive yikes

Anonymous No. 164602

Go back

Anonymous No. 164605

I think thats the right attitude. I'm green (gokyu) and a few of my peers got promoted to blue in the spring and I did not. But I was gone for some time from injuries, so I get it. It doesnt make me any better at judo, its just flair. I do play with a chip on my shoulder and hunting ippons on blue belts.

Anonymous No. 164621

>tfw yellow belt for 2 years
>i dont know why he wont promote me but i dont particularly care, i just want to fight and get better.

Why lie to yourself NIGGA?!

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Anonymous No. 164680

How long does it take to get good at Judo?
When I say good I mean like winning at the national level, I have a BJJ background of about 5 years on/off
Should I give it at least 3 years?

Anonymous No. 164683

That’s going to entirely depend on how often you train. If you have five years of bjj you’ll probably do well, very quickly, within the white belt division if you apply yourself.

Anonymous No. 164751

Anyone dabble in Greco? What are good cross over takedowns/throws between judo and greco

Anonymous No. 164753

Anybody had a bulging or herniated disc in their neck?
Does collagen help speed up recovery?

Anonymous No. 164756

I would be interested in hearing more about this

Anonymous No. 164784


What is your ONE move?

Anonymous No. 164786

Harai makikomi. No one else at my dojo scores with this shit but I just love doing it and I do it well.

Anonymous No. 164795

Judo brain rot lol. "BJJ is impractical because there is so much guard puling in the competition meta and would get you killed in a real fight
"Um ackchually turtling being competition meta doesn't discredit Judo as an art even though it would get you killed in real life because the rules say you cant do anything good besides turtle up! and also MY gym practices REAL judo where we DONT turtle up cause were REAL fighters"

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Anonymous No. 164798

There’s literally nothing said about guard pulling in that post. There’s nothing about not turtling at muh reel judo dojo in that post. Each combat sport has a meta. I don’t see judofags going into bjj general to talk wild amounts of shit about a sport meta they don’t properly understand. Yet for some reason insecure bjj fags keep coming here. I’m sorry kimura permanently broke the bjj psyche but I would ask you take your autistic meltdown elsewhere.

Anonymous No. 164815

Osoto Gari is the classic and works, Ouchi more like "Oh Shite my balls gari."

Anonymous No. 164823

Yama arashi, Shiro Saigo edition.

Anonymous No. 164824

its the exact same criticism judokas have of bjj applied to turtling lol

Anonymous No. 164828

Cool, nobody cares though

Anonymous No. 164831

except you

Anonymous No. 164849

Well, I just gave a white belt a mild concussion. My instructors insisted that it was not my fault that he did not tuck his chin properly. This guy has been coming consistently for the past 2-3 months and has a BJJ stripe. Doesnt feel great but both my lead instructor and his assistant reassured me. I think the ground just hits faster outside of Ukemi. I'm a green belt.

Would it be gay if I brought him some flowers from my garden?

Anonymous No. 164882

>Would it be gay if I brought him some flowers from my garden?
You mean like as a prank? Like a big “haha fuck you I gave you a concussion so now here’s some drossy flowers you big fat pussy FAGGOT! Ahahahahgaha” kind of joke? Hell yeah dude that sounds based you should do it.

Anonymous No. 164891

>flowers from your garden
I mean if you want to fuck him in the mouth afterwards then yeah go for it.

Anonymous No. 164902

Honestly depends on the dojo, you’re better off asking him than us. Where I train there’s usually some banter going during warm ups and warm downs that includes some jokes targeted at the sensei. I’m sure there are some places where that happens to a lesser extent. It doesn’t affect the respect for the sensei though, because that’s based on his skill and experience at judo not how good his banter is.
Obviously do not interrupt him giving instructions though.

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Anonymous No. 164907

White belt here.

Is rushing a dick-move or cause disqualification? In competition's specifically. I'm a stockier guy and can really use my body and weight more explosively, so instead of doing grip stuff and fighting for grips I just wait my opponent to open himself up and I usually just clothesline and throw my body into the other guy while doing something like osoto gari. I know it's bad technique, but I am technically off balancing them by waiting for an opening? Is it a dick move? I've done pretty well by it but I don't know. I still use proper form for something like osoto gari of koshi guruma but I just launch myself into them instead of doing the whole off-balance with grips thing.

Anonymous No. 164911

>hey guys I’m doing that sport where you’re supposed to move with an opponents momentum to throw them
>should I throw all my momentum at someone?
Come on bro, you can figure out why this is a bad idea, right?

Anonymous No. 164912

No cause it's working

Anonymous No. 164915

It only works because you're at white belt. The moment you run into another stocky guy who's explosive and has good technique, you're going to have a bad time.

Anonymous No. 164918

Maybe, I've done work with brown belts and green belts but they weren't exactly my build. It's definitely not some secret end-all move because I do it sometimes and people will catch me and kill the momentum. I just feel like it's a mean way of doing moves and I'm worried if I'll get penalized for it.

Anonymous No. 164926

You might be penalised for not “doing grip stuff” for being overly defensive. How do you even get them off balance if they have grips and you don’t? Especially if you’re in the same weight class?

Anonymous No. 164928

Do you have a video of yourself or someone doing this clothesline move

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Anonymous No. 164932

No but here's a picture I drew.

Anonymous No. 164933

That's the thing, I'm not defensive at all. After we bow, I usually just get a bit closer quickly and once I've closed enough distance but not enough to stop myself from generating power I throw my right arm to the guy's collar and slam my body into them while taking a big lunge behind them. My osoto gari looks like a fucked up hip throw and I hardly reap, just plant my foot behind them while pushing down and to the side.

Anonymous No. 164935

And if it doesn’t work and they have grips do you disengage and try again? If you do that a bunch you might get penalised, refs get pissed when people keep resetting as soon as they’re at a grip disadvantage.
Otherwise I don’t see any problem as long as it works, but I doubt it really would at a high level. It also sounds like it might risk your opponents knee if it “looks like a fucked up hip throw” if you block their leg too high and put their entire weight pushing sideways on the knee.

Anonymous No. 164976

Its bit of a dick move, but hey if it it works it works, but I wouldn't gamble on it in competition format if I were you.

Train at least some basic shitters that you can do with little learning to make it look passable.

Anonymous No. 165000

>And if it doesn’t work and they have grips do you disengage and try again?
It hasn't happened yet so I don't know, usually if they do get some kind of grip I just either overpower them or on the very rare occasion I do break them off and back up I try to wait for another opening and lunging inwards again.
>Train at least some basic shitters that you can do with little learning to make it look passable.
I only train osoto gari. I might try to do koshi guruma if someone is pushing on to me or I just instinctually wrap my arm too far around their neck and head.

Anonymous No. 165033

Do you guys know anyone who sells 100% Cotton Judo gis?

Anonymous No. 165047


Anonymous No. 165128

Ok thanks, I'm going later today, I'll just see what the vibe's like

Anonymous No. 165131

>it’s working
>I only train osoto gari
Anon this is probably going to sound condescending but you really need to hear it. Even if we assume your osoto is world class perfection (it isn’t), only training that, especially this early into your journey, is fucking retarded and only going to lead you to a very long skill plateau. As a whitebelt, you need to experiment with a lot of different throws to find what works best for you and you need to be willing to change those throws as you begin to advance. Only training the stuff you’re already good at is almost certainly going to be a waste of time and will only end up with you staying at a low level until you’re willing to change. Work your grips. Work odd throws. Osoto will be waiting for you when you’ve attained mastery.

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Anonymous No. 165196

Anonymous No. 165197

I do experiment and play with other throws, I just have devoted my time to osoto gari. Like I said, sometimes I will try koshi guruma.

Anonymous No. 165506

Am I allowed to grab the leg from turtle? Say if opponent tries to turn me over from the front, can I shoot for a low single?

Anonymous No. 165599

Once newaza has started you can grab their legs but you won’t score for take downs.

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Anonymous No. 165605

Anonymous No. 165710

It's not rare for heavyweights to just ram into people. Whatever works for you, buddy. But if you're only doing it on other white belts it doesn't mean much yet, I mean a white belt can go down from the shittiest throw attempts. It's only a dick move if you're doing it against someone half your size or with much lower skills. Just be careful with osoto ramming stuff, I almost blew out a guy's knee doing that kind of throw.

Anonymous No. 165853

New rule:

If you make personal declarations or provide advice about Judo, either sport or traditional, you MUST post your Gi and belt. Or else everything will be disregarded.

Anonymous No. 165860

>this sounds really annoying but it would end so many 100 post arguments that I am in full support

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Anonymous No. 166163

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Anonymous No. 166307

>1 yr into judo
>i haven't learned ANYTHING significant from my sensei past the 2 month mark (ukemi, osoto, ogoshi)
>literally everything I've learned and am praised by my sensei is from fucking YouTube
>tfw I'm just paying to practice on the mats and randori with people

Anonymous No. 166310

Bro what the fuck? Is your coach not teaching technique during class? What the fuck is the class structure?

Anonymous No. 166342

>class structure
all over the place
>divide class into two, competitors (including me) and casuals
>competitors do a circuit workout that involves bodyweight stuff and throwing each other on a crash mat (designed by BJJ professor from same gym)
>casuals do ukemi and maybe some ashi waza drills
After that it's all over the fucking place. E with no set curriculum. Examples:
>he'll randomly ask you to get a partner and throw each other 10 times with your 'favorite' throw.
>order a BJJ blackbelt in class to teach us newaza.
>knee wrestling (i just ask my partner to take turns turtling rather than grip fighting on my knees)
>20 min talk of the same shit we heard thousands of times
>shiai where only 2 people use the mat and everyone else just watches. not bad, but used very excessively and eats up time. you'll be lucky if you're called more than once to test your skills on a resisting opponent
I can count on my 2 hands the amount of times he actually taught us something novel and let us drill it. I had to figure shit out on my own.

Anonymous No. 166344

Is the instructor even participating? It sounds like he’s just phoning it in so as to avoid teaching actual lessons. Why the fuck is a bjj black belt teaching more newaza technique at a judo class than the judo black belt is teaching tachiwaza?

Anonymous No. 166356

He's old so he can't really participate much. Honestly I don't even know anymore, it's the only Judo club within a hundred km radius.

Anonymous No. 166357

If you’re just learning bjj then it’s not really a judo club anymore.

Anonymous No. 166360

Here's another
>drop seoi and kata guruma my highest percentage throws in class
>fascinated with uchi mata
>practice, practice, practice
>can do it decently against guys my own weight and below
>try it on guys 2-3 weight classes above
>it's shit and sensei never passes the opportunity to shit on it
>tells me to stop wasting my time and just do my drop seoi and kata guruma
>tell him I just really like the throw and want to practice it
>"practice it when I'm not looking"
What the fuck? This really pisses me off considering I've been working so hard on practicing the throw. Am I in the wrong here or is being pigeonholed part of training? Note that I'm only 1yr into Judo.

Anonymous No. 166361

I'd say it's distinct enough from the BJJ class in the same gym. But I'm still disappointed. Also >>166360 is another problem that surfaced recently.

Anonymous No. 166363

Yeah this guy sounds like a retard. It’s one thing to say not to focus on throws you’re not good at if your competition prepping the fact that he doesn’t even want to teach one of the highest scoring throws at a bad sign.

Anonymous No. 166365

Yeah we're not even prepping for competition at the moment. What do you suggest I do, anon?

Anonymous No. 166366

Are there any higher level students you could work new techniques with or are they all doing the same stuff over and over again too? I’d tell you just to find a different dojo but you said it’s the only one for 100 km

Anonymous No. 166368

>higher level students
None. The club is new so we're all fresh, save for a brown belt in his 40s who last practiced Judo in the 90s. He's the BJJ black belt in our class. I like my fellow competitors though because they take it as seriously as I do.

Anonymous No. 166369

I don’t know then bro, ask them to teach more tachi waza technique. If there’s no other option then there’s no other option.

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Anonymous No. 166576

Headed into class for the first time in a few weeks. For over a year I've been pumping myself up and going twice a week for a few weeks and then going MIA for 2-3 weeks (mostly due to edibles, which I'm going to kick this time.). Wish me luck on being consistent this time anons, trying to make my ancestors at least a little proud

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Anonymous No. 166861

Anonymous No. 166873


People getting stabbed? People using martial arts in a confrontation? Impossible you must be shitting me!

Lmao is not like he made some bold claims

Anonymous No. 166875


I got concussed by a fucking 16 y/o chick with a spinning hook kick once, is a combat sport is been known to happen. You had no ill inteant is part of the game

Anonymous No. 166877


Starting Judo next week coming from a stiking background, being a tall hyperflexible (full middle and front split, can walk doing a bridge) lanket what throws should i prioritize learning? What Judokas i should study?

Anonymous No. 166882

Tai Otoshi

Anonymous No. 166889


thanks fren, grappling is so incredibly vast so as a beginner you get overwhelmed by the options

I picked judo because it has a guard that's similar to the striking arts while wrasslers and greco roman are impractical for striking, any anon has any experience in transitioning from judo to no gi grappling like for mma? can you reliable defend takedowns with judo? im too old to compete in judo but i look to integrate some of it for mma being an outfighter i hope to use it as an option to get out from harsh infighting and deal with grapplers, does it make sense?

Anonymous No. 166890

How much do you weigh?

Anonymous No. 166891


1.89 cm and something around 83 kg

Anonymous No. 166893

Yeah tai otoshi like the other anon said, uchi mata, most throws will work with your build to be honest

Anonymous No. 166894


i always assumed it was a stocky dwarf man sport but to be honest i know nothing about it other than it looks cool/efficient and has some very compelling rappresentation in mma, i hope to be able to blend it with my striking and cover my weakness (infighting, grappling)

Also knowing how to fall cant hurt i guess

Anonymous No. 166896

Tall people generally do well with ashi waza. Osoto gari, Sasae tsurikomi ashi, de ashi harai, Okuri ashi harai, and when you have a little more experience uchi mata as well. Also as the other anon said tai otoshi is good for people with long limbs.
I’ve never had an mma fight but I do dabble in striking and have cross trained both nogi jiujitsu and catch wrestling. Judo has served me well and will give you really good balance in the clinch, though you’ll obviously need to make adjustments. Outside of judo (or inside if you’ve got people in your dojo willing to work nogi and leg attacks occasionally) you will really need to work on your sprawl since it’s not something you typically have to worry about in judo comps but is an essential skill in nogi grappling.

I’m confused though why you think you’re too old for judo but young enough for mma. MMA isn’t any easier on the body than judo is.

Anonymous No. 166897

>I always assumed it was a stocky dwarf man sport but to be honest i know nothing about it other than it looks cool/efficient
Judo does tend to produce a lot of stocky fighters but there’s big man judo, small man judo, fat man judo and thing man judo. You just have to apply the judo best for your body type.

Anonymous No. 166900


my reasoning is to integrate judo to my mma rather than aiming to compete in judo as i am a total noob in grappling but i have a passable striking.
I have been doing only striking and while transitioning in mma i realized that lacking so much in grappling is a hole that needs to be filled, i hope that judo might do that.

Plus is cool and i dont feel i would be enjoying say wrestling or bjj as much

i suspected that seeing that there are a lot of throws but for a total noob finding the right ones by himself would take way more time than asking fellow autists on the judo general in /xs/, i have a friend that also goes there so i know what to work on outside the dojo

Thanks to everybody for the inputs, if you pay no mind to the schizos this board is filled with wisdom

Anonymous No. 166904

>Plus is cool and i dont feel i would be enjoying say wrestling or bjj as much
Rule of cool is number 1 for training. People get so worried about min/maxing their training like a fucking rpg on this board that they end up doing shit they don’t like and burning out. I’m glad you realize the utility of fun.
>I suspected that seeing that there are a lot of throws but for a total noob finding the right ones by himself would take way more time than asking fellow autists on the judo general in /xs/
As I mentioned before, people with longer limbs generally do better with ashi waza. However, it’s important that you let the throws come to you through practice. Maybe this isn’t everyone’s experience but as I was coming up through the ranks I really wanted to be good at specific throws, but then found my tokui waza was something completely different than I expected simply because it worked for me. It’s Judo, embrace the ju and go with the flow.

Anonymous No. 166907

I personally find judo more fun than wrestling or brazilian judo (BJJ), I have translated most of my judo over to no gi as I wrestle too, but it does take some getting used to. But after that I am better than the average wrestler I go up against.

Anonymous No. 166908


Thanks fren, i actually went to lmao tkd just because i like spinning shit (and found out there that apparently having a middle split is not the norm, for the blackbelts to see the trial class guy coming from boxing with a middle split was quite the experience), maybe is not the most optimal but rule of cool will forever be my number 1 rule.

I'll keep your advice in mind, i do belive that we tend to somewhat gravitate towards some specific techniques that are "meant for us", ill see where the flow will bring me.

Thanks again for the good advice

Anonymous No. 166910


You are probably the best person to ask this then, how much of judo actually translates to wrassling? can you stop or maybe even counter their takedowns with judo?

I know that a good part of it comes down to the practitioner but lets say id put more trust on say judo rather than some meme mcdojo art (the gym i'll go produced olympian contenders so should be sound on that regards)

Anonymous No. 166911

Tai otoshi is the most awkward throw I've seen in judo. I've seen so many people who can't get it right. I can't get it right most of the time either, despite years of trying.

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Anonymous No. 166913

The problem I’ve noticed with a lot of things people is that they try to wrap the opponents arm around their body like they’re doing a hip throw when in reality you need to pull them straight out and over your leg. In fact it helps if you pull them forward and up until midway through the throw and then pull them hard downwards. Too many people for get that tai otoshi is in fact a HAND technique.
>pic related
It may appear as if tori is pulling the arm across his body but that is only because the opponent has a grip there. The kuzushi is directly forward.

Anonymous No. 166918

It all comes down to how much you work and if there will be anyone at your gym who will put in time to train after a class. I can counter and stop others takedowns but that is because I have trained to, if you can't do an uchi mata to someone on a crash pad, then you aren't doing it to someone who is getting a single leg on you. What tends to happen in wrestling vs judo in my experience is that wrestling is simpler and easier to learn with more chances to chain those simple things, judo lets you do a complete counter where you can land into side control or mount if done correctly, but has to be more precise. I am primarily a judoka but I have trained to use my skillset in wrestling, as first it was confusing but after a bit I adjusted and consider myself better than average.

Anonymous No. 166933

Judobros, how easy is it to ACTUALLY fuck somebody up by Judoing them.on concrete? I'm talking throw someone with enough authority that they're 100% not getting back up, either because they're knocked out, have fractures or even died. Assuming you have the skills is Judo actually as good as people claim it to be at incapacitating someone?

What are the best throws to achieve that?

Anonymous No. 166934

There’s no easy answer to this question because it depends on a lot of factors, not the least of which is what throw you do and how well you do it. I have thrown people to floor in fights outside of the dojo three times in my life. The first was an incredibly sloppy hip throw on to a gravel parking lot. He wasn’t hurt bad enough to give me a chance to take side control and beat on him. The second time was on grass, I threw the guy with a much cleaner harai goshi which knocked the wind out of him and gave him a limp for the rest of the day, though he claimed to his friends Thats just because he was doing squats the day before not because I tossed him (lol). The third time was also on to grass with te guruma. Once again the throw didn’t hurt him bad enough to end the fight but allowed me to take mount where the guy I was fighting started yelling “I’m done!” After he realized he was about to get gnp’ed. So there you go, out my incredibly large sample size of three only one throw ended the fight immediately but the other two allowed me to gain dominant position to finish. If you want to add a fourth instance, I myself got surprises tackled once but still won the fight choking the other guy from bottom.

All this happened in my early 20s by the way. I don’t get into street fights anymore.

Anonymous No. 166938

I was just thinking the other day that I wouldn't want to fall on concrete or blacktop gently, especially as a larger person. If I was pushed down with some force it would hurt pretty bad but probably wouldn't be fight ending, though there is always a chance depending on how good the throw is and how someone lands

Anonymous No. 166940

I've heard people say a good judoka could force you to land on your head or neck on some throws and give significant spinal injuries as well as for example breaking your collarbone. Is that true?

Anonymous No. 166942

People are more likely to land on their head and break their shit in general on street fights because people in street fights don’t know how to fall. Could you manipulate someone into cracking their skull? Potentially, but in general when the chips are down people revert to their lowest level of training which means they’re going to do the same stuff they’ve already done a thousand times before. Once again though, a judo throw executed on someone who doesn’t know how to fall is far more likely to result in a catastrophic injury. Hell, I’ve seen multiple people who ought to know how to fall snap their arms reaching for the ground in judo comps and I’m pretty sure it was Jimmy Pedro that nearly snapped his neck in the Olympics trying to cartwheel out of a throw. Case in point:
>inb4 YouTube shorts
I fucking hate them too but YouTube automatically converted all old videos under 60 seconds into shorts awhile back. It’s mega gay.

Anonymous No. 166943

being thrown on concrete can hurt badly, judo or not.
the biggest danger is landing on your head. even if you land safely it can still hurt your joints, back, shoulders. considering that the average joe has no experience in being thrown or breakfalling makes it even more dangerous.
>What are the best throws to achieve that?
you want to go to prison that bad, bro?

Anonymous No. 166946

>you want to go to prison that bad, bro?
I'm Brazilian, if I kill a mugger at most the police will give a pat on the back and a ride home. No interest in street fights at all, and even in the case of "self defense" my question is mostly academic.

Anonymous No. 166948

Then see >>166942, people who don’t know how to fall crack their heads on the pavement. You should probably buy a gun if you haven’t already though living in that shithole.

Anonymous No. 166951

you want me to go to prison that bad, bro?

And as I've said, I'm not actually interested in Judo for the purposes of self defense, just trying to get a feel for the POTENTIAL Judo has to decisively end an altercation. While I'm seriously considering getting into it again (did it as a kid for almost 2 years) it's purely because I love Judo, I love watching Judo and I have very fond memories of training it.

Anonymous No. 166958

okay, i see. i was saying it because depending on where you live you can end up in jail even if it was in self-defense.

Anonymous No. 166962

A juror would actually look more favorable at you if you did a Judo throw on someone instead of gunning them down.

Anonymous No. 166964

I wasn’t telling him to buy a gun for legal purposes but for practical purposes. In any case that is not true and going to depend on way too many factors to say definitively what is going to look worse to a juror. If deadly force is justified whether or not you use a gun is going to be irrelevant. However, if I was a sleezy shitbag prosecutor I could argue that you weren’t REALLY in fear for your life because you used your hands instead of a weapon and that if you have martial arts training you should have had more control so as not to kill the victim.

At the very least this is my American law perspective, I have no idea how Brazilian courts work. Hell, we know from that recent BJJ accident that if you shell out a couple grand you can hire a Gracie to act as an expert witness and say you hurt someone negligently.

Anonymous No. 166966

pick one

Anonymous No. 166984

Like I said, I have no idea how brazils legal system works. I imagine there’s a lot of summary executions

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Anonymous No. 167010

judokas be like
>i'm safe now :)

Anonymous No. 167011

Nobody reply seriously to this shitpost, I’m begging you

Anonymous No. 167014

>The gi means you rarely have to touch their bare skin
kek good one

Anonymous No. 167015

standing kata guruma

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Kano Jigoro. - Ko....jpg

Anonymous No. 167017

>Also knowing how to fall cant hurt i guess
This is probably the most useful skill I've gotten from martial arts and combat sports.

Anonymous No. 167018

Relative to a boxing clinch this is true, relative to a conversation with a bank teller it is not. Pay more attention to context and maybe you can pass as less autistic.

Anonymous No. 167024

my point is that if you're afraid of skin-to-skin contact, maybe you should consider a different sport

Anonymous No. 167039

Why are BJJ fags like this?

Anonymous No. 167042

You'll be smelling as bad as him anyway.

Anonymous No. 167078

If he tolerated shirtless and sweaty boxing hugs for years I think he'll be okay with thick cotton pajama dancing.

Anonymous No. 167133

I catch people with drop ouchi with some regularity.

Anonymous No. 167134

Back to judo after the old gym kinda dispersed with infighting bullshit. My main thing is MMA rn and i have to decide between judo and wrestling. Am i making a mistake in choosing Judo to deepen my MMA knowledge? Sincerely asking bc i am really unsure after ages for once regarding a martial arts question

Anonymous No. 167135

Why not both?

Anonymous No. 167139

Current plan looks like this:
>MMA Monday, Wednesday, Friday
>Tuesday: Choosing between Boxing or Karate
(i know this seems like a no brainer but i have a karate base, it always worked well for me and i frequently use kicks and am accustomed to Karate fighting tactics)
Thursday: Grappling (Judo or Wrestling)
Friday: After MMA training, Judo.

I should have clarified that i def train Judo Fridays. The problem with Wrestling is:
1. That Wrestling Gym is semi infamous for attracting "interesting" characters. Really shady characters from what i heard. Still i never have been there in person and i try to refrain from forming an opinion before visiting.
2. 20 minute longer drive

Before you ask why am not doing MT instead Karate/Boxing, the closest MT gym is run by a lunatic who doesnt give a shit about his fighters health and its frequently visited by known criminals. Its a shithole.

Anonymous No. 167141

>That Wrestling Gym is semi infamous for attracting "interesting" characters. Really shady characters from what i heard.
What does this even mean? Is it a secret fetish club?

Anonymous No. 167144

I meant gang members and apparently famous bikers. Basically this city has a gang problem.

Anonymous No. 167153

Lmfao do you live in a kung fu movie? That sounds fucking based you should join them and become a henchman

🗑️ Punkrockprincess No. 167155
Add me Punrockprincess and I kick your ass

Anonymous No. 167162

> Gang infested city.

Yeah sounds like you live in the Philly right?

Anonymous No. 167164

I ain't clicking that shit nigga

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Anonymous No. 167183

Thoughts on the welcomematstevescott YouTube channel? I recently discovered it and it seems like a good resource despite the quality of some of the videos.

I started working this elbow roll grip sumi-gaeshi and I've seen some success with it.

Anonymous No. 167186

Do we think the Dior bag grip will see a drop in popularity following this performance?

Anonymous No. 167215

I am glad that you find that funny but i really would like some advice. I personally have fucking enough of some thugs that spar to hurt you or dont want you there bc you arent a member.
Western Europe. Theres a lot of criminality in certain gyms around the country and full contact places often suffer under a platitude of gang members or shady characters attending them. Of course its not always the case but if the headcoach doesnt throw certain people put it often becomes their hotspot.

Anonymous No. 167242

It sounds like you already have your answer, if you don’t want to rub shoulders with the people at the wrestling club just do judo.

Anonymous No. 167245

Seems to me like ground and pound is the most sure way to end a fight in mma (refs will stop the fight if they "cant defend themselves anymore") so Judo seems like it wi9ll do a good job at getting the other guy on the ground with you in a good position to start ground and pound

Anonymous No. 167259

They're pretty good even if a lot of their videos were filmed on a flip phone. They're also active in the US Sambo scene and one of the small handful of places trying to make freestyle judo happen. Good books too.

>greco roman are impractical for striking
Greco-Roman wrestlers are the ones with the best track record for MMA. A lot of it is that you're already standing upright, so the transition between striking and wrestling is easier.

Anonymous No. 167262

Im really at the fence about it but i guess at the end of the day i just have to check it out

🗑️ Anonymous No. 167268

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1292
Disdainful Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread: >>443945495

Anonymous No. 167351


Netherlands or maybe Germany to be precise, right?

Anonymous No. 167411


Greco Roman leads too much with the head imho, judo has a more realistic guard as far as striking is concerned imho

wrasslers dominate mma but without any striking, im mostly a striker looking to fill his gaps in grappling rather than being the next khabib

Anonymous No. 167413

Not that I'm that up-to-date on the rules, but don't you need to get at least 1 grip before you throw?

What country are you in, it surely has a syllabus right? In Australia it's brain-dead easy to get your yellow belt. It's like the first 8 from Gokyo, a turnover and two holds or something, which I imagine you already know.

Why are you posting a shirt? You know Judo is done with a gi right?

Anonymous No. 167422

The biggest problem with Judo for MMA are two things: The Gi and many throws show the back to your opponent. The practice with the Gi must be translated to a No Gi enviroment. A good wrestler will use some of the entries of specific throws to immediatley take the back, which is very often a death sentence in MMA.

Anonymous No. 167425

>A good wrestler will use some of the entries of specific throws to immediatley take the back
I’ve fought with wrestlers and BJJfags who insist that this is a huge risk with turning throws yet I’ve never had it happen to me a single time except with dropping throws like drop seoi nage, which is not a throw I really reccomend in general.

Anonymous No. 167512

Karo Parisyan, the household name for Judo in MMA, often fell into that trap where people got his back when tried throws like tai otoshi or seoi nage. Granted, that was more in the earlier days where some concepts werent as established as today in MMA Grappling but these pitfalls still exists today . thats the reason why you dont see these throws in Matches nowadays were competent grapplers fight

Anonymous No. 167532

>thats the reason why you dont see these throws in Matches nowadays were competent grapplers fight
You don’t think that has more to do with the fact that “competent grapplers” are harder to throw? Use your head dumbass.

Anonymous No. 167599

You take this really personal dont you? Lol
If these throws are harder to commit against competent grapplers in general then the problem still persist. You still see back takes and the usual wrestling stuff against high level grapplers, unlike turning throws. Face it, they are a legit problem to execute in high level MMA and im not saying this to belitte Judo. There are enough techniques and tricks you learn that are very useful for Judo regardless

Anonymous No. 167603

>they are a legit problem to execute
I’m not trying to say that it’s easy or hard to do them in mma only that the people saying “bro if you turn for a hip throw you’ll totally get your back taken!” Are nonsensical retards. There’s plenty of reasons they may not be used as much in mma that have nothing to do with muh back takes. Quite frankly I’m shocked there aren’t far more hip throws off the cage since it seems like a good place to utilize them considering the opponent quite literally can’t move backwards to stuff the throw.

Anonymous No. 167660

>Karo Parisyan often fell into that trap where people got his back when tried throws like tai otoshi or seoi nage
Karo didn't often get his back taken off of failed turning throws. He was more likely to concede and let his back get taken so he could slap on a kimura.

>thats the reason why you dont see these throws in Matches nowadays were competent grapplers fight
Islam Makhachev and Charlies Olieviera, two of the best grapplers in MMA today, both utilized turning throws in their fight and neither got their back taken off of it. In fact I'd make the claim that turning throws are more common now in MMA than they were back then. Most MMA fighters who get their back taken are shitty WMMA fighters doing shitty head and arm throws.

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Karo Parisyan vs ....webm

Anonymous No. 167721

Anonymous No. 167746

>Karo didn't often get his back taken off of failed turning throws. He was more likely to concede and let his back get taken so he could slap on a kimura.

That shit would cost him any match today

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Kadimagomedov use....webm

Anonymous No. 167860

It's a legit way to get out of a back bodylock that's still used today, though he'd likely get into trouble for it with how often he goes for it were he still competing.

Anonymous No. 167862

I didn’t know wrestlers were allowed to just hang on to submissions like that.

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Karo Parisyan vs ....webm

Anonymous No. 167864

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Mark Schultz v. T....webm

Anonymous No. 167866

They aren't. Mark Schultz got DQ'd for breaking a Turkish wrestler's arm for it in the Olympics. You can still use a kimura to turnover people, but you can't crank it as a submission. It's a gray area.

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Dave Schultz kimu....webm

Anonymous No. 167867

Anonymous No. 167868

I actually remember seeing that specific takedown with the kimura lock in an old school jujutsu book. I hadn’t seen it actually preformed until now but I can see why people don’t do it competition lol.

Anonymous No. 167920

The right answer is seoi nage.

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Anonymous No. 167984

>two guys have been kicked out of the dojo in the last 8 months
>they're both black

Anonymous No. 167986

It looks like he purposefully took it behind the back which cranks the submission, I use a kimura for a defense against doubles, singles, and duck unders all the time and never have I broke someones arm. It could also be that the other wrestler thought he could get out by doing that since I doubt he has seen it all that much if at all so he tried bringing his arm out which allowed for the crank. I usually bring my partners arm to their stomach before I go under

Anonymous No. 167990

What did they do

Anonymous No. 167992

>intentionally hurting people during randori (must always win mentality)
>jealous of another member getting promoted despite being newer than him

Anonymous No. 168051

>intentionally hurting people during randori (must always win mentality)

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Anonymous No. 168054

Wrong sport, you are supposed to learn Bushido principles when doing Japanese MA.

Anonymous No. 168063

I have the integrity to tell you I'm going to go really hard during randori
I have respect for those who also go really hard during randori
I have the heroic courage to go really hard during randori
I honor those who go really hard in randori
I have compassion for those who go really hard in randori
I have the honesty and sincerity to tell you that I'm going really hard in randori
I have the duty to myself to go really hard in randori and must stay loyal to that and the art of Judo

Anonymous No. 168067

Lmfao, save it for shiai you autistic faggot

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Anonymous No. 168119

but i just want to throw people...?

Anonymous No. 168130

Any tips for no-gi Judo? We're doing a no-gi match with some BJJ guys from the same club. How do I put myself in a position to do my throws?

Anonymous No. 168148

Control the head.

Anonymous No. 168164

This is just Wude all over again, just japanized

Anonymous No. 168216

Be way more careful about getting good kuzushi before fitting in for a throw as well, your grips aren’t going to be good enough to keep pulling them through it if they aren’t really off balance

Anonymous No. 168678

Wrestling-style headlock takedown and standing kata guruma are your best bets.

Anonymous No. 168798

This is not something you gonna win if they train no gi. Im saying this not to discredit your Judo skills but just being brutally honest with my own expierences. No Gi is a complete different game. Adjust your grips to one hand controlling the hand and the other as an underhook. Drill sprawling before the match

Anonymous No. 168923


Replying to myself as i did a week of judo (gym has classes 5/7)

Question might be stupid but how do i avoid risky leg entanglements? Is something that gets shouted often by the instructor but my grappling iq is way too low to differentiate a situation where sweeping or hooking the opponent leg might be ok vs risky, how can i be sure im not risking anything?

Asking since i also accidentally fucked badly my friend knee once in mma with a basic foot sweep that was just well timed and with almost zero force. How can i throw them safely?

Anonymous No. 168927

If you’ve only been doing it for a week just be patient. You have years, or even decades of time to train and you’ll benefit yourself and your peers’ safety by refraining from going for potentially risky techniques when you aren’t sure.
Generally speaking you shouldn’t be going with your opponent after any cleanly performed ashiwaza except for an ouchi gari. Most of the danger from leg entangelements comes from two bodies pressing down on one knee or ankle. If you don’t think you can bring your opponent down without also going with them, just don’t commit. It still works as a feint/distraction and you’ll learn how to remain up while taking them down.
Also generally speaking, techniques where you move them sideways are going to be the most dangerous because the knee obviously shouldn’t be moved sideways, so you could try only committing to techniques where you’re cleanly behind or in front of the opponent.
As you get taught in detail how to utilise each technique you’ll understand when it’s okay, it’s good that you’re conscious of safety early and don’t about caution slightly slowing down your progress because leading 5% less each session is worth avoiding months long rehabilitation periods.

Anonymous No. 169005


Thanks fren truly appreciate those tips

Anonymous No. 169006

Also how the fuck did you fuck his knee with a foot sweep? Did you go down on top of him after? Surely his own weight can’t have done it?

Anonymous No. 169026

It is almost impossible for us to tell based on article alone. But like the other anon said you'll grow out of it

Anonymous No. 169057


Fuck if I know m8, guy was 1.90 mt 100kg gorilla with huge ass arms and almost never trained legs, he threw a stepping jab and I swept his foot before he planted and he had to get fucking surgery to his knee.
Didn’t fall on him or nothing but now I don’t want to hurt another fren

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Anonymous No. 169099

Anons, my Judo Coach (at BJJ gym) often says the word "Oish" "Oush" or something like that
What does that mean in a Judo context?

Anonymous No. 169156

He’s saying “osu” which literally means “push” in Japanese. The thing is retards in the west say it because they think it means to push yourself, but in actual Japanese it just means push as in to push an object. I don’t know why people started using it like this in the west, they don’t do it in Japan.

Anonymous No. 169247

okay, weeb

Anonymous No. 169278

>I don’t know why people started using it like this in the west, they don’t do it in Japan.
You've never been to a Judo or Kyo dojo in nipland, have you? They 100% "Osu" all the time.

Anonymous No. 169358

This anon here >>166951

How many weekly hours is it necessary to git real gud? I've found one place that's fairly convenient and looks good, but it'd only give me 4.5h/week and another that didn't look that impressive, but I could train there comfortably 6h/week and maybe even push 7.5h if I felt like it.

🗑️ ` No. 169414

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1293
Ready to Serve Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 169572


The more work you can put into it the faster you'll git gud ofc, but also intent matters dont just "show up"

Anonymous No. 169574

I'm asking more about if quantity or quality has thr greatest impact. Is a lot of training at an OK place better than not that much but at a really good school? Of course I'd be making full use of every second I'm there.

Anonymous No. 169919

How much less are you training at the reallly good school? If it is like 2-3 classes compared to 5 classes at a really good school it may be the better option. Training against trashcans means your skill ceiling at that place is gonna be low but you will hit that level faster than the place with less classes

Anonymous No. 169941

2 or 3 less hours per week at the great place. The other one didn't even seem bad, just not as good.

Anonymous No. 169959

You might be able to just train the extra day at the inferior club? They aren’t mutually exclusive and plenty of people train at multiple clubs (although not usually new people).

Anonymous No. 170033

That costs money, anon.

Anonymous No. 170083

I've decided to take the cowards way out and do JA instead of JF

Anonymous No. 170094

How are they different?

Anonymous No. 170095

JF when you get your brown belt you need to compete in promotional tournaments to gain points, then when you have enough points you do a practical examination in front of a panel of judges for the black belt

JA you need to be at least 15 years old and spend a minimum of 1 year in rank, then get at least 80% on this written exam
General Knowledge Requirements
1. Name the Japanese equivalent of the three parts of a Judo throw.
2. Give a verbal explanation of the principal of maximum efficiency.
3. Give a verbal explanation of the principal of mutual benefit and welfare. Name
the two divisions of sacrifice techniques in Japanese.
4. Name the three parts of unarmed combat in Japanese.
5. Which Kata is considered most useful for learning throwing techniques?
6. Which Kata is considered most useful for learning grappling techniques?
7. What is the ultimate goal of Judo as defined by Dr. Kano?
8. What year was Judo first introduced into the summer Olympic Games?
9. Who were the four men on the first U.S. Olympic Judo team?
10. Which American was the first to win an Olympic medal in Judo and what place
did he win?
11. What year was Women’s Judo first introduced to the summer Olympic Games?
12. What year was Women’s Judo included into the summer Olympic Games as an
official sport?
13. Name the five U.S. Women that have medaled in the Olympic Games.
15. What are 12 of the prohibited acts that are penalized with Hansoku-make?
16. What are 11 of the prohibited acts that are penalized with Shido?
17. What is the difference between large Judo and small Judo?

Anonymous No. 170096

Judo Vocabulary
Directions: Fill in the Japanese equivalent for the following English terms.
1. Body movement
2. Concentration of spirit
3. Effective preferred technique
4. Left
5. Right
6. Sandal (Japanese style)
7. Upper place or side of dojo
8. Corner drop
9. Dead tree drop
10. Heel trip reversal
11. Inner thigh reaping throw slip
12. Mountain storm
13. High lift
14. Pulling down sacrifice throw
15. Rice bale throw
16. Scissors throw
17. Single leg entanglement
18. Body scissors; trunk strangle
19. One hand strangle
20. Sleeve wheel strangle
21. Thrusting strangle
22. Triangular strangle
23. Two handed choke
24. Armpit armlock
25. Cross armlock
26. Entangled armlock
27. Hand armlock
28. Knee armlock
29. Leg armlock
30. Leg entangled armlock
31. Reverse entangled armlock
32. Stomach armlock
33. Triangular armlock
34. Forward rolling break-fall
35. Front break-fall
36. Rear break-fall
37. Side break-fall
38. Forms of antique
39. Forms of decision
40. Forms of five
41. Forms of gentleness
42. Forms of grappling
43. Forms of self-defense
44. Forms of throwing
45. Forms of individual exercise
46. Self-perfection
47. Back Fall Reversed
48. Crab scissors
49. Swallow Counter
50. Front Knee Lift

Anonymous No. 170099

Why do you care about a belt so much? Only practical use is gaining access to higher competition levels, but if you want to circumven competit entirely to get it I feel that's not going to be of much use to you.

Anonymous No. 170100

Because I'm autistic and that makes it hard for me to thrive in traditional work environments because I cant easily navigate social situations and office politics, or manage my time effectively. Ive been fired from or put on final warning at every job Ive ever had
so I need a bullshit job like teaching lessons and shit where people show up, I relay information, and they go away from me when their time is over
And that requires belts

Anonymous No. 170104

Don't take this the wrong way, buy you have no business teaching anyone anything, specially not something that can get them injured like Judo. Teaching is people-skills before anything else, without those not only you won't be successful but you'll be doing a disservice to the people that train under you. Instead of focusing on a belt learn how to function as a human being. I'm also diagnosed with the 'tism, but I made an effort to learn how to act despite that, and nowadays I can pass for normal in most situations. If you better yourself other things start to come naturally. As a teacher of any kind you need someone your students can trust and rely on, and if you need to go through hoops for that because of your condition you're just not cut for that role.

Anonymous No. 170246

Just chiming in to let you know you can get a black belt from the USJF after 2 years time in grade as an ikkyu. You don’t have to compete (even though barring some medical issue you should)

Anonymous No. 170247

If you consider coaching combat sports a bullshit job I wouldn’t want you anywhere near a student. Your going to get them hurt by being underprepared you tard.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 170448

General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

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Anonymous No. 171633

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Anonymous No. 171684

"Osu" is a contraption of "ohaio gosaimasu", which means good morning.
However, the contraption "osu" has taken the sense of an assertion, like "yes sir" in the west.
Think about a hard and voluntary response to show you are here and giving your best.
This is why in japanese fighting sport you hear "osu".
It's an habit, but it doesn't make you better a the sport, you can swp with a normal yes, the important thing is to show that you are here and giving your bet.

T. did kyokushin and do judo now.