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🧵 /asg/ Airsoft General

Anonymous No. 144121

I literally just bought my first AEG but got tired of digging through the catalog edition

Old Thread: >>137673

Keep strictly real-steel related topics in >>>/k/, gun and gear porn's cool as long as you don't spam.

If you have a useful guide or want to rework one for the OP, post it and someone will add it to the next one.

>Updated Newbie pastebin

>/asg/ retailer guide

>Legal comprehensive, crosscheck with your local laws to be on the safe side

Anonymous No. 144122

Got invited by the local scene to come play with them at one of their private events on one of their properties after just posting an introduction post on a local public facebook group. Seems like a bretty good sport so far.

Who makes good Crye Precision G2 pants Repos? Those things look real fucking neato.

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Anonymous No. 144126

Getting into the hobby, anons.
Here's my loadout:
>cheapest electric cleargun I can find in Canadian Tire
>spring loaded pistol
>grey blazer with a blue checkered shirt
>cheapest work pants I can find
>pakol hat
>wool blanket or shemagh on shoulders
>100 3D printed grenades

Going to do support, guerrilla-style warfare / behind enemy lines, and grenadier / trapping.
It's gonna be fun.

Anonymous No. 144127

i will be going to my first game next month. never played airsoft before. it's meant for new players, thank god. they let folks rent guns and i said i was going to rent one when i bought my ticket, but i ordered one online anyway. some umarex deal in co2, non blowback pistol with an extra mag. is that sufficient for a first time player? i don't want to dump a ridiculous amount of money into something i may not like.

Anonymous No. 144128

also how onions/cringe is it to be starting this at 22yo

Anonymous No. 144133

Not at all.
t. 21 and just starting out
A lot of guys start in their 20s.

Provided, I did paintball when I was 14 and 16, lots of air gun plinking, and some range shooting, but I'm not going to an airsoft field until my first game ever on the 20th of May.

Anonymous No. 144134

no shit thats when im going too, who knew. you wouldn't happen to be a lobster american would you

Anonymous No. 144139

Oh shit, coincidence - but alas, fren, I'm going to Clarington Woods here in Ontario, they got a BIG game going on May 20th, Maplefest.
Whereabouts are you?

Anonymous No. 144140

maine. one of the larger airsoft fields in the state is hosting a new player day

Anonymous No. 144141

Good stuff - and lucky you, new player day, I guess start of season?
>first game is going to be a full milsim here
>no clue what I'm doing, no uniform yet, hope it comes in time, just me and a shitty little electric Walmart rifle for $50

Anonymous No. 144148

Did you check what FPS that pistol shoots at? Because nbb c02 pistol usually shoots way way hot.

Anonymous No. 144150

I started at 24 so, and I’m turning 27 soon and still playing. There’s plenty of older guys at my field, oldest is like +60. He’s a cool dude too.

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Anonymous No. 144152

Absolute Chad.
I want to be that full of life and virility when I'm 60 too, and hopefully way beyond that.
>need at least 12 grandkids to teach to shoot guns and take airsoft shooting in 2050
>will only use a cleargun and "yup, sonny, you used to be able to actually SEE inside the GUN, and they fired REAL bbs, not simulated holograms, I had to get a conversion kit to make it hover-arena legal, but heh, you know, old dog new tricks.."

Anonymous No. 144153

400fps, it's within field rules. i bought heavier bellets to slow that down a bit more
lmao 60yo airsofter, that's awesome. good for him. first time in a while i've heard some fun shit like that on this website. does he use vietlarp guns or more normal things

Anonymous No. 144155

there's a couple milsim games before that but i'm not showing up to those. i will just plink like a mfer on my home range beforehand, learn the inevitable quirks of the airsoft pistol. maybe get my gear set up for airsoft too

Anonymous No. 144157

Looking for suggestions for footwear for outdoors games? Whats everyone use? Whats everyone like?

Anonymous No. 144158

> does he use vietlarp guns or more normal things
He’s also a hunter so he just wears those clothes, and then a Polarstar M4, and Glock with M4 adapter as a sidearm. Which honestly I think is super based

Anonymous No. 144159

Oh yea and Dye mask too. I’m not making it up I swear kek

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Anonymous No. 144168

>Put on new chestrig and uniform
>Girlfriend starts mirin' real bad
>Runs her hands over it
>Grabs and feels up the pouches

Anonymous No. 144172

Nice larp

Anonymous No. 144174

Word to the wise, heavier BBs may slow your muzzle velocity but they don't make your gun shoot softer, which is the point of velocity maximums at fields since they're meant to be a safety rule - in fact, heavier BBs tend to do this thing called joule creeping in gas-powered guns, especially gas/HPA guns that don't possess a blowback mechanism: in very basic terms, the BB stays in the barrel longer and gains more velocity from the gas used to propel it, meaning that while it may be slower than a lighter BB, it's actually hitting substantially harder than the lighter BB
Might not be too drastic of a change out of a small pistol but it's worth noting in the future, especially if you end up going to any fields that chrono with joules instead of FPS
As for whether or not that's good enough for a new player, as your initial question asked: AEG tends to be best, but a NBB that shoots within field limits and has a hop-up (preferably adjustable - an example that comes to mind would be something like TM Mk23 clones or the ASG CZ-75D with gas mags) isn't the worst choice in the world if you want something particularly inexpensive to start with, even if it does still place you at a bit of a disadvantage compared to AEGs by virtue of basically being magazine fed double-action revolvers in terms of handling and firing - regardless of that, though, you'll probably have fun with what you've got as long as it actually gets approved for use at your local field

Also post pistol, even if it's a cheapo NBB I still kinda want to see what you've got

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Anonymous No. 144177

Many of the guys I play WWII games are in their 50's and 60's. I too hope to be still larping with toy guns at that age.
Played "normal" airsoft for the first time in a while today. Luv me TM MP7.

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Anonymous No. 144180

>shoots you in the dick

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Anonymous No. 144184

Did anyone here try fitting m88 helmet cover onto MICH replica? I'm changing my camo for spring/summer and got some of old helmet covers for cheap.

Anonymous No. 144188

yeah i know it hits harder i just want to make sure i spoof my fps under cap. i dont have the thing yet its gonna be here soon though

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Anonymous No. 144195

luv me aap simple as

Anonymous No. 144197

Why do people do this shit? It's when niggers post their "collections" and it's nothing but 20 fucking ARs

Anonymous No. 144200

AAP’s are cool, and I like building them. It’s not so advanced

Anonymous No. 144202

Why did you make 3 of the same fucking gun? Better buy a better red dot or some shit

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Anonymous No. 144204

No one makes cool shit anymore, new larpers just buy the same ARP/AAP/whatever as everyone else because not many companies make actually interesting rifles and a lot of new people don't care to own them.
Finding shit like FNCs, SG55xs etc is just getting harder.
Also to a point, the AAP/ARP etc are fairly good out of the box which means for people who don't care about owning a replica of something or doing work on their guns (beyond very basic easy stuff) its an easy grab-and-go option.

Anonymous No. 144205

The fact that G&G didn't make midcaps for their Sigs is a crime. SG550 goes HARD

Anonymous No. 144206

G&G made the best 55x lineup only to not make midcaps and barely distribute hicaps / replacement parts.
All this to then make more ARPs without putting lessons learned from them in their actually interesting guns (please make more FNCs G&G)

Anonymous No. 144207

Most normalfag shitters probably don't even know what a Sig SG 550 is. I hate the mainstream airsoft market so much it's unreal

Anonymous No. 144210

They have different parts in it making them shoot different joules. Top one hits 1.8j, middle 1.5 and below 1.1 so. So I pick one depending on what field I’m going to.

Anonymous No. 144218

Did you really print 100 grenades or are you shit posting. If so I’d like to know which grenades you’re printing. I haven’t found any that seem worth a try

Anonymous No. 144219

Just use an NPAS you fucking troglodite

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Anonymous No. 144291

I want to like the sig but for some reason it just looks too much like a toy to me.
I try to tell myself that airsoft makers just stopped making interesting stuff because of wuflu and that things will take a turn for the better soon.

Anonymous No. 144293

It likely doesn't help that so much of the "new" stuff in real guns today are just more fucking AR variants.

Anonymous No. 144311

Ordered a Maple Armouries Blackout yesterday, really hyped for it to come in soon as it’s gonna replace my cm16 that I bought when I had no idea about internals.

Anonymous No. 144312

I remember when I cared about AEGs lmao

Anonymous No. 144314

Not sure if HPA or GBBR but either way you’re insufferable. There’s a reason people talk shit about you after you leave the field

Anonymous No. 144318

Oh shit, I didn't know we had a celebrity in here

Anonymous No. 144319

Thanks for the (You)s, retards lmao

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Anonymous No. 144320

>Got into airsoft so I can be outside more and shit.
>Second game.
>Meet a bunch of guys I hit it off with.
>They say they think I'm cool and invite me to their group.
>Want me to run with them next time.
We're all gonna make it bros. Also on a related note is it true I can run gun with propane instead of normal green gas/co2? Because if so that might be more viable than electric guns even.

Anonymous No. 144321

Green gas is propane with silicone oil(not a good thing) and without the smell

Anonymous No. 144323

Oh really? The guys did tell me you need the stuff in the gas to keep part of the gun lubricated but I should be fine if I use a little with every go. Is that true?

Anonymous No. 144325

I've been using propane without any issues. Green gas is fudlore for airshit. Just put some silicone oil on the nozzle O-ring from time to time and do some mag maintenance if they start leaking. Haven't had any issues with leaking mags myself.

Anonymous No. 144330

Thanks bro.

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Anonymous No. 144333

tomorrow ia a bank hoilday here, so im going to be running this

Anonymous No. 144352

Insurgent anon from first post here, went to my first game today.
Everyone was really nice!
People liked my loadout too, I managed to score a Chicom which really added to the look.
It's so fucking fun anons, I love airsoft now.

Scored 7 hits, got hit 9 times.

Anonymous No. 144357

Post nades.

Anonymous No. 144358

>one of the people in my group owns a Thompson.
I'm heavily considering buying a trenchcoat and a fedora and borrowing the Thompson.
>Get a big rubber cigar.
>talk like a mobster the whole time.
Considering if I should do this for Halloween.

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Anonymous No. 144366

I've heard fantastic things about the Marauder and Blackout; should serve you well, probably the best thing to happen to the Canadian airsoft industry because most other guns around the prices of those guns aren't nearly as good AFAIK
Also first guy who replied to you is a shining example of picrel, don't let him get you down lmao

Anonymous No. 144379

Sorry anon, couldn't make long post explaining it because was banned, hate phoneposting.

I started printing a bunch of grenades of various designs - mostly a clamshell design that snaps together, and comes apart under spring tension when thrown - not fancy, just fun.
But then, I realized, why print them, when the design is so simple?

So, I'm going to use some PVC pipe or pill containers to make some grenades instead.
I found another design using a small plastic bottle with scoring from a craft knife on it, with a vinegar balloon and baking soda inside.
But, I figure most players won't want to be sprayed with vinegar, so perhaps that design will have to stay on the drawing board.

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Anonymous No. 144380

if that's the case, explain why i have a k/d of roughly 1:1 and have no problem going up against "muh 200rps" blowback-ers with a walmart airsoft gun?


Anonymous No. 144384

no one cares about how much cock you suck

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Anonymous No. 144394

Can someone re-upload the OP retailers guide? It's 404 BANNED FOR HARMFUL CONTENT.

Anonymous No. 144397

Thanks man! The gun really does feel like a steal with the internals at the price point it’s at. Can’t wait to see the performance for myself.

Anonymous No. 144403

your made this strawman up in your head, any reasonable person that sees someone play well with a 20 buck springer will find it impressive and/or hilarious

Anonymous No. 144408

nice man hope you like it
I'm a fan of mine

Anonymous No. 144426


>cm16 has shit internals>
>newbie guide mentions pretty solid internals>

what gives?

Anonymous No. 144435

Oh yes, I totally believe you. Where do you get spare mags for that weapon of mass destruction?

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G&G L85 AFV a....jpg

Anonymous No. 144436

The Sig 550/2/3 rifles are the most slept on in airsoft. I cannot remember seeing one on the field, and I've been playing for over a decade. I agree on using oddball stuff for funzies. I was on vacation and I was a rental at an indoor arena. You better believe I picked the L85 over the twenty M4s on the wall. The bullpup was super heavy yet compact and accurate, twas a fun time.

Anonymous No. 144437

Neat. That's the AFV L85. Wish GHK made a Sig SG 550 even though GHK is a shit company and their Sigs have shit triggers. At least their triggers aren't as bad as their AUG trigger

Anonymous No. 144441

newbie guide must not be updated really. gun was great when it first came out and was around $150. Now its like $290 on evike and outdated as hell.

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Anonymous No. 144445

i put a m92 cover on a mich, fit just fine. also put the same cover on a m88 and it fit well. the m92 and m88 have very similar shapes, and the mich is pretty much the same as well, so i'd say it would work fine. not the best picture but it's the only one i have.

Anonymous No. 144449

100% chance that the newbie guide was either made loooong before /xs/ was a thing or was made by someone who still unironically thinks the CM16 is a good starter gun, the CM16 is NOT worth the money and was only popular when it came out because the standards for entry-level were way lower; however, better options like the Specna EDGE guns, the MAS Marauder, and many more serve as superior starter ARs
Not to say they aren't guns that work, but you can do a hell of a lot better for the price at this point than buying a gun that was really only popular because the standards of 2009-2010 were a lot lower than they are in the present day
Yes, I know, it's four years old, and it's on Reddit, but it's a good and somewhat detailed breakdown of why CM16s have disappeared from the market for those who haven't figured out why yet
>gearbox shell's alloy is super-heavy on the zinc and is thus brittle as hell
>bushings are made of brass which wears down way faster than industry-standard steel
>almost all of the piston teeth that interface with steel gears are plastic which will break sooner rather than later
>cylinder is anodized alum which wears quickly and is half-ported for some fucking reason which results in the gun being severely undervolumed
>one O-ring on parts that really should have two, resulting in a poor air seal that makes the undervoluming issue worse
>no QC spring for easy FPS adjustment which is standard on the Specnas that came out around the guide's release (and is standard on MAS guns now)
>motors are significantly outdated and use outdated tech
>spring guide has no bearings which increases stress from firing
>IBs and hop units are made of shitass alum
Also, while not mentioned, I distinctly recall hearing this from a tech buddy: IIRC G&G internals utilize fuck-off strong springs to compensate for undervoluming, making the guns break even faster

Anonymous No. 144450

*motors are very weak and use outdated tech

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Anonymous No. 144458

May just be that most of the ones out there aren't really made well. The G&G externals are definitely a step up from the JG/Marui variants (pic rel, my old JG) and even from the ICS.
I think it was in decline even before wuflu, its more a consequence of airsoft getting more attention and normies getting into it.
Basically this, normies (who don't give a shit about weird euro rifle replicas) want ARs (for a whole load of gay normie reasons) so thats what gets the most variations.
The silicon oil in the gas helps lubricate the seal but if you are already lubricating the seals its not needed.
Bait post heres a (you)
See >>144403
I've never seen another G&G 55x on field but I've seen a few ICS 552s about, although they're more common in Europe afaik.

Anonymous No. 144470

>tfw wanted to go to the nearby feild in north Charlotte but it is going to rain this weekend.
Ive been buying up stuff and preparing for a while. I hope the weekend after isn't going to rain.
Anyways does anyone know if jg recievers will fit on a cyma 04 ak? I want a different stock than what I have.
I looked at jg 55xs fir a while before buying a cyma ak and calling it a day. I still want a 55x but are parts hard to come by on most of them?

Anonymous No. 144471

Depends which parts you need.
V3 internals are V3 internals (mostly). For the JGs the external failure point is the latch/button for the stock (has failed on both the 552s I've owned) which I've never been able to source a replacement for (you can see on mine there's a bodge fix behind the selector to keep the stock in place).
If you do want a 55x my advice is to get a G&G and failing that an ICS since the JGs are also weird and use mid-length motors. For G&G afaik (although havent tried it personally) you can order pretty much anything directly from G&G.

Anonymous No. 144478

There's a guy in his 50s that plays at Camp R&R with OD fatigues and WW2 guns. Cool dude.

I'm 38 myself. Been into airsoft since 99.

Anonymous No. 144480

on that topic: good starter M4?

Anonymous No. 144481

Specna EDGE and (if in stock, which it unfortunately is not right now) MAS Marauder are pretty good sub-$200USD options AFAIK
Specna CORE might also be a solid budget-minded option, though I haven't heard much about them recently

Anonymous No. 144482

Edge 2.0 or Double Eagle M90x Series.

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Anonymous No. 144483

Yoooo l85 bros, let's go!

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Anonymous No. 144484

Insurgent LARPer anon here.
Getting gun ready for the game.

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Anonymous No. 144485


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Anonymous No. 144495

Checking in! Star L85A2

Upgrades and repairs to date:
TM EG1000s Motor
TM Piston
Laylax Prometheus POM Neo Pistonhead
GD Bushes
Maple leaf MR Hop 60*
Maple leaf Omega Nub
Oring Hop dial Mod
ZCI 6.02 TBB 455mm
Teflon mod - Hop unit.
Ares L85 Dovetail to 20mm Rail

Dialled in at 1.13J for the UK sites I attend.
Owned this for around 18 years now, Used to play a fair bit back in the day, but was MIA for well over a decade, just got back into airsoft last year. Been upgrading parts as they fail and got it to pretty much the best performance I think I can get out of it.

Anonymous No. 144543

God dam, mine is a second hand l85 I found, gun works pretty well without any modifications. Only thing I don't like about it is how jankily I had to mount my rails but that's easily fixed, I'm just a lazy bones.

By the way is the stock barrel full length already or can it be upgraded?

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Anonymous No. 144547

JK LOL, I bought this because it's weird and comfy & I wanted to fix the small battery space. I unironically enjoy this rifle and am wanting to use it in a cqb field (it's okay in woodland).

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Anonymous No. 144548

newfag anon from however many days ago, back again. here's the pistol i got. ran a couple mags through it this morning, all seems well except for the trigger. creepier and longer than a stock P85, and the break is... eh. it's fine though, for $30 it's definitely not supposed to be a performance gun. i just want something to get me in the door in case i can't rent something

Anonymous No. 144549

umarex combat zone enforcer, shouldve put that up there. also it seems accurate enough aside from wind, i live in a windy area so it's greatly magnified. out innawoods it'll be fine i think

Anonymous No. 144597

Ah, I remember these things; weird-looking, but they sure do shoot BBs
As far as I can tell, that gun doesn't exactly have a hop-up (being a direct conversion of an airgun and all that) so closing the distance between you and whatever you're shooting at will be important
Here's hoping it shoots under field limits, and here's hoping you have fun

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Anonymous No. 144667

luv me aap

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Anonymous No. 144688

luv me em sixcheen

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Anonymous No. 144723

Pic related OR BUST.

Anonymous No. 144727

go back to HRC, faggot

Anonymous No. 144730

dis nigga actually painted his face for airsoft

Anonymous No. 144735

How could an airsoft musket even work?

Anonymous No. 144736

You must bush the spring down with the rod before you can load the BB

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Anonymous No. 144737

I did it, anons.
A full load out, everything included, for around 200 bucks, that's Canadian, so, 140 US dollars.
All prices in CAD.

Anonymous No. 144740

makeup makes me feel pretty (tactical)

Anonymous No. 144741

40mm grenades

Anonymous No. 144765

ive see a place inscotland that custom makes the from vsr10s i think

Anonymous No. 144766


Anonymous No. 144767

>to load push loading rod in and out, shoulder and fire

Anonymous No. 144794

all looking like fags . Why is that ?

Anonymous No. 144796

What do you look like then

Anonymous No. 144834


Anonymous No. 144837

I'm buying a asg cz scorpion evo 3. I've got the protective gear, been to a few events with rented gun but now curious what else I should get?

Few mid cap mags and speed reloader? Spare batteries? Which? Optics of some kind? A spring to lower to 0.9j for cqb field? What's also good to have?

I plan to attend whole day events so that's why im curious about batteries.

What should I get /asg/

Anonymous No. 144841

spend an extra $100 and get a VFC avalon. you won't regret it.

Anonymous No. 144844

also, (sorry I blanked out and only responded to one thing) : How much do you usually end up shooting with the rental? Is speedloading mags on the field something you don't want to do, and how many breaks are in these all day events? Batteries should be pretty straightforward, just find 2 good lipos with a decent mAh rating and you should be able to run 8 hours just fine, providing you aren't constantly full autoing. Never use a stock battery, as its guaranteed it will not be a lipo battery.

Anonymous No. 144850

Vfc not really available here, i could go cyma platinum (m4 or something) and have some money left to spare for upgrades.
When renting its usually high caps so i have no idea how much i shot, i didnt count, as for events hm 2 batteries would work just fine it sounds like

Anonymous No. 144852

Could also get third battey(or 2nd extra) for just in case and 1 high cap mag when I don't want to be reloading on the field.
But got to thinking about cyma now too, it thew a wrench in my impulse buy

Anonymous No. 144858

Don't go Cyma platinum. loads of QC issues. Where are you located at?

Anonymous No. 144859


Anonymous No. 144861

honestly i have no idea where the fuck you can order from in serbia so at that point the gun you mentioned is probably a really good deal.

Anonymous No. 144868

I dont know either haha local importers can order from some sites but I forgot which.
Rn torn between this evo deal or just order a new m4/mk18 cyma plat and for same price can get few mags, battery etc
Will decide in the morning, gonna sleep on it

Anonymous No. 144873

Me and my squadboi got the Platinum 098 E-edition and they work very nice aside from mine not being able to keep the ejection port opened when pulling the bolt. Should be fixable though since the bolt catch worked in the beginning.
There are lemons everywhere these days. From LCTs bent out of factory to me getting the Arcturus PP-19 and seeing the hop rubber somehow go on a stroll and blocking the BB entrance in the magwell and having to return it...

Anonymous No. 144874

Get 2 11.1v Lipos (largest mAh you can fit in your gun) and you should be fine for a day of play. Get 3 if you can't fit the normal-size ones.
It doesn't (especially) matter who makes them as long as they're not made by like a 5 yearold in a basement in Africa (Chinese kids have better workmanship).
Unless you plan on playing cqb soon dont worry about spring change that much. If you dont have one already some basic LBE to keep mags in.

Anonymous No. 144875

Thanks guys, my only issue is evo is 1year old but good condition and I get some extra stuff, while cyma plat i can get for ~100 or more less and buy some additional stuff to make up for it.
I'll offer less for scorpion, if he doesnt go for it I'll order cyma plat m4 (of taiwangun, think importers order from there) and get all the accessories mentioned and have a brand new gun.

Anonymous No. 144891

With a few midcaps, you have about 800-1200 or more rounds before needing to reload your mags. That said, I like Odin (and their copycat) speedloaders.

At least 2 batteries, just in case one craps out for whatever reason. But then I bring multiples of EVERYTHING.

Cheap, but real steel optics. Anything below that tier and you're gambling that it'll even zero straight up.

YMMV, but I find collecting guns more fun than buying springs.

Anonymous No. 144905

Fuck off, VFC nigger. Stop recommending players garbage.

Anonymous No. 144907

How's the russian cum supply these days? Saw a bunch of players with Z patches. Bet those guys are running out

Anonymous No. 144933

Spring is few $, but a nice handgun(maybe co2 one) down the road is gonna happen.
Thans for the advise, though evos midcaps are 75 each and I'd have 4 which still isnt a lot, basically 1 high cap of another gun

Anonymous No. 144934

Dunno, ask EU suffering huge inflation, US shitting it pants and Ukraine being destroyed.

I support Ukraine but Russia isn't in the worst place rn. I just want them all to go home so prices can stabilize.

Anonymous No. 144935

Keep buying overpriced garbage. VFC Avalon is fine for the price, and the internals are better than almost anything in the same price range.

Anonymous No. 144943

VFC internals are literal garbage. Have fun with your "self-shimming" gears lmao

Anonymous No. 144947

Congratz leafs

Anonymous No. 144949

What the fuck are you on about? Do you even know anything about the Avalon series? I didn’t recommend VFC as a whole.

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Anonymous No. 144958

>Lawmakers: We are quite concerned about how easy it is to convert airsoft gas weapons into real functional weapons
I fucking wish

Anonymous No. 145010

but we already knew these lib faggots were completely retarded old bitches who don't know shit and won't do shit because they're shit

Anonymous No. 145049

there's a ftm tranny at my local field. should I be worried?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 145058

We lost another tomboy, boys

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Anonymous No. 145062

Globohomo will fail.
All in due time, anon.

If you think this is bad, know that it will get much worse. For now, at least we all have a relatively comfortable living situation - and no matter how bad you have it, it can always get worse, and it will get worse before it gets better.

Every generation must pay its price, and this is our price.
It's paying that price that makes you strong, that suffering is what tempers the spirit.

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Anonymous No. 145068

>6 gorillian hi capas but still not one decent tec9

Anonymous No. 145075

>t. underage minors or thirdie shitheads

Anonymous No. 145076

grow up bitch

Anonymous No. 145077

Because the AR platform is the most superior out of all of them.
No matter how hard you deny Eugene Stoner pave the way for modern firearms.

Anonymous No. 145078

post naked physique (i am a visual learner)

Anonymous No. 145080

No, just don't aggro them. They're used to doubling down on bad decisions and when reminded of that, they get angered. I've seen a tranny & their bf once at a field and I just didn't bother them (& they kept their gayness to themselves).

Anonymous No. 145081

41% faggot

Anonymous No. 145082

facts don't care about your feelings, speednigger

Anonymous No. 145083

Is the Echo 1 GAT alright? I almost bought a gold one, I flaked because the price wasn't right and I'd rather have an MP5K or a VZ61 instead.

Anonymous No. 145097

AFAIK there's the E1 GAT (which is okay IIRC, but has a proprietary nozzle and GB shell), the RWA KG9 (which is insanely fucking expensive if you don't get it on sale, and IIRC uses PTW internals) and an early GBB that's kinda crap; of these three I'd probably pick the E1 GAT since it's compatible with a decent amount of AEG internals and isn't quite as expensive as the KG9, even if it comes at the cost of either using the included VFG or having to fuck around to fit a tiny LiPo in the gun to run it
I also know that a company called Kingdom Technology teased a Tec-9 GBB that seems to be decent, but it hasn't been released yet (according to what they last said, it's going to be released in July, but obviously we'll have to see about it)
There's also Igniz's 3D printed design which uses completely standard V3 internals, but obviously that requires you to pay about $13.50USD for it and have at least a printer with filament, knowledge of how to use it properly, a full set of V3 internals (gearbox and motor/HPA engine, complete hop unit and bucking, inner barrel), mag springs for the magazines, and likely some other small hardware components - but it is an option that's been proven to work, AFAIK
So I guess for now your best bet if you want an option that doesn't involve building one of your own is to just get the E1 GAT, I agree with you though, it's surprising nobody took a crack at this sooner

Anonymous No. 145131

Yay, my new handguard showed up!
Yay, it fits without modification!
Fuck, it needs a push pin to keep it in place and the one it's replacing used a screw instead!

Well, see you guys in a week then when the hopefully-right-size push pin shows up then.

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Anonymous No. 145165

Luv me grips

Anonymous No. 145173

Well except its airsoft lad, its all just a gearbox internally anyway (outside of V3 vs V2 etc). If I have to be in a fight for my life yeah i'd want an AR15, but its airsoft so i'll take the weird Euro rifle that I think looks cool and do just fine anyway because your ergos don't matter either when a high cap already holds more rounds than I need.

why would you be?.
>and this is our price
You need to be 18 to post here.
Not every thread needs to be a Ukr war thread.

Anonymous No. 145205

this post took effort. thanks, anon.

Anonymous No. 145208

my first was a vfc avalon. gearbox locked up on the first mag. shop took it back and replaced it. the second gearbox locked up on the first mag. shop took it back but I replaced it with a g&g. two years later it's still running flawlessly. all I've done is feed it bb's and batteries and replace the hop rubber with another g&g unit.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 145213

kek, have fun being "first world" and tolerating yourselves to extinction.
>t. thirdie

you people, in your mindless obsession for "tolerance" and apathy have destroyed your civilization.
>used to want to come to the West, now grateful for my shithole, because while it may be a crime-riddled hell, my family wouldn't have kicked me to the curb at 18, my kids won't be forced to take HRT, and my culture will continue to exist, guilt-free, and cuck-free

Anonymous No. 145219

this is what hoppens when you sit inside all day and browse /pol/ all day. I wanna see what kind of superior specimen you are so post kit fag

Anonymous No. 145221

No problem, I've been keeping an eye on Tec-9/KG9 replicas for a while because I think they're pretty interesting
(You) still have to be 18 to post here, anon

Anonymous No. 145227

You have a point, however this is one of the threads where I go to escape /pol/ & forget how screwed up this planet is.

Anonymous No. 145231

Shut up nigger, I'm here to talk about airsoft you fucking king of rodents. I'm gonna rip off your face and wear it as a moron party mask.

Anonymous No. 145239

>for a fairly small price you can get a really shitty load out

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Anonymous No. 145252

>Playing yesterday.
>Area is hilly with a metric fuckton of large boulders so cover for days.
>I see a guy hiding behind one ~30-40 feet out.
>I can only see his helmet and little else.
>Figure I'll shoot at him so my teammate can move up while they're suppressed.
>Pop of 3 shoots and hit them right in the nose.
What lucky shots have you guys gotten recently?

Anonymous No. 145262

I wouldn't say that's lucky, more unlucky for him
I got hit in the face from a dmr between my glasses and mask, would not recommend

Anonymous No. 145273

What's a good sight, optics, red dot whatever for m4? Something that wont break it shot

Anonymous No. 145274

Iron sights

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Anonymous No. 145276

Does anybody know how good SRC's dual power m45 is ? Im eyeballing it and the dual power USP. Yet yt doesnt provide any material on either one besides a couple of PR firing tests

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Anonymous No. 145283

"First off, I don't believe in luck. Pureeee skills, that's what gets me through life. Pure skills..."

Anonymous No. 145291

You know you can use lens protectors, right?

Anonymous No. 145292

It's shit

Anonymous No. 145297

I did not, I am making a list of things to buy with my first gun. 1 or 2 extra batteries, charger, few midcaps maybe 1 highcap mags, speedloader, optics, figure out which grip suits me, something for night games (think tracers or flashlight is required), shoulder strap, bio degradable bbs and think thats it for now, will get a co2 pistol later for close quarter games.
Just hoping they dont ban airsoft coz of the school shooting and they say shooters dad took him to games and he "trained" there

Anonymous No. 145300

Been hearing good things about SRC's USP (probably because it's a direct clone of TM's USP9, to the point that apparently a handful of people have bought them for use as spare parts for their TMs), not so much their 1911s
Would be neat if someone would make an actual in-depth review of the SRC USP desu, since it's the only TM-clone USP on the market

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Anonymous No. 145436

Appreciate the insight but in all honesty i aint paying no 50€ for a spare mag and 180€ for a licesed usp 45. I am definetly gonna rock the src bitch. I got their kiki mora hi capa and shits oretty tight desu

Thanks for the heads up. I'm going to buy the usp for sure. Sick and tired of the markups they put on solid aeg's. I got a pretty solid Begadi ak but i just want a slampig m4 but shit gets well into the 350 area here. You know a metal one i can just manhandle that shoots without that squicky slow gear screech. Oh well

Anonymous No. 145439

Some of those upgrades were due to some kid jamming it up and stripping my piston years back.
after a decade of neglect, I had 2 games with it firing great, but requiring max hop applied to be able to lift .28's close to horizontal, so I changed out the Hop rubber and nub.
After another game, the piston head came away from the piston, so I upgraded that, and after losing a little bit of airseal and dropping FPS, I slapped in the TBB.
That barrel length is actually a few MM shorter than the stock length, but seems to work great.

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Anonymous No. 145455

Didn’t know this general was a thing.
Looking to get my first airsoft gun and after getting over my obsession with electric recoil, I’ve realized I’m content with a decent, well performing AEG until I can justify buying a gbb to larp with.
This is a local posting, they’re asking 550 maple bucks (about 413 USD). Can anyone here tell me if this looks like a decent build for the price?
Specs are:
>ZCI blank receiver
>E&C gearbox shell
>ASG 18k motor
>DSG gear
>perun hybrid mosfet
>G&G rotary hop
>BCA nozzle with a correct length >M160 spring
>Speed trigger
Accessories are all included, sans suppressor, though the seller didn’t mention the brands for those or the hand guard. The current motor is locked to semi for indoor play, which I plan to use pretty much all the time outdoors anyway. Let me know if there’s a better out of the box deal I could find, thank you!

Anonymous No. 145457

Do you know how to tech? Cause even a well built DSG will wear out faster than your average AEG due to wear and tear especially on the piston

Anonymous No. 145458

No immediate knowledge as I’m just getting into the sport, but I’m a quick learner. If I had the money, I’d jump straight to a TM MWS, upkeep is not gonna scare me away. I was willing to send it on a decent EBB/ERG despite everyone telling me it’s a gimmick that will kill my gun faster. I care more about larping than performance

Anonymous No. 145531

just buy a maple armoury instead of dealing with some dudes fucked with frankenstein
>locked for semi
that means it will burn out faster, ideally you want to be shooting bursts with a aeg

>care about larping more than performance
get a metal receiver and rails so your shit weighs a good amount and you can ruck around in the woods without shooting a shot to get a decent work out

Anonymous No. 145560

how do you guys prevent ACL injuries?
is it just me? I've blown out both of my knees since the season started

also do the anons at your fields play like pussies? they walk to a tree and shoot at nothing from 50m

most of the time im getting shot by my own idiot team members from our spawn not checking my color

Anonymous No. 145573

stretch more

Anonymous No. 145582

Sounds you need a good amount more walking and jogging in your daily life.

Anonymous No. 145585

>I care more about larping than performance
Then you probably shouldn't get something that has made massive compromises in order to push performance to the bleeding edge. Especially not when the at best highly temperamental build has been assembled by god knows who of fuck knows what level of competence (hint: he's selling it for a reason).

Anonymous No. 145590


shit i dont even move other than airsoft, touche

Anonymous No. 145601

Rifle goes pew pew, all I need it to do, simple as.
Have fun = money well spent = don't need anything more.

Anonymous No. 145619

stretching is important, I don't do enough of it honestly but you should warm up Before the game
ligaments and things tear when they're stiff that's why tons of dudes injure themselves in winter, just the cold keeping them tight

Anonymous No. 145635

Even in this incestuously small general people have posted insurgent/rebel kits that actually looked good and probably didn't cost much more than your abomination. If it's all about keeping it cheap why not just play in regular clothes instead of half-assing it like that?
And is it some leaf law laid down by that cum guzzler Trudeau that your gun must look like a toy?

Anonymous No. 145651

why do poorfags always cope like this?

Anonymous No. 145672

Cuz playin with a ball is much more adult lol.

Anonymous No. 145760

Any good replica eotechs w/ magnifiers out there?

Anonymous No. 145761

if you want good shit but don't want to pay a premium just get holosun

Anonymous No. 145790

No. If you want an Eotech you have to buy a real one

Anonymous No. 145967

If anyone has an aug a1 body/boneyard they wanna sell in the us pls hmu I need one asap

Anonymous No. 145977

Do you want an aug full of cum? thats how you get an aug full of cum.

Anonymous No. 145978

Does airport really count as an extreme sport? Milsim larping is extreme?

Anonymous No. 145992

Well it used to be on /asp/ but that board doesn’t exist anymore

Anonymous No. 146019

Should I impulse buy a used CYMA SVU with MLOK for indoor games
Guy asking 340 canadian for it

Anonymous No. 146044

SVU for indoor? You retarded bruh? Is it even within FPS limits

Anonymous No. 146047

Well its like 410 fps out of the box but i could change out the spring and maybe the barrel
Do you think i could get it down to >360

Anonymous No. 146053

Yea you could, but it would be a shit gun for indoor CQB idk why you want that. Built it for outdoors instead

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Anonymous No. 146067

Ayo do i smell details up this bitch

Anonymous No. 146119

I guess slamming into the bunkers in speedsoft is pretty fucking EXTREME

Anonymous No. 146177

I'd say so. Having grenades, taginn projectiles (RIP USA) and blank fire is extreme in the Harrold and Kumar sense of the word.

Anonymous No. 146248

>taginn projectiles (RIP USA)
burgers cant use tag rounds?

Anonymous No. 146268

We can only get the practice, paladin, and smoke rounds now. With nades can only buy smoke. It's really sad now since I have 7 shells for a hungry M320.

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Anonymous No. 146285

>Got a decent rifle I like.
>Today I got a screaming deal on a sidearm, just gotta get a mag for it that isn't broken.
>Only real problem is I gotta get contacts or a set of goggles that don't suck with my glasses.
Honestly is there anything else I really need? I was thinking of spray painting some soda cans bright yellow since my group lets use those for grenades. Also theoretically speaking lets say the seal on a Novristch SSP1 mag is fucked and keeps leaking, is there any way to fix that?

Anonymous No. 146300

(assuming they work like regular green gas pistol mags and arent bullshit) if the mags leaking from the bottom all you need to do is unscrew the fill valve and gas resevoir, then throw a new/tighter o-ring on the valve and the resevoir plate

Anonymous No. 146324

Thanks bro, I guess I'll go to the hardware store today.

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Anonymous No. 146393


Anonymous No. 146412

wtf is that paint that's the worst rattlecan job i've ever seen in my loife

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Anonymous No. 146416

Damn son, that slut looks tight. Paintjob is looking nice, needs some white tape stripes for that perfect rooskie OG MW2 look. How many guns do you have so far. I got 3 reliable rifles, 2 working pistols yet that still isnt enough choice for me, you feel. As if im hoarding for a friend that never comes

Anonymous No. 146437

its the previous owners paintjob, im gonna strip it and maybe do my own.
i got two long airsoft guns and one pistol

Anonymous No. 146497

Does that MLOK version also come with the OG SVD rail mount? I can't see clearly in the pic. I have the real NPZ SVD scope and I was wondering about this thing for maybe a future project.

Anonymous No. 146527

I just bought an E&L Essentials AK74 what am I in for?

Anonymous No. 146528

nothing special. The externals are nice, but internally meh

Anonymous No. 146529

>>>/wsg/5094820 man ARES gearboxes can suck a fat one, so much dremeling and cutting having to be done to get the engine and trigger in properly. Anyway end result is cool. Trigger could probably be adjustered for even more feathering

Anonymous No. 146530

also think i'm gonna cut off the trigger guard so i can get in there better with two fingers

Anonymous No. 146536

>two finger faggot
Please don't

Anonymous No. 146538

why not

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Anonymous No. 146583

Got myself a Cyma Pt Mp5. Mostly just as an apartment plinker, but maybe I'll get a mask and plod down to the local field some day and see if I enjoy the targets shooting back. Based on my exceptionally thorough and all-encompassing experience with these things (some youtube videos) it seems quick enough on the trigger response. However, as my late grandfather the train driver always didn't say, a derailing seems in order.

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Anonymous No. 146584

That's more like it.

Anonymous No. 146598

top looks better ngl

Anonymous No. 146600

well done
ur blind mate

Anonymous No. 146602

I dig my 74NM. Got the FPS to 390 FPS 1.50j

Anonymous No. 146646


Anonymous No. 146651

Very nice
Then why did you?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 146657


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Anonymous No. 146733

damn i found a picture of you

Anonymous No. 146778

top is wierdly front heavy, bottom is wierdly back heavy. if youre gonna have a railless mp5 throw a proper handguard on instead of that noodle

Anonymous No. 146781

Balance crept forward from my changes, the adjustable stock was one hefty bastard.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 146783

Bitch slap /aa22/ #1347
Asked /niger/? Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of retards.


Pre-Installed Game: https:/me/.xml updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

Install Guide:
General FAQ:
Niggerfaggot Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for dumbass(ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/fag/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

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Anonymous No. 146823

On a similar point, would it be too farby to put an EMR flora cover on an MICH/ACH if you're doing a RUSFOR larp? I don't wanna buy a ton of different gear, so it'd be more convenient y'know.

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Anonymous No. 146838

I got gifted this old Tokyo Marui that was sitting in a closet for years (battery and charger are busted, probably needs a checkup aswell), is it a decent enough to "fix it", and does it have any resell value?
I don't really have an aeg (only ever used springers shorties cause I'm poor) and I'm unsure about the quality of this but I heard Marui replicas should be high quality

Anonymous No. 146856

Probably still good to go if it hasn't been run into the ground by the previous owner.

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Anonymous No. 146858

My new toy is coming in on monday, I need ideas for diy targets, paper got boring fast.

Anonymous No. 146867

buy soft fruit/vegetables and paint faces on them

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Anonymous No. 146888

Can anyone positively ID the exact model crane butt stock I have?
Got the gun at a thrift store for $20, a classic army CA MOD M4 mlock. Missing the butt stock rear cover pad and no battery. Ordered a $30 Amazon butterfly 11v battery/ charger and sure enough, it works. But I don't know if this stock is aftermarket or what brand , so don't know which cover fits it.

This is my first airsoft gun since the late 90s and there's an absolute shitload of stuff out there now.

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Anonymous No. 146889


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Nerf Masterkey 4.jpg

Anonymous No. 146891

It's probably the factory Classic Army crane stock. IMHO trying to get an exact replacement is low short of buying the entire buttstock. You could try getting a 3rd party replacement buttpad who all advertise how their pads are much more comfortable/tactical than factory.

My choice would be to buy a new buttstock of your own personal taste. Not that I dislike the crane stock, I actually like it a lot as far as basic buttstocks go. It's on my Nerf gun.

I think this still applies today, milspec vs commercial vs airsoft:

Anonymous No. 146892

Can't go wrong with empty alum/tin cans for simple reactive targets and cardboard, paper's stronger brother, for making targets of various shapes and sizes that have an actual backbone to them

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Anonymous No. 146896

Faces! Omg that sounds great lmao
Already planning a trip to Poland for a bunch of cheap beer

Thanks fellas

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Anonymous No. 146932

Guy from roughly a week ago who go bought a 50 dollar Novristch pistol here.
>INspect the gun.
>Literally only thing wrong with it is the little gasket on the lid of the mag's gas compartment.
>Put some teflon tape in the fucker and it shoots fine, if a little leaky.
>Figure I can fix this myself and go to the hardware store.
>All the pieces are too big.
>Not a problem, Dad works for a company that sells this shit.
>Hands the piece off to a guy who can measure it and find the exact size of gasket I need.
>One of the largest companies in the US for this shit doesn't sell this kind of gasket.
Does Novritsch just use proprietary shit and I'm SOL for fixing this thing? I'm not too upset if so since even with a new mag I'll be basically getting a gun for 100 bucks off if I factor in the taclight it came with but It'd be nice to have it working.

Anonymous No. 146936

I suspect this video is going to be very useful for you, should help you figure out solutions that don't necessitate replacing parts
If you do actually need replacement parts, however, Hi-Capa magazine O-rings and gaskets should be readily accessible on most major airsoft stores - though the mag base O-rings are presently sold out on Evike as far as I can tell

Anonymous No. 146937

After trying things like teflon tape, silicone oil, petroleum jelly, etc... using RTV sealant worked for me. Someone can feel free to tell my why it might be a terrible idea.

Anonymous No. 146947

Yeah I stuck one of my real Magpul stocks on it just to see if it fits and it's great, just no compartments to fit the butterfly battery. Yeah the rep buttpadd are basically all about $10 vs $30 or so for an airsoft crane, so I'll probably just get a whole new one.

Anonymous No. 146948

Anyone know if the cyma galil was discontinued?

Anonymous No. 146949

I don't think so, they just haven't done a production run for a while.

Anonymous No. 146956

Is PJ as a brand any good, ive been looking at getting the M1 garand

Anonymous No. 146974

No idea about that one, but I feel like the Cyma Bizon is discountinued even if Taiwangun told us they still believe it isn't. The damn thing has been out of stock for at least a few years everywhere.
I want it so bad...

Anonymous No. 146991

The Bizon and Galil are a bit more niche than AKs and M14s, I'm certain they'll restock them, but they don't sell in the volumes to justify constant new batches of production.

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Anonymous No. 147000

>Come home today.
>Second mag I ordered arrives in the mail. Bought one cause I wanted two mags anyways.
>The screw-on bit sits crooked.
Is Novristch just a meme I've fallen for or is this just a comical case of shit luck?
Thanks bros, I'll take a look at these.

Anonymous No. 147003

>Is Novristch just a meme

Anonymous No. 147014

Noodlebitch is infamously known for just rebranding shit and selling it at a premium for the most part, all of his GBBPs are just rebranded versions of KJW pistols - KJW mags, however, aren't that bad AFAIK so you might just be unlucky
That being said, if you need replacement mags then any TM-compatible Hi-Capa mag should work for you

Anonymous No. 147015

Thanks bro. I'll look into that.

Anonymous No. 147033

Novritsch products are a litmus test for retards

Anonymous No. 147051

His stuff is overpriced for what it is. My TM MK23 had a better trigger and hop up unit compared to the SSX23 I bought years later. Honestly regret consignment selling the TM when my local (& best field I have ever played at) field closed. The TM trigger was smoother and the hop setting was not crazy sensitive. I sold the SSX23 to a random dude in front of a corner store and went back to my raggedy yet un-killable Y&P M9 NBB.

Anonymous No. 147113

>are norbitch shitters?
and overpriced

reminder to talk shit to them on youtube because they're retarded
>talk shit on the based aap
>their pistol is so dogshit it doesn't even last a day on the field

Anonymous No. 147117

heheh, funny that you mention that, because i plan on doing exactly the same thing. i reeeeaaally don't want to buy another helmet, especially since a 6b47/6b27 replica is pretty damn expensive. eventually i'll just buy a flora cover and do that, really. i don't think most people are going to care, and the shapes of the helmets are similar enough already, with a cover it'd be pretty difficult to tell unless you were really trying to detect something is off.

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Cordon military.gif

Anonymous No. 147131

Just ordered a SOTAC Perst-4 & SOTAC Klesh 2, bros!

Anonymous No. 147138

had my first airsoft game today. was a fucking blast, i haven't had this much fun in years. it was 90 miles one way but it was worth it

Anonymous No. 147141

redpill me on gas blowback 1911s. anything that looks/functions like an old A1 or is it all just 2011 builds? also
>fuck green gas
>co2 gang

Anonymous No. 147144

Damn, i might just go with the other plane and mod out the cyma ak i have to have a galil stock.
Does the jg ak receivers fit cyma internals?

Anonymous No. 147160

why repros and not zenitco bro theyre very cheap lol

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Anonymous No. 147161

>buying any 1911 that's not TM

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Anonymous No. 147170

Vorbidden in Germuni, i weep. Looks like a solid choice frend. What rifle are you going to smack that candy on ?

Anonymous No. 147180

Are they forbidden to order from Aliexpress or are they field-banned in Germany?
Got the Arcturus AK-12 Perun edition. I already got an A-1, RK-6 and DTK-1. Might get an RK-3 or RP-1 but I'm not really impressed by those.

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Anonymous No. 147190

Finished my honey badger build. Had some alignment issues and the hop unit was too far forward tho nothing electrical tape and orings can’t fix. Still need to dremel a bit more on the gearbox since the trigger adjustment screw is hitting it and blocking me from the final last bits of adjustment so it’s completely featherable

Anonymous No. 147220

IIRC, it's literally illegal to put lights and lasers on >0.5J airsoft guns in Germany because of how they're classified in relation to firearms (which are also illegal to use with lights and lasers)

Anonymous No. 147224

>can't even have low powered fake peq boxes
lol you guys need to set up some guillotines

Anonymous No. 147240

What the hell...
Well uh... I guess you can mount a peq on a helmet then? I tried it and you can accurately hit if you can keep your head steady...
But very sad regardless.

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Anonymous No. 147250

Deadass iirc its illegal to mount a night vision/thermal scope on your airsoft gun as well since well airsoft is considered a gun. Not being able to full auto my gbbs is just a pain ache on another level desu. Ive been itching for a proper mp9 and m93 with a stock since MW2 came out ffs but it doesnt make sense to me to pay all that oremium for half the experience, but yeah, this whatever

Anonymous No. 147262

the eternal kraut strikes again

Anonymous No. 147291

another quality weekend of airsoft in the books boys. How was your guys' games? My blackout finally came in on Friday so I was able to field it today for the first time. the range out of the box on this thing is incredible, really loving how it feels too. Any interesting stories anyone want to share?

Anonymous No. 147339

*honk* *honk*

Anonymous No. 147343

>$185 on evike
give me a reason these are better than an elite force from umarex for $120

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Andy's Airso....png

Anonymous No. 147344

Times like these I'm glad I don't live in Germany, because researching their laws is depressing... even if I fucking hate being in Canada because my government spent two years actively destroying the sport and a corrupt government agency has completely fucked up the airsoft market up here for the longest time by holding shipments for insanely long periods of time, usually to try and find any excuse they can (including sometimes making up excuses that aren't real) to turn back/seize shipments so they can inflate their firearms confiscation numbers

Anonymous No. 147345

holy shit. i complain about the ATF but this is next level faggotry

Anonymous No. 147347

how many canteens do you guys carry? or do you go for a camelbak? i brought one and i ran out just at the end of the day, i know for a fact when it gets hotter i won't last with just one canteen.

Anonymous No. 147348

Way more parts compatibility and better quality control, also not a rebrand of the worst gun design KWC has to offer which is known for having a terrible magazine capacity (especially since said magazines are grossly overpriced), being terribly loosely put together and having 100% proprietary parts known for breaking over time, with the only reason the gun has any semblance of popularity being that EF paid Youtubers to shill the absolute shit out of them as "the best starter pistol" when they're honestly hot trash that only functions "acceptably" if you luck out on the QC lottery and get one that doesn't shit the bed, which the KWC 1911 my parents bought when I was younger did not
If you don't want to deal with these issues, but don't want to spend $185US on a plastic Marui and are willing to deal with the fact that you'll have to download mags if you use propane (and even then, they'll probably get more shots off than an EF1911 mag can hold) while also still being CO2-compatible, KJW 1911s are $130-135US
If you want to use propane and don't want to deal with the inherent issues of most single-stack gas 1911s on the market at all but still want a gun with similar controls and handling, KJW Hi-Capas are typically $125US, but are $100US on Evike right now, and can use way more aftermarket
I don't have it on hand, but I distinctly recall there being an image/textdump that broke down every single issue KWC 1911s have that basically just completely destroyed any trust I could have in them beyond my already-damaged trust from the one I already had experience with

It's fucking terrible, retailers have reported that they will literally just lie about how hot a gun shoots to claim that it's shooting too softly for import so they can inflate their numbers and cripple the Canadian airsoft industry
Also >>147344 I meant to say "actively trying to destroy the sport", the airsoft bit got amended out of C-21 - though I have no doubts they'll try again

Anonymous No. 147351

Speaking of kwc, is their Tokarev equally unreliable because I have bought boneyards for parts and the hammer is broke on both. Kinda want to see if src is any better. At least mags are cheaper there.

Anonymous No. 147361

>shooting too softly for import
wait. shooting too soft? wouldn't they want to cap it the other way?

Anonymous No. 147382

I hit a “wanted” shot where because of strong wind I aimed like 4 meters off a guy, and the wind took the bb and curved it right into him. Distance was about 70 meters too so I thought that was cool

Anonymous No. 147400

>made sure the guns shot OVER the legal limit
Clown country

Anonymous No. 147404

I have a camelbak and some sort of sports drink that I sip on in the loading zone between games. The camelbak is worth the money because you can drink out of it way easier, holds more water and if you're doing other activities like biking or working in the heat you slap it on your back and just handle whatever comes your way.

Anonymous No. 147462

Last I checked, their Tokarev is literally a single-action-only non-blowback - meaning you have to treat it like a single-action revolver that's magfed, which is odd to say the least
Pretty sure either WE or SRC's Tokarev is better
Airsoft is basically only legal here on a technicality, that being that airguns are classified as "uncontrolled firearms" which means they can't be considered replica firearms (which are defined as non-firearms that directly resemble modern production firearms), and the way the CBSA handles that is basically by deciding that any gun that shoots over 1.25J (366 FPS on a .20g BB) or can be readily converted to do so while also shooting under 500 FPS and 5.7J is an uncontrolled firearm
You can modify guns after they've cleared customs and are in your hands AFAIK, so it's not uncommon for people to buy guns and change out whatever feature makes them shoot super-hot - ex. swapping for a softer spring in AEGs and removing long inner barrel extensions on short-barrelled GBBPs
It's fucking insane, but it's the only thing keeping it legal here - and it was directly threatened by C-21 trying to make it so uncontrolled firearms that resembled controlled firearms would be legally reclassified into prohibited replicas

Anonymous No. 147463

*airguns shooting under 5.7J and 500 FPS are classified as uncontrolled firearms

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Anonymous No. 147492

>My 200 dollar uniform package (declared as 20 dollars) got picked for a random customs check
>6 days later it got released as all ok
Phew. Saved myself 65 dollars in fees there.

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Anonymous No. 147494

Anyone ordered anything from gay shop recently? I placed an order in early march still haven’t gotten my package

Anonymous No. 147496

I placed an order march 23rd and received it in europe april 14th. My two orders before that took around a month to complete.

Anonymous No. 147497

Guys is it better to upgrade my old gun or just buy a new one?
I have this old A&K LR300 that I bought used, it does the job for smaller fields, but the range and power on it is pretty shit. I don't really want to spend a whole lot of money cause I don't have the time to play very regularly, so I'm trying to figure out the most cost effective way of getting a better gun

Anonymous No. 147503

Guess I have shit luck then. Cause first it was shipped with DHL then after a month they returned it to grey shop because they apparently refuse now to deliver military gear (all I ordered was a viper hood) so it was sent with EMS in early April and yea it’s just been stuck since the 28th

Anonymous No. 147505

I read that DHL now wants ITAR export grants for orders from Grey Shop but the Russian gov doesn't give ITAR export grants for viper hoods because they're neither a weapon nor body armor.

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Anonymous No. 147580


Anonymous No. 147674

Anyone know what the average fps of cyma ak shoot at on .25g bbs? All the rifles i own shoot above 350 and both local feilds limit at 400 on 25g.

Anonymous No. 147727

>he doesn't have his own chrono

Anonymous No. 147750

>grey shop
buy real surplus you fucking pussy

Anonymous No. 147766

tough guy right here

Anonymous No. 147767

shut the fuck up woody

Anonymous No. 147769

bbwar veteran, what about it?

Anonymous No. 147780

does paintball have less larpers in swat gear crying every second when they're hit or claiming they hit you? i tried a game a year ago with my friend and it was so cringeworthy.

Anonymous No. 147781


Anonymous No. 147783

Find a better field. Otherwise yes paintball has less cunts.

Anonymous No. 147806

My CM040 and 045 both shot 430 fps with 0.20 out of the box which I think should be 385 fps with 0.25.

Anonymous No. 147927

tf? thats what youre supposed to do. you call hits not for the other guy, but for yourself, so you dont keep getting shot at. last game i went to, the field mods explicitly said "call your hits loudly and put your hand up, then grab your red rag or you *will* be shot again, until you call your hit". if someone doesnt call their hit, you missed or they need to be reminded why calling hits is important

Anonymous No. 148003

>Buy a surplus BDU
>Back, shoulder and chest area is so worn it is practically white

Anonymous No. 148058

how do i install a battery in this gun? i have a small brick and a stick
it goes in the stock

Anonymous No. 148068

Does the buttplate not come off?

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Anonymous No. 148090

>2 years worth of gear collecting
How'd I do /asg/?

Anonymous No. 148096

Collecting? You got one kit and a rifle not really a collection is it

Anonymous No. 148097

Oh I have some other kits, this is just what I like running the most

Anonymous No. 148102

well post all of it

Anonymous No. 148106

Ok, tomorrow though

Anonymous No. 148112

Anyone here have a kit in DNC? I want a set, but wondering if getting the rig in DNC would be too much (Helikon tex makes them in DNC) or just go with ranger green to break up the colors a bit.

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Anonymous No. 148113

Wher'd you get the colt style scope ? They used to be on amazon running about 100 bucks in euroland but now there isnt anything up, not even ebay. Then again i wouldnt spend more than 100 eroos on a repro

Anybody of you know where a europoor can get his hands on a xm177 handguard ? I checked polish and italian shops but cant find shit

Anonymous No. 148122

Ok ill just take both and my we tokarev. I need a second sling though. Btw for a asg m40a3 what would be a good cheap scope that i can also use on my 22lr bolt action.

Anonymous No. 148144

Anyone else going to Milsim West in CA this weekend?

Anonymous No. 148197


Anonymous No. 148209

i am trying to get back into the airsoft and i have to rebuild my gear and i decided on flecktarn
and my end result is an OD green plate carrier and i cant find any flecktarn pouches other than zentauron and they are 50 euro for 1 pouch
this is gay. And i am not sure wat to do

Anonymous No. 148210

Not the same guy but I'm pretty sure rear-wired CYMAs require you to unscrew the buttplate to access the battery storage

🗑️ Anonymous No. 148227

From your post you sound like a euro, assume you use the American Amazon (Idk if it would be on the UK or other European stores) you can get a Colt repro like this one for around 60 bucks USD.

As for the classic slim handguards, I know Brownell sells a repro for 20 bucks on their site, but if you wanna go the really poor fag route you can get the Double Star one for 10.

Anonymous No. 148228

Assuming you use the American Amazon (Idk if it would be on the UK or other European stores) you can get a Colt repro like this one for around 60 bucks USD.

As for the classic slim handguards, I know Brownell sells a repro for 20 bucks on their site, but if you wanna go the really poor fag route you can get the Double Star one for 10.

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Anonymous No. 148246

Got some pics. Had to leave out my STG44, VSR-10, and Vz-58 cuz they're in storage.
Pic related is the VFC XM177E2 I had in my original pic. Will post the rest in order of weapons to gear.

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Anonymous No. 148247

CYMA M16A1 and A2.

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Anonymous No. 148248

Golden Eagle gas super shorty.

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Anonymous No. 148250

KWC 1911 classic, KWA MAC-11, Generic scope, Comp M4 red dot clone, cheepo AliExpress night vision scope.

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Anonymous No. 148251

GI green balaclava, Woodland cap, basic goggles.

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Anonymous No. 148252

US Marine MOLLE II woodland vest.

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Anonymous No. 148253

Ncstar Tactical Carrier

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Anonymous No. 148254

Condor assault pack, woodland combat pants.

Anonymous No. 148257

Tried Begadi? Or

Anonymous No. 148258

od green pouches and carrier is fine? that's kit accurate too

Anonymous No. 148259

I want to cut up your bedsheet and turn it into camo.

Anonymous No. 148262

Tourist here.
Anyone know who makes cheap slings?
I'm looking for a sling to use on a vr tube stock.
Doesn't need to be durable since it's used only for vr, but still functional.
Located in United States for the matter of shipping.

Anonymous No. 148266


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Anonymous No. 148268

There are a million kinds of slings. 1-point, 2-point, 3-point? Connector type? etc...

That said, no one reputable makes cheap slings, only no-name chinese brands on amazon.

I personally just make my own. It's just webbing and hardware, if you know how to sew the ends of it. And because I choose better hardware, it's better than the cheap stuff. Plus, you can pick whatever pattern webbing you want, such and rainbow to let everyone know about your gayass VR gaming.

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Anonymous No. 148285

Getting back into airshit. Created myself an OPFOR rebel kit for an upcoming milsim, only had to buy a few things since I have quiet a bit of stuff left. Playing the rebels allows one to do retarded shit like wearing a poncho like that and get away without being called out for not following some cuck SOP from some 90s army ranger handbook. Also idc that my finger is on the trigger, it is an airshit and there is no battery in it anyway.
>LCT AK AIMS with a 6x24 BelOMO POSP (that is semi-only because I ordered it from Germany, thinking I will be able to change the selector plate to one that allows for FA but as it turns out those retards milled away parts of the trigger assembly and I am too lazy to open up the GB to replace that part)
>2 gofry mags taped together and 4 spares in the rig
>TAZ 83 jacket
>Wz.93 commando rig
>Wz.93 pants
>Wz.93 patrol cap
>Wz.93 Helikon Tex poncho
>Belleville Jungle boots
This man greens.
Sexy, the old style straight mag really looks cool on MP5s imo.
Based 80s commando.

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Anonymous No. 148287

green appreciator

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Anonymous No. 148288


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Anonymous No. 148305

no i will not be taking questions

Anonymous No. 148328


Anonymous No. 148349

Heavy Retard Club

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Anonymous No. 148360

Ill be completly and uttwrly unhinged and i will not self censor. That peace of delicious meat you got there got to be among the modt based real nigga builds ive ever seen. That 40 mike mike is super sexy and complements the ak's aesthetic all the way. I love the underfolder stock, adds a touch of deadassness to it. All in all shit looks cash money and i bet you are one cool af motherfucker. Cheers

Anonymous No. 148369

this is not how that sling works
also get a rubber boot for the stock, they were always used with granade launchers

Anonymous No. 148383

oh ok it worked

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Anonymous No. 148393

first AEG, not even fired yet, i was just screwing around trying to figure it out and the faux bolt got stuck rearward. i know its usable with the dust cover closed and the faux bolt back, but it bugs me. is there a way to fix it? i dont think its a huge deal, i may be wrong obviously, but it would be nice to have it fixed.

Anonymous No. 148394

push the charging handle back in

Anonymous No. 148397

i did. the charging handle is in, the bolt release is pressed, and i have tried to nudge it back into position.

Anonymous No. 148398

addendum: a brief function check shows that the gun is firing normally in full and semi auto. the fucker's getting fielded tomorrow regardless of whether or not i fix this

Anonymous No. 148442

>80s commando
Twas the idea

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Anonymous No. 148444

Don't look like no 80s commando I'm aware of.

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Anonymous No. 148447

True it kinda turned more into a 90s/early 2000s kit.

Anonymous No. 148452

I would assume your bolt handle spring is broken

Anonymous No. 148571

Post limit. Someone prepare a new thread within the next month.

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Anonymous No. 148576


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Anonymous No. 148600

its generally good practice to wait until the current general is on like page 8 or 9. so yeah in about a month.

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Anonymous No. 148617

We should wait until we reach 100 posters

Anonymous No. 148622

bump helmets will never ever stop looking silly to me

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Anonymous No. 148719

I've got one of these beauties coming through the next week (provided paypal stop being arseholes to the guy I bought it from), just curious how hard it was to swap the furniture out? Did you need any filing or did it just slip in? Also that magazine release, was it possible to just remove the faggy panel extending it to the trigger guard or did you need to order another magazine release?

Anonymous No. 148723

It was as simply as it could be, no filing or so involved. And the extended mag release is just an extra part added on, you undo a grub screw and slide it off (though you need to pop the lower off to reach the screw). The only thing to watch out for is that the railed front end is held in place with a screw instead of a push pin, so unless your new hand guard comes with a push pin you'll need to get a new one separately. Hex screws for both the hand guard and the top rail btw.

Anonymous No. 148769

Magazines right side up or down in rigs/carriers??? If down, which direction?

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Anonymous No. 148774

Fuck yeah, exactly the response I was hoping for, cheers mate, just gotta wait for paypal to stop screwing around. Fuckers are asking the guy to provide proof of shipment from the supplier for the used gun he's trying to sell, hopefully paypal support sorts it because I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on that.

Anonymous No. 148799

Upside down, curve/rounds to the right so you do a quick lil hand flip when reloading.

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Anonymous No. 148803

bbs upwards so I know which mags are still loaded, curved to the right because my brain says to do it like that

Anonymous No. 148893

That's what dump pouches are for.

Anonymous No. 148926

Don't you guys just go from the first pouch to the last in order? I just go from the first one on the left to the fifth one on my right side. (CIRAS PC)

Anonymous No. 148942

thanks for this rec, this is perfect. I am going to mix this with clawgear pouches
I guess i am not going for accuracy but flecktarnmaxxing, i dont want a german larp so much

Anonymous No. 148943

I meant Begadi, fuck. Whatever it doesnt matter

Anonymous No. 148976

miss me with those nato westoid inventions

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Anonymous No. 148977

>dump pouches
not kosher for my impression sorry

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Anonymous No. 148978

this is my usual approach, when doing things quickly at milsims it's nice to be able to check though

Anonymous No. 149245

it looks good, but i wish it performed better. i'm wondering if i should upgrade mine or just buy something else

Anonymous No. 149274

There aren't really any high performing AK's out of the box. The closes you will get is the Specna Edge AK's that come with a GATE Aster out of the box. For your E&L i'd recommend 22TPA motor, 13:1 gears and a optical mosfet like a Perun hybrid. Either that or just HPA it. I don't play in full auto anyway so i use a Mancraft engine in my AK's

Anonymous No. 149348

>There aren't really any high performing AK's out of the box
Bro, (You)r Arcturus AK-12 perun edition?

Anonymous No. 149437

Anyone own a WE Desert Eagle? Really want to buy one to use it as a primary

Anonymous No. 149449

Not compatible with TM parts. If you want to use a pistol as a primary and have it not be shit get a WE/AW Glock, AAP-01 or Hicapa and change the hop rubber

Anonymous No. 149454

Or if you can get hands on it cheap get a TM Mk23. Idk what thise gooks do with it but the range and precision is crazy for an out of the box NBB with 320 FPS.

Anonymous No. 149455

Doesn't have to be a TM. All the other clones are TM compatible and much cheaper. I got the STTI one from Taiwangun for like 45 euro + a TDC plate and changed the hop rubber and inner barrel to Maple Leaf parts and it can lob .45g's really far

Anonymous No. 149456

Oh yeah, can't speak for other ones myself, but if you can get a NBB Mk23 for 45 euro and it performs even somewhat close to the TM Mk23 that is a steal.

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Anonymous No. 149460

The Tokyo Marui Saiga 12K was released today. I'm not much of a gas person myself but this one is tempting.

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Anonymous No. 149462

>wants a Desert Eagle
>buy a Glock

Anonymous No. 149466

whats the best co2 sidearm and why is it the p09?

Anonymous No. 149476

it hobby died when classic army stopped making :army" guns. everything now just looks like a ar15 race gun.

Anonymous No. 149479

I already have a TM Glock 17 Gen4. I want a Desert Eagle as a primary and I heard that WE Desert Eagle is the best. A lot of reviews praise it but I've seen a couple of cases where the slide cracks.
I'd say it's a good review and the Weagle has potential to be a good primary

Anonymous No. 149639

Anyone have a suggestion on a cheap, but accurate airsoft rifle I can use to shoot the fucking squirrels off the bird feeder without badly hurting them?

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Anonymous No. 149658


Anonymous No. 149659

No, because that's cruel
If you're trying to get squirrels off of the bird feeder, either use an actual pellet rifle to dispatch them outright or find a different nonlethal way to get them to fuck off

Anonymous No. 149693

>tfw I still haven't gone to either field around charlotte.
once I finish drawing a dakimakura I swear. also one of the fields changed rules so my cyma definitely works for that field. only problem is it is an hour away and it keeps raining every weekend.
btw is taiwangun a reliable seller, I need more we tokarev mags?
bb guns are better for that and just buy daisy whatever for that. or air rifle.

Anonymous No. 149697

I don't want to kill it.
I just want it to feel enough pain to never want to go near another birdfeeder again.

Anonymous No. 149705

You sound like the kind of person that's going to get a fun nickname when the news reports on the fourth suspiciously-identical murder that month
Kill the thing or get it to fuck off, it's that simple

Anonymous No. 149706

*get it to fuck off without inflicting unnecessary pain
if you're going to shoot it, shoot it with something that'll humanely kill it

Anonymous No. 149736

Don't know why everyone is so excited about that thing. It's ugly

Anonymous No. 149741

Pretty sure someone in Japan found out that if you hold the selector lever in the right spot the gun will actually fire on full-auto, which is just fucking incredible
Kinda want to see someone crack the thing open and see if it basically uses an AKM-style FCG, if so I can 100% see people finding a way to stick it in the right position for auto if they decide they want to be an absolute menace out on the field for a very short amount of time per magazine

Anonymous No. 149754

>btw is taiwangun a reliable seller
Didn't screw me over at least.

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Anonymous No. 149836

anyone out playing today? I was using my DNC shirt for the first time, i bought pants in the same camo as well but my ass is too fat for the large size apparently so i have to return them

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Anonymous No. 149837


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Anonymous No. 149839


Anonymous No. 149849

>battery bag
What is this? The fucking mid 2000s?

Anonymous No. 150035

That's awesome, such a throwback!

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Anonymous No. 150221

what kind of stuff should i put on it now with all this rail space??

Anonymous No. 150225

rail covers, to defeat the purpose of having a rail in the firts place

Anonymous No. 150227

The wood back on again

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Anonymous No. 150231


Anonymous No. 150261

Wooden rail covers

Anonymous No. 150289

I sure hope that M45 is TM

Anonymous No. 150304

Nah it’s a cheap double bell

Anonymous No. 150318

Seeing as you use HPA I'd say some kind of tactical dilating device

Anonymous No. 150319

what upsets you about hpa

Anonymous No. 150320


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Anonymous No. 150331

It's like 50 year old technology that was once forgotten because having a hose attached to your gun and carrying an air tank is pretty damn stupid.

And when will someone make the new thread?

Anonymous No. 150333

have you ever tried a P*? It's night and day compared to anything else. Using AEG's feels like balls when used to HPA performance

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Anonymous No. 150338

Some people say it feels great to shove stuff up your anus but I'm not a dirty sodomite so I'll never know.

Anonymous No. 150339

enjoy your whiny gearbox then bruh

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Anonymous No. 150346

It's just like the squealing of a Japanese girl during sex. I can hear my AEG scream "ahn~ my gears are moving on their own!" as I pull the trigger.

Anonymous No. 150374

Airsoft started off focused on realism and target shooting because of Japan and NOGUNZ. Everything back then ran on green gas and CO2. Then TM developed AEG and milsim became a thing. Nowadays, a lot of it is focused on speedsoft and shooting your opponent at 30bps because GOTTA GO FAST!

Personally, I wouldn't mind HPA if they hid everything and still focused on "realism". Some are slick when they use small CO2 tanks and cartridges. Otherwise, I'm back to playing paintball with the giant tanks, refill stations, tank recerts, and people bunkering each other sending constant streams down lanes.

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Anonymous No. 150414

how is AEG more milsim than this i have actual trigger resistance

Anonymous No. 150420

>as he tries to keep to hose out of the frame

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Anonymous No. 150423

>Regularly check orga website for this rail for at least a year
>never restocked
>pretty sure it's discontinued
just fuck my shit up

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Anonymous No. 150427

>wants to ruin a Type 89 with railz

Anonymous No. 150429

the point is that I don't want to replace the entire handguard but have the comfort of a foregrip, and I don't feel like screwing anything into the handguard itself. I'm pretty small and weak so it'd be pretty helpful for me to have one.

Anonymous No. 150438

Bruh you can clearly see it in the picture retard

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Anonymous No. 150450

Decided to give my LCT AIMS AK a subtle weathering since I am turning it into a 5.45 MD 86 once the PBS-4 arrives and I am sick of it looking like a black toy gun. The mag looks a bit silly because it is just paint that strips off of it. Not sure if I should do any more or leave the rest be done by just using that thing.

Anonymous No. 150469

Looks nice. What weathering technique did you use?

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Anonymous No. 150485

Thanks. I first did a bit of rough scratching with steel wool and then I went finer on it with 1000 grit sandpaper so it doesn't look scratched but genuinely worn off.
>I'm pretty small and weak so it'd be pretty helpful for me to have one.
Does a foregrip help with that though? I generally do not use the foregrip on my AK since it forces me to grab it too far in front imo, instead I grab it right in front of the magazine, which makes it much easier to handle due to the center of gravity generally being around there. AFAIK frontgrips help with controlling recoil and muzzleclimb, something that isn't an issue with airsofts to begin with.

Anonymous No. 150487

My problem is my wrists start to hurt after a while. Holding my hand out vertically would be alot more comfortable over a few hours versus without a foregrip. Doesn't help the gun is pretty heavy as is.

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Anonymous No. 150488

Try grabbing it like picrel instead, gives you both a vertical grip and keeps your arm closer to the center of mass, making it much easier to hold onto for a prolonged time imo.

Anonymous No. 150494

>those retarded rubber boots
>30 buckaridoos
You got ripped off, nigger.
For $200 you could've gotten normal camo gear from a military surplus store, or even gotten an old worn out european uniform, and you would still have pocket change for a burger and fries.

Anonymous No. 150509

itt: weak small babies

Anonymous No. 150510

show your replica

Anonymous No. 150534

I'll give it a shot.

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Anonymous No. 150535


Anonymous No. 150550

Airsoft in the US is in danger from the Consumer product safety commission. Leave a (respectfully) comment expressing your disapproval of this new proposed regulation.

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Anonymous No. 150572

Couldn't be me! Eastern EUchad checking in

Anonymous No. 150748

>Muttland regulating toys but can't regulate real steel firearms
What went so wrong over there?

Anonymous No. 150752

New thread >>150751