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🧵 /asg/ Airsoft General

Anonymous No. 150751

Fogging eye pro Summer edition

Old Thread: >>144121

Keep strictly real-steel related topics in >>>/k/, gun and gear porn's cool as long as you don't spam.

If you have a useful guide or want to rework one for the OP, post it and someone will add it to the next one.

>Updated Newbie pastebin

>/asg/ retailer guide

>Legal comprehensive, crosscheck with your local laws to be on the safe side

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Anonymous No. 150762

Planning to go to my first Vietnam war event next weekend. Finally managed to get my hands on some cheap repro jungle boots. Since it's already getting humid as fuck over here I'm considering getting a pair of mesh goggles as a backup in case my regular eye pro gets to foggy.
Am I too optimistic if I think that sub 1 joule guns at outdoor field ranges won't be able shatter bbs?

Anonymous No. 150766

Fucking where? My country will turn into a fucking desert this year AAAAAAAAA

Anonymous No. 150769

Anime land. It's rainy season now and after that follows the hot and humid as fuck proper summer. In July, August and September it's basically impossible to play outdoor.

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Anonymous No. 150785

>Russian gear seller wasn't taken by FSB just busy
Already getting hot here so the summer uniform will be nice

Anonymous No. 150802

I tried getting back into airsoft a couple years ago but there is only 1 field local to me and it was a pretty miserable experience. Spergs, try hard vets and the field wasn’t very cool. It’s a bummer because I love autistically tinkering with my guns but I can’t bring myself to actually go play. I need to travel for some further event

Anonymous No. 150809

It's not just the FPS, it's also the quality of the BB, whether it's bio, and stupid luck.

But yes, fog of war can be a bitch.

Anonymous No. 150818

>mesh goggles
Don’t do it anon. If one of them hits you just right it’ll shatter and still make its way into your eye.

Anonymous No. 150819

I drive an hour and a half one way to my field and honestly it’s worth it. Not sure how far you have to go but try looking further away.

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Anonymous No. 150836

Just got this used, how'd I do bros?

Anonymous No. 150837

What brand, how used, and how much?

Anonymous No. 150838

We-tech, almost brand new, and 650 CAD

Anonymous No. 150859

Don't know anything about the We-tech one but Scar-H is pretty hot

Anonymous No. 150876

Awesome, it's good to see more retro style rifles on the field.

Anonymous No. 150882

Know a guy who had a lot of problems with it.

Anonymous No. 150889

get a fan set for your goggles instead. Getting segmented bb's in to your eyes isn't fun

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Anonymous No. 150893

Get some real drip for Nam games

Anonymous No. 150966

>won't be able shatter bbs?
It's always a risk, regardless. I take a back up pair of decent eyepro, then if one gets irredeemably fogged up, I switch them out and apply anti fog wipes. Also, what brand is that A1, looks good.
Tbf this can be said of basically all airsoft guns.

Anonymous No. 150971

That'd be pretty cool, even if they don't look too safe.
I usually try to have a backup pair of eye pro on me but once I pass a certain point of steamy sweat no amounts of anti fog help. It's a CYMA but I didn't like the default finish on the receiver (it looked too much like a toy) so I went over it with some sandpaper.

Anonymous No. 150977

Recently did my first airsoft game with some Korean military guys, was pretty fun. Borrowed weapons from them and did my best to understand. Their course was small though. Got a few welts but had fun. Whats a good way to start myself? Anything to read up on or a manufacturer guide?

Anonymous No. 150978

>Whats a good way to start myself?
what's your goal larp, performance or casual? Any particular type of weapon you want? Budget etc. You need to give us something to work with. Also region so i can recommend a shop depending on your location

Anonymous No. 150979

I'd say casual right now. I've only done it once but it was a lot of fun and I'll hang out with the same guys again. I'll probably wait until I leave Korea, going to Japan next, to get my own guns, so just looking around at anything for now. Sorry for not having a lot of specifics, I might just be getting too excited and not lurking long enough.

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Anonymous No. 150981

Start out with what gun you might fancy yourself using (not a sniper) then search for price/performance ratios on the models that are out there. If you'd like an AK the CYMA 040/045 are good guns for a low price.

There's also the newbie pastebin, as crass as it is

Anonymous No. 150982

I think most people in japan stick to Tokyo Marui since it's made for the specific rules japan have for airsoft. Like limiting to 1j in power, and for example pistol frames not allowed to be made in metal. Actually don't know if this applies to rifles as well, but all the TM stuff is polymer so i presume so.

Anonymous No. 151025

TM's more recent rifles have been alloy, and metal guns from Taiwan/China are sold there, I think it's pistols that have to be plastic.aruinguns are really well priced in Japan, good quality and not that expensive, they just get marked up for sales abroad.

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Anonymous No. 151028

Settle an argument /asg/: if you find a slightly rusty basic M4 mag in a bush on a field, that has obviously been dropped on a previous game day, should you hand it in to the marshalls?

Anonymous No. 151032

If you lost something wouldn’t you want someone to return it? Something something karma

Anonymous No. 151037

Hand it in because I don't use AEG fucking shits

Anonymous No. 151044

It's there to lure you into the sniper's kill zone you fucking newb.

Anonymous No. 151063

Yeah, that's my mag I lost.

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Anonymous No. 151067

Great, another filthy G.I. to further pollute my pure and beautiful Nippon. Any idea where you'll be stationed? If it's somewhere in Kanagawa/Tokyo/Chiba I can give you some info.

Anonymous No. 151130
Do any of you go to msw events?

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Anonymous No. 151164

Finished my 5.45 md.86 with a PBS-1 style suppressor on it. The PBS-4 I ordered as well unfortunately was meant for extended barrels on Aks74us so the BBs do not manage to leave said suppressor, but I think the setup still looks cool. On top of that the Ukrainian Zhgut torniquet arrived so I wrapped a packed bandage onto my wirestock with the help of it.
Yeah, turn it in.

Anonymous No. 151201

Sweet, what brand was the base rifle, did you upgrade the internals?

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Anonymous No. 151210

LCT AK AIMS, only replaced the cutoff lever inside so it can go full-auto again. Oh and I put in one of those tightbore inner barrels I had laying around, although I do not really see a difference in performance.

Anonymous No. 151218

That sight looks as heavy as the rifle, does it still work?

Anonymous No. 151248

>that scope
That's cool as fuck but Jesus Christ. Is it true that it weighs almost 3 kg?

Anonymous No. 151261

Okinawa. I've looked a bit into it and it seems like theres a decent sized community there.
Is it cringe to start with something other than an AK or M4?

Anonymous No. 151263

>Is it cringe to start with something other than an AK or M4?
No its pretty based. Airsoft has enough M4s and AKs. Just make sure you get something of decent quality. Don't go buying a VFC Robinson XCR or something just to have a different gun.

Anonymous No. 151269

Yes, it works, although I need to put in a new pack of AAA-holders. On top of that its performance leaves a lot to be desired, not that it was a purchase for the sake of gaining actual nightfight capabilities for BB wars in the first place.
Yes, it is very heavy. 3kg is pretty accurate. The gun with the NSP-3 weighs 7.1 Kg.

Anonymous No. 151271

So you're a filthy Marine? Unfortunately I don't know anything about the airsoft scene there but it definitely exists. Getting something that's not an M4 or and AK is the based way to go, just know that the more niche it is the harder it is to get mags and accessories. Are there any specific guns you're interested in?
I guess you don't need to the gym

Anonymous No. 151279

no, Im not a marine. My dad was, and he told me join the AF.
Theres not a specific gun im interested in. Im not looking to purchase anything except some safety gear for a few months at least. The Korean guys here have a shit ton and dont mind lending it for the day. Really nice group.

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Anonymous No. 151321

bruh I can’t wear these rhodesian shorts in public kek

Anonymous No. 151377

There are three fields around me and I cannot decide which one to go to.
The closest is the cheapest but idk what happens if you show up and there is barely anyone around. The other two feilds are an hour away.

Anonymous No. 151388

Some of the best games I've played had a small player count. There's more room on the field to roam around, plus you'll get to learn the lay of the land easier. Just get out there & play. With the closest field, you really don't invest too much time if the place has lame rules/players.

Anonymous No. 151392

I’d have to agree with >>151388 just yolo and go for it. Most fun airsoft day I’ve ever had was 4th of July weekend and only 3 people plus myself showed up. Did 2v2s for a few hours and it was way more intense than a normal game day with larger teams

Anonymous No. 151409

>what happens if you show up and there is barely anyone around
You take some selfies feeling cute in your tacticool costume and do some target practice

Anonymous No. 151423

I started with a P90 and G36. But now I have at least 2 AR models. Just be aware that there will be less parts and accessories available, and may be more expensive. May or may not be a factor depending on how much you're willing to invest.

>The Korean guys here have a shit ton and dont mind lending it for the day. Really nice group.
Many people are generous if it means more people in the hobby. It's one reason to build a collection.

Anonymous No. 151434

Isn't there a minimum signup requirement? And where do you sign up? Here it's all on Facebook so you can see how many signed up on the event. Usually the minimum is 15 people here

Anonymous No. 151437

Make sure to check if any of the fields have a no singles policy. Some fields don't want weirdos with no friends turning up.

Anonymous No. 151439

Wow, I've never heard of that one, and I've been to a few. Must have been one schizo that ruined it for everyone, tho that should just have been a selective ban. Most fields welcome single people, as 1 > 0.

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Anonymous No. 151440

im looking for a few velcro patches to put on my outfit. can you help an autistic chud out?

Anonymous No. 151442

check the patch guide on /k/

Anonymous No. 151443

Is the airsoftfag community really full of chuddy "Millions must die" type LARPers?

Anonymous No. 151445

They only stated that with paintball.
None, sign up is in person or reservation though it doesn't mention how many people are there usually.
I guess I'll just reserve a spot sat and show up then. They don't require payment till there so i don't lose anything. Charlotte area btw.

Anonymous No. 151446


Anonymous No. 151448

this general probably is. I primarily play in a speedsoft loadout, but i want to build a "Speedsim" setup soon

Anonymous No. 151452

It depends on what you mean with that. If you just mean milsimmers in general then definitely. If you mean poltards that make the falling of the west their whole personality then also yes. I personally like militaria but the people surrounding that sphere are some of the most obnoxious chuddies you can be surrounded by.

Anonymous No. 151454

I always carry a tactical noose in case I encounter any coons on the field

Anonymous No. 151482

kys, pedophile

Anonymous No. 151483

Depends on country. Western airsoft communities are full of fags and trannies and in my country I can openly say nigger on the field

Anonymous No. 151509

All the guys around my age are chill and just like guns, using airsoft as a way to get shit that emulates what we can't own here.

All the old boomers and middle aged ex-army dudes are geuinely racist and also play like shitheads

Anonymous No. 151568

I’ve got a G&G F2000 and a LCT LC3 with a polar star but I think I’m gonna get rid of them both. An anon in the last thread convinced me that HPA isn’t the way to go and although I love F2000 I don’t enjoy winding hicaps on a bullpup. Really sad to say but I might just do the most basic bitch M4 possible and buy the best internals possible. I got tired of lugging around a 12 pound full length battle rifle all day

Anonymous No. 151583

Why not try midcaps on the F2000? Apparently newer F2000's fixed the issue with midcap compatibility, and if not, you could try modding the midcaps to fix, or even modding the gearbox.

Anonymous No. 151598

battleaxe stanag midcaps work fine on my F2000. Also why the fuck would you replace a P* with an AEG. You are gonna hate it so much trust me.There's no way i could go back to AEG after being used to HPA

Anonymous No. 151613

Just never had good experiences with mid caps but I haven’t gotten any new ones to try in a while, it’s worth a shot because I really enjoy my fish gun
Idk, I’m tired of dealing with the hose and my local field doesn’t have an on-site air tank so if I run out I’m out. I agree that the polar star is awesome but it’s also way more of a headache than I expected

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Anonymous No. 151635

What's your take on ESG blowback? I've found this ICS shorty but I'm concerned about it falling apart.
Some ICS feedback in general would be nice too

Anonymous No. 151641

The only blowback worth a shit is gas blowback

Anonymous No. 151651

>middle aged ex-army dudes are geuinely racist and also play like shitheads
Based working class heroes.

Anonymous No. 151699

Nope. Most want to do whatever work they need to do, play their niche hobby & then be left alone.

Anonymous No. 151700

More like arseholes who make airsoft not fun because they want to start a fight over people "Not taking hits"

No your fucking ares amoeba throwing .2s isn't going through the bush the guys is stood in you prick

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Anonymous No. 151702

Fuck you, Glockfag

Anonymous No. 151735

Enjoy your oversized useless pistol retard

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Anonymous No. 151736


Anonymous No. 151748

Lame, I was thinking on getting into airsoft if I can yell "kill niggers" with my pals as I storm a building.

Anonymous No. 151749

I mean, no-one's stopping you from doing this anyways.

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Anonymous No. 151756

Could try checking out CO2 adapters, would still require a hose since you're using a G3 but it may present a solution of some sort for your problem of not having an air compressor/airtank on site to refill from - while I'm not well-versed on tank replacements that aren't AR buffer tubes picrel is on Evike, threads into standard regs and comes in 12g and 88/90g versions, so in theory you could just buy a bunch of capsules in advance (potentially easier with 88g adapters since AFAIK those fuckers last a decently long while when used for stuff like this) and not have to worry about sites having/lacking an on-site airtank/compressor

🗑️ Anonymous No. 151757


Anonymous No. 151778

>other than an AK or M4
Which gun model were you eyeballing ? Did you ever get to hold the model in your hands, weight makes or breaks the fun, ergonomics too.

Haha based. Honestly mw3 and bf3 made my dick hard for the g36k. I love mine, shits gbb and once i removed the top rail for keks a whole new world of fun opened up to me. It just looks good :D. Almost feels like a beefed up ump for some reason

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Anonymous No. 151788

DNC bros rise up

Anonymous No. 151800

Are you autistic?

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Anonymous No. 151802

Are onetigris style masks still the best option for lower face protection? Mine has almost fallen apart now and I'd like to replace it with something that doesn't make me look like hannibal lecter.

Anonymous No. 151805

Plenty of options now for a mesh half balaclava with metal mesh in the motuh

Anonymous No. 151807

Got any names? Steel Mouth is permanently out of production but I see Matrix Wire Mouth has finally come back in stock.

Anonymous No. 151811

NB Tactical are cool. I like mine

Anonymous No. 151848

No, I wasnt looking at anything specific. I've only borrowed models from the Korean guys so far. None have felt bed and when i asked where they got them(through a bit of a language barrier) they just say "internet" lol
I probably wont get anything for now since my time in korea is limited

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Anonymous No. 151927

About to do the whole fucking village

Anonymous No. 151939

should have put born to shit forced to wipe on the helmet

Anonymous No. 151948

Based 'Nam appreciator

Anonymous No. 152072

i wonder, do airsoft games ever do realistic ammo counts, like if your irl gun counter part has only 30 bullets, you'd match it with 30 bbs?

Anonymous No. 152073

yes there are some guys who do minimal mags and things like that

Anonymous No. 152094

/k/ommando larper who's never played airshit before, considering getting ready for an MSW event a few hours from me. Thread's retailer guide paste is dead, is Evike a good place to snatch a Cybergun M4, 10 midcap mags, and extra batteries and a charger from?

Anonymous No. 152099

Yes, Evike's good, but I'd recommend spending a bit more and getting a Specna EDGE instead of a rebranded S&T - can confirm they're very solid plug-and-play guns that'll serve you well, just make sure you get Deans-connector batteries

Anonymous No. 152106

Cybergun M4’s are a scam. You pay extra for the Colt markings. Like >>152099 said Specna Edge 2.0 is a good purchase.

Anonymous No. 152107

I did a pseudo milsim based around a 1980s Cold War border skirmish and I ran a GBBR for it

Anonymous No. 152220

I'm only seeing licensed River Rock and Daniel Defense copies of the length and style I'm looking for on Evikes, and I'd rather not be paying more than the gun's value for a cosmetic marking. If I wanted that I'd buy a real steel KAC. Checking on Specna's site, I'm seeing their "SA-E06" but not seeing anything like it on Evikes. Does that have any more of a reasonable pricetag and does it ever appear on approved retail sites?

Anonymous No. 152222

Specnas (save for their 416s, which aren't sold in the US because H&K would throw a tempertantrum) are usually sold with Rock River Arms licensed trades - AFAIK, this has no bearing on their actual price
What does have bearing on price is inflation, since I've seen the price on Evike go up a bit, but AFAIK these're still very good for the money and have been for a decently long while
As for the gun in question, Evike does have the product codes in their product ID, so I was able to figure out which one was the one you want (link related)

Anonymous No. 152457

gonna put a perun in my blackout this week. Any anons have experience throwing ETUs in? Any tips?

Anonymous No. 152489

The v2 units should be a drop in, but not all gearboxes from all brands are the same so sometimes you have to get the dremel out. Idk if the motor contacts come soldered on the V2 unit because they don't on the V3 so you might need a soldering iron

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Anonymous No. 152532

Bros... I'm so frustrated that I can't find a true SMG that I like.
Literally perfect, not being produced anymore by CYMA or Silverback
Arcturus version not compatible with zenitco, the future zenitco version costs an arm & a leg and doesn't even have markings. LCT seems to have extremely wobbly mags and also very expensive
Not a fan of polymer and the better ones cost more than what I'd be willing to pay
Comically expensive for what you get
too boring for me
Always hated how it looks
Almost there but not quite
Don't even know a lot about this one.
B-but muh metal?
No. Don't even say it.
Well... Unless I can find a Bizon in Europe, I seem to be stuck in this limbo until I either die or afford to blow cash on a Vector which ain't gonna happen since I'd rather buy a LMG instead.

Anonymous No. 152546

You have the most boring Slavaboo taste known to man

Anonymous No. 152548

>CYMA Bizon
Taiwangun recently did a Q&A on Reddit, they said that it should be back in stock in July/August. They hadn't done a production run in a couple of years, but that's how it goes with the less popular models.

Anonymous No. 152562

Nah the blackout is fully upgradable so I shouldn’t have any issues throwing it in. And I believe when I opened it up it was already soldered on. Just wanted to know if there’s anything specific to watch out for or any big mistakes people make. Might also shim the gearbox while I’m in there.

Anonymous No. 152569

Any bews on their galil. I want to make a sako.

Anonymous No. 152572

Wait, what?
I just asked Taiwangun a few days ago about the Bizon and they said that they don't know shit about it.
I saw the Q&A but I didn't see anything about July/august. Got a screenshot or link to this?

Anonymous No. 152578

Nevermind, I just found the post.
I hope that my slavaboo bizon dream will come true.
I can't wait to try and stick as much Zenitco shit as I can to it and see what I end up with kek

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Anonymous No. 152607

Goddayum my gsg g14 shoots insanely well with how cheap it was for me. Easily outperforms the g36 i used last time. Too bad it looks a bit silly.

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Anonymous No. 152616

I need an actual machine pistol/carbine AEG for my 70s/80s merc larp, since the CO2 MiniUZI sucks and I only have one magazine for it anyway.
So far I thought about getting
Heard Cyma V2s gearboxes are kind of a diceroll and I just can't find any G&P/CA XM177s anywhere. The only other alternative I found was made by "double bell", looks like some super cheap stuff though.
Unfortunately the only somewhat playable AEG UZI was made by TM two decades ago and costs a fortune these days, especially for what it really is. Unless there is some hidden gem that I do not know about.
Thought about either getting one of those tiny tiny MP5ks or an MP5a3 with a retractable buttstock. Are the Cyma MP5s any good for their price?
Could get an E&L one for like 300 bucks, but I'd prefer to stay western for that larp, although I am generally more fond of V3 gearboxes compared to V2 gearboxes.

Anyone has any other idea for a decent but still somewhat affordable 70s-early 90s machine pistol/carbine type AEG? God I would kill for a Mini-14.

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Anonymous No. 152642

Next year, E&L will release a new platinum line and the AKS-74u looks really nice. I might get one if I don't see the Cyma Bizon making a return.

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Anonymous No. 152643


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Anonymous No. 152644

TM/JG MAC10 if you don't mind it being an AEP. The low ROF can be mitigated now with AEP lipos.

Anonymous No. 152647

Northeast makes a GBB UZI

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Anonymous No. 152801

Ordered a Colt M4 Airline Mod B by Cybergun (picrel, also i know the brand is shady) off of Evike Europe as a first airsoft gun. Site claims it has electric blowback but haven't seen the same claimed anywhere else. Can anyone here back up the claim? I already ordered it for the full metal body and it was on sale for 29% off, just trying to get the potential disappointment out of the way first.

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Anonymous No. 152819

Any GFL enjoyers

Anonymous No. 152823

Please sir, what is being GFL?

Anonymous No. 152827

What mag is that?

Anonymous No. 152829

Disregarding anime gun people to ask you what mag that is, because it looks neat

Anonymous No. 152851

airsoft is cool

Anonymous No. 152875

Girls frontline
Arcturus AK-12 mags. They can also do real cap with an easy switch. Fit perfectly in this one that is E&L

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Anonymous No. 152960

>when you put too little effort in your low effort paintjob
I don't know what else did I expect

Anonymous No. 152968

>retractable stock on AK
Honestly ruins the whole build for me. I have no problem with people enjoying things but I personally think it looks gross.

Anonymous No. 152972

that's how an AK-12 stock looks like, retard

Sage No. 152998

Damn, that’s crazy dude.
Still looks like fucking garbage enjoy your fake Kalashnikov bro

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Anonymous No. 153028

What should I get next. I'm thinking of building an M16A1 and a Gen 2 Glock

Anonymous No. 153040

All GBBs?

Anonymous No. 153043


Anonymous No. 153045

Needs more contrast or some textures

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Anonymous No. 153055

Looking to get my first AEG, though my preference is definitely larping/realism over the best performance.
I know Maple Armory is the default recommendations for leafs, but can anyone recommend an m4 with the most realistic externals that has a good upgrade path?
Being a candidate for an electric recoil system would be a plus, though I know they're gimmicks. At that point, should I just look at getting a KWA erg?

Anonymous No. 153063

M16A1 from what manufacturer? Also did you get any issues with the NE UZI?

Anonymous No. 153098

The M16 will be based on an MWS, I've got the receiver coming soon.

The NE Uzi gave me a fucking load of issues initially however I was a day 1 adopter. Since the mags were redesigned and the knocker return fixed I've had no issues with mine at all

Anonymous No. 153113

Get the M16A1. Would be interesting to see. I'd like an MWS M16A1 build myself

Anonymous No. 153127

It'll be a slow build because I've just finished replacing all the A2 parts on the AUG above, as well as repairing mags as I got it very cheap from a friend.

It'll be an MWS with the Angrygun A1 receiver set, genuine A1 pistol grip, Looking at either the AG or G&P stock and buffer set and the G&P front end because I'm not spending £300 on the AG kit. I shall post the finished product in the general when it's all together

Anonymous No. 153128

Why not go for a GBBR if realism and LARP is your concern

Anonymous No. 153132

EBB is a gimmick at best and an internal wear accelerator at worst, not worth your time/money
Get a decent AEG (like a MAS Marauder/Blackout, or a Specna EDGE) as a simple fallback gun to have as an option that'll always work somewhat well, then if you really want realism later you can spend a whole bunch of leafbucks on a GBBR
Probably doesn't have the budget to get into GBBRs, especially since he mentioned being a leaf since GBBRs are insanely expensive up here due to retailers upcharging substantially for them

Anonymous No. 153138

Went to an airsoft feild for the first time after talking about it forever. I finally understand why people would run a chest rig instead of poor fagging with a dump pouch only. I suck so much and need easier speed shit on the belt make things slow.

Anonymous No. 153157

Sounds like it'd be a cool build. Do it.
>poor fagging with a dump pouch only
>I suck so much and need easier speed shit on the belt make things slow
Could you write that in English?

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Anonymous No. 153160

Mommy says it's time to post pics of you playing dress up (aka your kits)

Anonymous No. 153205

My kit is just a shoulderholster, sweatpants or shorts and whatever shirt I can find

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Anonymous No. 153230

For indoor

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Anonymous No. 153231

haha swedish couldn't be me

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Anonymous No. 153232

1980s British infantry

Anonymous No. 153235

What are the tactical advantages of that hat?

Anonymous No. 153236

Having all my equipment on a belt is a hassle and in the way. It makes running awkward, basically.

Anonymous No. 153237

>What are the tactical advantages of that hat?
none but it has LED's so it's funny. Playing with toy guns doesn't have to be serious business

Anonymous No. 153238

Why not go for Brownell's furniture? And I don't think AG makes an A1 front set and isn't the G&P WA A1 front set unobtanium now? You're going with the AG receiver set over Nova due to better markings and color?

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Anonymous No. 153242

also this gay panama kit

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Anonymous No. 153246


Anonymous No. 153247

AG receiver because I'm getting it cheap

Brownells availability and pricing in the UK is terrible

Anonymous No. 153258

I thought its cuteness might make the enemy hesitate, giving you a few seconds advantage
>gay panama kit
It certainly does make me question my heterosexuality
DNC is cool but is it actually effective anywhere?

Anonymous No. 153262

Top two are based
Bottom two are cringe

Anonymous No. 153263

Where are you getting it for cheap? Retail or second hand?

Anonymous No. 153264

>DNC is cool but is it actually effective anywhere?
more effective than multicam which 95% of people use here. I'm sure there are more effective camos but drip > effectiveness

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Anonymous No. 153267

Are we best friends now?

Anonymous No. 153279

Nice. How do you like it? Took it out for a game yesterday and I love it

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Anonymous No. 153284

I'm the g36 man

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Anonymous No. 153306

le bushe

Anonymous No. 153308

Pretty good, it's got a nice kick, I haven't got a holster for it so haven't taken it to a game yet.

Anonymous No. 153338

Second hand, friend of a friend sub £200 because the finish is a little messed up

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Anonymous No. 153357

main use my 101st and ww2usmc frogskin and rarely my fallschrimjager

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Anonymous No. 153380

So I heard that the Cyma 045's triangular stock can be replaced with no modifications by the 5KU Zenitco PT-1 stock.
If the Cyma Bizon has the exact same stock (it should?) that would mean that you can build a Zenitco Bizon! I gotta try this out someday when I'll finally find that Bizon...

Anonymous No. 153400

Man I'm just waiting on a galil or to find a galil style stock for my cyma 040j? One day bro.

Anonymous No. 153484

Based boomer juice patch

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Anonymous No. 153565

Lucky. I calculated how much it would cost for me to get it from Asia and it came to 785€

Anonymous No. 153569

Serious question
What's the difference between a good quality airsoft reflex sight and a "real" reflex sight?
I mean other than durability obviously
i.e. Tokyo Marui vs Holo Sun

Anonymous No. 153579

Ability to keep zero. Tm is passable but not great on average though some are as good as real counterparts.

Anonymous No. 153608


MILFs will gawk at dem glutes. You pretty much owe it to them.

Anonymous No. 153670

Do burgers really have to put gay orange tips on their airsoft guns?
For what reason?
-t. Japanon who owns nothing but 1:1 accurate airsoft replicas

Anonymous No. 153674

No. They're only required by retailers upon sale. The consumer can remove them.

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Anonymous No. 153685

Are these actually bad for your gun? Loads of reviewers say to chuck them away, but they look okay.

Anonymous No. 153688

I don't care about their quality or shape. The simple truth is I only shoot .32 or heavier ammo because my rhop patch can lift it, and the heavier your ammo the more accurate it is.

The free bbs are always .20s, good ones, bad ones, they're too lightweight for me. Good for filling grenades tho

Anonymous No. 153691

Poor quality BB's could, at least in theory, break apart in your gun and then the shards may run off to jam and shred things. Dunno how big the risk actually is. Looking good does not preclude internal defects.

Anonymous No. 153692

>The best gun of the pressure - raiser serises

Anonymous No. 153698


Anonymous No. 153699


Anonymous No. 153718

God I wanna do unspeakable thinks yo that ass

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Anonymous No. 153728

>t. Japanon
What area are you in?

Anonymous No. 153735

I'm currently in far East Tokyo
Why? You here too?

Anonymous No. 153742

I'm over in Yokohama but since a lot of the fields are in Chiba I end up going there most times that I play.

Anonymous No. 153748

I wish I had the patience to take the train 2 hours or more to play airsoft, but I just can't be fucked usually
I just play in Tokyo.
Wanna move outside of Tokyo and get a car, then I'll be able to play every weekend

Anonymous No. 153762

>bunch of Americans LARPing their land war in Asia, in Japan
Cool but kind of weird. Do locals turn up in American gear as well?

Anonymous No. 153763

Of course they wear tactical gear like rigs
Jeans aren't exactly great for fitting and sorting through a bunch of magazines
American though? Who fucking cares, whatever you like the look of

Anonymous No. 153766

I mean in reference to Vietnam war events.

Anonymous No. 153767


Anonymous No. 153770

Where in Tokyo? Cramped as fuck Asobiba? It's already too hot to play outside now though so indoor fields are probably the only real option until late September.
I was the only white pig at the event. Haven't seen many other gaijin doing historical airsoft here. I'm usually the only one at the games I go to.

Anonymous No. 153771

Yeah mostly Asobiba in Akihabara or Brave Point in Shinjuku
Really want to go to a large outdoor field some time since I have a SCAR-H AEG that I've only used for target shooting so far

Anonymous No. 153772


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Anonymous No. 153773

Hey bro.
I can't remember who the others into airsoft were so I have no idea who you are.
Weird being recognized when I don't even frequent this board

Anonymous No. 153827

>let's goooooo
>that kit goes hard
>this guy fucks
>something else reddit

Anonymous No. 153857

I find "good quality" airsoft optics to usually be dubious at best. Keeping zero, sure, but some can't even REACH zero. For the money, you're not too far off from real optics in price, so that's the route I'd go. Of course, if you're just starting out, don't go blowing $200-300 on it.

Orange tips are required for retail sales and possibly shipping. Good manufacturers will include 2 tips: orange fixed on the gun, and the black one in the box. Go paint your watergun black if you want.

>"suitable for electric gun"
So much confidence!

"Eat recycled food. It's good for the environment, and okay for you!"

Anonymous No. 153882

>this guy fucks
we play airsoft I don’t think anyone is doing any fucking

Anonymous No. 153892

Bruh, we used US military bases and hospitals in Japan to treat wounded during 'Nam. If anything they were allied

Anonymous No. 153904

Please keep your niggle noggle speak out of my clean thread.

Anonymous No. 153971

If VFC made an L1a1 variant, I would consoom in an instant. Do you play with it much, how is the weight and length over the course of a days playing?

Anonymous No. 154190

Just put wood furniture on the FAL. Close enough

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Anonymous No. 154194

Are there any airsoft/savage manga out there? I feel like there should be. There was that one anime that came out years ago.

There are a bunch of cheap mp5k copies by cyma and jg you can get if you order from foreign stores.
The echo 1 GAT is a great option- it's a tech 9 copy.
You could lipo mod a jg max 10.
That's about it.

Anonymous No. 154218

I've got the DNA steel barrel and gas tube/piston kit. I think with a mag in it's about 4.5kg. It's not too heavy for a full game day in it, I posted my Brit infantry kit already in here as all the boomers here just see FAL and think SLR.

If someone makes a flash hider though I'll snap it up because I want to mount a bayonet

Anonymous No. 154221

There's c3 but which turned really bad after a few episodes and Sabagebu which is just retarded fun from the get go

Anonymous No. 154225

Three total c3 sagebu and aohara machine gun. Ggo if you squint is too.
>Tfw desperate for galil and dont want mar
I wonder if the jg hybrid can ve chopped up into something like a gallil ace.

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Anonymous No. 154236

Guess I will wait for that one to release, interesting.
Yeah, I will probably get myself a small cyma MP5k next, although I am still contemplating to just buy that Cyma XM177.

Anonymous No. 154281

For what it's worth, EMG's Colt-licensed XM177E1 is literally a CYMA XM177E1 with full markings and a Cyplat gearbox inside - assuming you're in the US, it costs a little bit less than most non-sale Cyplats ($285USD on Evike)
Only issue is that the handguard's a bit fat (lit. M4 handguard) to accommodate front-wired batteries, but it's not a terribly big deal and I'd imagine you don't mind that since it's the exact same battery arrangement as the standard CYMA XM177E1 you're considering - if you do want to change to slimmer handguards later on however, you'll need to rewire the gun to the buffer tube

Anonymous No. 154319

What's a GBBR that isn't shit and isn't a M4?

Anonymous No. 154334

WE AK74u

Anonymous No. 154353

I don't entirely have experience to back it up but I've heard good things from friends about:
KJW KC02 w/ Rogueworx upgrades
VFC MP5 (second-generation)
Probably some others, but those're the first three to come to mind

Anonymous No. 154357

Don't listen to this fucking retard >>154334. Don't buy any WE GBBRs. They're shit

Anonymous No. 154359

For what it's worth I keep hearing that WE SCARs are pretty okay. Although apparently WE QC is kind of a diceroll and you might just get a bad GBB. A friend of mine who exclusively plays GBB (absolute madman) swears by WE rifles. On the other hand you read that some people just get ass GBBRs when buying WE that have many issues.
My personal opinion is that you will play GBBs for 3 games and drop it afterwards, switching back to AEG, at least that is what everyone except for that one person I talked about does.

Anonymous No. 154364

You're personal opinion is retarded. Everyone I know who used to play with AEGs switched to GBBRs after trying one. Only in winter do we use AEGs

Anonymous No. 154369

>only during the longest season where people are actually around to play do we use the better option
you really are a retard

Anonymous No. 154370

I do not know anyone here that plays GBBs as mains for more than one or two games unironically, it either is AEG, HPA or spring. But maybe you live in some cuck country where something around 1j is the limit, meaning that it doesn't matter if your airshit is AEG or GBB since you won't hit shit past 40m anyway.

Anonymous No. 154371

If you use shit like WE GBBRs then yeah, you can only play in summer. I play with GBBRs from march to november. And I don't play in winter besides a couple of Christmas games. My AEGs spend most of the year in storage.

Limit for rifles is 1.68J and 4J for spring sniper rifles
>cuck country
bet you can't even say nigger on the field, faggot

Anonymous No. 154389

I heard Deans was better but I can only find 11.1v batteries with Tamiya plugs in stock. Does it really matter or should I wait?

Anonymous No. 154403

You get a higher quality/simple/durable connector and a slightly better trigger response with dean's. dean's connectors aren't that difficult to install either & some dean's connector batteries are the same price as Tamiya's. Dean's are worth it for a cheap upgrade.

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Anonymous No. 154576

That might be a dumb ass question but i got a somewhat slow firing m4, it has to stay below or at 0,5 j (yeah i know germany) but i just want it to fire a bit snappier and faster, should i just get a better motor, im worried about them joules becausr if it starts firing above half a joule ill get dicked down by the police. What are my options here besides getting a chrono device. dont have one, should i invest in one ? Seems ridiculous to shell 100 bucks just to "check" my gun

Anonymous No. 154592

Why not semi lock it so you can get it actually in useable condition?

Anonymous No. 154603

A chrono probably isn't a bad investment if you intend to do any amount of messing around with your guns. Especially since you're worried about more than just the field saying no. That said a new motor shouldn't change how many joule your gun coughs up, but, well. Strange shit happens.

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Anonymous No. 154605

;_; they dont mark the 0,5 j guns with the necessery F which above 0,5j guns get therefore if i were to up the power, semi auto only or not the airsoft gun would turn into an illegal item. Iirc as a regular citizen i cant just buy a semi locked gun with an F marking and turn the power down. I am not the most informed on the law, i remember reading some gov statement about feathers being an item you couldnt change (i mean the strength) yet an npas system flies i mean i couldnt get any wiser out of the local airsoft forums eather. That being said i just want everything to stay "stock"ish you know, fly under the radar. I guess in the end ill have to swallow my i dont even know if its pride or just perceived "freedom" of ownership and buy a chrono

Well that makes sense, i didnt see how changing one thing abojt one rifle i own would justify that purchase but then again you are right on the money i am dealing woth more than just a field so thats 100 bucks ill have gladly shell out. Can you recommend a robust chrono device ? I heard there was a tracer unit that had a chrono built in, are they any good ?

Anonymous No. 154606

Can I ask why you bought a FA rifle in the first place? 0.5j is completely useless for actual airsoft gameplay

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Anonymous No. 154615

It was at a time i didnt know jack about airsoft , the research i did wasnt enough to give me a real idea and just wanted to enjoy that sweet sweet highly forbidden full auto. It is one of those things you only learn the hard way. It is what it is. Pic related is my dumb ass i guess. Im just glad it was a cheap mistake desu, 180 bucks isnt that bad, i had some fun fingerfucking the rifle so i definetly got what i wanted for my money just not what i needed

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Anonymous No. 154624

I like big guns

Anonymous No. 154630

TM M4 MWS with a TAPP adapter is the final redpill

Anonymous No. 154635

>twink Z supporter
yep that checks out

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Anonymous No. 154646

>buys the best GBBR
>ruins it with HPgAy

Anonymous No. 154647

Going HPA is blue pilling yourself

Anonymous No. 154663


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Anonymous No. 154696

>gay shop

Anonymous No. 154726

You ever been to PBS in NW Washington?

Anonymous No. 154833
you're at the field and these zoomer niggers do this to you
how do you react?

Anonymous No. 154835

Liberal application of the butt of one's gun to the head of the fatherless perpetrator is the only remedy for this conundrum
Glad that the comments agree, God I hate wannabe speedsofters that think magdumping people makes them better at the game

Anonymous No. 154862

i have only seen videos like this from the US. You guys are just built different

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Anonymous No. 154877

Not yet. That picture (and this one) was taken at TAAGS down in Kent

Anonymous No. 154896

the triple grey shop manlet special

Anonymous No. 154897

accurate kit

Anonymous No. 154916

Rad, I've seen a guy at PBS with a similar looking kit. PKM too

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Anonymous No. 154921

Wearing shorts was the worst mistake of my life. My legs looked awful afterwards from stinging nettles everywhere kek

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Anonymous No. 154922


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Anonymous No. 154923


Anonymous No. 154925

They looked awful before the nettles!

Anonymous No. 154927


Anonymous No. 154933

Too lazy to point everything out but your "kit" is cringe as fuck

Anonymous No. 154937

too bad I’m curious what makes you upset

Anonymous No. 154941

It's probably the same guy who's kvetching about grey shop. It's just a troll who's starved for attention.

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Anonymous No. 154964

I like your style man. I think its cool the way you just casually set up the usability and the cosmetics, it all looks orderly chaotic, very pleasant. I dig the kommando chan sticker. All in all looks like a super fun loadout/10

Anonymous No. 154996

prolly or one of those guys that gets relentlessly triggered by hpa
thanks bro. Yea don't care too much for realism airsoft is just an outlet for me to get some exercise , have fun and meet new people. Idk why people get their painties in a twist so much over kit not being super duper realistic when we are just out here slinging plastic at each other. I get it if it's for milsim but for sunday casual games who cares

Anonymous No. 155011

I wouldn't wear shorts in a woodland game due to the cuts and scrapes moving through bush. But I dig the rhodie camo, nice to see a fellow floppy slotter and man among men, White Pride World Wide, brother. It's a Long Way to Mukumbura.

Anonymous No. 155022

I wish helikon Tex would also release a matching combat shirt in rhodie as well. Idk why they only did the shorts

Anonymous No. 155061

Does anyone know if the Ares 30rds magazines would behave themsleves a Cyma Mp5?

Anonymous No. 155072

Why do you dumb normalfag niggers care about airshit if you don't like guns or the military?

Anonymous No. 155077

why do you care about airsoft when you could go play army with real guns

Anonymous No. 155087

Chill out kiddo, casual skirmishes are open to all, though it seems like 90% of kit at those games is military styled anyway. Just attend milsim type games if it pisses you off that much.

Anonymous No. 155088

This is a Christian blue board. Please refrain from being demonic.

Anonymous No. 155128

Because I can't due to health reasons and I only care about guns and military vehicles. Most soldiers are just dumb normalfags who don't know shit about the equipment they're using and I hate talking to them

Anonymous No. 155133

so airsoft is your outlet because you are too inbred to be in the army and now you blame everyone else around you for your problems. Real schizo hours in here

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Anonymous No. 155137

>Because I can't due to health reasons
Ahahahahahaha. Anon stop writing in this thread and proceed to kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 155156

based mentally ill bbwarrior, I know a few guys who couldn't join due to depression and shit

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Anonymous No. 155157

why the meme against gas for noobs? the mws was my first ever airsoft gun and it's been nothing short of a dream

Anonymous No. 155158

i think it's due to them requiring regular maintenance people have a tendency to not recommend them to beginners. GBBRs are cool tho i personally stick with pistol and kits for that stuff since getting spare parts for GBBR guns tend to require ordering them from asia and that costing a lot of money in import fees + having to wait a month for shipping sucks. Where as i can get parts for my AAP from everywhere

Anonymous No. 155160

>why the meme against gas for noobs?
Paying 500+ bucks for a somewhat playable gun+mags only to realize that you do not enjoy airshit in the first place usually is the reason.

Anonymous No. 155161

Why buy in the first place? Everyone I know started playing airsoft by renting first

Anonymous No. 155180

Some people like to go all in on whatever they are doing. Renting is fine if you don’t want to waste the money/can’t afford it, but I know plenty of people who have 0 issue with dropping 1k for a super high end gun/kit to dip their toes into things.
Or you could be like me and enjoy the technical aspect of tinkering on your guns, assembling gearboxes and chasing performance only to go to the local field once and get cringed to death and lose interest in actually playing

Anonymous No. 155182

Every game I've been to someone tosses a mag back into their bag because it is leaking.

Anonymous No. 155184

Never had mag leaks my entire time I've been playing airsoft. Guess I'm just lucky

Anonymous No. 155185

same, biggest 'issue' i've ever encountered was the bolt not locking back after empty, but that was because of an aftermarket pmag, and i fixed it after a bit of fiddling

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Anonymous No. 155186

Hello, fellow Redditor! Here's your Gold!!!

Anonymous No. 155191

Thank you kind sir

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Anonymous No. 155209

>Got a cheap aliexpress chrono that uses two small lights to measure the speed
>Gives the same reading as the club chrono, nice
>Shoot the second light clean off on my second time using it

Anonymous No. 155210

atleast it cheap to replace, or one led cost like a cent

Anonymous No. 155211

The led seems intact, going to try and solder it back.

Anonymous No. 155212

How cheap? An Xcortech is like 60 jewros. How fucking poor are you?

Anonymous No. 155220

skill issue

Anonymous No. 155267

Managed to solder it back!

24 bucks with shipping included

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Anonymous No. 155356

>Managed to solder it back!
Congrats anon, no feeling more stisfying than solving the problems on things you love and or enjoy. Shit my dick still gets hard just thinking of when i first fixed an issue with my v3 gearbox instead of sending the thing in.
>mfw it was just a fucked up tapet plate

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Anonymous No. 155359

Ayo senpai be honest, can you pull some nice looking pussy playong airsoft or are the bigger fields dry spell city ? A mf i used to know told me the bigger fields i haven't been to yet got some fine bitches playing regularly. You ever pulled a nice peace before ?

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Anonymous No. 155360

imagine being down so bad you have to ask another man about looking for autistic pussy on an airsoft field

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Anonymous No. 155361

Why not build one of them fancy p90 magged ARs ? If your cunt allows you to mod shit as a civillian id slam my dick balls deep into that. Oh shit now that you mention id want a kipra from black ops or a tec 9 real bad, but there are none around i could afford in my cunt. Also what about an fmg9 desu ? You can literally print the whole thing and would just need to switch around some glawk parts
>tfw no fmg9 to cuddle and akimbo on the field with ;_;

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Anonymous No. 155362

Im all about that submissive tard minge desu, at the end of the day if your dick got wet thats really about 70% of the whole experience. Ayo whats hanging dawg, what u doin tonight ?

Anonymous No. 155406

only time i've ever seen girls at airsoft is when their bf brough them

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Anonymous No. 155478

You have to keep your royal neurodivergent bloodline going somehow.

Anonymous No. 155511

Never got to play during my peak interest in this.. Ohio never had any good fields and I was genuinely jealous of west coast states for having cool ass arenas. Sucks brehs

Anonymous No. 155513

I could have fixed her.

Anonymous No. 155597

hi guys, I want to go play airsoft with my boyfriend. I'm a cosplayer so I don't wanna ruin my skin with bruises, is there any way to avoid getting them while not wrapping yourself in tons of clothes or padding?

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Anonymous No. 155604

enough about my anti-semitic past
it's time to talk about my anti-semitic future

Anonymous No. 155607

Nobody cares about your vapid Astolfo cosplay, so stop being a faggot and man up.

Anonymous No. 155613

Isn’t that what filters or photoshop is for

Anonymous No. 155617

that only works for pics. in real life, people see my body, and skin is super sensitive when it bruises and I don't want to risk any damage to it. it's summer and I want him to have some eye candy when we play together too, so I thought you guys might know how to reduce harm and leave some skin uncovered at the same time.

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Anonymous No. 155619


Anonymous No. 155641

Get some padded gloves, a helmet and shoulder protection
Find a nice spot close to your spawn to camp from
Camp from that spot the entire game

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Anonymous No. 155661

Is there any replica for under $70 (excluding shipment) that is capable of anything?

Anonymous No. 155663

Tits or gtfo

Anonymous No. 155667

I suppose you could do the classic option of taking a CYMA trishot into a CQB field (link related - ), but I strongly advise you just save up a decent bit more CQB field or not - a good starter AEG (ex. Specnas, primarily EDGE) isn't all that expensive with some basic saving and will be far better for an entry gun

Anonymous No. 155704

Can't think of a single one. I wouldn't buy anything that isn't a pistol below 300.

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Anonymous No. 155765

How do britfags cope with the amount of hoops you have to jump through to play with toy guns.

Anonymous No. 155767

Besides the UKARA membership is there anything else?

Anonymous No. 155778

>He uses AEG

Anonymous No. 155781

>pay £5 extra
>like 2 easily removable pieces of the RIF are bright green or red or whatever
>can easily spray, strip, or replace it like you wouldve done anyway
you deal with it quite easily, really

Anonymous No. 155782

i never got a ukara membership because sellers will just sell to you if they think you're chill. Idk why people think it's a law or some shit

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Anonymous No. 155844

Just got this puppy in, it's the "hop up version", pretty premium and rare, I bet you guys don't even know what "hop up" is.

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Anonymous No. 155862

A friend of mine once got himself a fully automatic airsoft that works with batteries!

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Anonymous No. 155869

Yeah, I got that one, my uncle who works for Tokyo Maruy and Nintendo in Japan sent it to me.

Anonymous No. 155906

>Play airsoft
>Can buy toy gun for playing airsoft

what hoops?

Reserve your pity for the Germans

Anonymous No. 155915

It's a shame that German airsoft is so badly hobbled by their laws, I'm sure their community would be bigger if their laws weren't so fucked, and the airsoft market in Europe would be considerably bigger.

Anonymous No. 155988

Anon you’re talking to a man

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Anonymous No. 155999

Is this something that might affect gas blowback guns in the future? It's a treaty countries are signing for cutting production of hydrofluorocarbons, including HFC-134a aka green gas, by 85% by 2036.

Information about the treaty with the text and a list of counties that have signed it:

In the US, congress has already authorized the EPA to regulate HFCs, and the EPA is already going ahead with trying to hit the 85% reduction by 2036 goal:

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Anonymous No. 156009

post your bbwar kits IMMEDIATELY

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Anonymous No. 156013

>HFC-134a aka green
HFC-134a is duster gas, the stuff that is recommended for Tokyo Marui/ABS slide GBBs. Propane/green gas is a very clean fuel when burned (we don't burn it in airsoft, but it's main use is to burn) and it’s listed as an approved clean fuel by the U.S, so it won't be going anywhere for a long time.

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Anonymous No. 156024

hpa wins again
sure have a shitty blurry pic from me playing indoors last night

Anonymous No. 156028

If no tits the only remaining option is to gtfo

Anonymous No. 156033

>HPA is the most environmentally friendly way to play bb wars
At least until they ban the bbs too

Anonymous No. 156035

idk why bio bb's arent the norm anywhere these days. They don't suck anymore. I've been using bios for ages and never experienced issues with shattering or jamming. Yes you need to clean your bucking and barrel more often, but eh it's not really an issue.

Anonymous No. 156071

Because standard BB's are still vastly cheaper.

Anonymous No. 156083

add a few dolars and get by-810 P90, great value

Anonymous No. 156090

Eh a bottle of .28g ASG Devil here is 13 euro and a bottle of .28g bio ASG open blaster is 16 euro. Wouldn’t really say that’s a big difference

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Anonymous No. 156095

the lighting was weird, that's why it looks a little funny. but it's a real picture from when we were out raping hot civilians in ukraine.

Anonymous No. 156150

That looks quite good, thanks anon

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Anonymous No. 156153

y'all niggers make fun of me for posting my kit on reddit and you turn around and do it yourself baka

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Anonymous No. 156164

Fucking redditors...

Anonymous No. 156181

I got that chest rig for £6 on aliexpress, where did you get the sexy sex sex sexy sex 98 flora uniform?

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Anonymous No. 156184

i posted my kit on reddit once, never again what a bunch of FAGS

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Anonymous No. 156191

Has anyone tried the proforce p320? It looks cool but I hear it has quality control issues. I plan to use it with Co2

Anonymous No. 156192

CO2 is the best way to destroy any GBB

Anonymous No. 156206

>for £6
yeah it's chinesium, but currently it's the best i have for a russian kit. it looks russian enough and i've seen at least kne picture of a russian chinkoid soldier wearing one, so in ny head it's kit accurate, heh. the uniform is surplus i got from a local milsurp store. they don't have it in stock anymore, and i don't think it's worth it shipping stuff from brazil anyway.
they *are* a bunch of fags. in my post there were at least two niggers who got mad about the russian patch on my arm, and one got mad because of the fucking spelling of chernobyl.

Anonymous No. 156207

>See a guy with his flag patch upside down
>Not sure if political statement or just retarded
>Assume both

Anonymous No. 156208

Are there any gbb co2 pistols worth getting? I already have a shit ton of co2 canisters from a friend and I mainly want something fun to shoot that won't explode

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Anonymous No. 156218

Looking to get my first aeg, have plenty of larp gear and looking to start playing.
Someone in my city is selling picrel for 320 USD (425 maple bucks) with the clone optics, specs posted:
>Perun Hybrid
>SHS Hi torque
>SHS 18:1 gear
>Maxx hop unit
>maple leaf 70 degree bucking
>Dytac tightbore barrel
I know nothing about parts, so apologies if I’m missing any info. Would you guys take this deal?
I was originally looking at ERG/EBBs as I care more about realism and larping than performance, but this is one of the best looking deals I’ve found in my area.
I will say I was looking for something shorter than 13.5, so if anyone knows of a better deal or something that’d fit my larp needs better please let me know.

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Anonymous No. 156229


Anonymous No. 156244

I want an smg thats gbb for maybthrough oct, whats the best option that isnt aap? I just want reliability and compactness without being more than 600$.
Also can most pistols work with gbb in winter if you live in the south east coast?

Anonymous No. 156248

There's that new Vorsk VMP-1. Idk about the efficiency tho

Anonymous No. 156251

Also what's wrong with the AAP. You can turn it into anything with a 3D printer, or buy a kit for it

Anonymous No. 156267


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Anonymous No. 156268

>Protolab’s 6×6 PMPV will participate on the Uusimaa side in TSTOS 2023 (Finland)

Anonymous No. 156288

Peak aesthetics.

Nice, what G36 is that?

Anonymous No. 156296

yea i know their pistols are shit, but the ASG / KWA MP9 has been out of production for a while and getting smol mags have been pretty much impossible for well over a year

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Anonymous No. 156299

Its just a cheap JG g36.
I upgraded the internals, bought the integrated scope and the cool looking mags

Anonymous No. 156385

Look for a GBBR

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Anonymous No. 156399

>Selling bulletproof vest without cap (lining)
No cap fr fr

Anonymous No. 156402

Noob here: Is there a best place to buy beginner gear? Thinking about getting into it. Mostly, I want to get an MP7 fully automatic to mess with. Even if it were just target shooting.

Anonymous No. 156422

Just get an aap

Anonymous No. 156507

Dumb speedshitters

Anonymous No. 156537

airsofter try not to use up every available inch of patch space challenge: IMPOSSIBLE

Anonymous No. 156679

Cope slownigger

Anonymous No. 156805

Try an army surplus store, they usually have cheap & broken in gear. For guns Evike & ANSgear are pretty good.

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rest cat.jpg

Anonymous No. 156913

Is there any difference in performance and quality between Cyma AKS-74u (CM.045A) and Ak-74 (CM.048)? I see one on a discount and it is really tempting

Anonymous No. 156914

You're safe when it comes to this chart >>150981
I own a 040 and a 045 and there's no difference in build quality between the two.

Anonymous No. 156915

All the VFC clone series have the same internals. The only variable is inner barrel length.

Anonymous No. 156931

Thanks, but how well would downgraded to 340 FPS CM.045 (that's what is on a discount on taiwangun) do in the forest? I do not want to void warranty by swapping out spring and cqb is non-existent in my region.

t. retard

Anonymous No. 156936

Swap out the bucking and nub with ML Super Macaron + Omega nub, and perhaps a ML barrel as well + some heavier bbs' like .30g and you can still do some decent range with it. At least 50 meters should be possible, maybe more. I think if you use the Taiwangun tech service you can ask them to swap it out for a bigger spring but it will cost you, and then idk if the discount is worth it over the normal 0.45a.

Anonymous No. 156937

Do you know what fps they play with in the woods?
The plum 045 with 400-420 fps costs just 10 euro more.

Anonymous No. 157049

n-new thread when?

Anonymous No. 157098

Same anon here, ordered CM0.48 instead; will it work fine with 11.1v LiPo or it's better idea to get 7.4v one?

Anonymous No. 157105

It doesn’t have a mosfet so it will burn out your trigger contacts at some point. It can be after a day or after a year it’s not a given. Since you already ordered it it’s probably too late but Taiwangun can install a Perun mosfet for you at some extra cost but then it runs 11.1v lipo without issue. Also you should consider swapping out the bucking and nub. They can just barely lift .28g and if you want some range going up to .3 or especially .32g is a game changer

Anonymous No. 157109

Are Tokyo Marui NGRS a good buy or should I go straight for a GBBR?

Anonymous No. 157112

EBB is shit.

Anonymous No. 157147

Never. We go down with the ship, and pray the next generation of airshitters will carry the torch.

It was a pleasure, gentlemen. Except for that one guy. You know who you are, faggot!

Anonymous No. 157169

once we've made the grand journey to page 10, ideally

Anonymous No. 157205

Weapon light recs? Would prefer to buy a cheaper model, genuine surefire as I can transfer it to my real guns, but would obviously use a sacrificial lens.
Any models in particular you guys like? I’m not sure if fields tend to have power limits for them but I doubt I need 1k lumens.

Anonymous No. 157207

I have a TLR-1 repro I paid £30 for off Ali on my pistol.

None of my primaries have rails for lights

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Anonymous No. 157211

Just impulse bought pic related G&P KAC (the one with recoil). Anything I should know about it? Am I dumb?

Anonymous No. 157247

>been told that EBB is shit multiple times in the thread
>still buys one
Well i hope you enjoy your entire gearbox falling apart by itself

Anonymous No. 157413

>something for real guns too
streamlight HLX

Anonymous No. 157531

Post your cope when it eats it's own gearbox please.

Anonymous No. 157619


I'll just not shoot it a ton. Feels pretty good so far though.

I think I'll get a couple GBBs too though. What do you suggest?

Anonymous No. 157640

TM MWS or a VT. Any other GBBRs suck

Anonymous No. 157682

might as well get the real thing

Anonymous No. 157705

VFC ARs are also solidly built too from what I've heard

Anonymous No. 157776

Being it to a field and shoot your friends with it
Every VFC if tried and seen was dogshit. I have no idea why people keep shilling them. Must be buyers remorse. VFC is only slightly better than WE

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Anonymous No. 157844

At the field I play at there's two mulch piles one long but short one and one small but tall one. It's a pretty contested zone as snipers like to go on the tall one and shoot into the enemies spawn as it has a good view on both spawns.

>Be me, not really enjoying the round
>my teams getting buttfucked by snipers on the tall pile
>get two based rentals who are rocking nothing but pants, facepro, and their lancer tactical rentals to follow me
>sprint to the short but long mulch hill taking heavy fire from the hill
>we take positions in these little dips in the pile and kill the 4 guys at the top of the hill
>one of the rentals gets hit and heads back to spawn
>the rental and I charge the orange group and kill the group in orange and stay in their position while engaging the last two
>some fucker tries to flank us and get the rental who was with me
>I blast him a little extra as revenge for killing my boy
>kill the last two and secure the tall hill
>peak up over the hill into the enemy spawn and see 10ish guys organizing a push onto the hill
>I duck back down into cover
>I have 1 mag left and there's not enough time to repack my mags with my speedloader
>go over the top and shoot one before getting absolutely John Marstoned by the remaining 9ish dudes
>later at staging I get the numbers of the two rental guys and they tell me they were testing the waters of airsoft today but their definitely getting into to it after today.

Anonymous No. 158052

Did everyone clap?

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Anonymous No. 158059

>I have 1 mag left and there's not enough time to repack my mags with my speedloader
What? How many mags do you need to be able to take out 9 guys in one go? Or are you playing realcaps?

Anonymous No. 158113

dont listen to this retard, I own 3 we ak's and all three run amazing (one is a converted RPK16)

Anonymous No. 158118

Keep coping, WE shitter

Anonymous No. 158163

At least go ICS for the easy service or go full meme and buy NGRS if you're going to buy a gun with EBB

Anonymous No. 158205

There might be something wrong with me.
Im completing my UCP set. Dont know what Im going to use it for apart of winter, but I just got a helmet cover, and looking at getting correct name tapes and fake NOD mount.

Anonymous No. 158208

WE Glock is okay, I would go Umarex if I had to get another though.

Anonymous No. 158216

I thought the consensus was that the we pistols are fine just expensive for mags and picky on gas.

Anonymous No. 158263

They're so good that the slide and barrel started cracking on mine. Glad I dumped it on some retard before it broke lmao

Anonymous No. 158336

I admit I only used the zinc frame and slide tt33 and bhp. Or at least I believe its zinc idk what metal this is.

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Loading up them s....jpg

Anonymous No. 158348

No, UCP is kinda nifty. I have an entire ABU loadout because I got issued the clothes ages ago and I unironically like the camo pattern.

Anonymous No. 158450

TM MP5/MP7 MWS when?

Anonymous No. 158460

Don't hold your breath.

Anonymous No. 158520

99% of airsoft metal parts are just cheap, dogshit zinc alloy pot metal.

Anonymous No. 158600

>Switch to a new vest with only four mag pouches
>Literally weight off my shoulders not carrying around all the other junk on the old vest
>"Hmm. A medic pouch wouldn't be so bad..."
Here we go again

Anonymous No. 158705

What happens if you buddy needs ammo?

Hope those are double stack pouches!

Anonymous No. 158710

take the beltpill anon, chest rigs are for cowards that cant use the full potential of their hips

Anonymous No. 158748

TM already makes a gbb MP7

Anonymous No. 158773

Ah so it was zinc.
Why? Unless you use a dump pouch made to looks like a medic pouch.

Anonymous No. 158774

Id agree but it also depends on how bulky mags are. Still pistols and smg on hip mag pouch and holster>chest rig.

Anonymous No. 158938

New thread >>158937