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🧵 /asg/ Airsoft General

Anonymous No. 158937

Most Effective Camo Edition

Old Thread: >>150751

Keep strictly real-steel related topics in >>>/k/, gun and gear porn's cool as long as you don't spam.

If you have a useful guide or want to rework one for the OP, post it and someone will add it to the next one.

>Updated Newbie pastebin

>/asg/ retailer guide

>Legal comprehensive, crosscheck with your local laws to be on the safe side

Anonymous No. 158940

What are some good quality GBB pistols in Europe? I've only ever shot real guns and would like to do some training at home. What's the best bang for the buck?

Anonymous No. 158947

I would go for a TM hi-capa 5.1
I have heard an M1911 anniversary edition should shoot pretty hot tho.

Anonymous No. 159017


Anonymous No. 159097

Most TMs are pretty good. Snappy af and efficient

Anonymous No. 159128

>>/asg/ retailer guide
This paste has been deemed potentially harmful. Pastebin took the necessary steps to prevent access on September 24, 2022, 3:25 am CDT. If you feel this is an incorrect assessment, please contact us within 14 days to avoid any permanent loss of content.

Anonymous No. 159275

Make a new one

Anonymous No. 159333
fuuuuuuuuck I told myself I wosn't be buying any new guns anymore, I just got a p90, fuuuuuuuck

Anonymous No. 159352

>I told myself I wosn't be buying any new guns anymore
The biggest lie everyone in this hobby tells themself

Anonymous No. 159354

have any of you faggots run the ultrapoor NVGs

(sionyx aurora?)

i'm thinking of snagging one for $200 from a mate

usable or hot dogma

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All of my guns sa....jpg

Anonymous No. 159355

You are so right.
My RPK and AK74m are in this pic, but just the lowers. PPSH is not there though.

Anonymous No. 159361


put them dawgs away

Anonymous No. 159369

You might have to decide for yourself. Trex Arms have some nice videos on the Aurora and Opsin and Hoplopfheil has also made a good video on them.

Anonymous No. 159370

Any digital is always in need of IR illumination. I have a PNV-10T and a Nightfox swift. Analog NVG will beat digital every day until a massive upgrade is released to civilian market. If you're not playing at night against others that have analog, digital might be right up your alley.

Anonymous No. 159375

>I told myself I wosn't be buying any new guns anymore

anon, I...
And please stop it with the nigger speak.

Anonymous No. 159387

i mostly play WITH people who have NVDs, a bunch of my friends own Gen 3 14s and a couple 31s. I'm the single brokie who runs white light, so this may be my only chance. I wish I hit up those $900 PNVs years ago

Anonymous No. 159388

i'm thinking of just making it work. I'm going to get an IR head for my ProTac as supplemental light when needed. I roll with guys who run NVGs, so I wont be the only one rolling with something. everyone I know who runs shit has either a Gen 3 14 or gen 3 31

only thing i'm worried about is actual force-on-force events like MSW where we'll be going against guys with 3s as well, but I think having friends with that capability will make it alot better (hopefully)

Anonymous No. 159395

I get that man. When anyone asks me about any NVGs I always say anything is better than nothing. The Nightfox isn't that bad DESU. When I use mine I have an Amazon special 940nm light with a pressure pad.

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Anonymous No. 159431

I want to visit my local milsim field (D14) but I don't want to show up alone. Are there any other anons in the area (Forth Worth) who want to go? As a last resort I guess I will reach out on places like discord or reddit, but I figured I would ask you guys first.

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Anonymous No. 159436

out in the hills doing crimes and shit

Anonymous No. 159474

Is L96 by AGM any good? I may get barely used one for really cheap off a friend who lost interest in airsoft and I want to try playing as sniper. What mods will be neccesary if it's worth it to begin with?

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Anonymous No. 159475

Getting into spring-sniping is expensive. While the initial buy-in is very cheap you will quickly realize that the performance of that stock rifle is subpar due to inconsistency and a lack of accuracy, ending up with you being mogged by people simply throwing 40 BBs from their 200 buck AEGs by the time you shot and missed twice, with at least one hitting you. Rule of thumb is that you will spend at least 600-800 bucks for upgrading whatever base you bought.
Add to that the fact that you will have to look into upgrading it and getting into the autistic aspect of airsoft tuning and I would generally advise against it. Go AEG DMR chad instead.

Anonymous No. 159491

Snipers aren't bought they are build, and if you want to build something get something that is fully VSR compatible so you can get as many aftermarket parts as you can afford.

Anonymous No. 159502

Absolutely this
I can't believe how much fun it is to dab on shitty spring snipers with my stock G&G SR25.
It is also still very usable in closer ranges with a co-witness RMR.

Anonymous No. 159503

Lol, lmao

Anonymous No. 159506

Ahahah, GBB cucklets at it again. Tell me how epic your last game was when you carried those 10 mags into field only to run out of BBs 20 minutes later nonetheless, all while cherishing that renowned GBB consistency equal to a 2$ cornflakes toy peashooter.

Anonymous No. 159512

Better than sex is how it was.

Anonymous No. 159513

I like to play airsoft

Anonymous No. 159514



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Troopie No. 159516

Make sure to full auto people when you get right on top of them to make sure they feel it.

trekker No. 159517

any /asg/fags going/gone to MSW this year?

Anonymous No. 159518

I like to SHOOT dumb NIGGERS with airsoft gun

Anonymous No. 159578

>AEG shitter projecting again
Maybe if you weren't stupid and poor you could afford HPA lmao

Anonymous No. 159587

>Go AEG DMR chad instead.
haha i'm sure you enjoy being undervolumed at all times. Only way you are getting a efficient DMR is with a HPA engine bro.

Anonymous No. 159590

>anon stating he wants to get into sniping and emphasizes that budget clearly is a factor
>"j- just spend a retarded amount of money on the toygun bro"
If someone wants to get into sniping a cheap 1.8j AEG played as a DMR is the easiest way and will bring the best results for the price, retarded esoterics about funny fluted cylinders or special barrels aside.

Anonymous No. 159659


Anonymous No. 159671

>Can't hand off your rifle to your mate as you climb up the window
Why even play airsoft over paintball at that point.

Anonymous No. 159673

Is this supposed to be bashing HPA? Id just disconnect the airline or just use my sling. Reconnecting the air hose takes like 2 seconds

Anonymous No. 159752

The only type of paintball i can play in my country at least is speedball and i like to dress up as well.

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trekker No. 159805

/asg/, what is the cringiest shit you've seen / heard at an airsoft field?

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Anonymous No. 159829

fake nod mount was a great buy. it makes helmet covers fit even if that helmet cover wasn't feeling like doing so before that. both shitty ucp helmet cover and original pasgt cover fit okay enough that I don't need to go to the tailor anymore.

Anonymous No. 159832

> Pink p90....

You are a faggot aren't you?

trekker No. 159839

ratchet straps are peak kino and nobody will tell me otherwise

Anonymous No. 159893

How insecure in your sexuality are you

Anonymous No. 159894

That man could bring his boyfriend to game days with matching GGO P90s and make out with him in his car between games and he'd still be less of a flaming faggot than you are

Anonymous No. 160030

i'll be going to a relatively big game in about a month. 125v125, 6 hours long. what are some important things to bring with me? could relate to food, batteries, whatever.

Anonymous No. 160038

Snacks and water

Anonymous No. 160041

6 hrs ain't that long. But yes, water. Esp if you can't just walk to the snack bar and buy a bottle of Dasani or whatever. Water, sports drink, trail mix, protein bar, whatever.

I'd also bring backup firearms. The worst times I've ever had were when something broke down and you get to watch your field fees spent on sitting on the sidelines. So now I bring enough firearms to outfit an entire squad.

Anonymous No. 160144

How much range do Japanese airsoft guns have compared to for instance, American ones?
Power is limited by law there and yes they do check

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Anonymous No. 160176

Take lots of water with you. I usually take 4l of drinks (3l of water, two cans of monster) for shorter games than that, but it should be enough. Good thing is also proper meal in your lunchbox, some pasta or rice, snacks if you won't eat before game.

You may run out of whole pack of bb's in that time, so depending on your use of trigger, you could take two. As of batteries, for similar lenght game, two 1200mAh 8.4v Nimh's were enough for me but I was running low near the end (could be that those are quite worn out already).

Anonymous No. 160178

If I was going to a 6 hour game I would definitely bring my camelbak

Anonymous No. 160181

Whats some good cyma ak upgrades I can do without changing the spring. I just want better accuracy mostly.
I run 8hr games and most people average between 2k-5k bbs used per day in a very large game.
Freeze water bottols for the last layer in your cooler. Always bring a cooler.

Anonymous No. 160184

>Whats some good cyma ak upgrades I can do without changing the spring. I just want better accuracy mostly.
ML Super macaron and ML Omega nub. Swap the barrel for a prometheus at your desired length.

Anonymous No. 160187

nta but will Modify baton ryusoku bucking and nub be good choice for cm.048? I want to get it mounted by a store, and getting bucking and nub together will only require single payment rather than paying twice for montage of bucking and nub separately.
I meant those kilogram packs (ie. 4000x0.25)

Anonymous No. 160192

>I want to get it mounted by a store
why do you want to pay for that? It takes like 10 minutes to do yourself and it's not that hard at all. idk about that bucking/nub combo but modify is usually solid stuff

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Anonymous No. 160193

to not void warranty

Anonymous No. 160194

idk where you bought it from but on Taiwangun the warranty is only void if you open the gearbox

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Anonymous No. 160195

yeah, i'm planning to order it from taiwangun.
it says in description that warranty will be voided
t. retard (verification not required)

Anonymous No. 160196

Its a cm040j, it needs a ak rail mount or similar I'm also considering laser mount for it just idk what laser would be good.
Ill look into those.
Problem though, the cm040j is 490mm barrel length and thats not a size I can find for Prometheus.

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Anonymous No. 160197

Here it says that it's only for gearbox parts so it's a bit odd, either way when you are getting into airsoft you might as well start learning how to do some basic teching yourself cause you will need it at one point, and airsoft shop techs usually are insanely expensive + because it's such a niche field a lot of them are really shit at their job.
Get a Maple leaf barrel then instead. They are also good. Prometheus barrels are just my personal favorite.

Anonymous No. 160199

Actually the barrel might be shorter. I will have to hand measure before I buy because info online conflicts. Btw is it possible to get a jg or other brand receiver body on to cyma 40 internals?

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Anonymous No. 160201

You can see on the product page on Taiwangun the length of your inner barrel if you check the technical data tab.
If you are talking about taking the gearbox out of the cyma, and installing it on a JG body, then yea sure. It's all standard V3 gearboxes so that won't be a issue.

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Anonymous No. 160204

any new gear/replica/action pictures since last thread? post 'em. or post old ones, for any newfriends to see.
picrel is not me.

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Anonymous No. 160252

t. extreme poorfag here

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Anonymous No. 160255

Same here, anon (me on the right). Also, we have the same rig. Maybe same helmet as well, is yours an ACH or a PASGT?

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Anonymous No. 160264

It's cheap mich 2000 replica by 8fields. Bought it because I planned to take a sport cam for that game picture was taken during but adhesive didn't hold. I drilled a hole and screwed it in instead. Now I am waiting for DPM helmet cover that I will probably have to hand fit a little.

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Anonymous No. 160270

Nozzle alignment can suck my dick

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Anonymous No. 160303

All the Tokyo Marui guns I've shot had insanely awesome hop-up range and accuracy, just weak FPS. My old stock TM MP5J had almost the same range as my friend's upgraded CA SPR25.

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Anonymous No. 160366


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Anonymous No. 160367

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Anonymous No. 160372

Japanese guns mostly max out at about 40 meters unless you do some serious customization. No idea about other countries.

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Anonymous No. 160373

>gay-shop package i ordered back in march suddenly cleared russian customs and is now in my home country

Anonymous No. 160453

What's with all the Zisters in this thread...?

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Anonymous No. 160466

>buying Gayslop

Anonymous No. 160467


Anonymous No. 160477

is CM.009C any good? I love that M16A1 look, how does it compare in terms of overall quality to CM.048? I am considering getting it instead of 048

Anonymous No. 160478

How come no one has Ukrainian kits? We have to support our allies, c'mon guys

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Anonymous No. 160496

oy vey

Anonymous No. 160502

There we go that's more like it. Fuck russia

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Anonymous No. 160508

Fellas i want to buy pic related so so bad just the thought alone makes me almost cream my pants. From what i have gathered through yt reviews the rifle is fine but will need some ra tech upgrades. Issue is no store in my cunt carries those upgrades so i havd the suspicion that id end up ina "cant repair and cant upgrade" pickle with this beautiful thing. Do you guys know how good that WE or in my case Socom gear as its sold under in my cunt is in complete stock condition ?
What could i upgrade besides some springs that or metal parts that i dont have access to in order to make the rifle run more precise?

Anonymous No. 160517

I don't support monke's retarded invasion just because I have Russian-ish gear. We can't all dress up like ZOG bots

Anonymous No. 160518

sell it

Anonymous No. 160521

tf? It's quite literally easier to dress up like a natofag, you have to go out of your way to buy russmutt shit, stop lying.

Anonymous No. 160525

I agree, though I just throw random cheapshit surplus together. Multicam commandos are so fucking boring

Anonymous No. 160533

aurora fag here.

got her mounted up, first game is this weekend.

I got it as a gateway drug and its certainly working. I really fucking want a 14 now kek

Anonymous No. 160591

all of that kit is russian you retard, I just put a ukranian patch on it to filter people like you.

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Anonymous No. 160592

ah yes lets just not have a realistic opposing force for nato to shoot at. all milsims should be nato joint task force vs genericistan from now on because retard monke invaded some ukrainians.

i know youre shitposting but in case someone in the thread actually believes this, stop bringing politics into this fucking manchild soldier dressup pewpew hobby you fucking niggers

Anonymous No. 160596

someone make a Malyuk airsoft gun then

Anonymous No. 160599

It works. Ra tech parts are garbage. Don't bother. Run it stock and when shit breaks buy oem replacements fron kyairsoft. Had 3 WE ARs and now have an MWS. What an improvement over WE slop

Anonymous No. 160600

>wanting to dress up as a rusnigger

Anonymous No. 160603

someone has to if you want milsim events with any semblance of realism. are you also upset that ww2 german reenactors exist?

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Anonymous No. 160604

>multicam hands typed this post

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Anonymous No. 160606


Anonymous No. 160610

You play with aviators or is that just for the photo op? Last time someone tried that on a field I go to the Marshalls told him that it is a big no because it doesn't cover the sides of the eyes.

Anonymous No. 160611

ever considered wearing something that actually fits you twinky

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Anonymous No. 160612

you can get side panels but I run ESS Ices in game

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Anonymous No. 160613

stay mad fat man

Anonymous No. 160616

Oh I didn't know we were still at war with Germany!

Anonymous No. 160617

Go back to HRC, attention whore

Anonymous No. 160618

Okay, now this is based

Anonymous No. 160624

is this some tranny thing I should be aware of to participate in your reddit discourse?

Anonymous No. 160626

Way to oust yourself, newfag

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Anonymous No. 160663

>doesnt know about my obscure reddit subreddit/discord or whatever that is my personal enemy BECAUSE IT JUST IS
>therefore newfag
whats hrc then?

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Anonymous No. 160666

post gunwall

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Anonymous No. 160667

Seig Zeon

Anonymous No. 160671

needs more kalash, satan

Anonymous No. 160708

devilish digits, also, that's a lot of aap01s.

Anonymous No. 160719

holy cringe, satan

Anonymous No. 160722

what's cringe about it

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Anonymous No. 160753

Holy fuck, we finally have TAG-Inns in Canada

A bit heavy on the AAP-01 (I count literally six) so I might advise adding some variety (hell, you could get one of those GBB AR-pattern rifles that uses TM-spec Glock mags since I have no doubt you have a shitload of them), but otherwise it's alright
What brand of VSS is that?

Anonymous No. 160764

Why do you support dropping space colonies on Australians?

Anonymous No. 160777

you don't?

Anonymous No. 160778

Why wouldn’t you?
They’re Australians. You could gas ‘em all and the world would be the better for it

Anonymous No. 160782

Based based based

Anonymous No. 160784

I stick to AAP because it’s the easiest GBB platform to get spare parts for. For GBBR’s I have to order all my spare parts from Asia and that takes a month in shipping plus I get fucked in the ass by customs and shipping costs. I would like a MWS, and is considering getting the DE one when they release gen 2 that has ironed out the kinks of the first release.
The VSS is a King Arms, and has a Mancraft engine in it.

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Anonymous No. 160836

I want to look like border patrol

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Anonymous No. 160855

Some months ago i asked for a cheap aks74u to buy just to display/own it, i ended up buying a CM045A, i put a cheap mount with a chinesium ebay sight on it and today i will try shooting some cans in my yard
im also considering buying zenitco furniture for the whole thing, because i don't really like the cheap look of the wooden handguard

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Anonymous No. 160866

Haha fuck me poorfag wallet i guess. The we is 360€ and the mws is 650€ in my cunt haha. I cant fathom enough improvements to warrant such a price by comparison as a wagie. Anyways man thank you for the advice, i hope you enjoy your new rifle

Anonymous No. 160875

Wait for the DE MWS clone to get back in stock. It’s like 350€

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Anonymous No. 160898

I honetly couldn't find anything under the term DE MWS for that price. Im from germany so that may be the problem here. Btw what does de refer to ? All the shops i checked out have tokyo maruis for 600 € and upwards. In germany woth whats in the big shops i trust the we is the cheapest choice atm, magizine price included. They charge 60 € upwards for a regular stanag for that TM mws rifle. Unfortunatly i cant afford that atm. honestly if the vfc was at least 500€ i would absolutly get that one instead but 640€ is just too much of a cucumber up my bum atm. I dont make that kinda money right now haha ;_;. Since on the topic what exactly makes the mws sdries so much better than the we. I heard the we is a bit brittle but i cant imagine that being too much of a problem, i am genuinly curious. Also i gotta confess i havent been mobile enough due to poorfagishness and lack of people i could redeem favours from to go play airsoft so i kinda never went but got a decent amount of gear. Got 2 reliable pistols and 2 reliable rifles, one saeg (as you know full auto being banned by the gov etc) and a gbbr

Anonymous No. 160900

He's talking about this thing:
Germany may or may not be a problem, haven't got a clue.

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Anonymous No. 160905

Thanks for the heads up. Just checked not a single shop carries (imports) those into germany. Rifles here got a ridiculous mark up due to a gov dep. Having to test and stamp those cunts plus the company that imports those has to reliably make every single one of them semi auto only. Oh well i think ill go for the we. Im sure i can order parts somewhere

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Anonymous No. 160909

no gun wall here, just AK. eventually i want to get get myself either a g36 (the original one) or a hk416 for my Coming SoonTM Bundeswehr kit. i know the 416 wouldn't exactly be accurate, but the only g36s i have access to here also aren't really "kit accurate", and by god i hate the look of the g36c so i'd rather just go with the 416. also would like to get a m16a2 for an 80s american kit.

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Anonymous No. 160912

>hates the g36c
Got a gbbr one, i cant stand how the reciprocating charging handle is in the way of me naturally c clamping my rifles somewhat due to a fucked wrist. Anyways i love the thing bjt it looks astronomically better without the original top rail and instead with one of those cut off rails i forgot the name, the one mounted really low on the back post. Also really dog the short handguard without any rails on it, looks just 80s enough to get me hard again :D. Man the things id do with a bf3 mg36, man thatt thing looked juicy

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Anonymous No. 160931

MWS just works

Anonymous No. 160932

Be aware of the bolt catch issues and check your bolt catch and bolt carrier engagement points regularly

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Anonymous No. 161016

the one I regret selling the most

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Anonymous No. 161022


Anonymous No. 161048

What replica is that?

Anonymous No. 161062

Gun itself is an LCT, the furniture is real 74 plum furniture except the pistol grip

Anonymous No. 161100

Was it an AIMS/Romanian Md AK Type before? Thought about the same, but I would feel kind of bad buying a real stock only to chop off pieces off of it to fit it. Did you have to do the same?

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Anonymous No. 161172

do they make these in like a extended version? I wanna mount a holo + magnifier and there's not space on it

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Anonymous No. 161176

>Screws on top
Buy a longer rail, drill it out and mount on top

Anonymous No. 161178

not a bad idea i'll do that thx

trekker No. 161183

LCT makes the zenitco b-31 clone. goes all the way up to the rear sight

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Anonymous No. 161186

>hormone replacement club

Anonymous No. 161189

it's for my VSS so that wouldn't work. I haven't seen anyone that makes pic rail dust covers for it (King Arms), so it would have to be sidemount

trekker No. 161191

ah shit my bad, am retarded

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Anonymous No. 161228

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Anonymous No. 161281

No wall, just a floor

Anonymous No. 161282

Now THIS is a good collection. Lots of variety and different types of replicas

Anonymous No. 161289

Thanks, just wish the Ppsh-41 was actually usable. Fucking Snow wolf piece of trash.

Anonymous No. 161291

What Kar98 is that?

Anonymous No. 161292

The Tanaka AIR, spring powered.

Anonymous No. 161295

You can get mid caps for them now, and it’s standard gearbox parts so you could just upgrade it.

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Anonymous No. 161303

I'm a total retard when it comes to fixing guns and the fact that the hop up unit is a solid lump of metal kinda turned me off from trying to fix anything else. The one time I tried to repair my TM AKS74U that died on me I wasn't even able to put the thing back together. RIP girl.

Anonymous No. 161307

Nope, just a regular 74, it came with the green plastic furniture. When you cut the piece that would go into the rear of the body, theres already a hole there, so it was just filing until it fit.

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Anonymous No. 161309

>Now THIS is a good collection. Lots of variety and different types of replicas

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Anonymous No. 161315

Ffs years ago it took me a whole fucking year to figure out how to reassemble my 1911, dude you got nothing to loose and everything to gain, just keep trying to assemble your ak itll work out

Dang that m16 looks sweet. If i wasnt such a schort handed manlet id get one ina heartbeat
>tfw no Mogadishu Delta kit with an m16
>tfw no Josh Hartnett friend to play airsoft with

Anonymous No. 161322

easiest practice is boneyards from evike. I buy two to build one gun. I built a we tt33, a cyma trishot 500, and an asg m40a1 from boneyards. the only one I use is the we tt33 because I had a kwa but theres no mags for that and now theres barely any mags you can get for the we so I'm considering src now. life is pain for a gun you like the real steel of and own a type 54. plus the kwa and we hate valken green gas.
the asg I might upgrade so its actually useful to some degree, the accuracy on 32g is subpar and I need a scope as well.

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Anonymous No. 161369

got this today at a mil-surp show, got good few bit of rusty metal but this was a nice find

Anonymous No. 161390

Nice, that's tasty little number, I wish the WE hi-power wasn't a pos, I've got the WE but it's only good for the looks, I never skirmish it.

Anonymous No. 161408

Solid assortment of AKs, as long as you're having fun with them then that's all that matters

Anonymous No. 161426

Pretty cool. How much you got it for?

Anonymous No. 161462

impeccable taste anon

Anonymous No. 161466

170 euro

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Anonymous No. 161512

>wgcshop got AK-12 foregrip back in stock

Anonymous No. 161535

Didn't know AK-12 had a specific foregrip. Neat

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Anonymous No. 161548

did you have fun airsoft today anon?

Anonymous No. 161552

Yeah. Ran my Weagle for the 7th time. Loved it

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Anonymous No. 161554

That is a lot of AAPs anon. Why have multiple of them? They got different FPS or something?

Anonymous No. 161557

Another based collection. Fuck AAP trannies

Anonymous No. 161563

I like building them and yea they are for specific sites or roles. 2 of them are for CQB, and the longer AR build is for outdoors and then the DMR if I wanna play that. The MP7 is also for outdoors I just got that one for fun. The spare 2 AAP pistols are really just for spare parts don’t use them. Also nice guns.
Cope and seethe

Anonymous No. 161565

I bought a VFC Fal and I want to convert it to a para type. From what I heard, I just need to swap parts from a DSA conversion kit and find a recoil spring to attach to the bolt. Are there suggestions to which spring works best? skip to 35:31

🗑️ Anonymous No. 161566


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Anonymous No. 161586

;_; bro i injured the fuck out of my main hands trigger finger. What about you, did you enjoy yourself, how good was the game day ?

Sweet collection man, gives me real sweet mw 2 and black ops 1 vibes. I especially dig the mini uzi and that sweet sweet makarov. That m16 looks especially sweet for some readon, reminds me of the m16 meta from mw1. Thats a fine collection. I showed my guns to a buddy of mine today for the first time. Man it feels good to have your gear appreciated by somebody you like :D

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Anonymous No. 161595

Last weekend I did. Took a newbie coworker with me & he slaughtered many. He borrowed my STAR dragon so it was even better watching lil minions get slain by a tall dude with an anime rifle. I used my Tippmann HPA, the hopup bucking ripped, I slid a new one in & repaired the broken receiver tab with a big zip tie (this is the second time the tabs have died & Tippmann will not warranty it again). Worked like a charm. The best kill I finessed was when I low crawled to the middle of the field, looked through a peephole on a low wall, saw a random minion crawling towards me. I tossed a Tornado II nade in front of him, it "blows" up, he just spaz flinches. I then pop up and triple tap him in the shoulders and head with my ancient beretta NBB. The weather was muggy with random rain, just brutal.

Anonymous No. 161626

>What about you, did you enjoy yourself, how good was the game day ?
yea great fun, the field i was at it's CQB but they do 5 man tournaments where it's 4 experienced players paired with 1 rookie, so that was fun, and my team won so that nice. Only crap thing was that the mount i got for my gopro for my cap was pointing too high, so it didn't capture very well.

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Anonymous No. 161637

All guns that I'd be happy to see in my own collection. Nice weathering on the M16 as well

Anonymous No. 161638

AAP tranny malding over here. Go and made a dilator build for your collection lmao

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Anonymous No. 161640

i'm malding? You are the one upset over a airsoft pistol lmao

Anonymous No. 161669

>training at home.
Depending on what you own you could buy a licensed model that has the same weight and shape.

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Anonymous No. 161685

Does anyone actually use 0.007oz BBs anymore? Seems like the standard has shifted more towards 0.0098oz or even 0.01oz.

Anonymous No. 161697

I'm not weighing my bbs in australians, I can't help you

Anonymous No. 161698

>anything but the metric system
i personally like 3.86 grain BBs

Anonymous No. 161702

There's an insanely hot girl at my site. Blonde, blue eyes, cute face. Very petite body, but with great tits, a big ass and wide hips, and slender and athletic. A legit 10/10, maybe the best body I've ever seen in person, it was fucking doing things to me.
It was hot yesterday so she took off her normal long sleeved camo jacket and only had a white sleeveless vest underneath. That was the best look at her tits I've had, first time I've seen her cleavage. Even caught some sweaty armpit as she was adjusting her hair.
Unfortunately she has a boyfriend.

Oh, and also I had one of my best rounds ever. Must've killed at least 15 people in one life defending the final objective. Was fucking intense but I was peeking in and out of this hut and hitting every shot.

Anonymous No. 161722

>Oh, and also I had one of my best rounds ever. Must've killed at least 15 people in one life defending the final objective. Was fucking intense but I was peeking in and out of this hut and hitting every shot.
i guess that test boost you got from that girl got you a nice round lol

Anonymous No. 161747

What's the general accuracy/range of a GBB pistol? I'm thinking about one to practice my trigger pull and drills and I want to know what's capable in terms of target feedback or will the BBs just curve into a fan at 15ft no matter what?

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Anonymous No. 161757

Calm down coomer
>curve into a fan
What? Any GBB that isn't broken should shoot straight at 5 meters and even three times that distance.

Anonymous No. 161852

Nta but I love the aap01, honestly my favorite from my entire collection

Anonymous No. 161876

it's the basic bitch option. The only cool shit that comes from AAPs is kits like the drill, G11 and Zaku MG

Anonymous No. 161879

416 recommendations? looking at the double bell ones on taiwangun, they seem alright. should I not be a poorfag and pick up the VFC version?

Anonymous No. 161880

>it's the basic bitch option
i'd argue that's the hicapa
Double Bell V2 boxes are really solid. Some of the best airseal ootb on the market rn. Their motors are meh tho and they lack a ETU. I'd get a Specna 2.0 instead

Anonymous No. 161884

seems that the 2.0 is a Europe-exclusive replica. do sites like patrolbase ship to the US?

Anonymous No. 161924

They suck , I would recommend buying real nods.

Anonymous No. 161940

Ah yea it’s because the 416 license is owned by Umarex. Id get the double bell then, and have Taiwangun swap the motor with a Arcturus 19T motor, and install a Perun V2 if you got the budget for it

Anonymous No. 161941

Oh yea swap out the hop rubber, barrel and nub as well with Maple Leaf

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Anonymous No. 161985

i made a cqb gun for battling (kissing) in close quarters (your bedroom)

Anonymous No. 161993

In what universe is that for CQB. Even if you fold the stock it’s still too long

Anonymous No. 162007

It needs to be long enough so you have leverage in order to club someone.

Anonymous No. 162015

>no bayonet

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Anonymous No. 162029

skill issue, you simply use it for cqb

Anonymous No. 162038

hey 2010 called, they want their shit back

Anonymous No. 162103

That suppressor will fit up your ass with the proper amount of force

Anonymous No. 162117

>Got medic pouch
>The color is slightly off from my other pouches
>I can never wear it
A shame.

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Anonymous No. 162140

>he matches his colours

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Anonymous No. 162235

Time to find myself some Charlies to slot.

Sage No. 162239

Based VN Kit enjoyer

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Anonymous No. 162254

my fellow autist, let me inform you that he was actually making a joke there precisely because it is so cumbersome and unwieldy in close quarters

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Anonymous No. 162257

where'd you loot the washing machine, comrade?

trekker No. 162352

kino alert

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Anonymous No. 162385

>First game since I fucked up my back.
>It's a night game.
I'm a broke bitch so lets see if this gets my in trouble.

Anonymous No. 162404

I hope it's not a forest game

Anonymous No. 162405

It's just a park. And if it gets fucked up I have a sidearm with a light already.

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Anonymous No. 162408


Anonymous No. 162420

well any woodland games inthe night are kinda fucked
you are damned if you use the light because everyone else sees you
you are damned if you don't because you can't see where the fuck you are going

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Anonymous No. 162424

Anonymous No. 162474

Can I just run a weaker spring in my pellet gun and use larger BBs to use it as a sniper?

Anonymous No. 162477

u wot

Anonymous No. 162478

>have springer pellet gun with ~7,5 J
>swap spring for a weaker one
>load 4,5 mm BBs or plastic pellets (maybe still lead idk)
>use it as a springer sniper in airsoft

Anonymous No. 162531


Anonymous No. 162538

Abso-fucking-lutely not, that still hits way harder with way more potential for injury than any airsoft gun
My advice would be to just get a solid entry-level AEG (ex. Specna Arms EDGE) and run with that instead of doing something that could injure people pretty badly

Anonymous No. 162549

At my group we have to have to light on when we're shooting so it doesn't really matter.

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Anonymous No. 162552

planning to drop the fun bucks on it anyways, but what's the rundown on the Kythera? amped airsoft has a good-looking bundle for it with every required piece for a first HPA engine.

Pic unrelated, just dumping an old picture of my stuff

Anonymous No. 162574

The Kythera is nice, it’s got a really good trigger feel but it’s very finicky to install. The whole assembly is very odd, plus you also have that cord to reset the trigger. I don’t really like it honestly. I got 3 Mancraft engines and they are super easy to install. Only had to do alignment work on one of my builds the other was a drop in. If you get them without gearbox you need to dremel the original one but it’s not hard.

Anonymous No. 162575

Also remember these are semi only engines if you want to use the fun switch and be able to spam them in semi you need a electronical HPA engine.

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Anonymous No. 162584

British hands typed this post

Anonymous No. 162593

That's why I wanted to swap the spring for a weaker one

Anonymous No. 162601

what kind if dremeling needs to be done for the kythera? I saw in one video the back half of the gearbox was dremeled out, is there something else to it?

Anonymous No. 162607

The kythera should not need gearbox modification to install. Only the mancraft does, but they also sell CNC gearbox’s with the engine if you don’t want to do it yourself.

Anonymous No. 162610

you wouldn't fucking believe the fist kit I ran this gun with was a wagner one.

Anonymous No. 162627

>maybe still lead idk
1/10 Try harder next time, but here's your (You) anyway.

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Anonymous No. 162637

i know, i was there

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Anonymous No. 162646

I am a PMC I should be strong and independent, but I love the idea of being weak and pathetic and needing to rely on shoigu and gerasimov for everything.

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Anonymous No. 162650


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Anonymous No. 162655

>patch is upside down

Anonymous No. 162657

i am retarded

Anonymous No. 162660

how often do you fuckers play Anzio

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Anonymous No. 162661

once every couple of months. We did 7id in panama kits last time.

Anonymous No. 162670

It's not far from me,

I only have a 1982 British infantry kit in terms of full kits,

trying to build 1980s West german next

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Anonymous No. 162673


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Anonymous No. 162688

catch me shitting in anzio camp embassy and sniffing the asbestos

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Anonymous No. 162689

impeccable taste, always do silly funny kits with friends :)

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Anonymous No. 162812

>ended up needing lung surgery and have no idea how long it'll take until I recover enough to play airsoft again
Feels bad bros

Anonymous No. 162872

>lung surgery
Sounds serious, hope you're getting better. You'll make it back to airsoft, just don't rush it.

Anonymous No. 162876

Bro, whaaat? Where is that beauty from?

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Anonymous No. 162886

Girls love it, actually.

Anonymous No. 162918

anyone here from the east coast attend that milsim in panthera over the weekend?

Anonymous No. 162920

> Tries this hard to appeal to women.

Faggot detected.

Anonymous No. 162923

Your friend putting on a skirt doesn't make him a girl. I admire the dedication to stay true to your load out though.

Anonymous No. 162926

Yea he even stopped eating

Anonymous No. 162933

>malnourished Russian conscript
Excellent attention to detail on this kit.

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Anonymous No. 162953

Final setup for upcoming milsim event, planned on something else initially but with 30°C~, 70% air humidity and rain coming up I decided to jump into my lighter African Mercenary larp. The Chicom and M58 webbing go surprisingly well together. Let's see if my Wouxun will receive better this year with a giant antenna sticking out my ass.
Based, might actually get into making an actual VN kit.
As others pointed out you really did well with emulating one of the two slav phenotypes. There is either the malnourished lanky krokodil-addict/alcoholic at the local train-station or slightly obese boomer alcoholic. There is no inbetween.

Anonymous No. 162959

i can smell you through the screen

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Anonymous No. 162961

Good, enjoy the smell of green spores, sweat and shitty Versace perfume anon.

Anonymous No. 162962

Please keep sexual advances in /soc/

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Anonymous No. 162989

Well, I didn't get it specifically to appeal to women, but it does.
I eat plenty damnit.

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Anonymous No. 162996

Please help me to identify these boots

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Anonymous No. 162997


Anonymous No. 163028

Your arm looks all leathery and flabby, and that tattoo sucks

Anonymous No. 163079

Tattoos are for degenerates and AAP users

Anonymous No. 163086

based AAP tranny hater

Anonymous No. 163096

fuck you nigger I'll get a tattoo for an impression kit

Anonymous No. 163099

What's the prison code for number of busted sphincters? Asking for a Russian impression kit.

Anonymous No. 163101

kill aap users.behead aap users. roundhouse kick an aap user into the safe zone. slam dunk an aap user into a trashcan. crucify filthy aap users. defecate into an aap user's BB bottle. report aap users to the marshal.

Anonymous No. 163108


Anonymous No. 163109

It not only looks like shit, it shoots in a way that only a twelve year old would think is cool

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Anonymous No. 163111

>i modified my pistol thats modelled after a semiauto .22LR to shoot 40 rounds per second
>wow its going to be so funny when i wipe a birthday party of 12 year old rentals with this haha!
t. HPA/AAP user

Anonymous No. 163113

it's funny how little it takes to upset milniggers. Anyway i only play in semi auto, and yes my pistol is flashy because i care about having fun and not realism. People who care about realism use it as a coping mechanism because they suck at airsoft so they excuse their lack of skill with "muh immersion"

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Anonymous No. 163115

Anonymous No. 163117

>he assumes i am a milsimfag
kill hpa faggots. behead hpa faggots. roundhouse kick an hpa faggot into a trashcan.

Anonymous No. 163118

>>he assumes i am a milsimfag
well yea the only people i have experienced that care about other peoples stuff are milfags

Anonymous No. 163121

>hpa hate
Yep, this is a poorfag general after all.

Anonymous No. 163122

>Yep, this is a poorfag general after all.
lots of cope here. After i tried HPA once i got rid of my AEG's and only been running HPA since. No way i'd ever go back to gearbox sounds and shit trigger response. Not even warhead motors come close to the response of my P* F2

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Anonymous No. 163141

Go choke on your hoses faggots

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Anonymous No. 163142

Oops, wrong version

Anonymous No. 163150

only one seething here is you

Anonymous No. 163155

Unbothered. Camo painted. Happy. In My Surplus. Focused. Flourishing.

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Anonymous No. 163156

wtf im in this image

Anonymous No. 163162

Stop being paranoid, anon.

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Anonymous No. 163165

>all HPA niggers have to show are shit-tier CYMA AKs and AAPs

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Anonymous No. 163184

>do 1 (one) wagner game
>they kill prigozhin

Anonymous No. 163185

But airsoft is all about immersion. Otherwise, there's no reason for the guns to look like real firearms.

If people want performance, go with paintball, where it's all about flashy and cool and zero realism. And if people complain that the markers and paint are too expensive, well, there's your poorfag cope.

Anonymous No. 163187

there's one field in the entire country that does competitive paintball and it's like 2-3 times a year. Everything else is for like bachelors parties or similar only

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Anonymous No. 163188

>cosplaying as wankers

Anonymous No. 163189

total paintnigger genocide

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Anonymous No. 163240

Why did you do it you monster?

Anonymous No. 163307

Why are disgusting poorfags even posting here....?

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Anonymous No. 163313

he knows what he did

Anonymous No. 163316

Was there an actual mobnik cube at the field where you played?

Anonymous No. 163329


Anonymous No. 163332

Airsofters killed prigo

Anonymous No. 163377

Based F&O cubing the speedsofters on HPA who failed chrono

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Anonymous No. 163385

We didn't know ;_;

Anonymous No. 163414

Mega based

Anonymous No. 163438

it was the mealsinners, they did it

Anonymous No. 163518

Based milsimers killing ziggers

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Anonymous No. 163694

you're letting the thread die, aren't you anon?

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Anonymous No. 163695


Anonymous No. 163698

what should we talk about? It's just 3 people throwing shit back and forth at each other

Anonymous No. 163701

GBBR good
HPA bad
Fight, monkeys

Anonymous No. 163702


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Anonymous No. 163705

Agreed, post GBBRs or gay

Anonymous No. 163706


(what brand gbbr is it?)

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Anonymous No. 163709


Anonymous No. 163711

here comes the tranny......

Anonymous No. 163712

A VFC, gone through at least 7000 bbs without any performance issues that weren't self induced (I'm a bit of a retard)

Anonymous No. 163714

>greyshop altyn
more haram than the AAP to be honest

Anonymous No. 163733

AAPs are amazing, stfu faggots.

Anonymous No. 163734

AAPs are good, solid pistols with amazing after market support and extensibility. but personally i dislike them because i'm a milfat and i like muh realism and immersion.

wait sry i forgot this is /asg/, so uh...ywnbaw kill urself aaptranny

Anonymous No. 163735

AAPs are for fags who don't care about real guns. Go play Fortnite or whatever you zoomer trannies play

Anonymous No. 163736

if you cared about real guns you'd shoot real steel

Anonymous No. 163737

It's basically a Ruger mark4, just cope and pretend you have a good reason bringing a .22lr to the battlefield. It's not hard.

Anonymous No. 163738

This, I own real guns and I wear milshitter outfits/PCs for airsoft and I love the aap01

Anonymous No. 163739

you can't shoot people with real guns

Anonymous No. 163740

i thought that was what all americans did with them

Anonymous No. 163742

Simunitions are a thing

Anonymous No. 163747

please tell me where to find a civilian listing for an mp7

Anonymous No. 163748

>he doesn’t know

Anonymous No. 163751

dont taunt me jens you cant keep them from us forever

Anonymous No. 163803
Coolest field I've been to, vid is in Spanish but it shows off the basic field layout. What do you guys think of the field?

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Anonymous No. 163807

>640€ gun
Based got his shit together anon. Beautiful peace you got there. Just finished blood diamond and i was thinking of the xm177, what a bequtiful setup, what a beautiful gun. That og rubber buttplate is the cherry on top. If i had a grand to shell out that vfc would be my first purchase. Shiiieeeeiii gotta get a better job, them airsoft is expensive but fock bru.

Anonymous No. 163823

Did you finally dilate enough to fit the big boy?
What's with the grey shop hate? Airsoft is just larping so in 99% of the cases there's no real need for military grade gear anyways.
>ywnbaw kill urself aaptranny

Anonymous No. 163831

Very nice, A1 rear sight is always slick as hell
Looks like it's one optic/set of irons away from being a solid enough rifle build, almost makes me want to get one of these solely to spite half of /asg/ but I'd rather get a USP or something when I get the funds together

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Anonymous No. 163839

All these XMs are seriously tempting me even though I can't justify buying one after getting an A1

Anonymous No. 163845

>What's with the grey shop hate?
a lot of the gear on greyshop is overpriced for what you get, the repro gear tends to be inaccurate (especially the 6b helmets), and the even the real equipment tends to be QC rejects from the production line with shit stitching. if youre not a gear collector or an impressionist you're right that it's good enough for skirmishing, but if you try to build an impression kit from greyshop gear you will always stand out in a group of people who sourced the real milsurp.

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Anonymous No. 163894

Oh i do run a scope on it, it's not on when it's hanging on the wall. Shoots about 2j with .36g bb's and goes + 80 meters.
Anyone went playing today? I really wish i could get the dovetail mount lower on the VSS it looks goofy aaah. Or if someone made a pic rail for it.

Anonymous No. 163896


Anonymous No. 163939

>the new evike battle lab field has delayed opening again
>by two months
the airsoft "community" here gets what they deserve, but it's rather annoying because it's a cqb field what the hell could possibly be the hold up if the evike store itself has been open for about a month and a half now
really itching to play airsoft and now I can't even drive to dreadnought in phoenix if I wanted to bother since they just closed

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Anonymous No. 163950

My buddies M70 Zastava broke down, so he had to switch to his backup L1A1. I ended up taking over carrying the RPG and switched to the XM177 instead of the AK on the second day, dropping the marching backpack and radio, instead carrying spare water in my kidney pouches.
Sexy M16. If you wanna go on a small budget get yourself a Cyma XM177e2, just keep in mind that it has the wrong handguard and delta ring. On the other hand the bigger M4 handguard allows you to put in bigger batteries, since it really is a pain to put in a battery that isn't a shitty 7.4v 1100 mAh.

Anonymous No. 163966

I did consider the Cyma since it's really cheap but I wasn't aware of the incorrect parts, even though something looked slightly off in the pictures.

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Anonymous No. 164011


Anonymous No. 164012

How is it? Some people are having issues with it and I've seen cases of rusting. Even in batch 3 they haven't added a spring on the back on the nozzle to fix the accuracy issues of the open bolt syatem

Anonymous No. 164013

I added the spring myself. Majority of my issues came from the version 1 magazines which I am still waiting for NE to send me replacement parts for.

The other 5 mags I have work fine though so it gets a lot of use, I kinda wish they didn't make the collar that adjusts the hop plastic though because I've had to beer can shim it as the metal hop arm ground away the surface

Anonymous No. 164021

dripped down to the SOCKS

Anonymous No. 164024

What spring did you use for the nozzle? How was it performing before the mod? What power are you running it at?

Anonymous No. 164058

I cut down a spring from a pen,

Mine is floating around 1j because of the rarted rocket valve (thanks UK law) but I'm in the process of getting the new rocket valve and a spare new type nozzle

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Anonymous No. 164084

i love the smell of propane in the morning

Anonymous No. 164119

Based Bundeswehrfag

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Anonymous No. 164126

Hmmmm the forbidden mp7, she looks gorgeous. Man id love to have one myself, id put a silver paintjob on the upper. Man the Jokers G18 did a number on me, cs go as well. The suit skin series gave me a hard on for silver two tone guns. And yet the stock paintjob looks really good by itself.

Anonymous No. 164142

what's wrong with HPA again? Too expensive?

Anonymous No. 164144

I don't like how AEGs sound. Sounds cheap as fuck.

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Anonymous No. 164149

>average HPA user

Anonymous No. 164150

That's why it's the greatest country in the world!

Anonymous No. 164151

Probably something technical like insurance, or liquor license.

Anonymous No. 164171

Scale model general on /toy/ is livelier than this place

Anonymous No. 164174

AEG users enjoy the high-pitched screaming and moaning of their guns as it reminds them of JAV.
HPA users enjoy silence because they're necrophiles.

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Anonymous No. 164176

/xs/ might be the least known board on 4chan and as many have pointed out there aren't really any good ways to "market" the thread since /k/ and other boards were molested by airsoft guns in their childhood and become rabid at the very mention of airsoft.
Also, I doubt you actually built any scale models lately you lazy nigger.

Anonymous No. 164177

yea it was better when /asp/ existed. This board is dead af

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Anonymous No. 164187

>Also, I doubt you actually built any scale models lately you lazy nigger
How did you know?

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Anonymous No. 164190

Because I am you and you are I, my dear anon

Anonymous No. 164193

the only people that would want a HPA setup are hypercompetitive sweatlords because its arguably the best setup you can make for consistent performance and high RPS (and because you can crank the regulator up when noones looking if your site doesnt do tournament locks after chrono). i just like doing my soldier dressup and running around and tryhards are annoying in general.

Anonymous No. 164196

wat? If you want a functional DMR with a long inner barrel and don't want to deal with overvoluming due to cylinder constraints you get a HPA system. Besides that HPA is just way easier to install and requires way less maintenance than your standard AEG.
The whole tournament lock thing is a field issue, they should absolutely be locked. Besides that most modern AEG's allow you to swap your spring fast which does the same as turning up your regulator. You can even on mosfets like the Perun set your ROF to be lower before chrono then adjust it back up again. With GBBR you can joulecreep or adjust the NPAS before chrono. You can cheat the system with every type of airsoft rifle it's not exclusively a HPA thing.

Anonymous No. 164231

I just want a kythera so I can play milsim with a mechanical setup and not worry about batteries :(

Anonymous No. 164232

So laughable that they put airsoft under "Extreme sports", as if anyone is going to search for us here on 4chan

Anonymous No. 164238

yea i only found it by coincidence because i was just checking the board out randomly one day. I guess the board it would make most sense on is /k/ i still don't get why gookmoot didn't just keep asp and moved all wrestling to pw

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Anonymous No. 164270

Is the Cyma P90 a reasonable choice of weapon for entry level?
>compact enough for indoors
>usefull outdoors
>metal gearbox
>pastebin reccomends cyma AEGs
>can't just mount a different scope (might cope by fitting a laser)
>not that cheap (~200€)
I would plan on swapping the battery for a 3S (maybe 4S) LiPo for a higher rate of fire and to mount a small laser on the rail for longer range engagements.
Got that stuff laying around anyways...

Anonymous No. 164271

Wait, I'm a retard, you can actualy fit a scope.
I've also got one laying around lol

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Anonymous No. 164272

every single time someone makes an airsoft thread on /k/ they get told to fuck off to /toy/ because airsoft isnt good enough for high and mighty /k/ where only the most operator flat range larpers may post about their "actual guns". well, that or argue about ukraine again

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Anonymous No. 164274

Plinking steel with shitty 300$ SKS doesn't require any sort of condition, just remember that picrel is /k/ poster. There is plenty of fat people playing airsoft but you can always mog them because they can't run 30 meters without dying, so it is only natural that the fatso shrieks at the thought of people participating in something that requires even the tiniest bit of stamina.

Anonymous No. 164275

I love using my physical advantages over othere.
Higher endurance, mobility and small hitbox

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Anonymous No. 164284

Is the E&C XM177 any good? The all black version is on sale rn for some reason. My only gripe is that the receiver is black and not XM grey but that might not be a bad thing since I intend to use it as a base to swap on different uppers depending on what I want to portray (anything from Vietnam - early 2000's if possible)

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Anonymous No. 164285

Every HPA user I know has been all about the RATATATATATATATATTTATATAATATATAT...!!!!!

Anonymous No. 164286

As long as that P90 model has a picatinny rail on top. In my personal experience, I hate P90 hicaps for how often they jam on me, sometimes every other shot. I found midcaps in the 170+ capacity and never looked back.

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Anonymous No. 164301

With today's exchange rate 200 euro would almost get you the new Tokyo Marui P90+ that's way better than any older model but I guess the price gets marked up overseas.

Anonymous No. 164309

If you have to get a P90, get the Double Bell high speed version. The gearbox has quick change spring so it can be used on both outdoor and indoor fields, and the gearbox is also more standard than the other ones like TM, CYMA or King arms that has weird bushings that’s proprietary to the P90 gearbox. Double Bell fixed this and uses normal bushings so upgrading is easier. Also if you got the money get the Perun P90 mosfet.

Anonymous No. 164344

You actually play with laser? It is banned on every field I've been at because people keep pointing it at peoples eyes.

Anonymous No. 164350

Will Cm.022 parts fit CM.028 (stock, receiver, grip etc)? I have opportunity to get one next for nothing, and I was thinking of using it as external parts donor for my old 028.

Anonymous No. 164359

Then how are you going to paint the target to call in the airstrike?

Anonymous No. 164372

yes, but having multiple long ass mags is a pain to carry around, to each their own
Double bell is nice, it's retard fast on 11.1 lipo out of the box

Anonymous No. 164394

I have to radio in the coordinates

Anonymous No. 164423

You mark it with smoke grenades (and then you get banned from the field for using pyro)

Anonymous No. 164429

>his field doesn't allow pyro

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Anonymous No. 164438


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Anonymous No. 164450

i'm going to jury rig a xm8c gbb with vfc's gen 2 g36c and an src xm8c
as i understand it, element used to make an ism-v red dot, but it's since been discontinued
anyone got any idea how i can look up owners who might be willing to part with theirs?

Anonymous No. 164454

Good luck

🗑️ Anonymous No. 164457


Anonymous No. 164495

Easy, you pilot an RC plane to perform a dive-bomb attack and maybe strafing runs.
Just like in ukraine

Anonymous No. 164496

Wait, that one is only 120€
I'll probably get myself that one then, even though the stock spring only does ~0,45 J I'm certain I can swap it for a stronger one later on.
Sounds like a good combo, got a decent charger laying around from RC stuff anyway

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Anonymous No. 164528

Anonymous No. 164531

baby don't print me

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Anonymous No. 164533


Anonymous No. 164543

How bad are aps aks? Saw an ak74 on ebay with 13 midcaps two highcaps , a drum, and a battery for $280.

Anonymous No. 164563

My Tippmann with an amp goes CLACK CLACK CLACK & it's just too much fun. It's even a zippmann now because the upper receiver tabs cracked.

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Anonymous No. 164569


Anonymous No. 164581

There's a reason why APS has acquired the nickname A Piece of Shit - everything but their CAM870 is almost guaranteed to shit itself pretty quickly due to weak materials and dogshit quality control, and even the CAM870 can have issues (though I do want one eventually, since there really isn't an alternative out there just yet for a pumpgun using those shells, not even a printed one)
I'd avoid it if the internals haven't been changed out, and even then I have no frame of reference on whether or not their externals are any good

Anonymous No. 164583

Reported to the ATF

Anonymous No. 164609

my rifle has a 10.5" barrel, what length suppressor would be good for the a e s t h e t h i c s ?

Anonymous No. 164610

mk18? do you have a front sight gas block on?

Anonymous No. 164612

mk18 yes, no front sight gas block on

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Anonymous No. 164613

i see, aesthetics would depend on your handguard then
heres my 10" with the vfc ops inc flash hider + suppressor

Anonymous No. 164614

i have both a vertical grip and angled foregrip i swap between every week, been preferring the vertical one to the angled grip though. I really like your setup!

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Anonymous No. 164616

i like it too but in truth i really wanted to go with an mgs4 m4 type setup
the handguard is extreme unobtanium, no airsoft clone or real copies anywhere

Anonymous No. 164692

When is going to stop being 33°C in NC, SC, or FL? I haven't played in 3 months

Anonymous No. 164701


Anonymous No. 164704

>What is humidity

Anonymous No. 164709

whatever bitch

Anonymous No. 164710

god I love HPA

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sorawo loadout.jpg

Anonymous No. 164718

Cloned Sorawo Kamikoshi's loadout

Anonymous No. 164731

Never. Well, maybe in 100 years. Welcome to climate change.

Anonymous No. 164749

>Florida wasn't a hot and humid swamp before industrialization

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Anonymous No. 164757

what having no gun culture does to an airsoft community

Anonymous No. 164760

>we can go higher

Anonymous No. 164766

DESU, stupid-high risers are a thing in the gun community too.

Anonymous No. 164773

This isn't a no gun culture thing this is just due to the fact that the averge airsofter is a dribbling retard, british or not

Anonymous No. 164774

First of all, fuck you.
Second of all, I’m not a dribbling retard! I haven’t had to wear a bib in AT LEAST three years.

Anonymous No. 164789

>that lens protector

Anonymous No. 164833

that's because the mandatory face protection gets in the way you dumb fucking retarded FUCK

Anonymous No. 164834

>mandatory face protection
Britcucks lmao

Anonymous No. 164837

I love when HPAfags aim for your face

Anonymous No. 164845

>mandatory face protection
youre ugly anyway, just accept the risk you fucking pussy

Anonymous No. 164852

except you can't play if you don't follow the rules, you DUMB FUCK. HELLO????? ANYONE IN THAT EMPTY BRAINCASE OF YOURS?????????

Anonymous No. 164853

It's filled with BBs

Anonymous No. 164854

wait actual rule defined face protection requirement? like theyll kick you off site if you refuse? what site is it, so i can fucking avoid it like the plague?

Anonymous No. 164858

alright... are you ready for it?

Anonymous No. 164864


Anonymous No. 164866


Anonymous No. 164885

This guys is a dribbling retard there are no sights that mandate lower face protection

Anonymous No. 164892

Face protection isn't mandatory at any field I've played at in the UK, except for underage.

Anonymous No. 164895

I'm not from the UK RETARDS, all indoor airsoft places in the US require face protection. Fucking european FUCKS.

Anonymous No. 164896

fuck off britcuck faggots. come back when you have actual gun culture.

Anonymous No. 164916

Name five.

Anonymous No. 164937

UScucks lmao

Anonymous No. 164954

But the picture in question is a bong airsofter at an outdoor field, how is that relevant to US indoor fields?

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Anonymous No. 164955

everything is relevant to america because only america is relevant. USA USA USA

Anonymous No. 164957

>Americans kidnapping local girls to bring back to their nigger rape-copter

Anonymous No. 164961

Seethe more you fat cunts

Anonymous No. 164966

New Thread
New Thread
New Thread

Anonymous No. 164979

the UK is basically africa now, seethe more.

Anonymous No. 165084

>Americans LIBERATING local girls

Anonymous No. 165189

idk i'm not an hpa guy but what's wrong with wanting your gun to perform as good as it can?

Anonymous No. 165321

That's like declaring yourself trans so you can dominate the women's competition because it's all about winning.

Anonymous No. 165597


Anonymous No. 165612

That is all. Carry on, tranny.