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🧵 /asg/ Airsoft General

Anonymous No. 164965

Charlie's in the Trees Edition

Old Thread: >>158937

Keep strictly real-steel related topics in >>>/k/, gun and gear porn's cool as long as you don't spam.

If you have a useful guide or want to rework one for the OP, post it and someone will add it to the next one.

>Updated Newbie pastebin

>/asg/ retailer guide

>Legal comprehensive, crosscheck with your local laws to be on the safe side

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Anonymous No. 164967

>Threadly Topic
Reusable vs disposable pyro, what's your preference?

Anonymous No. 164970

neither. It's way too expensive for a couple of minutes of smoke. I'll let someone else waste their money on that shit

Anonymous No. 164980

Maybe you shouldn't be playing airsoft.

Anonymous No. 164981

why were fat british cunts getting so uppity last thread? You don't have real gun culture, fucking deal with it. There's a reason why you're coping with airsoft in here.

Anonymous No. 164982

Typical euroswine seethe and cope

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Anonymous No. 164984

I have pic related if that counts, it's just a BB hose really. I also buy the occasional throwable pyro, I wouldn't buy the reusables as they get stolen way too often by gyppo cunts.

Anonymous No. 164993

disposable. taginn RGD/M67 clones are best, but enola gaye pyro is alright, but far flimsier than tag grenades. ive had multiple EG grenades split in my nade pouches when my fat ass laid down on them. also taginns are EXTREMELY LOUD which is great if you like inducing tinnitus in yourself and everyone around you in a 50 metre radius

poor detected, opinion rejected

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Anonymous No. 164995

Remember to not feed the troll everyone

Anonymous No. 165004

rent free

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Anonymous No. 165015

Want to get an E&C XM177E2 but will probably have to sell an old Tokyo Marui MP5SD to make space. Worth it?

Anonymous No. 165017

Just get the E&C AND keep the Tokyo Marui. Problem solved.

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Anonymous No. 165019

I don't have enough space. It's an older one with a plastic body so I'm not really inclined to keep it especially if there's a collector's market for old TM airsoft guns. I also modified the MP5 with some classic army parts since it came to me as a boneyard so it's actually an MP5SD3. I still have the original parts though.

Anonymous No. 165020

Fuck it then, sell it. There are nicer MP5s out there if you get the itch for one later anyway.

Anonymous No. 165021

Think I can get tree-fiddy for it, parts and all?

Anonymous No. 165028

I have an E&C (>>164718). The fire selector markings are painted on, and the buffer tube always has a little wobble no matter how you tighten it due to their spring QD system which may or may not be on that gun (I have a 301 M4A1 model). Theres also no rollmark on some models like that one. Overtime the barrel may get wobbly, so you have to tighten the barrel nut. The charging handle linkage to the little cover that retracts to expose the hop up is very fragile so its not for pulling on hard. As you can see in that image, the buffer tube sling plate thing is weird and not clone correct. The takedown pins are actually threaded for hex screws. Overall metal quality is potmetal. Dunno about intenrals cause i dont care about that.

But all of those things are perfectly fine for the price point. I would take the E&C over the TM

Anonymous No. 165065

Does anyone know the screw size for cyma ak 040 for the fixed stock? I tried 6m but that didn't work.

Anonymous No. 165096

Look at the diagram at the back of the instruction manual, it lists all screw sizes.

Anonymous No. 165098

Fixed stock on a 040? Do you mean folding stock or 048?

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Anonymous No. 165100

This is it + extra parts.

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Anonymous No. 165101

Box is kind of rough. No website on it so for all I know it's super old, or """vintage""".

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Anonymous No. 165102

Don't have batteries with the right connector so I can't test, but I didn't fuck with the electronics.

Anonymous No. 165107

I doubt your average airsofter would pay more than €100 for a second hand plastic MP5, but it looks like it may be 20 years old, so it might interest someone who collects older airsoft.

Anonymous No. 165109

That's what I was going for. I found my old receipt for it where they said it was over 18 years old when I bought it 4 years ago. So it had to have been 2001 or earlier. Is there some forum for these people? Otherwise I was just going to sell it on r*ddit.

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Anonymous No. 165111

The one on sale everywhere rn has this rollmark, which isn't bad but not hyper-realistic either. At least the fire selector markings look like they're actually engraved on. Too bad you can't get the Colt trademarked ones due to licensing bullshit. Don't think customs will take importing something that looks like an ayylmao-15 receiver with all the scary markings well either...

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Anonymous No. 165113

Is it better than the CYMA CM.009E?

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Anonymous No. 165117

buy grenade launchers

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Anonymous No. 165124

Have done, it doesn't get used much and is quite heavy.

Anonymous No. 165133

>quite heavy
shrimply lift more friend

Anonymous No. 165146

>big tamiya
you don't know the definition of heavy

Anonymous No. 165149

I do, and that thing with a side mounted rail and scope is heavy, but I still carry it because I'm a big tough man.

Anonymous No. 165172

I thought i bought a crap chink red dot, turns out i have retarded eyes.

Anonymous No. 165174

and they'll only get worse

Anonymous No. 165179

I also have retarded eyes, though glasses help mitigate starbursting
Prism optics are your friend, or if you want to resolve the matter permanently, you could have professionals shine lasers in your eyes to unretard them

Anonymous No. 165236

Is double bell P90 (BY-810GS) any good? What is the difference between BY-810GS and BY-810?

Anonymous No. 165238

GS has a high speed motor otherwise they are the same.
And yes it's very good. Has quick change spring, and the good Double Bell Airseal parts. Only thing i'd swap is a new hop rubber and nub barrel maybe if you can afford it.

Anonymous No. 165239

Thanks anon. How does it perform with stock rubber and nub? I plan to get it as a gift for a friend who is just about to start playing airsoft, so I do not expect him to swap it out.

Anonymous No. 165240

it won't be able to hop over .25's so if that's fine then just keep it stock.

Anonymous No. 165253

Is hunting camo any good for asg? What are other budget options?

Anonymous No. 165265

Depends. Is it made specifically for the environment you’re in?

Anonymous No. 165281

it's over, I'm too fat and out of shape for airsoft.

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Anonymous No. 165282

how fat we talking?

Anonymous No. 165283

You can do it tubby, go on a diet, do some exercise, it will make playing airsoft much more enjoyable when you can run for more than 3 minutes at a time. I believe in you.

Anonymous No. 165285

okay maybe not that fat

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Anonymous No. 165287

Boys, newfag here. I couldnt find a proper answer on this question. How can i get my gbbr to shoot more precise and further out ? I got a
>6,03mm tuning barrel
>60° HopUp Bucking
>70° HopUp Tensioner

Which one of those variables decides what bb weight i can use and how far i can reach out? Thanks in advance

Anonymous No. 165322

Just get an HPA setup and hose people who make fun of you, then tell them to git gud.

Anonymous No. 165323

>Just get an HPA setup
H-how did you know...??

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Anonymous No. 165336

Finally bucked up and dropped the cash on my first HPA setup. now I'm torn between throwing it into my KWA M4 or scrounging up a SCAR body to be a special little snowflake...

Anonymous No. 165345

Did you buy and engine yet? Cause with the Scar you’d need a longer nozzle

Anonymous No. 165361

>Probably something technical like insurance, or liquor license.
according to the employees it's looking to be the city of Henderson having an issue with it, but nothing specific has been said yet. Employees, too, are getting anxious over it. I'm not going to be surprised in the slightest it has to do with anti-gunners working for the city being to blame. A couple that owned a firearms training class or whatever said they faced an uphill battle against anti-gun county officials trying to get the approval/permit to use land for an outdoor airsoft field

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Anonymous No. 165384

if I just raw dog it and increase the pressure will it cause damage? not saying I won't buy the nozzle, but if I get it later...

Anonymous No. 165390

Having issues with my accuracy on my Blackout I bought a few months ago. For the first few fieldings it shot fine then it started bucking left or right like crazy. Is it worth it to send back to manufacturer (will have to go back over the border to CA, possibly take over a month) or just buy a new hop system? Are they hard to install? Also could this be caused by a scratched or imperfect inner barrel?

Anonymous No. 165399

That’s not how it works. I can’t remember the scar required nozzle length but if the M4 is significantly shorter it might not even reach the feeding tube of the hop chamber and then how would it push bb’s out? Or if it only does it halfway it would still fire pretty shitty. You really need the proper nozzle for it.

Anonymous No. 165402

Like >>165265 said it depends. Dedicated 3d hunting camo in the right environment will Trump just about anything. If you are in an area where the vegetation changes throughout the year, you need to match it or you will stand out.

Anonymous No. 165403

Roger, it was worth a shot. gonna pick up a nozzle for the Masada anyways, not a big deal. thanks anon

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Anonymous No. 165411

Thanks anons. From what I looked, most of them would fit enviroment I play in at autumn or early spring. Would it work the same or better than for example olive drab in late spring/summer, or would I stick out worse than that?

Anonymous No. 165414

what engine did you get.

Anonymous No. 165424

kythera. didn't want to deal with batteries for a long while

Anonymous No. 165426

Ah cool. If you tune it correctly you can get it really fast for a mechanical engine.

Anonymous No. 165460

Hunting camo works fine. I live in a very green area and yes its a little brown when you are standing, but when you're kneeling or prone there's a lot of brown. And if you're not moving and semi-obscured by foilage you won't stick out.
Really though if you are budget minded plenty of options, if you're near a military base then surplus stores sell uniforms for cheap. BDUs (there are summer and winter BDUs make sure you buy summer weight), multicam, MARPAT all work good. Don't get sucked into the autistic thing of finding "THE" perfect camo. If its green and brown, it's fine. I bought a number of clothing pieces off of aliexpress. Cheap chinese shit and it works fine in the woods. Various patterns.
Get something breathable. A lot of hunting clothes are not super breathable. The sweat wicking tops are good, and the 3d leaf camo overtops are ok, but I've yet to find hunting camo pants as thin and light to move in as BDU or multicam pants.

Half the people playing wear solid black or random streetclothes, so literally any camo is superior.

Anonymous No. 165469

I fucking miss taginn, i hope they can find some way to get the atf to approve them again like working with FPC. I know it’s cope tho

Anonymous No. 165470

Your first mistake was buying a gbbr

Anonymous No. 165498

HPA and AEGs are SOVLless

Anonymous No. 165509

So my parts came in for my cyma ak. How hard is the hop up and nub to change out. How long does it usually take? Should i look into mosfet and gear upgrades for this cyma 040j or not? Is there a better swivel stock than the triangle ones?

Anonymous No. 165513

Nothing too complicated. Could get it done in 15 mins. Tap out a pin. Unscrew some philips screws. Find a torx or hex key small enough to remove the screw securing the barrel.

Anonymous No. 165546

>How long does it usually take?
Once you know how to do it you can do it in like 5 minutes.
>Should i look into mosfet and gear upgrades for this cyma 040j or not?
If your AEG is new you can go with the default trigger unit for decent while, even when running 11.1 LiPo. After some time your trigger unit connectors might get burned/caked to the point of not properly connecting anymore when using 11.1s, meaning they won't trigger consistently. By this point you should either replace it with an optical mosfet or put in a new trigger unit and a mosfet, meaning that the charge isn't going through said connectors anymore. Performance-wise a mosfet generally increases the trigger response a bit, nothing too spectacular though.
Gears you do not really need to bother with in the new cymas unless you are building a hi-torque 45 RPS beast with a strong spring inside doing 1.6j, but at that point you would also need to replace the piston and many other parts. If you wanna increase ROF though you could look into 16:1 gears or with a hi-torque-motor even 13:1 gears.

Anonymous No. 165575

god I hate AEGs.

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Anonymous No. 165603


Anonymous No. 165606

HPA >>>>>>> gbbr >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> literal dogshit >>>>>>>> AEGs

Anonymous No. 165611

Imagine sucking so badly that you have to resort to using paintball tactics with paintball gear in order to compete.

Anonymous No. 165620

bruh cmon you gotta put a little more effort in your bait
t. hpa/aap enjoyer

Anonymous No. 165623

Are digital night vision goggles worth it? I'm too poor for the real thing but they seem neat to use at night.

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Anonymous No. 165632

That doesnt answer my question senpai. Besides i already got a gucci aeg, with the mosfet and etu and all that cool shit and i still like to have a bolt i need to cock back you know. Its all about the dakka for me, if it dont feel right in the mind it dont perform right in the field if you feel me

Anonymous No. 165635


Anonymous No. 165637

>if it dont feel right in the mind it dont perform right in the field if you feel me
Then have fun feeling right in the mind while your GBBR is still performing like ass in the field. GBB and precision generally isn't really a thing that goes together unless you enter price ranges that would offer you HPA at that point. Since every shot you take there is differences in pressure due to a magnitude of factors that impact said pressure. Oh and do not even think about firing full auto unless you do not mind the inconsistency and looming possibility of your mag just completely emptying itself. So either go the full idc route and just play GBBR for the feeling of it because it is based or throw out any dreams of some AEG/HPA-esque precision.

Anonymous No. 165652

if you're too poor for the real thing then just don't even fucking consider it. Don't waste your money for shit you'll use once or twice in your life.

Anonymous No. 165685

That’s why you HPA GBBR. You get the fun of GBBR and with the consistency of HPA

Anonymous No. 165692

But at this point you got the worst of both worlds. You pay crazy sums of money for GBB mags that hold hardly any BBs and you still need a HPA engine and rig that costs a lot, on top of that you have to take out and put the HPA hose into the mag every time you reload. Before that I would look into HPAing something with one of those Daytona kits that iirc take AEG bodies and mags but still add recoil like it is a GBB.

Anonymous No. 165694

You don’t need a engine? For a GBBR you either tap the mags or run a adapter. You do need the whole tank, regulator and hose package tho but yea. I use adapters instead because It’s cheaper than GBBR mags + you don’t need to unplug to swap mags. Like this
You can also get something a bit more incognito and get a adapter where you use shotgun shells so you don’t have anything sticking out of the bottom.

Anonymous No. 165695

>GBB mags that hold hardly any BBs
40 is the absolute maximum you should need in one mag. let me guess, you need more?

Anonymous No. 165696

There is also Tippmann where you got the tank in the stock and it uses AEG mags + you have the recoil

Anonymous No. 165711

correct fittings finally came in today. This is just a basic function check with everything press fit and using teflon tape.

Disposable, its a pain in the ass to find grenades after a game, people steal them, and you have to worry about nailing someone with them due to the weight.

Anonymous No. 165747

fuck off, smelly poorfaggot.

Anonymous No. 165768

>lose manual of arms
Miss me with that gay shit, nigger

Anonymous No. 165769

>buys an AAP or puts HPA in a cyma

Anonymous No. 165770

But it's HPA. I won't miss.

Anonymous No. 165779

gbbr >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> literal dogshit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AEGs > HPA

Anonymous No. 165781

Okay but
HPA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> literal dogshit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AEGs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GBBR

Anonymous No. 165782


Anonymous No. 165783

HPA is for pussies

Anonymous No. 165784

>t. mag dump targets

Anonymous No. 165786

>all this animosity towards HPA
did some HPAchad bully you when you were 12 or something lmao?

Anonymous No. 165789

yes. was it you?

Anonymous No. 165790

no, unfortunately I'm a mealfatty

Anonymous No. 165791

this, but I'm also in meal team 6.

Anonymous No. 165792

can you please bully me by telling me how my muzzle discipline is bad and how i stay too long in the "fatal funnel"?

Anonymous No. 165794

fuck off, faggot

Anonymous No. 165799

>tfw dealing with customer service over email because website is broken
I'm literally asking them to place an order for me and directions on how to pay. Do they fucking hate money or something?

Anonymous No. 165801

call them when it's work hours, numbnuts.

Anonymous No. 165803

It's airsoftmegastore, a major retailer too. Like how are they not noticing a drop in sales due to their fucking site not working?

Anonymous No. 165805

well you're the one sweating your ass off trying to make sure they get paid lmao.

Anonymous No. 165807

Trying not to miss a heavily discounted item. Have been trying to work with them all week ffs.

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Anonymous No. 165870

And yes it’s an AAP-01

Anonymous No. 165874

AAPchads own this dogshit general

Anonymous No. 165881

why not just get an mp7 instead of an aap chassis at this rate

Anonymous No. 165882

because the AAP is a better performer than any gbb MP7

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Anonymous No. 165883

i see. sry im a mealfatty, so i cant say that i like it desu. but you do you

Anonymous No. 165884

nta but at least the AAP01 functions more like a real gun compared to fucking aegs.

Anonymous No. 165885

i'm aware. thats why all of those rifles are gas blowback

Anonymous No. 165886

I kneel.

Anonymous No. 165887

the only good poster ITT

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Anonymous No. 165902

>Hosts set up weekend event so late I couldn't arrange transport
>It gets cancelled

Anonymous No. 165904

wish greyshop repro helmets looked better

Anonymous No. 165908

Dude that print quality is out of this world. What printer and material did you use or your friend if you the hawaian shirt plus rainbow paintball mask guy from a couple of months ago. Anyways that stock looks really really good on that gun, ties together that unconventional aesthetic, great now my dick hard

Anonymous No. 165911

that is me and i didn't print this it's the CTM AP-7 kit. I had the Charlie kit from cults but it was so annoying to disassemble i just didn't bother with it. The CTM one is much better designed. Takes like 2 minutes to take apart + the lower can be removed without any tools so you can adjust hop up easy

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Anonymous No. 165959

Anyone tried putting a real spring and buffer in a Golden Eagle M4? Wondering if my gun will self-destruct.

Anonymous No. 165961

Get rid of the HPgAy adapter

Anonymous No. 165963

From what I can gather, Golden Eagle ARs are designed to maximize what's possible with the limitations of the more budget-friendly materials worked with; even Viper-Techs don't run well when you shove real buffers/springs into them, IIRC Real Fake Guns tried that one when he converted an M16A1 lower to VT and it didn't work out all that well
Speaking of that whole performance thing, how's yours been serving you? The things seem interesting, but there isn't all that much info out there beyond a GBBR guy on Youtube who made the first part of his review and intends to get back to it after a year or so of using one IIRC

Anonymous No. 165972


Anonymous No. 165982

>whore exposing herself
>waifu material
retard weeb

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Anonymous No. 165988

I don't have enough experience in bbwars to give you anything to run on. I can say the gun rarely double feeds outside of user induced malfunctions. I don't even minmax the hop-up so I can't tell you the true distance it can shoot. For the price it has served me well, with no upgrades, on outside fields. The recoil felt is great but I've tried AKs from a friend (GHK AKM, GHK AK74) and the bamboo M4 gets absolutely mogged.

Anonymous No. 166008


from what i've heard, a good solution to fix bolt bounce is to use a H2 carbine buffer on rifles that can accept an RS buffer

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Anonymous No. 166041

Today I went to a LARP to larp as a youtube larper. I had fun.

Anonymous No. 166044

Ahhh the famous Garand Balaclava

Anonymous No. 166058

lmao, exactly what I had in mind

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Anonymous No. 166061

the urge to buy Northeast UZI keeps rising

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Anonymous No. 166092

Bro i feel you on that one, the uzi is a timeless peace of ass we all want to slam, whether that be sneaking it when the neighbours dont watch or loud and proud, everybody wants a peace, just like every mf into guns would fuck with a mac 11 given the chance to. I feel like just up and buying a fucking bizon all of a sudden. I never even liked the gun, but somehow remembering cs go and watching a couple of real steel vids on the thing made me moist for that particular peace of solid sturdy dakka. Problem is the only retailer around, that carries it doesnt have em in stock (iirc its the pps brand version). If there were any available id slam dunk those 230€ into the money hole in a heartbeat
>best girl related

Anonymous No. 166119

UZIs are ugly as sin

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Anonymous No. 166121

>UZIs are ugly as sin

Anonymous No. 166130

Shit taste pleb. UZI is a classic

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Anonymous No. 166146

As i already mentioned in my visual analogy, the uzi is like the fat bitch you have to sneak in and out of your place, ugly fat but enjoyable because you get to smash that shit real hard

Anonymous No. 166150

> T. Fatty who never went to the gym.
Start doing some weighted carries, OHPs and bicep curls, push ups and pull ups to get airsoft fit.

Anonymous No. 166182


It's worth doing now the latest revisions are standard

Anonymous No. 166200

Every man should be able to carry a minimum of 50 pounds with ease. Hit the gym.

Anonymous No. 166205

wtf?! why are you chimping out????

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Anonymous No. 166238

You weigh yourself down, huffing and puffing around the field, whilst I prance and frisk from cover to cover, peppering you with accurate hails of 6mm beebees.

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Anonymous No. 166245

>You weigh yourself down, huffing and puffing around the field, whilst I prance an-ACK

Anonymous No. 166246

>I prance and frisk
I'm sure you do, tranny

Anonymous No. 166250

Meal sinners always lose to HPAchads, I wonder why

Anonymous No. 166268

I'm torn, I wanna buy some nades cause they look fun but I know it's kinda retarded when my group's rules mean I can use use anything I want as a grenade. To the point I could probably spraypaint a coke can bright yellow and write "BOOM!" on the side of it.

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Anonymous No. 166274

>HPA tranny projecting again

Anonymous No. 166282

>airsoft megastore finally sent me an invoice for item I wanted to purchase
>told me to call support line number
>get automated message saying it's out of normal business hours (email was sent 5 minutes before)
>normal business hours ended ~30 minutes before
>email timestamp and call was placed within "normal business hours" listed on website
If the discount wasn't as substantial as it is, I would have told them to go fuck themselves by now.

Anonymous No. 166289

Why did they include the spring for the back of the nozzle only for the CO2 version with the steel bolt?

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Anonymous No. 166295

You need to start doing some internal work on it man. At least swap the trigger out

Anonymous No. 166299

>Red ano
Cringe. Nice paint job, tho

Anonymous No. 166301

Is there a gbb ak101? Also whats the best ak gbbr?

Anonymous No. 166306

2019 and before GHK. Next is WE AK’s. But they will eventually need spare part’s because WE uses cheap zinc alloy for internals.

Anonymous No. 166317

WE is garbage and so is GHK. TM reigns supreme once again

Anonymous No. 166318

>tfw airsoft gun is being held for ransom by customs bc japanese seller forgot to put on an orange tip.
has anyone else had to deal with this shit

Anonymous No. 166328

nice "freedom" lmao. Have fun importing your toy gun, burgeroid

Anonymous No. 166332

ok now use a stock TM gun with anything but 144a gas

Anonymous No. 166333

>he still believes in le TMs explode on propane, bro
Replace the nozzle spring. You don't even need to do that on the AKM

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Anonymous No. 166335


Anonymous No. 166336

>replace one thing or have shit replica that doesn't work
this is your brain on WE/GHK copium

Anonymous No. 166352

dumbass japs

Anonymous No. 166353


Anonymous No. 166354

I don't get it, are hpaCHADS not allowed to wear larp outfits now?

Anonymous No. 166358


Anonymous No. 166359

have you ever seen an hpaFAG do an actual impression kit and not an amazon special from random chinese pouches usually in multicam black or some other retard camo? the answer is no, because why would an hpaFAG bother, hes there to get "kills" and win, thats why he has an HPA replica after all

Anonymous No. 166370

must be a pretty sad life if you spend all day complaining about the way others play airsoft

Anonymous No. 166371

It's all tongue in cheek, except for the couple of tards who run with every ball that is thrown to them.

Anonymous No. 166373

i just don't get it. Like for milsims yea i understand that there are rules for what you can wear and the gear you bring, but getting upset about what people use for a open sunday skirmish? That's just sad lol

Anonymous No. 166374

>have you ever seen an hpaFAG do an actual impression kit

Anonymous No. 166376

and I've got a similar kit going, got the exact same helmet visor (it sucks, settled with a Paulson DK7 visor instead), and ranger green UF pro.

Anonymous No. 166377

>Have everything I want on my m4 except for a grip.
>Have a decent pistol now that the guys at my local store informed me I'm retarded and how to fix it.
Wondering what to get for my third gun. I was thinking either a submachine gun or a sniper rifle. With me leaning towards a sniper because the fields my group plays at doesn't have a whole lot of confined spaces I can't probably clear with a handgun and/or grenade. But on the other hand there's plenty of good spots to snipe from.

Anonymous No. 166379

just be aware you don't buy snipers you build them, and it's gonna cost you

Anonymous No. 166380

Shit really? There were a couple for sale in my groups discord and I was thinking of grabbing one.

Anonymous No. 166381

the closest you get to a finished sniper is either a novshit or a Silverback. What most people do is buy a cheap JG Bar 10 and upgrade it themselves

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Anonymous No. 166392

>Buy a bunch of upgrades for gearbox
>Commission local tech to do the upgrades
>Tell him to use bushings and that I'll pay for them
>Tells me he'll give me bearings instead for free
>Month later, use gun for the first time in a game
>One of the bearings explodes causing some of the steel balls to get stuck between the gears, breaking off some teeth
And that my friends is why you don't trust the Chinese, and to do your own teching.

Anonymous No. 166395

Shit. From what I understand non second hand novritsch is stupidly expensive but how's Silverback? I'm not sure I'm competent enough to upgrade a gun outside of attachments.

Anonymous No. 166397

Been wanting an LMG and was looking at the LCT RPK-16. Anyone have experience with this? And before you ask, no, I'm not doing a Killa cosplay. I just like the gun and someone gave me a Wartech PC so I want to start a commie setup.

Anonymous No. 166398

A tech saying he’s gonna use bearing should have been an immediate red flag lmao

Anonymous No. 166400

I assumed he knew what he was doing because he does have a good rep and track record. I didn't expect the bearing to fail this fast though. It's a high ROF setup so I kind of understood why bearings would be a good idea, even though I never believed bearings are justified regardless.

Anonymous No. 166404

Question: how old is everyone here? I have been dying to play at a legit field since elementary school and now am 25 and some fields popped up. I’m trying to get the guys to go to a zombies game in Virginia in October but no one seems down sadly

Anonymous No. 166405


Anonymous No. 166406


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jihad asuka.jpg

Anonymous No. 166407

24, started two years ago after my friends i know since middle school got me into, which probably prevented me from getting discouraged by spergs playing it.

Anonymous No. 166439

20. I started playing right at the beginning of summer and I've been having fun.

Anonymous No. 166446

I installed some bearings in a Cyma AK74, it was perfectly shimmed, so I thought adding bearings would just make everything even smoother and snappier. The bearings exploded after about 3 months.

Anonymous No. 166451

42. Started in 99. Had to order off of Dentrinity back then.

Anonymous No. 166452


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Anonymous No. 166453


Anonymous No. 166472

What motor/gearset did you use? My 13:1 gears + warhead motor shreaded apart my bearings and I just do not see any reason to use bearings in any high torque/high speed build because you basically have a ticking time bomb in your hands.

Anonymous No. 166481

>he jizzed all over it and used that as his paint mask

Do AAP-01 users really?

Anonymous No. 166491

SHS high torque, 13:1, M110 spring. It's been an absolute trooper for the last 7 years bar those exploding bearings.

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Anonymous No. 166504

Yeah, HPA fags really are sad.
34, so many babies here

Anonymous No. 166506

Why are you anti-hpafags so quiet about this? >>166374

Anonymous No. 166508

Why are you so insistent on making us watch that gay video?

Anonymous No. 166509

how is it gay?

Anonymous No. 166510

>those camera shots and direction that only a 12-year old would think are cool
It just proves that no amount of fancy gear can cure the mental retardation of HPA fags

Anonymous No. 166515

that wasn't the point of the video retard. >>166359

Anonymous No. 166517


Anonymous No. 166518

>Templar's gear gear
>Hk416 with SMR
>"gucci" glock

Anonymous No. 166526

>Why did they include the spring for the back of the nozzle only for the CO2 version with the steel bolt?
the fuck I thought this was included with all now

Anonymous No. 166546

36, started when I was 24.

Anonymous No. 166560

I may be getting my hands on a TM Saiga 12. What real steel drum mag should I modify to use for HPA tap?

Anonymous No. 166565

> Wants to buy a French Lunchbox Gun.

What's wrong with you people?

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Anonymous No. 166577

anons help me
got any ideas how to style this bad boy?
right now it's pretty plain
thinking about some painting, maybe a skin and some attachments?

Anonymous No. 166582

>French Lunchbox Gun

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Anonymous No. 166604

>some painting, maybe a skin
Here you are. And while you're at it you should probably kill yourself

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Anonymous No. 166615

Anyone knows if one can use a bicycle vent key to unscrew GBB magazine vents? Amazon has no airsoft vent keys for prime and I would need it rather quickly.

Anonymous No. 166626

I don't think so. But before I got a gbb valve key I just used a small flat head, it can't grip both notches at the same time because the little nozzle in the middle doesn't depress far enough, but just slot it in to one side and be careful.

Anonymous No. 166653

Jesus Christ....I'm almost 30 years old.

Anonymous No. 166654


Anonymous No. 166662

26. Played a bit in middle school, only at legit fields a few times. Didn’t play for like 13 years then saw a great field in my area and have been back at it since April.
Fucking love it.

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Anonymous No. 166698

28, used to play like 7-9 years ago and stopped and just recently picked up the hobby again. Crazy how at least here in Europe stuff transformed in regards of how cheap decent airsofts are these days. Although the amount of soulless hicuck operator larps increased by like 200%. Also my newest toy, an E&L essential 74u, excited to pimp that baby up to 1,3j.

Anonymous No. 166700

I turn 30 next month, been playing since I was 16

Anonymous No. 166701

Also the LARP games at Ballahack Tactical are fun. Drove up to Rev last year with some buddies and we all managed to get the survivor challenge coins. I think I actually like the LARP events more than anything else.

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Anonymous No. 166749

anons help me with ideas to style my vector
kinda bored with the current look

Anonymous No. 166753

ah shit Ive already posted this
I'm a fucking retard sorry

Anonymous No. 166759

Get a longer foregrip? I never liked the shorty ones, preferred the Grip Pod beefy ones instead.

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Anonymous No. 166761

35, been playing since I was 15. Played on rogue fields for ages because that was all we had, then a variety of outdoor/MOUT/indoor fields.

Anonymous No. 166826

>watch me blast this little piggy point blank with my six-gun

Anonymous No. 166838

why do speedsofters live rent free in people's heads?

Anonymous No. 166874

Probably because people associate them with their worst elements i.e. those obnoxious videos they make hosing people down.

Anonymous No. 166876

18, been playing since i was 14

Anonymous No. 166926

Well they deserved it

Anonymous No. 166935

Kinda wanna buy a shell shotgun even if they seem like a meme. That or an smg.

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Anonymous No. 167025

Jesus, I've been on 4chan since before you could walk

Anonymous No. 167041

My suggestion is the Farsan Double barrel guns. Swit sells them, and there is a guy who has a conversion kit for sale on shapeways that will allow you to switch over to APS shells. Could combine that with the Explosive Enterprises shell mod.

Anonymous No. 167044


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Anonymous No. 167080

and i'll be on 4chan when you stop being able to walk

Anonymous No. 167081

There were a bunch at my site today and it's the least fun I've ever had, they just all rushed to hold every possible angle out of our spawn making it near impossible to move anywhere

Anonymous No. 167085

Sounds like a skill issue

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Anonymous No. 167090

I really really like this little thing.

Anonymous No. 167093

Based and AAP pilled. What parts you got on the inside

Anonymous No. 167096

got the cowcow stainless steel fire pin lock, the steel hammer set, and the AA adjustable trigger

Anonymous No. 167098

No hop upgrades? Did you have to sand down your fire pin lock? The last two I’ve got they been rubbing in the body so I had to file the side down a bit so it wouldn’t get stuck

Anonymous No. 167101

No hop upgrades yet and I didn't have to make any modifications IIRC.

Anonymous No. 167121

I guess but again, why should I play with them if they're just going to be hyper competitive arseholes that make it not fun

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Anonymous No. 167127

>pulled on charging handle too hard
>spring stretched and plastic dust cover catch snapped
Anyone know where I can get a replacement end piece? The springs is pretty easy to source (worst case I can hit up the local hardware store) but the end is out of stock everywhere and always listed under different names. Also is there a metal version of the part?

Anonymous No. 167142

Fairly common part, shouldn't be too difficult to find, it's just that as you said, they don't seem to have a commonly used name.

Anonymous No. 167152

you ain't wrong lol

Anonymous No. 167178

common AEG L

Anonymous No. 167181

You can’t expect people to play like you want at a open game. Unless they are cheating there’s nothing wrong with how they are playing. If the teams are unbalanced the field marshals should move people around. If you guys got stomped the entire day and the people responsible didn’t do anything about it’s a field issue not a people issue.

Anonymous No. 167182

>he doesnt burn through 3 600rnf hi-cap mags providing suppressing fire
you'll never cap that objective, anon

Anonymous No. 167185

Yeah idk why they insist on making it out of such cheap, low quality plastic, then making it so hard to get spare parts for. You'd think a major US retailer like evike would offer it since it seems to break all the fucking time. Or hell, why hasn't anyone come up an improved design in the last decade or so?

Anonymous No. 167192

Is there an airsoft flamethrower?

Anonymous No. 167193

Man 100% getting shot by the police with these airsofts, they look like the real deal.

Anonymous No. 167200

>imagine not being white

Anonymous No. 167237


Anonymous No. 167238

Don't live in a shithole

Anonymous No. 167249


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Anonymous No. 167251

i've spotted this strange being at my local airsoft site, is this normal? should i call somebody about this?

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Anonymous No. 167252

i wouldn't worry about it

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Anonymous No. 167253


Anonymous No. 167265

Yes, homemade solutions typically using a vortex block. I have been working on a design for a little bit >>165711.

Thats a crappy one, a better example are these guys
and the flame thrower in this video which I think is one of the guys from the first vid

Anonymous No. 167269

>You can’t expect people to play like you want at a open game.
I know which is why I left early

Anonymous No. 167324

Revelations looks like a fun game to attend, always been a fan of the idea of a game where you just fuck around doing whatever for a while
The part is very easy to find but fuck Hero Outdoors with white-hot rebar, they're a dropshipping storefront that routinely fails to deliver because dropshipping airsoft stuff in Canada is a colossally stupid idea due to the CBSA being corrupt as fuck and routinely seizing/returning shipments for no actual legal reason even if the items inside are 100% legal because it boosts the statistical number of "firearms stopped at the border"
Don't be a fucking retard by carrying them around in public spaces then?

Anonymous No. 167331

is airsoft good for practicing reloads for real guns?

Anonymous No. 167335

fuck no, why are you so stupid? just buy a fucking real gun if you need to practice reloading

Anonymous No. 167336

I mean, yeah - even an AEG will give you the ability to practice simple mag changes, though GBBs are best for that purpose since they give you a fully realistic manual of arms

Anonymous No. 167337

Ignore this retard, for the purposes of building muscle memory then yes.

Anonymous No. 167341

There was that popular video a while back of that Japanese dude that practiced firearm training religiously with airsoft, and when they brought him to the USA and put a real AR in his hands, most of his skills transferred over.

Won't happen for everyone tho. He was Asian, so he was already better than 80% of the population.

Anonymous No. 167343

ok thanks, its practice for using an AR since getting one now is too expensive for me

Anonymous No. 167345

I would say so, as long as you run something relatively clone correct. The important part about using airshit to train for me is using gear. It also helps me calibrate how I run my gear, cause it's the only place you get to really test it out. Finding out what mag pouches work for you to help with those reloads is what airshit does for me.

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Anonymous No. 167392

AEGbros, be honest. How overrated is precise shimming really? I know that some people are obsessing about getting some super quiet AEG setup but I personally have no issues with my AEG moaning a bit. How much of it really is just voodoo magic and how much is valid? Putting aside the possibility of overshimming.

Anonymous No. 167393

Surely an AR15 is cheaper than a GBB M4

Anonymous No. 167410

I don't believe it needs to be 100% precise, but I'm only comfortable when it's a decent fit. If it's too loose then the wear & tear will be worse.

Anonymous No. 167430

Going to note that I've never owned a GBBR due to being stuck in leafland where they're usually absurdly expensive so I don't have the greatest perspective on this, but
Cheapest thing I've seen people actively recommend, the VFC 733, is about $370USD before shipping, probably mid-$400USD range shipped to North America, and generally has a reputation for being a solid gun for the money
Cheapest you can get (keeping in mind the stated intent of simply learning to practice reloading an AR-15) are the Golden Eagle polymer-receiver M4s which can be coupon-coded down from $185 to ~$155USD on Evike during certain times of year IIRC, with a metal receiver set being available for them for $60USD (which can also be discounted with coupon codes) - they're definitely nowhere near as good as the VFC offering, and a reviewer's first impressions video states that it does feel a bit more toylike due to the polymer receivers lightening the weight significantly, but they're available domestically for very little
Either way, you're paying somewhere between $48-65 a magazine, with VFC's mags being cheaper on average and all around better AFAIK, so at a minimum I'd wager the GE option being $210 and the VFC option being $450-500 - I'm sure you could technically get an AR for around or a bit more than the latter of the two (pretty sure a complete PSA upper and lower combo can be had for around the price of the VFC with a mag or two if you get it at the right time), but sometimes you want something better and/or sometimes you just want an airsoft gun that you can practice handling with, plink around with at home, and also maybe shoot other people at a field with for the hell of it on a nice autumn afternoon

Anonymous No. 167433

I am also a leaf but I nabbed an MWS a few months back when Trigger had them in stock. Wasn't cheap and each mag is stupid expensive, but I can vouch that it's a quality gun.

Anonymous No. 167439

good choice

Anonymous No. 167451

PSA ARs are cheaper then a GBB AR and similarly priced to anything that isn't a poverty tier AEG. . .

Anonymous No. 167458

Arent they like 600$ now for a prebuilt psa now. Cheapest aeg that are recommended are in the 300$ range(low reliable modern pistol cost).

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Anonymous No. 167465

>buy me a fancy new full face mask
>shits comfy af
>it doesnt fog up
>cant shoulder neither ak nor g36 with a raised red dot
>mfw there are no stocks for sale that got that frenchie curveture for helmets anywhere i looked
Its just one of those days where you dont wanna wake up, everything is fucked and everybody sucks

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Anonymous No. 167492

What kind of mask do you got cause I can easily use my AK with my Dye mask?

Anonymous No. 167493

Did you get a Dye? It's not great for aiming but I can usually aim through red dots on most guns, although just barely.

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Valken MI7.jpg

Anonymous No. 167495

Nah fellas i did eyeball the premium stuff but atm im just too fucking broke for that. I got myself a Valken MI 7. Again shits comfy, but the chin protection protrudes too much for me to lay my cheek on the stock. Its ridiculous, i gotta tilt my ak good 10° or more to the left to get a sight picture, im using one of them og tube red dots with the raised mount and it still aint enough. Anyways id use a different stock no problem but there arent any around. I guess i am forced to play with the stock folded :(

Anonymous No. 167497

Just put on more risers.

Anonymous No. 167498

Ah yea that’s a paintball mask that’s probably why it sucks for it since you don’t really aim the same way with markers.

Anonymous No. 167539

nice kit, tranny

Anonymous No. 167555

do you paint your rifles/pistols?

Anonymous No. 167556

No. Painting is cringe and brings the value of your replica down

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Anonymous No. 167573

one option is to throw a a 1913 adapter on your guns and use a gas mask drop stock like pic related. Other option is to just get different eye/face protection. If you want nice low profile mouth protection look up Delta Mike Face Pro.

Anonymous No. 167574


Anonymous No. 167597

rent free

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Anonymous No. 167616

18, started playing when i was 16.
Fellas, I have a question: based on your interactions with the airsoft community and shit (on 4chan, on fields, on leddit, whatever) what's the most annoying subgroup of people? in my own experience, people who are into russian stuff are some of the biggest assholes i've ever had the displeasure of talking to. seems like the more into russian gear some guy is, more of a total dick he is.

Anonymous No. 167619

Yeah sounds right. Some of the western LARPer8tors that take it way too seriously are pretty close too, especially the zoomer historian types. Most of it comes from the fact that they're insecure little shits that use a historical interest as a cover for their /pol/faggotry, which doesn't work anymore since it's so overdone. God help you when they age into the legal gun owner range...

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Anonymous No. 167620

>what's the most annoying subgroup of people?
military rejects who use airsoft as their outlet, going to casual skirmish games and whining about how other people play

Anonymous No. 167622

here in eastern eu ziggers are more covert and don't wear actual russian gear and camo because they'd get beat. Still pretty easy to identify.

Anonymous No. 167624

Both western and Russian LARPers are the fucking worst. I don't care for speedsofting but they're a lot more chill to talk to and fun to hang out with than LARPers.

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Anonymous No. 167644

russian larpbros..... it's so over......

Anonymous No. 167646

>he cares about monetary value and not the artistic value created by adding a unique show of creativity to something you own

Anonymous No. 167648

>they're a lot more chill to talk to and fun to hang out with
until you shoot them in a way that they dislike and they magdump you or just get into a fucking fistfight. fuck speedtrannies and fuck you

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Anonymous No. 167653

it's not about dressing up and LARPing as russians, i do that as well (barely, but i'll start building a proper kit eventually), it's just that most of the "russian airsoft" dudes that i talked to were elitist assholes who go on and on about "muh inaccurate kits" when nobody even mentioned accuracy of loadouts or whatever. most of them are also no fun retards who think they're hot shit for playing with plastic slinging toy gun and take shit way too seriously.

Anonymous No. 167661

What other imaginary scenarios can you come up with

Anonymous No. 167664


Anonymous No. 167667

>idk wtf happened in the beginning
>"i'm about to punch you in the fucking face"
>"do it pussy"
>shoots camera guy point blank
>gets magdumped
disconsidering the first second or two where idk what happened, can't really blame the cameraman lmao.

Anonymous No. 167669

>can't really blame the cameraman lmao

>some pimplefaced 16 year old tells you he's about to punch you
>instead of ignoring some adderal addled retard's spergout, the solution is to escalate by going "do it pussy"
>he chooses to shoot you a few times with his hicapa
>instead of reporting this to a marshal to get that kid taken off the site at least for the rest of the day (good sites would ban someone for months if not for life for something like this) while you have a recording of the incident, the solution is to commit (what is essentially) assault and get yourself banned too
this is your brain on speedtranny

>the fucking marshal of all people runs up to the magdumper to punch him in the face

Anonymous No. 167671

Here in the US russiaboos were big into the whole muh traddy daddy putin savior of the hu-white rayyce shit even before the ukraine war started (as in the crimea part). They had a huge penchant for culture wars spergouts too.
idk how it is in europe, but I imagine it's pretty much the same from my mercifully brief interactions with those cunts where they kept trying to scam me into selling my real gear to them for cheap.

Anonymous No. 167675

yeah, speedchads live in milsinner heads rent fucking free. But we already knew this :\

Anonymous No. 167683

Speedsofters, especially the kind that insist that even though you're both 15ft apart, every single shot of theirs hit you, but none of yours could ever have hit them. I've rarely seen one gracefully accept a draw, which is stupid as they can respawn in 5 mins.

Anonymous No. 167685

Anyone who takes BB warz too seriously. You can find them in any group.

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Anonymous No. 167693

Back in Europe the wannabe Navy seals and Russian guys seemed like the biggest retards but then again I never encountered any speed trannies there. In Japan speed trannies are the only people I've had problems with since some believe they're invincible, overshoot and in general have no chill. WWII and Vietnam historical games have the most chill people since they're mainly playing to have fun, not necessarily to win.

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Anonymous No. 167696

>get punked
>report it like a good boy instead of taking back the dignity fagboy tried to steal (and sucsesfully would have had the righteous man not stood up for himself)

Desu honestly he did nothing wrong and i mean nothing. It was the referee who was a slimey spineless peace of shit and the little faggot with his friend who were all in the wrong. Id say this is as good a hill as they come. This my take, my man will regret the loss of player privileges of that field less than having his dignity stripped from him by lil cunt and and his accomplice. Sometimes its either doing the right thing and loose the pleasure or keep the pleasure that'll cost you dearly
>tl;dr be butch not leatherman

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Anonymous No. 167700

At some point it becomes just no longer fun you know.

Ill actually have to adjust my gear to use the mask :/ i guess folded stocks are back on the menu (my shoulders are super weak after having overtrained them a couple of years ago in the gym)

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Bud lightbeer.jpg

Anonymous No. 167707

Thanks hunny boo boo ;)

Anonymous No. 167715

unironically the only acceptable look for any self respecting airsofter.

Anonymous No. 167758

>oh no! a teenager has shot me in anger with a toy gun after i escalated a situation with my poorly chosen language! this is surely a besmirchment of my honour!!! i must retaliate to retake my dignity!
im guessing youre a similar age as the kids in the video, otherwise theres no fucking way you could hold such an opinion. in which case, you do you kid. that or youre a moron that never grew up and thinks that he needs to maintain his "dignity" by resorting to violence over petty disputes.

Anonymous No. 167774

shit rattle can camo job isn't unique

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Anonymous No. 167775

Thank you for your input. Feel free to make your way back to your paintball field at your own leisure.

Anonymous No. 167777

No, I weather them but I do not paint them. 9/10 times painted airshits looks like absolute ass anyway.
Also this.

Anonymous No. 167790

Is this peak airsoft?

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Continuum JG STAR....jpg

Anonymous No. 167883

They just water each other with BBs, I dig it.

Anonymous No. 167926

Did you have to slaughter a BDU by yourself or do they sell those helmet ghillies somewhere?

Anonymous No. 167939

bought a repro specifically for this purpose. 4 times the price of a surplus BDU funnily enough

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Anonymous No. 167941

I slaughtered a BDU and I still feel dirty

Anonymous No. 167945

Woodland BDUs are still fairly cheap, I could get a shirt for ~10$ if I wanted to. But seeing how they're almost approaching museum status I don't think I could do it with a clear conscience. Just look at Vietnam War era stuff now. I guess I'll just have to do as >>167939
. Many of the cheap repros don't seem to be the right type of fabric though

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Anonymous No. 167971

>Just sold Russian made Wartech pouches to an American and Russian army patches to a Brit

Anonymous No. 167979

western airsofters have more russian gear than the russians themselves

Anonymous No. 168032

I need to go through my Russian shit and sell it. If I am ever going to do MSW again im just going Militia.

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Anonymous No. 168120

Gents, riddle me this. I installed the same 13:1 gear set, same high torque motors, and same mosfets in these two AEGS which share the same type of modified v3 gearbox. However, the F2000 overspins and sometimes double fires when tested with the same battery as the AUG. Could it be that the cut off lever in the F2000 isn't moving freely enough?

Anonymous No. 168123

Have you tried enabling Active breaking on the F2000?

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Anonymous No. 168124

Ok real talk, what the fuck is up with this, beautiful rifles btw i dig the minimalisticly modernized retro product you got there. But why the fuck do yiur rifles look as nice as they do. No matter what i fucking buy my guns never ever look guntuber real. Fuck me silly i just wqnt the shit to look authentic are there special brands i have to shop to get that bust right aug green or the just right gun black m4, fuuuuck. Only my cyma aks looks solid and passable although the black is still wrong.

>the question
Apologies frend i dont know a thing about gearboxes, i fixed up my type 3 and that was trial and error, a lot of it


Anonymous No. 168127

Nice AUG. That is all.

Anonymous No. 168131

The MOSFET I've installed is super basic, doesn't have AB, plus that puts a lot of wear on the motor (though I installed a Warfet with AB on an L85 because the gearbox is fucky and always overspins by design). Also if the AUG doesn't overspin, the F2000 shouldn't either, their basically internally identical .

The F2000 is just a cheapo CYMA, and the AUG is a cheapo JG. Nothing fancy.

Anonymous No. 168134

You have to enable AB. I had the same issue with my Cybergun F2000. It wouldn’t stop overspinning without AB.
What motor and spring do you have installed

Anonymous No. 168166

I'm trying to avoid it, as I say the other v3 gearbox in the AUG was fine. I'll just open up the F2000 and have a look. The motor is an XT 22TPA high torque, and the spring is stock so M120?

Anonymous No. 168169

Does it also overspin on a 7.4?

Anonymous No. 168177

I was recently having the same problem on a V2 gearbox. Try these:
>Increase spring strength
>Short stroke sector gears, particularly if you need to reduce FPS due to the spring strength increase
>Replace cutoff lever with a better one
>Reduce piston weight (POM parts, swiss cheese)
>Install a sector delayer chip (this just helps with feeding)
If all else fails, try a 7.4 LiPO and see if you have the same issue. On your MOSFET, you might wanna play around with AB settings.

Anonymous No. 168194

Thanks for the relies. Doesn't overspin on 7.4, but I like the trigger response on 11.1. MOSFET is very basic, so no AB. I think I'll just crack the gearbox open and have a look.

Anonymous No. 168197

Getting a mosfet with AB would be the easiest way to (possibly) solve your problem. But it sounds like your main issue is spring strength and/or piston weight.

If your spring guide has ball bearings in it already, you can take the ball bearings out from your piston. That usually is a big change.

You ideally want to run M110 or higher with 13:1s and a high torque motor, M120+ if possible. The problem with spring upgrades is the FPS increase, so you will have to learn how to short stroke your sector gear with a dremel or file to compensate. Getting a shorter/wider inner barrel also helps.

Anonymous No. 168226

Its the lighting. Youtubers and companies that work with guns do it too. the difference is the finish of the real guns are more noticeable regardless of lighting. If you took those in normal lighting it would be very obvious they are toys.

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Anonymous No. 168240

Which one(s) are you /asg/?

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Anonymous No. 168241

Anyone else have an addiction to collecting uniforms/gear?

Anonymous No. 168242

>no solid black

why are you racist???

Anonymous No. 168244

type 21 starry sky

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Anonymous No. 168246

Awesome I'm a boomer

Anonymous No. 168247

Post gear

Anonymous No. 168248

uh where the fuck is the lime green/pink?

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Anonymous No. 168252

I couldn't find my Vietnam kit but here's my desert cam gear and guns.

Anonymous No. 168270


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Anonymous No. 168281

Missing DNC and Alpenflage in the picture

Anonymous No. 168287

>speedsoft, rhodieboo, and vatnigger
Bold choices.

Anonymous No. 168290

Nice M653
Found the AAP- anon
DNC is together with the urban camo, the doomer

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Anonymous No. 168328

>His field doesn't have urban camo trash bags

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Anonymous No. 168337


I wouldn't mind some urban M90 gear

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trekker No. 168343


Anonymous No. 168413

>when you're trying to become the ultimate NPC
I must confess I own MARPAT, Multicam, and AOR but I didn't include them in my chart

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Anonymous No. 168415

Do you collect patches /asg/? I know AAP-anon/HPA-tranny has a bunch

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Anonymous No. 168424

All mine

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Anonymous No. 168430

Woops forgot this

Anonymous No. 168438

>GuP, yuru camp, Sabagebu, Bocchi, /k/

Nice, just get rid of the Sanna Marin one

Anonymous No. 168476

Bocchi the reddit

Anonymous No. 168532

kys glownigger

Anonymous No. 168533

>nato patch
>russhit patch
>FICTIONAL russhit patch
what the fuck is going on here?????!!!!

Anonymous No. 168534

like all speedniggers, he's got an identity crisis

Anonymous No. 168540

Where are the ranger green chads?

Anonymous No. 168582

Used to when I started airsofting. Now I barely buy any patches

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Anonymous No. 168658


Anonymous No. 168707

I have a velcro binder full of them. But I generally only wear them when I LARP ironically.

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Anonymous No. 168725

>pretending to take patches seriously in an airsoft thread
You're the one who has some explaining to do
What are you waiting for? Show us

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Anonymous No. 168738

I work at a gunstore and my coworkers and i talk about doing retro larp with our kitfor airshit but dont want the electric shit. Whats some good gas shit?

Anonymous No. 168740

Golden Eagle if you want cheepo shit, WE if you want something thats decent and has easily replaceable parts, VFC if you want something thats well made and pretty realistic, and Viper Tech if you are willing to dish out the cash for something thats really good and as close to real for airsoft.
>t. addict who owns at least one of each of these brands

Anonymous No. 168741

This is in escalating order of price btw forgot to add that.

Anonymous No. 168749

>What are you waiting for? Show us
Sir, this is a blue board.

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Anonymous No. 168786

Cute M16
>the coomer strikes again
Please share lewd patches anon

Anonymous No. 168830

čiken fabrik?

Anonymous No. 168831

what period?

Anonymous No. 168835

heard they might be thinking about banning replicas

Anonymous No. 168846


Anonymous No. 168922

60s to late 80s

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Anonymous No. 168997

trekker No. 169119

I'm starting to liquidate a bunch of shit, and only really go to effective patterns for my area, + patterns allowed @ MSW. Selling all my other misc bullshit

So far, here's what I'm usin

Summer :
SSO Spectre

Fall :
French CCE

Winter :
Multicam / OCP / MTP
Desert DPM

Anonymous No. 169126

>SSO Spectre
>Multicam / OCP / MTP

>French CCE
>Desert DPM

Anonymous No. 169207

Who's the target demographic for NGRS guns?

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Anonymous No. 169279


Anonymous No. 169373

Did they literally not check with anyone whose not ESL before releasing those fucking guns

Anonymous No. 169375

TM's main market is Japan plus bongs seem to like them

Anonymous No. 169383

Just buy a CYMA and upgrade it

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Anonymous No. 169406

i bet you nerds actually play airsoft don't you

Anonymous No. 169412

>not buying Nippon pot metal folded 1000 times
Filthy gaijin

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Anonymous No. 169475

Traded one of my AAP’s for a HPA P90. It’s pretty cool I think

Anonymous No. 169487

i dunno how airsoft p90s work, is the very back where the gearbox is? if not wouldnt it be possible to put a small hpa tank in there?

Anonymous No. 169488

>HPA p90
literally why

Anonymous No. 169527

You still have the whole gearbox back there, so not really.
Why not? It’s fun. Only annoying thing is I got no clue how I’m gonna be carrying P90 mags around with me with my current gear

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Anonymous No. 169531

It's been over three months since my last game. Usually I end up trying to fill the void by buying even more stuff
>normal peoples clothes? That's a waste of money
>military uniform nr. 35? That's an investment

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Anonymous No. 169589


Anonymous No. 169590

Biggest problem with the P90. Those retard mags

Anonymous No. 169608

that's what I mean, those mags will still be a pain to carry

Anonymous No. 169611

>30 rounder in an M16A1 for Nam

Anonymous No. 169621

any reccomendations for good varied surplus stores that might ship to the uk? nearly every one ive found is 90% dpm/mtp/plain colours or full of dogshit repros

Anonymous No. 169629


Anonymous No. 169633

>>169621 I don't know if they do international shipping

Anonymous No. 169671

What do you want from it

Anonymous No. 169674

Pretty sure nobody fucking cares what specific mag he uses outside of a Vietnam reenactment event, you colossal autist
I've heard that some UMP pouches work for P90 mags, but yeah, they can be a bitch to find - Laylax apparently makes a hardshell pouch for them, as does some Kydex holster company called Modern Warrior Concealment, though either way they're going to end up being pretty expensive compared to cheaper soft single/double pouches you can get for 15-25 bucks each

Anonymous No. 169684

>Pretty sure nobody fucking cares what specific mag he uses outside of a Vietnam reenactment event
Airsofters are casual NIGGERS. Do the impression right or don't do it at all

Anonymous No. 169692

30 round magazines began to be issued in 1968 you fucking gimps

Anonymous No. 169694

any pictures in Nam with 30 rounders issued to grunts?

Anonymous No. 169703

If you do they were either SF or brought in from the US domestic market by individual troops.

Anyways I'm a huge WWII nerd and I'm putting together a market garden paratrooper impression.
1. How the fuck do I find WWII airsoft events in the Western US
2. What is the most fieldable M1 Carbine replica. 1911 as well

Anonymous No. 169704

>What is the most fieldable M1 Carbine replica. 1911 as well

All 1911 airsoft replicas are terrible because of the magazine size being shit for a gas resivoir. The TM is the best

King Arms do a Gas M1 which is the only one I know of. it's ok

Anonymous No. 169731

What about Co2? It's my preference in GBBPs anyways

Anonymous No. 169743

I know you're trolling but the picture was taken when I had run out of bbs in my 20 round mags, I brought one 30 round as backup just in case.

Anonymous No. 169749

KJW is basically your only decent stock option for that AFAIK, and lets you use gas to cut down on gas costs if you don't mind downloading your magazines a bit - avoid KWC and its many rebrands like the plague

Anonymous No. 169750

*lets you use TM-spec gas mags

Anonymous No. 169780

Yeah, King Arms are the only ones that make an M1 carbine. Shame it's CO2. Heard a lot of problems with those mags. Wish they made a green gas mad for the M1

Anonymous No. 169781

Should have bought more 20 rounders. Now your farb has been immortalized.

Anonymous No. 169783

Whats so bad about KWC, exterior wise they have the only parkerized finish 1911 (WWII accurate) with actual engraved trades instead of white paint. Also purely designed for Co2

Anonymous No. 169785

KWC 1911s are routinely severely overpriced, their mags follow suit and are prone to leakage while holding substantially less BBs than its competition, the guns are built to where they're looser than a two-cent hooker and rattle like maracas, the gun's rather inefficient with its CO2, many components of it are prone to breakage rather quickly and every single component of it is proprietary with 99% of the parts only being replaceable with the same part that probably broke on you
The only reason the KWC 1911 holds any relevancy in the modern day is because Umarex/EF paid a metric fuckton of larger airsoft Youtubers to shill the absolute fuck out of the EF 1911 TAC, and those Youtubers showed exclusively positive things while hiding all of the negatives because of it - it is by far KWC's worst pistol design, and deserves all the shit it gets
If you want a CO2-capable 1911, get a KJW because at least with that I'm pretty sure you'll probably be able to fit TM-spec parts into your gun if you want to upgrade or should something break, but AFAIK KJ's BBUs are beefy as hell specifically to be able to run CO2 without much issue - and if you want a particular finish, you're better off just repainting/refinishing a gun than gimping yourself with an objectively-worse system that was already kinda shit 7-10 years ago when they started being shilled en masse to ignorant kids who didn't know any better

Anonymous No. 169791

>Wish they made a green gas mad for the M1
They do.

Just the M1 mags are like £50 and the M2 mags are pushing £80

Anonymous No. 169792

but it's not a WW2 accurate mag

Anonymous No. 169801

Based Sam keeps getting away with it.
I want to get like 8 20 rounders but that was my first Nam game and I only had 3 (out of which I managed to lose one and break another)

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Anonymous No. 169805

Anybody know a thing about shotguns ? How far will the 870 ish looking jag arms shoot woth 0.32 bbs ? I couldnt find dick on youtube about their range

Anonymous No. 169846

Co2 > Green gss
Why do you want thr inferior gas technology?

Are of of yall going to he at Milsim West Azeri Offensive

Anonymous No. 169851

CO2 is garbage. Have fun with your leaks and parts breakage on your inferior CO2 replicas

Anonymous No. 169854

CO2 runs at a way too high pressure. Unless your pistol or rifle has reinforces parts it will kill your gun. People on here hate it but if you wanna run your gas stuff when it’s too cold for green gas you gotta use HPA since there’s no cooldown. Unless you got some of that Japanese MWS magic that can run at subzero temps for some reason

Anonymous No. 169863

>high pressures are bad use high pressure air instead
My Co2 guns don't break because I actually buy ones designed to run with CO2 or upgrade them sufficiently.
The green gas merchant loves your ignorance

Anonymous No. 169865

>focuses on HIGH PRESSURE
You run it on the same pressure as green gas. CO2 is 800psi, you tard.
What CO2 replicas you have?

Anonymous No. 169868

GHK AKM with CO2 mags and the KJW Hi Capa Kp05

Anonymous No. 169869

How many parts have you replaced on that AKM? Is it one of the good ones? New GHKs are shit

Anonymous No. 169870

I bought it used with all the shit for it to run nice on Co2/typical upgrades already installed. Never has failed me and is probably the most fun replica I own.

Anonymous No. 169871

Good to hear. Wish that GHK AKs were still good. All I see about new production guns is bad QC and all sorts of issues

Anonymous No. 169875

Thats really unfortunate, they were the gold standard for GBBRs for quite a while. Has VFC improved at all?

Anonymous No. 169883

Yeah but they don't make AKs

Anonymous No. 169939

For fields that require that grenades expel actual bbs to get hits what is/are the best on the market?
I was looking at some of the ASG and Swiss Arms offerings.

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Anonymous No. 169995

What would jigsaw fall under?

Anonymous No. 169998

What's the best kar98k replica in terms of possibility to modify into something at the very least resembling sniper rifle (at the very least 70m of effective range)?

Anonymous No. 170005

one that you make from bar10 system

Anonymous No. 170011

I love my gold timed Tornado 2s, however since they are discontinued the ASG impact Apocalypses look pretty nice.

Anonymous No. 170014

None. The best one I'd say is the Ares because it's steel and wood but you can only use it as a regular rifle

Anonymous No. 170056

I hate airsoft innovations for making stupid choices and going out of business so we don't get anymore of their products. I wonder if anyone bought their patents.

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Anonymous No. 170073

Would snow wolf one work at range of 50-60m? Honestly, I consider getting it only because it looks really beautiful but I kind of want to use it during game or two rather than just have it purely as wall piece.

Anonymous No. 170077

any airsoft replica can reach 50m with enough hop. My fucking pistols can

Anonymous No. 170149

Any decent mosin nagant replicas out there? I saw this S&T spring replica and it didn't look too bad. Any thoughts?

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Anonymous No. 170165

Airsoft version of this when?

That isn't the inaccessible Shoei of course

Anonymous No. 170181

Probably never since good things never happen. I found a place that makes custom ones but I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to justify spending ~$2000 on a gun

Anonymous No. 170202

bet you could get a real one for that much

Anonymous No. 170215

>10 cent piece of metal broke off my rear sight
>20 dollars to replace it
What I don't do to help increase the inflation

Anonymous No. 170239

Any anons going to MSW Volgograd?

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Anonymous No. 170291

Indeed homie, I remember getting naded by an original Tornado & wishing I had something like that. I sadly reflect that future generations will not know teh power of teh tornadoes...

Anonymous No. 170440

>Milsim WEST
>The majority of their best events are in the eastern united states now
What did the cadres mean by this?

Anonymous No. 170517

millions must buy plane tickets to TN

Anonymous No. 170528

Tbf it is a really good venue, arguably the best. Any anons going?

trekker No. 170537

I'll be going and posting lots (after the game though)

Fuck you NATO, you aren't finding my PB from a 4chan thread

Anonymous No. 170544

Nice, militia or rusfor?
I unfortunately can't make it to this one (busy and my shit isn't prepped per tacsop yet) but I'm trying to put together a militia impression and I'm doing some practice rucks in the hills near me. Any idea would be good a good chest rig to pair with a KLMK suit?

trekker No. 170545

Militia. You could get any kind of shitty rig and it would look great

Things that come to mind are the JTech Mk2 or the Arktis M170. Really, any shit-tier terrorist looking chest rig would be fine

Anonymous No. 170546

Could I literally wear the OD condor 6 mag rig I have lying around or would I get laughed at

trekker No. 170550

you could wear it 100%. I'd just spraypaint it & make it look less chinese lol

Anonymous No. 170556

One last thing any idea where you can actually buy the Jtech Mk2?

trekker No. 170564

Facebook, there's listings every once and a while

check places like Red Market, Russian Gear B/S/T, Zuta's Gear Outpost, etc

trekker No. 170565

oh and also

Demych's Gear Bakery

I bought mine from him a while ago. am selling though because i'm a skinny motherfucker and it don't fit me

Anonymous No. 170569

I noticed on the packing list that cold weather gear is required but will they actually turn your back if you show up without a cold weather jacket in a weekend/location where there is a 0% chance of it dipping below 65 at night? It would literally be dead weight.

trekker No. 170571

honestly IDK. i would just pack a layer 1 or layer 2 and call it a day. those don't take up *too* much space. I'm running a Crye AVS1000 as my ruck, and i can fit those in that, even. you don't really need a lot. That is a 10 liter bag lol

Anonymous No. 170577

I think i over killed bc I just bought a 45-50L ruck off a recommendation lol

trekker No. 170579

nah you’ll be fine. i like ultralight shit - a lot. 45 is a good starting spot

Anonymous No. 170588

Since the topic is on Rusfor shit does anyone know the components of a decent SOBR Terek impression. I figured they used UFPro brown unis which is pretty nice impression ease but I have a hard time identifying their load bearing equipment, helmets, etc

trekker No. 170660

Best thing to do is watch videos & look at other impressionists kits

Oxide had a video but I dont know how good it was

Terek still uses the TacTec & some sort of SPCS clone, ops-cores, TW, and I believe Militech Ops-Core Clones

Don't be afraid to find cool photos, and ask for ID on the gear in the photos on facebook - just dont go overboard and get spoonfed lol

Anonymous No. 170676

And Opscore and Wendy are similar enough so I have that covered already thankfully. Thanks for the advice I'll do some research and try to keep the spoon feed begging to a minimum.

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Anonymous No. 170690

is there any godgun for a bullpupfag? looking for one thats relatively moddable beyond having a ris or m-lok or some shit, thinking about changing barrel length, trigger, and the like, if the parts are relatively easy to source(ebay/amazon/you name it)
is there such gun or should i just suck it up and get an mp7 for cqb

Anonymous No. 170698

F2000 or Tavor if you like Zionist guns

Anonymous No. 170700

no israel support here, been eyeing some stripped down augs which can be fine and an svu but thats hardly modable

Anonymous No. 170770

For CQB you are gonna hate that shitty trigger on a bullpup for semi only games.

Anonymous No. 170781

yeah thats why the need for some proper moddability, if its similar to an ar15 platform chances are other ar triggers will fit as well, isnt it?

Anonymous No. 170786

There are no aftermarket adjustable triggers for V3 gearboxes (which bullpups use), and bullpups also rely on a trigger bar since the trigger is in the front, and the gearbox is in the bag which gives that mushy feeling just like in real life. You can install a Perun AUG or P90 mosfet which does make it use a optical sensor, but it's still nowhere as good as you can get with a V2 gearbox trigger.

If you want something that's good for CQB you either build a pistol Hicapa/Glock/AAP or you get a short M4 and install a Polarstar + adjustable trigger. Tho if you don't care about performance but just larp then get whatever is within your local fields joule/FPS limit and use that.

Anonymous No. 170787

the goal would be a decent enough trigger that can be pulled relatively rapidly, since the local cqc warehouse has some gay rules about rate of fire, so we dont shred each other to shit, though even with those rules i've had terrible trigger experiences with rented shitguns, guess those stock standard g36s and m4s all use v2 as well
i assume not all v2 gearboxes are the same though, is there anything to look for that might make them particularly shit?

Anonymous No. 170793

G36 uses V3 gearbox as well.

>assume not all v2 gearboxes are the same though, is there anything to look for that might make them particularly shit?
Eeehm it depends. Arcturus and ARES are the only ones i know of the top of my head that uses proprietary parts in their gearboxes. If you want an out of the box AEG that you can fire rapidly, i'd get a Specna Edge 2.0. It comes with a Gate Aster and a decent motor that paired with a 11.1v LIPO does give a pretty good trigger response. If it was me i'd get a ARP9 for indoors, this one would be a good purchase
Where are you based? Might help me find something for you.

Anonymous No. 170794

it was the cheapest, most basic g36 you can find, likely way below $100, when renting I changed to an m4, cheapest kind again, same ass trigger, then another which actually had a proper feel to it, and had some god parts in it, trigger was just a straight firm stick and it was amazing
i'm in Hungary so most of Europe plays when it comes to ordering

Anonymous No. 170796

Alright then check out the one i linked from Gunfire. It's a shop in Poland so it shouldn't be a problem to order. But in general the Specna Edge 2.0 line would be a good purchase. They all come with a extra spring for indoor limits.

Anonymous No. 170798

been looking at that as well since im a retard who shilled out for Tarkov and the STM-9 is the sexiest """smg""" out there, seemed pretty similar and heard some good about specna

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Anonymous No. 170809

Always a pleasure ordering from grey-slop

Anonymous No. 170811

I ordered something in march I got it in august so yea it takes a while

Anonymous No. 170828

Did e&l just cease to exist or something? Pre-ordered their hpa/co2 gun but apparently it's been delayed and they haven't posted on any of their social media accounts since July.

Anonymous No. 170835

I meant the tracking number. I didn't black it out the email came that way even though the package has a tracking number.

Anonymous No. 170848

Literally one of the worst places to buy Rus equipment. Using Facebook sucks but the dealers and buy sell groups are decent. Also ebay.

Anonymous No. 170849

I sure fucking hope not I don't want to buy LCTs

Anonymous No. 170896

One dealer got arrested and the other well respected dealer tried to scam me.

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Anonymous No. 170900

They were purchased by MOS which also owns Arcturus and Novus. Pretty sure they handle all the marketing for those companies. As for the QBZ 191, they have a lot of work since they are retrofitting a paintball gun into an airsoft gun kinda like Tippman, though they did also announce a GBB AKM and Type 56 in their catalog for this year.

Anonymous No. 170976

Why? Too poor?

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Anonymous No. 170987

hamasbros, we're so fucking back

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Anonymous No. 171062

*Allahu trapbar intensifies*

Anonymous No. 171100

E&Ls cost just as much if not more.
The finish, replica exactness, and external parts compatibility is better retard. The one lct I had was dogshit.

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Anonymous No. 171144

Did you play bbwars today anon

Anonymous No. 171169

Not accurate to real AKs
>replica exactness
See above plus typical airshit AK inaccuracies
Plus they rust like crazy. And now that the Gen 2s aren't available anymore E&L is garbage

Anonymous No. 171218

>Too poor?
LCT's QC is terrible and they make poor decisions in the construction of their guns. The dovetail on my AK-105, for example, is crooked, which was very fun to learn when I bought a zenitco rail clone
>See above plus typical airshit AK inaccuracies
what an absolutely retarded excuse

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trekker No. 171219

i’m back, fagz.

trekker No. 171222

i played bbwars for 3 days

Anonymous No. 171239

Did you get some?

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Anonymous No. 171244

>practice reloads
>drop my usp mag
>mag lip breks
Is there a worse feeling

Anonymous No. 171247

How are E&Ls more "accurate" to real AKs, retard?

Anonymous No. 171262

Not that Akon but iirc E&L are full steel (while Lct has certain parts made out of a robust aluminium alloy) and are produced in actual AK factories iirc. Although I personally still prefer the LCTs due to being closer to Russian variants compared to the Chinese ones that apparently have the Norinco finishing and also the wood is atrociously bad on them.

Anonymous No. 171278

got fed up with rental shits, planning to get my own gun, mostly using semi
what to look for if i want an actually responsive, nice feeling trigger action? most of the rentals are mushy as fuck
if its already mushy is there anything i can do to it internally, like a better spring, etc?

trekker No. 171280

hell ya bruther

we raided the NATO patrol base every single day, ours didn’t even get properly attacked once. i got so much beauty sleep and dug some cozy foxholes

10/10 would go again

Anonymous No. 171284

My cousin had an AS Val and opening the suppressor portion where the battery was held inside of would kink the wire every single time and in general was a massive PITA. Would have sliced the wire right off after a while if he didn't sell that POS first.

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Anonymous No. 171289

where is a good place to sell my airsoft guns at ?

Anonymous No. 171290

i havent played airsoft in like 2 years almost...think ill get back into it but stop with all the gearqueer shit i was into and try and have more fun with it

Anonymous No. 171295

Mushy usually comes down to shit internals, low power batteries (8.4v nimh or 7.4v lipo) or if it's a bullpup.
Look at the Specna line which are good out of the box. You also got CYMA platinum,cyma-platinum but i'd swap the hop rubber and nub on these to Maple leaf Super macaraon 60 and Omega nub

Anonymous No. 171297

depends on where you are from in the world

Anonymous No. 171301

pittsburgh pennsylvania

Anonymous No. 171311

any thoughts on the SA-FX01 FLEX? popped one up around me for pretty cheap

Anonymous No. 171322

Flex are pretty meh. Standard AEGs with meh motors high gear ratio, no mosfet or deans connector. Very outdates. Only Specna worth getting is their Edge lineup

Anonymous No. 171324

can't i just get a flex and replace the motor and battery with edge ones, and adjust the gear ratio? would still cost about half than what an edge version would

Anonymous No. 171341

I've seen people in other places recommend specna arms AEGs for beginners but OP doesn't mention them. Thoughts on them?

Anonymous No. 171353

Nice collection, why are you selling?

Anonymous No. 171364

You’d need to install a mosfet, piston, cylinder head, nozzle, barrel,bucking and nub to be up to par.

Anonymous No. 171379

sounds like astroturfing at this point

Anonymous No. 171382

pretty much the most accessible brand alongside with JG in europe so....

Anonymous No. 171385

I dunno. No issue with accesibility of double bells, cymas and Double Eagle honey badgers here.

Anonymous No. 171386

Depends on where you look. Like >>171385 said these brands are easy to find on Taiwangun or other european shops.

Anonymous No. 171394

I was bored at work so i upgraded the Retailer and beginner guide

Retailer needs US and potentially other regions added. Newbie could also use more input if anyone has something to add.

Anonymous No. 171396

forgot to add places to sell used gear

Anonymous No. 171447

Type 56 AND GBBR? Damn, now I'm interested.

Anonymous No. 171521




Anonymous No. 171650


pay off other debts for other hobbies.

Anonymous No. 173166

good god the wood is so bad, i thought people were exaggerating, got my E&L a few days ago and have only picked it up to test some mags, yet the handguard already has some dings in it lmao

thankfully replacing the handguard isnt a huge inconvenience

Anonymous No. 173570

Looking to get a WE Glock 18C. Already got one of their 17s. Any good or will it just shake itself apart on full auto?