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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 153924

Post your most unpopular opinions when it comes to martial arts, fighting sports, etc.

Anonymous No. 153926

There's nothing special about bjj, it hasn't proven itself to be anything other than mediocre in fighting sports
Anyt useful submissions came directly from judo, so in many ways judo is the premier submission grappling art in mma not bjj
Muay Thai is the same, it's just an option but it's not THE option, it has done nothing to prove itself as a stand out striking style compared to all the others

Bruce Lee was a fraud that plagiarized his teachings from asian philosophers and repackaged it for westerners while taking credit

Anonymous No. 153928

you only need judo

Anonymous No. 153934

Judo fags are overblown in their effectiveness and have never recovered from the buttblasting that a bjj blue belt = their black belt

Anonymous No. 153937

Kimura vs Helio

That is all.

Anonymous No. 153938

>bjj blue belt = their black belt
>he actually believes this

Anonymous No. 153942

>takes literally the greatest judoka of all time and 100+lbs of weight advantage to beat a husk of a corpse of a brazilian monkey man

Bjj wins yet again...

Anonymous No. 153944

Why did the Gracie family walk to the ring with a casket for Kimura?

Anonymous No. 153945

Is the practitioner not the style.

Anonymous No. 153946

>Look mommy I posted it again now gimme my tendies
Hey retard, you still don't have a legit answer to any of this shit...
And now you're sucking BJJ cock in a whole other thread. You've sat here almost the whole day simping for the jew of the martial arts world. I cannot imagine any fighter worth his salt being this obsessed with a single style.

Anonymous No. 153951

If you're the dude who posted that other shit, apparently all you do is imagine fighters/fighting, and not much beyond that.

Anonymous No. 153953

>100 + lbs of weight advantage
holy cope

Anonymous No. 153956

Too many guys take the self defense aspect of their favorite martial art way too seriously. As in approaching Sheepdog levels of super serious.

Meanwhile, the guys just doing the more sporty stuff like wrestling, boxing, or even judo are content to be putting in a ton of PT, learning to execute their favored techniques at a high level, and just having a healthier and more pleasant approach to the pasttime.

Anonymous No. 153960

>Takes issue with statistical facts
I don't know what to tell you buddy.

Anonymous No. 153964

most of mine are grappling based since i only grapple. i train judo wrestling and jitz, but im no means an expert at any of them.

1.while you should go and learn both, gi grappling (judo, more trad bjj) is way more applicable to the average unprepared street fight than nogi grappling (wrestling, nogi jj).

2. for self defense against a stronger but less trained dude, having an outstanding bottom game is a sunk cost compared to excellent takedown, guard passing, and top game. being an expert at bottom only becomes relevant if youre going against other expert grapplers with good top game. Otherwise, being good at some few basic guard positions are good enough, but if you have to rely on it because the other person is so much stronger, you may be picking a fight against someone too strong anyways.

3. MMA and combat jiujitsu, where top position means you can beat the fuck out of bottom guy better, should be the true benchmark of overall grappling skill rather than ADCC or sub only tournaments, because they portray a grappling that is more akin to realistic hand to hand fights (even if it does include striking). That being said, mexican mma fighters (like yair rodriguez) seems to have figured out bottom position to include striking and to tank hits to break posture and angles.

4. not really controversial anymore but IJF should reform its rules and stop banning moves. Ippon system is already some of the most simple and graceful grappling ruleset there is. You can add some rules to prevent exploitation but wholesale banning of techniques is retarded.

Anonymous No. 153966

thats fair. Everyone does MA because its fun. but to challenge your point, a large fraction, if not the majority of people who do MA, do it because they want to be able to rely on it if a fight does happen. I simply want to get my money's worth in that sense.
Most of the time, sportification of an MA is great since the sport and self defense aspects merges, so you learn how to fight in the safe context of a sport.
But sometimes its obvious when competitors take advantage of the sports rules and create moves or strategies that are retarded IRL (older judo example but head posting to prevent ippon when thrown)

Anonymous No. 153991

> gi grappling is way more applicable to the average unprepared street fight than nogi grappling
I tend to think the opposite, given the grip/clothing situation for 9 months out of the year where I live. What led you to your conclusion?

Anonymous No. 153994

I think you might be putting a little cart before the horse. Half the reason their asshole is so tight is that they don't do any PT, or at most something that would wind up being a Rippetoe meme. Otherwise, yeah the sport guys are more often actually capable of doing the things those SD types say they do.

Anonymous No. 154010

Different strokes for different folks & you don't get to gatekeep. The wonderful thing about martial arts is that unless you're a midwit getting hooked on tradition, it's all modular, and there are many paths in the same direction. Many different motivations. But people on this board like to be polarizing & make broad generalizations & pretend like you can't find good/bad fighters in any camp.
Like this shit. So dumb when 1)MMA is not a style, it's a process and 2)majority of pros have BBs in TMAs. Even BJJ is a TMA. Shit wouldn't exist if a judoka Nip hadn't immigrated to Brazil.

Anonymous No. 154025

most people wear clothes, at least a tshirt, and those clothes can be grabbed. you can throw people with a tshirt, sure itll rip but now you concussed the dude and have top position.
Also, its easier and preferable imo to use judo throws on a tshirt/hoodie than to go for wrestling takedowns on a bigger untrained dude. Youre going to struggle if a bigger guy sprawls on you even if you catch a deep grip on the leg, and using wrestling collar ties and hand fighting to break posture is harder than getting a judo collar grip to break posture.
Judo dominant standing positions are more dominant and offers more control then wrestling standing dominant position, and against someone stronger, that means alot.

As for the ground, because of the lack of grips, alot of nogi game is predicated on mobile and more eccentric bottom games like open guard, ashigarami, and leglocks. Theyre fine but i think against a strong ass untrained dude who is willing to punch you from top position, full guard is better.

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Anonymous No. 154048

Most of the UFC wins were by submissions until they introduced gloves that helped strikers to punch harder

Anonymous No. 154051

Pretty sure it has way more to do with strikers starting to train grappling and take down defense than anything else.

Anonymous No. 154057

Striking sports' effectiveness over the others comes down to practitioner skill. A boxer can learn to kick, and an eastern striker can learn to box. For BJJ, doesn't matter how many submissions you have, you still need to know how to block and throw punches

Anonymous No. 154076

>made up chart
>no source
>Its from wikipedia its legit trust me bro.
Another anon destroyed you ass blasted submission faggots with actual stats.

Anonymous No. 154080

Don't pretend like that isn't you faggot. And don't pretend like it isn't cherrypicked.

"Erm, excuse me, the 2009 stats (the year lay and pray became popular) show more tkos + kos (which includes ground and pound, something a grappler would do) in the heavyweight division (why only one, also includes fighters of varying degrees of skills in the undercard) than subs (even though everyone trains BJJ, and not just "defensive" bjj, which doesn't fucking exist, you have to know how subs work to escape/avoid them) sum ergo proxy bjj is fake!"

Get fucked. I'm typing this after lunch training at my BJJ gym. Bjj, as always, wins again.

Anonymous No. 154083

I love the idea of "just learning not to get subbed." Like, is there a judo class for ONLY not getting thrown? Or a wrestling class for ONLY not getting single legged? In fact, why don't we just invent a field called anti-grappling that teaches strikers and (more likely) TMA guys how to not get grapped?

Surely that's never been tried before, right?

Anonymous No. 154091

nah its been a thing since MMA strikers needed to learn just enough grappling to play defense, just dont think you'll find it for judo since MMA with a gi isnt popular in america.
you can learn basic takedown defense like grip breaking, hand fighting, recovering from bad position.
but the best and most complete way to learn takedown defense is to get good at takedowns yourself, because now you know intuitively what the attacker wants and how to defend it.

Anonymous No. 154093

When it comes to anti-grappling it make more sense to just learn how to grapple
If you know how the move works then you know how to make it not work also

Anonymous No. 154121


Because the Gracie family are honorable warriors . They knew that if they didn't taunt Kimura, he would have underestimated his opponent and been choked out 10 seconds into the fight. Hence, they went through the ordeal of appearing dishonorable, by participating in such a vulgar display. However, in reality they were upholding the highest warrior spirit, by drawing in their opponent to fight on an equal field.

Anonymous No. 154126

I honestly can’t tell if this is a joke or if some graciefag actually believes this.

Anonymous No. 154127

Kek, I'm adding this to my "BJJ wins again" word doc. Well done.

Anonymous No. 154132

"anti-grappling" is definitely a thing, and it is a silly and ridiculous thing.

Back in the 2000s, many a DVD was marketed in the back pages of Black Belt Magazine, purporting to hold the secrets to destroying those dastardly BJJers.

This guy is 100% correct:

At the end of the day, you gotta know how to strike, and you gotta know how to grapple. If you enjoy one more than the other, great! You're a specialist. But you still gotta know both or else you'll be vulnerable.

Anonymous No. 154134

Striking is incredibly easy to do and learn.

Anonymous No. 154140

>I cannot imagine any fighter worth his salt being this obsessed with a single style.
The judocult posters fear this

Anonymous No. 154142

I’m convinced it’s literally just one guy, and he’s autistic.

Anonymous No. 154143

It is, but most people are sedentary or are too scared to get hit

Anonymous No. 154144

So is playing chess, but mastery is a lot harder.

Anonymous No. 154145

Judging by the volume of posts on this board, if it's just that guy 4chan is me, him and (you)
There can't be just a single retard spamming judo here, maybe bots

Anonymous No. 154146

I think there are two. First one focuses on autistic judo promotion and the second one focuses on shitting on bjj.

Anonymous No. 154147

You grossly underestimate the power of autism

Anonymous No. 154149

You literally only need Judo because Judo teaches every thing.

Anonymous No. 154155

>Judo teaches every thing.
Even striking?

Anonymous No. 154158


Anonymous No. 154160

>if its in a kata a system has it!

Anonymous No. 154164

I hate that people call brazilian jiu jitsu "BJJ" because it makes me think blowjobjob

Anonymous No. 154165

it stands for Basically Just Judo

Anonymous No. 154294

MMA Etc has an inordinate amount of guys with their faces in the other guy's crotch. And they seem to enjoy it. Fight me.

Anonymous No. 154297

Weird how its rules allow for more judo than judo

Dare i say it stands for Better than Just Judo?

Anonymous No. 154307

It's not though, judo will always win in a fight
Bjj lacks the requisite material to bring the fight to the ground in a way that benefits them

Anonymous No. 154309

>judo will always win
>what is the ufc

Anonymous No. 154310


Boxing is the most boring martial art. The punches are silly in an ungloved context and the lack of elbow, forearm and grappling techniques makes resets common and tedious. Even olympic TKD is more interesting because it has the same sort of rules issues but atleast it's more acrobatic.

Anonymous No. 154311

You think mma is fighting?

Anonymous No. 154320

Tell me about how you'd gouge out my groin on teh streetz.

Anonymous No. 154322

that has nothing to do with it
if 2 guys had an actual fight the judo practitioner is going to slam the bjj practitioner through the floor
not on to canvass, not on to a mat, on to the hard floor and probably makikomi the fuck out of it for good measure
bjj isn't suitable for fighting without being heavily supplemented by wrestling
judo works on its own