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Petchyindee Muay ....webm

🧵 /thaig/ - Muay Thai General

Anonymous No. 154492

resurrecting the thread for muay thai. ask questions and talk about muay thai and muay thai related stuff

>Understanding traditional scoring

>Live shows
>Siam Fight News
>ONE Championship
>Thai Fight
Also check the thread there's often links posted during events

>Older fights and highlights

>Cool magazine about muay Thai (translated from French)
>Descriptions of golden age fighters and their fights (ch.1)
>Can Thais box? The champions of muay thai + western boxing in Thailand

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Kumandoi vs Moham....webm

Anonymous No. 154493

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Songchainoi ONE F....webm

Anonymous No. 154494

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saemapetch vs kul....webm

Anonymous No. 154495

Anonymous No. 154539

Who should I be looking at for in depth thai clinch knowledge, training, drills etc? Instructional preferred, but I don't mind digging through any particular fighter's ring performance if it's worth it.

Anonymous No. 154561

Do you guys even have questions? I just assumed you drooled and aggressively grunted when you wanted something.

Anonymous No. 154562

If I wanted to go and spend up to a few months training as a complete novice in Thailand is Pattaya the place? Seems a bit scummy ngl

Anonymous No. 154593

What lacks in karate that make this guys beat them all the time?

Anonymous No. 154596

mostly it's just experience
karate spends to much time trying to look a certain way and very little time applying it

it's a pervasive issue in anything japan has touched. Learn it this way, and then when you do it for real you'll do it a different way
why not just learn it that way from the start?
because they care about aesthetics more than function
really its a chinese problem that just trickled down stream

Anonymous No. 154599

In addition to what the other anon said, there's less of them doing it for their own personal enjoyment. They're there to make money as prize fighters.

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Hardcore_KO thai ....webm

Anonymous No. 154863

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Chotchasit Muay T....webm

Anonymous No. 154866

Anonymous No. 155165

Why do muay thai fighters hold their arms higher than mma fighters?

Anonymous No. 155174

Don't have to be nearly as concerned about being thrown, and zero concern over submission. Bigger gloves, and no ban on 12/6 elbows.

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Denpayak vs Songf....webm

Anonymous No. 155332

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Jaturat sweeps We....webm

Anonymous No. 155333

Anonymous No. 155339

Im mtraining for MMA but Muay Thai fights look so much cooler

Anonymous No. 155424

wazzaaaaaaaaaap? i'm new to this general and still fairly new to martial arts. apologies if this is a bad/unnecessary/misplaced post.

an american expat i know online who's lived in cambodia for some time now is arguing that kun khmer/pradal serey/whatever you call it is better than muay thai, originated first, that "mid kun khmer fighters beat the best muay thai fighters", etc. i find this all a bit hard to believe, other than maybe the historical bits.

first of all, judging by the kun khmer knockout highlights vid he sent me, its practitioners look considerably less technical (and that's putting it nicely), probably bc it has a much smaller talent pool.

secondly, idk if he's ever practiced a martial art to begin w/, as he keeps speaking from a spectator's POV. ofc he enjoys it more bc as w/ most sports, the lower the skill level the more exciting the match.

thirdly, it hardly seems any different from muay thai. maybe the scoring is or w/e, but as far as techniques go, it seems almost identical.

lastly, he picked some low-hanging fruit and compared a kun khmer fighter to a taekwondoist, which, i'm not sure the former would beat the latter so easily, bc again, the talent pool in tkd is much, much bigger.

ig if he actually trained it would make more sense to train in kun khmer, since it's more popular than mt where he lives, i'm assuming. but this reminds me a lot of lethwei fanboys hating on mt. seems to be cope, for the most part.

might not be totally fair to ask a bunch of mt enjoyers, since i'll prob have a biased viewpoint on this based on your input, but how much of what he's saying is true?

Anonymous No. 155520

It's SEA rivalry/shitposting. Every SEA country thinks their thing is the best. Simple as.

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thongchai muay th....webm

Anonymous No. 155928

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muay thai body kn....webm

Anonymous No. 155929

Anonymous No. 155931

His nerd Finnish brother
His nerd Finnish brother again

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Superbon vs Sitti....webm

Anonymous No. 156133

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Prajanchai vs Kom....webm

Anonymous No. 156134

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Muay Thai Sweep R....webm

Anonymous No. 156138

Anonymous No. 156140

If you watch traditional muay boran forms they are very silly and look similar to karate kata overall. If you think about it logically the evolution of that into modern sport competitive muay thai is like the relationship between traditional karate and Japanese kickboxing. The difference is that karate remains widely practised despite being antiquated.

Anonymous No. 156162

ONE champion is the best

Anonymous No. 156183

In addition to what
Said, some MT fighters have their hands high and their elbows kinda sticking out to the sides to bait their opponent into kicking their body so that they can catch the kick and transition to a sweep or clinch

Anonymous No. 156185

Bokator, Kun Kmer, Muay Boran, all these traditional SEA martial arts are basically just local variations of the same thing
Like how in China theres a million different local versions of traditional kung fu and they all have different names but most of them probably descend from the same lineage ultimately

Anonymous No. 156186

Ignore what the niggernons said. It’s for the purpose of throwing elbows and to lure kicks towards the body so you can chop the legs with your elbows

Anonymous No. 156187

in MMA at least on arm is usually lower to be able to block lower body takedown attempts. Try sprawling a double leg with your arms above your opponent then try again but leave an arm between you and your opponent and see the difference.

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Superlek double j....webm

Anonymous No. 156848

Anonymous No. 156911

Any tips for starting K-1 style training?

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Anonymous No. 157010

Anonymous No. 157011

How is it even possible?

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superlek uppercut....gif

🗑️ Anonymous No. 157065

head kick against arm is an unequal connection

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superlek uppercut....gif

Anonymous No. 157067

head kick against arm is an unequal connection

Anonymous No. 157260

is there a mega or torrent of Saenchais full fightography?
or do people not do this anymore?
I remember back in the day we used to have torrents of legends fight collection in Demonoid

Anonymous No. 157261

What fighters would you recommend to study for 5'6 manlet with 67 in reach?

Anonymous No. 157262

Lerd "just react faster bro" sila

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superlek teep par....webm

Anonymous No. 157692

Anonymous No. 157696

What its the easiest way to put my hands behind the neck of my opponent?
The so-called "clinch"

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Anonymous No. 158377

Any tips to relax upper/mid traps muscles?

I know the basics, to relax your shoulders and keep your hands open when not striking. Also make sure to do 10-15 mins of stretches prior to class. They keep getting really tense and sometimes sore.

Would doing some strength training help?
Any other tips? Cheers

Anonymous No. 158563

i struggled with tensing up my shoulders when punching as a beginner, i then focused a lot on improving my boxing and i also quit spamming heavy OHP on non-muay thai training days, instead doing more quick pushups and stuff.
also deliberate shadowboxing where i practiced not to tense up and strike properly from the hip/torso rotation.
you can also drill a lot of things in shadowboxing, when i notice i get leg kicked a lot in sparring, the next day i just spend 20 mins doing some basic strikes followed by checks and so on and it works.

Anonymous No. 158613

muay thai is definitely much more developed and skilled than the other ones since it became a proper ring sport a long time ago, they're very brawlerish in lethwei and such. all these countries are just bitter nationalists and rivals, even about muay thai you can read weird myth shit about the origin it, where some thai hero killed 500 of his racial enemies with spinning elbows 2000 years ago and then they gifted him 50 burmese virgin slaves or someshit. even though they have nothing to cope about and still dominate everything in real muay thai rules.
its unfortunate because i'm interested in the real history and muay thai is the perfect blend of tradition and effectiveness.

Anonymous No. 158678

Speed bag rounds. Lots of them, set the platform as high as you can stand. You'll either figure out what needs to be strengthened by what fails, or relax from the volume overload.

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Anonymous No. 158852

is krabi krabong\muay boran a sort of "stage show" in Thai gyms that you learn on the side? or an actual martial art in itself?
someone told me in the thai military you learn muay boran which is more like palankutan+grappling (?) while retaining muay thai striking.

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RWS Muay Thai elb....webm

Anonymous No. 159663

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Superbon baiting ....webm

Anonymous No. 159665

Anonymous No. 160113

I have the choice between muay thai and bjj. Why should I choose muay thai

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Sajad RWS Muay Thai.webm

Anonymous No. 160128

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Sok kwa RWS Muay ....webm

Anonymous No. 160293

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Kaenubon elbow mu....webm

Anonymous No. 160294

Anonymous No. 160424

muay thai > kickboxing

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Namkabuan Muay Th....webm

Anonymous No. 160920

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muay thai kick ca....webm

Anonymous No. 161192

Anonymous No. 161498

I always have more respect for the root martial art of modern versions since modern martial arts aren't designed to be lethal.
most root martial arts are designed to kill as fast as possible.

that being said Muay Boran is a blanket term for a lot of different styles, like Kung Fu.
there are 5 surviving main styles if I remember correctly, just look it up on YT.

Anonymous No. 161580

>guy on 4chan likes older things
in other news, water is wet

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Teerapong vs Petc....webm

Anonymous No. 161814

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muay thai lean back.webm

Anonymous No. 162362

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Dabdam vs Gonzale....webm

Anonymous No. 162992

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Muay Thai -Chatpl....webm

Anonymous No. 163288

Anonymous No. 163536

Anonymous No. 163590

How the fuck do you overcome fear of fighting? Half of me is eager to test my skills in a match but the other half is scared shitless of being hurt and injured
What do to overcome this?

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Superbank vs Sam-....webm

Anonymous No. 163773

Just do it. No other way to get over it other than acclimation.

Anonymous No. 163776

I've been training for about a month and a half now with basically 0 athletic experience whatsoever at 28. Just some casual weightlifting here and there. My gym does sparring every Friday and I said fuck it, signed up, and promptly get my ass handed to me by a 16 year old.

How to cope? Do I train more before thinking about sparring or should I try again and wish for the best?

Anonymous No. 163780

keep sparring but leave your ego at the door, it’s training not a fight or competition, spar with the people who are better than you and politely ask for feedback and tips

Anonymous No. 163875

Hello anons, I'll be starting MT soon and I wanted to know what's the best kind of weight lifting routine to compliment it. I plan to train 4x week initially, while currently lifting 6x (PPL 2x/week) as well and I.figured eventually I'll need to dial the gym down to allow adequate recovery. What has worked for you anons?

For reference I already have quite a few years of martial arts experience between Judo BJJ and Boxing, but have been off and just lifting ever since covid.

Anonymous No. 163877

Some people never stop being afraid of stepping into the ring, even after multiple fights. Fighting IS scary, just accept you're afraid of the outcome and do it anyway. You've been training hard and should trust that.

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Rungkit muay thai....webm

Anonymous No. 164234

Anonymous No. 164323

If I want to move to Thailand for some time to learn Muay Thai, what should I do?

Anonymous No. 164324

Pattaya is good, any place is good really.
But typically the go to places are Phuket for more holiday feel or Chiang Mai for more traditional atmosphere. Bangkok also has the most top tier gyms if you'd prefer to be in the city.

Anonymous No. 164325

Because muay thai fighters know how to actually punch and kick unlike MMA drunkards, so higher guard is necessary for defense.

>to lure kicks towards the body so you can chop the legs with your elbows
lol what

Anonymous No. 164388

How come the guys who train once or twice a week and always wanna go 100% are always non-White?

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Kompatak vs ET Mu....webm

Anonymous No. 164832

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Worapon Paidonggy....webm

Anonymous No. 165061

Anonymous No. 165226

How do I move to Thailand and pick a gym to train at?

Anonymous No. 165227

Learn the language to gain respect with the locals first is a good move.

Anonymous No. 165228

They are busy working cuz they are poor af.

Anonymous No. 165279

Have a lot of saved money money, a remote job or some prospect set up there, then buy your ticket and stay at a hostel or rent something. Finding a good place to train there should be the least of your worries.

Anonymous No. 165505

Hey fellas, boardtourist here.

I recently signed up to some Muay Thai classes and I'd like to know how I can identify a bad gym.

Is this just something I'll *feel* or are there some signs I should watch out for? A friend told me I shouldn't go to a gym that doesn't let me "work the bag" after classes ended.

Any other things?

Anonymous No. 165516

I'll be honest, I've never wanted to work the bag after a session has finished. Normally I just want to crawl to the nearest shower and sleep there. Seems like an odd thing to request but I dunno.

Anonymous No. 165524

I think his idea was that a gym which allows me to train what they taught me after the classes is less focused on just selling me courses.
I asked the same question over in /sp/ and basically got told that a good gym will focus on the basics and not a lot of meme spinning moves or made up self defense scenarios like staged knife attacks etc.

I guess I'll see how it turns out, have my first class tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 165530

That was me haha. The problem with the self defence stuff is that the odds of that exact scenario happening and you remembering that silly perfect 8 move combo sequence you did one time in class (among all the other useless scenarios) are so low that the time would have been far better spent just working on being more athletic and having a better punch or elbow you can use in any situation, including self defence. It's just to sell you the idea that you're some elite ninja martial artist and not like the other gyms who are just doing a sport (aka a massively competitive testing field for techniques). Just being able to box and move, or simply use your cardio and sprint to the next town over while the fat fuck is still trying to open the penknife are far more valuable.

Anonymous No. 165534

I'll provide one last essay. I suppose you want to have your mind receptive to tuition, but always keep running "does this make sense to do in a fight?" in the background. Some of the combos I saw in the that bad gym I mention left you wide open most of the time. You MUST learn to stand strong and block/throw back the bread and butter attacks reliably before you learn to dance around with your hands down throwing spinning back elbows like Somrak. Some cool moves will come up and you should practice them, but any coach getting you to spin like a beyblade on the pads without any regard for what your opponent might be throwing back at you is irresponsible. I felt like I was being taught to cinematically hit pads in the most unique way the guy could come up with off the top of his head, but just because you start with a distracting jab, that doesn't just disable the opponent for the next minute while you rattle off your 12-piece combo. You can get badly hurt turning your back and sides to the opponent without being confident what their next move is like a high level pro. The risky attacks are always set up, usually based on positioning that can't be recreated well by padwork.
They will have to get you comfortable sitting in your guard and reacting to simple shots from it. You might get told to switch your feet into southpaw for certain attacks, which is fine and you should consider that a beginner skill for MT. You want to be able to throw kicks/knees from a rear leg position on either side, these are part of your basic moveset so don't get too paranoid.

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Anonymous No. 165576

>Be a half decent amateur fighter
>10/3/1 plus at least about 10 non official fights
>countless hard sparrings to prepare pros
>Been fighting for 10 years
> I'm 30 now, everything hurts
>I've been injured in so many ways plus the brain damage
> Separated shoulder, bone marrow edema, pierced my left eardrums twice, fucked up shins, my nose now bleeds whenever it feels like it, that is just the bigger stuff, the little injuries pile up over time and I'm definitely not the same.

>I'm just so tired

Today I got lowkicked to oblivion by a pro and I have a melon in my left quads.
I don't know where I'm going with this, I'm really really tired

I should probably just take a break and try to make my shoulder good back again, I used to have such a strong overhand that I can't do anymore since the bone marrow edema.

If you know you know, take care and bless all fighters

Anonymous No. 165577

Generic advice from the old martial arts general but still applies

What to look for in a martial arts gym:
>Physically conditioned, fit participants
>Trainer with certified professional record and a training history with at least one athlete who competes successfully
>Sparring, "aliveness" in training
>At least one participant competes at amateur or professional level
>Physical conditioning part of training
>Clean facility with mats that are frequently cleaned

What to be wary of:
>Fat, physically subpar students and instructor
>Graduation fees (e.g. "pay $200 and advance to next belt extra quick!")
>No proven athletes training there
>No sparring, moves shown are choreographed (e.g. "the attacker does this, then I do this, then you do this...")
>Cult-like atmosphere
>No physical conditioning
>long mandatory contracts with hefty fees for breaking

Anonymous No. 165578

This is very good advice

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Cross hand check ....webm

Anonymous No. 165607

Anonymous No. 165698

Thanks again for the advice anons.
I just came back from my first class and it was pretty fun.

What to be wary of:
>Fat, physically subpar students and instructor
I wasn't the only one who fits that category but since this is a beginners class (they have normal classes too) I think that was to be expected.

I was pretty much just instructed in the basics, how to place my hands for proper form, how to make a strike and basic kick (without falling over) and thankfully this isn't just a fitness boxing thing, I actually got to spar.
Had to spar with the instructor tho because I think I'd be a liability to anyone else with more experience.
Had a lot of fun, cant wait to block some more punches with my face!

Thanks again for all the input

Anonymous No. 165771

Sounds good. I elbowed an old guy in my first class with sparring (not the first session I'd had though so I had basic stance and attacks, not down, but underway). We were told not to use elbows but I was basically floundering and it was the only thing I managed to land while in panic autopilot cause the guy was toying with me. I apologised but he said it's fine you can use them if you want, and taught me a hand pushing set up for it. Said he'd been fighting longer than I'd been alive. It's great being at a good gym but I also got utterly steamrolled by some dickhead the time after, said he didn't know I was a beginner cause I looked good, l can't have looked good though at that point other than my guard being pretty correct, and he really overdid it. Got swept hard onto wooden floor, he said "sorry I thought you'd defend it" but I didn't even know what had happened. And then when I got back up, he kicked me across the back and winded me badly.
Anything funny happen?

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lammas tippuu laa....jpg

Anonymous No. 165859

How do you recover from training 4-6 days a week?
For a year ive been going 2 times a week and I'm still very bad. I want to increase frequency but dont know how to avoid being so drained.

Anonymous No. 165966

I just had my first lesson and since
this was my first time training in striking arts I had none of the basics.
Is it possible for me to learn the basics watching videos and try to apply what I've learned during the lessons? If so any links?
Or should I just go to the classes and hopefully I'll get better? The trainer also offers private lessons but it's too expensive for me.
I'm not planning on competing but I also don't want to just suck at this

Anonymous No. 165983

Probably get your nutrients down and sleep properly

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Anonymous No. 166026


Anonymous No. 166031

I might have explained it wrong
>1st lesson
>I have none of the basics
>i'm one of few people with no experience
>I kinda suck but I don't want to suck
>Can I improve with youtube videos on top of the regular classes where obviously i'll also be learning?

I'm not taking private lessons (I can afford maybe 4 hours a month but then I'll be tapping into my savings which is not the point)

Anonymous No. 166036

>by standing in the posture
So watch videos instead of reading?
I'd recommend watching fighters with simple styles like Buakaw (also has a lot of material easily available) you can start to emulate and picture their mannerisms when you stand and move. Wacky fighters like Saenchai are cool I guess but there's nothing to be learned from them as a beginner. You need to start from a basic style like everybody else.
For me, it's Namsaknoi, Also he has a youtube channel now so why not check him out.

Anonymous No. 166040

Thank you for your help I'm checking him out (namsaknoi).

Anonymous No. 166043

Cool. He's my favourite fighter but he's moved on to being a trainer now and doesn't compete.

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Anonymous No. 166263

non-martial artist here.
I have a huge foot fetish and all I want is to be kicked in the face and laughed at.
How can I piss a muay-thai guy enough to teep my face constantly?

Anonymous No. 166460

kill yourself

Anonymous No. 166642

How do I safely "shin condition" at home?

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mongkolkaew vs ch....webm

Anonymous No. 166694

Buy a heavy bag. Kick it repeatedly.

Anonymous No. 166696


Anonymous No. 166810

Hey guys, I came from a wrestling backpack ground and see a lot of fighters like Yi Long and Pajonsuk doing a lot of Greco-Roman like takedowns. How do I use these effectively and what set ups can i do to enter takedown/clinch range?

>Takedowns are useless in Thai
Idc I just love wrestling
>Join a wrestling gym
I hate strikers

Anonymous No. 166811

Forgot to add evidence, idk but take downs r just cool and doing them on untrained strikers makes me feel very autistic it's so hard to explain

Anonymous No. 166842

When the guy kicks you sweep them, you control the head otherwise when they try to punch you to heave them around usually going for punches to the head is a best way to try and get into clinch range, you need to try and go for front and low kicks to wear them down a bit first.

Anonymous No. 166843

Research shoes kicking a heavy bag doesn't do anything substantial for bone quality, it just deadens nerves so you don't feel pain when kicking. In fact, it may be a little detrimental to.bone health on the long-term, the micro fractures story is a complete meme. Bones don't strengthen from lateral force being applied to it, but they do seem to get stronger from compressive forces when in short bursts of high loads, so things like sprinting and lifting weights would be ideal for strengthening the bones themselves. If you couple that with skin and nerve conditioning you should be fine.

But just kicking a heavy bag has 0 scientific evidence of actually helping.

Anonymous No. 167036

Helps you with not limping like a bitch when your kicks get checked

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Chalawan muay tha....webm

Anonymous No. 167444

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Kongthroanee vs K....webm

Anonymous No. 167445

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Rittewada vs Saen....webm

Anonymous No. 167719

Anonymous No. 167842

Superbon is out of the ONE Tawanchai fight..

Anonymous No. 167902

Conditioning on heavy bags is not just deadening nerves , although that's also an important part
The first time you start doing hard kicks repeatedly on a heavy bag your shins will be covered in bruises and lumps the next day
Eventually you'll no longer bruise

Anonymous No. 167914

How good should my cardio be before my first amateur fight?

Anonymous No. 167993

It's amateur so it really doesn't matter. That's the whole point of amateur, it doesn't matter, so go out there and fight ASAP because you can only gain experience. If your cardio is shit it will become apparent in the fight and motivate you to work harder to fix it.

Anonymous No. 167998

Even if it's good, there's a strong chance you adrenaline dump and it'll be of no use anyway.

Anonymous No. 168002

Went to my first Muay Thai session yesterday after consistently training American boxing 3-4x a week for about a year now. Holy shit MT is fun, definitely had to fight some of my boxing habits but getting to use my legs and knees makes it feel so creative and fluid. Really looking forward to going back but dam my hips and ass hurt, anyone have a stretching routine?

Anonymous No. 168027

>throwing elbows in your first sparring session
>throwing elbows in sparring at all

You're an idiot. Do you not realise at the time that you're doing to equivalent of taking your gloves off and punching bare knuckle? That you can easily give a guy a burst laceration? I'm surprised he didn't head kick you or knock your stupid ass out.

Anonymous No. 168031

lmao calm down, an experienced pro getting a tap from a floundering 15 year old kid is a laughing matter when you're not a professional internet seether.

Anonymous No. 168145


Inhuman being, i have studied him but is simply not human we cannot compare to his style

Anonymous No. 168294

Why rodtang not win

Anonymous No. 168344

he converted to a false religion

Anonymous No. 168345

I have been looking to start mauy thai and checking out the gyms near me. Turns out Rodtang is about to do a seminar in my city.
Would that be a bad idea for my time with mauy thai?

Anonymous No. 168352

>Muay Thai*
Can't believe I fucked that up.

Anonymous No. 168353

If there's a difference in spectator only pricing I definitely would. If not, that's up to your pockets. You almost certainly won't be getting much out of it, but if you've got the money and you're genuinely interested, there's worse things you could do than go see a pro.

Anonymous No. 168354

christ is king, but neither of them were christian..

Anonymous No. 168374

I will just. Start with some normal classes, idk being in the present of a pro wont make me one instantly.

Anonymous No. 168611

You a Buddha man?

Anonymous No. 168618

Friendly reminder that superkek did not win. It was a draw at best for him

Anonymous No. 168671

What about that knockdown though? I'm not familiar with ONE scoring. It definitely looked to me like Rodtang dominated.

Anonymous No. 168785

Going to my first Muay Thai class in 2 days. Never done a martial art before. What can I expect?

Anonymous No. 168789

Are there any promotions in europe that have muay thai fights with mma gloves?

Anonymous No. 168859

Start working on hip mobility now and get a good stretching routine that combines static and dynamic stretches. If it’s a ‘free trial’ kind of class you’ll probably just be punching a bag for 30/45 minutes and maybe if you’re lucky some kicks/knees. If it’s an actual class you’ll probably start with some basic warmups like jumping rope, then have to learn to hold Thai pads for drills, and maybe do some light kick sparring at the end. Listen to the instructor, stay humble, don’t worry about speed and power focus on your form. Should be a good time

Anonymous No. 168995

Ok, will do. Thanks man. I'm looking forward to it!

Anonymous No. 169209

Can a heavyweight get fights in Thailand?

Anonymous No. 169221

Long story short my ego enrolled me in a muy thai fight coming up in 10 days. I have never done combat sports before, but I do play a lot of UFC games and heavily study the moveset and can mimic well. How do I not get completely fucked

Anonymous No. 169229

I got a contusion near my ribcage from sparring. One of the faggots I was sparring with went way too hard. I can't take a deep breath without it hurting like a bitch. Anyone gone through something similar? What did you do during healing and how long did it take you to get back to training? I'm mostly bummed because I'm relatively new to this, going 5 days a week, and I'm fucking bedridden.

Anonymous No. 169232

Keep your elbows glued to your forehead and pray

Anonymous No. 169239

Maybe against drunk tourists. If you're tall enough, follow the dieselnoi route and just cut down to 65 kg and then spam knees

Anonymous No. 169242

Just notice how much more respect Myau Thai fighters have for other fighters compared to other countries sports even though their sport is one of the most possibly lethal ones in the striking category, friendly reminder, Thais are based.

Anonymous No. 169243

Why not just spam jabs to face? He's probably tall enough to have a bigger reach for his arms.

Anonymous No. 169244

Depends on whether the Dutch are visiting

Anonymous No. 169376

You will be healed in a couple of weeks. You will be able to train in a few days if you're not a pussy.

Anonymous No. 169388

This is why you wear padding if you are not a pro lmao.

Anonymous No. 169389

Even the dubs are laughing a that scrub, haha.

Anonymous No. 169427

I just got into muay thai and I really like the emphasis on composure and balance. It's pretty stylish while still being brutal. Are there any modern fighters with the composure of guys like samart or karuhat? They made fighting look like a dance. Only one i know of is tawanchai, who looks completely relaxed in fights.

Anonymous No. 169440

even tho Superlek got that one knock down that had a big crowd reaction, right after that Rodtang threw him like 3 times, in addition to all the damage and pressure Rodtang dished out.
I agree Rodtang got robbed, it was a tie at best for Superlek

Anonymous No. 169458

>Train with complete shitter
>His gloves smell worse than a gym toilet
>His technique is garbage but he still puts enough power into his kicks and punches to make it slightly hurt
>Literally just snaps the kicks from below, body barely moves
>Ignores the trainer when he very clearly says we should hit lightly
>Tries to correct me all the time as if Im the shitter
I think this is the first time a class made my mood worse instead of better. Holy fucking shit Im never training with new people ever again

Anonymous No. 169477

i know that feel fren. nothing is worse than a dickhead sparring partner

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Anonymous No. 169723

Anonymous No. 169770

Any tips or guides (YouTube?) for knees and elbows? I just want to improve those 2 skills.

Anonymous No. 169793

Overshoot your hooks for elbows and keep them parallel to the ground or vertical with upper cuts, they are just extended versions, do them up close, knees, just kick off the floor and collide to their solar plexus if possible or drag their face from the back of their head to your knee.

Simple Myau Thai moves, it comes to getting good cardio.

Anonymous No. 169834

Isn't 5 days a bit too much if you're not aiming to be a pro? Your body needs to rest or you'll have even more injuries going forward.

Anonymous No. 169835

>How do I not get completely fucked
Forfeit the match. You can't fight, you have no business being in a ring with a guy whose only goal if beating the crap out of you.

Anonymous No. 169901


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Anonymous No. 169906

I think I'm the only Muay Thai practitioner I know that actually finds the clinch a fun and an interesting part of the art.

What other martial arts would be most similar to the Muay Thai clinch?

Anonymous No. 169908

Greg Nelson has a full series on clinching itself, as an indepth series across multiple disciplines of striking and grappling.

Anonymous No. 169931

Just started watching it, holy shit is his clinch game good.

Anonymous No. 169934

Yeah it's easily his most prolific skill. Pretty much anything you're seeing there should give you an idea of where else to look as far as styles utilizing the position.

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Anonymous No. 170134

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Anonymous No. 170135

Anonymous No. 170170

Dirty boxing is similar to clinch fighting but i can't think of a good way to recommend some way to learn it.

If anyone has something on dirty boxing recommend it to me please.

Anonymous No. 170185

Randy Couture has a bunch of material on both.

Anonymous No. 170188

I think you meant Bareknuckle Boxing.

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Anonymous No. 170232

>Go to training
>Training doesnt involve (low) kicking the heavy bag or large pads as hard as possible
>Training is heavy on technique in general and doesnt make me feel like Im about to collapse

Anonymous No. 170250

I found a his video course on it, shame his book is out of print with an 70 dollar price tag.
No I did mean dirty boxing.

Anonymous No. 170308

I am envious as a 100kg man trying to keep up with all the lighter guys.

Anonymous No. 170339

That's a you fault, not enough running or hindu squats.

Anonymous No. 170344

What's the worst you've ever been heemed?

Anonymous No. 170391

I like having big muscles though. I'm not fat. If I run too much then I'm weak when I lift weights and I will lose size.

Anonymous No. 170394

If you lose your breath in any actions you need more cardio. Hill sprints and kettle bells swings are good options to not lose strength gains.

Anonymous No. 170395

I might be asking in the wrong thread,
>Should I start with Boxing or Muay Thai?

I am planning to do both in the long run and I my only goal is self defense.
I have heard that boxing foot work and head movement is better then muay thai's. Muay thai clinch, dumps and elbows are more effective in a real fight and your not going to break your hands.

Is there any point in starting with one over the other?
Am I just over thinking this? Should I just go to both gyms for there trial classes?
>Sorry for the blog post, but writing it out has helped. I would still like to hear opinions of others.

Anonymous No. 170414

Both will work, but if your goal is self defense, boxing is more efficient. Realistically, the number one most common attack is going to be a wild haymaker punch to your head. Boxing is all about that. Muay Thai's skillset is more diverse and useful is a wider context, but it's overkill against the average attacker.

Still try both. One might click for you better than the other. Or maybe one of the gyms sucks and isn't for you. Throw in a grappling art and you'll be prepared for the majority of self defense situations.

Anonymous No. 170425

Ok thanks for the advice man

Anonymous No. 170539

No problem man, kettle bells are great to get cardio in after powerlifting workout without really messing with body.

Look up the bioneer he is the one who got me to blend the two things.

Anonymous No. 170549

Thanks I think I will go with boxing first since it is a smaller amount of things to learn first.

Anonymous No. 170567

shadowbox with raw chicken eggs in your hands

Anonymous No. 170570

combining it with judo can be effective

Anonymous No. 170586

Does running rly translate to cardio in sparring rounds or is that just a thai meme that everyone fell for? Seems like shadowboxing is a better use of your cardio time.

Anonymous No. 170587

God bless you, Anon

Anonymous No. 170601

This is retarded, the whole stance in myau thai protects you from a wild haymaker and guess what you can open up with the elbow inside the haymakers range and boom, he goes down! Or go for a clinch and start messing them up.


Learn myau thai.

Anonymous No. 170627

No it’s because karate isn’t purely about self defense it also concerns forms or kata which are primarily a performance art or might be considered a type of drill used by monks ie the shaolin. It is more about a way of life than simply fighting. Also fuck off

Anonymous No. 170649

> Does it.
Yes it fucking does, it increases how well you can snap to a kick and other things, shadowboxing is just drilling techniques without resistance you could say that hitting the heavy bag or thai bag would better use of your time as well.

Anonymous No. 170650

KATA is also the "bodybuilding" phase of TMA, they develop the fighters physique to adapt to those techniques when drilled continuously and they are the best retard filter imo.

Anonymous No. 170669

Can u be more specific

Anonymous No. 170671

Go sell insurance

Anonymous No. 170672

Never said muay thai wouldn't work. But for self defense, less is more. Paralysis by analysis is a real thing.

Anonymous No. 170675

if anyone is coming at you with a knife just teep in the solar plexus and then run, otherwise why are you fighting retard

Anonymous No. 170765

Did second class today, was great. Think I could have done it twice with my conditioning level but ima just roll thru the process

Anonymous No. 170769

I was working on on the bag. I found the jab spear elbow combo but there was something off about about it. I was just doing it slow like a regular 1 2 a instructor came over and started clapping with just a slightly faster beat.

I need to improve my rhythm

Anonymous No. 170805

Are MT gyms adopting boxing footwork/handwork, or are we still stuck in the "square stance & tank/block all hits" mindset? I love muay thai for its clinch/elbows/knees stuff but hate its immobility.

Anonymous No. 170806

>I love muay thai for its clinch/elbows/knees stuff but hate its immobility.
Yeah, in the Kumite most of the Muay Thai masters get killed at the start.
Most embarrassingly without even touched but just hit by CHI waves.
If they don’t cross their legs they die right there. That's how it is.

Anonymous No. 170807

My dude I know square stance is fine for competing, I just don't plan to compete and I personally dislike it because it sucks for multiple opponents/stabbenings

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Anonymous No. 170823

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Ghazali vs Bekmur....webm

Anonymous No. 170825

Anonymous No. 170827

> Muh Kumite.

Bloodsport wasn't real, there were no deaths involved. Fucking larpening is too much.

Anonymous No. 170830

The square stance is appropriate when taking into account kicks, elbows, knees, and punches compared to boxing which doesn't have to deal with other types of strikes, range, and trips/dumps at the clinch. And you're sadly mistaken if Nak Muays are all going to just stand there and tank hits. Watch footage of Poot Lorlek; the dude was the Willie Pep of Muay Thai. A lot of pre-21st century Nak Muays could fight on the back foot and in all sorts of different angles as well as cut the ring effectively.

The Dutch style which leans more toward combo punching and finishing off with a kick or knee is what you're probably leaning to, but even that has its flaws. Then of course, there's the bladed stance that karate/kenpo/TKD/Tang Soo Do has and that leaves you vulnerable to cut kicks, but you can use it sparingly as a surprise move for a stomping side kick or axe kick.

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Anonymous No. 170832

Anonymous No. 170873

it is kind of a dumb combo that only works on people who shell up and stand there.

Anonymous No. 170879

nice knee KO, that's pretty rare isn't it?

Anonymous No. 170894

It works for me but hey people are different.
The jab is good because there's no real power in it and it makes them move so it easier to step in.

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Anonymous No. 170936

How do you work out the most optimal weight class to aim for while still being healthy and safe?

I'm currently 189cm / 78kg what would be a healthy weight/class to aim for?

Anonymous No. 171083

I presume jab lead hand elbow in succession? I think it's either too slow because you'll have to cover more than a forearm distance or too telegraphed with the load up of the leg

Anonymous No. 171084

75kg around that, 70kg guys in ONE are around 181-182

Anonymous No. 171103

no fear of the takedown. look at rodtang's stance in the 2nd round vs DJ compared to the 1st round. 2nd round he had a wider stance because there was a threat of the takedown. even Sean Strickland had a straight stance vs Adesanya cuz he knew Izzy wasn't going to even attempt a takedown

Anonymous No. 171343

Check it out.

Anonymous No. 171375

that wasn't bad, Aussies go hard

Anonymous No. 171477

As someone who only had a few class is there a negative in following a video like this?

Anonymous No. 171496

So how'd this turn out? You do the smart thing and forfeit or did you see it through?

Anonymous No. 171517

Went back today and actually signed up, will be going twice a week until I’m ready to advance beyond the intro classes. Any particular or general recommendations for someone starting out?

Anonymous No. 171563

When you go to get your own gloves don’t cheap out on some Everlast bullshit from Big5 or something. It’s really worth spending the extra money and getting quality, will help prevent wrist and finger injuries that are easy to do if you’re just getting started.

Pretty much anything from Fairtex would be good if you want authentic Thai made gloves and you can get them for like $90, personally I like the Hayabusa T3s for $150, probably the best wrist support I’ve ever tried.

For shinguards you should probably go Fairtex or Yokkao. Keep stretching, seriously stretch every single day

Anonymous No. 171612

Showing up to class isn't enough. You SHOULD be watching videos and troubleshooting to see what works for your body type and to develop your own style. That's Gabriel Varga, a real professional kickboxing world champion for Glory which is considered by many to be the "major league" of modern kickboxing. He's legit, don't worry. You should also be doing some kind of strength training and running every day outside of class. You don't have to go crazy right away, just try to get into your groove, but keep in mind that showing up to the gym alone will not be enough for you to get good at fighting.

Anonymous No. 171622

Muay thai had its Karate Kid phase or Hollywood wasn't interested?
Aside of Kickboxer

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Anonymous No. 171624

Tony Jaa's whole career

Anonymous No. 171658

Okay that's is what I thought but you hear oftem to not train solo because you will be training bad form. I have been doing alot jump rope and biking instead of running and I start a calisthenics routine so I think I am on the right track.

Anonymous No. 171861

How come thais with 300+ fights get beaten by westerners with ~10?

Anonymous No. 171872

People who use that argument act like they aren't also doing everything wrong while in the gym. If you couldn't fix bad practice with knowledge gleamed during it, practice itself wouldn't work.

Anonymous No. 171894

the ong bak movie was pretty big over here
I dont know of any other muay thai movies

Anonymous No. 171920

Thx anon, actually signed up this week and went twice more. I did get a pair of Fairtex gloves and meister wraps. I’m enjoying it so far it’s fun to learn the technique and is actually a good workout

Anonymous No. 171931

>Beginner at Muay Thai
>Only been doing basic drills and conditioning for 3 months
>Go to sparring
>Should be obvious that Im new
>One dude kept sparring me really aggressively
>Didnt have insane intensity but basically just left me no room to do anything (that wouldnt escalate shit) by constantly hitting me
>He was a lanky faggot I could probably beat up in an actual fight too
>Meanwhile the dude who has been doing Muay Thai for 10 years and could easily kill me just countered my shit and didnt attack me nonstop
Should I just avoid guys like the lanky faggot?

Anonymous No. 171987

Got fuckin heem’d in the side of the head during sparring yesterday, saw stats and was super disoriented and sluggish the rest of the day. Fucking sucks cause I think I should take a week off now and I really don’t want to.

What’s weird to me is it didn’t hurt at all, at no point was there pain so I have to question how hard the punch even was. Is it maybe because my chin was up? Did my sparring partner just do me dirty? He’s a nice guy but he’s got probably 35 pounds on me. Am I just being a pussy?

Anonymous No. 172004

Liver KOs are the only ones that pretty much always hurt. A true lights out brain shut off isn't necessarily any more or less painful than any other strike. It's just the one that got your noggin to slosh.

Anonymous No. 172006

sometimes you go hard on newer people to force them out of their comfort zone and force them to grow. He may be smothering you and shutting down your strategies but is he really hitting you harder than is expected for that class? having fast footwork, dynamic movement, and high strike volume is not the same as just wailing on a newbie for fun. 10 year guy was probably just using you as a rest round lol

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Pornsane vs Mangk....webm

Anonymous No. 172131

Anonymous No. 172138

still gotta learn the technique man. try classes with a different instructor or different gym if you arent getting enough volume/exercise in.
both are good. i started thai because it is as close to an all encompassing art without being mma. thai clinch is overpowered against anyone that doesnt grapple. would like to learn judo or jiujitsu or wrestling at some point. as far as self defense goes, either is good. if you do thai, make sure to put a little extra focus on punches and head movement

Anonymous No. 172166

Where can I buy some twins special gloves in the US? I want to get a smaller size for padwork but the shop near me closed during covid

Anonymous No. 172287

Cant you just buy online?

Anonymous No. 172316

Thais love to pad their records and often get too relaxed with training leading up to fights with foreigners. Foreigners also fight with different style, and they will go hard in the 1st round where Thais normally just play tag, so they dont expect KO shots to be coming at them within the first 2 minutes.
More importantly, the 'super experienced' Thais fighting 'green' foreigners are just guys who are fighting for money.

Anonymous No. 172343

did he died

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Kumandoi vs Shiro....webm

Anonymous No. 172424

It was very painful.

Anonymous No. 172494

Me again, after taking some rest days I went back to the gym and did a session. Went totally fine just hit the bag pretty light. When the class split for sparring I told my partners I’d been concussed last week and that I wanted to keep it body focused and super light and they were very understanding. Then I got paired with the dude that concussed me the first time and I told him what happened, that I wasn’t mad since I knew we were there to hit each other but I wanted to go super light. He was very apologetic and agreed to go light until halfway through the round when he stepped in and fucking rocked me in the chin with an uppercut. It’s not as bad as the first time but I’m 100% re-concussed and now I’m gonna have to take like two full weeks off just to be super careful.

I talked to the coach after class, not to try and get the guy in trouble or anything but just so they can keep a closer eye on him during sparring, and the coach says this is like the 5th time he’s done some shit like this. I don’t intend to try and make this a ‘thing’ I don’t want to be a salty ass little bitch, but what should a gym realistically do if they have someone who regularly goes way too hard and injures their sparring partner? I know I really shouldn’t have gone back so soon so I definitely share the blame, sorry for blog posting but I’m pretty pissed at this point

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Anonymous No. 172568

>but what should a gym realistically do if they have someone who regularly goes way too hard and injures their sparring partner?
If they've already coached them about it and they're still injuring people, kick them out.

Anonymous No. 172601

you get somebody to beat the shit out of him so he gets humbled, usually a pro

Anonymous No. 172602

also stop being a fag and blaming yourself, he is an enemy who wants to hurt you and if possible give you a chronic injury that makes you rope, fuck him, stab him in the locker room with no remorse if you want to

Anonymous No. 172603

you kick those kind of people out

Anonymous No. 172605

Just stop training with this guy, he's treacherous, I've had a lot of contact with people like that, we do light sparring and out of nowhere I get a hard blow. Be smart, always protect yourself and stop training with these assholes.

Anonymous No. 172623

Either he's a real sneaky bastard that "accidentally" hits hard in the heat of the moment or he's one of those retards that doesn't know how to pace himself. Regardless, the gym needs to sit him down because the fact that this is the 5th time, he needs to be kicked out. Otherwise, you and other members should take your business elsewhere and not risk getting CTE.

It's not a bitch move. You're there to train but not get seriously injured like that. I dealt with cunts like that in the past and I had to bloody one up for him to get the point across in cutting it out.

Anonymous No. 172677

Just had my first free muay thai class, compared to the boxing gym I went to for a free trial its 100x better more people the place us clean they show things and don't mind spending a few minutes to answer my dumb question
Muay thai is for me

Anonymous No. 172731

yup its a simple comprehensive system barring ground shit you can learn elsewhere, the teacher should be able to teach you basic sweeps and would be funny if they didn't.

Anonymous No. 172732

I would as a coach not let him spar with other people until he learns better and apologizes for his dumb ass behavior properly. He can spar/strike pads with the coach until he does so.

Anonymous No. 172780

Oh yeah I already have a background in wrestling so the standing grappling feels great

Anonymous No. 172850

Is it normal to have no fucking reflexes?
I just block the hits and can't dodge because I just don't really see them coming or maybe I do but I can't react.
Same thing with kicks.

Anonymous No. 173055

Coach keeps pestering me for a stronger right cross but it's not my style to commit that much for a long range shot
It gets better the more you do it until you just react unconsciously.

Anonymous No. 173089

These are not natural reflexes (for most people i guess)
You need to condition them through drilling and force it in sparring

Anonymous No. 173118

Ok good, I thought it was a "you either have it or you don't" situation.

Anonymous No. 173316

How long did it take for you guys' kicks (both sides) not to be absolute trash? I'm almost 4 months in, recorded myself doing padwork today and cringed at how terrible my kicks are.

Anonymous No. 173339

six years and my everything still sucks, way of the farang

Anonymous No. 173347

If it's because of bad flexibility start a mobility program and stretch literally everyday. I have a borderline twink body and kick harder than most people I know just because I can do the splits.

Anonymous No. 173360

dodging is fake and gay anyway because it takes too much energy and often puts you in a more vulnurable position if they do land anyway. Makes you very vulnerable to feints. You only should use it when you are out of position to block well imo. Moving out of distance doesn't count btw, i'm only talking about dodging at distance. Moving out of distance is fine. In general having lots of movement is good because it makes it harder for your opponent to set up their shot, but movement is different from dodging.

Anonymous No. 173446

Sorry I'm ESL so when I was talking about dodging what I meant was actually "avoiding" the hits like a boxer would.
I think it's called "slipping" or something like that. I have 0 head movements when I hit and when my opponent hits me more than once in a row quickly I just shell up and back away. I'm trying to work on footwork and head movement but thinking about it I thought there was something wrong about me or that I just had below average reflexes/visual acuity or something but I guess I'm just begining

Anonymous No. 173452

i was thinking of starting yoga exercises at home for this

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Anonymous No. 173474

Anonymous No. 173543

Strong kicks are just leverage advantage, longer legs harder kicks

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Anonymous No. 173557

Anonymous No. 173588

I had a dream where I kneed a guy in sparring a bit to hard. He then turned into a purple alien and almost killed me by trying to slash my throat with his claws. Luckily he was very small doe so I blocked it and slammed him against a wall

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Anonymous No. 173599

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Anonymous No. 173601

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Anonymous No. 173699

Anonymous No. 173703

yeah, that is exactly what I am calling fake and gay. It works okay in boxing but much worse in sports which allow kicks/knees. You want to be ducking your head right into a knee? No, so that means you can only dodge left or right not down and that leaves you out of position. Ignore head movement and just focus on blocking and angling out with footwork. The one exception to this is when you are throwing counters. Then you absolutely do need head movement.

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Anonymous No. 173789

Anonymous No. 173794

>slipping and ducking is fake and gay
The horrors I’m reading on that board

Anonymous No. 173805

So what the fuck is it?
I'm trying to learn footwork and head movement and whatever else so I can stop being hit in the head during the sparring sessions.

Also what are the best muay thai instructional video series?

Anonymous No. 173813

You can absolutely duck/slip/weave in muay thai successfully, but it needs to be done mindfully. Doing it the same the way as you do in boxing will make you susceptible to getting hit by a headkick or knee. In muay thai the movements are less dramatic and more subtle.

Anonymous No. 173830

head movement is the icing on the cake
first you need to have a good guard and decent footwork
slipping and ducking require you to be accustomed with punches and other stuff flying to your face

Anonymous No. 173877

>t. Bjj-friend
They’re for different things. MT is the ultimate neutral game and for winning a fight that’s “clean, fair, and like men”.

BJJ will teach you how to win (or not lose) dirty fights, will teach you how to deal with people who refuse to fight like men, gives you a basic gameplan for dealing with wrestlers or people you can’t outbox in general, and in self-defense contexts will teach you how to survive or sweep someone who you can’t outrun who’s grabbing you with intention to strangle you or break you apart.

One should learn both, the MT-BJJ gigachad fears no man (except the D1 wrestler, but those guys are freaks of nature, above’s for the rest of us.)

Anonymous No. 173885

can a muay thai artist break an heavy weight guy
or that obese guy flip him over ?

Anonymous No. 173901

Or an elbow, an elbow is just a missed hook that lands with the elbow.

Anonymous No. 173902

BJJ will only teach you how to make yourself vulnerable watch some KOTS fag.

Anonymous No. 173928

>>BJJ will only teach you how to make yourself vulnerable
Nah, though you want to drill it in an MMA context. Top game is still insanely useful in a real fight, as are top submissions and back takes if you're in a no-holds barred psychopath fight where you think the other guy's trying to kill you and they need to take a nap more than you currently fear the law. The big difference is you want to de-emphasize your bottom position game in actual fights and never do it in real world streetfights.

You still need to learn bottom position, which BJJ will teach you, because BJJ's sweeps, offbalancings, framings, and escapes are still the premier teacher for
>Shit's hit the fan and he's on top of me or holding me down, I'm trapped now and things look bleak. What am I supposed to do now and how do I minimize brain-cell loss and get out of here?

But intentionally going there and using it for submissions is less useful in a clean 1v1 environment where someone can punch your face while you do them and are too dangerous in environments where you can't run, since you're insanely vulnerable on bottom to attacks by spectators. Even then, though, though knowing some bottom submissions and bottom game is still worth knowing, triangles end HUGE quantities of MMA fights and non-grapplers have no clue what they're doing in a grapple and gas out insanely quickly, you can win most fights with non-grapplers with"hold beginner in shoulders-pressed-to-ground side control until they're exhausted then Americana them once their soul leaves their body", and it's a right-of-passage way to meme on white belts

Anonymous No. 173967

Sparred today for the first time in 9-10 years during a trial at a place. It was a lot of fun. I made so many mistakes. I kept getting hit by hooks and kicks. Probably should have just angled out when he came in with the hooks but I tried to throw and got my ass kicked. Good shit though. I hope they let me keep sparring even though I suck.

Anonymous No. 173976

I need cardio and shadow boxing seems perfect. Kills two birds as well with training basic self defense movements.

Can I get away with self correct myself by recording it and comparing it to high level fighters?
Or should I save up for some private lessons to learn how to shadow box?

Anonymous No. 173978

Shadow boxing is not enough of a workout really, go somewhere where you can hit a bag.

Anonymous No. 173979

I did a pretty heavy spar today but somehow I was expecting more. I didn't really feel any emotion from it, even though the punches were hard there was no fear or excitement even really or any heightened emotions it was just the usual dead feeling inside. I suppose it was sort of fun though but somehow I am still disappointed that it wasn't more exciting somehow.

Anonymous No. 173980

I was just going to use it to replace jump rope

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Anonymous No. 174003

Anonymous No. 174143

My hooks finally coming together. For first time they actually landed with proper strength and form. Happy rn lads

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Anonymous No. 174190

I am proud of you.

Anonymous No. 174191

What to avoid:
> Instructor fosters hostile environment towards newcomers as being not worth their time.

You just won't get anywhere with that.

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Anonymous No. 174192

I have my first Muay Thai class on Friday! What should I expect and what should I do so the coach and classmates don't think I'm retarded?

Anonymous No. 174193

Follow instructions, duh.

Anonymous No. 174218

Everyone is retarded when they start. Don't worry about it. My experience was everyone was really cool and helpful. Just laugh at your mistakes and have a good time man.

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Anonymous No. 174292

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Anonymous No. 174335

Who will win?

Anonymous No. 174338

Right although its gonna be close.

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Anonymous No. 174424

Finished my lesson, people mostly pulled punches on me when they heard it was my first day or just helped me work while they dodged or helped me with form, which was nice! I have two questions though:

when I was fighting longer armed fighters, they would just repeatedly keep jabbing me while I blocked and then kicking me while I was exposed, and I couldn't ever get close to them, I don't even think I got one punch on them. What the hell are you even supposed to do when someone big and lanky's walling you out?

Once they start doing combo shit, I feel this irresistable urge to step back with my right leg and turn to the side while stepping back, but by doing that, I'm definitely not punching them, I'm not advancing the figh, and I feel like I'm shying away from the punches, and I feel super exposed. How do you overcome that urge and make something happen once they're comboing you besides "run away"?

Anonymous No. 174496

Where can I find a stream or something where you can watch this? I don't wanna pay.

Anonymous No. 174497

why was your first class a sparring session loool

Anonymous No. 174503

Taller fighters can be overcome by closing the distance with footwork and shelling up. As far as standing your ground, just be strong and stand there yoinwont get hurt if they're sparring lightly. Stand your ground, be strong and wait for a counter. You'll learn much more by doing this.

Anonymous No. 174504

I will try to find one and post it here before the fight begins.

Anonymous No. 174506

God bless.

Anonymous No. 174525

Anonymous No. 174554

IDK, is that abnormal? Was pretty fun though I'm pretty sore from the kicks.

Thanks, will give that ground-standing a try next time. Got any good resources for the footwork?

Anonymous No. 174575

My first session involved sparring at the end. As long as you're doing lots of padwork and stuff as well then that's the best way to learn. Learn the basics, then try them out on someone. Sparring is also the only effective way to learn defence.

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Anonymous No. 174746

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Anonymous No. 174810

Bruhs, is Muay Thai gonna make me retarded? Getting punched in the face can't be good for you long term...

Anonymous No. 174813

And what if it does?

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Anonymous No. 175134

Man I I love turning my brain off and just kicking the heavy bag until my shins give up. I dont think theres a thing more satisfying thing in martial arts than doing low kicks

Anonymous No. 175145

I've been into fighting on and off from 16-25, trying various gyms while juggling some partying. About 6 months of boxing and muay thai, 4 years of high school wrestling, and a bit of BJJ. Now, I've got a great career in carpentry, landscaping, and masonry, so I can focus on hobbies.
I wanted to go amateur in muay thai or boxing, so I joined a good gym. But neck pain has me messed up. I can’t even parallel park efficient, i feel like michael keaton batman. The gym's boxing classes are 75% sparring, and it's intense, with alot of the people pressure testing and going 100% all the time. Coaches don't watch closely. The city has limited gyms, and they focus on pros. I'm 5'10" and 170lbs, one of the lighter guys. I work in construction, can't afford health insurance, and I'm into weightlifting and climbing. so my body is pretty much always taking a toll, and im not a big guy.
Considering my financial situation, no health insurance, me moving states in the next year, and my upcoming marriage, I'm questioning if amateur fights are doable. Should I stick to being a hobbyist to avoid btfo’ing myself

Anonymous No. 175149

Unless you have an absolutely insatiable urge to do so, is it worth being able to afford less than you do now? If the answer was yes, you probably wouldn't be asking strangers. Or anyone really. There's nothing wrong with being enjoying something as a hobby. Especially when CTE is a consequence, and you'll likely never see the people around you again soon.

Anonymous No. 175168

very good point. i think i made the post for confirmation, i just hate the idea of seeming like a pussy or quitter. and ngl, the whole man in the cave thing from this site lives rent free in my head

Anonymous No. 175228

Try figuring out what's causing your neck pain first.

Anonymous No. 175236

i have had it for about 3 weeks now. its gotten maybe 10% better but it hurts still when i yawn, when i turn too quick, etc. i dont know if patient first wiuld even be able to help

Anonymous No. 175637

choose bjj fuck off

Anonymous No. 175890

Newbie here, I'm pretty sure I signed up for a McDojo for the 1 whole year like a retard. Not a single belt or trophy on the wall. Can't find a whole lot of info about my kru and his fighting record he always boasts about. No fighters out of our gym, just one guy (one of the coaches, actually) who has some amateur fights now and then. I'm just gonna make the most out of it and switch gyms as soon as my membership ends.

Anonymous No. 175917

Is it possible to get knocked out by a punch to the cheekbone? Is it likely?

Anonymous No. 175964

If it's a hard hit that you don't see coming then sure. Unlikely unless you're being hit by a big guy. As long as it gets your head moving so your brain juices slosh around.

Anonymous No. 176112

Is Muay boran the most lethal striking martial arts?

Anonymous No. 176247

> Anime picture.
> Worrying about turning retarded.

I think you already are.

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Weerapol vs Noppa....webm

Anonymous No. 176253

Anonymous No. 176370

I find (as an orthodox) that right kick is much easier to block and counter (separately or at the same time) than the left kick. The left kick disrupts my balance much more. The only real risk with a left kick is a catch

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Anonymous No. 176470

Any tips for making sure you fully extend with straight punches?

Anonymous No. 176519


Reporting back in after 1.5 months of training. Been staying for the second classes now. Have gotten gloves, shin guards and a mouthpiece thus far. Love it and have a ton to learn

Anonymous No. 176527

Good to hear, man. How's your switch kick?

Anonymous No. 176528

Stand as far away from your padholder/bag as you can. Remember not to lean forward, but really turn your shoulder over and twist that body as much as you can. You have way more range than you think. Going very slowly or even just standing and stretching your fist out can really help to train your body what it should be doing. Having a good pad holder who knows what distance you should be capable of really helps, because they can stay at exactly your maximum range.

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Nammoonlek vs Bua....webm

Anonymous No. 176547

Anonymous No. 176597

It started off naturally pretty decent.

Today we trained them and it was all fucked up, I think it was a spacing issue as I’ve been trying to find my preferred distance being as tall and long as I am.

Current goals are: increase my guard/ defense, head kick, actually do the full 5 minute jump rope warmup with no fuck ups. Obvious roadmap is jump rope> guard> head kicks

I have a tendency to close eyes and turn away from punches or hit their hands away as if I’m holding a pad. I already can kick above my head due to length and flexibility just looking to make it clean technique. Not coordinated enough on jump rope yet and I try to do the variations more skilled people do, also a bit tired from the first session when I start those.

Will report back in the future thanks for asking

Anonymous No. 176647

Southpaw newfag here (4 months of training)

Why the fuck does my switch kick seem to be stronger than my rear kick?

Anonymous No. 176890

So this tuesday I think I fucked up my hip flexors (left side to be more precise) but it didn't hurt as much so I decided to go to practice anyway.
Since friday the pain has gone up 10x and now I can't walk without limping and if I try to raise my left leg it hurts a fuckin lot.
Has anyone ever had this and how long did it take for the pain to go away? I think it's (really) slowly getting better

Anonymous No. 176899

Maybe you're right-footed. I'm orthodox but kick better with my left leg.

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muay thai kick do....webm

Anonymous No. 176921

Anonymous No. 177032

I have started training my little brother and he naturally took a southpaw stance but is right handed. Should I get him to stand orthodox or just go with it? He struggled to kick with his right leg but was pretty good with his left.

Anonymous No. 177261

Update on this : It's getting much better but it still hurts a bit if I lift the leg past a certain height (which I was comfortable with before the injury).

Anonymous No. 177373

Shouldn't take much longer than a week or two if you're gentle with it, assuming it is a minor muscle tear (which it sounds is the case). Glad to hear it has improved.

Anonymous No. 177873

What muay thai shorts should I get?

Anonymous No. 178278

Well it has been a bit exactly one week since the injury, it still hurts a bit when I raise it so i'm gonna wait another couple days maybe a week.

Anonymous No. 178280

exactly two weeks*

I think i'll just do some stretching and see what happens

Anonymous No. 178341

3 month fag here, still loving it. Also the thread seems to not bump anymore

Anonymous No. 178448

Glad to hear it is healing relatively quickly. Light stretching helps significantly. Until it feels 90%, work on your boxing. Good luck, man!

Anonymous No. 178918

new thread

Anonymous No. 179227

you fucking retard kek