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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 155836

Any good idea for make a new extrame sport.

Anonymous No. 156069

Dope class for all sports.
A special class of all sports that allows the use of doping.
I want to see the absolute limit of what a person can do if given the proper training and medication.

Anonymous No. 156074

Aggressive bowling

Anonymous No. 156100

Rugby but there's no ball. All the players are the ball. In order to win you need to carry any player of the opposite team to the goal-line, as if they were a ball. All forms of grappling are allowed, but no striking.
Only one player per team is allowed to strike, but is bare-knuckle.

Anonymous No. 156115

Bit of a meme answer but I think it would do well for a short time.

Airsoft/paintball/boffer battle royale.

You set up a large compound with a lot of numbered entrances. Each competitor takes a raffle ticket to get a entrance number.
Hidden around the compound are randomized weapons and accessories.
Each match has a time limit.
One wins by ether being the last man standing or having the most confirmed eliminations.
Cameras are set up all over for refs to review footage and settle disputes.
Plus allows highlights and interesting matches to be uploaded online.

Another meme idea that I think was already a thing is zombie chase obstacle course/parkour runs.
Pretty self explained. Run the course, don't get caught. Simple yet fun.

Anonymous No. 156131

Dodgeball rock climbing

Anonymous No. 156136

Knife vs unarmed sambo/kudo/MMA.
Use a marker knife or a shock knife or something.
Obviously the unarmed person has an absolutely massive disadvantage.
So, in every tournament, each competitor will spend equal time being the knife guy and being the unarmed guy.
Round robin style brackets.
Each fighter in the bracket has a turn as the "knife guy".
Knife guy fights each other fighter in the bracket, then the knife rotates to the next guy.
So, the knife guy has to fight several matches in a row, but the unarmed guy is fresh each round.
You get points for each match, and after everyone has ran through the whole bracket, the highest score wins.
Not sure about the point system, but something like:
Knife guy gets a half point for "maiming" the unarmed guy.
Knife guy gets one point for "killing" the unarmed guy.
Unarmed guy gets one point for surviving the round.
Unarmed guy gets three (3) points for defeating the knife guy, by submission or knockout.

Basically, if you can somehow manage to beat the knife guy even once or twice, you'll probably win your bracket.

Obviously this needs a lot more work, but I want to create the ultimate competitive arena to discover the real truth about knife defense.

Anonymous No. 156163

We had a similar game growing up called 'bombs over Berlin' when you had to drag your opponents back to your base in order for them to join your team. Usually played 4v4 though.

Anonymous No. 156212

When I was kid me and my dad played a game where we thew these frisbees called aerobees at each other on a soccer field. It wasn't catch it was more like dodgeball but frisbees could easy travel over 100 feet. The trick was to throw it in a way that would move really fast and be hard to catch, usually it was best to throw one of your frisbees at a distance and then run up and hit at close range. We called it Extreme Frisbee.

Anonymous No. 156279

shark wrestling

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Anonymous No. 157014

competitive cheese-eating
cheese curling
uphill cheese-rolling

Anonymous No. 157129

I've seen one guy trying to make a new one he calls "tree jumping". It's like cliff diving except into trees instead of water. Something is wrong with him in the head I think, but he hasn't gotten hurt yet and he's gone from like 3 stories. Pretty metal.

Anonymous No. 157193

Skateboard sumo MMA paintball

Anonymous No. 157217

Ufc in a shallow pool
Electric scooter racing

Anonymous No. 157222

I've seen a few videos of people doing that. Looks like a hick version of a Jackass stunt.

Anonymous No. 157268


Literally two grown-ass men (or woman, I don't discriminate) beat the ever loving shit out of each other with weapons of choice until one stops moving, only rules are stay in the ring and no eye gouging.

Very little padding, whole lotta whacking.

Anonymous No. 157321

Any of these >>38955

Anonymous No. 157426

Electric scooter racing seems like it should be a legitimate sport but just hasn't come together just right for it to be a thing.

Anonymous No. 157439

Extreme frolicking
Octagonal tickle fights
Speed catheterization
Slalom longboard dancing
Backwards rollerblade hill bombing
Pogo balancing

Anonymous No. 157684

Unironically seconding this
>NASCARtier tailgate party

Anonymous No. 157686

>extreme frolicking
thats just regular frolicking in my tick infested forests for me :(

Anonymous No. 157688

Roping, or ropefighting

Two guys sit across a table and pull a rope with the other hand and try to punch each other with the other hand. Winner is the one who gets the rope and gets the other person to let go. If you want to make this fight more spicy make the rope longer and give them long sticks or other weapons to beat each other with

Anonymous No. 158175

The 1 foot dash

Anonymous No. 158182

This literally already existed historically a stick fighting game in Europe lmao, wish I could remember the name.

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Anonymous No. 158212

I haven't seen it involve combat, but you might be thinking of mas wrestling.

Anonymous No. 158229

This would be cool, I wonder how they could implement something similar to the storm in Fortnite (i.e. shrinking map)

Anonymous No. 158235

Looked it up, not the same thing. It was a medieval game in which two combatants would hold on to one rope and beat each other with sticks until one let go.

Anonymous No. 159908

basketball where the hoop is 3 feet off the ground and fouls dont exist so you can tackle/shove/trip ppl without consequnces

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Anonymous No. 159966

Battle royale biathalon

Anonymous No. 160219

Rape and drug children driving from the police game. Who ever kidnaps more victims wins. We meet at local delli.

Anonymous No. 160251

regular football but everyone has a rock and you're allowed to kill other people with it

Anonymous No. 160318

Off-road skateboarding should become a legit thing, could work like downhill bike riding

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Anonymous No. 161314

Simulated armored vehicle warfare

Anonymous No. 161584

Those anti riot microwave dishes would do the trick

Anonymous No. 161642

I fucking hate those things.

Anonymous No. 161643

Russian hunting.