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🧵 /sumo/ - Off-Basho Sumo General

Anonymous No. 160847

Heatstroke edition


Chiyonokuni retirement press conference:

Previous Thread: >>154424

Anonymous No. 160850

/plg/ is >>>/fit/

Anonymous No. 160851

Ohh herupu me my daipa isu so fuuuru ohhhh

Anonymous No. 160857

what would be the best representative of /sumo/ currently?

Anonymous No. 160858

>that cameltoe
Looks like he is in need of a diaper change.

Anonymous No. 160859

Reminded that all modern rikishi should weigh atleast 140kg irregardless of height, and, to be a proper sumo fan, you should weigh atleast 110kg and be able to overhead press midorifuji.

Bulk up, or git out.

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Anonymous No. 160860


Anonymous No. 160862

i got the weight down but not the overhead i think

Anonymous No. 160863

I will piss on your grave when you die of a heart attack

Anonymous No. 160865


Anonymous No. 160867

Yeah it means without no regard, so with regard. Basically he's saying that you should be 140kg only if you're the appropriate height for it.

Anonymous No. 160868

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Anonymous No. 160876


Anonymous No. 160877

The seethe this comment made let’s you know a nerve has been struck.

Anonymous No. 160882

this nigga got a pussy

Anonymous No. 160884

Now come on, that weight limit is a bit harsh for newcomers. How about you can only watch a division if you outweigh at least one man in it? This way new sumo fans have an incentive to bulk up so they can rise through the ranks.

Anonymous No. 160893

I hate bloatlords like Akiseyama so much it's unreal.

Retired Lifting Enthusiast No. 160896

Below average norman khan deposited into the porcelain throne today.

Anonymous No. 160899

He got what he deserved, eternal obscurity in makushita

Anonymous No. 160901

Reminder that all modern rikishi should perform a perfectly 180 degree shiko irrespective of rank or build, and to be a proper sumo fan, you must be able to achieve at least 140 degrees shiko with perfectly straight legs for a minimum of 100 repetitions.

Train up, or get out

Anonymous No. 160940

because he's one

Anonymous No. 160941


he just resigned

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Anonymous No. 160942


Anonymous No. 160943

>Takes Izutsu kabu
I thought Shimanoumi was going to inherit Izutsu because he married his daughter

Anonymous No. 160953

Mental Yokozuna

Anonymous No. 160955

>google kiribayama
>akiseyama is the first image result
mental ozeki at the very least

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Anonymous No. 160960


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Anonymous No. 160980

>at first it was like this
>but then

Anonymous No. 160981

Is getting elder stock just not merit-based at all? This guy spent 4 tournaments in makuuchi and he gets elder stock?

Anonymous No. 160983

Like usual, it's presumably kabu musical chairs. The strange part is how odd it is for Shimanoumi to allow this right now, unless he's expecting to make it back to juryo in the next basho and stay there for a little while.

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Anonymous No. 160986

It is merit-based.

To establish a new heya, you must meet one of the following requirements:
1. Reached yokozuna or ozeki
2. Spent 25 or more basho in sanyaku
3. Spent 60 or more basho in makuuchi

To become a regular oyakata who can't branch out but can inherit a heya, you must meet one of the following requirements:
1. Reached komusubi or higher
2. Spent 20 basho in makuuchi
3. Spent 30 basho in juryo or above
(Provision to 3: If the rikishi in question has spent 28 or more basho at sekitori, then the current holder and a guarantor oyakata may together submit an appeal to be considered by the board of directors.)

If you are vouched for by the current holder as the intended inheritor of the heya, requirements are relieved to the following:
1. Spent 12 basho in makuuchi
2. Spent 20 basho in juryo or above

Akiseyama easily clears the bar for a regular oyakata with 42 basho in juryo or above. Hamanishiki and Kanechika are the only two rikishi ever to get a kabu under the third set of requirements, and Hochiyama and Tenkaiho are the only two rikishi ever to get a kabu under the second set's special provision. Making sekitori at all is a major accomplishment to a rikishi, and fewer still make it to makuuchi at all.

Anonymous No. 160988

Thanks for the explanation, guess I forgot that even making it to Juryo is pretty big.

Anonymous No. 161050

bastardo asqueroso...

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Anonymous No. 161065


Anonymous No. 161066

Reminder that this guy's hentai stash got leaked by the NHK

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Anonymous No. 161093


Anonymous No. 161123

new primetime dropped with Kaisei

Anonymous No. 161124

rare picture of hokuseiho using both arms to move someone out of the dohyo

Anonymous No. 161143

yeah you can see strange things happen in jungyo

Anonymous No. 161166

ypu are being tricked. his right arm is dangling behind tobi

Anonymous No. 161242


Anonymous No. 161328

>the subs say "That's right." while Kaisei gives an introductory speech on quantum mechanics
I hate when subs do this.

Anonymous No. 161329


🗑️ Anonymous No. 161336

>10x Money vs Love
>octonigger on Love disconnects
Fucking pussy.

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Anonymous No. 161338


Anonymous No. 161341

Sorry, wrong thread.

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Anonymous No. 161354

Kotonowaka is him

Anonymous No. 161364

weird splatoon crossover

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Anonymous No. 161386

If sumo and splatoon crossed over it would just result in more inflation/weight gain fetish art, sadly.

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Anonymous No. 161391

The biggest, fattest fish in Splatoon is a King Salmonid called Cohozuna. Take that as you will.

Anonymous No. 161393


Anonymous No. 161409

How long does Teru have realistically? Hopefully he'll be back next basho and he certainly can take his time before he gets a warning from the NSK.

Anonymous No. 161411

Three tournaments straight already equals the longest non-appearance streaks from Hakuho and Kisenosato and exceeds Kakuryu's (not including the very end before retirement), the caveats being both is that Kisenosato's comeback was a 10-5, and Hakuho's comeback was a 2-1-12 before he skipped another, while Teru's was a yusho.
It's the YDC that issues those warnings anyway, not the JSA.

Anonymous No. 161415

Kisenosato completed one basho across 16 months, it's hardly the same thing. And for Hak, it was one in 14 months, although 2 were not his fault.

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Anonymous No. 161418

the last basho was his back, so who knows. hes older and already banged up. will depend on how well he fights these younger and mostly more mobile sanyaku.
if he had more like the baby faced bitch in sanyaku, he could reign another 5 years

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Anonymous No. 161419


Anonymous No. 161447

>guy named Unryu invented Shiranui style ceremony
>guy named Shiranui invented Unryu style ceremony

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Anonymous No. 161487


Anonymous No. 161494

What happened was that Unryu came up with his first. Then Shiranui fucked it up so everyone thought he was doing a different one, like Hitachiyama later. Eventually Shiranui learned how to do Unryu's properly, but by then Unryu liked Shiranui's better and started doing it himself.

Anonymous No. 161500

That's wrong, it's >>161487
Unless you have some good sources

Anonymous No. 161502

Who the hell is Hikoyama?

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Anonymous No. 161503

He was a man hired by the Association to research and talk about the history of sumo on broadcasts and to set straight unclear matters in the historical record. The problem became that he was a bumbling idiot who accepted anything he saw or was told as absolute fact.

Starting in 1941, and through the 50s & 60s, he popularized the names of the dohyoiri styles reversed as they are now because he saw a 19th century nishikie painting in which Shiranui is depicted with his arms raised. He argued in newspaper columns for years about this with Sakai Tadamasa, the 20th century's leading authority on sumo history, until Sakai got sick of it and stopped trying to convince him.

Hikoyama is also responsible for the "Shiranui = offensive stance, Unryu = defensive stance" canard - because an oyakata made it up to tell to a general in WWII; the story got back to Hikoyama years later, and he uncritically repeated it for decades.

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Anonymous No. 161504

And now we repeat his lies.

Anonymous No. 161521

No Tochinoshin, no watch. Simple as. Enho's still kind of entertaining but I'm a sucker for a good tsuridashi.

Anonymous No. 161524

>Enho's still kind of entertaining
excuse me?

Anonymous No. 161525

>Didn't get it
>Looked it up
>He's retiring too
Well fuck me all my favorites are retiring this year or already have.

Anonymous No. 161532

I was more referring to how abominable he's been these last few years. Even most of his fans seem to think he's done.

Anonymous No. 161539

So you don't like sumo.

Anonymous No. 161550

An honest to goodness time traveler

Anonymous No. 161551

I haven't watched a whole lot from 2023 or late 2022, to be honest mostly just watching low ranks lately since most of my favorites are gone.

I still liked watching him. Sort of like Takanoyama, you like seeing the little guys win through speed and technique over raw size and power.

Which contradicts what I'd previously said about Tochinoshin, but that was more watching that mountain of a man just pick up a 400lb guy and just gently walk him out of the ring. (Probably why he was so constantly injured to be fair.)

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Anonymous No. 161561


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Anonymous No. 161587

M4e Tsurugahama yusho, 1922.

Anonymous No. 161594

god the wrestlers used to be so much bigger. look how small the cup looks next to him. wish we could go back to those days...

Anonymous No. 161600


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Anonymous No. 161619

Terunofuji looks like a manlet compared to Hokuseiho

Anonymous No. 161631

Everyone does, he's hokuseiho

Anonymous No. 161639

I told you 5 inches was a lot.

Anonymous No. 161699

That's what she said.

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Anonymous No. 161703

June(?), 1878. The rarest form of official yokozuna: Asahidake was granted the right to wear a yokozuna by the House of Gojou - but only in the Yamagata province, his hometown, because the lads were going on jungyo through there.

Anonymous No. 161710

god this got me reading about the actual clans issuing the yokozuna licenses and it sounds like such a hilarious mess. are there any good books on sumo history like this available in english?

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Anonymous No. 161716

I personally don't know of any specific English books. Colton Runyan made a thread on sumoforum with a sizable list of books in English, you could check those.

Anonymous No. 161752

it would be cool if the nfl had an off-season sumo tournament

Anonymous No. 161754

no it wouldn't. they'd know even less about doing sumo than the dudes at those amateur tournaments.

Anonymous No. 161755

I was naively assuming they would practice some in the off-season to stay in shape for football

Anonymous No. 161758

it would be fun for them to participate, but watching such a tournament might not be too exciting

Anonymous No. 161777

I was imagining it the other way around.

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Anonymous No. 161785

>nfl players would suck at sumo
Everytime someone says this, I will remind everyone that this specimen made his top division debut almost 31, then fought his way back up at 35
Strongman sumo was great sumo. NFL sumo would be fun to. Simple as.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 161796

American when sport: :^I
American when sport doesn't have niggers >:^(

Anonymous No. 161800

Did the Hawaiians count as niggers? I know they're not, they're literally Pacific Islanders, but when they were active the sport was relatively popular in the US.

Anonymous No. 161832

Akiseyama has trained in sumo since he was a child, his shape is almost beside the point. He has good sumo awareness and is fairly proficient technically, something that can't be easily picked up by someone who has been training in another sport regardless of their shape.

Anonymous No. 161838

>destroy your knees in off season for fun!

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Anonymous No. 161845

>good sumo awareness
most of that "awareness" amounts to is balance and athleticism. offensive linemans, for example, goals are to move and block people, they would have developed similar if not better awareness (1v1 against 21 potential people you may have in your area)
i also don't think people really realize the difference in athleticism and performance for something with the talent pool american football has. since the sumo hrind is brought up all the time, nfl players have been filtered though 8 on the low to 18 years of grinding to get there in a much larger talent pool. the raw athleticism is just night and day in most cases, especially when you have people like Daieisho at the top who can't even figure out how to stop himself from losing to his own brand of sumo. the only real argument to the grind is sumo stable life being shit

Anonymous No. 161850

All three Hawaiians hit makuuchi in very short times by being big and strong and knowing extremely basic oshizumo, so yeah. NFL guys would do well with a comparatively limited amount of training, based on what we know.

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Anonymous No. 161854

Sorry if this is one of those questions that get asked every thread, (like all niche sports/hobbies have), but where can a brit get into sumo as a hobby?
I'm trying a few martial arts, but sumo looks like a hell of a lot of fun.

Anonymous No. 161857

Google [city] sumo in your search bar and pray. If you live in a small city, then search for a gym that does sumo in the nearest big city.
Ignore demoralization posters, amateur sumo is fun

Anonymous No. 161858

Scotland just had their Amateur Sumo championship last week, and if the Scots can get enough people together to need a national championship, the English can too. So just do what the other poster said.

Anonymous No. 161860

>where can a brit get into sumo
wherever eddie hall did it.
>as a hobby
lmao. nobody here would think youre trying it professionally

Anonymous No. 161861

Build a dohyo in some waste ground nearby and challenge passers-by. It's the only way.

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Anonymous No. 161862

>no one would think you’re trying it professionally
You think too highly of me

Anonymous No. 161864

The most based approach

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Anonymous No. 161867

At last, I understand

Anonymous No. 161875

>wherever eddie hall did it
Leeds. That's in Leeds. I think there's also a place in Derby?

Anonymous No. 161890

Tourist here, is doping allowed? Why not? They are already destroying their bodies

Anonymous No. 161898

There's nothing in the sumo rulebook that says you can't.

Anonymous No. 161906

Hokuseiho's the only dope makuuchi needs

Anonymous No. 161910

They don't test for steroids, which means it's effectively encouraged.

Anonymous No. 161913

>is doping allowed
Yeah but you need to find a way to get them yourself, so not everyone has access.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 161917

>Shinichi Suzukawa

They have anti-doping, and considering the level of injured fighters, I believe they comply with the rule.

Anonymous No. 161973

>doping allowed
>live injured

Does any anon know of rikishi who train in a modern rather than traditional way? Or do they all do that huge amount of exercise that seems unoptimized to me?

Anonymous No. 161974


Anonymous No. 161975

>Does any anon know of rikishi who train in a modern rather than traditional way?
Probably almost all of the bigger stables.

Anonymous No. 162005

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Anonymous No. 162024

~1914, Kataokame dicking around while preparing chicken.

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Anonymous No. 162026

1918, Kataokame looks serious while preparing what would come to be known as chanko here.

Even though he had retired as a rikishi by this point, he remained on at Dewanoumi-beya for the sake of Hitachiyama, and was the chef in charge when their stable popularized chanko throughout sumo. The author describes him here as 'the hilarious rikishi Kataokame'.
Hitachiyama once remarked, "I wouldn't eat any chanko not prepared by Kataokame."

Kataokame's career-high rank was Makushita 3, yet look at the impact he made.

Anonymous No. 162033

>Dewanoumi-beya had over 200 rikishi

Anonymous No. 162044

In olden days, there was little distinction between heya and ichimon.

Anonymous No. 162047

It helped that this was back in the days where all east fought all west, so you had 12 Dewanoumi guys in makuuchi and they were all on the east side, for example. It didn't matter that there were so many Dewanoumi guys because they wouldn't be fighting each other anyway.

Anonymous No. 162065

>600kg leg press
Man, I wonder why his knees are busted

Anonymous No. 162071

600kg leg press isn't really that big a deal.

Anonymous No. 162080

>all east fought all west
That was only in makuuchi, as I recall.

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Anonymous No. 162244

Anonymous No. 162247

There are no links to organised crime in sumo, that's a scurrilous rumour with no basis in fact.

Anonymous No. 162248


Anonymous No. 162249

ok schizo

Anonymous No. 162310

That's horrible, but I feel jealous. Pair suicides and group suicides make me feel sad inside. I want to be part of one someday.

Anonymous No. 162336

Meds. Now. Citalopram, sertraline, whatever it is.

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>tfw u know.jpg

Anonymous No. 162337

She shouldn't have gone for his rice

Anonymous No. 162393

This randomly popped in my head again after 20 years.

Anonymous No. 162397

lol what show is this?
>diet is some skinny dude

🗑️ Anonymous No. 162398

>just take le pharmakia pills
shekelberg hands typed this.

Anonymous No. 162402

If only it were that easy to get them :(

Anonymous No. 162403

>the JEWS want me to not kill myself

🗑️ Anonymous No. 162513

>literally needs meds to survive
what a faggot lmao

Anonymous No. 162561

Does anyone know around what year the concept of the Yokozuna became a thing? I know Tanikaze and Onogawa were the first to get licensed, but was it common for wrestlers to be referred to and acknowledged as Yokozuna before them?

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Anonymous No. 162587

>was it common for wrestlers to be referred to and acknowledged as Yokozuna before them?
There's a lengthy, exhaustive article musing about the origins of the yokozuna on tsubotaa, if you want to try reading it with a translator. I don't know how much of the sumo language a machine translator is going to figure out, but the gist of it is this:

There are numerous illustrations of what seems to be an Osaka-specific tradition of rikishi wearing (usually) black-and-white braided belts over kesho-mawashi up to ~50 years before Tanikaze and Onogawa. These belts were just belts, without the dangling tassels or the big loop or the resemblance to shimenawa, and no special rituals were associated with them. There is a book from 1776 which gives an account of the yokozuna being a black-and-white belt granted to 2 rikishi (Maruyama & Asogatake) by the Yoshida Tsukasa household. However, Asogatake is completely unaccounted for as a yokozuna in all other historical records, and there are zero known descriptions or depictions of this black-and-white yokozuna appearing in Tokyo; as such, it's considered very suspect that the book is describing the later yokozuna tradition we know. The suggestion is that the Yoshida Tsukasa later tried to soft reboot this tradition (whether they invented it or not) by utilizing a millennium-old legend about a rikishi called Hajikami. The story goes that a gyouji took a shimenawa off of a holy tree at a shrine sumo event, wrapped it around Hajikami, and declared that any opponent of his who could even touch the rope would be declared the victor: they all failed. This would explain the shimenawa, the pure white belt, and the murky history around the 'original' three yokozuna. There were 10+ rikishi who had used the black-and-white belt in the 40 years before Tanikaze, but it looks far more enticing to the emperor if you tell him it's only been 3 across 150 years.

Here's the article:

Anonymous No. 162628

Very interesting, thanks. I'm actually working on an old sumo series now and they keep saying things like "Oh you'll never beat an Ozeki, much less a Yokozuna!" and acting like Yokozuna are some established thing, so I've just been trying if the author of it knows a LOT about sumo history or if he actually just doesn't know much and is assuming there were always Yokozunas. It's been fun learning about the history of ranks and stuff researching it though.

Anonymous No. 162630

>or if he actually just doesn't know much and is assuming there were always Yokozunas
Probably that one.

Anonymous No. 162731

public morning 15min workout

Anonymous No. 162753

anyone going to give hiro a red superchat

Anonymous No. 162763

At the time, they were referred to yokozuna-ozeki. I don't believe anyone would have characterized yokozuna as a distinct rank like that until the late 1800s.

Anonymous No. 162800

Anyone following along at home? I would if I didn't feel like shit due to how little sleep I got.

Anonymous No. 162813

Oh sweet! Babe, wake up, new Chris mind reading episode just dropped

Anonymous No. 162814

>Teru will retire either in September or November

Love Chris, simple as.

Anonymous No. 162815

>Chris is now sock puppet schizo posting on xs

wait longer before you shill your videos here chrischan

Anonymous No. 162849

Is he not aware of the fact that it's pretty common for older athletes to shed some weight to keep their shit from exploding

Anonymous No. 162854

>knowing anything about athletes or sports beyond armchair psychology and mindreading
pick one

Anonymous No. 162912

when chris enters the mind of a wrestler do they feel his gaijin presence? does it cause them physical pain? has a wrestler ever been able to resist his powers?

Anonymous No. 162936

I fucking love Chris' shizo rants. It was a bit lonely without him.
t. totally NOT Chris Chan Sumochu

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Anonymous No. 162946

I like Chris and his sumo videos and none of you can stop me

>mind reading this
>gaijin that
>lolcow sumochu idgaf

They comfy

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Anonymous No. 162969

Hope you're all doing well. Looking forward to talking about the Banzuke with you nerds when it drops.

Anonymous No. 163062

Retards gonna' retard....

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Anonymous No. 163063

This motherfucker
Fought through pain and injury
I miss him so much

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Anonymous No. 163064

Waiting patiently
Intensive gaze and focus
Rikishi will clash

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Anonymous No. 163065

Senior Rikishi
Iron will and strong body
Beautiful sunset

Anonymous No. 163098

Enhobros, this is looking like Ishiura all over again

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Anonymous No. 163106


Anonymous No. 163120

>this is looking like Ishiura all over again
I wouldn't say that. Enhou is talking about doing rehab and consulting doctors at the hospital, whereas Ishiura stated at his intai conference that the doctors had told him to stop wrestling for the sake of his future health.
Plus I don't remember Ishiura ever taking this sort of timbre when he got hurt. I could be wrong, though.

Anonymous No. 163149

enho is also 4 years younger than ishiura

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Anonymous No. 163152

Rijicho Hakkaku (Hokutoumi) will have his kanreki dohyo-iri on 2nd of september

Anonymous No. 163170

Is Hakkaku a good chairman? Honest answers only

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Anonymous No. 163220

He isn't as bad as Mienoumi, and he seems to be a capable politician. He's had a few health and safety protocols instituted during his tenure which should have been done decades ago, but he's done nothing about the bullying/violence issues within stables and seems to appoint unqualified friends to positions of power (Shibatayama). However, he was apparently responsible for quickly and successfully cleaning up the AT&C Japan/Kobayashi scandal that started under Kitanoumi, which could have destroyed the NSK.

For those who need a refresher on that scandal (which flies surprisingly far under the radar nowadays):

🗑️ Anonymous No. 163226

You really need to stop doing this

🗑️ Anonymous No. 163231

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1289
Butt Stacking Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

🗑️ Anonymous No. 163232

Hello faggot mod

🗑️ Anonymous No. 163233

Think you can block user agents? Lol pathetic!

🗑️ Anonymous No. 163236

I think you guys are misinterpreting me here, I'm just saying that he needs to stop making this mistake

🗑️ Anonymous No. 163247

And you deleted the post. Who knows what the dude had done.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 163248

you making a big mistake to make us your enemy. you just little wretch mod. destroy this place like nothing.

Anonymous No. 163264

It's over.

Too many injuries.

Anonymous No. 163265

>done nothing about the bullying/violence issues within stables
The fuck are you talking about? They've been punishing Oyakata and Rikishi constantly for mistreatment of Rikishi over the years.

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Anonymous No. 163266

>They've been punishing Oyakata and Rikishi constantly for mistreatment of Rikishi over the years
When it gets out and is heinous enough to make national news, yes - which is usually when the rikishi is dead or near death. Did you miss the reports where wrestlers said they didn't feel safe using the NSK hotline for bullying because they thought they would be targeted for it? Did you miss the thing this year where a rikishi who poured boiling water down his stablemate's back was allowed to retire without incident months later? How about when another wrestler was allowed to retire without incident or punishment to the oyakata after beating another wrestler over the head with a frying pan and shooting him with an air gun while screaming 'I'll kill you'?

Kasugano being lightly punished for brutalizing Tochinoshin et al with a golf club isn't a sign that the NSK is handling things well - especially considering that Kasugano was subsequently promoted to the riji in early 2016, and then came under fire in 2018 for hiding a 2016 (post-promotion) incident in his heya wherein a wrestler beat his stablemate so badly that he was sentenced to three years in prison.

What did Hakkaku do about that? What did he do about any of this? He was rijichou during these things. Have you heard about any new anti-bullying initiatives past the Abi incident 4 years ago?

Anonymous No. 163291

I'm just glad I didn't get into this sport when I was young and stupid enough to go to japan and make my daydreams about being a rikishi a reality.

Anonymous No. 163336

>When it gets out and is heinous enough to make national news, yes - which is...
Exactly what they are supposed to do.
>miss the reports where wrestlers said they didn't feel safe using the NSK hotline
So the JSA has a special hotline to report "abuse", punishes people for said "abuse" when they get caught, and yet your dumb ass is still trying to push a narrative that they "don't do anything about it"?

Fuck off back to >>>reddit with your pussy crybaby take on life and sumo.

Anonymous No. 163344

NTA but why are you whiteknighting for the JSA of all things

Anonymous No. 163352

Is sumo still extremely corrupt or have they cracked down on it?

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SUMO Nagoya Basho....webm

Anonymous No. 163353

Anonymous No. 163354

It's sort of under the direct control of the national government at this point so it's as corrupt as the rest of Japanese society.

Anonymous No. 163355

There's not really anything that can be done about match fixing at an individual level. If an old mid-maegashira guy already got his 8 wins and he's up against some other poor bastard who's 7-7, what can you do to prevent him from going a little easy on him?

Anonymous No. 163362

>If an old mid-maegashira guy already got his 8 wins and he's up against some other poor bastard who's 7-7
Worth noting that this is not a particularly common scenario

Anonymous No. 163363

This is perhaps why the schedulers seem to be funnelling rikishi towards Darwin matches more often in recent years.

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Anonymous No. 163371

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SUMO Nagoya Basho....webm

Anonymous No. 163372

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hakuho v _.webm

Anonymous No. 163373

still at it

Anonymous No. 163375

you got the one with Midorifuji throwing Hokuseiho?

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SUMO Nagoya Basho....webm

Anonymous No. 163376


Anonymous No. 163378

>throws a guy twice his size over the shoulder
Sumo is the best combat sport and no one can convince me otherwise
thanks dude

Anonymous No. 163379

It’s crazy how quick Hak is, looks like a fast forward

Anonymous No. 163382

Why do other sports even bother with weightclasses?

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Anonymous No. 163383

I don't know if id trust this brace. Need those oline donjoys everyone else wears
because Mayweather isn't going to be able to fight the gypsy king no matter how well he games the boxing meta

Anonymous No. 163400

Why do other weightclasses even bother with sports?

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SUMO Nagoya Basho....webm

Anonymous No. 163401

Anonymous No. 163402

Weightclasses are barely a step up from women's divisions

Anonymous No. 163408

I'm not "whiteknighting" for the JSA as much as I'm attacking some limp-wristed faggots false narrative about how nothing is done about "abuse". That anon is the same kind of pussy that would attack any combat sport or contact sport as "too dangerous", and I'm sick of reading shit like that from eunuch trash. That anon should be culled from society.

Anonymous No. 163410

I had to fucking do it

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SUMO Kyushu Basho....webm

Anonymous No. 163412

Anonymous No. 163413

expected benny hill but was pleasantly surprised. good job anon.

Anonymous No. 163419

well done

Anonymous No. 163429

>do nothing about adult men beating the shit out of 16 year olds with frying pans and golf clubs
>'maybe this isn't the best job they could do'

Anonymous No. 163431

well shit

Anonymous No. 163433

Harsh treatment will either toughen you up or filter you out. We all know this, we've always known it, and we should all stop pretending it isn't true. Every aspect of sumo is brutal and old-fashioned, and for me personally, that's part of the appeal.

Anonymous No. 163435

So what you're saying is that I am correct where I wrote above:
>he's done nothing about the bullying/violence issues within stables
You first said I was wrong, and now you're saying that this is accurate but you don't care. Why respond at all?

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Anonymous No. 163454

>thinks it's responding to the same anon

Anonymous No. 163455

The internet tough guy persona was amusing at first Frank, but it's getting a bit tiresome. Shouldn't you be looking a bit harder for a job by now?

Anonymous No. 163463

>Hakuho v
Asahisho (Current Kiriyama)

Anonymous No. 163465

Calm down, okay?

Anonymous No. 163473

thanks. knew it was kiriyama, but that wasn't helping me link to who he was before he retired and i did feel like digging

Anonymous No. 163485

>Harsh treatment will either toughen you up or filter you out.
The human body doesn't work like that, repeated physical abuse is going to break something eventually

Anonymous No. 163504

In other words, you get filtered out? I don't think stablemasters should be maiming their charges or kneecapping trainees for failing to make good enough chanko, but I don't think there's anything wrong with run-of-the-mill beatings. A sumo stable is crammed full of young, competitive men all seething with testosterone, which means violence is a normal and natural occurrence. Sometimes the lads are going to get into fights and sometimes a good thrashing is necessary to keep them in line, and everyone who's ever spent time with or in groups of boys or young men understands this. Some care should be taken to make sure things don't go too far, but trying to stop this practice entirely is futile and counterproductive.

Anonymous No. 163505

if you think stable violence is occurring between wrestlers at the lower levels you clearly haven't read anything about the topic. no one here is talking about young wrestlers deciding to fight each other

Anonymous No. 163513

I'm aware that isn't the main topic. However, it absolutely does happen and I used it as a supplementary example. If you put five or ten or fifteen young men in a single building, there will be fights, and they won't be noteworthy because they're so common. Show me a pair of brothers that have never had a fight, and I'll show you a pair of liars.

Anonymous No. 163514

>shifting the goalposts this hard to avoid admitting you have zero knowledge

Anonymous No. 163516

Takayasu's practice sessions are infamously brutal. They're also held in full public view including on tours. Nobody has a problem with them because they're the kind of practices that legitimately push wrestlers to their limits and encourage them to go beyond so they can be better wrestlers. If he can ever secure elder stock, he'll be an excellent coach, and if he can't then any high school or university program worth their salt should be begging to hire him. And none of his practices involve beating wrestlers simply to inflict pain or injure people, which is what people want removed.

Anonymous No. 163535

I never once shifted the goalposts or tried to deny the fact that sometimes the rikishi get beaten. I mentioned beatings and thrashing in one of my posts explicitly. I accept that it happens and don't disagree with it at all.
If you don't innately understand the value of corporal punishment, then nothing anyone can say will convince you it's a necessary and useful thing. Personally, I think it's an incredibly valuable tool in environments like a sumo stable.

Anonymous No. 163537

Yeah, no one cares what you personally believe. You either provide reasoning as to the concrete benefits of having boiling water poured down your back, or you don’t and I laugh at you

Anonymous No. 163547

>In other words, you get filtered out?
No, you get hobbled before you even get a chance to compete. If you want to filter out the ones who are never going to make they've got four whole divisions for that.

Anonymous No. 163561

Like I said, you either understand it or you don't. I'm never going to convince you that corporal punishment is good, and you're never going to convince me that it's bad. At the end of the day, nobody in the JSA cares what a pair of foreigners think about the matter, so laugh away, this entire discussion is comically pointless.
I do not accept that any significant number of rikishi have been crippled by their coaches or stablemates and forced to abandon a potentially great career. If you're referring to people just quitting because life in a stable is too rough and Spartan for their liking, that's the definition of being filtered out. If you can't handle the lifestyle, it doesn't matter how good you are or might become on the dohyo, you don't belong in the sport.

Anonymous No. 163562

>The human body doesn't work like that
That's exactly how the human body works. Lifting weights to get bigger and stronger creates tears in the muscle tissue, which the body repairs and grows back to meet the level of exertion. Thai boxers toughen up their shins by kicking things with them, which creates micro breaks in the shin bone that the body repairs making their shins tougher. The body reacts to "harsh treatment" by repairing itself and becoming stronger. There's a difference between pain and injury, and enduring the pain it takes to get stronger via "harsh treatment" actually prevents injury down the road.

Anonymous No. 163564

Compared to pussies, like you, everybody is a "tough guy" on the internet....even the women.

Fuck off, eunuch.

Anonymous No. 163565

>Lifting weights to get bigger and stronger creates tears in the muscle tissue, which the body repairs and grows back to meet the level of exertion. Thai boxers toughen up their shins by kicking things with them, which creates micro breaks in the shin bone that the body repairs making their shins tougher.
And in both cases those activities have the ultimate goal of making the body better for something. Sumo matches do not involved by hit by golf clubs, therefore hitting someone with a golf club to "toughen them up" doesn't actually help them get better at sumo. Sumo training is already grueling enough that the people who can't handle it will drop out without having to hit them with golf clubs. So since there's no advantage to hitting a sumo wrestler with a golf club, it should be understood that hitting a wrestler with a golf club is irrelevant and unneeded. If you want to argue that sumo matches should include both wrestlers being hit by random people with golf clubs in the middle of each bout, then being hit by golf clubs would be a legitimate training exercise. But as it stands, it is not.

Anonymous No. 163567

Sumo matches pose the risk of getting slammed on the raised tawara, which are packed to the point they're as hard as concrete. A golf club would actually be an excellent tool to use to help toughen the body and prevent injury from taking such a fall.

Anonymous No. 163568

I wasn't aware that the tawara was made of packed together golf clubs, I was always under the impression that it was made with clay. I was also under the impression that it was roughly the same consistency of clay that they use in their practices including more practice bouts every day than total bouts over an entire tournament.

Anonymous No. 163569

They're packed. Not loose clay, but hammered, solid clay. As hard as the dohyo itself.

Anonymous No. 163570

>I wasn't aware that
You're not aware of a lot of things.

Anonymous No. 163571

Would you mind providing a source to your claim that the dohyo is made of golf clubs? Every time I see it being built it looks more like clay to me, with the tawara being made of rice straw. Seems weird that something so traditional like sumo would have its dohyo made from implements used in a foreign sport.

Anonymous No. 163575

>you don't belong in the sport for something entirely unrelated to the sport itself
>Thai boxers toughen up their shins by kicking things with them, which creates micro breaks in the shin bone that the body repairs making their shins tougher.
Good way to get arthritis

Anonymous No. 163576

Your resistance to golf clubs, airsofts, or boiling water are completely unrelated to your perfomance in sumo and bone hardening is a meme. If you want a filter we've got four of them, they're called Jonokuchi, Jonidan, Sandanme, and Makushita.

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Anonymous No. 163579

>"Oi, rikishi-kun? You do an entire morning of exercises, chest-lending until you drop half-dead, and 30 practice bouts, every single day? Well sorry but that's all meaningless, you need me to hit you with a golf club so you can truly be a proper sekitori."

Anonymous No. 163580

>Show me a pair of brothers that have never had a fight, and I'll show you a pair of liars.
Me and my little brother, but I'm also 17 years his senior

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Anonymous No. 163582

Today in /sumo/

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Anonymous No. 163584

Anonymous No. 163596

So you start getting hit by putters and work your way up to 9-irons?

Anonymous No. 163598

and eventually you'll be able to not get ran over by the golf cart

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Anonymous No. 163605

>seething faggot shitting up the thread with their cancer

Anonymous No. 163653

He needs me to hit him with a golf club so the cunt stops mouthing off at his superiors. The only thing some brutes respect is violence.

Anonymous No. 163663

>Chris melting down about not being respecting, and wishing he'd never started his youtube channel

How did he get "snubbed" by a rikishi or the JSA this time?

Anonymous No. 163685

How many hours until the banzuke comes out? I need to see how far my Gononigger jumped.

Anonymous No. 163691

About 30 hours. 6 am Japan local time, two weeks before the start of the tournament.

Anonymous No. 163715

Hakkaku yelled at him for leaving jerkoff tissues in the bushes by his bedroom window

Anonymous No. 163716

Bones getting tougher from "micro-breaks" is bro science and has been completely disproven. Thai boxers make their shins "tougher" by deadening the pain receptors through regular trauma, the bones are already as strong as they're gonna get.

Anonymous No. 163721

Bones can and do increase their robustness and density over time as a result of exertion. A good example of this is the characteristic skeletons of medieval longbowmen. Bones are living tissue, and just like other parts of the body, they will do their best to adapt to the stresses placed on them. A man who spends years practicing shin-kicking will have tougher shins than a man who doesn't, regardless of the precise physical mechanism that causes this.

Anonymous No. 163722

>A good example of this is the characteristic skeletons of medieval longbowmen.
Those are considered defects by actual skeletal specialists. They deformed the bones, but didn't strengthen them.

Anonymous No. 163724

>A good example of this is the characteristic skeletons of medieval longbowmen.
Medieval longbowmen had elongated arm and shoulder bones to account for muscle growth from their intense training, their bones aren't any stronger than average.

Anonymous No. 163725

Fraternal hazing is good and necessary

Anonymous No. 163741

Your post is "bro science". One of the reasons militaries slowly build up the running and marching time/distance is exactly to allow their recruits bones to recover and grow from the stress. Run recruits too hard, and you end up with a lot of troops out with shin splints, a gradual adjustment in the intensity over time helps reduce those cases of shin splints.

Anonymous No. 163743

Why are you operating under the assumption that bone strength is fixed and immutable, unlike everything else in the body? If bones can stretch and warp and lay down new bone deposits around a joint, why wouldn't they have the capacity to get stronger? Here are three links from reputable authorities that discuss bone strengthening with various methods.

Anonymous No. 163744

Shin splints is a tissue inflammation, not bone fractures. It can lead to bone fractures if further pushed, but that's because injured tissue is less able to support the bone. Prevention of shin splints involves strengthening the tissue in question.

Anonymous No. 163745

Notice how none of those recommend golf clubs

Anonymous No. 163746

Do any of those articles include being beaten by a golf club in their lists of recommended exercises?

Anonymous No. 163749

The shin splints that put troops out of action are exactly bone fractures, not tissue issues. But I'm sure the military medical doctors are all wrong and you're "right".

t. ex-military trainer

Anonymous No. 163752

The bone fractures are caused by the tissue being inflammed and not being able to support the bone. You prevent shin splints by strengthening the tissue, because even if the bone is stronger it won't mean much if the surrounding tissue can't help support it.
And if you had guys out with bone fractures caused by shin splints then you were obviously a poor military trainer, but we both know that you are in reality some fat neckbeard larping on the internet.

Anonymous No. 163753

This is the physiological side of the discussion, not the one where anons argue about the morality and effectiveness of disciplinary golf clubs.

Anonymous No. 163754

So we're in agreement that golf clubs are ineffective and shouldn't be used? Great, no need to continue further.

Anonymous No. 163755

I'm a golf club agnostic.

Anonymous No. 163756

>The bone fractures are caused by the
No. The bone fractures are caused by the constant pounding that takes place during a run, or during the conduct of a foot march with equipment. Recruits don't have the bone mass in their legs as do trained troops, which in turn leads to fractures due to the stress placed on their bodies. As they are conditioned and recover, their bone mass increases, and they become less susceptible to bone fractures as a result of running / marching under a load.

Lack of bone density is exactly why female recruits are far more likely than their male counterparts to encounter shin fractures during initital training, as they tend to be far less active than men, and require more time to develop a healthy bone mass.

>Stress fractures (SFx) represent a significant proportion of injuries in military recruits internationally. Stress fractures disproportionately affect female recruits, a disparity that has similarly been consistently demonstrated in female athletes.

Anonymous No. 163761

>Ctrl+F "shin spint"
>No results found
I accept your concession

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Anonymous No. 163765

since a sumo fight was originally\traditionally is a Shinto ritual; are there any rikishi who are shinto practitioners? Such as being known for prayers, fasts, etc according to shinto religion

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Anonymous No. 163768


Anonymous No. 163769

Then the conversation has veered off topic

Anonymous No. 163770

Hard to tell because Shinto is still a cultural part of everyday Japanese life; they don't consider themselves Shinto practitioners because it's just commonplace to them. Like how you don't need to be Christian in the west to have Christmas and Easter off as holidays. They'll pray to shrines once in a while before big events like school finals or to try and get a promotion or the traditional visit at the beginning of the year, and of course attend whatever local festivals are in their area, but still won't consider themselves religiously Shinto.

Anonymous No. 163772

Well yes, but we were all supposed to be talking about Hakkaku's tenure as chairman anyway.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 163783

>mfw oyakata just instituted mandatory bonesmashing sessions to strengthen our skulls on the tachiai

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Anonymous No. 163796

>tfw pulled out of bonesmashing session for McDoubles session so your neck isn't strong enough to tachiai ichinojo, denying you yokozuna

Anonymous No. 163799

Some of them will be, but it tends to be private and very toned-down from actual devotee level practice. A guy might swear by his charms and a set of prayers that he recites in hopes that the gods will help him win, visits a temple before a basho, but that tends to be the length of it. The modern sumo lifestyle doesn't exactly allow the time for full-chested religious devotion.

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Anonymous No. 163804


Anonymous No. 163837

I'm up to 30 140 degrees shiko at 133kg, but I guarantee you I will hit 100 shiko before I drop to/below 110kg
Hope none of you are coping that it's an unachievable goal because I started from 151kg and no conditioning

I am fucking 5'8, too

Anonymous No. 163879

>S1e Daieisho
>S1w Wakamotoharu
>S2e Kotonowaka
>K1e Nishikigi
>K1w Tobizaru
Will any of these five make ozeki in November?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 163882

I don't think tobi's even technically on a run now is he? He only got 9 wins.

Anonymous No. 163883

In theory he could get 24 wins in September and November, as unlikely as it would be. Same with Daieisho and Wakamotoharu.

Anonymous No. 163907

I deleted my post because I thought I'd figured it out after reading up on it, but it looks like historically you need a hell of a run to get by if you started in Maegashira. Apparently Takanohana's first run started in M1 with 10-5, then he got 11-4 and 12-3, both JY, and he still got turned down.

Seems like it might just be a little too early for Tobi, especially since he's not super consistent. Maybe if literally nobody else gets Ozeki and the upper ranks stay as shaky as they've been lately he can squeak by.

Anonymous No. 163912

Kotonowaka *might*.
The other four have either had their shot and blown it or will never have a shot.

Anonymous No. 163916

Anonymous No. 163917

Fuck you.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 163919


🗑️ Shou No. 163924


Anonymous No. 163925

Baki and kengan ashura is super gay don’t post that shit here

Anonymous No. 163926

I agree, everyone here can identify multiple rikishi just from a picture of their buttocks so we need some super straight anime to counterbalance things.

Anonymous No. 163929

Daiesho and Wakatakakage would need to win the yuusho with 13 or better wins, and I'm not even sure if 13 and y would be enough.
>S2e Kotonowaka
>K1e Nishikigi
>K1w Tobizaru
Lmao, why would you even suggest these guys?
not a chance for the november tournament with only one double digit score in sanyaku. They aren't starting his run with 8 wins at K1. January would be the earliest he could make it.

Anonymous No. 163931

Read the post again carefully next time, anon.

Anonymous No. 163934

>Make ozeki in November
They would make ozeki in January not November if they made enough wins in the next two tournaments to reach ozeki.

Anonymous No. 163935

When are ozeki promotions, anon

Anonymous No. 163936

When does the banzuke officially list them as ozeki anon?
Speculating if all the komosubi and sekiwake could possibly make ozeki over a two tournament period is retarded.

Anonymous No. 163937

WHEN ARE THEY PROMOTED anon. This should be a simple question to answer so answer it.

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Anonymous No. 163938

>WHEN ARE THEY PROMOTED anon. This should be a simple question to answer so answer it.

Shoo shoo semantics semite. Play your tricks elsewhere.
No matter how you try to spin it, its always for the next tournament.

Anonymous No. 163940

>he has too make up boogeymen to excuse his inability to answer a simple question
Holy mind virus

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Anonymous No. 163941

>1 minute reply

lmao. he mad. he really needs this.

Anonymous No. 163942

So during this month's regional tour, was Hoshoryu announced as sekiwake or ozeki?

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Anonymous No. 163943

>less than 1 minute
No (you)s for such a sad display of seething.

Hoshoryu was listed as Sekiwake when I look at the July Basho

Anonymous No. 163944

You heard it folks, Hoshoryu has not been promoted and is still sekiwake, glad this masterful authority on sumo can set us all straight. He definitely was not officially promoted in the month of July after the tournament with a ceremonial press conference, and absolutely was still announced as a sekiwake and definitely not ozeki during the regional tour this month. All hail current sekiwake Hoshoryu.

Anonymous No. 163946

That’s very impressive anon
Would you be willing to post a video of your shiko

Anonymous No. 163947

Nigga, u goin full tard

Anonymous No. 163948

>a recruit said something to hurt my feelings better give him brain damage

Anonymous No. 163949

Daieisho dropped the ball so hard

Anonymous No. 163952

He was fighting on a broken rib for several days, so I won't criticize him for not making it.

Anonymous No. 163955

>Oho dropping only 1 rank for a 6-9.
I guess they revere the memory of his grandfather more than they hate his father.

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Anonymous No. 163971

Good for you, anon, keep at it. Always nice to see / read about people improving their lives.

Anonymous No. 163973

Daieisho? I thought it was Kirishima with the broken rib, not Daieisho.

Anonymous No. 163974

>Shonannoumi at m5
Funny when you see career makushitters just all the sudden wake the fuck up for a few basho. Good for him I suppose.

Anonymous No. 163975

I like gonoyama he reminds me of takayasu in style and hairiness

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Anonymous No. 163976

Both of them.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 163979

>got a broken rib at the very end of the basho
>only had 3 more wins that Kirishima who broke his ribs before the basho even began and sat out 3 days
still looks like Daieisho dropping the ball to me

Anonymous No. 163982

>got a broken rib at the very end of the basho
>only had 3 more wins that Kirishima who broke his ribs before the basho even began and sat out 3 days
still looks like Daieisho dropping the ball to me

Anonymous No. 163986

once you hit your stride you're golden. wakamotoharu too up there after being a makushitter for his entire career

Anonymous No. 163995

>Banzuke is out. Better check /xs/
Motherfuckers arguing over shin splints

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Anonymous No. 163996

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Anonymous No. 164003

I have a question
I was watching some incidents of people from the audience jumping during wrestling shows like streakers do sometimes in soccer or football or fucking whatever, just incidents of idiots interrupting

Now, I would say with 99% certainty that such thing is fucking unthinkable in sumo, but does anyone know of any incident of someone from the audience being a fucking retard and jumping on the dohyo? If it was an undignified country I could imagine some femen bitches trying to make a "demonstration", but of course not in japan

Anonymous No. 164004

The only incident off the top of my head was a woman getting onto the dohyo either out of protest or because she was mentally ill (or both), but it wasn't really newsworthy enough for me to actually find even a mention of it compared to actual newsworthy events like that one mayor having a stroke.

Anonymous No. 164005

Yeah, the only thing I could recall was the time those two EMTs were like "Fuck you, I don't care if the dohyo's 'sacred', this is just a gymnasium and he's having a heart attack."

Anonymous No. 164006

Is this just Chris schizo-posting or is it real:
When he was doing a run-down of the Aki banzuke, he put a note by Hakuoho saying he needs shoulder surgery and might not compete.

Big, if true.

Anonymous No. 164007

Like half the banzuke at any given time needs surgery of some kind, hakkeyoi.

Anonymous No. 164008

Hakuho said that at an event the other day.

Anonymous No. 164010

yeah, but that's completely different, those weren't interrupting the match perse

>a mentally ill woman
makes sense, thanks

Anonymous No. 164015

not really relevant but I had a dream about women boxing in the dohyo for some reason a few nights ago.

Anonymous No. 164116

Here's the video.

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Anonymous No. 164153

>Sumo starts in 2 weeks
Reason to live once more

Anonymous No. 164160

I remembered the other major instance of a spectator on the dohyou. Wakahaguro vs Wakanohana, November 1959.

Anonymous No. 164178

Kotonowaka seemed to be enjoying himself this tour being he had to lead practices. I hope this gives him the motivation to breakthrough this limits anime style.

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Anonymous No. 164239

Kotozakura soon

Anonymous No. 164246

I love sumo so much bros

Anonymous No. 164248

I love it so much I've already converted two people.

Anonymous No. 164250

Coach sadogatake with a fresh cut as always

Anonymous No. 164255

I love /sumo/ so much bros
Unless they're arguing about shin microfractures.

Anonymous No. 164258

I wish I could convert my friends

Anonymous No. 164262

>claims to love something
>pimps it out to other people

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Anonymous No. 164279

How hard is the yusho curse going to hit nephew? My solution to fix the bad luck sumo has had is to give all rikishi salt to throw.

Anonymous No. 164280

Most of the "yusho curse" has been maegashira who got an easy yusho and then slapped back down after. Most of the rest has been sanyaku getting injured from the strain of high performance victories. Besides a freak injury, Hoshoryu doesn't look like either is happening.

Anonymous No. 164281

Hoshoryu Yokozuna when?

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SUMO Kyushu Basho....webm

Anonymous No. 164290

just two more bashos

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Anonymous No. 164292

A little over two years, I'd say. He's not going to jump another level in the blink of an eye. I could easily see his ozeki tenure resembling that of Kakuryuu.

Anonymous No. 164294

Man, Hoshoryu looked so much better in red. Also what kimarite is this?

Anonymous No. 164295


Anonymous No. 164297

Kawazu gake. Same move exists in judo as well, but the move is banned there. Unlike the judo version, Hoshoryu lets go of his back belt grip so that his arm doesn't touch down first.

Anonymous No. 164300

>less than four weeks now
I'm waiting patiently for the NHK Preview. Watching that puts my brain into sumo mode.

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this one? its me.jpg

Anonymous No. 164315

>oh this?
>its my first official banzuke listing as ozeki
>looking foward to november

Anonymous No. 164346

>Hakuoho shoulder completely fucked
Its already over

Anonymous No. 164347

say it ain't so

Anonymous No. 164354

What are some of the best/worst stables to train at? Both in terms of development as a wrestler and quality of life

My current impressions(based on random things I’ve seen and read):

Arashio is a nice place to train because the oyakata is chill
Tokiwayama is a difficult place because Takakeisho seems strangely vindictive about things and they also produced Takagenji
Shikihide is basically a babysitting ring because no one is good at sumo
Miyagino is tough because there’s a ton of wrestlers and Hak is a hardass

Anonymous No. 164355

Shikihide is primarily meant to provide stability and regimentation for disabled kids; they aren't trying to develop sekitori.

Anonymous No. 164362

Are you serious, or are the kids there just disabled the way Hokuseiho is

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Anonymous No. 164375

Today I will remind them.

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SUMO Kyushu Basho....webm

Anonymous No. 164377

h.. he's slow!

Anonymous No. 164398

He just falls over what the fuck

Anonymous No. 164399

There's been multiple instances where the judges had to convene and ask him what the fuck he was doing and force him to do the match for real.

Anonymous No. 164401

>Shikihide-oyakata was in poor health for much of 2020, and his wife in her role as okamisan took an increasing role in running the stable, even overseeing training. Half the stable's wrestlers ran away in early August 2020, complaining about her strict behavior and invasions of their privacy.
That's kinda hot...

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Anonymous No. 164414

>Are you serious
Shikihide famously explains his heya as a friendly, low-pressure environment for the kids in which they won't be asked to overdo anything. The stable's motto under this Shikihide is "Cheerful, fun, and lively". All of this, naturally, has attracted a fair number of disabled kids who need structure. It's rarely directly acknowledged, but someone will mention it every now and then.

Also, a lot of the rikishi have very unusual shikona, which ties in as well. "Urutora", inspired by Ultraman. "Haou" inspired by One Piece's 'Haoushoku no Haki'. "Baraki" inspired by Joseph Valachi from the movie The Valachi Papers, 'Valachi' being construed in Japanese phonetics as 'Baraki'. When you have that whole picture, it seems pretty clear what's going on.

Anonymous No. 164418

Based and relaxation pilled

Anonymous No. 164419

Honestly a pretty clever way to make use of government sports funding, although I'm sure the top brass are well aware of this little inefficiency. That's wholesome

Anonymous No. 164424

Fuck, man.
I don't want Hakuoho to DIE. Its so sad to see young and promising rikishi succumbing to injuries. Big Hak needs to feed them all the roids and stem cells.

Anonymous No. 164428

I don’t mind it the hakuoho meat riding was crazy there was no sumo discussion anywhere just HAKUHO 2

Anonymous No. 164431

>just HAKUHO 2
It's not exactly unfounded or unjustified excitement, though, when that is what Hakuho himself first said.

Anonymous No. 164439

>what the fuck
No heart. He had absolutely zero desire to achieve victory in the dohyo.

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Anonymous No. 164443

>He had absolutely zero desire to achieve victory in the dohyo.
Shikihide oyakata, September 2015: "He's thin but is motivated."

Anonymous No. 164445

For a while now I've slapped my belly like the wrestlers do after throwing salt every now and then. Feels good

Anonymous No. 164452

same here

Anonymous No. 164462

my next script idea: western sumo fan attempts to join the sport, but can only get a foreigner spot in the retard heya. by raising their spirits and unleashing their retard strength, they rise through the banzuke together, forming a rivalry with the well-funded, cruel and antagonistic wrestlers of miyagino stable.

karate kid meets idiocracy meets generic sports movie

Anonymous No. 164463

Asanoyama's got a foot/toe injury.
Welp, looks like the return to ozeki will be taking a little longer.

Anonymous No. 164464

These set backs won’t stop sumo unless we give all rikishi salt for their bouts the spirits told me so.

T.Ainu shaman

Anonymous No. 164468


Anonymous No. 164472

>popular rikishi bad

Anonymous No. 164479

>popular is bad
It is when no one thinks for themselves, people only like hakuoho and hoshitryu because y’all are abunch of natto/hakuho dick riding drones.

Fuck I hope hakuoho tore his rotator cuff looks about like it judging the way the tape is set.

Anonymous No. 164483

tfw favorite rikishi is eternal maegashitter Kotoeko

Anonymous No. 164484

based kotoebro

Anonymous No. 164488

People like Hakuoho because he's accomplishing things they've never seen before. He didn't pick his shikona.

Reflexively hating the popular thing is ALSO an example of not thinking for yourself.

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Anonymous No. 164493

Current heights and weights

Oho and Kotonowaka have dropped a bunch of weight.

Anonymous No. 164497

I like hoshoryu because he's not carried by size like sleepynojo and he's got enough judo skill to make bouts actually interesting day-in and day-out, and while boring I liked that hakuoho getting his tires pumped so much makes him easy to cheer against
Some times people actually like things or people because they enjoy watching them, funnily enough

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Anonymous No. 164498

>Many of the traditions of Japanese sumo were created for completely practical reasons, only later to be highjacked by myth and legend. The salt throwing, for example, was begun during the time of Shogun Hitachi in what would then have been called the Toyota stable. Tired of weeds that would constantly crop up in the outdoor dohyo, a rikishi named Wakatakatakamidoriyama decided to start throwing salt on it to make the soil difficult for weeds to grow. This approach not only worked to deter the weeds, but the rikishi also discovered that it detered bacteria, as their wounds wouldn't get infected at the same rate they would when training on the unsalted indoor dohyo. After this realization, the practice was employed indoors as well as out, and spread throughout their ichimon. As the rain would decrease the salt on the outdoor dohyo, the wrestlers began the practice of tossing salt on the dohyo before each match. This practice eventually spread and became commonplace in Japanese sumo, and the origin was changed to reflect a more spiritual origin than the practical origin it actually was at the time.
>t. Honda Kawasaki from his book Hakiyoi!!! THIS is Sumo. 1987

Anonymous No. 164500


Anonymous No. 164502

>volume 69 published by Long Duk Dong publishing house
Must be Chinese.

Anonymous No. 164517

what the fuck

Anonymous No. 164525

>shin-sekiwake Wakatakatakamidoriyama wins by okuritsuriotoshi

Anonymous No. 164535

> japanese don't actually have culture...
> unless it came from china
> hehehehe
> u can trust me

Anonymous No. 164549

I dont have a tripod or a friend to take one
also no freebies, this is a gay4pay house and you gotta put money down first

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google engrish tr....png

🗑️ Anonymous No. 164577

>completely misses the obvious silly dick joke
>instead seethes and turns it into some kind of bullshit identity politics trash
Fuck off back to >>>reddit, you indoctrinated piece of shit blue haired faggot.

Anonymous No. 164586

>It is when no one thinks for themselves
I think for myself. His bouts were mad entertaining, since his makusita run.

Anonymous No. 164587

schizo pls

Anonymous No. 164588

Dear God..

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 164607

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Anonymous No. 164622

Whats he up to?

Anonymous No. 164625

Working at a yakiniku restaurant and losing weight while he trains to be a pro wrestler. AJPW is interested.

Anonymous No. 164627

Hakuoho isn’t that good most people are losing to the hype/circumstance he’ll top out at maybe sekiwake. First time he met good competition he got dumped on his shoulder. Imagine losing to takarafuji and ryuden.

Too small and not good enough get hakuho’s meat out your mouth

Anonymous No. 164632

I slap my belt before a big powerlifting session. Also I do shiko as part of my warmup. 20 squats. 20 pressups. 20 shiko. Yup, it's max effort squat day

Anonymous No. 164636

Is this true?

Anonymous No. 164694

>Hakuoho isn’t that good most people are losing to the hype/circumstance he’ll top out at maybe sekiwake
lmao, imagine thinking you know sumo better than Hakuho because you've watched it on television for a year or two

Anonymous No. 164696

I'd like to hope that the GOAT is an exception, but being a great rikishi doesn't always translate into being a great oyakata. Hakuho has been deeply involved in scouting young talent for years now, but it still remains to be seen if he can raise a san'yaku wrestler, let alone a yokozuna.

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Anonymous No. 164711

Hot take kotonowaka is the second best rikishi after nephew ,Wakamotoharu might be better but I’m a kotosexual.
>kirishima hurt
>daieisho hurt
>keisho hurt

Anonymous No. 164712

I feel that he doesn't need to be a great oyakata to have a better eye for how far a wrestler could go, though. When he appraises Ochiai and says he could be the next Hakuho, I think it's reasonable to give that claim more credence than any one of us shooting his mouth with an opinion.

Anonymous No. 164714

>>kirishima hurt
It was a short tenure as Ozeki

Anonymous No. 164715

He can shit out 8 he’s fine

Anonymous No. 164716

Was his taste in /h/ good at least?

Anonymous No. 164720

>kirishima hurt
according to fucking who

Anonymous No. 164721

According to the previous basho

Anonymous No. 164722

He's had two months to recover from one fractured rib.

Anonymous No. 164730

Kotosexual please explain to me why you like him to the best of your ability

I’ll explain why I feel nothing for him, even though I can respect his skill as a rikishi
>he’s a huge guy, so he’s got a size advantage over almost everyone
>his sumo is extremely basic, not in the sense that his grasp of sumo is bad, but that he sticks to the fundamentals
>hasn’t put up great performances until very recently
None of these things are bad, they’re just not standing out.

Anonymous No. 164733
Hakkaku kanreki dohyo-iri

Anonymous No. 164737

sorry I only watch (Exclusive footage)

Anonymous No. 164739

Oh boy, I sure am glad I could get an exclusive ass shot from the great Chris Sumo.

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Anonymous No. 164744

Looking all green for Kirishima, in fact.

Anonymous No. 164775

I have to wonder now, what's the longest shikona the NSK would allow?

Anonymous No. 164777

>nishikigi injured
lol... :(

Anonymous No. 164779

Is there anyone on the banzuke who isn't injured yet? 9-6 yusho incoming.

Anonymous No. 164781

From a quick search using sumodb's database, 5 kanji or 7 mora seems to be the limit for anyone worth a shit. Guys in the lower divisions might have longer names but they'd be expected to take a shorter name if they get close to making sekitori.

Anonymous No. 164782

according to sumodb the longest shikona ever in romaji are
>Mitsushimanishiki (満島錦) 17 letters
>Yatsushironishiki (八代錦) 17 letters
>Asahichikarayama (旭力山) 16 letters and 8 morae
the last one is very probably an incorrect reading and should be Kyokurikizan
next a bunch are tied at 15 letters including Kotokashiwadani (琴柏谷), currently known as Kotoekō, and Takachihonomine (高千穂ノ峰) which is spelled with 5 kanji

Anonymous No. 164785

btw there was a huge missed opportunity when Chiyotairyū joined Kokonoe instead of Sadogatake since then his initial shikona would have been Kotomeigetsuin 琴明月院 for 8 morae
time to reach out to the Saemonsaburō family...

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Anonymous No. 164904

The collection grows

Anonymous No. 164925

>he’s a huge guy, so he’s got a size advantage over almost everyone
anyone who mentions this is a musclemanlet roidcel fan

Anonymous No. 164936

>someone points out an objective physical attribute about quatros tetas
>kotonowaka fan gets mad
Why are you guys like this? Why do you dislike this being pointed out?

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Anonymous No. 164938

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Anonymous No. 164940

I am not a kotofan. He isn't a smart enough rikishi for me.

Anonymous No. 164997

Based genius enjoyer

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Anonymous No. 165003

Anonymous No. 165005


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Anonymous No. 165014

I’ll give you a breakdown of what I like in kotonowaka, stay with me I’m kinda a retard my grammar isn’t that good.

Besides from being my first boy I’ve only been watching since 2019 but I’ve loved combat sports all my life so I thought he was pretty talented and not a giant lumbering retard. I think a basho that should’ve made people look at him was performance in the July 2021 basho where he put up 12-3 at a low rank. He used 8 different techniques to win that basho. Let’s remember 12-3 is usually a yusho equivalent these days, koto is commonly a victim of circumstance he would’ve turned heads if it weren’t for 14-0 terunofuji and 14-0 hakuho that basho. Kotonowaka would be injured the next two bashos but he bounced back big with consecutive Fighting spirit 11-4 performances the second at m6 defeating 4 of his six opponents ranked m5 or higher but got snubbed for a sanyaku birth because of the log jam. Those 11-4s are all jys in my eyes since 12-3 is the average now and days don’t argue it’s not. He has quick feet sometimes barley winning by dancing on the edge, a good yorikiri game which is meta , he’s getting better a pushing thrusting, and lastly he’s knows his way around an unwantenage since it was his pops favorite move. I wish he would go back to 8 different moves a tournament because I know he’s technically sound enough to do it. Only problem is he’s a heartlet like all japs.

Then there’s the sovl hes the son of a sekiwake and the grandson of the oldest Yokozuna the bull of the dahyo kotozakura. I want to see the father sun duo keep their promise to make Yokozuna for gramps because gramps predicted kotonowaka and kotoshoho would be Yokozuna. He also said yago but let’s not talk about yago.

Here’s a vid of zakura slamming the shit out of kitanofuji

Anonymous No. 165022

>>165014 that is understandable thanks for the explanation kotosexual

Anonymous No. 165024

Now you need to start doing the hand+bow chasshhh thing when you walk in front of people at the movie theater and you'll be a true sumo autist

Anonymous No. 165025

>when you walk in front of people at the movie theater
I don't watch movies, only sumo

Anonymous No. 165035

>Let’s remember 12-3 is usually a yusho equivalent these days
>Those 11-4s are all jys in my eyes since 12-3 is the average now and days don’t argue it’s not
It's not yusho equivalent kotosexual. Going 12-3 or 11-4 against maegashitters isn't the same as going against sanyaku.

Koto deserved his prospect status and is starting to put it together against the top, but acting like "he's akshually been Kotozakura level for years but the NSK man is keeping him down!" is retarded and is just your nuthugging showing.

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Anonymous No. 165077

I think the real question is why are they putting hoshoryu over? Banzuke should’ve been
Y Teru
O Mitakeumi takakeisho shodai
S Wakatakakage Abi
K Takanosho BRAVURA
That’s nuts robbing Ura of his sanyaku debut this also would begin wtks failed ozeki attempts and hoshoryu would put up 4 consecutive single digits in the named ranks.

You can’t deny the sanyaku hold up

Anonymous No. 165079

>Hoshoryu would put up 4 consecutive single digits in the named ranks.
What you conveniently left out was that all of those bashos were all kachi-koshi. Komosubi is famously a meat grinder where you go against all the upper ranks in the first week. Hoshoryu being able to put up consecutive winning records at K is commendable as often guys will get demoted after their shin-komosubi basho. High maegashira has similar matchmaking to komosubi and Ura hasn't been able to put up consistent winning numbers from there.

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Anonymous No. 165083

>guys will get demoted after their shin-komosubi basho
I was curious about the ratio here, so I did the math.

Since 1921, 161 rikishi have been demoted after a komusubi rank debut, and 94 have not been demoted. That's 63% of rikishi dropping back to maegashira after one basho.

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Tsunenohana kanre....jpg

Anonymous No. 165086

I didn't want to do this project, but my sumo autism compelled me: I noticed that some kanreki dohyouiri have audiences on the ground floor around the dohyou and others don't. I went through photos of them all, and I submit here that there has been a slow-growing trend of recognizing the kanreki dohyou-iri with ever-increasing sanctity which it never originally held.

Tachiyama: not at the Kokugikan, but audience is on ground floor.
Tochigiyama: audience is on ground floor.
Tsunenohana: audience is on ground floor.
Tochinishiki: no audience on ground floor.
Wakanohana: no audience on ground floor(?)
Taihou: no audience on ground floor.
Kitanofuji: not at the Kokugikan, but audience is on ground floor.
Mienoumi: not at the Kokugikan, but audience is on ground floor.
Kitanoumi: no audience on ground floor.
Chiyonofuji: no audience on ground floor.
Asahifuji: no audience on ground floor.
Hokutoumi: no audience on ground floor.

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Anonymous No. 165087

Wakanohana got a question mark because this image, at this resolution, is the one photograph I can find of the event itself.

Anonymous No. 165104

OUCH that’s tuff for hakuoho but shoulder injuries are no joke I hurt my in no gi and took awhile to heal. He’s young this is best now I wish kotoshoho would get surgery before it gets real bad.

Anonymous No. 165115

He's young and talented. He'll heal quickly and bounce back soon enough.

Anonymous No. 165269

Hey fellow sumo boys

I took the manager position for the board divegrass team, and i'm looking to promote change a few players, depending on the board. Since this is one of the arguably biggest thread, i wanted suggestion for a new player to represent sumo on the team. currently we got hakuho as a goalkeeper and i'm not moving him since he's the goat, but i want more.

Thanks. Also, we are in the babies in a month or so, will post update as we go.

Anonymous No. 165271

Consider using Takakeisho as the ball

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Anonymous No. 165274

Ishidzuchi the manlet smasher
Kataokame the silly

Anonymous No. 165280

who is more ball like between takakeisho and chiyomaru?

Anonymous No. 165295

use the tier list names and I'd go with Siete Vitorias Shodai
or just make a poll my guy

Anonymous No. 165312

TRUST THE PLAN as a player

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Anonymous No. 165342


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Anonymous No. 165382

tfw no sumo tomboy mommy to share chankonabe with

Anonymous No. 165389

takakeisho by far. chiyomaru is too tall

Anonymous No. 165441

Why isn’t kawazoe pulling out? Is his foot/ankle not completely fucked

Anonymous No. 165444

I already hated that slavic caveman
She's probably lap pillowing him to sleep every night

Anonymous No. 165455

Hak personally rubbed it up real good for him

Anonymous No. 165472

tfw some stupid fawning beta virgin posts stupid shit like this freely on the internet in a sumo thread. Kys already.

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Midori vs Hoku.webm

Anonymous No. 165474


Anonymous No. 165483


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hot mamas in your....jpg

Anonymous No. 165489

I have grown quite fond of Shishi. "Lovable retard" is my favourite brand of rikishi

Anonymous No. 165490

I did find myself wondering if he's all there mentally when he noticeably struggled to wink not once, but twice. He seems to be a nice enough lad and he's certainly a grinder, but I get the impression that he might burst into tears on the dohyo if someone injured him.

Anonymous No. 165492

He gives me more 'mortally terrified of making some kind of cultural faux pas' energy.

Anonymous No. 165493

Apparently not being able to wink is just a thing in some parts of the world. I can kind of understand it, I'm not able to raise only one eyebrow myself, probably not that different from that.

Anonymous No. 165525


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mainland menace.png

Anonymous No. 165545

>You ready for me to win the yuusho again stupid Japakneels?

Anonymous No. 165550


Anonymous No. 165553

I enjoyed seeing him smack the shit out of his opponents to try and off balance them, which is a way more aggressive approach than he's been using.

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Hockey oi.png

Anonymous No. 165596


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Anonymous No. 165636

Chris Gould intai announcement. Good luck to him in his new life post-sumo.

Anonymous No. 165638

>With no access to active wrestlers versus Sumo Prime Time's unlimited access!
The virgin Chris vs the chad Hiro

Anonymous No. 165640

Another idiot who tried to turn a hobby into a job.

Anonymous No. 165650

>no access
Thats new. Did someone do an oopsie off-camera?

Anonymous No. 165659

He definitely hasn't done himself any favours (and should be thankful his channel is small enough that they don't go after him for illegally recording tournament bouts) but in general the JSA only allows as much access as people are willing to pay for.

Anonymous No. 165671

other than the time he proposed his business plan of making english content for them and got brushed off, what else has he done?

Anonymous No. 165674

He had access to Chiyotairyuu just the other month. Maybe 'active' is the operative word - but even then, I know he used to mention talking to wrestlers at kouenkai events. Does he not have membership anymore?

>illegally recording tournament bouts
You're allowed to record.

Anonymous No. 165688

Matches for Days 1 and 2 are announced.
No Terunofuji.
Nishikigi is still there so he'll try to fight.

Anonymous No. 165691

I think he got a little overwhelmed at the sheer amount of money you have to pay to actually get to talk to a wrestler, nevermind hang out with them.

His English sumo journalist schtick was completely undermined by Hiro and Sumo Plime Time. Everyone in the JSA knows Hiro and knows he's actually a journalist. So, while a lot of wrestlers are still a little puzzled that non-Japanese fans of sumo exist, they're willing to sit down with Hiro because the JSA obviously thinks it's important enough to where they'd have Hiro create a YT channel.

Chris, on the other hand, is just some guy. The wrestlers are probably unaware that he's trying amateur journalism. All they see is another guy who's trying to get access to wrestlers using the journalism angle instead of ranking up in a supporters' club like everyone else. I'm sure that's a pretty common ploy.

Anonymous No. 165707

Grand Sumo Preview is up.

Anonymous No. 165713

I think Chris and Hironoumi should have a proper sumo match to see who should have the right to produce English-language sumo content. Furthermore, I think this has been on the cards for a long time, which is why Hiro always pretends to be incredibly unfit whenever he does sumo exercises.

Anonymous No. 165720

>You're allowed to record
Are you allowed to monetize those recordings?

Anonymous No. 165729
How long has natto had a website? This is news to me. What does he do there?

Anonymous No. 165730

Gurando sumou!

Anonymous No. 165733

He isn't charging for access to his footage.

Anonymous No. 165734

Oh, I assumed he had ads on his videos or something.

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Gou lifting a tire.webm

Anonymous No. 165741

From the September Sumo Preview.

Anonymous No. 165746

Another victim of rampant racism in Japan.

Anonymous No. 165756

Good. Can you quit posting your shit in our threads now, please.

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Anonymous No. 165798

I think sumo is waiting for a big personality to heard the English fans but it’s just not gonna be Chris. He has good content but his commentary fucking sucks.

Anonymous No. 165809

Random question but what does Hatooka's shikona mean?

Anonymous No. 165812

Pigeon hill

Anonymous No. 165815

He's still fighting under his real name btw.

Anonymous No. 165817


Anonymous No. 165821

Thank you very much, anon

Anonymous No. 165852

You couldn't make this kind of movie today

Anonymous No. 165899

It's literally dodgeball and that slew of retard sort movie from the early 2000's

Anonymous No. 165957

It’s time brothers bake the bread

Anonymous No. 165967


Anonymous No. 166089

Fuck, the /sp/ thread died

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S No. 166106

as usual anons, trust the plan. we cannot compete with football though

Anonymous No. 166109

be it divegrass or gorillaconcuss, /sumo/ loses every time
Regardless, Nishiki "literally /ourguy/" gi is on a blistering two-bout win streak against Takakeisho and he's set to make it three tonight, plus Hokutofuji gets an early rematch against nephew. Should be kino no matter where the thread is

Anonymous No. 166118


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Sumo Announcer Hi....webm

Anonymous No. 166131

Hiro would eat Chris alive. Dude is in fantastic shape while Chris is less fit than Hakkaku now.

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Anonymous No. 166149

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Kotonowaka vs Asa....webm

Anonymous No. 166167

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Anonymous No. 166192

Anonymous No. 166196

I don't know why but Akua always falling head first off the dohyo is peak entertainment

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OHO vs RYUDEN Sum....webm

Anonymous No. 166530

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Yokozuna Hakuho&#....webm

Anonymous No. 166535

Anonymous No. 166600

kinda sad, I liked his schizo head canon
I think he should embrace the voice in his head and start making up WWE tier story arcs with real wrestlers and just shitpost

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Kirishima vs Asan....webm

Anonymous No. 166737

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Onosho vs Kotoeko....webm

Anonymous No. 166860

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Asanoyama vs Hosh....webm

Anonymous No. 166864

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Daieisho vs Ura S....webm

Anonymous No. 166865

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Fight! Eating! A ....webm

Anonymous No. 167140

Anonymous No. 167189

Bro got camel Toe as a Man what the hell?

Anonymous No. 167190

Can someone in the known with pacience explain me this sumo jumbo pls? Pretty please?

Anonymous No. 167244

What part do you need explained?

Bear in mind that you, like most people, may not want to learn anything about kabu.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 167254

He's talking about what happens to a sumo wrestler after retirement.

In order to stay in sumo after retirement, you have to become a sumo elder. They have their own ranking structure and do everything from tournament security, running heyas (sumo training stables), being shinpan (ringside judges), and holding executive positions in the NSK (the governing body for sumo). All sumo elders hold an elder stock (also known as an elder name) which they inherited from the previous holder. Elder stocks are limited, so you have to meet certain benchmarks in order to qualify.

To establish a new heya:
>Reached yokozuna or ozeki
Achieved the highest or second highest ranks possible in sumo
>Spent 25 or more basho in sanyaku Competed in 25 tournaments at the sanyaku ranks. Sanyaku ranks refers the ranks of ozeki, sekiwake (third highest), and komosubi (fourth highest rank). In this case it refers more to sekiwake and komosubi.
>Spent 60 or more basho in makuuchi
Sumo is split into six divisions depending on rank. Makuuchi is the top division and includes the ranks of maegashira, the sanyaku ranks, and yokozuna. pic related. If you spend 60 basho in the top division, you qualify.

To become a regular oyakata (sumo elder/stablemaster) who can inherit a heya but not branch out and make a new one:
>Reached komusubi
>Spent 20 basho in makuuchi
>Spent 30 basho at juryo (the second highest division)
>If you spent 28 basho as a sekitori (someone ranked in juryo or makuuchi), you can qualify with an appeal from the current holder of the elder name you want to inherit and a guarantor.

If you are vouched for by the current holder as the intended inheritor, requirements are lowered:
>Spent 12 basho in makuuchi
>Spent 20 basho in juryo

Those are the minimum you need in order to qualify as a sumo elder (plus getting Japanese citizenship for foreigners). The actual process of obtaining an elder stock is a lot more convoluted and is best left for a separate post.

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Anonymous No. 167255

He's talking about what happens to a sumo wrestler after retirement.

In order to stay in sumo after retirement, you have to become a sumo elder. They have their own ranking structure and do everything from tournament security, running heyas (sumo training stables), being shinpan (ringside judges), and holding executive positions in the NSK (the governing body for sumo). All sumo elders hold an elder stock (also known as an elder name) which they inherited from the previous holder. Elder stocks are limited, so you have to meet certain benchmarks in order to qualify.

To establish a new heya:
>Reached yokozuna or ozeki
Achieved the highest or second highest ranks possible in sumo
>Spent 25 or more basho in sanyaku
Competed in 25 tournaments at the sanyaku ranks. Sanyaku ranks refers the ranks of ozeki, sekiwake (third highest), and komosubi (fourth highest rank). In this case it refers more to sekiwake and komosubi.
>Spent 60 or more basho in makuuchi
Sumo is split into six divisions depending on rank. Makuuchi is the top division and includes the ranks of maegashira, the sanyaku ranks, and yokozuna. pic related. If you spend 60 basho in the top division, you qualify.

To become a regular oyakata (sumo elder/stablemaster) who can inherit a heya but not branch out and make a new one:
>Reached komusubi
>Spent 20 basho in makuuchi
>Spent 30 basho at juryo (the second highest division)
>Special exception: if you spent 28 basho as a sekitori (someone ranked in juryo or makuuchi), you can qualify with an appeal from the current holder of the elder name you want to inherit and a guarantor.

If you are vouched for by the current holder as the intended inheritor, requirements are lowered:
>Spent 12 basho in makuuchi
>Spent 20 basho in juryo

Those are the minimum you need in order to qualify as a sumo elder (plus getting Japanese citizenship for foreigners). The actual process of obtaining an elder stock is a lot more convoluted and is best left for a separate post.

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Tobizaru vs Takak....webm

Anonymous No. 167286

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Chiyonofuji vs. H....webm

Anonymous No. 167370

Anonymous No. 167991

So are we waiting until the end of the basho before making a new thread?

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Asahakuryu vs Osh....webm

Anonymous No. 168025

Anonymous No. 168046

the threads in front of this had their last posts in August. itll make it till Sunday

Anonymous No. 168414


Anonymous No. 168416

Fuck takakeisho, actually disonorabru

Anonymous No. 168417

I knew he was going to henka at some point, I just didn't when.

Anonymous No. 168418

didn't know*

Anonymous No. 168426

page 10

new thread

Anonymous No. 168529

sanyaku includes ozeki and yokozuna