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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skate General

Anonymous No. 161398

Sheckler Edition

Previous thread:

Can any of the non underage b& posters remind me: why did people hate Ryan Sheckler? I know his tv show was a big pile of cringe and he didn't make that one stair gap when he said he did, but I don't recall a moment where anyone had a leg to stand on when it came to criticising his skating. And he never really seemed like a douche or anything like that, especially not next to other pros at the time.
SURELY this blows any criticism out of the water now:

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Anonymous No. 161402

Anonymous No. 161405

As someone who grew up watching his show and psyched on his skating, I understand the hate. He was the Bieber of skating, the show was a bunch of mushy teenage relationship drama bullshit mixed in with his family falling apart. It was easy to make fun of. It had skating which I liked but the rest bought in a proto-zoomie-esque crowd of Beatlemania level hype. 15 yr old girls crying hysterically to see Shecks and he played into it. As a 15 yr old kid that is cool to be caught up in but again, easy to hate. Then his skating for the time wasn't too acceptable too. He was a newgen of park skater. He dominated "street skating" comps much like the new gen is coming into SLS, or perhaps Nyjah (who gets similar hate). Meanwhile the rest of the guys were street skaters taking their skills to comps (for the most part). So to have the Dew tour hype media machine proclaim this kid who boosts of kickers is the best skater around rubbed people wrong too. A lot of circumstantial I guess and Sheckler got lots of unfair hate for things he couldn't control. Even as I grew older I got caught up in the cool guy bullshit and didn't hate, but just sort of stopped paying attention to him. It sucks that it effected him so badly. He was used and abused by the industry as a kid and in all that people forgot behind all that there was just a kid skating. I'm happy he is doing better now and also found Christ.

Two side stories, I remember quite well the first time I heard of Sheckler. I was 10 and was watching this ( issue of 411vm when the Sheckler ad came in, from that moment I basically wanted to be Sheckler. And on a tour in Australia Sheckler stayed with a friend of mine and smoked his home made dabs which he claimed were the best dabs he has ever smoked, so there's that.

Overall I think he will go down as a legend.

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Anonymous No. 161407

anyone been here?

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Anonymous No. 161423

dude he looked like this. just a little faggot kid who cried on tv and shit. his skating is good but it's not technical or creative or anything that 'real' skaters care about.

idk he's definitely not a bad person or anything but just a total normie

Anonymous No. 161446

I'm in california and I've never been to that fuckfuck part of it

Anonymous No. 161467

I kinda understand the "street skating" hate given he was a highly coached contest skater and not some skate rat who made himself homeless to be close to the scene. But he actually did put the work in and could keep pace with "actual" street skater, eating plenty of shit along the way. And maybe it's just personal preference but he seems to have always been a more diverse and gnar skater than Nyjah. Idk I just never got bored of watching him skate and always thought he was a sick bastard.

Anonymous No. 161482

Hes just corporate slush. Not even Haslam could save him.

Anonymous No. 161484

that gap/drop to street in round 3 was bretty gud

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Anonymous No. 161569

from your faggots personal experience, what truck brands feel the nicest turning wise? i have some cheapish pair of ventures on my board and they feel buttery smooth if a little shakey, tried loosening a pals board to be similar and whatever chinesium brand his dogturd hes been using for years has just doesnt feel right to either of us.

Anonymous No. 161576

Independent or Ace. Those are, and will probably always will be, the reference point for a good smooth turny truck. Like surfing.
Thunders are very sharp, some guys will tell you Thunders actually bite
Ventures have always been very stable in the middle. You can loosen and fidget with them of course, but by design they have never been the carviest of trucks

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Anonymous No. 161583

>nobody to spontaneously skate with
>nobody to look for an empty lot/gutter to build a diy with
>nobody to take turns capturing footy with
>nobody to drink and do ride on slappys at 11pm in the walgreens parking lot
i need these inadequacies solved more than a girlfriend

Anonymous No. 161585

>rolled my ankle landing primo while ollieing a 5 stair staircase cuz the board decided to do a varial for some reason

fuck this shit man

Anonymous No. 161588

the diy near me got shut down because some kid cracked his skull

fucking weak

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Anonymous No. 161591

our local diy closed because it was built by chihuahuas

Anonymous No. 161601

bones bushing on any trucks

Anonymous No. 161606

it's a showdown between indy/ace

>indys have a great turn but are sort of twitchy, for me it always feels like they are just a little too tight or a little too loose, hard to find the perfect middle grind, still great though
>have the best grind out of any truck, period

>ace (classics) have a fucking awesome turn, feels just right, not twitchy but not too tight
>the grind sucks, feels way stickier than indys

haven't tried ace AF1s yet but i think they are meant to have the ace turn with the indy grind, they are quite expensive though

Anonymous No. 161608


i just want a little tight crew to skate with like i had in high school but everyone lives in different cities now and all the people in my city don't want new people in their friend groups

Anonymous No. 161623

The popular kids of the 90’s are all busted up and don’t skate anymore but I’m still out there.

Anonymous No. 161629

I have two "crews".
One are a couple of beginner tier skaters in their 20s who don't really like skating as a wider thing. They don't watch videos, know the names of tricks and stances, don't really push themselves much. I can't see them skating at all come next summer.
The other gang are more mixed but are mostly dads and/or work weird hours so actually getting them all in one place is a miracle. They're much more fun to skate with because they're all better than me and great at giving tips and motivation. Also fun to film and edit them because they all have a couple of signature moves that look good in camera.

But desu, I do like a nice solitary skate a lot of the time. I find I'll focus and try new things when I'm alone, but in a crowd I'll stick to my comfort zone more often than not.

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Anonymous No. 161651

im 2 weeks into my fractured ankle and im wondering whats good advice for when I get back on my board?
are my ankles going to be perma weak now or will they be stronger cause they had to regrow, idk i've never broken a bone in my body before this

Anonymous No. 161653

Main tip is to not skimp out on rehab if you want them fully back to normal. I did on my left ankle and it spent a year+ being stiffer than it needed to be (still is a little bit). Do even more than the doctor prescribes. Then when you're back to full strength and mobility, imo it's a good idea to actually strengthen it further from there.

Anonymous No. 161657

>One are a couple of beginner tier skaters in their 20s who don't really like skating as a wider thing. They don't watch videos, know the names of tricks and stances, don't really push themselves much. I can't see them skating at all come next summer.
describing half the people in these threads. drop the nerds stick with the boomers. im 30 skate with mostly dudes who are 40 and its way more fun to skate with people who actually give/given a shit. plus like you said all the advice is actually good

Anonymous No. 161663

>describing half the people in these threads
Only the "how do I ollie" crowd. Most people here are opinionated enough to have watched a couple things.

And yeah, I've been sticking with the boomers more and more. Mostly because they frequent one of my locals. I don't mind skating with the nerds but it's definitely half-skating half-socialising with them. Problem is that a couple of people in the group essentially drifted away from skating altogether and now the guys who do skate have their attention split. I did outright tell them at one point that skating is the priority for me, no question. Need to try and win them over and get them on some proper sessions again.

Anonymous No. 161729

>it's Dan Corrigan's birthday evidently because he's live and youtube is recommending me his stream
>hop in to wish him a happy birthday real quick and get out
>subscriber only mode

I'm not subscribing to you bitch.

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Anonymous No. 161769

waiting for the huf video

fucker No. 161772

Anonymous No. 161773

Speaking of full lengths, the Lakai video was bretty gud

Anonymous No. 161812

Josh Paul skates properly

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Anonymous No. 161853

This little curb is a lot of fun

Anonymous No. 161856

Fat dadbro did I not give you a step by step tutorial on how to make webms? What the fuck is this 854 kb 350x350 shit?

Anonymous No. 161859

Our autist Jeff DeCheesy is allegedly coming out with a street part in a few days.

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Anonymous No. 161871

modern skatepark design fucking sucks

Anonymous No. 161872

builld your own shit then faggot

Anonymous No. 161873

I probably missed it. Is 350 too big?I post these while I'm taking a shit from my phone so I never can tell how they translate

Anonymous No. 161874

No it should be 720 and 4mb.

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Anonymous No. 161881

How do people get so many skateboarding-related shirts? Do they buy them?

Anonymous No. 161882

i have in the past when buying equipment online to qualify for free shipping

Anonymous No. 161883

oh, and i usually do so when there are sales so that i don't pay full price

Anonymous No. 161888

I like to get shop and small brand shirts the same way I like to get band shirts at live gigs.

Anonymous No. 161892

>pic includes a large pump track for sweet bmx jumps

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Anonymous No. 161893

Been wondering about this, but according to Red Bull there are 85 million skaters in the world. Which is about 1% of the global population.

But I highly doubt that figure, even if it does include basically any toddler ever who got a skateboard for Christmas they stood on once. Even so, of that 1% I wonder how many can actually ollie or drop in. And of those people, how many are actually good at either? Then you think of more technical or gnarly tricks and you're probably down to a few hundred to a couple thousand of people who have ever lived that have actually done them, and every single one has nuances and difference to their execution. Then there's shit that a very small handful of people have every done, like the Loop of Death which has, what, 20 people who've done it.

Thinking about the numbers leaves me in awe sometimes. How often do I go to the park and see shit that relatively no one else will ever see again?

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Anonymous No. 161908

theres no real bmx jumps at these race tracks or asphalt pump tracks :(

Anonymous No. 161909

>builld your own shit then faggot
i do, and its like tripple the work lining everything up perfectly so its also skateable, faggot

Anonymous No. 161923

Sarah from WKND is my new waifu. You guys can have your old hag Nora.

Anonymous No. 161927

If I was a female I could have been pro at 8-years-old. Why has the male skateboarding bar been set so high, way higher than even 10 years ago... yet the female bad has barely increased outside of like 2 brazilians?

Anonymous No. 161928

if you were an 8 year old female, you probably wouldnt want to skateboard

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Anonymous No. 161967

>the female bad has barely increased outside of like 2 brazilians?
>is so small she can barely make it to the top of the ramp
>does two flawless 540s in a row
>is 10

Girls seem to have really taken to transition skating more than street skating for some reason. I'm not sure if it's down to injuries being less frequent or because the size difference in obstacles in more navigable on transition, but it's really noticeable.

Anonymous No. 161970


She has STDs confirmed.

Anonymous No. 161971

Vert skating is irrelevant.

Anonymous No. 161972

>nora is on the new thrasher cover

Anonymous No. 161979

It's my dream to skate an yellow park one of these days

Anonymous No. 161981

>an yellow

Change your dream to graduating high school first.

Anonymous No. 161994


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Anonymous No. 161997

I've been skating for years but I cant do an ollie or drop in normally on a skateboard. I've been riding on a longboard for so long that I developed a style of park/poolskating for it. Ollies were pretty much impossible but, given the weight of the thing, it thew itself up wherever it needed to go. I could do 10' drop-ins if I approached from the side. Regulars were genuinely impressed and I had a lot of fun with it.

So when my board of 10+ years snapped and the manufacturers had stopped making it, I just bought a normal popsicle board from a local shop and busted my ass learning how to drop in, and I looked like a fucking retard trying to ollie. I figured that my back leg is so weight-biased from the longboard that I have to train it to let off when I drop in from a stand-still.

So I went from years of experience to looking like I've never stood on a board. It's been rough and I'm pretty sure I go out there looking like a complete (way too old) newbie, but it isn't exactly a popularity contest either.

Anonymous No. 161998

Noob here, would I see a big difference between a 97a and 99a+ wheel? I'm riding the latter now on my first board trying to learn shuvits and thinking the wheel is gripping too much, but I'm not sure how much of it is just lack of practice/technique. I ride goofy and for some reason doing them nollie is easier.

Anonymous No. 161999

fuck meant riding the 97a right now

Anonymous No. 162002

If you gave me two identical boards, one with 97a, the other with 99a, I would not be able to tell them apart by doing shuvits.

Anonymous No. 162004

>my first board trying to learn shuvits and thinking the wheel is gripping too much,
That's not how it works wtf.
Actually you know what. That is how it works. It's for sure the wheels' fault and not yours. Go and buy those new wheels right now. It's people like this that keep companies in business.

Anonymous No. 162006

97a vs 99a will have no effect on your shuvits your way overthinking this you cant gearfag your way into learning basic shit.

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Anonymous No. 162062

I'm 32 and finally quit skating, man I feel like I can finally grow up now, i was just over it one day, skating is so gay but I'm addicted to the culture of it

Anonymous No. 162066

you didnt form close friendships with other skaters?

im getting older and not progressing but just kinda keeping up with what same old tricks i have and i guess that is making it boring. i only get excited when i hit the road and skate new parks. and even then i cant try a lot of the stuff i want to try with the different obstacles becuase i cant take the risks i could take when i was younger. and i cant skate all day either, i can only have a brief sessions where i spend an hour warming up, and if i dont get hurt during the warm up, i can only skate for like another hour before i start pulling muscles and what not.

fuck. i wish there were older skaters nagging me to be healthy when i was younger.

Anonymous No. 162067

I made friends but as you get older they fade away, I don't use social media either. I felt similar towards the end, it felt like I just skated because it was routine, either way there is life after skating and don't be afraid of it

Anonymous No. 162069

no offense i think the culture is the worst part of skating

Anonymous No. 162070

I mean the whole vibe, the art, videos etc, skate culture

I agree most skaters are fags tho

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Anonymous No. 162079

Are Element decks any good? My current deck is over a year old and I'm thinking about replacing it with this one.

Anonymous No. 162084

Me and my best mate send skate clips to each other all the time but we live on different sides of the world

Also have a group chat with my OG skate crew back home in australia but i don't get to skate with them often these days

Got a few people i regularly skate with in my current city but it's all sort flakey and no one is just down to skate random shit and fuck around like my crew when i was a teenager, it's all very serious

Anonymous No. 162085

Yeah they're actually great decks.

Anonymous No. 162087

I feel your pain anon. Snapped my ankle a few months ago and just got back my pop shoves today

Here’s some tips I can give

>physical therapy is key
>don’t skimp out on weight training/rebuilding strength
>use your body to signal how hard you should go: if shit hurts rest ur leg and ice/elevate
>ease back into your tricks. Barely did any Ollies on my first sesh back. Just practiced reverts and riding

You’ll work back up to it bro. Shits gonna feel fragile for a bit but after 1-2 months of consistent therapy/training you’ll feel more normal.

Anonymous No. 162088

A lot of element boards are made in china.
That particular deck in the pic you posted is pressed by BBS, which the mexican woodshop that makes boards for real, antihero, quasi, deathwish, black label, baker and a bunch of others.

so yeah, that one is good, especially for $40.

Anonymous No. 162090

>skating is so gay
What kind of faggot statement is that?

Anonymous No. 162092

I finally landed my first kickflip a week ago. It was funny when I landed it because I didn't even realize it until I got off my board

Anonymous No. 162095

Tis the season for full lengths

Anonymous No. 162097

vert requires less "athleticism" to be honest. it's less common because it requires a lot of balls.

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Anonymous No. 162100

that's what caused me to stop skating back in the day. everyone became adults and went their separate ways, only linking up to skate like once every other month. eventually I just somehow stopped skating regularly and days turned into weeks. the classic story of any hobby. when I finally started back after 10 years... 10 fucking years(still sounds crazy) I could finally appreciate skating again. it was bittersweet, I was kind of blackpilled because I lost so much progress and time doing something I loved more than anything... but the drive to get good again made me want to get out and skate like when you first start skating. still haven't gotten back to my original skill level, which is my only goal because it was pretty high(plenty of the guys I skated with when I was 21 now have big time sponsors and don't have to work). I think one of the main reasons I got blown out was that I skated to have fun, and felt like the level I was at made me feel forced to keep up with my peers, which involved lots of risk and doing things other than for fun. if you're not having fun, or feel pressured, you get blown out quick. I remember as a kid I used to go to sleep thinking about skating and wake up thinking about skating, nothing else mattered at all. I miss those early days, nothing like it. /blogpost

Anonymous No. 162111

I know a couple of people who are purely bowl and transition skaters who literally cannot ollie after decades of skating. But equally I know street skaters who can't fucking pump. I always try to encourage new skaters to look at older videos like Wheels of Fire or even 70s footage to show them all the fun non-ollie shit you can have on your board.

Anonymous No. 162114

Jamie Griffin left Hop King last week because he seems to be having some sort of crisis over skating professionally. Seems like it sucked the fun out of it for him, so now he's back in his shed doing whacky flips with a deck again. Hopefully he comes back to being pro again so he can get flown places to skate, but it honestly sounds like a curse sometimes. There are hobbies I've tried to turn into careers that sucked out all motivation for me to do them and skating could easily be the worst for that to happen to.

Anonymous No. 162138

riding a skateboard is fun. the culture and skateboarders are pure cringe

Anonymous No. 162142

how about a gf you can do all these things with

Anonymous No. 162166

Involving a woman into your hobby or passion is the best way to ruin your life and make your non simp friends hate you.

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Anonymous No. 162168

Does anyone remember bawtawd from slap. That was me

Anonymous No. 162179

My anecdotal experience says the element boards made in china are actually good too. I would even buy it over a BBS board tbqh

Anonymous No. 162180

>vert requires less "athleticism" to be honest
Have you ever skated vert dumb cunt? It's so fucking exhausting it's insane.

The reason women have taken to transition skating over street skating is because in transition their complete lack of pop is not noticeable. Women have little explosive power and cannot ollie very high, I doubt even the top tier professional female skaters could ollie more than 4 board at most, meanwhile there are regular joes ollieing like 8 at your local right now

Anonymous No. 162181

I can only do like 5 tricks but i fool people into thinking i'm a good skater by being able to do them on big ramps

As long as they don't watch me take more than 2 runs i usually get away with it

Anonymous No. 162182

This but unironically. Whatever Chinese woodshop Primitive uses for some boards is good as well. And Girl/Choco boards are awesome too.

Anonymous No. 162185

>having some sort of crisis over skating professionally.
Like getting paid? Lmao. There are actual pro skaters riding for real companies that have to work day jobs. These guys are all fried and they end up in their late 30s without a penny. One of the guys that skates for the Theories companies works frying up burgers. I'm not making that up he was telling us this at our local park. Imagine being in your 30s and being excited about frying burgers. I feel so bad for some of these guys.

Anonymous No. 162186

I really don't know the details but it seemed to be fairly sudden. Hop King themselves have said nothing but aren't selling his decks any more. (I also think he was knocked out of BATB already and probably sank his own time and money into flying over for it with no sort of returns)

But yeah, idk, I think it's a good idea to have a non-skating career or job if you can and try to get skating in there in the meantime. There are people who put hundreds of hours in regularly and never really make it/their careers are short lived and they end up lost later in life. My partner was super smart about it in thay she wanted to be a painter but got a degree and job in IT and now has the mobility to do both. Could easily retire early and spend the rest of her days painting if she wanted to.

Anonymous No. 162187

When do you guys usually say that it's time to get a new board? Do you guys just straight up keep skating it until it's being held together by duct tape or do you guys just have a certain time period until you get a new board?

Anonymous No. 162192

Usually when my tail/nose wear down to a degree that my ollies noticeably suffer. So an average of 3 months. But I've been broke recently so my last one was 6 months old before I replaced it. It's still skateable and I don't want to dump it, but I like a fresh pop.

Anonymous No. 162193

That is the niggest burnout hesher core soul skater cope ever. Like yeah dude i dropped my sponsors because i was getting paid to be a druggie bum and thats totally not core. Dumbass niglet got dropped bacause hes an unreliable dope fiend.

Anonymous No. 162195

you're not understanding what I'm saying. don't get mad, I sakte both transition and street. I literally grew up a park rat so I've been skating big ramps since I was a runt.

Anonymous No. 162196

I just go to my local ledge spot and try to be friendly to other skaters I run into. Last time I was there I was egging on this younger kid that was trying to get a clip for his insta.

Anonymous No. 162197

razor tail or water logged. the latter is easy to avoid.

Anonymous No. 162198

what Lakai shoes should I buy. lots are on sale right now, but so many of them look nearly identical. essex, cambridge, manchester, etc. I've skated hundreds of shoes in my lifetime and know that I absolutely HATE shoes that are thin and flimsy, like Blazers, or vans authentics. I don't really want an OG fat shoe... even though the Circa AL50 were my favorite of all time becasue they were always like $40 back in the day and I skated really good right out of the box.

Anonymous No. 162199

If I haven't broken it I usually wait until the tail has lost all or most of its pop

Anonymous No. 162200

and no, I'm not going in a store to try on their overpriced shit when I can buy is for half the price online. I'm not supporting local skateshops when they price gouge to pay for their merijuana addiction.

Anonymous No. 162201

Try it in store and buy it online dumpass

Anonymous No. 162203

all the skateshops closed down over the years in my area, leaving only one. that one has a very limited stock when it comes to everything.

Anonymous No. 162205

Okay fair enough. i wouldn't say vert requires less athleticism, i would just say it requires less strength, which is maybe what you meant

Anonymous No. 162207
how do i never die like this

Anonymous No. 162208

Not clicking that shit

Anonymous No. 162210

I guess the obstacles don't change once you get to a certain level, just your bag of tricks. street skating, you're constantly doing bigger and bigger shit(if that's your style) which requires having to do your tricks with more power. whenever I skate a bowl after street skating a lot, it feels way more laid back and casual.

Anonymous No. 162211

don't do shit you're clearly not ready for. wear a helmet when you do try new stuff, and learn to kick a board out from under you. he's lucky he didn't die, that looked really bad. he looked like he coud barely ollie on flatground let alone down that gap. the only way I could see otherwise is if his shoes have shit grip. I remember skating all leather dunks back in the day, and when I would really try to bone a big ollie out, my foot would go completely off the front of the board like that. leather shoes have dogshit grip when trying to force tricks hard. I only skate suede now.

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Anonymous No. 162212

>whiplash fears me

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Anonymous No. 162227

Can this be a trick? Say you like land something like this, could one call it a (ex. Shuvit T-Pose)?

Anonymous No. 162228

Cont. Or like a 180 T-Pose, going fakie. That'd be hard as fuck.

Anonymous No. 162232

anyone ever watched something like this in person?
I've been skating for a long time and shit like this never fails to make me nervous.

Anonymous No. 162233

Holy FUCK I love skateboarding

Anonymous No. 162236

Helmet. Wear a fucking helmet. Jesus Christ wear a helmet. Don't do gnar shit you're not capable of doing in your sleep without a god damn helmet.

Anonymous No. 162237

I met Steve Van Doren briefly last night. Talked about Grosso and the Loveletters for a bit. He was super sweet. Also saw (but didn't talk to) Tony Alva, which was surreal.

Anonymous No. 162240

it's great

Anonymous No. 162251

He's the justin beiber of skating, basically.

Anonymous No. 162252

I have the AF1s, came from the classics. They do grind a bit better, but the turning is sacrificed a bit imo. I'll be going back to classics.

Anonymous No. 162253

Filmer rant:

Skaters and consumers of skate content have no fucking taste.

It's been literally decades of the same fisheye/harsh speedlight meta over and over and over and over and over to the point where the entire audience is so conditioned to want that singular Thrasher-esque look that an attempt to take skate vids/photos that don't look like the same dribble we've been staring at for years get ignored.

The stuff I have that gets the most attention is the generic fisheye melon above the coping. It drives me bonkers because I could find thousands of other photos that look identical to mine. There's nothing that differentiates it. People just like it out of some drone motivation to keep seeing shit they've already seen.

Welcome skateboards probs has the most unique shit going on but their IG is 75% selling clothes, it's a fashion advertising device more than anything.

Which is fitting. Most skate photography is a tool. It serves a function to highlight the subject rather than to stand alone as any medium of art.

Here's to another 30 years of skate content being universally and functionally identical.

Anonymous No. 162259

reddit spaced didn't read

Anonymous No. 162260

shut up nerd, know what happens when people try to innovate? we get a bajillion billy strobeck copies.

Anonymous No. 162268

I use Telfords right now and they're fine.

Anonymous No. 162271

>spacing convention is a personality trait
you'll grow out of it, kid.

Anonymous No. 162272

your opinions are bad, actually theyre awful.

Anonymous No. 162274

>Welcome skateboards probs has the most unique shit going on
I bet this guy is from the midwest. Imagine caring about or supporting welcome in any single way after what the owner did to the original team.

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Anonymous No. 162275

nigger walked into a mexican resturaunt and complained theres no sushi. skating cinematography does its function, using the same fish eye gear is just due to the energy it provides, a mostly static shot at a longer focal length weakens the effect and makes the very skating you signed up to watch harder to see at times, leaving that better for large gaps and long rails and the like, situations where the spot is the focus. At the end of the day shots are tools to accentuate the tricks, so its more important that you match the energy of the skater your following than trying to stand out, sometimes cinematography is like editing, less you notice it, the better. Want a pretty shot? pick a better spot.

Anonymous No. 162276

pretty sure this photography/videography nerd faggot pops in every couple of threads to go on this same rant

Anonymous No. 162277

who are you quoting

Anonymous No. 162279

>just stick to convention
how very skateboarding of you guys
>nerds actually doing it have opinions about it that seem to line up
wow fucking crazy right

Anonymous No. 162280

skaters find no issue with the state of skate media in the same way that marvel fans find no issue with how stale and shit marvel shows/movies are.

Anonymous No. 162282

its a shame too since that kinda stuff can be interesting, just not with that tone. makes me wish /p/ had a sports photography sort of general for this stuff. Any anons even film much here, or is it a niche on top of a niche sort of thing?
im not saying breaking convention is a bad thing, as long as you have a reason to do it outside of "being different". if shooting a wide shot with rule of quarters over thirds looks better, go ahead. but just don't do it because everyone else chose rule of thirds. only thing worse than dogmatically sticking to conventions is avoiding them purely out of some ego thing

Anonymous No. 162286

the tone of this general has always been teenagers gatekeeping a hobby they picked up in the last year or two desu. and yeah, breaking convention for its own sake is lame, but you'd think that if it were going to be celebrated by any community it'd be this one. the irony that many kids may have anarchy stickers on their shit yet would defend stagnation in the photography is real. the first guy is right in that skate photos are a tool for the most part. the audience is skaters, and things that don't make the skating look bigger or show the context of the shot aren't going to be for them.

Anonymous No. 162288

I tried filming with a regular lens and it's fine for a single big trick on stairs or a gap. Maybe a long rail where you want to shoot from far away.
But it's ass on anything else . A fisheye or any other wide angle lens is the go to for close up shots because you get more of the trick and obstacle and you can still get up close detail. With a regular lens you'd get a bland shot of some feet and a part of the ledge on a grind shot.
This post sounds like you're making up half the stuff about you being a "filmer" and you're just a dude who can't afford a fisheye.

Anonymous No. 162290

>utilizes his equipment improperly
>accuses the other guy of not knowing what they're talking about

Anonymous No. 162309

nta but bud whats improper about using a wider field of view on a close up, shows more while still being close
everything alright in the brain game there? ever actually used a regular lense? that focal length is asssssssssss that close

Anonymous No. 162313

"regular lens"
absolutely the vernacular of a kid that got a fisheye, thinks he's doing the thing cuz it matches the other thousands, and mistakes that for expertise.

Anonymous No. 162314

they still use the same filming style because it makes dinky shit look big. when they do a still camera on a tripod for big gaps and big stairs/rails, it gives the true scale and looks better. I will agree that it looks pretty stale though, the classic filming style is old in the tooth and always seemed amatuer to me. there have been a couple of parts that did more cinematic filming and it honestly looked better. it's just not good for lines, which makes up like 50% or skateboarding so maybe that's why old style is still king.

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Anonymous No. 162322

just ordered these, what am I in for? they look like a fusion of HalfCabs and Blazers. hate Blazers because they are too flimsy, like HalfCabs though. couldn't pass them up for the price though.

Anonymous No. 162327

They look like a very good skate shoe I guess despite being ugly as dogshit.

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Anonymous No. 162328

> does buttslides on everything because the only actual real trick he can do is a noseslide on a ledge
> lgbt community makes their own magazines and brands so they can astroturf sponsor their own who are nowhere near the level of the average 15-year-old skater and wouldn't be able to make it on real brands
> astroturfs media to make it seem mainstream
what the fuck happened to skateboarding in only 5 years?

Anonymous No. 162329

they look hard af no cap on god

Anonymous No. 162331

They really don't. You'll grow out of that goofy forced 90s style one day.

Anonymous No. 162332

add that to the pile >>>/x/35587300

Anonymous No. 162343

Anonymous No. 162350

what the fug man those are at my local shop for 95 DOLLARS AAHHHHHHHH

Anonymous No. 162355

who gives a shit? They are just doing their thing. I didn't even know who that was until you posted that pic, so their impact on skating is minimal at best.

Anonymous No. 162357

that's how it starts...

Anonymous No. 162358

you don't skate

Anonymous No. 162360

How does it end? Like you said they aren't even that skilled. No one is going to name them as their favorite skater. Their impact on the culture is completely negligible.
Sorry I don't fixate on trannies in the hobbies I enjoy. Get a grip.

Anonymous No. 162364

this video is filmed in a better style than classic skate vids for example. just looks more polished and clean.

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Anonymous No. 162368

I used to think the same, but then I started doing following along footage or single tricks up and down a ramp with a wide angle lens and I could see why they're used so much. They basically make the footage actually look how skating feels. Try doing a static long lens shot of the same types of tricks and you'll see how much slower and smaller everything looks.
But it's horses for courses: big gaps are normally better with a regular/long lens because they give you a full view of the area and you can sort of "set up" the action about to happen by framing it off centre like a kung fu movie. I think that maybe a lot of filmers don't understand why you use certain lenses for certain scenarios, or they're not very dexterous and use an extreme fisheye as a cope, or they just don't even attempt to get a cool angle and will just park their ass wherever is the most comfortable (seriously, get low for fucks sake, make that shit look big at the very least).

But while we're pissing and moaning about dumb filming styles, here's shit I hate:
>Strobek-style zoomed way the fuck in where you can't see the gap, the skaters full body, or the trick from start to finish, and it looks like ass to boot
>that annoying Super 8 filter that gets abused to fuck
>unnecessary drone shots
>long lens dead centre and locked off so you don't get a view of the full gap
>filming skaters at night wearing all black
>VX1000 footage in current year: it's a SD beaten horse (some exceptions)
>no colour correction, ever, unless it's a sepia "vintage" filter
>editing so the land is on the beat of the song every single time
>too many slow-mo roll aways where the homies sound like cows mooing
>stock footage b-roll
>dogshit shaky follow along footage (I appreciate it's fucking hard, but if it's just a shaky flatland line, don't bother even including it)
>trying to be "weird"/avant garde = dissonant music and bad editing with B roll out the ass
>the same 10 LA spots forever and ever
>intro lasts forever

Anonymous No. 162369

Broadly I just wish skate filmers would look at kung fu movies and take notes from there. Literally any Hong Kong Jackie Chan film will tell you how to film fast paced, technical action:

Mostly it's just letting me see the whole trick + ramp/gap set up and providing as much contrast as possible. Obviously it's not ideal or controlled conditions 99% of the time, but you gotta try.

Anonymous No. 162370

their representation in the culture/hobby will balloon and then they will name them as their favorite skater and then their lack of skill will affect the culture/hobby in general

Anonymous No. 162371

Holy shit this Reddit fag got me triggered kek. Go pick up a camera and film some skating before having such a strong opinion on those who actually do. Make your own films. A cinematic masterpiece isn't that easy. Then he fucking references a multibillion dollar global corporations video for good cinematography.. no shit?!!

Anonymous No. 162372

There is this Jewess looking girl that goes to the saktepark and skates around in skumpy crop tops. Looks like your typical OnlyFans whore. She can only ollie, and barely able to ride down banks, yet she's always fucking advertising "skating lessons" and it's annoying as fuck. This dumb culture vulture bitch thinks she's qualified to teach kids how to skate when she's a talentless whore? If this were 2010 she woulda got bullied out of the park. skaters are soft as fuck now and tolerate posers.

Anonymous No. 162375

It's the world we are in, I'm currently enduring seeing our female football team be paraded as the greatest inspirational force on earth.
>Sam Kerr is not just a very naughty girl; she might as well be the messiah
She scored a deflected goal. Yet even mentioning was deflected is forbidden. Girls can do no wrong. I don't even know what they mean by naughty girl, it's in a positive context however.

Even here if you call out how shit female skating is and how all the men hyping it are faggot simps you'll get some beta anons leaping to their defence.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 162382

rape her

Anonymous No. 162383

guy has no idea what hes talking about. when you tell him its been tried and looks like shit he just says they were doing it wrong. he has no proof to back up any of his claims just endless whining and nonsensical retorts.

Anonymous No. 162419

>the hobbies I enjoy

Post a clip.

Anonymous No. 162432

not that guy but are you saying that if you dont care about trannies you must not skate? you faggots are so deluded thinking everyone gives a shit about them as much as the average retard on here.

Anonymous No. 162433

No that's not what I'm saying.

Anonymous No. 162435

except thats exactly what youre saying when you told him to post a clip you fucking dipshit

Anonymous No. 162440

No that's not what I'm saying because what I said was to post a clip.

Anonymous No. 162442

>/xs/ steals a slap thing without understanding it

Anonymous No. 162443

So you're saying she's better than you

Anonymous No. 162444

Fuck off slaggot. We've told you many times we don't give a shit about your dogshit forum in here.

Anonymous No. 162445

there are some poser leftoids that go to the skatepark in the middle of the night to spray graffiti. they always do mainstream shit like "ACAB" "TRANS LIVES MATTER" and "SMASH THE PATRIARCHY." When skaters get there the next day, everyone's like WTF and sprays over it. it's painfully obvious that it's not skaters doing it. they make the park look like a fag haven when nobody there is a fag. I've contemplated hiding with a camera set up so I can record them and give the evidence to the police, but they only do it randomly like once every other month.

Anonymous No. 162446

nobody wants your lessons.

Anonymous No. 162447

back in the day you could just shoot your skateboard out in front of someone you didn't like when they drop in and make them eat shit. now it's a hate crime. man skating has gown downhill.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 162449

ACAB is legit though. Just change the other two ones to tranny lives don't matter and whatever.

Anonymous No. 162451

except your literally stealing shit from slap. your stealing their board culture and you dont understand it. its pathetic honestly, to be wrong and retarded and angry that someone pointed out these things.

Anonymous No. 162452

Except nobody asked. Kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 162453

ACAB isn't a thing in most places. not before 2016 anyways when it started being on mainstream news protests. granted, skaters don't like cops... but those slogans literally weren't a thing outside of whatever seattle/california shithole. we just said fuck the police on the east coast, and we didn't have troons and other weirdos running around with us. hell, the black skaters didn't even hang out with hoodrat normal blacks anyways. hoodrats would come to the park in large groups and try to start fights with skaters, so would mexican gangbangers.

Anonymous No. 162454

stop capping

Anonymous No. 162456

It's just the easiest and safest place to graffiti when you're an overweight suburban lesbian. No cops, no gangs, no heights to climb...

I got fakie fs flips and backside nosegrinds down today but still can't rock to fakie or fs boardslide, I just don't get it

Anonymous No. 162457

We're not the same poster, and a fucking Hong Kong kung fu movie isn't a "multibillion dollar" film you fuckwit.

>when you tell him its been tried and looks like shit
Examples please. I think the most expensive/"Hollywood" skate films were shit like Yeah Right and Fully Flared and they're great.

Anonymous No. 162458

this guy is actually afraid of graffiti and wants to report them to the police.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 162462


🗑️ Anonymous No. 162465

go and call the police you bootlicker.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 162467

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1289
Butt Stacking Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 162472

Wow, you faggots sure complain a lot. Why "discuss" skating and all that dumb shit when you could go outside and actually enjoy it. No one cares if you can't ollie or do the "official" tricks if you look comfortable and like you want to be there.

and inb4 newfag; I've been on the website for a long ass time, I just didnt expect so many children to be in these threads

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fugg express.jpg

Anonymous No. 162473

What does everyone think of antihero?

Anonymous No. 162475

post a clip

Anonymous No. 162476

I haven't bought one of their decks in years, but I remember them breaking pretty easily

Anonymous No. 162479

yeah faggot post a clip

you too faggot

Anonymous No. 162483


I like Honeyselect better tho.

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Anonymous No. 162487

I don't have any "clips" because I'm not a little faggot who films himself like he's on reality TV, but I did go to a little session today.

I don't know why these kids think it's so clever to demand "clips" from people like its their juice boxes. They sound like everyone else who just came to the webite to call people "niggers". Besides, you generally don't deanonymize yourself on the anonymous imageboard.

Anonymous No. 162499

That looks like a fun sesh. I hardly ever see clips in these threads, so its funny that people ask for them. It would honestly be cool if more clips were posted.

Anonymous No. 162504

I don't have any new clips to post.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 162507

> bootlicker
says the one who is mad about me being against the mainstream law and culture, which quite liteally cheers on big pharma and inclusivity of lgbt, cheers on jan 6 prosecution, and loves hate speech laws.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 162511

> calls someone bootlicker
> supports mainstream politics, big pharma, and hate laws

Anonymous No. 162523

What are your favorite full length videos? Bag of Suck has always been an old favorite. More recently I've had Deathwish Uncrossed and Sk8mafia 2023 on repeat.

Anonymous No. 162525

Кapaй probably. Not the best video, but my favorite regardless.

Anonymous No. 162526

Can you link me to it? I tried to google it and couldn't find it. Gonna add it to my list.

Anonymous No. 162527


It will probably ask you to log in because it's fucking vimeo, but the youtube version has no sound due to copyright. It's from a third world country and was made in 2007. None of these guys were pro and only a few of them were barely flow for some more lowkey companies. Don't expect anything amazing.

Anonymous No. 162530

>/pol/tard logic
>if you dont like x you must support y
not how it works dipshit go back, this thread is for skateboarding

Anonymous No. 162532

you're the one defending political agents going toskateparks at night and leaving behind inorganic political slogans. the fact that you even used /pol/tard means that shit is rent free in your mind and you are leftypol
> everyone who doesn't agree with my politics is /pol/
you just did a hypocrisy my man

Anonymous No. 162542

>your stealing their board culture
lmao no one here visits there but you, fuck off tourist.
I was talking about the new balance clip he posted, chill. But that Hong Kong action flick was a dumb reference anyway, so I'm glad you felt attacked I guess.
Go back to Marbie's YouTube comment section

Anonymous No. 162543

I rewatched Let's Live the other day. So much nostalgia for me. RIP Shane Cross.

Anonymous No. 162544

Good pick. Adding it to my list

Anonymous No. 162548

Lenz III
Worble 3
Dying to Live
Most of the Bones videos
Wheels of Fire
Jump off a Building and Welcome to Hell
Rubbish Heap and Virtual Reality
Almost Round 3
Cheese and Crackers

Anonymous No. 162550

there are actually several slap users in this thread

probably coincidentally the same amount of actual skaters in here

Anonymous No. 162551

Growing up i basically watched zero - new blood every day because it was the only skate dvd i owned.

I love all the anti hero and krooked full lengths, especially the BATB tour vids

Anonymous No. 162564


>lmao no one here visits there but you
sure dude keep telling yourself that. idk why your on such a crusade against a website youve never even been on while simultaneously stealing their shit and not understanding it. like i said, pathetic behavior. website/forum wars are for children and eternally online losers.

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Anonymous No. 162565

Saw an IRL frogposter at my park today. The fucker was riding a scooter as well, so they're all confirmed double scum

Anonymous No. 162577

how old was he?

Anonymous No. 162580

You're literally the one going on about some website war I don't care about slap or who posts there but my only exposure to it is you faggots coming here and having bitching sessions about it. Sounds gay as hell and you're gay as hell.

Anonymous No. 162581

*their woodshop guide is good tho

Anonymous No. 162582

i have a schizo sticker helmet like this. im kinda embarrassed to wear it but also dont want to remove the stickers

Anonymous No. 162611

>You're literally the one going on about some website war
ok sure dude whatever you say

Anonymous No. 162619

They're allegedly streaming the finals for a local street contest here. Don't know what the schedule is, just randomly saw this in my recommended. I'm waiting until it starts if you guys wanna check it out. Might be cool to see how skateboarding is different over here compared to where you're at.

Anonymous No. 162620

Ok they said they're starting in 15. If anyone cares at all.

Anonymous No. 162623

>a bunch of 12-16 year old girls skating the female contest
>German commentator goes "ok bro which are the hot chicks that are gonna land some tricks for us" or something of the sort


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Anonymous No. 162629

Anonymous No. 162631

holy fuck do you assholes not know how to use the site yet? Lurk moar or go back to instagram or wherever it is you faggots come from

Anonymous No. 162632

old enough to know better and to not be riding a scooter. Definitely not underagedb&, I wouldn't just grab some kids head and take a picture of it like that lol.

>schizo sticker helmet
What schizophrenia-focused stickers do you have anon, that sounds... interesting.
I wouldn't remove them, a lot of guys have sticker-bombed helmets. I'm not a little bitch and I dont overstep my skills, so I don't typically wear a helmet, but I presume it's nice to have one.

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Anonymous No. 162635

Zoomers all look the same.

Kill yourself autistic retard. I've been here since 2007. Why did you include two of my posts in your garbage shitpost, retardedass bitch?

Anonymous No. 162639

what are you talking about retard? you think anybody is coming here from instagram? more schizophrenic than the guy who screeches about slap every thread.

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haha oh wow tintin.jpg

Anonymous No. 162640

>I've been here since 2007
*types like a mad 12 year old*
haha fucking SURE. That's so fucking funny that you think people will actually believe you. I bet you haven't even been conscious since 2007

>Why did you include two of my posts
If you were actually here that long (which you weren't, just to be clear), you'd know how your posts were malformed.

Lurk moar, faggot

Anonymous No. 162641

>more schizophrenic
people have been posting instagram regularly links in these threads you fucking asshat

Anonymous No. 162642

>your posts were malformed

I'll malform your ugly face, autistic retarded slap faggot autist.

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smiling computer ....jpg

Anonymous No. 162643

Anon's so fucking pissed about being BTFO'd he called me autistic twice

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Anonymous No. 162644

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Anonymous No. 162654

>your stealing their board culture
>their board culture
>board culture

Anonymous No. 162667

tfw no cutie skater gf

Anonymous No. 162668

>cutie skater gf

Video unrelated.

Anonymous No. 162675

Trying hard to get honest 50-50s in the deep end of the bowl. I can do them every time and grind like 6 blocks in the shallow end but when i go to do them in the deep end i usually put my weight too far on the deck and i roll out. Spent 45 mins this morning just practicing 50-50 stalls and making sure i have that down every time.

I feel like my bag of tricks is so small. 5-0s, smith grinds and 50-50 grinds (all frontside and backside) is pretty much all i can do in the bowl. At least it's better than most guys who can't do anything in a big bowl but i need to learn some shit like rock n rolls and backside disasters to step up my game

Anonymous No. 162681

Wrong! She's qt and I would love to be her boyfriend.

Anonymous No. 162686

Nice, I haven't seen a handful of those. Adding to my list

Anonymous No. 162687

>zero - new blood
based. I used to watch this with my older brother growing up

Anonymous No. 162692

>people have been posting instagram regularly links
ohhh nooo :((((

🗑️ Anonymous No. 162693
Sleepy Bump

Anonymous No. 162694

Fuck outta here with your gay tranny discord links cringyass slaggot faggot.

Anonymous No. 162695

holy catchphrase batman! That's one cancerous post!

Anonymous No. 162696

Kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 162698

this dude complains more about other websites than he does skate.many posters in here consider themselves 4channers first and skaters 2nd

Anonymous No. 162700

Go to sleep and never wake up.

Anonymous No. 162701

go skate dude

Anonymous No. 162702

Not about to skate at 1 AM. You go skate.

Anonymous No. 162703

>europoor seething about nothing
makes sense

Anonymous No. 162704

Why aren't you skating?

Anonymous No. 162705

Nothing will ever match the vibe of the deathwish summer tour video

Anonymous No. 162706

>no u
go to bed kid

Anonymous No. 162707

You don't skate!

Anonymous No. 162709


Anonymous No. 162710

That's the gayest shit I ever heard

Anonymous No. 162711

unoriginal too!? Wow!

You aren't wrong in going against crossposting/social media bullshit but goddamn

dude stop responding to some summerfag's bait

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ao a-hole.webm

Anonymous No. 162712

what's his problem?

Anonymous No. 162713


Anonymous No. 162714

you replied to his bait too retard

i agree these threads are gay asf. bunch of autistic retards getting angry that people go on other websites.

Anonymous No. 162715

You were told many times before, slaggot. If you don't like it here then go back.

Anonymous No. 162716

hey man im not talking to you im talking to the other skaters in here.

Anonymous No. 162717

What's your slap handle

Anonymous No. 162718

i only lurk

Anonymous No. 162719

Everybodys autistic about slap cause they got banned

I got banned too I'm not a faggot about it

Anonymous No. 162720


Anonymous No. 162721

nah, none of these faggots have ever been on slap, they just know it from these threads. the people who were banned make another account or move on like you.

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Anonymous No. 162722

same as his

Anonymous No. 162730

What the fuck are you in about?
>Kill yourself autistic retard. I've been here since 2007
Literally this.

Anonymous No. 162734

How old is too old to skate?

Anonymous No. 162735


Anonymous No. 162738

I’d post clips if I wasn’t retarded with making webms.

Anonymous No. 162739


I'm so tired of spoonfeeding you retards.

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Anonymous No. 162749

Went to an old man jam in a pool today. Saw a pretty fat 50-something year old (no offense to the guy, you're allowed to get fat when you're that age) haul ass into the pool and do three frontside 5-Os in the 10ft deep end, leaned WAY the fuck out. The kind of fronstide grind where it looks like he's falling to his doom but is just about pulling the board back under himself in time to roll away. Sort of like pic related but with his back leg way more straight.

I understand now why 80s guys were so obsessed with style.

Anonymous No. 162751

Are you saying he had style? Or was lacking

Anonymous No. 162754

Which bowl?

i skate with guys like that regularly. I hope i can do it at that age.

Anonymous No. 162755

So sick. Jon allie's part is my favorite.

>get banned
>literally just make a new account the next day
Slap jannies are so stupid that they don't even have any kind of IP logging or anything that would stop people from just making a new account every time they get banned

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Anonymous No. 162802

> the year is 2000
> your mom signs the waiver and you enter the skatepark for te first time in your life
> WOW!
> Blink 182 - What's My Age Again is playing on the speakers
> but... uh, these ramps are kinda big... I'm only 10
ywn experience this again. why even live. zoomers will never know this feel.

Anonymous No. 162804

I've never experienced this as we had no skateparks and I only skated street. Also never listened to Shit 182.

Anonymous No. 162805


Anonymous No. 162806

I didn't like blink 182 either(too whiney sounding) but it was very popular so you heard it.

Anonymous No. 162807

In my country it was the normalfags that would listen to that so I stayed away from it lmao.

Anonymous No. 162819

That's a really childish reason for not listening to a band. You sound like some kind of hipster.

Anonymous No. 162822

I was a child when blink 182 were active and skateboarding wasn't the cool thing to do back then. We were all contrarians. Shocker I know.

Anonymous No. 162844

new part just dropped guise

Anonymous No. 162846

antihero team came to the local diy yesterday, grant taylor ripped

Anonymous No. 162863


Anonymous No. 162867


so sick that anti hero are doing international tours in the year 2023 when most teams don't do fucken anything. hopefully they release a tour vid.

Anonymous No. 162870

if you dont know by now. you will never know. unless you find out.

Anonymous No. 162880

Gustav? I don't care, it's Gustav

Anonymous No. 162882

you guys remember when lacey baker did that part with her tits cut off shirtless

that shit was fucked up

Anonymous No. 162883

No I don't actually remember that.

Anonymous No. 162884

>cuts tits off
>sews dick on
>refuses to elaborate

Anonymous No. 162893

What was your go to skate 40 back in the day? I fucked with king cobras, miller if I was bougie

Anonymous No. 162896


Anonymous No. 162908

Ricky Oyola did nothing wrong, Jovontae deserved it.
Also: Puerto Ricans aren't white.

Anonymous No. 162922

VB longneck back in the day

Anonymous No. 162924

so fucking gross and the skating sucked too

Anonymous No. 162945

>learning inward heels
>realize how fuckin bad my scoop is
Guess I know what I'm doing this week

Anonymous No. 162949

Eating ice cream?

Anonymous No. 162950

> hear people talking about this female skater online
> google her
> she's as good as I was in 2010 after skating for 5 years.

Anonymous No. 162951

> female pro skater*

Anonymous No. 162952

Post 2010 clip.

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Anonymous No. 162954

Oh, he had style. He was purposefully doing his grinds in this really death defying way, throwing his upper body back and whipping in and out of them really fast. He did all three the same way.

Crystal Palace. Pic related is the pool. It has a bigger bowl (seems to be more for BMX) and a sort of streety section.

Anonymous No. 162956

I can't find any decent photos, but this was mine:

>had never ridden a ramp before
>was frankly dogshit at skating in general
>didn't know how to pump
>went down the big bank on my butt, snaked some guy's line
>hogged the miniramp, spraypainted my "logo" on it
>basically just got in everyone's way for 2 hours

Jesus I was the exact thing I hate to see at parks now. What I wouldn't give to travel back in time and actually use it properly. You can see in that video how much inliners would hog it. They were the fucking worst for snaking people and the park really wasn't big enough for them in the first place.

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Anonymous No. 162957


Anonymous No. 162960

rollerblading was extremely popular back then because people still went to roller skating rinks. I actually went to the skatepark for the first time with my rollerblades and skateboard. ended up doing more rollerblading that day because I had been doing it longer and was better, but skateboarding took over my life shortly after.

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Anonymous No. 162963

Hell yeah brother.

Anonymous No. 162964

old english drank to the label then pour orange juice in and mix a bit. have taught many people this, probably created a few alcoholics. fuck old english now though, fuck plastic bottle 40s.

watchu know bout that, probably nothins

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Anonymous No. 162968

I don't think there were any roller skating rinks in Ireland at the time. I imagine it took off faster than skating because they can handle the rough terrain better. Idk, maybe not though because BMX didn't have the same boost in popularity. I actually have no idea why inline was so massive then so dead so fast.

Anonymous No. 162970

Rate this footage of me from 2009 Im pretty steezy not gonna lie

Anonymous No. 162971

Pretty cool Lucas. That was 14 years ago so you're old now RIP.

Anonymous No. 162972

they were extremely popular in the us. from the 70s to early 2000s middle and highschoolers would go to the skating rink on the weekend. we would have like half of our school there on saturday nights.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 162976

2009 was such a good time in skateboarding. it was at a peak it seemed. somewhere around 2013-2017 it started to fade hard. I guess not many of the younger generations coming up skated in comparison to older generations because they had ipads and phones and vidya out the ass. I would go to school like twice a week. skated all the other days.

Anonymous No. 162978

Dawg my hair is grey now u have no idea how much RIP I'm in

Anonymous No. 162980

I have grey hairs too despite being young, that doesn't mean anything. If you can still fuck hoes it's good.

Anonymous No. 162981

I can't even find most of my old clips with Wayback Machine. Myspace used to be the hub. Also, wasn't there Google Videos or am I misremembering? I was trying to find some old vids my friend uploaded(he's been dead for over a decade now) and no luck. Also, I wonder what happened to all the old vhs tape and dvds. probably in a landfill somewhere. I had a clean lipslide back when I wasn't even 5ft tall.

Anonymous No. 162982

Looks like an absolute shit hole. Also, anyone who ghetto-tags a skatepark is a poser. Real skateboarders are too busy honing their skills on the board. Also spray paint hides imperfections in the surfaces.

Anonymous No. 162983

If your decks are lasting up to a year, then any deck will work well to meet your needs.

Anonymous No. 162984

No one on 4chan fucks hoes. I used to fuck hoes but now my dick doesn't even get hard in the morning

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Anonymous No. 162985

old niggas rise up

Anonymous No. 162986

Before 2009 everyone had to get good just from skating street shit, there was no parks at all

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Anonymous No. 162988

I wanna go back bros...

Anonymous No. 162990

once they finally(like decades too late) started building free outdoor skateparks, it literally killed off all the indoor parks. indoor parks had soul. especially needed in places where it rains a lot, outdoor parks suck. I basically grew up in an indoor parks and it's been gone for a long time now. sad as fuck.

Anonymous No. 162991

skateboarding is almost as popular as it was in the early 2000s. if you arent fucking hoes your fucking up

Anonymous No. 162993

You think I base my personality around skateboarding at this age? That's how how you fall into the manchild trap, I still wear skate shoes though

Anonymous No. 162994

real oldskaters never fucked hoes. in fact... oldskaters didn't care about anything but skating, not even hoes. wake up, skip school, convince your friend to skip school, skatepark to yourself.

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Anonymous No. 162998

> go to friend's house
> watch cky for the umpteenth time
> go skate at the shopping center, Blockbuster has a nice manual pad, and Food Lion has a nice 5 stair.
> thirsty as fuck because it's 95f out.
> dig in your pocket and pull out the only $2 to your name
> buy a Nesquik
> "milk wasn't a good idea"
early 2000s were kino

Anonymous No. 162999

>slab park looks like a shit hole
well duh

i seem to remember a documentary about 'slab town' or whatever and it's literally just all hobos that rape each other and do meth

Anonymous No. 163001

i can tre flip but i'm still an incel KV
what gives?

Anonymous No. 163002

How old are you? I still get mad boners despite having done zero physical activity for the last 3 years. Sitting down all day and eating like shit.

>I still wear skate shoes though

So you're still in the manchild trap.

Anonymous No. 163003

I cringe at the style skaters have now. they're wearing baggy shit like we wore in the early 2000s. trust me when I say that shit was straight pussy repellant. only black bitches wanted me back then.

Anonymous No. 163004

Bam Margera would fit right in. Also nice trips.

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Anonymous No. 163005

if you know you know

Anonymous No. 163006

Lollll black bitches were always on my dick
32 and I'm just stylish that's why

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big rofl.webm

Anonymous No. 163008

>go to friend's commie block
>not allowed in because his family is a wreck, just like yours, and he's embarrassed
>go skate the town hall as it has the only decent ledge and 4 stair in the small town you live in
>have to hide until security isn't looking to run up and get one try
>bail and security starts chasing you
>can't catch you so he throws an empty glass beer bottle that was laying around at you
>luckily he misses
>go skate the spot in front of a degenerate night club
>it's a manual pad with a gap at the end
>ollie up and to a nosegrab over the gap because you don't have time to try a real trick and you're shit, but you also don't want to do just an ollie so nosegrab it is
>land it and get the clip on your friend's cheap chinese handycam he saved up 3 months worth of lunch money for
>fat neck buzzcut and S size shirt wearing bouncers storm out and start chasing you
>do some parkour to escape with your life
>go to the park (not skatepark because there are none) to skate flatground
>pass by a construction site
>steal a bunch of heavy ass marble pieces because it's after work hours and there's nobody there
>spend 2 hours carrying them and building a small manual pad then 20 minutes trying to land a manual before some ultras show up and you have to leave because it's 20 vs 2
>skate to the other park while stray dogs are chasing you and cars are trying to hit you for fun
>break off some bricks and build a small kicker
>land only an ollie with a tic-tac because you suck ass
>drink some tap water and go home to play THPS2/3/4 so you can complete all the missions in order to unlock the skate videos because you have no access to skate videos otherwise

How different we lived.

Anonymous No. 163009

dude I was poor white trash. skating was honestly a classless sport, at least in the us. we would have the most broke kids with trashy parents skating with rich kids. people who would have never been friends if not for skateboarding.

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Anonymous No. 163010

At least you guys lived in houses. Check out my """""manual pad""""" lmao. Took us like an entire hour to carry these slabs there.

Anonymous No. 163011

That looks like that commie block part of skate 2. Looks kinda cool dude

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Anonymous No. 163012

never thought id find a skateboarding thread in 4chan but it was as expected

bunch of pussies arguing about irrelevant topics and literal beginner shit and a bunch of old retards talking trash because they were never good

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Anonymous No. 163013

Never played skate 2. Did it look like this, because these were my skate spots. Look at my goofy 14 year old ass trying to skate lmao.

Anonymous No. 163014

we lived in bumfuck nowhere. we had to build boxes and ramps and put them in the middle of the street.

Anonymous No. 163015

Sounds soulful.

Anonymous No. 163016

one time a drunk driver came barreling down the road and hit out kick ramp. almost rolled his car. we barely managed to get out of the way.

Anonymous No. 163017

Looks mad comfy dude

Anonymous No. 163019

Yeah except we had to skate until it was bright outside because there were no lights and later at night the heroin addicts hung out there. One tried to rob me once.

Anonymous No. 163021

still crazy

Anonymous No. 163039

sucks you care so much about what other people think about you. probably one of the reasons you arent getting laid

Anonymous No. 163053

>you're all virgins
No wonder there is so much pent up energy in these threads

Anonymous No. 163056

I've had sex 4 times it's not that cool I don't even care about it pussy is gay

Anonymous No. 163058

I'm a proud virgin. Rejected at least 4 bitches.

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Anonymous No. 163067

I finally watched Baker 4. What a fucking great video. Don't know why I avoided it for so long.

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Anonymous No. 163076

>can't tre flip
>can't kickflip
>ollieing up curbs is challenging

>can frontside slappy
>can frontside slash 10ft bowl with my helmet on
>fuck my wife on the daily
30yo boomer bros it looks like we won

Anonymous No. 163081

>Baker 4
i watched it on pornhub lol it leaked on there like a day or two before release. it sucks compared to previous baker vids, too sterilized. baker is hype shit now like supreme. i bet you wear vans

Anonymous No. 163084

i unironically went back to wearing vans lately and i remembered why i loved them so much, grip and boardfeel is so good for bowls

Anonymous No. 163105

I disagree. It's not nearly as "hype shit" as the Primitive video or anything by Strobeck. I never said it was better than Baker 3 either. I was just stoked to see Herman, Spanky, Dillon, Reynolds ETC. All still at it. I bet you watch videos once and regurgitate opinions you heard about them online.

Anonymous No. 163112

I agree. Dustin's park was cool, same with Baccas.

Anonymous No. 163114

baker was always gay. especially around the baker has a deathwish era. it's just dude weed and made a lot of skaters turn into wigger potheads. lost a lot of good friends around that time because they quit skating and just drank/smoked pot all day to emulate their favorite retarded skaters.

Anonymous No. 163116

Here you go. Thank me later.

Anonymous No. 163123

Was just about to post this. Enjoy homies.

Anonymous No. 163127

That was one of the best eras unironically, but I say that as a person with no veins left from drug use. I can't believe people looked up to those bums though lol

Anonymous No. 163130

3 minutes in and it's not holding my attention I think I'm gonna watch YouTube shorts instead

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Anonymous No. 163131

I suggest watching whatsherface. Webm related.

Anonymous No. 163133

it is a hype brand though. decks are 80+ dollars. kids would come into my local shop asking for baker or FA decks and if they didnt have either in stock (this was covid shortage era) they would just leave.
i bet you wear vans

>quit skating to emulate their favorite skaters
sounds like your friends were partiers first and skaters second. they were never gonna last anyway. blaming a skate company for people quitting skating is retarded.

Anonymous No. 163134

Wayback Machine doesn't save files beyond a certain size, and Google Videos was absorbed into Youtube so you might be able to find them there if you know the profile name.

I'm waiting for more people to figure out that they can keep an indoor park open if it's part of a larger facility like a gym or sports centre. I keep seeing them open and close in quick succession because they'll be some warehouse somewhere annoying to get to, where most core skaters can't afford it and most children's birthday parties are scared to go.

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sad mask (2).jpg

Anonymous No. 163137


>small rural town
>barely any smooth surfaces
>get the boys out
>only one of us actually has a proper brand board
>we all suck ass but we're trying
>have days where we're hunting for spots, putting dumped pieces of wood on grassy hills to turn them into "miniramps"
>smash some benches so we can turn the blanks into some sort of slappy curb thing
>most of them get into weed and pills
>skateboards start to become accessories to carry around
>session slowly become more and more filled up with weed smoke
>come the next summer holiday, I'm the only one of us that wants to skate at all
>wind up trying to turn one of the abandoned houses in town into a crackhoues

Found out one of them is a full on homeless heroin addict now. The rest are doing better but don't skate.

Anonymous No. 163139

Are you guys breakfastposting? I've got salt n vin chips with some coffee myself

Anonymous No. 163140

Lunch time over here in Bongland. Had some leftovers of cajun chicken and veg so I put them in a sandwich with some smoked cheese and piripiri mayonnaise. Now I'm having a cup of tea with truffles, avoiding working.

Anonymous No. 163144

bout to make a egg cheese avocado and spinach sandwich.

Anonymous No. 163146

I didn't eat breakfast or lunch and I just ordered takeaway. Gonna pig out big.

Anonymous No. 163147

>one of them is a full on homeless heroin addict now

This really really really bothers me a lot but I don't know how to help these people or prevent it from happening in the first place. It's probably impossible.

Anonymous No. 163153

You can't, people want to do drugs it will never change

Heroin feels so based, you would never understand the basedness unless u did it

Fentanyl is kinda ass and too strong

Opana is best

Anonymous No. 163157

eating an oxy80 OC for breakfast

Anonymous No. 163164

Have you tried these?

Anonymous No. 163168

These nutz?

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Anonymous No. 163175

Fuck yeah man those days were the best. Wish I skated more

>degenerate friends would scoop me up and we’d skate to downtown
>pick up a 1$ slice of pizza and smoke mids in front of the middle school
>practice 50s and nosegrinds on a mellow ledge until school cops kicked u out.
>skate further downtown and chill at my low income bros house watching baker vids/play THPS until his mom kicked us out.
>skate this really mellow curb/gap area until the sun went down.
>sometimes they’d come to my house and I’d give them money/snacks cause I knew my friends were poor.
>We’d watch gore vids and play guitar until my dad got pissed and kicked them out

Sad but nearly all of them (besides my best friend) got into bad drugs and fucked their lives up. Drugs fucking suck. Don’t ever do that shit it’s not cool it’s a waste of money and makes you look like a pathetic loser. All those kids abused my kindness and ended up stealing shit from me just to get pills.

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Anonymous No. 163180

This happened Saturday this is today. Should I see a Dr? I can walk and move my ankle fine but with a little bit of a limp. The top side of my foot is what hurts more just above the bruise. I over shot my front foot on a 3stair kickflip and my foot went sideways. I don't wanna go to the Dr if I can just get a ankle brace at the store.
My knee just started feeling better too. Maybe I am getting too old for this

Anonymous No. 163191

Comparing Baker to FA and Supreme is some moronic shit. Also, what's your beef with vans?
>decks are 80+ dollars
So are half of the industry decks now. Do you even skate?

Anonymous No. 163192

zoom zoom

Anonymous No. 163193

Should I build a skateboard? Only shop within 10 miles is a Zumiez. I'd rather just buy parts online and make it myself than buy a prebuilt from them.

Anonymous No. 163195

oof that looks painful. I would go to a doctor if you have insurance.

Anonymous No. 163196

Yeah, just buy parts online. Is it your first board in a while? What parts you going with?

Anonymous No. 163197

Travel 20 minutes then.

Anonymous No. 163199

I'm still researching the parts but yeah this is my first real skateboard. Been using a cruiser board up until now

Anonymous No. 163200

Nice, if you want recommendations or have questions drop em in here.

Anonymous No. 163202

>i bet you wear vans
you already used that amazing, stupendous, ingenious line.

Anonymous No. 163205

Ice and give it 2 weeks minimun

Anonymous No. 163210

Fuck, I always come late to the thread nowadays.

Anyway, I landed a fakie ollie to switch krooked stall on a little-ass stair.

Anonymous No. 163217

Sadly, yeah, there's not really anything you go do for full on addicts. As I said my friend was like that from our early teens and we're in our 30s now. He had a shitty home life where both of his parents were nutty ex-rockstars even though they weren't addicts. He's been clean for long periods of time and it was rad, but each time he got sober he didn't also get his life in order, languished in our shitty home town, then eventually goes back to drugs to pass the days. And he's gotten to the stage of repeatedly, badly, lying to people to get them to bankroll him. He's asked me for money 3 different times, each time pretending he wasn't back on the horse as if we didn't all know.

Just don't drugs in the first place. Frankly I wish skating didn't have such a drug culture at all. At worst you become a washed up fatass who overdoses on fentanyl, at best you become an annoying Christfag.

Anonymous No. 163218

>both of his parents were nutty ex-rockstars

Quite the doxxable information

Anonymous No. 163219

If you can walk and move it you probably don't need a doctor. Just rest it, recover and rehab.

-Ice and anti-inflamatories for the initial swelling. Keep it raised when you're sitting down.
-Heat and extra protein to encourage muscle regrowth after that
-Once the muscle is repairing and you can walk comfortably, strengthen and stretch it. DO NOT SKIMP ON THIS PART. You'll probably be able to skate again here, but if you let that shit sit it'll be stiff for fucking ages and be at a bigger risk of tearing again. Took me a year to gain 100% of my mobility back because I thought it was "good enough".

Honestly I think you'll be in too much pain to handle if you need to actually go to the doctor. Mostly they just tell you to do the above if it's a regular sprain.

Anonymous No. 163223

Not at all. "Rockstar" is charitable, literally nobody outside a small local scene would know them. But they were full time rock musicians until they had kids. His mother might just have become a minor international star if not for getting pregnant with him and choosing to have him instead.

The shittiest part is that he's the best guitarist I've ever met personally and could have easily used his parents to get a career going. But idk, he just has an awful sense of self esteem.

Anonymous No. 163224

Man I'm so glad there was a big age gap between my skate generation and the previous one in my town. When I started skating I was the first one. All of the previous skaters had moved away or were literally 40 year olds that quit. Since I started first I was basically somewhat of the "leader" and the 3-4 other kids I got into skating later on tended to listen to me. Back then skating wasn't cool and I was always an outcast and alone until the others started skating, and that made me become a gate keeping elitist. It was like fuck everyone else, they can't be one of us. There was a group of alternative/punk kids that used to hang around the parks each night drinking and doing drugs. It was a fuck them mentality on my side because they didn't skate and every time my skate homies wanted to hang out with them or got asked by them to come over I was shutting it down. For whatever reason they took my side and god bless, because they could have ended up becoming addicts. My childish contrarian mentality was such that if they do drugs I wont do it because me and them are different and I'm cool and they're not so I had to do the opposite of what they were doing.

Later on I met this girl I really cared for and it turned out she was a functioning addict or whatever it's called and I didn't know because I wasn't that close with her. She died of an overdose and I'm still butthurt about it.

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Anonymous No. 163227

>She died of an overdose and I'm still butthurt about it.

I literally had a coke-fat 30 something try to sell me a (good) fresh deck for £20 the other day because he needed it for coke. Non skaters (or BMXers or whatever) really shouldn't hang out at skateparks, but especially not "I used to be good" burnouts who are only there trying to score money and drugs. You see them drop in once or twice throughout the whole session, do a couple of cool tricks, then just wish they were clean so they could REALLY go for it.

Plus I always think of all the gnar guys who are fucking dead. I was watching Vice's reupload of King of the Road and it has Phelper, Mike Davis and Mark Hubbard, all of which are dead from overdoses. Grosso, dead. Gator, committed rape and murder on a meth binge. Ben Papas, murder suicide. Tas Papas, in jail for years. Jay Adams, dead from complications. Duane Peters, insane. Brandon Novak, Andy Roy, Christian Hosoi, missed out on the 2000s hayday because they were fucked up and in jail for long stretches. Bam, earthrockin' USA. Random ass pro from a 2000s video you rewatched and thought "huh, what happened to them?", you better believe they're addicts.

Bones Brigade, all sober boyscouts skating into their fucking 60s.

Anonymous No. 163234

F. That bruising is a bad sign, you tore your ligaments in your ankle. Go to a physio, sooner you get working on recovery sooner you are skating. Mine took 8 months before I was back on a board with a ankle brace.

Anonymous No. 163241

Pretty wack to blame baker for what is essentially a problem across all action sports.

Anonymous No. 163243

bro i can only backside 5-0, back disaster, and 50-50 both ways that bag of tricks is plenty deep, keep working on it, progression isn't an overnight thing and consistent practice will prevail

Anonymous No. 163249

>i bet you wear vans
is a old /esg/ meme from the /asp/ days when we used to make fun of people/children who would wear vans and only ride baker boards to look like real skaters because thats all they knew. try and keep up newfags
baker is absolutely hype shit nowadays, if you dont understand why im saying that its because your old and out of touch. the basic fact is that the youth see baker on the same plane as fa or supreme. if kids are walking out of a shop because they dont have baker boards thats hype shit. if a 14 year old whos never even seen a baker vid wants a baker board thats hype shit. you faggots really dont get it.
>half of industry decks are 80 dollars
nah thats just a flat out lie, sure a lot of decks are hovering around 70 dollars but 80+ dollars is the hype price.

didnt you know that baker invented doing drugs and drinking? you must be pretty new to skateboarding, before baker everyone was straight edge and nobody partied and every pro was an autistic nerd like mullen or hawk.

Anonymous No. 163255

Are kids at skateparks exposed to drug use and other negative influences like foul language?

Anonymous No. 163261

Saw Liam Pace at my regular skatepark today. eh's a pretty cool guy

>... is a old /esg/ meme from the /asp/ days
That doesn't make it funny or not tired. If anything that makes it worse that anon used it repeatedly

Anonymous No. 163262

I saw all the comments wishing RIP to Mike Davies on youtube. He didn't seem like an addict. I didn't know that was the cause.

Anonymous No. 163263

Would I be correct in assuming you have a pair of vans lying around?

Anonymous No. 163267

This is one thing I've always disliked about skate culture. It's a piece of wood with some wheels on it; you're not a rebel (especially these days).

Anonymous No. 163283

Yeah. He was sober for a long time then apparently some guy who was a bad influence on him came back into his life, prompted him to use again. I don't know why people pretend that a skater hasn't died from an overdose when that's what happened. Same deal with Mark Hubbard; no one has ever officially said he died of an OD, but you can just look at him and tell he's off his tits in the last months of his life.

Baker FULLY embraced it though. 80s guys would at least try to do their drugs on the DL. Look at Christian Hosoi and look at Dustin Dollin and tell me which one is more visibly fucked up in any given video. The Piss Drunx weren't a thing until the 2000s and most of them were on Baker.
I don't want to be some "sobriety is cool" loser, but ruining yourself and nipping your skate career in the bud/just being a fat gross addict is worse.

Anonymous No. 163294

Yeah? Is this a thing you really disliked about skate culture?

Anonymous No. 163296

The fault of Baker isn't that it embraced it, it's that Reynolds and Williams and Greco are now swearing to sobriety. Dollin is honest and he likes to drink. What's the problem? Remember that treating addiction as a disease and then creating an industry out of treating said disease ("if all you have is a hammer.." etc.) is a very US way of reestablishing the normality of capital.

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Anonymous No. 163302

>sobriety is an industry
>but not alcohol or (legal) drugs

Anon, watching your friends ruin their lives is shit. After a point you stop saying "hey man, it's their life, their body, who am I to judge them?" when they've hurt everyone who loves them, committed serious crimes, gotten other people addicted and just pissed away all the good things they had. And what, you think sober people aren't honest like Dollin? You've clearly never had an addict in your life if you think they're honest because they definitively not.

I'd personally like it if no one had to go to rehab at all because, yeah, in America a lot of them are fucking heinously expensive and will just dose you up with different legal drugs. I'd prefer if people just treated themselves with monk-like discipline and worked from there, but it'd be stupid to expect that from an addict. I'd much rather if skaters were level headed enough to say "I like getting loaded, but I like skating more and the getting loaded is making that worse so I'll stop" and then, idk, do some sort of therapy or soul searching to deal with the problems that had them drinking in the first place.

Anonymous No. 163311


Skaters need to be focused and alert, particularly in a skatepark setting, to maintain their balance and to perform the maneuvers they do. Skateboarding, by its very nature, is an anti-drug. Generally, a skatepark full of kids who are there to skate is a skatepark full of kids not getting stoned.

At skateparks, older skaters tend to look after younger skaters. They offer tips, help them out of bowls when they fall, and will rise to the occasion when they have the opportunity to set a positive example or mentor a younger skater.

A skatepark is a place where skaters get together and enjoy the space, the camaraderie, and the physical thrill of riding. An outdoor, open, highly visible location–as most skateparks are–is not the place to bully kids, use drugs, or be a nuisance. Skaters are there for a reason, and are generally very good at policing each other about behavior that interferes with their enjoying the park.

Skateparks, where the skaters have trouble with non-skating drug users and delinquents showing up, are typically located in secluded areas, where casual supervision is infrequent or doesn’t exist. It’s an unfortunate situation, but it’s one that the skaters suffer from, rather than create themselves. It is important that the skatepark is positioned somewhere in the community where there is ample pedestrian traffic. This prevents people from preying on the captive skatepark audience.

A well-built and properly sited skatepark that reflects the needs of the local skaters is a hive of creative, physical activity, a place where kids and adults who enjoy skateboarding come together and are focused on their sport in an inherently positive environment.

Anonymous No. 163314

holy shit can the preachy faggots stuck in the past please shut the fuck up and go host a middle school assembly or go to a al-anon meeting. if you grew up skateboarding you no doubt had friends fall off due to drugs or alcohol, especially if your a millennial who grew up in the height of the opiate epidemic. this wah wah my teenage friends left me and skateboarding to party shit is pathetic especially considering most of you are probably near 30 or over. getting some real "i never left my small town/i have no friends" vibes from all of you. move the fuck on with your lives.

Anonymous No. 163328

No, lakais. They were the only shoe in the store that fit my foot
Would I be correct in assuming you came to 4chan somewhere around 2015?

I disliked that about skateboarding as well. It's evident among a bunch of the 411's and anti-hero videos that these people think they're outcasts and are in some blind rebellion against something, but it's so nonsensical to think that riding on a piece of wood in a dangerous way makes you a rebel; it hardly makes you cool. If you were an "outcast" it's because people didn't like you BEFORE you took on skateboarding. And if you were some teenager that still didn't listen to his parents at an advanced age then you were just a dumbass, not a rebel.omna8

That being said, casual longboarders and especially electric longboarders annoy the fuck out of me. They are either wimpy normalfags or prissy faggots (as shown in >>162722)

Lol, what was this supposed to achieve?

what Markov-chain article did you pull this from?

Stop whining, small child

Anonymous No. 163330

Put down the needle, druggie.

Anonymous No. 163331

>Replies to every post
You are the most try hard poster in this thread. Every one of your posts reeks of faggotry. skateboarding was rebellious at one point because in most places it was illegal to skateboard especially in the 411 golden age anti hero era. Skateboarders were outcasts, they were hated and made fun of for doing what they liked. Your making retarded claims and observations that only a retarded ignorant/arrogant autist would think is smart. You are the one coming off as a small child/newfag. You need to skate more and stop analyzing and hating on an era you weren't ever a part of.

Anonymous No. 163337

lmao, seething and mallgrabbing his popsicle board while the chad donkboarder actually skates past

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 163339

poppin ollies and slappin tails unnnggh

Anonymous No. 163346

Absolutely, your description of skateparks and the skateboarding culture is accurate and insightful. Skateboarding indeed fosters a sense of focus, camaraderie, and community among skaters. The nature of the activity requires skaters to be present, alert, and physically engaged, which naturally discourages drug use and promotes a healthy lifestyle.

The mentorship dynamic between older and younger skaters is an important aspect of skatepark culture. It creates a supportive environment where skills are passed down and positive behaviors are modeled. This helps younger skaters not only improve their skateboarding skills but also learn about respect, sportsmanship, and responsibility.

You've also pointed out a crucial aspect regarding the location of skateparks. Placing skateparks in areas with high visibility and pedestrian traffic helps deter negative behaviors and ensures a safer environment for skaters. This way, the positive influence of the skatepark can extend beyond just skateboarding, contributing positively to the overall community.

Overall, your description highlights the many positive aspects of skateboarding and skatepark culture, emphasizing the importance of creating spaces where individuals can engage in a physically active and socially enriching activity.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 163351

I still haven't gotten a reply from that one store if I can get a discount code after I lost my favorite ring and want to buy a new one. It either went to the spam folder or they saw it and called me a faggot before deleting the email. It's not fair man. Losing my ring just like that. I have to go outside next week and I'll be ringless...

Anonymous No. 163356

how the hell do you find the motivation

Anonymous No. 163357

Motivation for what?

Anonymous No. 163358

to go out and skate ive lost all desire to even get on my board

Anonymous No. 163360

Name 3 things more fun and enjoyable than skating.

Anonymous No. 163361

im sorry but i dont even know if I even have "fun" with anything anymore it all just feels like going through the motions.

Anonymous No. 163366

Just don't skate, same thing happened to me and I just quit one day

You can still enjoy it without having to do it

Anonymous No. 163367

that's not a mall grab, but yes Alex Olsen is being an asshole.

Anonymous No. 163368

>going through the motions
I recently picked my board up again, and after regaining most of my old bag of tricks it started to get stale. What you need to do is challenge yourself and try to learn something new. Try a new trick you've always wanted to learn but were too scared. Try skating in a new environment with obstacles you aren't used to skating.

Anonymous No. 163370

Okay, I can see where you are coming from. Just out of curiosity what decks do you usually go for these days? I recently found a deathwish deck for $40 at a warehouse for overstocked goods. I think it ended up there because the graphic was partially scratched up.

Anonymous No. 163386

skateparks are for fucking squares, hit the fucking streets kiddos. nothing builds friendship like spending all day skating around town or the city with your homies hitting spots, talking to weirdos, and getting into a bit of mischief.

i buy whatevers on sale online or sometimes one of my locals has 25% off sales online and you can pick up in store. I try to buy from small companies if they're doing a sale, last small company i ordered from had 2 mystery decks for 90 bucks, they only had like 5 boards and I liked all the graphics so it was a win. But if you wait for big sales (labor day is coming up) and look around online you can get decks for like 30 - 40 bucks and then you stock up and buy 2 or more at a time.
I would be careful about that deathwish deck, it could be warped or soggy or could just be a shit budget deck from a complete. Idk how a practically new deck ends up in a overstock warehouse like that unless its also one of those warehouses that sells returns from other stores too. Does it already have grip tape on it?

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Anonymous No. 163387

No, no griptape on it. It's been fine so far. No warping or delamination. The place I got it from is mainly for industrial supplies like plumbing, electrical, construction, ETC. For whatever reason they sometimes get mall shop stuff. I go there for work occasionally and usually all they have is longboard wheels and bearings.

I'll keep my eye out for deals. Before this deck I was buying direct from Zero, but their prices have gone up since the last time I bought from them.

Anonymous No. 163389

I'm not glorifying it. I am saying that one shouldn't make a moral point out of it, because the US has plenty of examples where that was the case and they all ended up hurting the common man, not the barons. And I don't want to see people like Dollin get the Clockwork Orange treatment, it's his life. But even if he broke his face, people make mistakes.

Anonymous No. 163391

Anon, skateboarding makes you cool. It always has. Don't believe the marketing.
There were always militant and guerilla skateboarders who invade pools and parking lots in the nighttime and who build gnarly and beautiful diy spots. And no, the electric wrongboarder will never be cool, he will always be a comformist.

Anonymous No. 163392

What's the story here?

Anonymous No. 163393

sounds like you got lucky and got a good deal then. Curious how it got there, probably a return from Zumiez.
slap has a great thread where people are always posting sales from online stores, definitely check it out when your looking for parts or when its around a holiday

just went to that thread and within a minute saw skate mental has pro decks ranging from 20 to 40 dollars

Anonymous No. 163394

>You think I base my personality around skateboarding at this age?

Skateboarding is the most important thing in the world.

Anonymous No. 163395

You are a fucking legend and I love you.

Anonymous No. 163396

Kickflip to manual, fuck. Yes.
Are you the anon who posted Rasbet way back when?

Anonymous No. 163397

No I'm the anon that tore his knee up and can never skate again and tells slap faggots to post a clip.

God bless.

Anonymous No. 163398

There must be a way anonito. There must be.

Anonymous No. 163399

Yeah killing myself and being reborn.

Anonymous No. 163405

Ricky Oyola called Jovontae a nigger at EMB 30 years ago and Clyde Singleton is on a war path to ruin Ricky's non-existent career.

Anonymous No. 163417

I'm not sure what is better, putting it out there to see or keeping it in the shadows. Baker showed the good and bad side, they just documented their lives. I'd argue by watching some of their arcs I learnt to not get lost in that shit like some of them. The Ali Boulala incident bought things into reality. And Dustin isn't a crackhead, he's just a piss head. Functional alcoholic but his whole life is travel and skate meanwhile I work a shit job. Idk if he has a problem or I do.
Perpetual victims

Anonymous No. 163425

I'm almost 30 man
I don't want to engage in destruction of public property anymore unless it's a slappy curb

Anonymous No. 163426

Who are you quoting?

>Your making
Try learning English before telling me how this website works, candyass.

Anonymous No. 163427

Yep same deal with Mark Hubbard, also Grosso and Phelps. Skateboarding wants to act like it's all pro-mental health and that kind of thing but they have tried to keep it so low key that all of these big names that died were heroin/fent addicts. That info should be out there so kids don't think those drugs are a joke

Anonymous No. 163428

>Placing skateparks in areas with high visibility and pedestrian traffic helps deter negative behaviors and ensures a safer environment for skaters.
I've noticed this about the new skateparks that are getting built. When I was growing up almost all skateparks were kinda tucked away in quiet/sketchy areas of town. I guess people saw it as 'out of sight/out of mind'. Nowadays there are building skateparks in busy areas which as you said is great. Less graffiti, less delinquents. Hell, a brand new local skatepark just got built literally next door to a police station and as a 30yo boomer I couldn't be happier. Lol fucking hell

Anonymous No. 163430

>Greentext means your quoting someone
you really have no idea how this fucking website works, every post you expose yourself as more and more of a newfag.
And now youre just showing off how much of a faggot nerd you are by correcting my grammar.
Go fucking skate loser

Anonymous No. 163432

I fucking LOVE it when newfags out themselves by not understanding that "greentexting" is only meant to be quoting. "greentexting" was a stupid fad that was popularlized by r/4chan in 2013 and got onto YouTube, where a lot of the eternal newfags and tourists came from, such as yourself.

>correcting my grammar
Hey, it isn't my fault you type like a fucking retard. Everyone knows you aren't supposed to make uncorrected grammatical mistakes when TYPING.

Just admit you absolutely lost; be an adult about it.

Anonymous No. 163439

>"greentexting" is only meant to be quoting
>"greentexting" was a stupid fad that was popularlized by r/4chan in 2013 and got onto YouTube
just stop posting, youre embarrassing yourself.

Anonymous No. 163440

symptom of depression?

Anonymous No. 163486

>Perpetual victims

It is a very offensive term.

Anonymous No. 163487


Anonymous No. 163491

seems like it

Anonymous No. 163506

God these threads suck

Anonymous No. 163507


Anonymous No. 163509

What the fuck does age have to do with anything. All you faggots who think your old and cant do anything because your around 30 should just kys now. fucking pathetic losers.

Anonymous No. 163515

30 fucking years. Niggers need to let it rest.

Anonymous No. 163572

Agreed. I hate this mentality. Most pros hit their prime in late 20s or early 30s. Its just an excuse to become lazy and complacent.

Anonymous No. 163586

Only pro I have ever seen in my FUCKING LOCAL is Ryan De Senzo, he is travelling ANYWHERE.

Anonymous No. 163600

The days of being a skate rat in the streets are long gone. You are emulating the lifestyle we created, down to our fashion. Stop acting like you're hardcore for it.
>Ryan De Senzo

Anonymous No. 163606

havent watched gifted hater since in a while, when did his channel blow up?

Anonymous No. 163613

That slap thread is a great resource. I got a deal on some indys. Thanks for sharing.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 163626

Berra was right

Anonymous No. 163627

Berra was right

🗑️ Anonymous No. 163628


Anonymous No. 163632

it's here

Anonymous No. 163633

Is this a leak?

Anonymous No. 163682

lotta anons in here are just sniffing there own farts on some inflated sense of maturity. im 29 all my homies are my age or older including 2 guys in their early 40s. we all skate regularly, have full time jobs, do diy builds and everyone has other hobbies they participate in too. the whiny crybabies itt need to get a grip or just shut the fuck up and stop posting. if you think your too old to be a skateboarder why are you here in the skateboarding thread.
ok boomer
np np glad you got a deal

Anonymous No. 163693

New yuto part was cool
The full lenz iii was amazing
I am becoming a weeb in the skating context
Oh and my dick is small btw

Anonymous No. 163699

timescan 2 coming out soon too

Anonymous No. 163750

My age is relevant because i don't want to get in trouble with the law for destroying property by trying to skate it. Or even just be a public nuisance trying to skate a rail or ledge in a busy street. I'm 29 now, I'm about building this world, i don't have the angst i did when i was 16 and just wanted to destroy anything and everything.

I still skate 3-4 times a week, still progressing, it's just 95% at skateparks instead of street spots.

Anonymous No. 163774

Make a new thread

Anonymous No. 163779

lgbt edition

Anonymous No. 163782

you replied to me twice. your a faggot. talking about angst and being 16 is pathetic. shut the fuck up and go skate dickhead

Anonymous No. 163784

actually if your going to be all
>skating street is being a public nuisance
either kys or stop skating. you are a pussy ass loser normie who shouldnt be skating in the first place. go get a normie nerd hobby like video games or something

Anonymous No. 163785

Scratching people's shit so you can noselide six inches is faggot behavior

Anonymous No. 163787

>Scratching people's shit
just stop skating you pussy faggot

Anonymous No. 163789

>95% at skateparks instead of street spots
I'm 31 and I'm the opposite. I go to a public park that has a nice chunky ledge and some stairs. The main sidewalk for the park is where the ledge is. Its high traffic on weekends. I have to wait for people to walk by to get attempts in. A lot of people actually get hyped when they see me land something. The other day some dude gave me beer. It has nothing to do with angst or being a public nuisance. I'm simply practicing my sport. I smile at people and keep a friendly attitude and I have never had problems.

Anonymous No. 163790

thank you for being a cool dude in this sea of faggots. its unbelievable that so many people itt think you have to be a teenager to skate outside of a skatepark

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Anonymous No. 163805

>ok boomer
I'm hitting my local business park this weekend. No one calls me out like that..

Anonymous No. 163809

Lmao settle down dude. I don't give a shit if anyone else does it. It's just not my thing. But you're objectively being a public nuisance if you go a street spot in a crowded area. That's why i usually just go skate curbs if i'm going to skate 'street'. I just don't give a shit enough about grinding ledges or other street spots.

Why do you get so mad when people post things you disagree with dude? You genuinely seem upset over this

Anonymous No. 163810

NTA but I think the way you framed it in your other post is annoying. You talk about it as if you think it makes you a better person.
>I'm about building this world, i don't have the angst i did when i was 16 and just wanted to destroy anything and everything
What does angst have to do with it? The goal isn't to destroy. The goal is to have fun. I'm not going to lament the condition of a small section of city property.
>you're objectively being a public nuisance if you go a street spot in a crowded area
This just sounds like you're self conscious about skating street because you think pedestrians are going to be inconvenienced by you. Its not like you need to be an asshole to skate street. Just be an adult and be friendly. Most people don't care.

Anonymous No. 163811

Fair enough, but to be fair i was replying to a post that said this, maybe this will help understand why i sounded defensive...
>All you faggots who think your old and cant do anything because your around 30 should just kys now. fucking pathetic losers.

Anonymous No. 163812

haha yeah, makes sense. People are often needlessly aggressive on this site. I understand where he's coming from, but he could have worded it better.

Anonymous No. 163816


new thread

Anonymous No. 165316

I watched life of ryan on mtv2 back in the day and thought it was lame yeah. but holy shit sheckler was/is so good at skating it didn't matter. mostly everyone else I knew felt the same so idk

Anonymous No. 166216

Mario if he real