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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 163815

Streetplant edition

previous thread >>161398

Anonymous No. 163828

Holy FUCK I love skateboarding

Anonymous No. 163834

Are wider boards better for taller people? I'm about 5'11, and I currently skate a 7.75

I notice that I wobble easily when skating the mini-ramp, and I sometimes feel like my balance isn't that great when I land flip tricks. I

Anonymous No. 163835

Its mostly a preference thing. Try going up a quarter inch and see how you like it. For mini ramp that extra stability will probably feel good. What size trucks do you have?

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Anonymous No. 163836

My trucks are also 7.75. I'm planning to move up to an 8-inch board

Should I also get 8 inch trucks as well to match?

Anonymous No. 163840

No, you should be fine. It's usually recommended to stay within a quarter inch difference between board and trucks. If you decide to go above 8 I would get some wider ones.

Anonymous No. 163847

shut up faggot. go skate

Anonymous No. 163872

Have you ever considered getting an actual job? Or a gf? Or a friend? Fucking autistic retard, go skate your little street spot with your other 40yo autistic manchild friends

Anonymous No. 163874

post clip with your gf in the background

Anonymous No. 163878

Only people who suck continue to skate in their 30s

For the rest of us chads we already learned all the tricks and got bored and moved on

Anonymous No. 163884

This is the best YouTube channel. He travels to different countries and skated with the locals

Anonymous No. 163886

He hasn't been to my country so he sucks ass.

Anonymous No. 163888

What's your country

Anonymous No. 163889

Anonymous. His Japan video was cool though. Hopefully he makes more, because his previous ones are in shit like Korea and Korea sucks massive ass.

Anonymous No. 163895

Why won't you say your country, is it india or something, why are you embarrassed

Anonymous No. 163897

Because anonymous.

Anonymous No. 163904

Your still gonna be anonymous retard, it's just the fuckin country

Anonymous No. 163905

Nice try glowie.

Anonymous No. 163908


Anonymous No. 163911

how fat are you?

Anonymous No. 163923

so my balls were smelling bad, straight rancid, i could smell bacterial cheese through my pants, when i took a piss i would get wafted with straight balls.

now i figured out it was the briefs i had, they were mad out of that spandex and1 type shit

so i got new boxers now and they dont even stink after 3 days

this shit is lifechanging

Anonymous No. 163954

ok faggot?

Anonymous No. 163959

I'm a poorfag with one board, how do I get over being too pussy to start trying tricks?

Anonymous No. 163977

skate switch

Anonymous No. 163978

Can you ollie? If you can get comfortable doing ollies at speed. You can start practicing flip tricks while stationary or on grass or carpet. There is no trick to getting over the mental game. You just need to practice and go for it.

Anonymous No. 163983

Just copped some Gammas from Emerica for $20. Big steal.

Anonymous No. 163984

the stinky bacteria thrive on hydrophobic fabrics

Anonymous No. 163989

you sound mad faggot. why dont you go skate.

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Anonymous No. 163991

How do I fix my heelfips? They always turn outwards

Anonymous No. 163992

Not sure if this will help, but try flicking more with the side of your foot rather than your actual heel. Bring your front foot back a little so your toes aren't hanging off as far. That's what worked for me.

Anonymous No. 163999

Skating public property is fine in my book. Obviously you should wreck something to a degree it's unskateable, but some scratches and marks is no big deal. If you pay taxes it's as much your property as anyone, but even if you don't, it's public and where you live.

Skating private property is case by case. If it's some old biddies home or a heritage site, yeah, don't be a cunt. But if it's some corporate owned "public private" plaza, wreck that shit. These cunts will unfairly snap up land, then pretend they're not by making it seem like a public space until they change their mind and send out security. Fuck em, we live here too.

Anonymous No. 164000

>*shouldn't wreck something to a degree it's unskateabke

Anonymous No. 164001

Keep shoulders straight and make sure you're jumping straight up and not leaning or tilting.

Anonymous No. 164046

thanks for the heads up, just ordered some too. can't really lose for $20. that's almost free.

Anonymous No. 164047

> taller
no... foot size matters though. if you have big feet and a skinny board, it's like standing on a 2x4. I ride a 8" but I wear size 9.5us. it feels perfect. if you have bigger feet than that, get a 8.25 at least. that's probably the most common board size now anyways. ideally you want the same width trucks, but having slightly narrower trucks is fine unless you land primo, slightly wider will cause issues with your foot hitting the wheels though.

Anonymous No. 164054

HOLY SHIT GUYS! *literally who* JUST WENT PRO! for *literally who* skateboards! trans btw...

Anonymous No. 164055

Damn bro at least open with a non sketchy trick. Faggotass video.

Anonymous No. 164057

>*literally who* skateboards!
Jerry Hsu's company. Hoping he gets some better talent. Always been a fan of his. The bar is so much lower for women. Its hard for me to even gauge what is considered advanced for them.

Anonymous No. 164059

>for women.
very funny

Anonymous No. 164060

I was going to say that skater was bad even for female standards... then I realized it was trans, so that makes it 100x worse.

Anonymous No. 164061

That does make it worse. I think Sci Fi only has one other pro in Ryan Lay. Unless Jerry is also planning on putting out parts.

Anonymous No. 164063

>new yorker
>riders for krux
>is a tranny

I literally spoke this meme into existence a couple of years ago when I was arguing with some NYShitter in here and told him the NY style is know for trannies. And I've also always said krux is the tranny company. I'm literally God and writing the script as we go.

Anonymous No. 164065

so is Hsu just a porn addict or some shit? what would make a former core pro skater do these things? why isn't he sponsoring legit skaters?

Anonymous No. 164066

What did that nigga look like before he turned into a bitch?

Anyone got pics?

Jerry is totally is addicted to tranny porn

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Anonymous No. 164067

>muh core skaters

Are you living in some fantasy? Look at this dude lmao.

Anonymous No. 164068

Jerry is 100% a core skater. His Bag of Suck part is legendary.

Anonymous No. 164069

Jerry Hsu has literal brain damage. Look at all of his old b-roll footage and look at how many times he smashed his head. Then watch any recent interview, he's not all there.

Anonymous No. 164071

> t. zoomer
he was very well known, his shoes were good too.

Anonymous No. 164072

Dumb retards, I'm saying you can't be surprised at the current events, not that he's not known or wasn't somebody. I'm so tired of illiterate low IQ faggots on here that just get triggered immediately.

Anonymous No. 164073

I guess Corey Glick is also on Sci Fi. I seem to remember Gifted Hater getting boards from them as well, but I haven't watched his videos in a while.

Anonymous No. 164075

>Corey Glick is also on Sci Fi.
this is actually good, those tum yeto dickheads hardly pay their riders

Anonymous No. 164076

>I'm saying you can't be surprised at the current events
Where did you say that? Were we supposed to glean that from the pic of him looking aloof?

Anonymous No. 164078

In my post here >>164067. Work on your reading comprehension and lurk more before posting.

Anonymous No. 164080

That's what I'm referring to.
>Are you living in some fantasy? Look at this dude lmao.
How does this translate to
>I'm saying you can't be surprised at the current events

Anonymous No. 164081

>how could guy do thing?
>because look at him!

Anon it's not hard.

Anonymous No. 164087

he's doing mental gymnastics after he got called out for not knowing who Jerry Hsu is.

Anonymous No. 164089

No you're just retarded.

Anonymous No. 164095

calling jerry hsu a tranny porn addict has got to be the most 4chan thing you can do. great way to kick off the new general.

Anonymous No. 164100

>Get my kickflip groove on
>shoe is wrecked
>"oh well, I'll get shoes eventually, I can practice switch and nollie meanwhile"
>Get shoes
>switch board from either 8 or 8,125 to 8,25
>it's like I never knew how to kickflip


That is not a streetplant

Anonymous No. 164101

Is he doing hardflips?

Anonymous No. 164102


why are you here?

Anonymous No. 164103

>Its hard for me to even gauge what is considered advanced for them

Then you haven't watched Gifted's latest video

Anonymous No. 164104

You are the only one getting triggered.

Anonymous No. 164105


Anonymous No. 164107

new shoes are always worse than a new setup, but it goes away after a couple of sessions. the only shoes I ever remember being able to skate in instantly were C1RCA AL50. I dunno if the new ones are as good as the originals, but man I loved those shoes.

Anonymous No. 164113

Jesus, is there ONE clean make in that video? And how about some music or something?

Anonymous No. 164114

>new shoes are always worse than a new setup


Anonymous No. 164115

because a new setup is only noticeably different if you change trucks. even decks don't make a massive difference unless you're changing the width by more than a half inch. I can get used to a new deck in like 10 minutes. new trucks, even the same kind with fresh bushings, take time to get "broken in."

Anonymous No. 164117

I'm addicted to the Internet

Anonymous No. 164118

Being able to do a trick like that consistently requires precise muscle memory.
Precise muscle memory applied to a changed variable means you have to re-calibrate.
You've still got the "instrument", you just need to calibrate it.

Anonymous No. 164123

if you're in the states I got tons of spares that are pretty mint if you skate 8s if you're really really a poorfag or in some shitganistan fuck shit country i can probably work something out to get you a board

Anonymous No. 164124

Thanks will try adjusting my foot next session. I feel the board follows my front foot.
I try to focus on staying over my board, leaning forward a little. It might be shoulders, would it be too open or closed do you think?

Anonymous No. 164134

I do go skate, i also have a job, friends, and a gf who i have sex with. I am better than you, you ar a wastoid loser

Anonymous No. 164135

is that because 4chan is the only place where the truth is spoken?

Anonymous No. 164136

jerry hsu always had and has weak faggot style. also doesn't skate any real transition so yeah not surprised he's a troon lover

Anonymous No. 164137

I disagree. That boned switch ollie that he does over that huge gap in Bag of Suck is still one of the most aesthetically pleasing switch ollies I've ever seen.

Anonymous No. 164158

hot trannys are based

Anonymous No. 164165

You're attracted to men, faggot

Anonymous No. 164180

Posting in this thread at 6 am. Hit trannies sre kinda based but I'm addicted to tranny porn myself, I'm in recovery I only jerk off like 3 times a month

Anonymous No. 164181

Not sure what open or closed means but basically your entire body has a movement chain from top to bottom and if you're turning or leaning at any point during your jump your legs will follow, and in turn your board. You can make the board heelflip by hitting the center of your nose with your toes if you're flexible enough, but if you're leaning or turning it will follow. It's the same with ollies. If you can do a straight ollie then just try and find what you're doing different with heelflips. It could also be a timing issue with your kick but I can't tell. If you kick too early the board could be catching your back foot ever so slightly.

It could also be your back foot position, and that's probably what's actually causing it. If it's too much in a shuv it position the board will turn right when you pop. If your ollies aren't turning I'm willing to bet your back foot is in a different position. Your front foot is not the issue.

Anonymous No. 164182

>im on 4chan that means i can have bad opinions
shut up retards

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Anonymous No. 164184

So basically you're already turning a little bit when you jump and when you pop your tail doesn't hit the ground at the center, but a bit to the side. If you film yourself doing an ollie, your tail will probably be hitting right at the middle. If you film your pop shuv it will probably look more like your heelflip.

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Anonymous No. 164186

Look at this fag and how centered his tail is when it hits the ground. He's also still scooping at the pop while you're already kicking. That's a millisecond difference but still.

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look at this dood.png

Anonymous No. 164188

And if you also compare your body direction before you pop and when you're landing, you can definitely see you're turning right as you jump. You have to keep your body straight throughout the entire movement of the jump, not only when you're about to pop. It's the same with ollies.

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Anonymous No. 164189

You haven't already popped at you're already kicking with your front foot. Tail isn't making contact yet. So basically it's a front foot timing issue. Your tail is about to hit the ground straight down but you're kicking too early and it's tilting right before the pop happens. Scoop first like an ollie and then kick. Not a foot placement issue. Just timing and you're also turning a bit because you're not used to the front foot position being different from an ollie. Since your front foot goes further out it makes you turn. And that's not a problem, but you just have to compensate with your leg muscles when you jump to make sure you're jumping straight up.

Anonymous No. 164198

Should a almost 40 dad start to skate or will I break a leg?

Anonymous No. 164200

Recover from what? Your natural urges?

Anonymous No. 164201


I did change trucks and bushings, same length

Allright, thanks brothers

Anonymous No. 164203

There's no guarantee. Me I tore my whole knee apart. Others like fat dadbro skate often with no issues.

Anonymous No. 164207

get in shape first. lowest possible healthy bodyweight, build your leg muscles, joints, and tendons up by riding a bike up hills while standing. become more flexible by doing daily exercises. the only other real variable is the condition of your body/genetics. you can still cruise around and do low impact shit though. jumping down stairs isn't smart unless you've been doing it for a long time. the most important thing you learn when skateboarding is how to fall anyways, and you tend to learn that the hard way when starting out. this is where being light and flexible can make or break you. rolling your ankle or going a split can be the difference between tearing something or just being sore for a couple of days. spend some time getting in good condition first, will save downtime in the long run.

Anonymous No. 164208

this nigga skates like me in my dreams

Anonymous No. 164209


Thanks, man.


Well, I already hit the gym and do some cardio. Anyway I'm overweight, and my right knee is not 100% due to football (soccer) when I was younger.

My main concern is hurt my right knee.

Anonymous No. 164213

Do you skate goofy?

Anonymous No. 164216


Never skated before, but I guess not. I played football with the right leg.

Anonymous No. 164219

Tranny porn, it's not healthy for your psyche

Anonymous No. 164220

It's over for you then.

Anonymous No. 164221

Wow thanks alot anon. All makes sense, just need to go do it.

Anonymous No. 164223

Yeah and not letting your front foot hang out as much will help, although it's not mandatory. Just wanted to make it a point that your front foot can be anywhere on the board as long as you know what you're doing. I personally leave my foot in an ollie position but I also have to jump higher and kick out harder like kung fu panda. The way you're doing them now will give you a faster and snappier flip, but me I don't like that.

Anonymous No. 164224

If I can get them down I'll be happy. I missed the other post, it's not an issue really with any other trick I have, my ollie's are fine. I think maybe I'm compensating with the back because the front is so off tho.

Anonymous No. 164227

I'd like to see a clip of you doing an ollie over something.

Anonymous No. 164233

Literally just keep your shoulders straight little zoomer

Anonymous No. 164249

yeah hes the only cool skater on frog :^)

Anonymous No. 164252

based on your experiences, wich decks are "better" or more durable?
Maple, or birch?

Anonymous No. 164253

I like bbs ones I cant speak to durability or their ability to not absorb water but they pop real nice when they are new and the graphics are cool

this guy skates the decks i do and I fuck with these
this anon reports china boards are fine enough too

theres some slap thread too

might give you some insight maybe grab a bbs on sale like that one anon from the last thread

Anonymous No. 164257

>theres some slap thread too

Yo retard kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 164259

why are you mad about that it's a pretty solid resource ive gotten from this thread

>in b4 post a clip

Anonymous No. 164260

yeah if they're pretty enough

Anonymous No. 164261

Nobody is mad you're just being told to slit your wrists.

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Anonymous No. 164264

my only skating friend is a schizo narcissist that starts behaving standoffish and ghosts me whenever i talk about my little progress and not his trauma dumping

Anonymous No. 164265

I'm that guy... that guy that busts HUGE boned out ollies over everything. You got tech tricks? Heh... that's cool, but watch this!
> *POP*
Yeah... I just ollied UP that 5 stair.

Anonymous No. 164266

I skated for like 15 years and now i have arthritis.

Anonymous No. 164267

I skated and now I can't get bitches off my dick.

Anonymous No. 164268

I've got a fucked ankle that cracks and pops when I move it. doesn't hurt that bad when I skate, but when I stop skating and walk around it's worse.

Anonymous No. 164269

You guys have to watch this part, the wood park is batshit insane

Anonymous No. 164273

I'll watch it eventually, he's really short and a ramp skater so it's not super compelling to me, but he's cool

Anonymous No. 164276

That barn set up was crazy. I would smack my head trying to roll through the top part.

Anonymous No. 164283

Sounds good
I'm trying

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Anonymous No. 164287

>go to the one pool in London with my friend
>she's 20, I'm 31
>oldheads gather here, a 60 year old guy shows up
>hasn't been on his board in 2 years due to a knee injury
>further complications with illnesses and circulation problems
>normally takes blood thinners because his leg veins may build up a deadly blood clot, but stops taking them so he can skate and not worry about a brain bleed should he hit his head
>decides to take it easy, climbs into the pool and does some (for him) small carves while his dog watches
>is a mix of adrenaline and old age, looks like he might collapse
>sticks it out for 2 hours
>some other old heads show up and start talking about the 70s and 80s scene
>watched him go home with a glowing sense of satisfaction on his face

40 isn't too old. Literally just pace yourself, especially early on as you'll be using weird leg and core muscles you didn't know existed. You can work out if you want, but skating is like martial arts in that it IS the exercise. Wear pads and prepare to fall hard in your early days. Stick to transition (bowls, miniramps, halfpipes etc) if you want to avoid a lot of impact on your knee.

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Anonymous No. 164289

God damn I love Masher videos so much.

Anonymous No. 164341

I don't think you'll break your leg especially if you're just learning. However, your legs , crotch, ankles, and feet are going to feel very very sore for a week at a time. I used to skateboard through my teens and I'm 38 now and got back into it 5 years ago I think. I haven't broken anything but I have fucked my ACL and recently given myself a very bad ankle sprain. Both from doing stairs and both in the past year. Ive had minor ankle shit happen before but nothing this bad. I work at a desk so it's fine- if you have a manual labor job... I would say take it easy.
I used to have no issues but they seem to be coming up more often. I posted my ankle in the last thread. I took last weekend off but I think it'll be good enough this weekend to at least work on some stalls on a small quarter pipe

Anonymous No. 164364

the reason i mention height as opposed to foot size is due to centre of gravity

taller people tend to have a higher centre of gravity, so they're more inclined to wobble

having a wider board I presume reduces wobbleness

Anonymous No. 164365

not sure lol, could be that or maybe varial heels

Anonymous No. 164369

6ft tall, 11.5UK shoe, 87-90kg riding an 8.5" board here. That combination works well for me. Big enough to feel stable, small enough that I can still flip it. I have, however, noticed how bad my general stance was due to my high centre of gravity only recently. In general I've found that I should have been semi-squatting a lot more, between riding around flat, the whole way through popped tricks, carving bowls, getting to the top of transition and doing a lip trick, etc. Every time I can't make something I remind myself to keep my legs bent the whole way through a trick and suddenly it comes a lot easier.

Anonymous No. 164379

Why would you ever want to flip your board, fliptricks are gay

Anonymous No. 164380

Are you a tranny maximalist or something?

Anonymous No. 164381

I'm a atv, I just don't see a point to them, seems like a bunch of bullshit to me

I'd rather do a stylish ollie

Anonymous No. 164382

1:04 and 3:16-3:49 super sick trail cam footy through the barn/snakerun, my only wish is that I wish it was a little bigger cause I don't know if I could squeeze into such a keyhole barrel but honestly this guy fucking rips

2:07 I like how he embraces his positive ape index and like swings from shit like a monkey

4:13-4:24 the oldstyle is alive with the fully decked rock n rolls, and again with the positive ape index steeze

4:55 fucking kickturns at the apex of transition especially that really blown out frontside one looked disgusting, (see 7:27)

5:17 im not sure what grab this is even but god damn it fucking looks cool it looks like hes throwing a blowtail

5:23 positive ape index steeze again

8:15 also that part where he was fucking around outside with that little diy wallramp and was gaining so much vert was pretty fucking nutty

that flatground stuff is cool too i guess

Anonymous No. 164383

fliptricks aren't gay you just don't have enough steeze to pull it off

Anonymous No. 164384

seems like pointlessly limiting yourself, but ok

Anonymous No. 164390

buy some stiffer bushings,

Anonymous No. 164392

I've been thinking about how really tight trucks used to be a thing, and how much it made some tricks harder. I used to run the 2nd hardest DohDoh bushings in low trucks when I was like 80lbs soaking wet. lol. that shit would need an entire parking lot to turn a full circle. now I know why I was so bad at nose manuals, krooks, and tre flips despite being able to do a lot harder shit.

Anonymous No. 164402

Is this what schizophrenia is like?

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Anonymous No. 164404

had a super off session today. felt sluggish and could barely land anything more than my basic staples.
cool video

Anonymous No. 164405

I have sex with your gf too! tunnel buddies!

Anonymous No. 164406

So you had sex with your mom?

Anonymous No. 164407

is PDA at the park lame or am I just being an angry incel

Anonymous No. 164408

>or am I just being an angry incel
That much was already obvious. You want another skater boy to kiss you don't you anon.

Anonymous No. 164409

Pda anywhere is fucking annoying but yes you are an angry incel

Anonymous No. 164412

honestly anytime i see that cutesy couple shit i just throw up in my mouth i dont need to see you fucking holding hands yuck i dont want to see that shit

t. fellow angry incel

Anonymous No. 164413

nice thanks

yeah I also recently experienced the same thing

I wasn't bending at my knees/hips nearly enough as I thought I was. it wasn't until I filmed myself that I realized how stiff and upright I was. I realized how important it was to squat down when I started skating transition and going off ledges and stairs. It's also especially important when you start doing flip tricks at a high speed. If you slam, it's much easier to absorb the crash when you're squatting down, as opposed to standing straight up.

Anonymous No. 164415

anyone here tried film trucks

Anonymous No. 164420

just copped some black on white sb dunks. they are doooope. so much flick.

Anonymous No. 164425

From the replies you got, I can already tell it's Ben Raybourn. Not his greatest output, but I always root for this guy.

Anonymous No. 164427

Same here. I am just posting today, but mine was yesterday too. I am the anon who forgot how to kickflip. Morning now, so I am going again to try and get kickflips REALLY wired, for good.

Anonymous No. 164434


What this anon said. The “hang your toes off the board” is a meme for heelflips. I learned to land them a lot cleaner this way

Anonymous No. 164458

This is what skateboarding should be, having fun

Anonymous No. 164459

Same. I rarely film myself but then someone got a clip of me doing an ollie, which was thankfully high due to having a strong pop, but when I could compare it to someone else's clip I could see just how much more upright I was than I thought. I've also taken notes from pool skaters about how pumping is different for them in that they only really start the pump half way up a wall, and once I started doing that in other types of transition I've seen how much more stable I am by the time I reach coping.

I really wonder how the fuck people got good at skating without video sometimes. You could be doing shit wrong for years until you happen upon the right demo at the right time.

Anonymous No. 164476

please stub your toe for the betterment of mankind

Anonymous No. 164480

my Emerica Gamma that I snagged for $20 arrived. genuinely impressed. I didn't really like the way they looked but they're not as bad in person. man are they surprisingly comfy though... and it's one of those shoes that doesn't really feel like it needs to be broken in. it's like an og slim shoes, not too fat or padded, but fatter and more padded than your average modern skate shoe. I just didn't expect them to feel this good. I could probably go skate right now and not have to get used to them, they just have that feeling.

Anonymous No. 164481

I only skate Ventures because I'm an OG.

Anonymous No. 164487

Got rained on heavily like 3 times the last few weeks and now my board feels like it's lost pop.

Anonymous No. 164489

I just sold a Miata for nine grand, now I'm gonna buy a minivan and travel around the country

Anonymous No. 164491

I really want to try them, they're kind of hard to get here in the US

Anonymous No. 164499

a kid called me a cosplayer because im wearing a sticker bombed helmet and bad
30yo boomers what is our response

Anonymous No. 164501

Have sex with his mom.

Anonymous No. 164505

new tania vid for the simp

Anonymous No. 164506

I don't get it... who is she supposed to be and why are people recording her? She can do a boardslide... so can the 5 year olds at the skatepark.

Anonymous No. 164507

Is that the same bank spot that Tyler Surrey does that fat nollie big flip off the edge? I wish I had spots like that where I live.

Anonymous No. 164508

has skateboarding really fallen off so hard that brands are promoting insta art whores en masse? can anyone please tell my what brands DON'T do this normie bullshit so I can only support those companies? what brands only feature legitimate skaters who have put decades into progressing?

Anonymous No. 164509

Zero, Polar, Sk8mafia

Anonymous No. 164511

I thought Polar sold $100 t-shirts and parachute pants? fuck that gay shit too.

Anonymous No. 164512

lol yeah, they just have a decent team. I liked their last video a lot. Only ever had their decks. I don't buy "skate" clothes.

Anonymous No. 164513

how do you think they pay their riders? this has been common knowledge for ages. those expensive meme clothes are hardly ever bought by dirtbag skaterats. its for meme fashion kids. the companies get their money and use it to pay their riders actual living wages. the little bit of money the average pros make is not coming from huge board sales anymore.

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Anonymous No. 164514

The year is 1999 and you're wearing a t-shirt over a longsleeve, pushing mongo at the skatepark...

Anonymous No. 164515

most skate brands never sold shit like that. "supreme" doesn't count, nobody outside of NYC knew what that shit was, and small skateshops didn't carry it.

Anonymous No. 164518

>pushing mongo
I never pushed mongo

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Anonymous No. 164520

sounds like your problem, not mine.

Anonymous No. 164521

because they USED to sell tons of boards. all of the old pros have talked about this. the old workshop guys used to have several sports cars because they didnt know what to do with their big checks. the pros of today are working day jobs just to pay their share of the rent. i dont know why you would want skaters to be even poorer

Anonymous No. 164522

skaters are richer now than they've ever been. I personally know pros who were selling shit out of their trunk and couch surfing in 2013. unless you were Rob Dyrdek and had something going on the side, you were dead broke.

Anonymous No. 164523

>wearing a t-shirt over a longsleeve
I still do that now

Anonymous No. 164524

Neither of these applied to me. I only push mongo in switch.

Anonymous No. 164532

will tattoos make me a better skater

Anonymous No. 164534

only if a dirty needle is used

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Anonymous No. 164536

Look how much Xanax I used to be prescribed

This is skate related I used to skate off the xans boy let me tell ya

🗑️ Anonymous No. 164537

Why do you love to rage bait and ruin every thread? Can you just stop posting these? It doesn't warrant anyone's attention.

Anonymous No. 164538

The glory days were over by 2013. We are in the corporate skate era now. You can make money but you have to sell out your industry to do so.

Anonymous No. 164541

and nobody wanted to be around you

Anonymous No. 164542

Doesn't matter, in my mind I was the man

Chads rise up

Anonymous No. 164544

I hope you get better

Anonymous No. 164546

no but smoking crack might

Anonymous No. 164547

I'm sober now I was just going through old pictures and was like damn I'ma make a blog post

Anonymous No. 164548

Everyone who skated used to smoke cigarettes, have you guys switched to vape yet. You were not a true skater if you didn't smoke cigs

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Anonymous No. 164550

I still smoke 20 a day, I wasn't raised a quitter

Anonymous No. 164551

If you smoke or vape at the park you are a fucking loser

Anonymous No. 164552

I wish I had that and it was oxy

Anonymous No. 164553

I've been to Barcelona twice before, prior to skating, and I hated it both times. It seems to be THE go-to place in Europe for a skate trip though, so I wonder if I'd like it now.

Anonymous No. 164554

My girl is from Barcelona and visiting there was what inspired me to skate again desu, I thought it was great.

Anonymous No. 164555

Why can't they ever just shut the fuck up and skate?
OH WAIT!... because they fucking suck!

Anonymous No. 164556

>and I hated it both times.
how come?

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Anonymous No. 164557

I smoke spliffs

Anonymous No. 164559

Sorry for late reply
>Can you ollie?
That's the one i'm trying to do, I've practised the movements off the board but I just don't want to fuck up and land bad on it and break it. The board is second hand too but is in good condition but I'm not sure I want to test it.
>in some shitganistan fuck shit country
England so pretty much, how would that work exactly?

Anonymous No. 164560

How busy is your local skatepark? I see another skater maybe once a fortnight but it's always either just me or filled with scooter kids with their mom just texting.

Anonymous No. 164561

Forgot to add
Do you prefer to be with other skaters or just yourself? I just feel like i'm missing the community aspect of skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 164568

Is theRe a name for the super natural phenomena upon your board to which all natural causes and explanations is facing the correct way as you throw down and roll up yet suddenly as you are halfway into popping your trick some nasty demons magically rotate your board as if time itself was frozen and you are none the wiser to your now backwards facing board and then your pop sucks and you fail and you assume somewhere you messed up despite being an infallible human being and you begin to feed negative energy to the entities who played this nasty trick on you?

Anonymous No. 164608

^ that poster has meth psychosis

Anonymous No. 164611

Did you guys see this one? Being a pro skater looks amazing. These guys are so fried it's actually worrying. I think he's 35 years old by now.

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Anonymous No. 164615

>tfw beat the plantar fasciitis allegations

Anonymous No. 164617

I prefer being totally alone. I'm not interested in talking to other people usually

one of my parks gets super busy with skaters and scooter kids combined. it gets pretty retarded when everyone is trying not to crash into one another

i go to a nearby park late at night, and I'm literally the only one there sometimes - it's pretty great

Anonymous No. 164624

I think there's benefits to both and ultimately it doesn't really matter, but I just can't stand 90% of people, so I tend to skate alone by choice. I'm not in it for friends or for other people to think I'm cool, I just do it to keep active and for the personal challenge/reward.

Anonymous No. 164628

try a bigger board. I switch to an 8.25 and I feel it has helped my skateboarding progress immensely. Didn't even need to convert to scientology

size 10.5 shoes btw

Anonymous No. 164629

anyone know why there wasn't a berrics game posted last weekend?

Anonymous No. 164633

Hot, smelly, super busy, real awful pickpocket/gypsy problem. Second time I was there with on a college class trip, one of us was robbed before even making it from the airport to the hotel.

Anonymous No. 164634

I usually has a dozen people skating at a time, though sometimes it's dead quiet.

Depends on the mood. If I want to learn something new, alone so I can really go for it and not worry about what's around me. But just hanging out with the homies is good too, even if it means I wind up playing it safe.

Anonymous No. 164635

thanks, I have 10.5 shoes too

I'll get at least an 8-inch board next time

Anonymous No. 164644

Hey you babies Soletech is blowing out their own shoes again because of Labor Day
30 percent off of all the stuff already on sale. I got two pairs of Emericas for 40 dollars it's a total steal. The local shop owner is probably weeping but oh well it's my wallet not his, so he can kick rocks.

Anonymous No. 164647

that's kind of annoying because I would have ordered a more expensive pair had they been doing the extra 30% off the other day. but oh well. that's probably the best sale you're ever going to see because shipping is also free. they're basically giving away shoes at this point. lol

Anonymous No. 164653

Moose hasn't been pro for a long time. Deathwish wanted him to live in LA and he refused.

Anonymous No. 164658

darling he has a pro board for mystery skateboards. very prestigious you know rofl

Anonymous No. 164659

Deathwish is literally the gayest team along with Shake Junt. I remember when they both started it was just "dude weed" and stupid rap music that didn't even fit the style of most of the team. the team would show up to demos completely wasted and barely even skate, puking in the park in front of little kids and shit. they are the types of teams/brands that caused skating to fall off around 2013. before that it was all about skating, and not the party bullshit for the most part. so many pre-pubescent teens became retarded potheads who eventually quit skating because of that shit.

Anonymous No. 164660

Mystery was a popular brand before Deathwish was ever even a thing.

Anonymous No. 164661

wow really? never heard of it. do you know jamy thomas?

Anonymous No. 164662

No but I've heard of Drew Reynauds, the retard who wears his beanie crooked and does the same trick over and over.

Anonymous No. 164663

Aurélien Giraud and Kevin Bækkel are the best skaters. It's not even close.

Anonymous No. 164667

Wow you took the time to do the weird euro characters, what a loser

Anonymous No. 164668

shut the fuck up José

Anonymous No. 164669

Make sure you're popping from center of tail

Anonymous No. 164673

>These guys are so fried it's actually worrying.
how sheltered are you lmao

Anonymous No. 164681

To be fair Moose is kind of a failed pro skater but yeah it's pretty bad.

Anonymous No. 164682

I wonder if I should try skating again. Not sure if I'm baiting myself for disaster. I tore my knee up a while ago and quit everything. Been working from home since the scamdemic but recently went to the office. Barely anyone goes but they put a table tennis table and some baddie asked me to play with her. She brought rackets and everything. I'm like sure I'll give it a go and it actually didn't go that bad. I was slow as shit and my knee hurt for 3 days after but while playing when I warmed up it felt ok.

Anonymous No. 164688

if you wanna skate, skate. you have one life. you won't be young and able forever.

Anonymous No. 164700

>so fried
How so?

Anonymous No. 164707

Watch the vid

If you don't see anything wrong with it you are also fried

Anonymous No. 164708

>"Now I'm gonna play a round of Call of Duty to get my head straight before the skate sesh."

Anonymous No. 164713

I watched it the other day. He was sober? He played cod, watered his plants, skated then went to his shitty job. Why is that fried?

Anonymous No. 164717

He sees people leading a happy existence and working. Since there's no possible way he could ever relate to any of that he likes to pretend they're fried.

Anonymous No. 164719

The HUF video is great. Someone posted a leaked version in the last thread.

Anonymous No. 164726

gotta go the meetup spot and skate with the other degenerates

Anonymous No. 164728

Just rolled into 7ft bowl with pool coping

What's the biggest thing you've rolled into lads? I'm going to get 8ft soon too and i think I'll stop there

Anonymous No. 164748

After 3 minutes of arching I have determined it's a hardflip and a steady fakie tre. He is skating regs, the gods stance

Anonymous No. 164765

I saw home depot in the thumbnail and had to make sure it wasn't a troll. I guess skating really doesn't pay except for the very top end pros. Unless he burned through all his money. Respect to him for working a day job and showing it on YouTube. Maybe it's not too late to make some money from that also

Anonymous No. 164767

arins from some bumfuck mid west state not NY, all the trannies just end up in new york causes it's a cultural epicenter unlike whatever irrelevant europoor country you're from

Anonymous No. 164768

kek i have a faggot incel friend like this, thank god he adds absolutely nothing to my sessions so i dropped him, fat dork always whining about his gay tranny feelings instead of learning how to flip his board.

Anonymous No. 164769

death is knocking on your door gramps, enjoy those knees while you can

Anonymous No. 164770

cope, u sound like a dork that can only skate tranny and do shuvs with shitty fake steez

Anonymous No. 164771

ur right, dudes that display pda all the time always look gross and musty as fuck and the bitch is always clapped with a man face

Anonymous No. 164772

skate culture is so fucking fried and corny now it's best to be completely checked out from it, you'll be missing out on absolutely nothing.

Anonymous No. 164780

>be degenerate freak
>get ridiculed in the midwest
>go to NYShit so you can fit in and thrive in degeneracy.

Many such cases.

Anonymous No. 164783

>a dork that can only skate tranny
This is way more preferable than being some faggot who can only skate street which seems like 9/10 zoomer skaters

Anonymous No. 164787

warehouse is the quintessential post skate career move

Anonymous No. 164790

fucking lmao these two are going to work retail in their 40s

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Anonymous No. 164791

>sometimes I'll just hide behind a box so nobody can see me

Anonymous No. 164793

ok retard skating tranny comes way easier to street skaters than vice versa, why do you think every fat zoomer girl on a skateboard takes to transition and not street skating

Anonymous No. 164796

Lol maybe if your idea of tranny is 3ft mini ramps. You call those vert, don't you? Takes big fuckin balls to skate ramps that are 8ft plus and you don't have em kid, back to the 16" high ledge to practice your noseslides

Yeah if you're a complete fucking useless faggot

Best post-skate-career move is working for a skate company and then transitioning into full time construction work like a man and not a little bitch like Moose who gets tired pushing pallets around for a few hours

Has to fucking hide behind the box so he can have his fried meltdown in peace

I love to fuck with losers at home depot like that, asking them to get shit off the top shelves for me then when they get it down i'm like 'hmm sorry wrong one' and just walk off haha fucking faggots should have got a trade

Anonymous No. 164797

>almost 40 years old
>lives with his parents
>struggling to work an entry level retail job
>spends his mornings playing COD
>room is covered in tupac memorabilia
No wonder a couple of posters got upset when somebody pointed this out.

Anonymous No. 164799

Who that?

Anonymous No. 164800

scroll up you big silly goofball

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Anonymous No. 164801

>so typically, i wake up in the morning, i take my shit, and then i'll come downstairs and i'll start making a smooooothie. i'm really big on my smoothies. like i really think this is one of the reasons why i frickin' skate as good as i do

Anonymous No. 164802

I like to just come home hop on 4chan and drop random questions on people without reading any of the posts I made while I was away.

Anonymous No. 164803

I don't even know how to read, it's never come in handy as far as I am concerned

Anonymous No. 164804

>smoothie is 1 banana and a couple of strawberries
i was expecting something a bit more elaborate...

Anonymous No. 164805

Teams and everything aside, I just want to share with everyone that I think Deathwish is one of the coolest skate brand names ever. Alongside Antihero and Creature. If I'm a little kid with chore money I'm buying any of these decks without caring about anything else.

Anonymous No. 164806

>anyways i'm exhausted as hell... frickin' skating all day... just yeah. this is like the stuff i deal with on the daily. i go skate all day, i gotta rush home, shower, and then i go straight to work...

Damn feel sorry for this dude, he clearly has a very stressful life

Anonymous No. 164807

>any of the posts I made while I was away

Any of the posts people made*. Apparently I can't write either.

Anonymous No. 164808

>Here is my pokemon card collection
>Some of them were stolen

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Anonymous No. 164809

Is Moose gay? What is this BL shit?

Anonymous No. 164810


Anonymous No. 164811

only thing i'm jealous of moose of is that he gets to fuck prime jailbait white trash pussy

Anonymous No. 164814

But anon he's gay.

Anonymous No. 164819

Why are you so miserable?

Anonymous No. 164820

The last Deathwish video was excellent too. Pure skateboarding. None of the party lifestyle shit the anon you replied to moaned about.

Anonymous No. 164822

u mad?

Anonymous No. 164848

No. Are you a loser who can't skate tranny? Yes

Anonymous No. 164855

People who can't skate tranny are like people that can't dance, no rythym

Anonymous No. 164868

you mean they're both faggots

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Anonymous No. 164869

this guy is the reason transition skaters get a bad name why you gotta be a little firestarting prick with
>flip tricks are for faggots
>back to the 16" high ledge to practice your noseslides

honeslty though this kind of trolling is more amusing than any of the below posters if you're any one of the tagged posters i want you to stop and next time you considering posting

>shizo shitposting
>>164768 (samefag as above)

>theres no future in suffering for the immediate posting

>offtopic nonskate not worksafe board shit like

the state of the thread is WEAK

Anonymous No. 164871

post a clip or be gay somewhere else metaposting whiner

Anonymous No. 164873

how could I have forgotten you slapchad
also it doesnt seem like they say that very often in the threads ive read

🗑️ Anonymous No. 164876


Anonymous No. 164877

You're a wannabe jannie kek

Anonymous No. 164879

I'm close to my 40s. I have a career. More money than you blah blah. Don't throw stones clueless zoomie. Youll be facing a decision between wage slaving and chasing a dream one day, And you won't be making fun of those who took the later option once you've been there.

Anonymous No. 164880

is your dream to be a fucking loser like moose?

Anonymous No. 164883

I'm far below the ability required to be a professional, so it's not really fair of me to pass judgement on something that I haven't been presented the opportunity to do. Who am I to shit on this guy, whose whole fucking life probably revolved around skating - to not try and make a career of skating, and if he tried, and succeeded - excellent that's dope. If it didn't work out it's incredibly fucked to try and rub his nose in the existence he's managed to eke out for himself. That doesn't come across as super sour to you for some reason?

Anonymous No. 164884

lol where on earth do transition skaters have a bad name? amongst zoomers?

Anonymous No. 164886

no i don't feel bad for talking shit about moose at all because he's human trash who just happened to be born good at skateboarding. although i've never seen him do anything in a bowl so not that good

dan corrigans arms No. 164887

bruhh who carreeessuh?

Anonymous No. 164888

No, I went to uni and have a successful career. However you're living that loser life as we speak bro. Shouldn't throw stones.

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Anonymous No. 164889

>dan corrigans arms
this is your reminder not to buy that overpriced pontif shoe

🗑️ dan corrigans arms No. 164890

i don't wear shoes. i'm all arms.

Anonymous No. 164898

>muh dream chasing
rofl I'm surprised you didn't let us know about your super model wife and private jet

Anonymous No. 164900

You are so desperate to hate you misread my post. I didn't chase the pro skater dream, I took the safe option. Now fuck off and go skate you little retard.

Anonymous No. 164905

>getting this sperg to pretend he's a rich boomer
Boy aggro poster you really winded this guy up. I wonder why he's taking this so personally.

Anonymous No. 164909

im on team rich boomer the aggro zoom zoom is too much as of late

Anonymous No. 164910

>He sucks because he works at home depot
>He sucks because he has a career
I just hate losers

Anonymous No. 164917

He is turning out to be a necessary evil because he keeps these tourist goons out of the threads

Anonymous No. 164923

cute japanese girl skate

Anonymous No. 164934

why do zoomers dress so weird

Anonymous No. 164958

Go back to slap, tranny.

Anonymous No. 164960

they're all bi

Anonymous No. 164962


God I hate normalfaggots so much.

Anonymous No. 164963

kill yourself pedophile

Anonymous No. 164969

There is that guy at every skatepark who does boneless type tricks only, and I'm sure he thinks people don't realize that it's because he can't do normal tricks. Usually a black guy that dresses emo or punk. Like, nigga learn how to ollie.

Anonymous No. 164977

sometimes posers are just simply corny with low skate iqs and would rather do kooky freestyle shit just to be different, so the emo/punk cosplay checks out here

Anonymous No. 164986

think hes skating etnies right now

Anonymous No. 164992

What's bad about it? That he didn't really make a career as a pro and now has to work retail? Wow what a buffoon

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Anonymous No. 165027

Some dude told me I look like Miles Silvas when I skate but I literally don't.

Anonymous No. 165038

if you can't tell that he's fucked by watching the video then you're probably fucked too but here we go

>wearing t shirt that has his own name on it
>smoothie is some room temperature bland of a handful of fruit, whey and water, probably only 200cals worth of food
>he thinks somehow this shitdrink helps him skate so good even though his skating is no better than any other washed up hometown hero at this point
>lives at home with his sister at 33, no serious gf or anything
>thinks dopamine destroying play video games will 'get his head straight'
>finds joy in virtually shooting people while swearing at them
>his bedroom looks like it belongs to a 15 year old
>has pokemon cards like a fucking 12 year old
>waters his plants with a plastic jug of water instead of a garden hose
>almost gets broke off doing mob ass kickflip
>goes to work stoned as fuck
>menial labor job that a retard could do
>no aspirations to do more in life

Anonymous No. 165039

I think you misheard him. He said Marbie Miller

Anonymous No. 165045

why are you so upset at this guy? Did he dis you personally or something? I'm sure your life is so much more together than his is. Maybe try improving yourself instead of seething over people on the internet?

Anonymous No. 165056

Sometimes I wanna find a little skater twink and become it's sugar daddy, I can buy him polar big boys but its panties underneath

Just me n my little skater twink

Anonymous No. 165057

And I'm not even gay

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this is who is ca....png

Anonymous No. 165060


Anonymous No. 165064

ngl i would wear panties on my head for some polar boards

Anonymous No. 165071

Most of that comes down to 'lol who cares'
But the no aspiration part, he pursued being a pro for over a decade and now he has a monetized YouTube channel. He clearly has no interest in going to college and working a 9-5. So again, who cares?

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Anonymous No. 165072

>hating somebody for being happy in their lives.

many such cases. sad.

Anonymous No. 165073

>now he has a monetized YouTube channel.

Anonymous No. 165075

You know the guys that are disagreeing with you are more than likely exactly the same. Guys approaching their 40s living at home collecting Pokemon cards.

Anonymous No. 165078

>pursued being a pro for over a decade
>now content with working a minimum wage job at home depot
>for the rest of his life

as i said before if you watched the video and didn't see anything wrong then there's not much point in even saying this but if you get to age 30 and you haven't got some kind of valuable skill then you've kinda blown it and your 30s are going to be harder than they otherwise would be. skateboarding or pushing carts at home depot is not a valuable skill.

Anonymous No. 165080

But he is not content. He posts YouTube videos, has sponsors, does home depot for some extra cash for now. I suppose hoping his yt gets bigger or it helps revitalize his name in the skate scene enough to not need to work a home depot job any more.
He has 10k subscribers now and that day in the life video has 80k views. With some growth + affiliates/merch/new sponsors with his name being more recognizable there is potential to make a comfy living. Be smart with your money, invest (obviously he doesn't seem the type to but maybe he will learn) and he might never need to work a 9-5 or shitty home depot job again.
Seems he has a comfy home life and is content enough to give it a go. You and me don't because we see that as a bum ass dream that probably won't happen for us. But for him it might.

Anonymous No. 165108

Uncalled for.

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Animatrix skating.webm

Anonymous No. 165114

I've always wondered; is it possible to make a genuinely good skateboarding movie? I feel like the actual "good" ones barely have any skating in them. There are lots of good skating documentaries, so it's surprising there's basically no good fictional films (aside from some so-bad-they're-good ones).

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500 hour energy.jpg

Anonymous No. 165121

>wtf, a dedicated skater is working a blue collar job and scraping by?! Why isn't he making Danny Way money?
I don't really know what you guys expect the life of a "pro"/full time skater to be like. Being decent at it takes so much god damn time and there isn't, for whatever reason, THAT much money out there for everyone to be a well paid pro even if they're amazing at it. Of course you have to scrape by to make it work.

The lack of aspirations or ambitions thing is a bit of a double edged sword. On one hand it sucks and you can be a nothing Big Lebowski type that only gets more unappealing the older you get and it can leave you pissing in the wind when you're too old or injured to skate any more, but on the other hand it's nigh on enlightened to be able to enjoy a simple pleasure in life. I've met all sorts in my life and the go-getters with amazing careers and money out their ass are more often than not really miserable, boring people with no time or capacity to live, and the old men lived like that are especially bitter by the time they reach retirement because the money doesn't buy back the lost time, usually riddled with even worse health conditions because they didn't exercise or sleep enough and ate like shit the entire time. They crash and burn in a really negative way.

And on one hand I wish skaters had 2000s money again, but on the other hand the majority of those guys pissed it all away anyway. The only true success is somewhere in the middle, and hopefully they get paid for it.

Anonymous No. 165129

i think theyve made every type of skateboarding movie they could make and they shouldnt make anymore.

Anonymous No. 165134

yeah, the way to do it imo is to get reasonably skilled at something so you're valuable enough to the economy that you can work for yourself. then you can spend as much time as you want skating or traveling or whatever while still being able to work as much as you please

obviously this isn't the path that everyone will take but this is the road that i'm on in my late 20s

Anonymous No. 165136

Fact that you posted this outright guarantees he lives a happier life than you.

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Anonymous No. 165143

I keep getting injured doing stupid shit

Anonymous No. 165160

Possible... yes. But it would have to be a kids movie, or feature young kids as the main characters to evoke nostalgia. Too many ways to ruin the movie with teens or adults... dude weed, cliche shit, going pro, the list goes on. You'd have to capture the foundational natre of skateboarding, which is nothing more than fun. something with the feel like sandlot, goonies, or movies that simply follow around neighborhood kids doing literally basic daily shit kids do. no real "plot." trying to hard to make skateboarding bigger than what it actually is is always the reason skate movies are cringe, unrelateable, and suck dick. it's made for normies or tryhards who have lost what made them originally get addicted to sakteboarding... just skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 165170

how to ollie?

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Anonymous No. 165171

>oooh fuck!
>no fuckin way
>use my board bro!

Anonymous No. 165177

You're probably a retard who collects Pokemon cards too so I'm disregarding your opinion

Anonymous No. 165180

I did this anon and I kind of regret not going for something soulless that pays the most. I'm all about FIRE now.

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Anonymous No. 165184

Young me liked Deck Dogz and Grind
And this disney classic

Anonymous No. 165188

>he's fried
looks fine to me
>y-you're fried too
Sure retard whatever

Anonymous No. 165190

i met her once. i was too nervous to talk to her or look at her skate too much bc i had a crush on her. before i met her i had already checked out her instagram. i think she has decent style but i don't think she's pro level. I think its more wack that she didn't even have a video part before she went pro. but i guess that's just the times. I personally don't mind setting the bar lower for women, its a sport and i'm all for more women skating but i think to become pro, you have to at least jump through the hoops of establishing yourself with video parts and contests. But at the end of the day, skateboard teams are all marketing to get you to buy products. It doesn't really matter. Just keep buying what you think is cool

Anonymous No. 165191

>>waters his plants with a plastic jug of water instead of a garden hose
kek, good bait

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Anonymous No. 165193

ollie, how to

Anonymous No. 165194

anon I...

Anonymous No. 165195

don't think, just do.

Anonymous No. 165198

damn when did dan corrigan upgrade his gf after upgrading his teeth

Anonymous No. 165213

keep front foot below bolts and pop with your back foot. It might be easier to learn stationary first

Anonymous No. 165215

Arin is a man you literal faggot

Anonymous No. 165232

1. pop
2. draw the owl

Anonymous No. 165233

which pants are sturdy and last the longest while being the cheapest?

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daddy degros teac....webm

Anonymous No. 165248

Here's an autistic, reddit-style breakdown routine you can follow that might get you results (because I did this and it worked). This assumes you haven't got perfect basics/foundations yet, but are fairly comfortable on your board, like you can ride around, push comfortably, roll off small curbs, that kind of stuff. Do 3x practice sessions a week for about half an hour to an hour, or more if you're young and fit. First, practice doing tail stops and being 100% comfortable with putting that back leg down while raising your front slightly. When you can do that without fear, try little hops (hippy jumps) on your board and be comfortable landing back on without bailing or feeling unsteady. Remember when you jump to keep you shoulders in line with the board at all times and don't overstretch upwards like you're jumping to shoot in baskeball. Start with a slight squat, do a knee tuck style jump and land into a slight squat, which should keep you safe. Once you can do that add the pop of the tail to the little jump. The timing here is important and will take you a bit to feel it out - Ben explains it best here: Once you can do a stationary rocket ollie without feeling like you're gonna die, add the front foot slide. Again, the above video talks about how little is actually needed for that slide. If you're putting them all together, you should now be doing an ollie. Do it rolling as soon as you have the balls to, even at a snails pace, and work up to moderate speed. For rolling it will feel weird again at first, but just make sure you do a few stationary practice attempts with good form to have the feeling fresh in your mind, then just go for it. The number one thing that may fuck you up is balance and feeling like you're going to slip out and die. The only cure is to practice and commit. Here's a webm for visualising form and inspiration. Good luck.

Anonymous No. 165256

thanks, anony

Anonymous No. 165258

degros has a sicck frontside flip too

Anonymous No. 165259

i need an autistic reddit breakdown on tail stopping.

Anonymous No. 165260

Sure. Stand on your board in your normal stance, back foot on the tail. Transfer 95% of your weight onto your back leg so it pushes the tail down towards the ground, your back leg will become straight. Allow your front leg to follow the motion the front of the board makes, it will rise slightly as the angle changes, just let it happen and your knee will bend. You might feel awkward at first because it feels like you will slip out, but just do it fast as you can, don't hesitate. If you can manual at all, you can do it slow if you want and should have no issues - experiement with both as you get more comfortable. Now start rolling slowly and do the same motion to come to a stop. You can lean forward slightly to counteract the shift to your forward momentum that may cause you to be thrown off balance. Try not to let yourself lean back too much, always go with the momentum of the board. Keep doing this and get faster as you feel more comfortable. Enjoy scraping all your tail away on the ground. Try it with some heel if your prefer to ruin your shoes instead.

Anonymous No. 165263

probably dickies 874

i don't like em because they're 50% polyester (plastic) but they sure do last a while

Anonymous No. 165267

which youtubers does /esg/ watch?

Anonymous No. 165277

I used to watch black ninja but he's been cringe for a very long time now. I just watch ricer miata these days. A little bit of bryan arnett and freddy sanchez here and there.

Anonymous No. 165278

this is why you guys will never have friends

Anonymous No. 165289

Which is strange since skateboarding is selling at an all-time high

Anonymous No. 165290

Who do you recommend?

Anonymous No. 165291

Kev Mac

Anonymous No. 165296

I just tried to do a couple of tail stops and failed all of them. The last one was the worst one; I somehow fell forward right on the rocky pavement. My elbow and wrists are bleeding, and the bone of my thumb is sticking out a slight bit. I thought this was supposed to be a simple beginner "trick", desu.

Anonymous No. 165299

Tail stopping is bad for your deck anyway. Quick way to lose all your pop.
>the bone of my thumb is sticking out a slight bit
Fuck bro that's brutal. Post a pic?

Anonymous No. 165300


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Anonymous No. 165301

It's not that noticeable, but you can see it's a little swollen, and I can definitely feel it. I can't hold shit with that hand anymore.
skateboarding is hard, senpai

Anonymous No. 165304

I thought you meant your bone broke the skin. That doesn't look bad. Just wrap it with tape or ace bandage.

Anonymous No. 165305

>bone broke the skin
That would've mentally scarred me from skateboarding for at least a few months, but yeah it ain't bad. I think in a couple of days maybe even a week it'll heal.

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pop your board.jpg

Anonymous No. 165306


Anonymous No. 165310

i want to ride more casually on side walks so i need any trick that will stop me from run bailing into a baby stroller

Anonymous No. 165313

Try speed checks/powerslides. They look and feel cooler. You can always drag your pushing foot too.

Anonymous No. 165314

the fuck is this? what am I looking at? wheres the injury?

Anonymous No. 165315

>if i can't see it, it's not there

Anonymous No. 165317

This sums up this general perfectly

Anonymous No. 165318

nah nigga your a fucking baby. stop skating now, your gonna get hurt a lot worse than whatever boo boo you got going on currently.

Anonymous No. 165319

Which part?
The fall didn't deter me from skateboarding, desu. I'm just pissed that I failed at such an easy trick.

Anonymous No. 165325

see >>165305
>>bone broke the skin
>That would've mentally scarred me from skateboarding for at least a few months

you said the bone from your thumb was sticking out a bit, the experienced skaters in here would take that in a completely different way than the pic you were so happy to post. you ever gotta a bloody nose before?

Anonymous No. 165326

You're just being a faggot now. I wasn't "happy" to post that pic, he just asked for one, and I said okay. I didn't know that he thought the bone was sticking out. You're not cool for showing off to a newbie.

Anonymous No. 165327

how old are you dickhead

Anonymous No. 165328


Anonymous No. 165329

lol i was expecting you to be like 30. I knew kids who broke multiple bones before they were even 18 and kept skating or riding bikes or whatever the fuck they were doing. your a gigantic pussy and should go eat some real shit.

Anonymous No. 165330

i knew a kid who lost his leg riding motorcross, got one of those prosthetics and kept riding, lost his other leg, know what hes doing today? riding motorcross.

Anonymous No. 165331

have this gold, fine sir

Anonymous No. 165341

switching over to a 10 in board was the best thing i ever did, size 13 feet

Anonymous No. 165346

how the fuck do you flip a 10?
i just got an 8.25 and whilst it's way comfier for my large feet i'm finding it a struggle to even pop shuv, if i try the same shit on a 7.75 it spins like a beyblade
i am still a beginner though

Anonymous No. 165347

should i get some?

Anonymous No. 165349

one of the best ways to learn i think is to imagine the physics of it, visualize why the board is doing that in response to what your body is doing to the board. another tip is you are throwing the back tail into the ground and using that as a 'launch pad', you must be in the air before the tail pops off the ground

Anonymous No. 165364

I can't even imagine what the fuck you were doing to end up in this state (if this is even real at all knowing this genreal). Make sure you are comfortable getting into the position stationary before you try at speed. Do you want an even more autistic breakdown of how to safely practice?

Anonymous No. 165365

I remember this.

Anonymous No. 165366

Saw two kids in wheelchairs doing fucking backflips at my local before. Was sick as fuck.

Anonymous No. 165367

Ooof, dang, have done similar before. Don't forget to drop your weight/bend knees/keep centre of balance low. Sounds like you were too top heavy and came to a stop faster than you thought, wound up lurching forward and falling.

Personally I usually slow myself down by just dragging my pushing foot. If I want to come to a total stop I do a sort of tail drag, but I use my toe to touch the ground rather than my heel, which will normally make me rotate. That or I do a sort of no comply pressure pop thing and send the board into my hands so I can walk away, but that's usually at slower speeds and when I want to keep walking forward.

Anonymous No. 165368

Protip: do your tail skid thingys on your nose so it looks like you skate switch

Anonymous No. 165392

i would lose my god damn mind seeing that

Anonymous No. 165429

Why are so many anons scraping their tails? It looks dumb and you are shortening the life of your deck.

Anonymous No. 165432

it looks cool but i'll never start doing it. i all the free pop i can get

Anonymous No. 165435

holy shit thanks for sharing, I've never heard about this in my life but it's an actual thing
this video was so wholesome i almost cried

Anonymous No. 165447

You just automatically adjust to it without realizing it, I hopped on my friends 8 in whatever board and I flipped it like crazy

Anonymous No. 165448


Anonymous No. 165450

You caught me, my post had nothing to do with skateboarding

Anonymous No. 165454

I'm too scared to do anything besides just riding, how do I overcum this fear, bros?

Anonymous No. 165456

Make a new thread faggot

Tail scrape edition

Anonymous No. 165458

It was sick. They were no older than 13, hauling ass around Bay Sixty6 alongside the skaters. The flips are super fast too.

Anonymous No. 165459

try growing a pair? LOL

Anonymous No. 165461

Just ride until you feel comfortable enough. Start doing little manuals and getting your balance down.

Anonymous No. 165463

a pair of what?

Anonymous No. 165464

We need to see you riding to see how comfy you are on your board. If you're afraid to even attempt a trick you're probably not ready to.

Anonymous No. 165475

wrist pads

Anonymous No. 165484

Ride gnarlier shit. Bowls, ramps, off curbs, down hills, weird lumpy paths that you have to do lots of manoeuvres around to not eat shit.

Anonymous No. 165488

>how do I overcum this fear, bros?
bro, you just need to cum over the fear

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Anonymous No. 165499

love bulbasaur

Anonymous No. 165507


Anonymous No. 165512

>Each sealed blind bag contains one 8" randomly assorted variant skateboard featuring an iconic Pokémon character.
>This includes 15 holo foil variants featuring a different character printed over silver prismatic rainbow glitter foil and silver metallic paint.
>Plus, 5 special gold foil edition variants featuring black and metallic gold ink over metallic gold foil.

as if santa cruz wasnt already the worst company

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Anonymous No. 165529

Might be, I’m 6’ and foot size 11.5, my first board I got a few months ago was an 8
Managed to get a free 8.5 deck, and put it together with spare parts, im pretty sure it feels a bit more stable than my 8 inches and turns better (that might be the trucks but idk)
Might look into swapping some parts between them to see if the bigger board makes shit easier for me

Anonymous No. 165535

what's the message you're trying to convey

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Anonymous No. 165536

Why does Chloe sevigny have a board/endorsements with FA? Does that bitch even know how to skate?

Anonymous No. 165537


Anonymous No. 165547

Dill is obsessed with telling everyone he knows some 90's nyc it-girl. She's always been some retarded groupie hanging around the supreme crowd

an actress who sucked off the director and swallowed cum on film in a movie called brown bunny. it was panned by basically everyone but she still maintains it's high art lol

Anonymous No. 165548

She was part of the crew, she played in the movie KIDS. She also narrated the skate docu "deathbowl to dogtown" which is one of the most interesting skate docus

Anonymous No. 165549

The rumors always been the sex scene at the end of kids wasn't simulated. Like I said, just some dumb groupie who hung around the 90s nyc skate scene. Why exactly dill and fat bill are obsessed with her i couldn't tell you. Probably because they're all just weirdly obsessed with harmony korine

Anonymous No. 165558

>how the fuck do you flip a 10?
You can do anon. Those really wide shaped boards are sometimes a bit shorter and have a a smaller wheelbase. If you can kickflip on your regular board you can for sure do it on a wide one.

Anonymous No. 165559

today i learned my front ankle was doing a light flick/turn during the leveling out was the root problem of my ollies turning frontside. everyone saying its shoulders/hips owes me a year of stunted progress.

Anonymous No. 165564

People just assume you aren't clinically retarded so they just go to the most obvious and probable solution.

Anonymous No. 165565

methinks you arent that insightful or skilled if all you know is a cliche answer...

Anonymous No. 165567

Methinks I'm not your dad and I'm not obliged to teach you anything.

Anonymous No. 165574

I didn't realise I was doing this til I went to ollie over something. Realised I need to stay more square over my board. It wasn't really shoulders or legs or anything but just keeping my whole body more parallel. I also think just being comfy on your board, that it's a bit of a mental/safety thing. I'll go a couple months off the board and then try pick up where I left off.
No clips because I realised what I need to work on and it's a bit embarrassing. Also tried the heelflip advice and they felt so much more comfy when i keep my feet more centred pre trick. Keeping my back foot centred eliminated that rotation I was getting.

Anonymous No. 165592

move on over you lazy little girls you


🗑️ ; No. 169938

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1293
Ready to Serve Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:
Mod is such a lard ass and live in his dilapidated room where he watch his nigger lady get ntr everyday he turns on his pc Faps using the same set of condom filled with his own CUM.