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šŸ§µ /HEMA/ General

Anonymous No. 163303

/HEMA/ General - Flail Superiority Edition

>What is HEMA?
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.
It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms, and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises

>What does it look like?
Inside the World of Longsword Fighting -
Back to the source -
Martin Fabian Sparring -

>Where can I find these treatises?

>Where can I find HEMA clubs near me?

Previous: >>138271

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Anonymous No. 163305

Explain why he's bad without saying le racism

Anonymous No. 163321

Fuck the Kvetuns get rhe Black Knights or Gabriel Gloves

Anonymous No. 163418

Can I use racism? Heā€™s an angloid.

Anonymous No. 163581

Any particular reason you're not just getting the SPES heavies? All the ones you've listed don't have good enough thumb protection imo.

Anonymous No. 163597

Completely irrelevant for the time period, nobody cared about what he had to say, nobody knew who he was, he wasn't recognized by the english masters at arms, his pedagogical method and phrasing is terrible, especially for the late 16th century (are people still fighting about what true and perfect fight means...?). He isn't even named by Pacheco de Narvaez in his diss track (but Di Grassi was), so we know he wasn't even worth the trouble.
He is only re-known because he is the first semi-intelligible english native source, but that's about it. He is not even useful to know how people would fight because he was from the gentry, meaning he wouldn't teach anyone relevant and be taught by anyone relevant. He stands on his own bubble which is another sort of interesting epiphenomenon.
Ultimately he is just another random source who happened to be the oldest english we have, same thing with I:33 which I cannot believe isn't studied for a large part because it's the oldest we have. At least we know the credentials of Fiore and this is much more relevant. "The Oldest" is the most useless and irrelevant information about a source.

Anonymous No. 163647

Black Knights have better thumb protection than Speavies
Also their quality control has gone down the toilet

Anonymous No. 163672

>one has a plastic portion that goes over the thumb
>the other leaves that exposed
>the one that leaves it exposed has better thumb protection

Anonymous No. 163729

Seething chud that got utterly assblasted by the success of rapier chads.

Anonymous No. 163968


Anonymous No. 163970

so I have recently learned HEMA isn't about learning to be an effective fighter with the weapons, its about exploring the history and practicing the way they did in old times
so it's more like historical reenactments and aikido
so I'll stop making fun of you now for getting wrecked in sparring by combat sports since being a good fighter isn't the point and it's more of play fighting

Anonymous No. 163972

so I have recently learned HEMA isn't about learning to be an effective fighter with the weapons, its about exploring the history and practicing the way they did in old times
Those arenā€™t mutually exclusive
>so it's more like historical reenactments and aikido
This has to be bait
> so I'll stop making fun of you now for getting wrecked in sparring by combat sports since being a good fighter isn't the point and it's more of play fighting
lol, ok so itā€™s definitely bait.

Yeah anon Iā€™m so embarrassed about all those times HEMA got beaten by boxing

Anonymous No. 163990

Can I learn sword fighting by playing blade & sorcery?
I feel like I'm progressing

Anonymous No. 164002

Not really. 2 kids playing with wooden swords can learn more just by bashing each other than you will from a game with slow, mindless enemies that constantly expose themselves to be attacked.
If you want to learn swordsmanship and HEMA is not an option, try to look into Asian sword martial arts or sport fencing. Better than what you can get from that.

Anonymous No. 164014

I hate self trooners so much

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Anonymous No. 164251

I need to vent as I am getting very frustrated with my HEMA group.

I started HEMA for a year and 3-4 months now in a bolognese club (the only available where I live) and there are several things I am displeased with.

We practically never practice longsword as most of the practioners are mainly using SS and other underused weapons, wich to an extent is good because at least we get to experiment stuff like spear, buckler, sword and dagger, etc.., but longsword being my main focus makes it rather frustrating.

Also, I practically never get the opportunity to spar against the same weapon. For example, I think I've sparred 4-5 times longsword vs longsword wich makes it incredibly frustrating if I wanted to compete in a tournament because I know my level would be absolute garbage despite that I go there 3 times a week and am basically seeing very little improvement in my longsword skills.

I've gotten pretty good at SS (pretty good for one year of practice, that is) and I like the sidesword but fuck it man I just want to learn longsword and get better at it.

I've talked to my instructor about it today and he said he understood my point but I'm pretty sure nothing will change since I've made the same critics several times.

This is extremely frustrating because on top of that the group is fun and cool to hang out with but I feel like people in there practice HEMA mostly for the recreational aspect and aren't as "serious" and competitive as I am.

Sorry for the long rant, I just don't really know what to do as I feel the amount of hours I'm putting into this aren't being rewarded and this is highly depressing considering how much I like HEMA.

What should I do? I genuinely don't feel like quitting (especially after investing that much money into equipment) but at the same time it's getting on my nerves that the problems I talked about don't seem to be resolved.

Anonymous No. 164254

If you really want to compete and train with longsword but none of your club mates are interested there really isnā€™t anything TO do. However, you could try to form a study group outside of your clubs regular classes. Meet up once a week or so and just work longsword. Dive into the sources or look up instructionals from other fencers if your instructor isnā€™t interested in participating. The important thing is you put your time in working with the weapon.

Iā€™ve actually done similar things several times and had good results. One summer me and my coach met up for an hour before class once a week just to work sword and buckler stuff which the rest of the group wasnā€™t super interested in.

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šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 164403

Would you guys drive twice a week to a club an hour and 10 minutes away? Thereā€™s a club 15 minutes closer but the teachers are all out of shape and weird.

Anonymous No. 165097

His phrasing and weird abstracting of subject matter is incredibly irritating and hard to understand. Writes like a rambling pub bore that never gets to the point. If you're unfortunate enough to live in England you'd be familiar with his sort. He's very popular in my region and I'm just sick of hearing about him.

Is completely right.

>This is extremely frustrating because on top of that the group is fun and cool to hang out with but I feel like people in there practice HEMA mostly for the recreational aspect and aren't as "serious" and competitive as I am.

We've a few members who never spar, they're just there for the drill. I'd go elsewhere if that ever becomes the majority. Does your club do tournaments? None in my local area partake and actively shun/mock tournaments, incredibly frustrating. Avoiding competitiveness seems pretty common in HEMA desu

Anonymous No. 165219

isnt he italian?

Anonymous No. 165320

No. He had a problem with Italian rapier instructors who moved to England.

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Anonymous No. 165515

How can you guys practice HEMA? I read one comment on a YouTube video calling HEMA cringy or gay and lose all motivation to learn for a few weeks.

Anonymous No. 165625

Why are you such a fag? Will you lose motivation to live and hang yourself if I tell you that your life is gay and shit?

Anonymous No. 165641

>I care so much about what other people think I donā€™t engage in my hobbies because some faggot I donā€™t even know on the internet called it cringe
Have you tried not being a retard?

Anonymous No. 166218

>What should I do?
Join a different group or take up oly fencing or Kendo. You'll at least get back what you put in.

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Anonymous No. 166244

Thoughts on grabbing blades? Getting fed up of people grabbing an incoming blades during sparring, it's really encouraged in local clubs. Having a good spar only for them to grab the blade mid-swing - if it were sharp it'd lop their hand off, what's the solution to this?

Anonymous No. 166302

He's not, he was completely right. The rapiers adopted by the English during his period were overly heavy, overly long and had shit hand protection, especially compared to the ones that came afterwards. Even then, the rapier had a functional lifespan of barely 100 years while sensible length cut-and-thrust swords remained relevant until the end of swords as viable weapons. Moreover the rapier itself become lighter and shorter over its relatively short lifespan until almost everyone dropped it in favor of the smallsword, demonstrating his exact point that it was too long and heavy to be practical. Even the few rapier types that persisted past that point proved his point about hand protection by having superior guards. He may have been a rambling asshole with Italians living in his head rent-free, but none of his points were wrong.

Anonymous No. 166305

>Thoughts on grabbing blades?
It's situational. Grabbing a smallsword blade isn't the same as grabbing a messer blade, for one thing.
>grab the blade mid-swing
Yeah mid-swing is pretty dumb, especially if it's a decent cutting sword. Grabbing a sword mid-thrust is slightly less stupid but ultimately it should only be after the sword has been stopped either way, at which point you might be better off grabbing the sword arm instead.
Now beating at a blade mid-thrust with your hand, that's potentially valid. In fact I'm pretty sure at least one or two rapier systems use it and at least Saviolo uses it as his primary means of defense, if you can believe that shit.
>what's the solution to this?what's the solution to this?
I mean if it's unarmored then simply pointing out how stupid it is to grab a blade that's in motion should do it. If they aren't willing to listen then I don't think there's anything you can do.

Anonymous No. 167206

any arming/1 handed sharp sword recommendations?
looking for something at around 300-350 usd tops
i'm eyeing the hanwei cawood, if koa will restock untill the end of the year will surely get it.

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Anonymous No. 167466

Just ordered a Sigi King as my first sword after 8 weeks of Hema and my instructor telling me it's great for beginners, what is your experience with it?

Anonymous No. 167467

>first sword after 8 weeks of Hema
Damn, I've been at it 9 months and still enjoying synthetic wasters. Are you >>167206 and intending to use it for one handed? That's got a huge handle. I've no answer to your question but keep the general updated as to how you get on please.

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Anonymous No. 167468

Considering buying a pair of synthetic bayonet wasters for my local club, anyone have experience with such a thing? Seems incredibly niche despite being a sport within military circles and promoted by the Soviet Union for a short while.

Anonymous No. 167469

>Using a synthetic bayonet waster.
You should put some lead weights in it or something cause napoleonic bayonets are heavy as fuck (poleaxe tier). If you use light bayonets, you might as well be practicing spear fencing. It would be better to carve a piece of wood with an iron bar along it to make a "bayonet" then attach a poymer blade, then wear good protection (wooden/iron part can still strike you in accident)

Anonymous No. 167470

I can understand that, fortunately I am in a position where money isn't a question so I just got whatever looks great and has high quality.
Isnt me

Anonymous No. 167513

It's a nice sword but actually terrible for beginners because it's a sword blunt rather than a feder. If you're in a "muh realism, we don't use feders" club God help you, they're all pole smokers.

Sigi doesn't make sharps and that's a normal grip length for a longsword, you grondus.

Anonymous No. 167518

>that's a normal grip length for a longsword, you grondus.
Don't practice longs so forgot how big they are, oops.

Anonymous No. 167523

>sword blunt
thats why I want to have it. It looks sexy as hell and I don't like the schilt in Feders. I have seen people on plebbit say that the King shorty is better. Is that true? I am 185cm tall and am pretty sure that 135cm total length is the right fit for me.

Anonymous No. 167530

>If you're in a "muh realism, we don't use feders" club God help you, they're all pole smokers.

I am german so naturally there are some of those guys in my club

Anonymous No. 167733

The true HEMA is using live blades, it is to draw blood and sometimes to refrain from dealing the final blow. Anyone who does not fight with live blades is preserving tradition and history, and if shit hits the fan the true art will come alive again.

Anonymous No. 167734

Tell me one reason to use a feder over a more "realistic" blunt sword besides price.
Just one.

Anonymous No. 167735

You know blunt practice weapons were used in the middle ages and rennaissance too, right?

Anonymous No. 167760

Feders are just better for full-speed sparring because you donā€™t have to worry about broken bones/concussions. Thrusting somebody in the ribs with a blunt can do serious damage if youā€™re committed enough, I donā€™t care how tough you think you are. Feders were good enough for the old fencing masters. You can train with blunts but donā€™t expect many sparring partners.

Anonymous No. 167768

I can give you four:

1: Feders are the historically realistic blunt training tool for longsword. Nobody used muh blungts to train in the actual historical period, this is 100% filthy larpery for fat Amerimutts who want to look like the Witcher.

2: Feders hit less hard which is important since longsword is already right up at the outer edge of what's safe to spar with.

3: Schilts protect your hands better which is important for the same reason as #2 above.

4: You are a homosexual.

Anonymous No. 167815

>broken bones
Do you not wear fucking gauntlets, elbows and forearm protection?
Are you using a shit tier mask that can't absorb shock for shit?
>broken ribs
Never happened to me. You can just wear a solid chestpiece if you have such hollow bones. Also, blunt practice swords ARE springy.
Feders have the issue of having an incredibly fucking lame bind, in which you can't really gain control over the opponent's blade. That's why I don't like them. It's not about being the "toughest dude in the room". Stop being so insecure.
>We gotta use a less accurate simulator of the longsword like the old feder even though we have access to flexier and safer steels, giving us the option to make better, more accurate simulators.
You are just stuck in the past and don't want to admit it. The last point just proves I really hit a nerve.

Anonymous No. 167965

i'm not him, just someone who is looking to spoil himself in december with a new one handed test cutter

still havent found anything nice on koa, seems like everything that is sold there nowdays is indian trash or super expensive.

Anonymous No. 168117

i would argue that using a short spear does the job aswell. if you are dying to get a rifle with a bayonet then making it yourself like >>167469 suggested is a more viable option, and far cheaper.
We used homemade wooden Hallberd simulators back at my club and it did the job very well. plus tinkerning with the lads from the club was a fun thing to do.

Anonymous No. 168731

The Sigi King is not a blunt, the blade is a bit wider than their typical feder but its still just a schitless feder. Its much thinner than a blunt, has rounded edges unlike a blunt, and has a spatulated tip, unlike a blunt.

If the anon looking into getting the Sigi King is so worried about the slight difference and you still want a schitless, just get the Sigi Sword. The blade profile is literally the exact same as the typical feder, just without the schilt.

Anonymous No. 168793

>t. pole smoker

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Anonymous No. 169007

>let me tell your about your European art
This feels like an increasing problem, the BJJ lot are becoming especially vocal

Anonymous No. 169020

he can crawl as much as he wants, I will just cut him in half

Anonymous No. 169023

>grrr, I hate that nerds are getting exercise
>also your art is fake and a larp and I hate it
>no I donā€™t do any kind of martial art involving swords that would inform me on the topic, why do you ask?
>lol, HEMA, donā€™t you know guns exist for self defense now? Why are you doing HEMA for self defense. Self defense self defense self defense. The only reason you can do literally anything is for self defense.

Anonymous No. 169027

>by the way, watch me lie on my back in pajamas like a little baby. This is REAL self defense! THIS is how you defeat a gun!

Anonymous No. 169078

If he's grabbing your blade mid-swing, you're hitting his hand and you should ask him to call it as a hit. Stop being a beta.

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Anonymous No. 169204

What weapons are you guys favoring right now?

Iā€™m on a sword and buckler kick myself. I picked up one of those spiky talhoffer bucklers, and I love it. The extra second or so you get from trapping your opponents blade makes a huge difference, and changes up the flow enough to make it fresh.

Anonymous No. 169213

GS is one of the best 1v1 strats even though his experience comes from skirmishes. Which is ironic that his dueling tactics are better than sword masters who main dueling.

Anonymous No. 169225

I'm waiting on a custom backsword for 18th century stuff. I'm also thinking about looking into sidesword too.

Anonymous No. 169320

Sidesword is fun.

I use thick bladed rapiers to practice it, just so I donā€™t have to wear a cumbersome glove. People get annoyed, but fuck ā€˜em.

Anonymous No. 169369

So I know this is not /r/, but does anyone got the Swordsman's Quick Guide series from Guy Windsor? I've been browsin libgen but they only have up to the third book

Anonymous No. 169402

>I use thick bladed rapiers to practice it
Where can one obtain these thick bladed rapiers?

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Anonymous No. 169403

Sidesword is so good man. Itā€™s like the pinnacle of cut-and-thrust sword technology, and this is coming from a saber fanboy. I practiced saber and messer before starting sidesword and poured all of my experience in both weapons into it and it payed off immensely. Sidesword does it all.

Anonymous No. 169410

Which sources do you go for? How different is sidesword to messer for instance?

Anonymous No. 169452

Darkwood armory, specifically their sidesword/spada blades. I also have a bloss ā€œSaxon rapierā€ that I really enjoy.

Anonymous No. 169537

Oh, you meant thick as in broad. I thought you meant distally thick, but desu a broad rapier blade just *is* a sidesword. I don't think you're even doing anything weird or wrong here (but I would wear a heavier glove. Your fingies though, spend them as you like), this is literally just exactly what the period sidesword fencers were doing.

Anonymous No. 169548

Just answer with "Grab a bokken and 1v1 me fagit"

Anonymous No. 169549

Meds george silver got pwned by itaƱian rapierists.

Anonymous No. 169550

Why do some people call the sidesword the military rapier?

Anonymous No. 169564

Has anyone ever developed a quarterstaff simulator you can use safely with full intent? Maybe something that's wood in the middle for rigidity and PVC/synthetic/something soft and "springy" in the ends (at least the forward end)?

Anonymous No. 169568

The civilian rapier directly evolved from the sidesword, so people looking at a sidesword may say that itā€™s just a ā€œfat rapierā€ better suited for warfare due to its durability and wide blade profile allowing it to cut effectively. Sideswords and rapiers were used in the same era so these comparisons were made historically and the terms were used interchangeably.

Anonymous No. 169569

I remember Matt Easton saying that "civilian" rapiers were sometimes taken into the battlefield and used successfully.
However, I guess that being thrust oriented isn't the most useful during renaissance military combat. Many soldiers (certainly most pikers rather than musketeers) wore an iron plate vest and an open faced helmet, so the chest being negated as a target, I can imagine cuts being favorable (arms, necks, sometimes legs) compared to thrusts. Sure, you can still thrust arms, shoulders legs and faces, but I can imagine it not being as quick, easy or just "successful" when this armor is worn, or specially if it's a chaotic melee one can find himself into.

On a side note, is there any "tactical" advantage to "wiry" rapier hilts compared to cup hilts? As far as I know, cup hilts were harder to make than the wiry ones, as it's essentially making a plate of iron and then forging it into half a sphere, while the wiry ones is just forging a bar of iron around.
I always thought those would be lighter than a cup and therefore make cuts flow better as the center of mass would be set further from the hand, at the cost of it not being able to stop a thrust to the hand reliably. Can the "gaps" in the "wiry" hilt also be used to catch cutting blades, as risky and insane as that sounds?

Anonymous No. 169577

This is the reason I left my club and since there are no others nearby, HEMA by extension.

We'd be there for 3-hour practices but half that time was grab ass or talking at length about text interpretation. A lot of the drilling was low intensity because half the people there were LARPers and were there to just flail around with a sword. This is a problem with HEMA in general; neckbeards want to separate out the athletic, competitive aspects to make excuses for themselves and focus on "the art". It's horseshit.

I was there to improve and compete, most others were not, and it became irreconcilable.

Anonymous No. 169579

We have a Viking reenactor guy who is just there to show off his Viking kit and talk shit about every weapon that isnā€™t an arming sword or spear. I.33 is the only source he cares about because he tries to apply it to Viking shield combat. The only weapons we seriously train are Longsword and sidesword

Anonymous No. 169585


Anonymous No. 169588

>"wiry" rapier hilts
First, the word you're looking for is swept hilts.

Second, the guard is almost irrelevant for center of mass/balance. The heft of the blade and size of the pommel are the main variables there, the weight of the pommel just gets slightly adjusted to adapt to the mass of the guard.

Third, cup hilts are characteristic of the later Spanish school, which cut more than the Italian.

Fourth, no you cannot use the bars in a swept hilt to trap blades, that's as mad as you think it is.

So in conclusion no, there's no tactical advantage as such, swept hilts are just less unwieldy to wear, look better, and honestly the tactical *disadvantage* from the gaps is pretty much nonexistent. Hand snipes through the guard are basically unheard of in Italian rapier (and absent in Spanish obviously, due to the cup not having gaps). Classical rapier prioritizes deep targets and will only hit a limb in exceptional circumstances.

Anonymous No. 169614

>less unwieldy
But you just said that the weight balance was irrelevant as the pommel's mass can be adjusted, what do you exactly mean by that?

Anonymous No. 169617

Does he wear a thor's hammer necklace on "plain clothes"?

Anonymous No. 169624

Less unwieldy *to wear*, my mongoloid friend! At your hip, that is, in the scabbard, on the belt, when it's not drawn, during non-fighting situations, when walking around or doing other non-combat activities!

The weight *of the guard* is effectively irrelevant to *how the sword balances* when wielded *during combat*, on the other hand, which is the exact opposite situation.

Anonymous No. 169663

NAYRT, but here's how swordmaking worked in the early modern period:

ā€¢ A swordsmith forges the blade. In the case of a rapier, in the vast majority of cases this happens in Toledo or Solingen; there's a minor blade production center in Caino, and occasionally a swordsmith pops up elsewhere, but by and large the above two.

ā€¢ The blade is exported. It ends up purchased either by a private individual or by a cutler, the guy whose job it is to make sword fittings. Whoever the purchaser is, the blade ends up with a cutler to have a hilt fitted to it.

ā€¢ The cutler will either use a suitable guard he already made, or forge a new one to the customer's specifications. Ideally, this cutler understands the principles of balancing a sword and what the desiderate handling properties of a rapier are, since that's his job.

ā€¢ Thus, once the rapier is provisionally fitted with a guard and grip, the cutler can feel out what weight of pommel is necessary to make the sword balance right. Then, he will either make or find among his stock a pommel of the appropriate weight, and fix that on the sword.

In other words, the pommel is an item used to regulate the composition of the rest of the sword. Its only job is to function as a counterweight to provide the right balance, thus it's carefully adapted to the requirements posed by the blade and other hilt components. At least if the maker knows what he's doing. In the modern day a lot (like, A LOT) of replica and HEMA trainer makers don't know enough about this.

Anonymous No. 169675

But it does matter. Stop spreading misinformation asshole. Also, stop writing like a condescending bitch.

Anonymous No. 169676

You know the main point of the pommel is to actually tighten it all up into one piece, right? You know, so the handle, hilt and blade are all securely put in place.
Secondarily, true, it works as a counterbalance, but also as an "ergonomic enhancement" (there's a reason why there are no disc pommel rapiers and they are mostly bulb and ball shaped).

Anonymous No. 169686

>You know the main point of the pommel is to actually tighten it all up into one piece, right?
Incorrect, you could do that with a flat washer, as on some Polish sabres, or a chapelike one as on Japanese swords, or a backstrap as on most sabres. The pommel doesn't need to exist for that purpose, you just need *something* to back the peen or tang screw onto.

>Secondarily, true, it works as a counterbalance, but also as an "ergonomic enhancement"
I'd claim it's more accurate to say that the pommel just shouldn't be allowed to be a ergonomic enshittenment, but sure, it's important that your pommel doesn't fuck your grip up for sure. That's not its primary function, though, just an important design consideration once you've already determined that you need a pommel, so to speak.

Maybe if you don't want to get dunked on you should be less wrong and seethe like less of a pissbaby when someone calls you on it?

Anonymous No. 169699

Not even that anon, you are just wrong though.
Swept hilt rapiers feel different in the hand, and usually feel that their weight distribution is more linear while still having a point of balance near the hand. Unless you use a poorly made swept hill, it will feel different compared to a cup hilted rapier.

Anonymous No. 169700

A flat washer is just a really small pommel if you think about it. Same for the rest really.

Anonymous No. 169705

Let me ask you flat out: how realistic is the best HEMA rapier trainer you own? Rapiers don't usually have a POB any nearer the hand than any other type of sword and frequently further away, there's even a discussion about it on Plebbit right now. Go ahead and look at Balefire Blades' portfolio, he's probably the best guy working right now and lists POB for his swords.

This is a myth along the lines of "rapiers are light and fast". Spoffs believe this because it's what their foil teachers told them.

I kind of expected this response since we're on 4chan, but at this point you're just quibbling with semantics. The only reason for using a full bulbous pommel rather than a flat washer is to provide a counterweight to the blade.

Anonymous No. 169707

Yeah, I know Iā€™m not doing anything wrong, and Iā€™m aware of the historical context. Some People in my region tend to get autistic when it comes to guards. They like them neatly categorized. But, thatā€™s not how I have been trained, and itā€™s been working well for me for just about a decade lol.

Anonymous No. 169708

My club uses 7ft pieces of 1-1/4in rattan. It works well, and we use them at full intensity.

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Anonymous No. 169779

>Rapiers don't usually have a POB any nearer the hand than any other type of sword and frequently further away
You tripping? I have held actual museusm rapiers and they all have a point of balance closer to the hand compared to similarly weighted swords you dumb nigger. If you want to maximize the range when all you have is 1kg of steel, the only way to do so is to make a narrower blade. Doing so will quite literally make the weight of the rapier be closer to the hand. If you then add the developped hilt and pommel, you can see there's more steel near the hand than, for example, an arming sword or a sidesword.
Hell, it would be just unwieldy to use a rapier if the point of balance was not near the fucking hand. It's a long range, point centric cut and thrust blade. The longer it is, the nearer to your hand the POB has to be to succesfully control the tip.

Anonymous No. 169790

Kek, you couldn't be more wrong if you tried, amateur. Look up the Fortner and Vauthier papers on the properties of museum rapiers. An arming sword can easily have a POB five centimeters from the cross, that's unheard-of in rapiers.

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Anonymous No. 169797

Does HEMA have a concept similar to Iaido? Did medieval swordsmen practice drawing the sword and attacking in a single motion?

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Anonymous No. 169802

Are you being factually retarded?
>What often makes a blade feel heavy or light is where on its length you find its center of balance (the point where you can balance the rapier and it will hold an equilibrium between its hilt and point).
>Rapiers in the study had balance points from 3.7ā€ to 6.1ā€ from the hilt.
Yes, 3.7" is more than 5cm, but the point is that the point of balance is PROPORTIONALLY further from the hilt you fucking LARPer idiot. Those that have a longer POB have it cause they are stupid long.

Anonymous No. 169803

No, they practiced multiple cuts and stabs into different parts, medieval european swords were mainly thrusting weapons with cutting power as a side.

Cutting doesn't really work against knights in plate armor.

Anonymous No. 169804

There were plenty of cut-focused swords used in medieval europe. Even at the time when plate was at its most widespread and most protective, there were still tons of lighter-armored people on the battlefield to make cutting worthwhile. Not to mention civilian-life where few people are wearing armor and other specialized roles.

Anonymous No. 169806

He asked swordsmen in specific, not some odd job doing guys on the streets, still drawing fast wasn't an issue or a required practice as long as you were just sparring or training your arms got faster, mostly during medieval times only people outside cities were able to legally train with bladed weapons and in martial arts, city-cucks couldn't for legal reasons as it was very much forbidden to keep the peace.

Anonymous No. 169808

>putting more weight further away from the hand will bring the point of balance closer to the hand
>t. failed babby's first physics
Do you need help with the other simple machines as well? Inclined planes? Wedges?

>citing Academie Duello
This should really be a loss condition in itself.

NAYRT but nobody said anything about proportions, imbecile. POB is only worth discussing as an absolute length, because that's what affects the feel in the hand, your hand and the leverage don't actually know anything about the sword's length. If you actually look into the papers Anon mentioned you'll see there's no clean relation between length of blade and length of POB either. If you just pull up Fortner which is easier to manage since it's fewer swords, you'll see that the longest blade by far belongs to A1027 which has a POB of 115 mm. However A572 which is 20 cm shorter has a POB of 135 mm.

>arming swords are not cut-focused
Is this the same retard or is there some sort of plague of cretinism on the HEMA General?

Anonymous No. 169809

No, iaido is a really context-dependent art, you basically need Japanese society or something very close to it to need a thing like that, or at least have it be useful enough to get developed. The closest you get is really various rapier masters having a "how to get this ridiculously long thing out of your scabbard before you get brained" tutorial.

Anonymous No. 169811

There are some actions here and there which are similar to it in some manuals (Viggiani, Fiore for instance), but there's no coherent discipline or conceptual take on this.
Performing the action was thought about, especially in all of the styles that followed Agrippa with Prima really being usable as some sort of nukitsuke, but it was incidental and not structured like iaijutsu/iaido end up being. And also it wasn't something of its own.

Anonymous No. 169813

>cites nothing
Continue pulling more shit out of your ass please.

Anonymous No. 169814

Its just easier to stab than to cut.
> Muh literal SIDE ARMS.

maybe you are the fucking retard in here.

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Anonymous No. 169815

> Arming Sword.
> Messer.

Riddle me this fag.

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Anonymous No. 169816

>samefagging so hard he gets consecutive post numbers
Cope, seethe, mald and dare I say it, dilate.

Anonymous No. 169817

Picture below was just for reference for your autistic ass the top one you linked is not me.

Please keep pulling shit out of your asshole since you got roasted by the sidearm fact, we were talking about SWORDMEN that were PROFESSIONALLY TRAINING TO USE SWORDS in combat.

Not some peasants on a stroll through the country or sailors on a ship, you could at most carry a knife and a quarterstaff in a medieval city before they would confiscate those items from you.

Anonymous No. 169822

anyone ever orderd anything from knifecenter?
i'm looking into a cold steel made sabers and it's cheaper by almost 50 bucks on knifecenter
should i just go for it or is it a dodgy site?

Anonymous No. 169825

I was referencing the arming sword not the rapier you retard.

Anonymous No. 169826

Meds I ain't samefagging ask a janny to tell you.

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Anonymous No. 169827

>he just keeps getting even more ludicrously furious
LMAO, this is an unironic delight, it's been literally years since I saw someone assrage this hard over being proven wrong. Are you Eastern European or something? Oklahoman?

>you got roasted by the sidearm fact
Not so, my Balkan friend! I remain comfortably untoasted by this "fact".

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Anonymous No. 169828

meds now

Anonymous No. 169830

nvm google reviews looks like it's a shit retailer ill cough up the extra 50 bucks and be done with it

thanks for derailing the thread and fighting with each other instead of having discussions

Anonymous No. 169839

>here, I've shooped a screencap to "prove" that I'm only responsible for 2/3 of this ridiculous seething

You wouldn't have gotten an answer that fast anyway lad, this thread normally has a posting rate of like 1/week

Anonymous No. 169840

Not shooped, otherwise you could prove it is.
Also if I were to do such scummy shit I would inspect elemment instead cause that's actually only refutable by a janny, but whatever.

Anonymous No. 169850

What's the best way that I can make a home made umbo/boss? I ain't gonna spend $30 on a glorified steel bowl, so if I can get an actual steel bowl and drill some holes in the rim to then bolt it to some wood, I'm good.

Anonymous No. 169864

then just buy a good steel bowl?
if you don't plan on working on the steel just buy any bowl that fit's the size you want, but it wont be as durable as the 30$ thicker one

i get what you're saying but this thread is made out of like 5-10 people max, why waste the time arguing here?

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Anonymous No. 169872

How do you even break a shield boss under normal use? I can only imagine that would happen if you were to bash an flanged mace against it.

Anonymous No. 169944

I've ordered from there before. They're fine. Haven't had a problem with them before .

Anonymous No. 169949

What about halberds? I love me some pole-arms and spears too. I'd like to start a local HEMA club next spring just to have some to spar with and learn how to use a halberd and the like.

Anonymous No. 169977

Usually there is no sparring being done with polearms, though plenty of good and popular sources shows polearm fighting, including halberds (Joachim Meyer in particular).
Safety is admittedly too hard to manage with long polearms, or you're going slowly.

Anonymous No. 169978

I've seen people attach polymer polearm heads to rattan sticks and safely spar with full commitment, so it can't be that hard.

Anonymous No. 169980

I didn't expect training I.33 to be so fucking taxing on my back. I guess that hanging your torso forwards for 2 hours does that to you.

Anonymous No. 169987

thinking about the cold steel shamshir and it's pretty cheap compared to koa
and the blade is made by windlass and it comes sharp already, willing to skip the wooden handle on the windlass version for the cheaper price and sharpening
should i go for it?

Anonymous No. 169994

If it's too high-gauge it can either dent or crack, depending on how hardened it is.

>I've seen people attach polymer polearm heads to rattan sticks and safely spar with full commitment, so it can't be that hard.
Wrong, you have not seen this. Either you misinterpreted slow, controlled sparring as being fully committed, or you witnessed unsafe sparring where nobody got unlucky.

Anonymous No. 170079

It's not hard to spar with polearms, spar safely however... And it's not even considering how rattan is nowhere near a good approximation of a halberd's wood shaft so you're looking at a simulator that really doesn't demands the same of sort of body motions, back use, etc. And I would argue that 8ft long rattan staff are still really a safety hazard for safe sparring, but then again you do you. After that it's just an insurance problem and all that, consenting adults, etc... Still there's a reason why it's widely considered "unwise" to spar with polearms.

For drilling of course there's no problem using weapons with real heft. I've done it with no protection, never an issue in years of doing it. But that's a controlled environment. As much as you think you're reasonable and in control in sparring, you aren't. I'd say it's borderline irresponsible to start a HEMA club and start with complicated weapons and known to be dangerous practices.

Anonymous No. 170114

Is canvas + gesso over poplar a legit way to make a wooden shield or does the canvas + gesso only provide aesthetics?

Anonymous No. 170191

I want to make a shield with a singlespike in the center (before any of you say it's anachronistic, fuck off they existed back in the day) that I can use for sparring. Thing is, I obviously can't make the spike in it out of steel cause, even if I don't plan to use it offensively, it can still be quite unsafe and I'm gonna eventually bust someone's rib on accident.
Clearly a spring steel blade won't be good either, cause spring steel bending with such short length is incredibly likely to snap, and that's even worse than the first scenario.
I thought about making a wood dowel slighlty stick out to then put a synthetic pike head on it, using the solid dowel covered in rubber for all the binding action and having the rubber tip that way in front of it so if I were to hit someone, they would be hit by the flexy, soft, synthetic part. I am afraid that's it won't be very good for binding still due to the rubbery texture, so I thought about covering that part with some sort of solid metallic tube.
Is this idea sound or absolutely retarded?

Anonymous No. 170196

Both. It's totally legit to make a shield this way but the gesso certainly only provides a finish to paint on (just as on a painter's canvas). The canvas arguably strengthens the shield by preventing a certain amount of splintering, but rawhide over roped edges is much better if toughness what you're after (e.g. the construction of the Sigi buckler).

Part of the problem of "legit" shield construction is that in HEMA we necessarily optimize for different traits than historical shieldmakers, so making a perfectly historical shield isn't necessarily going to give you the best, most resilient training tool. Long-term durability against blunt but narrow striking implements just wasn't a concern for historical soldiers, and there are indications that in some places and periods it was considered preferable for a blocked weapon to be able to cleave into a shield, since that way it risked getting stuck.

Anonymous No. 170213

I wanna use poplar for some of the reasons it was used in the past. It's light, soft and not as frail as harder woods. I know the softness is good for catching blades once they cleave into cause the wood will press the sides of the blade causing a great ammount of friction instead of being split appart, but I just want to use poplar and whatever covering is best for robustness because it's the best way to make a shield as long lasting and ergonomic as possible. I mainly want practical fidelity to the real deal (function and weight) and durability. After all I'm gonna use a single board of pre-pressed, multi layered plywood rather than gluing boards together with animal glue, and will probably hold the buckler with nuts and bolts for the sake of convenience and ease of maintenance. Is there any synthetic modern material that would be more durable and cheaper than rawhide while still feeling the same from a practical point of view?

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Anonymous No. 170300

Anyone tried the Castille Cinquedea before?

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Anonymous No. 170309

>dude spent thousands dollars on the state of the art longsword simulator with all black hema kit + addidas shoes high speed low drag fencer competitor
>hipster american wearing pajamas BTFO historical american martial artist in an overpriced game of tag
>the absolute state of american fencing

Anonymous No. 170310

they're fucking chinks

Anonymous No. 170311

That kaftan is also specialized HEMA gear, either a SPES product or the supfen copy. They're equal faggots in that respect.

If you want to mock the state of American HEMA with this clip, do it based on their footwork. It's gayer than a Nazi.

Anonymous No. 170312

combat con is kinda lame
the fact they host star wars lightsaber larp dueling speaks for itself

Anonymous No. 170316

>leaning forward so much with your shoulders that your stab becomes uncontrolled and you nearly trip over yourself when it doesnt connect
>judged by yocals who don't even know what they are looking at
>abysmal footwork
You're better off not training at all than training HEMA in America.

Anonymous No. 170402

Nope, I want one for sword and buckler tho.

Anonymous No. 170422

>If you want to mock the state of American HEMA with this clip, do it based on their footwork. It's gayer than a Nazi.
What did he mean by this? Do Americans goosestep as they fence or what?

Anonymous No. 170423

Federfags will tell you fucking around with light sissy feders like this is perfectly fine fencing and how your blunt swords are problematic while staring you dead in the eye.

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Anonymous No. 170430

How can competitive HEMA be fixed so it stops turning into olympic fencing 2.0?
Competition is needed to stop the development of bad/non-effectice interpretations of techniques, but the weapon simulators and rulings used in some of the HEMA disciplines really are not as accurate as they should. I understand equipment should be as standarized as much as possible to fairly put the skills of the competitors head to head, but feders have a length and point of balance that is just not the same as "actual" longswords.
Grappling should always be allowed, even if the weapon system in general has barely any grappling (for example, smallsword), cause otherwise silly clinches can happen. It also won't matter in the great scheme of things, as being a good grappler won't necedsarily assure victory, cause such situations aren't very frequent.
About hit rulings, everyone agrees that the point shouldn't go to the first one thay hits the blow and some sort of afterblow has to be applied, but what really is the best way to implement this?
I don't want HEMA to die in obscurity, but I don't want it to morph into something it isn't for the sake of popularity either (gatekeeping is a good thing).

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Anonymous No. 170464

I think it's unlikely you'll get a positive response, simply because this is one of his very newest models. It was just a few months ago he was posting about experimenting with the blade style. I doubt many people have had time to order and receive one.

Nazis were well known homosexuals, pic related. The footwork of these Americans is even more gay than that, however.

This man is, if possible, even gayer still. A world-beating, cross-dressing, mincing tower of faggotry.

Anonymous No. 170465

>I understand equipment should be as standarized as much as possible to fairly put the skills of the competitors head to head
Disagree with this. Choosing the right weapon for your own strengths and weaknesses is a form of skill in itself. It's better to just define some limits, e.g. "can't be longer than this, has to flex at least this much on a thrust, has to weigh at least this much".

Anonymous No. 170468

t. federKEK

Anonymous No. 170474

Grabbing the blade in a bind to gain control is perfectly acceptable.

If they're grabbing mid swing, call the hit. Never back down on it, and if they keep doing it stop pulling the swing. Eventually you'll hit their hand hard enough, consistently enough that they'll stop doing it because they hurt themselves. Even if you were wearing metal gauntlets getting hit in the hand with a sword would still fucking hurt.

Anonymous No. 170561

Kvetun's lichtenauer and Aureus sword are described as the closest muh simulator longsword. won't include regenyei because the aesthetics are utterly trash and his heat treatment is not as advanced + price increase.

For bind work, apparently Hockey taped blades on wasters can be substituted for sharp bind work according to a random comment I read.

>>170316 American HEMA comps are trash since their culture is skewered like that. but there's still a few places where you can find pools of actual HEMA

Anonymous No. 170590

>Kvetun says it's true therefore it's true.

Anonymous No. 170611

Can you post any good tournament clips that aren't people flailing and getting lucky and execute propper technique?
Also, iirc, many manuscripts had techniques and other stuff aimed at fighting against inexperienced opponents that do the type of shit seen in the video. Has anyone ever used those to exploit these type of fighters? I heard about some italian guy owning a bunch of russian failed karate/boxing athletes that owned the swordfish scene by sheer athleticism and distance management by using a very sneaky sword and buckler technique aimed at defeating opponents with very poor technique, but that's that, it's something I have only heard of and never confirmed.

Anonymous No. 170792


Ithere's guys who overvalue form like arto fama and gets randomly eiminated by a nobody. Because their opponent understands the concept of aiming your hit which seems like a bad way to idealise fighting. And then ones which you describe as conditioning focused. For luck, sounds like an amazing excuse for sports competition but, it would be pretty useless in anything where people ltierally just die if they can't take accountability.

ill go search about for this italian badass

Anonymous No. 170795

maybe the rumor is this person called Riccardo

Anonymous No. 170797

I wished it was like medieval france when they executed people who made noise during a duel

Anonymous No. 170917

I wanna be like Riccardo. Why can't we get people like Riccardo to fly to America to put them in their place?

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Anonymous No. 170956

>show Riccardo's video to club mates
>they criticise Riccardo's style as it not being accurate enough to I.33
>club's opinion is mostly against sport and they get angry if someone pulls out something effective if they haven't seen it in a book, even if it's a valid technique and not bullshit arm flailing
>one of the club members compares "reel historical HEMA" to god damn Aik*do of all things and tournaments to Kickboxing
This is really fucking gay and I don't know how I can even cope with this. I don't have access to any other clubs and this one is far enough of my home already (25km)
Is it that bad that I feel.more attracted to the "effective swordsmanship" more than the "historical swordsmanship"?

Anonymous No. 170985

Same anon, apparently 2 of the instructors are based and not pedantic bitches that cry when you pull out something valid and succesful and cry if it's "muh not in the treatises we do".
We are so back.

Anonymous No. 170988

buy a bow and become lars anderson

Anonymous No. 170990

Anonymous No. 170991

lars anderson is the most competent
HEMA practioner

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Anonymous No. 171034

Is your club so fucking retarded they think the only sword and buckler style is I.33???

Why does everyone forget about the bolognese? Thereā€™s a bunch of German systems outside I.33 too.

Anonymous No. 171036

Apparently it's only a subset of fags that don't even go to the same "room" I do (the association has 2 buildings which are far away from each other)

Anonymous No. 171080

How do you stop HEMA from turning into Olympic Sport Fencing?

Simple. Stop over standardization. Stop over-complicating it. Thereā€™s a few things I mean by this.

Stop creating and promoting unnecessarily complex rulesets. If I need to print out your rules, or need a guide to go with them, thatā€™s too complicated. With these convoluted rulesets, the HEMA you see at the tournament level becomes very sporty in order to work in the confines the rules have trapped the fencer in. Allowing a simpler, cleaner ruleset allows more options for safe scoring actions, and as a bonus, it speeds up judging quite a bit. From an easement of rules, more historic and martial actions should occur- this isnā€™t to say that you still wonā€™t come across a small number of fencers gaming the rules with sport fencing behaviors, but that their opponents will have more options on how to deal with that sort of fencing behavior.

Stop over standardizing gear. Allow and promote newer manufacturers and push for more new gear and swords. Not every piece of gear nor every sword is going to work for the same person, and generally people will develop preferences in what gear or sword works for them. Saying that people have to attend a tournament in full SPES everything with the exact same 133 cm sword doesnā€™t help from keeping sport fencing at bay; if anything, itā€™s a barrier keeping fencers who have figured out what works for them out of the game. A 5ā€™ 4ā€ person might find that 133 cm sword too long for them, or a 6ā€™5ā€ person may find it too short. Or other way around. I do agree that there does need to be a certain level of safety standards (eg, not using dulled sharp swords), but saying everyone needs to fight with the exact same stuff isnā€™t it. If you go look at museum pieces of armor and swords, you can see that they differed based on who was using it; HEMA definitely needs to emulate that to keep the H.

Anonymous No. 171081

Continuing on.

The last topic is a difficult topic: stop over-policing levels of force. Everyone in the hobby (sport?) always forgets that at its core, HEMA is a martial art oriented around historical combat, and that its tournaments are combat sports. We strive to safely emulate and recreate techniques that were used to kill, maim, break, or incapacitate our opponents.
This DOES NOT mean I am saying to throw out all safety and let people obliterate their opponents for a $5 plastic medal. However, fencers need to accept that there is an inherent risk of injury if techniques are performed at speed with intent, and stop ignoring or pretending that HEMA is not a combat sport.

What I do mean is stop over-policing levels of force- everyone has seen when someone went too far and hit too hard. And if you havenā€™t youā€™re really lucky that you havenā€™t.
Everyone knows not to take shots at your opponentā€™s back as they walk back to the start line, just like everyone knows not to pick up and slam your opponent to the ground in a grapple, just like everyone knows not to perform Mordschlag type strikes; they still exist in the rules for safety, and I am not advocating for any of this. What I do mean is when a cut lands on a pair of SPES gloves too loudly, gear cracks or breaks, or someone generally doesnā€™t like the appearance of how hard something landed, stop immediately assuming too much force was at fault. At the very least, privately ask both fighters involved what they felt about an exchange.

Force is a double edged sword problem in that there also needs to be a standard of how much is TOO LITTLE force. This goes back to tournament rules- expressing that tip hits are invalid, and that a certain level of weapon arc designates a martially valid strike helps keep it from becoming a tip hit, point oriented, sport fencing game.

Take it with a gain of salt, it works for us; but thereā€™s a lot of pushback against it.

Anonymous No. 171088

There's a strong correlation between people who oppose the combat sport side of HEMA and BMI.

Anonymous No. 171113

So Crossguard Progauntlet is kill?

Iā€™ve been out of the sport for a while. Where Progauntlets even good in the end?

Anonymous No. 171125

They remain undefeated in terms of protection/mobility, but the rubber bands holding certain components to the fingers are known to fail with regularity. For some reason this makes a subset of HEMAists seethe to extreme amounts. Possibly it's just envy of those who can afford the glove, IDK.

Anonymous No. 171155


Anonymous No. 171157

Thokk and HF Armory seems to be the only HEMA gauntlet makers who actually give a fuck about people

Anonymous No. 171164

lol. lmao.

Anonymous No. 171170

Thokk is a turbofaggot selling overpriced long cuff Red Dragons, he's one step above a scammer only because he's too retarded to get all the way down.

Normally I hate when the Supniggers rip off people's designs but in Thokk's case it's just funny.

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Anonymous No. 171181

>Shadiversity is a dumb reddit tier dork (except on the political and religious side) making dumb worthless content and everyday becoming less HEMA and more LARP tier
>Matt Easton cucked out to the trannies and faggots cause Shad said fags are le bad or something rather than for his incompetence
I don't know who I should side with. Matt Easton makes nice content but he has revealed himself to bw a cucklord, and I want to side with Shad just to spite him.

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Anonymous No. 171182

Shadiversity was never HEMA and was always LARP tier

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Anonymous No. 171184

Fair enough, but my point still stands.
If Matt had cut ties with him earlier based on his incompetence, I wouldn't care and I would cherish it. But he only did it cause the UK HEMA scene is full of sissies and fags. Matt has proven that the only reason he was "pals" with Shad was for money and views, and only ever terminated once the fact he is a "bigot" conservative Mormon became "public" (it always was and Matt was aware of that, but he just did this whole "publicslly cutting ties with him" stuff to get heat off his back like a greedy *nglo coward.)

Anonymous No. 171186

>I don't know who I should side with.
Why should you side with anyone about some YT drama...? This is HEMA, not YTHEMA

Anonymous No. 171187

Matt Easton is one of the most influential people on HEMA. Dumbass.

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Anonymous No. 171194

fuck off basedjak poster. go train for once instead of shitting up the thread.

Matt Easton was doing pseudo woke shit with the Fighters Against Racism movement a decade ago. This should not have come as a surprise to anyone but newfags.

Anonymous No. 171203

>But he only did it cause the UK HEMA scene is full of sissies and fags.
This but it's an excuse, not a further accusation. UK HEMA is trooned UP, they've got a huge guy fighting in all the women's comps apparently just as a show of power, to prove nobody can stop him from ragdolling bitches. Matt probably has to pay the tranny tax in order to avoid getting cancelled sideways and losing his club or some shit.

Anonymous No. 171252

You let your club politics be influenced by YT...? Well less power to you then.

Anonymous No. 171261

>UK HEMA is trooned UP, they've got a huge guy fighting in all the women's comps apparently just as a show of power, to prove nobody can stop him from ragdolling bitches.
Post clips.

Anonymous No. 171263

Why do we suffer troons to get away with shit like this? Why wont anyone in power just tell them ā€œnoā€ for once. They would have zero power if everyone just didnā€™t care about their cry bullying.

Anonymous No. 171270

When I started fencing everyone used to jmmediately ask me wasnā€™t fencing a girls sport or if Iā€™d gone to a girls school kek. Then by the time Iā€™d completed it my club was pandering entirely to girls and trannies and kept all white males on a bottomless waiting list never to be replied to. (UK)
How embaressing. Is this an inevitability of fencing in general?

Anonymous No. 171271

Completed what?

Anonymous No. 171348

HEMA. It can be done in 3 years. Iā€™m 100% serious. Everything after that except conditioning and practice is diminishing returns narcissism.

Anonymous No. 171355

Didnā€™t realize HEMA general has a resident schizoposter

Anonymous No. 171357

Ad hominem. I was fully trained for actual real war in alot less than 3 years and theres no historical evidence to show people trained swordfighting multiple times a week for decades. Certainly not from any Renaissance sources. It is a pretty GOAT hobby but the content is by its nature very limited. You took extremely rudimentary bait but my club did become a silly parody of itself I suspect because the instructors tailed off in their 40s.

Anonymous No. 171363

Stop posting, retard

Anonymous No. 171373

No u. Doing driving lessons every week for decades after youā€™ve passed your test is ridiculous there is a point where you will no longer improve and then after 12 or so years the driving instructor picks up a load of trannies for his business image and stops letting anyone drive manual or exceed 30mph. That was how my club died and it did die.

Anonymous No. 171395

You guys are obsessed with trannies. Itā€™s embarrassing.

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Anonymous No. 171401

Go win tournaments then faggot.
>I was fully trained for actual real war in a lot less than 3 years
You got trained to be a piece of shit disposable infantryman, which is far from reaching mastery and nothing to be proud of. Training to become an elite operator takes longer and you probably don't have what it takes, seeing you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed, judging your writing.

Anonymous No. 171404

If you had to deal with the like we do youā€™d need an outlet to bitch about it too.

Anonymous No. 171410

>Go win tournaments then faggot
Thats quite anticlimactic actually.

The UK sceneā€™s hiving. One or two was alright but its out of hand now. Matt once confided in me at the Fight Camp saturday night BBQ that he would have transitioned himself if heā€™d ended up less than 6ft and no one would fuck or employ him anyway either. Its a Southern thing I think. He sates himself by cultivating a personal Guard of sabre wielding eunuchs specifically to fuck with the usual suspect women who rake in medals in the womens only comps despite never getting out of their pools in the Open. He makes them call him Nero privately, Iā€™m told.

HEMA was good to me I donā€™t mean to run it down in anyway by saying it can be mastered within 3 years. You should be competing by then after all and plenty of people have become instructors and champions in less time.

Anonymous No. 171416

>One or two was alright but its out of hand now. Matt once confided in me at the Fight Camp saturday night BBQ that he would have transitioned himself if heā€™d ended up less than 6ft and no one would fuck or employ him anyway either. Its a Southern thing I think. He sates himself by cultivating a personal Guard of sabre wielding eunuchs specifically to fuck with the usual suspect women who rake in medals in the womens only comps despite never getting out of their pools in the Open. He makes them call him Nero privately, Iā€™m told.
Lmfao, based schizoposter

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šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 171469

Meds and sproke this instant.

Anonymous No. 171470


Anonymous No. 171764

does anyone have a good source for learning saber fighting and not just against other sabers?
any video/read will help, thanks in advance.

Anonymous No. 171803

Get off the computer and go do it.

Anonymous No. 171806

Mixed weapon sparring is an invention of Burgerian HEMA. There are basically no historical treatises on this topic, at most there'll be a gimmick or two like Thibault's techniques for rapier vs. two-handed sword.

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 171807

It's absolutely worth a read-through. It's considered a classic for a reason.

Anonymous No. 171866

how the fuck does this opinion

Anonymous No. 171904

i didn't just ask for a saber vs other weapon, if you could recommend any saber videos/reads that teaches how to use them properly would be nice
watched a lot of richard martdston

Anonymous No. 171906


Anonymous No. 171960

Cold steel by Alfred Hutton would be a good place to start. If youā€™re interested in something a bit different the razmafzar stuff is pretty fun as well.

most swords are instinctual to use, once you figure out their unique design mechanics.

Anonymous No. 171980

I have a weird question lets see if you folks can help me out.
You buy a regular riveted chainmail with European 4 in 1 weave.
Could you upgrade it into 8 in 2 kings maille by adding rings into the existing shirt?
Is it even possible?
Would it ruin the size of the chainmail ie. shrink it?
Opinions on the matter?

Anonymous No. 171988

I am not 100% certain, but I think it would make it tighter. Facebook has some interesting groups on the matter that may be able to answer your question better.

All I will say is that if youā€™re having to modify existing chainmail, youā€™re better off starting from scratch on it.

Anonymous No. 171990

It's not called "maille", you cancerous SCAtard. Just spell it mail! It's mail!

Also, yes, it would shrink the mail vertically, of course. The angle of each ring changes due to the increased total thickness of steel going through it, and the increased cant shortens the vertical height. I'm less sure about horizontal size but probably it would tighten a bit, just not as much.

Also, it would be incredibly laborious, much harder work than to just double up the rings as you make a new byrnie. You would also be completely unable to use solid rings as each ring has to loop through a bunch of others.

TL;DR it's technically possible but in practice a terrible idea that you will regret.

Anonymous No. 171994

>Just spell it mail! It's mail!
yes yes calm down you are right it is chainmail but the weave 8 in 2 is called king's maille - not king's mail, also im waiting for an apology on that one.
I though it would be pretty straight forward to do like if I see a ring somewhere I just double it?
Also I have 0 experience on this so I have no idea what im talking about.
Would 1,5mm ring with 8mm i.d be strong enough to stop a stab from knife? That's where my though process came from that if you double the rings it will surely withstand a stab. right?

something like this would be my "base" to work with if needed


Anonymous No. 172072

Like most instances of a historic Anglo having really autistic opinions and being highly abrasive, he was actually giving voice to a legitimate complaint at the time, which was the rise of continental weapons that weren't especially practical and were only in vogue because Italians liked them.

However, like every other instance of this, he took it way too far and sort of missed the forest for the trees, and now stands as a semi-humorous reminder that some parts of history just keep repeating themselves. A highly opinionated Englishman who goes on lengthy harangues about the minutia of swordsmanship--Silver could've been writing reviews of Game of Thrones episodes three years ago and he'd have fit right in.

Anonymous No. 172147

>Silver is literally Shad
This is accurate and I don't like it.

Anonymous No. 172152

Cold Steel sucks cock, what the fuck are you on about you incompetent fucking idiot? His other book, The Swordsman, has a section on saber that absolutely owns Cold Steel as a system. Cold Steel is so basic bitch that a kid with a stick playing could have come up with it.

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Anonymous No. 172153

Well, that would put English swordsmanship as a whole in jeopardy, wouldn't it?

Anonymous No. 172178

He asked for a basic system lmao.

Anonymous No. 172189


George silver was in real fights though and was prob a middle class footman, so he can be racist and talk shit and is automatically better than a bunch of other duelist authors just by owning a halberd and a basket hilt

Anonymous No. 172204

>was prob a middle class footman
He was from the gentry, never taught to anyone, isn't referenced by anyone, no one knew about him, his main "virtue" is being one of oldest semi-intelligible english source. Meanwhile Di Grassi was translated in several languages and has cross-reference from different countries...

Anonymous No. 172205

nigger "translated in several languages and has been cross-reference" go back to /lit/ containment. Attempt to critique a passage in this instead

Anonymous No. 172238

i'm waiting on the cold steel shamshir order i made, has anyone ever wield it?
from what i understood it's made by windlass same as the other shamshir so i think it's going to be an ok blade.
thinking of practicing cuts with it and moving to getting some synthetic curved sabres for sparring

Anonymous No. 172239

do you guys do any combination drills in order to speed up your flow with a weapon? Like, upper, lower, middle, upper lower middle? Seemed to be a standard practice in historical times to do something akin to that sort of coupled play.

Anonymous No. 172254

Why should I critique an irrelevant author? Next you'll have me critique Pierre MĆ©nard...

Anonymous No. 172282

Angelo/Taylor's 10 lessons are pretty standard for Napoleonic era sabre and broadsword. I'm pretty sure Marozzo has a number of drills for sidesword and long sword, too. I'd imagine most systems have some drills that can be applied.

Anonymous No. 172284

>he doesn't critique Pierre MĆ©nard
His Paradoxes of Defense is well worth it. One of the finest French satires of the English ever written. If a bit unsubtle at times.

Anonymous No. 172285

>Wants to talk about Geroge Silver in a martial arts thread
>instantly fucks off when asked to elaborate
hema fucking sucks just buy a gun but if you really want to get good, do wmfc to dab on duelist niggers in armour since being an armour MMA dude just makes 90% of duelistniggers obsolete

Anonymous No. 172286


Anonymous No. 172291

What is it about HEMAs existence that makes retards seethe so much?

Anonymous No. 172308

MĆ©nard is infinitely more relevant than Silver ever was as "Paradoxes de la DĆ©fense" is more than a martial arts book, but a subtle critique of time and space understood in the modern era following the Einsteinian revolution, a coming-back to sources, in the aristotelian times. Silver talks merely about swords, MĆ©nard about the universe itself in a timeless manner.

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Anonymous No. 172318

because the only thing that matters is actually competent martial artists and craftsmans and not shitty forums filled with non-fighter litards and fatasses

e.g >>167768
>Feders are the historically realistic blunt training tool for longsword. Nobody used muh blungts to train in the actual historical period,
See pic related.

>but a subtle critique of time and space understood in the modern era following the Einsteinian revolution, a coming-back to sources, in the aristotelian times. Silver talks merely about swords, MĆ©nard about the universe itself in a timeless manner
>It's not called "maille", you cancerous SCAtard. Just spell it mail! It's mail!
>Ad hominem. I was fully trained for actual real war in alot less than 3 years
>We strive to safely emulate and recreate techniques that were used to kill, maim, break, or incapacitate our opponents.
>I remember Matt Easton saying that

Anonymous No. 172370

We don't put on armor?
Are you retarded?

Anonymous No. 172404

you're retarded for not owning gauntlets. also any sword that gets btfo by cloak and mail and is clumsy in the quickdraw in ambushes deserves to be shit on. at least the smallsword was used with a gun, and these times was after effective militaries like the swedish mercs raped everyone with their based pole arm strategies

Anonymous No. 172406

>swedish mercs
wtf is a kilometer

Anonymous No. 172409

Youā€™re shitting on this thread for being full of retarded autists while being the most autistic person here.

Anonymous No. 172411

there has been 0 talk about real combat ever since the marine baited renaissance duelniggers about only needing a few years to be good at swords. TBI armour fighters shit on duelistniggers after a single session of longsword sparring even without basic footwork just because they can handle a sword more capably

Anonymous No. 172417

So are you just trying to bait people or have you been seething for real for days?

Anonymous No. 172433

Hello all. I have a strange question. I'm also googling and looking at YT but really have nowhere else I thought to look.

Whip fighting. Short whips. 4 to 6 feet long (Sorry, dirty American here). Was this a real thing? Any treatises or manuals?

I've some limited martial arts experience. All weapons I've trained is short knives, spear, and staff. And I've been played like a drum from an eskrema (sp?) guy who used to show up, if that counts. I'll admit I was only ever good with knives and could keep people away with a spear, but not much else. Point being, I'm getting older, I've developed some health issues, life is getting more dangerous and I'd like a non-lethal weapon to hang in a jacket or on a belt. Pepper spray and tazers don't always cut it, and though I'm licenced, I can't always carry. Any ideas of where to look on whip fighting or something entirely different would be a help. Thank you.

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Anonymous No. 172448

Take your meds, now.

Anonymous No. 172449

There's no such thing as whip fighting cause whips are used to deal.with animals and thats it.

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Anonymous No. 172450

1v1 me irl naked, live blade, to the death, fagit

Anonymous No. 172455

>we irl naked 1v1 in 4k
>one of us actually brings a spear
>the cheater 1 taps the other in a fight that takes under 10 second and leaves without elaboration
>winner goes to the loser's mom and cucks you in the afterlife
>most realistic historical european martial arts

Anonymous No. 172457

A group of nigers approach your house, what do you do?

Anonymous No. 172458

People aren't animals? They don't feel pain? Fear? Thank you for your helpful reply, but you've obviously never been a real fight outside your overweight friends slap fighting over who's turn it is with the waifu pillow.

There's one Polish school I've found, in addition to some island nation, forget which, that has "whip boxing" as a national sport, though.

Good job and thanks again.

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Anonymous No. 172474

I use a gun cause I'm a red blooded American and blast 'em.
Dude, a whip is the inferior version of the modern stun gun. Hell, if anything it's more of the precursor to the electric cattle prod (which isnt even disabling btw, those have less voltage and wattage than stun guns). If some fucker with a machete is determined on slicing your neck, whipping won't do much unless you strike his face and blind him (which is way harder than it sounds unless your opponent were to incredibly underestimate you and not protect his face with his free hand).
You are better off fighting with a big wooden branch whittled into a club than a whip. Whips aren't even designed to strike cattle (you will end up ruining the animal's skin and produce inferior leather), you use them to crack it near the animal's ears to scare it and move it around.
A whip also has incredibly poor defensive capabilities (can't block worth a shit with a flexible and soft string that can be easily cut).
Even the lamest farming implement is superior to a whip both offensively and defensively.
This is why no one really ever used a whip on a person, except when that person is a chained slave that can't fight back.

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Anonymous No. 172476

>What is adrenalin
You clearly have not been in an actual fight yourself. People have been fatally stabbed and kept on fighting to later bleed out and die. If you use a weapon that relies on your opponent being a sissy bitch that isn't even willing to actually fight in the first place, you are using a really bad self defense weapon.

Anonymous No. 172479

>cheat in a duel
>are immediately killed by 5 of your opponents friends
Do you not understand how duels were conducted?

Anonymous No. 172480

See >>169023

Anonymous No. 172486

Anonymous No. 172488

>open video
>see ā€œEnglish Martial Artsā€
>close video

Anonymous No. 172496

>open video
>close video
>continue to train only 1 time a month

Anonymous No. 172501

Non issue that only people on the internet give a fuck about.

Anonymous No. 172510

>watch my gay youtuber sperg out or you donā€™t train
Ok buddy

Anonymous No. 172511

This, imagine being an adult and giving a shit if people ā€œrespectā€ your hobby.

Anonymous No. 172521

Ok then. The idea was a painful deterrent that someone with no training couldn't use against me without proper training in case of being disarmed. Yes, drugs and adrenaline can and do make differences.

The idea was something to dissuade an attacker in a scary, but still painful way. But your average person wouldn't know what to do with even if they got it away from me.

Can't fake a cane walk without wearing my back out. Thought tong-bongs (don't remember the actual spelling or name. But basically like a set of 6" staves supposedly used as little drum sticks for knuckles, elbows, and other boney places. Plus fist loaders and little nubs at the top and bottom of the fists to dig into painful bits.) just don't really hold a psychological factor.

So, my apologies for being a mouthy shit. What else is there that is scary, non-lethal, concealable, and requires some skill to be used, then? Figured here would be the place to ask.

Anonymous No. 172522

Not those anons, if your concern is modern non lethal self defense this really isnā€™t the place to ask. Historically if you needed to defend yourself from criminals you used the same things you probably already know about, swords, staves, and daggers. Even with swords if your intent wasnā€™t to kill there are manuals describing techniques for hitting with the flat of the blade and in destreza the highest form of victory was putting your opponent in a position where he had no choice but to yield without any option to strike you back. Thereā€™s some whacky things that show up in some manuals like using a lantern as an impromptu buckler or fighting with sickles, but Iā€™m not aware of anything dedicated to whips.

Anyways, for the modern day just buy a gun. If you still want a non lethal option after that get a big can of pepper spray (the good shit from the gun store, not whatever crap they sell at Walmart). If you REALLY want to fight with whips anyways go join the dog brothers since theyā€™re weirdo masochists who like shit like that.

Anonymous No. 172542

Bro just get some brass knuckles.
People will think you are gangsta as fuck when they see those and they are easy to hide.

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Anonymous No. 172544

What's the best workout routine to maximise my HEMA athletic performance?

Anonymous No. 172559

based but what if you live in UK shitholes

Anonymous No. 172560

>wrist watch
>multiple rings
>gym grip

Anonymous No. 172591

I doubt you would be allowed to carry a whip on you in the UK either.

Anonymous No. 172612

the #1 saber fencer in the world says cold steel is good. I think I'll trust his opinion over random internet anon.

Anonymous No. 172615

>Wots all this then, sunshine? U got a loicence for that flippy-flappy-swish'n-slappy?

Anonymous No. 172670

finger dexterity exercises

so you can tell people online why your interpretation of a manuscript is correct.

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Anonymous No. 172681

>Officer I swear itā€™s for my autism

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Anonymous No. 172683

>Can't fake a cane walk without wearing my back out
If you're in America, you don't need to fake a cane walk. No cop is going to pry hard about your fake disability since they're afraid of getting sued because of the ADA.

>someone with no training couldn't use against me without proper training in case of being disarmed
"They'll just use it against you" is the silliest claim about any weapon. If somebody can disarm you that's not a weapon problem that's a >>(You) problem.

Anyways my vote is for coin sap. If you're too poor for that you can make an improvised slungshot with some coins and a bandana. Flexible weighted object is technically HEMA. pic related

Anonymous No. 172688

I think you got the wrong door, the /jsa/ thread is two blocks down.

Anonymous No. 172689

Olympic fencing is irrelevant cause real sabers don't bend on your opponent's wrist.

Anonymous No. 172712


Anonymous No. 172749

#1 in HEMA saber you turbo retard

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 172768

Balefire is a larping faggot and all his swords are fantasy/renfaire pieces of shit.

Anonymous No. 172791

>MĆ©nard version
>Aristotelian times as a defense of mankind against the Lovecraftian incomprehensibility of Einsteinian time
>paradoxically, the value of the system revealed only in the time of Einstein
>Man must be like the slow-moving tortoise, ever more closely pursued by the horrible Achilles of cold, unsparing science, but never overtaken by him

>Silver version of same text
>duh hoy blerd muh Anglo superiority, 'ate Shitalians, not rayciss, jus'don'lik'em, simpyl as

Anonymous No. 172793

>Thought tong-bongs (don't remember the actual spelling or name. But basically like a set of 6" staves supposedly used as little drum sticks for knuckles, elbows, and other boney places. Plus fist loaders and little nubs at the top and bottom of the fists to dig into painful bits.) just don't really hold a psychological factor.
It's called a kubotan, often misspelled as "kubaton" due to retards being on the internet.

Anonymous No. 172794

If you live in the UK literally any implement you use to bash a guy's face in is considered a deadly weapon and you get the same penalty for all of them. I wish I were kidding.

Anonymous No. 172870

>falseflagging like this to get a point across
Cold Steel is just not good.

Anonymous No. 172908

False flagging the false flag.
#1 in the world likes cold steel and that makes you feel bad.

Anonymous No. 172911

Unironic question, where did Broderick say this? Can you link to it?

Anonymous No. 172916

never read GS also litard cope on /XS/

Anonymous No. 172922

eurocuck burger made in india sabers vs based middle eastern slashers

Anonymous No. 172926

He's #3 tho

Anonymous No. 172971

We are not talking about a brand of sabers but rather about a Victorian sabre system.

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Anonymous No. 172972

>calls samefagging false flagging
>Canā€™t even identify an actual samefag

Anonymous No. 172976

Cool userscripts bro.

Anonymous No. 172986

>more than one person canā€™t possibly think Iā€™m retarded
>you must be going through extra effort to make it appear as though more than one person thinks my objectively retarded post is retarded
Lmao, retard

Anonymous No. 173008

you cant post actual fighting mindset advice here, HEMA is a hobby

Anonymous No. 173035

Okay, well where did San Miguel say this? Can you link to it? The core point isn't which specific guy is #1, it's post proof, nigger.

(That said I swear Broderick was #1 and has been for ages)

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Anonymous No. 173171

we could do this all day you stupid retard
it's widely known

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Anonymous No. 173172

Durrr duuurrr hurr durrr

Anonymous No. 173174

>t. no proof having samefag

Anonymous No. 173185

He's said it on discord afaik

Anonymous No. 173192

Youā€™re putting a lot of effort and emotional energy into a 4chan argument that the people youā€™re arguing with almost certainly donā€™t give that much of a shit about. Stop shitting up the thread

Anonymous No. 173194

>My 2 posts vs your 7 posts
>>"So much emotial energy hurr"
ok little boy. Stay mad because Easton told you cold steel is bad and you believed him

Anonymous No. 173201

>my two posts
Thereā€™s so many posts at this point I canā€™t even keep track of whoā€™s who.

Anonymous No. 173239

Oh wow, on Discord! Was he talking to your Canadian girlfriend when he said it?

Anonymous No. 173257

derailed thread
no sparring partners irl anymore
i'm getting tired of collecting pieces of steel
maybe it's time to sell all my gear and move on

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 173280

Sorry I don't understand the reference or joke you're making, I'm sure it's very funny tho. Did he fuck someone's girlfriend?

Anonymous No. 173286

Lol go ask him yourself on #sabre idc

Anonymous No. 173289

>no sparring partners irl anymore
Where do you live that literally no one will spar with you? I'm stuck in east asia and I still managed to find three groups. If you live too far maybe try to form a local group?

Anonymous No. 173410

No, you should challenge hobos on the street to duels to the death as a test of skill and temperance instead.

Anonymous No. 173411

gtfo homeboy

Anonymous No. 173443

>test of skill

Anonymous No. 173460

i live in a shithole backwards city, not going to drive over 2 hours per direction every time to spar with some fags that keep arguing about how to hit someone instead of actually hitting each other

no club around also means i have no one to sell the gear off to and the sharps for cut testing will be even harder to get rid off

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Anonymous No. 173527

You actually need to be competent to not get killed by a suicidal insane attacker.
It's like noobs that get doubles all the time. The moment you can consistenly defend and counterattack suicidal noobs, you can proudly say that now you really know what you are doing. Specially if it's in a way that involves real danger.
Have you even ever sparred before?

Anonymous No. 173528

Just sell them online you fat fucking faggot. Stop being such a whiny bitch

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Anonymous No. 173711

>Hand never gets tired, even if I grip the sword max-force like a retard constantly
>Forearm never gets tired
>Biceps and shoulders end up getting tired after 3 sparring "matches" while doing fucking rapier of all things
I am the only one in my club whose shoulder gives in before the rest of my arm does. At points in which they felt their forearms and hands get tired, I felt mine were just slightly warmed up by the activity.
What the fuck am I doing wrong, biomechanics wise? I overhead press 20kg dumbbells as part of my workout routine, and my shoulders are certainly stronger than the average male's.
Clubmates say that I am too stiff, and to be fair, they are right. The only part of my body which I move fluidly while sparring is my legs while doing footwork, but waist up I end up getting stiff, both torso and arms.

Anonymous No. 173772

I didn't know I would get such a shitty reply coming back
1. you are a manlet
2. suicidal insane attackers are perfect for testing weapons, the definition of a weapon is a tool that kills people
3. project what you dont know onto others before others find out that was what you really are yourself

Anonymous No. 173773

non-fighters shitting up every hema forum in existence time to drop the failed sport larp hobby entirely

Anonymous No. 173774

The best way to practice historically accurate european martial arts would be "Can you beat a group of niggers with melee weapons challenge"

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Anonymous No. 173777

Meds asap. Also post phiseek (I bet you're a dyel).

Anonymous No. 173778

Implicate harder about why you're a seething failure as a fencer. A dyel isn't an insult because UFC champs and military athletes are not always doritos. In addition I do cuts, hits and thrusts without getting scared of hobos and becoming homosexual. Short people know how to compensate and prevent doubles. But when I say you're short, you're short for ever using a sword, commit seppuku or throw your sword away just like a master would say for cowards like you.

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Anonymous No. 173779

Medication now.

Anonymous No. 173780

>continuation of why shooting people is better than trying to make larp a functional combat skill

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Anonymous No. 173790

I own guns and know how to use them, so I miss what's your point. Next thing you're gonna tell me is that anyone who does boxing for a hobby is just larping as Rocky cause it won't save them from being shanked or shot?

Anonymous No. 173798

Sounds like you already know the main issue, youā€™re too stiff. Even if you CAN max grip hold a sword for an extended period itā€™s a waste of energy to do so and slows you down when live fighting. Loose people are more fluid and faster. Plus, even if your shoulders are strong they clearly donā€™t have the endurance to stay under stress for extended periods so stop doing that.

Start training some really slow and light fighting. Do it like a tai chi fag would. When you do, focus on your fluidity and staying loose, rather than relying on strength

Anonymous No. 173799

Why the fuck is there so much schizophrenia in this thread? Is it all one guy.

Anonymous No. 173800

I don't retard-grip constantly cause although it won't tire me, it does make me lose finesse on the blade, just mentioned that as a "benchmark".
Thanks for the "do forms slow and loose" tip tho.

Anonymous No. 173858

This is probably a stupid question, but you are doing stretching before and after, right? There might be appropriate ones for the exact areas you're having issues with, might be worth looking into.

Anonymous No. 173910

Boxing is for watching Floyd Mayweather btfo the game. You're a redditor brainlet + scared of hobos (despite being on a sword fighting thread and having guns) + homosexual + cannot conceive the concept of fencing. /xs/ should never to take you, and you are not even a niggras, suck cock bitch nigga. Tally ho nigga

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Anonymous No. 173924

>AI prompt: A fencer taking his medication for schizophrenia

Anonymous No. 173961

Post physeek.

Anonymous No. 173962

I have started doing some daily exercises lately, mainly planks, burpees and some squats. But after stretching and doing all these exercises, the stiffness eventually comes back. I think it might be psychological cause most of the time in my life I'm on edge.

Anonymous No. 174730

I can't think of any historical examples, not to say there aren't ever any. I think if you're looking for recommendations of self defense, you might wanna ask /k/

Anonymous No. 174838

Reminder that if your club doesn't allow punching, kicking, tripping or body checks then they suck.

Anonymous No. 174839

Buy a 20" A2 stocked AR and slap a Cold Steel poly M9 on it like God intended.

Anonymous No. 174841

by-the-sword has them for $369

Anonymous No. 174843

Want to practice pole axes but no one wants to spar. Feels bad, man.

Anonymous No. 174844

>making a plate of iron and then forging it into half a sphere
Seems like it wouldn't be much more difficult, you just cut a triangular section out and hammer weld it over a form, vs bending round stock.

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FMS Fight Night 2....webm

Anonymous No. 174911

Anonymous No. 174980

Based. Proves feders are fucking floppy gay too.

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Anonymous No. 175044

Have a similar problem, anon. I am mostly interested in the Sabre but all tournaments remotely close to me are primarily Longsword. Shit sucks.

Anonymous No. 175053

>sword stabs hand
>no point
ref is high on fent or fucking what

Anonymous No. 175081

so hema is historical dueling (one hit rule?) but with protective gear?
what if I want to fight until I yield in full kit of armor?

Anonymous No. 175083

There is armored fencing in HEMA as well but it sounds more like you want to do buhurt

Anonymous No. 175085

Hypertrophy routine plus footwork exercises and a forearm exercise

Anonymous No. 175124

bait cause that's just muscle bloat

Anonymous No. 175142

It's also cardio, and takes less time for lifts so you can focus on fencing.

Anonymous No. 175245

What a mess, like children playing Star Wars. Just wild uncontrolled panic from both.

Anonymous No. 175269

Thereā€™s a lot of good longsword fencers out there, however itā€™s unfortunately a big draw to HEMA and has the most uncoordinated retards of any weapon style participating in it as well. I canā€™t tell if other weapons filter wild swinging tards like this out if their desire to larp as guts causes them to filters themselves.

Anonymous No. 175312

That's because "just wail on each other bro" is more like bohurt than HEMA. Both of them would be dead if they were sharps.

Anonymous No. 175313

>two foreign armies meet in battle
>mismatched weapons
>"Time out bro"
>swap out to have matching weapons
>"Okay now we can fight"

Anonymous No. 175319

>[longsword] has the most uncoordinated retards of any weapon style participating in it as well
RAPIER has entered the chat

Anonymous No. 175323

I want to do Destreza.
That's it. My only comment.

Anonymous No. 175329

>I want to do Destreza.

Anonymous No. 175330

>HEMA treatises are about battlefield warfare

Anonymous No. 175353

That may be fair but I donā€™t have a rapier so I couldnā€™t really say for certain. I will say that as a smallsword fag and former foilest when I went to a HEMA meet up between multiple clubs I was allowed to borrow a rapier and dabbed on quite a few dedicated rapier people so you might be right. I donā€™t think thatā€™s hemas fault though, itā€™s the SCAfags that create that problem.

Anonymous No. 175354

I mean, if you canā€™t fight one guy I donā€™t know how you expect to fight more than one. I imagine the same guys who were teaching dueling techniques were probably teaching soldiers. This weird ā€œHEMA bad for battle copeā€ isnā€™t any different from krav rangoo fags saying theyā€™re better for multiple opponents despite getting torn apart by boxers and other combat sports atheletes one on one.

Anonymous No. 175486

>get attacked by a dude with a saber when you have a rapier
There are mixed weapons stuff in many treatises you muppet.

Anonymous No. 175502

4chan is a site known for people with retarded hot takes, and this is definitely one of them.

Anonymous No. 175503

>I imagine the same guys who were teaching dueling techniques were probably teaching soldiers.
The fucking prologue to Fiore talks about how he trained knights who then went on to fight other knights. Fiore. The most commonly known author in HEMA.

Anonymous No. 175506

>tā€™s the SCAfags that create that problem.
I know a few SCA fags that are pretty deadly with the rapier. I would say it's more Olympic foil fencers who fall into this pit, because they like to charge straight at you on a line and if you step around them they get confused. I saw an entire club full of dedicated Olympic fencers get torn apart at by an SCA fag at a tournament. The guy was wearing a pirate outfit too, it was sad.

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Anonymous No. 175526

SCAfags are SCAfags but that's kinda based.
Should have recorded that cause that sounds fucking hilarious.

Anonymous No. 175556

Who are these people and what feders are they using? Looks like continuous sparring with shit gear but I've never seen strikes allowed anywhere.
This is the most retarded thing anyone has ever said about fitness

Anonymous No. 175645

Bodybuilders train for high muscle mass, not strength or explosivity like powerlifters or athletes do. Hypertrophy training will increase your contractile tissue and increase your strength, but not as efficiently as other types of exercises. You will end up with some non-contractile muscle tissue which is as helpful as lard and, from a biomechanical point of view, just be dead weight. It's why most strongmen and powerlifters can outlift bodybuilders that are heavier or more muscular than them.
Read this if what I said isn't clear enough for you:

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Anonymous No. 175717

Guys I met a cute tomboy at my local HEMA club what do I do?

Anonymous No. 175722

Just keep talking to her like you have been bro.

Anonymous No. 175731

Yeah obviously but unless you go out of your way to induce hypertrophy via non-weightlifting methods like resistance banding the difference in muscle built by hypertrophy range sets compared to strength range sets is extremely minimal. Especially from the perspective of a sport where everyone is an amateur, and doubly so for one which doesn't have weight classes. The most effective routine is the one you commit to every day, quibbling about hypertrophy range vs strength range is dyel bullshit spouted by people who don't train OR the absolute best of the best who need every advantage. Scientifically optimally training is meaningless if you don't put in the work. The vast majority of people would benefit more from intensity than optimization.

Anonymous No. 175745

Cope, I said a factual truth and all this word words words is a pathetic attempt at backpedalling.
Why waste time doing high volume when I can just do high intensity for a shorter time for better results instead?

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Anonymous No. 175833

Hello bros I have a weird one
Does cutting juice carton boxes with aluminum layer dull my katana blade? Does the aluminum layer make difference?
Should I stick with those without aluminum like milk carton or does it even matter?

Anonymous No. 175850

it shouldnt make such a huge difference, anything you cut will dull the blade over time, but as long as you know how to sharpen or know a good sharpening service that's all you need.
a sharp sword is for using anon, dont treat it like it's gods gift, its a tool and you should use it, the more it dulls the sharper you yourself get.
getting attached to gear is something you need to move on from, unless it's an albion or a super expensive katana just go to town with it, even learn sharpening it yourself after it dulls and then youll never be afraid of dulling the edge.

also i just orderd another sharp cutter at a non refundable sale and now i realise i don't want it that much but selling it will just be a big loss of money so i might as well keep it.

Anonymous No. 175870

You cite shit tier website articles but are above using your own words for debate? What are your superior SBD stats achieved with your superior training methods?

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head stab whatever.jpg

Anonymous No. 175976

>Learning a new combo
>Standard training where one guy will get hit and the other will do the hitting
>My turn to be the bot
>I do as instructed and get hit
>My turn to hit
>The opponent does something that isn't part of the combo to counter the move we are learning
>Is filled with smug sense of superiority for not following instructions
Every fucking time

Anonymous No. 175987

These people are asscancer. RIP

Anonymous No. 175988

No, I got that part, I just mean, what about the content makes it so coveted in particular. There are lots of old zines that never had official PDFs, right?

Anonymous No. 175989

Fug, wrongpost, jannies please baleet.

Anonymous No. 176111

Not an argument.
What I said is common fitness knowledge you fucking dyel. Take it like a man and admit you got owned.

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Anonymous No. 176157

Strongman physique is good if you emphasize powering through (eg. Zornhau) and especially grappling since there aren't weight divisions in HEMA/WMA.
Lean ottermodeass build is better for dexterity which is useful with counters and dodges.

If you were to fight to first blood/hit, I'd say the faster guy would have the advantage, but in any other fight it is an uphill battle for him that relies on skill.
Of course strongmen aren't slow like in videogames, but they still aren't as nimble as less swole individuals.

Anonymous No. 176200

get the game exanima on steam. its made me better at sword fighting. you beat exanima and then you are instantly better than your whole after school nerd club at hema

Anonymous No. 176201

Strength != Size
This kid at one point was stick tier and outlifted typical gymbros that would be way heavier than him.

Also, you have to take into account not just raw strength, but power. Shitty gymbros that never do full range of motion and don't stretch their muscles ever tend to have shit tier explosiveness due to incredibly poor flexibility. So much so, that an actual dyel might have a more powerful punch than them. This is why traditionally, in sports like boxing, lifting was frowned upon back in the 19th century. Because people didn't really understand that the real cause that many weightlifters had awful explosiveness wasn't caused by weightlifting, but rather by poor form.
I would argue that in HEMA, explosiveness and power are more important than raw strength. Power is certainly correlated with strength, as it's dependent on how fast your muscles can go from a relaxed state to a fully stressed state in order to deliver the most possible force to a blow/strike (An incredibly fast weakling would have no power because there would be no musculature supporting a blow). The only moment power matters less than raw strength is in some situations found in wrestling (although not all of them, and we are talking about unarmed wrestling here, less opportunities in wrestling with a sword involved).
Raw speed in my opinion matters more in incredibly light weapons like the smallsword. Strength in this weapon is mostly irrelevant, and no matter how much stronger than your opponent you are, you won't be able to exploit your strength, as disengaging the blade is so fast and piss easy, the moment you try to get into wrestling range, you will be pierced in the chest. Even in the rapier, strength has more uses than in the smallsword.

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Anonymous No. 176202

Buddy, take your meds before I snitch you to the asylum workers again.

Anonymous No. 176239

That kit leaves the gut, face, and throat exposed to thrusts. No cutting needed.

Anonymous No. 176412

Are you dumb? Rennaissance breastplates cover you from the belt to the neck, gut is safely covered.

Anonymous No. 176609

Just be yourself bro.

Anonymous No. 176693

Ditch her for a cute femboy

Anonymous No. 176699

He IS the femboy

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Anonymous No. 176742

Castille Black Friday sale

Anonymous No. 176906

>celebrating niggers just because it's Friday

Anonymous No. 176937

Remember when Castille prices were competitive? Sam is a good smith but even with 15% off his stuff is barely worth the money.

Anonymous No. 176958

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

But he doesn't need to have competitive prices anymore, because he's basically the only person left making swords to the retarded SCA flex standard, which means that the whole SCA rapier community is pretty much chained to him and has to pay whatever price he asks. Good for his work stability if nothing else.

Also, I dispute that he's a good smith, all his swords look like flat shit.

Anonymous No. 176973

Oh yeah they look like garbage for sure, but the blades are high quality and he has a sort of unofficial lifetime warranty thing going on. IMO Sam is at this weird halfway point between Danelli/Balefire and Regenyei. His steel and blade work is high quality enough to make him a rival of Balefire but he won't put enough work into his hilts and furniture to make them actually look good (because his apprentices are CNCing them en-mass) so its hard to justify the price.

He also stubbornly refuses to admit that his economy pricing was for a market and economy that existed 10 years ago.

Anonymous No. 177049

>His steel and blade work is high quality enough to make him a rival of Balefire
NAYRT but how do you figure that? I've only ever seen two Balefire swords in the flesh but those things were on a whole other level, his site and social media also show the Balefire guy constanty upping his game to be more and more historical, hand grinding or forging each blade individually from thick stock. Sam's blades seem more like SIGI to me, sort of sporterized/light blades water- or lasercut out of sheet and then ground to finish. Isn't even Bellatore better than Castille in terms of blade quality?

Anonymous No. 177108

>teaching new combo
>Standard training where one guy will get hit and the other will do the hitting
>mate's turn to be the bot
>he does as instructed and gets hit
>unfit guy with around two months of experience who interrupts other instructors with butwhataboutisms all the time's turn to hit
>he does something that isn't part of the combo to counter the move we are practicing
>Is filled with smug sense of superiority for not following instructions
>mate gently tries to get him to drill properly
>unfit guy doesn't listen
>immediately declare time to gear up and spar using technique
>mate annihilates unfit guy

Feels good man.

Anonymous No. 177265

>be HEMA general poster
>also be truck stop cum guzzler
Disappointing, but not surprising

Anonymous No. 177305

new thread