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🧵 /HEMA/ General

Anonymous No. 177304

/HEMA/ General - Yes capo no cap

>What is HEMA?
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.
It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms, and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises

>What does it look like?
Inside the World of Longsword Fighting -
Back to the source -
Martin Fabian Sparring -

>Where can I find these treatises?

>Where can I find HEMA clubs near me?

Previous: >>163303

Anonymous No. 177312

Jacob you fat sack of shit get back to hitting the pell and get off of this mongolion basket weaving forum.

Anonymous No. 177357

Yeah nice

Anonymous No. 177362

This. Fuck Jacob.

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Anonymous No. 177437

Fuck Redditors.

Anonymous No. 177443

I know the feeling. I gave up cricket because it wouldn't help me with my tennis.

Anonymous No. 177479

What makes a person this retarded?

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Anonymous No. 177487

Why would he try to supplement oly saber with longsword? Military saber would have been the obvious choice. Still incredibly fucking different, but a better choice.

Anonymous No. 177488

The more retarded part is that he actually thinks he’s going to “go somewhere” with olympic saber training two days a week lol. Does this dumbfuck think professional athletes are just phoning it in 90% of the time instead of training twice a day, five days a week?

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Anonymous No. 177489

To be fair, over-training technique and sparring can end up with diminishing returns. Unless you are also including at least 2 days of just physical conditioning in the plan you mentioned, it seems a bit overkill.

Anonymous No. 177490

I am, that’s going to be a part of any professionals training program. Even if you think it’s overkill no one’s getting anywhere near professional level doing two club sessions a week.

Also keep in mind PEDs are rampant in professional athletics whether the industry likes to admit it or not.

Anonymous No. 177493

The only PED I can imagine someone using in oly fencing is stimulants.

Anonymous No. 177519

I’m no expert on roiding but I imagine anything that’s going to decrease your recovery time is going to be a major asset as well.

Anonymous No. 177642

Olympic archers pop for PEDs, the benefits are extremely wide ranging. Better explosiveness, speed, VO2max, recovery and more are all possible with PEDs and all help massively with both oly and hema fencing. Undoubtedly there are juicy fencers and likely a few juicy HEMAists. A few of the guys I've met in the top 100ish longsword rankings are pretty suspicious.

Anonymous No. 177797

is Buhurt a HEMA?

Anonymous No. 177807

Not really, but it's very adjacent. Rather than trying to recreate the martial arts preserved in period manuals, buhurt simply copies the rules, and tries to copy the gear, of a specific type of medieval tournament, the buhurt or béhourd, a foot combat with blunted or wooden weapons.

Anonymous No. 177818

Not particularly if we understand hemas real goal to be “recreation of lost historical martial arts”. There are certainly elements of HEMA that would be useful to buhurt athlete, but the methodology of the sport itself is antithetical to historical martial arts because the way to most effectively kill a man in armor (that being thrusts to the weak points of the armor) is disallowed in buhurt.

Still, I have a lot of respect for buhurt fighters since they fight much harder than most hemafags ever will. Buhurt fags are still retards too though. There’s basically no reason to use a weapon at all since they’re just ineffectively battering plate armor with it. They ought to all just carry staves since the only real use of the weapons is to use them as a lever to pull people to the ground.

Anonymous No. 177830

>Over-training techniques
This is the same as just not being mindful with your practice, not take notes after spars and just going thought the motions.

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Anonymous No. 177861

I should actually start doing that in HEMA cause I'm plateauing in skill. My biggest struggle right now is being able to move a weapon swiftly and smoothly to not end up with an incredibly tired shoulder. It's not a strength issue because my shoulders are the strongest in the club. Thing is that apparently, I'm too stiff and I "overuse" my shoulder when it comes to moving a rapier, and after 3 rounds of sparring it burns. This does not happen with longsword or sword and buckler. It happens only in rapier and saber. Rest of the members told me that I'm meant to eventually understand how to move the blade properly through enough practice, but I want to accelerate this learning with at-home training. They pointed out how when I move the blade, it pivots too close to my hand and should instead pivot on the center of gravity.
What should I do?

Anonymous No. 177872

Flow drills, there’s a time to be loose and a time to he stiff just like in all martial arts. If you can’t switch between easily you’re probably going to default to being stiff and tired yourself out

Anonymous No. 177913

This >>177872 is the key to your problem but makes sure very aware of your movements and if you mess up take a note and move on

So spiritual anons what is this? No. 177915

Yeah! Fuck em

Anonymous No. 177977

Buhurt doesn't allow thrusts (according to Wikipedia at least) and I've seen Buhurt guys on YouTube saying swords under 3mm thick cannot be used. It's closer to reenactment for crowd pleasing than HEMA imo

Anonymous No. 177980

How much armour do you wear anon? Recently at a big HEMA meet only the tourneyfags were fully armoured up, everyone else stuck with mostly only gloves, jacket and a helmet – a lot of that was home-brew too. Common complaint there about tourneyfags was that they were so armoured they didn't even notice getting hit during play.

Anonymous No. 177989

I literally only wear gloves, jacket, helmet and pants and a cup when sparring. I don’t know why people are convinced they need a suit of armor to do this sport.

Anonymous No. 177991

You ever got struck with a saber or longsword in your hand with no protection?
I have and I was lucky it was slow, otherwise a tendon could have been severed.

Anonymous No. 177992

I struggle keeping my point forward while being loose.

Anonymous No. 177993

No, I wear gloves. That said, even so I have broken fingers doing HEMA. I already have judo fingers though so no big deal.

Anonymous No. 177998

Fair enough. The same can happen to your knees, shins and elbows. I actually think protection pants are a bit overkill cause your thighs might just get a bruise and thats it.

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Anonymous No. 178053

I've been practicing longsword for a very small amount of time. Just about a year now. So still very new to HEMA.

But I'd like to learn more about military saber. As that's what I got into it for. The small group near me doesn't practice it. Any recommendations for studying? I am going to keep studying and practicing longsword. But would love to branch out a bit.

Anonymous No. 178059

Move to London, the guys there seem to be real good at it.

Anonymous No. 178060

try the books of Roworth those are incredibly simple you can learn the basics in a few months

Anonymous No. 178095

are red dragon gloves appropiate for longsword steel sparring?
they look robust enough to me

Anonymous No. 178097

Red dragon equipment is shit and will break on you

Anonymous No. 178110

I almost broke the fingers of a guy with a fendente to the hands with a blackfencer nylon get proper longsword gloves

Anonymous No. 178136

Most Longsworders practice the Meyer version, so normally your club should be knowledgeable about Dussack too. Which is the predecessor to Saber. Just ask them about Dussack. or find a sportfencing school.

Anonymous No. 178141

Absolutely not. Many clubs are moving away from using them for anything, at all.

The two main realistic options for a longsword glove are Sparring Gloves, which use styrogum, or hardshells, of which the HF Armory Black Knights are currently considered the best model. (In aggregate across the HEMA community, that is; there's a lot of individual disagreement about whether Kvetun's Xiphosura gloves or Chinaman's Michael gloves are better, but a plurality land on the Black Knights.)

Anonymous No. 178152

Cheers mates

Sorry wasn't clear, when I meant longsword I meant Fiore is all I've learned so far.

Anonymous No. 178187

Where can I get gloves that wont cost more than 2 fucking feders.

Anonymous No. 178207

Uh, in fantasyland unfortunately.
Or you can start buying more expensive feders I guess, which is the route most HEMA veterans take.

Don't act like you're the only one who has these problems, it's not like we all have a secret discount code we're just not sharing with you due to niggerishness. Gloves are expensive, they're a complex item and almost all HEMA gear is a boutique product crafted by 1-3 guys. (And if you try to circumvent this by ordering Paki gloves you'll only see the truth of my statement, you'll be furious within a few weeks when the realization sets in that you wasted your cash on garbage that will never feel good.)

Anonymous No. 178246

Fair enough. What are the best longsword gloves I can get that won't cost me 500$? I have seen some in the 200-250$ range and I just want to make sure.

Anonymous No. 178248

Sparring Gloves are $220 from their official US distributor. Black Knights are €210 straight from Ukraine, but then you have to assume you'll get killed on shipping and customs.

Anonymous No. 178318

Wukusi Michael gloves.

I’ve been using them for a few months now, fucking love them. Best hard gloves I’ve had in a decade of doing this. Not that expensive either.

Anonymous No. 178528

Another for the Michael gloves. I really enjoy mine for how much they cost. Club mate has the Gabriels and they aren’t bad either.

Anonymous No. 178562

does most sabers feel so tip heavy or did i just buy a mediocre one?
it's not hard to swing but feints and fast movements with it are killing my arm, am i just weak and need more training?

Anonymous No. 178676


Anonymous No. 178683

They’re supposed to feel like they want to cut. As for feints you’re probably doing too much. My coach go, who almost made the Olympic team in sport saber, taught me to feint by extending my arm partway and lifting my lead foots toes. The foot is what really sells the feint, not so much your arm, and allows you to easily change your line of attack since your not fully extended out with your cut.

Anonymous No. 178713

is there any example videos or materials i can read about it with illustrations?
weighed the saber and it weighs about 850 grams so it isnt super heavy.

Anonymous No. 178724

You should look up sabers and their point of balance, to then compare with your own.
To be fair, sabers, despite being light at 800g on average, will tire your arm if you swing them too much. It's easy and fast to parry and move stances when you pivot around the point of balance though, because the weight is so much more forward compared to an arming sword, sidesword or rapier.

Anonymous No. 178738

Honestly I have no idea. Like I said this is just how my coach taught me and I’ve used it with a lot of success.

Anonymous No. 179284

anyone had any experience with battle merchant as a seller and with their gambesons?

Anonymous No. 179675


Radaelli is also pretty damn simple too. Barbasetti and Arlow expand on it but the latter is a paid book.

Anonymous No. 180227

Would you rather buy a Feder or Buhurt type of longsword as your first trainer?
Opinions on Victor Berbekucz trainers as they seem to be affordable?

Anonymous No. 180231

confirmed man of culture
If you’re doing buhurt buy buhurt gear if you’re doing HEMA buy HEMA gear.

Anonymous No. 180232

I'm not doing either I'm just trying to learn how to handle a sword. ill think about sparring later when I'm more experienced

Anonymous No. 180234

Buhurt type swords are essentially maces shaped as swords, their weight balance feels like an axe most of the time to make them useful to strike an ironclad opponent.
Not all HEMA practice swords are feders, however. It's not necessary for you to use one, unless you really want to go into longsword tournaments because they (in my opinion, wrongly) tend to only allow participants to use feders. Before you get a practice sword though, you should actually just ask your mates at the club for advice. Buying a sword before you even practice might be a big waste of money.

Anonymous No. 180235

>I'm not doing either I'm just trying to learn how to handle a sword
Why then? There’s no practical use for swordsmanship in the modern day so if you’re not practicing for sport there’s no reason to at all.

Anonymous No. 180239

Well there is no practical use for your dick either and your still playing with it?
>its a form of activity
>conditioning your arms and joints
>learning guards
>get good flow with the sword
there is plenty of things you can do without a partner

I might even buy a wooden waster as a first one. Would that be good idea?

Anonymous No. 180241

tard rage, but if you MIGHT practice with a partner later get a penti or similar plastic waster since those are more flexible and less likely to splinter and hurt somebody.

Anonymous No. 180242

Recreationism is not a sport and falls into the same category.
Are you aware that HEMA is a form of "living archeology" that started as an academic endeavour to simoly understand a part of the past or are you just that ignorant about HEMA?

Anonymous No. 180288

Well I'm leaning towards the feder. Do you think most hema clubs allow sparring with the tournament stiff blade (15-17kg)?

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Anonymous No. 180302

Are there any manuscripts that talk about physical conditioning/fitness in the context of ye olde swordsmanship?
I know some french guy wrote about how knights should have the endurance to do a bunch of stuff while wearing their full suit of armor and being able to perform some baseline "acrobatic feats" (like jumping into your horse asap while on armor) but that's about it.
I thought maybe some guy at once point said "lift a rock this heavy over your head certain ammount of times" or something.

Anonymous No. 180320

Di Grassi does talk about it, but they are very rare overall, I think maybe Pietro Monte as well.

Anonymous No. 180350

100% do not buy a VB feder. Get a Regenyei Standard Medium. This is used across the world in HEMA tournaments, is safer in the thrust due to flex, and is reliable and will last a long time. A VB snapped at my club and was only a couple months old. The "strong" ones just mean the metal is stiff and does not flex well in the thrust. Strongs used to be pretty common in HEMA but the community has since shifted to preferring and recommending Mediums. VB is also just not that great in quality of design or handling compared to others - I have handled VB feders, sideswords, and arming swords vs. the Regenyei & Ensifer feders and Malleus Martialis & Castille sideswords. Please get the Regenyei as it's basically the same price and will work great in any club or tournament.

Anonymous No. 180404

well turns out that you were right.
I did order the VB then I sent a email to my "to be" hema club. They said its too stiff and basically hinted me to Regenyei direction. They also mentioned that the regenyei heavy would be ok. You think the heavy is better than medium if both are allowed?
Since I feel like I'm not ready for live blade I'm going to get the VB buhurt one since its cheap, heavy, available and looks better than the feder. One that I can swing around, condition my arms, get comfy and possibly not hurt myself. After few months or so if I'm still interested I'm joining the club and then I'm going to think about the feder with the clubs recommendations.
While we are at it is there any sharp longswords what you guys can recommend preferably from EU?
Would the buhurt sword act as functional sharp sword if sharpened?

Anonymous No. 180472

>I hecking love longswords flexing like olympic foils
Do you even lift?

Anonymous No. 180479

Are you supposed to wear a gorget with PBT 1600n HEMA mask or is the mask itself enough?

Anonymous No. 180482

Wear a gorget always.

Anonymous No. 180484

I was thinking about getting a pair of those synthetic trainers that are quite flexible.
Would a 350N mask do without a gorget or would I still need one? What about back of the head protection? :D

Anonymous No. 180501

>Would a 350N mask do without a gorget or would I still need one?
Gorgets are non negotiable. I actually think people tend to get a little too gung ho about safety in HEMA, but this isn't something where there's any room for debate.

>I was thinking about getting a pair of those synthetic trainers that are quite flexible.
My coach was doing some light sparring with another instructor. They had masks and gloves and were using synthetic trainers (but no gorgets). My coach did a thrust and it slipped under the other guy's mask and hit him in the throat, nearly crushing his windpipe. Both these guys were experienced in both fencing and other martial arts, were going slow and with control, yet it still happened. If that thrust had landed with more force, it could've been life-threatening even with synthetics.

Suffice to say, gorgets were mandatory in my club from that point on.

>What about back of the head protection?
Essential. There's a reason why every single combat sport bans strikes to the back of the head.

Anonymous No. 180530

>establish gym in Vancouver
>Let students take it over
>Steal from the school
>Refuse to elaborate
>Students become communists
How could they do this?

Anonymous No. 180531

I used to spar without a gorget until I got a big cut along my neck from a thrust going under the bib

Anonymous No. 180532

Meyer says do 300 cuts a day.
Look how yoked the Masters are. They obviously lift.

Anonymous No. 180567

alright so a
-350n mask
-gloves (optional I suppose)
And this would be all I need to do some light/medium sparring with a synthetic sparring longsword?

Anonymous No. 180569

and the back of the head over for helmet
also thanks for help everyone!

Anonymous No. 180570


Anonymous No. 180580

You can go steel with that.
t. has never ever used a gorget and been doing this for 7 months

Anonymous No. 180585

does anyone do sparring with bokkens or any katana related?
is wood too dangerous?
would it be possible to do some bokken sparring?

Anonymous No. 180607

Wood's problem is that:
-Commited thrusts will bust your ribs unless you wear a solid chest piece, while a springier steel practice blade will just flex. When you use a steel-made appropiate "simulator" (be it a rapier, saber, or longsword, etc) the padding of a standard HEMA jacket will protect you enough while not compromising mobility
-Blade binding is not the same, at all. You don't get or give away as much "feedback" to your opponent when sparring, on top of a bokken being way thicker than a steel blade.
-In the specific case of a bokken, those are usually build to feel like a katana. Katanas don't feel the same as longswords, as they are both slightly shorter than the average longsword while being slightly curved, lighter and having their point of balance further away from the hilt compared to a longsword. You can use the bokken to start out with at home drilling, but eventually you will be better off doing such drilling with a longsword. You could try to somehow "attach" something to the bokken's handle to increase the total weight and shift the point og balance I guess.

Anonymous No. 180608

>Butthurt HEMAist

Anonymous No. 180611

I think you got the wrong door, the /jsa/ thread is two blocks down.

Anonymous No. 180623

>butthurt HEMAist

Anonymous No. 180626

Fuck you leatherman!

Anonymous No. 180704

>single hand press with a rock
>some odd looking deadlift
>zercher squat with a rock
>bunch of calisthenics, like pull ups
So the overhead press is a historically accurate functional strength exercise? Gymbros told me it's a pointless exercise that only egolifters do and shit do.

Anonymous No. 180705

>Gymbros told me it's a pointless exercise that only egolifters do and shit do.

Lol pretty sure its one of the main exercises you use to help train for a clean and jerk. If you can lift shit above your head then you need to train strength.

Anonymous No. 180706

I have been doing it cause I'm into a simple strength program atm (greyskull LP) but I have had people tell me it's a pointless exercise still. Guess I will try zercher squats in the future tho.

Anonymous No. 180748

how long does it take for brachioradialis to properly heal from overuse or maybe I tweaked it a bit with heavy swing or something?
leftie is alright though

Anonymous No. 180779


Youre doing something wrong with your technique, but it should take 1-2 weeks to recover if given proper nutrients and rest.

Anonymous No. 180784

im probably swinging too hard since its the "upper hand" which gets sore. Now that im trying few strikes its definitely from striking down (Oberhaw?) and then trying to stop the blade before hitting floor or transitioning into another strike.
Also my traps, neck and delts are sore from holding up the blade I guess but I'm sure that's something I get used to really quick.

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Anonymous No. 181038

What are the hipster sources for smallsword? Something German?

Anonymous No. 181048

Whatever David Pascal trains. Weird Spanish-French-Italian mixed shit.

Anonymous No. 181053

Speaking of smallsword, does olympic foil training translate well to HEMA smallsword? Supposedly, oly foil is how people practiced smallsword in the past (no thrusts to the head because they didn't have fencing masks)

Anonymous No. 181055

Yes but epee is better for obvious reasons. Generally though sport fencers start with foil because it teaches good point control

Anonymous No. 181058

Isn't the epée based on the epée de combat, which is technically a different weapon?

Anonymous No. 181080

Friendly reminder that federfags crying about people using blunt swords get the rope.

Anonymous No. 181086

Yes and no. Epee as a ruleset for fencing was created because many fencers felt, justifiably, that the ruleset of foil was not conducive to learning how to fence for the duel. Epees originated as a piece of sport fencing equipment. Despite this, the tips of many epees did end up being sharpened for use in duels. For example, Aldo Nadi, a multi time Olympic gold medalist in all three disciplines of sport fencing fought a duel against a sports journalist with a sharpened epee.

Anonymous No. 181170

350 masks with nylon red dragons are all that you need, i'd use thick winter gloves just for the padding because hand snipes hurt like a bitch

but other then that you don't need anything, have been doing this for 3 years and i used to spar with crazy weapons, got hit with fucking cold steel wasters and couldnt walk for weeks, red dragon nylons are really nothing to be worries about.
but a mask is a must imo because you need to not be afraid of hitting the head/face.

>hemafags are fucking pussies that will want you to wear more and more safety equipment
i only enjoy sparring with people that used to do different martial arts because they know what it means to hit and get hit and go with the flow

Anonymous No. 181246

If you don't get your ribs busted while sparring jacketless, you are not going fast and hard enough. If your sword doesn't flex when you thrust your opponent, you are a limp wristed sissy.

Anonymous No. 181260

he was talking about red dragon nylons you faggot

Anonymous No. 181341

Aight, fair enough then. I wouldn't want to get hit hard on a joint with wasters though.

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Anonymous No. 181629

Why are youtube faggots so obessed over not hitting hard and only strike like a bunch of whimps? "If you strike hard you are a jerk". Dont't they know Hema is a martial art???

Anonymous No. 181651

>t. Local gym spaz with zero control

Anonymous No. 181667

Is this guy as much of a fag as he looks like? I've avoided watching him cause he looks like a larper in all the thumbnails for his shorts.

Anonymous No. 181683

its our club's philosophy and we are doing pretty well in tournaments because we train for direct combat (of course train with protective gear). We don't even make a big fuss about it, but my club mate once got into trouble with a guy from Nurenberg because he was hitting too "hard".

Anonymous No. 181684

Sparring with weapons comes with Safety first, competition? Strike first, strike hard.

Anonymous No. 181724

can anyone recommend a good place to buy a historical gambeson that's actually good for hema and stage combat?
i'm afraid to get thin garbage that just looks nice

Anonymous No. 181762

>does anyone do sparring with bokkens or any katana related?
I do, a store in the south of my country sells several bokken but made of hard plastic, in general it holds up well against nylon swords, but take in mind that even if you use a good gambeson and even those hard shell gloves, it will hurt and it will leave its good bruise marks (If you use the wooden ones).
Prioritize good care of your hands when sparring with bokkens anon, unlike the long sword or rapier, the hands are points that are much more likely to receive impacts when using bokkens.

Anonymous No. 181894

got my finger broken from bokken even when using heavy glove.
Waster was better.

Also, Regenyei and VB and Sigi has katana and wakizashi trainers, go full on out, Kenjutsu friendo

Anonymous No. 181909

>got my finger broken from bokken even when using heavy glove.

Most heavy gloves covers very little of the fingertips and palms.
Was it a grip failure or was the blow direct to the reinforced areas of the glove Anon?

Anonymous No. 181945

not really

Anonymous No. 182170

lol even worse
no one with a hema rating that pathetic should be making youtube videos

Anonymous No. 182240

I've decided to take the dwarf pill, what are some resources for the disciplines I need to learn?

training motivation in the mean time

Anonymous No. 182295

Uhh what's hema rating and how do I increase it?
t. has been doing this for 6 months and have never ever competed
btw, I'm not American so if that's an US thing then idk

Anonymous No. 182297

What do you even mean by disciplines? Cave spellunking and blacksmithing? Be precise.

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Anonymous No. 182301

For example fighting with a two handed hammer or ax based weapon

Lunch today

Anonymous No. 182302

international ranking based on competitive results. Only really accurate if you have at least 100+ entries in one weapon and have competed outside your country at least once

Anonymous No. 182325

Check "Le Jeu de la Hache" since the weapon that is concerned is both a two handed hammer and axe. Also "dwarf-pill" is completely retarded.

Anonymous No. 182343

>Also "dwarf-pill" is completely retarded.
It’s just cope for fat manlets

Anonymous No. 182346

How the fuck do you even participate in 100 tournaments? Only someone who has done it since the 90's could get there.

Anonymous No. 182350

100 rated fights in one weapon you retard

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Anonymous No. 182362

>dwarf pill
I found this 5'2" long-haired sometimes-bearded guy on YouTube who trains with swords while carrying about as much muscle as his dwarfish frame can naturally carry, really wish he'd let the beard grow out and get into axes and hammers:

Anonymous No. 182409


Anonymous No. 182414

Have you had bad experiences in HEMA clubs?
I need to vent off, so greentext time:

>Be me, born and raised in a third world country which it get even thirdworlder by the day.
>Always loved swords and history
>I found that in the USA and Europe there is something called HEMA and get obsessed
>I consumed the shit out of everything that I could from Scholagladiatoria, Skall, Wiktenauer, etc
>Some day stumble across a "HEMA instructor" in IG from my country
>WTF, I DM him and it turn out that he is very far BUT he connected me with a dude that's from my area which is interested in training
>This other dude its an old timer martial artist (karate, box and some kali) big dude, tall, kinda jacked, in his 40s and grumpy as fuck
>We started to train two times per week in the back of his house
>His classes were shit because his lack of knowledge methodology and also because he have this "maestro" mindset from his years of karate with lot of bullshido shit
>"Just to this, like this. Don't ask why, just do it and it will work later"
>Spoiler: never worked
>Somehow we get along and train quite some time
>MaestroDude didn't know anything about the international scene.
>I bring a lot of data, ideas and examples that I found from internet. I bring the 1570 Meyer book
>I really want to become a better fencer and I propose to start a club
>"Now it's not the time, we need more training"
>I keep looking for sources, books, methodology and presented to him like "look this cool shit I found It may be useful"
>Most of the time he doesn't give a shit because MaestroDude knows better, obviously
>Covid appears and we stopped training for months due lockdown
>I told him that when this shit passed we really need to start a club
>"Now it's not the time, we need more training"
>I use the lockdown to get more information and do some research, I started a blog with some shit that I found interesting. I get in touch with the MFFG and other international figures from the HEMA world

Anonymous No. 182415

>I get somehow I get little known in the small HEMA/HMB/reenactment scene. A friend from HMB offered me a place to train when the pandemic its over
>I tell this to MaestroDude. This is the time we can finally have a club!
>"Now it's not the time, we need more training"
>Lockdown it's over and I convince MaestroDude to check the place out
>We both get hooked, the place its amazing and its just a couple of blocks from MaestroDude's work.
>I finally convince MaestroDude to make a HEMA club I started to work fulltime to make everything work.
>I made the socials, a website, started to make videos and post about a new HEMA club.
>I started to get a healthy amount of interested people. I talk to them, I explain what the hell is HEMA, where, when and how we are going to start training.
>MaestroDude does nothing of this. His part was to make the program to train but he is lost as fuck.
>Fuark I have to do something
>Looking for training programs I found the Scholar Victoria Syllabus from Daniel Pope and show it to MaestroDude
>We traslated it and used as our own program
>The first day came, we have like 15 people! We are happy as fuck.
>We train two times per week and some time pass
>MaestroDude classes are still shit and he makes stupid mistakes like mistaking basic guards, not knowing the cuts and making nonsense interpretation of techniques.
>I keep my mouth shut because due respect and when I can I tell him in private "hey I believe that there are some mistakes due translation" or shit like that to not hurt his Maestro ego.
>He gets all defensive and negates my points. Then he "does his own research" and came to the same conclusion as me but he almost never acknowledges my contribution.
>Whatever, all I care is that the group keep advancing

Anonymous No. 182416

>To this point I have like 2 or 3 years of training and studying the sources (I was basically the only one reading the sources) but MaestroDude treats me like the guy that started a couple of months ago and don't even know how to grab the sword
>Fuck no, he treats me worse than the others: he "corrected me" out loud on things that I am doing right, confronted me or even makes jokes in front of everyone when I made a mistake, when I want to make a contribution about history or sources, he downplays it and changes the subject quickly.
>Whatever, all I care is that the group keeps advancing so I keep managing the socials, the administrative part of the club, generating content for the site and getting equipment for everyone.
>Some of the other members of the group begin to copy his manners and treat me as the errand boy rather than "second in charge"
>MaestroDude doesn't do anything in front of the class when this happens and tells me that the group doesn't respect me because I'm not a good fencer when I confront him in private.
>The club keeps growing, we have like 20 members at our peak wich I belive its a very good number even for international standars. We can't get more people in the same class because of the space.
>I bring the idea of opening a new class for beginners that I could act as instructor.
>Surprise surprise, MaestroDude don't like the idea much but he knows that nobody but me could do it because he itself have no more days off.
>When I was thinking to say that I would open new classes with his permission or without it I suffer a lesion
>I spent most of the year in bed and barely able to walk.
>Nobody gives a shit about me, even MaestroDude who I still considered a friend.
>Even worse: I was in the making of some equipment for the members of the club when I got hurt, and some of them thought that I stole the money because I couldn't finish the products due to the medical condition.

Anonymous No. 182417

>To MaestroDude this reaction of the club members seems reasonable because of reasons (?
>I got enough of this shit so I finally confront those fuckers and make myself respect.
>Somehow Maestro Dude get offended by my way of respond the idiotic claims of the members.
>I started to feel better so I am thinking on training again so I reach out to Erik in order continuing from where I left.
>"lol no, you will have to start all over again. Oh by the way, I need the money from the club so I will take all of it, even your part"
>I finally realized that MaestroDude was trying to push me out almost from the beginning.
>I finally realized that MaestroDude would never let me have my own class.
>I finally realized that even if I started to train again, those fuckers that mistreat me before would probably feel even more freedom to pick on me because will be a noobie in his and MaestroDude eyes.
>At some point Maestro Dude text me.
>"Hey what what are you going to do? Are you coming back? I can offer you to be something like an historical assessor"
>What the actual fuck? I have to make my mind.
>I decided that It's not worthed anymore. So I wrote a goodbye letter where I described all I did to the club and send it to the groupchat and left them. Send all the social passwords to MaestroDude.
>Some time after that I managed to finally finish the equipment due.
>One of the members that always was a good guy came to take the equipment.
>"Since you're no longer part the club is shit, we're kinda lost and it hasn't grown any more" then mentions something about MaestroDude losing the password of the socials and the site
>Text to MaestroDude to give the passwords again just to find out that he blocked me.

Now I miss training and I feel that making another club from scratch is to much

Anonymous No. 182421

Just start your own club. Clearly the other ones going to fall apart in short manner since your “maestro” can’t manage. Or teach. Presumably can’t fight either. Sorry you got duped into letting a retard take credit for all your work, let this be a lesson in self respect. Use it as motivation also to make a club that puts him to shame.

Also what country?

Anonymous No. 182422

It's lazy and retarded when somebody posts a YouTube link without a solid summary or any discussion points. Why don't you start the discussion on the source you've already watched?

Anonymous No. 182444

Oh, the way you said "entries" made it sound like tournament entries. Not "duels".

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Anonymous No. 182445

>that old ass bait

Anonymous No. 182446

Dude, go on a revenge arc and dojostorm that faggot.
Prove your worth to the alumni.

Anonymous No. 182452

>Just start your own club
Yeah thats the idea but is not easy. I made my own program and even started new socials and shit, but I have some things in my life now that I need to pay atention (soon I am going to be a dad). Idk, everything looks very difficult now

Nah most of the members are not worth really, they have 0 interest in improvement, they act and do the exact same shit that when they started. But I know that if there and alternative club the only good fencer would probably switch.

Anonymous No. 182454

Anon I know this sport attracts autistic but can you tone it down a little?

Anonymous No. 182455

>open video
>see “armchair violence”
>close video
I genuinely have no idea how anyone can stand to listen to this sperg talk

Anonymous No. 182486

He's the worst kind of faggot because he's usually mostly correct too
His worst take though was that you don't need hand protection when you're hitting the bag

Outed himself as barely training at all because that's just building damage on your hands for no reason

At a minimum put some wraps on, the leather bag will win against your skin every time

Anonymous No. 182489

learning rapier seems cool
spending time around the people who know about it seems like exactly the opposite of that

Anonymous No. 182496

Welcome to HEMA

Anonymous No. 182541

How do you want me to call it when someone fences 1 on 1 against someone else, asshat? Fight?

Anonymous No. 182545

Fight, match, both of those are far less autistic are far more commonly used. Are you ESL or something?

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Anonymous No. 182548

Tips for starting a club? Take in mind that I am from a country were HEMA it's almost non existing and the general public don't even know what it is

Anonymous No. 182549

I am ESL, fuck you anon.

Anonymous No. 182553

I can’t hear your Drunk Slavic accent through text, what would you like me to do? In English, a duel in the fencing context specifically refers to one on one armed combat with sharp swords or pistols, not a sporting contest. In the English speaking world the only people who would refer to a fencing match as a duel are ESLs or autistic nerds.

Hope this helps.

Anonymous No. 182561

I'm a huge medieval historian. Particularly the Crusades, Iberian Peninsula, Byzantium, Eastern Europe, steppe-based empires, and Islamic civs. Are there any dedicated schools of Islamic swordfighting?

Anonymous No. 182572

Yes but that’s not actually HEMA and you’ll be hard pressed to actually find anyone practicing it. I’m pretty sure there’s a few books on middle eastern scimitar out there.

Anonymous No. 182636

You can check on the old hungarian database for stuff:

There are arabic texts, but not numerous and naturally, people in HEuropeanMA aren't really looking into it. Medieval HEMA sources in general are really the minority and mostly in german (and italian). If you want stuff like Modern period spain there's no problem, Eastern Europe there's nothing pretty much before the 18th century and let's not talk about the rest of what you mentioned...

Anonymous No. 182645

Do you guys use dummies to beat on?

What's the go-to equivalent of punching bags in hema?

Anonymous No. 182646

You can make a pell out of anything practical really. I have some cardboard boxes for example, it's not optimum but it works.

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Anonymous No. 182955

I looking for this book for ages, anyone knows where I can find it? Or any good book on fencing/HEMA

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Anonymous No. 182962

>anyone knows where I can find it?
There are currently some copies on eBay, Amazon, AbeBooks, Biblio, etc. Allegedly the owner of the publishing company died so I wouldn't expect a reprint anytime soon. If you get a copy, please scan it and share it online:
>Or any good book on fencing
There are some recommendations and discussions in the Olympic fencing thread >>115460

I used to have used tires stacked around a freestanding bag very similar to pic related for SCA pell work. A 4x4" wooden post wrapped in rope is probably the standard for that crowd with some people adding arms, legs, shields and so forth. I've heard of people layering leather over the rope for training with edged weapons but have not done that personally.

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Anonymous No. 182964

TIL that short dudes can use greatswords, it's just that their greatswords won't be as "great" as a tall man's greatsword, proportionally.

Anonymous No. 182987

What if we made gauntlets out of D30?
Doesn't look too epxensive and would offer good mobility.

Anonymous No. 182989

>pretty good sword

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Anonymous No. 183019

why you did not challenged maestro faggot when he was making fun of you, your input and techniques?

at some point, enough is enough.

If your story is true and maestro-dude really was some old boomer who refuses to learn, you should have mopped the floor with him to prove that your insights, knowledge and skill is legit.

jfc, stand your fucking ground for once.

It is not about some stupid meme honor fight.
you actually had a reputation to defend as a creator and teacher in your club.

and yet you decided to quietly withdraw and even give him all the social passwords for the things you created.

you fucked up big time m8.

Anonymous No. 183025

>There are currently some copies on eBay, Amazon, AbeBooks, Biblio, etc.
I couldn't find any one and even if there are some physical copies they are privative expensive to buy and ship to my country. I was looking for a scan.

>There are some recommendations and discussions in the Olympic fencing thread
Nice I going to check it out. But again, I was looking for scans. Now I realize that I wasn't clear enough... I have the impression that if I ask for scans in FB or any public place it would back fire at me big time, but fuck it, this is 4chan

Anonymous No. 183026

I couldn't find any scans in the usual places I would check. You're probably going to have to either get someone to scan it for you or scan it yourself. If you have access to a library you might see if they're able to get the book in for you through an interlibrary loan if you can't afford to buy a physical copy. Another option might be to track down the widow of the late publisher and see if you can get the files from her for less than you'd spend on the physical book.

Anonymous No. 183030

>why you did not challenged maestro faggot when...
I did. The relationship began to get colder as I tolerated his ego less and less. When we started to train we text and voice message each other daily. To the end we could spend months without communication. In fact, when I injured myself he didn't give a fuck and didn't even ask me how I was. The thing is that in his mind any type of discussion, correction, talk about technique or methodology was a challenge from a simple student to his great mastership. In his mind I will always be his student and I would never be a better fencer than him and Iam almost an ungrateful prick for "challenge him".

>you should have mopped the floor with him to prove...
The thing is that he was a horrible instructor (he even "invented" some "kata" with cuts and guards from of KDF) but he was a good fencer, primarly for doing kali in his youth. He mopped the floor with all the students and all of them respect him greatly like I respect him when a started to traing with him. But I when I started to dig more and more in the sources, studying ways of training, etc I realize that he have just surface level knowledge and some things that he teached were just plain wrong.The other students were never interested in sit down and translate, read and work an interpretation of the sources, so they could never know that he was wrong. For them all that they saw was a great fencer teaching fencing in his way.

>you actually had a reputation to defend as a creator and teacher in your club
He never let me teach so I never had the oportunity to make a reputation as a instructor. The other students saw me as just as another student that also have the obligation of running the administrative part of the club.

>and yet you decided to quietly withdraw and even give him all...
At that time my health was still shit, I didn't even knew if I could train again. But yeah I fucked up when I decided to make a club with him

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Anonymous No. 183031

>I couldn't find any scans in the usual places I would check.
Is there any HEMA related scans? Can you share those sites?

Anonymous No. 183066

Wiktenauer in the OP has some HEMA source material scans. Other than that I would check The Internet Archive, Library Genesis, Z-Library, Project Gutenberg, Google Books, etc.

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Anonymous No. 183127

>he was a good fencer, primarly for doing kali in his youth.

So you are saying, he was not learning by the books or sources, but he still was good fencer?

This story does not hold up.

Maybe he was a shit teacher, but if he was a decent fencer people should learn from sparing with him.

If you think that knowledge from the treaties is neglected by him, you should be able to exploit it and at least stand your ground against him.

If you trained 2-3 years now (and i mean training for real, not some meme 1-2/week session for an hour) you should be able to beat old boomer who is only using his advantage of being fit in his youth.

in other case, maybe your perception is clouded by your ego, and boomer is actually good at what he is doing, even if he has problem of passing that to the rest of the class.

If that is the case, If I were you I would just continue training and in time you should be in the top of the class, mopping every other student. If that was not the case, maybe you was just an annoying "akshually" dude who keeps citing the dry theory while being shit in practice.

If is someone is stupid but it works, it aint stupid. So if boomer is at the top in terms of skill, is methods are legit, even if unconventional.

Anonymous No. 183142

>So if boomer is at the top in terms of skill, is methods are legit, even if unconventional.
This is silly, you can be good but bad at transmitting, in this case you would have benefitted from good methods you were unable to reproduce.

>he was not learning by the books or sources, but he still was good fencer?
>This story does not hold up.
Because reading doesn't transfer into fencing.

Anonymous No. 183144

>So you are saying, he was not learning by the books or sources, but he still was good fencer?
Exacly, for his years of kali and other armed MA that he probably did.

>Maybe he was a shit teacher, but if he was a decent fencer people should learn from sparing with him.
He was a good fencer in the same way that a olympic fencer who grabs a feder for the first time is the best at sparring in a newbie class. In that regard one student that came from a sport fencing background was almost at the same level that MaestroDude in sparring skills. The rest of the students had never touched a swordlike object in his life, so "mopping the floor with them" wasn't a big achievement nor a good skill gauge.
But the point is that if you are going to be the instructor of a class, your students should learn from exercises, lessons, and teachings in technique not just from sparring. Sparring is for peer-pressured technique testing, you are supposed to test what you learned in class. Of course you learn a lot from sparring, but not all..

>If you trained 2-3 years now (and i mean training for real, not some meme 1-2/week session for an hour) you should be able to beat old boomer who is only using his advantage of being fit in his youth.
Welp, thats the thing... He was training me... He didn't let me sparr with him for the first year and a half maybe. The first sparring session was with all the other students. How I supose to be good? Note that in the beginning I believed in him and his teachings. A year in I started to ask myself about his competence but he was the only person closest to being an instructor avadible.


Anonymous No. 183145

>If that is the case, If I were you I would just continue training and in time you should be in the top of the class, mopping every other student.
Yeah my heart was divided between "I am going to prove my worth" and "Fuck this shit I don't deserve being mistreated" then injured myself and I was out for more than a year. At the time I didn't know if I could keep training so fuck it it was. Note that before the injury I was pretty proficient, thanks to the time I put in my own training and studying the sources.

>maybe you was just an annoying "akshually" dude
I am absolutly sure that for some of the students I was that. I was the one who bring the context, the history, the evolution and conection between the sources. I repeat, I was the only one reading the sources. IE:
Maestrodude: this is a technique from Meyer, the zornhauw-ort.
Me: "akshually", thats from early KDF.
This was a made up example, but basic shit like this happened all the time. Make of that whatever you like.

>in other case, maybe your perception is clouded by your ego, and boomer is actually good at what he is doing, even if he has problem of passing that to the rest of the class.
>If is someone is stupid but it works, it aint stupid. So if boomer is at the top in terms of skill, is methods are legit, even if unconventional.
The point is that If you brag that you are giving HEMA lessons, you have to know theach the historical techniques. Its fine if you grab a lot of techniques for diferent places, from kali, baton, mof, asian MA, etc and you want to teach them, but don't call it HEMA. Also, "we were all shit fencers" in his own words. If a class keeps maintaining the same shitty level after 2 years of continuity, the problem is the instructor, not the class.

Anonymous No. 183146

>This is silly, you can be good but bad at transmitting, in this case you would have benefitted from good methods you were unable to reproduce.
Also being good in something is not an sine qua non condition to be a good a teaching it. Its a fallacy quite part of this "maestro" mentality I mentioned. I mean, is somehow an indicator, but not always the best fencers are the best instructors, not the best instructors are the best fencers. Fencing and teaching are two very different skills.

Anonymous No. 183182

Absolutely, this is true for any sort of teaching really. It's true in martial arts, but for instance, I also play chess and many excellent and most renown instructors aren't Grandmasters (the highest title) or anywhere near the best, yet their teachings have been universally celebrated for decades and some have produced several great champions or at least players much stronger than themselves.
That's why a great practitioner that is also a great teacher is really something remarkable.

Anonymous No. 183425

Just use Wiktenauer you fag.

Anonymous No. 183428

I am not asking for sources, I am asking for modern books about HEMA, training, etc tranny cock loving faggot

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Anonymous No. 183429

>tfw can only train HEMA once a week (long 2 and a half hour session though and we always spar)
Is it possible to train by myself somehow on a technical level? I have been weightlifting and doing cardio to become more explosive and endure more, but I would still like to train on the technical side by myself to cope with the low training volume I have.

Anonymous No. 183430

>Is it possible to train by myself somehow on a technical level?
footwork and pell drills, bonus points if you train near mirrors and film it for analysis

Anonymous No. 183432

Damn, I can only train empty handed footwork then, because I don't have a single room big enough in my house to do pell work.

Anonymous No. 183434

That will be helpful. You might also consider grabbing a stick the length of the handle of whatever you're training to use, and if you're feeling really daring you could even set up your pell outside and touch grass.

Anonymous No. 183437

I'm not going outside with my sword like a fucking retard, faggot.

Anonymous No. 183440

Just go outside lol

Anonymous No. 183443

>Honey, look, our neighbor came out with a sword to the yard. Should we call the police before he goes in an incel rampage?

Anonymous No. 183445

Literally touch grass, you want to train but oh no, secrecy must be maintained lest I'd need to actually communicate and explain my hobby to others.

Anonymous No. 183446

The world is not out to get you

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Anonymous No. 183448


Anonymous No. 183452

You’re literally a wannabe HEMA fencer. It that image describes the people who actually go out and engage in this sport then what’s that make you?

Anonymous No. 183459

Do you even fence bro? Post sword.

Anonymous No. 183460

Nigga I do it within the confinements of the sports hall room we do train on like a normal person. I don't go to the nearest park to swing a blunted steel sword at children and scare them like you do in your free time.

Anonymous No. 183463

Our club regularly recruits by sparring in local parks during the summer. Nobody is “scared” and if you’re too insecure to practice in public that’s your own problem.

You don’t even have to go to a park or some other public place to be outside though. Just go in your back yard. If someone asks then tell them what you’re doing. It’s not a big deal.

Anonymous No. 183465

The line between being a creepy weirdo and a charming eccentric is defined by your own confidence and charisma. Just own it and don't be a sperg about it, maybe switch to a rattan stick for a while if you're worried steel will scare people.

Seconded on all accounts.

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Anonymous No. 183584

Why are shadfags like this?
>bunch of boomers that know jack all about HEMA being commanded by shad's clique of buttbuddies same way as when the ScholaGladiatora drama started to spam hate comments and being generally a bunch of bitches cause Shad is too much of a little bitch with a fragile ego

Anonymous No. 183588

Can someone in HEMA with a following just challenge that fucking LARPer to a fight already? He’ll obviously just duck it but it will prove forever to everyone, including his own fans, that he doesn’t actually have a clue what he’s doing.

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Anonymous No. 183592

I don't even like sellswordarts that much (bit fruity for my taste) but at least his content is acceptable. Shad is just a pathetic LARPer that despite having way more experience than the average HEMA beginner in "general swordsmanship", so to say, is way less competent both in the technical and physical aspect.
We should get beef matches to both shut incompetent clowns up AND generate engaging content.
>Noooo it's hecking toxic to get in beefs and do autismal honor matches you fucking chudcel!
Suck it up buttercup, people in the past did first blood duels to make a point, specially when it comes to proving competence with the blade. Nothing wrong with doing it in a modernized, safe way with protection and blunted blades.
>b-but that's hecking gatekeeping! let people do whatever they want and speak about hecking valid anime techniques!
Gatekeeping is a necessity to not get HEMA polluted by faggots like Shad. If you don't like gatekeeping you are a tranny and probably black as well.

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Anonymous No. 183613

Have you ever witnessed an exchange where one guy gets hit (relatively) badly and is clearly the victim but then acts like such a cunt about it that you start to resent him?

Anonymous No. 183614

>Shad is just a pathetic LARPer that despite having way more experience than the average HEMA beginner in "general swordsmanship"
What the actual fuck are you talking about? Shad know nothing about "swormanship"... the fucker don't even know shit about historical swords. I'd bet both of my testicles that he doesn't know anything in general and I would probable win another pair.

Anonymous No. 183616

My point is that "technically" he has done more swordsmanship than the average HEMA noob due to his history with Kendo when he was younger, his participation in some HEMA events (and sucking greatly in them) and such. He is still a fucking incompetent idiot though because all he does is fucking around in a non-productive way. Just finish reading my post before responding you ADHD fucking asshole.

Anonymous No. 183624

A noob with 6 months in a good HEMA club would beat the shit out of his alt right aussie ass. His "history with kendo" is probably a lie like any other part of his swordsmanship expertise.
I have nothing to comment on the rest of your shitty post. The part that you imply that he have "way more experience than the average HEMA beginner" just trigger the fuck out of me.

Anonymous No. 183626

Not my fault you are ESL and can't read English, fuckface.

Anonymous No. 183647

>alt right
opinion discarded

Anonymous No. 183648

Shad didn’t do any HEMA events he sparred some beginners under false pretenses, selectively edited the video, then claimed he was superior to all of HEMA because he’s not restrained by Manuals. This is especially funny when he claims he did something he’s “never seen in a manual” despite it actually literally being in a manual somewhere.

Anonymous No. 183684

>This is especially funny when he claims he did something he’s “never seen in a manual” despite it actually literally being in a manual somewhere.
Iirc it was simply shfting the leg, which pretty much in every sabre source.

Anonymous No. 183688

>This is especially funny when he claims he did something he’s “never seen in a manual” despite it actually literally being in a manual somewhere.
That's a pretty impressive level of arrogance. Human bodies are human bodies, there's a finite number of things you can do with that body and that list is diminished if you throw out all the things that aren't going to cause you significant injury. You can draw a lot of parallels between HEMA and eastern sword arts due solely to that fact.
To think that nobody in human history thought of something before him, especially when for some of them getting good is a matter of life and death is ridiculous.

Anonymous No. 183689

Posting so much truth in one post should be illegal

Anonymous No. 183701

So what you mean is he's trying to do the whole Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do "be water" thing about not being restricted by a specific style without actually reaching competence in the first place in any specific system?

Anonymous No. 183702

Basically but even more retarded. Just look up his video “the problem with HEMA.” He describes the technique that no ones ever thought of before (which is just him moving his leg back to avoid a leg cut) at about 8 minutes in if you can’t stand to listen to the whole video.

Anonymous No. 183734

Is he going to say that reflectively dodging a cut to the head at the last moment is a hot new fresh technique?

Anonymous No. 184002

Don't forget that Shad also thought the very existence of HEMA was gatekeeping his style or something.

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Anonymous No. 184005

It's annoying that there still isn't any good buyable solution for a rotella, DIY is the only way to go. Riot shields are shit and LARP shields are even worse. Equipment manufacturers should solve this issue already.

Anonymous No. 184058

>When he did minimally join in a couple of workshops he constantly went off topic with the classic beginner martial artist behaviour of “yeah, but what if I do this!”, and trying to “win” at a drill where he was supposed to supply stimulus to illustrate a very specific principle. This shows startling inexperience of martial arts from someone who claims a certain degree of expertise.
>Participating isn’t for everyone, but you can’t have your cake and eat it too – you can’t voluntarily exclude yourself from everything in the HEMA world and call it gatekeeping.
>That’s not gatekeeping… it’s choosing not to take part.

Anonymous No. 184091

Next time someone does something retarded like Shad is doing they should be met with the phrase "Do you even fence?".You will then see their knees buckle in humiliation as spaghetti flows from their backpocket.
Nofencers should not give their opinions on what counts as effective swordsmanship whatsoever, same way that someone that has never boxed doesn't get the right to even entertain the thought "I would knock Tyson Fury out in the ring". I don't care if this is "disrespectful gatekeeping", earn your respect little bro, or know your place.

Anonymous No. 184240

Fag calls a lot of people transphobes.

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Anonymous No. 184241

Go back to fucking boys Matt.

Anonymous No. 184242

I would KO you Shad. Dyel?

Anonymous No. 184275

Is a tight thick rope hanging from the roof with some sort of weight at the bottom a good alternative pell?

Anonymous No. 184283

it would flail a lot but there were hanging pells back in the day, i think they still sell bronze ones for hanging

Anonymous No. 184290

The swinging is actually a good thing, teaches point control and timing. A few of my club mates made them either in their yard or in their basements

Anonymous No. 184302

I was thinking something more like having 10kg of weight pulling from the rope and using the tight rope as a target to cut instead.

Anonymous No. 184303

That’s retarded. Attach a ball to the end of a rope roughly hanging at head height and make the ball the target

Anonymous No. 184304

What's so retarded about it? It wouldn't swing like a pendulum because I wouldn't be striking the weight, as it would be hanging quite low. Unlike a solid wood pell, I can strike it full force without worrying that I hurt a steel practice blade.

Anonymous No. 184305

It’s retarded because you want something stationary to hit don’t bother with a rope pell, find an old coat rack (or put something together with some 2x4s) and put an old mask on it

Anonymous No. 184306

Your understanding of mechanics is retarded.

Anonymous No. 184512

>hi I'm doing historical european martial arts
>should I ignore all historical options and use my own autism theorycrafted version instead?

Anonymous No. 184615

What are you some kind of larper? As long as it performs like it should, it can be used. Or do you put on "historically accurate" outfits every time you have a bout? You don't because it's irrelevant. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 184657

Olympic fencing might be more your speed, midwit.

Anonymous No. 184682

False equivalence. It's not like you're using some modern material or technology to do something more efficiently than was possible back then. They had the capability of hanging a rope with a weight on it during ye olden times. They just didn't because it's a dumb fucking idea.

Anonymous No. 184721

Full-force striking isn't the best use of your training time with a pell, but if that's what you want to do, just get a tire. Hang it up, stick it on a post, nail it to a tree, whatever.

Full force striking against something so yielding won't help your technique beside extremely basic mechanics, and you're gonna end up sending a quarter your total training time straightening and stopping the rope from swinging.

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Anonymous No. 184759

Looking for quality gloves for hand protection in steel sparring

>inb4 Red Dragon
they are a meme
>inb4 Infinity Gloves
those retards cant provide me with basic info so I can check if their gloves would fit with my sabre basket
>inb4 kvetun
his gloves line is on hold for now

Anything else worthwhile on the market?

Anonymous No. 184764

Just get clamshells like everyone else.
>but muh finger manipulation
Get used to not having it. HEMA won’t have a decent, worthwhile pair of five finger gloves for another ten years. Every one who tries to make one ends up fucking up and making a glove that literally shatters to pieces or taking peoples money then fucking off and laughing their way to the bank

Anonymous No. 184859

What sabre do you have? If they're not confirming that the glove will fit in the sabre basket, they're passively saying it probably won't. Or you didn't provide enough information and they don't want to get in a long discussion with you -- HEMA customer service gets a lot easier when you realize basically everyone hates dealing with any communication past the minimum. You'd be surprised how much more helpful many of them are if you spell out exactly what you want in the first email as clearly as possible, especially if you're contacting the makers directly in Europe. A lot of workshops have one guy that speaks English, and if he's not there, they're running emails through online translators.

Anonymous No. 184889

I spar with Red Dragon gloves all the time, and I'm fine.
Nothing ever happens.

Anonymous No. 184890

Can you actually fit clam shells through a saber hilt that isn't a single knuckle bow?

Anonymous No. 184892

If it’s is a single knuckle bow I’ve usually been able to do it but if I have a full basket I just wear light gloves. Let the basket do what it’s supposed to do.

Anonymous No. 184906

Easton with big basket from kvetun

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Anonymous No. 184919

What do you guys think of the "polemic" about the new SIGI light feder and the HEMA 3.0 thing?

>SIGI present a new product: a light saber wich weights 1250g/2.75 lbs at 130 cm / 51.1 in overall length
>Martin Fabian (SIGI owner) makes a post telling what great this new feder is, how it flies, how safe and how speedy it is, and how this is going to push to HEMA to HEMA 3.0
>Alexander Stankevich (Kvetun director) reply to Martin Fabian saying that this is not HEMA 3.0, this is going in the direction of making HEMA into MOF with longswords.
>"On my events the weight limits will be 1500-1800g" Alexander says
>" I hope to live long enough to see the day when HEMA and WMA will split into separate sandboxes" Alexander also says
>Many recognized personalities of HEMA (Arto Fama, Federico Malagutti, Daniel Pope) show interest in try the new light feder

This kinda rivied the "Sport Historical European Martial Arts" vs "Archeological Historical European Martial Arts" discussion. What do you thing of all this? Where do you guys think that HEMA is heading? And where would YOU like HEMA to go in the future?

Anonymous No. 184937

I think there is a strong push towards the sports direction, simply because people with a strong tournament record tend to carry more respect.

Anonymous No. 185056

The problem isn't the "sportificatiom" of HEMA, but rather the sissification of it.
People are being a bunch of sissies and using historically innacurate equipment because they are weak and are scared of doing some basic ass strength training.
>Erm, acshually, people back then used feders.
They used feders because the protective equipment used during sparring was poor or sometimes non existant. It was done out of necessity, rather than because it was the "best" way. If Meyer had seen the protective equipment we use, he would have adopted it in a heartbeat to train himself to use heavier sword simulators, as they more accurately translate to the handling of an actual sword.
>Erm, they did have protective equipment like full plate armor though, you argument is invalid.
Which was 30kg worth of steel put on your person. It's not as heavy as in the movies, but it does have a very noticeable effect on your movement, hence why it was not used. If what you want to do is "simulate" unarmored swordsmanship, the weight of modern equipment is light enough for it to not matter.
>What if you get hurt?
You can spar in a controlled way with your mates instead of going apeshit. However, in the context of a tournament, you should man up and accept that some risks must be taken for the sake of it. I hate how people treat this like it's going to be an MMA match and people are gonna get their brains rattled.

Don't get me wrong, I think feders are great tools for begginers and for doing technical, relaxed sparring and 1 on 1 drills in the context of your club/gymnasium/whatever the fuck, but they have no place in a competitive environment. Boxers spar with low intensity before a fight, but they fight full throttle the moment they step in the ring. The same should be applied to HEMA tournaments, no matter the weapon used.

Just lift, even fucking around with a kettlebell should be enough for the average feder sissy to be able to handle a properly weighted sword simulator.

Anonymous No. 185193

Will it improve the fencing? That's all that matters to me.
Longsword is at this stage the most compromised of the popular weapons. As gear has improved, the beneficiaries have mostly turned out to be one-handers. For example, sidesworders finally have some somewhat satisfactory gloves to choose from, and as a result they can fence pretty much unimpeded in full gear, at high intensity. Sabre also has benefitted from better gloves and has had much better weapons for some time now, and rapier has always had it sort of easy.

Meanwhile, longsworders to this day bitch about not being able to do basic shit because their gear is impeding them. Arm crossing, etc. A very good setup and a lot of practice in gear can help, but it's a much bigger barrier than with other weapons.
I'm not sure if these feders will help with the issues I perceive in LS, but we'll see.

The "HEMA 3.0" shit is retarded, since it implies we have the sources figured out, which we don't by a long shot. Not the popular ones, much less the hipster shit.

LS blunts aren't representative of sharps for the most part. They're generally shit and good feders do a better job as LS simulators. Feder hate is largely just cope from people who don't like how they look. Ironically, SIGI's King blunt is probably the least shit of them all.
Weight/fatigue isn't that big a deal with longsword and it's already the babby's weapon with the lowest strength requirement, barring smallsword. While they do say that these new ones are even less fatiguing, I don't think that's the main point of them. They're somehow supposed to improve the fencing quality, not sure how exactly though.

Anonymous No. 185222

Probably not. Handled a lot of Infinity Gloves, and unless you have baby hands to start with, I doubt they'll fit.

This is the way I do it, yeah

They will not improve the fencing. Fabian's also been gradually making crosses wider and wider, which impedes a surprising amount of handwork.

They will improve dancing back and forth in pflug and racing each other on hand snipes, is that what you wanted?

Anonymous No. 185283

He's definitely a seething manlet with a chip on his shoulder, I strongly suspect he was a theater or band kid and most likely likes to get pegged.

Anonymous No. 185316

Sigi shill please, the weight distribution of feders is wack and nothing like an actual sword. Feders also have too thick of an edge to barely even simulate binding. All federfags like to do is 0 blade contact and instantly disengaging for a reason.

Anonymous No. 185317

>Weight/fatigue isn't that big a deal with longsword and it's already the babby's weapon with the lowest strength requirement
Nooo but my epic tabletop rpgs told me that longswords are for barbarians and rapiers for rogues!!!

Anonymous No. 185347

>Weight/fatigue isn't that big a deal with longsword and it's already the babby's weapon with the lowest strength requirement
Is this why eunuchs/troons fence longsword?

Anonymous No. 185371

There's so much wrong in one post that I don't even know where to start...
>People are being a bunch of sissies and using historically innacurate equipment because they are weak and are scared of doing some basic ass strength training.
Whats the connection between sissisness, innacurate equipment and strength training?
-For a war scenario period people would use protection, like helmet, some kind of armor and at least leather gloves. But would most certainly use a spear, a halberd/billhook/partisan, a bow/crossbow/firearm. A sword would be a last resort weapon. Nobody in HEMA is traing to emulete this scenario.
-For a civilian scenario where at least one party is fighting/defending itself spontaneously (like a robbery, a brawl or an impromptu duel) there is not way to say "this is the equipment needed to replicate this". I believe that most of those would be sword and just some clothes, with the most similar thing would be a sharp vs sharp no gear full sparring which is a really stupid thing to try.
-For a fechtschule or general training they would use what we call "federschwert", and the protective equipment would be very low: maybe a hat, just a shirt and some thin leather gloves. There are some people who train and use this style of sparing, especially the meyerists (I have seen some of this type sparring from people of the MFFG and It look interesting). Lo de esto no tiene casi nada que ver con la fuerza y todo con la seguridad y el control. I believe that in order to spar like this you have to have absolute trust in your partner. Also there is a lot of consideration to make about the historical feders and the rulesets that they use.
-For a proper duel the challenged party had the choice of weapons and protections. The duel could be even a full armoded combat if the duellist were nobles. To replicate this youll need a lot of equipment.

Anonymous No. 185372

>They used feders because the protective equipment used during sparring was poor or sometimes non existant. It was done out of necessity, rather than because it was the "best" way.
To understand why they used feders you need to understand the context. First of all a fechtschule was a competition where people fight for prices and fame. There were a lot rules in a fechtschule: thrust or the use of the tip of the sword were forbidden; you could not rush upon a opponent; you should use the flat of the feder; you could not use "dirty techniques"; you could wear just a shirt, a thin leather gloves, sometimes a little hat, nothing more; you could wear just a shirt, a thin leather gloves, sometimes a little hat, nothing more because the goal was to draw blood out of your opponent head in order to win. Feders were designed to be useful in that context. Thats why most historical feder have a very thin spatulated tip: to produce small wounds and still be relatively safe, even though a lot of people have lost an eye, a ear or even died in this events. Also there is a lot of variation on historical feders and almost all of them were heavier than a modern one and with a PoB much to the tip. I think that that's related to limitations on steel of the period, you need more material to withstand a lot of use and abuse compared with modern industrial steel. Also almost all historical swords were a lot more fragile that we tend to think of. If you were able to use a "brand old new period sword" (meaning a sword in brand new condition but made like 500 ago), I almost sure that it would not last 5 sparring sessions.

Anonymous No. 185373

>If Meyer had seen the protective equipment we use, he would have adopted it in a heartbeat to train himself to use heavier sword simulators, as they more accurately translate to the handling of an actual sword.
I disagree, I believe that Meyer would hate it and say that it is spoiling a perfect art. He dedicated his life to use the tools of his time and to study the masters and techniques. Swords were his cultures, his life, his steathics. He would hate anything that suddenly came to destroy all of his identity.... as any of us would if something like that happened to our lifes.

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Anonymous No. 186034

Whats a good hema practice long/bastard sword for an american?
Went to red dragon armories and found a bastard sword I liked for 44 Brit dollars (53 with tax... yesh), quick mental conversion thats like 70 burger dollars or something, not bad if its good quality.
But once I put in my delivery info it came up too... 120 odd burger dollars.
Ok maybe id push it to 100 total for shipping, but really? almost doubling the base price for international? No way.
So recs?

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is this hema.png

Anonymous No. 186037

Is this hema?

Anonymous No. 186038

Penti is the standard synthetic for longsword. Honestly just save your money and buy a feder though. I basically never use my penti for anything anymore.

Anonymous No. 186039

I don’t even know what I’m looking at

Anonymous No. 186040

someone who doesnt have a horse, but does have a crossbow.

Anonymous No. 186134

Kind of weird how there so much concern about a sword being a bit lighter than the average but not about the standard feder being longer than average. I'd bet that historically there were more 2.75ish lb longswords than 50ish inch longswords.

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Anonymous No. 186153

Just discovered this fraudulent fag.
I don't believe he has 14 years of experience and is also too afraid to spar with fucking longsword. Everything he says yells "I don't know what I'm talking about, but I pretend I do". McDojo bs.

Anonymous No. 186162

I have this one
Its not soft
It will hurt if you hit someone with no padding with
With stab it will hurt your ribs and such before bending
If you have some protective gear Id say its decent. With the iron pommel it just feels great, Im doing all the solo drills with it when im not going heavy weight. (im not actual hema practitioner just playing around)

Anonymous No. 186163

I have the longsword one
If you want something to light sparr with I would actually chose the padded one over this
something like this

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Anonymous No. 186341

>Train with a spadroon and sabres of varying weight and balance for a little while (about a year now)
>Finally get a basket-hilt
>Do cuts trying to account for handling differences
>Wrist starts making popping sounds
It doesn't hurt but that can't be good, right? What am I doing wrong? I'm not doing that stupid broken-wrist hand position thing, at the very least.

Anonymous No. 186676

just loosen ur grip bro

Anonymous No. 186745

You mean historical swords? or historical "feders"? Because there is a lot of variation, but in general a sharp period long sword were shorter. Think of 45.5-53 inches and 2.5-4.4lbs. Note that both ends of the spectrum were kinda out of the norm but they existed. Other important thing is the hande to blade ratio: in the lower end you find blades of 30,5in and handles of 6in. Handles of 10 in+ and 35 in+ blades like modern feders are rare to find in period pieces, thats more in the spadone spectrum rather than longswords.
Now, historical feder were longer (51 inc, 39 in blades and 12in handles) and heavier (3,3lbs to 4lbs). You can check this information very easily in Museums sites, like the Met.

Anonymous No. 186770

How was Dreynevent?

Anonymous No. 186789

Just gave it a go, I think that might have helped, thanks for the suggestion.

Anonymous No. 186834

yw brah

Anonymous No. 186975

Red Dragon is very bad. If you're just practicing alone, you're better off using a stick. If you have training partners and you're concerned for their safety, SoCal or Black Fencer make better synthetics.

Are they more expensive? Yes. Are you going to buy one anyway in a year or two after realizing the Red Dragon is utterly incapable of teaching any work from the bind? Also yes.

Anonymous No. 187051

To be fair, nylon make for good wasters to work on the pell (wasting a steel sparring sword due to steel fatigue on a pell is wasteful as shit).
Altho for pell work, its probably best to use a wooden waster. Way cheaper than polymer ones.

Anonymous No. 187089

>SoCal or Black Fencer make better synthetics
Unless I'm missing something SoCal synthetics are the same as Black Fencer ones, they just act as a distributor for BF. One thing I noticed is that no one seems to talk about Penti synthetics, I guess being more expensive than RD but not as good as BF makes them kind of irrelevant.

Anonymous No. 187160

HEMA 5.0

Anonymous No. 187184

Is 1.5 hours in one direction too long of a drive for going to a hema club?

Anonymous No. 187187

No. Go train.

Anonymous No. 187385

Gymbros are projecting to protect thei sissy benchpress habit. Overhead press, squat, and deadlift, or don't even bother with freeweights. But start with calisthenics if you're looking for functional strength without fucking up your mobility.

Anonymous No. 187436

thanks for the recs.
not too concerned about over safty. Just has to feel right and last.

Anonymous No. 187600

>lifting weights is le bad for mobility
Dumb idiot retard dyel spotted.
Lifting will even enhance mobility if you always use as much range of motion as possible. I can bet there's a greater ratio of gymbros, strength athletes and bodybuilders that can do a full split compared to the ratio of untrained people that can.

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Anonymous No. 188098

Penti has always been the de facto synthetic around eveywhere I've been. The Red Dragon's have a tendency to break at the tip and I've never heard of SoCal/Black Fencer. If they are more expensive than a Penti you are probably wasting money that can go into better kit. Armor if you do that, or steel if you do that.

I have been driving an hour and thirty minutes for my HEMA class. But I don't pay a membership fee. If I had a better option I would not do it, but as it's that or solo train. I do that. There are so so so so many master's of battle that are vitually incomprehnsible without a partner and a well trained partner at that.

Anonymous No. 188423

Pretty sure Black Fencer have been standard for a few years now, at least in Europe. They're more expensive than the rest but not by a huge margin and have nice variety and about as good handling as you could expect for synthetics. To my knowledge there aren't really any better options if you can't use steel for whatever reason, which is true for where I am. If there are I'd love to know.

Anonymous No. 188511

No, and you better learn some solo drills to take home. Go train when you can, make a point to go at least once a week if you're dedicated and you better practice at home so those club days are worth it.

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Anonymous No. 188598

What in HEMA is most memetically similar to the guandao (yǎnyuèdāo)?

It's a big glaive with a butt spike associated with a semi-legendary historical figure of great skill and strength (probably anachronistically by a novel in the 14th century). Giant versions (wǔkēdāo) exist for strength training and military tests. Guandao of more practical weight and dimensions are used for martial arts forms (modern wushu uses even lighter ones), were possibly used as cavalry polearms, and were definitely used as showpiece weapons for arming generals and high-status guards.

I'm asking this question because guandao autism looks fun but I'd like an excuse to do some HEMA reading instead of going down another CMA/HCMA rabbit hole.

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Anonymous No. 188602

>Giant versions (wǔkēdāo) exist for strength training and military tests.
pic related
>A Qing dynasty soldier holding a wǔkēdāo (武科刀).
>London Illustrated News, 1900.

Anonymous No. 188705

Traiditionally, be it in Europe or Asia, quarterstaff is the foundation of polearms, so you might always fall back on these, techniques wise.
As for the actual weapon, considering there's no manual treating specifically glaives, probably halberd, though it's most often than not wielded far back compared to the guandao which is, iirc, more in the middle.
Maybe look into two-ended spears as well (Pasch or Fiore).

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Anonymous No. 188720

I decided to catalogue the fencing cultures of the various countries and regions today based on events and tournaments:

Insular. They love wearing gear and fence quite hard. That doesn't stop them from being shit. Also, they still use synthetics lmao.
Probably the worst Euro country. On average they hate wearing any gear (including masks), hate fencing at speed, and especially hate wearing shoes. They get injured often even though they insist that they're the reasonable ones and everyone else is reckless. Some clubs are exceptions.
Less extreme than the Krauts, much more variety between clubs. Some hate wearing gear, others are smarter about it and go pretty hard. Some are insane and wear inadequate gear while fencing at a high intensity. Lots of very skilled and aesthetic fencers. Obsessed with hats.
>"Central" Europeans:
Typical Slavs. Very competitive, very unaesthetic fencing. Incapable of putting the left foot forward.
Virtually identical to the Slavs in their fencing style. The Finns are especially violent.
Similar to Austria in that they're impossible to generalise. I suspect that there's factionalism going on.
Have always been very intense and competitive. Lots of dumb moustaches.
Used to be similar to the Krauts, but made a sea-change at some point in the last 5 years. They're more like the Dutch these days, sans moustaches, but with barefoot shoes instead.
Skilled, intense, and weirdly intellectual about fencing. Always offering everyone home-made booze.
They're in a constant civil war. As a result they're impossible to generalise, except that they tend to be very good at whatever they consider to be the "right" form of HEMA.
Like most Latin countries they're fractious. Lots of very elegant rapier and smallsword fencers. "Joder joder joder"
Oddly krautlike in mindset. At least the heat gives them an excuse to not gear up.

Anonymous No. 188786

>They're in a constant civil war.
Painfully accurate.
>the "right" form of HEMA.
It really ended up with legally certified masters accusing other instructors, who don't have the same licence, of stealing the job and teaching wrong fencing. This is how hard some italians believe in what's the "right" HEMA. It's really embarassing.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 188848

You're getting too much of your information from YouTube instead of travelling around yourself. If you traveled to events in Europe you'd meet lots of Brits who compete all over the place. It sounds like you think Britain is only AHF, but they're basically irrelevant.

Anonymous No. 188991

>"I'm from the balkans and consume all my HEMA understanding from YouTube and discord"

Anonymous No. 189228

>Insular. They love wearing gear and fence quite hard. That doesn't stop them from being shit. Also, they still use synthetics lmao.
My experience here is people enjoy the least amount of gear they can get away with, while remaining safe, this is outside the tournament scene though. You're correct about clubs being very insular, the hobby is unfortunately bogged down with tiresome bores who enjoy playing inter-club politics and fostering petty rivalries – so lots of clubs tend to not bother reaching out. Synthetics are so prevalent here probably because everyone's skint, it's embarrassing. Mercifully my club uses steels only.

Anonymous No. 190464

>made the dumbass mistake and assumed my mask size was an XL
>finally got a large mask
Now I finally spar and also our small club has a loaner for a fat fuck.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 190465

>Doesn't mention US
Yeah I wouldn't us either.

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Anonymous No. 190484

I haven't trained since fightcamp because I generally had a rotten time at the event and personalities at my club have put me off.

I pivoted to BJJ and i'm surprised at how much more enjoyable a martial art is when your training partners aren't autistic and unfit

Anonymous No. 190486

I agree. With the Hema people, they want to explain every god damn thing about the technique being drilled before we even learn it but the usual martial art drill of "do this and don't question it till we begin sparring" makes practice so much more active.

Anonymous No. 190543

It's just the fact that noodle armed autists who are mostly uni students in my club do not hold a fim guard or parry hard enough for the techniquest to even be demonstrated.

Put some fucking dick and balls into your parries otherwise I'm just going to keep cutting you in the face through them

Anonymous No. 190546

If you’re cutting through them that probably has more to do with their structure than their strength which is something they actually do need specific coaching to adjust, not just more drilling.

Anonymous No. 190547

That's more what I mean, I gain nothing from a training partner who can not throw a cut nor can they parry one

Anonymous No. 190548

I misunderstood your other post initially but I see what you mean now.

It’s just a reality of the sport though. Hema is a good thing for nerds because they’re actually getting exercise but for those who do have athletic experience outside of it I can understand why it’s infuriating trying to teach them to use their bodies properly for the first time in their lives.

Anonymous No. 190784

>forget persons name
>to scared to ask for name and offend
>have several good conversations with them
>even more scared to ask for name and offend
can i get payed for having crippling anxiety?

Anonymous No. 190901

Be upfront. Just say you're terrible with names and you're sorry. You're gonna spar with him so it's not going to be the first time you'll show weakness to them.

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Anonymous No. 191081

I am looking for a pdf scan of the book "The Art & Practice of 16th-Century German Fencing A guide to the use of Joachim Meyer's Rappier" written by Robert Rutherfoord. Dones any one have it or knows where I can find it?

Anonymous No. 191174

MY club went over to fencing according to some cologne manual and away from Lichtenauer.

Have you guys ever heared about moving the left foot forward and striking from the right?

Anonymous No. 191179

That sounds completely unintuitive and retarded.

Anonymous No. 191309

Yeah, we call it goofy foot and it's one of the parameters we sometimes set when doing drills. It's definitely unintuitive and I wouldn't recommend it as a primary footwork game, but practicing it consciously is the first step to being able to do it unconsciously if the measure and openings demand it.

Anonymous No. 191380

the hema discord is based

Anonymous No. 191406

The hema discord is absolute brimstone.

Anonymous No. 191543

I can see the HEMA discord being full of LGBTQ+ types who have absolutely covered their fencing jackets in garish patches

Anonymous No. 191559

the hema discord is 90% frustrated low skill nerds who are terminally online and couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag circle jerking over how everyone but them is doing hema wrong

Anonymous No. 191567

Is that manlet faggot still there?
Or that grumpy slav?

Anonymous No. 191589


Anonymous No. 191623

Sometimes I wonder if it's happening in other sports too or if it is just a HEMA thing

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Anonymous No. 191629

HEMA is being legitimately psyopped.
Source: trust me bro

Anonymous No. 191632

Teak or something like that? And slavyek or slavyev, don't remember anymore

Anonymous No. 191683

I do more than one martial art. It is absolutely just a HEMA thing. I’ve never heard gay or trans mentioned in any martial arts school but it is a constant issue in HEMA. I have no idea why.

Anonymous No. 191825

agree and the people saying it isnt are hopeless losers lol
purpleheart and regenyei even post gear updates there asking for feedback and give out discount codes
i lurk and get free shit

Anonymous No. 191828

I do BJJ, used to do Karate and have mates in olympic fencing and it's not a thing in any of those scenes.

I know BJJ is gay as hell anyway but there's a difference between kiss the homies gay and what HEMA has going on/

My theory is that it's due to the fact that HEMA directly appeals to the kind of autism that plays D&D and so there's huge overlap because almost every trans person I've met is also autistic

Anonymous No. 191885

The fencing club back in school had some fruits but I assumed it was because it was all college kids and half of them were women. Many of the participants were of that "the kind of autism that plays D&D" demographic you described.

Anonymous No. 191956

LGBTHEMAcord woke up it seems

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Hongtao Su HEMA g....webm

Anonymous No. 192048

>You merely adopted thee geyslen. I was born in it.

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Anonymous No. 192096

>always wanted to try HEMA
>check for local groups
>one comes up but it's a facebook link
>give it the benefit of the doubt
>pic related
It's all so tiresome

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Anonymous No. 192188

>scantily clad adult human female prancing around with a weapon she doesn’t know how to use for the enjoyment of men who do.
I’m not actually seeing the problem with this.

Anonymous No. 192190

I'll gladly take Anna if you take the faggots in my club who bitch about 'going too hard' when dealing with rapier cuts. She has more scrotum than all of them combined.

Anonymous No. 192230

I have taken rapier cuts to my palm and fingers wearing just a padded glove and never got a bruise or broken bone. What exactly do they complain about when it comes to rapier cuts being too hard?

Anonymous No. 192265

Seems you found a good, non woke one.

Anonymous No. 192274

>this is sexist why are you demeaning this poor lady
>actually, this is a renowned fencer who is part of our team and wanted us to use these photos
>w-well, you shouldn't play with expectations people will get mad
This was more funny than anything.

Anonymous No. 192276

Lmao did people actually claim this shoot was sexist?

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Anonymous No. 192279

More or less.

Anonymous No. 192288

i'm a tranny, it's literally the autism thing. people suddenly get infected with sword autism and then it becomes a lifelong hobby. a statistically unlikely number of other trannies I know have fencing experience or like HEMA, it's not super high but it is a thing.

it's like the autist train stereotype, but with a higher nerdiness threshold (you are all some degree of history autist don't lie), so there is a natural attraction. it provides me an external drive to stay super fit and is enjoyable, so I really can't complain.

Anonymous No. 192294

God I hate this sport so much. Why can’t you fuckers just be normal.

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Anonymous No. 192316

Hang yourself and stop polluting my hobbies.
If I ever see you in any sort of non competitive even I will do everything in my power to cause you as much bodily harm as possible and make it look like it wasn't on purpose or against the rules.

Anonymous No. 192317

>stay super fit
Your endocrine system is fucked beyond recovery, you ain't fit.

Anonymous No. 192318

Might be a FtM musclefu.

Anonymous No. 192329

You'll do nothing of the sort your keyboard larper. 50/50 odds you spend your days exclusively posting in the comments section of Shad videos.

Anonymous No. 192341

>anyone I dislike is a shadlarper
Least retarded troon award.

Anonymous No. 192342

Touch grass dude

Anonymous No. 192362

Tomboy genocide is real. I've watched two previously-healthy autistic martial arts women absolutely destroy themselves that way, pretty sure the one eventually anhero'd. The social contagion of transgenderism is a tragic thing.

Anonymous No. 192385

Anyone bought from Shoukat? They're prices look impossible and I wonder if they fuck you on shipping.

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Anonymous No. 192432

Which sharp, historically accurate reproductions are closest to Olympic fencing's foil, épée, and sabre? Any notable reasonably-affordable antiques (especially American military swords)?

Anonymous No. 192486

very telling how you said "non competitive event" proving that you don't compete

Anonymous No. 192496

I guess at a competitive event anon would be fencing with boys while the troon would fence with the girls, so they wouldn't meet.

Anonymous No. 192504

I ain't risking disqualification over a troon fag.

Anonymous No. 192505

Foil and iirc epée are meant to be tools to simulate the smallsword.
Closest historical weapon to the fencing sabre would be one of those italian dueling sabers. These were very light sabers with a round tip yet sharp blade. The bevel isn't too accute though, so with the lack of heft and poorly cutting edge, the cuts aren't very deep. Was used purely as a weapon to duel to the first blood, not for actual combat.

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Anonymous No. 192506

Forgot, pic related is a smallsword.

Anonymous No. 192534

typical chud typology

make grand claims about the day of the rope and beating on people while irl being a cowering little bitch boy

Anonymous No. 192679

Not sure about the actual quality, but I worked in the industry and they frequently misrepresented their products. Once sent us a sample page of custom jacket options that included a picture of a SupFen custom jacket they claimed was theirs.

I know this because I took the original picture as an example of the SupFen custom options and sold it to a guy in our local club and saw that exact jacket frequently.

Anonymous No. 192701

Foil is a smallsword trainer not simulator, that's pedantic but its kind of important. Modern hema people have this autistic need to use the most accurate simulator not the best training tool. A foil is nothing like a smallsword but training it will make you good at using one. Same with s2000 sabre blades and infantry or dueling sabres.
Epee *is* a simulator, for the epee de combat, its probably the most accurate sword simulator ever. You can't really buy an epee de combat anymore, though antiques still exist in private collections and if you know any old-school classical fencing smiths they can probably make you one.
Your reasons for doing this are probably retarded but if you can't be swayed just get an antique infantry sabre for $200 on eBay and take good care of it.

Anonymous No. 192781

>You can't really buy an epee de combat anymore
NTA, I was under the impression that the people using epees to duel in the 20th century were just buying the same epees used for sport fencing and sharpening the tip
>if you can't be swayed just get an antique infantry sabre for $200 on eBay and take good care of it.
Speaking of which, how do I go about buying antique swords without getting scammed? Is there a good guide to this? I assume most people are selling shitty repos online they’re marketing as antiques

Anonymous No. 192811

>same epees
Yea some of the later epee duels used sharpened sport blades, likely because it was becoming difficult to find actual epees de combat. These duels are remarkable and well documented because they were so unusual, and can't really be taken for typical of prior periods when dueling was common.
>without getting scammed
The used sword market isn't really a thriving customer segment ready for scammers to make a profit. Nobody is faking antique wear and imitating period maker's marks. Just don't buy shit that obviously a newly produced blade and you'll be fine, they usually hide the word reproduction somewhere in the fine print anyway.

Anonymous No. 193120

Meds now.

Anonymous No. 193300

You live in a world of lies, very few hemaists are history autist. Most of them don't care about historical context and often about historical manuals too.

Anonymous No. 194055

>people suddenly get infected with sword autism
>sword autism
This stuff always makes me wince, landsknecht larps and sea shanty enjoyers don't understand how badly they damage the hobby's perception.

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Anonymous No. 194071

I go out of my way to only get historically autistic with the weapon simulators/blunts/whatever the fuck you want to call them (from a purely mechanical and practical point of view) but never try to use jackets that resemble anything historically accurate or use a sword that has fancy decorative patterns or details on it. I don't want HEMA or myself to be associated with ren fair people that play dress up.
Also in my experience people that paint drawings on their masks tend to be faggots.

Anonymous No. 194129

Thread is dying but I found chainmail hauberk on sale for 150 dollars... is this insane or what? How do they make chainmail? is there a machine or something? What's the catch?

Anonymous No. 194132

Butted or riveted/welded?
>How do they make chainmail?
OCD/autism hobby or an expensive machine

Anonymous No. 194146

Why do you even want to get chainmail? Want to test arrows for armor penetration or something?

Anonymous No. 194148

I want to wear it at a ren faire with a gambeson and 3 gallons of water / some electrolyte drink mix just in case it's warm. I know it's kinda useless for HEMA but it's basically like a cosplay thing at this point.

I'd imagine it's an expensive machine yeah.

Anonymous No. 194160

Butted mail can be machine made. Butted mail isn't very historically accurated but it's way less expensive than properly riveted mail. And after all it looks the same if you don't look close enough. If it is from mild steel, you'll spend a lot of time doing little repairs, if it's spring steel you won't have to worry too much.

Anonymous No. 194169

>Butted mail isn't very historically accurate
for Europe

Anonymous No. 194200

Yeah, and he is going to a ren fair. He is not going to wear asian themed armor and stick out like a sore thumb now is he?

Anonymous No. 194291

why is the hema discord the best place to have your progauntlets repaired

Anonymous No. 194493

>sea shanty enjoyers
>damaging the reputation of HEMA
Avast, ye faggot. Sea shanties are based

Anonymous No. 194526

Does anyone make safe steel sparring fokos?

Anonymous No. 194603

Larp foam or something

Anonymous No. 195239

Are you retarded?

Anonymous No. 195384

bump limit

new thread

Anonymous No. 195435

Thanks, I've been reading up on smallswords and adjacent subjects, looks like a very financially dangerous collecting rabbit hole. Any pointers on which $200 antique is going to have the best handling characteristics? Any good reference materials for identifying smallswords?