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🧵 Karate

Anonymous No. 166778

Why can't karate just put on gloves, a mouth guard, and, if they wanted to boxing headgear, spar like everyone else?

Anonymous No. 166779

this is where kickboxing came from, when K-1 started it was an outlet for karate practitioners from different styles to compete against each other in full contact, the founder being from seidokaikan himself
it just works out that doing the gi and culture aspects of karate aren't necessary so if someone had the goals of simply doing tournament fighting they didn't bother with all the pageantry and just practiced the techniques. and wala kickboxing was born

I'll point out, muay thai isn't kickboxing it's something else. Kickboxing is a karate based discipline

Anonymous No. 166780

So this means karate is tai chi levels of worthless? Very sad…

Anonymous No. 166782

One of the main things Karate has going for it is the lack of head strikes. Not everyone wants to get CTE.

If that's not your thing then fuck off and do MMA, leave other people alone to do their thing.

Anonymous No. 166784

>One of the main things Karate has going for it is the lack of head strikes. Not everyone wants to get CTE.
That's a funny way of saying, "Im a pussy".

>karate is for plebitors
>MMA is for anons

Anonymous No. 166785

>much CTE
Do you think every training day consists of people hitting each other in the face with the hardest haymakers they can make? Fucking retard. There is zero excuse for a MARTIAL art not to train for the real possibility of a head punch.

Anonymous No. 166786

kyokushin isn't karate proper

Anonymous No. 166788

basically said exactly the opposite of that

Anonymous No. 166789

How so? Why would you train Karate over Kickboxing? In his post, he said that it takes out the discipline's useless/impractical elements.

Anonymous No. 166791

no its saying people say karate isn't effective but its explicitly the foundation of modern combat sports
just like how it doesn't stop being jiujitsu or wrestling because you're doing it in MMA, it doesn't stop being karate either

Anonymous No. 166792

Do some cost benefit analysis retard. If you’re just a hobbyist with no intention of fighting professionally is it really beneficial to risk brain damage just so some retard on the internet doesn’t call you a pussy? That’s up to them to decide.

Maybe when you’re over 30 and being a retard with something to prove starts to catch up with you you’ll see the wisdom in what the above anon was talking about. As much as I love judo I really wish all my joints didn’t fucking crack every time I move.

Anonymous No. 166841

They do, but they don't do it in kumite or competition sparring.

Anonymous No. 166844

Because the target audience for karate is weak losers who need a confidence boost but don't want to put in the hard work.
They profit off of geeks who want to feel tough but don't want to put in the time or pain it takes to learn a practical martial art like muay thai, boxing, BJJ or wrestling.
That's why you see a huge amount of geeks at karate dojos.

Anonymous No. 166846

Lol @ describing bjj
>Learn this and you too can strangle all those bullies you could never dream of beating in a fight

Anonymous No. 166868

They actually did. Nippon Kempo was developed in 1932 and the founder also did judo hence why groundfighting was permitted in practice. Nippon Kempo has their students wear a face mask, body armor, a cup, and gloves while they're allowed to punch, kick, elbow, knee, throw, takedown, submissions, and groundwork. They pre-dated Kudo by several decades and you can make an argument they were proto-MMA.

Anonymous No. 166870


you cannot PUNCH the head but nothing forbits you to land a fucking spinning hook kick to the dome.
I ve been on the reciving end of both and belive me id rather get punched in the head 10 times rather than getting a good kick to the head, different ball game

Anonymous No. 167035

Yeah but it’s also 10 times harder to land a spinning hook kick properly
Kickboxing is like karate but it naturally evolves closer to Muay Thai.

Anonymous No. 167082

You'll get more brain damage from recurret medium sparring than from getting knocked out every once in a while. Volume > intensity for CTE. Once you start training boxing, kickboxing, muay thai, etc. even half seriously you have about 10 years of shelf life, then you'll start to really feel the weight of the accumulated damage.

Anonymous No. 167086

The no head punch was mostly because Oyama didn't want to use boxing gloves and bare-knuckle would turn every practice into a gorefest with broken hands and cut up faces.

Anonymous No. 167123

Wtf? /xs/ really is the worst blue board

Anonymous No. 167148

yes, form follows function with these things
such as how strict muay thai would be effective in a kickboxing format but in MMA it becomes more loose and freestyle
even strikers that have no formal karate training in MMA will often naturally fall in to a pseudo karate style because the thing karate is best at above the others is mobility and that's an asset you need when you're dealing with wrestlers shooting at you

Anonymous No. 167163

> Kickboxing is like karate.

Knowing you don't know about kickboxing or martial arts history in a single phrase, lmao fucking faggot.

Its a mixture of Karate and Myau Thai that used to serve as a rigged fighting sport for Karate guys to try and prove themselves against the Thais who kept beating them up.

Anonymous No. 167165

Why they always get beaten by the thais?

Anonymous No. 167179

If thais were good at fighting youd see them outside of Thailand, you don't because they aren't. They're a race of terminal manlets and ladyboys that couldn't beat anyone

Anonymous No. 167216

>you don't because they aren't
But I do? Half the dudes in One fighting in kickboxing or MT rules matches are Thai.

Anonymous No. 167218

>Whats the 1964 3 vs 3 match, Andy Hug or Francisco Filho
>What is K1, Glory or ONE

Anonymous No. 167349

> Andy Hug or Francisco Filho
They banned elbows and clinch

Anonymous No. 167569

>agree to fight under a ruleset you're not used to
>lose because you're not used to the rules
>complain about the rules nobody forced you to agree to
Tale as old as time

Anonymous No. 167580

>denies the influence of boxing on kickboxing
>MT isn't kickboxing even though it reinvented the sport
Embarrassing post
>noooo not in the face, not in face!

Anonymous No. 167585

Head damage is no joke anon, nobody should be mocked from wanting to.avoid it. My old boxing coach had a very successful career (35 wins and over 10 1st round KOs) and was only knocked out once throughout his 10 years career (twice if you count the TKO that destroyed his eye mid match) and always made a point of not going hard in training unless it was a fight camp. Even then his speech was a jumbled mess and sometimes he'd just space out during practice out of nowhere, like we'd be doing mitt work and he'd just freeze up for a few seconds with that 1000 yard stare before coming back and continuing out drills.

Anonymous No. 167587

Yes, you should be mocked because unless you are a Boxer with a long fight career like that old man cte is a non issue. Its just an excuse by hobbiest that don't want to actually any meaningful training

Anonymous No. 167588

>old man
Nigger he was 31 when he retired due to losing his eye. In places like Thailand fighters retire in their mid 20s because they can't take it anymore and I know more than one kickboxer or thai fighter that never stepped into the ring but could already feel the accumulated brain damage in their late 20s.

Anonymous No. 167592

I went through trade school with a guy who has memory issues as a result of taking a few amateur fights. Granted he was a heavyweight but leave it to /xs/ to unironically argue that doing a sport where the goal is to punch people in the head isn’t risky for your fucking brain.

Anonymous No. 167593

I've competed in boxing and MT with no CTE, where as you guys wouldn't even to do basic sparing against nobodies. The cope and seethe of scrubs means absolutely nothing to me

Anonymous No. 167595

Don’t worry anon the whole board thinks your tough and cool

Anonymous No. 167598

Ngl, you are a level above that guy that called me a faggot bc i took a break from training for 2 months bc of a knee injury. Absolultey brain damaged in all regards. Spar like you fight more then 3 times a week and you will probably cry about your shitty brain function in your 40s here

Anonymous No. 167606

What the FUCK were the refs doing that a few amateur fights were enough to give him brain issues? For fuck's sake they're not even fighting for money, stop that shit as early as possible.

Anonymous No. 167608

I have no idea, I wasn’t there. He did tell me his last fight ended in him being knocked completely unconscious so that’s probably was a factor.

Anonymous No. 167613

t. seething nofights

Anonymous No. 167615

>no CTE
Obviously you haven't been diagnosed with CTE because you're still alive and dissection is the only way to diagnose it
We'll see when you're 50 if the early onset dementia starts to roll in

Anonymous No. 167623

Zoomers are completely obsessed with CTE as excuse not to do the combat part of combat sports. It's the new "I'm too deadly to spar" cope

Anonymous No. 167626

How is it a cope? I do martial arts, I’m willing to accept the risk of getting hurt. God knows I have been hurt. It’s not a “cope” to say you don’t want to box because there’s a very real risk of brain damage you punch drunk retard.

Anonymous No. 167631

you're the kind of retard that doesn't drain cauliflower ear or use the cervical pad on the bar when you do squats because its for pussies. because you think having unnecessary injuries makes you tough
lemme guess you don't wear a helmet on a bike either? loser

Anonymous No. 167633

Yes, Kyokushin is better. Because it's easier to learn to add head strickes to your gameplan than to get used to real contact after years of sparring without throwing an effective strike

Anonymous No. 167634

lmao enjoy your room temperature IQ

Anonymous No. 167636

taking constant small punches to the head is worse for you over time than eating a jodan mawashi once in a while

Anonymous No. 167637

clinching is cope. learn to wrestle faggot

Anonymous No. 167638

Technically Kudo and some Kenpo styles do that.
The good Kyokushin dojos dedicate time to K-1 training.
They just don't cope by wearing giant gloves and actually condition their hands and learn good guard and footwork

Anonymous No. 167640

I'm not sure what kyokushin has done to warrant this undeserved reputation as being some kind of great fighting style aside from having their own competitions with the absolutely most fucktarded ruleset anyone has ever come up with

Anonymous No. 167643

Its always the weakest that bark the loudest kek

Anonymous No. 167650

Full swing back to the tcm/tma copes.

Anonymous No. 167657

Full contact, no gloves, great at conditioning, good foundation for learning more advanced skill sets.

IFK holds degular open tournaments anon, feel free to sign up and get your shit pushed in

Anonymous No. 167663

>Full contact
No head punches so it's observably not
>no gloves
In addition to unwrapped ungloved hands having considerably less impact force than wrapped ones
The thick gi offers more protection to the body than wearing gloves does because it dispurses impact across a large surface
So is cardio kick, unless you meant body conditioning which literally isn't real. Getting hit doesn't make you better at taking hits you can't inoculate yourself to blunt force the way you can against poison. You can't shoot yourself with a .22 and worked your way up to larger bullets
>good foundation for learning more advanced skill sets.
It lacks the most foundational qualities of fighting which is distance management, controlling space, footwork, and defensive skills
They just stand in the pocket like retards and wing body shots at each other with their hands down
WKF shit can be more readily adapted into effective fighting because at least there's a workable foundation in movement and spacial control

It would be idiotic for me to sign up and do a sport I don't practice the same way I'd never take a boxing match. The rules would limit what I'm allowed to do and then they declare themselves the winner
MMA or bust

Anonymous No. 167665

Several Kyokushin guys now fight with great success in Bas Rutten's Karate Comat promo, with full stricking including punches to the face.
You can't inoculate from damage, but you can learn correct breathing, core development, and movement to take way less damage.
>the thick gi protects you
my brother in christ it just clothes, not to mention that it's a fraction of the thickness of a Judo gi and offers zero protection from anything.
Space control and distance management is learned in any free sparring scenario.
As someone who bounces between standard Kyokushin and full stricking, adding head punches to your gameplan take a month to adapt and then you're golden.
If you don't like the rules, just visit a dojo and offer shinken shobu rules (full striking and grappling), see how that pans out for you

Anonymous No. 167666

>offer shinken shobu rules (full striking and grappling), see how that pans out for you
They will literally die
Even worse if we wear gis because then I can do all the bulkshit that comes with that too
I'd be tempted to ask them not to wear one just to give them a sporting chance

Anonymous No. 167668

Make sure to report back from the ER lol

Anonymous No. 167674

I’m the first poster you quoted. Unless you consider judo tma (which I guess some people might) you’re completely off Base.

Anonymous No. 167690

>Bas Rutten's Karate Comat promo
Why is he behind that, again? Isn't Bas a Dutch Kickboxer? Sure, that has roots in Kyokushin and Bas did make his breakthrough in MMA fighting in Japan, but why is he running a Karate promotion?

Also, they need to drop the CGI background, they're pretty distracting and unnecessary, the one season they did earlier on in which it was just a plain black background was the best scenario. Their pit is a cool idea though, the slanted walls give fighters nice options.

Anonymous No. 167702

We get it, you are a massive faggot farming you's

Anonymous No. 167705

You're under the impression that karate is going to overcome the combined force of striking and grappling?

Anonymous No. 167710

>the combined force of striking and grappling?
...which is what Karate is.

Anonymous No. 167730

I have the benefit of having trained and sparred in a variety of rule set from point karate to Kudo, comming from a Kyokushin background that carried me hard

Anonymous No. 167732

He's a fan of Oyama, likes Kyokushin, and was good friends with Jon Bluming.
I don't think you need to be an ordained priest of Karate to make a promotion.
I also like the token-based voting system

Anonymous No. 167738

>No head punches so it's observably not
Than full contact sports don't exist
>The thick gi
>in karate
LMAO, you never did judo. Also jackets in combat sambo are even havier

Anonymous No. 167741

>>Full contact
>No head punches so it's observably not
Full contact sports are sports where you allowed to exert your full power into someone. Even rugby is full contact sport. Boxing doesn't have kicking to legs, it doesn't mean it's not full contact

Anonymous No. 167749

Daily reminder that all you karate and ai kido geeks are spergs with no practical skills.
Go learn muay thai or jiu jitsu.

Anonymous No. 167779

It wishes it was
I had walked into judo after doing karate for 10 years thinking it would be fine because I have some experience! We do some takedowns and submissions in karate too so I'm not expecting to be great but I at least know a little bit
Wrong, so completely embarrassingly wrong. Everything from karate was wrong ineffective bullshit

And the same thing happened when I sparred a guy that did muay Thai, I figured it would be fine, we spar all the time, "full contact" even
I got blasted in the face so many fucking times, I'm glad he was a gentleman and it was just friendly and not a fight. I think maybe I landed 1 jab the entire time
Certainly that must've been a fluke though and he was really good. Nope, every time I tried to spar someone it ended the same, I kept getting hit and could barely touch them

Know what all this fucking karate got me? I looked really good hitting focus mits and a bag, couldn't fight for shit though
Turns out doing hundreds of push ups while getting kicked in the belly and situps with a med ball getting dropped on you doesn't make you good at fighting

Anonymous No. 167785

You're just bad at Karate, bro. Plenty of people are able to transition from it to other styles with minimal acclimation.

Anonymous No. 167792

Not him but karate "throws" are cringe and suck. Also, when was last time when you perform this drills at your shitty karate club and how often do you perform them?

Anonymous No. 167796

Typical cultist mind set
"Karate didn't fail you, you failed karate"
It's weird because ever since I stopped doing karate I've become pretty darn good, so karate was the x-factor holding me back

It makes me sad when I think about how good I could've been if I didn't waste all that time learning something completely ineffective

Anonymous No. 167805

>train at a McDojo
>complain about not being well-trained

Anonymous No. 167808

That's what all of them are

Nobody else needs to do mental gymnastics to try and justify their validity. It just works

Anonymous No. 167823

>breaking your hand
Just don't punch with all your force like a fucking idiot. The English figured out how to fight on a daily basis and not bust your knuckles open back in the good old prizefighting days.

Anonymous No. 167869

They also create a whole ass stance to circunvent that issue and avoided headstrikes like the plague.

Anonymous No. 167871

You should tell GSP, Francisco Filho, Andy Hug, Machida, Womderboy, Momotaro, Aghayev, etc. that they're Karate background was literal unusable trash trash.

Anonymous No. 167875

Its useless with those people. Watch as he will claim that they would have risen even higher with MT/KB training or were talented enoug to rise to fame despite Karate keeping them down

Anonymous No. 167880

Nailed it

Anonymous No. 167893

correct, imagine how good they could be without punching the air in front of a mirror and doing kata for all those years

Anonymous No. 167894

You know, starting out in kung-fu and then seriously doing MT, afterwards I was able to understand and even excute (some) concepts of kung-fu that I never would have been able to otherwise. So it's not necessarily useless if you have a good foundation.

Anonymous No. 167916

all of his training after age 10 was in kickboxing and Muay Thai
Karateka that fights another karatekas under karate rules, mindblowing
Started kickboxing at 15, father is professional kickboxer
Literally trained everything - boxing, muay thay, bjj, sumo
>Andy Hug
Kyokushin, fought in kickboxing, not MMA
>Francisco Filho
Kyokushin, fought in kickboxing, not MMA
Finixhed training kyokushin at 12 and started training boxing, wrestling, bjj, muay thay.

And funny enough, not a single le based deadly goju ryuka.

Anonymous No. 167917

There is no boxing or muay thay or kickboxing McDojos, interesting, how that happens?

Anonymous No. 167943

Karate gave me a much more refined technique that i only found on that level in Boxing. Most MT gyms were decent but didnt even scratch that level of technique polish. Espically my front kick was honed in Karate, not MT. Its fine if you think its uselss but if that would be the case we would have an Aikido or Wing Chun tier situation where these people with that background fight in MMA and just perform very shitty even with a year of cross training.

Anonymous No. 167944

McDojos are mostly an american issue, they are much rarer in Europe and Asia. Fullcontact also filters people that dont want to train hard but want a quick black belt. I would also argue that belts also have a thing to do with this, as we see some McDojo BJJ places pop up albeit much much less then No Contact Martial Arts.

Anonymous No. 167947

>I was able to understand and even excute (some) concepts of kung-fu
Like what?
>seriously doing MT
How often do you compete, what's your score?

Anonymous No. 167950

>Kyokushin, fought in kickboxing, not MMA
What do you think Kyokushin is?

Anonymous No. 167951

LMAO, karate starts working only if you drop it as child as soon as possible

Anonymous No. 167961

You're scared. It's obvious

Karate fags are always looking for cowardly ways to cope with the fact that they are beta males, and always have that longing desire to feel superior.

>hur hur you will have cte if you do that sport I'm afraid to do!

Absolutely pathetic.

Anonymous No. 167964

You're not superior just because you choose to train in a more dangerous way to emulate a level of sport you will never participate in or make money from. You aren't proving anything to anyone.

Anonymous No. 167969

>You're scared. It's obvious
You know what? You got me. I am afraid of having my life quality deteriorate rapidly and have limitations to my capacity to perceive and interact with my surroundings by the time I'm only 60. I am afraid of accumulating damage to my body and be forced to give up on something I love after practicing it for just 10 or 15 years. I am afraid of putting my life on the hands of retarded refs and corners that like to let fights drag out WAAAY past the point of reason just because they decide to treat an amateur fight I'm fucking paying to partake in like it was a world title match.

Martial arts are a sport, a hobby, shit you do becauseyou have fun. At the very most a short lived and poor paying profession that's gonna chew you up and spit your ass when it's done with you. You're really not special because you're willing to risk your longevity and quality of life over something trivial and meaningless like combat sports.

Anonymous No. 167974

Stuff like parying/trapping, and some unorthodox striking you might still see in Sanda.
>How often do you compete
I'm old and my competition days are long over.

Anonymous No. 167977

Yeah all those refined techniques like punching straight from the arm with no hip movement. How could MuayThai ever hope to compete?

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Anonymous No. 167983

>Yeah all those refined techniques like punching straight from the arm with no hip movement
As much as I like dunking on krotty fags that’s not how they’re taught to punch

Anonymous No. 168006

God you are retarded. Stop posting

Anonymous No. 168010

>Karateka that fights another karatekas under karate rules, mindblowing
Karate Combat is just kickboxing with minimal grappling, it's pretty different from his WKF background.

Anonymous No. 168011

>denies the influence of boxing on kickboxing
Which is huge. This idea that actually it's the just the application karate is a meme

Anonymous No. 168043


>MMA is for amons

Holy fuck, I just cringed so hard my forehead shattered. Go do your homework and go to bed, you have school tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 168047

The forward arm is supposed to grasp the opponent, the striking arm is supposed to strike as the other is pulling, usually solar plexus or the chin/throat.

Anonymous No. 168060

Machida says that karate needs to be adapted to modern times

Anonymous No. 168084

Of course it does, but it's core is still good if trained right.

Anonymous No. 168086

effective karate is an oasis in a desert of pot bellied boomers making things up
it's the exception not the rule

lets put it another way, we've all met people that do karate and are good fighters. If someone said I want to learn how to fight I sure as shit wouldn't tell them to go sign up for karate lessons because chances are they're going to learn shit like this
and if it's not that then it's this

and to be honest I don't know which one is more silly and dumb and gay and retarded
I'd just tell them to go learn how to box or sign up for jiujitsu because even though both of those are incomplete and sporty and shitty in their own ways, they sure as shit aren't as bad as karate and you might learn something that at least isn't completely useless and or fake

Anonymous No. 168107

>You're not superior just because you choose to train in a more dangerous way to emulate a level of sport you will never participate in or make money from. You aren't proving anything to anyone.
>Holy fuck, I just cringed so hard my forehead shattered. Go do your homework and go to bed, you have school tomorrow.

karate is for children. It's literally the watered down version of real combat sports tailored for normies and other sissys. There's no denying this. You literally lose for 'muh he hit too hard'. Faggots

Anonymous No. 168111


Anonymous No. 168132

Karate's issues are mostly related to training methodology and culture, not the actual worth of the syllabus. It technically has all the major strikes you find in other martial arts and even some things unique to it, as well as grapples fairly similar to what you'd find in Judo and BJJ, the problem is that most schools hyperfocus on supplemental training tools (Kata and point fighting), with minimal or no contact training. Even styles that do full-contact as a main activity often fall into gay organisation infighting and bitch out of improving their game by rules lawyering competitions.

BUT, that only means that as a whole Karate has issues, individual dojos pr local associations may have their own thing going on that addresses those issues to an at least decent standard. So while you can't in good consciousness recommend karate as a reliable way to learn how to fight well you can't also just disregard it completely without getting to know what the people in your area specifically are doing.

IMO guys that transfered from traditional karate to combat sports and then came back like Wonderboy, Machida and Filho are a godsend for being able to breath in fresh air into the art. Their hands on experience in very much using karate to fight in an environment that doesn't care about its idiosyncrasies allowed them to recontextualize a lot of the traditional shit that was previously being taught in a vacuum and refine the teaching methods used to instruct the new generations. But then muh tradition fuckheads start hating them for not being le true karate, almost as if for them tradition means just doing the exact same thing people in the past did, not trying to develop the art in the same the people that created it. In Okinawa we have evidence for karate always changing from generation to generation, and mixing their own native fighting styles with stuff they liked from mainland Japan, China, Thailand & Myanmar and even the fucking Philippines.

Anonymous No. 168179

Karate in Japan has been doing this already. Besides Nippon Kempo and Kudo (which is its own thing now), Shinken Shobu rules under Hatsuo Royama have karateka wear gloves and do face punches. Shin Karate or gloved karate is a fast-growing sport where it's like other Japanese knockdown tournaments, but they have boxing gloves on.
Shinken Shobu
Shin Karate

Anonymous No. 168186

karate would do well to get rid of gis tho, there's no reason for it. It's just a visual sign from a distance that they're into tradition whether it offers value or not

>everyones clothes keep ripping doing judo
>decide to use firemans jackets because they're rugged
>karate sees it
>hey that's a good idea lets do that too
>judo really relies on that garment to work
>karate doesnt
>cheaper more comfortable modern clothes are now available
no reason to keep the thing

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Anonymous No. 168188


Anonymous No. 168191

yes, tradition being preserved for its own sake is bad especially when it's a false tradition like the karate gi

karate was changing and developing for generations and then they decided to just take a random slice of it in the 1930s and go STOP no more! this is the final form, don't change anything further

Anonymous No. 168198

Go do a different martial art then

Anonymous No. 168200

I did

I hoped to save karate but now I see it's choosing to die so I will let it

Anonymous No. 168245

>>judo really relies on that garment to work
It really doesn't, any half decent judoka can use the techniques on regular light street clothing or even bare skin
>b-but the cloth will tear
if you got judo'd I think your broken collarbone or cracked skull is a bigger concern.

Also fuck you, the gi looks great, much better than sports clothing.

Anonymous No. 168249

Judo needs to update itself. It should go no-gi. It's jacket wrestling and while in most encounters, people wear clothing to grab on, it's better to modify the techniques so that you don't have to rely on "handles". The same goes for BJJ; it should only be no-gi too.

I agree.

Some traditions like wearing the mongkon and pra jiad as well as performing the wai kru for Muay Thai can be preserved because they don't take away the performance of the style. They're the trappings of ceremony that one performs to honor the match and to show pride in their lineage.

Karate and kenpo should just wear a simple cotton shirt and shorts. It allows freedom of movement for acrobatic movement and sparring while being nowhere near expensive as a keikogi. Or a rash guard even.

Anonymous No. 168250

it's like I always say, your martial art needs to pass the guido test
if it's not going to work against a half nude bro covered in lotion on a beach during spring break it doesn't pass the test

gi stuff can be practiced later on if you want to explore deeper into more specific contexts but jacket throws are not fundamental, they're secondary skills. It has to work against a sweaty naked guy trying to rape your wife full stop

>Karate and kenpo should just wear a simple cotton shirt and shorts
yes, that's the way they did it in okinawa before imperal japan forced their culture down the throats of the islanders
that's the true tradition

Anonymous No. 168251

>in most encounters
lmao. My brother in christ, if you like bare skin better just train it using exclusively techniques that work with that, which I'm sure you know plenty, after all you do train these things, right? It'd be really weird for you to run your mouth about something you have no clue about. It's fine to to like no gi better, but you don't need to justify it by pretending you're some fucking anime character getting ambushed by trained martial artists that can exploit a supposed flaw in your game that comes from being more used to a certain style of grappling. If you're enough of a lowlife that you go around getting into street fights you most definitely DON'T fight and CAN'T do anything to benefit from this scenario you think is a problem.

Anonymous No. 168253

You spend a lot of time near sexually aggressive naked, oiled men? Anyway I don't see why jacketed martial arts wouldn't pass that. If you actually trained (you don't) you'd know most techniques can either be ported over to no gi or intuitively adapted on the fly just through your experience in the mats. If you're only used to gi martial arts but train the no gi version for a few weeks you'll end up basically just as good as someone who only trained in no gi from the start. It's REALLY not a big deal.

>Karate and kenpo should just wear a simple cotton shirt and shorts
Pretty much nothing would change in how it works, except it'd look worse.

Anonymous No. 168273

No it doesn't just use headlocks and sweeps, then control the fall so it lands hard, proceed to stomp throat.

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Anonymous No. 168274

Kudo Daido Juku exists.

Anonymous No. 168286

People say that like Kudo isn't an obscure niche even in the places where it's practiced.

Anonymous No. 168330

>Shinken Shobu rules
It looks just like very shit kickboxing

Anonymous No. 168333

Would bet my left nut that half of those guys there would pummel you without much problem

Anonymous No. 168334

It does, but it's the step in the right direction. Royama was part of the original generation of Oyama's students that sparred with head shots during kumite before tournament rules dictated everything.

Look at the early All Japan and World tournaments in the 1970's. The Japanese karateka had their hands held up high; almost glued to the temple or cheeks because their instinctive reaction to prepare for head shots (despite no punches or elbows to the head allowed) was ingrained.

Royama realized that Kyokushin lost its fighting edge as the "Strongest Karate" as it was known in the 70's to Oyama's death. Hell, even Oyama formed a Kyokushin gym to compete against Muay Thai and Royama fought in some Japanese Kickboxing bouts.

Give it some time and they'll be better polished. This along with Kudo, Nippon Kempo, Shin Karate is what tournaments SHOULD look like.

Anonymous No. 168338

All I've seen of it is literally just kickboxing at high levels. Not particularly bad.

Anonymous No. 168356

>not a single le based deadly goju ryuka
Robert Whittaker was a goju-ryu black belt.

Anonymous No. 168357

>Why can't karate just put on gloves, a mouth guard, and, if they wanted to boxing headgear, spar like everyone else?
For fuck sake have you literally never picked up a book about 20th century martial arts history?
Karate guys literally created kickboxing as we know it doing just that.

Why are you so ignorant?

Anonymous No. 168378

>Judo needs to update itself. It should go no-gi.
>It's jacket wrestling
How are you so fucking stupid that in one breath you say judo should be nogi then in the next acknowledge why it isn’t. If you want to wrestle without a gi, then fucking wrestle. I genuinely can’t understand how you morons think.
>but muh street fights
It’s an Olympic sport, street fighting is for worthless retards. If you want to fight, do it with other fighters in a fair and controlled environment. If you have to fight on the street with some worthless retard, any halfway decent judoka is going to win regardless of whether or not their opponent is wearing a jacket.

Anonymous No. 168600

>any halfway decent judoka
Rejects the Olympic rules privately

Anonymous No. 168614

You don't need to alter a sport's entire organizational and competition rules to fine tune the specificities you want in YOUR training.

Anonymous No. 168615

The sport is what polluted the art and drives the training because there's money and clout involved in it. And so the only aspects practiced are the ones this unelected committee decides on behind closed doors
It's completely antithetical to what the vision of judo was supposed to be
Mutual well being, not rivalry and competition

Anonymous No. 168643

>shit kickboxer can still beat an anon

Anonymous No. 168647

Judo wouldn't have been better off without the sport. It'd have been on the same meme tier as other trad jap arts that don't do active competition like aikido or the remaining tradition jujitsu schools. Ineffective, hard to find and increasingly detached from reality.

Anonymous No. 168674

Most posters here are martial artist that spar regular themselves. Some are even veteran black belts. They should atleast be able to handle "shitty kickboxing" if they can talk shit here

Anonymous No. 168677

it's funny people throw around the term like kickboxer or MMA fighter and automatically conflate the idea of professional prize fighters with weekend warriors that totally suck (most of the population practicing)

most people dont have enough skill points that their stylistic choice is going to be the X factor
like "bro you do TKD you'd lose to a professional kickboxer" yeah no shit, so would you

it's like I always say, I may not be the best in the world, but I'm better than you ;)

Anonymous No. 168689

He didnt write professional kickboxer. He said shitty kickboxing which amounts to me to a maximum of a year of training

Anonymous No. 168772

Yeah, and Matt Serra did wing chun

Anonymous No. 168775

>Give it some time and they'll be better polished.
I bet it will not, because of small amount of students, low rivalry and kickboxing/muay thay exists

Anonymous No. 168777

I bet my left butt cheek those shitty kickboxers could RIP your ass
>inb4 b-but I spar regularly and am a veteran black belt
And I'm a tyrannosaurus rex

Anonymous No. 168796

I would lose to high level Kyokushin in a Kyokushin match most likely. Which this is, not shitty kickboxing as your delusional ass keeps calling it

Anonymous No. 168817

I didn't say they are shitty kickboxers, a said they look like shitty kickboxers. They are trying to reinvent the wheels just to look like already existing sport

Anonymous No. 168819

Most posters on this board lie about training super niche versions of popular martial arts with all the benefits and none of the the downsides. The ones that train for real are mostly beginners and bordering intermediates who’s opinions shouldn’t be taken super seriously yet.

Anonymous No. 168878

Yeah there are actually, a lot of them

Anonymous No. 168906

>they arent shitty kickboxers
>but i said they look like them!1!
You alright in the noggin?

Anonymous No. 168914

You have no fucking clue what you're talking about, there are shit tons of them that are run by grifters, just like in TMAs.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 168939

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1293
Ready to Serve Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
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>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

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/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 169227

Pls take your pills and learn to read >>168330
>It looks just like very shit kickboxing

Anonymous No. 169233

How about you stop being retarded?

Anonymous No. 169253


Anonymous No. 169263

Plenty of judoka are experimenting with no-gi. Satoshi Ishii put out some vids. The IBJJF has gi and nogi competition so I wouldn't put it past Judo to do a nogi format (though the IJF would probably resist). Hey you never know though.

Anonymous No. 169322

Black belts are a joke

Anonymous No. 169348

Lol. Sorry BJJ nerds, you heard it here first
The IJF is killing the sport with every new rule and are hellbent on killing it as a martial art

Anonymous No. 169352

Well yeah, the sportification of Judo was already bemoaned by Donn Draeger. I'm all for competition, but too many judo schools neglect proper newaza practice or don't teach the self-defense portion. My judo coach was an ex-Marine who also wrestled. He taught us his mix of judo (the full syllabus including stuff from books like Kawaishi's book on leglocks), collegiate wrestling, street fighting, and military combative techniques.

Anonymous No. 169685

Was referring to karate. This is a karate thread after all

Anonymous No. 169713

Bet you are fun at partys. Its kinda sad how some people here have a hate boner for a martial art they never really dabbeld in. I agree that Karate suffers under McDojos the most but a black belt in japan is as solid.
/xs/ is a fucking shitshow for martial arts advice

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Anonymous No. 169735

is harsh really a shit?

Anonymous No. 169866

Karate is fucking awesome

Anonymous No. 169867

>b-bet your fun...
Jesus christ.

Anonymous No. 169899

Cool coping kata

Anonymous No. 170256

This isn't anime, anon. You don't need to shout out your moves

Anonymous No. 170257

Yelling the name of your attack increases the crit ratio by 20%
Everybody knows this

Anonymous No. 170275


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Anonymous No. 172895

>accuse the other person of coping
Your sensei taught you well

Anonymous No. 172967

I just want to make it more known so people start practicing it, its a solid sparring application basically like old school/karate kid karate, the fun kind.

Anonymous No. 172968

nah it only increase your damage output and shocks your opponent that you were stupid enough to yell as a brief stun bonus.

Anonymous No. 173332

>still trying to keep this pathetic thread alive
did a karateka bang your mom or something?

Anonymous No. 173366

>responds specifically to seethe even more after weeks have gone by
>accuses everyone of being the same poster
Lol. Lmao even

Anonymous No. 173372

apparently your girlfriend got banged by a kung fu guy that beat your ass, faggot.

Anonymous No. 173435

Cool samefag and mald. Go back to your discord server and stay there

Anonymous No. 173467


Anonymous No. 173817

Im fairly sure I've this guy sperg out before. You start to catch on to the posting style

Anonymous No. 173827

Sambo Anon here, everyone in this thread seems retarded desu

Anonymous No. 174407

It's voila you fucking uncultured swine. Kys.

Anonymous No. 174408

Thats retarded, you are a retard.

Anonymous No. 174411

Uh, you're both fucking retards. This shit is like shell shock in the 50's/60's when retarded faggots like you thought PTSD didn't exist and you're just "being a pussy," but now we know it's very real and even reshapes your fucking brain. Guess what, CTE does too.
>but muh short term
>you'll be fine
Everything coming out of research right now says thats a fucking lie. It should come as no surprise that there is no such thing as an injury you can get an indefinite number of times and suffer no permanent consequences. Take a wild fucking guess at the average age fighters get Alzheimer's & Parkinsons, tell you right now if you knew fuck all about the fighting community you would know EVERYONE in the game knows at least a handful of dudes that are losing their marbles way fucking early. And it's not just from fights. There is no such thing as a safe amount or duration of brain damage. Fuck I hate you BJJ/MMA retards so much. Just a matter of time till one of you guys has a psychotic episodes and kills a spouse or family. Or maybe you'll be like that one sad NFL faggot that shot himself in the chest so scientist could study his brain and found out that football might be the most efficient violent retard producer in the world. Tired of you fucking retards pretending like there is anything wrong with being a hobbyist. The fuck is wrong with only participating as much as you want, we don't have to fucking compete, so who gives a shit. You know how many MMA pukes I know who will NEVER go past having slap fights and playing grab ass at the local gym on an open mat day?! Y'all mother fuckers have zero god damn room to talk.

Anonymous No. 174414

I mean there’s no hits let alone to the head in bjj my guy

Anonymous No. 174434

It was for a while so it makes sense someone who is mostly a fan of early k1 would think that. Boxing is super important today in kickboxing and arguably even more important than Muay Thai with sweeps etc all being banned but it wasn't always that way and for a long time people had pretty bad boxing and believed things like head movement won't work cuz of knees.

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Anonymous No. 174459

>tfw when too smart do martial part of martial arts

Anonymous No. 174467

There's already a thread up about you m8

Anonymous No. 174501

I agree with you that most retards here really underestimate injury (honestly its a horrible place for advice on training practice) and that its not worth to train like a pro when 90% of this board are just hobbyists but you kinda lost me when you started to rant

Anonymous No. 174511

I have done way to much conditioning for that but nice projection queer baits. Did you know there is no such thing as building a tolerance for concussions? In fact all science we have says that the more your dome is consistently rattled, the more susceptible you are to kos and cte. I am more of a fan of the TMA drills & conditioning for desensitization in place of straight up sparring. When I have sparred, karete rules, no head strikes.
Well my education revolves around physical activity and my career is in the martial arts industry. This kinda debate comes through our classes all the time in many forms but its always the generalized conflict between the idea that safety of the athlete should be top priority versus "you're just a pussy." And its funny because only the most retarded of students take the latter position. Every time this topic comes un in athletic training, it ALWAYS ends with butthurt retards insisting it's fine under their breath after the professor viciously ass rapes them with evidence of the contrary. Fuckers pretending like it's not that big a deal. In football, a game that despite the massive disparity in amount of professional players, has a ratio of far less concussions than pro fighting, ok, because of the level of attention on their athletes health. Every time a story about a former player with cte comes out thousands of kids are pulled out of the sport by worried parents, politicians start thinking of the children, etc. the NFL has spent millions in research over just the fucking helmet alone because they're so terrified of the brain damage boogie man. But yeah, I am sure you broke ass amateur at best internet tough boys totes know better than the entire professional kinesiological & neurological communities. I will probabaly reuse some of this tirade from atop my toilet in work and get paid for these words later, so yeah, I rant.

Anonymous No. 174512

Fyi , the rant contained within >>174511
was only prompted by you, not directed at you. Apologies for any rustled jimmies.

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Anonymous No. 174577

I have no interest in reading The Copium Diaries

Anonymous No. 174654

>writing a somewhat thought out reply in a shitpost thread
This one is on you anon