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Anonymous No. 168138

Strenght is the most important factor in a fight.

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Anonymous No. 168163

True to some degree, yet I would bet my money on Fedor against any bodybuilder

Anonymous No. 168172

Let me ammend that, power is the most important
Strength without velocity isn't all that useful

Anonymous No. 168173

if you fight against someone with a similar skill level to you? yes, you'll always have the advantage by being stronger
if you fight against someone more skilled and experienced than you? no, strength can't save you if your untrained ass can get easily outgrappled and outstriked, plus you wouldn't know how to use that strength to your advantage.

Anonymous No. 168195

I don't believe Zhang Weili would beat Brian Shaw, even though he's not a martial artist

Anonymous No. 168201

People who say strength almost always mean fat free mass. They can't differentiate any of those ideas because they're fat and weak and looking for a proxy to feel good about.

Anonymous No. 168202

A much bigger classmate of mine badly bullied me all throughout middle and highschool. He is about 6'1. He used to do professional Karate as teen and was muscular. I was the shortest in class. I am 5'3 and 120lbs. He used to give me hell. We are 22 now. He has gotten fat.

Can I possibly have my revenge by beating him up good for once? I am definetely going to do Judo first and some striking later solely for self-defence snd confidence but can this ever make me able to give this garbage human what he deserves?

Anonymous No. 168206

Do a perma bulk once you aint featherweight you can think about beating up someone

Anonymous No. 168208

There has never been any fighter at that heigh in the UFC above bantamweight

Anonymous No. 168210

Mass x Acceleration = Destructive Force.

Anonymous No. 168271

Lmao you can't even fight in Sumo ring and you think of getting revenge on a 6'1 gigachad that bullied you?

Dwarfed your hopes huh?

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Anonymous No. 168275

Mass and Roider strenght do the trick albeit

Anonymous No. 168315

No, fighting skills are the most important factor in a fight, I beat the shit out of bodybuilding fags always in the gym ... they don't know how to throw punches while fully telegraphing every move

fighting skills is everything, there are tons and tons and tons of vids of small guys beating the shit out of bigger dudes

just watch this and tell me that a true fighter with 60kgs can't beat them

Anonymous No. 168407


problem is those bulky types lack speed, they can be outmanuvered and tire easy because their body needs alot of energy.

off-course it helps to be big and strong, you would win against an average thug, but I have seen big body building people challenge smaller pro boxers and have their asses handed to them in few seconds.

Anonymous No. 168437

Guy on the left would win through lure skill
Brains over brawn any day.

Anonymous No. 168440

Not at 5'3" when the other guy is more athletic than you and has a ton of striking experience, you will be decimated and humiliated worse than by being rejected by a female crush.

Anonymous No. 168441

Height difference + years spend crafting their art difference between some mook that got bullied at school.

Anonymous No. 168459

The best revenge is not letting somebody live in your head for years afterwards.

Anonymous No. 168620


Says otherwise

Anonymous No. 169228

Fedor benched 180 kg in the army without proper food and training

Anonymous No. 169255

> In the army.
> Growing young lad with bunch of testosterone.
> In a competitive environment where personal achievement matter.

Basically like free roiding without actual roids.

He wouldn't be able to do that if he started lifting weights as an older man unless he had his nutrition and recovery planned out.

Anonymous No. 169325

>Brian Shaw
The fact that you know his name is part of why he wouldn't lose, he's an extraordinary individual: So much so, that you know him by name, despite never having met him. He's still an extraordinary outlier case in terms of strength and athleticism

If it's instead
>Zhang Weili
against someone more typically "strong", perhaps
>Slightly overweight but tall and stocky dock-worker who thinks they could fight MMA despite never having done a day of formal training in his life
I'd be betting on Zhang pretty much regardless of the dock worker's strength and weight, because at some point you're not going to overcome an absence of training.

Anonymous No. 173199

>The people we take direction from, the spokespeople of science, they're very often psychically unbalanced taking only one psychic function as the one that matters and holds trustworthiness: conceptual thinking. They're challenged when it comes to the richness of intuition and sense-perception as in being grounded in your senses as opposed to abstraction. We see them as the new wise men while they are people having chunks of their psyche amputated. I call it "The idolatry of nerds".

Anonymous No. 173211

Mariusz Pudzianowski was the strongest man in the world when he moved to MMA. He was not a great fighter and he had to cut tons of weight to improve his cardio.

Anonymous No. 173223

Reductio ad absurdum

Success is the best revenge. Move on, put him out of your mind. You're still young, get educated, start a career, start a family. Ten years on you'll be surrounded by wealth and loved ones and he'll be a fat has-been. But also, hell yeah do judo.

Very interesting, where is this quote from?

Anonymous No. 173225

>improve his cardio
What if he actually had to cut tons of weight because of 265 lbs limit?

Anonymous No. 173228

Iirc, he fought in an organization without weight limit. He had serious card problems in his first few fights.

Anonymous No. 173281

Pudz was never close to as heavy as the average strongman is now. His whole thing was being the athletic, ripped competitor who could speed passed his rivals. Everyone gets memed to death about being on tren, but he actually was. On top of cocaine. His cardio never stood a chance as far as it relates to fighting.

Anonymous No. 177084

so why a powerlifter wuld lose

Anonymous No. 177125

-ish- It's hard to quantify. There's not even a real metric for skill and experience.

Anonymous No. 177218

Beat the shit out of him. You'll be glad you did. Don't wimp out, the opportunity is there. Just show him all the pain he deserves.

Anonymous No. 177236

weapon choice and number of fighters are more important

Anonymous No. 179871

Sir this is a sports board

Anonymous No. 179918

Definitely commit assault and go to jail so you can get bullied and ass-raped by the not-fat adult-height convicts.

Anonymous No. 179989

Hes bigger, stronger, and trained some form of martial arts. Bro just let it go. I understand that this was probably a formative experience for you though and you dont want to have that feeling again in an uncontrolled environment. You should lift and train martial arts and i think it would help you get over this. Dont do something you regret. That guy probably doesnt think about it, and if he does, probably feels bad

Anonymous No. 180142

Sucker punch him with a lead pipe.

Anonymous No. 180143

by the way everyone who says "let it go" are psychopaths that identify with your school bully and want to take the moral high ground so people like them can keep doing this and getting away with it

Anonymous No. 180144

Are you the type of idiot that thinks that being in jail makes you a mass monster?
Truth is inmates deal not only in narcotic drugs, but also anabolics.

Anonymous No. 180145

Word salad cope by a nigga w a shit tier GPA lmfao