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Hard Ticket to Ha....webm

๐Ÿงต /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 169024

No kooks edition.

Old thread: >>165590

Everyone post pics of skating, either your own or classic ones you found online.

Anonymous No. 169028

Hello I'm a kook.

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Anonymous No. 169034


Anonymous No. 169090

I fucking love skateboarding bros

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Anonymous No. 169106

Anonymous No. 169107

Back to slap with you.

Anonymous No. 169108


Anonymous No. 169114


Anonymous No. 169139

hi tony hawk here

Anonymous No. 169153

Keep groomers out of skateboarding

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Anonymous No. 169159

>Everyone post pics of skating, either your own or classic ones you found online.

Took some film photos at The Hemmel Crew jam recently. Will just post a couple of the gnarlier ones.

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Anonymous No. 169160


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Back feeble.jpg

Anonymous No. 169162


Anonymous No. 169180

after boardsliding curbs i finally board slided a rail today so excited

Anonymous No. 169182

Should i get two sets of wheels, one for the park (when its finished building) and a softer wheel for the street? The sidewalks here are unbearable at times especially the brick roads that shift randomly at the worst possible times

Anonymous No. 169185

no? just get something that handles both of them well. if you can actually skateboard and do tricks, having two sets of wheels WILL fuck you over

Anonymous No. 169190

Alright good to know, thanks.

Anonymous No. 169195

that's sick that you used the same OP picture for like the 10th time in a row

wtf seriously man

Anonymous No. 169196

Best to have two separate decks imo, i have a deck just for slappies (8.75, indy 159s, bones x formula 56mm) and then another deck just for bowls (9, ace 66s, spitfire f4 99d 56mm)

Doesn't fuck me up to change between them

Anonymous No. 169206

it's a webm with a splash for /esg/ you dumb retard faggot idiot low iq retard dumb moron no brain idiot retard faggot brainless smooth brain retard faggot idiot retard dumbass bozo no brain having ass retard idiot faggot stupid retard dumb idiot retard dumb dumb faggot pea brain dumb faggot idiot retard

Anonymous No. 169212

Let's say I was starting a skateboard clothing company.
What would the best way to go about finding skaters to sponsor?
I've got the money, I've got the clothing, where can I find "decent" skaters to sponsor?

Anonymous No. 169222

depending on how slick/non slick the ground at your new park is, you can probably get away with some softer wheels that will still give you some slide where you need it. those Powell Dragon wheels or Bones X formula shit is probably what you wanna be checking out.

it doesn't fuck you up to change between them because you're just skating pools and doing slappies. if you skate ledges it's a hard transition from skating softer wheels that grip into the ledge and give you zero slide whatsoever compared to hard F4s that will slide very nicely across the ledge in comparison. you also have to take into account how wheel size and shape can effect your flip tricks and a bigger, softer wheel will make flipping your board feel clunky as fuck, compared to having something like some F4 tablets that will flip and spin without any issue whatsoever, almost to the point where it feels awkward.

Anonymous No. 169223

been a while since we had a real discussion here. Does deck art matter to you, and what's the coolest deck art if it does?

Anonymous No. 169224

Wood grain.

Anonymous No. 169226

>Does deck art matter to you
I stopped caring about that.
I just want my stuff to perform well, but skateboard industry insists on pumping out low quality crap.

Anonymous No. 169230

I like naked women deck art. I hate how a lot of boards go for either a childish cartoon aesthetic or some edgy metal/gore crap with skulls and drug shit, or they look like the cover of some indie album. Nothing is better than a classic naked woman but you do get stares from old people sometimes

Anonymous No. 169237

Based and naked women pilled

Anonymous No. 169238

i shat myself at the park today when i was carving the bowl in shorts

Anonymous No. 169240

rad, keep shredding

Anonymous No. 169241

I know you don't even have a business plan faggot

Anonymous No. 169248

Nice one!

As that other anon said, you'll probably wind up never being bothered to change to wheel for every session and are better off having two setups. Or maybe even Qwiktruks. They seem pretty legit. The prospect of unscrewing and rescrewing 4 gnarled nuts every time you want to skate somewhere else, vs the quick release of a Qwiktruk is no contest.

This is literally the second time I've ever used it. And I know because I'm the one who made it. Learn to count.

At your local park or shop to start with, then regional contests and sponsor me tapes.

Less so than board dimensions, but yeah. I like Zero's stuff most of the time, and then just anything sort of grungy or horror related. I love classic 80s Powell type stuff too. The only things I don't like are super "fresh" styled decks or anything abstract and avant garde. I want something stark and heavy metal looking.

That's not what your friends meant when they said "do a backside disaster".

Anonymous No. 169249

This was sick. Love Maddars.

Anonymous No. 169250

i dont have enough money to give a shit about deck art. im buying boards at 25% - 50% off and I skate 8.3s so i dont have too many options

Anonymous No. 169254

>maybe even Qwiktruks. They seem pretty legit.
Never take any advice from this guy

Anonymous No. 169258

latest vanslop

Anonymous No. 169267

i skate twin tails so i usually buy 2-3 at a time while i can get them. if the graphic is bad enough i'll just spray over it lol

Anonymous No. 169285

What's wrong with them? I always thought they seemed like a shitty gimmick, but sometimes the idea that you could change trucks so quickly is appealing and I consider getting some. I cvan't help but to imagine that they are dangerous, though. I dunno how it locks in, but I always imagine there's a risk of it fucking up or being accidentally triggered during grinds and suddenly your trucks just fall off at the worst moment.

Anonymous No. 169306

I prefer darker colors and absolutely no reflective/metallic designs. I just picked up a yellow Polar P9 on sale which is a bit bright for my taste, but shouldn't be long before most of the graphic is gone.

Anonymous No. 169313

ye i can ollie hehe :P

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Anonymous No. 169317

>me when I do a stationary ollie in the grass and push mongo

Anonymous No. 169318



Anonymous No. 169324

this. also i want to have sex with that british skater girl with the giant pants

Anonymous No. 169333

Man I wish I got into skating a decade ago.

Anonymous No. 169341


Anonymous No. 169342

based and transpilled

Anonymous No. 169343

Ya shit was less gay imagine the 90s I started in like 97

Anonymous No. 169344

Fuck off

Anonymous No. 169357

Iโ€™d even start now if I was younger.

Anonymous No. 169359

How old are you?

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Anonymous No. 169360

Do you guys have any ugly/stupid tricks that you enjoy doing?

For me, it's a fakie fs shuv into a revert. It looks pretty stupid but it always feels nice when I do it lol

Anonymous No. 169370

helena long?

Anonymous No. 169371


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Anonymous No. 169374


Anonymous No. 169380

Idk man i think its just not actually that hard to switch between wheels, especially if they are on separate boards. When skating bowls you still have plenty of tricks that are hugely affected by wheels, in fact even carving will change dramatically with your wheels

Anonymous No. 169381


Anonymous No. 169396

Pop shuv body varial. Everyone says "just learn bigspins."

Anonymous No. 169408

>Idk man i think its just not actually that hard to switch between wheels
cause you dont skate and you dont have fucked up trucks.
we had this argument 2 years ago. changing your wheels every sesh is fucking retarded.

Anonymous No. 169411

It sucks that your IQ is so low that you can't deal with minute changes in your setup between sessions. Have you considered learning how to change a car battery and getting a job so you can afford new trucks and more than one set up?

Anonymous No. 169415

if you have more than one set up why the fuck do you need to change wheels. gearfagging wont make you any better

Anonymous No. 169421

I haven't used them, but two of my friends swear by them.

Anonymous No. 169422

All of my tricks. I have no aspirations of actually being good/learning the hard tricks everyone else does, so I've opted to do mostly kook shit because it's funny.

My favourite might be the no comply 180 undergrab varial thing Super Rat does here out of the manual:

Really hard to get a good landing though.

Anonymous No. 169425

Everyone I skate with is a "I used to skate" person. Mostly friends that I grew up with skating that now only skate if I invite them. Skating with them is kind of irritating because most of the time they'd rather stand around and talk about what they used to do or "remember when..." than actually skate.

thanks for reading my blog post

Anonymous No. 169433

Hey that's me glad your finding more of us

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Anonymous No. 169441

Anonymous No. 169465

How do you have two friends that use them. I'm 100% sure if I asked any of my friends or anyone I skate with about them they'd have no fucking idea what I'm talking about

Anonymous No. 169485

Think of the type of people that use this site dude

Anonymous No. 169489

I'd never heard of them until this thread lol. They look like some weird ass janky risers

Anonymous No. 169491

Never heard of them. Googled and saw some on a longboard set up. I think we have some secret longboarders posting here..

Anonymous No. 169497

I'll accept a longboarder if the bussy bussin

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 169505


Anonymous No. 169506

>2 skateboards

Dude seriously get a job. If you're over 25 and you can't afford a second set up you might as well just kys

Anonymous No. 169508

>another day of bangin shit together and then a slappy sesh with the boys after work

Feels good bros

Anonymous No. 169511

French video that dropped today

Anonymous No. 169523

you fags are chris chan followers tier

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Anonymous No. 169541

Got mogged?

Go watch One step beyond and learn a thing or two from ol bam-a-lam

Anonymous No. 169571

are you being retarded intentionally or are you an ESL? If you have 2 set ups thats fine. If you have 2 set ups and you're swapping wheels thats gearfagging. enough with the get a job shit too, you sound like a huge boomer faggot, everyone in here is in there 20's and 30's and has a job.

Anonymous No. 169575

Can you show me where someone said they had two set ups and were swapping wheels between them? Holy shit man don't lie about being unemployed, I can tell you've got soft hands

Anonymous No. 169576

>It sucks that your IQ is so low that you can't deal with minute changes in your setup between sessions. Have you considered learning how to change a car battery and getting a job so you can afford new trucks and more than one set up?

Anonymous No. 169580

idk, I just do. I personally wouldn't be fucked with them because I'd sooner just bring two boards to a session/take the board that suits where I'm going to be skating. I honestly doubt they even get much use out of them but they both swore that they're sturdy and didn't fuck with grinds and whatnot.

Same birthday as me. I'll never be an earthrocker though.

Anonymous No. 169583

Memes aside, Bam was unironically one of my favourite skaters. It's a shame his Jackass celebrity stuff overshadowed his skating so much because he could throw down.

Anonymous No. 169596

>Bringing two set ups to the sesh
Aside from people who ride cruisers to the spot/park I've only seen people swap out set ups mid sesh once and it was some literal 40 year old boomers who each had 3 or 4 of basically the same set ups in their trunks just slightly different shaped boards. They were both trash, skating with their arms fully extended half the time going slow as hell, could do 50 stalls on the mini and carve the bowl kinda. They were also blasting rancid and offspring and shit right off the pro skater soundtracks killing the vibe for everyone except the two of them. I asked the one guy why he had so many different set ups and his response was just "idk I like to try different things" and all I could think was why don't you try skating more and getting better as opposed to buying more shit.
I understand having a tranny set up and a street set up and even a cruiser set up too but there's a point where your taking it too far. If your at a park and half way thru your street sesh you go get your tranny board to carve a bowl for a while your retarded.

Anonymous No. 169653

i can ollie higher on my sidewalk cruiser/bowl popsicle with shitty stock indie bushings setup better than my trick setup
it doesnt make sense

Anonymous No. 169656

How different is the trick setup? I find stock indies are what I perform best on no matter the set up

Anonymous No. 169661

trick setup lacks risers and 58 wheels, has 96d bushings and 52 wheels, both have indie trucks. i get no stability on stock indies.
the deck must have space jammed the skill into the wood from the last guy who rode it

Anonymous No. 169669

nice, i've done this trick a few times before

that actually looks pretty cool desu. I like how Japanese skaters (at least the OG ones) come up with wacky moves

Anonymous No. 169673

>go to skatepark meetup
>all just regular dudes
feels good not living in commiefornia

Anonymous No. 169680

why does skateboarding/rollerblading seem to attract so many queer/lgbt women?

Anonymous No. 169695

A guy at the park was wearing light tan pants
he had poopy sweatstains on his ass
Didn't have the heart to tell him :(

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Anonymous No. 169701

You guys ever use right guard to wax your board?

Anonymous No. 169709

Just reminded me of some guy who came up to me at the park a month or two back trying to sell wax in a deodorant stick. Literally looked like that. I declined.

Anonymous No. 169711

>Bowl/park board
>Street board
>Cruiser board for rolling down to the liquor store after work

All you need

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Anonymous No. 169712

Be honest has anyone here skated castle bam?

Anonymous No. 169714

muh self-exptession

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Anonymous No. 169715


Anonymous No. 169716

I've never met or seen one irl in 20+ years of skating. This is just the consequence of letting corporate brands into skating, they now push inclusivity shit like this. If you want to have a career in skating you best shut up about it too.

Anonymous No. 169717

They sound based.

Anonymous No. 169718

No but I might next summer if Bam doesn't turn it into a ghost town by evicting his own brother from it.

Anonymous No. 169720


Anonymous No. 169736

THOUGH most older (30+) people at the park are usually fucking terrible and are wearing full pads and helmet

Anonymous No. 169751


Anonymous No. 169788

Yeah, I think a lot of Japanese skaters never had the whole "illegal" or "kook" trick thing, so a lot of them took shit like bonelesses to a super techy level. Someone argued before that the cities there are so much more dense and weirdly laid out that you sort of have to get techy to make much of it at all. No big Californian smooth run ups to big stair sets or grass gaps, just lots of weird little ankle high rails and ledges protecting shrubbery.
That and I think a lot of them just like to do comedic looking shit:

I actually love thinking about how the architecture of different places informs different styles of skating. Like how Brazil, with its hilly cities and shitty surfaces, started off with a big downhill scene and eventually a transition/pool scene, but street skating never really took off the same way because of how hostile it was to it. The UK had a tonne of parks in the 70s, but they were all trying to do the Z Boys thing and making it all wavy and surfy, but the streets are anything but and just riding from A to B around all the old wrecked pavements was the real challenge.

Anonymous No. 169800

>wearing full pads and helmet
forgot to mention that part. they were indeed fully padded with helmets

add that to the comic

Anonymous No. 169823

based park enjoying boomer

Anonymous No. 169838

I went to the park and it was filled with 13 year olds, I had a breakdown and was wondering wtf am I doing here, I left and that was the last time I skated, 25 years of skating and that's what took me out

Anonymous No. 169841

thats pathetic

Anonymous No. 169842

just start again?

Anonymous No. 169843


Sorry for the probably silly question but I just got new trucks, and the axle nuts have little (rubber?) rings in them, so i can't really thighten them that much, only to the ring.
Are they supposed to be taken out from them, or they should stay in there?

Anonymous No. 169844

pics? I'm not sure what you mean

Anonymous No. 169845

Someone make a comic of this one lmao

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Anonymous No. 169848

Those grey rubber like rings

Anonymous No. 169852

Those stay on. If the trucks are brand new it's recommended you ride them as they are to break in the bushings before tightening them anyway. You should be able to tighten them as much as you need after that.

Anonymous No. 169853

that's pretty interesting - i hadn't thought about how the urban planning of a city would affect the skating styles

i remember in that classic Gou Miyagi video he does those THPS-type grinds on those circular rails:
I remember thinking that we don't have those types of rails here in north america

it's a bit disappointing that skateboarding culture (at least in north america) seemingly extolls virtues such as self-expression and freedom, but a lot of skaters are quick to dismiss wacky and zany tricks as being invalid or even "cheating" (in the context of a competition)

Anonymous No. 169855

They are the nuts on the side of the axles, holding the wheels and the washers, not the kingpin. That's why I'm asking.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 169857

i grabbed a homeless womans ass last night because she was fake flirting with me

Anonymous No. 169858

Oh duh my bad, too early for me to be posting. Why do you need them tighter? You can have a little give on your wheels. I only tighten mine until they are flush with the end of the axle.

Anonymous No. 169859

>seemingly extolls virtues such as self-expression and freedom, but a lot of skaters are quick to dismiss wacky and zany tricks as being invalid or even "cheating"
Because the tricks in this video >>169788
Are the equivalent of a 5 year olds drawings and/or a canvas that just had paint thrown at it. It's just fucking stupid looking and isn't very fun or interesting to watch or look at.

You leave em in. Just turn harder lil bro

Anonymous No. 169862

That's the point. It blocks the end of the axle, to be flush with the end of it. That's why I find it weird. So I can only tighten them like 3/4.

Anonymous No. 169878

Tighten harder

They don't matter

Anonymous No. 169881

I never know what is bait, that's what makes /esg/ fun!

Anonymous No. 169882

It's not a bait, lol

Anonymous No. 169887

It's a nylon lock nut, tighten it at least until the nylon is fully on the threads. Beyond that it's a matter of opinion how much play your wheels should have; I like about one cunt hair's worth.

Anonymous No. 169890

>be old
>skate for a week
>shins hurt, need to take some time off

Anonymous No. 169892

those keep them from backing off, you need them engaged with the threads or your nuts will be falling off all day

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Anonymous No. 169895

Why does he filter /esg/ so much?

Anonymous No. 169896


Anonymous No. 169898

Your such a femcel

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Anonymous No. 169910

Seen a skater girl that looked exactly like neet gf in my neighborhood, I'm 30 sucks we can't be skater friends I wanna give her my board she had a longboard but she's like 14

It was cute and wholesome

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Anonymous No. 169912

nice, thanks for confirming that skaters can be lame as fuck. "self-expression" and "freedom" are nothing but cringy 5-year olds who can't stand by their principles - once they see the spooky japanese skaters, all of that goes out the window

Anonymous No. 169915

Did you ask her to watch you practice your ollie?

Anonymous No. 169920

>Are the equivalent of a 5 year olds drawings and/or a canvas that just had paint thrown at it
There is a fine line but the Japanese crossed it long ago. It's funny it is one or the other. Super cringe flatland wiggers or the most robotic SLS skaters alive.

Anonymous No. 169947

im a longboarder

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Anonymous No. 169950

gonna open a skateshop in the same vicinity of a known gay skateshop to push them out
what will it take besides not being gay to succeed?

Anonymous No. 169952

get a daughter already nigga damn

Anonymous No. 169974

The scene that FILTERED /esg/

Anonymous No. 169996

keep these fucking thoughts to yourself pedophile faggot
whatever bro have fun practicing your ollies in the grass, your opinion is completely irrelevant. you probably started skating within the past 2 years.
gou miyagi gets a pass because 1. he was one of the first on the scene to get noticed for doing what he does 2. hes extremely good at doing what he does and 3. hes super fucking stylish and makes it all look good. that berrics video with the jap skater was so lame looking and boring/cringey. few people can pull off that kind of skating. if you want good japanese street skating that isnt robotic looking i recommend time scan
kys obsessed faggot

Anonymous No. 170020

set up a mini ramp or a ledge or something and let kids skate for free. Turn a blind eye to weed but kick junkies tf out. Keep a fridge stocked with $3 soda and $5 sandwiches so parents can drop them off after school and leave them there. Install security cameras so nobody accuses you of being like this guy >>169910

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 170034


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Anonymous No. 170036

Anonymous No. 170037

boneless finger flip lol
I've always called that a city spin but idk why

Anonymous No. 170040

Your hands are as ashy as your watch

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 170042

What other boards you guys browse, it's travel and auto for me

Anonymous No. 170049

working hands, city boy

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Anonymous No. 170052


Anonymous No. 170054

Your watch is fucking rusting I can smell you through that pic nigger guy

Anonymous No. 170058

>going bankrupt trying to own some gays instead of just coming to terms with your own repressed homosexuality

Anonymous No. 170060

post setup nigga

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Anonymous No. 170062

What now stinky

Anonymous No. 170063

nice bruised extensor can you even turn a jar of mayo

Anonymous No. 170064

That's a tattoo retard, seriously you should get yourself together at least get a new watch, most people are probably too disgusted by you to tell you to improve

Anonymous No. 170065

youre too white to be acting this arrogant boy

Anonymous No. 170066

do you work with concrete?

Anonymous No. 170086

You're black.

Anonymous No. 170088

mortar, masonry

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Anonymous No. 170098

MFW someone says tony hawk is better than bam margera

Anonymous No. 170119

Jesus what a pleb. I genuinely believe punk elitism is why shit like flip tricks became the norm, because the barrier to entry is much higher and you either land a kickflip or don't, and just landing one automatically makes you "good". Because it was too much to ask for new skaters to try and do a boneless but then learn how to make it look good because doing a basic boneless was too accessible. Skating had to become all cool and core and shit because it went to the streets and god forbid that other kid down the road actually liked playing on his board too.
>a 5 year old could do it
Yeah, but there's a fucking galaxy of difference between what Super Rat does vs the sloppy baby steps of a noob. You are literally mentally disabled if you can't see a difference.

And while I'm at it, FUCK BATB for promulgating that flip tricks on flat are all that matters, and FUCK SLS for rewarding nothing but switch flips to grinds. It's the most un-fun type of skating that exists.

Anonymous No. 170120

I fucking love hospital flips and backside hospital flips even though they're complete youtuber tricks, kinda wanna learn it into noseslides but that might be too far

Anonymous No. 170137

dude how old are you?

Anonymous No. 170146

>There is another mason skateboarder in this thread

What are the chances

Anonymous No. 170148

Kek ADHD zoomers btfod

Anonymous No. 170151

Okay memes aside are Bam&Novak GOATED skaters?

Anonymous No. 170152


Anonymous No. 170171

>FUCK SLS for rewarding nothing but switch flips to grinds
SLS is gooks and beaners spinning 270s to grind combos

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Anonymous No. 170182

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skate apu.jpg

Anonymous No. 170184

>Almost 27y old
>Decide to start skateboarding
>Two-three weeks of low intensity training
>Ankle gets bent
>Healing takes at least month and at times still feels weird
>Can do forestry just fine
>balancing on dubious tree trunks feels easier
>Few months has passed
>Buy proper helmet and shoes
>Its fall
>Everything is wet always
>I guess I go to hall then
For some reason I still want to keep trying this shit
I know that I will look like clown when I go to the hall
And I guess people think I am weirdo because I want to start youngster sports as old fart

Anonymous No. 170186

i feel you buddy, used to skate as a teenager but fucked up my knee and stopped for like 8 years. back now at 27 as well and can't remember anything, i can push but that's about it. everything else is gone. all my mates that i used to skate with all quit too and are either too into drugs or have a family.

the best bet is to find a shopping mall or somewhere with underground parking and skate there after hours. usually it's empty and you can practice getting more secure on flatland without being bothered by the rain, it's what i'm doing at the moment and haven't had any trouble

Anonymous No. 170192

Anonymous No. 170195

I'm not gonna click on it until you tell me what it is

Anonymous No. 170197


Anonymous No. 170198

dude has absolutely no idea what hes talking about. flip in flip out tech shit has been a thing since the 90s. plenty of reasons to not like the berrics/batb/sls but blaming them because you cant flip your board is retarded

Anonymous No. 170199

in person school learning should be banned again. my NEET ass needs the school yard for the smooth flat more than those kids.

Anonymous No. 170207

If you don't wanna fuck up your ankles then stick to leaning transition. Go to a local and try the mini ramps. Most old heads usually stick to transition

Anonymous No. 170208

Flatgrounds for pussies

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 170210


Anonymous No. 170211

Do you get neetbux? I'm waiting to hear back for mine. Hopefully schizophrenia let's me retire early

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Anonymous No. 170258

FUCK /esg/

Anonymous No. 170261

>why does the alternative subculture/hobby full of people who dont give a shit about anything attract so many people who live alternative lives.
damn nigga i wonder

keep the bam posting in the bam thread

Anonymous No. 170262

I got a mic for my PS4 but I'm too scared to say anything what's a opening line I can use

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Anonymous No. 170265

>keep the bam posting in the bam thread

FUCK YOU. Bam is SKATEBOARDING and there for BAM is /ESG/

Dont like what the FUCK im saying? then FU(CKY)OU

Anonymous No. 170268

you don't skate

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Anonymous No. 170269

I actually do skate buddy

Currently skating on a APRIL skateboards deck

Anonymous No. 170271

Why do you idolize washed up assholes like Bam?

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Anonymous No. 170274

Remember him for who he WAS

not what he BECAME

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Anonymous No. 170276


Anonymous No. 170278

they don't skate it's the same kinda fat faggot that shits up b with tranny porn and log posts

Anonymous No. 170280

What part of Whatever the fuck i want dont you understand dipshit?

We will post BAM whenever and wherever

Anonymous No. 170281

Grow up you fucking punks and get a job I could beat all your candy asses fucking skater faggots

Anonymous No. 170283

>get a job
No thanks Rabbi

Anonymous No. 170284

A good portion of the posts in here are dudes complaining about how they don't have time to skate because they're working and/or have a family. Same shit with the change a car battery guy, lot of anons in here work construction or some shit, doesn't really make any sense.
The guy who asked about the axel nuts definitely needs to learn to change a battery tho.

Post a clip faggot. You're annoying as fuck and you definitely don't skate.

Anonymous No. 170285

I'm sorry I just got high and had to troll right quick

Anonymous No. 170286


Anonymous No. 170292

Bitch the first deck i ever bought was a Rob dyrdek alien workshop rogue status deck

Been here for a minute pal

Anonymous No. 170293

Should i buy a pair of Muska ES shoes? are they still good to skate in

Anonymous No. 170294

theyre like 150 dollars bro fuck that

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Anonymous No. 170299

>Hey anon were gonna go hit my backyard halfpipe and then mess with Phil and ape you in?

Anonymous No. 170304

this, I am ready for covid part 2 so I can say fuck it and skate wherever I want to whenever I want

Anonymous No. 170306

This was our peak, there is no going back

Anonymous No. 170314

skating alone is suffering

Anonymous No. 170317

learn to think for yourself

Anonymous No. 170335

I am still learning basics.
From my accident I learned not to try anything while sleep deprived.

Anonymous No. 170337

like a traggot could ever sk8

Anonymous No. 170338

Anyone keep a notepad somewhere with skate ideas for the next session? I forgot I had one and realized I haven't done some tricks in a long while. I used to write stuff like "work on FS rocknroll" "try to tighten trucks"

I've had decent sessions with other people like 10 times in my life. I just had one this morning and it was the first time in months that I spent more than 3 hours at the skatepark, it was just 2 guys happening to be there and wanting to look for inspiration in others and to try new approaches, it was nice. Usually I just embrace the morning autists' congregation vibe when I go there in the morning and it's dudes staring at their feet trying the same things for hours on end. Skating alone is the norm for me.

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Anonymous No. 170351

>new eastern yurop skate kino dropped
>20th anniversary edition
>they just had to put shit music

Still worth a watch.

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Anonymous No. 170352


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Anonymous No. 170353


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Anonymous No. 170354


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Anonymous No. 170355

Fuck webm related. I have no idea how this guy did it. I would never have the balls.

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Anonymous No. 170356


Anonymous No. 170357

leo baker?

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Anonymous No. 170358


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Anonymous No. 170360


Anonymous No. 170365

Pretty sure I could do that these clips are kinda weak

Anonymous No. 170367


Anonymous No. 170368

good stuff

entertaining, but did that bulgarian dude say to that other bulgarian dude "bro, that was sick" in english with an american accent? ะบpะธะฝะถ ใงใ™

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Anonymous No. 170369


Anonymous No. 170371

Maybe he wasn't Bulgarian I don't know.

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Anonymous No. 170383


Anonymous No. 170388

I'm seriously not

Anonymous No. 170392

>morning autists' congregation
>dudes staring at their feet trying the same things for hours on end
That's exactly how I spent my morning today lol

Anonymous No. 170401


Anonymous No. 170413

I think I could do this first try

Anonymous No. 170418

/our/ autist in a thrasher feature

Anonymous No. 170434

Guys I think I vibed a dude hard as fuck. He was an older dude skating around. I don't know how to describe it but he looked like he had irl AIDS. At the skatepark where me and five other dudes. Everytime someone landed a trick this dude was making commentary. I smiled at him once and then I just had a weird feeling like "this dude's a pedophile" . So I avoided him the rest of the day. One time he tried to give me knucks and I ignored him. Not straight up, I'm not an asshole -I pretended to trip over a rock. Sometimes he would tell one of us ,"now that's what I call steez" and raise the roof while saying it. He was very strange and I think the holy Spirit was telling me to avoid him.

Anonymous No. 170447

nothing assholeish about staying away from kooks

Anonymous No. 170454

post a clip

Anonymous No. 170457

Shoutout our guy Jeff. Also RIP Tony. I feel bad for lil bro.

Anonymous No. 170467

This is from 15 years ago and I only got better and peaked like 3 years ago, you don't think I could do it?

Anonymous No. 170469

No, Luke. You will definitely eat massive shit if you tried it.

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Anonymous No. 170476

I know for a fact I could land it in ten tries

Anonymous No. 170478

Luke my brother your feet will catch on the first hippy jump and you will grind your face against that rough drop down to the second one.

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Anonymous No. 170482

It's funny that you don't know one of my best abilities is hippy jumps, you and I both know i could do it. Anyway I wanna steal this logo and make a fashion brand for local street twinks

Anonymous No. 170487

That's a mangekyou sharingan and no you can't do it. You're too heavy to jump that high.

Anonymous No. 170489

I became 2/3 legs for skateboarding cuz of skateboarding no regrets can Ollie 4 feet with an 19 inch wb double shovel

Anonymous No. 170491

This is a epic post

Anonymous No. 170496

I wanna make skateboard decks for young kids and make them bigger and bigger in wheelbase while I'm at it being a toy maker to bless them

Anonymous No. 170497

What I mean is longer wheelbase longer legs for begginer skaters

Anonymous No. 170499

Minilogo 15.5 wb was game changer

Anonymous No. 170502

Ok yeah your totally making sense now

Anonymous No. 170518

>one of my best abilities is hippy jumps
I didn't see one hippy jump in that ancient footage you posted

Anonymous No. 170526

That's just some shit some kid filmed I'm not out there filming my abilities like some faggot

Anonymous No. 170529

>Guys I think I vibed a dude hard as fuck.
Is vibing a bad thing now?

Anonymous No. 170535

is it possible to lock in and ride streetcar tracks on a slope?

Anonymous No. 170543

The absolute best besides being absolutely alone is when the other guys are really really stuck in the same spot just like you are, and every fifteen minutes or so people naturally shuffle spots without ever getting in one another's way. The nodding starts building up but never to an uncomfortable level. Everyone goes back to their cars with a slightly stronger nod.

Anonymous No. 170554

How old are you bro. Vibe is a zoomer word so yes it is bad

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Anonymous No. 170568

aluminum deck
stainless steel hardware
bedliner as grip
scotchguard on the bottom
grooved wheels
ceramic bearings

where are the indoor parks in WA?

Anonymous No. 170573

Marginal way. Undeerrrneath the bridge the tarp has sprung a leak. Safe travels

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 170574

What the actual FUCK is his problem?

Anonymous No. 170575

I know about that, but man that's just a lil too north for me to go casually.

Anonymous No. 170613

who does Jaws appeal to. doing ollies off of big shit is the most boring kind of skating unless its Zero

Anonymous No. 170616

You ever notice how when you go to the park everyone is either under 14 or over 30?

Anonymous No. 170621

Mullen is totally an autist, right?

Anonymous No. 170624

no? what the fuck are you talking about?

Anonymous No. 170625

he is literally autistic im pretty sure.

Kurt chan No. 170628

It's probably has something to do with the standard wheelbase on skateboards.

Anonymous No. 170653

Have you ever been to a skatepark?

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Anonymous No. 170655

Skateparks fucking ruined skating

Anonymous No. 170665

How? The only thing I can think of that sucks about parks these days is how they're all mostly cookie cutter Olympic style training grounds, but that's kinda the point of going to a park, to practice for the street.

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Anonymous No. 170673

The feds are here bros

Anonymous No. 170679

I don't even wanna explain myself to zoomers anymore so yea your just gonna have to accept it

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fdr skatepark.jpg

Anonymous No. 170680

What's everyone's favourite park? And what's a park you've always wanted to skate but haven't yet?

Pic related is a dream one for me. Favourite might be Oxhey outside London, but it's a nightmare for scooter toddlers.

Anonymous No. 170681

>Says random dipshit thing
>No I won't explain myself
this is half the posts in these threads

Anonymous No. 170682

FDR is insane literally everything is fucking huge and they just built some shit that might be bigger than anything else that's been built there. They have a "mini" with a spine that's like 6 or 7 feet. It's basically half pipe size. I've never been a tranny skater so every time I go there I'm just absolutely confused as to what the fuck to do but I have homies that rip the place up like it's nothing. Month or two ago my homie got fucked up there and was paralyzed on one side of his body for like 2 days, had to have surgery and shit. Place legit scares the shit outta me

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Anonymous No. 170687

Bam is the fucking KING of FDR

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Anonymous No. 170695

Fav park near me would be pic related. Don't really have a dream park other than maybe like a level from THPS.

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Anonymous No. 170708

/esg/ will learn to kneel before the king

Anonymous No. 170713

this. stay out of our states

Anonymous No. 170725

If I had a dollar for everytime someone said they wanted to take a trip to some shitty flyover state to skate I'd have 0 dollars

Anonymous No. 170739

bam is shit compared to the average local fdr skater here

Anonymous No. 170741

Bam is a washed up asshole

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Anonymous No. 170745


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Anonymous No. 170749


Anonymous No. 170752

is it just me or has the internet become really boring lately?

Anonymous No. 170753

my biggest fear is turning 30 years old and becoming the guy who hangs around ogling 14 year old girls at the skate park

Anonymous No. 170754

the hardest thing about getting older is the 14 year old girls look just as cute at 30 as they did when you were 15

Anonymous No. 170756


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Anonymous No. 170764

Love him or hate him but Bam really did put West Chester on the map.

Same with FDR

Anonymous No. 170768

he got some freshie grips though

Anonymous No. 170778

Beginner question for all you ollie pros: is doing an ollie into/onto something (like a grind) the exact same as doing a fat ollie on flat, or are there actually some kind of microadjustments you need to consider? I've noticed for noseslides people tend to pop with their front foot already more towards the nose in a wide stance, so that it's already there when they hit the object, but what about other tricks?

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Anonymous No. 170779


Anonymous No. 170780

There's oogling and being a literal pedo and there's having a sort of objective "she's cute but not for me" sort of attitude. Idk, I've found that as I get older there's a kind of quiet, respectful way you can look at the world while knowing you're not part of it any more.

Anonymous No. 170782

>when you're 15
Girls are hot and unapproachable.
>when you're 30+
Be gone wenches, i desire to ride my board half on, half off across the ledge your posterier currently occupies.
This is the truest way to live.

Anonymous No. 170791

I would unironically go to Ohio before even considering making a stop in CA.

Dall-E and AI at large has brought forth a new age of memery whose reach we cannot grasp as of now. It is going to change people's lives. You're missing out.

You absolutely make adjustments for every single little trick, you have to get the board to do what you intend it to do. The difference in foot position for me between a back 5-0 and a front 5-0 is greater than between a flip and a heelflip, but with time and muscle memory I don't consciously think about it.

Anonymous No. 170801

Is this right before a skater orgy?

Anonymous No. 170813

tips to quit smoking besides "skate more"?

I don't believe the furry who drew it could have it any other way

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Kurt chan No. 170815

Pov you just walked into the skatepark and your a hermaphrodite and now there's a bunch of kids crying because there freaked out

Anonymous No. 170817

thats the smallest part of FDR aside from the street section. thats the part of FDR that gets skated the most during queen of the park. I saw a 13 year old girl skate that section better than bam.
>I would unironically go to Ohio before even considering making a stop in CA.
lmao, faggot
>tips to quit smoking besides "skate more"?
nobody smokes anymore, I havent bought a pack since march, you might go thru a week of shit when you quit but its nothing like quitting real drugs or alcohol. Whatever you do dont switch up for a vape or nicotine substitutes. just go cold turkey and be done with it, you'll feel a lot better after even a week of no cigs.

Anonymous No. 170822

Yeah, pretty much any trick needs to be caught the right way to land into the next thing. That's why ollies are so fucking hard; there's a gazillion different ways to do them and they all depend on what the landing is going to be like.

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Anonymous No. 170862

this post was AI generated

Anonymous No. 170869

Slap is gay but so is esg, I don't know where to turn bros

Anonymous No. 170871


Anonymous No. 170876

Yes. In his book he also mentioned he and his sister also had bouts of anorexia :\

Kurt chan No. 170887

Hey wanna reincarnate for jesus as a hermaphrodite forever... it's also an option

Anonymous No. 170911


Anonymous No. 170913

Our girl's part finally dropped!

Anonymous No. 170914

She sucks

Anonymous No. 170916

u wish, nerd

Anonymous No. 170918

leave him alone andy.

Anonymous No. 170919

Being a girl doesn't magically turn avg skating into great skating.

Anonymous No. 170933

>Being a girl

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Anonymous No. 170937


Anonymous No. 170943

This but replace
>skate for a week
>skate for half an hour

Anonymous No. 170944

agreed, i don't even acknowledge zoomer chicks but that doesn't mean i don't think they're cute

Anonymous No. 170945

>Arbor heights 360
Pic doesn't do it justice. That bowl is deep AF.

Anonymous No. 170951

Warm up slowly. This seems to help me extend my sessions. I don't pop my board for like 15 minutes.

Anonymous No. 170955

I had a todo list of tricks in the notes app of my phone that hadn't been edited for two years, i.e., none of them got checked off.

Anonymous No. 170986

Went to skatehall
I sticked to learning ramps
Fell few time
Successfully jumped on escaped board for first time
Learning new things was damn fun
Still complete beginner but I was having fun

Anonymous No. 170992

hell yeah dude

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Anonymous No. 171026

>be me
>street purist
>almost never go to skateparks (grew up in an area without them and got accustomed to just finding spots around the city)
>can do a kickflip 5-0 kickflip out
>can't even just ride normally in a 8ft pool without losing balance

Anonymous No. 171053

>>can do a kickflip 5-0 kickflip out
frontside or backside knigga? Imma need a clippy if you have one

Anonymous No. 171059

sounds like you are badly coordinated, you need to crouch down when going down or up, practice reverse lunges if you are weak.

Anonymous No. 171060

That was me until they built a park near me, then over time I got good at tranny and now I'm a atv with good ass style, it will happen to you too

Anonymous No. 171061

I don't get tranny. I was better at street skating than all my frens growing up but I was the absolute worst on tranny. Now I'm older and trying to learn because it's apparently easier on the body but I've taken way more slams on tranny.

Anonymous No. 171066

Tranny slams hit different

Anonymous No. 171070

tranny slams do hit different

dont be foolish wear pads everyone who skates tranny does it and it promotes longevity

on the total flip i can hardly skate street or tranny so what do i know

Anonymous No. 171076

>you ok bro?
>"I'm good"
>*limps off to nearest bench to reassess life*

Anonymous No. 171077

>old man club this morning,
>one of the braver old men slips on the 7
>runs it down into a partial elbow slam but you >only see the run down not the contact with concrete
>all the other old men stand like they lost a fallen soldier
>the session resumes but with more caution

Anonymous No. 171091


Anonymous No. 171092

You guys remember Bryan Arnett getting a flat tire because he had a crack in his rim but then kept driving on it for shits and giggles and the tire ripped and started smacking his fender and shit like a whip while he was driving on it tearing the entire fender up as well as the front bumper and other shit like wiring and the headlight? They quoted him 11k to fix it and it wont be as good as new. it will still be haggard in some places. I feel bad for lil bro. He fucked up big time.

Anonymous No. 171094

lol dumb beaner. his stupid bmw was practically totaled

Anonymous No. 171096

> I feel bad for lil bro.
I don't. He was just treating it like content, even his friend was telling him to stop and get it towed he's immature af. I'm not sure what situation he's in financially but being so careless with such an expensive machine just makes him look like an asshole. Plenty of people his age work their asses off and drive shit boxes I feel bad for them not his spoiled ass

Anonymous No. 171104

from mechanics perspective what is difference of fake and switch
like I saw video of guy going down a hill then did revert and rode second half of hill in goofy
is that fakie or switch? some comment said he was riding fakie not switch but why
if I'm pushing opposite my main stance I assume that's switch

Anonymous No. 171107

Yesterday I went to hall for first time
Today my entire body feels it
I could go again today but it would be detrimental for my work of swinging 10kg clearing saw innawoods

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Anonymous No. 171115

Bam at the Tampa Am this week

Anonymous No. 171119

Quitting benzos or opiates cold turkey and having the entirety of your bodily fluids desperately trying to escape through your every pore and orifice while on a fever for three days is easier than quitting smoking

great stuff! rangeb& so I can't share my sloppily-prompted reptilian urban horror

honestly I'd take landing on my back like some potato bag rather than getting one of those lower inner thigh street rail bruises that make standing up painful again.

only the rider knows whether he feels like in switch or fakie at a certain speed. it's in your brain, I'm one of those people whose two sides are 1) regular and nollie and 2) fakie and switch but a lot of people think in terms of 1)right/left primary foot kicks 2) the other foot kicks

Anonymous No. 171143

bam on anti hero

Anonymous No. 171147

Shoulda learned to change a tire

Anonymous No. 171179

The facts.

Side Note:
Missy Loyal. I want a woman similar. 100/10

Anonymous No. 171212

Bam fucked up when he divorced Missy. Jen was hotter but came with all sorts of crazy but Missy seemed like a sweetheart.

Anonymous No. 171234

i will create the next hookups except more autistic
tba 2024

Anonymous No. 171236

another troonboarder. too many such cases

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Anonymous No. 171248

how do u find a girl like nelly.

i will be killing myself if i don't find a tomboy girl like nelly within 4 years.

Anonymous No. 171255

I don't think he was treating it like content. He just didn't give a shit and you'd be surprised how little normalfags know about cars. That's why I tell people in here to learn how to change their car battery. And to be honest he drives a shitbox too. Let's not pretend.

Anonymous No. 171257

Do us all a favour and reduce the deadline to the end of the day today.

Anonymous No. 171259

I gotta at least give myself time to try

I'm like only half joking I really need a tomboy gf

Anonymous No. 171283

I see women at skateparks all the time now. Have you tried talking to one?

Anonymous No. 171288

vibe park ecosystem kickflip zoomer boomer whore rc-car boneless pedophile milf core tranny

Anonymous No. 171310

lack of proper muscle grouping development. just practice rock fakie on a half pipe a couple hours every day and in a month youll be fine

Anonymous No. 171312

But r they tomboys

Anonymous No. 171318

Please elaborate. I can rock fakie, axel/feble stall and 5-0 on a 3ft quarter. Can also ollie to fakie and fs ollie around the coping. But every time I skate tranny I need to warm up to get these or they feel sketchy. And bigger ramps and I lose all confidence. I'm also prone to slipping out, taking hippers, being flung to flats, landing my ass on the coping and doing all types of uncoordinated falls the moment I touch tranny. It's bad, I see guys who would ask ITT how to Ollie who are better than me at it.

I really want to get good at it, some boomer rocked up to my local and just the mini we have. Probably 20+ years on me and was shredding.

Anonymous No. 171323

Hey if I invented a trick while in my thirties do I get to call it "the pedo" or is that technically only allowed for a teenager? it's like a flamingo on the coping into a tail stall but really awkward and slow and the ramp can't be too tall.

Anonymous No. 171325

the ones that arent dykes end up with skatechad or trust funded kids with drug connections

Anonymous No. 171327

Just keep at it. You do a lot more squatting with transition so your legs and core are going to get stronger to help you keep balance. With street you're mostly in a more upright position, and your high center of gravity is what's making you slip out or struggle with tricks and bigger ramps. Literally bend your knees. You won't be able to do it long at first, but you'll build up the strength to hold that position for longer after a while.

Why would you call that a "Pedo"?

Anonymous No. 171335

what the fuck are you talking about

Anonymous No. 171338

guys do you think the order filler at the skateshop will make fun of me if I order 2 Heroin egg boards AND Andy Anderson wheels?

Anonymous No. 171340


Anonymous No. 171342

I doubt it. They want your money, so it's in their best interest to help you get what you want. If you are that worried about it why not just order it all online?

Anonymous No. 171349

fuck. any proof?

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Anonymous No. 171352

anyone here in tokyo

people get pissed and you can get arrested for skating in the street
But i suck too much to go to the crowded ass skateparks in which ill get maybe 5 runs in in 4 hours

so what do yall do to practice
not trying to get deported

Anonymous No. 171361

tomboys are meant to be cute, not acne ridden freaks

Anonymous No. 171367

We'll see, I just did about an hour of rock to fakies since they scary for me. Only by the end were they more fun than scary.

Anonymous No. 171369

i just peeled off a chunk of skin off my toe

Anonymous No. 171377

Take the bullet train to the country

Anonymous No. 171387

she pulls it off

Anonymous No. 171414

should have moved to korea, you dumb weeb

Anonymous No. 171427

Stop performing tricks on their property.

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Anonymous No. 171476

woa big if true

Anonymous No. 171479

I'm not but I've been warned to not skate there when I visit in a few weeks. Plan on skating in Osaka tho because they seem more chill there.

They ARE scary. I've gone through phases of losing them because I do the sort of self fulfilling prophecy thing of being scared I'll fall -> leaning back too much to get away from the danger -> being off balance and being more likely to fall -> being scared I'll fall. I'd have them on lock one week, then the next they'd be gone again. Only real solution is to keep doing them and keep improving them by making sure you're properly rocking them/getting the back wheels up.

Anonymous No. 171485

ironically all of the cute girls at the skatepark will vibe check the fuck out of you. i've tried to talk to hot girls at my local and they cool guy the hardest i've ever gotten cool guy'd in my life

Anonymous No. 171495

can you learn skating at 96

Anonymous No. 171497

Ok question. What website has good quality boards for custom prints? More durable the board the better

Anonymous No. 171503

If youโ€™re doing a small batch Chapman skateboards idk if you just want one tho

Anonymous No. 171506

Small batch probably around 10-20 depending.

Anonymous No. 171508

Yea check out Chapman they make supreme and zoo York decks and a bunch of other boutique nyc companies

Anonymous No. 171516

Let me guess... you either just got back into skateboarding or you just started skateboarding?

Anonymous No. 171524

explain the judging panels

Anonymous No. 171535

Yes but the reason for the boards is for a seperate thing
Gotcha, thanks

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Anonymous No. 171543

Any tips for getting used to whippy QP's where you haven't got much thinking/adjusting time between the bottom of the ramp and suddenly being at the coping? I keep either killing my speed by leaning into the transition, or jumping off my board as soon as it gets onto the coping. I just wanna do a simple rock fakie or 5050 stall, but it feels like I'm going to be yeeted backwards into the next dimension if I stay on my board once I get near that coping. Pic related and similar to what I'm trying to learn on.

Anonymous No. 171544


Anonymous No. 171565

Jesus that looks like a nightmare. Maybe start with kickturns/slashers/5050s to get used to the whippiness. Then, idk, keep your center of gravity low/knees bent so you don't whip out as hard if you do.

Anonymous No. 171566

You're not supposed to initiate the conversation, they're supposed to ask for your advice right after you ripped the park, which you can totally do, right, Anon?

Can you reach the coping with your back truck just doing a kickturn up there? If not, work your way up. If you can, the speed will be barely enough to do a stall, you're not getting yeeted. Skateboarding is 80% in your head, mang.

Anonymous No. 171568

raven was based as fuck for the original post

fuck jews

Anonymous No. 171570

>that looks like a nightmare
It's fucking horrible, but I feel like if I conquer it, everything else will feel baby tier in comparision. I don't do slashers on it and I usually kickturn a little before the coping as the sharpness of the incline approaching it always throws me off, but I'll give it a go next session.
>Skateboarding is 80% in your head, mang.
It's 80% mental when you having been skateboarding for years already and have conditioned your body for it. I'm not there yet, so it's more like 50/50 at the stage I'm at.

Anonymous No. 171575

>a seperate thing
You not saying what you want it for tells me it's gayer than anything I can imagine .

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Anonymous No. 171577

this is me i went to the skate park and it was fucking closed so i skated by the bay.
Im almost 30 and i haven't skated since I was 13
first day back on the board i land a couple of these rocket ass kickflips

now my muscles hurt so much i couldnt skate today
i guess i gotta work on leveling out the kickflip now
pic is from me doing my first kickflip in 15+ years

Anonymous No. 171640

What do you guys do to get yourselves pumped up to skate?

Anonymous No. 171647

>one of the 30yo boomers taking up skateboarding again
>learning to ollie, only learned how to ride around when I was younger
>first couple sessions OK
>now I can't seem to practice without pulling my right (I ride regular, so pop leg) hip adductor? Inner thigh hurts like HELL after practicing, can't jump without it hurting after
lately I've tried stretching before, the side to side stretch like they do in DBZ (seems to hit that area), and touching toes etc but I still pull that muscle/tendon
every time I do it I'm out a couple days of practicing
any tips? any stretches I'm missing? or man up and just keep going/pulling/resting?

Anonymous No. 171649

what are you guys actually doing? how do you many of you get a board and instantly start pulling your muscles?

Anonymous No. 171651

i was fairly active with running before skating. when i started pushing a board for the first time it gave me tendonitis that needed 4 weeks to heal. havent experience that again after 2 years.

Anonymous No. 171654

I watch skate videos religiously. Full lengths specifically.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 171655

thats cause you're a scary old man, stay away from her, get a job!!!!!!

Anonymous No. 171656

sorry, they are all dating other girls that are exactly like them

Anonymous No. 171657

>He was very strange and I think the holy Spirit was telling me to avoid him.
kek always trust your intuition, most people look exactly how they are for the most part

Anonymous No. 171660

Why would someone get a job?

Anonymous No. 171661

slow the fuck down, what muscles are going to be warmed up when you skate, the ones you're going to use to skate

you just warm up real slow like

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Anonymous No. 171667

every single place you go as a girl people fucking just literally stare at you, and everyone has to have something to say to you, and they have a scenario concocted in their brain of how you're supposed to respond. try to understand that. it fucking sucks. that being said i do always do at least say hi back to people. but its so fucking annoying when i roll up and everyone is standing around doing their own thing but suddenly when i'm there everyone is staring at me and if i don't engage them in conversation they get all offended.

Anonymous No. 171668

I'm trans by the way, not sure if that matters

Anonymous No. 171671

i dont look at women in the park to suppress my inner rape demon manifesting in my loins am i the only male with this inner conflict

Anonymous No. 171672

why do you 30 year old mid life crisis losers all feel the need to restart skating for 2 months all at my local and have a tripod set up to record your rocket ollie

Anonymous No. 171673

They are staring for another reason freak

Anonymous No. 171691

been planning on going to some parks around osaka/tokyo that i've seen on ig, wondering if i should take my setup or just the trucks and wheels and buy a deck somewhere local on arrival

Anonymous No. 171692

i bought some but i haven't tried skating them yet, the padding is super thick

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Anonymous No. 171697

It's called sovl

Anonymous No. 171700

i came here to post that i want to buy a skateboard. tell me what's good to buy. i'm 37. come at me bro.

Anonymous No. 171703

8-8.25 deck with trucks that fit. Avoid reddit brands and gay memes like risers and deck rails. Don't use philips head hardware. Don't buy bearings more expensive than bones reds. Jessup is our grip. Don't get soft fat faggot wheels.

Anonymous No. 171710

Pack it up

Anonymous No. 172753

Went to skate hall yesterday
Had fun
Going back today to have more fun
Even as older beginner you can have fun
At times I have felt like a little kid again while improving my skills

Anonymous No. 172937

>>171703 this but hardware and bearings don't really matter. any hardware works and for the bearings, as long as they're for skating they're good enough. only really shitty chinese bearings can be a problem. I would say get some lightweight trucks I use tensors, ollies don't take as much energy with light trucks.