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🧵 /esg/ Enternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 171708

Donger edition.
You're never too old or too fat to skate. I forget the percentage but it's mainly mental.
Trick Tip:
Don't do the X with your arms before popping a truck.
Skatepark tip:
Less chit chat more skating.

Anonymous No. 171718

First for heelflips.

Anonymous No. 171742

Man that weather is killing me. Sure, not moving from my couch and smoking hash for two weeks didn't help but I almost gave up half an hour into my session from the heat. Isn't October supposed to be chilly? Fortunately I toned it down a bit and got through working on roll-ins and nosestalls and landed a nice frontside ollie (a-almost attt cc-coping height) on a 3-footer despite having flimsy legs all afternoon. There was a whole group of non-denominational Africans with a very average level hogging the bowl because there's an event in a couple of days tied to an international conference/festival on Europe-Africa relationships. Some 20something local was murdering it with stuff like alley oop nollie bs 180s or fs bigspin fs 50-50s but stayed cool (as in, not cool-guy-ing) about it.
Anyways thanks for reading my blog, skateboarding is awesome (when you pick up a taste for suffering to learn things). TRUST YOUR LEGS, NOT YOUR HEAD.

>Skatepark tip:
>Less chit chat more skating.
chit chatting is reserved for /esg/

can't do those anymore until I buy new shoes, heelflips go through stacked duct tape shoe-goo and cardboard

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Anonymous No. 171752

>Another day of rain

Anonymous No. 171773

I feel like we must have all gotten psyoped by something like the Olympics or something
I've wanted to get back in for a couple years now (only just found out about the Olympics) but I've also come to realize it's perfect transportation for those situations where a bike is overkill but walking is annoyingly long
also a lot of us are trying to get our kids into it, judging from product reviews
I ain't raising no scooter fag

Anonymous No. 171776

this chilly fall weather is perfect for skating i have never felt so alive

Anonymous No. 171796

how do i jump higher without squatting low and hurting my steeze quotient?

Anonymous No. 171802

Anyone else spent their 20s just doing drugs and skateboarding only to be left on your ass with nothing in your 30s? Don't make the same mistake I did kids

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Anonymous No. 171809

I'm spending my 20s working and browsing 4chan. Occasionally skating.

Anonymous No. 171810

gavin botteger bout to kill it fr

Anonymous No. 171812


If ya must know im gonna try to work with my company for a giveaway with a local park that is opening in the not so distant future.

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Anonymous No. 171823

>the only indoor park is a vert heavy wood park that im too inexperienced with controlling as it is slippery as hell and a small concrete area
>its way on the edge of town

Winter is gonna be a bitch

Anonymous No. 171831

>New esg
>Bam isnt the OP picture


Anonymous No. 171834

Is there any other way to spend your 20s? Most people aren't able to understand a true balance of work and play when they're still relatively young. As someone who chose to party as opposed to focusing on career or family, reflecting upon things now, I can appreciate my journey thus far as I embark on my current strive for improvement. The alternative, assuming you're not one of the privileged few who had real guidance throughout your youth, would have been to be scared of the future and just work hard as a failsafe method. Then as you get old, you'll find yourself with the regret that you didn't have any fun.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 171838

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1294b
TRL Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 171841

>Don't do the X with your arms before popping a truck.

Anonymous No. 171848

>angel: go practice more rock fakies
>devil: would be cooler if you learnt feble fakie

Anonymous No. 171850

I knew lots of older people growing up from my choice of hobbies. I feel they guided me well in regards to the balance. Amd unironically this place.. There is a time to party and have fun and that is when you are young. You have far less responsibilities, as you age they inevitably build up. I see many who shook their head at me smoking a joint at a party when we were 18 who now do coke every weekend in some sad attempt to feel young again. And there is nothing sadder than someone discovering psychedelics in their 30s. Admittedly skating at this age is some form of cope too, that we are indeed aging. But I'll take this over never having had fun.
Also just work, save and buy crypto. I'm in a much better position than almost everyone I know despite wasting my entire 20s.

Anonymous No. 171851

I feel I should be clear I don't think the youngins should start doing heroin. Just enjoy yourself, experiment with what ever (soft drugs) but keep it in perspective. The party life gets pretty tired after a while anyway.

Anonymous No. 171854

nope, i've worked hard in my 20s, now i'm making good money in construction at 29

Anonymous No. 171864

see: the rod father

Anonymous No. 171865

tfw not sure if sore or pulled my muscles

can barely raise my leg without pain for the past 3 days

Anonymous No. 171868

sounds like a pulled muscle. soreness usually subsides within a day or two, and it wouldn't limit your mobility that much.

Anonymous No. 171869

it's over
one day of skating and now i have to recover for what 4 weeks...
30yr old boomer life

Anonymous No. 171874

Eh, my 20s were:
>teens: largely bullied, outright suicidal at times, but watching all of my friends fall into drugs made me never want to do them so that was good. Skated a bit but eventually gave up because I had negative confidence.
>20-23: going through college, no job, no gf, beginning to get over depression/the relentless bullying of school. Fully feeling like I have no future, not taking amazing care of myself physically, full NEEThood. Worst habit is playing games and being on the internet all day, but at least picking up new skills in video and media that helped later.
>23-27: finally get a gf, we move to the city, get a minimum wage job for the first time, basically just enjoy life. Self esteem is going up, work situation isn't great due to low pay/high rent but I'm actually living for the first time. This gets a bit old and she plus the death of a friend prompt me to try harder career wise
>28-32/now: move to a new city, get a MUCH better job out of the gate (lose it but get an even better one that holds me up throughout lockdown), discover skating again, immediately surpass my teenage self because I feel confident/better conditions for skating. Relationship with gf is winding down, we break up but it's mutual and we're still friends, actually feel even better now.

I know I'll sound like a PSA, but I really don't think anyone should bother with drugs at any age. I think of the darkest, shittiest moments in my life and how much worse they would have been or how much longer they would have gone on for if I'd been an addict like my friends were. At most I'll smoke a blunt once a year and just lie on the couch listening to music, but there's too much shit I want to do that a day of a hangover would force me to miss out on.

I have a couple of really good skater friends my age who have basically done the opposite: been through hellish life events but have substance or emotional issues that drag things out. The substances never help.

Anonymous No. 171875

Pace yourself dawg. It takes a few months to fully build up those muscles.

The worst for me was when my groin muscles (the ones that attach to the pelvis behind your sack) got lightly strained and I wound up going to get checked for testicular cancer because I'd never felt that pain before. Ended up getting an ultrasound on my nuts. The gel felt good and one of the nurses was cute though. Had to fight the urge to get a boner.

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Anonymous No. 171876

Common i guess huh
i need to warm up next time

For me it's the muscle on the front that connects the leg to the groin area near the hip that is mega tender right now
(i guess the hip flexor)

when i was a kid I also skated and I remember the exact same spot hurt like hell and made me not be able to ollie at all for like 6 months
now 15 years later and it still haunts me

Anonymous No. 171877

>back before I got injured and my skateboarding life ruined I couldn't get my friend to go out and skate with me
>he's now moving to the gayderlands and is asking me what parts to buy because he's so excited to skate again

Fucking asshole faggot cunt bitch.

Anonymous No. 171895

holy shit are you me
how do you warm up for ollies anyway, I can't imagine anything not involving jumping helping

Anonymous No. 171905

I got a new deck to replace my shit target board deck in case it was holding me back for lack of pop
or at least that's how I justify my purchase
it did feel like I was above the board and it barely came up a couple times while ollieing yesterday
I have a problem
all that will be left of the shit board is the shit trucks

Anonymous No. 171907

no, im a genius and my life rules

Anonymous No. 171912

Fucking indy 11 trucks cost me 80 cad

im so fucking broke im reusing my old spitfires and bearings from high school

Anonymous No. 171913

lol seethe more, sauerkraut

Anonymous No. 171916

I spent my 20s working and building my "career" instead of skating and doing drugs, now my body is fucked and it takes me a week to recover from an hour attempting basic tricks and my hangovers are so bad that the thought of doing drugs fills me with dread.

trust me, spend your 20s doing fun shit because you have the rest of your life to catch up on the boring shit.

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Anonymous No. 171921



Anonymous No. 171922

Thanks for making a new thread cuties

Anonymous No. 171925

what's wrong with doing psychedelics in your 30s? I had so few opportunities to do them whenn younger but now they are easily available. i dont drink or smoke weed

Anonymous No. 171926

Spending it in uni. I take breaks to skate & party

Anonymous No. 171932

Nothing I guess so long as you don't start to base your entire personality around it.

Anonymous No. 171934

>how do you warm up for ollies anyway
Roll around. Pumping on transition. Just getting the body moving and comfy on your board again. It'll make your first attempt much better too.
If I can, I don't pop my tail for 15 mins or so.
If you're unfit, start working out. Stop kidding yourself. I've skated 3 times this week and feel fine.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 171935

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1295
Sweater Puppies Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

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Anonymous No. 171937

This kind of thing but deeper (aim to get your shoulders/head flat on the ground) should help. That and working towards splits. That particular muscle can be under developed if you sit down in an office chair a lot. Just follow any sort of yoga routine, find a couple stretches that help, then do them as part of your session.

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Anonymous No. 171939

Hi everyone nice thread I want to date/fall in love with a girl like Nelly. I am autistic. I love tomboys. I'm going to kill myself soon.

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Anonymous No. 171940

This too should hit the spot. Fun fact: Releasing your psoas gives you stronger boners.

Anonymous No. 171947

oh shit squatting low ruins steeze? I thought big pop was all that mattered

Anonymous No. 171959

Just put my Trucks on my Palace Rory deck

anyone else here skate palace boards or nah? i fucking hate the hype community that got brought over to palace from Supreme.

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Anonymous No. 171963

Someone was asking about cheap cameras a couple threads ago. I have a Sony NEX VG-10. I bought it with the same lens in the pic for about 500 for "family reasons" , but you can find the body only for about 250. For another 250 I got a Sony wide angle lens + fisheye converter used from Mercari.
Here's a YouTube. I might have to mess with some settings or maybe just clean the lens, because with the stock lens everything looks crisp but it does look a little blurry here. My apologies for the mediocre skateboarding, I finally got my lens a month ago and I'm barely coming off both ankles being sprained.

Anonymous No. 171968

whos ur favorite skater? mine is yuto cuz im a normie and japanese

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Anonymous No. 171972

pic related

Anonymous No. 171979

just dont set up a tripod infront of everything

Anonymous No. 171982

Stu grahm

Anonymous No. 171992

Jerry Hsu, Wes Kremer, Dane Burman, Tyler Surrey

Anonymous No. 171993

I don't have one but I like Milton Martinez because his street parts are sick. He does shit that nobody else does.

Anonymous No. 171996

I solemnly swear to only film with someone else holding a phone

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Anonymous No. 171997

Bam Margera

Anonymous No. 171999

>want to learn how to kickflip

>Afraid I'll get injured and not be able to wageslave

How can I do it bros?

Anonymous No. 172000

get all the pads and a helmet and practice falling I guess

Anonymous No. 172007

it would be pretty difficult to injure yourself on a flatground kickflip

Anonymous No. 172016

Really? I see all sorts of ankle sprains and Snaps on YouTube

i weigh 90 kilograms and lift weights but I'm quite athletic. Just don't want to snap my shit up

Anonymous No. 172019

it's probably the fisheye converter
more glass is always worse image, especially if they're not designed to work together

Anonymous No. 172022

jeremy klein. what kind of 4chan otaku skater are you if hes not your favorite!

Anonymous No. 172024

Sprains come with the territory, but I don't think I've ever seen a debilitating injury coming from flatground tricks. If you are really concerned, consider losing weight and wearing wrist guards and ankle supports.

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Anonymous No. 172042

>Haven't skated in years
>Overweight (Around 300lbs) so probably won't anytime soon
>Been watching a bunch of skateboarding lately, on top of playing THPS 1+2, and it's made me want to get back into it
>Place my foot on my old board which doesn't have bushings, and is literally just some crappy Target skateboard, and realize my position is goofy mongo
>Would have to relearn everything from the ground up

Anonymous No. 172046

Do it faggot. Pump bowls until you lose weight.

Anonymous No. 172047

get a basic element complete when it goes on sale

Anonymous No. 172048

>Overweight (Around 300lbs)
How tall?

Anonymous No. 172049

I don't have a skatepark close to me, but they recently completely repaved the roads in my neighborhood with fresh smooth blacktop, so I honestly feel like it'd be perfect for learning.

Are they good sturdy boards?

5'11 (ngmi)

Anonymous No. 172050

U just kno he shave dat shi

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quarter to wallri....jpg

Anonymous No. 172057

skateboarders cant do big wallrides so the wallrides they put in skateparks are only ever 3 foot tall

in fact skateboarders dont want to do anything big so now skateparks are all three feet tall

Anonymous No. 172061

Currently 26. Working for Canada post and got a nice bitcoin stash. Skateboarding and snowboarding as much as possible.

Anonymous No. 172063

Well that's the thing is that it's all Sony E-Mount. But that makes sense since there's an extra lens on it

Anonymous No. 172074

any extra "converter" in there wasn't considered when they designed the original lens, this goes for speed boosters as well. Also each lens is only capable of a certain level of sharpness, which is usually at around double its wide open f stop so a f/1.8 is sharpest around f/3.6. If you go to /p/ they jack off over lens sharpness tests to the point of diminishing returns, and will pixel peep the shit out of everything.

Anonymous No. 172092

>Skateboarding is all about being non-conforming to society
>Every skateboarder conforms in the exact same way
Mall grabbing from now on.

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Ben Degros slowin....png

Anonymous No. 172103

it's not looking good skaterbros

Anonymous No. 172108

nvm he's just not gonna post when he's not feeling it

Anonymous No. 172118

funny i thought skateboarding was all about riding and doing sick tricks on a skateboard

Anonymous No. 172120

i swear the contest judges just suck some one these japanese dudes off and give them better scores just because theyre japanese and theyre biased weebs

Anonymous No. 172122

expect more of this from other skaters

Anonymous No. 172125

It's about clothing

Anonymous No. 172134

lmao, learn how to do a real wallride before talking shit

Anonymous No. 172149

There is only so much he could cover anyway. Did me a huge service with a lot of his gear guides.

Anonymous No. 172158

looks worse than my iphone 5s

Anonymous No. 172180

Rob Pace
Noah Nayef
Rowen Davis
Josh Paul
Jack O'Grady

Anonymous No. 172181

RIP one of the only good skatetubers

Anonymous No. 172183

julien stranger and mark gonzales

Anonymous No. 172193

The Chief

Anonymous No. 172201

Chris Cole
Japanese Super Rat
Basically all of the gnar guys who appear in MASHER videos

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Anonymous No. 172202

Strengthen your ankles and wear thick high tops. And when you still manage to sprain them anyway, make sure you rehab them properly.

I've only had one bad sprain over the last 2.5 years I've been skating. The high tops and exercises have saved me many a time.

Anonymous No. 172225

Bros I can't go to the skatepark because I used to get fucked up and cause shit and I can't go to the skate shop cause I stole from it

I think I have to move but I have no money what do

Anonymous No. 172234

Try not to be such a fuckup.

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Anonymous No. 172237

The MOGGING that divided /esg/

Anonymous No. 172241

why not just go back there and give something back if you feel bad about the shit you caused as an apology?

Anonymous No. 172247

Spending your early years fucked up is the worst part of skate culture. I grew up doing nothing but drinking and doing drugs and skating and being a punk ass kid and i have a hard time not associating drinking and skating. It's literally ass I'll have a great sesh and all I can think about is how much better I'd feel after a six pack. If I can't get a trick all I think about is maybe a tall can would help. I know skating was always a fuckjob kinda but flip and baker totally fucked me in the head in the ways skating should be approached. Not blaming anybody but it certainly had an effect on me and my skating and a lot of my friends (29)

Anonymous No. 172248

It was literally the opposite for me. The drinking and smoking faggots were the normalfags and us straight edge edgy kids were the sober skaters. Only smoked weed occasionally.

Anonymous No. 172253

You need to take responsibility for your decisions and what influenced you.

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Out Ledge.webm

Anonymous No. 172262

newly built ledge at a school near me

Anonymous No. 172264

>bs noseslide
>but to fakie

Film that shit again and stop making 1080p webms.

Anonymous No. 172265

>Newly built ledge
>Skaterpunk douchebag comes over and fucking scuffs it up and ruins it


Anonymous No. 172266

Shut up retard.

Anonymous No. 172267

What's wrong with back nose to fake? I used that webm for lazys that someone linked to a few threads ago

Anonymous No. 172268

I hope it ruined your day

Anonymous No. 172270

Yeah it was me but you're supposed to resize it to 720. We're not on youtube. If you don't exit to regular you're from reddit.

Anonymous No. 172271

Lol okay, I'll be sure to come out to regular next time

Anonymous No. 172273

You also didn't film a heelflip.

Anonymous No. 172274

currently Kanaan Dern
he's very underrated

Anonymous No. 172275

>300 lbs

Lose some weight you fat fuck, you're just going to injure yourself if you try anything that heavy. Go for walks and start counting calories

Anonymous No. 172276

Fuck, you're right

Anonymous No. 172283

What part of the world? I know there is a 4chan tomboy skater but she is in Germany.

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Anonymous No. 172301

Anonymous No. 172310

In 2014 I cuddled Mike V on the bike lane in front of Trader Joe's.

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Anonymous No. 172317


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Anonymous No. 172325

Good OP

Don had insane pop.

Also, Tony Hawk stole the 900 idea from Tas Pappas.

Anonymous No. 172326

>fs bigspin fs 50-50s
>fs bigspin
>fs 50-50

Anonymous No. 172327

Take care of your hip flexors or your lower back is going to suffer from it.

t. was walking like a 80 year-old for weeks in June.

Anonymous No. 172328

Basing his personality is fine, everything is part of who you are, I would just say to him "as long as you know yourself and are handling them fine"

Anonymous No. 172329

look into kneesovertoes guy on youtube

Anonymous No. 172330

studies show light resistance training for ~10 minutes will stimulate tendon strengthening, and can be done every 8-10 hours (any faster and less benefit)
so twice a day I do pipe movements with each wrist and some ankle work even static isometrics work (climbers do this with hang board for finger tendons)
tendon strengthening is much slower than muscle growth so have to be diligent

Anonymous No. 172331

Not him, but in my view, all noseslides should come out to your regular stance (i.e. nose forward) and all tailslides should come out to fakie.


Anonymous No. 172336

>Also, Tony Hawk stole the 900 idea from Tas Pappas.
I feel like he was aware that 900 degrees of rotation theoretically existed. He was skating contests where the freestyle guys would be in some corner in short shorts and high socks just spinning around way past 900 on their back trucks.

Anonymous No. 172344

based nooticer

it feels harder because you can't see as well where you land but it's about as much work as frontside 50s, it's all about feeling your trucks lock in and you aim with the backfoot even if the front foot touches first.

Anonymous No. 172348

were supra shoes ever decent for skating? i only remember them being a /fa/ meme in 2008

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Anonymous No. 172352

Nah they were poser shoes mostly sometimes you'd see a black guy skate em or some shit. Remember these bros, middle school days

Anonymous No. 172353

Grant Britain is the 900 lore's Bulding 7

Anonymous No. 172354

If he was doing them alley-oop like you said, then he would land frontside grind, but fakie.

Anonymous No. 172360

What happened with him? Sabotage?

Anonymous No. 172363

I learned back 50s by coming at the ledge at a slight angle and then leveling out my trucks after popping.

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Anonymous No. 172375

I skated several pairs as a teenager and they all wore down super fast. I'd get a hole on the toe within a week. They were pretty stylish though, and had Antuan Dixon's only pro shoes. A lot of skaters at my local wore them back then.

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Anonymous No. 172381

Fuck wish i was part of the CkY crew ngl

Miss when people put CkY on griptape and shit

Anonymous No. 172396

It's getting cold outside bros

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Anonymous No. 172398

If you could do only 1 flip trick for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Mine would be either a kickflip or a treflip

Anonymous No. 172400

If there was skateboarding in the shire they would all look like Emile Laurent

Anonymous No. 172402

The weather where I am is perfect right now, but it won't last long. Once the snow comes it'll be time to polish up my flatground in parking garages

Anonymous No. 172403

>kickflip or a treflip
I concur. Especially if kickflip variations are included.

Anonymous No. 172413

>skating C ledge
>getting close to landing a trick
>fleet of fat teens roll up on scooters
>"Grind that shit!"
>"Do a kickflip!"
>"Do a flip!"
>You do a flip
>"This thing is too heavy"
>Oh, you're probably too heavy too, huh
>His friends laugh and he seethes

Am I an asshole?

Anonymous No. 172414

was he calling your skateboard being too heavy?

Anonymous No. 172415

No, he was saying the scooter was too heavy to do anything with

Anonymous No. 172416

You're not in the wrong, fuck that mouthy fat fuck

This context was important, I was as lost as >>172414 but rereading it with (you) as the non-quoted texts it rolls a lot better

I don't like when people bark at me to do something.

Anonymous No. 172426

Yeah, I probably could've worded it better. I felt bad for making his friends laugh at him, but hopefully he knows now how annoying he was being.

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Anonymous No. 172430

>think about skating with my homie every night in the pitch black freezing cold at our shitty little prefab park
>we both got jobs in different cities and moved out of our town
i think about it every time it gets cold now

Anonymous No. 172432

One week already and it still kind of hurts
I can push and rie the board

Should I avoid doing ollies and flips until i feel no pain?

Anonymous No. 172444

I did it. I gleamed the he cube and got a girlfriend in the same day. Good night /esg/.

Anonymous No. 172445

>went to skatepark for first time today
>found the babby bowl
>attempted babbys first drop in without watching a video or reading any tips
>fall off
I was wearing a helmet but I don't think it did any good as my cheekbone probably took more of a bit, caught most of it with my arms and hip and my shoulder hurts

Anonymous No. 172451

how tall is babby bowl?
you're brave to drop in without watching anything bro I'm too scared

I'm just practicing "dropping" in with ramp edge to get used to the lean forward and stomp feeling

Anonymous No. 172463

how are element boards these days? used to ride them back in the day and am thinking about getting a complete to start again since there's a few on sale. should i go with a complete or just build a custom one? are completes worth the money?

Anonymous No. 172464

It's a shame Tas burned every bridge around him, beat his wife and was an insane drug addict that nobody liked then. Would have potentially gotten more chances to do it otherwise.

Thankfully he found Jesus and made a documentary about himself that he still came off like a total cunt in though! Good job Tas!

Anonymous No. 172465

Oof. Leaned too far forward?

My main tip for drop-ins is to get both feet on and crouch low enough that you can touch your hand off the coping to being with. Try to stay that low the entire way through. It'll be a sloppy drop-in, but it should be enough to get you through the fear barrier. If you fall off in the position (unlikely) you'll be close to the ground anyway and hit the ground with less impact or just sort of roll out of it more naturally.

Anonymous No. 172467

>Thankfully he found Jesus and made a documentary about himself that he still came off like a total cunt in though! Good job Tas!


Still doesn't change the fact

Anonymous No. 172468

There is no fact. Why did Tas need to be in the best trick contest to do a 900? Why not do it the day before? How is an extra 180 an invention of a trick? Can I call dibs on the 1440 and tell Mitchie Bursco to fuck off? Is there any evidence of any of the claims that Tony stopped him entering?

Anonymous No. 172469

>bro, my bogan meth head genius friend INVENTED the idea of spinning one more half rotation than the last guy. He was robbed!
Lmao. I invented the 1800°. I haven't landed it yet, but if some little Japanese kid does it in the next few years, I'll break his legs.

>Is there any evidence of any of the claims that Tony stopped him entering?
No but Tas heavily implies it in his doc, and then Tony later points out, with footage, that multiple others were going for it too in his own doc. What probably happened is that Tas showed up but was turned away because literally nobody on that ramp wanted him there. That and everyone could see Tony was on the verge of making it so nobody else was still skating at that point anyway.

Anonymous No. 172471

You didn't get it;
Many may have thought about it, some may have attempted it, but it was Tas that was getting close to it. The claim of the documentary isn't that Tas CONCEIVED the trick, the claim of the documentary is that he brought it as an idea to the forefront and it made perfect sense for Tony Hawk to land it in a very publicised event to launch the video game. If Tas had entered the contest, there could have been a chance for him to land it before Tony. In which case, there would have been a way to embed it in the marketing, but it's that much more effective for the guy after whom the video game is titled to land a trick that sort of symbolises the progression of skateboarding,nit ti mention that Tas wasn't a playable character. Meanwhile, Tas would probably get his stocks up if he landed the trick in the X-games and he could have made life a bit easier for him, or not. The point is that Grant Britain showed up as Tas was trying it, gave the feedback to Tony ("look, this is your trick if you want to launch the game...simple to grasp, impressive, true to the core") and Tas was excluded from a chance to land it before Tony Hawk.

Case closed. Everything else is cope. Even this discussion is now part of skateboarding's history, which all functions as marketing and therefore in the benefit of Tony Hawk.

Anonymous No. 172472

You are the one who is cope

Anonymous No. 172475

>some MAY have attempted it
No, lots DID attempt it.
Even if, somehow, Grant Britain "stole" Tas' "technique" (which wasn't landing him the trick anyway) and gave it to Tony, that's still fair game. But that scenario is total bullshit anyway because Tony had been getting close by himself for years prior to that shoot, which Tas' doc conveniently doesn't show. Tas' best attempts had him landing way too low to even get his feet to stay on which was the point Tony was at too. If his technique was so good, why didn't he land it for Grant there and then?

Like, what, you think Tony was just pretending he couldn't do the trick or holding off on landing it so that he could market a video game? Like he just ate shit over and over until he broke out Tas' secret weapon? That's fucking retarded. He landed it in July and the demo for the game wasn't out until September, so he was cutting it pretty fucking tight if he supposedly wanted to market the game.
That hard fact is that if Tas' could have landed it sooner, he would have. He didn't. Even if he wasn't a massive prick and they let him on that ramp during the X Games, there's no guarantee he would have pulled it out then either and he says so himself. But not only did he not learn how to get on that trick soon enough (which, btw, he's only done since on megaramp with a totally different technique than what he was going for in the 90s), he didn't learn how to be a likeable person by then either. They probably would have given him a couple of attempts and ended it on schedule. Maybe if he didn't land his ass in prison he would have had more chances.
Tas not landing that trick was on Tas and no one else.

Anonymous No. 172477

You guys act like you had to do it at the X-Games for it to count.
If Tas really had it he had so many other venues to do it besides the X-Games. What kind of name is Tas anyways

Anonymous No. 172487

>that's still fair game


>what, you think Tony was just pretending he couldn't do the trick or holding off on landing it so that he could market a video game?

Not pretending, he just didn't want Tas to land it first, especially in such a big venue/event.

The marketing aspect is there, how can you not see it?

Anonymous No. 172489

Like 3 feet? When I was standing in the bottom the coping seemed to be around waist height. One of the YouTubers say to practice on a slope edge as an even gentler transition so you'll be less likely to get hurt.
I barely lean forward at all and the board slipped out in front of me lol. I like the crouching idea, as if I fall I'll have less potential energy too.
I'll try again when my shoulder stops hurting.

Anonymous No. 172502

I found out my coworker subscribes to Thrasher and watches skate videos and shit while having never been on a board (he is a 34 year old obese boomer). Dude also isn't even a partier he goes home and watches movies and plays runescape

Not sure if its cool or creepy

Anonymous No. 172505

That's pretty cool unless he's gay and likes skaters

Anonymous No. 172509

Maybe wants to fuck the female skaters

Anonymous No. 172512

There has never been a attractive female skater until arin, sad but true

Anonymous No. 172527

>The marketing aspect is there, how can you not see it?
So what if it is. The possibility of something isn't the presence of something. Maybe Tony did it like it happened because his game was launching. Maybe he fucking didn't.

Anonymous No. 172529

>buy a $89 deck
>it snapped after one heel flip
Why is skateboarding like this?

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Anonymous No. 172533

Heres a skate video me and my hommies made througout 2022, in Bogotá, Colombia.
I hope you like it :)

Anonymous No. 172535

one of the ollie inner thigh pain boomers here
I can practice Ollie's without inner thigh pain now, thanks for all the stretching help anons
only took a month
I had stationary ollies with shitty wheels but now I can barely jump moving ollies
the comments are right bros don't learn stationary ollies
and to the other ollie thigh pain boomer, I waited until most of the pain went away, it started to heal after only a night last week, and then I'd have debilitating pain in 10-15 minutes of practicing (beginning of session only slight to no pain, confirmed with air jumps) so I'd wait until the new day, stretching before and after and throughout the day. I drank more milk too idk if it helped. the healing period got shorter and shorter and now I have no pain
I did just have an extended break with no ollie practice too, haven't tried since saturday so 4 days for the last break.

Anonymous No. 172539

The marketing aspect is only there if you ignore reality.

Anonymous No. 172543

good shit

Anonymous No. 172545

Cool beans

Anonymous No. 172547

Video of said heelflip?

Anonymous No. 172552

Sounds like a potential friendship- he would probably be happy to just roll around with you if you have an extra board for him to use or something.

Anonymous No. 172556

that's a man. sorry but youre gay

Anonymous No. 172557

No it's not how do you know

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Anonymous No. 172562

damn thanks for the history lesson esg i had no idea who that tas guy was but if you're a totally unlovable wifebeating meth smoking dickhead how can you expect to survive in an industry dependent on marketing?

skill will take you far but being marketable is basically a must

cool clips

Anonymous No. 172564

Just subscribed to thrasher bros. It feels so good I can't wait

Anonymous No. 172566

neat, i'm a freeloader i like to read the open mag at the shop

Anonymous No. 172593

>The marketing aspect is there, how can you not see it?
Tony could have done anything cool it would have had a "marketing aspect". He was already a very well known name by that point, hence his name being on the game in the first place. They didn't even mention the video game during the run either.

I'm starting to think you're actually Tas himself. I don't even know why Tas thinks landing a 900 would have made him money by that point considering he (and Ben) had burned so many bridges and weren't nearly as well known and most vert guys at the time. Maybe if he'd been a nice person he'd have at least gotten in the game and people would have learned his name that way.

Anonymous No. 172594

>I barely lean forward at all and the board slipped out in front of me lol.
Ah, gotcha. In which case (as well as the crouching thing) focus on really slamming your front wheels down. Try to get them to make a big loud crack. You can practice on slopes/banks if that helps, just bear in mind that you'll be gaining speed more gradually that way, whereas transition literally "ramps" up your speed/makes you gain more speed in less time. I used to get freaked out at that on larger ramps and would run out of the drop in even though I had all 4 wheels down.

Why would it be creepy???

For anyone else:
Considering Tas actually produced this himself and STILL comes off like a gigantic prick, it only makes me wonder what he was actually like.

Also, weirdly, I met an Australian skate rat in London. Proper stinking homeless looking guy with a Zero tattoo. Got chatting about Melbourne and he tells me his dealer was the guy that set up the drug run that got Tas busted.

Anonymous No. 172599

Nice enough fella but that fat cunt would probably snap my board. Im almost positive he's over 300.

>Why would it be creepy??
I donno, I guess I've just never met someone who gave a shit about skateboarding who isnt at least an ex-skater

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Anonymous No. 172627

Postin my board again cause it's a egg and you should get one, fuck unshaped boards

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Anonymous No. 172638

I've been skating "pool-shaped" boards for a couple of years now, I don't know what my nollie tricks would be like on a regular (shorter) nose these days. But let's be real, you and I are only doing it for the aesthetics

Anonymous No. 172645

scootists aren't people

Anonymous No. 172649

>They didn't even mention the video game during the run either
>I'm starting to think you're actually Tas himself

a) you're an industry simp
b) you're on cocaine
c) both of the above
d) you are retarded


Anonymous No. 172650

>his dealer was the guy that set up the drug run that got Tas busted.

In the documentary Tas says it happened in Argentina.

Anonymous No. 172651

How does it skate? Egg was sort of a default shape for a moon in the early 90s. I think Flip still makes their decks egg-shaped.

Anonymous No. 172658

It's the exact same as popsicle but wider middle for stability of feet, I don't think flip makes egg decks

Anonymous No. 172711

Is this a P9? I have one but haven't set it up yet. It'll be my first "shaped" deck. I'm excited to try it out.

Anonymous No. 172718

anyone watch dernbros on YouTube? Encinitas drop in was really impressive on the spot nonetheless

Anonymous No. 172720

One of those faggots has pink hair so no

Anonymous No. 172721

yeah but he's just the filmer and is still probably less gay than u

Anonymous No. 172725

Nobody is gayer than me

Anonymous No. 172736

That's the first thing I watched of theirs. Idk about the cali dude bro type people but it was alright. I watched a podcast with Bam from a week or so ago after it, since that's how they click baited me. His whole situation is starting to sound a little like what Chapelle is alluding to here

Anonymous No. 172740

if you couldn't figure this out on your own just by looking at them... im sorry but you're gay

Anonymous No. 172743

>I watched a podcast with Bam from a week or so ago after it, since that's how they click baited me. His whole situation is starting to sound a little like what Chapelle is alluding to here
That clip doesn't apply to Bam. Bam has been a spoilt, fucked up little brat his whole life and it's even documented on film from an early age. It's not his current lifestyle that's the excuse, or his place as a "celebrity", he's just an annoying cunt.

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Anonymous No. 172760

I went skating today
and holy shit was it a mistake
my hip felt alright yesterday so i thought itd be fine
i warmed up
rode around the park
no pain at all
as soon as i try a regular ollie my shit felt like i was stabbed
maybe even worse than before

Ollies on my regular stance are fucked, can't do them
can't do flips

So if I attempted to pop the board i only did it switch or nollie and just rode around looking like a fucking retard

I guess i'll stop skating for a couple months bros
it's over

Anonymous No. 172763

It's not over man - I started skating seriously for the first time about 3 years back. I'm not good and had no foundations to start with (at 33 years old). I fucked myself up learning how to do a decent ollie and learning transition. Tried to fastrack it cause I just wanted to do more stuff, but holy shit did I fuck all the tendons and ligaments and muscles in my popping leg. My muscles were not ready to be skating as often and hard as I did (3-4 times a week at 2-3 hour sessions) and I was already unfit from years of doing fuck all in an office chair. It got so bad that when I took a break for a week or so, it came out in a huge bruise on my ankle and I got horrendous shin splints. Like you I tried to rush back in before my body had a chance to fully heal and fuck me that was a HUGE mistake. I thought it was over... I rested that shit for about 3 months+, and when I came back, I came back stronger because I let my body do its thing for long enough. If you are patient and try again after you are healed, take it easy and pay attention to when you need to rest, you can and will progress. Obviously waiting around is torture when all you wanna do is skate, but it'll worth it when you pop your next ollie pain-free. Hang in there, anon.

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skate knight castle.png

Anonymous No. 172772

How old you were when you begun skating?
What is considered young, normal, a bit old, old and abnormally old?

Anonymous No. 172778

Their kickers are narrower than the rails anyway

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Anonymous No. 172784

Passed by the shop earlier. Baker boards are now 80 dollars and F4s are all priced at 50

Anonymous No. 172785

texas rogers

Anonymous No. 172786

economy is tanking
but keep skating

Anonymous No. 172801

I'm tired from yesterdays sesh. Better take it easy today.
>2 minutes into video
Time to skate. Getting my bag ready while I watch the rest.

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Anonymous No. 172804

Bam bros... were going home

Anonymous No. 172805

this is other 30yo thigh pain boomer (I'm actually 35) who recovered
take a week off, see how it feels, if it feels ok to jump in the air a little bit and pull your knees up then try ollieing again, if not wait another week or two. Rinse and repeat. I'd say at least ride around in the meantime provided it doesn't hurt too much. I bike too, idk maybe it helped me heal too (i just dont spin if it hurts too much). I was on caloric restriction but for the healing I went to maintenance and tried to get more protein, and of course get enough sleep.

Anonymous No. 172812

In the podcast he talked about weird situations which got me thinking. Apparently he spent over a year in rehab unable to leave, where they milked over 600k from him. Then there was some random situation with cops picking him up from his hotel and dropping him off at some random place, he goes to sleep in the bushes then they arrest him for it. The clauses on his contract etc. I still suspect the CIA of killing Dunn too. Those guys effected mass culture too much.

Anonymous No. 172816

Holy shit lol. Dude the cia didn't kill dun, they're not fucking with bam

Take your meds unironically. I have schizophrenia and have been down the cia rabbit hole all the way to me being gangstalked... That made me realize it's all bullshit when I got out of it and realized my brain was fucking with me this type of thinking your doing is not good for you

Anonymous No. 172818

How did being gangstalked lead to the conclusion it was all bullshit?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 172819

>same ledge 5 days later
It's over

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Anonymous No. 172820

Here's the same ledge 5 days later

Anonymous No. 172824

He was supposed to bring it from Argentina to Australia. The connect/dealer was Australian. He didn't do all that by himself.

Anonymous No. 172825

>Apparently he spent over a year in rehab unable to leave, where they milked over 600k from him.
This figure changes, but that particular rehab cost 500k and it wasn't Bam who paid for it, it was an anonymous female friend (who I'm pretty certain was Kat von D).

And of course, Bam pissed all of that away and broke sobriety mere weeks after being released, the entire time blaming absolutely everyone around him rather than looking at himself. He's been in and out of rehabs since 2009, developing worse and worse mental illnesses along the way. Honestly, he's resorting to appearing a horror conventions to make money now, so soon enough he'll be broke, unable to pay alimony and will wind up in prison for that and the felonies hanging over his head. All he had to do was stay sober and skate, but now he's on a fast track to a rock bottom even Novak didn't quite reach.

Anonymous No. 172830

thanks for the encouragement bros
i hope it heals quick and i can skate

sleeping was tough, it hurt all through the night
when i was young man I also probably tore this same thing
has stopped me from playing soccer too now that i remember

I hope to recover, but i would also not be surprised if it's just permanent. that tendon is just a weak spot in my body

Anonymous No. 172834

I get that, I think being fucked around with perhaps exacerbated the mental illness. He is not in a great place, but seems to be trying even now to turn it around. It sucked watching him on the nine club only to see weeks later new drama with his family. Who knows exactly what is going on behind the scenes.

Anon it is likely your psoas muscle. Sitting down and stress are the main things to make it tight. Bringing explosive movement to a tight muscle can cause strain. You should do daily stretches and some strengthening to that entire region. Just google the psoas and how to stretch it. Probably a bunch of other issues like pelvic tilt etc too. Just slowly working on it will give the longevity for not just skating but a more comfy life. 30+ you really can't get away with doing the shit you did young without stretching it out.

Anonymous No. 172838

Anyone know where I can compare truck sizes (height/wheelbase/width etc) in one place?

Anonymous No. 172842

>The nice cozy medium sized skatepark I used to go to got torn down some odd years ago and made into a generic community center/swimming pool
>The only skatepark near me is this small sketch ass graffiti-covered bowl and concrete vert with a bunch of bikefags, ghetto thugs, crackheads, homeless, and other shit like teens who just go there to smoke weed and don't even skate
Why does Florida suck shit for skateboarding

Anonymous No. 172864

Cause it was all in my head even though I experienced it it wasn't real, none of that shit is real it's just schizophrenics, don't listen to schizophrenics bro

Anonymous No. 172865

Bams doing better now

Anonymous No. 172873

>It sucked watching him on the nine club only to see weeks later new drama with his family.
That was grim. I was so happy to see them all together having his back.

>Who knows exactly what is going on behind the scenes.
I mean, I do. Bam can't not post stories on social media when he's having a fit. It's exactly what it seems like: he's an insane narcissist with a persecution complex and he uses it as an excuse to not confront himself fully. On that Nine Club he complains that the town council threw the book at Castle Bam for hosting literal metal concerts and war reenactments with 0 consideration, because he somehow thought that was unfair. He'll complain about the Jackass guys til the cows come home for all the somewhat shitty things they did to him but completely ignores the fact they made him a multi-millionaire and that they ALL went through the party lifestyle AND that they tried very hard, multiple times, to help him get clean.

Just go listen to Radio Bam episodes on Youtube and you'll see him fuck his life up in real time:

I'm glad he's trying to turn it all around once again, but it won't stick until he admits that he's being a massive shithead and needs to apologise to a lot of people who cared for him. At this point literally everyone from Jackass and CKY including his own family want nothing to do with him, but he keeps lying to himself that it's everyone else who's the problem.

Anonymous No. 172874

I think it's natural human behavior when everything is fucked up to blame everyone, I've done it and I've seen a bunch of people do it.

Anonymous No. 172882

Baker boards are literally 80 dollars right from their website for fucks sakes. Good thing I'm not a Hypebeast

Anonymous No. 172883

>A limited edition deck a day
Bam is never going broke

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Anonymous No. 172885

Like this? Wheelbase doesn't have anything to do with trucks

Anonymous No. 172890

>my experience wasn't real, therefore no one else's was either
>don't listen to schizophrenics

Anonymous No. 172899

Can Bam posters get their own thread? I don't care about that has been. He isn't relevant to skateboarding anymore.

Anonymous No. 172907

WB goes: Ace Indy Thunder Venture, shortest to longest

Anonymous No. 172909

it does a little bit the way the truck is shaped can change the distance of the wheels from each toher. that old guy who quit youtube someone posted earlier epxlains all this stuff

Anonymous No. 172910

Fuck you bam is the goat bamposting is always relevant

Anonymous No. 172912

That is pretty damning evidence.

Anonymous No. 172914

Thanks. Almost all the info but I want height too. From memory Indy is 55mm, mindy is 53mm. Thunder are 53mm or 52mm for team models. Ace classics are 55mm but the new models are 53mm. Ventures are 53.5mm I think?

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Anonymous No. 172915

speaking of gear
my local shop sells shop board for $45. they keep selling out lol.

Anonymous No. 172917

Nah man, past a point the only common factor is you and you can't deny it without being literally insane.

Anonymous No. 172918

Went downtown in my city today and saw Gifted Hater and Ryan Lay filming at a spot. Is there a Sci-Fi fantasy video in the works?

Anonymous No. 172919

Why didn't you call them faggots?

Anonymous No. 172921

>30 year old man children can take responsibility for their own actions blame schizo conspiracy theories instead

Anonymous No. 172924

Ah shitma bit off.
Ok next question, how the fuck is truck height measured? To the middle of the axel? I want to measure my old trucks.

>I will buy a pair of trucks that don't take 12 months to get used to and I never quite do and I will be satisfied!

Anonymous No. 172925

Yeah, bottom of the baseplate to the center of the axle

Anonymous No. 172932

Why would I? I think Sci Fi is sick

Anonymous No. 172948

Yes they are, Joa (Gifted Hater) has gone on a couple trips with the team.

Anonymous No. 172951

The Roger video got posted earlier, but look at this interview.

They all work full time and still rip this hard, it's a nice change of pace to see this instead of some old bum pro that doesn't do shit. Like Chris Roberts.

Anonymous No. 172959

>They all work full time and still rip this hard
>it's a nice change
That sucks desu

Anonymous No. 172979

Well Chris Roberts was always a Manny skater not a jumping off of shit kinda guy and he's also got almost 15 years on that guy.

Anonymous No. 172983

You think it's rad to work full time?

Anonymous No. 172984

yeah this. fucking working i'm going to live with my parents when im 57

Anonymous No. 172998

if you are over 30 and all you do is hit curbs and transition stop telling people you skate

Anonymous No. 173000


Anonymous No. 173005

I bet you can't do slappies or a rock to fakie

Anonymous No. 173009

I prefer skaters like that to the pot belly posers I see at my local that fling their board like they're going to do a kickflip back tail, never land it, and go look at their phone on a bench for 30 minutes after. Then later you see them try a front 50 looking uncomfy on their board and completely miss the ledge.

Anonymous No. 173015

I'm over 30 and I don't skate but I tell people I skate.

Anonymous No. 173025


Anonymous No. 173032

Stop telling people you skate If your 14 and all you do is Ollie off loading

Anonymous No. 173033


🗑️ Anonymous No. 173040

That's the most legit skater out there you gigantic faggot

Anonymous No. 173042

I ollie, and feed ducks
at the park

Anonymous No. 173044

how2 get good at skating ledges?

Anonymous No. 173047

My plan of attack for new ledge tricks is
>Ollie into grind stationary
>Ollie into grind going slow
>Ollie into grind going fast
It's all about getting comfy popping into the grind and then finding where to sit in the grind. Start with fs 50s.

Anonymous No. 173049

skate ledges

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Anonymous No. 173072

If you:
>can ride your skateboard but do no tricks
>can ride your skateboard, but only do 1 trick
>can ride your skateboard, but can't ride switch
>are 5-15 years old
>are 30+ years old
>are a complete beginner
>are an intermediate
>can't pump on tranny
>can't tail stop
>haven't done a single grind
>haven't changed your board in the last month
>haven't got any friends
>can only do slappies
>use skate trainers to learn tricks
>have a wardrobe full of only skate brand clothes
>own thrasher clothing
>like bam margera
>can't change a car battery
>played any of the THPS games
>used your phone to film yourself on your skateboard
>went to reddit even once
>visited slap even once
>are single
stop telling poeple you skate

Anonymous No. 173074

I skate once a month tops at 30 but it's still a very large part of my personality.
>only between 15-30
You copy out sport, style, social media game, why do you want to be us so much?

Anonymous No. 173081

Skate a ledge 3 hours a day everyday for 10 years before you finally realize transition is way more fun

Anonymous No. 173094

nah at low levels maybe

Anonymous No. 173110

Lol, great list. Should be posted at the top of every thread

Anonymous No. 173114

I scored 9. Not sure how having no friends, having played the THPS games, and being single count though. It's not fair.

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Anonymous No. 173119

Thrasher sent me this shirt for my subscription, kinda gay, I just wanted the normal logo

Anonymous No. 173121

Is that an intentional typo?

Anonymous No. 173122

Wearing helmets isn't cool.

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Anonymous No. 173123

I didn't even catch that, I have a tattoo on my leg that looks like that nigga tho

Anonymous No. 173126

Irl people who started skating when theyre older or took a long hiatus and picked it up again are some of the nicest friendliest people just stoked to be on the board but on here everyone has some retarded chip on their shoulder.

Anonymous No. 173130

I stopped skating like 8 months ago at 32 and got fuckin fat. I'm still a skater in my head but I know Im changing into a normie now, shit sucks but thats getting old. My last session I had a meth pipe in my sock, so I ended it on a bad note. I don't even want to skate now that I'm sober, I skated high for 10 years straight I feel like the whole lifestyle is behind me now time to move forward, skating just isnt apart of that. But I'm still addicted to it

Anonymous No. 173132

that's probably just a vocal minority desu

Anonymous No. 173133

Most people in these threads are just shit posting. A degree of gatekeeping is necessary to keep skateboarding pure. Just look at shit like r/NewSkaters where people justify pushing mongo and act like being over 25 means they're physically incapable of skating. In reality they're just fat retards that want to use their age as an excuse to be lazy and become armchair experts on gear and culture. The Olympics has brought an influx of weirdos to skateboarding, so filtering out some of them is a good idea.

Anonymous No. 173135

you can't filter out the lgbt, mark

Anonymous No. 173153

Just bring an impact and take them out

Anonymous No. 173164

>haven't changed your board in the last month
bro that's bullshit go fuck yourself faggot

Anonymous No. 173167

I'll defend mongo pushing, but people who make excuses to not skate because they're "too old" and want a pity party can go fuck themselves. There are literally people with no legs who can skate, NOBODY has an excuse.

Anonymous No. 173191

>act like being over 25 means they're physically incapable of skating
This whole thread is full of people complaining about shit like this lol. Nobody in these threads should be trying to gatekeep anyone lmao.

Anonymous No. 173195

I skated 25 years I'm aloud to gatekeep bro, although I don't see a point on 4chan

Anonymous No. 173212

My friend told me Jason Jesse posts here, is this true?

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Anonymous No. 173243

Thoughts on this and the Nano Cubics for someone getting back into skateboarding?

Anonymous No. 173244

Don't fall for all that memery marketing lingo on that picture, it won't mean jack shit to you (or anyone other than AA). Just get a normal popsicle that doesn't have a graphic designed by a 10 year old, some F4's instead of meme wheels and you're good.

Anonymous No. 173245

Not worth the money, you won't get much use out of it as that other anon said. Maybe down the lineyou will.

Anonymous No. 173248

Lol wtf is this kooky shit

Anonymous No. 173250

I would never buy this shit for the uglyass graphic alone. It looks like literal dogshit trash garbage it's so corny and bad.

Anonymous No. 173254

Don't diss Andy Anderson, mang. Dude's the modern Mullen

Anonymous No. 173256

all street deck graphics are bad

Anonymous No. 173260

>street deck
What does this mean

Anonymous No. 173261

pffthahaha lmao.
ALSO my friend just sent me this, did you guys know Zero has a dog officially skating for the team? very cute. i wonder what team will put a cat on. maybe a pro model cat board.

Anonymous No. 173266

I actually noticed uneven wear on my tail recently and it caused me to change the way I pop and my ollies are coming out straighter now
this made me check as he says to keep the toe more centered in the board and he demonstrates off center popping
I wonder if I get something like that with a flat tail (not that per se, maybe even like a cruiser deck) would it let me get away sloppy popping

Anonymous No. 173268

deck for street skate u bozo

Anonymous No. 173291

>They all work full time

Dude, I always thought their graphics were so fucking wack but thats honestly the sickest part about these guys.

Anonymous No. 173293

alright, fuckin all their parts were pretty tight even that ultra techy natas nonsense

Anonymous No. 173296

>the modern Mullen
>invents no tricks, only products
>promotes himself through Braille and other channels for kids
>makes an ass of himself on BatB and gets completely demolished by normal tricks

Anonymous No. 173298

There are next to no tricks you could possibly invent in skateboard at this point that haven't been done before

Anonymous No. 173299

The only reason people compare him to Mullen is because he is bringing freestyle tricks back into the limelight by promoting himself with wacky products and youtube collabs. I don't hate the guy, but comparing him to Mullen is silly.

Anonymous No. 173301

>>makes an ass of himself on BatB and gets completely demolished by normal tricks
How? Nick intentionally chose switch nollie tricks knowing Andy is shit at them, and it's not like he raged or anything. It was a match-up that came down to a coin flip

Anonymous No. 173311

>cheers for himself every time he misses a trick

Anonymous No. 173314

At least you got something, they never sent me shit

Anonymous No. 173320

i can't pump on tranny,how do u guys do this shit. Want to up my skategame and start skating half pipes and shit

Anonymous No. 173321

kek they gave you the misprint for free maybe it will be worth some money someday

Anonymous No. 173322

yeah that was hard to watch, especially with his titcow gf reading the rules

Anonymous No. 173324

How old are you (and the other guy who thinks working full time is cool)? Have you ever worked full time? This is the death of skating, these guys cannot make a living from it, that ain't cool.

Anonymous No. 173330

>switch nollie
lol what

Anonymous No. 173334

>>makes an ass of himself on BatB and gets completely demolished by normal tricks
I've never seen someone get so wrecked so fast. I was actually shocked he didn't make almost everything thrown at him. For someone with such great freestyle control and transition skills, I would have thought flatground flip tricks would be doable.

Anonymous No. 173335

I think it's all combos or extensions of tricks (extra spins, extra flips, etc), but so few people do freestyle that there's tonnes of untapped stuff in there. Not saying Andy has invented anything, but he's probably done things that less than a dozen people in all of skateboarding have ever done before.

Anonymous No. 173336

honestly in my opinion after coming back to skating after 15 years is that i have come to realize that skateboarders are really insecure
they express their insecurities as disdain for people who are not "in" with the culture/ standards

so hating on people who do things differently or in an "uncool" way is really interesting to me

many "skaters" care way too much about what people think of them and this creates a feedback loop in which they themselves judge others based on what they think they are being judged on

Anonymous No. 173340

Yeah but he comes off of quarterpipes into truck stands so there.

Anonymous No. 173342

I might be wrong but Andy Anderson is only sponsored by skate brands. No corporate shore sponsor or energy drink. I respect that. There is a lot to like about him that I can overlook the cringe stuff. Plus we all have flaws.

Anonymous No. 173343

>Nick intentionally chose switch nollie tricks knowing Andy is shit at them
That's how a competition works you limp wristed nerd
So freestyle boards have better graphics? Post some.
>but so few people do freestyle
Because it's fucking gay
>honestly in my opinion after coming back to skating after 15 years
Your opinion is completely irrelevant. you probably quit skateboarding cause you thought you were too old to be skating by societies standards or some shit. People hate && cause he's a kook and the shit he does is retarded and looks bad.

Anonymous No. 173352

Stop saying kook. No one really uses that word except California faggots and your just copying them. You don't talk like that in real life faggot

Anonymous No. 173355

I grew up on the east coast and me and my friends have been saying kook our whole lives. You have no friends.

Anonymous No. 173362

You and your friends are fags, no one says that on the east coast, we call them fags

Anonymous No. 173368

Lmao your imaginary friends don't count

Anonymous No. 173386


Anonymous No. 173389

>Post some.
no, learn to ignore the shitty graphics unless it's intolerable like the lgbt ones from the demon possessing the artist of unity skateboards

Anonymous No. 173391

Ok you got me I don't have friends now but I used to have a lot and I've never heard the word kook uttered in the east coast once in 30 years, your just attacking me cause I called you in your bullshit word

Anonymous No. 173402

Schizo faggot
You haven't heard it cause your an anti social loser who doesn't talk to anyone and doesn't skate and is full of bull shit. You are in fact a kook.

Anonymous No. 173408

wrong answer, kid

Anonymous No. 173422

when you say stuff like this its just obvious you dont actually skate.

Anonymous No. 173431

there were too many people at the skatepark watching me suck so i left

Anonymous No. 173432

Sounds like something a kook would say.

Anonymous No. 173440

there was one guy at the diy today so I sucked him off I mean he watched me suck

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Anonymous No. 173445

just get a blank
put what you want on it or leave blank

Anonymous No. 173464

I can afford good boards now.

Anonymous No. 173490

I'm thinking of grabbing one of those crailtap mystery boxes

Anonymous No. 173496

you're paying a graphic designer fee, for shitty graphics
unless you like it, then ok buy what you want
tactics does a BBS blank board with a little tactics logo
you can get Chapman blanks that come from clutch

Anonymous No. 173501

As a graphic designer I want to say this is bullshit. You're paying for the marketing bloat. E.g. advertisements, skate team, management, tours, videos etc. The graphic is a tiny cost just to convince you it's worth the extra $$. If you like the brand then I think you should buy it to support them. Skating is in a shit place because the only money coming in is from energy drinks and corporate shoes. So they hold an incredible power over this industry right now.

Anonymous No. 173505

touche, sorry about AI

Anonymous No. 173510

AI made my job easier. I think that's going to be the case for most people.

Anonymous No. 173522

I fucking hate comic shit and anime shit collaborations on skate decks. Idk why its literal fucking corpo slop.

Hookups was the only good brand to slap anime shit on decks

Anonymous No. 173523

i like having a board with graphics on it. i like buying boards from companies i like. simple as. If you pay attention to sales you can get boards for 30 - 40 bucks same as a blank.If your gonna get a blank just spend 10 extra bucks and get a shop deck and support your local (if you like them)

Anonymous No. 173524

>If you pay attention to sales you can get boards for 30 - 40 bucks same as a blank
This. I got my last two decks from clearance at a local shop.

Anonymous No. 173530

local skatepark is small and now i find myself smoking more then skating when i go there. How do I get motivated?

Anonymous No. 173532

I always get hyped if I watch a video or part that resonates with me before I go out skating
I only smoke after I'm warmed up and breaking a sweat

Anonymous No. 173565

Skate the street bozo

Anonymous No. 173568

what does it mean to "hit curbs"

Anonymous No. 173573

i believe he means doing slappies

Anonymous No. 173593

you can't be serious

Anonymous No. 173597

Think of it as something like 'make use of.'
>I'm gonna go hit the gym
>You hungry? Let's hit Wendy's on the way back

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Anonymous No. 173603

>that come from clutch
I will gladly pay extra to not skate clutch boards.

Anonymous No. 173606

who the fuck says "hit curbs"? its called doing slappies. swear most of the people itt dont skate

Anonymous No. 173609

>doing slappies

Anonymous No. 173610

>doing a slappy 50
>doing a slappy 5-0
>doing a slappy blunt

yes faggot that is what we say in english speaking countries

Anonymous No. 173613

What else could they possibly mean?

Anonymous No. 173620

You could do slappies lots of places, hit curbs means to go to those curbs.

Anonymous No. 173623

Shut your gay ass up bitch.

Literally not true pus you said "street decks" lmao.

Anonymous No. 173626

Eat a dick, faggot.

Anonymous No. 173627

No you eat a dick faggot. I will not eat a dick.

Anonymous No. 173646

29 have been working full time for some time and still have alot of time to go I just think it's cool that they aren't letting it die and still getting after it

>This is the death of skating, these guys cannot make a living from it, that ain't cool.

I think it's more like life in spite of all other odds

Anonymous No. 173647

shut up kook
east coast native

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Anonymous No. 173649

>keep trying to land trick and dont
>normie observers shout ‘WOOO’ regardless
>hit a death pebble and fling by board backwards
>a different crowd of normie observes shout out another WOOOO

Anonymous No. 173655

I know that feel. At least they weren't yelling "do a kickflip!"

Anonymous No. 173665

Fair, that's definitely a glass half full approach.

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Anonymous No. 173672

>Go to literally any fucking skatepark
>Every single time, without fucking fail, there are always shitty fucking 'scene' posers and their stupid backpacks clogging up the park
>Always wearing long pants and black jackets despite literally sitting in the hot sun, and immediately gravitating towards all of the shaded spots of the park
>Always just sitting around up on the quarter pipes or by rails, not caring if they're in the way or not
>Maybe one of them actually has a skateboard, and all they do is sit on it or roll around without even attempting any of the obstacles, let alone barely being capable of doing a single ollie on flat, and if they're feeling daring, they'll rarely roll up the quarter pipe a few inches before flailing their arms around when they go backwards
>Forced to smell their shitty godawful weed, pot, whatever
>They feel compelled to act like obnoxious shitheads about fucking everything, always talking shit off to the side, always littering, always yelling stupid shit at people just trying to skate, thinking they own the park, and generally just act hostile to everyone else at the park

Anonymous No. 173693

>Go to literally any fucking skatepark
try not living in a flyover state

Anonymous No. 173710

That sucks. There are some parks that are more ghetto than others, but typically any park is chill as long as you go early and avoid going on weekends.

Anonymous No. 173715

Mostly on weekdays you'll see these types of kids because they're getting off of school and think that the skatepark is the perfect place to trash up. Otherwise my only local has issues with violence, drugs, homeless, and worst of all bikers.

Anonymous No. 173718

what state actually

Anonymous No. 173734

>Watch YT short of skateboarding
>Dude is riding a stranger things board with stranger things griptape

Literally the dumbest shit i have ever seen fuck this collaboration slop

Anonymous No. 173747

Lol, that's worse than the Primitive+Anime collabs. Can you link to the short?

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Anonymous No. 173760

wtf happeded to Jordan Richter ?

Anonymous No. 173765

fucking lmao. some old pros are glaring examples of CTE

Anonymous No. 173766

Should I get contacts instead of skating with glasses, and if I do skate with glasses, should I just wear a helmet or have a strap to keep them on

Anonymous No. 173776

I don't wear glasses, but you should be good if Diego Todd can skate like this with nothing holding them

Anonymous No. 173786

kek based retard

Anonymous No. 173791

kook answer. his clips are so boring. hurr durr SMOOOOOOOKES

Anonymous No. 173795

So who's yours?

Anonymous No. 173812

no i wont post a clip

Anonymous No. 173814

You can't be your own favorite skater, hoe.

Anonymous No. 173819

This is the real kook answer

Anonymous No. 173828

Flight decks are too expensive foe their own good. I have one and it made the worst razor tail I have ever seen.

Anonymous No. 173866

this, I try and go early.on my days off, and usually get the park to myself

Anonymous No. 173891

any fellow chicago bros who went to that 45 foot rail jam today?

Anonymous No. 173911

I don't wear glasses to skate, because I sweat a lot and they get dripped on and I have to clean them constantly. I also feel like the one time I faceplant I'll be wearing them and smash them, so I make sure I wear contacts instead so it never happens.

Anonymous No. 173913

I wear glasses without issue. My current pair is nice and snug. Before I would wear a glasses strap from Amazon. You can find some pretty low profile ones .

Anonymous No. 173929

If you wear glasses you don't skate.

Anonymous No. 173931

Can't see shit without glasses

Should I get snow skate now that northern wasteland is frozen?

Anonymous No. 173936

Not all of us can have perfect vision. I literally can't see shit unless it's less than an inch away from my eyes.

Anonymous No. 173939


Anonymous No. 173944

If you wear underwear you don't skate.

Anonymous No. 173945

If you've had sex you don't skate.

Anonymous No. 173946

I skate.

Anonymous No. 173949

Anyone here flatfooted? What shoes do you wear?

Anonymous No. 173950

If you skate you don't skate.

Anonymous No. 173953

Converse CONS AS-1 are what I skate all the time but i use those personally made arch support insert things in the shoes too but otherwise without those half cabs with those new pop cush things were the most comfortable with my flat feet

Anonymous No. 173957

How do you skate when it's freezing outside?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 173960

It's not quite freezing where I live yet. I just got back from a sesh and it was about 40-42 Fahrenheit. The hardest part is getting warmed up, but after that I'm skating in a t-shirt comfortably. Usually keep my beanie on though.

Anonymous No. 173966

Doctor Scholl's inserts or just a random brand?

Anonymous No. 173968

no i went to the doctor and they made one for me

Anonymous No. 173971

Can’t wait to skate tomorrow morning bros it’s been a minute I’m ready to act foolishly

Anonymous No. 173972

how can one man be so based

Anonymous No. 173973
post vintage skate videos
Got a Richie Jackson part in my youtube reccs a few weeks ago and I've been hooked on Death Skateboards vids ever since

Anonymous No. 173974

thats cringe as fuck plus they will secretly still hate him, dude has to move and change his name. only option.

Anonymous No. 173975

Just keep on and do as you did before. Every community needs a villain, and that's you

Anonymous No. 173982

>think I strained my knees
>take a couple days off, feeling mostly better
>walk outside this morning
>all of a sudden slight pain is back
>go inside, no pain at all
kek it was just the cold

Anonymous No. 174019

new HSS vid really makes me wanna skate

amazing he doesnt realize how lame he looks sitting in his room like a dork making this vid, at least gifted hater is kinda funny and can skate

Anonymous No. 174020

time to pack it up gramps

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Anonymous No. 174041

>roll my ankle on Halloween

Anonymous No. 174061

if you post here and you're not the villain of your local skate community you're not a true channer

Anonymous No. 174063

couldn't give less of a fuck about anything going on in my skate "community" and the losers at the skatepark besides a handful of good people

Anonymous No. 174064

I'm fine sonny just had a good session

Anonymous No. 174078

i got a golf ball shinner 5 minutes into the sesh. its a cursed night.

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Anonymous No. 174100

>Trying to find local skate shops
>Permanently closed
>Permanently closed
>Permanently closed
>Permanently closed
>Finally find something
>8 miles away
Should I just kys myself

Anonymous No. 174116

I got a stummy ache from eating too much candy

Anonymous No. 174120

order what you need from skate shops online

Anonymous No. 174125

How come indoor skateparks always have a lot of girls compared to outdoor ones

Anonymous No. 174132

>Should I just kill yourself myself

Anonymous No. 174135

Because they're indoors and not outdoors.

Anonymous No. 174141

why do they love that THOUGH

Anonymous No. 174145

Air conditioning, ports to charge their phones

Anonymous No. 174148

usually theres none of those THOUGH

Anonymous No. 174157

I don't go to indoor parks, but I've been seeing more women at skateparks in general. Especially at the newer/nicer parks.

Anonymous No. 174158

Probably just there for attention or to film TikTok videos

Anonymous No. 174185

what wrong with Zumiez

Anonymous No. 174202

Make a new ghys

Anonymous No. 174210

American and irish anons never discussed BA.KU. even though it was Halloween

Anonymous No. 174221

Trying to get back into skating after buying a board during lockdowns
Any good tutorials on learning some basic tricks? Shove its, Ollies, etc

Anonymous No. 174222

last night i had a really scary slip out. i dont remember how i caught the board that caused the slip out so either i bopped my head and my vision went black or i closed my eyes immediately until i hit my tailbone which i do remember hitting then seeing my board blast off.
im kinda just freaked out how i dont have any sign of head injury/whiplash but still dont remember shit how the slip out happened.

Anonymous No. 174229

>what I skate all the time
Nigger these shoes just came out

Anonymous No. 174232

move it girls

Anonymous No. 174237

Braille Skateboarding

Anonymous No. 174260

Yea and I've been skating them ever since they came out (all the time) brotha

Anonymous No. 174277

dont learn anything stationary
once you're comfy enough pushing regular or goofy, start practicing riding switch

Anonymous No. 174294

Nothing, bro. If that's what you got, that's where you shop. Skaters can be silly as fuck about a whole lot of things and Zumiez is one of them.

Anonymous No. 174392

That's the joke