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๐Ÿงต /esg/ Enternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 174231

Bad weather incoming edition
old bread >>171708

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Anonymous No. 174233

>last night i had a really scary slip out. i dont remember how i caught the board that caused the slip out so either i bopped my head and my vision went black
>im kinda just freaked out how i dont have any sign of head injury
>but still dont remember shit how the slip out happened.
You have a concussion anon. That you're even slightly unsure of what happened and that your vision went funny, if just for a moment, is a classic sign.
I happen to be an expert on this subject, I've had 4 concussions already and one was so bad I was rushed straight to the hospital :DDD

Anonymous No. 174265

>people of Tsociety are running for their lives

Can we agree that whoever liked Pennywise after 13 is an asshole?

Anonymous No. 174268

Also Raybourn has a really great interview that just came out

He was always one of my favorites

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 174281

Why is skateboarding so popular with mutts?
I know it's socal, but goddamn they're everywhere in these videos.

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Anonymous No. 174286


Anonymous No. 174290

new thrasher mag came with a cool newspaper print pic thing of the FA skate jam :o

Anonymous No. 174311

I love SkateMoss so much

Anonymous No. 174313

Why are Baker decks the best seller? Was there something I missed?

Anonymous No. 174317

Holy shit this thread sucks so far

Anonymous No. 174321

yeah raybourn rules

stop posting faggot berrics videos you fucking scientologist shill

bams whatever but bro don't you have your own thread, post him skating and not these weirdly gay pictures

Anonymous No. 174328

I thought Chromeball had stopped renewing itself

Anonymous No. 174369

No he still does the web interview sometimes, but the more serious interviews on the older pros are running in Closer magazine now.

Anonymous No. 174398

Any experience on snowskates?
Should I get one for easier access to training?

Anonymous No. 174404

I had one growing up, but I preferred just skating in parking garages

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Anonymous No. 174415

Anybody else was a drug addict or is it just me

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Anonymous No. 174423

Not a full on addict, but there was a couple of years when myself and all of my skate buddies stopped skating to drink and smoke and used too many mushrooms

I passed by a local shop today. Spitfires are now all 50 dollars. Who do they think they are?

Anonymous No. 174425

Why didn't you skate while drinking and shrooming? Sounds like skating isn't in your veins

Anonymous No. 174426

Hard drugs? No.
I typically smoke a spliff after warming up.

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Anonymous No. 174436

>head shop offered 5% off total purchase to beat high score
> got 77k
>get 10% off
>buy set of royals for $45 and some incense

Anonymous No. 174442

No, drugs are the gayest thing in the fucking universe and anyone who makes a personality of it is a gigantic faggot.

Anonymous No. 174471

no hard drugs, no booze, just good ol devil lettuce

Anonymous No. 174482

Good board brand for heavier dudes?

Anonymous No. 174493

That looks like a cool shop. What game is this?

Anonymous No. 174505


Anonymous No. 174529

Man I love incense.

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Anonymous No. 174537

lmao thats amazing! nice work anon.

Anonymous No. 174538

Do you guys like the style of skating in the new Heroin video

Or do you guys like the style in this new Killing Floor promo more?

Or maybe you even like both

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Anonymous No. 174550

I done fucked up.
The most basic shit did me in.
Simple ollie.
Heard and felt a pop.
Hoping it isn't broken. FUCK!
I may be done skateboarding for good as I can't take large amounts of time off work.

Anonymous No. 174551

>Hoping it isn't broken
bro lol
also nice feet

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Anonymous No. 174553

Uh oh

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Anonymous No. 174555

Only a slight difference.
Wife is pissed. Been telling me for 2 yrs I was going to get hurt. I knew I would eventually but not on a fucking ollie. Pissed at myself.

Anonymous No. 174556

That's fucked. You gonna get it x-rayed?

Anonymous No. 174558


Anonymous No. 174559

Yeah, waiting for the swelling to go down to see a sports Dr tomorrow and see how it feels.

Rice? Explain.

Anonymous No. 174564


Anonymous No. 174566

lay down, put the leg above the heart, get a bag of peas or (ice that youve thrown against the counter top in a bag two or three times) hold it till its so fucking cold you cant stand it, then compression bandage and put the ice over bandage

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neco arc it'....jpg

Anonymous No. 174580
>nollie back foot impossible backside 180
now that's an ultimate

Anonymous No. 174591

maybe globe since they use epoxy, or anyone who uses epoxy idk

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Anonymous No. 174593

Worst scooter experience?

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Anonymous No. 174609

Thoughts on new redum drop?

also alternatively thoughts on haveagreatdaymag

Anonymous No. 174636

Old school shaped decks are fun but I can never find the right trucks foe them

Anonymous No. 174666

i concussed myself off a rolling shuvit on flat
im retarded now and want to kill myself

Anonymous No. 174679

fall better next time or wear a helmet my man

Anonymous No. 174683

>i concussed myself off a rolling shuvit on flat
How? Did you slip out and fall backwards? How heavy are you? I'm sorry that happened.
>im retarded now and want to kill myself
You should keep skating

Anonymous No. 174696

for me i use a 159 indie winkowski on my 10 inch old school

Anonymous No. 174702


Anonymous No. 174703

Its it okay to skate outside after the rain?

Anonymous No. 174709

No, if youre found doing so you will be stripped and beaten

Anonymous No. 174710

That's how I tore my knee up and ruined my life.

Anonymous No. 174711

Like literally my life has been fully ruined ever since then. I almost still feel like I'm living in a nightmare that I should wake up from soon. Except I'm not waking up.

Anonymous No. 174714

might ruin your bearings

Anonymous No. 174716

Do you even want to still skateboard or are you just still addicted to the culture like me

Anonymous No. 174740

>That's how I tore my knee up and ruined my life.

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I want to die.jpg

Anonymous No. 174772

I think about skating every day. A few weeks ago I walked by some kids skating and I couldn't resit being that one cringe "I used to skate too" kook and asked them to try a board. Landed some tricks too, which baited me into thinking I can skate again, but my knee hurt for a week straight after. Didn't even jump any stairs.

>had no time to skate for two whole weeks
>frustrated with the gay wageslave life went skating ASAP
>starts raining literally as I'm done warming up
>summer and hot so I'm like fuck this
>I NEED to skate
>rain stops after 20 minutes, wait for another 30 to dry out because it was hot as hell
>get impatient and start skating in the wet regardless
>do a baby front 180 up a manny pad
>I don't pivot my 180s, I fully rotate
>I also have new wheels (fuck bones) and that combined with the wet results in a powerslide in the opposite direction of where my momentum is
>left (popping leg) knee gets twisted like a bitch and snaps
>it's over

You can imagine that if I fully rotate my 180 and stomp it into a powerslide, but was going fast at the same time, the forward momentum, combined with the sideways momentum form powersliding, and my legs being planted to the board, since I'm fucking sliding and can't bail out, would result in my knee getting twisted in a way it shouldn't twist. If I was a pivot faggot this wouldn't have happened. I would have powerslid forward and fallen on my ass.

Anonymous No. 174779

>How? Did you slip out and fall backwards? How heavy are you?
i landed straight legged and slipped out. i thought id catch myself with a hip landing but im a noob still and was unprepared to skate on smooth concrete with 101d wheels. the asphalt and rougher concrete i usually skate on let me feel if the board is going in a direction sooner than just doing it if that makes sense. im only 155.

Anonymous No. 174781

Is it broken though? It just looks like a very bad sprain? Take a month off you'll be fine

Anonymous No. 174782

If you haven't already, go to a fucking dr, man. If you heard a pop it could also be ligaments/tendons tearing, not just a break. You do not want to find out later that you can't walk properly anymore, while also knowing it could have been prevented if you had just gotten it checked out.

Anonymous No. 174796

Go to the doctor. If that heals with an improper set you're going to walk fucked up the rest of your life.

Messed up feet leads to bad: knees, hips, lower and upper back.

Go to the doctor faggot.

Anonymous No. 174828

Damn, that sounds brutal. I appreciate the breakdown. I recently sprained my foot to the point I couldn't walk for a couple days. I had it looked at and luckily didn't have any serious issues. Similar to you I was too eager to skate. I didn't warm up like usual and tweaked my foot landing primo on a kickflip over a kicker to kicker. I'm still recovering and I find myself thinking about injury a lot more. I'm desperate to get back on my board, but stories like yours and others have me thinking about how better to approach it to reduce my risk of injury.
How bad was the concussion? I've never hit the back of my head skating. I did tear up my lip faceplanting when I had braces as a teenager though. It's crazy how quickly the ground can come at you if you aren't prepared for it.

Anonymous No. 174836

I'm glad your shit wasn't serious bro. At least you tried more of a real trick than me. I got my life ruined on a eyes closed warmup trick. To make it worse it was the worst pain I've felt. That shit hurt insanely bad and I swear I'm no bitch. I'm staying there holding my knee rolling on the ground in pain and literally nobody in the entire park gave a shit. Just one kid came to leave me my board and that was it. After probably a whole minute of squirming like worm I got up and some faggot had the audacity to tell me to just rub on it. I'm in shock still and almost fainted. Hobbled over to a bench and sat there for like 10 minutes. It hurt a lot but it kind of lessened and I thought it wasn't that bad. I couldn't accept it was literally over. Fully delusional still, probably have a high tolerance to pain idk. I hobble over to my car and drove to the store to get groceries before going home. I didn't my shopping in the store leaning on the card and riding it basically. My knee got super fucking warm so that was covering the pain a bit and I thought I was maybe ok. I don't wear skinny pants and at the register I notice that my left knee is entirely filling my pant. I go home and take them off, my knee is swollen like a bitch. I sit down for a bit thinking I'll decide if I need a doctor in the morning before it started hurting like a literal bitch again and I noticed my range of motion is literally fucked. I drove myself to the ER and a nurse saw me get out of my car asking me what happened. Dude straight up said nah bro I can tell it's bad, you shouldn't be walking, and put me on a stroller straight away. Worst day of my life probably.


Anonymous No. 174840

>I didn't my shopping in the store leaning on the card

Literally stressing so bad I type like I'm having a stroke lmao.

Anonymous No. 174846

physical exam says im fine and my ct found no bleeding so im not dying which is alright. the first two days i felt intense depersonalization thinking my previous memories werent real and sense of time just flying by which slowly is getting better. the last 4 days my focus and attention is noticeable worse making be constantly backtrack and im talking like i just woke up.

Anonymous No. 174856

I already quit skating but these stories make me never want to step on a board again, especially since I have no insurance

Anonymous No. 174860

Want me to make it worse? I'm a yuropoor and we have "free healthcare". In the ER they just drained all the blood from my knee with a bigass needle, which was a nightmare mind you, then gave me some pain killers, anti inflammatory pills, and crutches (my ROM was near zero). Next day I call the free healthcare shit to get an appointment set up. Woman on the phone probably left bad or I don't know because I sounded like I'm done with life. She set me up at the most expensive clinic in town (allegedly the best). I go there in a few days to get checked. Dude goes yeah it's fucked, you need an MRI. I go at a third party clinic for an MRI, which takes ages of you staying still in a coffin basically. I go to the clinic with the scans CD for a second checkup. Doctor acting sus as hell. Talking about how he can't open the file, how the image is too blurry, how this place where I got my MRI scan was trash, and he can't diagnose me. Then he did some retarded tests on my knee. Retard literally started twisting it. Hurt like a bitch. I'm sitting there all demoralized and trusting this faggot, but then I get a grip and tell this bitch to stop. Starts talking about how it's fucked, about knee replacement surgery, transplants from cadavers, new treatment, first in the country, only their clinic does it, etc. I call the health insurance org again demanding another doctor at a different place. Had to argue on the phone for like an hour and sweet talk this bitch until she gave in. I go to the other place. New doctor opens the MRI scan file with no issues, everything is perfectly visible. I tell him what the other guy did, what he said, and the retardedass tests he did on my knee. This fucking faggot literally lied about the diagnose, and the MRI, and tried to tear my knee up even more by twisting it, and also lied about the treatment. He basically wanted to coerce me into doing some experimental shit so he can get a shit ton of money and also use me as a test subject.

Anonymous No. 174861

For a long time I genuinely thought about getting a ski mask or some shit and jumping that first faggot somewhere with a bat. Deadass breaking both of his kneecaps, but then I got over it after a while. Lyingass faggot piece of shit I hope he gets hit by a truck. I fucking hate doctors.

Anonymous No. 174866

Damn son all I have to say is lol

Anonymous No. 174867

I was lurking slap and some tranny wants to cut their dick off, that place is fucked

Anonymous No. 174882

Holy shit, that's fucked. I don't even know what to say. I'm sorry that happened to you. I thought American healthcare was grim. A lot of medical professionals are money grubbing assholes.

Anonymous No. 174907


Fuck, Iโ€™m quitting skateboarding tonight. Iโ€™m 36 and my insurance is awful. Donโ€™t want to risk it.

Anonymous No. 174910

If you want to do anything with a snowskate, u have to get an expensive high quality (ambition) snowskate with the extra grip. Its also quite the learning curve. It took me a season to get used to mine but they are kinda fun

Anonymous No. 174915

Allegedly American healthcare is the best in the world, albeit very expensive. Don't know for sure, but in general the people that are attracted to the doctor's profession are typically self absorbed psychos. Hurr durr I just wanna save lives and help people. Like no bitch all you want is money and will even go as far as to cutting penises of skaters that go to slap, just to make a shekel. Don't even get me started on dentists. Have you guys seen how many people, especially Americans, walk around with fucked up jaws because they were coerced into wearing braces as kids, when they literally had no need to? People with awkward as shit mouth movements when they speak. Drooling all over the place, being unaware of their saliva strings. I'm glad I never fell for the braces scam. It's literally only for people with fucked up teeth or jaws.

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Anonymous No. 174926

Yo I forgot about BATB. Apparently we're in the finals soon. Rooting for our guy Nick Holt aka Nick Bolts. Shout out Majer Crew (RIP).

Anonymous No. 174933

if you dont wanna get hurt fuck off

Anonymous No. 174952

>Rooting for our guy Nick Holt
Stop it

Anonymous No. 174954

I know you want me to root for reddit's guy Jamie but I refuse. Tyler I don't care about. It's not 1962 I can't root for Cole.

Anonymous No. 174964

Jamie was a neet who smoked weed all day and learnt autistic flip tricks in his ted shed

Anonymous No. 174965

Weed is reddit.

Anonymous No. 174972

Don't quit bro. Just be smart.

Anonymous No. 174991

Now a slap mod also wants to cut their dick off

Anonymous No. 174992

link to thread?

Anonymous No. 175000

It's the queer thread that's fucking stickied to the front page

That place used to be fun r.i.p.

Anonymous No. 175030

>It's the queer thread
i mean, what do you expect them to be discussing?

Anonymous No. 175038

Normal gay shit. There's a big difference between being queer and wanting to cut your dick off

Anonymous No. 175046

True. The latter is becoming more common unfortunately.

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Anonymous No. 175062


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Anonymous No. 175064

>reppers have nothing better to do with their sad lives than constantly lurk and obsess over what they know they can never be
Many such cases!

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Anonymous No. 175067

What does reppers even mean in this context

Anonymous No. 175071

So the second place got you fixed up, right? Or you just felt happy that they said the pictures were ok?

Cadaver transplant is totally common. Surgery is the only thing that can make your knee not torn.

Anonymous No. 175079

i was at the park today and i was just goiing decently fast and i fell off somehow and hit my entire right side of my body on the mini out ledge stair thing at a pretty good speed
how do i know if my rib is broken :( really dont want to take a break and i cant believe something so small and stupid did this

Anonymous No. 175091

Advice for doing an ollie as a big fat retard?
How bad does it hurt? Is it bruising bad? Does touching it fuck you up? I'm Euro so i'd say go to doctor but if you're something else maybe just go up to firefighter or someone with medical training.

Anonymous No. 175101

>Advice for doing an ollie as a big fat retard?
It's not different for you because you're fat, retard.

Anonymous No. 175103

>I'm a yuropoor and we have "free healthcare"

Looks like not for long, un-fucking-fortunately. What did you expect, magic pills that heal you?

Anonymous No. 175107

I don't know but what I expect from you is not to be a retarded slaggot on 4chan. Retardedass post. Why did you even reply with this?

Anonymous No. 175155

>Anon, if you see a girl fall (like a real fall, eating shit and probably injured) when skating, how does that make you feel? What is your immediate reaction? Is it any different than when you see a guy fall?

Anonymous No. 175165

sounds dumb, but i think my skating has suffered significantly when i stop trying to do lines

Anonymous No. 175166

I saw a girl eat total shit in the bowl, I told her to just lay there for a while but I think she thought i was making fun of her because started trying to get up right after, anyway she hobbled over to her car and that was the last time she came to the skatepark. Bummer cause she was black as fuck and I wanted to bone. If you ever want to pick up a girl at the skatepark just tell her she has a sick style

Anonymous No. 175171

Lines are the best. I always land tricks more consistently if I do lines over and over. It makes the repetition in mastering tricks easier for me.

Anonymous No. 175175

Of cocaine you mean?

Anonymous No. 175190

whats stopping me from beating the resellers and buying fake jordan 1s and LARPing as caballero in the bowl?

Anonymous No. 175212

post a tranny who is actually good at skating and ill do it for real this time

Anonymous No. 175213

there's no such thing as bad weather
just pussy bitches

Anonymous No. 175216

Is anyone here actually sponsored?

Anonymous No. 175217

maybe you weebs will actually watch this Aussie vid

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Anonymous No. 175218

Is element any good anymore? Read a reddit post that guy skated a element complete for two hours and its snapped at the back tail and element warranty wont cover it lmao

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 175220

>Read a reddit post
Go back kook

Anonymous No. 175243

With Elements you are safe with pro models or whatever collab boards they're doing. Some Element boards are Walmart quality so I honestly try not to fuck with them unless one of the above mentioned is at a very good price.

Anonymous No. 175301

Only if you get the actual "serious" boards. The little kid completes are not meant for anyone other than small children. The use BBS or a Chinese factory that is actually pretty good for the pro boards.

Anonymous No. 175305

>there's no such thing as bad weather
I'm not trying to get a waterlogged board from rain or snow. I will be skating in parking garages though. Maybe an indoor park if there are any that aren't totally packed.

Anonymous No. 175338

Guys look at this its p cool

Anonymous No. 175344

Sick video. The shoes are a bit odd looking

Anonymous No. 175347

oh god I just saw them. WHAT is this thing???

Anonymous No. 175358

tried it in real jordan 1s and man its so fucking comfy, dudes knew what they were doing when they wore them

Anonymous No. 175359

I could see myself skating the black ones. It looks like the silver shoes are limited quantity and signed by Leo Romero.

Anonymous No. 175368

I wear Adidas when I skate. More specifically, Yeezys.

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Anonymous No. 175369

If I only had some shoes...

Anonymous No. 175380

Chris Cole will win

Anonymous No. 175388

Literally impossible.

Anonymous No. 175405

Better him than the other guys

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Anonymous No. 175434

I saw an Andy Anderson doppelganger at the park today. Dude would yell angrily every time he didn't land his trick

Anonymous No. 175444

Christmas is here early, new Atlantic Drift

Anonymous No. 175447

Shit was fucking gay, I hate this era of shit skating being acceptable, fucking skatepark kids are better and have more swag than the current pros, it could have been cool since it was in Thailand but shit was ass and oh God the gay ass b roll footage fuck man

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Anonymous No. 175448

Bout to drink up some kratom right now doggy

Anonymous No. 175449

When I'm geeked off the maeng da? that's the real me

Anonymous No. 175450

Who exactly do you take issue with?

Anonymous No. 175452

Everyone and everything I already layd it out little man literally no one had good swag especially compared to insta kids we need Rockstar in skating the kids need to have idols to worship

Anonymous No. 175454

>we need Rockstar in skating
Are you the Bam poster?

Anonymous No. 175457

You know if more people agreed with me instead of being condescending faggots skating would be a lot cooler. Name one rockstar level skater for zoomers there's none, maybe tyshawn but he's not that cool

Anonymous No. 175464

>everything I already layd it out little man literally no one had good swag especially compared to insta kids we need Rockstar
are you a boomer from a third world country?

Anonymous No. 175465

this general is so shit all of you kill yourself i doubt any of you even skate

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Anonymous No. 175468

i skated today

Anonymous No. 175469

Me too. I'm going to the park tomorrow, you guys can come if you want.

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Anonymous No. 175470

first time I've rub bricked and lacquered a curb. turned out real nice. probably had about 10 sessions on it now.

Anonymous No. 175542

Remember bros, style always matters

Anonymous No. 175550

That looks like a beautiful curb

Anonymous No. 175552

I skated from 97-2022 it was a good run. Can anybody beat my score?

Anonymous No. 175553

I will eventually because I don't plan on stopping

Anonymous No. 175554

That's what I said too

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Anonymous No. 175557

It looks great. Nice work anon.

Anonymous No. 175589

batb finals in 2 hours. whos gonna watch?

Anonymous No. 175590

I wasn't going to but I am now

Anonymous No. 175592

I forgot all about that lol thanks for reminding

Anonymous No. 175595

i think jamie will have an easy win, he's just too op. but i hope nick wins.

Anonymous No. 175599

I would love for Cole to win, but I doubt he will

Anonymous No. 175601

thanks to your dubs, he will not win.

strim is up

Anonymous No. 175602

I changed my mind, I don't want nick to win anymore. whatever he's wearing is atrocious

Anonymous No. 175609

>cariuma....and ohhh hummm more cariuma....interlude - - - - cariuma..... Did I mentioned cariuma? No? I'm sorry more cariuma then
No thank you, I'll watch the resume later

Anonymous No. 175610

The amount of ads has been staggering

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Anonymous No. 175613

Do you have a board just for cruising? Was thinking of getting one of these

Anonymous No. 175619

>Nick skunked Andy
>Jamie about to skunk Nick

Anonymous No. 175622

Whyโ€™d you stop?

Anonymous No. 175625

'03-present. I'll beat yours without even thinking about it

Anonymous No. 175628

I started on 98 and entered in a hiatus when the pandemic begun in 2020, now I'm married and i have no plans to skate regularly, maybe I'll return when I get too fat.

Anonymous No. 175633

damn, it will probably be Jamie winning these competitions for years now. Glad that other faggot didn't win though

Anonymous No. 175641

Kinda bummed our guy Nick lost. He choked big time though. Bro has zero dawg.

Anonymous No. 175642

Is Elissa Steamer actually a girl

Anonymous No. 175643

Can confirm she actually is a girl.

Anonymous No. 175656

Because that shit turns kinda gay in your 30s, it really should become gay in your 20s but I'm autistic

Anonymous No. 175657

nah, it's just you man.
see: leo romero, rune glifberg

Anonymous No. 175662

Classic cope. You probably just got lazy and fat.

Anonymous No. 175669

I can't think of a single time where I was too lazy to skate.

Anonymous No. 175675

There is no cope shit is just gay now what am I supposed to do something I don't want to just because "skate for life bro", nah fuck that

Anonymous No. 175679

skate culture is corny as fuck but it's still a good form of exercise, thats how i look at it now. im almost 30 too so i get it

Anonymous No. 175689

fair enough

Anonymous No. 175696

it'll hit you when you get older. i treat it like going to the gym like >>175679 said. hardest part is getting your ass to the park.

Anonymous No. 175701

Skate culture is just a bunch of terrible zoomer memes and Rage With The Machine politics

Anonymous No. 175711

favorite skate kino from this year?

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 175725

don't worry, later on you'll be reincarnated as one of these two and skating will no longer be gay

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Anonymous No. 175726

Don't worry, later on you'll be resurrected as her busting sick tre flips in a maid outfit and it won't be gay at all

Anonymous No. 175728

Is 28 too old to get back into skateboarding
The last time I skated was from 13 years ago

Anonymous No. 175732

Has any based ESG anon made a 2024 printable pdf skate calendar with some cool inspiring images they wouldn't mind sharing? Maybe we could contribute images/ideas and some attention to detail/shoop Chads could knock something up in a pdf anons could print out with 12 months/12 images. Thinking like A4 portrait mode top half cool image and bottom half each month. Maybe some ESG branding lol. I would have just bought one for like equivalent of 20 bucks or whatever (if it wasn't like 30 bucks for (((shipping/duty calculated at checkout on jbay))) as no such thing is for sale in my country. Cheers.

Anonymous No. 175733

fuck how do I do reverts or slide the board
my wheels are 92a and it just feels like they're stuck to concrete
should I be like doing a minijump to partially unweight the board?

Anonymous No. 175735

use 99a or 101a wheels and see how easy it suddenly becomes.

Anonymous No. 175736

I am 29 and i went out skating one time and pulled my muscle
still can't skate a month later

just be careful and warm up real good

Anonymous No. 175747

its almost two weeks now after my concussion and my insomnia still hasnt went away. doctor gave me an antipsychotic called quetiapine for sleep and all the side effects and stories about it dont seem positive, so i used benadryl instead but that isnt good either for sleep. i thought i would be skating again soon but my brains perma fucked instead.

Anonymous No. 175749

I made a personal /esg/ calendar and it's all pictures of that fat brown dude who posts here

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Anonymous No. 175759

>my concussion and my insomnia still hasnt went away.
>doctor gave me an antipsychotic
dude wtf

Anonymous No. 175760

canadian doctors are demonic vassals for pharmaceutical companies is what id say if i had real schizophrenia.
the pill did work at knocking me out. its my brain not working by slowing my heart during rest

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Anonymous No. 175768

this thread is legit terrifying, im only 18 but if i had to quit for good in the next 10-20 years due to injury id probably kill myself, i have nothing going for me and i spent the last decade falling in love with a sport i canโ€™t even get a scholarship off of but itโ€™s cool.

Anonymous No. 175770

Yeah I feel like kms every single day. It's been like 3 years since IT happened and I still crave skateboarding every day.

Anonymous No. 175774

If it's any consolation, I'm 29 and haven't had to be off my board for more than a week or two for a sprain. Just keep yourself healthy as you age.

Anonymous No. 175775

Ha. Got a link?

Anonymous No. 175778

I'll just post more 2023 full lengths then

Anonymous No. 175796

yes actually on the minijumps

Anonymous No. 175800

>0 replies
scooters are cool confirmed

Anonymous No. 175802

I typically only see kids on scooters, so they get a pass for being oblivious cause they're kids. In general I think "serious" scootering looks really silly. It's also magnitudes easier to get good at than skating, bmx, or fruit booting.

Skatepark denizens go other Skaters >> BMXers >>> Fruitbooters >>>>>>> Scooters

That said, I typically only go to parks in the morning or early afternoon on weekdays, so I only ever have to deal with 2 or 3 people.

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Anonymous No. 175803

92a is kinda nearing "softish" territory
pic related, its me

Anonymous No. 175817

Bikefags snake me far more than anyone else, and they have the exact same skill level as scooters. There are only so many ways you can ride a bike, same with scooters.

Anonymous No. 175818

Yeah, maybe I don't fully grasp the difficulty gap between the two. I just think BMX looks cooler than blading or scootering. There honestly isn't many bikers at any of the parks I go to so I haven't been snaked by them.

Anonymous No. 175819

slap server is down. that place is beyond cucked but at least their threads dont move like molasses

Anonymous No. 175820

I hacked them.

Anonymous No. 175834

Almost 34 and the only real difference is I need to workout and stretch now when before I went 15+ years without either. But I found I enjoy that stuff too so it's no biggie. Seems you either take the healthy route once your body starts to wear and tear or become a bum.

Anonymous No. 175846

They mine as well there hasn't been a good post in months

Anonymous No. 175847

Opinion on Mike VALLELY?

Anonymous No. 175851

I half respect the man, but he sold his soul to Cariuma scientologists

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Anonymous No. 175852


Anonymous No. 175854

Bam is too fat to be trying that

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Anonymous No. 175861

Me n bam have the same body I even kinda look like him shit sucks.

And I'm bouta go to a narcotics anonymous meeting just to see if there's any chicks there, I definitely feel like bam bros

Anonymous No. 175869

during covid jaws was streaming tetris on twitch, apparently he's like part owner of the tetris world championships or some shit now

Anonymous No. 175883

tomorrow is the final jam of the year sooo sad, i took off work for this im glad my job lets me call off whenever so i can skate

Anonymous No. 175887

Youre mum moves like molasses with her fat asses

Anonymous No. 175892

I love AD, but this was a bit boring and underwhelming compared to the previous releases.
some anon posted this webm in a Bam thread ages ago with the filename 'blunt to fat cunt' and I laugh about it every time I see Bam posting.

Anonymous No. 175893

Glad to see you lads are still posting here, dont live anywhere skatable anymore, but as I've gotten back in shape I'm gonna pull the board out again before I hit 30... Hopefully.

Anonymous No. 175894

Good luck and make sure to watch out for the knee goblins.

Anonymous No. 175912

tyler peterson has to be one of the most disgusting guys ever. I'm glad Griffin beat him.

Anonymous No. 175924

Griffin is disgusting too though. He looks like he smells like cheese and weed.

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Anonymous No. 175926

>He looks like he smells like cheese and weed.

you big goobers, Primitive beats the other companies to the punch by starting their sales early
boards under 30 dollars, this is a good time to stock up.
especially when some other companies are selling decks for 80+

Anonymous No. 175927

Primitive has reddit graphics though and I can't skate an ugly board. It either has to be cool as heck or a black. No ugly shit.

Anonymous No. 175931

just buy it and sand off the graphic with excess griptape, ive done that before.

Anonymous No. 175936

Nah I don't need it. I don't even skate anymore.

Anonymous No. 175937


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Anonymous No. 175938


Anonymous No. 175939

Does anyone have any opinions on 99a dragon wheels and how they feel vs formula 4's? Kinda wanna try em but I have no complaints with F4's so idk if the internet hype is just marketing or organic enthusiasm

Anonymous No. 175940

woa your organic post wasn't up when i started writing my post that contained the word organic what the hell is going on

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Anonymous No. 175941

um what the

Anonymous No. 175944

Are you the poster that wants to be a fox? I've seen you on other boards

Anonymous No. 175945

>Are you the poster that wants to be a fox?
no way wtf. i just stole that picture from /an/

Anonymous No. 175946

ben degros did a review on them and they screech like nails on a chalkboard. no thank you

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 175949

i canโ€™t do an ollie to save my life, how the fuck do you guys do it? Iโ€™ve seen a ton of tutorials but nothing seems to work

Anonymous No. 175951

post a video

Anonymous No. 175954

What was the post

Anonymous No. 175955

someone asking how to ollie

Anonymous No. 175968

If any beginner anon wants an autistic breakdown of the best way to learn how to ollie, let me know. I've been through the process over the last year, going from shit, unstable ollies to ollies that I often get compliments for. I took notes along the way and would be happy to sum them up for desperate anons looking for a routine to follow that will get you there. It's all still fresh in my mind, so I still remember all the dumb mistakes that stopped my progress and I might be able to explain how to fix it, and probbaly do it better than people who have it nailed and just tell you to commit.

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me rn.jpg

Anonymous No. 175970

no but seriously it won't stop raining

Anonymous No. 175971

skating is so much more exciting in a big city. I can't move out for another year at least. shit sucks
t. middleofnowhere cuck

Anonymous No. 175972

Agreed desu. The downtown spots are always a million times better. Think of the marble plazas...

Anonymous No. 175973

My advice for young people is to quit skateboarding and find a hobby that makes money, like coding or carpentry or some shit, the sooner you do the better off you'll be

Anonymous No. 175974

who asked

Anonymous No. 175977

lmao fuck off

Anonymous No. 175991

Do you guys have tips on avoiding injuries? Late 20s and starting to feel it. Just been skating for about 1 year

Anonymous No. 175993

Stretch and stretch constantly?

Anonymous No. 175994

Terrible advice. Young people should be exploring life to it's maximum while they can. As you age your free time dwindles and responsibilities pile up. When they finally are in the grind they'll have a hobby to fall back on and enjoy.
>find hobby that makes money
Dumb. For monetary independence young people should focus on any consistent pay check and learn how to budget and invest now, so in 10 years they can reap the rewards of what the rest of us didn't do. There is no reason an 15 yr old can't flip burgers for 10 years and be a millionaire by 25.

Anonymous No. 175995

starting to feel what? knee pain? back pain?

wear good shoe insoles like sofsole orthotic or the vans popcush
don't get greedy with tricks
progress iteratively don't skip steps
take video of yourself and analyze what to improve on
learn to powerslide if you havent already, both frontside and backside, on various surfaces to get a sense of how much force to apply to lose and regain traction. you will learn to respect slick surfaces and ride them with caution

Anonymous No. 175996

I do normal stretches since I play other sports and hit the gym occasionally (mostly upper body). Are there any key or niche stretches I must know?
I fell and hurt my knee. Also the shin pain is bad but itโ€™s temporary. I changed vans to hi and it has really helped my ankle.
What about as for falling? How to fall better? Also
When olling down higher surfaces what would you recommend to protect the ankle?

Anonymous No. 175997

>power yoga

Anonymous No. 175999

>What about as for falling? How to fall better?
most skaters who know how to fall optimally wont be able to tell you how, because they started so young that it's purely innate muscle memory.
since you started past your teens i would recommend practicing whatever they teach in parkour, so id watch a bunch of parkour videos or go to a beginner parkour meetup and emulate what they do
if you can stomach it, go to the hallofmeat instagram and learn from mistakes people make there. it's an underrated resource because people make a LOT of the same mistakes. one example is opening your shoulders forward when doing a 360 flip, and when they land towards the front of the board they zoosh out and whack their head. if they never opened their shoulders they would have fallen on their arm instead. sweep your spot clean of any pebbles if you're gonna do drops.
>what would you recommend to protect the ankle?
learn how to kick your board away from you so you don't land back on it. that's how most ankle injuries happen, when your foot expects to land on a flat surface but gets nudged by your board being in the way.

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Anonymous No. 176010

I wear a size 13, is an 8.25 ideal? About to bite the bullet on one of these

Anonymous No. 176018

Literally why would you buy this ugly soulless reddit piece of shit?

Anonymous No. 176019

Neck yourself you dumb retard

Anonymous No. 176020

I just know you're an autistic unwashed and unshaved fat fuck with your size 13 ogre feet and zero knowledge on skateboarding gear.

Anonymous No. 176021

You're just mad that you have an incredibly small penis.

Anonymous No. 176022

Your auntie said I'm the biggest she's had.

Anonymous No. 176023


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Anonymous No. 176026

Stop using reddit as a buzzword

Anonymous No. 176029

It's not a buzzword, dumb ESL. Powell is in fact reddit.

Anonymous No. 176030

Uh-huh. And what boards do you ride, poser

Anonymous No. 176032

You're the poser. I ride creature. One of the 4chan approved brands.

Anonymous No. 176033

>He's legitimately worried about something as worthless as a 4chan seal of approval
How to tell me you're underage without actually saying it

Anonymous No. 176034

Nobody asked you, slaggot. Go back.

Anonymous No. 176035

Lol caught, underage

Anonymous No. 176036

Don't you have forum threads about cutting your penis to take care of right now?

Anonymous No. 176037

I accept your concession.

Anonymous No. 176038

What am I conceding? You being a slap tranny? Sure.

Anonymous No. 176046

>4chan approved brands.
your brain is melting. you need a break.

Anonymous No. 176050

Go back.

Anonymous No. 176052

was excited to see so many new posts in this thread only to find out it's two autists arguing with each other feelsbadman

Anonymous No. 176053

Wait until you find out its the same nutjob replying to himself

newafag No. 176056

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Anonymous No. 176058

hehe kitty meow meow.

Anonymous No. 176059

labelling boards as reddit or 4chan is silly, but the Powell flight deck is all I ever see on r/newskaters. Yes, lurking there is rage baiting myself. It can be funny sometimes. It's usually overweight dudes thinking they need a special board so they go for the flight decks. So Creature 4chan anon isn't entirely wrong.

Anonymous No. 176060

I would go 8.5. I wouldn't waste your money on the flight deck. Just go for normal BBS wood. Take a look at the Slap woodshop directory and find a brand you like that uses BBS.

Anonymous No. 176061

what do you fools make of these contests? What other spots should be resurrected? I think Carlsbad would be sick.

Anonymous No. 176062

>labelling boards as reddit or 4chan is silly

No it really isn't if you think about it. Reminder to all cucks in here that unironically the most important thing about skating has always been being cool and saying fuck you. It's been that way since day one whether you like it or not. I sure as fuck am not skating some gay corny shit like a powell deck with their gay corny youtuber crew. Gatekeeping has always been a part of skate culture as well. Basically anything I don't like and think is gay and corny equates to reddit, and if you have an opinion that can be described as reddit, I'm gatekeeping you. Creature on the other hand looks cool as hell. They're OG. They skate hard. Very easy for me to give them the 4chan (the place all reddit and slap fucks come to to try and fit in and be cool) stamp of approval. Pussyass with your powell deck fuck outta here. Anyone that disagrees clearly doesn't skate or has been casually doing it for a few years at most.

Anonymous No. 176063

tfw its dark by half 4 now
i like it, the hubba hideout one was good too

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Anonymous No. 176064

Guys I have bad news. I went to the local today because I wanted the new Static video. Apparently they only ordered two copies and they already sold out. I asked if they were going to get more but the owner sort of just shrugged at me.

I am very envious of people with competent skate shops. I just ordered it from another place across the fucking country and it's going to be here in a couple of days.

Anonymous No. 176066

>I sure as fuck am not skating some gay corny shit like a powell deck with their gay corny youtuber crew
I mean, I agree with this, but I'm not going to go out of my way to shit on people if they wanna ride some wack shit

Anonymous No. 176068

Going to a shop to pick up a video? I haven't done that in like ten years. Is it not going to Youtube after a while?

Anonymous No. 176069

>I haven't done that in like ten years

Anonymous No. 176070

Yeah, I didn't think people still bought videos from shops like that. My local shop closed down in 2014

Anonymous No. 176074

Well I will. This isn't the nice guy club.

Anonymous No. 176075

The only possible way you'd even know that to begin with is if you're a redditor yourself and even bother going to such places

>Don't waste money on a board that's guaranteed to last twice as long as a normal board because some faggot on 4chins might make fun of you (even though they'd never have the balls to say something irl)

Anonymous No. 176079

Post videos proving that you're a better skater or simply fuck off, because you're literally just having a meltdown over nothing as far as I'm concerned
>muh gatekeeping
And how well has that worked out for you so far? People like you have voices that don't matter but try to act as though you're the most integral players in the sport, when you're fucking worthless

Anonymous No. 176080

Stop being niggers and purchase a deck the white man way... Go to the shop and ask to see up to around seven boards you could see yourself wanting, now put them on the carpet and stand on them and pretend like your doing moves, pick the one that feels best for you. The only way to find what shape and concave you prefer is to stand on the deck and compare. Stop buying decks like a uninformed nigger

Anonymous No. 176081

Better skater than who? Set the standard to beat, retard. Do you even skate? In here all triggered and shit by me saying powell is reddit, and that being reddit is bad. You are quite literally an offended redditor.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 176082

I don't go to reddit at all, unlike you, clearly. So who's the real redditor when you know off the top of your head what reddit loves and hates? Shut the fuck up and fuck off, faggot nigger

Anonymous No. 176083

>I don't go to reddit at all

So why are you so triggered?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 176084

You're the one kicking, crying, and screaming by trying to act influential, nigger. Dirty white trash.

Anonymous No. 176085

>Go to the shop
good one anon. half of the posters here have already have confessed to being too afraid to visit a skateshop.

Anonymous No. 176086

Nice projection retard. Control your emotions.

Anonymous No. 176087

My local is literally 15 miles away.

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glasses cool.webm

Anonymous No. 176090

it rained for one day here in so-cali

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Anonymous No. 176093

Nigga cars exist

Anonymous No. 176094

Is that too far away or are you saying its close by?

Anonymous No. 176098

I literally admit to lurking reddit in the post you replied to. I think flight decks and other gimmicks are usually a waste of money.
>guaranteed to last twice as long
what a load of shit

Anonymous No. 176100

It's literally the same as a normal board but replacing two plys with fiberglass, how is that a gimmick
That's like saying urethane wheels are a gimmick after steel and clay
>what a load of shit
Obviously it isn't indestructible, but if it can be fine being ran over by 3-4k pound vehicles, then what's the problem?

Anonymous No. 176102

They've been doing carbon fiber plys forever. I had a Flip board that had them and it snapped just as quickly as every other deck I've had. Anecdotal I know. Maybe they've gotten better, but I don't think its worth spending more money when wood will do you just fine. You can buy whatever you want though.

>That's like saying urethane wheels are a gimmick after steel and clay
We don't have carbon fiber decks everywhere because it doesn't respond the same as wood. If everyone switched over to it then you know its legit. Companies have been dicking around with carbon fiber plys for decades and none of it has had wide spread adoption.

Anonymous No. 176103

>one example is opening your shoulders forward when doing a 360 flip, and when they land towards the front of the board they zoosh out

Bro that has happened to me but whacking my head fortunately

Anonymous No. 176104

But no**

Anonymous No. 176105

im one of the most hated skaters in NY due to my edgy 4chan persona. id get jumped walking into any shop and most skateparks

Anonymous No. 176107

You sound 15

Anonymous No. 176108

me and my friend were skating this cool ditch which has a gap from the side walk to the actual thing itself and i hit my head and the concrete cut me up TERRIBLY :|
thanks for reading

Anonymous No. 176109

damn, hope you heal up and go back and land whatever you were trying

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Anonymous No. 176117

r8 my locals boards

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Anonymous No. 176118

are you in St. Pete...

Anonymous No. 176119


Anonymous No. 176120

I like them. Nice wood grain. Logo isn't too crazy.

Anonymous No. 176123

hope u feel better anon

Anonymous No. 176124

I need to hit up the shop. Went to Zumiez and all the decks were 70 dollars plus. Would a local shop have better deals? Or should I order online? Wanting to spend 40-50 at most on a new deck

Anonymous No. 176127

Link up

Anonymous No. 176128

A local shop will most likely have shop decks for cheaper. They might have clearance decks too. Either way its better to support them than a Zumiez

Anonymous No. 176129

Shops usually have shop decks in that price, that's how much boards cost now so you would have to find a deal online if you want a pro board, pro boards and shop decks are the same

Anonymous No. 176131

>Regular board
>7-ply maple

>Pro board
>7-ply maple

Anonymous No. 176133

there is price point wood and higher ,quality wood from most brands

Anonymous No. 176139

I go to shops to put boards on the carpet and stand on them and pretend like I'm doing moves

Anonymous No. 176145

a few, a very small fraction, not most. just go on slap and learn the woodshops and you'll know what you are getting.

Anonymous No. 176153

Friendly reminder.

If you:
>can ride your skateboard but do no tricks
>can ride your skateboard, but only do 1 trick
>can ride your skateboard, but can't ride switch
>are 5-15 years old
>are 30+ years old
>are a complete beginner
>are an intermediate
>can't pump on tranny
>can't tail stop
>haven't done a single grind
>haven't changed your board in the last month
>haven't got any friends
>can only do slappies
>use skate trainers to learn tricks
>have a wardrobe full of only skate brand clothes
>own thrasher clothing
>like bam margera
>can't change a car battery
>played any of the THPS games
>used your phone to film yourself on your skateboard
>went to reddit even once
>visited slap even once
>are single
stop telling people you skate

Anonymous No. 176155

But enough about you

Anonymous No. 176156

i'm 32

Anonymous No. 176158

>can't pump on tranny
Skaters have to bang trannys as a requirement? Man you guys really are fags.

Anonymous No. 176161

>$54.99 for just a deck
>$125.99 for a complete (Tensor Trucks, Mini Logo Wheels, Abec 7 Bearings)
Would it be a better investment to just buy a deck and pick out my own trucks, wheels, and bearings?

Anonymous No. 176167

I think one thing with older skaters when they are getting into it or just starting is now that we have money, we want to spend like we couldn't when we were kids. I was close to falling for the flight gimmick myself at one point.
Soon you'll learn it's better to spend that money trying different brands, shapes, sizes throughout time instead of having one indestructible board that you're stuck with and ends up sitting in your closet because you want to try something new.
Even if you're a big fat fucker, a regular ass wood board can handle a lot. Look at skate videos and look at how grown men are throwing themselves off big gaps or stairs and landing back on their boards just fine. Surely a wooden board can handle you trying to roll down your driveway.

Anonymous No. 176169


Anonymous No. 176170

point to the one that called you out and hurt your feelings, anon.

Anonymous No. 176172

help him guys

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Anonymous No. 176180

I scored 8/23. I'm gonna go skate now.

Anonymous No. 176181

>>can't change a car battery
this was such silly moment in /esg/ I'm glad people still remember it.

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Anonymous No. 176184

>can ride your skateboard, but can't ride switch
>haven't changed your board in the last month
>haven't got any friends
>played any of the THPS games
>went to reddit even once
>visited slap even once
>are single

Guilty as fuck

Anonymous No. 176185

oh but i dont tell people i skate so were good

Anonymous No. 176191

saw some retard pushing down the street with a tiny surfskate setup without pivoting his front foot to face forward from sideways to get better pushes and thought he was dumb but it made me want to skate again

Anonymous No. 176203

why can I ollie when standing still, but not when rolling?

Anonymous No. 176204

Because you aren't used to doing them with momentum. You need more practice while rolling.

Anonymous No. 176220

I haven't skated in 3 weeks and have now probably lost all my progress in the last 6 months

Anonymous No. 176225

where is /esg/ skating this weekend? anyone battling a trick that got away? or practicing something you just learned?
also a bunch of online stores are starting black friday sales this week. get those deals while you can

Anonymous No. 176227

I'm going to lot 11 you guys can come if you want

Anonymous No. 176229

>lot 11
That place looks awesome. First time I saw it was from that birthday edit Jamie Thomas filmed there.
Weekends are for street skating. Most my regular parks will be crowded. Might go downtown or to the local university.

Anonymous No. 176234

damn you guys are old as fuck. talking about being in your 30s too scared to get on your board because you don't have life insurance. really makes me grateful to be young and able to skate whenever I want

Anonymous No. 176235

This, id be embarrassed to be that old and still skating desu

Anonymous No. 176236

It'll happen to you.

Anonymous No. 176246

i'll make the most of it.. lol working on my nose grinds out of shit rn

Anonymous No. 176249

When you get old you lose the social anxiety and stop caring twitchy anon

Anonymous No. 176263

I'm in my 30s and still jump down stuff

Anonymous No. 176268

I wasn't scared, but now I'm paying the consequences.

Anonymous No. 176272

That's because they're afraid of everything.

Anonymous No. 176273

i think skating has no age frendo

thats why i will take care of my body and stretch daily so i dont have to sulk like an old fuck constantly

who tf are you?

godspeed anon.

i think theyre valid idk

Anonymous No. 176274

btw im psychotically smelling my cotton candy wax rn fuz im fucking retarded and cant get enough of the smell its like crack or like smelling salts but not for fags (or mega fags depending on how u see it)

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Anonymous No. 176277

dude what

Anonymous No. 176278

Meanwhile you have people trying to learn how to skate for the first time in their 20s or 30s. Anyone who started early in life should be stoked.

Anonymous No. 176279

I'm going to make a new thread in a few minutes because I feel like it.
We don't have to wait until the thread is so old. We can do whatever we want.

Anonymous No. 176280

Go now

Anonymous No. 176282



Anonymous No. 176283

Do it the thread is done

Anonymous No. 176503

words cannot come close to how much i fucking hate every one of you posting here. absolutely fucking infuriating reading your stupid fucking questions and shitty excuses for banter. i can smell when i encounter someone that frequents these threads and you have no idea how close you are to getting your throat slashed. the way you talk, your choice of filler words in passing conversation, your mannerisms, your accent, your lack of balance, your attire, your trick selection, your warmup, your lack of ability to gain knowledge from observing which is the only fucking way to progress, your all of it sucks so fucking bad i cant do anything other than pity your pathetic existence staining this earth. fuck you all and die as soon as possible

Anonymous No. 176795

Bitch you won't do shit you fucking pussy wigger