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๐Ÿงต /esg/ Enternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 176281


Skating in cool weather edition

Anonymous No. 176284

How do i overcome anxiety and actually go to a skatepark? I recently landed my first tre and realized i never been to a park

Anonymous No. 176285

just stop being a bitch

Anonymous No. 176286

Realize that no one will care how good you are. Just go and skate. It's what it was built for. Go early in the morning/afternoon if you want to see less people there.

Anonymous No. 176287

I lied i went one time early morning on a Saturday and got called a faggot by some teens km traumatized

Anonymous No. 176288

maybe take off the all the pads and helmet then fag

Anonymous No. 176291


Anonymous No. 176301

hahaha if you're getting bullied by little kids then rofl

Anonymous No. 176303

Because of the rain , I spent this morning putting together some clips from last weekend. My editing work still needs some tweaking but I'm satisfied with how it came out.

Anonymous No. 176314

Nice, that park looks fun

Anonymous No. 176317

finally got to skate today after having to travel all week for work it was the first time i had to take a day off barring the weekly day off the pool felt weird for a little bit but it warmed right back up to me was pretty tight not thinking about anything and feeling the transition again

i can imagine getting mogged by little rippers it happens all the time but im relatively unbothered at this point im just doing my thing for me basically

also getting to skate definitely regulates the kms energy

Anonymous No. 176321

I don't know why I hang around here, I really wanna move on from skating but I can't, I want to change

Anonymous No. 176322

No one asked you collosal faggot

Anonymous No. 176324

Then get out already you complete sperg. You just sit there crying about your little sore knee all day long.

Anonymous No. 176326

I'm not the euro knee guy

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Anonymous No. 176329

Anonymous No. 176333

0.10 or 0.25 riser pads?

Anonymous No. 176334

>riser pads
Are you skating bowls or building a cruiser?

Anonymous No. 176335

I like the purple one

Anonymous No. 176336

Street, but I have mini logo trucks

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Anonymous No. 176338

has anyone tried knockoff dunks from china? wonder how they skate. they're about $40 shipped to the US.

Anonymous No. 176339

Sick. Those Ollies NEED to be higher up on that transition though

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Anonymous No. 176341


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Anonymous No. 176342


Anonymous No. 176346

got my first ccs catalog in a long time, and wow the ccs brand itself has a huge selection of products now. insulated jackets, egg decks, tons of pants options, and even ceramic bearings. wonder if deck and clothing brands are gonna stop associating with ccs eventually because they're making so many competing products.

Anonymous No. 176348

there's a billion different sellers and all the reviews are probably fake. and even if the shoes get delivered they may not fit or be the color you chose. you're better off buying from a brand to get a consistent experience.

Anonymous No. 176387

nobody uses riser pads

Anonymous No. 176402

I know but I'm scared

Anonymous No. 176403

too bad their products are shit

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Anonymous No. 176419

Well, that's it boys, I think that's me done.

Wifey and I in hospital now. I knew I should have listened to her and not have pushed so hard but my bearings were dirty and needed a clean.

Snapped in two places. Doc says one will heal but the other he's not so sure.

Stay safe out there guys. You don't wanna end up with a wonky penis like me.

Anonymous No. 176421

you broke your penis trying to clean your bearings?

Anonymous No. 176438

>Haven't skated in years
>Rode a 7.75 in my young teens
>Have big feet, not sure if I should just go with a standard 8, or something between an 8.25 or an 8.5

Anonymous No. 176439

>Doc says one will heal but the other he's not so sure.
>You don't wanna end up with a wonky penis like me.
Hey, at least the other one is still normal.

Anonymous No. 176445


What happened, again?

Anonymous No. 176451

Go to a shop and stand on some boards

Anonymous No. 176453

fUCK bros why does World industries get sold at my local canadian tire?

When did this brand turn to shit?

Anonymous No. 176456

around 1999, more or less

Anonymous No. 176462

Esg is learning

Anonymous No. 176469

Jason Fart just released a video part.

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Anonymous No. 176472

The other day I went to pic related and I ATE SHIT so hard I was seeing stars.
The ground is so insanely slippery. There is a visible layer of sandy dust and grime on the floor. I know there are a couple of Floridian posters here. The next time I make it down to Miami I will need to bring different wheels or something.

Anonymous No. 176475

looks like fun, my local thats under a bridge is also super slippery and dusty and full of pigeon shit. On another note when i was in florida visiting in tampa i checked out bro bowl and SPoT and it was really nice and florida locals are great you guys have it good down there

Anonymous No. 176481

Not only but that but the Heat also gentleman's swept the bombston smelltics last season. Florida must be great to skate in.

Anonymous No. 176490

Just bought my first set of f4 conical fulls. I've never had spitfire or anything but a classic wheel shape before. I'm stoked to try them out.

Anonymous No. 176491

very nice. you'll like them.

Anonymous No. 176500

What were you trying when you ate shit?

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Anonymous No. 176508

Over on the right side, you can kind of see it on the picture, there is that banked quarter pipe with the ledge in the middle, odd design desu
I was trying to grind over and across the whole length of that ledge. I did it but when I was coming back in the transition my board completely slid in the opposite direction, so my body just smashed into the ground lol

Anonymous No. 176513

Where is your local? sounds kinda like my old one.

Anonymous No. 176514

>odd design desu
they're actually really fun and even cooler when it's in the middle of the bank instead of being at the bottom. learn to skate a ledge/get tech.

Anonymous No. 176520

damn, I've also skated some slippery parks and been laid flat on my chest from slipping out

Anonymous No. 176529

that looks amazing

Anonymous No. 176534

chicago northside if you know you know

Anonymous No. 176548

words cannot come close to how much i fucking love every one of you posting here. absolutely fucking enthralled reading your incredible fucking questions and hilarious witty banter. i can sense when i encounter someone that frequents these threads and you have no idea how close you are to getting respectfully dapped up. the way you talk, your choice of lovely encouraging words in passing conversation, your mannerisms, your accent, your abundance of balance, your attire, your trick selection, your warmup, your successful ability to gain knowledge from observing which is the only fucking way to progress, your all of it rules so fucking much i cant do anything other than congratulate your awesome existence replenishing this earth. love you all and wish you the best

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Anonymous No. 176550


Anonymous No. 176553

ive been skating for over 10 years and there are girls on instagram who started during the pandemic and are doing tricks ive never done before. I need to step my game up or kms fr.

Anonymous No. 176555

where around chicago can i skate in late january? im visiting next year

Anonymous No. 176558

You don't skate

Anonymous No. 176559

yeah it's cold outside, i will pick back up in the spring :)

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Anonymous No. 176561

I'm dumb. I didn't realize you had changed the post to be positive. Is this a new /esg/ pasta? I just barely noticed the negative one in the old thread.

I went skating today, but the snow is coming soon. gotta get some last minute fall sessions in. powersliding through fallen leaves is always fun too.

Anonymous No. 176571

how tf do you tre flip

Anonymous No. 176572

scoop that shit

Anonymous No. 176573

You have to really snap/scoop your board with your backfoot. You can learn them anon, I believe in you.

Anonymous No. 176575

I lost these by not doing them enough, so now I get to relearn them. yay I guess

I'm 90% sure I need to put my front foot further up (the kickflip part isn't finishing most of the time) but my muscle memory is fighting it kek. weird as fuck because my muscle memory as it is now can't do a 3 flip. probably my setup changed, I went from high trucks to mid trucks, and possibly tighter.

Anonymous No. 176577

to add onto this, I think my body is really "fighting" to keep the 3 flip from getting away from me. from what ive observed on instagram I need to release my weight/jump off the ground earlier relative to the scoop.
im so jelly of kids who can do this trick with little effort. which seems like everyone these days

Anonymous No. 176579

I lost tre flips for a while too. I just started trying them all the time. I can land them 9 times out of ten now. I like doing them after landing ledge tricks and I always end a session with one. Just practice them every time you skate and you'll get them back.

Anonymous No. 176580

well once you learn it, it's impossible to forget, i didnt skate for like 8 years and it was one of the first tricks i relearned

Anonymous No. 176582

do you do more of a mark appleyard/kalis/bobby worrest 3 flip, or a lazy back foot 3 flip?
I wanna get mine like this kid. looks so easy for him

Anonymous No. 176583

what circumstances led you to not skate for 8 years

Anonymous No. 176585

my legs fell off

Anonymous No. 176587

mine have a lot of flick and whip-around fast

Anonymous No. 176588

>in late january
im sure itll be too cold but if you can pass through that the park i was referring to is Logan skate park, theres also an indoor park thats super sick thats a bit north of chicago called asylum skate park or the other one fargo which is a bit further west

Anonymous No. 176596

Has anyone tried Powell's grip tape at all
How do you like it, and what would you compare it to
Or should I just get Mob like everyone else

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Anonymous No. 176605

No idea if anyone here can help me, but there's a 5ft mini at my local similar to pic related, but with less flat, so it's more compact and U shaped. I'm trying to learn basics, but mostly to get up on the coping for a 5050 stall, or even to just do a fly out, but I can't even get close to the top before I get yeeted forward off the board. The green line on pic related is where I usually get to, then I get thrown forward into the ramp coping, or have to jump onto the top but my board gets left behind. What the fuck do you have to do to maintain balance getting towards the top of coping on anything over 3ft? I think I'm leaning into the ramp too much, but when I try to adjust and lean back it feel like I will lose control, slip out at the top backwards and eat shit.

Anonymous No. 176606

Grip is grip. It's all the same.

Anonymous No. 176613

skateboarding is the ultimate jestermaxxing hobby

Anonymous No. 176614

Are you calling us clowns?

Anonymous No. 176615


Anonymous No. 176616


Anonymous No. 176617


Anonymous No. 176618

This is a female's argument. It's just griptape. For skateboarding. I'm not repainting a car or making my own fender from scratch where griptape types matter and have different applications. I'm riding a manchild's toy. It's all the same. There would only be a difference if I spray painted a penis on it or not.

Anonymous No. 176619

it is different

Anonymous No. 176620


Anonymous No. 176621

different grip

Anonymous No. 176622

Such as?

Anonymous No. 176623

as in grippier

Anonymous No. 176624

Can you name two griptape brands, one you like and one you dislike?

Anonymous No. 176625

jessup not grippy enuf mob too grippy grizzly pretty good

Anonymous No. 176626

So if you're at the /esg/ skatepark and forgot your board and asked us to try our boards, you'd be able to tell which is jessup, which is mob, and which is grizzly, and which is black magic, and which is vitosha grip?

Anonymous No. 176628

no a clown is a performance artist while a jester is an entertainer who can improvise on the spot

Anonymous No. 176629

i wouldnt be able to tell because you all have muddy boards and id slip off

Anonymous No. 176630

So there's no difference then.

Anonymous No. 176631

there is id just be like wow this is grippy

Anonymous No. 176632

If I gifted you a free creature board with jessup grip on (the 4chan choice) right now would you regrip it or skate it as is?

Anonymous No. 176633

i would shoot you dead because youre from 4chan

Anonymous No. 176634

Cap. You don't have a gun.

Anonymous No. 176635

There is noticeable difference in grit, not griptape brand itself. New Black Magic is much more coarse than new plain Jessup for example. If you are pretending there is no difference at all, with any grip, then you are just trying too hard to look cool.

Anonymous No. 176636

Lean further back than you are. After you slip out and eat shit lean back less than that the next time. Repeat until you're at the coping then try to replicate that till you have it down. Have pads on.

Anonymous No. 176637

see >>176632

Anonymous No. 176639

Stop being weird I'm not giving you my address you pervert.

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Anonymous No. 176640

yeah, i'm no fucking professional or anything but after skating jessup I tried mob once and it fucking ruined everything, my style, my shoes, how everything fucking clung to my foot it was like my board got all fucking sticky but not in the cool way

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Anonymous No. 176641

yeah you can feel the difference with your fingers. that other poster is being retarded on purpose

Anonymous No. 176643

Answer the question faggot.

Yeah jessup has always been the best.

Anonymous No. 176644

shift your weight more actively

Anonymous No. 176646

I prefer Mob, but only after its broken in a bit. I haven't rode anything else in a while. Might try some Pepper on my next deck.

Anonymous No. 176653

im gonna go skate the bowl now YIPEEE

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Anonymous No. 176655


Anonymous No. 176665


Anonymous No. 176666

i did my first alley oop today

Anonymous No. 176667

checked, alley oop what though

Anonymous No. 176668

alley oop upside invert

Anonymous No. 176669

Tried out my conicals for the first time today, They felt great. I had bones STF that were worn down to like 47mm, so the jump up to 54mm was really helping my pop. Overall great session.

Anonymous No. 176670

Dam gotta see my family again I was fucked up blacked out (piss drunk) last Thanksgiving now I gotta feel shame

Anonymous No. 176671

I got invited to Thanksgiving and I regret not going.

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Anonymous No. 176672

I'm not going to Thanksgiving this year

Anonymous No. 176678

I am going to Thanksgiving
I will eat pumpkin pie
I will land a 360 flip

Anonymous No. 176681

im probably just gonna go to the park for thanksgiving, god everyones gonna think im a loser

Anonymous No. 176682

I want to do the same, but its supposed to rain all day tomorrow

Anonymous No. 176692

learn how to roll back and forth by pumping the transition. once you get that down you can try kickturns before you try stalls.

Anonymous No. 176695

i will be skating during the day but arriving fashionably late afterwards to see family (they think i'm a super loser)

Anonymous No. 176704

Should I get a shaped board as my very first pro model skateboard, or just go with the tried and true popsicle shape like a normie

Anonymous No. 176707

Just grab a shop popsicle until you know things like, "I love the shit out of axle stands and want a flat bit on my nose."

Anonymous No. 176709

im just happy to not have to work today

i will hit some slappys

Anonymous No. 176710

Guess there's no way around it, I'm gonna have to eat the shit. I think I'm just scared of the coping so I'm subconciously auto-bailing when I get closer to it. I can do it on smaller minis, cause if I bail it's barely any higher than being on the flat, but bailing bigger transition feels bad.

Anonymous No. 176712

There's no way around facing your fears because skateboarding but I always try to solidify my foundation before facing the fears. Like you can ride the shit out of those smaller minis until you're absolutely comfortable on them before you go for the larger mini. It's the same thing as rolling around for months vs trying to learn ollies right away, it's always better when you're more comfortable on the board. It ain't a race and even if it was, time spent getting your balance and board control right saves time later.

Anonymous No. 176715

Think about it like the gym. Everybody is just doing their own thing trying to improve. 99% of people are chill but it is more fun with friends personally.

Anonymous No. 176718

yeah and with skating you pretty much automatically make friends if you're not an annoying faggot

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Anonymous No. 176719

Should I go with the 52mm 93A dragons or try the 52mm 93A nano cubics
I feel like the really only difference between them is that the nano cubics is wider and can't be reversed when they cone

Anonymous No. 176721

No, you should buy some bones instead. These are reddit memes.

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Anonymous No. 176722

these are unironically great skate shoes i put some shoe goo on it to protect it but they still look so cool, im excited to see how theyre gonna feel in the bowl tomorrow

Anonymous No. 176723

Melanin shoes.

Anonymous No. 176724

everything's a meme to you guys

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Anonymous No. 176725

they make me feel like a member of the bones brigade thoughbeit

Anonymous No. 176728

Not true. I only call meme things meme.

Anonymous No. 176729

has braille's entire team rotated out? I don't recognize any of these people lmao

Anonymous No. 176730

Would you be able to stick around this dude? I would be able to hang around because of his ovice alone. High pitched beta reddit voice cracking cartoonass voice.

Anonymous No. 176731

yeah that's what makes it so much fun.
I was just wondering if there was some huge drama exodus. I remember fetty getting arrested or something.

Anonymous No. 176734

There could be. There's always retarded high school tier drama with these youtube cucks.

Anonymous No. 176735

These really are kind of a meme wheel, but if you want an opinion you can trust check out papa ben's review

Anonymous No. 176736

Pretty sure these dudes have been around 3 years or more.

Anonymous No. 176740

That's what happens. People move on with their lives and don't want to be stuck doing the exact same thing all the time. The way they record videos probably takes it out of the majority of people who do them. They should really just stick to doing one per week, but it's probably Gabe that's encouraging the extreme schedule they have. People get tired of having a camera pointed at them 24/7.

Anonymous No. 176745

Nigga you really know these niggers names? Lol

Anonymous No. 176746

>ebonics speaking zoom zoom wigger hates everything
Emos were less annoying

Anonymous No. 176754

if i ever hear the sound at 5:39 at the park I'm honing in on that setup and focusing it immediately. what an earsore.

Anonymous No. 176756

pulled up to my local today and some faggot was playing with his rc toy in the bowl. fortunately theres a street section

Anonymous No. 176757

The concrete/asphalt around me is pretty shit, what wheels should I get?

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Anonymous No. 176763

show me your positioning for a 3 flip, /esg/

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Anonymous No. 176764

went up from 8 to 8.5 a while ago and gave up on 3 flips. i used to put my back foot in the red position in pic related and i struggle with it on an 8.5. ended up trying out the green one and they're finally semi consistent again.
now if i can just figure out bs 360 ollies..

Anonymous No. 176767

Hahaha agreed. That shit would drive me mad.

Anonymous No. 176768

Spitfire F4 Conical Full. I just got some and love them.

Anonymous No. 176770

This is pretty much how I set up too

Anonymous No. 176771

aka the nails on a chalkboard wheel

Anonymous No. 176772

a big wheel (56+) or a soft wheel (something under 99a)

Anonymous No. 176794

Why are bikefags always so fat

Anonymous No. 176797

Fully agree, thanks anon. Thinking about this, aiming to comfortably do slashes will be a good first step for me to slowly ween myself out of coping fear.

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Anonymous No. 176802

4chan upvote

Anonymous No. 176804

Hey you bums soletech is blowing out their own shoes again

Anonymous No. 176815

didn't sleep well last night but today is the only day I can skate for a while so I have to force myself to, feelsbadman

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Anonymous No. 176817

It snowed today where I live. Watching the new Thrasher Canada edit while browsing Black Friday deals... I might have to go find a parking garage.

Anonymous No. 176835

Raining all day today, yesterady, day before. I haven't skated in 3 weeks now. I did buy some thunders and bones mediums today however. Hoping to end my truck troubles.

Anonymous No. 176836

I haven't skated in I think 3 years...

Anonymous No. 176838

I have no fucking idea about trucks
What trucks should I get
I've heard mini logo are fine

Anonymous No. 176840

you find an indoor spot anon?
local was swamped with kids on bikes today. got what I could and made the most out of it.

Anonymous No. 176841

don't get mini logos, trucks are important.
the most trusted brands are
>independent (indy)
though my impression is that indy and ace have had bad QC lately. I've heard great things about ventures.
Black Friday sales are happening now, you will likely find a good deal on trucks.

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Anonymous No. 176843

Brink should take down Slap moderator gay pride by shouting out proper non moderated free market skate bullshitting.

Heil Hitler

Anonymous No. 176844

I think it depends on your skating but I've had truck autism lately. I went thunders because they are low. I'm a bit worried they'll fuck up my nose and tail slides though.

Anonymous No. 176845

fuck slap. megacucked MSM-fed forum

Anonymous No. 176846

after stocking up on decks for between $30-40 each during Labor Day sales it's nutty to think that anyone in the US pays $80 for a baker board.

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Anonymous No. 176847

It's horrible. Nobody wants to pay these prices. And a local shop now charges 8 for grip so you're at 88 plus tax and look you just hit $90 just trying to get 1 board.
Socal actually sells BBS blanks for $40. On sale right now for $31...

Anonymous No. 176848

Griptape is scam. No grip is best grip.

The rubber from your shoes is enough to create the friction needed to do any trick.

Anonymous No. 176849

>Skateboarders trying to be leaders of social justice
Taking the "Rage with the Machine" stance I see

Anonymous No. 176850

I didn't end up going. It would have been the fifth skate day in a row for me, so I figured I'd rest. The weather is supposed to clear up in a couple days too.
>local was swamped with kids on bikes today. got what I could and made the most out of it.
At least you got a sesh in. Sometimes just being on the board gets your mind in a good place. Even if you don't skate particularly well or long that day.

Anonymous No. 176851

I can't get away from Independent. I tried some Thunders and they were fine, but I had to adjust them a lot to feel good on them. Went back to standard Indys and they just feel right as soon as I put them on.

Anonymous No. 176852

What trucks do you ride? I'm going to be honest and say that I have zero understanding of what I'm doing

Anonymous No. 176855

Independent Stage 11 Standard.
>zero understanding of what I'm doing
Make sure you get the right size trucks. You want them within a quarter inch of your deck width. I ride 149s. The sizing conventions can vary between brands.

Anonymous No. 176862

you guys pick up anything on sale?
ccs raised their blank decks $5 and then had 10% off not even negating it. I hope it's not a permanent price increase.

Anonymous No. 176863

Fucking nothing good on sale on any websites in Aus. Cheapest boards were $80 dollarooos

Anonymous No. 176866

>Want to support my local
>They never have anything in stock, and they're generally way more expensive

Anonymous No. 176867

What size wheel should I get as someone just getting back into skateboarding after a decade off? I doubt I'll go to any parks anytime soon, and I'm on the east coast so the ground is a bit crusty

Anonymous No. 176868

same here, i stopped caring about supporting them, they dont need my support anyways, it's the only decent shop in the area and all they ever promote are fucking nike raffles lmao i just buy straight from the board company site these days.

Anonymous No. 176871

>They never have anything in stock, and they're generally way more expensive
Same. I'm envious of people with good local shops

Anonymous No. 176872

>want to support my local
>it closed
>want to support my new local
>they turned it into a hipster coffee shop for their super epic sekrit club skater crew and only stock for themselves
>want to support my other new local
>skinny fat pedo stache 4 panel cap wearing 4 eyed weed smoking faggot keeps arguing with me, trying to tell me that I don't want to buy globe shoes and mini logo wheels

Like bitch do you want me to shop here or not? Let me buy whatever the fuck I want with my own money, stupid cunt. The last one we have is in the mall, which implies zumiez tier, but they stock all the good yuro brands, flow our upcoming skaters, and organize events when they can. Skate culture has shifted so much. When I was a kid you'd go to the fucking local, hang around and watch skate videos, shoot the shit with the guys, finesse a free magazine or a dvd and some stickers, then go skate. Now I got some no car battery changing faggot trying to tell me what I want.

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Anonymous No. 176873

>no car battery changing

Anonymous No. 176874

Why lil catbro look like he crying?

Anonymous No. 176875

inflation raised the prices of boards but also snacks for cats :\

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Anonymous No. 176882

Has anyone in skating ever claimed to have been the person to do someone else's trick?

I know plenty of people have claimed to have landed shit they didn't, or even staged street spots that were actually hand placed ramps, and some people argue who was the first to land something, but has someone ever actually done something and another skater claimed it was them?

Anonymous No. 176884

try Spitfire Conical fulls 99d in 54mm+

Anonymous No. 176885

what would be the point
everything is filmed anyways

Anonymous No. 176886

>hard wheel on rough asphalt/concrete

Anonymous No. 176889

Yeah, maybe I'm overestimating anon and thinking he wants to do tricks effectively

Anonymous No. 176892

If you plan on mostly just cruising around try OJ super juice wheels

Anonymous No. 176895

"support your local skateshop" feels so antiquated. with every local shop maintaining an online store there's no reason you can't support a skateshop, just maybe not near you.

Anonymous No. 176900

why are people who ride spitfire always so hostile and defensive

Anonymous No. 176902

I wasn't trying to be. Maybe you're right, maybe he doesn't want a hard wheel.

Anonymous No. 176903

The anon in question here. Iโ€™d like a wheel that I can cruise around in, but still be able to land flip tricks with, I guess. I donโ€™t really plan on going to any skate parks around me for some time though

Anonymous No. 176904

The 93A dragon formula sort of do do what they claim to. You can slide them and they are noticeably smoother on roughish asphalt. They don't slide as well as any 97A - but are a lot moore forgiving/smoother than 97A. As mentioned earlier - they do make nails down a blackboard sound occasionally, but it's nothing horrific enough that you don't want to use them.

Anonymous No. 176905

isnt she that one pedos gf

Anonymous No. 176907

Noted. Iโ€™ll probably go with the dragons then, but if I eventually wanted a harder wheel around 97 to 99, then itโ€™s either between Bones or Spitfire?
How important is diameter? Bit on the larger side, so is 54 a good compromise, or should I go with 52 or 56?

Anonymous No. 176908

You could even do flip tricks and have very comfy ride with 78A 54MM mini slime balls. Just have to forget about sliding, and get used to them being a tad bouncy for flip tricks - but not enough to ruin flip tricks. Forget about flip tricks with 60MM OJ super juice / slime balls 60MM or powell 60MM - they're all too big, too heavy and too bouncy.

Anonymous No. 176910

>if I eventually wanted a harder wheel around 97 to 99, then itโ€™s either between Bones or Spitfire?
Pretty much. Those are the preferred hard wheels for most skaters.

Anonymous No. 176911

For harder wheels, 97 to 99A bones and spitfires are very decent. 99 or 101A rictas are good too.

Re: size of the Dragons, just personal preference. I went with 58MM, because the formula makes them slow, so didn't want them in smaller size. But even at 58, they do not feel big or heavy, as they're not very wide (33MM).

Anonymous No. 176912

I assume you use riser pads and longer hardware in that case then? What size is your board?

Anonymous No. 176914

Yeah I use 9MM risers and have a few set ups of 8.5 / 9.3 / 9.6 deck widths depending on whether I'm in skate park, miniramp, or street, or what I fancy doing that day. I'm an older skater who grew up with wide shaped decks and always used risers, so just carried on doing so (even on the 8.5 popsicle - which I know makes me some kind of heretic lol).
And yeah you need longer hardware bolts.

Anonymous No. 176916

Yeah I got a bunch that I don't need since I don't skate. 50% off converses, 2 sets of trucks wheels and swiss bearings from 303 were 33% off, and stage 4s from NHS.

Dragons slide about as well as a 97 formula four imo, they do what they claim but they're expensive. Maybe he doesn't care if he has adult money now.

Anonymous No. 176923

What would you recommend as a beginner size wheel then? 54 going to be good for awhile?

Anonymous No. 176929

What's the rage against the machine stance? Are you one of those retards who doesn't know ratm has always been a communist group?

Anonymous No. 176930

>Rage Against the Machine
>Shill for the establishment like the good cucks they are

Anonymous No. 176932

You coulda just said yes I am retarded.

Anonymous No. 176938

Just bought my first actual real skateboard

Anonymous No. 176939

Nice, what's your set up?

Anonymous No. 176940

how long does it take for 58mm 99d wheels to wear down into 55-56? im too broke for new wheels..

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Anonymous No. 176941

Shop board with Indy stage 11's and dragons/bones big balls bearings

Anonymous No. 176942

depends on the skater. I skated my last bones down to 47mm and could've kept skating them. When I was a broke teenager I would skate wheels down to the core. Wheels can last you years if you want them to. It's all highly variable on what kind of skating you do and how often you skate. As well as how picky you are about your gear. I probably replace trucks more often than wheels.

Anonymous No. 176943

very nice, I love decks that show the woodgrain

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Anonymous No. 176946

They had some newer models, but I liked the pelican version a lot

Anonymous No. 176949

thoughts on hosea peeters? i think hes sick and his steeze is craz. He operates a instagram fashion page now and sells cool shit for like a 2000% markup lol but whatever

Anonymous No. 176951

Because a good local holds events and is a social space to hang out in. They're cornerstones of communities.

Unless they're not at which point fuck em.

Anonymous No. 176953

I'd recommend the 58MM or 56MM Dragons so they're not too slow. That also gives you some headroom to wear down to a size that's still ok. Mine are the 58x33MM which slide better than the 56x36MM due to less surface area contact.

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Anonymous No. 176966

>tfw your local doesn't hold any events
>tfw they purposely removed the couch so nobody can even sit down anymore
Hostile stores...
They do this on purpose so you are in and out. It has been studied by market and capitalism analytics and all of that nonsense. I wish I was making this up, it bothers me that a skate shop would do this.

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Anonymous No. 176975

>I caught covid(3rd time) because of the holidays

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Anonymous No. 176979

Just now getting back into skating and got those wheels when putting together a new complete.
Pic related is what im more accustomed to, but i like the wheels so far. Riding feels so much smoother.

Anonymous No. 176981

nigga that was 3 years ago. its over let it go.

Anonymous No. 176992

it started snowing today and is sticking
its so fucking over thank god i skated yesterday

Anonymous No. 176993

I tested positive for Covid. Either way I'm sick and congested

Anonymous No. 176994

based wheel enjoyer. I have a few wheels that look like the bottom one in a closet somewhere

Anonymous No. 176998

Anybody skate while listening to music with ear buds? If so what brands/model of ear bud other than apple are decent? Was thinking maybe ear hook type would be best so they don't fall out, and probably easy to turn off noise cancelling to let some ambient sound in to reduce chance of eating shit. Or maybe just not even bother with noise cancelling. My normal anker buds are too bulky and would fall out. Any recommendations? Inb4 why are you skating with your phone - I don't (watch has mp3 player/bluetooth).

Anonymous No. 176999

i cant skate with ear buds in its messes up my flow

Anonymous No. 177000

Yeah, I think that might well be the case too, as I'd probably have tried it by now ha.

Anonymous No. 177004

my airpods stay fine in my ear, they'll occasionally fall out but not often.
noise cancellation at a public park is a bad idea.
I skate with my phone in my pocket, haven't had any issues.
for me it depends on what I see when I pull up
>lots of people, no music
>a few people I don't know or nobody, music
>just the homies, no music

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Anonymous No. 177012

I use these. Don't bother with the bluetooth adapter thing though, the batter pack is too heavy and will yank them out of your ear if you so much as do a light jog.

Anonymous No. 177021

Black Market Skate has 30% off, some Scram decks (bbs) for $17.50, shaped boards for 25, some cheap odd little brands I don't know and shop boards for 17.50

Anonymous No. 177051

real skaters like lennie kirk don't believe in covid

Anonymous No. 177061

Very neat. Honestly I think I can clear the whole of 2024 without buying anything now lool

Anonymous No. 177068

I skate with wired Sony headphones fed through my shirt to my phone

Anonymous No. 177069

Literally who

Anonymous No. 177070

some schizophrenic boomer that skated for Alien in the 90s. i mean legitimately mentally ill, not in a joking meme way. he went to prison a bunch of times.

Anonymous No. 177079

>go to local skate shop
>get cool guyed by a bunch of unemployed faggots who do nothing but sit around and watch skate vids in the shop all day
>buy from ccs instead

Anonymous No. 177081

Why does skateboarding have more posers more so than any other sport
>Go to skatepark
>Bunch of middle/high school scene faggots who can't/don't skate sitting up on all of the ramps mocking/laughing at skaters

Anonymous No. 177083


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Anonymous No. 177089

>/esg/ posters are the ones getting bullied irl
Oh no...

Anonymous No. 177102

How did you get cool guyed?

Anonymous No. 177103

First skate in weeks and for the first 15 minutes there was two little neroid twins running around being a nuisance while their mother stood to the side. Rolled around a bit but they followed my and kept trying to get my attention. I wanted nothing to do with them, almost left the park but just sat down for 15 minutes ignoring them as they tried to get my attention. Finally they left. My country didn't used to have these people.

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Anonymous No. 177106

it's either kids or cops/security, pick your poison. also, invest in some kind of pic related.

Anonymous No. 177107

>go to local shop for the very first time
>owner is there, shows me some of his footage and is very helpful

why do you guys always have bad experiences? Just another place to buy goods in exchange for money

Anonymous No. 177111

just skate really fast at them thats usually what gets them away

Anonymous No. 177113

Yeah, anon has to be leaving out details that caused him to get cool guyed

Anonymous No. 177196

either not having your existence acknowledged or people are blatantly rude to you

Anonymous No. 177197

lol core skaters will cool guy you just because they don't know you, you retard

fuck the whole skateboarding world, all i want to do are slappies

Anonymous No. 177204

Most random skaters I've interacted with are usually pretty chill and I'm a social retard. Maybe you just give off weird vibes.

Anonymous No. 177206

All slappies want is to be done by you anon, go get 'em.

Anonymous No. 177207

I bought some wheels off a kid in Fairbanks at the local and motherfucker picked out all canadian coins for my coin change.

Anonymous No. 177208

he didnt get cool guyd hes an autist who went to a skateshop thinking everyone would hate him and he just assumed shit

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Anonymous No. 177211

electric skateboards are cool.

Anonymous No. 177212

I saw a guy at the park in full helmet and pads go speeding up a grassy hill on one of those and he got pitched hard and completely ate shit. He let out a "uuuuggg" when he hit the ground like the wind was knocked out of him. He then got up and rode away like nothing happened. I felt embarrassed for him.

Anonymous No. 177214

Everyone stop and watch this madman right now

look at how fast he's going

Anonymous No. 177216

sick as fuck

Anonymous No. 177217

Man every recent skate video is ruined for me. There's always one retarded fat fuck wearing a mask in scorching hot weather in public with nobody around him. I challenge you to find the retarded fat fuck. Mask looking small as shit on his retarded fat fuck face. That first song was also lit and they didn't give us the name.

Anonymous No. 177223

Maskies aren't people.

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Anonymous No. 177224

Anonymous No. 177241

Not a single decent sale to be found.

Anonymous No. 177245

Fucking love Jack. Worth checking out his old parts/passport vids.

Anonymous No. 177251

Most of the ones in that vid have been there a while.
>Fetty was fired after that little thot made some lies up about him
>McNugget left/was forced out after he cheated Ricky out of $11k (and potentially fucked his gf)
>Nigel comes and goes and has done for a while
>Carlos moved on and then shit on Braille afterwards
>Mogley moved on
>Lance hasn't been around for about 10 years
Uzi and Gabe are going to be their for life.

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Anonymous No. 177268

Damn, it looks even better in person

Anonymous No. 177269


Anonymous No. 177270

It looks like shit.

Anonymous No. 177271

No u

Anonymous No. 177273

No I'm hella cute. Your board on the other hand is just a duck stencil made from some random google image with some random gay lines across.

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Anonymous No. 177274


Anonymous No. 177275

The colour is very nice.

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Anonymous No. 177286

you fags with indoor parks have no idea how good you have it REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Anonymous No. 177292

Wood grain looks great

Anonymous No. 177294
good one. suprised it's not been posted on here yet

Anonymous No. 177297

>Carlos moved on and then shit on Braille afterwards

what did he say? Did he mention any of that scientology shit that all the braile team is into?

Anonymous No. 177308

That was fun.

Anonymous No. 177310

That wood stain looks really nice. I've been to that shop before. It was neat.

Anonymous No. 177315

I quit skating 8 months ago when I got sober and I'm starting to get mad at how gay skating is current year, there's not even a cool brand I would wanna rep, the vids are for zoomers man growing up sucks Its over for me

Anonymous No. 177318


Anonymous No. 177319

creature is cool you can rep them

Anonymous No. 177325

I don't trust that. Ricky already said he thought McNugget was a friend but "friends don't do that to other friends" so something definitely happened.
There's only him and Fetty who never got send off videos so something must have went down.

Nah nothing like that it was just more about how they would bully Carlos into doing risky shit and then taking no responsibility/help him when he got injured. But I never got the impression Carlos needed that much encouragement to do risky stuff because he always seemed to really like doing them anyway.
I think some others have shit on Braille after leaving, but none of them ever mention the Scientology angle. It's mainly about being pushed to do things they aren't comfortable with or something relating to money.

Anonymous No. 177326

The logo is lime green I'm not 12 years old

Anonymous No. 177328

I have a piss drunx tattoo, that's how you know I'm with the shits

Anonymous No. 177330

No it's not. Learn your colors little bro.

Anonymous No. 177331

Creature is a gay child's brand

Anonymous No. 177332

Haha goo goo gaa gaa gween

Anonymous No. 177334

Did you watch the HUF video?

Anonymous No. 177338

>But I never got the impression Carlos needed that much encouragement to do risky stuff

yeah I remember watching that thinking Carlos definitely sent it the hardest out of all the other members. I can't watch Braille anymore, everyone in those videos is annoying and ADHD. After Fetty was gone, things slowly went downhill. Also that scientology shit is weird, same with berrics

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Anonymous No. 177339

The only fact is that Chris racked up $11k in debt in Ricky's name (supposedly), but he's apparently still sponsored by Braille, so who really knows what's going on with all that
The only thing I heard about Fetty was that after he broke his jaw, supposedly they said they'd help pay for it but didn't, but that's a rumor as far as I'm aware

I feel like a lot of this would be solved if they just cut the amount of content on their channel in half, there really isn't a legitimate purpose to releasing a video every single day, especially when those videos are only getting 20k views each

Anonymous No. 177341

young people thing started making this for young people....woah....

Anonymous No. 177352

I know a bunch of people using them, maybe stop skating like a girl and you will find a use for them.

Anonymous No. 177353

Wait a minute the real question is why does he have two of those

Anonymous No. 177354

Seeing that it came from 4chan i would consider it a biohazard and dispose of it. Don't wanna catch your monkey pocks thanks

Anonymous No. 177356

Nah you won't you are way to pussy to even look funny at other people at the park. But props for talking a big game

Anonymous No. 177358

You won't do shit you whiny faggot
Fake tough guy pussy ass zoomer shit

Anonymous No. 177359

Based me too

Anonymous No. 177371

Definitely. He always seemed like he wanted to go one better and take risks to do that. He never looked like he needed much encouragement. It has went downhill since Fetty left though. The only one around who I think is alright is Glo. Gabe is too over the top, Nigel is hardly around, and Uzi looks like he'd rather be anywhere else.
The Scientology shit is def weird too and I always forget about the Berrics. There's some videos from years ago with Aaron talking about being a Scientologists and I'm not sure if it's just how they've been filmed but they're creepy as fuck.

Yeah you'll never really know the truth with the McNugg and Ricky thing. Seems to be a lot of conflicting stuff from different people about it.
What I know about what happened with Fetty is
>Broke his jaw
>Braille said they'd pay for it
>They paid part of it and then stopped
>Fetty is tanked up on some strong painkillers
>Meets some girl at the skatepark
>Tells him she's 19
>In reality she's 14
>Her mom knows about this and says nothing
>They want money off him(?)
>Doesn't pay them
>They tell police he's been fucking her
>It's all bullshit
>Charges get dropped
>Braille completely cut ties with him anyway
>She doesn't look 14 tbf
I don't think he's been around in ages, but it was always sad seeing him make videos in shitty parks with no one else around.

I think they release as many videos as they do for the algorithm. But they record hours of footage in one day so they can release it in parts throughout the week/month. It's why you see people all wearing one kind of clothes and then the next week a video will have them wearing the same clothes again because they were filmed on that same day. Same as when someone like Andy Anderson is in a video and then a different video a few weeks later.
I agree with what you're saying though. So much of it is just shit to pump something out.

Anonymous No. 177374

All this braille talk is giving me cancer. You guys are seriously fucking gay for discussing drama around a scientology based YouTube channel for 10 year olds. Your gay as fuck for even watching that shit. The most discussion we get about "the industry" and it's about fucking braille. Grow the fuck up, stop watching vlogs, stop caring about retarded YouTube drama, watch actual skate vids.

Anonymous No. 177376

You're not wrong, but also braille is one of the biggest skating YT channels out there, if not the biggest, so of course some normalfag cunts are going to discuss it. Change the topic to something you want to talk about or shut the fuck up. Calling everything gay and spelling you're wrong like a special needs 10 year old is pointless.

Anonymous No. 177377

Yr a fukkin absolute brain dead cancerous kook. Ill spell however I wnt 2 fagit

>Biggest skating YT channels
Ye thx to 10yr olds n the algorithm n scientology n kooks like the 1s itt. It meens nothin

Anonymous No. 177379

There are people itt that unironically watch braille and know all the lore and shit. That is fucking pathetic LMAO. If I replied to each post itt and said "you don't skate and you can't change a car battery", statistically I'd be right for AT LEAST 80% of the posters.

Anonymous No. 177383

No u dnt get it. Braille iz teh BIGGeST sk8 YT chanel of all time!!! Ofc ppl lik dem dey r awwsome! Show me a car battry YT w/as mny subscoobers n vews granpa.

Anonymous No. 177384

It's weird how their is such a disconnect with actual skateboarding and some of the posters here.
You guys should stop skating by yourselves and make friends. Stop watching braile.

Anonymous No. 177386

R u tryin 2 cool guy me?? Go back 2 slap if u wanna b core. I sk8 4 fun n do wat I wnt. Fuck teh indastry n other sk8ers, fuk vids and fuck pros dey r all manchilds 4 zoomers! Fuk friends I sk8 hedfones in max volume goldfinger - superman jus lik tony hawks. Now cn any1 giv me tips on ollie's?

Anonymous No. 177387

i was thinking we could post a few more times and end this thread soon.
it got mentioned a couple of weeks ago i think, we don't have to wait so long. we can make new threads the second we reach the bump limit. this is our board now.

Anonymous No. 177388

But the discussions/threads always seem to get better after we reach the bump limit for some reason.
I wish we had more posters so we could have two threads. One for beginners/casual skaters and one for more experienced/core skaters and people who just give a shit in general.

Anonymous No. 177389

>But the discussions/threads always seem to get better after we reach the bump limit for some reason.
it's cause your average mongoloid phone poster tourist can't use the catalog, so if it's not on page 1, they don't know it's there, hence less traffic and only people who look for the thread stopping by.

Anonymous No. 177390

what if we only have 5 posters in total

Anonymous No. 177393

Exactly why we should stay in threads that reached the bump limit longer. Less retards seeing this thread on page 1 and coming in to ask basic ass questions or bitch about skating.

It says 52 posters ITT so I'd say we have 30 - 40 regulars.

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my house.jpg

Anonymous No. 177394

Imagine if we stay in a thread so long we hit 1000 posts

Anonymous No. 177395

I'm sorry I can't do that I actually go out and play skateboards sometimes.

Anonymous No. 177397

This board is so slow we can go outside and come back to the same thread. There will NEVER be a new thread not until we hit 1k.

Anonymous No. 177403

One of our recent threads got to 414 posts so we can definitely hit 600 easy

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Anonymous No. 177410

stole this image from instagram hehe
look at THIS

Anonymous No. 177414

skate culture is so incredibly fried and it deserves to be.

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Anonymous No. 177416

I had a quick go on someone's set up that was a crusty enjoi board and I really liked the shape and feel of it. They worth getting or is the quality fucked due to China? The graphics are shit, but I could live with the classic panda and nothing else like pic related. Anyone ride these or have a recent ish review on a previous deck they had?

Anonymous No. 177418

bro they went out of business rofl
get something using their woodshop

Anonymous No. 177419

I rode a blind deck a while back, I'm pretty sure those boards are made in china and it skated great, it was one of my favorites desu. the whole "china wood bad" thing is overblown.
like >>177418 said though enjoi went out of business. the wood still might be okay but who knows how much longer you'll be able to get it. the skaters who used to ride for enjoi now run a company called jacuzzi unlimited, so they might have a similar shape.

Anonymous No. 177420

Ah fuck. Well, I may as well get that fucker that's on sale then, might be my last chance. Will look into both woodshop + jacuzzi options. Dead company aside, anyone still got some reviews from old enjoi boards you rode?

Anonymous No. 177430

Enjoi to me was always a brand that posers/mall rats carried around. Zumiez ass brand.

Anonymous No. 177433

Bag of Suck was my favorite skate video growing up. I watched it dozens of times. I never owned an Enjoi board. I did have Jerry Hsu's Emerica shoe in middle school though. Enjoi got bought out by some mega corpo. If you buy a deck it is likely to be shit. You should support Jacuzzi or Sci Fi Fantasy instead

Anonymous No. 177445

I had a board around when Johnson left. I liked it. But back then I didn't really think about what board I rode or the wood shop or any of that shit. Just liked the panda.

Anonymous No. 177448

I use to blend punk and wigger into my clothing style but now I just wear sweats and slippers all day I don't have a job, I'm in the process of being declared mentally disabled for the gibs thanks for reading my blog

Anonymous No. 177449

I created my personality around jewish subverted music genres and now I am demoralised and pathetic and weak, in the process of solidifying this disaster thanks for watching my trainwreck

Anonymous No. 177450

I can tell your mentally disabled too from you using pol language

Anonymous No. 177453

My style is all black somewhat hesh derived. I feel like people assume I'm going to be a lot better than I am from the way I dress but whatever. I am also a mentally unstable alcoholic how do I get gibs.

Anonymous No. 177456

You have to file for ssdi (disability-big gibs) and SSI (small gibs) with the federal gov, you can do it online. You need to be getting treated for a mental illness already and a few psych ward stays helps, it takes a long time I've been waiting 9 months already but I don't see a better option for myself, you can even get it with things like depression and adhd

Anonymous No. 177457

You are not mentally disabled. You're just a depressed loser who blames his shit life on everyone else like every other faggot lefty. Go back.

Anonymous No. 177458

Not getting treated but I've been to the psych ward before. Does getting treated mean I need to be on meds and see a psychiatrist? Why can't I just call the government and tell them I'm depressed and bipolar and get money.

Now this is true mental illness. You should sign up for gibs.

Anonymous No. 177459

If you can explain how your bipolar prevents you from working good enough you can get gibs just fill it out don't be lazy do it

Your such a gay ass pol nigger, come get these gibs with us man it's like 1500 a month

Anonymous No. 177462

$1500 a month is not enough to live on. You've given up on yourself and life. Weak, depressed, broke, unmotivated.. I'll skip on your advice.

Anonymous No. 177463

Oh it is tho. Your full of projection, I have schizophrenia, you couldn't walk a mile in my shoes bitch boy

Anonymous No. 177464

>$1500 a month is not enough to live on.
Lol califags seething and raging

>Dear gubermint I'm bipolar and can't hold down a job cause I rage out and quit or get sad and stop going to work. Money plz.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 177466

Meant for >>177462

Anonymous No. 177467

>Everyone who is happy had it handed to them and is spoilt
I'd prosper. You're not Skitzo.

Anonymous No. 177468

Meant for >>177459

Anonymous No. 177469

Ur schizo

Anonymous No. 177470

Another inane argument except this time its not related to skating. New thread time?

Anonymous No. 177471

Wouldn't that disprove your whole woe is me schtick?

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Anonymous No. 177472

how come twin tails are just now becoming a thing? I feel like it made sense from the beginning and it's gaining momentum.

Anonymous No. 177473

Probably the mold vs unknown demand

Anonymous No. 177474

I'm not American. But what kind of future can you have living month to month dependent on daddy government? What type of weak society do you think that system is creating?

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Anonymous No. 177475

the janoski was such a great shoe, and ofc nike had to butcher it before finally killing it off like this
what kind of woke retard thought this colorway would fly off the shelves?

Anonymous No. 177477

Getting gibs from the government is an extreme sport

Anonymous No. 177478

Ur very schizo damn

what kinda life can you live living paycheck to paycheck dependent on some retarded wagie job? 1500 a month is like 13 an hour. If you can get that without doing anything then you have time to do any kind of side gig you want. Also anon didn't mention food stamps but that's 280 for a single person.

Anonymous No. 177481

My point was if I am Skitzo then that guy has no excuse.
Wagies are made fun of because they have no desire to do any better. They are the bottom rung and it's their own fault. If you talk to them they blame everyone else for their situation. Why do you assume that is you? There are plenty of career directions, ways to make money, to build a life for yourself that isn't being a bum. There are endless resources on 4chan alone to achieve just about anything in this world, but they are so demoralised that they've just given up. It's sad. Worse to see skaters fall for that trap when they have something so great right Infront of them.
Unless that guy is genuinely seeing shit and hearing voices then he gets a pass, but I doubt it.

Anonymous No. 177492

U should claim shitzo cuz otherwise u have to claim retarded

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Anonymous No. 177494


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Anonymous No. 177499


we need to return to tradition with these generals, so I've taken the liberty of creating a new thread with a proper op and discussion starter of SOTY predictions. let's leave the youtube vlogger bullshit here and try to actively steer the discussion toward better topics this time instead of whining that everyone is talking about dumb stuff. ignore kooks and trolls if you see someone trying to bait, change the subject unless you want the general to turn into name calling and shit flinging again

Anonymous No. 177501

jfc just realized i boofed the subject tag by copying this dumb ass threads ops


my bad guys

Anonymous No. 177514

It's ok we're getting this thread to 1000 posts anyway. Your general doesn't matter

Anonymous No. 177547

it's ok bb I forgive you, now c'mere and gimme a kiss

Anonymous No. 177548

Well, I went ahead and bought this fucking thing. I don't even need a new board yet, I'm just having a board size crisis where I can't decide if I like 8 or 8.25 better. Started learning on 8, then suddenly switched to 8.25 cause I thought more foot room would be better, but now I'm not so sure.

Anonymous No. 177553

Going up or down in size even the slightest bit always feels weird as hell. I ride 8.3s and have been for 10 years, it's not the most widely available size which gets annoying and can be a problem but 8.25 feels too small and 8.5 feels huge even though the difference is less than a quarter inch. 8.75 already feels like a boat and riding a 9 feels like a yacht and is so big its almost like cheating.

Anonymous No. 177554

What are you a freestyler? Why limit yourself to 8 or 8.25 when you could get 7.75. In all seriousness - buy an adult board 8.5.

Anonymous No. 177572

8.5 is literally babbys first skateboard tier. Need the board to be bigger so the baker logo is bigger and everyone can see it.

Anonymous No. 177575

Flip tricks are too easy on narrow boards. I don't even like 8.5. I have one but prefer 9.2 or 9.6. Each to their own I guess.

Anonymous No. 177583

>What are you a freestyler?
No, I charge for my services. I don't like the idea of getting a bigger board when 8.25 feels too much at the moment. I think something inbetween 8 and 8.25 would suit me best but not sure that's very common (or even a thing at all?).

Anonymous No. 177585

>I think something inbetween 8 and 8.25 would suit me best but not sure that's very common (or even a thing at all?).
Well fuck shit, my go to company does an 8.1 deck. Fuck me am I really gonna buy another deck just to see if my theory is true?

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Anonymous No. 177586

They're not difficult to find - like pic related.

Anonymous No. 177593

I watch Braille because I have a crush on Uzi. I've never felt this way for another man before

Anonymous No. 177598

You can find a couple 8.125 decks out there. They're rare but they're out there.
Skating a flip deck in 2024 would be crazy

Anonymous No. 177616

That graphic is horrific

Anonymous No. 177619

Doubt flip has the money or clout to get a decent artist

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Anonymous No. 177680

Pic related is half a dozen 8.13 boards from my main local shop. There's a few other 8.13 local pro decjd too I didn't include. My other two skate shops have a reasonable selection too, roughly about 20 to choose from on total. Don't see it being much of a problem buying this width, unless you're a turbo graphics autist, and who cares anyway, you don't use rails, just board slide graphic into none existence if it's that bothersome.

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Anonymous No. 177687

Actually I was wrong. They're not rare at all where I live, just sorted decks by size in my second shop, and they have 82 decks that are 8.125. And they're decent brands: Chocolate, Evisen, Passport, Toy Machine, Welcome etc.

Anonymous No. 177701



Anonymous No. 177718

yeah that's why they're cool.

Anonymous No. 177812

It is pretty cool seeing people eat shit riding on electric shit. I saw someone eat shit on a e scooter once dude did like 3 somersaults before stopping shit was hilarious.

Anonymous No. 177820

why are flip's sizes so fucking weird. they are the only company i know of that makes an 8.4

Anonymous No. 177822

i think i'm permabanned from slap

Anonymous No. 177854

Gotta stay relevant somehow

Just reset your IP

Anonymous No. 178039

don't get it bro it has beijing biden's hands all over it

Anonymous No. 178080

We're nearly there, bros. Just another 600+ posts to go. This will be done in no time at the current rate with all this conversation going on.

Anonymous No. 178100

We can do this

Anonymous No. 178192

I don't see how making 8.4's helps them stay relevant. there isn't even a truck that fits an 8.4, you'll either be hot rodding or magic carpeting. I don't get how a company can be so stupid, no wonder those 8.4's are always in stock...

Anonymous No. 178198

Idk it's just different I guess. They don't make 8.38 or 8.125 trucks either. It's nice being able to choose between 2 truck sizes. Obviously with an 8.4 you'll probably go with a 8.5 trucks, wouldn't be a big deal.

Anonymous No. 178236

How does it affect the board having it be either slightly bigger/smaller? I have both 147 and 148 thunders for the 8.1 board so I could go either way, but not sure if it matters that much either.

Anonymous No. 178270

In my experience riding 8.3s it doesn't really matter that much. Only thing is if you go bigger you have a higher chance of your axel's threads getting fucked up. I still go bigger because 8.5 is my next choice and what most of my homies ride so if they got an extra deck or a barely used one to give me my trucks will work. Or in the event there's a good sale but no 8.3s I can get a 8.5. if you have both sets lying around just try both and see what works.

Anonymous No. 181459

i love black decks