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🧵 /esg/ Enternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 177498

SOTY prediction edition

Basic brand info for beginners

Shoe reviews:

Submit a shoe review:

Just skate and have fun. You're never too old or fat to skate. Skateboarding is 90% mind 10% body.

skatepark etiquette: Don't be a kook
Old Thread: >>176281

Anonymous No. 177500

Does sheck have a chance? What factors do you consider the most for soty? The gnarliest or the overall most influential?

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Anonymous No. 177502

Second for the Jah

Anonymous No. 177505

Place your votes SOTY votes

Anonymous No. 177511

This is the official thrasher poll right

Anonymous No. 177518

We should have stayed in the other thread soty doesn't mean shit anymore

Anonymous No. 177520

Don't bother with this thread we're getting the old thread up to 1000 posts

Anonymous No. 177528


Anonymous No. 177531

To make /xs/ and /esg/ history and limit the amount of page 1ers in the thread

Anonymous No. 177546

This skateboard wax I got smells good

Anonymous No. 177555

Please tell me this is a joke and you actually just got a cheap candle like an adult.

Anonymous No. 177556

What in tarnation
We had plans to get as many posts as possible in the last thread. You just had to make this one didn't you. As contrarian as you can get with the old nonsense links as well.

Anonymous No. 177557

the pastebin this guy insists on posting is even listing companies that don't exist anymore. this is another example of the blind leading the blind.

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Anonymous No. 177560

It was half price

Anonymous No. 177562

How much did you pay though

Anonymous No. 177563


Anonymous No. 177564

5 whole dollars bro? That other guy is going to get so mad at you for spending this time of money in this economy.

Anonymous No. 177566

Skaters throw a shit-fit over everything

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Anonymous No. 177567

bones sells this little skate wax circle that smells like pineapples lol

Anonymous No. 177569

A candle is $1 - 2 you child

Yeah the pastebin is seriously out of date and wasnt ever good anyway that's why you should keep posting in the old thread

Anonymous No. 177570

It's half price because nobody buys "skate wax" except for children. Only acceptable time to buy "skate wax" is to get to a free shipping limit online.

Anonymous No. 177571

No one's gonna keep posting in the old thread dude

Anonymous No. 177573

There are at least 3 of us

Anonymous No. 177584

I just remembered Brian Wenning went to prison.

Anonymous No. 177591

I wonder when he gets out do you know

Anonymous No. 177604

>He put a gun to his daughters head on Instagram live. Then fought all the cops that came to take his kid and the gun from him. Threatened to kill them. Not only is he in jail, but they are debating what to do with him.. he’s looking at up to 10 years in jail but state wants to send him To mental institution cause he’s legit gone. He has no idea why he’s in there and thinks he got set up in some mafia type shit. Thinks bloodhounds, satellites, fbi, cia, sharks with lasers are all after him.

Probably not getting out anytime soon lol

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Anonymous No. 177612

oh shit

Anonymous No. 177617

I use wax until it becomes shards and then I melt it down with a chunk of cheap candle and coconut oil to create a fresh puck

Anonymous No. 177621

wish I was young again so I could learn how to skate

Anonymous No. 177622

That company boardy cakes used to make yellow colored wax in the shape of a fried egg...
It was really tasty :D

Anonymous No. 177623

He's being gangstalked, same shit happened to me and even though it's not real it's a crazy ass thing to go through

Anonymous No. 177625

Oh great. Here comes the paranoid schizophrenic. It seems like every single general on every board has one.

Anonymous No. 177627

Oh great. Here comes the gigantic faggot. It seems like every general has one.

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Anonymous No. 177628

sad to see what's become of wenning. he was goated in the love park days, nobody skated like him.

Anonymous No. 177629

ksht roger copy over
he's on to us
ksht over
spy on him through his microwave, over
ksht roger that

Anonymous No. 177632

The FBI put listening devices in all the skate wax! You have to buy candles instead! Trust meee!!!

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Anonymous No. 177633

>at the sesh
>park is a small back and forth run with QPs at either end
>people taking turns one at a time
>guy on the deck of the QP you're about to hit starts fucking around
>is so close to the coping you have to abort the trick you wanted to do because you'll slam into their board otherwise

I hope none of you fucking assholes do this. Go bail your kickflips on the fucking ground. Having a flatland session to yourself on the decks while people are mid-run is bellend behaviour.

Anonymous No. 177634

Only you care poor faggot

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Anonymous No. 177635

>At park
>Tide pod-eating zoomer faggots somehow mistake the QPs for benches and proceed to sit up on top of them

Anonymous No. 177636

lol oh no

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Anonymous No. 177639

>at the bowl
>stoner fucking teenagers who take their board for a walk to the park then sit by the top of thing spend all fucking day just eating junk food and not putt their trash in the bin
>inevitably rolls into the bowl
>literally cannot leave the park without walking directly past one of four bins
>me and the other pool boomers have to occasionally stop and pick up after them because we don't want to eat shit and die mid-run

Anonymous No. 177641

Why are stoner teenagers who own a skateboard but don't actually know how to even ride the fucking thing so fucking common
>They're always the ones harassing people yelling out stupid shit when they can barely even balance on their board
Literal, actual posers

Anonymous No. 177643

How come there aren't any hot female skaters?

Anonymous No. 177644

ummm hello Efron Danzig???

Anonymous No. 177645

Don't make me post a disapproving frog

Anonymous No. 177646

most kids just skate as an excuse to go out with their friends. then once they are 17 and get cars they quit

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Anonymous No. 177650

We got him in our sights

Anonymous No. 177654

Stoner punk kids > parents with kids
They do a good job filtering the park. Some say hi, some turn their head and ignore you. It's no big deal, they are kids.

Anonymous No. 177655

Stoner punk kids are equal to parents with kids, because they're the type that have drug deals at skateparks and always end up getting shady fucks lurking around

Anonymous No. 177689

yeah the afterschool special is not a good time to be at the skatepark if it’s within walking distance from any school
ime it’s
>girl starts dating a skater
>tween dating basically just means helicoptering him for hours while he does his thing and ignores her
>now her group has to hang out at the park too
>now their orbiters are also there
multiply this by a few ramp tramps and your park just got turned into the mall food court

Anonymous No. 177698

Checked. I collect the wax scraping off the floor when I wax my snowboard and melt it back down.

Anonymous No. 177702

I used to sell drugs at the skatepark

Anonymous No. 177704

What kinda drugs


Anonymous No. 177705

Anonymous No. 177707

Mostly Xanax but a little bit of everything. I used to get packs of the darknet and would sell half to pay for more packs cause I was a addict.

Anonymous No. 177709

Some zoomers tried to sell me some drugs at the skatepark a couple of months ago and it almost turned really bad really fast because I wasn't sure what they were doing. They need to work on their approach.

Anonymous No. 177711

Lol probably the worst drug to skate on aside from ketamine.
Skating on a lil bit of benzos? Ok kill the fear and hesitation kinda like having a few beers.
Skating on anything more than a lil? Fucked can't even stand on the board like you just polished off a bottle.

Best drugs to skate on are psychedelics, everytime I've skated while tripping it just felt incredibly natural and I felt glued to the board.

>Almost turned really bad really fast
Elaborate. Also what do they got.

Anonymous No. 177712

It was just weed they were selling, but I didn't know that.

>Skatepark has a weird layout because a public footpath runs right through the middle of it
>Split in two parts with a QP on one side and boxes, rails and things on the other
>It's the sketchiest park around here because of how secluded it is and the kind of people who hang around it who definitely aren't skaters
>Cut through on my way to appointment
>See about a dozen zoomers sitting on the QP with one board between them
>Get almost level and they start staring at me in silence
>One of them jumps up and starts strutting over telling me to wait
>Flanked by two smaller zoomers, zoomlets I suppose, because this one is pretty big
>Wait to see what he wants
>Gets close and puts his hand in his pocket
>Instinctively do the same
>"Do you wanna buy any weed?"
>Take hand out of pocket and tell him I'm good
>Saunters back over with his flunkies
>Doesn't know how he close he came to getting stabbed in the throat

Wasn't a big knife btw, but that's not the point. I was literally a second away from reacting. You don't walk up to strangers the way he did in that area and then put your hand in your pocket without having stated your intentions.
Not only that, but I could easily have told people more unscrupulous than me who I know to go and rob them because I knew which one of them had it and exactly where he kept it.
They're going to learn the hard way about selling drugs that's for certain.

Anonymous No. 177716

One of the guys I skate with sometimes carries a gun in his backpack lol

Anonymous No. 177719

Did this video get posted?
It's the Coda 20 year anniversary. A smol board company
Was surprised it got such a small amount of views

Anonymous No. 177720

I wish I had a gun. Got death threats today. Couldn't decide on the spot if I should try and heem the faggot and hope I win, or if I should try to deescalate the situation.

Anonymous No. 177723

You obviously cucked out, it's ok tho bro

Anonymous No. 177724

I didn't cuck out. I didn't run away or say sorry. I just kept my distance to avoid a sucker punch and told him to move on until he gave up.

Anonymous No. 177725

Lol stupid kids acting sketchy over some weed. Do you live in the south or Midwest or somewhere it's still super illegal?

A gun will just get you into more trouble than it's worth. Anons friend is a retard who has a higher chance of going to jail because of his gun. You aren't a cowboy or a gangbanger or a drug dealer. If you gotta fight you got your board.

Anonymous No. 177726

>If you gotta fight you got your board.
I wasn't skating and to be honest I wouldn't use my board either way. It would hinder me. Only a retard would get hit by a board. Anyone would just yoink it out of your hands.
>A gun will just get you into more trouble than it's worth
True I guess, but it must feel good having that security on you, and also castle doctrine and whatever the fuck other self defense laws they got in the US. I'm not American and if I defend my self I probably go to jail.

Anonymous No. 177733

Drugs and guns are cool until they aren't, shit can get real

Anonymous No. 177735

>Only a retard would get hit by a board
Yeah well in my experience people starting shit are retards 90% of the time. Everyone's who's ever tried to fight me or who I've actually had to fight would easily succumb to trucks to the dome.

>Must feel good having that security
Nah bro most people who carry around a gun don't feel more secure they just feel more emboldened to do something stupid and end up getting themselves into more shit. Most people who carry a gun don't even need to, they just wanna play cowboy and are itching for the moment they get to actually use it.

Anonymous No. 177737

Delfino's new part is up.

Anonymous No. 177738

That guy was some type of security or military or maybe even a cop, and looked like a trained fighter. He also looked like a meth addict though, judging by his teeth, so I don't know. I don't know about the gun thing bro, but I feel like if you flash someone your gun it could save you a lot of trouble if they get scared.

Anonymous No. 177740

>I feel like if you flash someone your gun it could save you a lot of trouble if they get scared.
Lmao this is one thing they tell you not to do if you actually get trained in firearms safety and self defense. Like I said, youre not a cowboy or a mobster or a gangbanger. You do that your gonna trigger a fight or flight response. And if they fight your gonna have to shoot someone or you'll end up getting shot by your own gun. Same thing with a knife.

Anonymous No. 177741

This dude is so fucked. He's going to end his skate career if he keeps hitting his head. Also, in his cold call from yesterday he said some dude at the skatepark broke his jaw. I wonder how that happened?

Anonymous No. 177742

Anyways, I wouldn't know. I just feel like having proper self defense rights and freedoms like gun ownership rights would be better.

Anonymous No. 177744

god damn that part is a ride, gnarly as fuck plus brutal slams, some mid filler stuff sprinkled in here and there but overall, very solid

Anonymous No. 177745

The heelflip back 50 was so dope

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Anonymous No. 177747

he's going to have actual CTE :\
also iirc, he was at a skatepark and some random nutjob got mad at him, then just sucker punched him at the park. in a somewhat recent Thrasher issue he talks about how he had his jaw wired shut and could only eat through a straw lol

Anonymous No. 177753

Damn, can never be too careful around weirdos. Seems like they're everywhere these days. I saw a guy brandishing a bowie knife at the park the other day muttering to himself. Earlier this year some kid was skating past a street walker and the dude slashed the skater with a machete. Claimed he thought the kid was a fish. Kid had to get stiches on his arm. Keep your wits about you out there skate bros.

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Anonymous No. 177769

Yo guys is this a good deal? I need a new set up I broke my last deck trying to learn pressure flips and this complete is the same price as a new deck.

Anonymous No. 177770

Solid part from a local lad.

Anonymous No. 177771

Isn't that a rapper's name?

Anonymous No. 177775

someone tell pedro the deathwish thing is supposed to have at least some irony to it

Anonymous No. 177778

go for it bro. I get extra height on my hippie jumps with those springy boards

Anonymous No. 177779

Yeh they missed some meme potential I guess

Anonymous No. 177780

yeah, there is being gnarly and then there is not knowing your limits and being dumb. there's definitely a pattern of this dude KOing himself. after the 3rd or so time it stops being gnarly and starts being dumb.

Anonymous No. 177787

Wal-Mart were selling Braille boards for $9. You missed the boat bro.

Anonymous No. 177789

my fake dunks came in the mail today bros, put some etnies insoles in them and gonna try skating em tomorrow. hopefully they hold up cuz they look pretty dope

Anonymous No. 177790

kek post the hole in them after your first sesh

Anonymous No. 177791

I honestly think he slams that hard on purpose, like a kid who wants attention.

Anonymous No. 177792

>Giving yourself a brain injury for attention
More like he wants to kill himself

Anonymous No. 177796

Pedro's part was sick but you guys made me think it was going to be crazier.

Anonymous No. 177798

How come street has so much more soul than vert?

Anonymous No. 177799

congrats, you got swindled by reddit-tier hype
KOing himself is pedro's entire gimmick. he'd be completely forgettable without it, it's all people ever talk about

Anonymous No. 177800

I actually do get that vibe a little bit, kinda like girls who are into cutting for attention. I used to get the same vibe from Jerry Hsu.

Anonymous No. 177803

shit if I can even get them to stay on my feet that'd be good. replica dunks never put padding in the heel collar or whatever its called so when I come off of a step the shoe isn't fully grabbing my heel
it isn't noticeable visually but I can feel it. it was inly $45 tho so whatevs

Anonymous No. 177804

>They do a good job filtering the park.
No they fucking don't. They literally fill the park up with other stoner punk kids, who in turn stay there all fucking day taking up space. At the very least the parents with kids don't stay long unless their kid happens to be a little ripper. And worst case scenario is that they end up attracting cops or shitty neighbours because they don't know how to smoke on the sly.

Anonymous No. 177814

Vert is hardly even a thing anymore. Vert had plenty soul in the past. Sure this is x games but this run is pure as fuck.

Anonymous No. 177817

you got fleeced my guy. tons of skate shoes were priced around that number for black friday

Anonymous No. 177819

buying gear on labor day and black friday alone got me set up for an entire year on a discount
t. 10 decks, 8 shoes, 2 pairs of trucks, 2 sets of wheels on ice.

Anonymous No. 177828

how does he rock those glasses so hard, it takes a special kind of badass to do that

Anonymous No. 177838

one time i was on omegle and i met dan corrigan

Anonymous No. 177847


Anonymous No. 177855

He wants to look swagged out in some dunks not look like it's 2011 in a pair of etnies or emericas.

Those are speed goggles very popular at that time.

Anonymous No. 177857

>Trucks and wheels still haven't arrived

Anonymous No. 177877

its saturday, where are you skating /esg/?

Anonymous No. 177906

I quit

Anonymous No. 177909

I have a stummy ache :\

Anonymous No. 177912

Weekends means crowds. I might go to a crusty manny pad and practice nose manuals.
I ordered trucks a week ago from a shop 30 mins from my house and they haven't arrived. I should have just gone and got them.

Anonymous No. 177921

It poured yesterday and my spot remained wet all day. Fuck winter.

Anonymous No. 177922

Lol I've seen 10 dollar tony hawk completes at Walmart before, the wheels dont even do a full rotation when you try to spin them.

Anonymous No. 177927

Its been snowing the past few days and I've been sick. Gonna hit it hard next week though. Its supposed to warm up.

Anonymous No. 177928

I'd rather look like a 2011 skater than wear some fake chinese shit. I'd also rather just buy Nikes.

Anonymous No. 177929


Anonymous No. 177931

he could have bought actual nikes for the same price on with all of the black friday sales.
kinda weird desu

Anonymous No. 177932

I'm soletech for life I get lots of reactions and compliments from people when they see my etnies.

Nah bro they gotta be dunks, the rare 300 dollar colorways.

Anonymous No. 177937

In fairness these were completes and were supposed to be $50 or $60, but they weren't selling so they reduced them to $9.
Braille did a comparison video between one and a regular $15 Wal-Mart board. Obviously they were going to be biased, but the quality between the two was immediate. I think he mentions that the ball bearings that were used cost more than the $9 that Wal-Mart were selling the boards for so it was worth buying one just for those.
It's worth watching just to see how fucking seething Aaron is while trying to keep up his nicer than nice persona desu.

Anonymous No. 177945

>It's worth watching
No mate I'm afraid it's not.

Anonymous No. 177958

I don't skateboard but i had a coworker say he was learning to skateboard a month ago and recently got offended when i asked how the skateboarding was going. He said "i already know how to skate board, i just don't know tricks" which seemed strange to me since he went on about it for 20 minutes about how he is just learning to skateboard last time he told me.

Are all skaters like this? Or is he just a spaz?

Anonymous No. 177962

guys i been clean for like four months now. finally got that nollie inward heel nosegrind locked dialed in you feel me.

Anonymous No. 177965

i don;t think he counts as a skater and hes insecure that he cant skate

Anonymous No. 177973

could a mongo pusher go pro in the modern skate industry? i dont think ive seen a legit mongo pusher with solid sponsors in a while

Anonymous No. 177984

Never link me to a braille vid ever again, kid.

He's not a skater he's a fag going through a crisis, he probably got pissy because he already quit.

Anonymous No. 177986

No they can't. Iirc the sabotage x DC vid has some switch mongo but that's a throwback style thing.

Anonymous No. 177996

Not going to happen.

Anonymous No. 178004

I switch mongo, if you don't switch mongo your a zoomer

Anonymous No. 178005

You do not get compliments and reactions from your fucking entries dude

Anonymous No. 178006

CTE is a motherfucker, wear goddamned helmets.

Anonymous No. 178010

That's what keeps parents with kids away.

Anonymous No. 178011

mongo is antithetical to good skateboarding

Anonymous No. 178012


Anonymous No. 178024

Mongo v regular pfffft, how you guys feel about tic tacs? Personally I feel like a bit of a mentally ill retard when I do them.

Anonymous No. 178025

Are you jealous?

Pros haven't pushed switch mongo in fucking years. Your either a retard or a zoomer yourself.

Anonymous No. 178028

When I was young I didn't realise they were switch and I would emulate the switch mongo stance but skating my normal stance, with the little hop to get my feet in position and closed off shoulders.

I was the shit.

Anonymous No. 178029

hell no
you dont reveal a gun until you're using it, if you're in a situation where a gun is justified, trying to flash it like a threat will get you killed

Anonymous No. 178030

You guys don't know how to change tires or replace car batteries, please do not handle firearms.

Anonymous No. 178031

Some states have open carry idk.

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Anonymous No. 178033

I can do both and own a handgun. I go shooting at the range every now and then. I'm probably one of the less retarded posters here albeitthoughever

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Anonymous No. 178037



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Anonymous No. 178040

I don't understand why Birdhouse/Tony Hawk produce such (apparently) garbage boards. I only ever see children and absolute newbies skating them. They don't seem TERRIBLE from the ones I've had a push on, but they presumably don't last for shit. Which makes 0 sense to me from a team that has fucking Jaws on it.

Anonymous No. 178041

those are just completes meant for small children
the actual boards are bbs

Anonymous No. 178042

I mean, 1 month is barely enough time to learn to so much as push hard and ride around on ramps. Don't know what he was expecting if he's decided he's "not going to learn how to do tricks".

Speaking of; how long between first starting and learning how to ollie did it take everyone here? Must have been a good half a year for teenage me, then that again before it was actually a DECENT ollie.

Anonymous No. 178043

$20 says he fell, slapped the concrete, went home and never returned

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Anonymous No. 178044

When the fuck is Blokes 2 coming out?

Anonymous No. 178045

Open carry is a lot different than lifting up your shirt and revealing a gun as a threat like your in a gangbanger or in a mobster movie. Please stop talking out your ass.

The tony hawk Wal Mart brand is different than birdhouse, they are different manufacturers and everything. Tony hawk just licenses out his name and likeness to anyone who will pay him because he has like 4 ex wives and multiple kids.

Anonymous No. 178046

Also jaws is a gimmick that nobody really cares about at this point. He will be in a wheel chair in a few years from blowing out his legs ankles knees and feet.

Anonymous No. 178047

As a threat or as a warning?

Anonymous No. 178048

Both retard holy fuck you don't pull out a gun unless your ready to use it do I need to pistol whip you until you get this. Guns arent for threatening unless your a criminal.

Anonymous No. 178049

>jaws is a gimmick
Spot the fuckin poser.

Anonymous No. 178050

Who said pull out? I said show.

Anonymous No. 178051

He is a gimmick. Sorry I hurt your feelings, wait no I'm not.

Same thing dipshit. You watch too many gamgster movies.

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Anonymous No. 178052

>Sorry I hurt your feelings, wait no I'm not.

Anonymous No. 178054

Dumb ESL.

Anonymous No. 178055

Go back you nerd ass faggot

Anonymous No. 178056

I don't have a place to go back to.

Anonymous No. 178062

>Who said pull out? I said show.
Such a brilliant idea to inform someone they are now in a life or death situation. That can surely never backfire on you.

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Anonymous No. 178067

Found this epic spot, about 300ft of perfect painted curb in a mostly empty parking lot with brand new smooth asphalt. It skates pretty good with nothing done to it but how do I make sure these red curbs stay good? I feel like a lot of painted curbs don't get properly broken in, usually people just start waxing them but once the paint is gone they don't really work very goo and they're a pain in the ass to grind down once they have paint on them.

So should I go
>Rub brick
>Lacquer or more red paint?

I've prepped a bunch of unpainted curbs before but never a painted one

Anonymous No. 178068

Also just to make you even more jealous but outside of the picture there is way more opportunities for slappy spots - planters, double sided curbs, another 300ft section of painted curb... Literally the best most perfect slappy spot I have EVER seen

Anonymous No. 178070

looks awesome. My lazy ass would just skate it as is and then wax it as it gets worn down. I haven't been to my regular slappy spot in a while, but it hasn't failed me yet. You can definitely see the curb under the paint in places though.

Anonymous No. 178081

Think we can safely add firearm ettiquette to the list of shit /esg/ talks about more than they do skating.

Anonymous No. 178092

Just use wax no need to be extra.

Blame the CTE brained europoor that's seen too many movies.

Anonymous No. 178094

>Look up reviews of a nearby skatepark
>Most of the questions are just from people who bike and scooter complaining that they're banned from the park and that only skateboarders are allowed

Anonymous No. 178098

>they are now in a life or death situation

Well yeah if you threaten my life or property you should be let known that you're in a life or death situation so you can make your own choice.

Anonymous No. 178099

Sounds like a perfect park
You're a fucking retard bro just stop.

Anonymous No. 178102

No argument?

Anonymous No. 178103

tic tacs always look sketchy, not as bad as a baker maker, heel drag or toe touch but still in the spectrum of sketchiness

Anonymous No. 178104

Why are you acting like an annoying 14 yo arguing with their parents? You've been presented arguments multiple times by different people but continue on with the same ol bull shit of thinking you'd be the biggest bad ass in the world if only you had a Glock in your waist band at all times.

Anonymous No. 178105

You sound pretty autistic. If you're a gun owner and someone is threatening your life what would you do? Would you not give the signal that they should stop before you defend yourself?

Anonymous No. 178106

or do you mean tic tac as a way to move into doing a trick, thats literally so insane i didnt even consider it. was tic tacing that way popular at one point? seems like some super old head shit but i think i've seen it before. looks gross tho as a grown man you should not be moving around on your skateboard that way looking like youre on a ripstick lmao mad weird

Anonymous No. 178107

Take a firearms safety and self defense class you fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 178108

Answer the question, ape.

Anonymous No. 178111

I've been around firearms my whole life, I know what to do and what not to do. You don't know shit and are living in your head.

Anonymous No. 178113

OK lil dood
1. get your rub brick and go crazy with it. don't breathe in the concrete dust. you can splash water on the curb so it doesnt end up in your lungs
2. then use your spray lacquer to give it 2 or three coats. possibly roll on lacquer if you're in a location where shaking a can will attract too much attention. doing this at night is a good idea because you can just wait for it dry while you're sleeping :D
3 AFTER it dries, wax it up, it will grind effortlessly

Anonymous No. 178114

Why would you rub brick something thats already smooth and grinds? Waste of time money and energy.

Anonymous No. 178115

Every single time you people make posts like that, it becomes obvious you have never skated a well prepared curb.
I am not surprised this is too much "work" for some posters here. As if a rub brick was expensive.

Anonymous No. 178116

lol dickhead ive rub bricked and lacquered several curbs and ledges as well as have skated painted curbs that are just waxed up. Painted curbs don't need rub bricks.

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Anonymous No. 178117

yeah we can tell

this is considered prohibitively expensive for the average /esg/ poster. never forget this when someone here tries to give you financial advice. its probably the same poorfag that got mad at somebody for buying wax the other day

Anonymous No. 178118

painted curbs don't need rub bricks. waste of money time and energy.

Anonymous No. 178119

and buying skate wax is retarded.

Anonymous No. 178120

Skating curbs is fucking gay

Anonymous No. 178121

Imagine finding a perfectly smooth, painted curb then choosing to rub it down and treat it to try and simulate the feel of a perfectly smooth, painted curb.

Anonymous No. 178123

Curbs are for people that can't skate ledges.

Anonymous No. 178124

Clearly you've never skated a well prepared curb. You're probably too poor.
Slappies are mad fun. Do you hate fun?

Anonymous No. 178125

>still refusing to answer the question

No you're a larping retard.

Anonymous No. 178126

What am I larping as, an American? Get your head checked europoor John Wayne wanna be ass faggot. People like you are why there should be a required class or lessons to take before you can purchase a fire arm.

Anonymous No. 178127

Read your amendments, bitch. Answer what you would do as a gun owner if someone is threatening your life and advancing towards you.

Anonymous No. 178130

from now on we should ban americans.

Anonymous No. 178132

No it's the other way around. Only Americans should be allowed. And me as the only yuro exception.

Anonymous No. 178133

I would assess the situation and either try to diffuse it or tell em to fuck off. I bet your trigger discipline is shit.

Anonymous No. 178134

>f-fuck off f-fuck off man f-fuck o-ACK

No, retard. You pull your gun out and warn them to step back and stop. If they refuse and it gets to the point where it's too late to avoid getting hurt, you shoot. Fucking bitch. Obviously you want to diffuse the situation. We're specifically talking about situations where you life is in danger >>177720 this is where the conversation started.

Anonymous No. 178135

Faggot. Take a fucking fire arms safety class. Your just as retarded as that poster. He talked about getting death threats from a nut job. So fucking what. You and him are pussy bitches talking out your asses. I've been in situations where my life's actually been in danger not just threatened by some fucking retard drug addict. You need a helmet not just for skating but for wearing at all times cause youre legitimately mental handicapped. Does your wrangler know youre posting on the internet or is he out getting you more juice boxes and applesauce?

Anonymous No. 178137

>Your just

Didn't read the rest. Take an English class. Dumb retard.

Anonymous No. 178138

>yuro trying to lecture others on gun rights and safety

Anonymous No. 178142

>how do I make sure these red curbs stay good?
Have nobody skate them.

Anonymous No. 178143

Why do you faggots always argue over dumb shit

Anonymous No. 178155

So you just wax it and let er rip?

It does seem that with a painted curb you are basically smoothing out the concrete with your trucks as you go so I can see why a rub brick would be unnecessary

But at the same time most painted curbs that have only been waxed skate like shit. Idk. I have a battery powered grinder so I'm thinking of just putting a flap disc on it and going to town, I could smooth out like 100ft of curb in 5 mins

Anonymous No. 178156

fuck i misposted

Anonymous No. 178159

>posting that in a sumo thread
Good lord anon, maybe you really should get that looked at.

Anonymous No. 178162

its been a month now since i got it. had my first driving lesson today too and blew through a stop sign. my bad attention is permanent homie

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Anonymous No. 178163

>had my first driving lesson today too and blew through a stop sign
> About 35% of people with concussion experience persistent or prolonged symptoms 3 to 6 months after injury

Anonymous No. 178165

just skate faster nigger

Anonymous No. 178166

Go back nerd ass faggot. Only fucking dorks give a shit about small grammar/spelling mistakes. Do you need a gun because youre tired of getting wedgies and swirlies from the bullies at your school you little dick dork?

Youre probably going to end up rubbing/grinding off most if not all the paint. If you wanna be extra then just use lacquer (or concrete sealant, I think that's the new thing?) that will make the curb last longer but if your the only one skating this spot then don't even bother, youre not gonna take all the paint off skating it on your own. In the past skaters really used to smooth shit out with just their trucks. I don't think rub bricking shit really became a known thing until like 10 - 15 years ago.

Anonymous No. 178168

That's not a small grammar mistake. You're just retarded. Get a brain.

Anonymous No. 178172

Get a life and go skate lil faggot dork

Anonymous No. 178173

Get a high school diploma, retard rat.

Anonymous No. 178174

They have nothing better to do

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Anonymous No. 178175

That's awesome anon. I just found a really good parking garage today for when it rains and snows. First session for me in a week since I've been sick. I'm riding high today.

Anonymous No. 178183

>retard rat
Dorkiest europoor insult I've ever heard

Anonymous No. 178185

Yeah because you are a dork. Like rad rat, except retard rat, because you're cringe.

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Duane Peters rock....gif

Anonymous No. 178191

>do rock n roll
>4 out 5 times the pivot back to regular ends up clearing most of the transition
>don't get the full down pump/wind up basically on the flat with fuck all speed

Is this just one of those tricks that doesn't work well on smaller transition or is there an actual sure fire technique to not wind up killing your speed with these?

Anonymous No. 178193

go fast enough to smack your wheels on the deck
wind your shoulders
dont overshoot rotation

Anonymous No. 178194

doing a rock n roll on small transition seems like a waste of time desu
I don't even do that trick anymore there are way better ones more worth your time das just me doe

Anonymous No. 178195

>Faggot nerd calls me a dork while referencing a YouTuber
>You're cringe
You gotta be 18 to post here lil bro. That high school diploma comment was some projection wasn't it? Fits in perfectly with your fantasies of thinking you'd be a badass if only you had a gun. Try and get a girlfriend and have your first kiss maybe even lose your virginity, might make you feel better about yourself.

Anonymous No. 178196

I aint reading all that seething shit my g.

Anonymous No. 178201

abloo bloo bloo
thats all i get from your old man posts

Anonymous No. 178203

Great advice guys. Good to know there are Real Skaters™ in these threads.

Anonymous No. 178204

>I don't think rub bricking shit really became a known thing until like 10 - 15 years ago.
Yeah I don't remember it being a thing when I was growing up either. I just remember we would wax the fuck out of curbs until they went, but it was a lot of effort

Anonymous No. 178209

yea it became a popular thing after that buttery donovan guy on the berrics in the 2000s

Anonymous No. 178212

slappies are like literal magic to non-americans

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Anonymous No. 178216

any music recommendations to skate to /esg/? Spotify playlists would be ideal. I'm getting tired of rap and metal, something different would be cool. been getting into house after watching bronze and palace videos, I'm kinda into that as of late

Anonymous No. 178220

yeah have you heard of blink 182? epic skate punk music

Anonymous No. 178223

kek yeh that's what I meant.
>super old head
Chill. Kids don't tic tac?

Anonymous No. 178224

Another Angle playlists

Anonymous No. 178226

thanks anon, I'll check it out.

Anonymous No. 178228

they're like magic to me because our curbs are all dogshit

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Anonymous No. 178235

/esg/'s two favourite things (braille and guns) combined! the only problem is that it's also a skateboard, which /esg/ doesn't like talking about.

Anonymous No. 178249

There's only so many ways you can talk about riding a skateboard.

Anonymous No. 178253

>dude made a board out of the b34

Only non zoomers and non redditors will get the reference.

Anonymous No. 178257

Sorry I can't attach a family guy clip to my posts for you adhd children.
Ironic braille posting is still braille posting

Anonymous No. 178258

I had a dream last night I did a 3 shove tailgrab up a euro with massive hangtime, I don't know why that trick, it's kinda gay

Anonymous No. 178259

You should apologize for being a retard instead.

Anonymous No. 178260

Skating dreams upset me because I will never have that level of control over my board in real life, although sometimes just as I'm on the cusp of sleep l have a short dream about slipping out backwards and wake up with a jolt.

Anonymous No. 178268

*Pulls up shirt to reveal a glock in my waistband*
Not so tough now are ya kid?

Anonymous No. 178274

*walks away while calling you a faggot from a distance and later online on social media*

Anonymous No. 178286

i've never seen a younger person tic tac on person, thats very illegal

Anonymous No. 178298

No worries it's all I've listened to for months. Some hip hop occasionally but not too much, I don't really like hip hop but it's tolerable stuff.

Anonymous No. 178299

Strange, it's the laziest way to get going.

Anonymous No. 178302

>Posted from my recliner

Anonymous No. 178304


Anonymous No. 178322

This is what I put on:

Anonymous No. 178324


Anonymous No. 178325

I listen to skate video songs on the way to the park/spot and then I skate to the sound of my skateboard. I used to skate with music every time, but I find that it can really mess with my flow. Sometimes it hypes me up but having more situational awareness and hearing my trucks against the ledge, the sksshhh of my bearings, the snap of my pop ETC. has helped me get more confident with tricks and just better attuned with my board and what I'm doing.

Anonymous No. 178332

John Hill is such a faggot

Anonymous No. 178333

you're not wrong

Anonymous No. 178363

>Ordered parts from NHS last month on the 25th
>They're still not here yet

Anonymous No. 178369

yeah haha i can ollie

Anonymous No. 178372

Holy fuck I've always wanted this. Hero.

Anonymous No. 178375

yeah but he has a great head of hair so he cant be that evil

Anonymous No. 178376

never fails to impress me how nobody ever posts clips in these threads, and theres always a few retards shitting up the thread with an argument about something barely tangentially related to skating (firearms lmfao...) easily one of the worst generals on the entire site

Anonymous No. 178378

>Doesn't do anything but bitch and whine
Post your clips then faggot

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Anonymous No. 178379

Kevin Bradley continues to be one of the funniest guys to follow

Anonymous No. 178383

Don't forget defending pushing mongo and seriously discussing Braille. Slap is a better resource for actual skate discussion.

Anonymous No. 178384

what is this shit? first link I clicked (public domain) did not have the music from it and was just rap garbage.

Anonymous No. 178387

Nobody in here has a mildly interesting clip to post. I can't remember the last time I saw a clip in here that wasn't flat ground or in a park.

Anonymous No. 178390

Then go to slap faggot this is 4chan what the fuck do you want?
Then post your clip faggot

This is worse than any retards arguing

Anonymous No. 178399

I already posted my clips from 15 years ago

Anonymous No. 178400

I use both sites. I don't want anything. Its just funny sometimes.

Anonymous No. 178404

Ur teh worse typa poster

Anonymous No. 178406
Skatewarehouse has completes for $50 until the 11th

Anonymous No. 178410

Does anyone remember skateamerica?

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Anonymous No. 178432

>your clip
Stopped reading there. Wear a helmet and finish high school faggot retard ESL.
Pic Related 2sk8r4u
Should only be buying completes if it's your first board or if your gifting someone their first board.

Anonymous No. 178435

lmao BTFO

Anonymous No. 178441

>or if your gifting someone their first board
that's why I posted it.
I have a few kids in my family that are old enough for their first board this Christmas

Anonymous No. 178444

>you're* clip

Anonymous No. 178445

You used the correct form of your.
Anon used the correct form of your.
That's the wrong form, you were right the first time.

Anonymous No. 178453

I was doing a lil trollin but thank you for youeir service

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slappy backside.webm

Anonymous No. 178461

Here's me skating that curb i posted earlier in the thread, pretty basic but i was just filming it to show a friend the new spot

Vid would probably be better with sound...

I rarely come to this general anymore

Anonymous No. 178472

nice that's a real car battery changer slappy

Anonymous No. 178473

dude looks like he knows his firearm safety

Anonymous No. 178479

I got my first complete there, was overpriced as fuck and my parents were not stoked on spending 100 bucks on a toy. I remember the shitty flash website with all the cheesy sound effects. Too bad the wayback machine isn't loading it correctly.

Anonymous No. 178480

Has anyone blown out bones bushings by just tightening your trucks because I think I just did

Anonymous No. 178482

I need to learn to slappy

Anonymous No. 178483

Man whenever i watch some dude like pedro delfino skate and getting so fucking broken off trying insane shit i'm just like 'nah i'm good i'll stick to slappies'

Dude is gonna have CTE when he gets older for sure

Anonymous No. 178484

The opening of his welcome to death wish part where he gets knocked out trying to jump on a rail from a rooftop is seared into my brain

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Anonymous No. 178485

Edit of me playing skateboards:
I prefer to operate a camera and edit, however. Haven't been into skating recently, but I made a new friend and he bought a camera. Now we're waiting for a fisheye. It'll give me something to do outside of working and waiting around to die.

Anonymous No. 178486

For backside:
Weight on your toes at your front foot
Push your front truck onto the curb
Powerslide your back truck onto the curb

Start off by coming at the curb perpendicularly if you can't do it yet. It makes it easier to get that powerslide motion on your back truck down. Method for frontside is basically the same as backside but takes some more finesse

Anonymous No. 178487


Anonymous No. 178489

thank you for the tips anon. I think I know a good curb spot I can start learning them on. I'll probably go there on sunday

Anonymous No. 178495

rub brick guy on suicide watch

Anonymous No. 178496

Hi gifted hater.

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Anonymous No. 178497

what's up fags i never have been here once or read a single post in these threads i just popped in to say i don't know a single trick i just ride a surf skate penny board wicked fast and get pussy cus i look fucking cool and tomboys are just dying to rub their flat chests on my dick when i appear gnar doing the wave swivel thing going back and forth on the pavement like i'm catching a sick wave this is not a copypasta i actually think and do this

Anonymous No. 178501

>First day back on a skateboard in over a decade
>Fall flat on my back, bruise my elbow, and scrape the shit out of my thumb
This is a lot harder than I remember

Anonymous No. 178507

Good stuff.

Anonymous No. 178514

This is not a properly prepared curb!!!1!!

Anonymous No. 178517

I can't believe what I'm seeing...
Listen, kid, if you want to slap curbs bigly, you need to know how to lovingly prepare it first, like a good meal. You need to take care of it like it was your own son, raise it properly. This isn't just a matter of opinion, it's a god given fact. What you have posted is abuse. I've seen road rash from hill bomb slams less raw than that curb. Make sure you don't sweat onto that thing, cause the salt will sting it so bad it will leap into the atmosphere and you'll never see it again, it's that fucking raw dawg, you hear me? I weep for this curb. It's like seeing a majestic animal at a zoo being mistreated, forced into awful conditions and beaten for not performing properly. I'm surprised you can even slide on it like that. I bet you spent the last day or so rubbing scented candle wax all over it so you could get your epic tik tok clip for the 4chans, don't lie I can practically smell the lemon fragrance through the monitor. That curb is fucking suffocating and it's sickening to see. I'm actually crying right now. Never post this shit here again, it belongs in a recked thread on /gif/. Take your fucking gun out of your waistband, close the 5 private mode tabs with Braille videos you have running and kindly shoot yourself.

Anonymous No. 178518
what is this trick called? nocomply 180 body varial NORTH?????

Anonymous No. 178522

ollie north frontside 180

Anonymous No. 178524

natas is so sick

Anonymous No. 178534

These posts have now become a perfect example of why you should never take advice from anyone in these threads. Just a constant stream of retards who've seen a YouTube video and speak on shit as if their experts when they have no real life experience of their own. Then they lash out and throw insults around when someone calls them out. These threads are purely for shit posting.

Anonymous No. 178552

how come /esg/ doesn't have a discord? mods could kick out troll accounts.

Anonymous No. 178555

If it’s good as is just add wax. Salba sauce if necessary

Anonymous No. 178558

There is a discord I remember someone linking to it in the past.

Anonymous No. 178559

That's called a tic tac young fella

🗑️ Anonymous No. 178560

>mods could kick out
go back nigger faggot

Anonymous No. 178561

kek you know this place has mods too right? fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 178563

And a ban here is easy to evade
The whole point of this site is anon, no gay usernames and avatars and signing up to some faggot website where gay lord moderators actively run their little IRL chat bullshit. Newfags don't into anon.

Anonymous No. 178571

How would a discord be any less gay? People are just gonna post the same gay shit

Anonymous No. 178583

for one, it would be more active. these threads are slow as fuck.
second, there's generally more granularity. there can be channels for purchase advice, a general, a screen share channel for playing videos with a dedicated chat for that, and a politics channel if need be for all the retarded gun talk here. Apart from banning users you can timeout them or enable slowmode temporarily or just in certain channels.
but sure, let's just keep posting in these shitty threads instead.

Anonymous No. 178584

you must lurk for 2 years before posting

Anonymous No. 178585

there could also be a channel for really motivated skaters who wanna gas each other up to get out and learn tricks and maybe meet up to have sex someday (haha but probably not)

Anonymous No. 178589

Someone make a dickscord then

Anonymous No. 178592

I just rode my brand new thunder 149s with brand new bones bushings and it felt like home the first throw down.
My biggest fear was sticking on nose slides (and tail slides if I learn them) but I didn't notice, however I am not sliding the entire ledge anyway.

Anonymous No. 178608

you first, faggot, and don't come back

Anonymous No. 178642

Tom Knox wishes he was this good

Anonymous No. 178657

Thread is donezo

Anonymous No. 178659

He is a very satisfying skater to watch, everything is properly done

Anonymous No. 178672

yo check this cool art skate vid they painted on film

Anonymous No. 178677

i dont like this guy cause his name is too close to mason silva, who is one of my favorite skaters.

Time to move back to the old thread

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Anonymous No. 178689

Broke in this new curb today, same carpark as >>178067

I used a knife sharpening stone, then wax. Didn't have any lacquer and that shit is expensive so didn't use that. I think lacquer just makes the break in process quicker, but after about 30 mins of skating and a lot of wax these were grinding good.

The sharpening stones are $3 from harbor freight and I think they arguably work better than rub bricks, the finish is smoother and they are cheaper.

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Anonymous No. 178690

Also broke in this one too. All of these curbs, including the long red one, are within a small area so you can basically just skate around and hit multiple curbs in one line.

Spot is almost too good to be true... I hope they don't do some bullshit like putting skate stoppers on the curbs or something. It even has a bunch of bright lights.

Anonymous No. 178691

I also broke in this really short planter that was only like 4ft long, but didn't get a pic. It's kinda too short to really do any proper grinds but you can just quickly hit a slappy crook and go off the edge and that's pretty fun

I'm literally creating the slappy mecca boys. People will come from far and wide to skate these curbs one day.

Anonymous No. 178696

>Didn't have any lacquer and that shit is expensive so didn't use that
wow what are you, some kind of broke skater with a shitty job??

looks like a nice job im gonna try out the sharpening stone. how many did you use to do all of that if it was only one thats really impressive.

Anonymous No. 178731

Bevup with the new part. Not sure about the gay music but the skating was cool. That $100 trick he's not landing without the deck rails though.

Anonymous No. 178735

I just used one for those three different curbs and the sharpening stone still has about 50% left. I think it's quicker than a rub brick too.

Anonymous No. 178747

Anonymous No. 178758

wrong thread bud

Anonymous No. 178776

Why is everyone on the Nine Club such a huge faggot

Anonymous No. 178781

Boardering illegal

Anonymous No. 178782

Most of the people involved in the industry are awful.

Anonymous No. 178794

The best show they had was when they just reviewed skate footage from the previous week. Then they got lazy and didn't want to watch skate videos and set them up for the show, kept pushing shitty segments, got discord trannies involved and everything went to shit.
I like Chris and Kelly. Seems like coordinating the rest was a pain. How do you politely tell Steezus to shut the fuck up with his low iq plebbit takes on social issues politely when you're not paying him?

Anonymous No. 178796

You act like a man and tell them to shut the fuck up and stop bringing up politics on a podcast about skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 178801

Any tips or advice on olling up or over objects. I feel like my ollies are tall enough but I’m having troubles with objects and going up stuff

Anonymous No. 178803

Start small, work your way up. Start with something like a broom handle or a garden hose. Progress to a water bottle when you're comfortable enough and get the timing down. Try ollieing over another skateboard once you get up to that size. Maybe try practicing on going up curbs.

Anonymous No. 178809

I mean I can Ollie over a cone standing down (obviously not standing up). Tried two (one on top of each other) and miserably failed. Do I need to pop harder?

Anonymous No. 178816

Tuck your knees up and stay square over your board

Anonymous No. 178827

>Tuck your knees up
Honestly haven’t thought of that. Will give it a try thanks.

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Anonymous No. 178832

thoughts on the Jacuzzi drama?

Honestly wouldn't surprised if it was true. I don't think party footage/drunk clips/casual drinking clips are an issue in skate media, but when your entire brand is centered around that, and it isn't something thats true to the people you're putting on, you have to be a real piece of shit to do something like this.

Anonymous No. 178849

Why is there so many sad cunts in skating? What did he want the team to do? Does he have parents? Friends? Why decide to take tranny pills? Kids are so retarded these days.

Anonymous No. 178852

In what world are SSRIs "tranny pills"

Anonymous No. 178854

He probably used the word tranny as a synonym for retard.

Anonymous No. 178855

>What did he want the team to do?
when your employer is forcing you to get fucked up and it's fucking with your mental health and already lead to one of your employees to kill themselves, it's probably a good idea to at least look into the situation and see what you, as a boss, can do.

the world where he lives on 4chan and everything to him is a buzzword

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Anonymous No. 178856

Slappy mecca in progress, another curb rub bricked and waxed. My friend even brought some spray on lacquer and we used it but we only got half way before it ran out. I will say it does make a difference, it basically grinds straight away with no break in when you use lacquer.

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slappy front crook.webm

Anonymous No. 178860

And here's a slappy front crook

Anonymous No. 178865

I wanna skate curbs too...

Anonymous No. 178866

SSRI effects your serotonin. Serotonin acts as a hormone. Hormone altering pills are tranny pills. Ipso facto.
>Forcing him to
Were they shoveling beer bongs down his throat? Can he not take responsibility for his own actions? He chose to put himself in that environment and do those things. It's not someone else's responsibility.

Anonymous No. 178870

'figure it out on your own' is pretty much the response any employer would have. What did he expect them to do?

Anonymous No. 178878

louie is the world’s most functional alcoholic, i really would not expect him to baby anyone through their issues

Anonymous No. 178884

read the thread. seems like louie doesnt want people on the team if they arent partying

Anonymous No. 178886

I don't know why out of all places you are trying to garner sympathy on 4chan, a place where "kys" is posted hundreds of times a day, but anyway..
kid needs to learn that people you work with are not your friends, especially your boss.
Most people learn this by the time they turn 18.

Anonymous No. 178887

you probably found this website 2 years ago retard boomer

Anonymous No. 178888

>guys i know you just pay me to skate but i also want you to be my emotional support system plz i have depression and i'm suicidal :'(
what a fucking faggot haha handle your shit like a man

🗑️ Anonymous No. 178889

this, if he can't do it then he might as well start transitioning, which is basically the ultimate man's cry for help from mental illness. worked for arin, that trannynigger rides for nike for fucks sake.

Anonymous No. 178901

idk it sounds like more of the issue was that louie wants to run a tiltmode team and not everyone can do the daydrinking pissdrunx life and still be a functional person who gets clips. most people cannot ime

Anonymous No. 178932

I think ssri guy is just being a bitch he's gonna regret quitting

Anonymous No. 178937

Niggas skating mountains now? Skateboarding is just moving too fast for me.

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LISTEN TO ME.jfif.jpg

Anonymous No. 178941

NEW THREAD >>178940

Anonymous No. 178947

>I just used one for those three different curbs and the sharpening stone still has about 50% left.
thats pretty fucking insane. Im absolutely gonna have to try this for myself. pic related is the new thing to use instead of lacquer. Its big spending up front but in the long run it will last longer and be cheaper than lacquer. Its also less sketchy to apply, you wont look like your doing graff.

this thread is still on page 2. you dipshits really dont need to make a new thread so fast.

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Anonymous No. 178948

forgot pic

Anonymous No. 179218

Do you guys go to the gym to get more strength and increase your hops?

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one moar twick pw....png

Anonymous No. 183789

Have any of you guys ever made friends with security guards/sweet talked them into letting you skate at a spot you frequent?