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1990 SOTY Tony Hawk.jpg

🗑️ 🧵 /esg/ Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 178940

SOTY edition. Post your predictions.

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Previous Thread: >>177498
Tony Hawk's final video part today. Hope you like vert.

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Anonymous No. 178946

>can't avoid rainy days in the UK
>go for skate
>even the 'dry' places have small puddles here and there
>come home
>clean as much as I could
>next day
>some inner leftovers dried up
>half the wheels turn freely
>the other make a grinding noise inside
There is dried mud or something. Are the wheels kill? Can I wash them with water in the sink?
What do?

Anonymous No. 178950

soak them in water over night, air dry them, then when theyre dry spray wd40 on the inside of the wheels.

Anonymous No. 178954

I took them out and they seem sealed. Like there is the bearing that comes off, and another metal tube part after the bearing then the outer cover.
Everything inside is lubbed and I can't seem to find a way to open the bearing itself to see the balls.
When I hold and turn the bearings that grind they do these internal micro stutters, like they grind on something, even though they seem sealed from the environment. Shitty factory bearings maybe?

Anonymous No. 178955

Sorry I am a mega noob. The outer 'cover' probably is another bearing.

Anonymous No. 178957

They look exactly like the shielded bearing here.
>Unfortunately there is nothing you can do to shielded bearings other than get new ones
I will use them till they actually become an issue while skating.

Anonymous No. 178959


you should be able to take the shield off so you can see the inside balls, thats what you wanna spray with wd40. just use a razorblade or something really thin. what brand are your bearings

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Anonymous No. 178960

>Ground Control CM Wheels, for Razors skates
>doesn't say anything on the bearing
>not posting in the inline thread
No one posts there. It's the same technology.

Anonymous No. 178963

sorry fruitbooter cant help ya

🗑️ Anonymous No. 178965

The Jamie Foy windex method and works really well. Pop the shields off and soak them in windex for an hour or two.

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Anonymous No. 178966

they make waterproof bearings but idk if they're a meme or not. rain sessions are fun but it's best to use old boards imo
shit's fun yo

Anonymous No. 178967

pop the shields and soak them in windex

Anonymous No. 178968

I will try it. But I also have brake cleaner spray and air gun at work.
Not sure what the deal is since I only skated once with these bearings. I will get the windex broscience juice too.

Anonymous No. 178970

I think skateboard and inline culture is the same exact thing. Skateboarding is more difficult though, congrats you won.

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Anonymous No. 178971

Fellow UK anon here. Hopefully it's just dirt. I clean mine every now and then if I'm skating outside this time of year.

>buy white spirits
>buy either Bones Speed Cream at your local skateshop or sewing machine oil at a hardware store. It needs to be a thin, light oil. WD40 isn't great for this as it can get sticky after a while.
>pop the bearings out by levering them off your trucks
>use a needle or blade to flick the shields off
>get some kitchen roll handy. You can give them a quick wipe now if they're really dirty.
>fill some sort of container with the white spirits. An old lunchbox will do. I have one of those Bones "cleaning kit" bottle things.
>put the bearings inside, exposed part up, and shake the shit out of the container. The spirits will dissolve and remove the dirt. You'll be able to see how much comes off.
>take them out of the box, then place them on some kitchen roll. Pat them down to absorb most of the spirits, then let the rest evaporate
>put a drop or two of oil into them, give them a spin so it spreads and so you can see if they're good (if they don't spin freely at this point, they're probably rusted or damaged)
>put the shields back on and pop them into your wheels

I'd recommend getting a second set of backup bearings of the same type when you have the change. You're rarely going to destroy all of them at once so swapping out the one or two that are beyond cleaning will be necessary. I've used different Bones Redz, Sushi and Bronson bearings over the last 2 years and the Bronsons have won out by a good mile.

Anonymous No. 178973

>I think skateboard and inline culture is the same exact thing
fucking fruitbooters, always with this "were the same" bullshit.

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Anonymous No. 178974

>back from a snapped femur he had to heal from twice
>multiple NBDs
>all clean as fuck

We're all gonna make it bros.

Anonymous No. 178976

>clean and lube your bearings with wd40
I'm tempted to think that was bait. You guys can't be this stupid right?

Anonymous No. 178980

my dad said wd40 works for everything plus I like the smell so much I spray some on my griptape too so the smell sticks around.

Anonymous No. 178982

but fr though I regret teaching this fruitbooter anything.

Anonymous No. 178984

I've never even seen another dick up close but Pat Lennen's part in Leading the Blind made me not tease fruit booters.

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Anonymous No. 178985

>like the smell
stop huffing WD40 anon

Anonymous No. 178986

looked pretty cool as i fast forwarded through it.

Anonymous No. 178993

What's different?

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Anonymous No. 178995

I will put oil based lube when I clean them. WD silicone based sounds like a bad idea.

Anonymous No. 178999

Here are some twirls.

Anonymous No. 179001

Skateboarding is cool to look at. Fruitbooting is silly looking.

Anonymous No. 179003

WD-40 is not recommended for lubricating ball bearings. While WD-40 can help to clean and remove rust, it's not a true lubricant and doesn't provide the necessary long-term lubrication that ball bearings require. For ball bearings, it's better to use a specific bearing grease or lubricant designed for such applications. These lubricants provide better viscosity, temperature resistance, and longevity, which are essential for the smooth operation of ball bearings. WD40 is really just for cleaning

Anonymous No. 179005

For example WD40 is perfect for>>178971 shit like this, just reapply lube afterward.

Anonymous No. 179009

The guy that brings up the car battery disaster is going to have a field day with this

Anonymous No. 179015


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Anonymous No. 179022

>flick the shields off
I will try this even though they look metal and shut. like this. It's weird that they seem to have dirt after one use. I guess they stayed too long on the self until they got sold. Inline is pretty much dead anyways, only a handful of skate models are out there.

Anonymous No. 179024

i dont huff it i just like the smell, id buy wd40 cologne or deoderant if they made it.
the difference is that your a faggot and im not, stay in your lane, your doing one of the most annoying things that fruitbooters always do.
>Inline is pretty much dead anyways
as it should be. never even did backflips like the quad chicks just spinny figure skating fag shit.

Anonymous No. 179027

This shit is gay as fuck, but then again it's not Pat Lennen's part from Leading the Blind. If you want to show me rollerskating, show me that video part.

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Anonymous No. 179029


Unfortunately, MY back is like "later dudes!"

words cannot come close to how much i fucking love every one of you posting here. absolutely fucking enthralled reading your incredible fucking questions and hilarious witty banter. i can sense when i encounter someone that frequents these threads and you have no idea how close you are to getting respectfully dapped up. the way you talk, your choice of lovely encouraging words in passing conversation, your mannerisms, your accent, your abundance of balance, your attire, your trick selection, your warmup, your successful ability to gain knowledge from observing which is the only fucking way to progress, your all of it rules so fucking much i cant do anything other than congratulate your awesome existence replenishing this earth. love you all and wish you the best

Anonymous No. 179030

Do not do that>>178950
wd-40 will kill your bearings.

Anonymous No. 179031

I have nothing against you bro. Keep enjoying what you enjoy, even though it's not as cool as skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 179035

These are the posts I come here for. It's such an irony, Hawk was both the face of skateboarding and the face everybody loved hating in skateboarding; in the 80s because he brought the tricks that rendered the surfer-skaters obsolete (industry-wise, remember we are always talking in Spectacle terms), in the 90s because he became mainstream and did commercials and then went full commercial... but now, you know you're not the only one looking up to him when it comes to him being in the first generation of 50 year-old vert skaters and, really, skaters. And he had the injuries to boot.

Anonymous No. 179038

Skaters don't present their ass to an obstacle when they come at it fakie though. That's inline's #1 problem, the way it looks like you're setting up to twerk at a rail when you go at it fakie. Skiers have the same problem but it seems worse with them. If you can solve this problem, which you can as soon as no inliner goes fakie ever, all you have to deal with is the leftover essence of disgust stemming from vert rollerskaters using crab stance in the 80s and you guys will be cool too.

Anonymous No. 179042

are you saying that my dad doesnt know what hes talking about? dont make me go get him and show him your post

Anonymous No. 179058

Inline vert was pretty cool with those jap twins that sent it. The street shit with twirls and gay looking grinds sucks. But I did grow up skating with roller bladers for a while since everyone quit skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 179060

If they're metal like that the shields were not meant to be popped off. You can try it but it might ruin the bearing. Just buy some bones reds.

Anonymous No. 179061

>i can sense when i encounter someone that frequents these threads and you have no idea how close you are to getting respectfully dapped up.
lmao, spot on brother

Anonymous No. 179074

I'm saying your dad a bitch

Anonymous No. 179081

My dad works at Bones Bearings and he can beat up your dad.

Anonymous No. 179083


Anonymous No. 179088

He will uppercut him.

Anonymous No. 179090

This thread has been super gay so far

Anonymous No. 179092

glad you like it

Anonymous No. 179093

I think the fact ALL of the Bones Brigade still skate shows how you can do this shit for years to come. Part of it is the "selling out"/doing things for money so that you don't have to get a proper job or become a complete skate rat who falls into addiction and injuries, but I think another part is just pacing yourself. Tony in particular can sell out as much as he likes because he's raised and donated so much money into building parks. Then a whole lot of what he did wound up popularising skateboarding globally, and he wasn't above being goofy or lame in the process if it meant simply creating opportunities for little kids to see a skateboard in action. He's the ultimate winner at skating and deserves every minute of it.

Honestly, I look at Tony and how much he gave back when he could have justifiably taken his money and went home, then I look at all of the current crop of SLS moneybags and how little they seem to give a shit about getting people on boards and it makes me sad. None of them even seem to do cool shit with their money. I just picture them living in some big lonely LA mansion like they've beaten GTAV and swapped over to Franklin.

Anonymous No. 179094

Sometimes one side will be like that while the other can be popped off.

But idk, just buy new ones if it's this much of a ball ache.

Anonymous No. 179100

That's what happens when you start a new thread so fast

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Anonymous No. 179111

>tfw set up feels right
it's time to leave all that madness behind

Anonymous No. 179134

>find the perfect shape
>pro changes their board size
i can't skate an 8.875 that's too much bros...

Anonymous No. 179153

My dad works at spitfire and will kill your dad

Anonymous No. 179157

My dad works at bronson, one day he invited Milton Martinez to our house for dinner with my family. Milton came over and proceeded to talk to all of us in spanish like we could understand him, he seemed grumpy and kept repeating "smokes? smooooookes, smooookes?" to me over and over and I told him repeatedly that cigarettes are gross. I went to the bathroom and when I came out my dad asked where Milton went and I found him in my room rolling up joints with all my weed. I asked him what the fuck he was doing and he just laughed in that goblin ass way and lit one of the joints. He proceeded to chain smoke king size joints of my weed without offering me a hit. He let my dad hit a joint really hard and laughed his ass off when my dad started coughing so hard he threw up (he's a lightweight). He kept harrasing my mom while she was making dinner and tried to get her to smoke. We sat down to eat which was delicious (thanks mom) but we were all silent as Milton kept smoking, ashing on the floor and table, ranting in spanish and laughing to himself, my dad passed out and was drooling all over himself and Milton kept pointing and laughing at him. Finally he put his joint out in the mashed potatos and my mom started crying and ran upstairs. I had enough and challenged him to a game of skate through google translate. He accepted, cheated at roshambo and almost got me out until he missed a trick. I got him out all in one go on basic ass switch tricks (he pushes switch mongo) and he got pissed off and started yelling. My dad came outside demanding to know why Milton was angry and told me I was grounded and to go to my room. As he was pulling out of the driveway to take Milton home he yelled that he wished Milton would be a better son than me. Later that night he tried beating me with a Creature deck but it snapped after the first hit to my shoulder.

Anonymous No. 179166

new yuto part
had to watch it like 4 times to actually register each trick maybe it's the lack of slomo and so many tricks in so little time but im also fried so idk, i love the 4:3 ar

Anonymous No. 179173

>not 60 FPS

Anonymous No. 179189

This part was short and not as hype as his Tokyo part earlier this year. I'm hoping this is only the start of his soty run. Either way he's had a lot of good footage this year.

Anonymous No. 179193

>Buy new wheels
>10 minutes later the graphic is already completely worn down
Why are they like this

Anonymous No. 179194

I turn the graphics inside so I dont have to look at them as much. If I could get Formula 4s without any graphics on I would, but I'm too lazy to scratch them off

Anonymous No. 179207

I don't get this either. What's the point of even having graphics at that point?

Why can't wheel companies just contain the graphic to the inner surface of the wheel where's not going to rub off?

Anonymous No. 179208

Yeah nope I still don't have any desire to skateboard after quitting, seems more and more childish by the day I can't believe you guys still do this

Anonymous No. 179210

I feel like my wheels aren't broken in all the way until the graphic is gone

Anonymous No. 179211

Congrats on giving up, I guess?

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Anonymous No. 179212

What's some basic shit you struggle(d) with for ages that most people seem to just get naturally?

I can't for the fucking life of me hold onto an axel stall for more than a second. Most people just roll out, maybe struggle to not put their weight too far out and take a step off onto the deck, and can basically just stand up there. But I just can't completely stop that circular motion and/or get my upper body out of the transition. I can lock in and it's definitely an axel stall, but it's out an straight back in. Same with 5-0 stalls.

Anonymous No. 179217

you will get them eventually, keep trying. I was the worst at axle stalls, learned them really late into skating. now I do them without even thinking about it.

Anonymous No. 179236

I suck at transition so I can relate. I've been making an effort to do it more and its been getting easier. I wish I had my own mini ramp

Anonymous No. 179237

honestly fuck any transition above 3.5 feet, my park has this 5 foot bowl and it's stupid hard and scary to skate, its just asking for you to get broke off on it. transition skating is high risk low reward

Anonymous No. 179239

why is it that people who start skating in their very late teens or early 20s have the grossest style? they always look uncoordinated as fuck or they skate like their legs are broken or someshit vs kids that start skating younger or in their earlier teen years (ages 10-15) tend to develop way better style over the years? just something i noticed...

Anonymous No. 179240

You answered your own question. It takes time to develop style and comfortability.

Anonymous No. 179241

no i mean both of the different aged skaters have been skating the same amount of time, like the kid that is around 16/17 now whos been skating for only 2 1/2 years vs the guy that is like 23 that has been skating the same amount of time...they dont progress the same either, i notice younger kids progress way faster than the young adults that struggle with basic shit while the younger kid is already doing kickflips 6 months into skating...maybe kids just have more time to skate so maybe youre still right...idk but it makes me wonder

Anonymous No. 179243

When you are young you have the benefit of having taffy for tedons, joints, knees ETC. You can bounce back from injuries with little rest. Adults can be out for a week for a mild rolled ankle Adults are also naturally more risk averse, so they are less likely to challenge themselves and try things they aren't already comfortable doing. Which is essential for progression in skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 179245

Because younger people have just been shat out into the world and are hard coded to figure shit out quickly and this goes away as we age. Your neuroplasticity or some shit.

Anonymous No. 179246

Just drop in from an axel stall til you're comfy with that. Then try getting to there. Sounds like you're not comfy getting ontop of the coping.

Anonymous No. 179248

back 5-0's always give me trouble because my hips are kinda fucked. front 5-0 are the easiest shit in the world.
also i don't understand wallies at all

Anonymous No. 179250

fs shuv no comply. Well anything with that scoop. I just kick the board 20m in front of me or smack the shit out of my shin

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Anonymous No. 179251


Anonymous No. 179252

>fs shuv no comply

Just jump

Anonymous No. 179257

I have done and will do it regularly on anything I'm trying to stall on with no trouble. Usually it helps warm me up but I've yet to REALLY get a good stall. I really want to get them now because I've started doing those axel-to-tail drop in things and now I want to do that mid-run and/or go straight to BS tail stalls. I think I'm just rushing it or I've learned how to kickturn wrong or something.

This is one trick I actually can do reliably, with variations. With no complies, they take a whole lot less energy than you think and your upper body needs to be hunched over in the direction your travelling. Kick them too hard and they'll just spaz out into some flip or spin you didn't want, and if you stand up straight you won't create the gap in your legs that you need to let the board pass through.
One thing you can try is to just do this kooky spin thing here:
That and not popping them at all, but just mashing them into a sort of tail stop. That's super fun on banks and can get you into a tailslide or drop in. Try little pops into curbs too once you get the hang.

Luv me no complies, simple as.

Front shuvs are a gamble for me though. Sometimes I can get em all day, most days I can only seem to get one foot on. I think the scoop is supposed to actually bring the tail around more toeside than you'd think so you don't have to jump backwards to catch it but idk.

Anonymous No. 179262

all the front shuv variations (hardflip, lazer, biggie, ff impossible etc...) all use the exact same pressure point in the tail, once you find that point they'll come right back underfoot every single time. in my mind it's sort of an anti-scoop but idk if that is more confusing to other people

Anonymous No. 179276

I've heard about this elusive pressure point but have had as much luck finding it as a clitorus

Anonymous No. 179282

>60 FPS

Anonymous No. 179289

how in the world can anyone prefer skating in 30 fps. all good classic videos are 60. its an action sport not a movie

Anonymous No. 179290

Stop all this gay shit everyone needs to post their clips right now, I will just not first

Anonymous No. 179291

low testosterone

Anonymous No. 179292

i get rekt way more on small tranny. on big tranny you actually have time to react and slide out, sub 5 ft you're just going straight into the floor

Anonymous No. 179297

On big transition, you can bail and just slide right in, butt or knees the transition cups you safely towards the bottom. Like a baseball glove. Or something

Anonymous No. 179313

Everyone says this about big tranny but it don't make it any less scary to skate lmao. And I can actually do it, i can get an honest axle grind on a 10ft ramp but it's fucking terrifying

Anonymous No. 179326

and now you fags are talking about trannys? go back to slap gaybois

Anonymous No. 179328


Anonymous No. 179353

its scary but its FUN :D

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Anonymous No. 179355

Do you guys like Frog?

Anonymous No. 179363

>skaters having fun
>skaters skating weird spots
>360 firecracker? 180 firecracker pivot? whatever, firecracker progression is best
I like it.

Anonymous No. 179385

Do you guys go to like the gym and do leg exercises/weights to hop higher?

Anonymous No. 179386

No I like to get drunk

Anonymous No. 179388

That's a gay ass question

Anonymous No. 179389

Yes Anon who doesn’t. But focus. I feel like I could pop higher if I worked on my mobility and get more strength. Or is that a myth

Anonymous No. 179390

I do lots of calisthenics and yoga stuff which I think helps my pop. Squats, calf raises, single leg squats, bunch of gay poses etc. It certainly helps.

Anonymous No. 179393

Dawg how old are you and when did you start skating?

Anonymous No. 179395

Check out Kneesovertoesguy on youtube. He trains NBA players for jumping and longevity. A lot of it can apply to skateboarding since we jump a lot. I do atg split squats to strengthen my knees, and tibialis raises for hops. I also just do regular squats on a balance board and other various things to keep my legs and ankles strong. Been thinking about adding a weighted jump rope as well.

Anonymous No. 179399

Started as a youths for like a year or so but came back a year ago

Anonymous No. 179400

okay i've hated limo for a while but that new edit was actually sick as fuck lol. the short little bitch is still annoying but fuck hugo boserup is so good, i kinda wish he would get onto one of the legit brands that would put out full parts of him

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Anonymous No. 179402

your max box jump/ lunge is about where you can expect to max out a perfect ollie. most people would get more out of simply learning to ollie better before they would see any particular pop gains from liftan. where you will see gains right away will be your ability to hold impacts on landing and generally get rekt less often. imo skaters benefit more from calisthenics and gymnastic training than /fit/ 2pl8 autism.

Anonymous No. 179403

what is with people who start at your age asking stupid ass questions and thinking they can get better at skating by doing anything besides skating more. people like you are always thinking theres cheat codes to getting better.

can we fucking make a "i started skating before 18" general please. It would be basically the same but without the stupid ass questions, vlog drama and other shitty vibes. Im tired of talking to faggots going through their quarter life crisis who dont give a shit about skateboarding outside of their own personal progression.

Anonymous No. 179410

I dunno I live in NC but I don't think I'm gonna watch it

Anonymous No. 179411

People love answering the gayest questions here

Anonymous No. 179413

>*link to a skate vid/edit*
>2 replies

>hey guys how I ollie?
>6 replies, thread turns into an argument about wheels

i gotta imagine the people who reply to the stupid questions are either new themselves and trying to flex their fake knowledge or are old and used to skate years ago and have nothing better to do in regards to skating.

Anonymous No. 179415

idk i'm just very autistic about olliemaxxing and have thought a lot about it

Anonymous No. 179416

I agree that cross training isn't going to help progression, but it is really great for longevity and stability. Its helped me have more stamina to skate longer and not get as sore. I'm also less prone to injury. Its been really helpful for keeping me on my board. I'm 29 though and have been skating since 13. If you are younger its probably not worth the hassle. Just skate more.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 179417

I've said it once and I'll say it again. Slap is better for actual skate discussion. I come here to laugh and cringe mostly.

Anonymous No. 179419

>I’m so edgy guys look at me
The fact that you ignore an essential the fact that at the end of the day it’s a sport and like every sport you can actually improve your performance by strength training is pathetic bro. Why are you so mad at people asking questions anyway? Get a fucking life instead of being mad in an anime messageboard. I actually got some decent replies with useful information. You sound like a little bitch honestly.

Anonymous No. 179422

holy shit faggot can you do any other tricks?
Yeah, youre maintaining your health in general youre not looking for a get good quick strategy like the majority of people who ask about working out. Stretching and maintaining fitness is important as you get older but its not going to help you ollie over bigger shit magically.
slap is a million times better than these generals and I lurk there mostly but I post here cause I dont have to log in.
faggot bitch, nothing I said was edgy, heres something edgy for you, do a tail drop off the golden gate bridge. You started skating a year ago and are already looking for ways to improve without skating cause youre a weak cunt. I started skating in 2000 when I was 6 and asked for a tony hawk board and a pair of vans for christmas and santy clause (my uncle who skated in the 80s) got me that while you were asking for GI joes and shitting in your pull ups you still wore cause your parents babied you which led you to where you are now, going through a a fucking crisis and trying to reclaim your youth before you even hit 30. If anyone here is a little bitch its you. stop posting and skate more.

Anonymous No. 179423

>it’s a sport and like every sport you can actually improve your performance by strength training

Lol you would only think this if you were a noob.

Been skating since i was 14. During years 24 - 26 I got heavily into lifting. I could power clean 2pl8. If there is any exercise that should directly transfer into skating ability it is the power clean, but it didn't. My skating just suffered because I was always tired from lifting. Quit lifting and I started progressing in skating again.

Assuming you have a normal amount of physical fitness, skating is just technique and genetic ability. Nothing will ever make you better at skating except just doing it more and committing to tricks more.

Cant believe i wasted my time typing all this shit out. But yeah whatever dude you go do your curls or whatever to get that higher ollie lol

Anonymous No. 179426

>cause youre a weak cunt.
Lmao some of us have lives or don’t live near somewhere we can shred or live in an area where it doesn’t constantly rain. Go be a bitch somewhere else lmao. I first skated when I was 7 bro. Go project your own insecurities somewhere else.

I mean some other anons shared that some exercises >>179390>>179395 that can benefit. Obviously is doing something to get better when it’s not possible to skate

Anonymous No. 179427

Dawg you started skating a year ago I dont want to hear anymore of your bull shit excuses. You are the bitch.

Anonymous No. 179428

Skated from 9-12 actually. Used my older brothers world industry but whatever helps you cope lil angry dude. Bet you’re a manlet

Anonymous No. 179429

>Skated from 9-12 actually.
Then why did you say you started at 28.
>Bet you're a manlet
Faggot shut up, the projection is apparent, stature never matters for skating or weight lifting. There are blind limbless dudes who can skate better than you can. Did you start skating at 28 in the hopes of picking up zoomer e girls?

Anonymous No. 179439

Do you think john cardiel did yoga to help him skate better?

You should do it because it's good for you in general though

Anonymous No. 179440

Can anyone recommend me a good skatepark in Las Vegas?

Going there for a wedding soon and i need to keep myself occupied while my wife helps her niece get ready and all that shit

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 179441

I was stuck inside for a couple of days with the stomach flu, so I was barely able to eat and walk for the week. I wound up being able to go to the gym and get back into the groove of things, but I came back later in the night still feeling down. I sat down at my desk for a bit longer, staring at work that needed to be done, then I grabbed my board and set my MP3 player to rip ride die and skated all over the damn place at about 1230 at night. It was pretty fucking cold but there was no wind so I was ripping through the air, swerving through building columns and bombing small hills. The entire time I was coughing up and spewing out phlegm demons that were stuck everywhere inside me. When I was finally done I couldnt feel my hands, my shirt was sweaty, and I had my mojo back.

That's what skating is about to me for the past 15 years. Pushing like a fucking retard and feeling like you're flying. I almost slammed twice and I didn't even mind. The whole emphasis on tricks and getting high ollies and brand faggotry is all jock shit and distractions. At the end of the day it's just you, your piece of wood, and some urethane.

I like going to the gym and doing strongman exercises, but that's just because I like doing those, not because I think they're going to help my skating much. The ones that are really good are usually pretty shrimpy with little muscle because all they really do is pop their bodyweight up. The weightlifting adds weight and muscle around your entire body, so having the extra cushion is nice.

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Anonymous No. 179443

I was stuck inside for a couple of days with the stomach flu, so I was barely able to eat and walk for the week. I wound up being able to go to the gym and get back into the groove of things, but I came back later in the night still feeling down. I sat down at my desk for a bit longer, staring at work that needed to be done, then I grabbed my board and set my MP3 player to rip ride die and skated all over the damn place at about 1230 at night. It was pretty fucking cold but there was no wind so I was ripping through the air, swerving through building columns and bombing small hills. The entire time I was coughing up and spewing out phlegm demons that were stuck everywhere inside me. When I was finally done I couldnt feel my hands, my shirt was sweaty, and I had my mojo back.

That's what skating is about to me for the past 15 years. Pushing like a fucking retard and feeling like you're flying. I almost slammed twice and I didn't even mind. The whole emphasis on tricks, training for high ollies, and brand faggotry is all jock shit and distractions. At the end of the day it's just you, your piece of wood, and some urethane.

I like going to the gym and doing strongman exercises, but that's for a different reason, not because I think they're going to help my skating much. The skaters that are really good are usually pretty shrimpy with little muscle because all they do is pop their bodyweight up. The weightlifting adds weight and muscle around your entire body, so having the extra cushion is nice.

All that being said, this is easily the bitchies board on 4chan right now. /cgl/ is full of women and fags but there are less catfights over there

PS: Mullen's cameo in Tony's part put a huge smile on my face. I love that guy.

Anonymous No. 179445

tony whole part had me smiling, I started skating because of him, fuckin pro skater 2

Anonymous No. 179450

>Do you guys go to like the gym and do leg exercises/weights to hop higher?

no but I go to become stronger, and inadvertently get better at popping the board higher. Also helps for landing off of high shit, your legs are more prepared for the impact.
>t. squats 315 for reps

Anonymous No. 179466

Bro I said at my youths I did some years learn2read

Anonymous No. 179474

On the topic of old skateboarders.
I skated from 7th grade til I turned 20 ... maybe 21 when a bruised heel took me out and other things took priority.
I got back into it before COVID. I've posted a lot of videos here.
>I had my 5th child this year.
>I turned 39 last week.
Throughout this time , I've only skated Saturday mornings and the occasional Sunday and holiday morning. Kids, Work, Errands ,etc leave me little time.I'm not close to where I once was , but Im satisfied with my progress.
Idk if people will see it, but this year I'm going to try to do a video part. Me and my big brother who got back into it when I did.
My oldest is 12 and he comes with me to skate but he mainly just talks to his cousin but he's trying. He's just not into it. My 5 yo shows interest but she's 5 and their interests change weekly.
So unless one of these kids is really into it. I'm thinking video part at 40 and I take up a hobby like golf or do something else that people my age do. Maybe I'll buy a treadmill.
Sorry for making a stupid vlog but you guys brought it up.

Anonymous No. 179475

I normally only work out my core and upper body. Skating IS my leg exercise. But this time of year, when the weather shit for a long stretch, I might do some squats and such. I used to do full body workouts and 30 minute runs, but that just left me too worn out to skate for long so I stopped. Flexibility is important so that you can hopefully handle a bad bail better. That and just pacing yourself in your early days so you don't push underworked muscles too hard too fast.

Anonymous No. 179476

Keep skating you gonk. I've seen guys in their early 60s rip bowls:

There was one guy at this, late 50s from the looks of it, big beer belly, hanging out with his old school mates. He did three tweaked out frontside rock and rolls on the deep end back to back after eating shit and his back giving him trouble. Everyone was cheering him on, some of them almost in tears.
That could be you.

Anonymous No. 179479

Winter is for freestyle and a small spot in your garage.

Anonymous No. 179485

got a friend who turned 40 recently still skates everyday recently went sober from the booze now exercises everyday as well.

shut up nerd go to the gym.

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Anonymous No. 179488
how hard do you have to slam for this to happen? jesus

🗑️ Anonymous No. 179496

Ih look the faggot zoomie with zero oc is crying about the quality of the bread again

Anonymous No. 179527

I feel bad for bro. Unlucky shit like this really annoys me.

Anonymous No. 179531

If I had a garage! Unfortunately I live in a second floor apartment with thin ass walls.

Anonymous No. 179549

SOTY list is out. Thinking they are just gonna give it to birdman for the fuck of it, I dont remember him being in any recent SOTYs.

Anonymous No. 179576

idk. still not gonna wear a helmet

Anonymous No. 179584

Me too. I practice balancing manuals mostly. But also do some flip tricks on a yoga mat. I try restrict them to a handful of attempts.

Anonymous No. 179589

HAHAHAHA fucking hilarious. That's what low skill fucktards who think "I'm too cool for school to wear a helmet" either learn how to not fall like a fucking pussy ass limp wrist faggot or eat a pile of asphalt as you scream for your parents who should have kicked your ungrateful ass out at 18 get a job and save money up like a real man cause skating ain't paying shit unless you actually know how to get what you want as a man in life

Anonymous No. 179592

weak bait, not even gonna give ya a (You)

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Anonymous No. 179594

when will he make a new video?

Anonymous No. 179596

I wouldn't say giving a 55 year old legend who came back from a horrific injury (that would have ended a young man's career) to finish a damn nice vert part SOTY is "for the fuck of it". I really want Tony to win because it's going to be his last chance while the rest could get it multiple times in the future.

Tom Knox killed it this year too though, so he's my next choice.

Anonymous No. 179598

I like Tony. I like his part. However, he spent most of the year on crutches.

Anonymous No. 179601

they should just give tony a cover shot and make him skater of all time or something. Im wondering what Tony and Jake Phelps thought of each other. Im sure Phelphs had some strong thoughts about Hawk

Anonymous No. 179643

what injury did he get? didn't he just dislocate his fingers and then break an arm or something. that's not a career ending knee injury

Anonymous No. 179645

Phelps had nothing but respect for him so not sure what you're implying

Anonymous No. 179646

Google it dummy

Anonymous No. 179653

broken femur

Anonymous No. 179656

I can't see my dick when I piss it's over, getting fat is a slow process it doesn't happen overnight

Anonymous No. 179671

I recommend Mitchie bruscos YouTube channel for the 100th time but this time I'll tell you to go download his free ebook. It has a 5 day skate plan (links to private yt videos). 5 things to practice each day. What I liked the most was the warm ups since I never really focus on them. I would roll around and warm up the legs but last few sessions I've focused on what he has talked about. It's definitely helped later in the session and lately I've felt much more in control of my board. I want to give credit to him, seems like a really good guy, gets small views tho.
This manual tutorial changed manuals for me:
Even his pumping tips made me do them much more exaggerated and the difference is huge:

*I am not Mitchie Brusco

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Anonymous No. 179680

>does a 540 on his vert ramp
>somehow undershoots the landing
>smashes his thigh against the coping
>snaps it in half, the lower half almost penetrating out of his skin
>has a steel rod inserted
>heals up pretty well at first, but he's too eager to get back on his board
>bone hadn't connected, further pressure from skating causes the sides to mash out further
>has to go in for a second surgery and start over
>is more patient this time, leg properly heals up early this year
>takes part in multiple demos and the X Games
>completes a video part that was on hold this whole time

It's honestly astonishing to come back from that. I know most skaters manage to get over injuries that normies would wallow over for years and use it as an excuse to act like their life was over, but a break THAT big at 54 is insane.

Yeah, Phelper loved him:

Tony won the first SOTY in 1990, before Phelps was editor, but I doubt he disagreed with that choice.

Anonymous No. 179683

I started following his pumping advice and it has me itching to get back to the bigger bowls I like to skate in. This fucking weather has me restricted to a 5ft miniramp. He might be the only tutorial guy out there that actually tells you what to do with your weight rather than getting bored with himself and saying "uh just kinda do a thing a commit it's easy".

Anonymous No. 179739

Any tips on landing 180s smoother? Or just landing them at all. I can get a good Ollie and I can turn the board. But it’s at the moment of landing I can’t seem to keep my balance because I’m not used to going in the opposite way. I get this feeling as well when I do rock to fakie

Anonymous No. 179747

Turn your shoulders. Skate more. Do the 1-2 land.

Anonymous No. 179748

fs 180s and bs 180s are done differently

Anonymous No. 179750

I guess it’s that and me just committing more. Sometimes I get too scared I’m gonna land and then my body is positioned to go one way and my board another and lose balance and fall.

Anonymous No. 179752

fs 180s are legitimately the easiest trick.
>Sometimes I get too scared I’m gonna land and then my body is positioned to go one way and my board another and lose balance and fall.
you just have to commit

Anonymous No. 179755

I mean I have my Ollie’s and can kickflip and pop shuv. Not even attempting heel flips rn. Trying to get 180s and better Ollies before trying other stuff like 360 and pressure flips.

Anonymous No. 179768

Im wearing dickies for the first time today am I a real skateboarder now?
Roll around switch and fakie to get used to "going backwards" Start learning fakie 180s and half cabs as well. Fakie 180s might be even easier than fs180.

Anonymous No. 179781

idk i just skate in my jammies

Anonymous No. 179794

Tried that today it felt more natural but weird. Gotta get used to it. Did landed a few ones today.

Anonymous No. 179799

>it's going to be his last chance
Tony was THE first SOTY winner you fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 179802

Land with your body hunched/centre of gravity lower. Keep it low the entire way through the trick. Resist the urge to stand upright until you're already rolling away.

Anonymous No. 179803

His last chance to win AGAIN you fuckwit. Jesus Christ. Read the replies before you want to show how much you thin you know about skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 179804

>I wouldn't say giving a 55 year old legend who came back from a horrific injury (that would have ended a young man's career) to finish a damn nice vert part SOTY is "for the fuck of it". I really want Tony to win because it's going to be his last chance while the rest could get it multiple times in the future.

>Tom Knox killed it this year too though, so he's my next choice.

nowhere did anyone in this thread mention that
Tony had a previous SOTY award/was the person who kicked it off. Stop trying to save face and go cry about your broken knee somewhere else you retarded ELS faggot

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Anonymous No. 179807

>nowhere did anyone in this thread mention that

>Tony won the first SOTY in 1990, before Phelps was editor, but I doubt he disagreed with that choice.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 179811

>show up to street spot
>6 or 7 dudes skating there together and filming
>decide to keep my distance and skate a different section so they can do their thing
>barely say anything to any of them
>still have a couple of them act "way 2 cool 4 u" towards me
>they leave and I resume my sesh
>solo skater rolls up
>much more friendly because he's alone

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Anonymous No. 179813

>show up to street spot
>6 or 7 dudes skating there together and filming
>decide to keep my distance and skate a different section so they can do their thing
>barely say anything to any of them
>still have a couple of them act "way 2 cool 4 u" towards me
>they leave and I resume my sesh
>solo skater rolls up
>much more friendly because he's alone

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Anonymous No. 179817

Here's a quote from King of the Road that (eerily) resembles what you said

Holy shit dude, you didn't have to use THAT. Now everyone here knows you'd rahter be on Twitter LOL

Did you actually expect a zoomer to read anything? They don't even know you're supposed to read the entire thread before responding. It's like they're collectively proud of being retarded on purpose.

Anonymous No. 179818

lmao imagine being this mad

Anonymous No. 179820

that's the way she goes. so many skaters are just insecure dickheads

Anonymous No. 179821

didn't watch a single miles silvas part this year hah

last year's soty was way more interesting

Anonymous No. 179824

actually i just watched city to city and that shit was pretty dope

Anonymous No. 179847

Skate switch every third session, all session.

Anonymous No. 179896

Skaters try to act like the community is super friendly and welcoming, but the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of skaters are complete and total self-entitled cunts

Anonymous No. 179899

that isn't true at all. why are you ignoring the fact that the poster rolled up like an autist and didn't say shit to anyone? and complains that they tried to cool guy him? do you guys have any sense of self awareness? you roll up to the spot where people are already at, don't say hello or anything to anyone, proceed be weird socially distance yourself from them, but try and act surprised when people might think you're some weirdo?

they probably thought you had autism, and it sounds like they were right

Anonymous No. 179900

>vast majority of skaters are complete and total self-entitled cunts
If the majority of people you meet are cunts, maybe you are the..

Anonymous No. 179901

>roll up to park
>guys who are there already practically death stare you as you walk in

i hate that people in here act like this doesn't happen

Anonymous No. 179905

Why would the guy go over and interrupt what the people are filming? That's just more work for whoever's editing.

Anonymous No. 179912

>chillen at park
>someone rolls up
>look over to give friendly head nod
>guy avoids eye contact
>doesn't acknowledge anyone whole session
Was it you?

Anonymous No. 179915

i find most actual skaters are friendly. skating isnt immune to tribal normalfag insularity thats formed in the pockets of almost literally every hobby but its better than most when the bare minimum is trying to git good.

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Anonymous No. 179916

my wheel popped off when i was rolling down the street and went flying and dissapeared and i fell infront of a big group of girls

Anonymous No. 179917

I'm the anon that rolled up, and I said "hey, hows it going" to them as soon as I got there. A couple of them responded and a couple gave me a heads up. I was just trying to mind my own business since they were filming the spot. Most of them didn't pay me any mind. I'm def kind of autistic though. I get what you're saying, and I don't entirely blame them.
Yeah, I think most dudes are chill. These guys just had a couple coolguys. my annoyance with a them actually kind of fueled my session and I was stomping shit really well lol so its all good

Anonymous No. 179922

>Skaters try to act like the community is super friendly and welcoming,
i don't think anyone besides slaptrannies or jewfluencers have ever said that. granted anyone who talks about *the community* in any situation is highly suspect. ultimately the question is why do you expect people to be friendly to you? do you expect all the bros to give you a handie just because you showed up at the gym?
as a default you are another retard i have to skate around or wait for you to bail on your gay little noseslide 50 times while im trying to skate a spot, there's also a high chance you'll end up being a waxnigger as well. so yes i hate you and will continue to do so until you prove i can tolerate you

Anonymous No. 179923

I'll keep waxing that ledge until I get to see you slip out on your gay little front tail stall and crack your skull. Then I'll do a boneless over your lifeless body while onlookers scream and call 911. When the paramedics arrive and pronounce you dead at the scene I'll shout "RIP BOZO" as I perfectly crooked grind the same ledge.

Anonymous No. 179924

Damn, epic story. That ledge looks beautiful and well lit for a night sesh.

Anonymous No. 179926

wd-40 is mostly a cleans and removes moisture. Fine to use, just put actual lube on after a spray down

Anonymous No. 179927

10 year olds and people that care to much about how there setup looks versus actually just skating the damn thing

Anonymous No. 179928

What a beaut

Anonymous No. 179930

focus on making the front foot the point of rotation. you can do a little pivot to complete the 180 also. Practice more and itll come

Anonymous No. 179931

it is beautiful and theres multiple of them, but security there is so strict you can only get like a 5-10 minute sesh before they kick you out. They used to do it faster and had armed guards

Anonymous No. 179932

I feel like the city where I’m currently located is pretty skate friendly (DC). What do you guys feel about your cities

Anonymous No. 179933

no, i'm a friendly guy at skateparks. i always make sure i give a few board taps when i see someone land something they've been trying for a while. today i gave some kid who ollied the step up a fist bump when he did it after like 20 tries. felt good man because i know that kid probably looks at me like a 'cool older guy' and it would have hyped him up to get some props from me (even though i'm just a mediocre dude who's been skating for 15 years)

Anonymous No. 179936

rub bricked, waxed and broke in another new curb at my spot today. there's literally like 10 different curbs you can skate there. you can just skate around the carpark in a loop hitting different curbs and never stop. so far the only people to skate it are me and my friends though. haven't seen any other skaters there. i want to like tell other local skaters 'hey i made this epic spot on the other side of town' so other people can enjoy it but i also don't want it to get blown out. although i actually really like it when curbs get super worn in and kinda rounded.

Anonymous No. 179937

I normally mind my own business but I'll give props on the makes. Anyone who doesn't do that is a genuine asshole.

Anonymous No. 179938

I wish I could skate it. It looked perfect from your pics. My current slappy spot is decent enough, but I'm still learning how to slappy properly. Can get them backside now and then but other tricks I find myself popping out of habit. I've decided that Sundays are for slappies now, so I'll be practicing every week.

Anonymous No. 179939

chunky rounded curbs that are absolutely covered in wax are the best shit ever

Anonymous No. 179940

post pics of your spot

what other tricks are you working on? i've been working on boardslides personally, always been scared to do them on curbs because i'm worried i'll slide out and land on my tailbone but i'm getting more confident

Anonymous No. 179941

I'll snap some pics next time I'm there. I've also been trying boardslides. I can slide them backside decently far but getting out of them has been sketchy. They are also one of the tricks I find myself popping into without meaning to. I was dicking around trying to crook as well but I can't make sense of how to do them properly. It was like 31 degrees today too so I was only there for an hour.

Anonymous No. 179944

Kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 179947

im erect

Anonymous No. 180006

did miles silvas really deserve it

Anonymous No. 180013

I don't know man I just drank some kratom tho

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Anonymous No. 180014

I think his city to city part was excellent. I don't know what else he really did to deserve it, but I'm glad that the race is over. I thought Yuto would get it.

t. just toss & washed some kratom

Anonymous No. 180017

Idk what the criteria is these days. From how I view it no, should have gone to Jack or Tony. They did shit that made other skaters look. But Miles is sick so oh well.

Anonymous No. 180021
what the fuck is the PURPOSE of an indoor roller rink when free indoor and outdoor ice rinks exist
this could have been a sick winter spot but my city is fucking gay

Anonymous No. 180022

you live in toronto nigger stop crying and grab a snowskate

Anonymous No. 180023

famous chicago spot. in all the chicago vids. check out kevin scutchfield

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Anonymous No. 180025

Will do. I was actually in Chicago earlier this year. Didn't do a ton of skating but I hit up grant skatepark and found this ledge on my way back to my hotel. I'm not used to getting to skate shit like this where I'm from, so I was hyped

Anonymous No. 180026

>kevin scutchfield
first video I watch and the ledge spot I posted is in there. It also looks like I was right by the spot the other anon posted without realizing it

Anonymous No. 180028

lol me and my homie had a smoke sesh there 3 days ago

Anonymous No. 180037

of course he did. nobody outskated him THIS year and he put on for Thrasher. it's a no brainer.

Anonymous No. 180040

He didn't NOT deserve it. I think it could have gone to him or Yuto or Pedro and people would have been happy. Kind of an underwhelming year.

Anonymous No. 180041

I still think t-funk should have won it last year. The Baker deep fried part was probably the most authentically rock n roll part i've seen in forever even if he is just a rich kid

🗑️ Anonymous No. 180050

tj rodgers never on the ballot. lol. canadians fucking suck.

Anonymous No. 180051

that's because tj rogers is an annoying cunt with terrible drip

Anonymous No. 180052

I loved my time doing kratom but I would also just chainsmoke/vape and throw up a lot

🗑️ Anonymous No. 180053

miles crushed him this year

Anonymous No. 180065

TJ is cool and nice, weird projection

Anonymous No. 180067

idk he's good but not really exciting to watch skate imo. it's sort of like scorcese getting an oscar for the departed.

Anonymous No. 180099

>Chicago photo
>gay nigga and his fat bestie in the background

Can't make this shit up.

Anonymous No. 180133

post some good skate videos i can eat dinner to later this evening

Anonymous No. 180155

that forced twinkle toe steez/style has to be one of the worst, most overdone styles in skateboarding history. whos responsible for it? loose trucks? i admit i catch myself doing it sometimes too but after really observing what it looks like today while watching these two zoomers skate it makes me starting to appreciate different styles more now, especially skating with speed, force, powerful execution, tired of all this prancing around, caution hands shit

Anonymous No. 180156

how can you say it's a projection when you've never met me?

tj's pants are so fucking baggy and it looks stupid

Anonymous No. 180157

>forced twinkle toe steez/style
what is this?

Anonymous No. 180158

number 1 offender imo
more prominent with tall lanky skater

Anonymous No. 180160

ah yeah i see kids doing that style a lot and it is retarded as fuck but imo not as bad as forced dylan reider style which should be punishable with jailtime

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Anonymous No. 180161

you mean this?
i do it all the time. every time trick i do, i land this way

Anonymous No. 180162

eh sort of but not exactly. it's more noticeable in their posture when they push, looks like they are trying really hard to look like theyre not trying basically

Anonymous No. 180163

kinda like how some gay skaters skate with a limp wrist lmao

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Anonymous No. 180165

>sort of but not exactly
>it's more noticeable in their posture when they push
ok, so i looked over
i think i know what you mean. doesn't really bother me. i like it

Anonymous No. 180169

Agreed. I also don't get the "rich kid" criticism next to Nyjah. Dude's a legit hesher and the China bank gap alone was amazing. Tyshawn was great and all but he wasn't the first to do that subway gap. But I'd rather him over Nyjah.

Also, I think of all the parts I'd seen this year among thr SOTYs, Shecklers was the most gnar.

Anonymous No. 180171

Do you mean the fact his back is straight and he's leaning back a bit?

Anonymous No. 180174

it's like when they land and just kinda flop around

fucking every young kid does it at my local

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nick back smith.webm

Anonymous No. 180175

while i'm making webms, chicago dude above reminded me of nick matthews

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nick back lip.webm

Anonymous No. 180176

Anonymous No. 180177

wow look at how he bones his ollie into he back lip position, so stylish

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nick ollie.webm

Anonymous No. 180178

Anonymous No. 180179

Barrier kult was fucking based

Anonymous No. 180180

exactly what >>180174 said, it just looks try hard and like fake steez

Anonymous No. 180184

His part in that video is so sick

Anonymous No. 180189

i was just here today, my fav spot in the whole city

Anonymous No. 180236
these kids are better than me

Anonymous No. 180259

Ah, gotcha. I do that every now and then. Just sorta feels nice to ragdoll around when you've finished the trick, let your muscles relax.

Anonymous No. 180264

I know I’m a zoomer cus I loved this

Anonymous No. 180283

can someone give me a rundown on the Dern brothers. Are they just youtubers who rip? Are they on flow for anyone?

Anonymous No. 180303

they're on zero

Anonymous No. 180306

They're cringe

Anonymous No. 180314

agreed, but they're cringe in a hot topic past its prime sorta way, which in 2023 is really bad.

only the one seems to be

Anonymous No. 180326

I get nothing from watching groms skate

Anonymous No. 180333

This was sick

They seem like cool guys. Not everyone has to dress and act the same.

Anonymous No. 180334

What are your favorite skate videos from 2023?

Anonymous No. 180339

I haven't watched one video this year, I don't even skate

Anonymous No. 180341

1. Huf "Forever"
2. Sk8mafia 2023
3. Worble World(mostly just for cookies part)

Anonymous No. 180342

are you sure he is faking his style?? do people honestly do that that are above like 15 years old? he just has a super lanky body type it seems might just be natural for him

Anonymous No. 180351

Lenz III
Worble World
Sheckler's part for Redbull whatever it was called.
Ben Raybourn's MASHER part where he's skating that fucking whacky church attic thing

Anonymous No. 180354

maybe that guy specifically isn't faking his style but all the other retard zoomers who do this shit certainly are

whatever i cant hate that much on zoomers doing retarded style, when i was growing up i did the 'board hop' after every trick that i landed

Anonymous No. 180361

what's the board hop... yea i think its just 14 year old kids trying to look cool... not like 23 year old zoomers

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Anonymous No. 180371

Epicly Later'd is coming back, but for whatever reason it looks like the first episode is going to be on "The Nuge", who between being the first person to Ollie El Toro and doing some crazy hillbomb, has to be one of the laziest faggots in the industry and its crazy how he milked a pro career out of skateboarding for this long. Maybe he'll touch up on how he was able to keep cashing checks from Baker while doing nothing so all of the future burnouts have a steady check and don't Cyril Jackson themselves.

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Anonymous No. 180373

Baker Has a Deathwish decks are also up so it looks like the rumors about the video dropping January 1st are probably true. Baker has really been building up an impressive roster of new talent, but on the Deathwish side i don't even know whos new on the team besides Brian O'Dwyer.

Anonymous No. 180383

jamie foy, taylor kirby...

Anonymous No. 180388

I'm just talking about new additions to the team since either company has put out a "big" team video. All i can think of off the top of my head on the Deathwish side of things is Julian Davidson, who is very bland and forgettable, Brian OD and some black dude Davey Sayles who I haven't seen enough footage from to get an understanding of how they skate.

meanwhile Baker has Casper Brooker, Stu Kirst, Lyric (lol), Vince Palmer, that Sully kid (also kind of lol but his recent no-comply up a 10 stair was fucked up), Max Wasungu, and Zion Effs. pretty heavy line-up on the Baker side of things, but we'll see how the new Deathwish skaters stack up.

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Anonymous No. 180409

baker 4 was in production hell for like 10 years and nuge managed to get a part out every 1-2 years in between that and his retirement. there are far bigger piles on baker

Anonymous No. 180420

you land the trick and then quickly 'hop' your feet into bolts position lol, millennials will remember it

>"The Nuge", who between being the first person to Ollie El Toro and doing some crazy hillbomb, has to be one of the laziest faggots in the industry and its crazy how he milked a pro career out of skateboarding for this long

Anonymous No. 180460

anything gifted hater released no cap

Anonymous No. 180463

Didn't he just release one part with shit music?

Anonymous No. 180464

Nuge had the gooks of hazard board that shit was funny

Anonymous No. 180466

Nuge clearly was part of the OG crew and was there taking youngsters on missions and playing a bit of the neckface or phelper role. How the fuck are you going to call him a lazy bum when he has been visible for more than a decade? Isn't burnt out or on drugs. Supports the younger skaters and seems one of the more responsible people on Baker. etc.
It's cool you don't like Nuge for what ever faggot reason but fuck off with this bullshit.

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what is bro doin.webm

Anonymous No. 180468

look @ dis d00d

🗑️ Anonymous No. 180516

Got this last time I went out after wanting to do it a while. I want to try ollie it straight once the weathers decent again.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 180517

Forgot my webm the first time, then it was too big. Got this time I was out want to try a straight ollie over it next time.

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Anonymous No. 180522

fuck, hopefully it decides to let me post now I switched browser, this was way more hassle than it was worth

Anonymous No. 180523

>can't ride switch and has to pivot out

Fucking fraud.

Anonymous No. 180525


Anonymous No. 180533

good job bud

Anonymous No. 180541

half of the your favorite pros would be dead right now if it wasn't for nuge's driving

Anonymous No. 180552

That was insane, they're so lucky to all just walk away

Anonymous No. 180563

>Ausfag edition
Memory Box:
Pleasure Avalance:

Anonymous No. 180622

ty for posting oc
clean front 1

Anonymous No. 180630


Anonymous No. 180659

terrible post. are you really pretending like you 180'd over one of those poles and didn't just ride next to it and 180 on flat?

Anonymous No. 180660

How much are you guys gonna tip your skate coaches for christmas? My guy already charges $50 dollars a session and I throw him a extra 5 every time. I was thinking $25 for christmas and $25 for new year.

Anonymous No. 180662

I just shit my pants, in the boxers while driving then when I ran inside I shit on the floor and the toilet seat, just cleaned up and am feeling ok I wish this was a lie

Anonymous No. 180663

Japan at it again.

Anonymous No. 180668


Anonymous No. 180678

>skate coaches

Anonymous No. 180679

This morning I pooped and when I wiped for some reason I flick my wrist kind of aggressively and a nugget of poo flew off the paper and landed on the tiles in my bathroom. I too wish this was a lie.

Anonymous No. 180684

I wish Tightbooth stuff wasn't so overpriced. They have some fucking nice pants in every collection.

Anonymous No. 180708

new vid from mr chase walker

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Anonymous No. 180739

I went skating this morning but couldn't do anything substantial since I tweaked my back early on and couldn't maintain balance. I didn't even get to skate with al the old dudes in the pool

Anonymous No. 180746

>get an oldschool meme board
>it's the first deck i can reliably tre flip
hope your back gets better anon. try to do some hanging, spine decompression can help a lot

Anonymous No. 180751

i blow my skate coach behind the tennis court bleachers thinking about letting him have a rip at my shitter for christmas

Anonymous No. 180754

>try to do some hanging
I'll kill myself later anon, don't worry

look anon, this board is EXTREMELY easy to troll, but it isn't that easy

🗑️ Anonymous No. 180755

Dogshit gay reddit board.

Anonymous No. 180759

It's a 4chin board it's got anime stickers still gay

Anonymous No. 180766

holy shit those stickers are embarrassing

🗑️ Anonymous No. 180768

Literally nothing to do with 4chan. Gay retard reddit board.

Anonymous No. 180770

fucking joa stop posting here

Anonymous No. 180772

did plyo-box training to dunk, my pop is pretty fucking high, could squat two plates for reps ass to grass, yes I can still dunk

Anonymous No. 180773

are those boxes for box jumping on amazon any good?

Anonymous No. 180782

it's my piece of wood anon. And I'm not the insecure type that feels he should try his hardest to look the sk8r type. I'm not underagedb&

Anonymous No. 180801

i'm always afraid that stickers will make the board hang up

Anonymous No. 180804

in my experience that only happens if you are going very slow, and the board has rails on it anyways so it isn't much of a problem regardless. I've never noticed a difference when going over stuff or boardsliding.

Anonymous No. 180807

Yearly reminder that most places will be closed for Christmas. If you can sneak away, this is the best time to skate forbidden spots.

Anonymous No. 180831

i think your stickers are cool. you got any clips?

Anonymous No. 180842

Merry Christmas /esg/. I probably wouldn't still skate if it wasn't for you lads calling me a faggot.

Anonymous No. 180848

Merry Christmas bros of esg maybe I'll skate this year I quit but I'll never quit posting

Anonymous No. 180850

What the fuck kinda zoomers name is joa

Anonymous No. 180851

I filled my wishlist with skate stuff (basically 1.5 full builds worth of stuff) here's hoping I got some skate stuff under the tree
hope all you anons got some skate stuff waiting under the tree

Anonymous No. 180853

I might get some skate shoes for Christmas, what are some good shoes you would get? I haven't paid attention to new releases

Anonymous No. 180854

I don't know but I always skate high top cons. Last resorts are ok too if you don't want to support a tranny brand.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 180858

Skated in the 00s. Picked it up again in the 00s. How the fuck have you kids not advanced this culture in any meaningful way in 20 years?

Anonymous No. 180859

Skated in the 00s. Picked it up again this year. How the fuck have you kids not advanced this culture in any meaningful way in 20 years?

Anonymous No. 180861

>who dont give a shit about skateboarding outside of their own personal progression
sorry I'm not some faggot-ass teenybopper who focuses on irrelevant celebrity bullshit

Anonymous No. 180862

xe said on a community board for skateboarding, entirely missing the irony of xer post

Anonymous No. 180864

short from Joachim which sounds noble as fuck

Anonymous No. 180865

if you live somewhere wet and cold the vans mte line are really worth looking into.
i also like the stuff es has been putting out lately but they seem to be allergic to mid & high tops and ankle shoes are kind of a bummer if you live anywhere with a rainy season.

Anonymous No. 180871

i'm an adult, i'm getting tools that i bought myself and socks/underwear for christmas

Anonymous No. 180873

the skill level has progressed a lot in the past couple of decades.

the culture has declined just like literally any culture has in the past couple of decades.

way she goes

Anonymous No. 180883

>the skill level has progressed a lot in the past couple of decades
Has it really? I can pull up a lot of parts from the early 00's that will hold up incredibly well today.
Cross locked 50s legit are the biggest innovation In 20 years.

Anonymous No. 180912

What was the problem at the hip of Rodney Mullen? Do you guys remember his interviews where he stated that he had accumulated scar tissue that built up like chewing gum? I really want to know if any of you can explain this to me.

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Anonymous No. 180925

okay, post them then.

Anonymous No. 180928

Anytime, faggot.

Anonymous No. 180930

>photo of trick that cross locked 50s unlocked
That was my point..

Anonymous No. 180951

Idk, he just injured and overworked his hips so long that the muscles repaired into something overly tough and gristly.

Anonymous No. 180968

That's the thing; he hasn't had crushes and gnarly falls. Was it a hip problem or hip flexor (i.e. muscle) problem? I would really like to know specifics.

Anonymous No. 180970

>By the early 2000s, walking, much less skateboarding, had become increasingly difficult for Rodney Mullen due to the calcified scar tissue that was now wrapped around his femur and pelvis. ... doctors told him that the only way they could possibly repair his hip was with a very violent and uncertain surgery that involved winching the fused bones apart and breaking them, Mullen decided to heal himself ...

>Using knife handles, screwdrivers, and other hand tools, Rodney Mullen began the incredibly painful process of breaking up the fascia and scar tissue that was crippling him. He would contort himself around fire hydrants and shopping cart racks to create the leverage necessary to break his scar tissue apart, “I had to physically put enough pressure on myself to break my own bone. I did that for an enormous amount of hours.” This nightly regimen was so painful that twice, police officers heard his screams, and approached him to see if he needed help. “After about 1500 hours of that I’m getting to know what’s me and what’s not me in terms of the scar tissue,” said Mullen, “and you pull and you pull and you pull and it breaks like dried gum.” Slowly, the scar tissue began to break apart and he could feel his range of motion increasing.

>Late one night in 2010, while hanging from the wheel well of his truck and pulling on the frame, Rodney Mullen suddenly heard and felt an “echoing, palpable, visceral sense of a tree breaking inside of me. I’d broken a dozen bones or so, fingers, toes, ribs, collar bones, they’re like pencils, this is like a tree branch.” A wave of fear, adrenaline and nausea washed over him and afterwards he found himself lying on his garage floor, screaming, face covered in snot and tears, wondering, “What have I done? What have I done? What have I done?’” The scar tissue and some of the bone had finally broken apart and when Mullen stood up, he realized, “Oh my gosh! It’s no longer a stick shift, it was a ball and socket!

Anonymous No. 180971

Yeah, it was just an accumulated injury after years of overworking the muscle, causing micro-tears and healing from them. He might have put more hours down than anyone alive.

Anonymous No. 180978

Rodney Mullen is autistic if that helps anyone understand that story better

Anonymous No. 180999

That's so fucked and also worrying. I have scar tissue in my left ankle from not doing proper rehab after tearing the ligaments. In the hips would suck.

Anonymous No. 181021

>walking, much less skateboarding, had become increasingly difficult
>due to the calcified scar tissue that was now wrapped around his femur and pelvis

I really hope I don't have this

Anonymous No. 181029

I've had ankle shit and shoulder shit like this. You can basically stretch your way out of it, but the process of finding the stretches that hit the spots you want can take a long time. I wouldn't worry too much about Mullen's tier of injury because you don't skate the insane amount he does.

Best to do your stretches and yoga now rather than later.

Anonymous No. 181073

New Jolly homies video is up even though I don't mess with none of these goofy niggas these days.

Anonymous No. 181081

I found out what it is: herniated disc, 90%. The doc found no signs of muscular injury, but nervous reaction to a specific motion on one side. He prescribed an MRI but there's no way the big pharma are going to get me. I'm going with the anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxants.

Anonymous No. 181100

Had the anti-inflammatory and the painkiller and now my mouth tastes like shit.

Anonymous No. 181109

Anti-inflammatories don't fix herniated discs, anon....

Anonymous No. 181124

xs how the fuck do i shuv down sets i either eat shit or let the board fall below me and then I eat shit

Anonymous No. 181129

Yeah they do

Anonymous No. 181133

>small spines, that was his problem.

Anonymous No. 181136

>no way the big pharma are going to get me
>I'm going with the anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxants
anon I...

Anonymous No. 181149

At least those are given in their effects. Don't wanna have to worry about whether 20 minutes in a huge magnet fucked up any cells.

Anonymous No. 181173

sometimes my yt recs hooks it up, not pro-level skating or anything but it made me want to skate :)

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Anonymous No. 181174

>watch skate video
>get hyped to skate
>dooood today I'm gonna land this and this and this and that and the third when I go out!
>go to skate spot
>look at it
>wtf lmao what was I thinking I'm not landing that shit

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Anonymous No. 181177

>get to spot with a couple homies
>having fun and skating well
>good vibes abound
>random dude rolls up with his dog and rolls right through where we are skating and just mean mugs the spot
>"huh, that was weird"
>guy comes back
>lets his dog leash go and his dog goes running all over the spot
>dude throws his board down and hucks himself down some stairs looking wobbly as fuck
>hucks himself a few more times
>"will you film this?"
>completely kills the vibe and me and my friends all leave

Anonymous No. 181179

Use the hype to stomp the shit you are already good at. I feel like every time I go skate juiced up on a video I have better style and flow.

Anonymous No. 181180

That was a story from years ago. I don't skate anymore.

Anonymous No. 181196

What was the typical size of a deck in the mid 90s? Best info I can find is they were around 7½".

WD40 is a moisture displacer and penetrating oil, not a lubricant. The WD stands for 'water displacer'. It's good for getting gunk out of stuff, but you need to then lubricate them after they've been cleaned out. High quality small bearing oil is what you need, Bones even makes some (speed cream) if you don't know what to look for at the hardware store.

Anonymous No. 181208

slurp slurped switch game

Anonymous No. 181212

>Best info I can find is they were around 7½".
That sounds accurate to me. That's what everyone I knew rode up until the mid 2000s.

Anonymous No. 181218

what are you talking about nigga

Anonymous No. 181249

Nothing bro, safe and effective

Anonymous No. 181275

Remember to link the new

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Anonymous No. 181277

I had the entire park to myself for a bit this morning

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Anonymous No. 181278

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Anonymous No. 181279

I updated this thing

Anonymous No. 181283

ojs, bronsons, pool shape, anime stickers, blurs out other stickers, profanity on board (knowing hes going to skate at the park)


Anonymous No. 181286

popping on high trucks feels so weird
who makes the deck?

Anonymous No. 181290

look dude, you've already cried and whined about my board earlier. No one gives a shit about your opinion, but you're flooding the thread now.

it's a generic blank :D (boardpushers)

Anonymous No. 181296

skate or desu

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1221999666475 did....jpg

Anonymous No. 181310


Anonymous No. 181329

That board looks tasty

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Anonymous No. 181350

>Google "Iceland skatepark" to see if I can find the Ryan Dunn Memorial Park
>get this instead

I've never been more baffled.

Anonymous No. 181351

Wat in tarnation? Imagine the rug burns.

Anonymous No. 181397

Anonymous No. 181402

a weeb would wear lakais...

Anonymous No. 181405

what an odd equivalence... that was the only one large enough for my foot size

Anonymous No. 181409

ive never seen your board before this >>181283 post faggot
looks like others agree with me

Anonymous No. 181422

lakais used to be pretty sick before they became walmart shoes. idk what the quality is like these days

Anonymous No. 181441


Anonymous No. 181443

>ive never seen your board
Wow, a proud retard that doesn't know to read threads before posting. Underagedb& are something else.

BTW there's no point in trolling a thread after it's hit the bump limit, LOL.

Anonymous No. 181447

Did ya'll watch Bubble? Shit was sick

Anonymous No. 181458

Was SOTY announced?

Anonymous No. 181460

I feel like we should namefag, theres like 10 people that post here

Anonymous No. 181461

namefaggotry is the death of generals

Anonymous No. 181486

But then I can't be retarded and make a post 10 minutes later pretending I'm not retarded

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Anonymous No. 181489

Here's my slappy spot. Still trying to nail down back fifty

Anonymous No. 181495

Let's recount the events
I state your board is trash (>>181283)
You respond, accusing me of some other faggot hating on your trash board
> look dude, you've already cried and whined about my board earlier. No one gives a shit about your opinion, but you're flooding the thread now.
I clarify (>>181409)
> never seen your board before this
your chief complaint was
>you've already cried and whined about my board earlier.

you are a fucking retard and your board is trash

Anonymous No. 181496

damn you fucking rule btw nice fucking clip

Anonymous No. 181510

very smooth. bs slappies are way easier for me than fs idk

Anonymous No. 181518

Good shit slappy brethren
Happy new years brother, may your slappies get even longer and smoother in the year of 2024

Anonymous No. 181527

Thanks bros! Happy New years!

Anonymous No. 181549

the cleanest most stylish clip ive ever seen in a /esg/ thread

Anonymous No. 181571

looks ai generated

Anonymous No. 181578

Where are the grind/slide marks?

Anonymous No. 181592

should i start skateboarding at 21 or is it over for me

Anonymous No. 181597

its not over if you're not a puss about it

Anonymous No. 181598

rail savers

🗑️ Anonymous No. 181601

>tfw you finally start learning to skate switch after avoiding for it 20 years

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Anonymous No. 181603

>tfw you finally start learning to skate switch after avoiding for it 20 years

Anonymous No. 181615

Anyone know what's up with trying to register account at slap? Tried all different machines and browsers and just get database error / try again later. Is there a support email to let them know?

Anonymous No. 181632

No I don't know what's up with that because I'm not from reddit. Fuck off pussy.

Anonymous No. 181647

I'm also 21, picked up skateboarding two months ago and now I can do some really high ollies and can move around freely in a skatepark without feeling like an ass
It's all practice

Anonymous No. 181657

I'm not from reddit either - literally never had an account in my life, which is more than be said dir you you fucking bender. Sure there's some faggots at slap, but at least it's not dead as a door nail there like esg is.

Anonymous No. 181697

Last few months I started throwing nollies and switch ollies a lot more. They look bad and often I don't get off the ground but I am making progress.

Anonymous No. 181701

Bought a used board from some dude, haven’t rode in years and I’ve always been bad
Time to continue to be bad hoping I may be able to figure out kickflips this time

Anonymous No. 181702

There's no one on slap that I would wanna post with these days I used to be slap famous

Anonymous No. 181708

Newbie here, I've just done my first ollie but I can't for the life of me ollie onto curbs, is it because I'm not fast enough or I'm not popping my board right

Anonymous No. 181709

Didn't ask redditor retard. Eat shit.

Anonymous No. 181713

start by ollieing up parallel-ish to the curb (doing a 5050 basically) and then keep trying from progressively steeper approaches until you're going straight at the curb.
if you can do an ollie nosegrab on flat then you'll have more that enough pop to clear it at which point you just need a little speed

Anonymous No. 181715

I'll try that

Anonymous No. 181717
name these tricks

Anonymous No. 181732

fellas how do i start getting back in to skating at 25?

Anonymous No. 181733

get board

Anonymous No. 181734

Like >>181733 said, just make sure you don't tear your knee in half like I did.

Anonymous No. 181738

Look at Marketplace, a lot of dudes will buy a nice setup use it like 3 times then sell it
Then just ride

Anonymous No. 181768

>make sure you don't tear your knee in half like I did.
greentext pls

Anonymous No. 181778

I learnt those scoopy bs 180s yesterday. Started just bs 180 power sliding and once I was comfy started to pop them. I'm basically popping at 45°, never really twisted like that before. Such a different technique to when I used to try ollie then turn.

Anonymous No. 181786

I really don't feel like it bro. I can never skate again. just don't skate when it's wet.

Anonymous No. 181791

Buy board, learn how to push, go fast and stop, try riding some ramps and learning how to pump, look up trick tutorials.

Anonymous No. 181819

>getting back in to skating
You already did it once, what the fuck else do you need to know? Go outside with your skateboard and have a session, it all starts there.

Anonymous No. 181827

it won't stop raining :\

Anonymous No. 181840

tell me about it, summer in australia but puddles everywhere and 12c at night

Anonymous No. 181853

poor you. it's like 7c here during the day and it gets dark at 4pm

Anonymous No. 181918

how the fuck do i suck it up and commit to doing a 5-0 fakie on a ramp with coping? i can do it on small ramps with noping but i'm scared i'll hang up on real ramps

it's possibly because i kept making different accounts when they would ban me and those niggers are too computer illiterate to figure out how to ban just one person instead of not letting anybody make a new account.
i'm not kidding either lol every time i'd get banned i'd just open an incognito window and make a couple more

Anonymous No. 181933

I'm gonna make a new esg thread tomorrow

Anonymous No. 181948


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lol COD.jpg

Anonymous No. 182006

Anonymous No. 182015

fuck that other thread retard didnt even backlink, i'm riding this one till it dies, gonna go skate bros, what was your new years resolutions?

Anonymous No. 182055

gonna learn to ride rails or die trying

Anonymous No. 182081

>12 hours ago
RIP in peace, anon.

Anonymous No. 182088

he's with penny now

Anonymous No. 184288

Why do people even bother making videos of the same tired tailslides in California sewers and bs 360 over famous stairs when there's Yuto out there? Like, why even put something out when there's a kid who only does straight up NBDs?